The research we made around the thematic of architecture and disease led us to questioning the role of Nature in this relationship.
The term “Nature” is used in many ways. At one point it´s seen as a separate entity from humans, a remote idyllic place far from urban centres, and we may fall into the idea that Nature, by just being Nature, will heal us. However the Pandemic altered our idea of Nature. If on one hand during the lockdown the feeds of the city dwellers were overgrowing with baking bread, growing avocado seeds and entering the woods around the city, on the other hand, witnessing the disclosure of nature made us realise that there are huge forces we did not pay attention to.
At this point Liquid proxemics is a project experimenting with where we are, where we come from, and where we are heading on this planet - intended to stimulate our minds and senses, while provoking further thoughts about our passage and presence in this world.