1 minute read
from Ágora número 32
by Ágora Colmex
Sandra Arenas Salazar
You heard me in my wilderness, when the ruler of my land was opposite to my creator and the silence dictated the law in sand. You heard me. In my wilderness, where I become the serpent and the dove and crawl upon my belly, and fy with feathered strings, and walk like a man downwards through the mist or the shadow, you visited me with your civilizing power; the healing, the eternal and infnite sacrifce erasing the sand marks from my skin with a blow of life.
Your heard me and, in my wilderness, you did pronounce the word “mercy”, reaching all my secret places, burying all my enemies, overpowering all justice. You heard me in my wilderness and I prayed louder until the sky stopped and the silence echoed my unuttered words:
“I cry unto you, dog”.