Rancher ’ s Choice

Welcome to Ruzicka Farms Ltd. We are a third and fourth generation family farm. This past year has definitely had its ups and downs but as a family farm we couldn’t be more proud of our kids. They are 16, 15, 12, 10, and 9 and 17 months and they all have their own niche that they excel in. We are grateful that they grow each year and so does their responsibilities and they have risen to those expectations. Our oldest has just finished work experience on the farm this past semester and he was a great help. The older five are again in 4-H this year and have chosen steers and females from the same sires as these bulls.
We again have a similar sized group of bulls this year with similar pedigrees. We have had great reports on how they are working for our customers. We have a few more photos of dams and udders to show how much we really think of our cow families and you can see in the footnotes that some are related on the maternal side, showing how strong some cow families truly are. Great bulls come from great cows and we have milking daughters from these sires this year. The proof is always in the milking daughters.
We continue to be mixed farming operation, calving out about 100 purebred Simmental cows and 160 commercial cows. We would not be able to do it all without the help of our family. From babysitting, to feeding cows or checking pastures or running kids to hockey our parents and siblings are great supports. We also had our nephew Wyatt doing work experience with us this fall along with our son David and they helped out lots with harvest and feeding as well. We were also grateful for Tanner Quinton who did most of the feeding this winter and Mackinley Harty who has been amazing with our little man Emmitt. This is our fifth Online Farm Gate Auction. We have really appreciated the positive feedback and the return customers with this format. The open house at the farm will be March 6-7, 2025 in conjunction with our online sale. Visitors are more than welcome to stop anytime for a tour of the bulls and their dams. The bulls are fed a TMR daily complete with mineral. They have a few acres to roam around to ensure they are getting plenty of exercise. All bulls will be semen tested prior to the sale. Please ensure you are registered with DLMS prior to sale day. Full terms and conditions of the Farmgate style auction are on the DLMS website as well as the catalogue, videos, and up to date weights and scrotal measurements. Bulls must be paid for within 1 week of the sale via cheque, cash or etransfer. Bulls picked up within 2 weeks of the sale will receive a $50 discount. We encourage our buyers to purchase insurance on the bulls. Please contact Kolton Kauser at 780 387-8376 for your insurance needs. We look forward to seeing you all at the open house or for a visit anytime. . Please contact Mark Shologan with DLMS with any questions registering for the sale 780 699-5082. www.dlms.ca
Mike & Jenine Ruzicka
David, Dayna, Sara-Jane, Garrett, Darian & Emmitt
Ruzicka Farms

Rancher ’ s Choice
Sale Information
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Rancher ’ s Choice

27M, 54M, 53M, 40M, 86M, 29M, 16M, 79M, 65M
We acquired Jumangi at the beginning of our 2022 breeding season from Redrich farms. We are impressed by his pronounced masculinity, strong top, exceptional hair coat and easy fleshing ability. This is our second group of Jumangi bulls to have in our sale. We have been very happy with how well they have calved out and most impressive on how well his daughters calved with stunning udders. They continue to be big footed, easy fleshing cattle with a solid makeup. We look forward to continue to use him on our purebred and commercial cattle.
11M, 71M, 70M, 63M, 62M, 35M, 36M, 49M, 59M, 52M, 67M, 20M, 80M, 97M, 18M, 24M
We acquired Money from W2 Farms in 2022. We were looking for a lighter birthweight black bull that still had plenty of power and maternal traits. This is the second group of Money bulls for sale and our 3rd calf crop on the ground. He consistently calves very well and we have even used him on a few heifers without any issues. They are moderately framed with lots of volume, muscle mass and soundness. We have our first milking daughters this spring and love what great momma’s they are with nice tight udders.
We have used Logic consistently now for 3 years on our heifers and love how well he calves. They are small at birth and then have great growth. We also have milking females out of him this year and they are front pasture heifers. Very Moderate, lots of volume, natural muscling with feminity as well. We look forward to more Logic females.



We have had 1 bull a year in our sale out of Absolute. He is a proven calving ease sire, but we love the cross on certain cows. Absolute produced some great females for us. They are moderate in frame, have balanced udders and are good footed. We used him heavily on heifers years ago and loved that we could could use him on red and blacks with confidence.
We used Rival through AI again this past year on a few cows. We just have the one calf in the sale this year. The Rivals are long bodied, with style and great muscle shape. He stamps them deep bodied, soggy and easy fleshing. We have one daughter milking and another due this spring. They are solid framed females with lots of body and length.
SON SELLING 103M, 98M, 88M
This is our last calf crop from our wonderful Kman bull. We used him successfully on heifers for years. They are known for their easy fleshing, small birthweights and great hair coats. We love his moderate females with nice udders and stout bulls. He was a sure bet calving ease sire. Watch for his bull calves and upcoming dams in years to come



Rancher ’ s Choice


The Only Rival son in this years line up and he’s a pen standout. Super dark red, smooth fronted, tonnes of hip and flank and very eye appealing. He has so much pen presence, a great foot and very wide based. He is a 3/4 blood, out of a half Angus cow that has produced very well for our son David. Last years full brother sold to Ulseth Holdings Ltd., He has a half sister milking in the herd. Magnum is a performance bull that will add length, bottom quarter and depth of flank. Out of solid cow family, he is a great choice for strong maternal traits and consistent females. Magnum is suited to be used on cows.
Main Event is our only Breaker bull in the pen this year. We drew semen on our old Breaker bull to continue to use his genetics. We were fortunate to get this guy and he’s been a favorite since birth. He is very quiet, long bodied, strong hipped with loads of scrotal. He’s strong topped, deep sided and really has that herd bull look to him. We absolutely love our Breaker daughters. They are powerful cows with beautiful udders and they have definitely proven themselves. Main Event comes from a solid Bynn daughter who is just hitting her prime. She is moderate framed, full barrelled with a beautiful udder. Look to Main Event to add function and production to your herd. Best used on cows.

Rancher ’ s Choice

You really need to appreciate the overall power and performance of this bull and he has the look of a herd bull already. Maestro is a deep flanked, strong topped bull with lots of masculinity and testicle. He comes from a cow who is truly a bull maker. She is moderate framed, smooth fronted with a big foot underneath her. She is beautiful uddered and is a great mumma cow. Our kids showed her as a calf and she was wonderful to work with. Maestro is the complete combination of eye appeal, performance and productivity. Maestro is best used on cows. Maternal brothers at Gorgichuk Farms and Bar S Quarter Horses.
This Jumangi son could be a heifer bull contender. With only a 82lbs birthweight and a cow family that consistently throws low birthweights, Mecca would be a great choice for larger framed heifers. He’s stout, long bodied, deep sided and smooth shouldered. Mecca comes from a great cow family that has nice udders and short gestation. Our Middle daughter showed Mecca on her three year old 4-H cow this spring. He was very quiet and easy to halter break. Look to Mecca to add great maternal traits without giving up calving ease and performance.

Rancher ’ s Choice

Militia is typed like the other Jumangi bulls. They all have the same looking head, smooth shoulder, strong top and fullness of quarter. We have been very impressed with our Jumangi bulls and replacements. This year we have our first milking daughter’s and they have all calved on their own with nice tight udders. Militia is out of our old 4Y cow who has had many bulls in the sale and females retained. This cow family continues to calve in the first cycle. Lots of longevity here. Militia is best used on cows. Maternal brother sold to Cliff Grinde last year.


We have always admired the overall power and capacity of Machine’s dam. 17A is a super productive cow. We have retained daughters and sold many bulls from this cow. She is the mamma cow! Big footed, good uddered, lots of volume and length. I secretly love her super long twitch – I can find her in any pasture from a distance. Machine is a full brother to the twins from 17A in last years sale. Love this bulls length of spine, depth of rib and lower quarter. The jumangi bulls are able to tie their power and performance into a neat smooth shoulder. Look to Machine to increase frame, length and capacity. He is best used on cows.

Rancher ’ s Choice


Mentor is moderate framed, Jumangi Son who is as smooth as can be. He is long spined, smooth shouldered and wide topped. Mentor comes from a red Luietenant cow. She has a nice tight udder, she is feminine but has lots of capacity. She traces back to Davids first ever cow he owned and she has helped him build up his herd by giving him many foundation females just like 15J. Mentor will add length and maternal traits to your herd. Use Mentor on second calvers or cows.
Mailman is so very similar to Mentor that we often get then mixed up in the pen. We really appreciate the masculinity in this bull for his moderate size. His strength in through his forearm, his fullness of quarter and fullness in his upper third. He’s one of those bulls you keep going back to get a second look at. His dam is an Affinity daughter. We have a handful in our herd and we couldn’t be happier with their style and functional udders. Mailman is a bull to take a second look at. Use Mailman on second calvers or cows.
Rancher ’ s Choice


Manipulator is the perfect curve bender bull. He has a birthweight of 82lbs and then didn’t stop growing. Anything going back to the 1B cow family is known for its short gestations, low birthweight and explosive growth and 16M is no different. He is one of our larger framed bulls with lots of top, depth of flank, testicle and he is super deep quartered. With all of his performance he ties it all up with a smooth shoulder and nice head. There is so much to like about this bull, you need to see him for yourself. A great, choice for second calvers or cows.

Minuteman is a moderate framed Jumangi son. He’s more of a compact stout bull with lots of rib shape and lower quarter. He’s smooth boned, sweet headed, packed with a stout hip and lots of muscle. He comes from a very prolific cow family. They are from some very productive cows. 52F is a full bodied cow, darker red in color with a big foot underneath her. Minuteman is best used on cows. She has had 2 other bulls featured in our sale that are now working for Ben Hansen and Charlie Gould.

Rancher ’ s Choice


Monarch is a dark red super long bodied Jumangi son. He is smooth sided, deep hipped and has lots of testicle. We love that this bull has the dark red almost black around his nose and tail. The more he develops the more pronounced the darkness becomes. His dam is a beautiful red Breaker cow. She is long just like her son with a neat udder and feminine front end. Full brother sold in last years sale to Lablanc farms and a maternal sister is milking in herd. Monarch is best used on cows.
We love the look of this guy! Mighty is soft made, easy fleshing with tonnes of muscle expression. He is deep quartered, small headed and smooth fronted. He did have a 93Lb birthweight but our heifers were in good shape last winter. He should be able to be used on heifers or cows. His dam is another Bad Blood daughter who is very feminine with a great cow family backing her.

Rancher ’ s Choice

We have loved this Kman son since he was just a calf. He is stout made, with lots of hip, hair and he is very docile. Mojo is another great choice for heifers, only 83lbs at birth and lots of performance, the Kman sons are known for their calving ease and excellent females. Mojo’s dam is another great Epic female that our kids showed as a calf. She is a very capacious cow, with a nice tight udder and a solid foor underneath her. Mojo will add muscle definition, calving ease and stoutness to those first calf heifers.


We love how our Kman calves have turned out for us. They calve easy with functional females that are easy fleshing and bulls that are moderate framed and stout. Morose is a typical Kman son. Stout, deep flanked, nice headed with lots of spring of rib. We used him successfully on heifers for years and feel Morose could be used on heifers as well. His dam is a moderate framed Wescott daughter with a great 2 year old udder.

Rancher ’ s Choice


Mercy has heifer bull written all over him. With a birthweight of 77lbs, a sweet head and smooth front end, he is made for breeding heifers. He comes from the first group of Epic daughters we calved out last spring. So he has calving ease packed on both sides of his pedigree. Our Epic daughters are full bodied, good footed, sound uddered females that we have lots of promise in our herd. This is the last of the Kman sons to offer as we lost him last spring. He calved amazing, had great hair, they are very quiet, and have produced great uddered females for us. Look to Mercy to do the same.
Misery has the coolest face markings we have ever had. We were disappointed for him to be scurred but bred to polled cattle he will not throw horns. He is dark red in color with lots of hair. You have to appreciate his length of hip and spring of rib while it ties into his smooth shoulder. Although he had a 91Lb birthweight, we feel confident he could be used on larger framed heifers or cows. His dam is a Bad Blood cow that we only have a few of. They are angular, straight in their lines with tight little udders. We have used Logic for 3 years now AI’d to our heifers and love how he calves
Rancher ’ s Choice

Oakley is the only Black Logic son in our bull line up this year and is our daughter Darian’s first calf to sell. He has a low birthweight and fantastic growth. He’s been super quiet, the perfect project for a young girl. He has lots of hip, smooth boned, sweet fronted and lots of testicle. His dam 3K, affectionately known as Miss P is a beautiful first calver, with a nice udder and lots a capacity. Oakley is a great choice for heifers

Each year our 11E cow is bred to Absolute. We hope and pray for a heifer but she keeps giving us bulls we love just as much. This year Mogoto is stamped just like the others. They are moderate birthweight, moderate framed, smooth with lots of base and a great haircoat. We have used absolute successfully on heifers years ago and only have a bit of semen left that we use on select cows that we know crosses well. Motogo is an option for larger framed heifers but ould be used on cows as well. His full brother sold to Ulseth Holdings last year

Rancher ’ s Choice


3H is a never fail cow for our son David. Our Sucker Punch cows are not big cows but they are very functional cows. They are moderate, good milkers, and shorter gestation cows. Magnus is a solid black bull with smoothness from one end to the other. He is sweet headed, long bodied, with lots of punch. With only a 72lb birthweight, this bull has lots of options for heifers or to lower birthweight on cows. We really love the moderate birthweights with performance out of our Money calves. Full brother sold to Gary Bieber
Matlock is one of our favorite bulls to watch move. He moves like a cat – striding out well with a deep heel and a wide base. He is a stout rascal with lots of rib shape, fullness of quarter and testicle. His dam is a great Bynn cow. She is long bodied, good uddered, strong footed cow with lots of capacity. She is the perfect front pasture cow. We have admired this bull since he was a calf for his eye appeal and overall muscle expression. Matlock is a power bull and best used on cows. HOMO BLACK
Rancher ’ s Choice


Marvel has super eye appeal in the pen. His white blaze and pen presence make him super easy to look at. His picture was taken on a snowy day and truly doesn’t do him justice. He is another complete Money package. Lots of hip, spring of rib and smooth boned. Marvel has a tank of a dam. 30H is a moderate framed, capacious cow with so much hip and lower quarter. The Westcott females are very consistent in terms of foot structure, udder quality and stature. Marvel is best used on cows. Full brother sold to Wayne Wotschell last year.

Metal is a compact tank. We love watching this bull move from behind. He is wide based and full quatered into a moderate package. Metal is one of those bulls you look at once and need to go back and look again. We only have a few Absolute cows in the herd and 17F is one of them. They are sharp fronted, with lots of capacity, great udders and lots of foot to them. 17F did a great job with this guy at only 85lbs at birth, he has had amazing growth and performance. Could be used on larger framed heifers or cows.

Rancher ’ s Choice
MORPHEUS 62M BPG1487842 | JLA 62M | January 25, 2024 HOMO POLLED

Sire Dam
Morpheus is maternal related to 59M. Once again a great long line of females in his pedigree. He is soft made and loose hided with a great hair coat. He is a super balanced bull in terms of eye appeal and overall muscling. His dam, 9E throws a bit of an outcross genetics into the mix as she comes from a heifer bull we only had for one year due to injury. Border Patrol calved exceptionally easy and this is the only female we received that year. She is a nice feminine mumma cow with lots of milk and the genetics to back it up. Morpheus could be used on heifers or cows.

Maximus is one of those bulls who’s picture doesn’t do him justice. He is truly a tank. He is full quartered, wide topped, and super hairy. We really like how masculine this bull is but still clean fronted and tight sheathed. This bull moves out very will and we look forward to people seeing his video. He comes from a young Breaker cow who has a beautiful udder and is moderate framed. We think a lot of the young cow. Her first calf was our daughter’s 4-H heifer last year and this year she raised this beast. Maximus is best used on cows.

Marshall is a big old pet. Not halterbroke, but just a big teddy bear who doesn’t love to hold up his pretty head. We love watching this bull move. His easy fleshing, big footed, and moves out very well. Marshall is good haired, smooth boned with lots of power and overall thickness. I love watching this guys stifle pop when he moves. He wasn’t a huge fan of the picture pen and wouldn’t really pose for us. We look forward to you seeing how stunning this bull really is. His dam is another sharp Breaker daughter with a nice tight udder. We really can’t say enough about our Breaker females. We drew semen on him and look forward to using him some more. Our middle daughter’s 4-H heifer was out of Marshall’s dam. Marshall is a power bull best used on cows.

Rancher ’ s Choice


Marlboro is a pretty neat Money son. He’s a compact complete package. He’s nice fronted with lots of spring of rib and fullness of quarter. He’s stout made, wide based and still maintains the bull look with the clean front end. We are always pleased with 32B’s calves. Her females are a rarity but her bulls are always pen favorites. She still calved at the front of the herd again this year. Marlboro is a solid choice for increased longevity and stayability in your herd. 49M is best used on cows. 32B has bulls working for Sheldon Blum and Ken Heidecker

Millennium is a soft made, easy fleshing Money son with a great hip and lots of heart. He comes from a cow family with many relatives retained in herd. We have his dam, grand dam, we recently just sold his great grand dam due to injury. This cow family is known for being great milkers and having lots of maternal traits. Look to Millennium to make great mumma cows and add maternal calving ease. Millennium is best used on second calvers or cows

Rancher ’ s Choice
BPG1487836 | JLA 52M | January 20, 2024 HOMO POLLED


Mandrill is a framier Money son. Harder to tell from his photo, but he is a long bodied bull with lots of width of top and the standard sweet head on the Money bulls. He comes from a big full bodied black Voltage cow. She was a bit of an outcross pedigree and isn’t really related to anything in herd other than her one daughter. We have 3 Y cows still producing in our herd and they all have bulls in the pen this year and they have all calved already in the first cycle. We really like the cross with 13Y and plan to breed her that way again this year. Mandrill is best used on cows.


Methane is again one of our framier Money sons. He is a very long spined bull with lots of spring of rib and square hip to him. He’s tidy in through his shoulder and head and had the eye catching look to him too! His dam is none other than another Y cow that is still producing. Methane has a full brother on the ground again this year. She is a full bodied Mayhem cow that was a top producing cow for my dad and we purchased her privately when dad was getting out of cows. She has been a top producing cow for us as well. Methane is best used on cows.

Malbec is another low birthweight Money son at only 74Lbs! He’s an eye catching bull in the pen with his white strip on his forehead and nose. He is deep quatered, long bodied, and smooth shouldered as all of the Money calves are. He comes from a very prolific cow family going back to a cow we bought from Prairie Fire Simmentals when they dispersed. We had his grand dam for many years and she was one of the longest females we had ever raised with a big foot and sound udder. Longevity is in this bulls future. Malbec could be used on larger framed heifers or cows. Maternal brothers sold to Mark Lenz, and Dustin Welsh

Rancher ’ s Choice


MVP is the perfect name for this Money son. He was a twin to another bull calf. MVP is wide hipped, deep quartered and still maintains that Money front end. He has a dark red Bynn dam who is a more angular cow, with a nice tight udder. She looks the same year round and holds her condition well. She is a big barrelled cow who is very feminine. She produces mainly bull calves and has had 2 sets of twins in the past. MVP is best used on cows. We hope she gives us a heifer calf some year.
Menace is just a cool looking bull. He has amazing muscle expression, lots of rib shape, stout natural hip structure and still looks complete with the stamped Money head on him. He has been an eye catching bull ever since he was a calf. His dam, the famous 36D cow, is always a herd favorite when she calves. She just gets the job done and does it well. She continues to produce top bulls from year to year and every now and again throws in a replacement heifer. She is a larger framed cow with a big foot and good udder. Look to Menace to add overall length and muscle expression. Menace is best used on cows.

Rancher ’ s Choice

Musketeer is a super quiet Money son off of our daughter Dayna’s 4-H three year old. He’s one of our smaller framed black bulls but we really like how this bull is put together. He is clean in his lines, smooth boned, and packs lots of punch to his lower quarter. We really like the full bodiedness of this cow. Coco is a very wide topped Wescott cow. He is known to have stamped solid foot structure with lots of base. She has her dam, grand dam and great grand dam all currently producing in our herd. Musketeer is best used on larger heifers and cows.
Motor is a moderate framed Money son, with lots of lower quarter, length of body and smooth front end. I would confidently use him on heifers with a 78Lbs birthweight. He is very smooth made with the same nice shoulder and small head. His dam is a moderate framed Westcott daughter going back to 18U that made us many foundation females that so many cows can be traced back to. This is a great opportunity for a low birthweight bull with calving ease and performance back in his pedigree.

Rancher ’ s Choice

Thank You to our 2024 Buyers...
Gary Bieber
Brent Blais
Calvin Bishell *
Ben Blum*
Sheldon Blum*
Dean Cumming*
Dean Dykewich
Joseph Felzien*
Wayne Fleming**
Travis Gorgichuk
Charlie Gould*
Cliff Grinde
Arnold Hanson*
Ben Hanson*
Ken Heidecker*
Shawn Hope*
Nicholas Kit
Dale Kuzio
Clint Kuziw*
Adam LeBlanc
David Long*
Ron Nelson*
Wendy Pixley**
Wayne Wotschell*
Glen & James Yarham*
Rob Younger**
** multiple bulls * repeat buyer

Rancher ’ s Choice