Redrich Farms 2025 Bull Sale

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Welcome FROM Redrich...

On behalf of the crew at Redrich and the Dietrich Family we would like to welcome you to our 7th sale on the farm. This past year has given us so much to be thankful for but has also thrown a few curve balls.

Feed was a bit short in our area and we had to reduce the herd by selling some females in the fall. We wanted to keep the feed for the younger stock and bring in some of the new and exciting females from the great herdsires we have been purchasing for the last few years.

Both bull pens are exciting - the Angus pen has heifer and cow bulls that the performance will knock your socks off - Klondike, Kentucky, Nozeka, Clooney and Explosion are sires of most of the heifer bulls.

A good selection of cow bulls off of Nozeka, Kujo, Yogi, Jailbreak and other sires we have been trying. The Simmie bulls are thick and full of muscle - these are a great set of no nonsense bulls. Bulls are fed a TMR of hay, silage and grain - they will be semen tested and ready for your appraisal.

The sales management of Taylor and Jaxon from Bohrson, Mark from OBI and Roger of Petrosa Exports have all been to the farm and toured the bull pens. They are available before the sale to answer questions and will also be available on sale day, please don’t hesitate to give them a call!! These are the guys we use when we can not make it to a sale.

There always seems to be lots to do but we always have time to show you the bulls take time for coffee and a visit. Bill and Ty will always be around the farm at this time of the year, shoot them a text or call if you are in the area.

We would like to thank all of those who have expressed an interest or have purchased from us. We love to get pictures from past purchases that have worked well. We also need to know from the outfits that had any problems or would like to discuss something about the Redrich Stock.

We will see you on the 25th at the farm for some great Redrich Hospitality!!

Bill, Tracy, Bailey & Lexi Ty, Shania, Rigley, Saylem &Holland

Bill & Tracy
Tyler, Shania, Rigley,Saylem & Holland
Katie, Ryan, Nikkan, Eisley & Wyllin
Bailey (Gus)

Redrich Farms

Calving Ease Legend

Calving ease is often related to birth weight of a bull. This is partly true but there are other factors that influence calving ease. The dam and her management are at least 50% of calving ease. Also, the consistency of the birth weights of the sire and dam should be considered. We rated each bull in the sale based on the information we have.

*** Should be minimal problems when bred to moderate sized heifers.

** Recommend for second calvers and larger framed heifers

* Recommend for mature cows

DAY WEIGHTS and SCROTAL MEASUREMENTS will be provided sale day.

Delivery Options

A. If you wish you may take your cattle home sale day or within a week and receive a $100 discount per Bull.

B. Bulls will be delivered free of charge up to 250 miles, further at cost. Delivery usually commences 2-3 weeks after sale.

C. We ask that ALL commercial heifers go home sale day unless prior arrangements have been made with Redrich, contact us for options.

D. Bulls kept at Redrich free of charge until MAY 1st, after that, $4.00/day will be charged and animals must be picked up by purchaser.



• Mantracker is a calving ease dream for your heifers.

• Dark red, long bodied and smooth made.

• 6M had a rough go as his mother died when he was 2 months olds, but he has been catching up and you need to take a look come sale time.

• Maternal brothers sold to Jonathon Knowles & Quarter T Ranching.

• Milestone is dark cherry red, great haired, wide based and very soft made, with tons of eye appeal.

• Dam is moderate framed with a super udder and very good foot.

• Maternal brother was sold last year to Dan Stang.

• Mega is a real powerhouse of a bull. Long, thick and dark red.

• Indexed 107 at weaning and 120 at yearling.

• Maternal brother sold to Tie Rail Ranches and a maternal sister to Matejka Farms.

• Mercury is a sleep at night calving ease bull for your heifers.

• A very maternal backing to this guy, keep his daughters with confidence

• Wide based, thick topped, deep ribbed and soft made powerful bull.

• Ben & Josie Hansen own a maternal brother.

• Long bodied, smooth fronted bull with great hair.

• Very nice dam from our very good Maggie cow family.

• Mallcop is long bodied, thick and deep in a very complete & attractive package.

• One of the heaviest calves at weaning. Indexed 117.

• Only Justice sired bull in the sale this year but because of his quality there will be more next year.

• MacGyver is dark red, soft made, stout and extremely attractive.

• Reminds us a lot of his Jaguar sire that has done a tremendous job, breeding very good sons and outstanding daughters.

• Maternal brothers have sold to N over Diamond Cattle & RSL Red Angus.

• Maternal sister sold to Micheal Klassen and a full sister to Airam Farms.

• The fact 57M is a flush calf tells you how much we respect his dam. Herdsire prospect here.

• Mastermind is a real stud, with herdbull presence, shape & softness for extreme calving ease.

• Klondike calves are born unassisted & get up and grow.

• Dam is treasured Maggie cow. She was the calf at side when her mother 70H was named Grand Champion Female at Olds Fall Classic.

Dam of 57M

• Stout, wide based, smooth fronted very complete bull.

• Dam is very good uddered with a great foot.

• Maternal brother sold to Bar L7.

• Dark red, long bodied, powerful performance bull that we expect will sire outstanding daughters.

• Indexed 105 at weaning.

• Dam is a beautiful uddered, great footed female from our treasured First Lady cow family. 93F has raised a top notch calf every year. One daughter sold to Mexico and the other one retained in the herd may be our very best second calver. • 2 other sons sold to Y Coulee Land & Cattle and Rocking Heart Range Ltd.

• Matlock is dark cherry red, great haired, long bodied, smooth made & would have fit right in with the very consistent & impressive group of Clooney sons we had last year.

• Dam has been designated Elite by the Canadian Angus Association since 2017. and is the dam to 93F cow that is outstanding.

• Maternal brothers sold to Little Valley View Ranch, Prairie Hall Farms and Blair Anderson.

• Another very good Klondike son that will work on heifers.

• Dam is a real good young cow that did a tremendous job on her first calf. Indexed 105 at weaning.

• Our good friend and neighbor Jed Curtis owns this bull

• Dark red, moderate framed, very smooth made bull that ranks very high in the Jailbreak sire group.

• Maternal brother sold to Lyle Knowles, A full brother sold last year to Rocking Heart Range Ltd.

• Balanced, clean fronted and attractive bull.

• Dam is a beautiful uddered, great footed very nice female.

• This bull should give you very nice daughters.

• Smooth made, calving ease bull that is a tremendous heifer bull prospect.

• His dam is a perfect uddered young cow that has been doing a great job so far

• Great haired, stout bull with outstanding growth.

• Indexed 125 for yearling weight with ADG of 3.23 lbs/day

• Motion is a dark red, long bodied, very attractive bull.

• Dam is a very complete great uddered female producer.

• This is her first son with many daughters retained in our herd and two have sold to Riverside Angus and Jay Lerner.

• Two maternal sisters to 142M have sons in the sale. See 148M & 242M

• Montana is great haired, is dark cherry red, has great Angus character & tremendous eye appeal.

• His dam is designated Elite by the Canadian Angus Association and has been a stellar producer. Her only other son sold to Prairie Hall Farms and both her daughters are outstanding females in our herd.

• This bull has performance & style. Indexed 114 at weaning and 118 at yearling.

• Heifer bull Prospect

• Long bodied, smooth made bull with great muscle shape & very good calving ease.

• Dam is a beautiful uddered, great footed female that has given us 3 daughters, all retained at Redrich. This is her first son.

• Very attractive, eye appealing bull with great calving ease.

• Dam is a beautiful first calving Respect daughter from our outstanding Firefly cow family.

• Another calving ease bull for heifers.

• A March calf that indexed 108 at weaning.

• Dam is a very nice cow that has been a great producer.

• Son sold to Liam Erickson and a daughter to Jesse Emery@Dwajo Angus. Another maternal sister to 179M is one of our top first calvers.

• Dark red, deep ribbed, smooth made, very complete bull from a maternal powerhouse of a dam.

• Dam is definitely one of our favorite cows, both in terms of her phenotype and her production. She raised 2 other sons, Glide, a herd bull at RSL Red Angus & Jaguar a herdsire at Richmond Ranch that we have used through AI with great success. His first daughters that have just calved are truly special. Don’t miss seeing his sons that are in the sale. 180E has had 2 daughters that are highly coveted @ Redrich.

• Moonwalk should make calving your heifers a cake walk.

• His sire has calved 100% unassisted for the 2 seasons on our heifers.

• Heifer Bull.

• Exceptional calving ease with Clooney.

• Last year we had an outstanding group of his sons & we will again next year. This year there are only 2 in the sale.

• Long bodied, powerful performance bull that we expect to sire exceptional daughters.

• Dam is designated elite by the Canadian Angus Association & has been a no miss cow.

• Sons have sold to Robert Rustad and Wayne Thacker.

• A very good daughter was sold to James Epp.

• Smooth made, great haired, heifer bull prospect.

• Dam is a moderate framed, great uddered, very good footed cow.

• Sire is a very proven bull with over 1000 progeny registered.

• High quality bull with great calving ease.

• Dam is a very good cow that raised Kujo that had a very successful show career, was a past high seller and is the sire of sons in the sale.

• Maternal brothers have sold to Goad Family Angus and Carter Renschler.

• Long bodied, balanced, smooth fronted bull from a very nice uddered cow who is excellent footed.

• Majestic is a stout, soft made, heavy muscled, tremendous footed, powerhouse that we have admired since day 1.

• This guy reminds us of his sire who we are glad we incorporated into our program.

• We calved the first Janguar daughters and can truly say we have never had this high of quality group of first calvers.

• We think this guy is pretty special, 3.48lbs/day gain and indexed 134@ yearling.


• Great calving ease bull for heifers.

• Dam is a beautiful Clooney daughter that is a maternal sister to Jaguar.

• We feel his dam has a very bright future

• Milwaukee is dark red, great haired, soft made, with extra eye appeal.

• One of the top Nozeka sons with extra eye appeal and great calving ease.

• Dam is a tank with a great udder and excellent foot.

• Marco is a top notch


• One of the heaviest calves at weaning to index at 115 and he’s still near the top of the pen indexing 124 at yearling.

• Mainstream is dark red, great haired, balanced and very eye appealing with a tremendous presence.

• We admired this guy all summer alongside his beautiful first calving mother.

• Impressive performance for a calving ease bull.

• Indexed 107 at weaning and 104 at yearling.

• Maternal Granddam is the dam to Red Redrich Janga 330J who is working at LLB Angus

• Mirage is dark red,

• Extra style & presence to catch your eye.

• Dam has been an outstanding producer with sons selling to NeuMeuhl Colony & Spruceville Cattle Com.

• Full sister to 351M just had her first calf and looks awesome. Indexed 105 at weaning and 115 at yearling.

• Montgomery could be the most intriguing bull we have ever raised. He has breed leading calving ease and is near the top of the breed for weaning and yearling weights. Indexing at 118 for weaning & 127 for yearling.

• He has an attractive herd bull look, moves out well, stands on a very good foot & has been noticed by visitors.

• Dam is an impressive cow that represents our treasured Maggie cow family very well.

• Mob Boss is dark

• He come in dam of the 502G cow that we purchased from MAVV Farms of Okotoks.

• Twist of pedigree for us if you’re looking for something differnt with performance

Simmental Bulls








• Mr Icicle is Rigley’s second bull off of her Princess cow to sell. Her first son Maui sold to Brad Thompson in BC and now is breeding at Willow Creek RanchTyler Yasieniuk

• These are the first General sons to sell and we couldn’t be happier with their performance and how complete they are

• 10M was the highest gaining simmental bull from weaning to yearling at just over 4lbs./day

• A very attractive General Son with a good hair coat and out of a brute cow who we feel has a very bright future with 16M being her second calf

• Mastermind is a bull who has always been a favourite right from the start

• His dam was Ty and Shania’s pick when they purchased her in a group of heifers from Ter-Ron

• Maternal sister that calved this year is exceptional and we are very excited for her future

• Maternal brother at Sjogran Farms

• Don’t miss Mastermind with his dark red colour and blaze face

• Another dark red blaze faced Exceed son

• The 47A cow has been a top producer and has sold sons in the past to Rodney Anderson, Shannon and Doreen Blumhagen and Lyle Knowles

• A younger bull that has kept pace with the older bulls

• The C47M bull has been one that has always caught your eye

• An F1 bull with tons of grow and performance

• The Slider calves have been fun to watch devolop and Marksman has been no exception

• His dam is a gorgeous Full Velocity female and rung the bell with 129M on her first try

• A maternal sister to 129K has been an exceptional producer at W2 Farms

• Another smooth and long made Slider son

• The Stacey cow family has been very productive

• A bull that would work on larger framed heifers

• Another square made General son with a black hide

• His dam is a very good uddered Night’s Boy daughter

• A high performing Night’s Boy son

• The Elegance cow family is one that doesn’t miss

• Midnight is a powerhouse that is soft made and complete

• Marvel has always had an attractive look with great muscle and shape

• His dam is a hard working young cow

• Maternal brother was one of the high sellers going to Jonathon & Raelynn Knowles last year

• The only bull in the sale this year going back to the Lady in Red Cow family that has been outstanding for us

• He is a bull that continues to impress us daily, shear preformance and power

• Tough to find a bull thats this smooth with a modest BW and big weaning and yearling weight

• Minx is a bull that has always had a look to grab your attention

• We acquired a semen pack on Amaretto a few years a go and he stamps his calves with character

• The Hussy cow family has been one of our strongest on the black side

• Another F1 bull that has continued to get better as we get closer to sale day

• His dam was an ideal angus cow that Gus won in a raffle at the Towaw Cattle Co. Bull sale and she was a great female for him

• A stout made Jailbreak F1 bull that has always had the herdbull look to him

• His dam is a good uddered powerful fullblood commercial cow

• Martini is a bull that is a hard one to miss when you walk in the pen, with a perfect blaze and typical General character and style

• A 3/4 brother to the 10M bull

• The Marie cow family has been very consistant

• A powerhouse ET bull off of the LFE Loyalty bull and breed leading Certainly Flirtin Donor cow

• Soft and soggy made with a rugged power bull look to him

• Full Brother to 803M

• A square made WTL Son that has always demanded a second look

• Can’t go wrong with a dam like this

• A full brother last year sold to Paul & Jackie Dobinson

• You can’t go wrong with a Longitude F1 son

• Power and performance, and great character

• His dam has a tidy little udder and is a nice young cow

• We have flipped back and forth which full brother is better 605M or 803M

• Both brothers are very impressive and different in ways

• A full sister is retained in the replacement pen and she is very impressive

• Full brother 605M

• The only purebred WTL son on offer this year

• We are very excited with the WTL Females that we have calved out

• Mystery Line’s dam is a picture perfect, moderate sized cow

• He is a bull that should throw great females


Extended Thank-you to those that supported us this fall and bought these females...


Pohl Land & Cattle-Wyatt Pohl

Moose Creek Angus

Riveside Angus -Logan & Roseanna Stingings

Anchor 1 Angus

Triple L Angus

Ryan Knowles

Goad Family Angus

Geis Family Angus

Petrosa Exports (Hacienda Francia Bonita-Chihuahua Mexico)

Kim Klausen

Canadian Red Round-Up
Ladies of The West
Angus Collection Farmfair International Northern Select Sale

Commercial Open Heifers

The Angus heifers sell without papers and the majority of these heifers are Red Angus/Simmental cross, with many of them being F1 from two purebred parents. These commercial heifers are bred for soundness and correctness to become valued females in any herd. They have all been palpated for breeding soundness by our vet and have been vaccinated with Vira Shield 6+ VL5.

For more details on these females please feel free to contact us.

Group 1

F1 - Angus/Simmentals (3 Head)

Tag- 53, 74, 515

Group 3

Group 2

F1 - Angus/Simmentals (5 Head)

Tag- 78, 94, 504, 604, 609

F1 - Angus/Simmentals (4 Head)

Tag- 20, 160, 506, 802

Group 4

F1 - Angus/Simmentals (5 Head)

Tag- 14, 69, 168, 203, 612

Angus (4 Head)

Tag- 21, 76, 101, 176

Group 8

Commercial open Heifers

Consigned by Jonathon & Raelynn Knowles

This year Jonathon & Raelynn have selected a group of select heifers right off the top of their pen. Sired by bulls they have purchased from us over the years and on the same herd health program. Jonathon


Group 5

Angus (4 Head)

Tag- 147, 169, 190, 482

Angus (4 Head)

Tag- 124, 152, 209, 255

Angus/Simmental Cross (6 Head)

Group 6
Group 8
Group 7

Everything Redrich in 2024...

Thank You to our 2024 Buyers

Six Mile Ranch

Rocking Heart Range *

Hawk Ranching

Adair Creek Farms

Leslie Angus

Dave Gibbs *

Charlie Gould

Prairie Hall Farms *

Swede Acres Ranch *

Barnes Farm Co Ltd *

Jonathon Knowles *

Olds College Farm

Keith Barnes

Mitch & Cienna Oberg *

PWD Farms *

AB Bar Land & Cattle Company Ltd.

N Over Diamond Cattle Corp. *

Jason Kushnerick *

Nathan Allers

Dan Guhle *

Coal Valley Acres

Troy & Mel Weinkauff *

Rocking K Ranch *

Sunderman Farms

George Standing *

Sehlstrom Farms

Arnold Seim

Thors Consulting

Spruceville Cattle Company *

Quarter T Ranching *

Terry Robinson *

Ross Herder *

Bruce Busenius *

Petrosa Exports *

Matejka Farms *

Rafter L Angus

RSL Red Angus *


Sunderland Hog Farms Inc

Alerie Sorenson *

Seth Hallman *

Cody Wolbeck *

Jo Ranch *

Sheldon Blumhagen *

Bar LA Ranch

Carson Rock

Robertson Livestock Ltd

Ryan Knowles *

Moose Creek Angus *

Pohl Land & Cattle- Wyatt Pohl

Geis Family Angus -Robert Geis

Micheal Klausen

Riverside Angus-Logan & Roseanna Stingings *

Goads Family Angus *

Anchor 1 Angus *

*-Denotes Repeat Customers


Since 2019 almost $400,000 has been INVESTED in member education, awards, bursaries and youth scholarships.

We are proud to support the Canadian Angus Foundation Future 15 Program

$295,000 invested in ANGUS research over the last six years leveraged an additional $600,000 in grant funding.

Terms & Conditions

$75,000+ has been invested in history and archives, including the 2019 Canadian Angus history book.

The Canadian Angus Foundation functions to preserve and expand the Angus breed for future generations through education, youth development, scientific and market research, and historical preservation and restoration. The Canadian Angus Foundation was incorporated in 1993 and is the charitable arm of the Canadian Angus Association. Donations are tax deductible.

If you are interested in giving back or learning more about this initiative, please contact Belinda Wagner, Canadian Angus Foundation Executive Director at 306-537-1518 or email You can also visit the Canadian Angus Foundation website at

With YOUR help we will continue to further our mission and the breed. 15future

Bidding: Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder. Bidding disputes: The auctioneer will settle any disputes as to bids, and his decision on such matters shall be final.

Terms: The terms of the sale are cash or cheque. The right of property shall not pass until settlement is made. All settlements will be made with the clerks of the sale immediately following the conclusion of the sale and before any cattle will be released from the sale facility. Each animal becomes risk of the purchaser as soon as sold.

Guarantee: We guarantee you a sound breeding bull, if he fails to be a satisfactory breeder, we will replace him with a bull of equal value or credit towards the purchase of another bull. No refunds. Bulls are not guaranteed to freeze semen, if you have any problems with your purchase, contact us immediately.

Insurance: Will be available sale day. All bulls fed for the month of April are at the purchasers risk and must be insured.

Liability: All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. Neither owners, clerks, or anyone connected with the sale assumes any responsibility, legal or otherwise for damage of any kind.

Announcements: Changes of information contained in this catalog will be corrected by announcements from the block at sale time and shall take precedence over any printed material.

Semen: Redrich reserves the right to collect semen on any bull sold through the sale for in herd use only. This will be collected at the buyers convenience and seller’s expense.

Delivery: Delivery will commence in April, Please leave delivery instructions at the time of settlement.

Certificates of Registry: A certificate of registry and transfer will be furnished for each animal after full payment has been made.

Cattle Inspection: All cattle carry permanent ID tags corresponding to sale lot numbers. All shall be available for inspection prior to sale.

Females: All females are guaranteed breeders. The standard CAA guarantee will apply.

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