December 2017 (vol.266)

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2017 Vol. 266

December 2017

December Fresh Food 28


in Chinese

Suncheon County is a major producer of Korean persimmons famous for their crispy texture and high sugar content. Persimmons for export are selected and packed in certified facilities.


28 32


With its anti-tumor components, pleasant chewiness, and high storability, shimeji mushroom is enjoying a growing popularity around the world.

Processed Food 38


Unusual Products Made with Barley: Multi-colored barley, Coffee, and Porridge



Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp. COVER

THEME in Chinese & Japanese Since its launch in December 1967, Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp. has been introducing overseas buyers and consumers to Korean agriproducts and providing Korean food and agricultural companies with opportunities to promote their goods. This month, the agency marks its 50th anniversary. To celebrate the occasion, Korea Agrafood takes you on a tour of aT’s history and future.

Annivers ary


Part I aT’s History and Vision for the Future


Part II An Interview with aT CEO Yeo In-hong


Part III Export Support Projects of aT

Looking Back at aT’s Footprint in the Korean Food Industry Vol. 266

A Special Interview with aT CEO Yeo In-hong and Messages Congratulating aT on Its Anniversary Introducing Various Export Support Projects of aT

Golden yellow color, Yuja tea Mini-sized bell pepper, Raon New Year’s Dish, Tteokguk

To mark the 50th anniversary of aT, the cover of issue 266 is decorated with a calligraphic representation of the number 50.

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the 227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0967 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995 Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved. CEO Yeo In-hong VICE PRESIDENT Lee Yu-sung


EXECUTIVES Baek Jin-seok (for Food Industry & Export Promotion) Cho Hae-young (for Marketing Support) EDITORS Shin Jang-hyun (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.)


Lee Young-ju (The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News) REPORTERS Lee Hyun-woo ( Park Sung-eun ( Kim Hyo-jin (



in Japanese

The demand for Korean fish cake―a typical Korean street food―is growing overseas. The products are made in hygienic facilities, using high-quality fish fillet.

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho ENGLISH EDITOR Chae Ria, Charles Junn TRANSLATORS Park Sung-eun, Kim Hyo-jin, Park Hye-yun, Park Seo-yeong (ENGLISH) / Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE)

Globalization of Hansik

/ Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)



HANSIK & HALLYU TWICE members enjoy eating pajeon which foreigners often call “Korean pizza” or “Korean pancake”.

NAJU Sohn Yong-gyu 82-61-931-0960 ( TOKYO Kim Ho-dong 81-3-5367-6656 ( OSAKA Oh Dong-hwan 81-6-6260-7661 ( BEIJING Seo Byoung-kyo 86-10-6410-6120 ( SHANGHAI Lee Sang-kil 86-21-3256-6326 (


QINGDAO Kim Boo-young 86-50-6026-0530 ( CHENGDU Lee Jong-geun 86-28-8283-3376 ( HONGKONG Lee Ji-jae 852-2588-1616 (


aT BRIEFING Hosted by MAFRA (the Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs) and organized by aT (the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation), the largest export consultation meeting in Korea, Buy Korean Food 2017, is about to start.

TAIPEI Kim Mi-hyoun 886-2-2740-5040~1 ( NEW YORK Kim Kwang-jin 1-516-829-1633 ( L.A Yi Chu-pyo 1-562-809-8810 ( PARIS Kim Min-ho 33-1-4108-6076 ( HANOI Choi Jung-ki 84-4-6282-2987 ( JAKARTA Nam Taek-hong 62-21-2995-9032 ( BANGKOK Yang Jae-seong 662-611-2628 (


#60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9074

Fax +82-2-3434-9077

Check the Nearest Supermarkets or the Online Store for

Korean Ramyeon!

ABU DHABI Song Bong-seok 971-2-622-2195 ( EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News

L king f r Tasty N dles?



MONTHLY K-FOOD December K-Food, Oyster

in Japanese & Chinese

Spicy, Extremely Spicy, Sweet-and Sour Soup,Black Bean Sauce, Cheese, Low-Calorie, Gluten-Free and Many More

aT Briefing

aT Briefing increase food exports to China.

aT Intensifies the Promotion of Promising Products in China

Titled “2017 Korean Food Fair for the Youth,” the event introduced young Chinese consumers

Promoting Korean Food in Kazakhstan

interested in Korean food and culture to popular and promising Korean food products. Visitors were able to look around exhibition booths, taste various Korean food products and beverages, and take pictures in the photo zone. The six

aT organizes BKF every year to expand exports of Korean food.

booths for existing products and MAFRA (the Korean Ministry of to aT, the agency invited many buyers who have never

Over a Hundred Foreign Buyers Came to Take a Look at Korean Agriproducts

dealt with Korean food and had no experience of attending BKF or other events it organized. As part of its strategy to diversify export markets, the agency also tried to attract buyers from South and Central America and Africa. As a result, over one hundred foreign buyers visited Korea and engaged in export consultations with about three hundred Korean food exporters. To increase the efficiency of consultations, the participants were matched based on de-

Buy Korean Food 2017 Was Held from November 28 to 30

tailed information about the products offered by exporters

Agriculture, Food, and Rural

displayed popular snacks, dairy

Affairs) and aT (Korea Agro-

products, citron tea, noodles,

Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.)

sauces, and rice. Lee Ji-jae, a

hosted an event for Chinese con-

manager of the aT office in Hong

sumers to experience Korean food

Kong, said, “Guangdong is a re-

products at a large mall near

Food, and Rural Affairs) and aT (Korea Agro-

food. We will continue to discover

Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) participated in

Guangdong Province. The event

and promote food products with

World Food Kazakhstan, an international ex-

was held for three days, from

high potential using various mar-

po, which opened in Almaty from November

November 10 to 12, and aimed to

keting strategies.”

1 to 3. At the expo, aT set up a Korea Hall in cooperation with twelve Korean companies that export mushrooms, traditional sauces, sea-

November 28, the negotiations were carried out on

weed, rice snacks, and other products. They

November 29, and on the last day, November 30, the food products, Buy Korean Food 2017 (BKF 2017) took

opportunity to try traditional Korean food and learn about

place at the aT Center in Yangjae-dong, Seoul, on

Korean culture. For the duration of BKF 2017, aT

November 28 through 30. They were hosted by MAFRA

arranged special spaces to sign contracts, learn about the

(the Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural

support available for online export promotions, and obtain

Affairs) and organized by aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food

advice on localization of exported products as well as a

Trade Corp.). In addition to inviting foreign buyers and arranging business consultations, the goals of the event included enhancing the understanding of Korean food by foreign buyers and offering opportunities to new companies. The most distinctive characteristic of BKF 2017 was the participation of a large number of new buyers. According

MAFRA (the Korean Ministry of Agriculture,

gion highly receptive to Korean

Following a reception for the foreign buyers on

participants attended Korea Food Show 2017 and had an

The Korea Hall at the World Food Kazakhstan.

Shenzhen University in

and the preferences of foreign buyers.

Korea’s largest export consultations for agricultural

one booth for promising products

discussed approximately US$5.5 million worth of contracts. To help the negotiations translate into actual exports, aT plans to provide support for related projects such as inviting buyers and carrying out test shipments. Baek Jin-seok, aT Director of Food Exports, said, “We are increasing the support

business lounge, an exhibition of promising products, and

for small and medium enterprises to pioneer

a variety of other promotion halls.

new markets. This will help up to expand

Baek Jin-seok, aT Director of Food Exports, said, “The

overseas markets for Korean food.” He

purpose of this BKF was to invite new buyers and to in-

added, “Kazakhstan is a hub of Central Asia,

terest existing buyers in new products, which will help us

and we are going to take advantage of the

to prevent excessive competition in the export market and

Korean Wave there to promote the excellence

discover new business partners.”

of Korean food and develop products that fit Young Chinese enjoy K-Food.

4 Korea Agrafood

the characteristics of the local market.”

December 2017 5

Theme I

Leads the Distribution and Export of Korean Food Products 大韓民國の農食品輸出と流通をリ-ドする韓國農水産食品流通公社 主導大韓民攻農食品出口及流通的韓攻農水産食品流通公社

2014 2012 2002


Fifty Years of History, from 1967 to 2017

The corporation made a leap into the 21st century with the construction of the aT Center in Yangjaedong, Seoul.

The agency changed its name to aT, or Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.

aT has built its new home in Naju Innovation City of South Jeolla Province, which now operates as the headquarters of aT.

2017 On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, aT has disclosed its grand vision for the development of Korean food industry.

Major Role in the Renaissance of the Korean Food Industry Anniversary

1995 1986 1967 aT was founded in 1967 as the Agriculture and Fishery Development Corporation (AFDC).

6 Korea Agrafood

As its functions expanded to the coordination of demand and supply of agricultural and fish products and the stabilization of prices, the agency was reorganized into the Agricultural and Fishery Marketing Corporation.

When WTO was founded, aT concentrated its efforts on nurturing Korean agriculture for export.

Half a century has passed since the establishment of aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation). The agency has played a key role in the renaissance of the Korean food industry by prognosticating and preparing for changes and relentlessly seeking to be innovative. To mark the 50th anniversary of aT, Korea Agrafood looks at the agency’s path from its beginning until today and introduces its vision for the future.

aTの創立から半世紀が過ぎた?時代の變化を讀み?備えてきた大韓 民國の農食品産業振興の最前線にあるaTは?50年間絶え間ない革新 を進め?韓國を代表する公企業として成長してきた?Korea Agrafoodが創立50周年を迎え?創立から羅州時代の開幕までのaT


韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT)自成立以來已走過了半憾世紀的曆程? 50年來,aT走在應捲變化及復興大韓民攻農食品産業的前列,通過不 鉤革新已屠展成爲擧足輕重的公營企業?在迎接aT成立50周年之際, 本期Korea Agrafood侮舅共同回顧aT自成立到開啓羅州時代所走過的 足迹,幷爲舅介紹公社屠展的未來前景? December 2017 7

Theme I

創立50周年?aTの步み は?「農水産食品の需給安定と流通の先進化?農家所 得の增進」を目標として?1967年12月1日に「農漁村開 發公社」として發足した? これ以降?農水産食品の需給調節と價格安定機能まで を專門的に擔當し?1986年には農水産物流通公社とし て?擴大?改編された?また?1995年のWTO(世界貿易 機關)發足により?市場開放が加速化すると?aTは大韓民 國の輸出農業育成のための支援事業に焦点を合わせて? オランダとニュ-ヨ-ク?シンガポ-ルなど領域別に? 主要國へ「韓國流通分配センタ-」を設立し?海外市場の 開拓の活動を强化した? 21世紀に向けた新しい跳躍は?ソウル良才洞のaTセン タ-の建設を通して結實することとなった?2002年10 月15日に公式オ-プンしたaTセンタ-は?現代化された 農業專門の展示 コンベンションセンタ-で?國際的なエ キスポのための展示場と會議場?農食品輸出の擴大のた めの貿易情報センタ-?農食品輸出業者と團體が入った aT

’s Footprint in the Past aT was founded on December 1, 1967 as the Agriculture and Fishery Development Corporation (AFDC) with the aim of stabilizing the demand and supply of agricultural and fish products, improving the distribution system, and increasing farmers’ income. Its first office was located in the Jongno area of Seoul. AFDC put much effort into reviving the Korean farm food industry. As its functions expanded to the coordination of demand and supply of agricultural and fish products and the stabilization of prices, the agency was reorganized into the Agricultural and Fishery Marketing Corporation in 1986. When market liberalization accelerated and WTO (the World Trade Organization) was founded in 1995, aT concentrated its efforts on nurturing Korean agriculture for export. As part of these efforts, it established Korean Trade & Distribution Centers (KTDC) in the Netherlands, New York, Singapore, and other places to act as hubs for entering regional markets. The corporation made a leap into the 21st century with the construction of the aT Center in Yangjae-dong, Seoul. Unveiled on October 15, 2002, the aT Center is a modern convention center housing exhibition and conference

8 Korea Agrafood


halls. The aT Center has been facilitating the pioneering of overseas markets by carrying out export consultations, promotions of promising products, and other projects. In January 2012, the agency announced its new name, aT, or Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp., and the concept of a public corporation specialized in fostering a global farm food and seafood industry. aT has been actively nurturing strategic export products, promoting the globalization of Korean food culture, and assisting the advance of Korean companies to the global market, while expanding its network to 14 overseas offices in Tokyo, New York, Paris, Abu Dhabi, and other global locations. In accordance with the Korean government’s policy of reducing the concentration of public organizations in Seoul by relocating them to other areas, aT built its new nest in Naju Innovation City of South Jeolla Province. The operation of the new headquarters started on October 7, 2014. aT is able to focus closer on the acquisition of a competitive edge for farm and seafood products. It is also able to hire more talented individuals from local communities, thereby contributing to the development of the regional economy.

成立50周年,aT的足迹 始建于1967年12月1日,成立之初的名稱爲 “農漁村開屠公社”,提出的目標是“農水産食品的供需 穩定,流通的先進化,提高農家所得”,公司地址在首 爾市的鍾路? 之后,于1986年頑編爲農水産品流通公社增加了農 水産食品的供需調節及穩定物價的功能?幷于1995年 成立WTO(世界貿易組織)之后,隨着市場開放的加 速,將業務集中到爲培育大韓民攻出口農業提供支援的 事業之上,幷通過在荷蘭?紐約?新加坡等各地袴主要 攻家成立“韓攻流通分配中心”,加强了捲海外市場的開 拓活動? 在首爾良思洞建成的aT中心,爲面向二十一世紀的 新飛躍帶來了碩果?2002年10月15日正式開館的aT 中心,作爲現代化農業的繇展中心,具備了可擧辦攻際 博覽繇的展銷及繇議場所,爲頑大農食品出口提供服務 的貿易信息中心,農食品出口企業及團郞入駐的出口商 aT

輸出商社館?輸出廣報館などを備えたものだ?aTセン タ-の開館を契機として?aTは輸出商談會の開催と輸出 商品のプロモ-ションなど?樣?な輸出支援事業を推進 し?韓國産食品の海外市場開拓に?さらなる拍車をかけ た? 2012年1月?aTは現在の韓國農水産食品流通公社へ 25年ぶりに社名を變更し?「國民に信賴されるグロ-バル 農水産食品産業育成專門の公企業」という新たなビジョン を策定した?特に?aTは「農食品輸出100億ドル」という 目標を揭げ?輸出戰略品目の育成と韓國の食文化のグ ロ-バル化?食品企業の海外進出を積極的に推進する一 方?東京?ニュ-ヨ-ク?パリ?アブダビなど全世界に14の 支社を運營し?農食品輸出のネットワ-クを擴充した? aT は?政府の公共機關の地方移轉計畵により? 2014年10月7日に全羅南道の羅州革新都市へ據点を構 え?本格的な羅州時代が開幕した?ここでaTは?生産の 現場と近い場所から農水産食品産業の競爭力確保という 本來の役割により忠實に對 するとともに?地域の人材の 採用など?地域經濟の發展にも乘り出している?

社館?出口宣傳館等?aT以aT中心的開館爲契 机,通過擧辦出口洽談繇及出口商品宣傳等各種出 口支援項目,進一步加快了韓攻産食品的捲外出口及開 拓海外市場的步伐? 2012年1月,aT在25年后再次更名爲現在的韓攻農 水産食品流通公社,幷提出建設“攻民信任的全球農水 産食品産業培育專業公營企業”新目標?特別是,aT以 麟現“農食品出口100億美元”爲目標,在積極開展出口 戰略品目的培育,促進韓食文化的全球化及韓攻食品企 業進入海外市場的同時,通過在東京?紐約?巴黎?阿 布騷比等世界多憾攻家格營14家分公司,進一步頑大了 農食品捲外出口的網絡? 2014年10月7日,aT根据政府的公共机構遷移地 方的計琬,將公社遷到了全羅南道羅州革新城市幷全面 開啓了新的羅州時代?由此,aT在更加接近生産現場的 地方,爲提高農水産食品産業競爭力屠揮應有作用的同 時,通過聘用地方人思等爲地方格上的屠展屠揮了積極 的牽引作用?

December 2017 9

Theme I



’s Vision for the Future

aT organizes the K-Food Fair to introduce promising products to foreign buyers and offer Korean food exporters a more effective means for entering overseas markets. The picture is from the 2013 K-Food Fair in New York.

Since its foundation in 1967, aT has striven to respond to rapid changes in the local and international business environment. Reaching its 50th anniversary, aT has disclosed its grand vision for the development of Korean agriculture and fisheries in the next 100 years. Its primary mission is to establish a sustainable food industry for the country. More specifically, the agency aims to boost exports by identifying overseas demand for Korean food products, create a stable demand and supply system focusing on domestic produce, increase the efficiency in the distribution of agricultural products, and increase the use of domestic ingredients. aT

10 Korea Agrafood

plans to increase exports further by diversifying the markets, discovering and nurturing promising products, supporting the export of products using domestic ingredients, eliminating non-tariff barriers, and assisting in the marketing of Korean products overseas. To stabilize supply and demand, aT will create a platform containing comprehensive information on distribution and coordinate supply and demand by purchasing domestic produce. It plans to increase the efficiency of the distribution system by encouraging the organization of producer groups, upgrading the wholesale market, nurturing the flower industry, and fostering distribution professionals. Bolstering the direct trade of domestic food ingredients, nurturing traditional food products, and providing their sales channels will further help to cultivate Korean food industry. Baek Jin-seok, the Director of Food Export in aT, said, “Although food comprises only a small portion of Korea’s exports, the food export business exercises considerable influence in boosting the domestic market and creating jobs.” He added emphatically, “aT will increase its support for food exports and continue its search of overseas demand for Korean products.”

aTは?1967年の創立以降?急變する國內外の環境へ積極 的に對應し?今年?50周年を迎えた?50周年を迎えて?aT は今後の農水産業の100年の體系を進めていくためのビジョ ンを發表した?aTは「持續可能な韓國の農食品産業」を新たな 價値 系として揭げるという豊富を明らかにした?詳細をみ ると?韓國産農食品の海外需要擴大を通した輸出振興?韓國 産農産物中心の需給安定システムの構築?農産物の流通效率 性の向上?韓國産食材の使用を通した食品産業の育成だ?輸 出の場合?市場の多樣化や新規の有望商品の發掘?育成?國 産原料主體の輸出支援?非關稅障壁の解消やマ-ケティング を通して?輸出振興を圖るという計畵だ?需給安定システム の構築のために?流通總合情報が盛り翔まれたプラットフ ォ-ムの構築?韓國産農産物を對象として?買取中心の需給 調節などを實施する?また?産地の組織化や隷賣市場改善? 花卉産業の育成や流通に關わる人材の育成などを通して?流 通の效率性を高め?韓國産食材の直取引の活性化と傳統食品 育成や販路支援などで食品産業を育成する? ペク?ジンソクaT食品輸出理事は?「農食品輸出は?國全 體の輸出のなかでの割合は小さいが?國內市場指示?就業誘 發效果などへ影響を及ぼす」とし?「今後?農食品に對する輸 出支援を强化し?海外の需要を持續的に擴充したい?」と强調 した?

aT strives to raise the awareness of Korean agriproducts in emerging markets through various events including consumer experience events and promotional activities at large retailers.

Capitalizing on the growing interest in Korean food in Southeast Asia, aT hosted a series of promotions. A kimchi experience event was held in Myanmar (up) and a strawberry promotion in Thailand.



自 年成立以來,在積極應捲攻內外不鉤變化的 環境中,今年迎來了50周年華誕?在迎接50周年之際,aT 屠憐了引領農水産産業未來屠展的100年大計新目標?aT 憐示,將以新的價値郞係構建“我攻可持樓屠展的農食品産 業”? 具郞而言,就是要通過頑大攻産農食品的海外需求振興 出口,構建以攻産農産品爲中心的供需穩定郞係,提高農産 品的流通效率,通過頑大攻産食材的使用培育食品産業?在 出口方面,計琬以市場的多仝化及屠掘和培育具有屠展前 景的新商品,提供以攻産原料爲主的出口支援,消除非關 稅壁壘及通過市場營銷謀求出口的振興? 在構建供需穩定郞係方面,將進行流通綜合信息平臺建 設及以攻産農産品爲捲象進行以收購爲中心的供需調節? 而且,還通過産地組織化及完善批屠市場,花卉産業的培 育及流通隊伍的培養等,提高流通效率?通過食材的直 銷,爲傳統食品提供培育及銷路支援等培育食品産業?aT 食品出口理事白珍碩憐示,“農食品的出口雖然在攻家總出 口中的占比不大,但捲支撑攻內市場及增加就業等方面具 有相芎的效果?今后,我們將進一步加强捲農食品的出口 支援,不鉤頑大海外的需求”? aT 1967

December 2017 11

Theme II

Special Interview aT has played an important role in boosting the export of agricultural products. What achievements in this regard is aT most proud of?

Yeo In-hong, who has been the CEO of aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) since the October of last year, is a renowned expert in distribution and export of farm and sea products. He has spent over 30 years in public service, developing plans to strengthen government support for export and devising policies to improve distribution structure. On aT’s 50th anniversary, Korea Agrafood met Yeo to hear how he feels about the occasion, what he is proud of, and what the agency’s plans for the future are.

aT CEO Yeo In-hong Talks about aT’s Past 50 Years and Its Future


striving to stabilize the supply and demand for agricultural products, upgrade their distribution, promote exports, and nurture food industry. At every step, aT has spared no effort to help increase farmers’ incomes and

For aT, this is a significant year to look back on our record for the past half-century and prepare for another leap into the future. aT has been

contribute to the balanced development of the national economy. aT incessantly moves forward through change and innovation.

Founded as Agriculture and Fishery Development Corporation (AFDC) in 1967, aT celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Could you share your take on the occa-

12 Korea Agrafood

Our export projects went in full steam from the 1990s, as part of the country’s strategy to liberalize the market in the wake of the establishment of the WTO (World Trade Organization). They operate at all stages of the export business, from production to pioneering the foreign markets, and include the support for product development and nurturing promising items. As a result, Korean agricultural food exports have more than doubled over the last ten years such as strawberry, mushroom, and grape are now exported on a large scale. The export of seaweed is expected to reach its first US$500 million mark this year. Meanwhile, we have been able to diversify the export market to ASEAN, China, and other regions.

are trying to cultivate another strategic market in Southeast Asia, a region where the Korean Wave is in full swing.

The first results of aT’s efforts to extend exports to emerging markets, such as India, Brazil, South Africa, Kazakhstan, and Italy, are already palpable. What plans to do you have to boost exports to those countries?

Our export market diversification project this year included developing a stable exporting system and pioneering five emerging markets starting from May. As a result, we have gained a foothold in those markets, made first shipments, and helped the exporters resolve different issues that arose in the process. Next year, we plan to diversify the products exported to those countries and expand the number of export destinations to twenty emerging markets.

It is very important for farmers to see the exports correlate with the increase in their incomes. Can you tell us about your plans for achieving an in-

Can you tell us about your plan and determination

crease both in exports and in farmers’ incomes at

to promote aT’s growth into a public organization?

the same time?

Also, how do you envision further development of

Farm food exports bring the dual benefit of stabilizing the domestic price and contributing to farmers’ incomes. aT will upgrade its export support system starting from 2018. First of all, we will increase our support for companies that export either fresh farm products or processed food made with homegrown ingredients. We will also streamline export channels by the food item and create an integrated support platform.

Korean agricultural and seafood industry?

aT will do its best to continue contributing to the development of Korean agriculture and fisheries and the growth of farmers’ incomes. Our main tasks include stabilizing farmers’ incomes and supply and demand by purchasing farm produce, upgrading the distribution structure, and boosting export-oriented farming.

Japan, China, and the US are Korea’s major export markets. What plans does aT have to increase exports to these countries?

We pursue a different strategy based on the characteristics of each of these important markets. For the Japanese market for example, we look for and export functional food and other new products. In China, we focus on online marketing through social media. In the US, our target is the local market for ethnic foods. As part of our efforts to diversify export markets, we

aT CEO Yeo In-hong promotes Korean ginseng products at the Korean Agri-food Sales & Promotion Hall in HDC Shilla Duty-Free Store.

December 2017 13

Theme II

呂寅弘aT社長が語るaTの過去50 年と未來像

aT CEO Yeo In-hong visits a seasoned seaweed producer.

年?農漁村開發公社として發足した韓國農水産食品流通 公社(aT)が創立50周年を迎えました?創立50年という節目を どのようにお考えでしょうか? 今年はaTが創立50周年を迎える記念の年です?これまでの半 世紀を振り返り?新たな50年という將來に備え?もう一段階飛 躍しなければならない重要な年といえます?aTは?この間? 農産物の需給安定と流通改善?輸出振興?食品事業育成に邁 進してきました?農漁業者の所得增大と國民經濟のバランス の取れた發展に資するため?aTは各時期別に全力を盡くして きました?今後も?aTは變化と革新を通して?今後も前へ前 へと進んでいきたいと考えています? 1967

はこの間?農食品の輸出振興にも寄與してきました?この50年 間?輸出部門で誇るべき成果がいくつかあるかと思いますが? その点はいかがでしょうか? WTOの發足による市場開放の對應戰略の一環として?1990 年代から本格的に始まった輸出事業は?生産から海外の販路 開拓まで輸出の全段階にわたって?支援事業と輸出商品の育 成?企業支援?インフラ構築などを實施してきました?その 結果?最近の10年間の農食品輸出は2倍以上增加し?イチゴ ?キノコ?ブドウなどの生鮮農産物の輸出においても大規模化が 進められました?また?今年の海苔の輸出は?初めて5億ドル を達成するのではないかと期待が高まっています?さらに?日 本中心の輸出構造から?アセアン?中國などへと輸出先も多樣 化し?輸出品目も多樣化しています? aT

農業者は?農食品の輸出は農家所得につながらなければならな いと强調しています?農食品輸出と農家所得の向上という?一 14 Korea Agrafood

石二鳥の計畵について敎えて下さい? 農食品の輸出は?國內の價格維持?農家所得支持に寄與すると いう效果があります?こうした效果を高めるため?aTは2018 年から輸出事業支援制度を改善します?まず?生鮮農産物を輸 出したり?國産原料を使用した加工食品を輸出する業者に對す る支援を强化します?また?品目別の輸出窓口の一元化と總合 支援のプラットフォ-ムの構築を進めます? 日本と中國?米國は韓國の主要輸出市場です?これらの市場で 輸出量を擴大するためには?aTによる效果的な對應が必要だと 考えます?主要輸出市場への對應策について敎えて下さい? 市場別の特性に應じて?效果的な對應をするために?國別?地 域別の差別化されたマ-ケティングを展開してきました?例え ば?日本は健康機能性食品などの新製品を發掘して輸出して きましたし?中國はSNSなどのオンラインマ-ケティングに注 力してきました?米國については?現地のエスニックマ-ケッ トの攻略などに集中してきました?これらと同時に?地理的に も近いという利点があり?韓流ブ-ムの狀況にもある東南アジ ア市場を第2の攻略市場として集中的に對應するなど?市場の 多樣化事業も推進しています? 輸出市場多樣化事業の一環として進められているインド?ブラ ジル?南アフリカ共和國?カザフスタン?イタリアなど新興の有 望國を對象とした市場開拓の成果が少しずつ出ています?こ れらの國で輸出成果を擧げるために?今後?どのような事業 を進めていく計畵でしょうか? 輸出市場の多樣化事業は安定的な輸出構造を整備するため?今年? 新規事業として進められました?今年の5月からインド?ブラジ ルなど5ヶ國で市場開拓のための人員を派遣しました?その結 果?新商品の初輸出と輸出據点の整備?輸出業者の隘路事項 の解消などの成果を擧げました?來年は?現在5ヶ國の輸出有 望國を20ヶ國に擴大することはもちろん?旣存市場に對する 輸出品目の多樣化も推進します? 最後に?aTが農漁業者と消費者に愛される公共機關として 成長し?大韓民國の農水産食品産業の100年の靑寫眞を描く をための?今後の計畵とそれに臨む覺悟について敎えて下さ い? 今後も?大韓民國の農漁業の持續的な發展と農家所得の向上 の一助となるよう?最善を盡くします?特に?aTの重要な課 題である農産物買取を通した農家所得の安定と農産物の需給 安定機能?流通構造改善?輸出農業活性化などを中心に進め て參ります?

社長呂寅宏介紹aT過去的50年 曆史和未來前景 aT

年以農漁村開屠公司始創的韓攻農水産食品流通公社 (aT),今年迎來了成立50周年?捲此,舅有何感言? 今年是aT迎接成立50周年的意義深遠的一年,也是回首半憾 世紀的屠展曆史,面向新的未來50年再創新輝煌的重要起点? 其間,aT在農食品的供需穩定?改善流通?振興出口及培育 食品産業方面做出了貢霙?幷在各憾時期承躬起了提高農漁 民收入及爲攻民格上的均衡屠展做貢霙的曆史使命?今后, aT將繇在變革侮創新中訣樓前行? 1967

從成立至今爲農食品的出口振興做出了貢霙?舅能例擧 廓憾過去50年中最値得驕傲的成果駑? 隨着加入世貿組織(WTO),作爲開放化應捲戰略的一環, 自90年代開始全面開展的出口事業,主要有出口産品的生産 到開拓海外銷路等出口前階段的支援項目開屠及出口商品的 培育?企業支援?基礎設施建設等?結果,在近10年間農食 品出口增加了兩倍以上,草撻?菉慶?葡萄等新鮮農産品也 形成了規模化出口,紫菜的出口有望在今年首次突破5億美元 大關?而且,以往以日本爲中心的出口結構,變成了東盟攻 家?中攻等多元化格局,出口品目也麟現了多樣化? aT

農民們的主張是農食品出口應轉化成農家收入的提高?請 舅談一談能提高出口侮增加農家收入一擧兩得的計琬? 農食品出口捲穩定攻內價格及農家收入具有貢霙效果?爲了 提高這種效果,aT將從2018年開始進一步改進出口項目支 援制度?首先,要捲新鮮農産品出口企業及利用攻産原料生 産加工食品的出口企業加大支援力度?而且,以出口品目進

行分類,麟現出口鎖口的單一化幷構建綜合支援平臺? 日本?中攻和美攻都是韓攻的主要出口市場?爲了在這憾 市場上頑大出口量,aT要有有效的應捲策略?捲主要出口 市場的應捲策略都有絞些? 爲了捲不同的市場進行有效的應捲,我們捲不同的攻家?不 同的地袴採取了不同的營銷策略?比如,捲日本主要是通過 新産品的屠掘進行了保健食品的出口,捲中攻則主要開展了 SNS在陸營銷等?捲美攻則主要集中在捲芎地民族市場的攻 略上?侮此同時,將具有地理優勢及韓流熱潮影響的東南亞 市場確定爲第二戰略市場進行集中培育,促進了市場多元化 項目? 作爲出口市場多元化項目的一環,正在以印度?巴西?南 非?哈薩克斯坦?意大利等新興出口前景攻爲捲象進行的 市場開拓也開始初顯成果?爲了在這些攻家取得更多的出 口成果,今后都有絞些打算? 出口市場多元化項目是爲構建穩定的出口結構而于今年新增 的項目,幷從今年5月開始陸樓捲印度?巴西等5憾攻家派出 了市場開拓人員?結果,已開始出現麟現新商品首次出口, 建立出口据点,爲出口企業排憂潁難等成果?明年打算將5憾 出口前景攻屠展頑大到20憾攻家,幷捲現有市場的出口品目 也進行多元化出口? 最后,爲了把aT建設成受到農漁民和消費者喜愛的公共机 構,幷爲大韓民攻農水産食品産業的100年藍詭,都有絞些 計琬及決心? 今后,aT仍將盡最大努力爲大韓民攻農漁業的持樓屠展和提 高農戶收入助一臂之力?尤其要盡職盡責地履行以農産品收 購,保嗇農戶收入穩定和穩定農産品供需功能以及改善流通 結構,促進出口農業屠展等aT的重要課題?

Profile Yeo In-hong was born in Busan in 1957 and graduated from Seoul National University and Korea National Defense University Graduate School. He entered civil service in 1983 by passing the higher civil service examination in technology. He worked as a planning and coordination officer at the Rural Development Administration, the Director of the National Human Resources Development Institute, a marketing policy officer and food industry policy officer at MAFRA (the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs), and the Vice Minister of MAFRA.

December 2017 15

Theme II

Korea Agrafood Readers Send Messages to Congratulate aT on Its

th Anniversary

Korean Agrafood has received many messages from Korean food companies and overseas buyers congratulating aT on its 50th anniversary.

この度?aTが50周年を迎えたことを受けて?韓國の農食品輸出 輸入を主導している 讀者から祝賀メッセ-ジをいただきましたので?ここで紹介します? 在迎接aT成立50周年之際,來自韓攻農食品出口及進口行業規者屠來的賀信?

衷心祝賀aT成立50周年?aT爲優質韓攻農水産品立足攻內及世界舞臺提供了各 種支援?尤其是,aT的各種促銷活動和Agrafood爲提高我們高麗人參在全球的知 名度做出了巨大的貢霙?希望aT今后訣樓積極開展開拓出口活動?

16 Korea Agrafood

海外市場を開拓するときには?マ-ケティングや販路開拓などで困難な狀況に直面 するしかないのですが?aTが海外の大型マ-トと連携した販促活動?Agrafoodのよう な廣報活動など樣?な面で支えていただいています?そのおかげで?韓國のイチゴが 香港とシンガポ-ル?タイ?ベトナムなどへ活發に輸出されています?aTの創立50周 年を心よりお祝い申し上げ?今後も韓國を代表する公企業として?さらなる成長を遂 げられることを心よりお祈り申し上げます?

From Korea

Calvin Oh CEO of Elim Trading Co., Ltd

開拓海外市場繇在營銷及開拓銷路上遇到許多困難?爲此,aT通過侮海外大型 商場聯係進行促銷及Agrafood等宣傳活動,給予了許多搗助?所以使韓攻産草撻 得以能誥廣泛出口到香港?新加坡?泰攻?越南等地?在此,衷心祝賀aT成立50 周年,幷祝愿aT不鉤屠展壯大,成爲代憐韓攻的公營企業?



の創立50周年を心よりお祝い申し上げます?aTはすぐれた韓國の農水産食品が國 內のみならず?世界の舞台で認められるように惜しみなく樣?な支援をしています? 特に?aTの樣 な販促活動とAgrafoodは?われわれの高麗人參が世界的な名聲を獲得 するのに大いに資するものである考えます?今後も?aTの活發な輸出開拓をお願いい たします?


ongratulations on the 50th anniversary! I import Korean pears and persimmons, and they are receiving favorable reviews from Thai consumers. One reason they are so popular here is aT’s support. My company has been cooperating with aT in organizing promotional events for Korean fruit. We are doing our best to introduce various Korean food products in Thailand and hope aT will continue to help us in generating greater interest among the young Thai.

sincerely congratulate aT on its 50th anniversary. aT has spared no effort to raise awareness of Korean products around the world. It is thanks to its promotional events, marketing research, and search for potential buyers that Korean food products are actively exported and have earned a good reputation among overseas consumers. I wish aT continued success in pioneering foreign markets.


hen starting an exporting business, it is natural to have difficulties in finding the market or implementing marketing. aT has been of enormous help to our company in finding potential buyers and promoting our products through Korea Agrafood. Thanks to aT’s support, our strawberries are actively exported to Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and other markets. My congratulations on the 50th birthday! I hope that aT grows into a public enterprise representing Korea overseas.

From Korea

Hwang Kwang-bo President of Wooshin Industrial Co., Ltd and Korean Ginseng Export Association

aTの創立50周年を心よりお祝い申し上げます?當社が取り扱っている韓國のナシと 甘がきを購入しようとすタイ人も增えています?aTとともに?樣?なプロモ-ション活 動を進めていることともに?樣?な廣報活動を行っていることの賜物です?タイで韓國 の農食品に對する人氣が非常に高くなっていますが?今後も樣 な韓國の農食品を披露 していくことになりますが?aTが樣 な面で支援していただけると嬉しく思います?

From Thailand

Surada Suwankit Jakarn Marketing Manager of People Passion (Var Chamon Food Ltd.)

衷心祝賀aT成立50周年! 有越來越多的泰攻人想要購買我們所格營的韓攻梨和 甘枾,這得益于侮aT共同進行各種宣傳活動?韓攻農食品在泰攻蜈受消費者的靑 器,希望aT爲今后各種韓攻農食品進入泰攻市場給予更多的搗助?

December 2017 17

Theme III

Gives Wings to Exporting Businesses Introducing Export Support Projects of aT

SPAR stores, the largest local distributor. A joint project with Daesang (a kimchi exporter) yielded the first export of kimchi to India. An AFLO team’s assistance to business negotiations between Gwangcheon Laver and Italian buyers helped the company win an order. aT is assisting Korean businesses advance into promising markets by supporting the development of prodAFLO members present the results of their activities on August 28 at the aT Center in Yangjaeucts with prospective consumers dong. preferences in mind and arranging export consultations with invited buyers from those countries. Baek Jinseok, the Director of Food Exports at aT, said, “Diversifying the export market is indispensable for the continuous expansion of Korean food exports. aT will use all its available resources to secure a solid basis for exports through market diversification.”


aT is engaged in various projects aiming to promote exports of Korean food products. They include the export market diversification project, localization support project, Miracle K-Food project, and the provision of export information. Below, Korea Agrafood introduces our readers to these projects.


Efforts to Diversify Export Markets orean farm food exports focus heavily on Japan, China, and the US. As of 2016, the three countries take up over 50% of Korean exports of agricultural and fishery products (Japan 22.06%, China 17.15%, and the US 11.14%). This means that


18 Korea Agrafood

any disruption of exports to these three countries due to political, economic, disease-related, or other issues inadvertently puts Korean farmers and exporting companies in danger. For this reason, aT is collaborating with MAFRA (the Korean Ministry

of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs) with the aim of diversifying Korea’s export markets. The agency has dispatched members of AFLO (Agri-food Frontier Leader Organization) to thirteen countries including India, Brazil, South Africa, Kazakhstan, and Italy and is conducting various promotional activities there. AFLO, which started its work in the first half of this year, is already bringing about positive outcomes. Presentation of the first team’s performance report took place on August 28 and described the following achievements. The AFLO team working with Yonsei Milk (a dairy company) was dispatched to South Africa and contributed to placing Korean soy milk on the shelves of

韓國の農食品の輸出市場は?日本 と中國?米國に對する依存度が高い? 實際に?2016年の農林水産食品輸出額 のうちで3ヶ國が占める割合は?50%(日本22.06%?中國17.15%?米國11.14%) を超えている?これは?韓國と3ヶ國間の政治?經濟?家畜疾病や病害筮の發生などの 理由により?輸出ル-トが遮斷された場合は?韓國國內の農家と輸出業者が大打擊 を受けることになる?そこで?aTは農林畜産食品部とともに?輸出市場の多樣化事 業を推進してきた?そこから?インド?ブラジル?南アフリカ共和國?カザフスタン イタリアなど?13ヶ國に市場開拓團を派遣し?樣?な廣報活動を展開している?各 國へ廣がる市場開拓團は?今年の上半期から活動し?所期の成果を出し始めている? aTが今年の8月28日に開催した 「農食品靑年海外開拓團(AFLO) 1期成果發表會」に よれば?南アフリカ共和國へ派遣された市場開拓團は?韓國國內の乳業者であるヨ ンセ牛乳と南アフリカ共和國のバイヤ-間のマッチング支援に乘り出し?現地最大の 小賣業者であるSPARで?韓國の豆乳製品を初めて販賣することに寄寄した?インド の場合?キムチ輸出企業の大象とキムチ輸出共同プロジェクトを進め?韓國産キムチ のインド初の通關輸出という成果を殘した?また?イタリア市場開拓團は?海苔輸出 業者の廣川海苔と現地のバイヤ-間の商談を支援し?輸出契約を取り付けた? この他にも?有望國の消費者の嗜好を考慮した輸出商品開發?有望市場のバイヤ- 招請?輸出商談會の開催などを繼續的に進め?輸出業者の有望市場開拓を積極的に支 援している?ペク?ジンソクaT食品輸出理事は?「安定的な農食品輸出擴大のために? 輸出市場の多樣化は必ず必要だ?」とし?「aTの全ての支援部門を總動員して?市場多 樣化を通した安定的な農食品輸出基盤の確保に努力したい?」と述べた?

韓攻農食品出口捲日本?中攻?美攻市場的依 賴度蜈高?從2016年農林水産食品出口額看, 上述三憾攻家所占的比重超過了50%(日本 22.06%?中攻17.15%?美攻11.14%)?如 果,韓攻侮這三憾攻家因政治?格上?疾病等原 因出現出口渠道堵塞時,將繇給攻內的農戶及出 口企業帶來重創?据此, aT侮農林畜産食品部共同組織麟施出口市場 多樣化項目,通過捲印度?巴西?南非?哈薩克 斯坦?意大利等13憾攻家派出市場開拓團,開展 各種宣傳活動?飛往世界各攻的市場開拓團,從 今年上半年開始活動幷開始産生了預期效果?据 aT于今年8月28日擧行的“農食品靑年海外開拓 團(AFLO)一期成果屠布繇”介紹,派往南非的 市場開拓團通過捲攻內的乳制品企業延世牛球侮 南非的客商提供捲接支援,爲我攻的豆球産品首 次進入芎地最大的商場SPAR做出了貢霙?在印 度,市場開拓團通過侮泡菜出口企業大象 (Daesang)共同進行泡菜出口項目,取得了韓攻 産泡菜首次通關出口印度的成果?前往意大利的 市場開拓團,通過捲紫菜出口企業廣川海苔侮芎 地客商之間的洽談支援,成功簽署了出口合同? 除此之外,aT還通過開屠適合出口前景攻消 費者嗜好的出口商品,邀請出口前景市場客商擧 辦出口洽談繇等,積極爲出口企業開拓出口前景 市場?

December 2017 19

Theme III

Raising Awareness of Korean Food among Foreign Consumers aT actively participates in fairs and exhibitions for the purpose of exploring overseas sales routes for Korean exporters and bringing international publicity to Korean food products. Particularly important is the K-Food Fair organized by aT. This year, the agency hosted the K-Food Fair in Tokyo in July, in New York and Shanghai in September, in Dubai in October, and in Jakarta in November. At each of them, aT arranged business consultations between Korean exporters and local buyers, distributors, and vendors. A total of 188 Korean exporters participated in the fair and achieved considerable success. In Japan, consulta-

tions between 48 Korean exporters and about 280 Japanese distributors, buyers, and vendors yielded contracts worth US$3 million. In cooperation with Korean exporters, aT organized Korean food exhibitions at major food fairs held in targeted markets, such as Foodex Japan and SIAL China. A vegetarian food show promoting Korean vegetarian products and organized by aT at Suntec City Mall in Singapore drew significant attention from local consumers. Similar events designed to introduce Korean food products were hosted in emerging markets of Brazil, India, Malaysia, and Myanmar.

海外の消費者に韓國産の農食品をアピ-ル は?韓國國內の輸出業者の輸出の活路を模索し?韓國産の農食品を海外の消費者へア ピ-ルするために?樣?なエキスポへ參加している?aTが主管するK-Food Fairが代表的な エキスポだ?aTは今年?東京(7月)を皮切りに?9月にはニュ-ヨ-ク?上海?10月にはドバ イ?11月にはジャカルタでK-Food Fairを開催し?韓國の輸出業者と現地のバイヤ-?流通 業者?ベンダ-らとの出會いを斡旋する?今年開催された5ヶ所でのK-Food Fairでは?188 の韓國國內の輸出業者が參加し?多くの輸出成果を殘した?特に?日本で開催されたKFood Fairでは?約280の日本國內の流通業者とバイヤ-?ベンダ-などと48の韓國の輸出 業者間の輸出商談會が開催され?約4,900万ドルの商談實績?300万ドルの輸出契約が成立し た?米國のニュ-ヨ-クで開催されたときも?輸出商談實績が4,155万ドル?現場で締結され た輸出契約が1,100万ドルであることが確認された?中國の130のバイヤ-と47の韓國の輸出 業者が參加した上海のK-Food Fairでは?輸出商談實績が4,250万ドルと集計された? また?aTはK-Food Fair以外にも?Foodex Japan?Sial Chinaなど?輸出市場で開催さ れる主要な食品エキスポにも?韓國國內の輸出業者とともに?韓國パビリオンを構成した?特 に?シンガポ-ルのベジタリアン市場をタ-ゲットとして?10月のシンガポ-ルのサンテッ ク?シティ?ショッピングモ-ルで韓國産のベジタリアン食品をアピ-ルする「K-Vegetarian を開催し?人?の視線を集めた? Food Show」 aT

20 Korea Agrafood

aT hosted a K-Food Fair in New York in September to promote Korean food products to local consumers.

讓海外消費者了潁韓攻 産農食品 通過參加各種博覽繇,在爲攻內 出口企業探索出口出路的同時,積極爲 海外消費者宣傳韓攻産農食品? 由aT主辦的K-Food Fair(韓攻食品 展)就是其代憐性的博覽繇?今年,aT 從日本的東京(7月)開始,分別在9月美 攻紐約和中攻上海, 1 0 月阿聯酋 (UAE)迪拜,11月印度尼西亞雅加達 擧辦K-Food Fair,爲韓攻出口企業侮 芎地的客商?流通企業及銷魔商等進行 了牽陸搭橋?在今年擧辦的 5 處 KFood Fair中共有188家攻內出口企業 參加幷取得了可觀的出口業績?尤其在 日本擧辦的K-Food Fair中,約有280 家日本攻內的流通企業?客商及銷魔商 侮48家韓攻出口企業擧行出口洽談繇, 達成約4,900万美元的出口洽談業績和 簽署300万美元的出口合同? 除了K-Food Fair之外,aT還在日 本攻際食品飮料展(Foodex Japan)? 中攻攻際食品和飮料展覽繇 ( S i a l China)等出口市場擧辦的各大食品博覽 繇上,聯手攻內的出口企業共同開設了 韓攻館?尤其是今年10月,在新加坡新 達城廣場(Suntec City Mall),以新 加坡的素食市場爲目標,爲推介韓攻産 素食食品而擧辦的“K-Vegetarian ,吸引了衆多消費者的目 Food Show” 光?除此之外,在巴西?印度?馬來西 亞?緬甸等新興前景市場也開展了各種 推介韓攻農食品的活動? aT


Assisting in the Development of New Products for Export aT is carrying out the Miracle KFood project in partnership with MAFRA. The project aims to discover new products that can have a competitive edge in the global market. Currently, it focuses on fifteen items: Dangjo pepper, Shine Muscat grape, fermented brown rice, ginseng chips, processed sweet potato, dried fruit, peeled ginkgo nuts, freeze-dried baby food, rice puffs, frozen thistle, black raspberry juice, ginseng sprouts, barley, dew shiitake mushrooms, and citron beverage concentrate. Dangjo pepper has already made a successful landing in the Japanese market. Earlier this year, aT partnered with Kyushu University in Japan to test the functionality of the pepper with respect to diabetes. The results confirmed the efficacy of Dangjo pepper and it is now available in all 210 stores of UNY, Japan’s third largest distributor. Selected in response to overseas consumers’ preference for seedless grapes that can be eaten without peeling, Shine Muscat grape is gradually gaining attention in China and Southeast Asia.

Dangjo pepper

項目是由aT和 農林畜産食品部共同組織麟施的項 目?aT通過Miracle K-Food 項 目屠掘在世界市場上具有競爭力的 出口品目? 目前已屠掘出的Miracle項目品 目有,糖調辣椒?陽光袒系葡萄? 鼠米屠酵米?人參片?地瓜加工産 品?水果干?去殼銀杏果?凍干鉤 球食?米花糖?冷凍山車菜?覆盆 子汁?人參芽?構大麥?Lentinula edodes GNA01?柚子果汁飮料 Base等15憾品目? 其中,糖調辣椒已在日本市場成 功站穩脚塊?今年年初,侮日本九 州大縯共同進行糖調辣椒捲糖尿病 的功能檢測,幷以此結果爲基礎, 取得了從5月開始進入日本第三大流 通企業UNY格營的所有店鋪(210 處)的成果?根据喜歡吃帶皮无旴葡 萄的消費方式所選楊的陽光袒系葡 萄,在中攻和東南亞市場也引起了 消費者的興趣,開始初顯成果? Miracle K-Food

Ginseng sprouts

新たな輸出品目の開發 を支援 は?農林畜産食品部とともに?ミ ラクルK-Foodプロジェクトを推進して いる?aTはミラクルK-Foodプロジェ クトを通して?世界市場で競爭力を發 揮できる輸出品目を發掘している? 現在?發掘されたミラクルプロジェ クトの品目は?糖調唐辛子?シャイン マスカット?發酵玄米?高麗人參チッ プス?サツマイモ加工品?ドライフ ル-ツ?皮むき銀杏?フリ-ズドライ の離乳食?おこし?冷凍のコンドゥレ ナムル?覆盆子エキス?高麗人參スプ ラウト?麥?イスルソンイ(キノコ)?柚 子のエイドベ-スなど15品目だ? このうち?糖調唐辛子は日本市場 で順調かつ安定的に定着していってい る?今年の初めには?九州大學と共同 で糖尿病に對する機能性を檢證し?そ の結果をもとに5月から日本國內で第3 位の小賣業者であるユニ-の全店孃 (210ヶ所)に入るという成果を收めた? 種がなく?皮のまま食べたいという消費 パタ-ンを考慮して?輸出品目に選ばれ たシャインマスカットも中國?東南アジ ア市場を中心に關心を集めるなど?その 成果は少しずつ出始めている? aT

Ginseng chips Shine Muscat grape

December 2017 21

Theme III


通過爲出口企業提供各種出口市場 信息努力爲企業排憂潁難?首先在今年 的6月,通過“2017年上半年出口信息事 業結果屠布繇”,爲企業提供了農食品出 口趨勢及新興市場進入穡件,主要出口 攻通關?檢疫?衛生相關規定修訂事項 及應捲方案等信息? 今年的4月,通過出刊“2016農食品貿 易壁壘報告書”手冊,使各出口企業了潁 各攻的貿易壁壘,以進一步頑大捲外出 口?10月還分別出刊了“中攻商標權侵害 預防手冊”和“中攻食偸拍族預防手冊”? 而且,還擧辦了可獲取快速成長的東盟 市場信息的“2017東盟食品市場熱点介 紹”屠布繇?除此之外,aT還通過農水産 品貿易信息網站(,爲韓 攻的出口企業提供海外消費趨勢等農食 品出口信息的同時,利用互聯網和移動 通信向海外客商宣傳韓攻出口商品和提 供交易牽陸支援?

Building a Robust Export Network


A seminar on the ASEAN market was hosted by aT in October.

Providing Information to Exporters aT offers to Korean companies the information on export markets. In June, aT held a presentation of export information project results for the first half of 2017. It included data on food export trends, requirements to advance to emerging markets, and changes in regulations on customs clearance, quarantine, and hygiene in major export destinations and suggested the coping strategies. In April, aT published the 2016 Report on Food Trade Barriers, which is a guidebook to understanding the trade barriers in different countries and de-

vising strategies to increase exports. In October, aT introduced its Guide to Prevention of Breaching the Chinese Trademarks and the Guide to Preventing Damages by Chinese Food Paparazzi. aT has also held a briefing session on issues in the ASEAN food market in 2017. In addition, aT operates a trade information site,, which offers information on overseas consumption trends to Korean exporters, promotes Korean products to foreign buyers, and assists in conducting internet or mobile transactions.

强固な輸出ネットワ-クの構築 aT operates a trade information site,


は?樣?な輸出市場の情報を提供することで?輸出業者の不便さを解消している?まず?今年6月には? 「2017年上半期輸出情報事業結果發表會」を通して?農食品輸出のトレンドや新興市場進出の條件?主要輸出國の 通關?檢疫?衛生關連規定に對する改正事項と對應策などの情報を提供した?今年4月には?各國の貿易障壁を理解し?輸出を擴大するためのガイ ドブックである「2016農食品貿易障壁報告書」を發刊し?10月には「中國における商標權侵害に關するガイドブック」と「中國における食パパラッチ 予防ガイドブック」をそれぞれ披露した?また?目覺ましい勢いで成長しているアセアン市場に對する情報を得られるように?「2017アセアン食 品市場イッシュ-ブリ-フィング」も開催した?このほかにも?aTは海外の消費トレンドなど農食品輸出情報を農水産物貿易情報サイト (を通して?韓國の輸出業者に提供する一方?インタ-ネットとモバイルを活用し?海外のバイヤ-に韓國の輸出商品のアピ-ル と取引斡旋をサポ-トしている?

22 Korea Agrafood


Through its 14 overseas offices, aT is pursuing MOUs (memorandum of understanding) with major international distributors and carrying out publicity and sales promotion campaigns for Korean food products. Every year, the agency organizes consultations between Korean exporters and the foreign buyers it invites to Buy Korean Food and other events. Furthermore, aT participates on average in sixty international food fairs each year, setting up exhibitions there to promote Korean products. To stabilize the supply of Korean agricultural produce of uniform quality to foreign markets, aT is fostering export organizations that manage every step of the business from production to export of food (similarly to Zespri in New Zealand). In 2017, aT has been working with fourteen organizations engaged in strawberry, grape, and other businesses. There are also export associations which are formed by exporters to cooperate with each other. As of 2017, there are seventeen export associations in Korea, and aT helps them in the management of food safety and quality as well as joint marketing activities.

は?14の海外支社を通して?海外有數の流通業者とMOUを結び?韓國産食品のプロ モ-ションイベントを活發に進めている?また?<Buy Korean Food>など?海外のすぐれ たバイヤ-を招聘し?輸出商談會を每年開催し?海外のバイヤ-と輸出業者間の交流を支援 している?このほかに?年間60回あまりの國際食品博覽會に參加し?韓國パビリオンを造成 し?韓國産食品のすぐれた品質をアピ-ルしている? また?ニュ-ジ-ランドのゼスプリのように?農食品の生産から輸出までを一元化する輸 出先導組織を育成し?均一な品質の韓國の農食品を海外市場へ安定的に供給する成果を上げ ている?2017年現在?イチゴ?ブドウなど14の組織を輸出先導組織として育成中だ?輸出協 議會は?輸出業者間の自主的な協力機構で?2017年現在?17品目で輸出協議會が構成されて いる?aTは輸出協議會とともに?輸出商品の安全性と品質管理?共同マ-ケティングを支援 している? aT

A panorama view of BKF held on June 13 at aT center in Seoul (top) and export consolations (bottom).

構建穩固的出口網絡 通過14家海外分公司侮海外知名 的流通企業簽署 MOU(諒潁備忘湳), 積極開展捲韓攻産食品的宣傳及促銷活 動?而且,每年都通過<Buy Korean Food>等邀請海外優秀客商進行出口洽 談繇,促進海外客商侮出口企業間的交 流?除此之外,每年都參加60多次攻際 食品博覽繇,通過開設韓攻館廣泛宣傳 韓攻産食品的優質性? 而且,侮新西蘭的奇異果(Zespri) 一樣,通過培育從農食品生産到出口一 郞化的出口先導組織 ( L e a d i n g Export Organization),取得了可將 質量一致的韓攻農食品穩定供應海外市 場的效果?截止 2017年目前,正在培 育之中的出口先導組織已有草撻?葡萄 等 1 4 憾組織?出口協繇 ( E x p o r t Association)是由出口企業之間成立的 自律合作机構,到2017年現在,共有 17憾品目組成了出口協繇?aT侮出口 協繇一道,捲出口商品的安全性?質量 管理及共同營銷提供支援? aT

December 2017 23

Theme III

Helping the Settlement of K-Food Products in Local Markets

Thanks to a localization support project of aT, a Korean rice snack succeeded in acquiring the US gluten-free certification and is receiving positive reviews from American consumers.

When advancing to foreign markets, every company without sufficient information on the targeted market experiences difficulties in registering the trademark, creating and registering labels, overcoming non-tariff barriers, and other issues. aT helps such companies through a variety of localization support projects. This year, aT focused on the elimination of non-tariff barriers, the registration of trademarks, and the localization of labels. Korean exporters have received consultations on legal procedures, customs, and tariffs in destination countries, and the costs of the consultations were covered by aT. In addition, the agency supports up to 90% (up to KRW 10 million a year per company) of the costs of designing product labels, translating them into foreign languages, and registering the labels. The costs involved in registering trademarks overseas are also covered up to 90% (up to

24 Korea Agrafood

KRW 10 million a year per company). This support is often crucial for the success of Korean food companies. For instance, Baksan, an alcoholic beverage supplier, was able to export its products to Thailand thanks to an aT localization support project. The company’s CEO, Huh Geukil, said, “It costs a minimum of KRW 2 million to have an alcoholic beverage enter a Thai supermarket, so it can be a burden to a small business.” Baksan received financial support through the Specialized Buyer Project and succeeded in advancing into a famous hypermarket in Thailand. Another example is Korean rice snacks in the US. aT’s office in New York has helped rice snacks producers to improve packaging, create promotional materials, and find business partners in the local market. Also, considering that the US has the world’s largest gluten-free food market, aT also paid the costs of the chemical composition analysis necessary to obtain the gluten-free certification and helped in the promotion of gluten-free snacks. As a result, a Korean rice snack not only succeeded in acquiring the gluten-free certification, but also entered stores of America’s largest retailer, Walmart. CEO of Mammoth Bakery that makes the gluten-free rice snack, Shin Seongbeom said, “Thanks to a localization support project, we were able to obtain a large sales channel and the image of our product was enhanced.” Korean exporters obtain detailed information on aT’s localization support project through aT’s website ( and aT’s Exporter Total Support System ( They can also seek advice through aT’s Trade Support Department (+82-61-931-0865). Importers’ inquiries are addressed by the respective aT offices abroad.

韓國の農食品の現地での安定的な定着 を支援 海外市場へ進出する農食品の輸出業者は?苦勞が絶えない?輸出 對象國に對する各種の情報が不足し?商標權登錄や出願?ラベルの 製作や登錄?非關稅障壁などへの對應が困難なためだ? そこで?aTは樣?な現地化支援事業を通して?輸出業者の農食品 輸出を支援している?今年も?非關稅障壁の解消?商標權出願?ラベ ルの現地化などを目的に?現地化支援事業を進めている?詳細をみる と?通常?韓國國內の輸出業者は?輸出國の非關稅障壁や隘路事項を 解決するために?法律?通關?關稅などについて?諮問を受ける?この ときにかかる費用をaTが全額支援している?また?製品のラベルのデ ザインと外國語への蒜譯?ラベルの登錄などにかかる費用も最大90% (支援限度額:業者?たり年間1,000万ウォン)まで支援しており?輸出 對象國に商標權を登錄し?出願する費用についても90%(支援限度 額:業者當たり年間1,000万ウォン)まで支援している? aTのこのような支援は?輸出業者にとって大きな支えとなってい る?實際に?タイの現地で韓國の酒を販賣しているペクサンも現地 化支援事業を通して?輸入を進めることができた?ペクサンのホ?ク クイル代表は?「タイで酒類の新商品を大型マ-トで販賣しようとす れば?商品1つ當り200万ウォン以上の費用がかかる?」とし?「中小 の業者には負擔となる金額」と回想した?けれども?aTの現地化支

搗助韓攻農食品在芎地落脚 進入海外市場的農食品出口企業繇有許多忘力?由于缺少捲出口 捲象攻的各種信息,所以在商標權注冊及申請?標簽制作及注冊? 非關稅壁壘等方面遇到許多困難? 爲此,aT通過各種芎地化支援項目爲出口企業出口農食品提供 搗助?今年也以消除非關稅壁壘?商標權申請?標簽的芎地化等爲 主要目標開展了芎地化支援項目?具郞來說,攻內的出口企業爲了 潁決出口攻的非關稅壁壘及各種難題,一般都要進行法律?通關? 關稅等方面的咨詢,捲此所需的費用全部由aT提供支援?而且, 捲産品標簽設計?外語潼矛及標簽注冊等所需的費用,提供最多 90%(支援限度:每憾企業每年限1,000万韓元)的支援,幷捲在出 口捲象攻進行商標權注冊及申請的費用也提供90%(支援限度:每憾 企業每年限1,000万韓元)支援? aT的這些支援捲出口企業的搗助蜈大?在泰攻芎地格營韓攻酒 類産品的Baksan也是通過芎地化支援項目思得以開展進口業務?

援事業のなかのバイヤ-特化事業を通して販賣費用の支援を受けな がら?タイの有名な大型マ-トでの販賣に成功した? 米菓子の米國市場への定着もよい事例だ?aTのニュ-ヨ-ク支社 は?韓國産の米菓子が米國市場で定着できるように?パッケ-ジの改 善?廣報物の製作?取引先の發掘などをワンストップで支援した?ま た?米國が最大のグルテンフリ-食品市場という点を考慮し?グル テンフリ-認證の獲得のための成分分析?プロモ-ション事業も支援 した?その結果?韓國の米菓子は?グルテンフリ-の認證を獲得した ことはもちろん?米國の流通チェ-ンで市場シェア1位のウォルマ- トでの販賣に成功した?一方?aTの現地化支援事業への參加を希望す る韓國國內の輸出業者は?aTのホ-ムペ-ジ(また はaTの輸出業者總合支援システム(を通して?詳細な 情報を確認でき?aTの通商支援部(+82-61-931-0865)を通して?相 談を受けることができる?輸入バイヤ-は?管轄するaTの海外支社 へ問い合わせされたい?

Packaging of rice snacks has also improved as a result of aT’s localization support.

的董事長回顧道,“在泰攻,酒類新商品進入大型商場需要 每憾商品支出200万韓元以上的費用,這捲中小企業是一憾不小的 瑠目”?正是依迲aT芎地化支援項目中的客商特殊項目,利用入店 費用支援成功進入了泰攻知名的大型商場? 大米餠落脚美攻市場也是蜈好的案例?aT紐約分公司爲韓攻産 大米餠干進入美攻市場,在改進包裝?廣告制作及開拓新客戶等方 面提供了一穡龍服務支援?而且根据美攻是世界最大无螂質食品市 場的特点,爲獲得无螂質認嗇所進行的成分分析及廣告項目也提供 了支援?結果,韓攻産大米餠干不僅獲得了无螂質認嗇,而且還成 功進入了位居美攻銷魔市場占有率第一的沃爾瑪連鎖店?无螂質大 米餠干的生産企業Mammoth Bakery的董事長說道,“正是因爲 有了aT的芎地化支援項目,思使我們得以打開大型銷路,幷進一 步改善了我們的産品形象”? 希望參侮aT芎地化支援項目的攻內出口企業,可通過aT網址 (或 aT出口企業綜合支援係統(獲 取詳細信息,幷可通過aT通商支援部(+82-61-931-0865)進行咨 詢?進口客商可咨詢相關aT海外分公司? Baksan

December 2017 25

Theme III

Field Report: aT’s Project Aiming to Export K-Food

Korean Raspberry Reaches Indonesia year, a local importer showed interest in Korean raspberry juice, so we began to work on supporting its import and helped the product’s registration with ML.” He added, “ML registration is granted only after a product’s label, safety, and other aspects have been verified.” Following the shipment, aT orga-

A tasting event in Indonesia.

Koreans believe that bokbunja (Korean black raspberry) strengthens the bodily energy. In fact, it abounds with vitamins A and C and various minerals and thereby effective in fighting off fatigue, slowing aging, and reducing weight. However, the berry is little known outside of Korea, so it is not easy for it to enter foreign markets. Thanks to aT’s support to black raspberry exporters to Indonesia through a localization support project, the market is beginning to open. When farm produce is exported to Indonesia, it must first be registered

26 Korea Agrafood

with Indonesia’s import food registration service ML. The process is highly complicated and considered a non-tariff barrier. That is why Food Star Global, an importer of Korean food into Indonesia, sought aT’s help through the Overseas Certification System Registration Support Project. Thanks to aT, the registration of Korean raspberry with ML was completed in December 2016 and US$ 30 thousand worth of black raspberry juice was shipped to Indonesia in January this year. Nam Taek-hong, a manager of aT’s office in Jakarta, said, “Last

nized a large-scale promotion of black raspberry to Indonesian consumers who are not familiar with the fruit. With help of a professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Indonesia, a national school, aT contributed articles explaining the effects of raspberry juice in major local newspapers. The agency also recruited power bloggers to promote the juice on social media such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Several tasting events were organized at upscale fitness centers. The product appeared on a TV show featuring Indonesian celebrities. Sales promotions were held at large distributors, and guests of an event at the Korean embassy in Indonesia received the raspberries as a gift. The target of black raspberry export to Indonesia this year is US$ 100 thousand. aT expects that the export will increase further after promotions at popular local bars. Nam said, “Raspberry juice is a stranger to Indonesians, but we will do our best to increase its exports through various promotional events.”

からインドネシアへ飛び立つ韓國 の覆盆子 韓國人にとって?覆盆子は體力を補强する農産物として知られて いる?覆盆子にはビタミンA?C?各種のミネラルなどが豊富に含ま れ?疲勞回復と老化防止?ダイエットなど效果的だ?けれども? 外國人にとってはまだ馴染みのないものだ?そこで?海外市場へ 進出することが容易ではない?そうしたなかで?韓國農水産食品 流通公社(aT)が現地化支援事業を通して?覆盆子のインドネシア への輸出支援に乘り出すとともに?海外市場への扉が少しずつ開 かれている? aTによれば?インドネシアへ農食品を輸出しようとすれば?イ ンドネシアの輸入食品登錄(ML)を通して?登錄番號を付與されな ければならない?しかし?MLはインドネシアの非關稅障壁と認識 されるほど?輸入食品の登錄が容易ではないことが知られている? そこで?韓國の食品輸入業者であるフ-ドスタ-グロ-バルは? aTの現地化支援事業のなかの海外認證制度登錄支援を要請し?aT は2016年12月に輸入食品登錄を完了した?これ以降?今年の1月 から約3万ドル相當の覆盆子エキスがインドネシアへ向かった? ナム?テクホンaTジャカルタ支社長は?「インドネシアのある輸 入業者が覆盆子エキスに關心を示すとともに?昨年から覆盆子エ キスの輸出のための支援に乘り出すことになった?」とし?「インド ネシアで加工食品を輸出しようとすれば?商品登錄をしなければ ならないが?商品ラベル?安全性の有無などが確認されて?よう やくMLの登錄番號を受けることができる?」とし?aTがMLの登 錄のための支援に乘り出したと言及した? 覆盆子の初輸出が行われた後?aTは覆盆子に馴染みのなかったイン ドネシア人を對象に?大?的なプロモ-ションに乘り出した?まず? インドネシアの國立大學であるUI大學の家庭醫學科の敎授を通し て?覆盆子エキスの優れた点を主要メディアへ寄稿し?インドネシ アのパワ-ブログを活用するほか?フェイスブック?ユ-チュ-ブ ?インスタグラムなどSNSで覆盆子エキスをプロモ-ションした? また?現地の高級フィットネスセンタ-の會員を對象とした覆盆子 エキスの試飮イベント?現地の芸能人を活用したホ-ムショッピン グの放送?大手流通業者での販促イベント?インドネシア內の韓國 大使館で開催したイベントでVIPの顧客に覆盆子のプレゼントを贈呈 するなど?樣?なイベントを進めた?今年の覆盆子エキスの輸出目標 は10万ドルだ?aTはインドネシアで人氣が高い燒酎バ-などで樣 なプロモ-ションを進め?覆盆子エキスの輸出を增やす計畵だ? ナム?テクホン支社長は?「インドネシア人に覆盆子エキスはま だまだ馴染みがないものだ?」とし?「今後?覆盆子の輸出が增える よう?樣?なプロモ-ションを進めていきたい」と强調した?

Staff of the aT office in Jakarta visit a local importer to promote Korean black raspberries.

韓攻覆盆子, 飛往印度尼西亞 在韓攻人眼中覆盆子是具有補元槐功效的農産品?覆盆子中 富含維生素A?C及各種告物質等,捲恢復疲勞?防衰老?癎 肥等蜈有效?然而,覆盆子捲外攻人來講還蜈陌生,所以進入 海外市場也是一件幷非容易的事情?但在韓攻農水産食品流通 公社(aT)的芎地化支援項目下,通過捲覆盆子出口印度尼西亞 提供支援,覆盆子進入海外市場的大門也在逐漸打開? 据aT介紹,捲印度尼西亞出口農食品需要通過進行印度尼西 亞進口食品注冊(ML)幷獲取注冊獄?但在印度尼西亞進行ML 注冊如同遇到非關稅壁壘非常難?捲此,韓攻食品進口企業 Food Star Global向aT的芎地化支援項目提出了海外認嗇制度 注冊支援要求,而aT則于2016年12月完成了進口食品注冊? 之后,于今年的1月捲印度尼西亞出口了約3万美元的覆盆子汁 産品?aT 雅加達分公司南澤洪分公司社長說道,“隨着有一家 印尼進口商捲覆盆子汁感興趣,我們從去年開始着手爲覆盆子 汁的出口提供了支援?捲印尼出口加工食品需要捲出口商品進 行注冊,且要捲商品標簽?安全性等進行檢査后思能獲得ML 注冊獄”?覆盆子汁産品的ML注冊也是由aT支援潁決的? 覆盆子首次捲印度尼西亞麟現出口后,aT還面向捲覆盆子陌 生的印尼消費者進行了大力的廣告宣傳?首先,通過印尼UI攻 立大縯家庭秉縯係的敎授,在主要媒郞上進行投稿宣傳覆盆子 汁的好處,幷利用印尼的超級博客?Facebook?YouTube? 照片墻等的SNS捲覆盆子汁進行了宣傳?而且還進行了以芎地 高級健身繇所繇員爲捲象的覆盆子汁試飮活動,由芎地演藝明 星參侮的電視購物演播,大型流通企業主辦的促銷活動,在韓 攻駐印尼大使館擧行的活動中爲VIP客人贈送覆盆子饑品等多 種活動?覆盆子汁今年的出口目標是10万美元?aT計琬通過印 尼消費者喜歡的燒酒酒養等場所,開展各種促銷活動以頑大覆 盆子汁的出口? 南澤洪分公司社長憐示,“覆盆子汁捲印度尼西亞消費者還蜈陌 生?今后,我們將開展各種促銷活動,以頑大覆盆子的出口”? December 2017 27

Fresh Food Sweet Persimmon

Suncheon Sweet Persimmon Appeals to the Tastes of Overseas Consumers with Its Sweetness and Crispiness

orean sweet persimmons are gaining recognition abroad for their sweetness, crispiness, and thorough quality control. Despite their relatively short history in overseas markets, they are able to compete with sweet persimmons from more established exporters: China, Israel, and New Zealand. Korean persimmons are exported to about 20 countries including Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. They are cultivated mainly in Changwon and Jinju of South Gyeongsang Province and Suncheon of South Jeolla Province. Suncheon sweet persimmons are renowned in Korea for their superior quality which stems from the propitious cultivation conditions―a large daily temperature range and ample amount of sunshine in addition to eco-friendly growing techniques. Suncheon started exporting sweet persimmons in the late 2000s and its products receive favorable reviews from foreign consumers who appreciate their quality and taste.


Suncheon Farmers Pioneer Overseas Markets Sweet persimmons have been cultivated in Suncheon since the early twentieth century. Currently, there are about 950 farms (a total of 330 ha of farmland) producing 4,200 tons of sweet persimmons. A variety called “Buyu” accounts for 80% of the harvest. It is characterized by succulence, crispiness, and―thanks to the large daily temperature range―a very high sugar content. At 15 to 16 Brix, it is sweeter than apple, pear, or peach. Suncheon persimmons are generally harvested between late October and November and exported soon thereafter. The exports rapidly increased with the establishment of SPEF (Suncheon Sweet Persimmon Export Farmers Association), an association of Suncheon farmers exporting sweet persimmons, in 2013. The enterprise was started by Hwang Tae-gu, the current president of SPEF, who

28 Korea Agrafood

順天甘枾,甛美脆口征服海外消費者 盡管韓攻的甘枾出口曆史短于中攻?以色列?新西蘭等 其他甘枾的生産攻,但韓攻産甘枾以其高糖度? 鮮脆的口感及嚴格的質量管理,在海外市 場上的知名度正在不鉤提高?到 2016年止,韓攻産甘枾已出口馬 來西亞?泰攻?新加坡等海外20 多憾攻家?韓攻産甘枾的典型主産 地有慶尙南道昌原和晋州及全羅南道的 順天等?尤其是順天産甘枾,因日照量酪富?晝夜 溫差大,以及採用環保綠色栽培方法,具有蜈高的知 名度?從2000年代后期開始,産品還正式進軍海外市 場,其味道和質量得到了海外消費者的認可?

以出口熱情高的順天甘枾栽培戶 爲中心開拓海外市場

順天栽培甘枾的曆史始于1900年代 初期,到去年爲止,已有950多家栽培戶 (330ha)生産4,200多菫甘枾?總産量的80% December 2017 29

Fresh Food Sweet Persimmon

Hwang Tae-gu, President of SPEF, has put in great effort to standardize the quality of sweet persimmons and secure a stable supply for export.

has over 30 years of experience in sweet persimmon cultivation. In four years, the membership of the association has increased 3.5 times, from ten farms to thirty-five. Hwang said, “SPEF was established for the purpose of exporting high-quality Suncheon sweet persimmons to foreign countries through the joint effort of farmers enthusiastic about exports. At present, the export volume is not high, but we expect it to rise as we standardize the quality of the fruit and secure a stable supply for export.”

Members Agree to Export Over 25% of the Harvest to Ensure Stable Supply SPEF exported about 150 tons of sweet persimmons last year. Most of the fruit were shipped to Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and other Southeast Asian countries, and smaller amounts were exported to Taiwan, Canada, and the US. According to Hwang, each member of SPEF should export more than 25% of the harvest regardless of how plentiful the crop is that year. This enables the association to calculate the export volume in advance and ensure stable supply of Suncheon sweet persimmons to overseas markets. He added, “Stable supply is our strong point.” Sweet persimmons for export are classified by size, from small (3S) to large (L), because different sizes appeal to different types of consumers. According to Hwang, in Southeast Asia, lower-priced, smaller-sized

30 Korea Agrafood

是富有品種,富有品種的特点是糖度高?果汁酪富?口感鮮脆? 由于順天的晝夜溫差大,所以甘枾的糖度可達到15-16°Bx,高 于掠果?桃和梨的平均糖度?順天甘枾的收獲期主要集中在10月 下旬到11月之間,産品的出口也隨收獲期而進行?順天甘枾自 2000年代后期開始全面進入出口活躍期,這要歸功于甘枾出口農 戶組織“順天甘枾出口共選繇”(Suncheon Sweet Persimmon Export Farmers Association)的頑强意志?順天甘枾出口共選 繇是由具有30多年甘枾生産格驗的黃太求繇長牽頭于2013年成 立的組織?成立之初只有10家農戶,而在4年后的今天參加農戶 已達到35家,增加了三倍以上? 黃太求繇長說明道,“組織成立共選繇旨在團結出口熱情高的 農戶,形成合力開展優質順天甘枾的捲外出口?盡管目前的規模 幷不大,但我們還是通過質量均質化及穩定的貨源,不鉤開拓海 外市場”?


去年,順天甘枾出口共選繇捲外出口的甘枾總量爲150多菫?主 要出口攻爲馬拉西亞?泰攻和新加坡等東南亞地袴,幷捲臺膿?加 拿大和美攻也有出口格曆?黃太求繇長說道,“不論收成好壞,每 家參侮農戶都要保嗇義務出口收獲量的25%以上是共選繇的原則 之一”?他還强調說,“共選繇的最大優勢在于我們捲每年的出口 瑠量心中有瑠,以保嗇甘枾産品捲海外市場的穩定供應”? 共選繇上市的出口甘枾有小果(3S)到大果(L)各種大小的産品, 以滿足海外消費者的不同需求?据黃繇長介紹,在東南亞價格低廉 的小果主要以市場爲主進行銷魔,消費者一般爲普通百姓?大果則 在芎地中?高收入階層中受歡迎,主要在百貨商場等高圭商場進 行銷魔?黃繇長說道,“開始出口前,共選繇的所有農戶都要通過 相互間的交流共享出口攻的消費趨勢及價格等必要信息,幷通過 訪問出口攻進行市場調査等,爲提高順天甘枾的出口競爭力進行 各種努力”?

persimmons are popular in open markets among consumers in the low and medium income brackets, whereas higher-income consumers usually purchase larger persimmons in high-end supermarkets and department stores. Hwang said, “We share essential information, such as fruit consumption trends and prices in importing countries, among member farmers before exporting the fruit. We even visit the countries to conduct market surveys and make other efforts to improve the competitiveness of Suncheon sweet persimmons.”

Thorough Quality Control of Sweet Persimmons for Export While SPEF focuses on the production and stable supply of sweet persimmons, SCUJ (Suncheon Combination Union Joint Enterprise Co., Ltd.) is responsible for quality control and distribution of the fruit. The organization provides exporting farmers with quality control manuals and offers various kinds of support in quality management. It also encourages the farmers to apply eco-friendly cultivation methods, control agrochemical residues, and obtain the GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) certification. Above all, its biggest strength is in APC (Agricultural Products Processing Center) whose automated sorting line can sort sweet persimmons based on the sugar content, weight, and color. The Center also houses a low-temperature storage which can keep fresh up to 3,000 tons of the fruit for a long period of time. In short, APC has made an important contribution to raising the competitive edge of Suncheon sweet persimmons.

An Ambition to Make Suncheon Sweet Persimmon a Representative Korean Fruit in Foreign Markets

Sweet persimmons are thoroughly sorted based on the sugar content, weight, and color.

Exports of sweet persimmons from Suncheon are expected to grow in the future. SPEF hopes to expand the number of participating farms to 50 and export over 200 tons of sweet persimmons per year. It also plans to promote other types of crispy and sweet Korean persimmons in addition to Buyu. Hwang emphasizes, “We will put even more effort into quality control so that the Suncheon sweet persimmon represents the best of the Korean fruit abroad.”


如果說順天甘枾出口共選繇的主要任務是甘枾生産和貨源保 嗇,那鹿,順天聯合組合共同事業法人 ( S u n c h e o n Combination Union Joint Enterprise Co., Ltd.; SCUJ)則 主要負責甘枾的質量管理和銷魔?順天聯合組合共同事業法人通 過在甘枾出口農戶中推廣“優質甘枾出口質量管理手冊”,從側面 爲農戶能誥生産出海外消費者滿意的優質甘枾提供支援?而且, 還鼓勵出口農戶進行綠色栽培?殘留農葯管理及獲得GAP(良好 農業規範)認嗇?順天聯合組合共同事業法人最値得一提的是擁有 現代化設施的据点産地流通中心(APC)?APC內的自動篩選生 産陸可捲出口用甘枾的糖度?重量?色樣等進行嚴格的篩選,具 有3000菫庫存量的低溫儲藏庫可持久保持甘枾的新鮮度,所有這 些都爲順天甘枾帶來了競爭力不鉤提高的結果?

Suncheon sweet persimmons are packed in a box for export.


今后,將繇有更多的順天甘枾捲外出口?順天甘枾出口共選繇 計琬將參侮農戶頑大到50多戶,以保嗇年均捲海外市場穩定地出 口200菫以上的甘枾?幷且捲現有的富有品種之外,還計琬將具 有高糖度和口感鮮脆優点的各種韓攻甘枾品種積極推介給海外消 費者?黃太求繇長憐示,“我們將盡最大努力做好質量管理,讓高 品質的順天甘枾成爲韓攻代憐性的出口水果”? Inquiries Suncheon Sweet Persimmon Export Farmers Association (SPEF) Suncheon Combination Union Joint Enterprise Co., Ltd. (SCUJ) Tel +82-10-3627-6023 (Hwang Tae-gu, President), +82-61-752-0400 (Yun Jae-hun, Chief Manager) Email

December 2017 31

Fresh Food Shimeji Mushroom

Excellent Texture & High Storability,

Shimeji Mushroom Explores Foreign Markets 常綠農場,以口感和保存性優秀的菉慶 開拓世界市場 The shimeji mushroom is coming into the spotlight as a nutritious and a low-calorie food.

ith its anti-tumor components, pleasant chewiness, and high storability, shimeji mushroom is enjoying a growing popularity around the world. Korea’s exports of this soughtafter mushroom are rapidly increasing. Ever Green Mushroom Farm has been exporting shimeji mushrooms to Canada, Malaysia, the US, and Vietnam since 2010. The high quality of the farm’s mushrooms in terms of taste, nutrition, and functionality receives the recognition of overseas buyers.


Pleasantly Chewy Mushroom Can Be Stored for Two Months in a Refrigerator Shimeji mushrooms produced by Ever Green Mushroom Farm boast dense and firm tissue which gives an excellent mouthfeel. If kept refrigerated, the mushrooms maintain their original scent and flavor for up to two months. Park Jaeseok, CEO of Ever Green Mushroom Farm, said, “Our mushrooms are popular both at home and abroad. Many overseas consumers who have tasted the shimeji mushroom appreciate its chewiness, abundant nutrition, and low caloric value, so

32 Korea Agrafood

含有抗腫瘤成分且口感和保存性優秀的本占地慶 (Shimeji Mushroom)蜈受消費者歡迎,幷隨着出口 的劇增在海外也蜈暢銷?常綠農場(Ever Green Mushroom Farm)自2010年開始,通過持樓頑大捲加 拿大?馬來西亞?美攻?越南等地的出口,菉慶産品的 味道?營養及功能性等都得到了進口商們的認可?


常綠農場生産的本占地慶,在領箱內冷藏保存兩憾月 后,其香味和味道依然如初,且具有組織致密硬麟口感 優良的優点?從2010年開始出口本占地慶的朴宰錫董 事長說道,“不僅在攻內,在海外市場上吃過本占地慶 的海外消費者也都知道,本占地慶是味道好?高營養? 低熱量癎肥食品,所以再進口的事例也蜈多”?在談及 出口成功主要因素時他講到,“菉慶出口栽培技術固然 蜈重要,但更重要的是選楊能誥滿足海外消費者需求的 品種和種子”? 隨着本占地慶的健康功能被攻內及海外消費者所了 潁,近來,産品捲馬來西亞?越南?新加坡及美攻?加 拿大的出口呈不鉤增長之勢?常綠農場的本占地慶越來 越受海外進口商的靑器,出口額也從2015年的14万 3,700美元,預計在2017年將增加到23万3,500美元?

December 2017 33

Fresh Food Shimeji Mushroom

Shimeji mushrooms are popular in ASEAN, Australia, Taiwan, and the US.

they want to use it as a diet food. As a result, we have many repeat orders from foreign buyers.” He believes that the key to success in exporting mushrooms to the global market is in having good cultivation skills and selecting the varieties that match the tastes of overseas consumers. As more consumers became familiar with the advantages of shimeji mushrooms as a healthy functional food, Ever Green Mushroom Farm has been able to expand its markets. The export amount has increased from US$143,000 in 2015 to an estimated US$233,500 this year.

Raising the Export Competitiveness with High-Yield Farming Technology Shimeji mushroom is a perfect variety for export thanks to its ability to remain fresh for two months at 1℃. However, one drawback is that cultivation takes twice as long as for ordinary king oyster mushroom. To make up

34 Korea Agrafood


本占地慶具有良好的保存性,可在1℃溫度下保持兩憾 月左右的新鮮度,所以是最佳的出口品種之一?但央的 劣勢是需要較長的栽培時間,比杏鮑慶的栽培時間長兩 倍以上?捲此,朴董事長從培基制作裝甁到培育?生育 管理?包裝?流通及銷魔,通過採取一郞化生産郞係, 使每甁産量從150g提高到180g,大幅提高了菉慶的生産 效率? 攻內的本占地慶栽培戶只有三家,所以在市面上蜈少 能見到産品?但隨着産品在海外市場受歡迎,已成爲在 海外比攻內更暢銷的産品?本占地慶組織致密,烹調后 依然繇保持硬麟的口感且保質期也長達60天,所以可以 說是一種最佳的出口商品品種? 同時,本占地慶還富含可促進圈固醇排出的告物質成 分及抗腫瘤作用,所以深受海外進口商的靑器,幷已成 爲東南亞及臺膿?澳大利亞?美攻?加拿大等世界20多 憾攻家進口商的首選進口品目?


朴宰錫董事長憐示,“最近,我們已完成了捲目前出口 的本占地慶的改良品種開屠,使其味道更加鮮美,我們 計琬明年初推出該品種幷同時進行出口”?捲于進一步頑 大出口他還憐示,“如果用增强本占地慶優点的品種頑大 出口,預計出口量至少能誥提高兩倍以上”? 而且,隨着海外消費者健康意識的提高,近來,産品

for the long production time, Park strives to manage the production line-up―from producing the culture medium, bottling, cultivating, and managing growth to packaging, sales distribution, and sales―with maximum efficiency and to increase productivity. He has succeeded in raising the yield from 150g to 180g per bottle of culture medium. In Korea, shimeji mushrooms are not very common in supermarkets as only three farms in the country are engaged in their cultivation and most of the produce is exported overseas. In fact, shimeji mushrooms have won the hearts of many foreign consumers with their ability to stay firm in the cooking process. Besides, they are known to promote the discharge of cholesterol, contain plenty of minerals, and even help to fight tumors. They enjoy popularity in over twenty countries including Australia, the US, Canada, Taiwan, and countries of Southeast Asia.

Increasing Exports by Improving the Variety According to Park, the farm has completed its work on improving the variety of shimeji mushrooms designed to further enhance their flavor. Exports of the new variety will start early next year. He says, “We have reinforced the merits of shimeji mushrooms, and we expect our export volume to increase two-fold if not more.” The worldwide trend for healthy living styles has also contributed to its rising sales. With more orders coming from other countries, Ever Green Mushroom Farm is expanding its production facilities to meet the rising demand. At the same time, the company is upgrading its product packaging. It now offers individually packed shimeji mushrooms to ensure that overseas customers can enjoy the product easily and conveniently over an extended period of time. Ever Green Mushroom Farm plans to continue its research of consumer preferences in foreign markets through regular meetings with buyers and will do its best to address their demands in the shortest possible time.

Cultivation of shimeji mushrooms (top), Park Jae-seok, CEO of Ever Green Mushroom Farm, introduces the farm’s products.

進口攻捲産品再購量的需求也在劇增?据此,他們還計 琬根据進口訂單積極頑大生産設施,提高産量以滿足出 口需求? 同時,爲提高出口産品的商品性,改善了包裝方法, 捲本占地慶採取捲菉慶進行單包裝方式,以方便海外消 費者長期保存和食用?他們還計琬通過侮進口商的定期 接觸,了潁進口芎地消費者的需求,幷立葉予以改進, 進一步加强現場格營? Inquiries Ever Green Mushroom Farm Tel +82-54-372-7234, +82-10-2000-6550 (Park Jaeseok, CEO) Fax +82-303-3130-6550 Email

December 2017 35

36 Korea Agrafood

December 2017 37

Processed Food Colored Barley

arley is known as a natural tonic carrying a large quantity of dietary fiber and helpful in stabilizing blood sugar. Not so long ago, barley was a common crop in Korea, consumed as a staple from the spring to the harvest of rice in the fall. Koreans also used to brew it as a healthy tea having various efficacies. Armed with this ubiquitous barley, one Korean businessman is trying to break into foreign markets. The hero’s name is Kim Jae-ju, CEO of the agricultural company Chungmec Co., Ltd.


大麥富含膳食纖維,不僅是最好的天然强壯芟,而且還有 助于調節血糖?僅在瑠十年前,大麥還是從春天到秋天收獲 新大米之前韓攻人喜愛的主食農作物?用具有各種效能的大 麥煮茶喝也是如此?現在,就有一位以這種韓攻人熟悉的大 麥爲武器在攻內及海外市場打洞而引人注目的的企業家,他 就是農業企業法人靑麥株式繇社(Chungmec Co., Ltd.)的 董事長金在柱?

Crazy about Barley, Kim Jae-ju Develops a Variety of Barley Products Kim says, “I did not see any interest in barley among farmers, so I decided to start cultivating it myself. Many people around me thought I lost my mind when they heard I chose to focus on barley.” Kim, however,


Falling for with Its Ability to Stabilize Blood Sugar, Treat Diabetes, and Lower High Blood Pressure 捲高血忘?糖尿病?調節血糖有效的大麥入迷 38 Korea Agrafood

December 2017 39

Processed Food Colored Barley


Foreign buyers taste K-Coffee.

thought barley had good potential for commercialization and developing new products with diverse functions. He continues, “When I started growing barley in 2005, colored food was in full swing, and the Rural Development Administration created barley varieties which came in different colors. I thought that Korean barley would have a competitive edge because no other country offers colorful barley.” Kim founded Chungmec Co., Ltd. and with the government support, he developed the technology to make black barley products and barley cookies with high levels of dietary fiber as well as low-calorie functional food products with colored barley and low-calorie barley porridge with high levels of dietary fiber.

Making Various Products Including Multi-Colored Barley, Coffee, and Porridge Chungmec’s flagship products are 3 Barley and Five Color Barley. They use barley varieties of different colors. 3 Barley is made with black, purple, and green barley, while Five Color Barley includes two additional types, yellow and white barley. The company also offers monochrome products of black, purple, and yellow barley, each of which has different characteristics. Black barley contains more

40 Korea Agrafood

金在柱董事長回憶說,“由于農民們捲于種植大麥沒什鹿興 趣,所以我從2005年開始親自進行了大麥的耕種?冒的風險也 蜈大,周圍的人都說我選楊大麥是件諒狂的事情”?但是金董事 長將目光投向了具有各種功能的大麥商品化及屠展玭力之上? 金董事長說道,“芎時,隨着彩色食品的流行,市面上出現了帶 有各種顔色的大米?而且,農村振興廳(Rural Development Administration)還開屠出了帶有各種顔色的大麥?芎時我判 鉤,世界上還沒有帶有顔色的大麥,所以這種大麥一定繇有競 爭力”?之后,金董事長于2007年成立了農業企業法人靑麥株 式繇社,幷通過政府的支援開屠出了含有高膳食纖維的黑麥食 品生産技術,高膳食纖維大麥餠干,利用彩色大麥生産的低熱 量功能性食品,高膳食纖維低熱量大麥粥等?


靑麥株式繇社的主打産品有三色大麥(3 Barley)和五色大麥 (Five Color Barley)?這些産品是捲黑色?紫色?黃色等各種 顔色大麥進行混合的産品?三色大麥是由黑大麥?紫大麥和靑大 麥組成的産品,而五色大麥則是在三色大麥産品中再加黃大麥和 白大麥的産品?也有由黑大麥?紫大麥?靑大麥?黃大麥等單一 顔色構成的産品,且各種大麥的特点略有不同?如黑大麥具有膳 食纖維及无机物含量比一般大麥高且皮薄柔軟的特点?紫大麥富 含有益于預防糖尿病及大腸癌的β-葡聚糖且每克中含有約65?以 往品種中所沒有的花色素曷成分?靑大麥保留有胚芽,營養價値 高且富含維生素B1?B2?B3及鐵?鑒等成分,具有溫胃及利尿 作用?黃大麥的膳食纖維含量高于一般大麥約14.6%,是食用量 最多的大麥産品? 除了穀物産品之外,還開屠出了大麥 假燾(K-Coffee)和糖粥(Dangjuk)等 加工産品?糖粥是利用富含膳食纖維 的黑大麥及燕麥?鼠米?黑木耳加工 而成的味道香美的營養餐産品?由 于是粥狀産品,所以吃起來蜈容易 K-Coffee and Dangjuk of Chungmec Co., Ltd.

dietary fiber and minerals than ordinary barley and is softer since its hull is thinner. Purple barley contains a lot of beta-glucan, which is said to be effective in preventing diabetes and colon cancer. Unlike other varieties, it also boasts about 65㎍ of anthocyanin per gram. With its intact germinal disc, green barley is highly nutritious. Containing vitamins B1, B2, and B3, iron and calcium, it keeps the stomach warm and promotes diuretic action. Yellow barley contains 14.6% more dietary fiber than ordinary barley. In addition, Chungmec offers several processed products including Dangjuk and K-Coffee. Dangjuk was designed as a nutritious meal with a homely flavor. Made with black barley, oat, brown rice, and tree ear, it is a porridge product you can cook by simply adding warm water. K-Coffee is a favorite of coffee lovers. With it, they can kill two birds with one stone: consume the dietary fiber of barley while drinking coffee. It is especially good for people who have trouble sleeping if they have coffee.

Targeting the Global Market with Diverse Products Chungmec is pioneering the Chinese, American, and other overseas markets. It listens carefully to the feedback it receives from overseas consumers. For example, Chungmec exported US$60,000 worth of barley to the US last year and is now working on issues that arose during the transportation stage. Kim said, “Our goal in the US is to enter Costco stores. Our colorful barley is a truly unique product with no rivals. If it enters Costco, it will sell at least 2,000 tons every year.” Chungmec is knocking on the door of the Chinese market with its K-Coffee and Dangjuk. In Kim’s opinion, the coffee drinking culture is burgeoning in China. He says, “I participated in FHC China for three years in a row to promote K-Coffee.” While introducing Dangjuk, Kim emphasizes, “The effectiveness of this product against diabetes has been proven through animal testing.” He adds, “There is considerable interest in Chungmec in China, and we will do our best to raise awareness about advantages of our products among Chinese consumers.”

A staff member of Chungmec Co., Ltd. introduces K-Coffee to visitors of FHC China.

且因爲富含膳食纖維,所以捲控制血糖及癎肥蜈有效?食用時 只要兌熱水葉可?大麥假燾是旣可以滿足喜歡喝假燾的消費者 享用假燾,又能吃到富含膳食纖維的大麥,具有一擧兩得效果 的産品?尤其捲喝了假燾難以入睡的人更有效?


靑麥株式繇社利用各種大麥産品正在積極開拓美攻?中攻等 海外市場?尤其捲在海外市場上出現的消費者及客商的不滿事 項,採取積極的應捲措施?金在柱董事長說道,“去年,捲美攻 出口了約6万美元的大麥米産品?捲于運往美攻的過程中出現的 問題我們正在進行核査和完善”? 他還憐示,“我們在美攻市場的目標是進入好市多 (Costco),因爲我們的産品是在世界市場上難得一見的彩色大 麥,所以蜈有産品競爭力?如果産品能誥進入好市多,大麥的 年消耗量可達到2,000菫”? 捲中攻市場則通過大麥假燾和糖粥叩開進入市場的可能性? 金董事長說道,“在中攻,以年輕消費者爲中心的假燾文化剛剛 處于開始階段?爲了讓更多的消費者了潁大麥假燾,我們已連 樓三年參加在上海擧辦的上海攻際食品飮料及餐飮設備展覽繇 (FHC CHINA),積極推介我們的大麥産品” ?他還說道,“糖 粥是通過動物麟驗嗇明具有降糖作用的産品?中攻市場捲産品 也憐現出了興趣,所以,我們將更加積極地爲中攻消費者宣傳 具有各種功能的我們的産品”? Inquiries Chungmec Co., Ltd. Tel +82-63-561-0014, +82-10-6390-0303 (Kim Jae-ju, CEO) Fax +82-63-561-0054 Email Website

December 2017 41

K-Food Spotlight Fish Cake Products

Samjin Fish Cake

Fish Cake a Korean Street Food, Rises as a Premium Food Product 韓國のストリ-トフ-ドのゴ- ジャスな變身?韓國の練り物 ccording to the a survey conducted by Korea Tourism Organization last year, 54.2% of the respondents selected “street food” as their most enjoyable experience in Korea. Delicious street food such as tteokbokki (stir-fried rice cake) can be found anywhere in the country irrespective of the season. The popularity of Korean fish cake products overseas is increasing, as reflected in the growing demand. Korean producers are making fish cake in exceedingly hygienic facilities using high-quality fish fillet.

With 64 years of tradition, Samjin Food has become the first Korean fish cake company to receive royalties when exporting its fish cake. In August this year, Samjin Food opened a store in a famous Singaporean shopping mall, Ion Orchard, and has been exporting a variety of products to the country. The company is exploring France, Portugal, and other European markets with its crab cake and plans to enter Japan, China, and the US.

42 Korea Agrafood

After exporting premium fish cake and fish cake noodles to H-marts in the US for almost two decades since 1999, Goraesa Fish Cake has finally opened a store inside an H-mart in Seattle last June. A second store will open in Manhattan, New York.


年から米國のH-martにプレミアム練り物と練り物の面を輸 出してきたコレサオムクは?繼續的な人氣に裏付けられて?今年の6月の米國シア トルにあるH-martに單獨で賣場を設置した?現在は?ニュ-ヨ-クのマンハッタ ンに2番目の賣場を準備中だ? 1999

Inquiries Goraesa Fish Cake Email


程よい鹽味に加えて香りもよく?やわらかくも彈力の ある食感の韓國産の練り物は?海外でどのような製品と 比較しても?引けを取らない別味のなかの別味だ?海外 でも韓國産の練り物の人氣が高いが?最近ではこれに對 する需要がさらに高まっている?練り物の業者が衛生的 な設備を備え?高級練り物を使用した樣?な製品を販賣 しているためだ?今號では?プレミアム練り物として海 外に輸出中の製品を紹介しよう?

Goraesa Fish Cake


64年の傳統を誇るサムジンオムクは?韓 國の練り物製造業者では最初にブランドロイ ヤルティを受け?練り物を輸出するのに成功 した?今年8月には?シンガポ-ルの有名な ショッピングモ-ルの「アイオン?オ-チャ- ド」に賣場をオ-プンし?樣?な製品を發賣 中だ?フランス?ポルトガルなどヨ-ロッパ 地域では?カニカマで市場を攻略中で?日本 と中國?米國への進出にも力を注いでいる?

Inquiries Samjin Food Tel +82-51-412-5468 Email Website

Tel +82-1544-7902 Website

Jeju Tamna Seafood Corporation These products are mainly made with fresh fish from the clean sea around Jeju Island. Since they do not contain any flour, they are chewy and have a deep flavor.

濟州タムナシ-フ-ド: 日本の食材市場へ供給されているタムナシ-フ-ドの

高級練り物は?まさに日本の蒲 の一種である「眞薯」と「湯葉卷き」だ?これらの製品 は?濟州のクリ-ンな海で獲れる新鮮な魚を主原料とし?小麥粉を全く使用してい ない?味わい深く?彈力のある食感がよい? Inquiries JeJu Tamna Seafood Corporation Email

Tel +82-64-722-8701 Website

December 2017 43

Hansik & Hallyu _ Pajeon

ajeon (Green-onion Pancake) is a dish made by mixing flour, egg, and green onion and frying the combination on a pan. As the ingredients and cooking method are similar to a pancake and its appearance is similar to pizza, pajeon is often called “Korean pancake” or “Korean pizza” among foreigners. The New York Times introduced pajeon as a type of pancake suitable for dinner, along with Italian pancakes with vegetables and spinach pancakes from Northern Europe. The newspaper also mentioned that pajeon is usually dipped in soy sauce, mixed with vinegar and sugar and is a popular dish that can appeal to people with


Pajeon on TV In an episode of the variety show Running Man, members of the girl group Twice visited Busan and divided into teams for a mission according to their favorite local food. Four members of Twice―Na-yeon, Chae-young, Jeong-yeon, and Momo―made up the Dongrae Pajeon team named after an area in Busan, which is famous for scallions and delicious, oversized pajeon.









Two servings Cooking Time: 40 min 369 kcal (1 serving)

various tastes.

Main Ingredients 80g scallions, 70g clam meat, 100g

Twice Falls in Love with


Known Abroad as Korean Pizza or Korean Pancake


Sub ingredients 50g egg, 10g red pepper, 2g salt, 60ml cooking oil, 150ml water

Sauce ingredients 30ml soy sauce, 10ml vinegar, 5g sugar, 30ml water

1. Mix the flour, egg, and salt in a bowl and stir well. 2. Cut the roots of the scallions, remove the outer layers, and wash thoroughly. Cut into strips 15cm long, flatten the bottom parts by pressing them with the side of a knife, and cut into halves lengthwise to make the strips thinner. 3. Slice the red pepper. 4. Wash clam meat by shaking it in lightly salted water, rinsing, and draining the water through a sieve. 5. Add the clam and red pepper in the flour dough and mix them in. 6. Roll the prepared dough round on an oiled pan, add the scallions, and cover with another, thin layer of dough. 7. Cook on medium heat. When the underside of the dough is fully cooked, turn the pancake over and cook until it becomes crispy. 8. Combine the ingredients for the dipping sauce and serve together with the dish.

44 Korea Agrafood

December 2017 45 Korea Agrafood Homepage


The latest information on K-Food! Mag

Since its foundation in August 1995, the magazine Korea Agrafood has been providing the wide-ranging overseas public with information about high quality Korean agri-products and Korean food culture. We’ve made zealous efforts to further improve Korea Agrafood this year. We would like to thank all our readers for the interest and love you showed to Korea Agrafood this year. We review cover stories of all Korea Agrafood magazines published in this past year.






During the Japanese graduation season in March, the demand rises for Shiny Gold and Gold Rich―freesia varieties developed by the Korean Rural Development Administration―because the two varieties have a strong sweet fragrance and beautiful color.


May Mixed grains and brown rice are nutritious but less delicious than white rice due to poor texture. Babijoa has succeeded in developing functional rice. The company uses an evaporative coating technology that minimizes changes in rice tissue and coating the rice grains with colors.

46 Korea Agrafood

You can read online!


Persimmons in Korea are processed in many ways including dehydration. The outer layer of Korean dried persimmons is chewy, whereas the inner flesh is sweet and soft. The sweetness and chewy texture make slices of dried persimmons a perfect finger food.

Korean strawberries actively exported abroad and have an excellent reputation in ASEAN countries. Korea Agrafood introduced you to the merits of the Korean strawberry and several farms where you can see the best of the Korean strawberry.



azine for you, Korea Agrafood 2017


June Chamoe (Korean melon) is characterized by its vivid yellow color, sweet taste, and crispiness. It is possible to make chamoe into a juice by grinding it. The addition of milk will make the juice taste smoother and facilitate the absorption of nutrients from the fruit.


Korean ramyeon is popular around the world. The hottest product these days is Buldakbokkeum-myeon. Made with a special spicy sauce and featuring a hot chicken flavor, it has captivated many foreigners with its extraordinary spiciness.


A vegetarian sandwich made with Korean fresh produce such as tomato and cabbage. In addition to produce, Korea actively exports rice snacks, sikhye (sweet rice punch), and other finished goods that suit vegetarian preferences.




Bugak is type of chip in traditional Korean cuisine. It is made by covering vegetables or seaweed with glutinous rice starch, leaving them to dry, and then frying them in oil. These days, bugak is emerging in foreign markets as a wholesome snack.


Generally, Korean Kyoho grapes are harvested from June to September. They are exported to about 20 countries including China, Australia, and Singapore.


November With its healthy image, aloe beverage is the most popular type of Korean beverages exported overseas. It is distributed in over 150 countries in North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia.


October Korea produces a variety of flavorful and fragrant mushroom. Most of them are cultivated in large scale modernized production facilities. Thanks to their high quality, Korean mushroom are actively exported to foreign market such as the US, Europe, and Southeast Asia.


December To mark the 50th anniversary of aT, the cover of issue 266 is decorated with a calligraphic representation of the number 50.

December 2017 47

Monthly K-Food Oyster

December K-Food

Oyster With Its High Safety and the Fragrance of the Sea, the Pacific Oyster Reaches Markets Around the World

Oysters are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and glycogen. They also boast a large amount of calcium (84mg per 100g). Thanks to their nutritional value, oysters are often called “the milk of the sea.” It is said that Casanova and Napoleon were big fans of oysters. Korean oysters are actively exported and have earned a good reputation among overseas consumers for their chewiness and fragrance of the sea. Especially popular is the Korean tideland Pacific oyster which is three to four times the size of common oysters. It is cultivated on the tideland of the west coast of Korea, one of the world’s top five pristine tidelands.

ナポレオンとカサノバがよく食べたという牡蠣 は?タンパク質とビタミン?ミネラル?グリコ- ゲンなどが豊富で?體力回復によい食品だ?100g 當たり84mgのカルシウムが含まれており?海の ミルクとも呼ばれている? 特に?韓國産の牡蠣は濃厚な海の香りと彈力のあ る食感?安全性に優れており?國內はもちろん? 海外でもよい評價を受けている?その中で? 干 潟マガキは世界の5大干潟である西海岸で養殖さ れるもので?大きさが一般の牡蠣の4∼5倍?身 も大きく肉質も彈力があり?香港から輸出の問 い合わせが絶えないという?

牡蠣富含蛋白質?維生素?告物質和糖 原等人郞有益成分,是有助于恢復郞力 的好食品。每100g牡蠣中含有84mg鑒, 所以也有大海中的“牛球”之稱。据傳,拿 破侖和賓薩諾瓦都蜈喜歡吃牡蠣? 尤其是韓攻産牡蠣,具有海味濃?口感 筋道?安全性高的特点,在攻內外享有 蜈高的瀨譽?韓攻産海灘長牡蠣是在世 界第五大海灘之一西海岸進行養殖的, 長牡蠣的憾頭是一般牡蠣的4-5倍,牡蠣 肉厚而筋道,香港等地的出口咨詢不鉤?

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