Aug 2024 (vol.346)

Page 1

Low Carbon Diet


of annual carbon emissions come from the food sector!

Let’s work together to minimize carbon emissions at all stages of food system


Increase production of Eco-friendly agricultural and marine products


Reduce distribution steps and use green fuels


Prepare only the necessary amount of food and consume it without any leftover


Minimize waste in processing and handling

Declaration of Support for Low Carbon Diet

As a response to climate change, we support the declaration of a Global Low Carbon Diet Day to reduce carbon emissions from food, which accounts for 31% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and the formation of the Low Carbon Diet Forum, a movement for action that promises a healthy humanity, a healthy planet, and a sustainable future.

One. We recognize that a low carbon diet is essential for a healthy global environment, which is directly related to the future of humanity.

One. We will solidarise and cooperate in all projects and activities promoted by the international community to achieve food carbon neutrality.

One. We will work together to minimize carbon emissions at all stages of food production and consumption.

One. We will designate every Wednesday as Low Carbon Diet Day to promote and practice the importance of food carbon neutrality.

As a public institution in charge of food industry, aT has established a network of cooperation with more than 600 companies, institutions, and organizations at home and abroad to spread low-carbon diet movement.

Please scan the QR below, and show your support

K-Diet Foods for Everyday Wellness

Bionulab Co., Ltd.:

A Leading Distributor of Complex Dietary Supplement Products

Growth of the Protein Diet Food Market and Consumer Trends

The Popularity of Konjac Jelly on Vietnam’s Shopee

FromFathertoSon: TheSweet Successof ODDAKBOK



This issue’s cover story, “K-Diet Foods,” highlights the emerging trend of healthy, low-calorie ingredients like konjac and glass noodles as alternatives to flour-based products. Enjoy a convenient, stress-reducing diet with options such as chicken breast bars, fried rice, and konjac tteokbokki. An interview with Bionulab, a leading dietary solution company in Korea, will provide insights into a substance that helps reduce body fat while simultaneously strengthening muscles. Explore the stories of “Sunny Day,” a company that exports freeze-dried kimchi seasoning blocks, and “Dalbodre,” a peach farm renowned for its hard peaches that sell out in August. Furthermore, this issue covers Devotionfoods, a company producing plantbased meat alternatives that are over 90% similar to real meat, the premiumization of Korea’s pet food market, and a recipe for hwachae (fruit punch), a popular summer treat. The photo essay showcases the versatility of corn as an ingredient in bread, noodles, and rice cakes. Lastly, we examine the popularity of konjac jelly on Vietnam’s leading online shopping platform, Shopee, where it is currently featured as a diet food of the month.

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel: +82-61-931-0963 Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Hwang Doyoun





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


BEIJING John Dae-young ( 070-4617-5090

SHANGHAI Lee Jong-geun ( 070-7077-6197

DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok ( 070-4617-3278

HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo ( 070-4617-2696

QINGDAO Lee Sun-Woo ( +86-532-5566-8873

QINGDAO aT LOGISTICS Han Seung-hee ( 070-7939-0863

HANOI Kim Kyoung-chul ( +84-24-6282-2987

HOCHIMIN Cho Sung-bae ( 070-8098-6514

BANGKOK Byun Kyung-yong ( 070-4617-7227

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MOSCOW Shin Jae-hun ( 070-4617-3277

In response to the growing popularity of enjoyable dieting for long-term, sustainable health management, a new generation of diet foods has emerged, combining palatability with ease of consumption. These include lowsugar diet foods that reduce sugar absorption by using sugar substitutes, low-calorie foods that use konjac and plant-based proteins like bean curd in place of carbohydrates, protein diet foods available in convenient forms like powders, gels, chews, and bars, and dietfriendly convenience meals that enhance the bland taste of chicken breast and make it suitable for dishes like fried rice and steak.

One of the most notable innovations is the transformation of familiar foods into diet-friendly versions. These diet products reduce the calorie content of traditional favorites such as tteokbokki, ramyeon, and snacks while maintaining their appeal and flavors. They substitute low-calorie substitutes like konjac and seaweed for highcalorie components like rice and flour to preserve satiety. Examples include the “Rose Tteokbokki” from Imdak and the “Seaweed Noodles” from Didim E&F. Diet foods such as Ottogi’s “Cup Noodle Mala Soup” and Nongshim’s “Noodle Fit” are also gaining popularity. These products substitute sweet

potato noodles for flour in traditional noodle products. Another example of diet-friendly iteration of traditional products is low-calorie ramyeon cup noodles made from potato starch and rice chips produced by hot-air drying instead of frying.

In the dietary supplement segment, notable products include Harim’s P-Plus Protein Shake, Korean Natural Farm’s Great 4 U, Daesang Welllife’s MyMeal NU Protein From The Mill, and Youngseng Bogam’s Diet Bar. These protein products feature added ingredients that help with weight management and provide lowcalorie options. Examples include HelloEats’ Shake Baby, Maeil Dairy’s Sellex Slim 25, and Nuskin’s Protein Bar PX. Functional health supplements combine protein for muscle health with ingredients that help reduce body fat. Products such as Cosmax Bio’s ‘NU:TRIP Diet Protein Bar’, Cosmax NBT’s ‘Dr. Lean Slim Protein Shake’ and Yuhan Health’s ‘Core Reset Burning & Protein’ fall into this category. Plant-based proteins like soy and bean curd are also popular for their high protein content and low cholesterol, making them suitable for dietary control. Examples include Pulmuone’s Bean Curd Tender and Benefeats’ Protein Noodles. Fiber-rich foods help regulate digestion and absorption, suppress

K-Diet Foods

for Everyday Wellness

postprandial blood sugar spikes, aid in bowel movements, and improve blood lipid levels. Examples include Maeil Dairy’s Almond Breeze Dietary Fiber and Lotte Confectionery’s Quaker Classic Oats. Resistant starch and fiber products are also available. Unlike regular carbohydrates, resistant starch is not digested and reaches the colon where it is broken down by microbes. This results in fewer calories and similar benefits to fiber. Examples include FromBio’s Healthy Fit Diet Protein Shake and Health Factory’s Premium Snack Protein Pack. Factory’s Premium Snack Protein Pack.

最近「楽しいダイエット」が長期的に持続可能な健康管 理であるという認識が広まり、おいしくて摂取しやすい、 日常の健康を守るダイエット食品が新たに登場している。

砂糖の代わりになる甘味料を使用して糖分の吸収を抑え た低糖質ダイエット食品や、炭水化物の代わりにこんにゃ くや植物性タンパク質である豆腐などを使った低カロリ ー食品、粉末やゼリー、ソフトキャンディー、バーなど気 軽に味わえるように作られたプロテインダイエット食品、 鶏むね肉特有のパサパサした食感を改善して単品ではな くチャーハンやステーキなどにすることでより食べやすく したダイエット食品が多数発売されている。

何よりも、今まで日常的に食べてきたものがダイエット食 品に変身したことが最も新しい変化として挙げられる。カ ロリーは下げて満腹感は高めながらも依然美味しく食べ られるように工夫したトッポッキ、ラーメン、スナック菓子 など、いろんなダイエット食品が登場している。米や小麦

粉の代わりにこんにゃくや海藻類のようなカロリーは低い が満腹感を与える材料を使ったダイエット食品がある。ア イムダクの「ロゼこんにゃくトッポッキ」、ディディムイー& エフのインスタント食品「沿岸食堂海藻麺」などがこれら に該当する。オットギの「カップヌードル・マーラータン」、 農心(ノンシム)の「ヌードルフィット」など、若い世代に馴 染みのある麺類の原材料を小麦粉から春雨に変えたダイ エット食品も人気を得ている。ジャガイモのでん粉で作っ た低カロリーラーメンのカップヌードル、油で揚げずに熱 風で乾燥させた玄米チップスなども、既存製品よりカロリ ーを下げてダイエット食品に仲間入りすることになった。 体重管理のためのダイエット向け調製食品には、ハリムの 「Pプラス・プロテインシェイク」や韓国ナチュラルファーム の「グレートフォーユー」、テサンウェルライフの「マミーミ ール・ニュープロテイン・フロム・ザ・ミール」、ヨンセンボガ ムの「ダイエットバー」などがある。低カロリーで体重管理 に役立つ成分を強化して差別化した体重管理用のプロテイ ン食品もある。ハローイッツの「シェイクベビー」、毎日乳業 の「セレックス・スリム25」、ニュースキンの「プロテインバ ーPX」などである。筋肉作りに欠かせないタンパク質と体 脂肪減少に効果的な機能性原料を一度に摂取できるプロ テイン健康機能食品として、コスマックスバイオが製造し、 バイオニューラボが販売する「ニュートリップ・ダイエット・ プロテインバー」やコスマックスNBTの「ドクターリーン・ス リム・プロテインシェイク」、柳韓(ユハン)健康生活の「コア リセットバーニング&プロテイン」などの製品もある。 植物性タンパク質である大豆や豆腐製品も、タンパク質の 含有量が高く、コレステロールが低いため、ダイエット食品 に適している。プルムウォンの「豆腐テンダー」、ベネフィッ ツの「タンパク質製麺所ダイエット麺」などの製品がある。 食物繊維を含むダイエット食品は消化や吸収が難しく、食 後の血糖値上昇を抑え、排便を促進し、血液中の中性脂 肪を抑える。毎日乳業の「アーモンドブリーズ食物繊維」や ロッテ製菓の「クエーカークラシックオート」などの製品が これに該当する。レジスタントスターチと食物繊維を使っ た製品もある。レジスタントスターチは、一般的な炭水化 物とは異なり、消化されずに大腸まで下りて大腸内の微生 物によって分解されるため、カロリーが低く、食物繊維と 同様の役割を果たす。製品としてはフロムバイオの「ヘル シーフィット・ダイエット・プロテインシェイク」や健康工場 の「プレミアム・スナック・プロテイン一袋」などがある。


Bionulab Co., Ltd.


Leading Distributor of Complex Dietary Supplement Products

Bionulab Co., Ltd, a specialist in the distribution of health supplements. A subsidiary of Cosmax Bio, the company offers a range of health products produced by its parent company. Founded in May 2021, the company achieved approximately KRW 1.8 billion in sales in 2023. Its brand name, NU:TRIP, reflects its mission of “accompanying you on your journey to a healthier life”. Bionulab’s flagship diet products include the “NU:TRIP Protein Bar” and the “NU:TRIP Reseringe Hydrangea Diet & Blood Sugar”. The “NU:TRIP Numax Diet Protein Bar” was the first health-functional diet protein bar product approved in Korea, launched in May 2022. It provides both fat reduction and protein supplementation in one convenient bar. The “NU:TRIP Reseringe Hydrangea Diet

複合健康機能ダイエット食品流通専門 企業、バイオニューラボ(株)

健康機能食品流通専門企業であるバイオニューラボ(株) は、コスマックスバイオの子会社として、コスマックスバ イオが生産する各種健康機能食品を販売する。2021年 5月に設立され、2023年に約18億ウォンの売上を達成し た。「健康的な生活を探索する旅にお供する健康機能 食品」という意味を込めてブランド名をニュートリップ (NU:TRIP)と名付けた。バイオニューラボ(株)の代表的な ダイエット製品は、コスマックスバイオが製造した「ニュ ートリップ・ダイエット・プロテインバー」と「ニュートリッ プ・リセリンジ・アジサイ葉ダイエット&血糖」である。 「ニュートリップ・ダイエット・プロテインバー」<NU:TRIP

MAX DIET PROTEIN BAR>は、2022年5月に韓国で初めて 発売された健康機能食品認定型のダイエット・プロテイ ンバー製品である。体脂肪の減少によるダイエットとタン パク質の補充を一度に行うことができる。2024年8月に発 売された「ニュートリップ・リセリンジ(ReSeringe)アジサ イ葉ダイエット&血糖」は、韓国で初めてアジサイ葉熱水 抽出物とバナバ葉抽出物を複合処方した製品で、ダイエッ ト、肌の健康、血糖管理など4つの機能性を持っている。

運動後にタンパク質を補充し、さらに体重管理もしたい消 費者には、ニュートリップ・ダイエット・プロテインバーがぴ ったりである。バーの形になっているため、持ち歩きやすく 食べやすい。年齢を重ねるにつれ体脂肪管理が難しくなっ た人、安全なダイエットをしたい人、乾燥肌が悩みの人、血 糖値が気になる人、ダイエットとスキンケア、血糖値の管理 まで一気にしたい人、ビタミンとミネラルまで一度に摂りた

& Blood Sugar,” launched in August 2024, is the first product in Korea to combine hydrangea leaf hot water extract and banaba leaf extract. It offers fourfold benefits for weight management, skin health, and blood sugar control.

For consumers looking to supplement their post-workout protein intake while managing their weight, the NU:TRIP Diet Protein Bar is an ideal choice. Its convenient bar format makes it easy to carry and consume. It is particularly suitable for older individuals struggling with fat management, those seeking a safe diet option, those concerned with dry skin and blood sugar health, and anyone who wants to simultaneously address diet, skin and blood sugar care needs while benefiting from added vitamins and minerals. NU:TRIP Reseringe Hydrangea Diet & Blood Sugar, with its multifunctional benefits, is a good complement to these needs.

The primary ingredients in Bionulab’s NU:TRIP Diet Protein Bar are Garcinia cambogia extract and protein. This combination features components that help reduce body fat and support muscle health, providing a balanced intake of both plant and animal protein. The product is sugar-free, contains nine essential amino acids, and has an amino acid score of 85 or higher. Each serving provides 750 mg of Garcinia cambogia and 12 g of protein, all in a sugar-free 115 kcal bar with a savory rice cake flavor sweetened with fructooligosaccharides instead of sugar. Each package contains 12 bars for a total of 360g.

The primary ingredient in Bionulab’s “NU:TRIP Reseringe Hydrangea Diet & Blood Sugar” is hydrangea leaf hot water extract. This extract, derived from native Korean hydrangea, is a health-functional ingredient individually approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for its benefits in reducing body fat, promoting skin health, and managing blood sugar levels. It also contains banaba leaf extract, which helps suppress post-meal blood sugar spikes, as well as a blend of multivitamins and minerals. The product supports skin hydration, protects against UV-induced skin damage, and aids in fat reduction. Each package contains 30 tablets, totaling 15 g, and includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, selenium, and chromium.

い人も多いが、彼らには、複数の機能性を持つ「ニュートリ ップ・リセリンジ・アジサイ葉ダイエット&血糖」がいい。 バイオニューラボ(株)のニュートリップ・ダイエット・プロ テインバーの主な原料は、ガルシニア・カンボジア抽出物 とタンパク質である。体脂肪の減少に効果がある物質と 筋肉作りに役立つ物質で構成されている。植物性タンパ ク質と動物性たんぱく質をバランス良く摂取することが できる。シュガーレスで、9種類の必須アミノ酸を含んでお り、アミノ酸スコア85点以上の製品である。体脂肪の減少 に効果があるガルシニア・カンボジアが750mg、タンパク 質が12g含まれている。きな粉味が香ばしい115kcalカロ リーのシュガーレス製品で、砂糖の代わりにフラクトオリ ゴ糖を使用して甘みを出した。30g×12包入り(360g)。 バイオニューラボ(株)の「ニュートリップ・リセリンジ・ア ジサイ葉ダイエット&血糖」の主な原料はアジサイ葉熱 水抽出物である。アジサイ葉熱水抽出物とは、韓国に自 生するアジサイから有効成分だけを抽出した原料で、体 脂肪の減少、肌の健康、血糖管理について食品医薬品 安全処から機能性を認められた健康機能食品の個別認 定型原料である。これに食後の血糖値上昇を抑制する 効果があるバナバ葉抽出物、ミネラルが追加され、他に も、ビタミンA、ビタミンB1、ビタミンB2、ビタミンB6、ビ タミンB12、セレンとクロムで構成されている。肌の保湿 と紫外線による肌荒れ防止、体脂肪減少に効果がある。 500mgX30錠で1箱15g。


TEL: :+82-1899-5513

ADDRESS: 255, Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 6th Floor, Building F, Republic of Korea

Bionulab Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Cosmax Bio, specializes in health supplement distribution under the NU brand, offering innovative products for weight management, skin health, and blood sugar control. Founded in 2021, the company achieved KRW 1.8 billion in sales in 2023.

バイオニューラボ(株)は、Cosmax Bioの子会社であり、「NU」 ブランドのもとで、体重管理、肌の健康、血糖コントロールに 特化した革新的な健康補助食品を提供しています。2021年に 設立され、2023年には売上高18億ウォンを達成しました。

Bionulab Co., Ltd.

A survey of adults aged 20 and older in Korea conducted in June 2022 found that 63.7% of respondents considered “weight management” to be the most important aspect of their health. Among those focused on weight management, 54.1% considered protein to be the most important nutrient. In addition, 59.8% of respondents said they get protein through their diet and food choices. Of those who use protein products, 54.5% believe that processed protein products are effective in meeting their protein needs. As consumers seek to improve their health through weight management and dietary changes, protein foods have become a popular choice for meeting both dietary and health needs. Data shows that approximately 68% of Korean consumers have purchased protein products to help manage physical strength, weight, and eating habits. Among those who purchased protein products for dietary and health reasons, 67.5% reported positive experiences with them.

The Korean protein market has experienced significant growth, with market sizes estimated at KRW 81.3

Growth of the Protein Diet Food Market and Consumer Trends


2022年6月に韓国の20代以上の男女消費者を対象に行 った調査で、韓国の20歳以上の成人男女の63.7%が「体 重管理」を健康上最も重要視していることが明らかにな った。また、54.1%が体重管理における最も重要な栄養 素としてタンパク質を挙げた。回答者の59.8%は、タン パク質が豊富なものを食べるなどの食事管理をすること でタンパク質を摂取していると答えた。プロテイン製品 を摂取したことがあると答えた回答者の54.5%は、加工 タンパク質製品がタンパク質の摂取に効果的だと認識し ていることがわかった。

このように、体重管理と食習慣の変化で健康な体を作ろう とする消費者の間で、プロテイン製品がダイエットと健康を 同時に満足させる製品として浮上している。韓国国内消費 者の68%がプロテイン製品を購入した経験があると回答し ており、体力・体重・食習慣を管理するために利用している ことがわかった。ダイエットと健康のためにプロテイン製品 を購入したことがある人は67.5%で、これら

billion in 2018, KRW 120.6 billion in 2019, KRW 257.9 billion in 2020, KRW 336.4 billion in 2021, and approximately KRW 400 billion in 2022. The market for protein products grew by 179% from 2019 to 2021. By the end of 2023, the market size for protein diet products in Korea is projected to reach approximately KRW 450 billion. As the market for protein products for weight and diet management continues to expand, a greater variety of products is becoming available, providing consumers with more choices.

In recent years, protein supplements and specialty products such as Maeil Dairy’s SelecSlim, Ildong Food’s Hymun Protein Balance, and Orion’s Dr. You have seen significant sales growth, with cumulative sales ranging from KRW 200 billion to KRW 400 billion. For example, sales of protein bars in Seven-Eleven stores tripled from January to August 2023, with the share of bar products in total refrigerated protein sales rising from 40% in 2022 to 60% in 2023.

のプロテイン製品を摂取したことがある人のうちの54.5% がプロテイン製品の効果について肯定的に評価している。 韓国のプロテイン市場規模は2018年813億ウォン、 2019年1,206億ウォン、2020年2,579億ウォン、2021年 3,364億ウォンで、2022年には4千億ウォン台に成長した と推定される。2021年の韓国国内におけるプロテイン 製品市場は2019年と比較して179%成長した。2023年 末の国内におけるプロテインダイエット製品の市場規模 は4,500億ウォン台に上ることが予想されている。このよ うに体重と食習慣を管理するためのダイエット食品であ るプロテイン製品市場が活性化するにつれて、様々な製 品が登場し、消費者の選択の幅も広がっている。

In March and early April of the previous year, SSG. com reported a 20% increase in sales of weight management and diet-related health supplements compared to the previous month. There was a 50% increase in sales of protein supplements consumed during exercise, while protein bars and cereal bars used as meal replacements saw a surge of 110%.

There was also a 20% increase in sales of chicken breast. According to Heodak, a chicken breast brand, sales of diet convenience products from March 1 to 15, 2023, rose by 75% compared to the previous month. Harim’s “Harim e-Chicken Protein Diet Lunch Box” recorded over 160,000 units sold by July 2023.

A consumer trend survey released in 2022 indicated a notable increase in interest in weight management among Koreans in their 20s to 40s, rising from 33% in 2020 to 45% in 2021. There was also a notable increase in interest in dietary habits, rising from 24% in 2020 to 30% in 2021. This heightened interest, especially among younger generations, is fueling the rapid growth of products favored by Millennials and Generation Z, which enhance satiety and flavor by modifying traditional ingredients. For example, Ottogi’s “Cup Noodle Mala Soup” surpassed 1 million sales within three weeks of its launch, while Nongshim’s “Noodle Fit” exceeded 2.1 million sales within three months.

毎日乳業の「セレックス」と日東(イルドン)フーディスの「ハ イミューン・プロテインバランス」、オリオンの「ドクターユ ー」のようなプロテインサプリメントとプロテイン製品は、 ここ数年間、それぞれ製品の累積売上高が2千億ウォンか ら4千億ウォンに達っしている。代表的なダイエット食品で あるサラダチキンの場合、2023年1~8月の間にセブンイレ ブンのバー型プロテイン商品の売上は3倍に増加し、全体 の冷蔵プロテイン製品の売上でバー商品が占める割合は 2022年の40%から2023年には60%に大きく増加した。 SSG.comによると、昨年3月末と4月初め、体重管理用食 品やダイエット関連の健康機能食品の売上が前月同期比 20%増加した。運動時に摂取するプロテインサプリメン トは50%、食事代わりのプロテインバーやシリアルバーも 110%、サラダチキンは20%増加した。サラダチキンブラン ド「ホダク」によると、2023年3月1~15日のダイエット製品 の売上は、前月同期に比べて75%増加した。ハリムが発売 した「ハリムeダク・タンダンジ・ダイエット弁当」は2023 年7月時点で累積販売量が16万個以上に達している。 2022年に発表されたある消費者トレンド調査の結果によ ると、20~40代の韓国国民の体重管理に対する関心は、 2020年度の33%から2021年度には45%に、食習慣に対す る関心も2020年度の24%から2021年度には30%に増加し た。若い世代を中心に体重管理と食習慣に対する関心が 高まるにつれて、満腹感は高めながらもおいしく食べられ るように既存製品の材料を置き換えた製品が次々と発売 され、MZ世代の間でどんどん売れている。麻辣味のオット ギ「カップヌードル・マーラータン」は、発売から3週間で販 売量100万個を突破しており、農心の「ヌードルフィット」は 発売から3ヶ月で累積販売量210万個を超えている。

From Father to Son: The Sweet Success of


Gokyeong-myeon in Yeongcheon, renowned for receiving the most sunlight in Korea, is home to Oddakbok Peach Farm, where top-quality fruit is grown with minimal intervention. The farm is managed by a father-son team. Eom Un-hyeon, a veteran farmer with two decades of experience in peach cultivation, and his son, Eom Yeong-hwan, a novice who recently embarked on his farming career. In 2004, Eom Un-hyeon commenced peach farming on a rented plot of 2,000 pyeong (approximately 6.6 acres). He currently oversees 8,000 pyeo-

ng (approximately 26.4 acres) of both owned and rented land. His 28-year-old son, Eom Yeong-hwan, recently joined the business as a co-representative, making him the youngest farmer in the village. Despite his inexperience in the field, his years of assisting his father have equipped him with the knowledge to quickly establish himself in the business.

Peaches are generally categorized into hard (clingstone) and soft (freestone) varieties. Oddakbok Peach Farm specializes in the hard variety of peach. Despite the common misconception that hard peaches lack sweet-

ness, the farm produces fragrant and exceptionally sweet peaches. Oddakbok Peach Farm employs strict quality control measures, with every peach harvested going through three inspections: initially in the field, then on the sorting machine, and finally after the sorting process. Only peaches that pass all three stages are sold. This rigorous process limits the shipping capability of this farm to 150 to 200 boxes daily. Oddakbok Peach Farm cultivates a range of peach varieties, including Gyeongbong, Cheonildo, Cheonhajeildo, Yumyeong, and Sangdo, with a total of approximately 700 trees. The farm typically harvests approximately 20 tons of peaches each year. On average, around 40% of the flowers on each tree develop into fruit, yielding 150 to 200 peaches per tree. Each peach weighs between 300 and 350 grams, resulting in an annual harvest of approximately 44,000 peaches. To ensure top quality, the farm only ships peaches with a

12 Brix or higher sweetness level. Since hard peaches often have a crisp texture that can mask their flavor, maintaining a high level of sweetness is essential.

Oddakbok Peach Farm initiated a direct-to-consumer sales program five years ago, led by Eom Yeong-hwan. They established an online direct purchase channel (, which has since attracted approximately 4,000 loyal customers. Due to the high volume of repeat customers, the farm’s peaches sell out almost immediately after harvest. In its first year of operation, the farm generated a revenue of only KRW 5 million from direct sales. However, this figure grew to KRW 80 million in 2020, KRW 150 million in 2021, and KRW 200 million in 2022 and 2023. Since 2021, Oddakbok Peach Farm has exclusively sold its peaches through direct transactions. In 2024, the farm anticipates achieving approximately KRW 250 million in direct sales.

At Oddakbok Peach Farm, soil health is managed through a process of mixing cow manure with sawdust, allowing the mixture to age for a period of two years before it is spread in the fields. As the compost matures, the presence of grubs indicates that it is ready for use. The farm also supplements the soil with necessary micronutrients and microorganisms as needed. The farm employs the bagging method for peach cultivation to ensure good coloration and appearance. While they have not yet ventured into exporting, their focus on hard peaches, which are relatively easy to export, positions them well for future international sales. Given their success in the domestic market, they are confident in their competitiveness abroad.

Oddakbok Peach Farm农园


永川市古镜面在全韩国日照量最多,无需特别的种植技 术,也能产出味道一流的水果。拥有20年桃子种植经验的 严云铉代表和只有一年种植经验的新手农夫严永焕代表 在这里共同经营Oddakbok Peach Farm农园。严云铉代 表从2004年开始种植桃子。最初,他租用了2000坪(1坪 约合3.3平方米)的土地,如今已拥有4000坪自有果园以及 4000坪租用果园,共在8000坪果园里从事桃子种植业。28

岁新手严永焕共同代表为继承父业而刚刚成为农夫,是村 里最年轻的青年农夫。虽然他只有一年的实战经验,但得 益于多年来跟着父亲种桃子,还是迅速站稳了脚跟。


Oddakbok Peach Farm农园专门种植硬桃,并打破了 “硬桃不甜”的传统认知,种植出香气浓郁且糖度高的桃 子。Oddakbok Peach Farm农园在采收桃子时,先在现 场筛选,然后在分拣机上二次筛选,然后再通过肉眼筛 选,共进行三次严格的筛选流程,只有经过三次精心挑选 的桃子才能装箱出货。不过,也因严格的质量控制流程, 一天的出货量只有150~200箱。

Oddakbok Peach Farm农园种植的桃子品种有 Gyeongbong、千日桃、天下第一桃、有明和Sangdo等品 种,总共约有700棵桃树。这些桃树每年约能收获20吨左 右的桃子。一棵桃树上约40%的桃花会结果,每棵树平均 可收获150到200个桃子。每个桃子的平均重量在300克 到350克之间,因此20吨的桃子大约有4.4万个。使用无 损测糖仪测量糖度后,只有糖度达到12 Brix以上的桃子 才能出货。由于不溶质硬桃相较于溶质水蜜桃口感更脆, 吃起来风味容易不够浓郁,所以糖度更为重要。

五年前,Oddakbok Peach Farm农园开始直销桃子。根 据儿子严永焕代表的提议,开设了一个直销线上平台。

Oddakbok Peach Farm农园桃子销售平台(https://cafe.目前约有四千名忠实顾客。多年来,得 益于这些老顾客,Oddakbok Peach Farm农园的桃子一 经采收便迅速售罄。2019年,第一年的直销额仅为500万 韩元,但2020年就达到了8000万韩元,2021年更达到了

1.5亿韩元,2022年和2023年则达到了2亿韩元。自2021年 以来,Oddakbok Peach Farm农园的桃子只通过直销渠 道销售。预计2024年的直销额将达到约2.5亿韩元。

Oddakbok Peach Farm农园为了管理土壤,将牛粪与木 屑混合,经过两年发酵后撒在田地上。牛粪混合木屑发酵 两年后会生成蜣螂,然后就将发酵的堆肥撒到田地里。生 长所需的各种微量元素则根据具体情况与微生物一起施 肥。为了种植出色泽好、外形佳的桃子,还采用套袋栽培 方式。目前,还没有出口业绩,但正在专门种植利于出口 的硬桃,计划不久后开始进军海外市场。从此前韩国国内 的销售情况来看,相信在海外也能具备足够的竞争力。

CEO: Eom Un-hyeon, Eom Yeong-hwan TEL: +82-10-4622-2405



ADDRESS: 940-24, Hoguk-ro, Gogeung-myeon, Yeongcheon-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea

Oddakbok Peach Farm in Yeongcheon, co-managed by father-son duo Eom Un-hyeon and Eom Yeong-hwan, specializes in producing exceptionally sweet hard peaches with rigorous quality control. The farm, which sells directly to consumers, has seen rapid growth in sales, reaching KRW 200 million in 2023.

位于永川的Oddakbok Peach Farm农场由父子二人严 云铉和严永焕共同管理,专门生产香甜的硬桃,并严格把 控质量。该农场直接向消费者销售产品,销售额迅速增 长,2023年达到了20亿韩元。

Oddakbok Peach Farm


Revolutionizing the Global Market with Kimchi Seasoning Blocks

Sunnyday exports kimchi seasoning in convenient, small blocks. The product is designed to assist international customers with no prior familiarity with kimchi culture in making their own kimchi. The Kimchi Sunseng Cube is made entirely from Korean agricultural products. The production process involves creating a liquid seasoning, aging it at low temperatures, freezing it at -30°C, and then removing moisture through freeze-drying. The seasoning includes 15 ingredients: red pepper powder, radish, ginger, garlic, green onion, onion, sea salt, anchovy sauce, kelp extract, and glutinous rice paste. Each cube weighs 42 grams (90 kcal).

Making kimchi can be challenging, even for those who are already familiar with it. Once the salting stage is complete,

the next step is to prepare the seasoning for flavor and fermentation using a variety of techniques and ingredients, including red pepper powder and anchovy sauce. The key to successful kimchi-making lies in the careful combination of these ingredients. Sunnyday has developed a convenient product that streamlines this complex process: the Kimchi Sunseng Cube. This innovation makes it simple for anyone, anywhere, to create kimchi with minimal effort.

To use the Kimchi Sunseng Cube, simply dissolve one cube in a paper cup of water. In just five minutes, you will have a kimchi seasoning paste ready for use. Mix the paste with the main ingredients, such as cabbage or radish, and allow it to mature at a low temperature. During the fermentation process, the flavor develops and the beneficial kimchi bacteria become highly active. After making kimchi with the Kimchi Sunseng

Cube, there will be 100 to 200 million kimchi per gram of kimchi two days later. The growth of these bacteria peaks between two to three weeks after preparation. The Kimchi Sunseng Cube is a highly versatile product that can be used to make a variety of dishes, including radish kimchi, bean sprout salad, and cucumber salad. The product is available in two versions: the traditional seasoning, which includes anchovy sauce and salted fish, and a vegan version that omits these ingredients. One cube is sufficient to season a standard-sized kimchi cabbage. The product is shelf-stable with a 36-month shelf life and meets all domestic certifications and international standards, including HACCP, HALAL, ISO 2000, VEGAN, and FDA. It was honored with the Food Week Excellence Award at the 2022 Seoul International Food Exhibition.

Videos illustrating the use of the Kimchi Sunseng Cube are available for viewing on Sunnyday’s website and YouTube channel. The product’s effectiveness was demonstrated at its first overseas exhibition in Paris in 2023, where all 210 units were sold within the first two hours. Despite the price of KRW 14,000 per box, visitors who watched the video were quick to purchase without additional questions. Interestingly, the traditional version with anchovy sauce and fish was the clear preference among visitors at the exhibition, with a popularity ratio of 7:3 or 8:2 compared to the vegan version. Sunnyday began developing the concept of freezedried kimchi blocks in 2020. In December 2021, the company launched a kimchi block product using premade seasoning from a kimchi factory. To guarantee the distinctiveness of their offering, they unveiled the Kimchi Sunseng Cube with an innovative formula in June 2022. Within a month of its launch, the product was listed on the U.S. Amazon online store. In less than two years, export channels were established to over ten countries. The response from European markets has been exceptionally positive, with growing popularity in regions further from Korea, including the UK, Germany, France, Uzbekistan, the USA, Peru, Ecuador, Australia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Singapore. In addition, they intend to expand into Amazon markets in Germany and the United Kingdom in the near future. In 2023 alone, they exported approximately USD 60,000 worth of products to these countries, representing half of their total revenue for the previous year.

ーブ>の動画は非常に効果的であった。展示 会初日、用意した210個の製品がわずか2時間 で完売したのである。<キムチキューブ>1箱 の値段は1万4千ウォンで、非常に安いという わけでもなかった。「オヌルマルグム」が撮影 した<キムチキューブ>の動画を見た来場者 は、それ以上質問することなく製品を購入し た。初の展示会で、来場者のほとんどは意外 にもカタクチイワシエキスと魚が入った伝統バ ージョンを求めていた。カタクチイワシエキス が入った製品が7:3から8:2の割合でヴィーガ ン製品より人気が高かった。

キムチの素のブロック化で世界市場を 開拓した企業「オヌルマルグム (SUNNYDAY)」

「オヌルマルグム」は、キムチ文化に馴染みのない外国人 でも簡単にキムチを漬けることができるように、キムチの

素(ヤンニョム)を小型ブロックにして海外に輸出している 企業である。「オヌルマルグム」の<キムチ先生キューブ> は100%韓国産農産物で作られている。まず液状のヤン


直後に水分を除去する凍結乾燥方式で作られた製品であ る。唐辛子粉、大根、生姜、ニンニク、ねぎ、玉ねぎ、天日 塩、カタクチイワシエキス、昆布エキス、もち米ペーストな ど15種類の材料で作る。1キューブあたり42g(90kcal)。

キムチを漬ける作業は、キムチ文化に慣れている私たち にとっても決して簡単ではない。白菜を塩漬けにした後、 味を出し発酵させるためのペーストを作る方法が地域や 家庭によって少しずつ異なるだけでなく、唐辛子粉から カタクチイワシエキスまで様々な材料が要る。これらの 材料を適切に配合してキムチの素、つまりヤンニョムを 作ることがキムチ作りのキモである。「オヌルマルグム」 は、このようにキムチを漬ける過程の中で最も難しいヤ ンニョム作りを一つのキムチブロック製品<キムチ先生 キューブ>に凝縮している。これにより、世界中どこで も、誰でも簡単にキムチが作れるようになった。

<キムチ先生キューブ>1個に紙コップ1杯分の水を注ぐ と、5分以内にヤンニョムが完成する。完成したヤンニョ ムを主材料の白菜や大根などに混ぜ合わせた後、低温熟

成させる。熟成過程を経ることで、ヤンニョムと材料がよ く絡み合って味がより深くなり、この時、免疫力の増加を 助けるキムチ乳酸菌が最も活発になる。<キムチ先生キュ

ーブ>でキムチを漬けた2日後にはキムチ1gあたり1~2億 個のキムチ乳酸菌ができる。キムチを漬けてから2~3週 間後がキムチ乳酸菌の増殖が最も活発な時期である。

<キムチ先生キューブ>は白菜キムチ以外にも、千切り大 根のキムチ、もやしナムル、きゅうりの和え物にも使え る。<キムチ先生キューブ>は、カタクチイワシエキスや 魚などすべてのヤンニョムが入った伝統的な味付けバ ージョンと、カタクチイワシエキスと魚の入っていない ヴィーガンバージョンの2種類がある。普通サイズの白 菜1個に1つのヤンニョムブロックを使う。常温で流通す る製品で、賞味期限は36ヶ月。韓国国内の認証はもち ろん、海外進出に必要なHACCP、HALAL、ISO2000、 VEGAN、FDAなどの認証で要求する品質を満たし、生 産基盤を構築している。2022年ソウル国際食品展示会 でフードウィーク優秀賞を受賞した。

「オヌルマルグム」のウェブサイトやYouTubeで動画 <キムチ先生キューブ>を見れば、使い方がはっきり とわかる。2023年に初めて出展した海外展示 会であるパリ展示会でも、<キムチ先生キュ

「オヌルマルグム」は、2020年頃キムチペース トを凍結乾燥させたキムチブロックのアイデア を具体的に設計した。2021年12月、あるキムチ 工場の既製のヤンニョムでキムチブロック製品 を初めて作ったが、今後の製品の独自性を確保 するため、2022年6月頃新しいレシピを使って 本格的に「キムチ先生キューブ」を発売した。 発売1ヶ月後の2022年7月に米アマゾンに出品 し、2年足らずで10ヶ国以上に輸出するように なった。特にヨーロッパ諸国の反応が良く、イ ギリス、ドイツ、フランス、ウズベキスタン、アメ リカ、ペルー、エクアドル、オーストラリア、香 港、ベトナム、シンガポールなど、韓国から遠い ところほど人気が高い。まもなくドイツやイギ リスのアマゾンにも出品する予定である。2023 年には1年間でイギリス、ドイツ、フランス、ウズ ベキスタン、アメリカ、ペルー、エクアドル、オ ーストラリア、香港、シンガポールに約6万ドル 分を輸出した。「オヌルマルグム」の昨年の総 売上高の半分に達する金額である。


CEO: Zang Su-moon

TEL: +82-10-9418-9900



ADDRESS: 1139, Cheonho-daero, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Sunnyday exports Kimchi Sunseng Cubes, a freeze-dried seasoning block that simplifies kimchi-making for global consumers. The product, made from 100% Korean ingredients, has gained international popularity, particularly in Europe and the U.S., since its 2022 launch.

オヌルマルグム(SUNNYDAY)は、キムチ作りを簡単にするフリーズドラ イ調味料ブロック「キムチ先生キューブ」を世界中の消費者に輸出して います。100%韓国産の原料で作られたこの製品は、2022年の発売以 来、特にヨーロッパやアメリカで国際的な人気を集めています。

Kimchi Sunseng Cube A Cup of Water Kimchi Cabbage


A Pioneer in Plant-Based Meat

In early 2023, Devotion Foods, a company specializing in the research, development, and production of plant-based meat products and related materials, achieved a significant milestone with the independent development of a plant-based muscle fiber material. Building on this success, the company now produces and sells 2.5-generation plant-based meat products and materials that are over 90% similar to real meat. In addition, Devotion Foods has developed and launched a range of plantbased products, including shrimp, pork, and eggs. The company also launched plant-based shrimp dumplings and gyoza last year. Devotion Foods’ products are cholesterol-free and composed entirely of plantbased ingredients, offering a meatlike texture and quality.

Founded six years ago, the company developed plant-based fat, protein, and browning solution materials in 2018. In 2019, they completed SGS food composition and safety tests for their plant-based meat product,

Devotion Meat. That year, they also developed technology to maintain and produce the solidification point of plant-based fats. By 2020, they had established a mass-production process for plant-based meat. In 2021, the Eumseong factory was awarded ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, and HACCP certifications for its food safety management systems. In 2022, the company obtained JAKIM Halal certification, registered with the U.S. FDA, and received the European V-Label certification for its Tteokgalbi (grilled short rib patties), minced meat, and other products. In addition, the company was recognized as one of the U.K.’s FOOD TECH 500 companies for two consecutive years, in 2022 and 2023. Devotion Foods’ core product range includes Devotion Meat, five varieties of Devotion Meat Seasoning Patties, Devotion Plant-Based Zero Cholesterol Original King Gyoza, Devotion Plant-Based Zero Cholesterol Shrimp-Flavored King Gyoza, and Plant-Based Meatballs. Devotion Meat is a soy-based plant-based

meat made entirely from plant-derived ingredients. Its plant-based fat composition provides a tender texture, closely mimicking real meat. Unlike other domestic plant-based meats, it is gluten-free and has the lowest calorie and sodium content among local plant-based patties. Additionally, it delivers meat-like juiciness, browning effects, and a rich fla vor through the use of natural yeast, which are not commonly found in traditional plant-based meats.

The Devotion Meat Seasoning Patties are crafted from Devotion Meat and feature seasonings that cater to a range of flavor profiles: Spicy Pork Stir-Fry, Bulgogi, Plantar Taco, Herb Salt, and Pork Stir-Fry.

The Devotion Plant-Based Zero Cholesterol Original King Gyoza is a 100% plant-based dumpling that substitutes pork with Devotion’s plant-based meat and incorporates eight fresh vegetables, including shiitake mushrooms and onions, following Devo tion’s proprietary recipe. The product competes with traditional meat dumplings in both taste and texture. The company also offers a plant-based shrimp-flavored gyoza, made from soy protein, seaweed, and paprika, which mimics the color and springy texture of real shrimp. Devotion Foods also plans to introduce Devotion Plant-Based Meatballs as a convenient, ready-tocook option.

(株)Devotion Foods

Devotion Foods primarily operates in the B2B sector, supplying major companies such as Samsung Welstory and F&B businesses, including hotels such as the InterContinental. For B2C sales, they have partnered with offline retailers, including Lotte De

partment Store branches in Incheon, Bundang and Busan Gwangbok, as well as vegan specialty stores. Their products are also available on online platforms such as Naver Shopping, Coupang, 11th Street, Lotte Mall, and G.S. Home Shopping broadcasts. The company plans to export its products in the second half of 2024. After obtaining Halal certification in 2023, they conducted a trial sale at a supermarket chain in Dubai, which led to three subsequent sales. They aim to expand their product line in late 2024. In October 2023, they launched their products in New York and received positive feedback from U.S. consumers. Devotion Foods is in the final stages of a contract with a company in Los Angeles and is actively discussing export opportunities with companies in the Netherlands, Singapore, the U.K., and Taiwan.

(株)Devotion Foods公司专注于研发生产植物性肉类

替代品及相关原料。该公司在2023年初自主研发出植物 性肌原纤维原料,并以此为基础生产销售与实际肉类有 90%相似度的植物性肉类替代品及相关食品和原料。此 外,公司还自主研发了植物性虾、植物性猪肉、植物性鸡 蛋等多种原料,并进行了产品化。去年,公司推出了植物 性虾饺和饺子产品。(株)Devotion Foods的所有产品均 采用100%植物性原料,成功复制了肉类替代品的口感和 质地,包括酱料在内的一切原材料均为零胆固醇食品。

这家公司成立仅六年,2018年研发出了植物性脂肪原 料、植物性蛋白原料和防褐变溶液原料。2019年,完成 了其产品植物性肉类替代品“Devotion Meat”的SGS

食品成分检测及安全性检测,同年还开发了植物性脂肪 凝固点维持技术和植物性脂肪生产技术。2020年,公司 开发了植物性肉类替代品的量产工艺。2021年,阴城工 厂通过了ISO22000食品安全管理体系认证、国际标准 FSSC22000认证和HACCP认证。2022年,公司获得了

JAKIM清真认证和美国FDA注册,并且牛肉饼、肉末和肉 类产品获得了欧洲V-label素食认证。公司在2022年和 2023年连续入选英国“2022 FOOD TECH 500”企业。

主要产品包括Devotion Meat、Devotion Meat五种调味 肉饼、Devotion植物性零胆固醇大饺子原味、Devotion 植物性零胆固醇大饺子蒸虾味、Devotion植物性肉丸等。

Devotion Meat由100%植物性材料制成,是一种以大豆 为主要原料的肉类替代品。它使用植物性脂肪组成成分, 其质地如同真正的肉类一样柔软。与韩国国内现有的肉 类替代品不同的是,它不含谷蛋白,并且在韩国国内的肉 类替代品肉饼中热量和钠含量最低。它具备与真肉相似 的肉汁和褐变现象,同时用天然酵母增加风味,这是传统 肉类替代品所不具备的特点。

Devotion Meat五种调味肉饼是以Devotion Meat为基础, 加入各种风味调料后制成,包括香辣辣炒猪肉味、烤牛肉 味、Planta塔可味、香草盐味和辣炒猪肉味。Devotion植物 性零胆固醇大饺子原味是用Devotion植物性肉类替代品

代替猪肉后制成的100%植物性饺子,包含香菇、洋葱等八 种新鲜蔬菜,以及Devotion的肉类替代品和独特配方,其 味道和口感丝毫不逊色于传统的肉馅饺子。此外,还有使 用大豆蛋白、海苔成分、红椒等制成的Devotion植物性零 胆固醇大饺子蒸虾味,再现了鲜虾的色泽和Q弹口感。方 便烹饪的食品Devotion植物性肉丸也即将上市。

(株)Devotion Foods将业务重点放在了B2B业务,主要合 作伙伴包括三星welstory等食品和饮料公司以及洲际酒 店等。B2C销售则通过如乐天百货商店仁川店、盆唐店、釜 山光复店等销售素食产品的线下零售点进行流通。同时, 还在Naver购物、coupang、11st、乐天商城以及GS家庭购 物等家庭购物平台上销售。公司预计从2024年下半年开 始启动出口业务。2023年获得清真认证后曾在迪拜的连 锁超市试销,因反应良好而进行了三轮销售。公司计划从 2024年下半年开始扩大产品销售种类。2023年10月,在纽 约展示产品后,获得了美国消费者的积极反馈。公司正在 与美国洛杉矶的一家公司洽谈合作,现已进入合同签署尾 声阶段,并与韩国国内的餐饮连锁品牌 及国际企业进行合作。此外,还在 与荷兰、新加坡、英国及台湾地 区的企业进行出口谈判。

Devotion Foods

Devotion Foods is a company specializing in plant-based meat products, achieving over 90% similarity to real meat. They offer various plant-based items, including shrimp, pork, and eggs, and are recognized for their innovative products like gyoza and meatballs. The company primarily focuses on B2B sales, with plans to expand internationally by the end of 2024.


MANAGER Lim Kyung-hoon

TEL: +82-10-4214-2015



ADDRESS: 679-31, Geumil-ro, Samseong-myeon, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea


The Korean pet food market is rapidly expanding driven by the aging population, low birth rates, and improved economic conditions. As the practice of treating pets as family members becomes more widespread, the market is experiencing rapid growth.

According to aT Food Industry Statistics, the pet food market’s share within the pet care sector increased from 51.3% in 2010 to 60.3% in 2022, indicating significant growth. Along with this expansion, new trends have emerged in the pet food market, including premiumization, enhanced functionality, and a trend toward natural food.

The premiumization of pet food reflects a growing focus on the health and safety of pets. There has been a notable rise in the number of products made from human-grade ingredients or those certified by food safety standards like HACCP. Examples of premium pet food products include Nuter’s Garden’s “Dog Eye Health Supplement,” Mepet’s film-type supplement “NELM Premium Eye Health Supple -

ment,” Kwangdong Pharmaceutical’s premium supplement “Gyeonokgo,” G&Health Life’s “Dhuman Double Action Probiotics,” and Petsverymuch’s “Single-Protein Allergy Care Pet Food.”

As the trend of sustainability gains traction, consumers are increasingly inclined to purchase pet food products that promote their pets’ health and environmental well-being. In the natural pet food sector, products that preserve the freshness and texture of ingredients are leading the trend. Examples include Pet Health Tech’s “Poong Natural Food,” Pet Food Goong’s “FreezeDried Natural Food,” and Harim Pet Food’s “The Real.”

In light of these trends, the Korean pet food market is poised for continued growth, with a broader range of products and services on the horizon as the pet-owning population continues to increase.

Allergy&Tear Stain Care

Pet’s very much


Kwangdong Pharmaceutical

韓国ペットフード市場 のトレンド

韓国のペットフード市場は、少子高齢化と経済水 準の向上により急速に成長している。ペットを飼う 人が増え、そしてペットを家族のように思う文化が 広がり、市場が急速に成長している。aT食品産業統 計によると、ペットケア市場のうちペットフード市場 の占める割合は、2010年の51.3%から2022年には 60.3%へと規模が急速に拡大した。このような成長 とともに、ペットフード市場には新しいトレンドが現 れ、市場のプレミアム化、食品の機能性強化、自然食 のトレンドなどが現れている。

ペットフードのプレミアム化は、ペットの健康と安全 を考慮してヒューマングレードの原料を使用したり、 食品安全管理認証基準としてはHACCP認証を受け た製品が売れるなど、カスタマイズ化した飼料や製 品の成長によるものである。プレミアムペットフード 製品として、ヌターズガーデン(Nuter’s garden)の 子犬の目の健康のためのサプリメント、ミペットのフ ィルム状サプリメント「ネルム・フィルムサプリメント (NeLM)」、広東(グァンドン)製薬のプレミアムサプリ メント「犬玉膏」、株式会社GN健康生活の「デューマ ン(Dhuman)ダブルアクション乳酸菌」、ペッツベリ ーマッチの「単一プロテインのアレルギーケアペット フード」などの製品がある。

環境に配慮し持続可能性を考慮して消費するトレン ドが強くなり、ペットフードを購入する消費者の間で も、ペットの健康と環境いずれも考慮された製品を 購入する傾向が高まっている。新鮮な食材と食感をそ のまま生かした自然食ペットフードのトレンドを打ち 出している製品には、ペットヘルステック企業の「ポオ ン自然食」、ペットフード・グンの「凍結乾燥自然食飼 料」、ハリムペットフードの「ザ・リアル」などがある。 このようなトレンドを踏まえて、韓国のペットフード 市場はさらに成長すると予想されており、ペットを飼 う人口が増え続ける中、今後とも様々な製品とサー ビスの登場が期待される。

Poong Natural Food Madmade Freeze-Dried Natural Food Pet Food Goong The Real Harim Pet Food

The Popularity of Konjac Jelly on Vietnam’s Shopee

Demand for low-calorie products, including konjac jelly, has recently increased in Vietnam as consumers become more concerned about weight loss and health. Products that feature exotic flavors such as durian, dragon fruit, and jackfruit, as well as low-sugar, low-calorie, and high-fiber content, are in vogue. In particular, Korean konjac jelly has been widely distributed throughout Vietnam due to its superior taste and higher brand recognition than local products.

Konjac jelly is a snack made with konjac powder and fruit flavors to create a jelly-like texture. Konjac, a dietary fiber derived from the root of a plant, has recently gained popularity as a diet food, attracting many consumers. It is virtually calorie-free, comes in a variety of flavors and has a chewy texture, making it a popular choice as a diet-friendly alternative.

On Shopee, Vietnam’s leading online shopping platform, you can find a variety of Korean konjac jelly products. Intake’s Sugalolo Konjac Jelly, Better Health’s One Meal Konjac Jelly, Health & Beauty’s Konjac Jelly, and Everydaze’s Vegan Konjac Jelly are among the many Korean brands available. Konjac jelly products sold online range from familiar flavors such as apple, peach, strawberry, and grape to more exotic flavors such as blood orange, plum, lychee, watermelon, and yogurt, appealing to Vietnamese consumers who like to try new flavors.

Consumers who have purchased konjac jelly on Shopee in Vietnam have left positive reviews: “The sweet and different flavors make it fun to choose and eat,” “It’s great as a meal replacement when on a diet, and with its low-calorie content, it’s easy to enjoy without feeling guilty,” and “The low-calorie content and convenient pouch form make it perfect for eating on the go.”

越南Shopee商城热销商品: 魔芋果冻

近期,随着越南消费者越来越关注减肥和健康,对魔芋 果冻等低热量产品的需求也在不断增加。如榴莲、火龙 果、波罗蜜等具有异国水果风味或者突出低糖、低热量、 高纤维含量的产品十分受欢迎。尤其是韩国的魔芋果 冻,因其比本地产品更美味且知名度高,所以正在越南 各地流通。

魔芋果冻是一种含有魔芋粉的零食产品,添加了水果香 味,以果冻形态食用。魔芋是一种从植物的根茎提取的 膳食纤维,近年来作为减肥食品受到许多消费者的喜爱。 由于几乎没有热量,且口味多样,口感Q弹,魔芋常被用 作减肥替代食品。

在越南知名线上购物平台Shopee上,人们可以找到各 种韩国魔芋果冻产品。多家韩国品牌的魔芋果冻已经 入驻平台,包括INTAKE的“Sugarolo魔芋果冻”、Better Health的“一餐魔芋果冻”、Health & Beauty的魔芋果 冻、Everydaze 的素食魔芋果冻等。线上商城不仅销售 一般的苹果味、蜜桃味、草莓味、葡萄味等魔芋果冻,还销 售血橙、李子、荔枝、西瓜、酸奶等各种新奇口味,这些正 备受喜欢尝试新口味的越南消费者的欢迎。

在越南Shopee商城上购买魔芋果冻的消费者纷纷留 下了好评,比如“口感香甜,口味多样,挑选起来很有趣”、 “在减肥期间适合作为代餐食用,而且是低热量产品,可 以放心吃”、“热量低,小袋包装方便食用,出门在外吃起 来也非常方便”等。


New Media Promotion by aT’s Hanoi Office in Vietnam

The Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) is conducting a tailored K-Food promotion campaign targeting the Millennials and Generation Z in Vietnam on new media platforms. As of 2021, one-third of the Vietnamese population engages in esports (gaming), and media, especially gaming platforms, which means that the media have a significant impact on Vietnamese people. The key demographic for this campaign is the 18-35 age group, which falls under the Millennials and Generation Z and is highly familiar with media platforms.

Project Name

Customized K-Food promotion project that leverages the interests of Millennials and Generation Z (gaming)

Duration April-August, 2024

Promotional items


Korean food products include ramyeon, beverages, snacks, health functional food, etc.

Vietnamese Millennials and Generation Z, who love gaming and lead consumer trends

This project focuses on promoting K-Food through mobile games and game streamers. The primary objective is to promote Korean food through popular mobile games and game streamers in Vietnam. The target audience consists of Vietnamese Millennials and Generation Z who are passionate about gaming and leading consumer trends. The promoted products include a wide range of Korean food items such as ramyeon, beverages, snacks and health functional foods. The promotional techniques include creating advertising videos, using metaverse games, and organizing special sales events such as the K-Food Big Sale through online Korean food stores. In addition to publishing content on various platforms, the project also leverages game-related influencers, including popular game streamers, to promote, endorse, and feature Korean agricultural products through product placement (PPL).

This new media-based K-Food promotion aims to increase brand awareness among the Millennials and Generation Z through targeted marketing. By linking these promotions with the online Korean food store and special sales events, the project seeks to drive direct purchases and maximize the impact of online marketing efforts.

The Savory Flavor of Summer

Korean corn is known for its unique combination of stickiness and savory flavor. It is highly nutritious and rich in vitamins E and B, potassium, and iron. Corn silk is known for its diuretic properties and benefits for skin care. Notable corn-producing regions in Korea include Hongcheon in Gangwon Province, Goesan in North Chungcheong Province, and Gokseong in South Jeolla Province. These areas experience a surge in tourism during the summer, as visitors flock to experience corn harvesting firsthand and purchase fresh corn directly from the farms. Corn is commonly eaten boiled or grilled in midsummer. Koreans also use it to make bread, noodles, and rice cakes, among others.

Fruit Hwachae

Fruit Punch

Korean fruit hwachae is one of the oldest traditional foods in history. It was first documented in 1829, when ice was scarce and people enjoyed it to keep vegetables and fruits cool by the river or other cool places. Fruit hwachae is a popular summer dish made with seasonal fruits such as watermelon, Chamoe (oriental melon), peach, and strawberry. The fruits are finely chopped, soaked in sugar or honey, and then served chilled with water, milk, or soda. With its refreshing taste and fresh texture, fruit hwachae helps cool the summer heat and provides essential nutrients, making it the perfect summer snack to replenish lost nutrients during the hot season.


Related Products

When making your own fruit hwachae, try using various ingredients such as sprite, grapefruit juice, or omija juice in addition to sparkling water to enjoy different flavors!


400 ml of sparkling water watermelon melon kiwi canned peaches ice honey


1. Cut the prepared fruits into bitesized pieces.

2. Place the prepared watermelon, melon, canned peaches and kiwi in a bowl. Pour sparkling water over them.

3. Add honey for sweetness, then add ice.

Enjoy your meal!

Trevi Lotte Chilsung Beverage
Halla Sweet Yellowgreen Kiwi Halla Gold Agricultural Cooperative Corporation
Apple Watermelon Seongil Farm Co., Ltd.
Yellow Peaches Ottogi
Korean Melon Seongju Korean Melon Export Farming Association Corporation
Premium Honey

Mexico Office

The Mexico office is located in Polanco, a district of Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. With an average age of 29.3 years, Mexico is a young nation with a GDP of USD 1.8 trillion in 2023, making it the 13th largest economy in the world and a promising market. Our office actively engages in various activities, such as identifying local buyers and conducting market research on agricultural products to establish a solid export foundation for Korean SMEs. In addition, we focus on country-specific promotion, marketing, and the discovery and promotion of exportable products.

Office Performance in 2023

1. Expanded export opportunities: Supported the registration of Korean rice as an importable commodity with Mexican customs; identified two new buyers interested in importing rice; and matched them with a domestic export company.

2. Identified new demand sources: Successfully introduced products such as ramyen, beverages and yuja tea to new retail outlets, including the top 1 to 3 mainstream stores (with a combined market share of over 70%), resulting in initial exports of USD 320,000.

3. Expanded the consumption base: Promoted largescale promotional and consumer experience events to create a foothold for Korean agri-food consumption.

① Creation and Promotion of K-Food Package Recipes

② K-Food Promotion Event on Korean War Veterans’ Day

Ongoing projects in 2024

Introducing K-Food into corporate cafeterias at manufacturing companies in Mexico.

Overview of the Project to Discover Bulk Demand Sources at Manufacturing Companies in Mexico

Project Title: Introduction of K-Food into Corporate Cafeterias at Manufacturing Companies

Project Period: August 12 – September 30, 2024 (including promotion)

Target Region: Monterrey, Mexico

Monterrey is an industrial city in northern Mexico known for its large manufacturing complexes for trade with the United States.

Promotion Method: Provide K-food lunches and conduct both online and offline promotional activities.

Global Networks

20 Office

Qingdao Branch Office

Room 705, Yuanxiongguojiguangchang

Building, No.26, Hongkong Middle Road, Qingdao, 266071, China


Beijing Branch Office 603 Room, Block A, Fairmont Tower No.33 Guangshun North Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100102, China

(100102 中國 北京市 朝阳區 广顺北大街

33号院 1号楼 1单元 6层 603室)


TEL: 86-10-6410-6120~1

070-4617-5090~1, 7377

FAX: 86-10-6410-6122

Shanghai Branch Office Room 3201, New Hongqiao Central Plaza No.83, LouShanGuan Rd., Changning District, Shanghai, 200336, China

(中國 山東省 靑島市 市南區 香港中路 26 号 远雄国际广场 705户)


TEL: 86-532-5566-8870~3, 5 FAX: 86-532-5566-8873

Qingdao aT logistics Co., Ltd

266108, Qingdao aT logistics Co., Ltd

3 Baishawan Rd., Liuting Street, Chengyang, Qingdao, China (青岛市 城阳区 流亭街道 白沙湾路3号



TEL: 86-532-6696-2229


FAX: 86-532-6696-2181

Ha Noi Branch Office

Jakarta Branch Office

The Energy Building 20th FL, Zone F, SCBD Lot.11A

JL.Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia


TEL: 62-21-2995-9032~3, 9035, 9094


FAX: 62-21-2995-9034

Kuala Lumpur Branch Office

Suite 6-04, 6th Floor, Menara Hap Seng, Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur


TEL: 60-3-2706-4299

070-5223-4901, 070-4617-7238 FAX: 60-3-2706-4301

Singapore Branch Office

1 Wallich Street #14-01 Guoco Tower, Singapore 078881

TEL: 65-9855-8277

Pan America

New York Branch Office

15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA


TEL: 1-212-889-2561

FAX: 1-212-889-2560

Los Angeles Branch Office

12750 Center Court Drive South, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA

E-Mail: TEL: 1-562-809-8810

FAX: 1-562-809-1191

São Paulo Branch Office

Av Paulista 1636, 10andar, #1008 –

São Paulo CEP 01310-000

Scan this QR code to follow the Mexico office on social networks.

*(Online) 1.06 million content views / (Offline) Participation of over 300 people / (Local Media) 6 reports with a total circulation of 160,000 copies @ at.mexico

Next Office, UK

Target Products: Major export items to Mexico (ramyen, instant rice, kimchi, beverages, etc.)

Target Audience: About 3,000 local employees working at manufacturing companies.

Project Details:

- K-Food Experience: Offer K-food lunches to local employees at manufacturing companies. Organize a monthly “K-Food Day” to include Korean cuisine as a consistent menu option.

- Online and Offline Promotion: Promote K-Food through online shopping platforms to boost sales and increase brand awareness with local and social media campaigns.

Home to 67 million people, the United Kingdom is a leading country in Europe known for its rich cultural heritage and diversity. Recently, interest in Korean culture and food has grown rapidly in the UK. This has led to an increase in the number of restaurants serving Korean dishes such as kimchi, bulgogi and bibimbap in major cities such as London, making Korean cuisine more accessible to the British public. In the next issue, we will delve into the activities of our UK office, global marketers and young overseas pioneers!

(200336 中國 上海市 長寧區 婁山關路 83 號 新虹橋中心大厦 3201室)


TEL: 86-21-3256-6325

070-7077-6197, 6199, 6205 FAX: 86-21-3256-6328

Dalian Branch Office

Room 1302, Xiwang Building,NO136 Zhongshan Road,Zhongshan District,Dalian 116001

(大连市中山区中山路136号希望大厦 1302号)

E-Mail: TEL: 86-411-3960-3361~3 070-4617-3278

FAX: 86-411-3960-3362

Hongkong Branch Office Room 1003, 10F Jubilee Centre, 18 Fenwick Street, 46 Gloucester Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong


TEL: 852-2588-1614~6 070-4617-2696, 7116 FAX: 852-2588-1919

#1213, 12th floor., Keangnam Hanoi Landmark 72 Tower, Plot E6, Pham Hung Str., South Tu Liem Dist., Ha Noi., Viet Nam


TEL: 84-24-6282-2987

070-4617-7101~2, 7256~7258 FAX: 84-4-6282-2989

Ho Chi Minh Branch Office

CJ Building, Floor 3, 2 Bis 4-6 Le Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City


TEL: 84-28-3822-7504

070-4617-3276, 070-8098-6514 FAX: 02-838-227-503

Bangkok Branch Office

#2102 Level 21, Interchange 21, 399 Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand


TEL: 66-2-611-2627


FAX: 66-2611-2626

Tokyo Branch Office

Korea Agro-Trade Center, Tokyo Korea Center 5F, 4-4-10 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0004, Japan

(東京都新宿区四谷4-4-10 KOREA CENTER5F)

E-Mail: TEL: 81-3-5367-6656 070-4617-7061~2, 070-8287-3060 FAX: 81-3-5367-6657

Osaka Branch Office

8F, Nomura Fudousan Osaka Bldg. 1-8-15, Azuchimachi, Chuou-Ku, Osaka, 541-0052, Japan

(大阪市 中央區 安土町 1-8-15, 野村不動 産大阪B/D 8F)


TEL: 81-6-6260-7661

070-7000-4138 FAX: 81-6-6260-7663

Dubai Branch Office 57528 Office #48, Sunset Mall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Jumeira 3, Dubai, UAE


TEL: 971-4-339-2213 FAX: 971-4-456-1155

E-Mail: TEL: 55-11-3283-0089, 55-11-3286-0059


Paris Branch Office

Korea Agro-Trade Center, 89 Rue du Gouverneur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, Issy-les-moulineaux, France


TEL: 33-1-4108-6076~8, 6095~6 FAX: 33-1-4108-2016

Moscow Branch Office

123610, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya 12, 6th floor, 608 office

E-Mail: TEL: 7-924-007-1528 070-4617-3277

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