June 2024 (vol.344)

Page 1

Low Carbon Diet

of annual carbon emissions come from the food sector!

Let’s work together to minimize carbon emissions at all stages of food system


Increase production of Eco-friendly agricultural and marine products


Reduce distribution steps and use green fuels


Prepare only the necessary amount of food and consume it without any leftover


Minimize waste in processing and handling

As a response to climate change, we support the declaration of a Global Low Carbon Diet Day to reduce carbon emissions from food, which accounts for 31% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and the formation of the Low Carbon Diet Forum, a movement for action that promises a healthy humanity, a healthy planet, and a sustainable future.

One. We recognize that a low carbon diet is essential for a healthy global environment, which is directly related to the future of humanity.

One. We will solidarise and cooperate in all projects and activities promoted by the international community to achieve food carbon neutrality.

One. We will work together to minimize carbon emissions at all stages of food production and consumption.

One. We will designate every Wednesday as Low Carbon Diet Day to promote and practice the importance of food carbon neutrality.

Korea AGRAFOOD at a G ance

Cheongdo Persimmon Wine Co., Ltd.,

Producer of Wine from Korea’s Only Seedless Persimmon, ‘Cheongdo Banshi’


Trends in New Health Functional Food Ingredients

Pioneering Sustainable Food: CellMEAT's Breakthrough in Cell-Cultured Products

Diversification of Korea’s Snack Market

Jekiss, A Snack Company from Jeju Island Challenging the Global Market with Real Dark Chocolate Trends in the Korean Snack Market

This issue features a variety of snacks. Traditional food conglomerates dominate the market, with Orion and Nongshim vying for the top spot. We examine popular products such as Shrimp Flavored Cracker, which has reached cumulative sales of KRW 2 trillion, and how collaborations between companies are reshaping the snack market. We also introduce Jeju’s signature snack, Jekiss, which is known for its use of local ingredients. In the Farmtastic section, we interview Simokwon, a company that turns organic plums into plum juice and balsamic vinegar. In addition, the Foodtech section highlights innovations such as cell-cultured meat from Cellmeat, a leading food technology company, and Cheongdo Gam Wine, a signature Korean wine featured in the New Items section. We also introduce new health functional food ingredients, processed Korean rice products, and the K-Food Fair in New York. The Photo Essay section features an unmanned 24/7 ice cream shop, while the Recipe section presents Gamjajeon (potato pancakes) made with seasonal potatoes. Kim, Eil Chul Chief Reporter

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel: +82-61-931-0963 Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Hwang Doyoun





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


BEIJING John Dae-young (redsun@at.or.kr) 070-4617-5090

SHANGHAI Lee Jong-geun (jglee@at.or.kr) 070-7077-6197

DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok (rhee@at.or.kr) 070-4617-3278

HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo (max@at.or.kr) 070-4617-2696

QINGDAO Lee Sun-Woo (bird@at.or.kr) +86-532-5566-8873

QINGDAO aT LOGISTICS Han Seung-hee (shhan@at.or.kr) 070-7939-0863

HANOI Kim Kyoung-chul (yohang@at.or.kr) +84-24-6282-2987

HOCHIMIN Cho Sung-bae (chobae@at.or.kr) 070-8098-6514

BANGKOK Byun Kyung-yong (yong7619@at.or.kr) 070-4617-7227

JAKARTA Lee Seung-hoon (afmchoon@at.or.kr) +62-21-2995-9094

KUALALUMPUR Jang Jung-ho (lastjang@at.or.kr) 070-5223-4901

TOKYO Yoon Sang-young (foodkorea@at.or.kr) +81-3-5367-6656

OSAKA Kwon Hyun-ju (hyunjukun@at.or.kr) 070-7000-4138

NEW YORK Shim Hwa-Sop (sirshim@at.or.kr) +1-212-889-2561

LA Kim Min-Ho (mhkim@at.or.kr) +1-562-809-8810

SAO PAULO Jung You-sun (usuni@at.or.kr) +55-11-3283-0089

DUBAI Jeon Yong-pil (pioneer@at.or.kr) +971-4339-2213

PARIS Nam Sang-hui (mudpearl@at.or.kr) +33-1-4108-6095

MOSCOW Shin Jae-hun (chekov@at.or.kr) 070-4617-3277

Diversification of Korea’s Snack Market

Asnack is a small amount of food eaten between meals to satisfy taste, fun and pleasure. The domestic snack food market, which has been dominated for decades by five major food giants with a market share of 7-80%, is undergoing various changes. The consumer base has recently expanded from children to the elderly, with snacks containing soybeans and protein offering a “healthy indulgence” that balances enjoyment and health. The market is growing with the addition of new flavors to well-known brands, collaborations between companies, upcycling in response to demands for sustainability, and the emergence of snacks made from alternative foods. Consumer perceptions of snacking are changing.

Jekiss is a Jeju Island-based company that produces chocolate and bakery items using Jeju Island’s specialties. Their products are available nationwide through their online mall and to tourists visiting Jeju Island. Little

Spoon’s rice snacks for infants and snacks made from sweet potatoes are in such high demand that they frequently sell out. CJ

Cheil Jedang has launched Excycle, a brand specializing in food upcycling, with the introduction of two types of Excycle Basak Chip. It is a high-protein, nutritious snack containing 60% broken pieces of rice and soybean curd. Pulmuone launched the health snack brand “Soya Snack,” using bean curd and natto made from domestic soybeans. Haitai Confectionery introduced “Snappy Crisp,” a pea snack baked in a hot oven.

スナック(snack)とは、食事と食事の間に食べる少量の おやつで、食事以外に味や面白さ、楽しさを満たすため に食べるお菓子だ。韓国では、数十年前から大手食品企 業5社の激しい主導権争いが続いており、これらの企業 が占めるシェアは7~80%に達している。しかし、このよ うな韓国のスナック菓子市場に様々な変化が始まってい る。さらに最近では、楽しさと健康を兼ね備えた「ヘル シープレジャー」が台頭しており、タンパク質を含むスナ ック菓子の登場で、子供から高齢者まで消費者層も拡大 している。ロングセラーブランドに新しい味を加えた製 品が発売され、企業間の協業や環境に配慮したアップサ イクルや代替食品を利用したスナック菓子まで登場した 多様化する韓国のスナック食品市場

ことで、市場規模が拡大し、スナック菓子に対する消費 者の認識も変化している。

済州島に拠点を置く「ジェキス」は、済州島の特産物を 使ったチョコレートとパンを作っている。済州島を直接 訪れなくても、自社のネット販売サイトなどを通じて、全 国どこでも購入できる。「リトルスプーン」は、幼児用の 米菓子とサツマイモの原料を活用したスナック菓子が売 りきれるほど人気だ。「CJ第一製糖」は、フードアップ サイクリング事業専門ブランド「Excycle」を立ち上げ、 「エクサイクル・カリカリチップ」2種を発売した。破砕米 とおからを60%含んでいる高タンパク質の栄養スナック だ。「プルムウォン」は健康スナックブランド「ソヤスナッ ク」を発売した。国産豆で製造した豆腐と納豆から作ら れた製品だ。「ヘテ製菓」は、熱風で焼いたエンドウ豆

Nongshim and Orion, the two leading companies in the domestic market, are also taking on new challenges. Nongshim, known for its “Saeukkang” (shrimp crackers), is experiencing a surge in popularity with its new “Muktaekkang.” In June 2023, it sold more than 6 million bags in just 12 weeks after its launch. Orion launched three new products:

“Poca Chip Max,” “Turtle Chips Spicy Flavor,” and “Dip Nacho Chipotle Mayo Sauce Flavor.” Lotte Well Foods introduced “Oing Nogari Chip.” These products were competitively launched to address consumer concerns about excessive packaging and cater to the younger generation’s preference for cost-effective products. In addition, Orion launched “Seomseom Corn,” a thinly fried corn snack, and Nongshim introduced a KRW 1,000 snack packaged with minisize “Banana Kick” and Indian Rice products. The “Best & New” strategy, which adds new flavors to existing popular products, is also gaining ground. It stimulates consumer’s curiosity by introducing new seasonings. CU partnered with Lotteria to launch Lotteria Seasoned Potatoes, which surpassed Shrimp Crackers in sales after ten years. Sales of 7-Eleven’s Goraebob Baked Gyoza Flavor, Swing Chip Coriander Flavor and Green Onion Cream Cheese Potato Chip increased 20% last year. Other products include Edamame Snacks; Sesame Snacks, a highprotein, high-fiber snack with sesame seeds; Oat Snacks, a 100% natural high-protein snack made from oats and rice; and Unlimeat Vegetable Jerky, a plant-based protein jerky that meets the demand for sustainability.

Konjac jelly for weight control and jellies with vitamins have also entered the market. These jellies serve a dual purpose: they are snacks with added health benefits. Jelly with taurine and vitamin C, derived from existing beverage products, helps with fatigue recovery and vitamin supplementation. Starting with dried sweet potatoes, which have become a national snack, sweet potato-based snacks such as mastic and sweet potato chips are also gaining popularity. Products for consumers seeking low-sugar, low-calorie options and premium products using non-GMO corn or advanced additives have also emerged.


国内市場で業界トップを争う「農心」と「オリオン」など も新たな挑戦に乗り出した。「セウカン」に代表される 農心は新たに「モクテカン」を発売し、大きな人気を博 している。「モクテカン」は2023年6月発売後、12週間で 累積販売量600万袋を突破した。「オリオン」は「ポカチ ップ・マックス」をはじめ、「コブクチップ・ピリ辛味」、 「つけて食べるナチョス・チポトレマヨソース味」など を、「ロッテウェルフード」は「オイン・ノガリチップ」を 発売した。過大包装に対する消費者の拒否感や、コスト パフォーマンスを重視して購入する若い世代のニーズに応 えた製品を争って発売することもあった。「オリオン」は 薄く作って揚げたトウモロコシのスナック「ソムソムオク スス」を、「農心」は「バナナキック」と「インディアンバッ プ」をミニサイズで包装し、1千ウォンで販売している。 既存の人気製品に新しい味を追加した「ベスト&ニュー (Best & New)」のトレンドも広がっている。既存の馴染 みある味の代わりに新しい味付けをした製品で、消費 者の好奇心を刺激している。「CU」は「ロッテリア」と協 力して「ロッテリアヤンニョムポテト」を発売し、10年ぶ りに「セウカン」を抜いてスナック菓子売上1位を獲得し た。「セブンイレブン」の「コレバップ・餃子味」、「スウィ ングチップ・パクチー味」、「ネギクリームチーズポテトチ ップ」の売上は昨年1年で20%上昇した。さらに、スナッ クとゲームのコラボ商品も発売中だ。このほか、「エンド ウ豆スナック」、ゴマを含む高タンパク、高食物繊維スナ ックを強調した「ゴマスナック」、オート麦、米で作った 100%天然高タンパク質スナック「オート麦スナック」、環 境に配慮した植物性タンパク質ベースのビーフジャーキー スナック「アンリミット植物性ビーフジャーキー」もある。 ダイエット用のこんにゃくゼリー、ビタミンを配合したゼ リーが発売された。おやつにダイエット用途を加えたゼ リー製品だ。既存のドリンク製品のタウリン、ビタミン Cを含有したゼリーは、疲労回復、ビタミン摂取まで可 能になった。国民的おやつとして定着した干し芋を筆頭 に、サツマイモスティック、サツマイモチップなど、サツ マイモを素材にしたお菓子も人気を集めている。健康の ために低糖質、低カロリー製品を求める消費者向けの 製品やNon-GMOトウモロコシを活用したもの、添加物 を高級化したプレミアム製品も登場した。 , ,


A Snack Company from Jeju Island Challenging the Global Market with Real Dark Chocolate

Jekiss is a confectionery company that produces high-quality handmade chocolates and bakery snacks using Jeju Island’s local ingredients such as tangerines, cactus fruit, green tea and buckwheat. During the citrus season, the company purchases and stores a year’s supply of these ingredients and uses them in powder or jam as needed. The company was established in 2006 as Jeju Wellbeing Co.Ltd. and changed its name to Jekiss Co.Ltd. in 2012. In 2014, they built a second confectionery factory to expand their product line. From 2011 to 2020, they filed nine patent applications, including one for “manufacturing method of citrus chocolate snacks”. They also filed an international PCT application for “A method of manufacturing confectionery raw materials using citrus peel and a method of manufacturing confectionery using the raw materials.

Jekiss produces three kinds of dark chocolate: “Jekiss Premium Dark Chocolate 62” and “Jekiss Premium Dark Chocolate 92”, both priced at KRW 12,000. They boast a deep, rich, sweet and bitter flavor unique to dark chocolate. They are popular as Jekiss’ flagship products. “Premium Dark Chocolate 92% Pouches, 48 Pieces” is a true premium dark chocolate blend from Jekiss, priced at KRW 18,000. Jekiss also produces eight other chocolate products. The “Jeju Fresh Tangerine Chocolate White (10 pieces)” is made using Jekiss’ patented technology and is the best-selling item among Jekiss’ chocolate products, priced at KRW 12,000. Other chocolate offerings include “Jeju Dolhareubang Comprehensive Chocolate Set of 5”, “Jeju Tangerine Chocolate”, “Jeju Green Tea Chocolate”, “Jeju Prickly Pear Chocolate”, “Jeju Hallabong Chocolate”, “Jeju Comprehensive Chocolate”, and “Jeju Momentary Chocolate Set of 4”. Jekiss also offers a total of 15 snack-type bakery products. Among these, the best-selling “Jeju Tangerine Pie (Mini/3 Pieces)” features a chewy texture with

natural Jeju tangerine filling and is priced at KRW 5,000. The “Jeju Tangerine Tart (Large/8 Pieces)” is a refreshing and sweet tart made with Jeju buckwheat dough and topped with Jeju tangerine filling, priced at KRW 12,000. The “Jeju Hallabong Handmade Cookies (Mini/6 Pieces)” are refreshing and savory cookies made with Hallabong, studded with fragrant orange chips, priced at KRW 5,000. The “Jeju Hallabong & Strawberry Macaron Cookie Duo (Extra Large/15 Pieces) is a unique macaron cookie crafted with three layers of soft castella and sweet white cream, priced at KRW 20,000. The “Jeju Tangerine Sabre Sand (10 Pieces)” is a combination of sweet Jeju tangerines and Sabre, a traditional French baked snack, priced at KRW 12,000. Jekiss’ chocolate and snack-type bakery products are a favorite among tourists visiting Jeju Island, Korea’s top tourist destination. They have secured international hygiene and safety levels through HACCP certification in 2012 and ISO 22000 (Food Safety Management System) certification in 2013. In 2015, they also obtained the Singapore MUIS Halal certification. Using Jeju’s local specialties, Jekiss exports its products not only within Korea, but also to the United States, Russia, and China, cementing its status as the number one company in the region.



EMAIL: jekiss_trade@daum.net

TEL: +82-64-721-1950

WEBSITE: www.jekiss.kr

ADDRESS: 205, Yusuampyeonghwa-gil, Aewol-eup, Jeju-si, Jejudo, Republic of Korea

Jekiss Co., Ltd. produces premium handmade chocolates and bakery snacks with unique Jeju Island ingredients, exporting to the U.S., Russia, and China. Established in 2006 and rebranded in 2012, they hold patents and international safety certifications.

ジェキス株式会社は、ユニークな済州島の材料を使用してプ レミアムな手作りチョコレートとベーカリースナックを生産 し、米国、ロシア、中国に輸出しています。2006年に設立され、 2012年にブランドを再構築し、特許と国際的な安全認証を取 得しています。

リアルダークチョコレートで世界 市場に挑戦する済州島のスナック


「ジェキス」は、みかん、百年草、緑茶、そばなど、済州 産の原料を使用して、最高級の手作りチョコレートとパ ン類のスナック製品を生産する製菓企業である。柑橘 のシーズンになると、1年分をあらかじめ購入して保管 し、必要なときに取り出して粉末やジャムにして使用す る。2006年に㈱済州ウェルビーイングとしてスタートし、 2012年に㈱ジェキスに社名を変更した。2014年に製菓 類専用の第2工場を建設し、製品群を拡大した。2011年 から2020年まで「柑橘チョコレート菓子の製造方法」な ど9件の特許を登録した。「柑橘粕を利用した製菓類原 料の製造方法及びその原料を利用した製菓類の製造方 法」をPCT国際出願した。

ジェキスのダークチョコレートは3種類ある。「ジェキス・ プレミアム・ダークチョコレート62」と「ジェキス・プレミ アム・ダークチョコレート92」は、値段はそれぞれ12,000 ウォンで、ダークチョコレート特有の甘くてほろ苦い味が 深く濃厚である。ジェキスの代表商品として人気が高い。 「プレミアム・ダークチョコレート92%・パウチ48個入り」

は、ジェキスが直接ブレンドしたリアルプレミアム・ダーク チョコレートで値段は、値段は18,000ウォン。一般的なチ ョコレート製品は8種類ある。「済州生柑橘チョコレート ホワイト(10個入り)」は、ジェキス独自の特許技術で誕 生したチョコレートで、ジェキスのチョ コレート製品の中で最も売れている 商品だ。値段は12,000ウォン。「済 州ドルハルバン総合チョコレート5 種セット」と「済州柑橘チョコ レート」、「済州緑茶チョコレー ト」、「済州百年草チョコレート」、

「済州ハンラボンチョコレート」、「済州総合チョコレート」、 「済州の瞬間チョコレート4種SET」もある。 ジェキスのスナックタイプのパン製品は全部で15種類。 この中で最も売れ行きの良い「済州柑橘パイ(ミニ/3個 入り)」は、モチモチした食感で済州の天然柑橘フィリン グが入ったパイで、値段は5,000ウォンだ。「済州柑橘タ ルト(大/8個入り)」は、済州産ソバ生地に済州産柑橘の フィリングをたっぷり乗せた爽やかで甘いタルトで、値 段値段は12,000ウォンである。「済州ハンラボン手作 りクッキー(ミニ/6個入り)」は、香りのいいオレンジチ ップがたっぷり入った爽やかで香ばしいハンラボンクッ キーで、値段は5,000ウォン。「済州ハンラボン&イチゴ マカロンクッキーデュオ(特大/15個入り)」は、柔らかい カステラと甘いホワイトクリームを三層に重ねたジェキ スならではのマカロンクッキーだ。値段は20,000ウォン。 「済州柑橘サブレサンド(10個入り)」は、甘い済州柑橘と フランスの伝統的な焼き菓子であるサブレで作った。値 段は12,000ウォン。

韓国最高の観光地である済州島を訪れる観光客の誰も が好むスナック製品が、ジェキスのチョコレートとスナ ックタイプのパン製品だ。2012年のHACCPと2013年の ISO22000(食品安全経営システム)認証を取得し、製品 の国際的な衛生と安全レベルを確保した。2015年には シンガポールのMUISハラール認証も取得した。済州地 域の特産物を活用し、地域内1位の企業を基盤に、韓国 を越えてアメリカ、ロシア、中国などに輸出している。

Trends in the Korean Snack Market

The domestic retail snack confectionery market has grown significantly, increasing 1.5 times from KRW 667.9 billion in 2008 to KRW 1.04 trillion in 2012, with an average annual growth rate of 10.7%. By 2013, the market size had reached approximately KRW 1.1978 trillion. Over the past decade, it has nearly tripled, reaching KRW 3.6683 trillion in 2019, KRW 3.8943 trillion in 2020, KRW 3.9074 trillion in 2021, and KRW 3.9036 trillion in 2022.

In March 2018, the market was led by Nongshim with a 25% market share, followed by Orion with 20%, Haitai with 13%, and Crown with 12%. In 2020, Nongshim maintained its lead with 24.1%, Orion with 23.0%, Lotte Well Foods with 10.5%, and Crown Confectionery with 10.3%. In 2021, the ranking shifted slightly, with Orion taking the top spot with 24.5% and Nongshim with 23.5%. In 2022, Nongshim and Orion were tied for first with 24.1%, Crown Confectionery was third with 9.6%, and Lotte Well Foods was fourth with 9.3%. In 2023, Nongshim moved into first place with 23.5% and Orion followed closely with 23.4%, with the rest of the order remaining unchanged.

By the end of 2022, Nongshim’s “Saeukkang” (shrimp crackers), launched in 1971, topped the charts with cumulative sales of KRW 2.23 trillion. Orion’s “Choco Pie,” launched in 1974, came in second with KRW 2.25 trillion. Haitai Confectionery’s “Matdongsan,” launched in 1975, ranked third with KRW 1.8 trillion, followed by Haitai’s “Homerun Ball,” launched in 1981, in fourth place with KRW 1.85 trillion. Lotte Confectionery’s “Pepero,” launched in 1983, ranked

fifth with KRW 1.9 trillion. These enduringly popular products continue to play a central role in the growth of their respective companies and the overall market.

Notably, Nongshim’s “Saeukkang” was the only single brand to achieve sales of KRW 100 billion in 2020 and KRW 133.3 billion in 2023.

The export value of Korean snacks increased by 13.1% from the previous year, reaching USD 412 million in 2020 and USD 466 million in 2021. Bakery products dominated the export sector, with exports reaching USD 335 million in 2021, an increase of 19.3% from the previous year, and accounting for 71.9% of total confectionery exports. Sugar confectionery and chocolate exports in 2021 are estimated to be USD 110 million and USD 21 million, respectively. Global demand for Korean snacks is reflected in the top export destinations. The United States led with exports of USD 94 million in 2021, followed closely by Japan with USD 89 million and China with USD 87 million. The number of export destinations increased from 118 countries in 2020 to 125 countries in 2021, with Thailand experiencing the highest export growth rate, followed by Mongolia, Indonesia, France, and Singapore.

In July 2021, supermarkets dominated the distribution share by channel with a 48.8% share, down slightly from 49.7% in 2020. The share of independent supermarkets decreased from 22.0% in 2020 to 21.7% in 2021. Convenience stores increased their share from 18.2% in 2020 to 18.5% in 2021. The share of online shopping channels increased from 5.6% in 2020 to 6.2% in 2021.


韓国のスナック菓子の小売市場規模は、2008年6,679 億ウォンから2012年1兆40億ウォンと、1.5倍増加した。 年平均10.7%増加したのだ。2013年の市場規模は約1兆 1,978億ウォンである。2019年3兆6,683億ウォン、2020年 3兆8,943億ウォン、2021年3兆9,074億ウォン、2022年3 兆9,036億ウォンと、過去10年間で3倍近く成長した。

2018年3月現在のメーカー別シェアは、1位の農心が 25%、2位のオリオンが20%、3位のヘテが13%、4位のク ラウンが12%である。2020年には1位の農心が24.1%、 2位のオリオンが23.0%、3位のロッテウェルフードが 10.5%、4位のクラウン製菓が10.3%である。2021年に は、1位のオリオンが24.5%、2位の農心が23.5%で1、2 位の順位だけが変わった。2022年には農心とオリオンが 24.1%で同率1位、クラウン製菓が9.6%で3位、ロッテウ ェルフードが9.3%で4位だ。2023年には農心が23.5%で1 位、オリオンが23.4%で2位と順位が変わっただけで、残 りの順位は変わらない。

2022年末現在、主要お菓子の累積売上高は、1971年に発 売された農心の「セウカン」が2兆2千3百億ウォンで1位、 1974年に発売された「オリオン・チョコパイ」が2兆2千5 百億ウォンで2位、1975年に発売されたヘテ製菓の「マッ ドンサン」が1兆8千億ウォンで3位、1981年に発売された ヘテ製菓の「ホームランボール」が1兆8千5百億ウォンで4

位、1983年に発売されたロッテ製菓の「ペペロ」が1兆9 千億ウォンで5位に達する。これらは依然として人気商品 であり、国内と企業の成長に中心的な役割を果たしてい る。農心の「セウカン」は、単一ブランドとして唯一、2020 年に売上高1千億ウォン、2023年には1,333億ウォンの売 上高を達成した。

韓国スナック菓子の輸出額は2020年4億1,200万ドル、 2021年4億6,600万ドルで前年比13.1%増加した。輸出 比率が最も高いのはパン類で、2021年の輸出額は前年 比19.3%増の3億3,500万ドルだった。菓子全体の輸出額 の71.9%を占めている。砂糖菓子類とチョコレート類の 2021年の輸出額は、それぞれ1億1,000万ドル、2,100万 ドルと集計された。国別輸出額は1位のアメリカが2021 年9,400万ドル、2位の日本が8,900万ドル、3位の中国が 8,700万ドルだ。輸出国数は2020年の118カ国から2021 年の125カ国に拡大した。輸出増加率1位の国はタイであ る。2位はモンゴル、3位はインドネシア、4位はフランス、5 位はシンガポールだ。

2021年7月時点のチャネル別流通比率は、大型スーパ ーは2020年49.7%から2021年48.8%、独立スーパーは 2020年22.0%から2021年21.7%、コンビニは2020年 18.2%から2021年18.5%、オンラインショップは2020年 5.6%から2021年6.2%に増加した。

Simokwon Co., Ltd.:

Growing Organic Plums for 20 Years

Simokwon Organic Plum Farm does not use chemical pesticides, chemical fertilizers or herbicides to grow plums. They believe in farming methods that strengthen the power of nature by using natural materials.This is the way to produce healthy plums. The same goes for fermentation. Natural fermentation, which uses the power of nature and follows Mother Nature’s schedule, takes much longer. Simokwon grows organic plums and makes plum products through natural fermentation. It is an orchard on the southfacing north side of Mt. Geumsan, 500 meters above sea level. The entire village is surrounded by mountains, forming a beautiful basin. It is a naturally blessed environment where external sources of pollution are blocked. Simokwon farms about 1,500 square feet of plums and harvests 5 to 7 tons of fresh plums annually.

The farm processes and sells three to five tons of organic raw plums annually, with the remaining 1 to 2 tons sold as fresh fruit. They earn an annual income of approximately KRW 70 million from processed plum products. Simokwon has been growing organic plums for 20 years and is the first organic plum farm in Korea. The farm was established in 1974 as Geumsan Farm in Simok Village,

Damyang-gun, South Jeolla Province. Currently, the business is led by CEO Kim Yeong-hoe’s parents. In 2003, 30 years later, CEO Kim and his wife returned to their hometown and began farming plums. The return of CEO Kim’s children in 2022 marked the third generation to inherit the family tradition of organic plum farming.

Simokwon’s flagship product, the Organic Plum Balsamic Vinegar Set, consists of Balsamic Vinegar, Balsamic Pearl Vinegar, and Balsamic Block Vinegar. These are the first Korean-style plum balsamic vinegars to be launched in Korea. These versatile products can be used with a wide range of foods, including salads, meat, fish, and desserts. The net content of the balsamic vinegar is 200ml, while the balsamic pearl vinegar is available in 150g. The pearl vinegar has a square shape, soft texture, and flavor. The block vinegar is 120g in content and is a cheese-shaped solid block vinegar. The balsamic block vinegar can be ground in a grinder and added to various dishes to deepen the taste and enhance the flavor. When added to pizza, pasta, salad, and other dishes, this unique vinegar becomes a visually appealing and flavorful addition. Maesilwon is an organic 5-year fermented and aged plum concentrate, available in a 500ml bot-



tle. It is a 100% organic plum concentrate made with organic plums and organic sugar grown directly by Simokwon. Naturally fermented and naturally aged for more than five years, the product boasts a deep and satisfying taste. This product is made with carefully selected green and yellow plums that are grown in healthy soil. No chemical pesticides or fertilizers have been used in the farm for more than ten years, and the product has obtained the organic certification. The product is created by combining organic plums and organic sugar in a 1:1 ratio, allowing it to ferment and mature naturally for over five years. Simokwon produces natural repellents and natural nutrients for plum cultivation. Simokwon Organic Plum Liquid is a safe, certified organic processed food product.

In 2004, the name Geumsan Farm was changed to Simokwon Farm when CEO Kim began plum farming. In 2008, Simokwon signed a plum supply contract with Hansallim Consumer Cooperative, a distribution association specializing in organic food. After the completion of the food production facility in 2009, Simokwon’s food production facility received certification for organic processed food in 2012. In 2020, Simokwon was featured in the “Fermentation House” of Shinsegae Department Store. It is available online at http:// www.simokwon.com.


有机青梅农场柿木园在青梅种植过程中不使用化学农 药、化学肥料和除草剂,坚持采用以天然材料培育大自然 力量的耕作法。这也是生产健康青梅的方法。发酵亦是 如此,在自然环境中以自然的力量进行自然发酵需要更 长时间。柿木园种植有机青梅,通过自然发酵制作青梅产 品。这座果园位于海拔500米的锦山山脉,坐北朝南,整个 村庄被锦山环绕着,形成了美丽的盆地。自然环境得天独 厚,天然隔绝外界污染源。柿木园每年种植青梅的面积约 1500坪(1坪约合3.3平米),可收获5~7吨的新鲜青梅。

以这种方式生产的柿木园有机青梅中,约有3~5吨经过加 工后出售,主要是青梅原液和青梅巴萨米克醋。剩余的 1~2吨则以新鲜青梅形式销售。青梅加工食品的年收入约 达7000万韩元。柿木园种植有机青梅的历史已有20年, 是韩国第一家有机青梅农场。公司起步于1974年开办的 全罗南道潭阳郡柿木村的锦山农场,由现任金永会代表 的父母创办。30年后的2003年,金永会代表夫妇回到家 乡,开始种植青梅。2022年,金代表的子女也回到家乡继 承家业,现如今柿木园已是传承三代人的有机青梅农场。


萨米克醋”、“巴萨米克珍珠醋”和“巴萨米克固态醋”。这 是韩国国内首款韩式青梅巴萨米克醋产品,可以用于制 作沙拉、肉类、鱼类和甜点等各种食物。“巴萨米克醋”的 容量为200毫升,“巴萨米克珍珠醋”为150克。方形的“巴 萨米克珍珠醋”口感软糯,风味极佳。“巴萨米克固态醋” 的容量为120克,是一种芝士形态的固体块状醋。可用研 磨机磨碎后添加到各种菜肴中,味道会更加浓厚,风味更 加醇香。将固态醋洒在披萨、意大利面、沙拉等食物上,可 为食物增添独特风味。

“梅子原”是五年有机发酵熟成的500毫升青梅原液,由柿 木园自家种植的有机青梅和有机糖加工而成,属于百分 百纯有机青梅原液。因其经过五年以上的自然发酵和自 然熟成过程,口感醇厚,味道浓郁。所用的青梅和黄梅源 自10年以上未使用任何化学农药和化肥的健康土壤,且 均获得了100%有机认证。按1:1的比例混合有机青梅和 有机糖,经过5年以上的自然发酵和自然熟成过程。柿木 园还用自制的天然驱虫剂和天然营养剂来种植青梅。柿 木园的有机青梅原液是经过韩国政府有机加工食品认证 的安全产品。

2004年,金代表正式开始青梅种植后,将农场名字 从“锦山农场”更名为“柿木园”农场。从2008年开 始,柿木园与有机食品合作社Hansalim消费者生活 合作社签订了青梅供应合同。2009年,食品制造设 施竣工后,于2012年柿木园食品制造设施获得了有 机加工食品认证。2020年,柿木园有机“青梅原液” 产品入驻了新世界百货商店的“发酵仓库”。现在, 大家可以通过官网(http://www.simokwon.com) 在线上购买柿木园产品。

Simokwon Co., LTD.

CEO: Kim Yeong-hoi

TEL: +82-(0)61-381-1645

EMAIL: simokwon@naver.com

WEBSITE: http://www.simokwon.com

ADDRESS: Dangchon-gil, Daedeok-myeon, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea

Simokwon, Korea's first organic plum farm, has been growing organic plums for 20 years using natural methods without chemical pesticides or fertilizers. The farm processes 3-5 tons of plums annually into products like plum juice and balsamic vinegar.

西莫权是韩国第一家有机李子农场,20年来一直使用天 然方法种植有机李子,不使用化学农药或肥料。农场每年 将3-5吨李子加工成李子汁和香醋等产品。

Pioneering Sustainable Food:

CellMEAT's Breakthrough in Cell-Cultured Products

In the near future, Dokdo shrimp cultured meat and caviar made with serum-free growth medium will be available in specialty stores and convenience stores. In October 2023, CellMEAT’s products became the first in Korea to begin the approval process for cell-cultured foods from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. CellMEAT was the first in Korea to overcome the numerous challenges of alternative meat. These cell-cultured foods are produced without the need to slaughter animals, raise them unethically, or pollute the environment. Cell-cultured meat is a representative food tech technology product that is attracting attention in the context of climate change and crises. This food source replaces existing meat by cultivating muscle tissue cells. CellMEAT is Korea’s first and the world’s third food tech company focused on research and development. It has developed a serum-free growth medium to substitute for FBS (Fetal Bovine Serum)

growth medium, which enables the commercialization and market entry of cell-cultured meat. CellMEAT, a foodtech company that produces alternative foods, derives its name from combining “cell” and “meat.” The corporation was established in March 2019 by CEO Park Gil-jun, who holds a doctorate in the United States and has worked as a researcher in Finland. CEO Park majored in cell biology and molecular biology, leveraging his expertise to enter the alternative meat business. In December 2019, just nine months after its founding, CellMEAT was selected for TIPS (Tech Incubator Program for Startups), an early recognition as a company with world-class technology. Interest in alternative meat has grown since the government announced the “Green Bio Convergence New Industry Promotion Plan” in 2020. The following year, in February 2021, CellMEAT began its journey toward successful commercialization by attracting significant investment.

The most challenging aspect of cell-cultured foods is the high price and limited supply of serum growth media. There is also the ethical issue of animal welfare, as serum is collected from the pregnant bodies of live cows. As an alternative, CellMEAT has developed a serum-free medium that completely replaces FBS with its technology. The development of an FBS-free cell culture medium is a challenge that all cultured meat companies worldwide are facing. At the end of 2021, CellMEAT succeeded in developing a serum-free medium for the third time in the world and the first time in Korea. The cost of culture media, which used to be in the range of KRW 1 million per 500 ml, was reduced to less than KRW 1,000, laying the foundation for full-scale mass production. In addition, the CellMEAT Cell Culture Center was built in Guri-si, Gyeonggi Province, with the capacity to produce 150 tons of cell culture media annually.

CellMEAT’s non-animal serum-free culture medium, formulated with crustacean-specific nutrients, accelerates cell culture and enables final harvest in just two days. The initial challenge focused on shrimp due to its importance in the crustacean market. Dokdo shrimp are found exclusively in the deep sea around Dokdo Island. CellMEAT initiated the production of cultured meat products using cells from Dokdo shrimp. On December 17, 2021, CellMEAT introduced Dokdo Shrimp as its first cultured meat offering. These shrimp, which are unique to the East Sea of Korea, command a high price of more than KRW 400,000 per kilogram. Dokdo Shrimp, which represents Korea, has paved the way for widespread popularity in the domestic market. Following the launch of its first cultured meat product, Dokdo Shrimp, CellMEAT successfully developed a prototype of “Caviar” using Dokdo Shrimp as the main ingredient in May 2023. It retains the taste and texture while remaining cost effective. Expectations are high for CellMEAT, which has these products and technology for cultured beef, pork and chicken.

気候変動など様々な危機に直面している中、注目を受け ている代表的なフードテック製品だ。筋組織細胞を培養 し、従来の肉を代替する食品材料である。「セルミート」 は韓国初、世界で3番目に牛の血清培養液の代わりに無 血清培養液を独自開発し、細胞培養肉の製品化と市場 進出を果たした、研究開発中心のフードテック企業であ る。

代替食品を作るフードテック企業の「セルミート」は、細 胞を意味する「cell」と肉を意味する「meat」を合成して 作られたブランド名である。米国で博士号を取得し、フ ィンランドで研究員として働いた代表取締役のパク・ギ ルジュン氏によって、2019年3月に設立した。

細胞生物 学と分子生物学を専攻したパク・ギルジュン(Park Giljun)代表取締役は 、自分の専攻を活かして代替肉ビジ ネスに乗り出したのだ。2019年12月、「セルミート」は 創業9ヶ月目にして、TIPS(Tech Incubator Program for Startup)に選定され、世界的な技術力を持つ企業として 認められた。2020年、政府の「グリーンバイオ融合型新 産業育成方案」発表後、代替肉への関心が高まった。翌 年の2021年2月、セルミートは本格的な投資誘致に成功 し、ビジネス展開に乗り出した。

「独島エビ」は独島周辺の深海でのみ獲れ、養殖はでき ない。「セルミート」は「独島エビ」の細胞で培養肉製品 の生産に成功し、2021年12月17日に最初の培養肉製品 として独島エビを発売した。韓国東海でのみ獲れる独島 エビは、1kg当たり40万ウォンを超えるほど高価だ。韓国 を代表する独島エビが、国内市場で大衆化の道を開くこ とになったのだ。セルミートは最初の培養肉製品である 独島エビに続き、2023年5月、独島エビを原料として「キ ャビア」の試作品開発に成功した。味と食感は生かしつ つも安価な値段 。これらの製品だけでなく、牛と豚、そし て鶏の培養肉に対する技術力も備えている「セルミート」 に期待が高まっている。

無血清培養液で作られた独島エビの培養肉とキャビアが、近 いうちに流通専門店やコンビニで販売されるなど、食材料と して使われる日も遠くないようだ。「セルミート」が開発したこ れらの製品は、2023年10月、韓国で初めて食品医薬品安全 処の細胞培養食品に関する承認手続きに入った。代替肉が抱 えていた多くの課題を「セルミート」が初めて解決したのだ。

動物を屠殺したり、非倫理的に飼育することもなければ、環 境も汚染させずに生産した細胞培養食品だ。細胞培養肉は、 韓国初の細胞培養食品の承認手続きに 入った「セルミート」

細胞培養食品の最大の難点は、血清培養液の高いコス トと少ない供給量である。生きた牛の妊娠した体から血 清を採取することから、動物福祉を阻害する非倫理的な やり方も問題視されている。「セルミート」はこれに対す る代替案として、ウシ胎児血清(FBS)を100%代替する無 血清培養液を独自の技術で開発することにした。無血 清培養液の開発は、世界のあらゆる培養肉企業が社運 をかけて挑戦してきた課題である。2021年末、セルミー トは世界で3番目に、韓国では初めて無血清培養液の開 発に成功した。500ml当たり100万ウォン台に達する培 養液の原価を、1,000ウォン台以下に下げ、本格的な大 量生産の基盤を作った。さらに、年間150トンの細胞培 養液を生産できるセルミート細胞培養センターを京畿 道九里市に構築した。

甲殻類に合わせた栄養成分で作られた「セルミート」の 非動物性無血清培養液は、細胞培養のスピードを上げ、 2日もあれば最終品を収穫できる。最初に挑戦した材 料は、甲殻類の中で市場規模が最も大きいエビだった。



TEL: +82-2-2061-0858

EMAIL: taejin.oh@thecellmeat.com

WEBSITE: www.thecellmeat.com

ADDRESS: 609B, Medical Building, Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital, 1071 Anyangcheon-ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

CellMEAT, founded in 2019 by CEO Park Gil-jun, is Korea's first and the world's third company to develop serum-free growth medium for cell-cultured meat, enabling ethical and sustainable meat production. They pioneered the commercialization of Dokdo shrimp cultured meat and caviar.

2019年にパク・ギルジュンCEOによって設立された「セルミ ート」は、韓国初で世界で3番目に、血清を使用しない培養 肉の培養媒体を開発した会社であり、倫理的かつ持続可能 な肉の生産を可能にしました。彼らは、独島エビの培養肉と キャビアの商業化を先駆けて行いました。

Persimmon Wine Co., Ltd.,

Producer of Wine from Korea’s Only Seedless Persimmon, ‘Cheongdo Banshi’

There is a Korean wine company that has participated in various events representing Korea for more than 20 years. This is the world’s only persimmon wine produced by Cheongdo Persimmon Wine Co., Ltd. which specializes in persimmon fermentation. The wine was selected as the banquet drink for the APEC Summit in Busan in November 2005. In 2007, it was featured at the “Korea, Sparkling in New York” event hosted by the United Nations and selected as a Chuseok gift by the Blue House. It also served as the toast drink at the presidential inauguration ceremonies in 2008 and 2013. Further cementing its status, it was selected as the toast drink at the 2010 FAO Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, the G20 Finance Ministers’ Meeting and the 2011 UNWTO World Tourism Organization General Assembly. The wine was also featured at the 2014 Heads of Embassy Meeting, the UN Public Administration Forum Welcome Ceremony, the 2015 Inter-American Development Bank Annual Meetings Closing Ceremony, and the Daegu-Gyeongbuk World Water Forum Dinner. The company’s red wine products include regular and special wines, available in 375ml and 750ml bottles with an alcohol content of 12%. The regular wine, which has a golden color and a sweet, refreshing taste, is aged in a wine tunnel for more than two years and pairs well with fish and cheese. The special wine, fermented and aged at low temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius, is a dry, full-bodied, premium wine that pairs well with meat and fish. In addition, the company produces ice wine made from persimmons, which is sweet and has a honey scent. This wine is fermented and aged at low temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius. With an alcohol content of 10% and available in 375ml bottles, it pairs well with fruitbased desserts. The company also offers persimmon vinegar in 500ml bottles. There are two types: one for cooking, which is three times more concentrated and made with 100% Cheongdo Banshi (rounded persimmon), and one for drinking, which is five times more concentrated and made with 50% persimmon vinegar and 50% persimmon concentrate. Persimmon wine is made from Cheongdo Banshi persimmons, harvested between October and November each year. The persimmons are first crushed

韩国有一种红酒连续20多年在各种重要活动中大放异 彩,这就是由专门从事柿子发酵的清道柿子红酒(株)生产 的世上唯一柿子红酒。该红酒曾被用于2005年11月釜山 APEC领导人会议和2007年联合国“Korea,Sparklingin NewYork2007”晚宴用酒。同年,它还被选为韩国青瓦 台的中秋节礼品,2008年和2013年韩国总统就职典礼的 干杯酒,2010年联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)亚太区域大 会、G20财长和央行行长会议、2011年联合国世界旅游组 织全体大会的干杯酒,2014年韩国驻外公馆负责人会议、 联合国公共行政论坛欢迎仪式以及2015年美洲开发银行 年会闭幕式和大邱庆北世界水资源论坛的晚宴用酒,早已 成为韩国公认的红酒。

清道柿子红酒(株)的红酒产品分为普通和精选两种,容量 分别为375ml和750ml,酒精度为12%。普通款酒体呈金 色,口感清甜,在红酒隧道中熟成两年以上,适合搭配鱼 肉和奶酪产品饮用。精选款为干红酒,在15度以下低温 发酵熟成,酒体饱满,是正宗高级红酒,适合搭配肉类和 “清道柿子红酒(株)”用韩国唯一 无核柿“清道盘柿”酿造柿子红酒

and pressed to extract the juice. The juice is then inoculated with yeast and fermented at low temperatures for 15 to 30 days. After fermentation, the wine is aged to enhance its flavor and aroma. Only the clear wine at the top, free of sediment, is transferred from the fermentation tank to a micro-filtration tank where sediment is removed. Stabilization and filtration follow to remove solids and microorganisms, and the aged wine is then bottled. A key factor in the process is the use of a 105-year-old wine tunnel, a one-kilometer-long abandoned tunnel completed in 1904 that maintains a constant temperature of 15 degrees Celsius year-round. This tunnel is used to age the company’s persimmon wine and vinegar products.

Originated in the 16th century, Cheongdo Banshi is the only seedless persimmon variety in Korea, officially recognized by the South Korean government in 2010. In Cheongdo-gun, you can still find persimmon trees that are over 150 years old. Cheongdo-gun harvests 60,000 tons of astringent persimmons annually, accounting for about 30% of domestic production. Cheongdo Persimmon Wine, an agricultural corporation established in March 2003, uses these persimmons to produce persimmon

wine and vinegar. Persimmons are rich in nutrients, making them a complete source of nutrition and an effective fruit for dieting due to their low calorie content. They are rich in vitamins A and C, containing five times more vitamin C than grapes and six times more than apples. Persimmons also have excellent anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering, and antioxidant properties.

Persimmons are considered the quintessential Korean fruit, and Cheongdo Banshi is a local specialty of Cheongdo-gun. Cheongdo Persimmon Wine aims to create a world-class, premium wine using Cheongdo Banshi persimmons. Rich in tannins, persimmons are beneficial for stroke prevention and skin care. Persimmon wine is rich in tannins and has a clean taste with no hangover. When persimmons are fermented with alcohol, they become wine; when they are fermented with acetic acid, they become persimmon vinegar. Cheongdo Persimmon Wine Co., Ltd. has a capacity of 500,000 bottles of persimmon wine and vinegar.

Cheongdo Persimmon Wine Co., Ltd.

Cheongdo Persimmon Wine Co., Ltd. produces the world's only persimmon wine, using Cheongdo Banshi persimmons, and has represented Korea in various prestigious events for over 20 years. Their product range includes regular and special wines, ice wine, and persimmon vinegar, all benefiting from a unique aging process in a 105-year-old tunnel.

清道柿子红酒(株)生产世界上唯一的柿子酒,采用青道板柿制 作,并在过去20多年里代表韩国参加了各种重要活动。其产品系 列包括常规和特级酒、冰酒和柿子醋,这些产品都得益于在一条 有105年历史的隧道中进行的独特陈酿过程。

TEL: +82-54-371-1100

WEBSITE: www.gamwine.com

ADDRESS: 1117, Bonggi-ri, Punggak-myeon, Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do

鱼肉饮用。此外,还有用红柿酿造的冰酒,口味甘甜,蜂蜜 香味浓郁,在10度以下低温发酵熟成,适合与以水果为主 的甜点搭配饮用。酒精度为10%,容量为375ml。清道柿 子红酒(株)还生产柿子醋,有将100%清道盘柿进行3倍 浓缩的烹饪用醋,以及添加50%柿子红酒醋和50%柿子 浓缩液后进行5倍浓缩制成的饮料醋,容量均为500ml。 柿子红酒以每年10月和11月之间采摘的清道盘柿为原 料。先将其捣碎并压榨以榨取果汁,在榨取的果汁里接种 酵母,然后进行15到30天的低温发酵。等到红酒的味道 和酒香熟成,沉淀物下沉,从发酵桶中将上层的清澈红酒 移至精密过滤桶,去除沉淀物。接下来,为了完全去除酒 中的固形物和微生物,进行稳定化处理和过滤,最后将熟 成品注入瓶中。尤其值得一提的是,公司拥有105年历史 的红酒隧道。该隧道于1904年完工,原本是一条长1公里 的废弃隧道。隧道内温度全年保持在15度,用于清道柿 子红酒(株)的柿子红酒和柿子醋的熟成。

清道盘柿源于16世纪,是韩国国内唯一的无核柿子,并 于2010年得到了韩国政府的官方认证。这里生长着树龄 150年以上的柿子树。清道郡每年采摘约6万吨涩柿,约 占韩国国内涩柿产量的30%。农业公司法人清道柿子红 酒(株)成立于2003年3月,以这些柿子为原料生产柿子红 酒和柿子醋。柿子富含营养素,被誉为综合营养剂。而且 热量低,有助于瘦身。柿子富含维生素A和维生素C,是维 生素C含量最多的水果,其含量是葡萄的5倍、苹果的6倍。 柿子还对炎症疾病、调节胆固醇和抗氧化有显著效果。 柿子是最具韩国特色的水果。清道盘柿是清道郡的地方 特产。清道柿子红酒(株)的目标是用清道盘柿酿造出世 界顶级水平的一流红酒。柿子富含单宁,是对健康有益的 水果,有助于预防中风及美容护肤。柿子红酒同样富含单 宁,而且无宿醉感,口感清爽。将柿子进行酒精发酵后可 酿造红酒,进行醋酸发酵后可酿造柿子醋。清道柿子红酒 (株)的产能规模为50万瓶柿子红酒和柿子醋。

Trends in New Health Functional Food Ingredients

Modern consumers are increasingly focused on their health and are seeking out healthy eating and lifestyle habits. The global pandemic has heightened interest in health and immunity, and advances in food manufacturing technology have led to the introduction of a range of health functional foods. According to the aT FIS Food Industry Statistics Information System, the domestic market for health functional foods grew from KRW 5.69 trillion in 2021 to KRW 6.14 trillion in 2022. In 2022, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) approved 45 new ingredients, nearly doubling from the previous year, and approved 35 new functional materials, the highest number in the past decade.

健康に対する関心が高まった現代人は、健康的な 食習慣と生活習慣を追求している。このような変化 の背景には、新型コロナウイルスを経験したことに よる健康と免疫力に対する関心の高まりがある。そ のため、食品の製造技術が発展し、様々な種類の健 康機能食品が発売されているのだ。aTFIS食品産 業統計情報システムによると、韓国の健康機能食品 市場の規模は2021年5兆6,902億ウォンから2022 年6兆1,429億ウォンで、持続的な成長ぶりを見せて いる。食品医薬品安全処は、2022年の認定原料とし て45件を発表し、これは前年比約2倍増加した数値 である。また、新たに認定された機能性原料は35件 で、これは最近10年間で最も多い数値である。 健康機能性新素材は、健康に有益な効果を与える 新しい素材として、最近食品市場で注目されている。 特定の成分が健康に良いというだけで健康機能食 品になるのではなく、「健康機能食品」は健康機能食 品に関する規定に基づいて作られ、「健康機能食品」

New health functional food ingredients are recently developed materials with beneficial health effects that have gained attention in the food market. It is not sufficient for a particular ingredient to be beneficial to health; rather, health functional foods must be manufactured in accordance with the regulations on health functional foods and bear the certification mark of “health functional foods” in order to be recognized. This distinguishes them from products labeled as “health foods” or “natural foods.” According to the MFDS’s standards, there are 31 bioactive new health functional food ingredients, including memory improvement, body fat reduction, intestinal health, cognitive function, blood pressure control, and fatigue improvement.

という認証マークがなければ「健康機能食品」として認め られない。「健康食品」、「天然食品」などと呼ばれる製品と は異なる製品だ。食品医薬品安全処の基準によると、健康 機能性新素材の生理活性機能として、記憶力の改善、体脂 肪の減少、腸の健康、認知能力、血圧調節、疲労改善など、 合計31の生理活性機能性分野が明示されている。

2022年の食品医薬品安全処の基準によると、最近5年間 の各機能性原料別の認定申請件数は、体脂肪の減少(44 件)、肌の健康(37件)、免疫機能(26件)、肝臓の健康(17件) 、更年期女性の健康(15件)の順である。代表的な健康機 能性新素材としては、体脂肪の減少効果があるガルニシ ア、ダイグロメラ、コレウス・フォルスコリ、免疫力強化のた

As of 2022, the number of applications for recognition of each functional ingredient in the last five years is as follows: body fat reduction (44), skin health (37), immune function (26), liver health (17), and menopausal women’s health (15). Notable new health functional food ingredients include Garcinia cambogia, Dichrostachys glomerata, and Coleus forskohlii for body fat reduction, probiotics, resveratrol, and low-molecular fish collagen for immune enhancement. New ingredients tailored for personalized health solutions to improve vitality, cognitive function, and sleep quality include Tremella fuciformis (white jelly fungus) enzymes, Phosphatidylserine, and Ecklonia cava extract.

While many domestic and foreign companies are focusing on developing new materials based on scientific evidence, the development of health functional food ingredients is being recognized as a way for companies to secure competitiveness due to various environmental factors such as technological advancement, deregulation, and the expansion of the global market. For example, KGC Ginseng Corporation has developed a new material, the “Eucommia ulmoides and Achyranthes japonica complex,” to support men’s health during menopause. Similarly, Bigsome Bio, a subsidiary of Lotte Chilsung Beverage, is actively developing functional materials aimed at respiratory health.

めの素材としてはプロバイオティクス、レスベラトロ ール、低分子フィッシュコラーゲンなどがある。また、 個人の活力及び認知力向上、睡眠の質向上などの ための健康食品新素材として、シロキクラゲ酵素、 ホスファチジルセリン、カジメ抽出物などがある。 科学的根拠に基づいた新素材開発に国内外の多く の企業が注力している中、技術の発展、規制緩和、グ ローバル市場の拡大など様々な環境的要因により、 健康機能性新素材の開発は、企業が競争力を確保 するための対策として認識されている。健康機能性 新素材開発に乗り出した韓国企業の中では、KGC高 麗人参公社が「トチュウ・イノコヅチ抽出複合物」で 更年期男性の健康に役立つ新素材を開発し、ロッテ 七星飲料の子会社であるビッグサムバイオは呼吸器 健康のための機能性素材開発を本格化した。

Popular Korean Rice-Based Products on Taiwan's Shopee


Ssalgwaja Village

Rice Noodle

Baekje Food

Taiwan’s culinary culture is a vibrant blend of Chinese and Japanese influences. The diverse food culture is the result of the culinary practices of Chinese immigrants from various regions and Japanese cuisine introduced during Japanese rule. Because of this background, Taiwan is a country that is relatively accepting of exotic food cultures. Recently, Korean food has become increasingly popular due to the spread of Hallyu (Korean Wave) content. This trend has led to the introduction and sale of various Korean food products in Taiwan.

Coupang’s expansion into Taiwan in 2022 has provided local consumers with convenient access to a diverse range of Korean food products at competitive prices. This has simplified cross-border shopping for popular items like rice snacks and ramyeon. Rice snacks from small and medium-sized Korean enterprises have emerged as a popular and cost-effective snack option in Taiwan.

On Shopee Taiwan, Korean rice-based food products are also readily available. In addition to rice snacks, ricebased ramyeon, rice noodles, rice somyeon (thin ramyeon), and instant rice are available. Korean rice snacks are particularly popular on both Coupang and Shopee. For example, the Ring Rice Snack from Ibobomi, a brand of rice snacks for children made with domestically produced rice, has sold over 4,000 units. In addition, Pure Eat’s Pop Rice Snack has received over 3,000 customer reviews, and the Cheoemiya Pop Rice Snack from Ssalgwaja Village is recognized as a best-seller. Furthermore, there is a diverse range of Korean rice noodles and related products. Baekje Food’s Rice Noodle series offers a variety of flavors, including kimchi, anchovy, and green onion beef bone soup, providing consumers with convenient cup-type ramen options for various Korean-style noodle dishes. Reviews of rice-based products purchased from Shopee Taiwan have been overwhelmingly positive: “The snacks are carefully packaged in bubble wrap, which makes them easy to store and prevents them from breaking. “They taste great and my kids love them,” “I have tried many rice snacks, but this texture is new to me. Most rice snacks are very sweet, but this one isn’t overly sweet and has a pleasant flavor,” “I bought rice noodles and even though they are processed, they taste fresh,” and “The low calories and high quality make me want to buy them again.”

台湾地区受到中国大陆和日本的影响,拥有多样的饮食 文化。从中国大陆各地移居至台湾的人们带去饮食文化, 加上在日本殖民统治下受到日本料理的影响,促使台湾 形成了多样的饮食文化。在这种背景下,台湾对于异国饮 食文化的接受度较高。最近,随着韩流文化内容的扩散, 韩国料理在台湾的人气不断提高。各种韩国食品也逐渐 在台湾市面上出售。

2022年,coupang进军台湾市场后,台湾消费者无需负 担高额运费,即可快速购买到各种韩国食品。coupang数 据显示,米饼、韩国拉面等食品在台湾电商平台上是备受 欢迎的直购商品。尤其是韩国中小企业生产的米饼,在台 湾当地通过口碑相传,迅速成为了人气零食。

人们在台湾的虾皮购物商城也能轻松购买到韩国的大 米加工食品。除了韩国的米饼外,还出售大米方便面、米 线、大米龙须面、速食饭等各种商品。除了coupang平台 之外,虾皮商城出售的韩国米饼也很受欢迎。儿童米饼 ibobomi“米饼圈”由韩国国产大米加工而成,销量超过 了4000单,人气火爆。此外,PureEat“年糕米饼”的消费 者评论已超过3000条,可见其受欢迎程度。米饼村生产的 “Cheoeumiya年糕米饼”也被评选为畅销产品。

韩国的大米加工产品——米线和面食也在电商平台上出 售。其中百济的米线系列口味多样,包括辛奇口味、鳀鱼 口味、大葱牛骨汤面等多种韩国风味面条,以杯装拉面形 态出售。

在台湾虾皮购物商城购买大米加工食品的消费者纷纷 留下了诸多好评,比如“饼干易碎,是用气泡膜包装发送 的,可见用心程度,保管起来也很方便。味道很好,孩子很 爱吃。”、“我吃过很多米饼,但这种口感还是第一次。大 多数米饼都很甜,但这款饼干越嚼越不甜,而且口感很 好”、“我购买了米线,虽然是加工食品,但吃起来很新鲜”、

Ring Rice Snack
Pop Rice Snack
Pop Rice Snack Pure Eat


The Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) hosted the 2024 New York K-Food Fair in New York City, USA, from May 29 to June 1. This event marked a significant milestone in K-food exports, underscoring the rapid popularity of Korean agricultural products and cuisine in the U.S. market. Korean food exports to the U.S. reached a record-breaking USD 1.314 billion last year, surpassing both Japan and China. The U.S. is the largest market for Korean food products, with ramyeon, snacks, beverages, kimchi, and traditional fermented sauces being the most popular items. The Korean Wave has contributed to the increasing demand for various Korean delicacies.

At the event, we conducted B2B export consultations and B2C market tests to gauge the response to consumer preferences and demand. The positive feedback from buyers on products such as yuja sticks, pumpkin injeolmi (bean powder-coated rice cake), and shrimp ramyeon, with 423 export consultations totaling USD 56 million, is a clear indication of the growing acceptance and demand for Korean foods. In addition, an in-person tasting event showcased popular Korean foods such as “Buldak Ramyeon,” “Turtle Chips,” and “Milkis,” further reinforcing the continued success and growth potential of Korean food exports in the U.S. market.

Various interactive events such as the Food Tech Zone, the K-Food Cooking Show, and the Roblox K-Food Simulator Challenge were also held during the same period and received a great response from the Millennial and Gen Z generations in the United States.

Unmanned ice cream shops in South Korea represent a novel type of retail store that has seen rapid growth in recent years. These shops are open 24 hours a day and operate on a self-service basis, with customers selecting and paying for their products. They offer a wide range of ice cream flavors and have gained popularity among South Korean consumers due to their affordability and convenience. These shops are easily accessible, making them an ideal destination for those seeking sweet ice cream at any time. In addition, unmanned ice cream shops have gained attention as a prominent example of food tech. They analyze purchase patterns using artificial intelligence and big data technology to recommend products and efficiently manage inventory. Furthermore, unmanned payment systems offer customers a convenient and efficient shopping experience, enhancing overall convenience and efficiency.

A Place to Enjoy Sweetness 24/7:

Unmanned Ice Cream Shops


(Potato Pancake)

Potatoes are rich in vitamin C, so much so that they are called the apples of the earth, and are a food that helps maintain a strong immune system. Potatoes are also rich in magnesium and potassium, making them good foods for maintaining the body’s homeostasis. In Gangwon Province of Korea, potatoes are ground and fried in oil to make pancakes. Potato pancakes, which have a soft and crispy texture, are a favorite dish of Koreans for their flavor and ease of preparation. In the Gangwon style, it is made only with potatoes and salt, but other ingredients such as chives, carrots and onions can be added according to taste. Enjoy Korean-style potato pancakes with readily available potatoes!


4 potatoes (600 g)

2 cups (500 ml) water


½ Tbsp salt

cooking oil


1. Grate the potatoes in a blender, adding water a little at a time.

2. Place the grated potatoes in a colander to drain the water. Do not discard the remaining water.

3. Leave the filtered water for 15 minutes, then drain and prepare the settled starch.

4. Mix the starch with the drained potatoes and season lightly with salt.

5. Add oil to the pan. When the potato pancakes are cooked and translucent, flip and cook until golden brown.

and grating potatoes quickly turns them black, so it is best to grate and make pancakes immediately.

Roasted Sea Salt Chungjungone
Pure Refined Soybean Oil Haepyo

Australian Office

Our Australian office is located on Sussex Street, a vibrant business hub in Sydney, Australia. Our team of 13 market development agents (one global marketer and twelve young overseas pioneers) is dedicated to identifying local buyers and conducting agricultural and food market research. Their mission is to create export opportunities for Korean small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), focusing on the promotion and marketing of specialized products tailored for developing countries with promising export prospects. In addition, they are engaged in identifying and promoting potential export items.

Australian office highlights in 2023

1. Initial exports: Supported the initial export of new quarantine-free items such as fresh Australian pears, melons and New Zealand citrus by responding immediately to issues such as quarantine and customs clearance for fresh produce.

2. Discovering sources of demand: Launched a new king oyster mushroom brunch menu in partnership with a local cafe franchise and a new kimchi menu with a bunsik (Korean snack bar) franchise, targeting both B2B and B2C.

3. E xport consultations: Organized a sales roadshow and 30 consulting sessions, discussing USD 1,010,000 in business and closing USD 454,000 in contracts.

Ongoing projects in 2024

Promotion and marketing of Korean agricultural products in conjunction with the Good Food & Wine Show in Sydney, Australia, including tastings, a dedicated tasting booth, and an interactive Roblox experience booth.

What is the Good Food & Wine Show?

The Good Food & Wine Show is one of Australia’s largest food-related exhibitions, held annually in four major cities nationwide. Attracting over 110,000 visitors each year, the event is primarily attended by industry professionals from restaurants, as well as local and international buyers. The event features a staggering 250 companies, including global food brands, liquor suppliers, and food-related equipment manufacturers.

- 250 companies, including global food companies, the liquor industry and food-related equipment manufacturers, are expected to participate. Before the COVID pandemic, Chinese government agencies established and operated a “Chinese Food Promotion Center” at the fair.

* Host Cities in 2024: Melbourne (31 May-2 June), Sydney (21-23 June), Perth (19-21 July), Brisbane (25-27 October)

** Two Christmas markets: Sydney (22-24 November) and Melbourne (6-8 December)

Mexico, the largest economy in Latin America with a population of 130 million, has demonstrated a significant interest in Korean culture and cuisine. In the 2023 Overseas Korean Wave Status Report, Korea was identified as the second most preferred country for content such as dramas, entertainment, movies, and music, following the United States. In the upcoming issue, we will delve into the activities of our Mexico office, global marketer, and young overseas pioneers.

Global Networks

20 Office


Beijing Branch Office 603 Room, Block A, Fairmont Tower No.33 Guangshun North Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100102, China

(100102中國北京市朝阳區广顺北大街 33号院1号楼1单元6层603室)

E-Mail: beijingat@at.or.kr TEL: 86-10-6410-6120~1 070-4617-5090~1, 7377

FAX: 86-10-6410-6122

Shanghai Branch Office Room 3201, New Hongqiao Central Plaza No.83, LouShanGuan Rd., Changning District, Shanghai, 200336, China

(200336中國上海市長寧區婁山關路83 號新虹橋中心大厦3201室)

E-Mail: shanghaiat@at.or.kr TEL: 86-21-3256-6325

070-7077-6197, 6199, 6205 FAX: 86-21-3256-6328

Dalian Branch Office Room 1302, Xiwang Building,NO136 Zhongshan Road,Zhongshan District,Dalian 116001 (大连市中山区中山路136号希望大厦 1302号)

E-Mail: dalianat@at.or.kr TEL: 86-411-3960-3361~3 070-4617-3278

FAX: 86-411-3960-3362

Hongkong Branch Office Room 1003, 10F Jubilee Centre, 18 Fenwick Street, 46 Gloucester Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong

E-Mail: hkatcenter@at.or.kr

TEL: 852-2588-1614~6

070-4617-2696, 7116 FAX: 852-2588-1919

Qingdao Branch Office Room 705, Yuanxiongguojiguangchang

Building, No.26, Hongkong Middle Road, Qingdao, 266071, China

(中國山東省靑島市市南區香港中路26 号远雄国际广场705户)

E-Mail: qingdao@at.or.kr

TEL: 86-532-5566-8870~3, 5 FAX: 86-532-5566-8873

Qingdao aT logistics Co., Ltd 266108, Qingdao aT logistics Co., Ltd

3 Baishawan Rd., Liuting Street, Chengyang, Qingdao, China (青岛市城阳区流亭街道白沙湾路3号 青岛爱特物流有限公司)

E-Mail: qingdao_logistics@at.or.kr

TEL: 86-532-6696-2229

070-7938-0863~4 FAX: 86-532-6696-2181

Ha Noi Branch Office

#1213, 12th floor., Keangnam Hanoi Landmark 72 Tower, Plot E6, Pham Hung Str., South Tu Liem Dist., Ha Noi., Viet Nam

E-Mail: hanoi@at.or.kr

TEL: 84-24-6282-2987

070-4617-7101~2, 7256~7258

FAX: 84-4-6282-2989

Ho Chi Minh Branch Office

CJ Building, Floor 3, 2 Bis 4-6 Le

Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

E-Mail: atcenterhcmc@at.or.kr

TEL: 84-28-3822-7504

070-4617-3276, 070-8098-6514

FAX: 02-838-227-503

Bangkok Branch Office

#2102 Level 21, Interchange 21, 399 Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand

E-Mail: bangkok@at.or.kr

TEL: 66-2-611-2627


FAX: 66-2611-2626

Jakarta Branch Office

The Energy Building 20th FL, Zone F, SCBD Lot.11A

JL.Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

E-Mail: jakarta@at.or.kr

TEL: 62-21-2995-9032~3, 9035, 9094


FAX: 62-21-2995-9034

Kuala Lumpur Branch Office

Suite 6-04, 6th Floor, Menara Hap

Seng, Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

E-Mail: atcenterkl@at.or.kr

TEL: 60-3-2706-4299

070-5223-4901, 070-4617-7238 FAX: 60-3-2706-4301

Singapore Branch Office

1 Wallich Street #14-01 Guoco Tower, Singapore 078881 TEL: 65-9855-8277

Tokyo Branch Office

Korea Agro-Trade Center, Tokyo Korea Center 5F, 4-4-10 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0004, Japan

(東京都新宿区四谷4-4-10 KOREA CENTER5F)

E-Mail: tokyo@at.or.kr TEL: 81-3-5367-6656 070-4617-7061~2, 070-8287-3060 FAX: 81-3-5367-6657

Osaka Branch Office

8F, Nomura Fudousan Osaka Bldg. 1-8-15, Azuchimachi, Chuou-Ku, Osaka, 541-0052, Japan

(大阪市中央區安土町1-8-15,野村不動 産大阪B/D8F)

E-Mail: osaka@at.or.kr

TEL: 81-6-6260-7661

070-7000-4138 FAX: 81-6-6260-7663

Dubai Branch Office

57528 Office #48, Sunset Mall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Jumeira 3, Dubai, UAE

E-Mail: dubai@at.or.kr

TEL: 971-4-339-2213

FAX: 971-4-456-1155

Pan America

New York Branch Office

15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA

E-Mail: newyork@at.or.kr TEL: 1-212-889-2561

FAX: 1-212-889-2560

Los Angeles Branch Office 12750 Center Court Drive South, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA

E-Mail: losangeles@at.or.kr TEL: 1-562-809-8810

FAX: 1-562-809-1191

São Paulo Branch Office

Av Paulista 1636, 10andar, #1008 –São Paulo CEP 01310-000

E-Mail: saopaulo@at.or.kr TEL: 55-11-3283-0089, 55-11-3286-0059


Paris Branch Office

Korea Agro-Trade Center, 89 Rue du Gouverneur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, Issy-les-moulineaux, France

E-Mail: paris@at.or.kr TEL: 33-1-4108-6076~8, 6095~6 FAX: 33-1-4108-2016

Moscow Branch Office

123610, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya 12, 6th floor, 608 office

E-Mail: atmoscow@at.or.kr TEL: 7-924-007-1528 070-4617-3277

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