of annual carbon emissions come from the food sector!
Let’s work together to minimize carbon emissions at all stages of food system
Increase production of Eco-friendly agricultural and marine products
Reduce distribution steps and use green fuels
Prepare only the necessary amount of food and consume it without any leftover
Minimize waste in processing and handling
As a response to climate change, we support the declaration of a Global Low Carbon Diet Day to reduce carbon emissions from food, which accounts for 31% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and the formation of the Low Carbon Diet Forum, a movement for action that promises a healthy humanity, a healthy planet, and a sustainable future.
One. We recognize that a low carbon diet is essential for a healthy global environment, which is directly related to the future of humanity.
One. We will solidarise and cooperate in all projects and activities promoted by the international community to achieve food carbon neutrality.
One. We will work together to minimize carbon emissions at all stages of food production and consumption.
One. We will designate every Wednesday as Low Carbon Diet Day to promote and practice the importance of food carbon neutrality.
As a public institution in charge of food industry, aT has established a network of cooperation with more than 600 companies, institutions, and organizations at home and abroad to spread low-carbon diet movement.
Please scan the QR below, and show your support
Palgong Premium Kimchi
Gains Recognition in Korea
Begins Full-Scale Exports of Wine and Distilled Spirits Made from Omija Harvested in October
A Global Fragrance Leader Exporting to 15 Countries HANBIT FLAVOR AND FRAGRANCE CO., LTD.
South Korea is a major coffee consumer. It boasts a diverse coffee culture where specialty franchises, unique neighborhood cafes, and large corporate coffee chains coexist across the country. Coffee was introduced to Korea from the West during the late Joseon Dynasty and has since become an integral part of the country’s culture, leading to the emergence of what is now known as “K-Coffee.” This feature delves into K-Coffee, with a focus on the pioneering role of Korea Mcnulty Co., Ltd. Furthermore, we profile Palgong Kimchi, renowned for its Gyeongsang-style kimchi, a hallmark of Daegu cuisine, and Hanbit Flavor and Fragrance, a leading company exporting custom-made fragrances to 15 countries and establishing a foundation in South Korea’s nascent fragrance industry. In addition, we feature Ominara, a winery and distillery producing wines and spirits from omija, freshly harvested this October. Other sections include a recipe for the nostalgic Korean treat, dalgona, updates on popular gluten-free products from international online stores, and a photo essay showcasing the unique atmospheres of Korean cafes. In the Trend & Products section, we explore the evolution of the Korean bakery industry.
Kim, Eil Chul Chief Reporter
BEIJING John Dae-young (redsun@at.or.kr) 070-4617-5090
SHANGHAI Lee Jong-geun (jglee@at.or.kr) 070-7077-6197
DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok (rhee@at.or.kr) 070-4617-3278
HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo (max@at.or.kr) 070-4617-2696
QINGDAO Lee Sun-Woo (bird@at.or.kr) +86-532-5566-8873
QINGDAO aT LOGISTICS Han Seung-hee (shhan@at.or.kr) 070-7939-0863
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HOCHIMIN Cho Sung-bae (chobae@at.or.kr) 070-8098-6514
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JAKARTA Lee Seung-hoon (afmchoon@at.or.kr) +62-21-2995-9094
KUALALUMPUR Jang Jung-ho (lastjang@at.or.kr) 070-5223-4901
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DUBAI Jeon Yong-pil (pioneer@at.or.kr) +971-4339-2213
PARIS Nam Sang-hui (mudpearl@at.or.kr) +33-1-4108-6095
Koreans have a deep affection for coffee, which has become a common part of daily life. Regardless of the season, it is customary to enjoy coffee while working, chatting, and going about everyday activities. As coffee preferences have diversified and become more sophisticated, the roasted coffee market has experienced remarkable growth. With more consumers brewing coffee at home, this market has experienced an impressive annual growth rate of 17.4% since 2018. In addition, coffee accounts for 32.5% of beverages sold in convenience stores and supermarkets. Nearly half the population consumes 2 to 3 cups of coffee daily, and about 90% of Koreans drink at least one cup daily. Large corporate cafés, backed by multi-billion-won investments, open almost daily and populate the outskirts of almost every urban area. It is not uncommon to see cafés that can accommodate hundreds of customers.
For instance, C, the chairman of a large conglomerate, receives weekly roast beans from P, a celebrity who grinds and brews himself. In Busan, renowned art collector Park is a fan of fermented coffee from LHK Fermentation Lab and enjoys visiting popular roasting cafés to compare different types of fermented coffees. With the growing trend of refined coffee preferences, boutique coffee shops that specialize in developing and supplying unique beans are also gaining popularity.
Lee Hyun-goo, head of the LHK Fermentation Lab, graduated from university and worked for Korea’s leading food company, Doosan Foods, where he developed various types of sugar, including oligosaccharides and modified starches. He dedicated 20 years of his career to fermentation and became one of Korea’s top experts in the field. After leaving the company, he focused on the development of fermented coffee. With the rapid growth of the coffee market in Korea and the global recognition of most coffee beans, he set out to use his expertise to change the coffee paradigm.
Lee ferments coffee beans by inoculating them with cultured bacteria before roasting, a process that adjusts the human and growth hormones in coffee and maximizes its nutritional value. This fermentation enhances the coffee’s aroma and acidity, increases beneficial compounds such as saponins and isoflavones, and reduces caffeine content. While regular green beans do not last long on the shelf, typically less than a month, Lee’s fermented coffee can be distributed for at least six months to several years. Coffee has become a local drink in Korea. At Marrakech, a newly opened Moroccan café in Cheongdam-dong, coffee priced at tens of thousands of won per cup is selling well. Meanwhile, affordable brewed coffee for 1,200 won can be found in convenience stores nationwide. Once referred to as the “strange broth from the West” in the late Joseon Dynasty, coffee has become Korea’s most popular beverage in just a century. Today, Korea leads the world in coffee culture and is a major exporter of various coffee products.
世界のコーヒーパラダイムをリードする韓国の コーヒー文化
韓国人のコーヒーに対する愛情には格 別な面がある。季節に関係なくコーヒ ーを飲みながら仕事をしたり会話をし たりする日常がごく普通の風景になって いる。コーヒーの好みも多様化・高級化 し、焙煎コーヒー市場が持続的に成長し ている。自宅でコーヒーを淹れて飲む消 費者の増加により、焙煎コーヒー市場は 2018年以降、年平均17.4%の成長率を 記録している。コンビニエンスストアや 大型スーパーで販売されている飲料のう ち、コーヒーが32.5%を占めている。
国民の半数近くが1日に2~3杯のコーヒ ーを飲み、90%に達する人々が1日1杯以 上コーヒーを飲んでいる。数十億ウォン に及ぶ投資を必要とする大型カフェが 日々増えていて、ほぼすべての都心近郊 に軒を連ねている。一度に数百人が利 用できる店舗も珍しくない。
たとえば某大企業のC会長は、毎週韓流 スターP氏が焙煎したコーヒー豆を受け 取って自分で挽いてコーヒーを淹れてい るという。また、プサン(釜山)の有名な アートコレクターであるパク(朴)会長 は、イ・ヒョング発酵研究所の発酵コー ヒー愛好家で、周辺の有名な焙煎カフェ を巡っては発酵コーヒーの味を飲み比べ る趣味を楽しむという。このようなコー ヒー嗜好の高級化により、独自の方法で コーヒー豆を開発して供給するブティッ ク型のコーヒー店も、至る所で増えてき ている。
発酵研究所代表のイ・ヒョング氏は大学 卒業後、韓国の代表的な食品専門企業 であるデゥサン(斗山)食品でオリゴ糖 をはじめとする各種糖類と変性デンプ
ンを開発した。会社では20年間ひたすら 発酵研究にまい進した韓国でトップの座 を争う発酵専門家である。そんな彼が退 職後専念するようになったのが、発酵コ ーヒーを作ることであった。世の中のコ ーヒー豆はすべて知られており、韓国の コーヒー市場も急成長している状況だっ たため、コーヒーのパラダイムを変える ことに全力で取り組んだである。 彼は、様々な生豆に菌を接種して培養し 発酵させた後、焙煎する。これによって コーヒー内のヒューマンホルモンと成長 ホルモンが調節され、コーヒーの栄養が 最大化される。このような発酵を経たコ ーヒーは香りと酸味が良くなり、サポニ ンやイソフラボンのような体に良い物質 が増え、カフェインは減少する。通常生 豆は、焙煎してから一か月以上保存する のが難しいが、イ・ヒョング氏の発酵コ ーヒーは、少なくとも6か月から数年間ま で流通できる。
コーヒーは今や、韓国にしっかり根を下 ろした飲み物になった。最近、高級住宅 地のチョンダム洞にオープンしたモロッ ココーヒー専門店「マラケシュ」では、一 杯数十万ウォンもするコーヒーが人気を 博している。一方では、全国どこのコン ビニエンスストアでもたった1,200ウォン でレギュラーコーヒーを味わうことがで きる。大韓帝国時代末期に「西洋から入 って来た奇妙な汁」と言われながらこの 地に初めて入ってきたコーヒーが1世紀 後には韓国人に最も愛される飲み物に なり、そして韓国は、世界のコーヒー文化 をリードする国、様々なコーヒー類を輸 出する国となった。
Korea Mcnulty Co., Ltd. is the leading company in the Korean roasted coffee market, having started its journey in 1993 with Café Mcnulty. Its flagship brands include “iBrew” and “Coffee with Happiness.” The company offers a wide range of products including green beans, roasted coffee and instant coffee. It directly sources and delivers more than 100 varieties of green beans from coffee growers in more than 30 countries, including Ethiopia, Kenya, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Hawaii, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Jamaica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Cameroon, and Honduras. In 2011, the company was recognized as the market leader in roasted coffee sales based on domestic distribution and retail sales. In 2013, the company received HACCP certification for all coffee sectors, and since 2016, it has held the top position in the Korean Customer Satisfaction Index for roasted coffee for seven consecutive years. iBrew is Korea Mcnulty’s next-generation flagship brand, designed to preserve flavor and nutrition while enhancing drinkability and convenience. The brand packages ultra-fine ingredients in sticks at an ultra-low temperature of -196°C to preserve flavor and nutrients, making them easy to drink and carry. Popular products include Ethiopia Koke Honey, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe G2, Kenya AA, Colombia Supremo, Brazil Santa Rosa and Brazil Cerrado NY2. “Coffee with Happiness” is Mcnulty’s signature brand, featuring ground coffees that can be conveniently enjoyed anywhere indoors. This includes
blends such as Jamaica Blue Mountain Blend, Rich Hazelnut Flavor, Brazil Santa Rosa Blend, and Koke Honey Blend, all made from 100% Arabica beans and offer excellent taste and aroma.
The Mcnulty Instant Mix line includes Stevia Decaf Coffee Mix, which combines the healthy sweetness of stevia with 99% caffeine removal, allowing consumers to enjoy coffee anytime, anywhere. Other offerings include the Brazil Arabica Coffee Mix, made with 100% Brazilian Arabica beans, and the iBrew Plus Mocha Gold Coffee Mix, made with Fair Trade coffee. In addition, Mcnulty offers capsules and pouches of ground coffee under the Hand Drip Coffee label. The “Pouch Coffee & Beverages 17” line offers portable liquid coffee options that allow consumers to enjoy coffee anywhere. Americano Black has a bitter taste with dark chocolate notes and a deep, rich smoky aroma.
韓国マクナルティ㈱は1993年にカフェ・マクナルティから スタートした、韓国のレギュラーコーヒー市場で最高の占 有率を誇る企業である。代表的な製品ブランドには「アイ ブル」と「幸せを与えるコーヒー」がある。生豆、レギュラー コーヒー、インスタントコーヒーなどの商品を揃えている。
エチオピア、ケニア、ベトナム、インドネシア、インド、ハワ イ、ブラジル、コスタリカ、コロンビア、ジャマイカ、グアテ マラ、エルサルバドル、カメルーン、ホンジュラスなど30か 国以上の産地から、100種類以上の生豆を直接買い付け て供給している。2011年、韓国の流通および小売店販売に おいて、レギュラーコーヒー部門で市場占有率1位となった。
2013年には、コーヒーの全分野においてHACCP認証を取 得し、2016年からは、消費者が選ぶ韓国消費者満足度指 数のレギュラーコーヒー部門で7年連続1位を獲得した。
ックス」、フェアトレードのコーヒーを使用した「アイブルプ ラスモカゴールドコーヒーミックス」などがある。このほか にも、マクナルティカプセルコーヒーや、レギュラーコーヒ ーバッグ商品の「HAND DRIP COFFEE」もある。POUCH COFFEE & BEVERAGES 17マクナルティの液体コーヒーは 携帯性と利便性に優れ、コーヒーが飲みたくなったらいつ でもどこでも手軽に楽しめる。ブラックのアイスアメリカー ノはダークチョコレートのほろ苦さ、深く豊かでスモーキー な香りを感じることができる。
On December 23, 2015, Korea Mcnulty became the first company in the Korean coffee industry to be listed on KOSDAQ. In 2019, it received KMF Halal Certification and signed an MOU with the International Fair Trade Organization. In 2020, it was named “2020 Best Partner” by eBay Korea. In 2021, the first Mcnulty Coffee Factory franchise opened in Yantai, China. The company received the EXCELLENCE AWARD for Best Product at the Seoul Café Show 2022. Korea Mcnulty produces 3,500 tons of whole and ground beans annually, as well as 900 million sticks of instant mix, 300 million sticks of instant black coffee, and 63 million drip and square tea bags. It supplies raw materials and finished products to major retailers including E-Mart, Homeplus, Lotte Mart, Mega Mart, NH Hanaro Mart, GS THE FRESH, CU, GS25, Seven Eleven, Coupang, Shinsegae, Kakao, eBay, CJ CheilJedang, Olive Young, Lotte Home Shopping, No Brand, and E-Mart Everyday. Korea Mcnulty Co., Ltd., established in 1993, is a leader in Korea’s roasted coffee market, known for brands like iBrew and Coffee with Happiness, and recognized for quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
「アイブル」は、味と栄養はそのままに飲みやすさと利便 性を高めた商品で、韓国マクナルティの次世代を代表す るブランドである。マイナス196度の極低温で超微細に粉 砕した豆をそのままスティックにしたため、味と栄養が 生きていて、飲みやすく携帯にも便利である。「エチオピ アコケ・ハニー」、「エチオピアイルガチェフG2」、「ケニア AA」、「コロンビアスプレモ」、「ブラジルサンタローサ」、 「ブラジルセラードNY2」などの商品がある。「幸せを与え るコーヒー」は、マクナルティコーヒーを代表するレギュラ ーコーヒーブランドで、<ジャマイカブルーマウンテンブレン ド」、「リッチヘーゼルナッツフレーバー」、「ブラジルサン タローサブレンド」、「コケ・ハニーブレンド」など はどこでも手軽に楽しめる粉タイプの レギュラーコーヒーである。アラビカ 豆100%で、味と風味が素晴らしい。 「マクナルティインスタントミックス」 のラインナップには、ステビアの健 康的な甘さを特長とする、カフェイ ンを99%除去していつでも 楽しめる「ステビア デカフェインコーヒ ーミックス」、ブラ ジル産アラビカ豆 100%の「ブラジル アラビカコーヒーミ
韓国マクナルティ㈱は2015年12月23日、韓国のコーヒー 業界では初めてコスダックに上場した企業である。2019 年にはKMFハラール認証を取得し、フェアトレードインタ ーナショナルとMOUを締結した。2020年、イーベイコリア の「2020年ベストパートナー」に選定された。2021年に は中国煙台市にカフェフランチャイズのマクナルティコー ヒーファクトリー1号店をオープンし、2022年にはソウル カフェショーにてEXCELLENCE AWARD最優秀製品賞を 受賞した。年間3,500トンのコーヒー豆とレギュラーコー ヒー、年間9億本のインスタントミックススティック、3億 本のインスタントブラックスティック、6,300万袋のドリッ プや角型ティーバッグを生産している。Eマート、ホームプ ラス、ロッテマート、メガマート、農協ハナロマート、GS
THE FRESH、CU、GS25、セブンイレブン、クーパン、新 世界、カカオ、イーベイ、CJ第一製糖、オリーブヤング、ロ ッテホームショッピング、ノーブランド、Eマートエブリデ イなどに原料および完成品を供給している。
TEAM MANAGER/MARKETING TEAM: Hong Dong-woo E-MAIL: dwhong@mcnulty.co.kr
WEBSITE: www.mcnultykorea.com
TEL: +82-70-4628-4812, +82-10-2832-3591
ADDRESS: Mcnulty B/D, 152 Yeonhui-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
1993年に設立された韓国マクナルティ㈱は、韓国の焙煎 コーヒー市場をリードする企業で、iBrewやCoffee with Happinessといったブランドで知られ、品質、革新性、および 顧客満足度で高い評価を得ています。
As of November 2023, the number of cafés in South Korea has surpassed 100,000, nearly doubling since 2018. Starbucks, the market leader by revenue, has expanded significantly, with the number of stores increasing 3.7 times over the past decade, from 467 locations in 2012 to 1,750 by the fourth quarter of 2022. South Korea ranks fourth in the world in terms of the number of Starbucks stores, behind the United States, China and Canada. In 2022, Starbucks reported approximately 2.6 trillion won in revenue, becoming the first coffee chain in the country to surpass the 1 trillion won revenue milestone. Overall, the revenue of domestic coffee specialty stores reached approximately 2.6184 trillion won in 2022. However, by the end of the third quarter of 2023, revenue had fallen to around 1.95 trillion won, a decrease of 200 billion won from the same period a year earlier.
2023年11月現在、韓国国内のカフェの数は10万 店舗を超え、2018年比で約2倍増加した。売上高 1位のスターバックスの店舗数は、10年間で3.7倍 増加した。2012年に467店舗だったのが、2022年 の第4四半期には1,750店舗になった。この店舗 数は米国、中国、カナダに続き、世界4位となって いる。韓国国内のコーヒー専門店の売上げ額は 2022年現在2兆6,184億ウォン規模で、1位のスタ ーバックスがコーヒー専門店で初めて売上げ1兆 ウォンを記録した。2023年のコーヒー専門店の売 上額は、第3四半期末現在1兆9,500億ウォンで、 前年同期比で200億ウォン減少した。
韓国のコーヒー類の市場規模は2020年に2兆 7,179億ウォン、2021年は3兆1,168億ウォンで、 韓国人の日常的な飲み物になった コーヒーとコーヒー産業
The coffee market size in South Korea was KRW 2.7179 trillion in 2020 and grew to KRW 3.1168 trillion in 2021, representing an annual growth rate of 6.6% between 2018 and 2021. This growth trend continued in 2022, reaching approximately KRW 3.1717 trillion. That year, the breakdown of the coffee market was as follows: 35.6% liquid coffee, 32.6% roasted coffee, 24.8% prepared coffee, and 7% instant coffee. The total coffee market in South Korea is estimated to grow from KRW 6 trillion in 2021 to KRW 8.6 trillion in 2022. By 2018, South Korea had already become one of the largest coffee markets in the world, ranking third in green bean consumption after the United States and China.
In 2021, South Korea’s beverage market was valued at approximately 9.58 trillion won, with coffee accounting for 32.52% of the total, far outpacing carbonated beverages with a 23.96% share. A consumer survey conducted in May 2022 revealed that 45% of respondents cited coffee as their most frequently consumed beverage, three times more than carbonated beverages (14%) and four times more than milk (11%).
2018年から2021年まで年平均6.6%成長した。2022年 には3兆1,717億ウォン台となり、引き続き増加傾向にあ る。2022年のコーヒー類の市場シェアは、液体コーヒー 35.6%、焙煎コーヒー32.6%、ミックスコーヒー24.8%、イ ンスタントコーヒー7%の順である。韓国のコーヒー市場 の規模は、2021年の6兆ウォン台から2022年8兆6千億ウ ォン台に成長したと推定される。韓国は2018年にはすで に世界最大級のコーヒー大国の一つとなっており、コーヒ ー豆の消費量において、米国と中国に次いで世界第3位の 国となった。
Daily coffee consumption in South Korea is typically between 2 and 3 cups for 47.7% of respondents, with 87.8% reporting that they drink at least one cup daily. In 2023, annual per-capita coffee consumption reached 405 cups, more than double the global average of 152 cups and 1.3 times the U.S. average of 318 cups. Many Koreans drink coffee out of habit (56.1%), and this tendency is more pronounced among older people.
The continued growth of the domestic coffee market has also driven Korean coffee companies to expand internationally. One notable example is Korean Macnulty Co., Ltd., the leader in the South Korean roasted coffee market. Macnulty sources green beans from more than 30 coffee-producing countries on three continents and exports roasted beans and prepared coffee products worldwide.
Korea’s coffee export has steadily increased, from USD 175.79 million in 2018 to USD 233.1 million in 2023. Major export destinations for Korean coffee include Hong Kong, the United States, Taiwan, Mongolia, Malaysia, Israel, China, Australia, Russia, Canada, South Africa, and Japan.
2021年の「飲料類品目別国内販売額」の推移によると、 飲料市場全体は約9兆5,800億ウォン規模となっている。 このうちコーヒー類が占める割合は32.52%で、炭酸飲 料(23.96%)を大きく上回った。2022年の5月に終了した 国内コーヒー消費者動向調査の結果によると、韓国の消 費者は45%もの人々が飲み物の中でコーヒーを最も頻繁 に飲むことが明らかになった。これは炭酸飲料(14%)の3 倍、牛乳(11%)の4倍である。
韓国の国内消費者の1日当たりのコーヒー消費量は、1日2 ~3杯程度と回答した割合が47.7%で、1日に1杯以上コー ヒーを飲むと回答した割合は87.0%。2023年の1人当たり の年間コーヒー消費量は405杯で、世界の1人当たりコー ヒー消費量152杯と比べると2倍以上で、米国の318杯の 1.3倍に当たる。コーヒーは、味よりも習慣的に(56.1%)飲 む傾向があり、このような傾向は年齢が高いほど強いこ とが分かった。
このような国内コーヒー市場の持続的な発展と成長に後 押しされ、韓国のコーヒー専門企業が海外にまでその領 域を拡大している。代表的な事例は、韓国のレギュラーコ ーヒー部門で市場シェア1位の韓国マクナルティ㈱であ る。同社は、3大陸30か国余りのコーヒー産地から生豆を 購入し、焙煎コーヒー豆やミックスコーヒーなどに製品化 して輸出している。
韓国のコーヒー製品の輸出規模は、2018年が1億7,579万 1千ドル、2019年が1億9,237万3千ドル、2020年が2億424 万8千ドル、2021年が2億2,371万7千ドル、2022年が2億 3,104万2千ドル、2023年が3億3,360万ドルと、引き続き 増加傾向にある。主な輸出先は香港、米国、台湾、モン ゴル、マレーシア、イスラエル、中国、オーストラリア、ロシ ア、カナダ、南アフリカ、日本となっている。
Omija, celebrated for its unique balance of five distinct flavors, has been a highly cherished product for centuries, with Mungyeong recognized as the primary producer. Mungyeong contributes approximately 45% of Korea’s total output. It is also home to various facilities related to omija production and distribution, including the Omija Theme Park and Mungyeong Brewery, which produces traditional omija-based makgeolli. Named for its unique blend of sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and spicy flavors, omija blooms with red and white flowers between May and June, bearing red berries that ripen by late September. The harvesting of omija continues through the end of October. It is renowned for its health benefits, which include aiding digestion, alleviating fatigue, preventing aging, and reducing the risk of diabetes and anemia. As a result, it has been widely used in health foods, beverages, and traditional herbal medicine for many years.
JL Co., Ltd. is a company that specializes in producing wine and distilled spirits from locally grown omija, with a focus on both domestic and international markets. The company was founded by Dr. Lee Jong-ki, a master of Korean whiskey with over four decades of brewing experience. In 2008, Dr. Lee established JL Co., Ltd., an agricultural corporation that operates the Ominara winery, using Mungyeong’s omija as the primary ingredient. JL Co., Ltd. sources 100% of its omija from local farms, including its own. The company has increased its omija purchases on a consistent basis, from 5.2 tons in 2019 to 20.2 tons in 2022.
Ominara’s wine range includes “Sparkling Wine
Omiroje Kyul,” “Sparkling Wine Omiroje Yeon,” “Omiroje Premier,” and “Omiroje Together.” The company’s distilled spirits line includes Gowoon Dar Oak 52%, Gowoon Dar Baekja 52%, and Gowoon Dar 43 Oak. Omiroje Kyul, the world’s first omija sparkling wine, is produced using traditional methods and has an alcohol content of 12% with a medium-dry sweetness. During President Biden’s visit to Korea in 2022, Omiroje Kyul was selected as the toast wine for a banquet. In 2023, the Korean Night banquet at the Davos Forum in Switzerland chose Omiroje Yeon, produced using the Charmat method. The Omiroje Premier and Omiroje Together are still wines, each with an alcohol content of 12%, made through traditional fermentation and oak barrel aging. The Gowoon Dar series is premium spirits crafted with meticulous attention to detail over a five-year period. The product range includes the “Gowoon Dar Oak 52%,” which is distilled twice from omija wine using atmospheric stills and aged in European oak barrels. The company also offers the “Gowoon Dar Baekja 52%,” a premium option aged in traditional baekja (white porcelain) jars rather than oak barrels.
In 2019, Ominara’s omija products generated sales of KRW 265 million in wine, KRW 140 million in sparkling wine, and KRW 182 million in distilled spirits. By 2022, these figures had surged to KRW 477 million in wine, KRW 981 million in sparkling wine, and KRW 770 million in distilled spirits, representing a remarkable 380% growth over four years. In 2023, Ominara achieved total sales of KRW 2.7 billion and expanded its exports to markets including the U.S., Singapore, China, and more.
五味子带有五种天然的味道。从几个世纪前开始,韩国闻 庆地区就以盛产五味子而闻名。韩国约45%的五味子出 自闻庆。因此,闻庆地区不仅有五味子主题公园,还有用 五味子酿造韩国传统酒马格利酒的闻庆酒窖等与五味子 相关的各种设施和企业。五味子具有甜、酸、苦、咸、辣五 种味道,因此得名“五味子”。五味子在5至6月间开出红白 色的花朵,9月下旬结果,采收持续至10月底。五味子具有
促进消化、缓解疲劳、防止衰老、预防糖尿病和贫血等功 效。因此,五味子被广泛使用到健康保健食品和茶饮中, 并一直作为药材使用。
闻庆地区的特产五味子酿造五味子红酒和蒸馏酒,产品不 仅在韩国国内销售,还出口海外。(株)JL的法人代表李钟 玘博士致力于用五味子酿造世界名酒,他拥有40年酿酒经 验,是韩国的“威士忌教父”。他于2008年创立了农业公司 法人(株)JL,旗下运营“Omynara”酒庄。公司使用的五味 子100%产自闻庆地区。主要使用公司旗下的五味子农场 和本地种植的五味子,采收自有农场的五味子后,不足的
(株)JL运营的酒庄叫做“Omynara”,五味子红酒产品 包括“气泡酒OmyRose结”、“气泡酒OmyrRose缘”、 “OmyRose Premier Wine”和“OmyRose Together Wine”。蒸馏酒有“Gowoon Dar Oak 52%”、“Gowoon Dar 白瓷52%”和“Gowoon Dar 43 Oak”。其中,“气 泡酒OmyRose结”是世界首款以五味子为原料,采用 传统工艺制成的五味子气泡酒,酒精度数为12%,为中 度干型口感。曾在2022年被选为拜登总统访韩晚宴的 干杯酒。“气泡酒OmyrRose缘”采用查玛法(Charmat Method) 酿造,是2023年瑞士达沃斯论坛韩国之夜的晚 宴酒。“OmyRose Premier Wine 750ml”和“OmyRose Together Wine 750ml”是以五味子为原料,采用传统发 酵工艺和橡木桶熟成的静止红酒,酒精度数为12%。
“Gowoon Dar”系列是历经五年打造的高档红酒,包括
“Gowoon Dar Oak 52%”、“Gowoon Dar 白瓷52%”和
“Gowoon Dar Oak 43%”。其中,“Gowoon Dar Oak 52%”是在常压铜蒸馏器中进行两次蒸馏后,在欧式橡 木桶中熟成的高档五味子蒸馏酒。“Gowoon Dar 白瓷 52%”则是在白瓷坛中熟成的高档五味子蒸馏酒。
VICE PRESIDENT: Moon Seong-hun
TEL/FAX: +82-54-571-0601 / +82-54-571-0601
E-MAIL: sh3757@naver.com
WEBSITE: www.omynara.com
ADDRESS: 609, Saejae-ro, Mungyeong-eup, Mungyeong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
JL Co., Ltd., founded by Dr. Lee Jong-ki in 2008, specializes in wine and spirits made from Mungyeong-grown omija, renowned for its health benefits. Its flagship brand, Omina ra, has seen significant growth, with products like Omiroje sparkling wine and Gowoon Dar spirits celebrated both do mestically and internationally.
(株)JL有限公司由李钟基博士于2008年创立,专注于以闻庆产的 五味子为原料酿造的葡萄酒和烈酒,五味子因其健康功效而广受 欢迎。其旗舰品牌“Ominara”增长显著,旗下的“OmiRoje”起泡 酒和“Gowoon Dar”烈酒在国内外均备受赞誉。
2019年,Omynara的五味子产品销售额分别为,红酒 2.65亿韩元、气泡酒1.4亿韩元、蒸馏酒1.82亿韩元。2020 年,红酒1.84亿韩元、气泡酒2.79亿韩元、蒸馏酒3.17亿 韩元。2021年,红酒2.72亿韩元、气泡酒7.32亿韩元、蒸 馏酒4.46亿韩元。2022年,红酒4.77亿韩元、气泡酒9.81 亿韩元、蒸馏酒7.7亿韩元。从2019年到2022年的四年 间,Omynara的销售额增长了380%。2023年创下了 27亿韩元的销售额。自2022年起,公司逐步扩大出 口国家,开始向美国、新加坡、中国等地出口产品。
Hanbit Flavor and Fragrance Co., Ltd. is a specialized fragrance company with an extensive global network. In 2021, the company achieved ISO 14001 certification, and in 2024, it received EAC certification for Eastern Europe and FSSC22000 certification for the U.S. In addition, Hanbit is a certified member of the International Fragrance Association (RIFM). Hanbit develops, produces, and supplies custom fragrances tailored to consumer demands across Southeast Asia, the U.S., and Eastern Europe. Hanbit was founded in 2000 and achieved ISO 9001 certification in 2007. In 2015, the company established an Emotion Research Center and secured HALAL (MUI) certification. In 2020, Hanbit joined the UN Global Compact (UNGC), and in 2021, it launched a new natural extraction facility, achieving production automation and GMP certification.
tains approximately 3,000 fragrance ingredients, covering key product categories: “Sweet” for beverages, ice creams, and bakery goods; “Savory” for sauces, seasonings, and snacks; “Oral Care” for toothpaste, mouthwash, and fresheners; “Pet Care” for pet food and treats; and “Health Care” for pharmaceuticals and supplements.
At Hanbit, the production process begins with a detailed analysis of the requested fragrance product. Based on this analysis, the fragrance is then crafted in the company’s perfumery lab to meet the specific requirements of the client. Each fragrance is evaluated by a perfumer and, once approved, is delivered with an evaluation report to the client. Once the fragrance has been approved, it is ready to be produced and distributed on the full scale. Hanbit’s library con -
Hanbit’s product range also includes fragrances for perfumes, cosmetics for skin, hair and body care, home care products such as diffusers and air fresheners, laundry products such as detergents and fabric softeners, and industrial products such as deodorizers and repellents. In addition, the company provides a variety of flavors for tobacco products, including “Casing Flavor,” “Top Dressing Flavor,” “Capsule Flavor,” and flavors for electronic cigarettes. Their natural extract line includes the “Black Food”, a high-quality black ginseng extract, “Distilled Extracts” customized with native plants, and “Refined Extracts” produced using advanced purification techniques.
Hanbit also offers a range of essential oils, including domestic favorites such as “Yuzu Oil,” “Gurye Mint Oil,” “Ganghwa Artemisia Oil,” and “Sansho Oil.”
The company has formalized collaboration with 1,270 partners, including major brands such as Amorepacific, Kolmar Korea, KT&G, Olive Young, Lotte Food, LG Household & Health
Care, Cosmax, Shinsegae, CJ CheilJedang, Kimberly-Clark and Orion. Hanbit’s sales have been growing steadily: KRW 42.3 billion in 2019 (40.8 billion domestic, 1.5 billion export), KRW 47.1 billion in 2020 (45.2 billion domestic, 1.9 billion export), KRW 50.9 billion in 2021 (48.4 billion domestic, 2.5 billion export), KRW 66.6 billion in 2022 (62.9 billion domestic, 3.7 billion export), and KRW 79.7 billion in 2023 (77 billion domestic, 2.7 billion export). Current projections are KRW 90 billion this year and KRW 112 billion in 2025. Key export markets include Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, China, Philippines, UAE, Taiwan, Vietnam, Russia and India.
Its monthly production averages 50 tons of food fragrances, 75 tons of cosmetic fragrances, 125 tons of tobacco fragrances, and 10 tons of natural extracts, for a total of approximately 260 tons. The facility is equipped to scale production up to 500 tons monthly or 6,000 tons annually. In line with global carbon neutrality initiatives, Hanbit Fragrance is committed to sustainable fragrance development. The company gives priority to biodegradable and upcycled ingredients, renewable carbon index management, and plant-based bio-fragrances, with the objective of reducing its environmental impact by developing OECD 301-standard biodegradable fragrances and upcycling waste materials.
15ヶ国に輸出するグローバル香料 専門企業、㈱ハンビット香料
香料専門企業としてグローバルネットワークを構築し た㈱ハンビット香料。同社は2021年にISO14001認 証、2024年に東ヨーロッパEAC認証およびアメリカ FSSC22000認証を取得し、香粧品香料原料安全性研究 所(RIFM)の会員に加入した。東南アジア、アメリカ、東ヨ ーロッパ諸国それぞれの消費者のニーズにマッチする香 りの開発、生産、供給を行っている。2000年の設立後、 2007年にISO 9001認証を取得し、2015年に感性研究セ ンターを新設し、その年にハラール認証(MUI)を取得し た。2020年にUNGCに加入し、2021年には天然物抽出 工場を新築して移転し、生産自動化によりGMP認証工 場となった。
同社は、香りの製造依頼を受けた後、依頼された製品 を分析し、その分析結果をもとに調香室で香りを製造す る。それから製造した香りを調香師が評価したら、依頼 した会社に送り、製造した香りに対する評価結果を受け る。その後、採用された香りを生産して供給する、という
一連の生産工程を構築した。この工程のために、㈱ハン ビット香料のライブラリは、約3千種の調香用香りを保 有している。主な製品には、飲料やアイスクリーム、製菓 ・製パンに使われる「Sweet」、ソースやシーズニング、 スナック、調味料に使われる「Savory」、歯磨き粉、う がい薬、マウスウォッシュに使われる「Oral Care」、ペッ トの飼料やおやつ、おもちゃに使われる「Pet Care」、 医薬用・製薬用や健康機能食品に使われる「Health Care」がある。
香水の製造に使われる「Perfume」、スキン、ヘア、ボデ ィに使われる「Cosmetic」、ディフューザーやキャンド ル、芳香剤や洗浄剤に使われる「Home Care」、洗剤、 柔軟剤、乾燥機シートに使われる「Laundry」もある。消 臭剤や虫よけ、塗料に入る「Industrial」、タバコの香り に使われる「Casing Flavor」、「Top Dressing Flavor」、 「Capsule Flavor」、「電子タバコ」がある。天然抽出 物には、標準化された超高圧黒参エキスなどの「Black Food」、クライアント企業との協業による、自生植物抽
出物を原料にした「蒸留エキス」、標準化された原料精 製法で天然の香りの品質を差別化した「精製エキス」が ある。エッセンシャルオイルには「柚子オイル」、「グレ (求礼)ミントオイル」、「カンファ(江華)モグサオイル」や、 山椒オイルなどの「韓国産天然香料」などもある。
アモーレパシフィック、韓国コルマー、KT&G、オリー ブヤング、ロッテフード、LG生活健康、コスマックス、 新世界、第一製糖、Kimberely-Vlark、COCODR、 NONFICTION、オリオン、SPC、COSMECCA、東亜製薬、 東西食品、ビングレなど1,270社のパートナー企業があ る。2019年の売上高は423億ウォンで、そのうち韓国国内 が408億ウォン、輸出が15億ウォン。2020年の売上高は 471億ウォンで国内が452億ウォン、輸出が19億ウォン。 2021年は売上高509億ウォンのうち国内が484億ウォン、 輸出が25億ウォン、2022年は売上高666億ウォンのうち 国内が629億ウォン、輸出が37億ウォン。そして2023年は 797億ウォンの売上のうち国内が770億ウォン、輸出が27 億ウォンを記録した。今年は売上高が900億ウォンを記録 しており、2025年には1,120億ウォンに上るだろうと予測 している。主な輸出先はタイ、インドネシア、マレーシア、 日本、中国、フィリピン、アラブ首長国連邦、台湾、ベトナ ム、ロシア、インドなどで、15ヶ国に輸出している。
各製品の現在の月平均生産実績は、食品香が50トン、 香粧品香が75トン、タバコ香が125トン、そして天然エキ スが10トンで、月平均出荷量は260トン。いつでも、今の 生産量の倍に当たる月500トン、年間6,000トン規模の 生産ができる設備と規模を備えている。生分解性、アッ プサイクル成分の強化、再生可能炭素指数を管理した 天然由来の香料、植物由来のバイオ香料などの持続可 能な香料の開発を通して、世界的なカーボンニュートラ ル政策に足並みを揃えたグリーン産業を目指している。 OECDテストガイドライン301に合わせた生分解性香料 の開発、廃棄されるはずだった資源のアップサイクリン グによる成分再抽出を行っている。また環境への影響度 を下げる香料の開発にも積極的に取り組んでいる。
Flavor and Fragrance Co., Ltd.
TEL: : +82-10-8081-1443 (CP)
E-MAIL: ymyoon@hffaroma.com
WEBSITE: www.hffaroma.com
ADDRESS: 101-1511, Digital Empire II, 88 Shinwon-ro, Yeongtonggu Suwon-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, Republic of Korea
Hanbit Flavor and Fragrance Co., Ltd. is a leading fragrance and flavor company with global certifications, specializing in custom scents and sustainable development for food, cosmetics, and industrial applications. Established in 2000, Hanbit partners with major brands and serves markets across Asia, the U.S., and Europe.
㈱ハンビット香料は、グローバルな認証を取得したリーディングフ レグランスおよびフレーバー企業であり、食品、化粧品、産業用途 向けのカスタム香料や持続可能な開発を専門としています。2000 年に設立され、アジア、米国、ヨーロッパの市場にわたり、主要ブ ランドと提携しています。
Palgong Kimchi is a leading agricultural cooperative specializing in the production of Gyeongsang-do style kimchi, renowned for its spicy flavor. This is achieved by adding anchovy brine and fermenting the kimchi at low temperatures. The company was established in October 2008 and is based in Daegu, South Korea. It offers a wide range of premium kimchi products, including “Luxury Cabbage Kimchi,” “Lotus Root Cabbage Kimchi,” “Ripened Cabbage Kimchi,” “Chonggak Kimchi,” “Young Radish Kimchi,” “White Kimchi,” and more. The company produces 32 different varieties of kimchi, including diced radish kimchi (kkakdugi), radish and cabbage kimchi (seokbakji), and unique offerings such as bitter lettuce kimchi (godeulppaegi kimchi), gajuk kimchi, sesame leaf kimchi, and leaf mustard kimchi (gat kimchi), young summer radish kimchi (yeolmu kimchi), water kimchi (nabak kimchi), cucumber kimchi (oisobagi), dried radish (mumallaengi), fischer ligularia kimchi (gomchi kimchi), spicy garlic kimchi (maneul kimchi), salted cabbage, and premium sauces.
The company’s flagship product, “Luxury Cabbage Kimchi,” was selected as one of Daegu City’s top products in 2021. In 2023, this product generated KRW 2.91 billion in revenue for Palgong Kimchi, contributing to a total revenue of KRW 8.24 billion and sales of 532,360 kilograms. The production of this kimchi required 330,063 kilograms of cabbage, 71,957 kilograms of radish, 20,775 kilograms of dried red pepper powder, and 19,177 kilograms of garlic. In 2023, the company produced a total of 1,771,676 kilograms of kimchi, with “Luxury Cabbage Kimchi” accounting for 30% of this volume.
One of Palgong Kimchi’s standout products is the patented “Lotus Root Cabbage Kimchi,” which is rich in vitamins and amino acids due to the inclusion of ground lotus root. The company filed a patent for the production method in March 2020,
which has since been fully registered. Another popular product, “Ripened Cabbage Kimchi,” is fermented for over three months at low temperatures, generating healthy lactic acid bacteria that promote gut health and inhibit harmful bacteria. For consumers who prefer milder flavors or cannot tolerate spicy foods, the “White Kimchi” offers a light, delicate taste.
Palgong Kimchi products are made entirely from local ingredients. Only the highest quality seasonal cabbages are used, which are carefully selected and salted in a sanitary facility. After salting, the cabbages are washed three times using a bubble cleaning process and then placed in a refrigerated dehydration room for approximately 20 hours. Once dehydrated, the cabbages are mixed with Palgong Kimchi’s signature seasoning. This seasoning process is done by hand rather than machine, preserving the homemade flavor passed down through generations. The production process is standardized to ensure consistent flavor from batch to batch. In 2011, Palgong Kimchi received HACCP certification for its cabbage kimchi, followed by certifications for other kimchi products in 2012 and for its kimchi seasoning in 2017, ensuring the safety of all its products. The company was also awarded Clean Workplace Certification in 2014, ISO 22000 and Risk Assessment Certification in 2019, FSSC 22000 in 2019, and both HALAL_IFANCA and HALAL_KOHAS certifications in 2021. In October 2021, Palgong Kimchi won the President’s Award at the 2nd Kimchi Day event, becoming a product officially recognized by the President of Korea. In June 2022, the company completed its FDA registration and exported USD 40,000 worth of kimchi to Singapore in 2023.
Palgong Kimchi products are available for purchase at major department stores such as Shinsegae Daegu and The Hyundai Daegu, as well as through various online platforms such Naver Smart Store, Coupang, Gmarket, Auction, 11st, WeMakePrice, SSG, Talkstore, Interpark, and Halfclub.
辛奇(Palgong Kimchi)”是在辛奇调料中加入鳀鱼酱,并
采用庆尚道的低温熟成方式制作而成的。八公山辛奇成 立于2008年10月,主要产品包括名品白菜辛奇(Luxury cabbage Kimchi)、莲藕白菜辛奇(Lotus root cabbage Kimchi)、熟成白菜辛奇(Ripened cabbage Kimchi)、 小萝卜辛奇(Chong-gac Kimchi)、萝卜缨辛奇(Young Radish Kimchi)、白辛奇(White Kimchi)等8种高端辛 奇产品。此外,还有萝卜块辛奇、白菜萝卜辛奇、苦菜辛 奇、椿芽辛奇、苏子叶辛奇、芥菜辛奇、葱辛奇、萝卜缨水 辛奇、萝卜片水辛奇、黄瓜辛奇、萝卜干、马蹄叶酱菜、蒜 苔酱菜、大蒜酱菜、腌白菜、名品调料等八公的特色辛奇 系列产品,总计32种。
评为大邱广域市优秀产品。2023年八公辛奇的销售额达 到了82.4亿韩元,其中,优秀产品“八公山名品辛奇”的销 韩国认可的庆尚道风味辛奇
售额为29.1亿韩元,销售量为532,360公斤。生产这批辛 奇时共使用了330,063公斤的白菜、71,957公斤的萝卜、 20,775公斤的干辣椒粉和19,177公斤的大蒜。2023年, 八公辛奇的总生产量为1,771,676公斤,其中30%为“八 公山名品辛奇”。
八公辛奇采用独家专利技术制作的“莲藕白菜辛奇”添加 了磨碎的莲藕泥,风味极佳,莲藕富含维生素和氨基酸。
2020年3月,八公辛奇申请了关于“使用莲藕的辛奇制作 方法”的专利,现已完成注册。“熟成白菜辛奇”也是八公 辛奇的代表产品之一。该产品是将名品白菜辛奇在低温 下存放3个月以上,由乳酸菌发酵而成的,能够促进肠道运 动,有助于肠道健康,还可以抑制有害菌的繁殖。此外还有 “白辛奇”,适合不喜欢刺激性 味道的消费者和不能吃 辣的儿童食用。
八公辛奇的所 有产品均采用 100%韩国产 食材制作。采
购白菜时,挑选紧实的应季白菜。经过筛选后,进入腌制 流程。在卫生管理严格的腌制室内腌制好的白菜去除外 叶后,在气泡清洗流水线进行三道清洗工序。清洗后的辛 奇在冷藏脱水室内经过大约20小时的脱水过程。脱水完 成后,就是混合调料阶段。使用八公辛奇独有秘方制作调 料。调料混合完成后,开始填馅工序,这一过程并非机械 化操作,而是手工完成,再现了母亲的传统手工辛奇的风 味。此外,为了确保味道的一致性,所有产品都会经过标 准化工序生产。八公辛奇就是这样生产而成的。 八公辛奇的白菜辛奇、其他辛奇和辛奇调料分别于2011 年、2012年和2017年获得了HACCP认证,确保了所有辛 奇产品的食品安全性。2014年,公司获得了Clean营业场 所认证,2019年获得了ISO 22000认证和风险评估认证。
同年,八公辛奇还获得了FSSC22000认证,并于2021年7 月通过了HALAL_IFANCA和HALAL_KOHAS认证。2021年 10月,公司荣获第二届“辛奇日”总统奖,成为辛奇起源国 韩国总统认可的产品。2022年6月,八公辛奇完成了FDA 注册,并于2023年向新加坡出口了4万美元的辛奇产品。
八公辛奇可以在新世界百货商店东大邱店、现代百货店 大邱店等百货商店,以及Naver Storefarm、coupang、 Gmarket、Auction、11Street、薇美铺、SSG、Kakaotalk store、Interpark、Halfclub等线上线下商城购买。
Palgong Premium Kimchi, an agricultural cooperative from Daegu, South Korea, specializes in Gyeongsang-do style kimchi with over 30 varieties, crafted using domestically sourced ingredients and traditional methods. Known for its flagship “Luxury Cabbage Kimchi,” Palgong holds multiple certifications and exports globally.
八公山辛奇农业合作社是来自韩国大邱的农业合作社,专注于庆 尚道风味辛奇,提供30多种不同品类,使用国内采购的食材和传 统工艺制作而成。其主打产品“奢华白菜辛奇”享有盛誉,八公辛 奇拥有多项认证并销往全球。
TEL: +82-1522-3651, +82-53-983-8090
E-MAIL: palgongkimchi@naver.com
WEBSITE: www.8030kimchi.com
ADDRESS: (411-33) 58-3, Sinpyeong-ro, Dong-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea
韓国のパン市場は、新型コロナウィルス感染症の拡大 以降、家庭でパンを食べる消費者が増えたため、持続的 に成長している。At細分化市場レポートによると、韓国の パン類市場の規模は2021年に約3兆9,100億ウォン規模 となり、直近の5年間年平均約1.1%ずつ成長している。
また、このような傾向が続けば、韓国のパン類市場の規 模は2026年には約4兆ウォン規模に達すると予測してい る。パン類の2021年のシェア率は、ケーキが40.1%、パン 37.6%、ペストリー20.8%、冷凍パン1.2%の順であった。
鮮に保つことができる革新的な商品であった。現在では 大企業だけでなく、ユニークで個性溢れる小さなパン屋 も次々と登場し、多様化と共に、市場規模も成長し続けて いる。
消費者の嗜好や価値観の変化に伴い、パン類のトレンド も変化している。健康的な食文化がトレンドとなっている 今現在は、精製された小麦粉ではなく、各種栄養素が豊 富な全粒粉で作ったパンが人気を集めている。サムリプで は「クルミたっぷりの全粒粉カンパーニュ」、「ローマン小 麦の全粒粉パン」など、健康に良い食べ物を好む「ヘルシ ープレジャー」のトレンドに合った商品を発売した。ヘルシ ーなパンを楽しもうとするトレンドの外にも、面白くてユニ ークなコンセプトのパンもMZ世代に愛され、市場は着実 に成長している。消費者の関心を引くために他ブランドと コラボレーションした商品や、個性的な味の商品も発売さ れている。代表的なものには、CJ第一製糖の「ヘッパン米 粒クリームパン」、ソンス(聖水)洞のカフェ「ビロー」とコラ ボした「クリームカヌレ」、ヨンナム(延南)洞のデザート店「 フハハクリームパン」とコラボした「フハハクリームパン」、 ヨンセ(延世)牛乳の「牛乳生クリームパン」など、実に様々 な商品がある。
韓国にパン文化が定着したのは、それほど昔のことでは ない。現在の韓国のパンは日本から伝わったもので、18 世紀に日本人がポルトガル語の「パンデロ(Pão-de-ló)」を 「パン」と呼んでいたものが、植民地時代以降韓国に伝わ った。その後、朝鮮戦争や米軍による原料の援助などを経 て、韓国の製パン産業は国の開発と共に大きく発展した。
韓国で初めて大量生産されたパンは、1964年にSPCサム リプが発売した「正統クリームパン」で、このパンは当時、 国内で初めてビニール包装技術を導入し、パンを長く新
このようなトレンドに後押しされ、韓国のパン類市場は、 健康を考慮しつつ消費者の多様な嗜好を満たすための様 々な商品開発が予想されており、市場規模は益々拡大し ていく見通しである。
Gluten-free products are foods that do not contain gluten, a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. Gluten adds elasticity and viscosity to dough, but can cause digestive and immune response problems in individuals with gluten sensitivities or intolerances. As health and wellness awareness has grown, gluten-free products have gained attention in Korea. Although initially recommended only for those with specific health conditions, gluten-free diets are now widely adopted for weight management and improved digestion.
Korea is rich in gluten-free ingredients such as rice, soybeans, and potato starch, making it advantageous for creating a gluten-free diet. Traditional Korean foods such as tteok (rice cakes), rice noodles, and memilmuk (buckwheat jelly) are naturally gluten-free. In recent years, Korean manufacturers have also begun to develop a wider range of gluten-free options, such as breads, noodles and snacks made from alternative grains such as rice flour, tapioca and corn starch.
Many of these Korean gluten-free products can now be easily found on Amazon, a leading online marketplace in
the United States. Some popular gluten-free items include Chung Jung One O’Food’s Garlic Tteokbokki, BAP Instant Rice, and Glass Noodles. Sempio offers gluten-free Rice Noodles and Ssamjang (red chili and soybean paste), while CJ CheilJedang offers 100% Sweet Potato Starch Glass Noodles. In addition, Muhwadang offers a gluten-free gochujang sauce, and Chung Jung One also has a gluten-free version of gochujang. Beyond grains and noodles, a variety of gluten-free snack options are available, such as Jayondaum’s Sweet Potato Sticks, Jadamsun’s Drinkable Pouch Konjac Jelly, and Eatus’ Crispy Sweet Potato Sticks.
Customers who have purchased these gluten-free products on Amazon have shared positive reviews: “I love Korean tteokbokki, and this gluten-free version is chewy and delicious-I buy it regularly,” and “I’m glad to have gluten-free options that come in different flavors.” Another customer said, “I was looking for a healthy gochujang and found this gluten-free product. It not only tastes great, but also has good nutritional value.
无麸质产品是指不含麸质的食品。麸质是小麦、大麦、黑麦等谷物中含有 的蛋白质,可增加面团的弹性和粘性。但是,对麸质敏感的人可能会出现 消化不良或免疫反应,因此有许多人会选择无麸质饮食。在韩国随着 人们对健康生活的意识提升,对无麸质产品的关注也随之增加。之 前,主要是对患有特定疾病的人群建议无麸质饮食,而最近以管 理体重、改善消化功能为目的选择无麸质饮食的人逐渐增多。
韩国有很多无麸质食材,比如大米、豆类、土豆淀粉等,有利于实 现无麸质饮食。年糕、米线、荞麦凉粉等通常都用无麸质成分制 作而成。近期,韩国也开始使用不含麸质的米粉、木薯粉、玉米淀 粉等替代材料开发面包、面条、零食等各种各样的无麸质产品。
在美国的主要电商平台亚马逊商城可以轻松找到韩国的无麸质产品。主 要有清净园O’Food的“蒜香辣炒年糕”、“BAP米饭”、“粉条”,泉牌的无麸 质“大米龙须面”、“包饭酱”,CJ第一制糖的“100%红薯淀粉粉条”产品。此
外,还有无化糖的无麸质“糖醋辣酱”以及清净园的无麸质“辣椒酱”。除了 谷物类和面类,还有Jayeondaum的“红薯条”、jadamsun的“可吸魔芋果 冻”、eatus的“香脆红薯条”等多种无麸质产品。
在亚马逊购买无麸质产品的消费者纷纷留下了“我很喜欢韩国的辣炒年 糕,这款产品不仅口感劲道,还是无麸质的,我经常买”;“无麸质产品竟有 这么多可供选择的口味,真的很棒”;“我一直想找一款健康的辣椒酱产品, 这款无麸质辣椒酱不仅味道好而且营养丰富”等好评。
The Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) recently hosted a series of kimchi promotional events across four international branches—New York, Los Angeles, Shanghai, and Italy—with the objective of promoting Korean kimchi and enhancing its global appeal. This event served to illustrate the growing popularity of Korean culture and the increasing interest in K-food worldwide.
From June 16 to August 8, the aT New York branch collaborated with the “Skyview High” K-culture event, held on June 16 and July 28 at The Shops at Skyview, to host a kimchi recipe contest. The competition attracted considerable public interest, resulting in a 30% year-over-year increase in U.S. kimchi exports. To promote the contest nationwide, aT utilized a variety of social media platforms and disseminated event details through the CIA Culinary School and on bulletin boards at Eastern college campuses. From the 50 participants, three final recipes were selected and invited to the official contest on July 28. During the event, contestants prepared their unique kimchi-based dishes on the spot, with a jury and an audience panel of 50
casting votes to determine the winner. The winning recipe, “Kimchi rice grit with slow-roasted beef,” combined Southern-style grits with kimchi to create a distinctive and harmonious fusion, earning high praise from the judges. This event showcased the versatility of kimchi, transforming it from a traditional side dish into a unique culinary feature that resonated with a diverse audience and expanded its culinary appeal.
The Los Angeles branch collaborated with the University of Arizona to organize an online and on-campus kimchi recipe contest on September 26. The contest was open to university students and staff, and submissions were accepted via both online and in-person channels. Simultaneously, a kimchi seminar led by experts from the World Institute of Kimchi and renowned kimchi chefs highlighted the health benefits and cultural significance of Korean kimchi to local consumers. Pre-event promotions and email invitations to the campus community resulted in 32 contestants submitting their kimchi-inspired recipes. The final round featured eight contestants whose creations were evaluated based on kimchi’s distinctive properties, cost-effectiveness, and ability to be adapted to local preferences. The winning recipe, a Kimchi Empanada, a fusion of traditional Spanish pastry and kimchi, earned its creator a USD 1,500 scholarship. The winning recipe was also shared on Instagram as a recipe card to inspire
a wider audience.
The Shanghai branch organized a kimchi recipe contest at ABC Cooking Studio from July 10 to July 27. The event showcased the diversity of kimchi and Korean culinary culture to food enthusiasts and consumers interested in Korean cuisine. The event was held at ABC Cooking Studio, a members-only cooking facility with 1.6 million members worldwide, which provided an ideal venue for the occasion. A total of 79 participants entered the contest, with 12 finalists selected through online preliminaries. These finalists then competed in an on-site cook-off featuring their original kimchi recipes. The top prize was awarded for a dish called “Spicy Kimchi Pan-Seared Chicken,” and the winner received a travel package to Korea.
In response to the growing interest in Korean agro-foods across Europe, the Paris branch collaborated with a network of Italian chefs to promote the use of Korean ingredients, such as kimchi, through an online and in-person cooking class held at La Signature Suite in Milan on September 27. The event targeted members of the FIPPC, an association of Michelin-starred chefs and high-end private catering professionals, introducing them to Korean ingredients such as kimchi, samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup), sauces, and Korean alcoholic beverages. Both the online and in-person cooking classes included live social media broadcasts, extending the reach of Korean recipes and strengthening Italy’s culinary connection with Korea. Additionally, the Paris branch shared recipe content online to promote Korean agro-food products, successfully fostering interest and trust in Korean foods among Italy’s culinary professionals. Each aT branch has promoted kimchi through various events, and plans are underway to launch a Korean kimchi festival in Russia. In celebration of Kimchi Day on November 22, a large-scale kimjang (traditional kimchi-making) event and master classes will be held at a major shopping mall in Moscow to share kimchi recipes and culture. The festival aims to highlight kimchi as a trending topic in Russia, building on the growing popularity of the Korean Wave in the region.
Korean café culture is known for its unique interior designs and diverse beverage offerings. From the bustling streets of Seoul to smaller towns and villages, cafés can be found on almost every corner. These establishments are more than just places to enjoy coffee - they are places where people gather to socialize, read, or study, making them part of the community. Korean coffee has also gained international recognition for its quality and taste. In addition to serving a range of specialty coffees, many Korean cafés offer beverages infused with traditional ingredients such as black sesame, mugwort, and roasted grain powder lattes. Some cafés have begun to specialize in traditional Korean snacks such as hotteok (syrup-filled pancakes), injeolmi toast (rice cake toast dusted with bean powder), and patbingsu (shaved ice topped with sweet red beans). With new menu items and innovative concepts, Korean cafés culture continues to evolve, reflecting the country’s rich traditions while embracing modern trends. This vibrant and ever-changing cafés scene has become a hallmark of Korean culture, beloved by locals and visitors around the world.
Dalgona (Sugar Honeycomb Toffee) is a traditional Korean confection made by melting sugar and adding baking soda. This process creates a light, crunchy and sweet treat that has gained worldwide popularity after its appearance in the Netflix drama Squid Game. With its simple preparation, Dalgona is easy to make at home, allowing you to enjoy not only its delightful taste, but also the fun of shaping it. We encourage our readers to try it and experience the joy of making Dalgona at home!
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
Shape mold
1. Melt the sugar (or glucose) in a ladle over low heat, stirring constantly with chopsticks until completely dissolved.
2. When the sugar is completely melted, add a small amount of baking soda and mix well.
3. When the mixture is puffed up, pour the Dalgona onto a flat surface, such as a baking sheet or frying pan.
4. Quickly press the Dalgona flat with a metal plate and use a shape mold to imprint your desired design before it hardens.
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