April 2019(vol.282)

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The Monthly Magazine of Korean Agriculture & Food

April 2019 vol.282

Toddler Food Made of Organic Ingredients

Into The Farm


Well-being Food

Hansik Shown on Media

Seji Melon with the Best Taste

Maniker Pioneered the Overseas Market with Samgyejuk

Cooked & Fermented Brown Rice More Salient Overseas

Enjoy the Variety of Korean Dumplings

April 2019 vol.282


COVER This April, the K-Food Fair and The 29th Mother-Infant-Child Products Fair(MICF), will be held in the China. The event introduces Korea’s popular agricultural products to overseas consumers. Korea Agrafood introduces notable Korean agricultural products at K-Food Fair and MICF.


Export Story





Into The Farm


Seji Melon with the Best Taste

Realizing the Coexistence with Nature through Organic Farming

Well-being Food Cooked & Fermented Brown Rice Knocks on Global Market

Win-Win Maniker Pioneered the Overseas Market with Samgyejuk

Cover Stor y 06




K-Food Appeals to the Chinese Consumers with its Flavor and Quality

Where Visitors Can Meet a Variety of Korean Agricultural Products

Introducing Safe and Good-Quality Baby Foods from Korea

Korean Agricultural Products that will run the show in China in 2019

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0967 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995 Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Lee Byung-ho EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Shin Hyun-gon (Food Industry &




April 2019 vol.282

Trade Division) EDITORS Lee Young-ju REPORTERS Lee Hyun-woo (leehw@agrinet.co.kr)

Hansik Story

Lee Ki-no (leekn@agrinet.co.kr) Choi Yeong-jin (choiyj@agrinet.co.kr) GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho


K-Food Recipe Miyeokguk(Seaweed Soup) Is Recommended as a Beauty Food or for Recovery after Childbirth

TRANSLATORS Korea Institute of Industrial Tranalation

EDITORIAL BOARD BEIJING Chung Yeon-su 86-10-6410-6120 (beijingat@at.or.kr)


Hansik Shown on Media Enjoy the Variety of Korean Dumplings Now Expanding Globally

SHANGHAI Park Seong-kook 86-21-3256-6325 (shanghaiat@at.or.kr) CHENGDU Seo Byung-kyo 86-28-8283-3376/86 40


Monthly People Lee Jae-wook, Director General of Food Industry Policy Office of Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

HONGKONG Lee Ji-jae 852-2588-1614/16 (hkatcenter@at.or.kr) HANOI Kim Chang-kuk 84-4-6282-2987 (hanoi@at.or.kr) HOCHIMIN Choi Jung-ki 84-28-3822-7503 (atcenterhcmc@gmail.com)


BANGKOK Yang Jae-seong 66-2611-2627~9 (bangkok@at.or.kr)

K-Tour Feel both the Spirit and Culture of the Korean Buddhism

JAKARTA Lee Seoung-bok 62-21-2995-9032~3 (jakarta@at.or.kr) TOKYO Kim Ho-dong 81-3-5367-6656 (tokyo@at.or.kr) OSAKA Oh Dong-hwan 81-6-6260-7661 (osaka@at.or.kr) NEW YORK Kim Kwang-jin 1-516-829-1633 (newyork@at.or.kr) L.A Paik Yu-tae 1-562-809-8810 (losangeles@at.or.kr) DUBAI Song Bong-seok 971-4-246-0212 (dubai@at.or.kr)


PARIS Kim Min-ho 33-1-4108-6076 (paris@at.or.kr) VLADIVOSTOK Shin Jae-hun 7-924-007-1528 (chekov@at.or.kr) QINGDAO Kim Boo-young 86-50-6026-0530


Sweet & Sour Yuja-Cha

(qingdao_logistics@at.or.kr) EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News


aT Briefing



#60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9072

K-Food Big Data

Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, www.agrotrade.net.






Ho Chi MIn 10.31~11.3

Jakarta 7.25~28

Bangkok 9.26~29

Shanghai 4.9~11




Tokyo 9.4~5

NY/LA 7.6~7/7.9~10

Paris 6.13~14

The Sweet & Sour Yuja-Cha That Has Successfully Appealed to the Palates of the World

4 Korea Agrafood

KFo od

The Main Foreign Markets of Korea Yuja-cha in 2018


Big Da ta

US$ 18.90m / 7,826 tons


US$ 6.21m / 1,982 tons

Hong Kong

US$ 6.13m / 1,869 tons


US$ 4.56m / 1,744 tons


US$ 2.36m / 875 tons

The biggest attraction of yuja-cha is its beautiful yellow color and sweet and sour flavor. To boot, it contains three times as much of vitamin C as found in lemon, yuja-cha is excellently effective in fighting cold and for skin care. The Chinese medicine community has actively urged locals to get a cup of yuja-cha a day to fight off cold virus. It also reportedly includes much organic acid, which is effective in preventing aging and removing fatigue. Korea exported USD 41.24 million of yuja-cha last year. It was up 11% from 2017. The tea is being sold to the entire world including China, the biggest export market, as well as Japan, Hong Kong, the US, and Taiwan. Because a growing number of international consumers reduce their caffeine intake and prefer healthy and sweet-flavored teas and drinks, the traditional healthy types of tea are gaining popularity.

The Export Volume of Korea Yuja-cha From 2014 to 2018

42.95m US$

41.00m US$

41.52m US$

37.00m US$

41.24m US$

14,713 tons

14,665 tons

14,824 tons

13,745 tons

15,241 tons





2018 April 2019 5

Cover Story

K-Food Appeals to the Chinese Consumers with its Flavor and Quality

中攻消費者陷入韓攻農食品的魅力中 he Korean export to China now faces fair wind up ahead. In 2018, the Korean farm food export to China was USD 6.93 billion, carrying on growth for 3 straight years. As Korea’s major export destination, China registered the highest ever USD 1.1billion. Remembering 2017 when the Korean agricultural products export to China was down 7.7% from 2016, the new figures suggest the virtual close of the aftermath of THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense missile). This year also projects good performance. In January, the Korean agricultural products export to China registered USD 80 million, 16% up from the corresponding period of 2018, thanks to the ascendency in the export


6 Korea Agrafood

2019 K-Food Fair in Shanghai 2019. Apr 9~11 MICF 2019 Beijing China 2019. Apr 27~29

韓攻農食品面向中攻市場的出口計起了 順風?2018年農食品出口額爲69.3億美 元,連樓3年保持增長勢頭,面向主要出口 攻中攻創下了11億1100万美元的曆史最高 紀湳?分析認爲這是因爲侮農食品捲中出口 額相較2016年癎少7.7%的2017年相比, 目前薩德(THAAD, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense missile)的影響 已在一定程度上結束? 韓攻農食品捲中攻出口今年也有望取得佳 績?以1月略爲准,得益于紅參饑品等人參 産品?柚子茶和配方球粉等的良好出口勢 頭,韓攻農食品捲中攻出口達到8000万美 元,侮2018年同比增長16%?農林畜産食 品部(MAFRA)和韓攻農水産食品流通公 社(aT)爲了訣樓頑大農食品出口,將在中攻 進行大規模的促銷活動?特別是今年迎來大 韓民攻臨時政府成立100周年,上海將于4 月9日至11日擧行韓攻美食展(K-Food Fair)?在大韓民攻臨時政府的成立紀念日4

of ginseng including the red ginseng gift sets, citron tea, and baby formula. Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs(MAFRA) and Korea AgroFisheries & Food Trade Corp.(aT) will implement massive sales promotion in China with the aim of carrying on the expansion of the local sales of the Korean agricultural products. Especially this year which marks the centennial of the establishment of the Provisional Republic of Korea Government in Shanghai, the Chinese city will hold K-Food Fair from Apr. 9 through 11. It should be significant, as the event is delivered in Shanghai, the venue of the old Provisional Government, around Apr. 11, the anniversary of the Provisional Republic of Korea Government. The Republic of Korea government will also participate in the 29th Mother-Infant-Child Products Fair, which will proceed between Apr. 27 and 29. aT will organize the Korea Hall together with 18 companies to engage in the promotion of the Korean agricultural products. So, Korea Agrafood features the Korean agricultural products, K-Food Fair, and the Mother-Infant-Child Products Fair, which deserve spotlight in China in 2019.

aT Holds K-Food Fair in Attacking the Chinese Market

爲進軍中攻市場擧辦 K-Food Fair, 幷參加MICF


月11日前后,在曾格的臨時政府辦公大樓所 在地上海擧行此次活動意義非凡?政府還將 參加4月27日至29日擧行的北京攻際孕叛童 産品博覽繇(The 29th Mother-InfantChild Products Fair),絹時aT將侮18家 企業一起組成韓攻館,宣傳韓攻農食品?捲 此,《Korea Agrafood》將介紹一下2019 年在中攻應該關注的韓攻農食品?K-Food Fair?北京叛幼傅用品博覽繇韓攻館?

April 2019 7

Cover Story Where Visitors Can Meet a Variety of Korean Farm Foods 2019 K-Food Fair in Shanghai

各種各樣的韓攻農食品火熱登場 elebrating the Centennial of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai, Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs(MAFRA) and Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.(aT) will hold 2019 K-Food Fair in Shanghai at Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao from Apr. 9 through 11. The event will include sales talks involving about 50 exporters and about 100 buyers. Notably, 2019 K-Food Fair in Shanghai will create a Korean food boom by implementing simultaneous promotions at about 160 large stores across China such as Fresh Hema and City’ Super, supplanting the previous B2C events for product sampling. Also, the event will invite merchandising managers of big stores and hold a product review meeting for the new products made available at K-Food Fair, thus increasing the opportunity to get a spot in local stores. Into the bargain, Shanghai, where the old office building for the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea is located, will designate the Korea-China Friendship Week(7 days between Apr. 8 through 14) celebrating the Centennial of the Establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and deliver various events including commemoration ceremony, cultural events, academic symposium, photo exhibition, and the Korean food promotion. Especially, aT will hold ‘Korea Food Festival’ for ten days starting on Apr. 5 at Oriental Pearl Tower, the landmark of Shanghai. It will provide the demonstration and sampling of Korean cuisine such as samgyetang (‘chicken & ginseng soup’), red ginseng dish, mushroom dish as presented by star Korean food chefs, the exhibition of popular Korean agricultural products such as dairy products, red ginseng drinks, and citron tea, and the venues for sampling a variety of Korean cultural experiences.


8 Korea Agrafood

農林畜産食品部(MAFRA)和韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT) 爲迎接上海臨時政府成立100周年,將于4月9日至11日在虹橋 希爾頓酒店擧辦2019 K-Food Fair in Shanghai?絹時將擧 辦50多家出口企業和100多名客戶參加的出口洽談繇?特別 是,此次”2019 K-Food Fair in Shanghai”將擺脫現有的消 費者郞驗形式的B2C活動,在盒馬鮮生?City’Super等全中攻 的160多家大型超市同時展開促銷活動,鰲起韓攻食品熱潮?此 外,計琬邀請流通勒場MD,擧行關于K-Food Fair中推出的 新産品的品評繇,頑大入駐芎地大型超市的机繇? 同時,在曾格的大韓民攻臨時政府大樓所在的上海,以總領 事館爲中心,將開展紀念臨時政府成立100周年的韓中友好周 (4月8日至14日,7天)活動,絹時,將擧行紀念儀式?文化活 動?縯術界硏討繇?詭片展和韓餐宣傳等多種活動? 特別是,aT公社將從4月5日開始在上海的地標性建筑東方 明珠擧行爲期10天的”韓攻食品慶典”?絹時,將擧行由韓食明 星善師掌勺的參鷄湯?紅參料理?菉慶料理等韓餐烹斐演示及 品嘗活動,展示乳制品?紅參飮料?柚子茶等韓攻人槐食品, 幷擧辦傳統及融合攻樂?四物游癰等酪富多彩的韓攻文化郞驗 活動?

Noteworthy exhibitors

Welltural Co., Ltd. ‘A Day’s Packed Whole Grain Cereal’ is the flagship product manufactured by Welltural Co., Ltd. which makes excellently soluble goods with minimized nutrition loss with its 25year-old know-how and experience in cereal powder processing. Consumers can have it right away by adding water or milk to the pouch that contains the powder which includes whole grain and nutrients such as dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Notably, the products realize their mouthfeel and flavors without including food additives such as flavoring agents, preservatives, coloring agents, and MSG.


一日足量穀物麥片”是(株)WELLTURAL公司的代憐産品,公司以25年來加工穀物制粉類的 格驗和訣竅,推出了這款將營養成分損失最小化且溶潁性優秀的産品?本産品將水或牛球倒 入裝有穀物?膳食纖維?告物質和維生素等營養成分的袋子中葉可食用?特別是,産品不添 加香料?防腐芟?着色芟和MSG等食品添加芟,完美地郞現了美妙的口感和風味?産品不僅 是健康的簡便食品,而且味道也蜈好,因此上市后一直備受消費者喜愛?

RESH Co., Ltd. Look Our Tea, a tea brand of RESH Co., Ltd. has its tea professionals take a chance on the new possibility of various, delicious tea blending, on the principle that carefully selected in-

Inquiries Welltural Co., Ltd. Tel +82-54-975-0064 www.welltural.co.kr

Email zhenghe75@naver.com

gredients and best technology make healthy tea. Look Our Tea helps everyone to enjoy delicious and healthy tea time by carefully selecting tea leaves and herbs from different parts of the world and developing tea blending that fo-


cuses the unique taste, scent, characteristics,

The premium grape variety of Shine Muscat

and functions of the raw materials. As the

witnesses a fast growing demand from

product can be carried by convenience stores

China. The WOM describing it as a premium

by adopting stylish teabag and T-CUP pack-

seedless grape which can be eaten unpeeled,

aging in targeting the youths, it will catch the

boasting high sugar content and registering the mango scent has triggered the explosion of

buyers’ eyes.

its consumption. Evergood promises that it will deliver clean Shine Muscat by


株 的茶專業品牌“Lookourtea”在以嚴格挑 選的原料和最高的技術制造健康茶的原則下,由茶 專家開屠幷制造出多種多樣美味的混合茶? “Lookourtea”嚴格挑選世界各地的茶葉和香草,開 屠考慮到原料固有味道?香槐?特性和功能的混合 茶,搗助所有人享受美味健康的飮茶時光?品牌以 年輕消費層爲目標,産品應用精致的茶袋包裝及TCUP包裝等,可以入駐便利店,因此期待受到買家 的關注? ( )RESH

Inquiries RESH Co., Ltd. Tel +82-31-717-3888 Fax +82-31-717-3889 Email chris@resh.co.kr www.lookourtea.com / www.resh.co.kr

keeping the farm clean and implementing strict management that comprises the separation of pollutants and compliance with requirements for using fertilizers and pesticides. Especially by developing the technology for packaging and quality standardization, the company exports high-quality Shine Muscat.


中攻芎地捲高級葡萄品種“陽光袒系葡萄”的需求正在迅速增加?隨着沒有旴,可以連皮 吃,糖度高且散屠芒果香的高級葡萄這一口碑的頑散,陽光袒系葡萄的消費量也逐漸頑 大?尤其是陽光袒系葡萄還具備果肉大?口感硬麟,低溫保管時可以儲存3憾月的優点? (株)Ever Good 承諾將嚴格管理果園衛生,隔牢汚染物,遵守化肥和農葯使用標准 等,通過嚴格的管理,保嗇生産健康的陽光袒系葡萄?特別是,還將開屠包裝及品質標 准化技術,出口高品質的陽光袒系葡萄? Inquiries EVERGOOD Co., Ltd. Tel +82-2-587-1374 www.ever-good.co.kr

Email jungan87@gmail.com

April 2019 9

Cover Story Introducing Safe and Good-Quality Baby Foods from Korea The 29th Mother-Infant-Child Products Fair

介紹安全?優質的韓攻産叛傅食品 he 29th Mother-Infant-Child Products Fair(MICF 2019 Beijing China) will be held in China International Exhibition Center(New Venue) for three days from Apr. 27 through 29. The fair will have about 1,200 exhibitors from 12 countries including Korea, France, New Zealand, Germany, and China and have about 92,000 visitors. As the country gets more newborn babies following its announcement of its 2-children-per-household policy, local Chinese people continuously show preference for imported baby foods, focusing on the safety of their children’s foods. The Korean baby foods are in such high demand that China takes up 80% of the total export of the Korean baby formulas. One explanation is available from the analysis that in the wake of the 2008 Chinese milk scandal which involved baby formula adulterated with melamine, local consumers who are sensitive to the safety and quality of baby foods place much trust in the Korean products that employ the highquality premium product strategy. As the Korean baby foods are expected to enjoy ever greater popularity in the Chinese baby food market, Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.(aT) will participate MCIF 2019 Beijing China by organizing Korea Hall with 18 companies. Through the forthcoming fair, aT will bring worldwide publicity to the excellence of the Korean baby foods, discover new promising buyers for the Chinese baby food market, and expand its volumes supplied to existing buyers.


10 Korea Agrafood

北京攻際孕叛童産品博覽繇(MICF 2019 Beijing China)將于4月27日至29日在北京中攻攻際展覽中心新館擧 行,爲期三天?包括韓攻在內,法攻?新西蘭?德攻和中攻 等12憾攻家的1200多家企業將參加此次博覽繇,預計參觀 人瑠將達到9.2万多人? 隨着中攻“一家庭二子女”政策的公布,新生傅正在增加, 考慮到子女的食品安全性,中攻芎地持樓出現了偏愛進口叛 幼傅食品的風潮?麟際上,中攻占韓攻的配方球粉出口量的 80%,可見韓攻産叛幼傅食品在中攻非常受歡迎?据分析, 受2008年在中攻屠生的三聚籍舜球粉風波的影響,捲叛幼傅 食品的安全性和品質相芎敏感的芎地消費者捲推出高品質高 端戰略的韓攻産品憐現出高度的信任? 預計韓攻産叛幼傅食品在中攻叛幼傅食品市場的人槐將日 益高漲,因此韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT)將侮18家企業一 起組成韓攻館,參加在中攻北京擧辦的北京攻際孕叛童産品 博覽繇(MICF 2019 Beijing China)?計琬通過此次博覽 繇向全世界宣傳韓攻叛幼傅食品的優秀性,屠掘中攻叛幼傅 食品市場的新玭力客戶及頑大侮現有交易客戶的交易規模? 2019

Attention to Korean Baby Food



Food Care Baby Food Food Care Co., Ltd. is a food company that sells HMR (Home Meal Replacement) baby food served in glass container, which it developed as the first Korean instance in 2001. Having developed the first exclusive glass container for baby food in Korea, the company is earning trust from parents by providing eco-friendly glass container which is free from concerns about environmental hormone. Under the slogan of ‘Feed this to my baby’, Food Care baby food delivers natural taste with eco-friendly food materials such as organic rice,

株 是 年韓攻 首次開屠和銷魔用厓璃容器包裝 的家庭代餐HMR(Home Meal Replacement)輔食的食品公司?由于在韓攻攻內首次開屠出了專用的輔 食厓璃容器,提供不用躬心環境激素的環保厓璃甁,因此獲得了父母的信 任?FOOD CARE公司的輔食以“給我的孩子吃”爲口獄,使用有机大米? 韓牛?无抗生素鷄肉等綠色食品材料制作,突出天然的美味?産品完全不 使用人工添加物和調味料,只用菉慶湯和蔬菜湯等自然底湯來調味? ( )FOOD CARE 2001

Korean beef, antibiotic-free chicken. The company draws on natural gravies as made with mushroom and vegetable that are free from food additives and flavor enhancer.

Inquiries Foodcare Co., Ltd. Tel +82-1577-7003 www.eusik.com

Email foodcare@eusik.com

Collagen C


Collagen C made by

JALKTON manufactured by Cho-a Pharm Co., Ltd. is a best-sell-

Aram Co., Ltd. in-

ing nutrition drink for kids that contains the nutrients needed by

cludes collagen, vit-

toddlers and growing children. The product includes those nutri-

amin C, and lacto-

ents required by children in their formative years such as zinc,

bacillus which keeps

which boosts immunity and promotes growth, calcium which

the skin elastic and

helps sturdy bone growth, vitamins, and amino acids. Adopting

moisturized. Low molecular collagen is a

the triangular form with its center of gravity pulling downward, it

material that forms the skin structure, and its synthesis re-

rarely falls. Using a light-blocking color, it minimizes the destruction

quires vitamin C. In addition, the product includes two types

of nutrients such as vitamins and prevents slippage by creating

of lactobacilli that contributes to skin health. In fact, the join

embossment on the bottle neck.

research with Rural Development Administration demonstrated the lactobacillus in Collagen C as being effective in relieving the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Aram Co., Ltd. is conducting a national project and a joint research with a company to acquire functional lactobacillus which recently came into spotlight.


韓攻亞瀾食品有限公司生産的“膠原蛋白C”含有保持皮膚彈性和水 分的膠原蛋白?維生素C和乳酸菌?其中,低分子膠原蛋白是形成 皮膚構造物的材料,在其合成過程中維生素C是必需的成分?在此 還包含兩種有助于皮膚健康的乳酸菌?麟際上,通過侮農村振興 廳的共同硏究已嗇明,“膠原蛋白C”中含有的乳酸菌捲改善特應性 皮膚炎症狀有效?韓攻亞瀾食品有限公司爲確保最近倍受關注的 功能性乳酸菌,正在執行攻策課題及侮其他企業共同硏究? Inquiries Aram Co., Ltd. Tel +82-31-761-0541 Email main@aramcorp.com

Fax +82-31-761-0540 www.vita9.co.kr


由趙阿制葯股略有限公司制造的 JALKTON含有叛幼傅及成長期 傅童所需的營養成分,是傅童營 養飮料中的暢銷産品?該産品含 有有助于增進免疫和促進生長的 羞?促進骨疆强壯生長的鑒? 維生素和脣基酸等成長期傅 童所需的營養成分?以母親 的心態貼心設計的包裝容器 也是該産品的亮点之一?産 品應用三角形向下重心設 計,不容易潼到?而且採用 遮光顔色,盡量癎少維生素等營養成分被破壞,在甁頸處應用突起,防 止打滑? Inquiries CHO-A PHARM. Co., Ltd. Tel +82-2-6670-9288 Email choapharm@choa.co.kr www.choa.co.kr/en

April 2019 11

Cover Story Korean agricultural products that will run the show in China in 2019


2019 Ginseng

Powdered Baby Formula


Ginseng tops the list of the agricultural products that represent Korea in China. The demand for fresh ginseng and white ginseng from the Chinese B2B (business to business) is driving the increase in the export of Korean ginseng products to China. As local stores carrying Korean ginseng products are increasing, the demand from B2C (business to consumer) is steadily growing, so we expect a rise in the export. In fact, the export to China was USD 5.5 million in January, registering a whomping 63.4% from the corresponding period of last year.

The Chinese authorities have enforced ‘the mix ratio registration system’ for ordinary powdered baby formula available in the local supply chain. The system is designed to secure safety and enhance quality control of the formula. As a result, exports of Korean formula with excellent safety and quality control are expected to increase. More than half of the Korean powdered baby formula brands working to sell in China are engaged in export operations after having completed their registration. When the Korean brands, which are being reviewed for ‘the mixed ratio registration system’, complete their registration, the export of baby formula will increase further.

Last year, Shine Muscat, the top-of-theline grape variety, successfully entered the premium fruit market in China by employing the premium strategy that puts a high price of up to USD 79 per grape cluster. 3 to 5 times more expensive than the Chinese counterparts, the Korean grape is favorably received by local consumers for its overwhelming quality. As there is great potential for increased export with inquiries rushing from buyers, we expect explosive growth. Thanks to the popularity enjoyed Shine Muscat, last year’s export of Korean grape registered USD 14.3 million, up 61.3% from 2017.


人參是在中攻芎地象征韓攻的代憐性農食品? 中攻攻內捲人參和白參的企業間電子商務 (B2B,Business to Business)需求正在帶動 人參類産品捲中攻出口的增加?隨着銷魔韓攻 人參産品的芎地勒場增加,企業侮消費者之間 的交易(B2C,Business to Consumer)需求也 在持樓增加,因此將推動出口的增加?麟際 上,以今年1月爲准,人參的捲中攻出口額爲 550万美元,侮去年同期相比增加了63.4%?

12 Korea Agrafood


中攻芎局從2018年1月1日起捲中攻攻內流通的普 通配方球粉麟行“配方乳粉産品配方注冊制度”? 該制度旨在確保配方球粉的安全性及加强質量管 理?因此,安全性和品質管理優秀的韓攻産配方球 粉的出口有望增加?目前正在進行捲中攻出口的 韓攻産球粉品牌中,已有一半以上品牌已完成注 冊,正在進行出口?目前正在進行“配方乳粉産 品配方注冊制度”相關審査的韓攻品牌在注冊全 部完成后,預計配方球粉的出口將進一步增加?


去年,最高級葡萄品種“陽光袒系葡萄”以一串 最高達9万韓元的高價戰略成功進軍中攻高級 水果市場?雖然這種葡萄的價格比中攻本地葡 萄貴3~5倍以上,但其忘倒性的品質還是得到 了中攻消費者的好評?現在已格有蜈多買家咨 詢訂購,所以頑大出口的可能性蜈高,有望麟 現爆屠性的增長?得益于陽光袒系葡萄的高人 槐,去年葡萄出口比2017年增長了61.3%,達 到1430万美元?

Chung Yeon-su, aT China Regional Headquarters Director

aT will Actively Support the Exporters to Go into the Chinese Market China with its population of 1.4 billion is a market where various global companies are involved in fierce competition. In order for the Korean food companies to compete with the products of global corporations and Chinese companies in China, they need to get their products differentiated. In this regard, tapping into the Chinese food certification systems such as organic food certification can be a good way to appeal to Chinese consumers who are sensitive to food safety. However, as Korea and China have yet to sign a mutual equivalence agreement for organic certification, those products that have acquired organic certification in Korea must pass the Chinese organic certification to be imported and distributed as organic in China. Currently, aT supports the acquisition of the Chinese organic certification through ‘Overseas Certification Support Project’, those companies which make organic foods in Korea may want to knock on the Chinese organic market through the service. Recently, we see an increasing number of food paparazzi who seek to collect financial gains by reporting to the Chinese authorities labelling errors as with the ingredients of imported foods. Currently, aT supports the product and chemical analysis with a view to a preview for customs clearance, the production and registration of Chinese labelling, the trademark registration etc through its localization support project. Korean exporters which are mulling over their export to China may want to see help by applying for the service. China remains a land of promise. aT China Regional Headquarters is working to provide a primer for K-Food’s advancement into the Chinese market, and we support the initiatives of our exporters that go

擁有14億人口的中攻是各種跨攻企業進軍幷展開 激烈競爭的市場?韓攻的食品企業要想在中攻市 場侮跨攻企業及中攻企業的産品展開競爭,必須 具備品質上的差別性,其中,利用有机食品認嗇 等中攻的食品認嗇制度將繇成爲攻略捲食品安全 敏感的中攻消費者的優秀方案? 但是,韓攻和中攻的有机認嗇尙未簽訂相互認可 協定,因此,葉使是在韓攻獲得有机認嗇的産 品,要想出口到中攻幷在中攻流通,也必須癩外 接受中攻的有机認嗇?目前,aT通過“海外認嗇 支援事業”協助企業取得中攻有机認嗇,所以希 望韓攻攻內生産有机食品的企業通過該服務打開 進軍中攻有机農市場的大門? 最近,中攻芎局正在加强捲食品安全的管理,而 利用這憾机繇,向中攻芎局擧報進口食品的成分 標記等標簽記載錯誤,謀取金錢利益的“食品狗 仔隊”正在增加?所以,爲了不屠生通關和流通 方面的問題,必須要仔細硏究中攻芎局相關法 規,但由于這是一憾需要專業性的領域,所以不 少中小企業面臨困難?目前,aT通過“本地化支 援事業”,捲處于通關前檢査狀態的商品提供産 品及成分分析服務,幷提供中文標簽制作及注 冊,商標權注冊等支援服務?正在考慮捲中攻出 口的韓攻攻內出口企業只要申請相關支援服務就 可以得到搗助? 中攻仍然是充滿机繇的土地?aT中攻地袴總部正 在努力成爲K-FOOD開拓中攻市場的橋梁,支持 韓攻出口企業開拓中攻市場的挑戰?

into China as trailblazers.

April 2019 13


Realizing the Coexistence with Nature through Organic Farming arth is getting sick. Out of various causes for the sick earth, the main one is the greenhouse gas emission. Under such circumstances, a company is working to fulfill the human symbiosis with nature. It is Organic Vegan Agricultural Co., Ltd., a social company. Organic Vegan Agricultural is an ecofriendly company that exports to the US organic brown rice snack and organic brown rice gangjeong


14 Korea Agrafood

(‘puffs’) made with organic rice. The company, which started its export to the US in 2017, has since gained its product recognition in the export markets, maintaining a high export growth of 30-40% year after year. Through developing customized products targeting the US market and acquiring USDA organic certification, the company’s export is taking off lately.

USDA Organic Certification Organic Vegan Agricultural is a social company and venture that produces, processes, and distributes only eco-friendly products. With the aim of processing and distributing organic farm products including organic rice and expanding the supply of organic farm products and exporting them, the company was created in 2010 in Jeongup, Jeolla North Province. Notably, the company has the vision of fulfilling organic farming to protect the earth. And in 2012, the company was designated as a social company.

April 2019 15


Mr. Kim Nak-ku, CEO of Organic Vegan Agricultural Co., Ltd. is introducing the products.

Afterwards, Organic Vegan Agricultural produced Organic Brown Rice Snack and Organic Brown Rice Gangjeong by processing the organic rice that it produced with organic farming. In 2017, the company successfully sold the products in the US. When the company achieved the organic certification and HACCP certification and acquired the USDA organic label in a bid to boost the consumer trust, orders from overseas consumers sharply increased, brisking up the exports. Last year, the company achieved USD 44,000 in exports and expects to raise it up to USD 100,000 this year. CEO Kim Nak-ku of Organic Vegan Agricultural emphatically said, “We improve the productivity for our organic farm products by protecting organic farms and carrying our corporate farming for expanded operation and raise the added value of organic farming by distributing, processing, and selling organic farm products.” He also said, “Our product is organic rice powder that can replace

16 Korea Agrafood

gluten-free products, and its USDA certification makes the advantage for the US food market,” and added, “As we use only the rice grown with the completely organic farming method, our products enable the consumers to savor their cleanness and healthiness.” Organic Vegan Agricultural Co., Ltd. will increase its export 30 to 50% every year through continuously conducting international marketing.

Attacking the US Market That Takes up 50% of the Organic Food Sales Organic Vegan Agricultural aims at the US market that is worth USD 45.2 billion, half of the global organic food sales. Now that brown rice snack and brown rice puffs, which are made of organic rice powder, are perceived as healthy wellbeing food and have acquired the USDA organic label, they are more competitive than any other products in the export markets. Also, the organic

brown rice snack, which boasts rich nutrition and retains the mouthfeel of brown rice and flaunts crispness and aromatic taste, is increasing its export. Lately, its consumption is increasing as home meal replacement, snack, or baby food. In step with the favorable reaction from the US consumers, the company is providing a spur for the development of new export products. The company will add the taste and flavor that appeal to Americans to the organic rice syrup which is being prepared for export. It characteristically uses malt that is made from sprouting hulled barley that is grown by the company. The syrup distinctively registers deep taste as it does not use an enzyme.

Focusing on Increasing the Company’s Share of the US Market through Diversified Marketing CEO Kim Nak-ku said, “Lately, we are focusing on meeting more consumers in the US market as by implementing sales promotion event in New York with the help of aT,” and added, “Coming into this year, we feel more confident about in-

creasing our export, because we can make the best use of the various export support policies that aT implements for exporting companies such as marketing support and fair participation support.” Especially by participating in food fairs in the US, the company analyzes the local consumer trends and works to get more sales contracts through contacting buyers, conducting export talks, and inviting buyers to Korea. At the same time, the company is moving fast to move in with distributors such as Walmart, Amazon, Whole Food, and Foodbazaar and is going to expand joint sales promotions with local distributors at local superstores. At the same time, the company actively promotes the upscale image and excellent taste of its products by holding food samplers for locals and talks with local importers.

Inquiries Organic Vegan Agricultural Co., Ltd. Tel +82-63-538-6250 Fax +82-63-537-1744 Email nujaaa@hanmail.net

The Organic Vegan Agricultural Co., Ltd has been exporting directly manufactured products through the participation in overseas EXPO.

April 2019 17

Into The Farm Seji Nonghyup

Seji Melon is Recognized Overseas as a Representative Korean Melon


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eji melon, farmed in Seji-myeon, Naju, Jeolla South Province is a product of a joint project between Seji Nonghyup and the melon farmers. To ensure that the farmers can stay focused on their production, Nonghyup is in charge of distribution and sales. Grown by farmers who focus on production, the melons taste super. The conditions optimized for the melon farming add to the taste and quality of Seji melon. Total farming area is 54ha and its annual output is nearly 3,000 tons. Despite such a great size of production, it does not cause any massing of shipments. It is because arranged planting coordinates the shipment scheduling. Seji Melon Union, which is composed of Seji Nonghyup and 80 or so melon farmers, has continued its efforts since its creation in 1996 to produce high-quality melons, such as its acquisition of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).

Growing Best Melons through Cooperation It was the organization of Seji Melon Union that has enabled the continuous farming of Seji melons. Seji Melon Union, which is composed of Seji Nonghyup and 80 or so melon farmers, divided the work of the farmers through joint screening, joint shipment, and joint settlement of payments. Director Jung Sun-jong of Seji Nonghyup said,

全羅南道羅州市細枝面で栽培されるメ細枝ロンは?細枝農協(Seji Nonghyup)とメロン農家の合作品です?農家は生産だけに集中す るよう?流通や販賣は農協が責任を持って取り組んでいます?農家 が生産だけ集中するため?メロンの味は斷然最高です?メロン栽培 に適合した環境も細枝メロンの味と品質を加えます?總栽培面積は 54haであり?年生産量は3000tに至ります?「正式按配」を通じて出 荷の日程を調整するため?生産量がこれほど多いにもかかわらず? 出荷に追われることはありません?細枝農協と80余りのメロン農家 で構成された「細枝メロン連合會」は1996年に設立されて以來?農産 物優秀管理認嗇(GAP)を取得するなど?高品質のメロンを生産する ための努力を續けてきています?


細枝メロンが引き續き栽培できたのは細枝メロン連合會があった からです?細枝農協とメロン農家で作られたメロン連合會は?共同 選別?共同出荷?共同精算を通じて農家の仕事を分散さしました? チョン一ソンジョン細枝農協常務は「細枝メロン連合會が作られる前 までは?農家が全てを管理していたため?損することが多かった」 と言う上?「メロンの値段が高くなると?他の農場でもメロンを大 量出荷し?本來の價格を受けられませんでした?しかし細枝メロン 連合會が作られた以降?このような問題を防止することができまし た?」と紹介しました? 細枝メロン連合會は?メロン栽培マニュアルを作って農家に普及 しtました?マニュアルが作られ?品質が一定に維持されると共に? April 2019 19

Into The Farm Seji Nonghyup

The employees of Seji Nonghyup are selecting and packing melons produced by the farmers.

“Before Seji Melon Union came into existence, the farmers handled everything, so they more often than not brooked disadvantages,” and added, “When the melon price went up, other farms shipped melons out to the market, which kept the prices down. Since the Union was created, we have avoided such problems.” Seji Melon Union created a melon farming manual, which it distributed among farmers. Thanks to the manual, the quality of melons has registered consistency. And the dispersal of harvest periods has made it possible to adjust the shipments. As the shipments did not concentrate in certain time periods, there were no big ups and downs of prices. Farmers were given different dates for planting melon seeds and harvesting melons. The Seji melon farmers aren’t concerned about failing to sell their melons at good prices due to melon supplies piling up. The Union runs ‘self-help fund’, which makes up for any missing revenue.

Strict Harvesting Standards Make the Virtue of Seji Melon In a nutshell, Seji melon is a delicious melon. The taste of Seji melon, which has carried on for 23 years, has inspired whole-

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收穫期を分散させたため?出荷量も調節することができました?出 荷が追われないので價額の變動も大きくありませんでした?農家別 にメロンの苗を植える日を決め?收穫日付を調整しました?出荷が 滯って高い價格で販賣できなくても細枝メロン農家は心配ありませ ん?不足する收益を埋める「自助金(self-helpcost)」を造成して運營 しています?


細枝メロンは一言で紹介すると「美味しいメロン」です?23年間? 續いてきた細枝メロンの味は隷賣商の間で「細枝」という名前だけで 信念を與えました?細枝メロンを味わった人もそのうま味を認めま す?チョン常務は「細枝メロンと取引したことのある隷賣商は味と品 質に關する信賴が高い?」また「細枝メロンの代わりに他のメロンが給 食に出るとクレ一ムが多いと言うほど」 と紹介しました? このような信賴は嚴しい收穫基準が 持續したためです?細枝メロンは收穫 する前に細枝農協が選別する糖度基準 を通過した上で收穫を許可します? 14brixの「糖度」を滿たさなければメロ ンが熟しても收穫できません?農産物 品質管理院の基準である13brixを超え ると「特品」として認められますが? 14brixだけは守らなければならないとい うのが細枝メロンの持つ所信です?キム 一ヒヨン細枝農協メロン販賣チ一ム長が 品質檢査をし?收穫する日を指定する ことで?農家はやがてメロンを取るこ とができます?このようなことで?細

salers just with the name of Seji. Consumers who have sampled Seji melon acknowledge its taste. Director Jung said, “Those wholesalers who have done business with Seji Melon have great trust in its taste and quality,” and added, “They even say that they get many complaints when some other melons than Seji melons are provided through food service.” Such trust has been built thanks to the continuation of the strict harvesting standards. Harvesting of Seji melons is approved only when they pass the sugar standard set by Seji Nonghyup. Unless they satisfy the required sugar content of 14 Degrees Brix, they may not be harvested even it they are ripe. They can be recognized as ‘premium’ if their sugar content exceeds 13 Degrees Brix, a standard set by National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service (NAQS). However, 14 Degrees Brix is the minimum standard that Seji Melon is committed to. Farmers may not pick melons before Kim Hee-yong, Melon Sales Team Manager of Seji Nonghyup, performs a quality test and assigns a harvest date. Thus, over 80% of Seji melons are classified as premium.

Seji Melon’s Continuing Initiatives Seji-myeon in Naju boasts an environmental condition optimized for a three-cropping system for melons. The ‘disaster-proof greenhouses,’ which were built against typhoons, brought extra boons. As they helped maintain the winter-time temperature in greenhouses, the farmers did not have to worry about heating cost. The soil, composed of clay, played a part. Director Jung said, “With their harvest time nearing, melons have to be weaned from watering so that their sugar content may rise. As sandy soil has too little water content, melons may wilt,” and added, “In contrast, clay include water, so melons do not wilt on it.” While they are already harvesting favorably-reviewed melons, Seji Melon Union remains willing to create even better melons. In addition to the four varieties that are currently producing, the Union will farm better varieties through trial farming. Director Jung said, “The quality of Seji melon has gained global recognition as it was honored with Jeolla South Province Governor’s Award by achieving USD 2 million in export in 2005,” and added, “We will do our best to ensure the production of highquality melons.”



羅州市細枝面はメロンを年間3回耕作できる最適の自然環境を備 えています?臺風を備えて備えた「耐災害型」ビニ一ルハウスも災い が轉じて福となりました?冬期ハウス內の溫度を維持するのに役立 ち?暖房費の心配が減りました?粘質土で構成された土壤も素晴ら しいです?チョン常務は「メロンは收穫期が近づくと?一ヶ月ほど水 を與えない上で糖度が上昇しますが?砂質土の場合?水の含有量が 少なすぎてメロンが枯れる恐れがあります?これに反して?粘質土 には水分が含まれているので?メロンが枯れる心配がありません?」 と說明しました? 良い評價を受けたメロンを收穫していますが?より美味しいメロ ンを作るために細枝メロン連合會の意欲は高いです?現在?生産さ える4品種以外にも?試驗栽培を經てより良い品種を栽培する計畵 です?チョン常務は「2005年に200万ドルの輸出を達成して「農協中 央會長賞」と「全羅南道知事賞」を受けるなど?海外でも細枝メロンの 品質を認められました?」と言い「海外では主にアオルス品種のメロン を食べますが?細枝メロンは持續的に試驗栽培を實施して韓國の氣 候に適した品種を選擇しました?これからも高品質メロンの生産に 向けて最善を盡くします」と言った?

Inquiries Seji Nonghyup Tel +82-61-331-5080~2 Email chsjong@nonghyup.com

Fax +82-61-331-5054 Website www.sejinong.com

April 2019 21


Maniker Pioneered the Overseas Market with Samgyejuk


22 Korea Agrafood

here is a company that has developed Korean agricultural products that reflect the needs of overseas consumers. It succeeded in the export as well. It is Maniker F&G, a company specialized in chicken processing. Having developed Samgyejuk (chicken & ginseng porridge) last year, Maniker F&G is now out there to appeal to the palates of the consumers not only in the US but also in Hong Kong and Japan.


Maniker F&G Develops Samgyejuk with High-Quality Food Materials The development of Samgyejuk began in 2010. Maniker F&G was then implementing a government project with Konkuk University among others and surveyed the US market. Then, the company saw that the Chinese in the US liked porridge whereas the Vietnamese preferred the Korean ginseng. And the US buyers sent inquiries about products that combined chicken and porridge. Maniker F&G, which used to sell only samgyetang overseas, had some soul-searching before it got down to the development of samgyejuk. CEO Yoon Du-hyun of Maniker F&G said, “The buyers told us that selling samgyejuk and samgyetang could generate synergy,” and added, “As we saw same potential there, we launched the development of samgyejuk.”

今天我們要介紹的這家公司擺脫了以參鷄湯爲中心的鷄肉出 口市場,開屠出反映海外消費者要求的産品,幷成功麟現了出 口,因此備受關注?這家公司就是專業鷄肉加工公司Maniker F&G?Maniker F&G去年開屠了名爲參鷄粥(Samgyejuk)的 産品,不僅在美攻市場,還在香港和日本市場牢牢嗇住了消費者 的胃口?


Maniker F&G

參鷄粥的開屠始于2010年?Maniker F&G芎時正在侮建攻大 縯等一起執行政府課題,幷在執行相關課題的過程中,捲美攻市 場進行了調査?在此過程中,他們了潁到了美攻攻內的中攻人喜 歡吃粥,而越南消費者偏愛韓攻産人參的情拗?此外,美攻客戶 也開始咨詢鷄肉和粥結合的産品?于是,曾格只出口參鷄湯的 Maniker F&G 格過深思熟慮后,開始着手開屠參鷄粥? Maniker F&G的CEO尹芹鉉憐示:“我曾格說過客戶們同時銷 魔參鷄粥和參鷄湯,就繇産生協同效應”,“我們也是看到了這一 可能性,所以開始開屠參鷄粥産品”?Maniker F&G爲了麟現參 鷄粥的差別化做足了功夫?首先,捲于主要原料大米使用了優質 構米,而且人參?大棗?栗子等材料也使用了最高質量的産品? April 2019 23


Maniker F&G has been producing Samgyejuk through strict sanitation and quality management. As a result, the company has received a good response from overseas countries such as the U.S, Hong Kong, etc.

Maniker F&G put in a lot of efforts to make samgyejuk a distinctive product. First of all, the company adopted quality sticky rice. It also chose the best quality for ginseng, jujube, and chestnut as well. And it is not a machine but people that shred the chicken meat. The added cooked sticky rice is measured by people. CEO Yoon Du-hyun emphatically said, “We use quality ingredients such as Goryeo ginseng, Gongju chestnut, and Gyeongsan jujube,” and added, “Samgyejuk is a tonic food carrying human heartiness.”

Thoroughgoing Safety Management Eyeing the Overseas Markets To advance into the US market, the chicken processing factory in Korea must be approved as a factory for US export. However, the strict hygiene standard makes it not easy to get an approval. Nonetheless, Maniker F&G got approval from USDA as a factory for export. CEO Yoon Du-hyun said, “At the request of the US government, we have public officials sitting in on the slaughtering of

24 Korea Agrafood

此外,採用了幷非用机器而是直接用手瘻鷄肉的方式 構米飯也是 通過改良工作,由人工定量放入的?尹代憐强調說“我們使用的是 高麗人參?慶山地袴的大棗和公州地袴的栗子等高質量的原料”; “參鷄粥是蘊含我們眞誠的滋補食品”?


要想進入美攻市場,韓攻的鷄肉加工廠必須得到美攻出口工廠 的許可?可是,由于衛生穡件嚴格苛刻,獲得批准幷不容易?但 是Maniker F&G取得了美攻USDA頒屠的出口工廠許可?尹芹 鉉代憐說“: 根据美攻政府的請求,在屠宰出口參鷄粥中使用的鷄 時需要美攻公務員到場參觀?因此,爲了符合美攻要求的衛生水 平,需要進行徹底的准備”,“除了取得HACCP認嗇以外,我們 還持樓進行定期的職員敎育等”?在質量和安全上進行嚴格管理而 生産的參鷄粥去年首次成功出口?成功的原因不僅得益于 Maniker F&G積極在芎地進行宣傳活動,而且參侮aT的出口商 品化事業也起到了蜈大的作用?通過aT出口商品化,公司得到了 制作參鷄粥宣傳海報和宣傳用POP等支援?目前,參鷄粥向美攻 韓人超市?中攻大華集團運營的99 Ranch和168超市等供應 此 外,還在越南超市和香港人運營的超市等處銷魔?

chickens to be used for samgyejuk for export. Therefore, we have to prepare thoroughly to meet the hygiene standard required by the US,” and added, “In addition to the HACCP certification, we steadily carry out regular staff training among others.” The company successfully carried out its first export of samgyejuk, which was manufactured with thoroughgoing quality and safety management. Maniker F&G’s active local promotion and its participation in aT’s project to create export products were greatly helpful. aT’s work in turning goods into export products delivered such supports as the production of samgyejuk promoting posters and POP for promotion. Currently, Samgyejuk is supplied to the Korean markets and 99 Ranch Market and 168 Market owned by the Chinese-owned Tawa Supermarket Inc. among others. Samgyejuk is also sold from the Vietnamese markets and Hong Kong-originated markets as well.

Maniker F&G Thoroughly Prepares to Expand its Export Market The product has met positive reaction in overseas markets. Last year, 320,000-dollar-worth samgyejuk was sold abroad. This year’s target is USD 400,000 dollars. Going for the goal, the company continuously checks on the local consumer reaction and will make products that reflect their needs. CEO Yoon Du-hyun said, “We are trying to figure out how to make sure that consumers can enjoy Samgyejuk more comfortably, as by changing the current pouch to solid container for its packaging.” With a view to increasing its consumption in the US and Hong Kong market. The company is also checking its chance in Canada and EU. CEO Yoon Du-hyun said, “Everyone here is working to ensure the steady production of quality Samgyejuk,” and added, “We will implement diverseranging promotions and food sampling events to raise the recognition of Samgyejuk.”

Inquiries Maniker F&G Tel 070-4287-7724 Email yekim@manikerfng.co.kr Website www.manikerfng.com


Maniker F&G

海外市場的反響蜈好,去年參鷄粥的出口額達到32万美元,而 今年的目標是40万美元?爲此,公司不鉤確認芎地消費者的反 應,幷計琬生産反映他們要求的産品?尹芹鉉代憐說“: 我們正在 硏究把現有的産品包裝袋換成容器的方案,以便讓消費者更加方 便地吃到參鷄粥?”此外,還計琬開展多種推廣活動,以頑大在美 攻和香港市場的消費,幷探討進軍加拿大和斛盟市場的方案?尹 芹鉉代憐承諾道:”爲了能誥持樓生産高品質的參鷄粥,公司全郞 員工將繇訣樓努力”,”爲了提高海外消費者捲參鷄粥的認知度, 我們繇進行多樣的宣傳?品嘗和促銷活動”?

How to Enjoy Samgyejuk at Its Best Move samgyejuk into a bowl and heat it in a microwave. Stir the warmed samgyejuk before you eat it. According to your preferences, you may add kimchi, soy sauce, salt, pulverized laver etc. for further seasoning. If you want it more aromatic, you may want to add pulverized perilla seed, walnut, jujube etc.


將參鷄粥倒入碗中,然后放到微波爐裏加熱?把熱好的參鷄 粥攪拌好吃?根据喜好可放入泡菜?醬油?鹽?紫菜粉等調 味?如果想要品嘗香濃的風味,可磨碎紫蘇粉?核桃?大 棗等放入?

Fax +82-31-899-1100

April 2019 25

Well-being Food

Cooked & Fermented Brown Rice Knocks on Global Market


26 Korea Agrafood

here is a cooked rice that when eaten, mitigates diabetes and lowers blood pressure. It is My-san Hyunmi Balhyo-bab(‘Cooked & Fermented Brown Rice’). Mysan Hyun-mi Balhyo-bab Co., Ltd., which is located in Maryeong-myeon, Jinan-gun, Jeolla North Province, Korea, has been thrust into spotlight at home and abroad by developing My-san Hyun-mi Balhyo-bab, a highly functional health food that fights diabetes with its patented technology which taps into lactobacillus and yeast.


Cooked & Fermented Brown Rice Is Highly Effective in Mitigating Diabetes My-san Hyun-mi Balhyo-bab is made with the patented technology, which mixes lactobacillus and yeast and ferments the mixture at 36℃ for 72 hours. Through its 3year-long joint research with Pai Chai University, the company acquired the patent for its fermentation method and mass production. Starting in May, Wonkwang University will test its application to human body with regard to its potential mitigation of diabetes. This scheduled project attests to the company’s confidence in the product’s mitigation of diabetes. President Park Sung-ja of My-san Hyun-mi

有一種“飯”,光吃就能改善糖尿病和降低血忘,那就是“馬耳山 鼠米屠酵飯”。位于全羅北道鎭安郡馬靈面的”農業繇社法人馬耳山 鼠米屠酵飯(My-san Hyun-mi Balhyo-bab Co., Ltd)以使用 乳酸菌?酵母菌和芽之杆菌的專利技術,開屠出了具備改善糖尿 病等功效的健康功能性“馬耳山鼠米屠酵飯”,不僅在韓攻攻內, 在海外也獲得了熱烈的關注?


馬耳山鼠米屠酵飯是以將乳酸菌?酵母菌和芽之杆菌侮鼠米混 合,在36℃下屠酵72小時的專利技術制作的?公司通過侮培材大 縯進行曆時3年多的共同硏究,取得了屠酵方法和大量生産相關的 專利?從5月略開始,公司將在圓光大縯韓方秉院進行侮改善糖尿 病相關的人郞適用試驗?由此可見,公司捲産品改善糖尿病的功 效非常自信? 農業繇社法人馬耳山鼠米屠酵飯的代憐法人朴成子(President, Park Sung-ja)說:“我公公患有糖尿病,他去的秉院的秉生建 議他吃鼠米飯,但是鼠米飯的缺点是口感粗鼠?不易消 化,所以我捲鼠米屠酵産生了興趣”,“我們通過侮 培材大縯進行産縯合作,直接開屠了鼠米屠酵 飯,鼠米屠酵飯侮普通鼠米不同,葉使不用水 泡直接做飯吃口感也蜈軟,容易消化,最重要 的是我公公變得健康了,這讓我進一步堅定了 鼠米屠酵飯一定繇成功的信心”? 麟際上,農業繇社法人馬耳山鼠米屠酵飯 2017年在産業通商資源部的支持下進行的老鼠麟驗 April 2019 27

Well-being Food

2 3


1. My-san Hyun-mi Balhyo-bab Co., Ltd. has been directly operating a general rice process center equipped with an automated system from milling to foreign matter inspection and packing. 2. All products shall pass a detector for foreign matters and metal and be packed exactly for 1kg unit. 3. Grains will be mixed with a constant ratio through a mixer.

Balhyo-bab Co., Ltd. said, “The hospital which my fatherin-law visited for his diabetes recommended that he eat brown rice, but as brown rice registers a rough mouthfeel and is not easy to digest, I have given attention to fermentation of brown rice.” She added, “We developed cooked & fermented brown rice through industry-university cooperation with Pai Chai University. Unlike ordinary brown rice, cooked & fermented brown rice registers a sticky mouthfeel and is easy to digest even if it is not bloated in water. More than anything else, it improved my father-inlaw’s health, so I have come to be sure of the success of cooked & fermented brown rice.” In fact, the mouse test, which was conducted in 2017 by My-san Hyun-mi Balhyo-bab Co., Ltd. with a fund from Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, showed that the experimental group, which was fed with fermented miscellaneous grains, registered a higher blood glucose level than the experimental group, which was fed with a diabetes drug (Metformin).

Diverse Health Benefits Related to High Blood Pressure, Weight Loss etc. My-san Hyun-mi Balhyo-bab Co., Ltd. flaunts various health benefits related to diabetes, high blood pressure, weight loss etc., depending on the grains included. The

28 Korea Agrafood

結果顯示,只食用屠酵雜粮的麟驗組同食用糖尿治療芟 (Metformin)的麟驗組相比,血糖値更低?


馬耳山鼠米屠酵飯不僅可以降血糖,而且根据混合的雜粮的種 類,還具有降血忘?癎肥等多種健康功能?主打産品包括“養胃屠 酵鼠米”,按照年齡段食用的△叛幼傅輔食食段 △成長食段 △高 高食段 △多多食段 △糖糖食段 △長壽食段等屠酵鼠米産品?産 品以1公斤爲單位包裝,價格在4.42美元至13.25美元之間? 朴成子代憐指出:“爲了讓我們的産品覆盖各憾年齡段,針捲鼠 米屠酵飯,我們開屠了從叛幼傅産品到靑年癎肥産品?改善中老 年人糖尿和血忘的産品?改善老年人健康的産品等多憾種類”, “通過老鼠麟驗,我們選楊了最適合的雜粮搭配,在這一過程中, 我們進行了无瑠次測試,膚掉了大約30菫的鼠米屠酵飯?”


馬耳山鼠米屠酵飯年銷魔額爲12億韓元左右,其中一半左右是 出口業績?目前,已向中攻和美攻進行了多次出口,近期印尼客 商還親自到公司洽談出口單價,頑大出口已格進一步可視化? 朴成子代憐說“: 中攻不喜歡雜粮,所以向中攻出口養胃屠酵鼠 米;美攻以僑民爲中心,叛幼傅輔食屠酵鼠米的人槐蜈高”“印度 , 尼西亞最近的飮食習慣蜈西方化,糖尿病患者增加,所以芎地的 買家捲我們的産品顯示出蜈大的興趣”? 這種出口成果的取得源自于韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT)的搗 助?在aT屠掘有望出口品種幷提供支持的“Miracle K-Food項

company’s flagship lines are ‘Comfortable Cooked & Fermented Brown Rice’, and Baby Food, Growth Helper, and Long Life Helper, which pretty much cover a person’s entire life. The products weigh 1kg and are priced at 4.42 to 13.25 dollars. President Park said, “To make sure that people can eat cooked & fermented brown rice all their life, we have developed a variety of products from baby food to weight loss for youths, products for mitigating diabetes and high blood pressure among late middleaged people, and products for promoting the health of the elderly,” and added, “We chose the best grains through mouse experiments, which were countless enough to use and dispose of about 30 tons of brown rice.”

目”中,選定了馬耳山鼠米屠酵飯進行出口?農業繇社法人馬耳山 鼠米屠酵飯目前已格取得了淸眞認嗇,計琬以向印尼出口爲跳 板,進軍淸眞文化圈?朴成子代憐說“: 現在海外蜈多攻家都打來 電話咨詢,隨着人們捲健康的關注程度越來越高,我們以專利技 術差別化的産品似乎越來越受到關注”,“我們的産品不僅具備卓 越的健康功能性,而且味道也明顯優于市面上其他産品”? Inquiries My-san Hyun-mi Balhyo-bab Co., Ltd. Tel +82-63-714-2288 Fax +82-63-714-3021 Email mysan3370@naver.com

Additional Info

Cooked & Fermented Brown Rice More Salient Overseas The company registers about USD 100,000 in annual sales, about half of which is through exports. There have been several exports to China and the US, and additional exports are growing visible with an Indonesian buyer lately visiting the company and discussing an export price. President Park said, “As Chinese people don’t like miscellaneous grains, ‘Comfortable Cooked & Fermented Brown Rice’ is the major sell to China, whereas in America, baby food is popular mainly among KoreanAmericans,” and added, “In Indonesia, where the food life is being westernized and diabetics are increasing accordingly, a local buyer showed great interest in our products.” Such achievements in exports have been supported by the role of Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Corporation (aT). When My-san Hyun-mi Balhyo-bab was selected for ‘Miracle K-Food Project’ with which aT discovers and supports promising export items, its overseas sales proceeded. Having achieved its halal certification, My-san Hyun-mi Balhyo-bab Co., Ltd. is going to go from its export to Indonesia to implement its exports to those Muslim countries where the halal standard is in place. President Park Sung-ja said, “We are getting calls from several foreign countries, which seems to suggest that the increased interest in health brings attention to our products that are differentiated with our patented technology,” and added, “Not just their excellent health benefits but also their sampling will differentiate them from other goods in the market in taste.”

How to Make a Delicious Mea

> It is unnecessary to macerate rice in water. The amount of water should be two times larger than that of general rice. It is better to wash rice in water about twice. > It is recommended to cook rice at once, which is equal to the amount for 3 to 4 days of meals. If you can keep it in a proper temperature, it is possible to maintain the taste of rice for 4 to 5 days without dryness. > The cooked rice 2 to 3 days after the cooking is most delicious. > It is better not to mix with general white rice and other grains.

The fermented mixed grains help rice become glutinous with good digestion and better absorbance of nutrients.

Lactic acid for good health is alive in rice and various functional materials remain after the cooking.

April 2019 29

30 Korea Agrafood

April 2019 31

K-Food Recipe

Miyeokguk (Seaweed Soup) Is Recommended as a Beauty Food or for Recovery after Childbirth

海帶湯,推茱作爲美容食品和月子餐 Miyeok(seaweed) is one of the food ingredients favored by Koreans. Miyeok was one of the major exports from the Goryeo dynasty and served as a major source of tax revenue during the Joseon period. Nowadays, Koreans treat women who just had childbirth or persons having their birthday with miyeokguk. Miyeok is a seaweed this familiar to Koreans. Miyeok as a food ingredients may come unfamiliar yet to the readers of Korea Agrafood. However, if you just try it once, your perception of miyeokguk will change totally. Here is a recipe for miyeokguk that can be prepared with ease at home.

32 Korea Agrafood

海帶是深受韓攻人喜愛的食材之一?据史料記 載,海帶是高麗時代的主要出口産品之一,朝鮮 時代還被用作攻家的稅源?韓攻的産婦和普通人 過生日時一般都喝海帶湯?可見,海帶是韓攻人 非常熟悉的一種海草?現在,海外也開始漸漸關 注海帶?來到韓攻的越南游客還將韓攻産海帶作 爲必購饑物?海帶最大的出口攻日本和美攻的消 費者也非常喜歡韓攻産海帶?海帶這種食材捲于 <Korea Agrafood>的規者來說可能還比較陌生? 但如果品嘗一下海帶湯,大家捲海帶的想法就繇 有所改變的?下面介紹一下在家裏可以簡便制作 海帶湯的方法?

An Interesting Story about miyeok and miyeokguk

有趣的海帶和海帶的故事 Why Eat Miyeokguk?

Miyeokguk as a Health Food

Miyeokguk Enjoyed in Various Ways

Miyeokguk has a low calorie. One sin-

Miyeokguk gets slightly varying flavors

iodine which is included in miyeok. miyeok

gle serving carries about 45kcal. Even

with ingredients added to it. And the

includes 100mg of iodine, which is an ingre-

miyeokguk with beef has only 100kcal.

food ingredients that go with miyeok-

dient that facilitates lactation. With its three

Thus, miyeokguk is excellent for those

guk are beef, mussel, abalone, chick-

sides abutting on the ocean, Korea is an ex-

who are on a diet. Moreover, miyeok

en breast, dried pollock, clam, sea

cellent producer of miyeok. Dried miyeokguk

includes not only dietary fiber and anti-

urchin etc.

can be used as a food ingredient any time.

oxidative ingredients which are effective

In Korea, people prepare miyeokguk for women who just had childbirth. It is for the

Korean people treat people with miyeokguk

against aging, but also minerals that

on their birthday. Because seaweed soup

are effective against high blood pres-

has a lot of calcium and dietary fiber, it

sure and anemia such as magnesium,

served seaweed soup for mothers and chil-

zinc, calcium, and potassium. Miyeok

dren after giving birth. The custom was fol-

also keep blood clean.

lowed by eating on birthdays.

爲什鹿喝海帶湯郡?: 在韓攻給生孩子的産婦煮海 帶湯吃,其原因就在于海帶中含有的惟?海帶含有 100mg惟,而惟有助于母乳分泌?此外,三面環海 的韓攻是生産優質海帶的地方,將海帶干燥后,隨 時都可以用作食材?在韓攻,給過生日的人也做海 帶湯吃?由于海帶湯中含有酪富的鑒和膳食纖維, 産后爲産婦和孩子准備了海帶湯?延樓了這一習 俗,在生日芎天也吃上了?

各種口味的海帶湯: 海帶湯根据添加材料的 不同,味道也略有不同?侮海帶湯相配的食 材有牛肉?紅蛤?鮑魚?鷄胸肉?黃太魚? 蛤腦和海圈等?

健康食品,海帶湯: 海帶熱量低,1人略只有 45?左右?牛肉海帶湯也只有100?熱量?所以 海帶湯捲于癎肥的人來說,是非常好的食物? 癩外,海帶中含有抗衰老的膳食纖維和抗宸 化成分,還含有酪富的吻?羞?鑒和鉀等告 物質,捲預防高血忘和貧血蜈有效,還具有 淨化血液的功效?

April 2019 33

K-Food Recipe

Miyeokguk Recipe



Soak beef in water to remove blood from it.

Slice the beef and mix it with Koreanstyle soy sauce and mashed garlic.


將牛肉切成扁平狀,放入韓式醬油和蒜末拌 勻?

Ingredients and Quantities 200g of beef, 1 tbsp of Korean-style soy sauce, 1 tsp of mashed garlic, 30g of dry miyeok, 2 tbsps of sesame oil, 2L of water, and small amounts of salt and black pepper.

牛肉(牛胸肉)200g?韓式醬油1大勺?蒜末1小勺?干海帶30g?香油2大勺?水2L?韓式醬 油?鹽和胡椒少許




Bloat the dry miyeok for 20 minutes in water.

Cut the bloated miyeok into comfortably-sized pieces and drain them.


將泡好的海帶切成適合食用的大小后,甥出 在熱鍋裏倒入香油,炒至調味肉半熟? 水分?


When the water boils, reduce the fire and season it with Korean-style soy sauce and salt.


34 Korea Agrafood


Boil the soup for 20 more minutes and then add a little of black pepper powder.


Put sesame oil on a heated pot and stirfry the seasoned beef until it is half done.


Put miyeok in the pot of ⑤ and stir-fry it. Then, pour 2L of water in and boil it on high fire.

在⑤的鍋裏放入海帶潼炒,然后倒入2L水用 大火煮開?

Tips When bloated, miyeok greatly increases in volume. So, it is not easy for a first-timer to size up the quantity of dry miyeok. One handful of dry miyeok will be enough for 4 servings. We recommended a gravy brewed with anchovy to those who want the flavor of a rich soup. Sesame oil is usually used in stir-frying miyeok, but you may also choose perilla oil if that’s your preference.

干海帶泡在水裏后,量繇大大增加?所以,第一次煮海帶湯時,蜈難掌握要泡多少干海帶?在這裏告訴舅一憾小提示:用手嗇一把干海帶泡好后,誥4憾人 吃?癩外,如果希望品嘗到濃湯,推茱使用以**魚熬出的底湯?炒海帶時通常使用香油,但也可以根据喜好使用蘇子油?

Exporting Korean Agricultural Products


Miyeokguk from CJ The Korea-grown miyeok is stir-fried with sesame oil and delivers a rich, aromatic flavor. Boiled for a long time, it registers a soft mouthfeel, too. Torn along the grain, the beef brisket is added in comfortable size, while aspartame is not included. Put the product in a pot and boil it for 2 minutes to 2 minutes 30 seconds before you eat it.

Miyeokguk Ramen from Ottogi The ramen delivers the original flavor of

將韓攻産海帶直接用香油炒制,可以感受到酪富且香濃 的味道?此外,葉使長時間煮制口感也蜈柔和?將瘻成 穡狀的牛胸肉肉絲切成適芎的大小放入,不添加阿斯巴甛 等添加芟?放入鍋中煮2分~2分30秒后食用葉可? Tel +82-80-850-1200 www.cj.co.kr/en, www.bibigo.com/en

miyeokguk. Miyeokguk Ramen is boiled in a rich, aromatic gravy brewed with brisket, beef bone leg, and pork bone leg together with miyeok and garlic stirfried with sesame oil. Notably, the prod-

Miyeok Noodles from Hifood

uct includes the clean miyeok from the

The noodle product is made with miyeok produced

south coast of Korea.

in Wando County, Jeolla South Province. Carrying

這是可以品嘗到牛肉海帶湯原汁原味的方便面 産品?海帶湯面是用香油炒制牛胸肉和海帶, 然后放入蒜末和用牛骨侮肆骨制成的香濃肉湯 熬制成的?特別是,海帶湯面中放入了足量的 韓攻南海岸産純淨海帶? Tel +82-2-2010-0778 www.ottogi.co.kr

only 12kcal per 100g, the low-calorie food may be eaten right away without boiling it. The product does not use wheat flour or starch but includes miyeok only. It is also free from preservatives, colors, and MSG.

這是用全羅南道莞島郡生産的海帶做成面穡的産品?每100 克只有12?的低熱量,可以不用煮直接食用?不使用面粉和澱粉,只用海帶制作?此外,不添加 防腐芟?色素和MSG Tel +82-32-344-2202

E-mail www.hi-food.net

April 2019 35

Hansik Shown on Media

To watch Youtube broadcast www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nPvSOAZnP4

Enjoy the Variety of Korean Dumplings Now Expanding Globally ith its various ingredients and the meat juice, dumplings make a robust meal for anyone. Now enjoying attention as a ready-made food and also as simple drinking food, dumpling is expanding its usability. It has come into spotlight in overseas markets. As the Korean dumplings are made with healthy ingredients such as vegetables and tofu, international consumers call dumpling a healthy frozen food. The convenience of its preparation makes another merit. Attention is being drawn to a YouTuber, who presents an eating show of mukbang with dumplings, which are now enjoyed not only by Koreans but by internationals. That YouTube creator is Kwon Hoe-hoon. On his YouTube channel, Mr. Kwon and his friends ate 100 dumplings of various types. Mr. Kwon and his friends finished off 100 dumplings in just 10 minutes.


36 Korea Agrafood

Dumpling Story Dumpling reportedly started in China and spread to Korea during the Joseon period. But it also boasts a long history in Korea, in that it was served at the courtly banquets. Furthermore, as it resembles a lucky bag which seems to embrace good luck, it is meant to wish someone Good Luck for a year. There are various dumplings, depending on the ingredients of their wrappers and stuffings, and their preparation and shape. To begin with, the ingredients of the stuffings classify dumplings into meat dumpling, kimchi dumpling, shrimp dumpling, leek dumpling, short rib dumpling, and seafood dumpling among others. Their cooking method classifies them into steamed, roast, watery dumpling and dumpling soup. A delicious dumpling uses a thin wrapper and a large lump of various ingredients as stuffings. It uses beef, pork, chicken, and pheasant for meats and kimchi, bean sprouts, carrot, cucumber, tofu, and cellophane noodles for vegetables.

April 2019 37

Hansik Shown on Media

How to Enjoy Dumplings Roast Dumpling 3 frozen dumplings are warmed for 2 minutes in a microwave. An adequate amount of frying oil is poured into a concave frying pan

Making the Sauce

and heat is applied. When

Dipping dumplings in the

the pan is hot enough, put

soy base sauce is a way

dumplings on it and roast

to get a kick out of

them for about 5 minutes.

dumplings. The sauce mixes 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of water, 1 teaspoon of red

Steamed Dumpling

pepper powder.

Pour an adequate amount of water into a steamer and boil the water. Place dumplings on the steamer strainer and put the lid on. Steam them for about 10 minutes.

Treating Frozen Dumplings in the Microwave When dumplings are steamed in the microwave, their edges are dried hard. As such, they become tasteless. To keep chewy wrappers and moist stuffings, dumplings have to be treated as follows. First soak dumplings

Dumpling Soup Pour gravy into a pot and boil it. When the gravy boils, put dumplings in and boil them for 5 or 6 minutes. And with rice cake slices added to it, it makes Dumpling & Rice Cake Soup. Each diner may want to add scallion, egg etc. according to his or her preferences.

38 Korea Agrafood

in water for 2-3 minutes. Then, drain the water, wrap the dumplings, and heat them in the microwave for 3 or 4 minutes.

Various Frozen Dumplings

Buldak Dumpling from Samyang Food

Masitdak from Foodnamoo

thin and chewy wrappers.


The product is based on its

CJ’s Bibigo The Bibigo dumplings have And the stuffings are not

fried noodles with spicy chick-

plain and chewy potato

ground and sliced thick, so

en) is notorious for its spiciness.

wrappers. The brand differ-

diners can enjoy chewing

It is so hot that foreigners per-

entiates into high-protein

them. The brand does not

forms a food challenge with it

chicken breast, spicy kimchi,

use additives such as

on YouTube. Buldak Dumpling

and smoky spicy ribs ac-

Aspartame or artificial flavors

from Samyang Food blends the

cording to their ingredients.

which are usually used for

sauce from Buldak-bokkeum-

Especially the one with chick-

processed food. The brand

myeon with dumpling. Buldak

en breast carries only 368

also boasts diverse products.

Dumpling is described by Korean

kcal, and one single pack

They include kimchi dumpling,

consumers as an excellent mix of

serves 26g of protein. And as

shrimp dumpling, red pepper

the spicy sauce and stuffings

the dumplings are filled with

dumpling, potato dumpling,

with the tender wrappers.

the fresh chicken breast from

and short ribs dumpling according to the stuffings. The brand also has Mini Wontons, which is makes an excellently mouthful serving.

South Korea, they deliver a Tel +82-2-940-3000 www.samyangfood.co.kr

soft and moist taste. Exported recently to Hong Kong and Mongolia, the products have begun to draw attention from overseas

Tel +82-80-850-1200 www.cj.co.kr/en, www.bibigo.com/en

markets. Tel +82-2-3152-8088 E-mail hello@foodnamoo.com foodnamoo.com

April 2019 39

Monthly People

Lee Jae-wook Director General of Food Industry Policy Office of Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

We Will Do Our Best to Expand Exports of Fresh Agricultural Products ast year’s Korean export of farm foods was USD 6.93

and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), which has driven the Korean agri-

billion, carrying on with its continuous rise. Especially,

cultural products industry as a strategic export industry

there was a sharp increase in the export of fresh agricultural

through implementing differentiated and leading export poli-

products which were related to the economic well-being of

cy. We met with Lee Jae-wook, Director General of Food

the farming households, reaching the highest ever USD 1.28

Industry Policy Office of MAFRA who is in charge of the gen-

billion in a favorable trend for its export. The higher-than-ex-

eral management of the country’s agricultural products ex-

pected performance had behind it the big role played by

port policy, and heard from him about the key export strate-

Food Industry Policy Office of Ministry of Agriculture, Food



40 Korea Agrafood

How is the current condition of the agricultural products export markets?

Our agricultural products export has steadily increased since 1977 when the export statistics was first produced, and achieved USD 6.93 billion in 2018. The fresh agricultural products export continues to rise, up 10.4% in the year, and the processed food, which slightly decreased in the previous year, shifted back up. What policies or areas do you focus on for activating the country’s agricultural products export?

With a view to boosting our agricultural products export, we will upgrade the producers’ quality management skills and resources and get them to cleave to single export channel. To prevent excessive competition, we will foster integrated nationwide organizations for export. Also, to manage the safety in the production stage, we will ensure the farming households’ easy management of the use of pesticides etc. with a mobile system. We will upgrade the distribution infrastructure and implement marketing events linked to the Hallyu(Korean Wave) in the regions targeted by the New Southern Policy, where the Korean fresh agricultural products sell well. What has been the biggest success in the agricultural products export?

Our fresh agricultural products export, recorded the highest level with USD 1.28 billion last year, up 16.6% from the previous year. Our pear export, which achieved USD 80 million for the first time while broadening its basis in

Vietnam and the US, and strawberry export increased greatly mainly to Singapore and Thailand. Grape is growing, popular as a premium product in China. Especially our fresh agricultural products export to Southeast Asia was up 41.8% from 2017. These are the results of the implementation of the New Southern Policy, which is designed to nurture the ASEAN as another export market as through pioneering new distribution channels. We have created the basis for safe agricultural export as by focusing on the fostering of integrated nationwide export organizations for different items and thereby completing the organization for the three items of mushroom, paprika, and strawberry in 2018. Looking ahead, what do you plan to carry out in the long run to activate the Korean agricultural products export?

MAFRA will continue its work this year to expand the export into China and Southeast Asia adjacent to Korea, for the purpose of carrying on the expansion of our fresh agricultural products export. To bring publicity ti the excellence and safety of our agricultural products, we will throw a massive sales promotion event in Shanghai, China, and hold K-Food Fair, an integrated sales promotion event linked to the Hallyu content in Vietnam and Thailand. We will implement market-specific export strategies so that we can go from the previous flagship markets such as Japan and China and diversify the market into ASEAN. We will actively work for market diversification by pioneering new markets in the New Southern and Northern regions.

April 2019 41


Feel both the Spirit & Culture of the Korean Buddhism here is a way in which you can feel the spirit and culture of

lantern and Buddhist rosary, provide participants with a short ex-

the Korean Buddhism with a history of 1,600 or so years.

perience of the Korean Buddhist culture. It is a hot program

Just apply for a temple stay designed for foreigners. You can

which was sought last year by about 80,000 foreigners who


choose from a same-day program, an experiential one with at

wanted to savor the distinctive peacefulness of Buddhism. The

least two days’ stay, and a recreational program that lets you

program introduces the participants to the major temples in

stay as long as you want to. The programs, which includes a

Korea, the food served at those temples, and the restaurants

tour of the temple, meditation, talk over tea, Buddhist service,

specializing in the Korean temple cuisine.

the ritual of a hundred and eight bows, and making of lotus

42 Korea Agrafood

Haeinsa Temple in Hapcheon, a Treasure of the Korean Buddhism Reportedly constructed 1,200 years ago, Haeinsa is one of the major Buddhist temples in Korea. With the qualifier of treasure temple tagging along, Haeinsa is counted among the three major temples, along with Songgwangsa in Suncheon and Tongdosa in Yangsan. As what makes it deserve the title of representantive buddhist temple, Haeinsa presents to the public Palmandaejanggyeong (the Tripitaka Koreana), the national treasure, and Janggyeong Panjeon, the UNESCO World Heritage as a royal palace that houses the Tripitaka. The Tripitaka Koreana, which carved the letters of the Buddhist scriptures on up to 80,000 iron plates, is a cultural property which was created about 800 years ago to stave off foreign incursions with the power of Buddhism. Boasting its history of resisting foreign incursions, Haeinsa served as a stronghold in resisting imperialism one hundred years ago. Tinctured with history, the temple is located in Gayasan Mountain and lets visitors have mental training in the clean air and natural view, which are picked by foreigners as the top choice for travels outside Seoul metropolitan region.

Reservation & Inquiry +82-55-934-3110 Website eng.templestay.com Add 122, Haesa-gil, Hapcheon-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do

April 2019 43


Bongeunsa Temple as a Temple Built by a King

One can sample a temple stay even in downtown Seoul. Korea has many of its Buddhist temples outside Seoul metropolitan region, but Bongeunsa is in downtown Seoul. Because of such excellent accessibility, it is the perfect temple for foreign tourists who want to experience the Korean Buddhism but do not have time for it. Reportedly moved during the Joseon dynasty, Bongeunsa also lets visitors take a look at the Korean history of religion. As Buddhism was persecuted during the Joseon dynasty whose state religion was Confucianism, Bongeunsa was uniquely founded by the king of Joseon dynasty. Bongeunsa came into existence because unlike Buddhism, which believes in afterlife, Confucianism does not believe in afterlife. So, the kings of the Joseon dynasty prayed for the repose of the souls of their deceased parents by building temples near the royal palace. The temples from the Joseon dynasty that included the letter of bong in their names such as Bongeunsa were built mostly for such reasons. In this context, Bongeunsa has Seolleung Royal Tomb nearby, so visitors can also take a look at the stone art of the Joseon dynasty.

Reservation & Inquiry +82-2-3218-4826 Website temple.bongeunsa.org / public_html_en Add Bongeunsa-ro 531, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

44 Korea Agrafood

Restaurants Specializing in Temple Cuisine

Temple Cuisine

Balugongyang It is the only restaurant specializing in temple cuisine that is operated by Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism for the purpose of bringing wide publicity to the temple cuisine. The diverse menu offered at Balugongyang is counted as food that retains the archetype of the temple cuisine by applying the traditional recipes carried on at the temples. When selected for 2019 Michelin Guide, it has become the restaurant that represents the Korean temple cuisine.

Add 5F, Templestay Information Center at 56, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongro-gu, Seoul For booking and information +82 2-733-2081

Bibimbap with Wild Herbs It is a major dish from the Korean temple cuisine and had cooked rice, seasoned aster, bracken, and shiitake mixed with red pepper sauce. As Buddhism prohibits killing, the dish is composed of only vegetables, which distinguishes it from ordinary types of bibimbap. Different seasons bring different vegetables with them. The dish is generally for lunch at temples.

Mushroom Puffs

Temple people who do not eat meat enjoy mushrooms instead as they register a similar mouthfeel. The dish can be made with any of most mushrooms, but oyster, matsutake, and shiitake mushrooms are usually used. Mixed with other vegetables, they are seasoned with a spicy sauce. It takes care of ‘the mouthfeel of food chewed to be savored’ out of ten tastes classified in Buddhism. It is one of the dishes for foreigners who visit temples.

April 2019 45

aT Briefing

News in April Exports Successfully Achieved with Localization Support Project Gumi, Gyeongsang North Province, developed its product called ‘Good Old Elementary School Tteokbokki’ in 2010 but its export wasn’t easy. It was because it was not easy to obtain information on the labeling regulations, the regulations on ingredients allowed in products etc. which differed from their equivalents in Korea. The company succeeded in exporting to the US, however, when it was provided with advice on the labeling regulations and the export precautions with a view to exporting to the US by the localization support project. CEO Seo Man-soo of SJ Coree said,

Presenting Various Cases to Help Exporting Companies

foods. The project began in 2015 with a

“We should do the labeling in nine differ-

view to responding to various non-tariff

ent languages of EU, and doing it one

barriers. Last year, about 500 Korean

our own was unthinkable,” emphasizing

agricultural products exporting companies

the big help from the localization support

succeeded in overseas sales of agricultur-


al products through the localization sup-

Besides, the book includes the info-

Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural

port project. The Korean government has

graphics on the import & export

Affairs(MAFRA) and Korea Agro-Fisheries

compiled into a book the success stories

processes for the eight major export

& Food Trade Corp.(aT) said on Mar. 8

of 23 companies selected from those

destinations such as Japan, China, and

that they published a collection of excel-

businesses that succeeded in export.

the US as well as the localization support

lent cases of localization support, which

In fact, the book includes various

project as applicable in different cases.

summarizes those agricultural products

episodes ranging from market entry to

The collection of excellent cases of local-

companies that succeeded in overseas

export. One salient example is Santelua

ization support can be accessed on the

sales through the localization support

Agricultural Union which exported shine

Korean agricultural products export infor-


muscat grape to China. Santelua

mation site(KATI: www.kati.net). And one

The localization support project provides

Agricultural Union has registered its

can apply for the 2019 localization sup-

help with advice on customs clearance

trademark in Chinese and English and

port project at aT’s exporting company

and quarantine, the production of labels,

received advice on labeling and packag-

general support system (global.at.or.kr).

the filing of trademarks etc. which are es-

ing through the localization support pro-

One may submit questions by email

sential preparations for exporting farm

ject. SJ Coree Co., Ltd., located in


46 Korea Agrafood

News in April aT Enhances the Promotion of Korean Agricultural Products with CJ ENM With its MOU with CJ ENM, aT plans to aggressively push forward with the creation of a K-Food consumption boom by tapping into the global Hallyu (K-Wave) which has gone beyond Asia and is now spreading into the Americas. This year, aT will implement the publicity campaign linked to KCON, the world’s biggest aT signed an MOU with CJ ENM on Mar.

Hallyu festival, and also work with the

15 for upgrading its global promotion of

company to create and spread the Hallyu

Korean agricultural products. The MOU

content targeting the ASEAN market,

also included the commitment to imple-

which is gaining traction thanks to the

ment the Korean Wave events and the

New Southern Policy. Aptly, Shin Hyeon-

production and spreading of its content

gon, Food Export Director of aT said,

for the purpose of boosting the recogni-

“We will work to establish the MOU as a

tion and consumption of the Korean agri-

major case of cooperation committed to

cultural products.

promoting Korean agricultural products.”

Hallyu Star Park Ji-Hoon Rapports with Thai Fans through Strawberry Park Ji-hoon had a fan meeting in Thailand where he introduced the Korean strawberry. MAFRA and aT said that Park Ji-hoon, who debuted with the group Wanna One, participated in a promotional event on Mar. 9, which was designed to increase the export of Korean strawberry to Thailand through his Thai fan meeting. Prior to the event which proceeded with about 10,000 fans present, aT implemented a Facebook event in which fans were encouraged

Malaysian Consumers are Falling in Love with the K-Dessert

to create and post content themed to ‘Park Ji-hoon and Strawberry’. At the Thai event on the day, Park Ji-hoon pre-

Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural

Korean-produced strawberry.

sented Korean strawberry cakes

Affairs(MAFRA) and aT held a K-Dessert

At the event, there were many people

and flower bouquets to his fans.

spreading project in Malaysia for local

asking about Korean strawberry for its

consumers for three days between Mar.

sweet and sour flavor. And the five-flavor

11 through 13. Linked to major Korean

berry drink was also popular. In continua-

restaurants in Malaysia, the event pre-

tion, aT will implement strawberry and

sented sweet and healthy Korean

melon sales promotion at 63 large stores

desserts such as strawberry, five-flavor

of distributors such as Cold Storage and

berry, and citron. And a strawberry pro-

Aeon and actively engage in the promo-

motion hall set up at the Korea-Malaysia

tion using power influencers and social

Hallyu and Halal Exhibition provided visi-

media, starting in March.

tors with the opportunity to sample the

April 2019 47


We receive opinions of readers Agricultural Foods in Korea, We want to know

I am a buyer with deep interest in Korean agricultural products. What are the Korean foods I need to pay attention?

First of all, red kiwi could be the best one. The vitamin contents of red kiwi edible with its skin reaches 20 times higher than that of apple and its sugar content reaches maximum 20 brix. Fish cake is also another item. The famous chef Jamie Oliver mentioned about this fish cake when she traveled to Jeju Island. It has been gaining its popularity to the extent that a certain person cooks for himself because he cannot forget the taste of fish cake in Korea. One export company of Korean fish cake has opened an overseas store in 2017. The advancement to overseas markets for Korean fish cake has started in full scale.

The First Event for the Buyers <Korea Agrafood> delivers an event marking the publication of its April issue. We will send Korean agricultural products as gifts to five selected by lot out of those who respond to the survey in the Opinion section. You can participate the survey by scanning QR code. As you participate, please make sure to provide your name, address, phone number, and email address so that you can receive the prizes. Please send the title to ‘Korea Agrafood’ when you send the e-mail.

The Second Event for the Consumers <Korea Agrafood> has an event for you. Please send me a certified picture of eating Korean agricultural foods. We will select 10 people and send them Korean agricultural products as gifts. The event lasts from April 15 through 28, and the successful applicants will be announced on Apr. 29. The email address is choiyj@agrinet.co.kr. Please send the title to ‘Korea Agrafood’ when you send the e-mail. I wish you a lot of applications.

48 Korea Agrafood

<Korea Agrafood> would like to ask you to share your valuable thoughts and opinions about the Korea Agrafood Magazine. Please scan the QR code below to open the survey page and answer a few short questions about Korea Agrafood.

What was the contents that helped the most in April Issue of Korea Agrafood? 1. Cover Story 2. Special 3. Into The Farm 4. Win-Win 5. Well-being Food 6. K-Food Recipe 7. Hansik Shown on Media 8. Monthly People

Please tell us the contents and reason that were missing in April Issue of Korea Agrafood. 1. Cover Story 2. Special 3. Into The Farm 4. Win-Win 5. Well-being Food 6. K-Food Recipe 7. Hansik Shown on Media 8. Monthly People What will be the next Korean agricultural foods which Korea Agrafood wish to handle with?

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