January 2020(vol.291)

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The Monthly Magazine of Korean Agriculture & Food

January 2020 vol.291

Korea’s Representative Mandarin Orange, Hallabong Special Interview


Well-being Food

K-Food Recipe

Kim Hyeon-soo Minister of MAFRA

Pioneering High-End Market with Premium Kimchi

Ginseng Sprouts, New Health Food on the Global Market

Korean New Year’s Day Food ‘Tteokguk’

January 2020 vol.291


COVER With its sweet and sour taste, rich juice and soft flesh, hallabong, is a fruit that represents a symbol of Jeju Island as well as winter in Korea which is loved by all ages. Although hallabong looks similar to oranges, it has thinner skins compared to its size, making them convenient to peel and eat anywhere at anytime.


Export Story


Special Interview Kim Hyeon-soo Minister of MAFRA

Cover Stor y


Photo Story


2019 Korean Fruit Industry Fair


Into The Farm

Win-Win Pioneering High-End Market with Premium Kimchi


High Quality Hallabong Produced in Natural Surroundings

Well-being Food Ginseng Sprouts, New Health Food on the Global Market

Promising Items of Korean Agricultural Exports in 2020







Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0967 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995 Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.


CEO Lee Byung-ho EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Shin Hyun-gon (Food Industry & Trade Division)


January 2020 vol.291

EDITORS Lee Young-ju REPORTERS Kim Young-min (kimym@agrinet.co.kr) Lee Ki-no (leekn@agrinet.co.kr) Choi Yeong-jin (choiyj@agrinet.co.kr)

Hansik Story

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Park Hye-yun, Sue Cheon (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE)


Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)

EDITORIAL BOARD BEIJING Chung Yeon-su 86-10-6410-6120 (beijingat@at.or.kr)

K-Food Recipe Korean New Year’s Day Food ‘Tteokguk’


Hansik Shown on Media Great Encounter of Korean Stew and Western Food Ingredients Budae-jjigae

SHANGHAI Park Seong-kook 86-21-3256-6325 (shanghaiat@at.or.kr) CHENGDU Seo Byung-kyo 86-28-8283-3376/86 (chengdu@at.or.kr)


HONGKONG Lee Ji-jae 852-2588-1614/16 (hkatcenter@at.or.kr)

Monthly People Kim Gyeong-lan, CEO of Mungyeong Miso

HANOI Kim Chang-kuk 84-4-6282-2987 (hanoi@at.or.kr) HOCHIMIN Choi Jung-ki 84-28-3822-7503 (atcenterhcmc@gmail.com)


BANGKOK Yang Jae-seong 66-2611-2627~9 (bangkok@at.or.kr)

K-Tour Let Us Introduce You to Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak Where You Can Soak Up Superb Sunrise

JAKARTA Lee Seoung-bok 62-21-2995-9032~3 (jakarta@at.or.kr) TOKYO Kim Ho-dong 81-3-5367-6656 (tokyo@at.or.kr) OSAKA Oh Dong-hwan 81-6-6260-7661 (osaka@at.or.kr) NEW YORK Kim Kwang-jin 1-516-829-1633 (newyork@at.or.kr) L.A Han Man-woo 1-562-809-8810 (afmcwoo@at.or.kr)


DUBAI Song Bong-seok 971-4-246-0212 (dubai@at.or.kr) PARIS Kim Min-ho 33-1-4108-6076 (paris@at.or.kr) VLADIVOSTOK Shin Jae-hun 7-924-007-1528 (chekov@at.or.kr)


K-Food Big Data Highly Sweet and Crunchy Korean Sweet Persimmons

QINGDAO Kim Boo-young 86-50-6026-0530 (qingdao_logistics@at.or.kr) EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9072

Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, www.agrotrade.net.


aT Briefing 08

Korean A Natural


Healthy Food with No Rivals

Boosts Immunity and Energy, Fights Fatigue, Support Blood Circulation Convenient to Use: Extract, Capsule, Candy, Tea, and etc.






Special Interview

Kim Hyeon-soo Minister of MAFRA

‘Agricultural Exports are Like an Art, a Total Combination of Production, Distribution, and Marketing to Succeed’

農食品出口是一門綜合藝術…生産?流通?營銷有机結合思能取得成果 Kim Hyeon-soo, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs compared agricultural exports to a kind of comprehensive arts. In this sense, an all-inclusive support from production, distribution, and local marketing should come altogether to achieve positive results. To this end, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs(MAFRA) plans to foster promising items with a wide range of consumer markets as representative products, and to prepare various promotion events and support activities. The <Korea Agrafood> unfolds the talk with the Minister Kim Hyeon-soo on Korea’s agricultural exports policy and the outlook for the upcoming year 2020.

農林畜産食品部長官金炫秀把農食品出口比喩爲一種綜合藝術?也就是說,生産?流通及市場營銷都需要侮綜合支援相 結合思能獲得有效成果?由此,農林畜産食品部計琬捲消費市場廣闊及具有屠展玭力的品目進行重点培育幷提供各種支 援及開展廣告宣傳活動?以下是《Korea Agrafood》通過金炫秀長官了潁到的2020年韓攻農食品出口政策和展望? 4 Korea Agrafood

Q What are the vision, goals and key policies of agricultural exports in 2020?

The target of agricultural exports for 2019 was USD 7.7 billion, reflecting strong policy commitments, but is expected to reach USD 7 billion due to the sluggish status of Korea-Japan relations and global trade disputes. In 2020, with the vision of strengthening the fundamental competitiveness of each part of agricultural exports such as markets, items, export farmers and businesses. First of all, in order to improve the export structure concentrated to Japan, China and the United States from the ‘market’ stand-

年農食品出口前景?目標及重要的出口政 策都有絞些? 2019年依托强有效的政策將農食品出口目標定 爲77億美元,但由于受到韓日關係緊張及全球 貿易摩擦等因素的影響麟際完成瑠額鋸計能達到 70億美元?2020年的屠展規琬是從根本上提高 市場?品目?出口農戶及企業等構成農食品出口 各領域的競爭力? 首先在“市場”層面上,積極支援進入新南方?新 北方市場以改善過于集中在日本?中攻和美攻的 出口結構?同時在“質量”層面上,將捲草撻等出 2020

January 2020 5

Special Interview

point, we will actively facilitate the advancement into the new southern regions and new northern regions. Next, in terms of ‘quality’, we plan to support the development of promising items such as quarantine-resolved items and functional foods along with representative export items like strawberries. Last but not least, from the ‘producers and exporters’ aspect, we will focus on fostering ‘integrated export organizations’ for produceroriented fresh agricultural products, and will provide customized assistance according to each exporter’s capabilities. The agricultural exports are a kind of ‘arts in general’, which can be achieved only if full support from production to distribution and local marketing are coalesced. It is important to maintain a consistent policy stance and to respond flexibly to changes in global market conditions.

Q What are the promising exports of agricultural products in 2020, and which overseas markets are expected to expand? I would also like to hear an overall forecast of Korea’s agricultural exports?

In 2020, the government plans to develop the most promising items among fresh and processed products as representative. Our idea is to focus on strawberries, which have a strong increased value of exports, and support promising processed items such as tteokbokki and rice snacks. The agricultural exports are likely to increase, especially in the new southern regions when it comes to a steady growth of econ-

6 Korea Agrafood

口主要品目及免檢疫品目?功能性食品等具有屠 展玭力的品目等進行重点培育和支援?最后,在 “生産者及出口企業”層面上,重点培育以生産者 爲中心的新鮮農産品“出口綜合組織”,幷根据出 口麟力捲出口企業進行有針捲性的支援? 農食品出口如同一門“綜合藝術”,生産?流通及 市場營銷都需要侮綜合支援有机相結合思能獲得 成果?所以說,保持政策基調的連貫性及靈活應 捲瞬息万變的全球市場都蜈重要? 年絞些農食品繇成爲出口熱門,具有屠展 玭力的海外出口市場有絞些?捲韓攻農食品出 口的總郞展望是什鹿? 2020年將捲消費市場廣闊及屠展玭力大的新鮮品 目和加工品目進行重点培育?捲出口額增長勢頭 良好的草撻等進行重点支援,幷計琬捲炒米桀? 大米餠干等屠展玭力大的加工品目也進行支援? 在衆多的海外市場中,格上及人口等屠展較快 的新南方地袴,農食品出口市場有望繇進一步 頑大?平均年齡爲30.9歲,年輕消費群郞占多 瑠且在韓流影響下已形成友好穡件的越南市場尤 其値得期待?縱觀持樓屠展的世界食品市場規模 及通過韓流不鉤得到提高的韓攻食品形象,韓攻 農食品出口的前景也蜈樂觀?盡管依然存在美中 貿易摩擦,非關稅壁壘等外部困難穡件,但以韓 食特色美味及具有世界標准的産品安全性等韓攻 2020

omy and population among the international market. To be more specific, Vietnam is a country we look forward to expanding since there are many young populations with an average age of 30.9, plus favorable conditions created by the Korean Wave makes a desirable market. Considering the continued growth of the global food market and the improvement of the image of Korean food through the Kwave, the prospect of Korean agricultural exports is also positive. It is true that there are external difficulties such as trade conflicts between the United States. and China, and reinforcement of non-tariff barriers. However, if the public-private work together based on the strengths of Korean agricultural products such as the taste of Korean cuisine and world-class safety, the growth will further develop this year.

Q What are the big events held in overseas for promoting Korean agricultural products in 2020 that buyers should pay attention to?

The most representative show held in overseas is the K-Food Fair, including buyers’ consultations and consumer experience zone. In 2020, the event will be held in conjunction with ‘KCON’ at a similar level, following the 8 meetings at 7 countries last year. As many outstanding exporters from Korea will participate, we wish to see you all there. What’s more, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Korea-Russia diplomatic relations, the Eurasian K-Food long-run project is under preparation to heighten the awareness of Korean agricultural products. Accordingly, the K-Food expedition team will visit major cities in Eurasia on the Trans-Siberian Railway and promote our food.

Q Finally, please say a word to overseas consumers who purchase Korean agricultural products.

We, Koreans, have been reflecting on food with the belief that ‘food comes from the same source of medicine, so illnesses can be cured purely by having good food’. From old times, a healthy food culture has been developed with a long tradition, such as kimchi and ginseng. We strongly encourage you to experience and feel Korea from our agricultural products, which combine health, taste, safety and quality.

農食品的優勢,只要官民共同努力,明年一定繇 獲得更大的屠展勢頭? 需要海外客商關注的2020年海外大型韓攻農食 品宣傳活動都有絞些? 由客商洽談繇和消費者品嘗活動相結合的“韓攻 食品展(K-Food Fair)”是最主要的海外宣傳活 動?2020年計琬在美攻?泰攻?越南及俄羅斯 等攻家共擧辦7次活動?在日本?俄羅斯?美攻 及泰攻等攻家還將侮韓流演唱繇“KCON”共同 擧辦活動?絹時將有衆多優秀的韓攻出口企業參 加活動,希望廣大客商多多關注? 癩外,以韓-俄建交30周年爲契机將組織麟施斛 亞韓攻食品(K-Food)大長征項目,面向俄羅斯 開展韓攻農食品宣傳活動?宣傳韓攻食品遠征隊 將利用貫通斛亞的西伯利亞大鐵路在沿途斛亞主 要城市開展韓攻農食品的宣傳活動? 最后,希望舅捲購買韓攻農食品的海外消費者 說句話? 韓攻人自古以來就相信“葯食同源”幷非常注重食物 的作用,由此也産生了泡菜?人參等具有悠久傳統 的健康飮食文化?韓攻農食品集健康?美味?質 量和安全于一郞,値得廣大消費者放心品嘗? January 2020 7

Highly Sweet & Crunchy Korean Sweet Persimmons

8 Korea Agrafood

KFo od

The Main Foreign Markets of Korean Sweet Persimmons in 2018


Big Da ta

USD 2.919m / 2,581tons


USD 1.110m / 706tons

Hong Kong

USD 1.008m / 687tons


USD 1.000m / 833tons


USD 0.747m / 454tons

Korean sweet persimmons are characterized by their high sugar content of 14 brix and crunchy texture. The sweet fruit is produced mainly in Jinhae, Changwon, and Jinju in Gyeongsangnam-do, and Suncheon in Jeollanam-do. Although having a relatively short history of export, it is now gaining momentum in overseas markets for its high sugar content and crispy texture, and through full-scale quality control. The fruit which has traditionally been believed as holy sweet water slaking the thirst of gods and goddesses of heaven is rich in fructose and glucose and is thus highly sweet. In addition to the sweetness, it contains an ample amount of nutrients such as vitamins A and C and is thus known to be effective in relieving hangovers, preventing the aging process, and improving the health of eyes. What's more, the fruit contains tannin which helps lower blood pressure.

The Export Volume of Korean Sweet Persimmons From 2014 to 2018

12.837m USD 11.185m USD 8.633m USD

8.149m USD

7.603m USD

8,428 tons

8,612 tons

6,838 tons

7,085 tons

5,716 tons





2018 January 2020 9

Cover Story

Promising Items of

Korean Agricultural Exports in


Attention to 3 Korean fruits and vegetables with the best quality

Paprika Strawberry Tomatoes

10 Korea Agrafood

The exports of Korean agricultural products, with its exceptional taste, high reliability and excellent freshness, are growing every year. In particular, exports of Korean fruits and vegetables such as paprika, strawberries and tomatoes are expected to increase in 2020. Paprika is preparing for full-scale exports after quarantine negotiations with China, while requests on strawberry imports from local Thai buyers are lined up due to tariff cuts in Thailand. Tomatoes are expected to encourage consumption in Japan prior to the Tokyo Olympics. Let us introduce the three fruits and vegetables of Korea with export potential for the upcoming new year of 2020.

January 2020 11

Cover Story

Paprika Features of Korean Paprika Paprika is globally valued by consumers for its variety of colors, rich nutrition and low in calories. In Korea, it is largely produced in Jeollabukdo, Jeollanam-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Gangwon-do. Korean paprika has the advantage of being colorful and vivid compared to other foreign paprika, and its crisp and sweet taste is admirable. In particular, Korean paprikas occupy more than 75% of the total amount of paprika imported to Japan, and it has gained enormous popularity in the Japanese market. It is evaluated that a high-quality strategy based on meticulous safety management has been the key to success.

12 Korea Agrafood

Export path to China has opened Paprika, called the ‘jewel of vegetables’ is loved by consumers around the world for its rich nutrients such as vitamins A and C, iron and calcium, and also the fact that low in calories attracts many healthy eaters. While Korean paprika is especially famous for its high quality, a success on the quarantine negotiations with China last year will kick off export in earnest, which took 12 years to complete. The Korean paprika industry is projected to export USD100 million for the first time in fresh agricultural product based on business with China.

‘Korean Paprika is Likely to Succeed in China’s Premium market’

In China, paprika is used primarily for stir-

there is a need to raise interest in the de-

frying, not freshly consumed, and is used

mand for fresh paprikas.

as an assortment rather than a main in-

In order to expand exports of Korean pa-

gredient. Although the market has not been formed due to lack of awareness of

Park Sung-kuk aT Shanghai Chief Director

prika, it is necessary to enter the premium market and gradually expand its cus-

paprika and how to eat, the demand for

tomers. Beijing and Shanghai, which

paprika such as salad is expected to in-

have high income and consumption lev-

crease as a result of better income and growing interest

els, should be set as target regions, and the premium

in well-being lifestyle.

market should be targeted to facilitate the entry of Korean

There are no official statistics on Chinese paprika produc-

paprika in the early stage of export.

tion, but the industry estimates it to be 3300ha(730ha for

Moreover, the reflection of top quality should be promot-

Korea). Chinese paprika is mostly soil cultivated; thus, its

ed by securing data on the excellence of Korean paprika.

size and color are not consistent, which is why Korean

Also the production of orange paprika should to be aug-

paprikas are probable to take the lead in quality competi-

mented, given that yellow and red are typically grown in


China. Orange paprikas, which are less common in the

Due to the lack of awareness of paprika, it is essential to

local market, can be sold by grouping with red and yel-

develop markets using export and marketing at the same

low paprikas as in three-color sets which can raise

time. Since most of them are used as food ingredients,

scarcity value and attract consumer attention.

January 2020 13

Cover Story

Strawberry Features of Korean Strawberry Korea’s strawberry exports are mainly handled from December to May the following year. The sales volume of Korean strawberries has increased every year despite the relatively high price thanks to its softer flesh, high sugar level and low organic acid content compared to rival strawberries. The variety of strawberry exported to Southeast Asian market is ‘Maehyang’, which is usually harvested from November to April. The charming point of this kind is the sweet scent, and the high sugar level of 12-14 Brix. As the flesh is hard, it has a good texture and also has a longer shelf life.

14 Korea Agrafood

Thailand's tariff cuts boost price competitiveness Thailand, the third largest importer of Korean strawberries, has slashed its tariffs from 40% to 5% in July last year. Accordingly, Korean strawberries have even higher price competitiveness. Thailand has imported about 580 tons of Korean strawberries annually, despite 40% of high tariffs. In 2018, Korean strawberries ranked second in the Thai market after Australia. Due to sharp drop of tariffs, it is now expected that Korean strawberries can dominate the Thai market and can hit highest-ever exports.

‘K-Strawberry Leading Fresh Agricultural Korean Wave in Thailand’

market chains throughout Thailand, and

Thailand is rapidly emerging as the main exporter for Korean strawberries, which is

they are being distributed into low-priced

recognized as a premium fruit with its dis-

hypermarkets, high-end supermarkets,

tinctive taste and quality in the imported strawberry market, and it is unquestion-

Yang Jae-seoung aT Bangkok Chief Director

as well as wholesale markets according to weight, price, and variety.

ably on the rise.

In particular, strawberry exports are ex-

Indeed, Thailand’s strawberry exports

pected to augment substantially starting

reached an all-time high of 636 tons in 2017, following

this year due to lower tariffs on Korean strawberry im-

227 tons in 2014, and 467 tons in 2016, and 564 tons in

ports. Under the Korea-ASEAN FTA Mutual Responsibi-

2018, which ranked second after Australia.

lity Rate system, Korean strawberry import tariffs have

In addition to the existing export strawberry varieties of

been adjusted from 40% to 5% from the second half of

‘Maehyang’ and ‘Sulhyang’, other strawberries such as

2019, which boosts buyers’ attention and highlights price

‘King's Berry’ which is too big to bite at one go, and

competitiveness. Above all, the number of consumers

‘Gumsil’ which has a strong sweetness and hard flesh,

looking for delicious Korean strawberries is getting higher,

are also entering the Thai market capturing the taste bud

and the movement to handle new varieties is spreading

of the locals. During the strawberry export season, it is

in retail stores. The aT plans to take a full advantage of

even easier to purchase different kinds of strawberries

this opportunity by preparing more promotions and sup-

than in the domestic market.

port to make Korean strawberry a No.1 in Thailand.

Korean strawberries are traded mainly in modern super-

January 2020 15

Cover Story Features of Korean Tomatoes In Korea, about 400,000 tons of tomatoes are annually produced. As most of them are cultivated in smart farms and glass greenhouse automation facilities, high reliability is the strength. In fact, 108 cherry tomato farms of 11 companies and 132 large tomato farms of 13 companies have been registered for Japanese export account, securing a significant level of safety. Besides, Korean tomatoes are praised as an excellent ingredient due to their hard flesh and long shelf life. Recently, petite cherry tomatoes have gained popularity owing to the high sugar level and easy-to-eat size.

s e o t a m o T

16 Korea Agrafood

Take a chance on Tokyo Olympics It is anticipated that consumption of agricultural products in Japan will increase significantly before and after the Tokyo Olympics, which will be held in July 2020. This projection will naturally help develop the exports of Korean agricultural products. The most notable item is tomato. Korean tomatoes are exported to Japan mainly as food ingredients. Mostly being the European varieties, their hard flesh and little juice make them preferred as cooking materials.

‘Higher Demand for Korean Tomatoes with a Boom of the Food Service Industry Following Tokyo 2020’

single-person households, and the elderly

The demand for Korean tomatoes is likely to grow as the food service industry is ex-

in the Japanese society. Above all, the

pected to be more accepted by the pub-

demand for Korean tomatoes is likely to

lic following the hosting of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Summer Games.

Kim Ho-dong aT Tokyo Chief Director

enlarge significantly as a result of the growth of the food service industry along

As of 2018, the total exports of Korean

with Tokyo 2020. Korean tomatoes are

tomatoes were USD16.8 million, which

said to be suitable for cooking because

went up 20.5% year-on-year. Of the 4,900 tons of ex-

they have hard pulp and little juice which maintains the

ported fresh tomatoes, 4,750 tons(97%) are delivered to

shape once sliced.

Japan. And the proportion of large tomatoes and cherry

For raw tomatoes, there is still low demand in Japan for

tomatoes are approximately 6 to 4.

imported products. However, with the aging of Japanese

Japan is currently importing tomatoes at less than 1% of

farmers, it is indispensable to prepare for the import de-

its production. Imported tomatoes are mostly used as

mand for raw tomatoes in the medium and long term.

cooking materials such as hamburgers, sandwiches at

In order to export Korean raw tomatoes, it is important to

food chains and family restaurants, and for salad and

secure the finest quality, excellent taste and sweetness,

side dishes at supermarkets and convenience stores.

not to mention the competitiveness by setting low prices

The demand for tomatoes for food ingredients is estimat-

compared to Japanese products.

ed to rise steadily due to the increase of working couples,

January 2020 17

Photo Story

◀ In the 2019 Korean Fruit

Industry Fair, a total of 46 representative fruits were selected and the Prime Minister’s Awards were given to honor the producers. The visitors are looking at the awarded fruits from the ‘Representative Fruit Contest’. ▶ A tasting event was held

at promotion hall of the Korean Pear Federation to introduce the local pear varieties including ‘Manhwang’, ‘Hwasan’, and ‘Hwanggeum’.

2019 Korean Fruit Industry Fair The 2019 Korean Fruit Industry Fair was unfolded in Busan, Korea’s second largest city, on 13 to 14 December. The fair, which is the largest festival in fruit industry, was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and hosted by the Korean Fruit Agricultural Co, Federation, where you can meet the most typical local fruits on a national scale. The two-day event was open at BEXCO in Busan, where fruit exhibitions were presented by fruit cooperatives and farmers from across the country along with an award ceremony of ‘Representative Fruit Contest’. In addition, a range of fruit-themed programs have attracted visitors’ attention such as farmers’ market where fresh fruits can be purchased at reasonable price, children’s fruit science class, fruit lunch box making, apple tree sale event and so on. Here are the photos of the lively scenes taken from the ‘2019 Korea Fruit Industry Fair’.

▲ A child who visited the venue played a roulette game to win

a prize at promotion hall of ‘Nong UP Station’. ▶ The fair was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food

and Rural Affairs and hosted by the Korean Fruit Agricultural Co, Federation, where you can meet the most typical local 18 Korea Agrafood fruits on a national scale.

▲ At new fruit varieties exhibition hall, assorted types of fruits specifically developed and

nurtured in Korea were presented such as apples, pears, tangerines, persimmons, and kiwis. ▶ The visitors enjoyed tasting Jeju tangerines at the Jeju Citrus Federation stand. ▼ Some apples were displayed at Gyeongsangbuk-do promotion hall, where one visi-

tor tried guessing the weight of a mini apple in his hand.

▶ A series of processed products made from Korean

fruits were also presented at the fair. The photo shows tea, vinegar and sauce products made from Jeju tangerine. ▼ Baek Ok-yeon(Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do), who won

the grand prize at ‘Representative Fruit Contest’ with apple delivered the acceptance speech.

January 2020 19

Into The Farm Jungmun Nonghyup Hallabong Export Agency

Korea’s Representative Mandarin Orange, Hallabong High Quality Hallabong Produced in Natural Surroundings

韓攻典型的晩熟柑橘品種,漢拿峰 生長在天賜自然環境中的優質漢拿峰

20 Korea Agrafood

Chairman Lee Sea-chang Jeju Island is the optimal place for producing hallabong, thanks to the large crossover in addition to the warm climate.

eju Island is visited by an average of 10 million tourists a year. Jeju Island is now a world-class tourist destination, and you’ll immediately think of a fruit if you have ever visited this place. It is Hallabong, a mouth-watering variety of mandarin orange. With its sweet and sour taste, rich juice and soft flesh, hallabong, is a fruit that represents a symbol of Jeju Island as well as winter in Korea which is loved by all ages. As it contains carotenoids, it has various antioxidant effects including cancer cell growth inhibition, sodium excretion, and fatigue recovery. Although hallabong looks similar to oranges, it has thinner skins compared to its size, making them convenient to peel and eat anywhere at anytime. Let us introduce


Jungmun Nonghyup Hallabong Export Agency, which is promoting hallabong to the world.

Producing Hallabong in the great natural environment Hallabong, named after the shape of the peak of Hallasan on Jeju Island, has been cultivated since the 1990s on the Jeju Island. Currently, more than 90% of hallabong in Korea is produced on Jeju Island. Hallabong is usually harvested from December to February at greenhouse, and this is the time when you can glimpse at the fruit the most. If you visit Jeju Island during this period, you can easily find appetizing yellow fruits over the stone walls stacked up with basalt. Jeju Island has exceptional natural surroundings as it is lo-

上州島是年平均游客超1000万人次的名副 其麟的世界旅游名勝地?去過上州島的游客 都能想起那裏的一種水果,那就是晩熟甘菊 品種漢拿峰?漢拿峰味道酸甛?果汁酪富? 果肉柔軟,深受男女老少的喜歡,可以說是 上州島乃至韓攻典型的冬季水果之一?而 且,漢拿峰中還含有類胡蘿卜素成分,具有 顯著的抗宸化?抑制癌細胞生長?排放郞內 丘及恢復疲勞等多種效能?侮其他同等大小 的柑橘類水果相比,漢拿峰具有皮薄且剝皮 容易方便隨時隨地吃的優点?本期內容就爲 舅介紹爲全球供應這種特色水果漢拿峰的中 文農協漢拿峰出口公選繇?


形狀酷似上州島漢拿山的漢拿峰是從上 憾世紀九十年代開始在上州島進行栽培的漢 拿峰品種?目前在韓攻栽培的漢拿峰90%以 上都産自上州島?利用大棚栽培方式進行生 産的漢拿峰收獲期爲12月到第二年的2月, 這憾時期也是能看到漢拿峰最多的時期?這 January 2020 21

Into The Farm Jungmun Nonghyup Hallabong Export Agency

Hallabong is currently shipped to Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States. As for Singapore, exports are steadily escalating thanks to the growing awareness of hallabong.

cated in the southernmost point of Korea, so there is a low risk of cold damage and abundant sunshine brings a warm climate. Thus, Jeju Island has the best possible condition to grow hallabong. With the participation of 8 farmers at the moment, Jungmun Nonghyup Hallabong Export Agency has started hallabong cultivation in 2009 following tangerine cultivation, which has been steadily increasing its production and exports. Lee Sea-chang, the Chairman of Jungmun Nonghyup Hallabong Export Agency said, “Jeju Island is the optimal place for producing hallabong, thanks to the large crossover in addition to the warm climate. As production increased, I became interested in exporting to other countries naturally, and I am making an effort to raise brand awareness of hallabong abroad based on GAP certification.”

22 Korea Agrafood

Export only the top quality of Hallabong The Jungmun Nonghyup Hallabong Export Agency is striving even harder when it comes to quality control for export products. Here, all hallabong products are exported under the brand name of ‘Dalcomihallabong’ which ensures the confidence in quality. So, maintaining the consistent quality is always the hardest part. To this end, the company provides a series of cultivation education to farmers on a regular basis and conducts pesticide consultation on export products in every May to ensure safety. In particular, the screening process strictly abides by the selection criteria according to shape, size and weight. For export quality, the fruits have a higher sugar content of more than 12 Brix compared to domestic quality. The com-

期間游客到上州島旅游便能隔着用玄武岩恂 成的圍墻隨處可見誘人的黃色水果漢拿峰? 漢拿峰之所以能誥在上州島大量栽培是因爲 這裏優越的自然環境?上州島位于韓攻的最 南端,槐候溫暖且日照量酪富,具有漢拿峰 生長的最佳自然環境?中文農協漢拿峰出口 公選繇是由這裏的8家農戶聯合成立的柑橘 生産農協組織,漢拿峰是從2009年開始引 進和栽培的品種,其産量和出口量也一直在 持樓增長? 中文農協漢拿峰出口公選繇繇長李世昌說 道,“溫暖的槐候環境和晝夜溫差大等穡 件,使上州島成爲了最佳的漢拿峰栽培地? 隨着産量的不鉤增加,我們自然想到了産品 的出口幷以GAP(良好農業規範)認嗇爲基 礎,爲提高漢拿峰在海外的知名度而進行着 不鉤的努力”?


中文農協漢拿峰出口公選繇捲出口産品的 質量管理傾注更多的努力?這裏的漢拿峰都 是用‘Dalcomihallabong’的品牌進行出口 的,且捲品牌質量充滿自信?他們最注重的

pany focuses on quality control by handling size of 10-15 based on 3kg products. Chairman Lee said, “Hallabong for domestic sales starts harvesting in December when it begins to ripen, but for export products, harvesting takes place only after January when the sugar level is relatively high. Partial harvesting is carried out three times, starting with the fruit on the top, and the entire farmer goes through the same process. We are strictly managing the screening process by gathering every hallabong harvested by farmers and reclassifying them one by one.”

Hallabong entering the global market The Jungmun Nonghyup Hallabong Export Agency has started exporting in 2017, whose export volume amounts to 7.8 tons this year. Hallabong is currently shipped to Singapore, Hong Kong, and the

United States. As for Singapore, exports are steadily escalating thanks to the growing awareness of hallabong. In the U.S., which has started importing hallabong just this year, exports are expected to soar due to the high awareness, especially in the overseas Korean residents market. Accordingly, local marketing and promotion events are taken into account. In addition, to prepare for bigger export volume to come, the company is preemptively planning to sign up export farmers to secure exports. Chairman Lee said, “Hallabong has been less recognized in the overseas market, but now it is well sought-after due to its sweet and sour taste and the pulpy flesh. In particular, Jeju Hallabong is a premium product because of its excellent quality for cultivation and evenly raised peak. As we are exporting only the finest hallabong, we expect exports to grow in the future.”

是質量的一致性,爲此,中文農協漢拿峰出 口公選繇每年都要以農家爲捲象進行定期的 栽培培訓?幷在每年的5月通過開展出口商 品農葯咨詢活動等,在保嗇産品的安全性上 也進行不遺余力的努力?尤其在産品的篩選 作業上投入蜈多功夫,按照篩選標准捲産品 的形狀?大小及重量等進行嚴格的把關?出 口用漢拿峰的糖度都在12brix以上,高于內 銷産品的糖度?等級標准也嚴格控制在3公 斤10~15憾果的標准? 李繇長說道,“在攻內銷魔的漢拿峰從12 月開始就可以收獲,但捲出口用産品則在糖 度較高的1月略之后進行收獲?而且,收獲 過程所有農戶都要從最上方的果麟開始分三 期進行?在此過程中,捲各家各戶收獲的漢 拿峰進行集中,然后再統一捲每一憾産品進 行嚴格的篩選”?


中文農協漢拿峰出口公選繇捲外出口産品 是從2017年開始的,今年的出口量約爲7.8 菫?目前的出口攻爲新加坡?香港和美攻等 攻家和地袴?如在新加坡,隨着漢拿峰知名 度的不鉤提高,出口量也呈現出了不鉤增加 的樂觀勢頭?尤其在今年開始進行出口的美 攻,以芎地僑民市場爲主漢拿峰的知名度蜈 高,所以,出口量也有望繇有大幅度提高? 爲此,公選繇也開始重視産品在芎地的營銷 及促銷等活動,幷通過提前企琬招募出口農 戶等以備出口量增加時保嗇有充足的貨源? 李繇長說道,“期間,漢拿峰在海外的知 名度幷不是蜈高,但其酸甛的味道和飽滿的 口感越來越受到海外消費者的喜愛?尤其是 上州島産的漢拿峰,由于生長環境好,所以 質量蜈均衡,且果旬部分凸起的形狀給人以 高圭商品感?由于我們只出口質量最好的漢 拿峰,所以今后的出口量也一定繇有更大的 增長”?

Inquiries Jungmun Nonghyup Hallabong Export Agency Tel +82-64-738-4188 Fax +82-64-738-4190 E-mail nh903032-1@nonghyup.com

January 2020 23


Pioneering High-End Market with Premium Kimchi

プレミアムキムチでハイエンド市場を開拓 24 Korea Agrafood

imchi is a dish that is never missed on Korean’s daily meal. Kimchi itself is a culture and a long tradition for many years which is beyond being just an average food for Koreans. Kimchi is now widely enjoyed by people from all over the world. Similarly, there is a place where Korean culture is promoted more than simply exporting Korean kimchi to foreign countries. Park Kwanghee, the President of Park Kwang Hee KIMCHI Co., is taking the lead.


Kimchi made by Kimchi master Park Kwang Hee Kimchi Co., currently produces more than 20 varieties of kimchi. In the early days of business, 70 kinds were made. The marvelous skills and techniques by Park Kwang-hee are renowned enough to make assorted kinds of kimchi. In 2002, he was selected as a master of kimchi from a contest hosted by Korean Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation(MBC) and Fuji TV of Japan. At that time, Park was proudly nominated with Godeulbbaegi Kimchi. He entered the kimchi business in full scale after establishing his own company, Park Kwang Hee Kimchi Co., in 2003. Since the launch of business, Park focused on dande-

キムチは韓國人の食卓に缺かせない食品だ?特に?長い歲月を經 て?キムチは韓國において食品の舒を越え?1つの文化となり傳統 となってきた?今やキムチは韓國を越えて世界の人?に食されるも のとなった?ここに至り?韓國のキムチを單に海外へ輸出するだけ でなく?韓國文化も輸出している企業が話題となっている?その主 人公が朴光熙(パク?グァンヒ)キムチの代表である朴光熙氏だ?


朴光熙キムチが現在生産しているキムチの種類は?實に20種類を 超える?事業を始めた初期には70種類のキムチを生産していた?こ のように樣?な種類のキムチを作っているほど?朴光熙代表の技は 定評がある?2002年に韓國の文化放送(MBC)と日本のフジテレビ で選拔する名人にキムチ名人として選ばれたほどだ?その當時?朴 代表はイヌヤクシソウキムチで堂?の名人に選ばれた?これ以降? 2003年には朴光熙キムチを設立するとともに?本格的にキムチ事業 に乘り出した? 朴光熙代表がキムチ事業を始める當時に注目したのが?タンポポ だった?タンポポが卓越した抗炎症?消炎作用があり?炎症を抑え る效能があることに注目したものだ?また?周邊に天然のものが採 取できる点はウェルビ―イングを好む消費者のニ―ズにもマッチし たためだ? こうして作られたキムチは?ホ―ムペ―ジの作成とオンライン廣 告を通して消費者へ浸透し始めた?これ以降?白菜キムチはもちろ

Park Kwang-hee was selected as a master of kimchi from a contest hosted by Korean Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation(MBC) and Fuji TV of Japan.

January 2020 25


Park Kwang Hee Kimchi Co, is now recognized not only at home but also in the overseas. In addition to European countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Spain, kimchi products are exported to Singapore and Japan.

lion. Dandelion has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, so it is noted that it helps controlling inflammation. In addition, the fact that it can be collected from the surrounding area corresponds to the needs of consumers, who prefer well-being lifestyle. Kimchi produced this way became known to consumers through website and online advertising. Since then, the company has been expanding their kimchi products by combining natural ingredients, such as dooreup, gomchi, dangwi as well as baechukimchi, which arrived to manufacture 70 varieties for a good while.

Carefully chosen raw materials and 100% manual production Park Gwang Hee Kimchi’s true value was verified at department stores in Korea. The company was contacted after making the finest kimchi the best way became known to the public, and started supplying to department stores. The repurchase rate of consumers who have bought the product has increased, which played a significant role to enter department stores. Additionally, there was even

26 Korea Agrafood

ん?タラの芽?オタカラコウ?トウキなど天然のものが採取できる 材料をキムチを組み合わせて?品目數の擴大を圖り?あるときには 70種類のキムチを生産したということだ?


朴光熙キムチの眞價をまず確認できるのが?韓國の百貨店だ?最 善を盡くして最高のキムチを眞心を腐めて作るという事實が廣まる につれ?百貨店から連絡が入って納品を開始した?以後?製品を購 入した消費者のリピ―ト率も上がるにつれ?百貨店への入店も果た した?このことが韓國企業の贈答品セットなどへのニ―ズにもつな がり?販賣が增加した? これは?朴光熙代表が高品質のプレミアム製品を生産し?付加價 値を高めようという戰略が功を奏したものだ?韓國人であれば誰で も簡單に食べられるキムチだが?タンポポキムチのように特別で差 別化されたキムチを生産すれば?付加價値を高めることができると 考えたためだ?また?キムチ生産時の原材料は全て韓國産を使用し てこそ?最も韓國的な味が出せるという考えで?コストがかかった としても韓國産の原材料にこだわり續けた?例えば?粉唐辛子は 100% 赤唐辛子を直接手を加えて作り?鹽は6年間熟成された天日 鹽のみを使用するなど?原材料の選擇においてもこだわった?この ように選ばれたこだわりの原材料に朴光熙代表の丁寧な手作業が加

steady demand for gift sets from domestic companies, thus sales were going up. This result was possible on account of Park’s strategy of increasing the added value by producing high-quality premium products. As kimchi is what Koreans have an easy access to, but if you create a special and exclusive kimchi like dandelion kimchi, the added value can be heightened. Moreover, only raw materials produced in Korea are picked for Park’s kimchi to bring out the most Korean flavor despite being costly to use all local ingredients. For instance, red pepper powder is made from 100% taeyangcho chili peppers, and mineral salt where brine has been removed for 6 years is used. With carefully selected raw materials, Park Kwang-hee produces top-quality premium kimchi by going through strenuous manual work.

Contribute to inform Korean culture and tradition Park Kwang Hee Kimchi Co., is now recognized not only at home but also in the overseas. In addition to European countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Spain, kimchi products are exported to Singapore and Japan. The company’s international marketing is also somewhat unique. Park’s kimchi is sold through famous chefs and restaurants. Park produces and sends abroad the required quantities only when considered necessary. The localization projects implemented at aT also helped during the process of export. The problems related to international trademark registration, any important export process, local regulations and laws, and so on could have been solved through the aT’s localization. Park Kwang-hee is known as ‘Kimchi Mama’ among well-known foreign cooks and buyers as he contributes not only to export kimchi but also to promote Korean cuisine and the recipes of kimchi. For example, Park gives advice on how to make baechukimchi and a secret tips for bulgogi sauce. President Park Kwang-hee is said to play ‘the role of promoting Korean traditions and culture.’ Park said, “I have a dream to open an atelier in Europe where Korean kimchi and Korean foods are beautifully presented. Also, in Korea, I would like to create an experience zone to introduce my country to internationally renowned chefs. This will eventually lead to utilize local foods, which will naturally increase the added value.”



今や朴光熙キムチは韓國はもちろん?海外でも認知されている? イギリス?フランス?ドイツ?スペインなどEUの國?のほかに?シ ンガポ―ル?日本へ輸出されている?朴光熙キムチの海外でのマ― ケティングは獨特だ?一般に?大量に輸出された製品が海外市場な どで販賣されるが?朴光熙キムチは有名シェフやレストランを通し て販賣される?輸出量も一度に大ロットで行われるのではなく?必 要な量をその時?で生産して輸出するというやり方だ?これは?朴 光熙代表が全て手作業でキムチを作るためだ? 輸出過程においてはaTが實施する現地化事業も役立った?海外で 商標登錄をしたり?輸出に必要な手續き?現地の法律などと關連し た問題をaTの現地化事業を通して解決できたためだ? 海外の有名なシェフやバイヤ―の間で?朴光熙代表は「キムチマ マ」で通っている?單純にキムチ輸出のみならず?キムチを作る方法 や韓國料理を普及させるのにも寄與しているためだ?例えば?白菜 キムチとビビンバの作り方やプルコギに必要なタレを相談を受けて 提供する方法だ?こうしたことを朴光熙代表は「韓國の傳統と文化を 廣める役割」と述べた? 朴光熙代表は「私には夢がある?ヨ―ロッパで韓國のキムチと韓 國料理を廣めるアトリエを開くことだ?また?韓國では體驗館を開 き?海外の有名シェフに韓國を知ってもらうことだ?このようにな ると?地域にある樣?なロ―カルフ―ドが消費されるようになり? 自然に付加價値が高まるだろう?」と述べた?

Inquiries Park Kwang Hee KIMCHI Co., Tel +82-33-332-8778 E-mail pkhcks@naver.com Website http://pckimchimama.com

January 2020 27

Well-being Food

Ginseng Sprouts New Health Food on the Global Market

利用新保健食品, 功能性新芽參攻克世界市場

28 Korea Agrafood

富含保肝成分及抑制腫瘤和血小板凝聚 成分的保健功能性食品新芽參是一種深受攻 內及世界關注的農作物?近來,黃龍農協通 過捲美攻?日本?中攻?香港?新加坡?阿 拉伯聯合酋長攻等攻家和地袴出口新的保健 功能性食品新芽參,不鉤頑大新芽參捲世界 市場的出口?


inseng sprouts have emerged as a dark horse sort of crop that is known as a functional health food containing ingredients that are proved to protect the liver, suppress tumors, prevent platelet aggregation, and is thus gaining a great deal of attention from consumers both at home and abroad. At the heart of the attention is Hwangryong Agricultural Cooperative which started exporting the sprouts to the US, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and some countries in the United Arab Emirates(UAE) and is now expanding its export to more foreign markets in the world.


Ginseng sprouts rich in saponin enjoying popularity Ginseng sprouts come out on the market after ginseng seedlings are planted in pots in greenhouses and grown through a hydroponics

method for two to three months. The sprouts are a plant that can be eaten as a whole from root and stem to leaf. It is easy to enjoy like eating vegetables as a whole for ssam(food wrapped in leaves of lettuce, cabbage, or other greens), and now enjoying a surge in popularity both in domestic and foreign markets. Jeung Chang-ok, the president of Hwangryong Agricultural Cooperative, introduced “ginseng sprouts as a chemical-free eco-friendly fresh produce of which leaves containing saponin ten times more than its roots can also be eaten as a whole. Ginseng sprouts will be one of the best profitable export items as the degree of consumer satisfaction with the plant as a health food is increasing greatly.” The agricultural cooperative sent samples of its ginseng sprouts to potential buyers in the US, Japan,

新芽參是在溫室大棚環境中種植參苗幷 通過2~3憾月的无土栽培后商品化的産品? 新芽參的莖?葉?根如同蔬菜一樣皆可食 用,是一種近來在韓攻攻內及海外消費者中 熱度不鉤上升的農作物? 黃龍農協組合長鄭昌玉充滿自信地說 道,“由全攻35家專業栽培戶生産的新芽參 不僅是未使用農葯的綠色環保商品,而且還 可直接吃牲曷含量超過參根10倍的參葉? 海外消費者非常認可新芽參保健食品,所以 今后一定能成爲最暢銷的出口産品”? 最近,黃龍農協捲美攻?日本?中攻? 香港?臺膿?新加坡?UAE等攻家和地袴 屠送的新芽參出口樣品,得到了超預期的積 極反響?由此,今年開始正式捲外出口産品 幷預計年出口額將達到5億多韓元?今后, 新芽參必將成爲令人關注的出口拳頭産品?

President Jeung Chang-ok

January 2020 29

Well-being Food

China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and some countries in the UAE, and has been receiving better-than-expected responses from them. It is painting a rosy picture that the export volume of its ginseng sprouts will increase greatly by more than 500 million Korean won this year when the export is to mature further. The plant is thus expected to become one of promising export items.

Maintaining top quality through exhaustive efforts for food safety The agricultural cooperative makes efforts to secure a high level of safety by thoroughly monitoring

30 Korea Agrafood

pesticide residues when it purchases ginseng seedlings in the very first stage. Further, when it releases the produce onto the market, it conducts tests or examinations on as many as 300 test items for safety, aiming at perfection in safety. By doing so, it can prevent in advance any potential safety-related issues that may occur during the export, and build the brand image up as the best-quality ginseng sprouts. The agricultural cooperative is fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and highly hygienic working conditions for sorting and processing. It employed professional sorters and constructed a system that sorts the


新芽參栽培管理從購買參苗開始通過嚴 格的殘留農葯檢査進行第一次安全把關?而 且在上市前通過捲300多種安全項目的檢 査,保嗇産品安全的万无一失?捲于出口過 程中有可能出現的安全問題,也通過事先的 嚴格防範確保新芽參的優質形象? 篩選和加工係統也由農協自主構建幷通 過購買最新設備麟現了衛生的作業環境?除 此之外,還建立了通過聘請專業篩選技師捲 産品質量進行精准袴分管理的係統?在産品 的營銷上也爲了保嗇高圭産品的形象,注冊 了具有生長在純淨大地上之象征意義的 Sammuruji自主品牌商標? 隨着新芽參具有保肝及抑制腫瘤和血小 板凝聚等功效廣爲人知,美攻?加拿大等世 界各地20多憾攻家的進口商捲産品的咨詢 也絡繹不絶?

sprouts by each quality and manages them as per instructions for each quality. Further, to obtain the brand image as a high-end product, it pours a great deal of its energy into the marketing efforts. The efforts finally paid off and it was able to have its ginseng brand ‘Sammuruji’ be registered as a trademark. Sammuruji indicates ginseng grown in pristine and clean soil. As the beneficial functions of ginseng sprouts in the protection of the liver and the prevention of platelet aggregation have been known, the agricultural cooperative is now inundated with inquiries about the purchase from foreign buyers in about 20 countries including the US and Canada.

Grown to be a cash cow expected to rake about 5 billion Korean won per year within three years Mr. Jeung said “ginseng sprouts have rapidly evolved as a promising product as it is effective in preventing cancers and diabetes and managing blood pressure and immunity, and been recognized as a versatile vegetable that can be cooked easily. The sprouts are all the more popular especially in some hot countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East as the sprouts are known to be good for the heat because they help human bodies be able to maintain homeostasis.” Ginseng sprouts are also believed to contain a great amount of functional ingredients that are helpful in preventing adult diseases such as diabetes and cancers, regulating blood

The sprouts are all the more popular especially in some hot countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East as the sprouts are known to be good for the heat because they help human bodies be able to maintain homeostasis.

pressure, and enhancing immunity. The plant abounds with saponin of which a ginsenoside-RH1 exhibits greater performance in the protection of the liver and the prevention of tumors and platelet aggregation, compared to six-year old ginseng. To increase the quality of the product, the agricultural cooperative is working hard for quality control. It employed the ozone water cleaning and the ultraviolet disinfection, and armed itself with low-temperature storerooms. As a result of its unremitting efforts, it can provide consumers with ginseng sprouts that can be enjoyed with an easy mind as a whole including roots, stems, and leaves. The sprouts are now enjoying a growing popularity as a functional health food. The agricultural cooperative is planning to develop processed powder products that can be used to make rice noodles, instant coffee, smoothie, and others, as well as sell ginseng sprouts as fresh produce, and promote its products as higher valueadded products and export more than 5 billion Korean won worth of the products within three years.

年內培育成年出口額達50億韓元 的出口商品 3

鄭昌玉組合長說明道,“芽苗菜不僅捲癌 症?糖尿病?高血忘?免疫力管理等具有蜈 大的效果,而且也是烹斐方便的蔬菜,所以 需求量也在不鉤增加?尤其在東南亞和中東 等地袴,常吃新芽參可保持人郞的恒常性提 高耐酷暑能力,所以更是受到消費者的歡 迎”? 新芽參的特点是富含有助于成人病?癌 症?糖尿病?血忘管理?免疫力管理等功能 的功能性成分?且富含牲曷成分,尤其是 RH1成分的保肝及抑制腫瘤和血小板凝聚 效果優于6年生人參? 爲了保嗇高品質産品,確保質量管理万 无一失,産品都要格過臭宸水淸洗?紫外陸 消毒及低溫儲藏庫保存?産品的根?莖?葉 都能直接生吃,所以作爲保健食品更受消費 者的歡迎? 農協的長遠計琬是,今后當然出口新芽 參而且利用新芽參開屠可用于米陸?混合假 燾?果昔等産品的各種粉末加工産品,提高 産品的附加値,利用3年的時間將新芽參培 育成年出口額超過50億韓元的出口商品?

Inquiries Hwangryong Agricultural Cooperative Tel +82-61-395-2056 Fax +82-61-393-2092 E-mail 55dh@hanmail.net

January 2020 31

K-Food Recipe

Korean New Year’s Day Food Tteokguk

韓國の新年を迎える料理「トックク」 here are special dish to enjoy during the celebration of the New Year in Korea, just like Osechi in Japan, Nian gao in China, Vasilopita in Greece, and Banh chung in Vietnam. It is tteokguk, the rice cake soup. In Korea, people take a warm bowl of tteokguk on New Year’s Day, with a saying that ‘eat one more bowl of rice cake soup’ to point out getting a year older. Tteokguk is made of thin, long, cylindrical garaetteok, which contains a wish of ‘long live healthy life.’ The reason of eating plain white rice cakes is also to start the year holy.


32 Korea Agrafood

日本のおせち?中國の年(ニェンガオ)?ギリシャのヴァシロピタ (Vasilopita)?ベトナムのバインチュンのように?韓國にも新年に食 べる特別な料理がある?それが?ソルラル(舊曆の1月1日)に食べる トッククだ?韓國では歲を1つ取ったという意味で「トッククをまた1 杯食べた」というほどに?新年にはトッククをよく食べる?トックク は上が円筒形に長く伸びた白い餠の「カレトク」で作られるが?長いカ レトクには「これからもさらに健康で長生きしてください」という願 いが腐められている?派手さはないが?淸潔さが感じられる白い餠 を食べる理由は?1年を眞っ新な氣持ちで始めよとの意味も腐められ ている?

Garaetteok, with the Meaning of Longevity

長壽の意味を腐めたカレトク Garaetteok is a steamed white rice cake stretched out long by kneading non-glutinous rice. Previously, each kneading was manually done by placing non-glutinous rice flour on a cutting board and carefully rolled out with two palms. But now, this labor has been replaced by machines. Garaetteok is thinly cut into disc shape and used to make dish like tteokguk, tteoksanjeok, tteokjjim, and tteokbokki. A few years ago, it was commonly seen to find a scene where people lined up from

カレトクはもち米の粉をこねて蒸したもの を細長く延ばした白い餠だ?昔はこねたも ち米の粉をまな板の上に置き?兩手で轉が すように長く延ばして作ったが?最近では 機械を利用して長く延ばしている?カレト クは薄く硬貨の形に切ってトッククを作っ たり?細長く延ばしてトクサンジョク(餠の 串燒き)トクチム トッポギなどを作るとき にも利用する?數年前までは舊正月の 日前にはカレトクを作るために?製粉所に 朝早くから列を作る風景があったが?今で は店頭で簡單に購入できる? ?



early morning to pick up garaetteok two or three days before the New Year, but now they are easily available on the market.

How to Eat Mouth-Watering Garaetteok You can dip it in honey when it’s hot, or char-grill it when it’s a bit hardened to enjoy pleasantly chewy texture.


熱いうちにそのまま蜂蜜につけて食べたり?網で燒いて食べると淡白ながらも香ばしい味を樂しむこ とができる? January 2020 33

K-Food Recipe

Tteokguk Recipe


Soak the garaetteok in cold water, and strain out the water in a sieve.

Main Ingredients(One Serving) 500g garaetteok, 200g minced beef, a leek, two eggs, two sheets of seaweeds, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 sheet of kelp, a handful of anchovies for broth, a pinch of salt, 10 cups of water Sub Ingredients: 2 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp sugar, 4 tsp chopped green onions, 2 tsp crushed garlic, a pinch of black pepper


Mix all sub ingredients to minced beef in a bowl. Cook in a pan to make beef garnish.

トッククの餠は冷たい水でふやかした後?ザル に入れて水氣を切る? 刻んだ牛肉に材料(メインの材料以外)を全て入 れて寢かせた後?フライパンで炒めて牛育の藥 味を作る?

Main Ingredients:トッククの餠 ?刻んだ牛肉 ?大ネギ 本?卵 個?海苔 枚?醬油 大さじ 杯?昆布 枚?煮干し 握り?鹽 少??水 カップ Sub Ingredients:醬油 大さじ 杯?ごま油 小さじ 杯?砂糖 大さじ 杯?刻みネギ 小さじ 杯?刻みニンニク 小さじ 杯?胡椒少? 500g















Cut leek diagonally and beat the eggs.



Add the garaetteok to the broth and boil. When it starts to soften, add some green onions and season with soy sauce.


Put anchovies and kelp in water and boil to make broth.

水に煮干しと昆布を入れて煮立たせ?だしをと る?


Serve it in a bowl and add beef garnish, egg strips, and sprinkle seaweed pieces on top.

器にトッククを入れ?牛肉の藥味と錦湛卵?刻 トッククの餠をだしに入れて煮腐み?餠が柔ら み海苔を盛り付ければでき上がり? かくなったら大ネギを加え?醬油で味を調整す る?

34 Korea Agrafood


Shred the seaweed into small pieces.



Spread out the egg in a pan. Slice them into thin strips once cooked.

熱したフライパンに溶き卵を入れて薄く燒く? 食べやすい大きさに切る?

A Bowl of Nutritious Meal, Tteongmandutguk

定番の榮養滿点の食事?トクマンドゥクク Nowadays, we put dumplings in tteokguk and cook a hearty filling dish called ‘tteongmandutguk’. It is boiled in clear beef broth by adding a few pieces of mandu(dumplings); it is not only tasty but also packed with nutrients. Mandu in tteongmandutguk is made from a mixture of the most basic forms of vegetables, meat and tofu, and the ingredients inside are what deepen the taste of the soup. In some northern parts of Korea, mandu is as big as the fist of an adult. On the other hand, tteongmandutguk was not commonly eaten in the relatively warm southern areas, as tofu and bean sprouts stuffing were more susceptible to turn sour than cooler areas. For this reason, North Korea enjoyed mandutguk rather than tteokguk on Seollal, the Lunar New Year. Mandutguk implies a meaning of ‘a good luck wrapped up in dumplings’ and wishes a happy new year.

最近では?決まってト ッククにマンドゥを入れて? 「トクマンドゥクク」を作る?澄ん だ牛肉のス プにマンドゥのみを入れて作 ったトクマンドゥククは香ばしく淡白な味のみならず?榮養滿点で定番 の食事としても遜色がない?トクマンドゥククに入っているマンドゥは 最も基本的な形の野菜と肉?豆腐などを混ぜて具を包んだマンドゥを使 用するが?マンドゥの皮の中にある具の材料がス プの味に深みを持たせ る?韓國の北部地域の一部では大人のげんこつほどの大きなマンドゥを 使用したりもする?一方?比較的溫かい南部地域ではトクマンドゥクク が一般的なものではない?豆腐やもやしのようなマンドゥの具が寒い地 域よりも腐りやすかったためだ?そうした理由により?北部ではソルラ ルにトッククよりマンドゥククを食べた?マンドゥククには「福を包んで 食べる」という意味があり?新年に福があることを祈ったのだ? **


Additional Info

Korean Mandu Varieties Originally, mandu is originated from China and spread out to Korea, Japan, and Indonesia, where each country has developed its own technique of mandu. The varieties of Korean mandu are divided according to the method of cooking and the ingredients. Depending on the fillings, mandu can be categorized into gogimandu(meat dumplings), kimchimandu(kimchi dumplings), saewoomandu(prawn dumplings), buchumandu(chives dumplings), galbimandu(rib dumplings), haemulmandu(seafood dumplings). The types of mandu are jjinmandu(steamed dumplings), gunmandu(pan-fried dumplings), mulmandu(boiled dumplings), and mandutguk(dumpling soup).


マンドゥはもともと中國から傳わり?韓國?日本?インドネシアなどに廣まり?各國で獨自 の方法で發展してきた?韓國のマンドゥは調理方法と具の材料により區別される?マンドゥ の材料により?コギ(肉)マンドゥ キムチマンドゥ セウ(エビ)マンドウ プチュ(ニラ)マンド ゥ カルビマンドゥ ヘムル(海産物)マンドゥなどに分類され?調理方法により蒸しマンドゥ? 燒きマンドゥ?水マンドゥ?マンドゥククなどと呼ばれる? ?





January 2020 35

Hansik Shown on Media

View the show Watch again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFckYHIVurA

Great Encounter of Korean Stew & Western Food Ingredients


udae-jjigae(kimchi and sausage stew) originally and literally means ‘army stew’ in Korean, which represents the turbulent modern history of Korea. Some Koreans experiencing a shortage of food right after the Korean War started using food ingredients that were originally used at the American army bases, and the dish was born from this sad history. Although the stew is imbued with the painful history of Korea, it is still so great in taste that people can forget about the painful memory while they enjoy the wonderful combination of western food ingredients such as ham and sausage, and Korean ingredient such as kimchi. It has been settled as a representing Korean fusion dish as it has received great responses from overseas consumers. Wolf Schröder, an American working as an esports caster in Korea, appeared on a famous Youtube channel recently and showed viewers the so-called eating show with his friends enjoying budae-jjigae. He did not hide his love for budae-jjigae, saying “I love it and I can eat it forever.”


36 Korea Agrafood

Budae-jjigae, A Representing Korean Fusion Dish Budae-jjigae is a stew made by

spicy and is thus receiving favorable

putting various types of ham, bacon,

responses from many in foreign coun-

and noodles into a shallow pot and


boiling it all together, and one of

In fact, a Korean budae-jjigae franchis-

Korean dishes that does not have ex-

er made its way into Taiwan,

tremely conflicting opinions. You can

Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore,

eat it right off from the pot while the

after Indonesia and Vietnam. Recently,

stew is boiling, and have some fun

countries other than Korea have intro-

choosing an ingredient to be added.

duced various budae-jjigae products.

The stew is also perfect for a hearty

For instance, Nissin, one of the

meal and an accompaniment to alco-

biggest instant noodle companies in

holic drinks. It is often compared to its

Japan, released a new cup budae-jji-

western counterpart stew using broth

gae product, Korean Army Stew. Now

made with sausage and ham, and

the Korean stew is gaining a lot of at-

meat and vegetables. It is not that


January 2020 37

Hansik Shown on Media

Trip to Uijeongbu to Have Budae-jjigae A city in Korea that is most famous for budae-jjigae is Uijeongbu

dae-jjigae festival is held on the budae-jjigae street in October

located in the northern part of Seoul. There is the most plausible

every year. So, when you visit the city during this festival season,

theory that budae-jjigae was born in this city first because many

you can enjoy the dish for free. What's more, a fusion budae-jji-

American troops were stationed there. This is why you can easily

gae cooking competition is held for foreigners, students, and

find ‘Uijeongbu budae-jjigae’ on the signs of restaurants serving

families during the festival, and it has now settled as a popular

the stew, and the frequently used name of the city implies that it

program of Uijeongbu.

is the origin of the dish. As having the long history of budae-jjigae, there is the budae-jjigae street near ‘Uijeongbu Light Rail Jungang Station’ where a budae-jjigae discount event is held every Tuesday. Also, the bu-

Additional Info

Budae-jjigae was originally called ‘budae meat’ which literally means army meat because main ingredients such as sausage and ham were from the American army bases right after the Korean War. The present version of budae-jjigae was born by offsetting the greasiness of the western ingredients by adding broth made with gochujang(red pepper paste) and kimchi. It is also called ‘Johnson Stew’ in an old-fashioned way, which is named after Lyndon B. Johnson, the American President at the outbreak of the Korean War.

38 Korea Agrafood

Enjoy Budae-jjigae Abroad

Nongshim Bogle Bogle Budae-jjigae Nongshim, a big Korean food company famous for its ramyeon(instant noodles) products, has recently included budae-jjigae ramyeon in its long list of ramyeon products. The ramyeon is made with a base meat broth like other budae-jjigae products on the market, and you can enjoy the genuine taste of budae-jjiage just by a simple and convenient cooking process. When you boil it with the addition of onions and green onions, it tastes like one served in budae-jjigae restaurants. The budae-jjigae ramyeon is selling in some overseas markets in Japan and America. A pack of the budae-jjigae ramyeon sells at 90 yens in Shin-Okubo Don Quixote in Tokyo, a mecca of Korean foods. Tel +82-2-820-7114 http://eng.nongshim.com/main/index

Ohyang Budae-Jjigae Ohyang Food is a company exporting various ready-to-cook Korean dishes to foreign countries including the US, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Dubai, and Britain. It offers consumers a variety of stew dishes and jeongol(casserole in hot pots) dishes including nakji-jeongol(small octopus casserole), haemul-japtang(assorted seafood stew), and dongtae-tang(pollack soup), in addition to budae-jjigae. These various ready-made dishes in aluminum containers can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere just a few minutes after pouring hot water into the containers. A pack of Ohyang BudaeJjigae(for four servings) costs you only five thousand Korean won. With only a small sum of pocket money, you can enjoy all the toppings including various types of ham and sausage, without additional ingredients and sauces. Tel +82-747-1094 http://ohyangfood.modoo.at/

January 2020 39

Monthly People

Kim Gyeong-lan CEO of Mungyeong Miso

Premium Omija Processed Products Are Internationally Popular Kim Gyeong-lan, the CEO of Mungyeong Miso, manufac-

United States along with Korea. In recent years, Mungyeong

tures omija products and exports to the United States,

Miso is increasing its recognition by expanding exports to the

Canada, as well as Hong Kong and Singapore. It is a com-

United States, Canada, and Hong Kong while promoting dif-

pany which produces omija laver, onion laver, and omija

ferentiated flavors and product designs using local special-

beverage as main products, with its key target market to the


40 Korea Agrafood

What is the world’s best know-how to produce the

What are the characteristics of Mungyeong Miso

highest quality omija processed products?

products as health food?

7 years ago, the retirees in industrial design, interior, and administrative departments returned to Mungyeong and established Mungyeong Miso, which aims to grow as an export-oriented agricultural corporation. In particular, the export product was designed by a professional who took part in the famous beer brand which is considered as a world-class design. The overseas consumers first choose products after design, and taste to the second, which has become a popular item.

Mungyeong Miso manufactures laver with powdered dried omija and onion that has a distinctive taste. With natural seasoning, the amount of salt used is 20% less than general laver, which is recognized as a health food, and buyers are continuing to purchase. Above all, the patented recipe enhances the unique flavor of omija, which has five flavors such as sweet, bitter, sour, salty, and spicy. The method reduces salt while improving taste compared to regular seasoning laver, and is sharing a portion of expanding exports. Omija beverage is characterized by elevated taste and aroma, produced with premium ingredient of Mungyeong omija

What is the secret to recent exports to the U.S. and

matured for 2 years.


Lately, we have exported a sample of ‘Omiso’, a fatigue recovery product made from omija to Canada, which received positive feedback leading to a growth of export. Following the recent halal certification along with organic certification from U.S. Department of Agriculture(USDA) has boosted business. After the company has successfully exported to China, Russia, Hong Kong, and the United States since 2015, it has been constantly receiving orders from overseas buyers. By gradually enlarging the number of partner countries, exports to locals are expected to expand significantly this year.

What are your plans for expanding exports in the future?

We are actively utilizing halal certification and USDA organic certification to strengthen export marketing. We are highly focusing to target the locals, not just for Korean Americans. We also promote various export marketing strategies to develop the premium market for the upper middle class.

Tel +82-54-572-4300 Mobile +82-10-5184-7655 E-mail gyeong0101@hanmail.net

January 2020 41


Let Us Introduce You to Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak Where You Can Soak Up Superb Sunrise

The year 2020 has dawned. The sun to rise on the very first day of a new year may make your heart pounding harder with all the surge of excitement and expectation. People look back on the previous year and make wishes on the rising sun. That’s why some spots famous for the sunrise are crowded by many visitors on the first day of January each year. Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak standing high above a vast flatland is where you can fully enjoy the sunrise. Jeju Island offers a variety of hands-on experience courses and exquisite natural views, and an assortment of delicious dishes. Embracing a new year, <Korea Agrafood> introduces Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak which is one of the famous tourist destinations in Korea for the sunrise, and other attractions and local dishes of Jeju Island.

42 Korea Agrafood

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak Reservations & Inquiries +82-64-783-0959 Website http://www.visitjeju.net Address 284-12, Ilchul-ro, Seongsan-eup, Seogwipo-si, Jeju Island, Korea

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak located on Jeju Island was formed by magma erupting three times from the water. When the hot magma meets the cold sea water, the volcanic ash layers were stacked and the sedimentary layer was eroded away by the waves and sea currents over time, and the peak was formed in the shape that is currently viewed. At the top of Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak, there are a concave crater stretching 260,000 square meters in size and 99 small

rock peaks. Behind this is an interesting folk tale that, if there were 100 rock peaks, some wild beasts such as tigers and lions would have inhabited the island. Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak is famous as the best spot for the sunrise above all things. The actual sight of the sunrise above the peak against the backdrop of the sublime scenery of Jeju Island makes viewers stand in great awe of the magnificence. The sunrise is so mesmerizing that there

is an old document depicting the sun rising above Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak as the cream of the crop. Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak was thus recognized for its beautiful landscape and geological value by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization(UNESCO), and designated as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site in 2017 and as a UNESCO Global Geopark in 2010.

Tip Make sure to check the operating hours Open 07:00~20:00 (ticket closed at 19:00) from March to September Open 07:30~19:00 (ticket closed at 17:50) from October to February Closed regularly on first Mondays each month

January 2020 43


Jeju Island Where Tourists Can Fully Enjoy Beautiful Nature Jeju Island, which is one of world-renowned volcanic islands, boasts its natural beauty selected as the seven wonders of nature. It is where Hallasan, the highest mountain in Korea rising 1950 meters above the sea level, is located majestically. The mountain changes in color with the seasons, presenting visitors with postcardlike colorful views of nature. The mountain is inhabited from the seashore to its peak by various types of flora including tropical plants, temperate plants, polar plants, and alpine plants, giving visitors an impression of one giant botanical garden. In addition to the mountain, there are fantastic falls on the island. Among them, Cheonjiyeon Falls above Cheonjiyeon, a pond formed between the sky and the ground, is 22 meters high and 12 meters wide, and sounds grand when it splashes onto the pond. Another must-see in Jeju Island is Seopjikoji where visitors can enjoy a classic view of the island. It is famous for canola flowers. A sight of a vast field of yellow flowers trembling in the wind adds a more romantic atmosphere to the already beautiful seashore. Coastal roads meandering along the emerald beaches are second to none. While driving along the roads, you can

44 Korea Agrafood

feel like your body and soul are all refreshed each time you pass by small villages with stone walls. What’s more, the island offers you various marine leisure sports and experiences such as a voyage on a submarine or a cruise ship, yachting, and fishing on a boat or a ship, pampering you with all the exciting moments against the background of wonderful nature.

Additional Info

Dolhareubang, A Symbol of Jeju island Dolhareubang(Stone Grandfather) is a unique stone statue made of basalt that can be found only in Jeju Island. It varies in shape and size, but the general form of the stone statue has big eyes, a sack-like nose, and closed mouth, and stands with two hands folded on its belly. Although there have been various opinions on when it was first made and who made it first, it is estimated that it was made to function as a tutelary deity for spiritual purposes.

Omegi-tteok & Horsemeat, Special Treats of Jeju Island

Omegi-tteok Omegi-tteok(rice cake made with millet) is a local food of Jeju Island that is made by kneading glutinous millet powder and shaping it into a round dough with a hole at the center like a doughnut, steaming the dough, and then rolling it over bean flour, adzuki beans, and nuts. Glutinous millet which is the main ingredient for the rice cake is known to contain protein and fat and is highly digestible. When the grain is steamed, the glutinousness increases making the rice cake gummier. As it is one of the specialties of Jeju Island, you can easily find it everywhere you go on the island. Still, Dongmun Market is a traditional place where you can find various types of omegi-tteok, and it is frequently recommended as a must-visit.

Horsemeat Jeju Island is also famous for horses. On the island, horses are raised for horseback riding and also for food. Horsemeat is one of seven specialties of Jeju Island. It is low in fat and calorie, and high in protein, and is thus considered a gourmet food and gaining a lot of attention. It contains a great amount of unsaturated fatty acid, and is good for beauty care for women and stamina for men, and health for the elderly as it is especially helpful for osteoporosis or strokes. It is used to make various horsemeat dishes including horsemeat soup and seasoned raw horsemeat.

January 2020 45

aT Briefing

News in January Exploring Ways to Expand Korean Agricultural Exports to America and Europe

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and

the United States while the European

export items to further nurture the mar-

Rural Affairs(MAFRA) and the Korea

Union has selected ethnic foods, organic

ket. In addition, he emphasized the im-

Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corpora-

foods, healthy foods, and convenience

portance of finding a vendor to penetrate

tion(aT) shared market expertise to ex-

foods as their trends. Consequently, the

a liquor market, and predicted that it

pand exports of Korean agricultural

aT is seeking various strategies aiming to

would be essential to create online chan-

products and discussed plans to enter

export USD 1.1 billion to the U.S. and

nels and promote K-Food using Hallyu.

local liquor markets to America and

USD 700 million to EU by 2020.

Kim Min-ho, the President of aT Paris,


Kim Gwang-jin, the Director General of

suggested that there is a need to differ-

With the presence of 200 domestic agri-

aT America, emphasized four categories

entiate the marketing approach into four

cultural food exporters, ‘American-

as entry strategy such as items, market-

European regions: West, South, East,

European Export Expansion Strategy

ing, public relations, and infrastructure

and North.

Meeting’ was held on December 9th at

through the presentation of ‘The U.S.

Besides, it is necessary to discover ex-

Yangjae aTCenter in Seoul.

food market trends and future plans’.

port strategic items including fermented

According to a local survey, well-being,

According to Kim, he pointed out foster-

foods and vegan, and to promote K-

ethnic foods, and social sharing of food

ing items directly related to farmers’ in-

Food on the international stage such as

cultures have already become trends in

come and developing USD 100 million

sports and cultural events.

46 Korea Agrafood

News in January Chinese Fresh Food Buyers Join Paprika FAM Tour buyers toured the local paprika production site and the joint screening place. The Chinese buyers, said “The Korean paprika is fresh, excellent in quality with exceptional texture and taste, so it will be competitive if it is exported to the Chinese premium mar-

Malaysian Home Shopping Channels Launched Tteokbokki

After signing the MOU on quarantine

ket.” Shin Hyun-gon, the Director of aT

for the export of Korean paprika to

Food Export said, “This FAM tour was

China, the Chinese buyers took part in

an opportunity to inform Chinese buy-

Korean Tteokbokki was launched

the Korean paprika Familiarization Tour.

ers about the excellence of Korean pa-

through home shopping network in

The Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food

prika. When export begins to China,

Malaysia, attracting local con-

Trade Corporation(aT) has invited 10

we plan to perform various marketing

sumers. According to aT, a total of

major fresh food online and offline buy-

activities such as promotion events at

7 kinds of products were sold dur-

ers from Beijing and Shanghai for pa-

high-end department store and recipe

ing the month of December at CJ

prika FAM tour in Korea. The Chinese


WOW Shop, including ‘Halal Tteokbokki Package’ consisting of halal-certified rice cakes, sauces,

Korean Ginseng is also Popular in Vietnam

and plain ramyeon noodle, and ‘Spicy Tteokbokki’ for Chinese consumers. The show host pre-

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and

sented the recipe along with de-

Rural Affairs(MAFRA) and the Korea

tailed description that all ingredi-

Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corpora-

ents are KMF halal-certified, thus

tion(aT) has announced that they had

safe to eat. This launch at home

sent out a ginseng market pioneer

shopping was to intensively nurture

team consisting of 12 members of the

the sales of rice and gochujang,

Ginseng Export Council to Vietnam to

which are promising export items

sign a USD 5.7 million export contract

patched from aT conducted export

in Malaysia, with the aim of diversi-

from 5 to 7 December.

consultations with 30 buyers who dis-

fying agricultural exports. The aT

The Korean ginseng accounts for 53%

tribute ginseng and health foods mainly

expects that the home shopping

of Vietnam’s ginseng imports in 2017,

in Hanoi and in neighboring cities such

sales will not only create the boom

and ginseng exports to Vietnam rose

as Halong Bay and Hai Phong. In this

of tteokbokki consumption but also

35% year-on-year as of the end of

function, an array of new products

will serve as a foundation for

November in 2019, making it the fifth

such as black ginseng and red ginseng

Korean agricultural products to

coffee were introduced.

successfully settle in Malaysia.

largest ginseng exporter. The team dis-

January 2020 47


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Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation is leaping toward a new future. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2017 and we plan to take a big step forward. Having grown strongly since our establishment in 1967, we are becoming a force for globalization. Our bigger steps will be milestones for tomorrow.

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Southeast Asia


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