December 2021 (vol.314)

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December 2021 vol.314


Special K-FOOD

Variety Korea

Korean Pear Recognized by the World with Halal Certification

Global Consumers Pay Attention to Korean Red Ginseng

Busan, the Second Largest City in Korea

se! u e! a s P u s a r Buye D Fans P O K-FO

Find your Korean Food Visit K-FOOD Trade & Enjoy the variety of Korean Food is also available via your mobile phone.



Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign Let us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste.

If we reduce food waste, can take care of both IfIndividuals we reduce diet and health food waste,

Let’s reduce waste at home. your diet and buy only 01 Plan the food you need.

Quantity of Meals

Consider the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients.

Restaurants can save the costs for food waste disposal

Divide food ingredients into portions and 02 store them in a transparent container.

We can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas

You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator.

help people who are hungry by donating some of the savings.

Expiration Date

03 Ground dry ingredients to cook. Then, let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.

How close have you gotten to Zero Waste? Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.

Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one.

Let’s donate together in everyday life. Start WFP individual donation You can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website,, and clicking the Donate button.

Donate on ‘Share the Meal’ Zero food waste with one finished meal!

Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day!

Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses!

1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives.

You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0963 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995 Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved. CEO Kim Choon-jin EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Oh Hyung-wan (Food Industry & Trade Division) EDITORS Ahn Byeong-hee REPORTERS Kim Young-min ( Cho Yeong-kyu ( Choi Yeong-jin ( GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Han Hyo-jin (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)


EDITORIAL BOARD BEIJING Chung Yeon-su 070-4617-5090 ( SHANGHAI Sung Si-chan 070-7077-6197 ( CHENGDU Wang Sung 070-4617-3267 ( DALIAN Koh Jung-hee 070-4617-3266 ( HONGKONG Kim Suk-ju 070-4617-2696 (


HANOI Park Min-cheol 070-4617-7257 ( HOCHIMIN Park Il-Sang +84-28-3822-7504 ( BANGKOK Lee Ju-yong 070-4617-7226 ( JAKARTA Lee Seoung-bok 070-4617-2695 ( TOKYO Jang Seo-gyeong +81-3-5367-6656 ( OSAKA Kwon Tae-hwa +81-6-6260-7661 ( NEW YORK Shim Hwa-sop 1-212-889-2561 ( L.A Han Man-woo 1-562-809-8810 (

Cover Story Share Your Thanks in 2021 with

Korean Agricultural Products

DUBAI Kim Hyuk +97-1-4339-2213 ( PARIS Ha Jung-a 070-4617-7225 ( VLADIVOSTOK Shin Jae-hun 070-4617-3277 (


China (T-Mall), Dominance of Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen


Japan (Qoo10), from Micho to Kombucha, ‘Health’ is the Keyword


Southeast Asia (Shopee), Let’s Eat Tteokbokki Together!

QINGDAO Lee Sun-woo ( KUALALUMPUR Jang Jae-hyung ( EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9072

Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website,

December 2021 vol. 314 Exploration

Trend & Culture





Korean Pear Recognized by the World with Halal Certification

Promoting K-FOOD Leading the Hallyu



SPECIAL K-FOOD Global Consumers Pay Attention to Korean Red Ginseng

MONTHLY PICK Photo by Dameulstudio

- The Best in Season: Yuja - The Best Product Online: Banana Flavored Milk



With the global popularity


of the Hallyu (Korean

Hallyu Syndrome, Squid Game

Wave) thanks to K-pop


and K-drama, Korean


agricultural products are


also becoming more pop-

Ojingeobokkeum, Spicy and Sweet

ular. How about giving a giftset of popular Korean


agricultural products to


family and friends who

CHAMGOEUL CO., LTD. Sesame Oil and Perilla Oil in Oversea Markets

may have been struggling with COVID-19 for this year’s holiday season?

Extras 24



FOCUS ON PEOPLE Bang Min-soo, AFLO member


VARIETY KOREA Busan, the Second Largest City in Korea

C over Story

Share Your Thanks in 2021 with Korean Agricultural Products With the global popularity of the Hallyu (Korean Wave) thanks to K-pop and K-drama, Korean agricultural products are also becoming more popular. Thanks to this phenomenon, more overseas consumers are visiting Korean Food Pavilion in overseas online malls such as ‘T-Mall’, the largest online mall in China, ‘Qoo10’, Japan’s four major ecommerce platforms, and ‘Shopee’, which is called Southeast Asia’s Amazon. How about giving a giftset of popular Korean agricultural products to family and friends who may have been struggling with COVID-19 for this year’s holiday season?

4 Korea Agrafood



と韓國ドラマなどによる韓流ブ―ムの急速な擴大のなかで?韓國の農食 品の人氣も高まっている?こうした人氣の後押しを受けて?海外のオンライン モ―ルで韓國の食品を買い求める海外の消費者も增えている?現在?中國最大の オンラインモ―ルの「 」をはじめとして?日本の四大電子商取引プラット フォ―ムである「 」?東南 アジアのアマゾンと呼ばれる 「 」など?海外の大手オ ンラインモ―ルで「韓國食品コ― ナ―」が開設·運營されている? 今年の年末?新型コロナでなかな か會えない家族や友人に?感謝の 氣持ちを腐めて?人氣の韓國の農 食品をプレゼントするのはいかが だろうか? K-POP




December 2021 5

C over Story

China Dominance of Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen hina is Korea’s largest importer of C ramyeon. China’s import trend of ramyeon in 2020 shows that Korea has the largest amount of USD 149.941 million. These statistics are also shown in the sales rankings of Tmall’s Korean Food Pavilion. 9 ramyeon noodles are ranked between the 1st and 15th places in the sales ranking of Tmall Korea Food Pavilion. What stands out is that Samyangfoods’ Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen is taking the lead. Of the 9 rankings by ramyeon, Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen occupies four rankings with only a different number of packages. Why are Chinese consumers so enthusiastic about Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen? It is because of its unique spicy taste-it not only has a spicy taste but also sweet taste and you can feel refreshed by sweating, so it is well received by Chinese consumers who like spicy. Above all, social media has a huge influence on its popularity. With its increasing PPL exposure in Korean dramas, etc., ‘Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen Challenge’ led by Chinese influencer Wang Hong became viral on social media. Paldo Ilpoom jjajangmen, Nongshim Ansungtangmyun, and Shin Ramyun are also on the list. Among drinks, Lotte Milkis is becoming

6 Korea Agrafood

中國(T-Mall)? ダントツのプルダクポックムミョン 中國は韓國産ラ―メンの最大輸入國だ?2019年時点で? 中國のラ―メン輸入動向をみると?韓國が1億2,147万 8,000ドルで最も多い?こうした統計は?T-Mallの韓國 食品コ―ナ―の販賣順位からも見て取れる?T-Mallの 韓國食品コ―ナ―の販賣順位の1位から15位の間に? ラ―メンだけで9種類も入っている?特に?三養(サムヤ ン)食品の「プルダクポックムミョン」の特に善戰してい る?ラ―メンのランキングにおいて?販賣單位は異なる もののプルダクポックムミョンうちの4種類がそこにラ ンクインしている?中國の消費者はなぜプルダクポック ムミョンに熱狂するのだろうか?特有の辛さのためだ? 辛いだけのラ―メンではなく?甘さもあり? 汗をかき ながらも爽快感があるという点が?辛い物好きの中國の 消費者の間で好評だ?何より?SNSの影響が大きい? 韓國ドラマなどで間接廣告の形で映り腐むことが增える なか?中國のインフルエンサ―の網紅(ワンホン)を中心

popular. Lotte Chilsung Beverage announced that it has been carrying out marketing with the concept of ‘Healthy Carbonated Beverages with Milk’, and as a result, it exported about 16.2 million cans (250ml equivalent) in the first half of 2021. This is an increase of more than 60% from the same period last year, and it is expected to record the highest performance since Milkis entered the Chinese market in the 1990s. Yujacha (citrus tea) is also drawing interest. Reflecting the trend of Chinese consumers who care about health, USD 1.6 million of Korean Yujacha was exported to China last year. Kooksoondang Makgeolli is also steadily gaining popularity. Recently, Chinese Central Television (CCTV) visited the Kooksoondang factory in Hoengseong, Gangwon-do and introduced its manufacturing process, adding that “Korean Makgeolli is soft, sweet, and refreshing.”

に?「プルダクポックムミ ョン·チャレンジ」がSNS で流行した?このほかに?八道 (パルド)の逸品ジャジャンミョン, 農 心(ノンシン)の安城湯麵(アンソンタンミョン)と 辛ラ―メンなどもランクインしている? 飮料のなかでは?ロッテのミルキスが有名になってきて いる?ロッテ七星(チルソン)飮料は?「牛乳が入ったヘ ルシ―な炭酸飮料」をコンセプトにしたマ―ケティング を展開し?その結果?2021年の上半期に約1,620万本 (250㎖罐)を輸出したことを明らかにした?前年同期比 で60%以上の增加となっており?1990年代にミルキス が中國市場へ進出以來?過去最大の實績が予想される? 柚子茶への關心も高い?健康に關心のある中國の消費者 のトレンドが反映されたもので?昨年は160万ドルの韓 國の柚子茶が中國へと輸出された?麴醇堂(ククスンダ ン)のマッコリも安定した人氣を獲得している?近年? 中國中央電視臺(CCTV)で江原道·橫城(フェンソン)の 麴醇堂の工場を訪れ?マッコリの製造過程を紹介すると ともに?「韓國のマッコリはまろやかで甘味があるとと もに?爽快感が感じられる」と付け加えた?

Popular Korean Products

Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen

Garlic Shrimp Chips





Crab Sticks



Milkis <Source: Tmall>

December 2021 7

C over Story

Japan from Micho to Kombucha, ‘Health’ is the Keyword J CheilJedang’s ‘Petitzel Micho’ is the C product that received the most selection at the Korean Food Pavilion of Qoo10. As a 100% fermented fruit vinegar that can be consumed with water or milk, Micho stands out in the drinking vinegar market centered on black vinegar, in line with the Japanese food culture of mixing vinegar with water for health. There are 7 types of ‘Petitzel Micho’, which include pomegranate, calamansi, green grape, peach, strawberry jasmine, pineapple, and green apple, and it is analyzed that offering recipes using Micho played a major role in its promotion. There are various recipes: ade, yogurt, and cocktails, which can be found on the website ( In 2020, Micho sales in Japan recorded USD 109 million, a 51.2% increase from the previous year, and the sales also increased more than 40% in the first half of this year from the same period of last year. Among the top 10 best-selling item in the Korean Food Pavilion, there are six Bibigo’s products, including Wangmandu (jumbo sized dumpling), Gamjatang (pork back-bone stew), Samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup), and Yukgaejang (spicy beef soup). This reflects consumers’ desire to taste K-FOOD easily.

8 Korea Agrafood

日本(Qoo10)?美酢からコンブチャまで 「健康」がキ―ワ―ド 日本のQoo10の韓國食品コ―ナ―で最も人氣のある商 品が?CJの「美酢(ミチョ)」だ?美酢は?水や牛乳などで 希釋して飮む100%果實發酵酢で?健康のために酢を水 で希釋して飮む日本の食文化とマッチし?黑酢が中心で あった飮用酢市場で頭角を現した製品だ?「美酢」は?ザ クロ?カラマンシ―?マスカット?モモ?イチゴとジャ スミン?パイナップル?靑リンゴなど7種類で?美酢を 活用したレシピを提供した点が?美酢のプロモ―ション に功を奏したという分析だ?レシピは?エイド?ヨ―グ ルト?カクテルなど樣?で?ホ―ムペ―ジ (で確認できる?2020年に日 本での美酢の賣上は?前年比51.2%增加した1,300億ウ

Wangmandu is highly preferred among them. Like a purchase review that ‘It was satisfying because the Mandu size was bigger than that of Japanese dumplings’, you can feel the rich texture as Bibigo Mandu is bigger (35g) than regular Mandu (25g). Moreover, that Park Seo-joon, the main character of ‘Itaewon Class’ which was a very popular Korean drama in Japan, is Bibigo’s commercial model also contributed to Bibigo Wangmandu’s huge sales. Teazen’s Kombucha also stands out. Kombucha is a health drink made by extracting and fermenting green or black tea, and Teazen’s Kombucha is a certified organic product that contains all 12 kinds of lactobacillus, which are beneficial intestinal bacteria, and probiotics, which are food for lactobacillus. This sales achievement reflects Japanese people’s tendency to value health.

ォンを記錄し?今年の上半期には前年同期比で40%以上 增加した? 韓國食品コ―ナ―の販賣量のうち?上位10位の中には? 王餃子(ワンマンドゥ)?カムジャタン?參鷄湯?ユッケ ジャンなど?ビビゴの製品が6種類も入っている?KFOODを手輕に食べたいという消費者のニ―ズがうか がえる內容だ?そのうち?王餃子の選好度が高い?「日 本の餃子に比べて大きく?滿足感があります」というレ ビュ―があるように?一般の餃子(25g)よりも大きく (35g)?具もギッシリ詰まっており?十分な食感があ る?さらに?日本で人氣になったドラマの「梨泰院クラ ス」の主人公のパク·ソジュンがCMキャラクタ―とし て活動している点もまた?ビビコの販賣に寄與した? ティ―ゼン(Teazen)のコンブチャも目に付く?コンブチ ャとは?綠茶や紅茶を抽出して發酵させた健康飮料だ? ティ―ゼンのコンブチャは?從來?善玉菌の乳酸菌12種 類と乳酸菌の餌になるプロバイオティクスが全て含まれ た發酵飮料で?有機認證を受けた製品だ?健康を重視す る日本人のニ―ズが反映された結果だといえる?

Popular Korean Products

RTD Coffee

Seaweed Flakes

Freeze Dried Food


Bburingkling Seasoning

Bibigo Mandu

Vinegar Drink



Corn Dog <Source: Qoo10>

December 2021 9

C over Story

Southeast Asia Let’s Eat Tteokbokki Together! he most popular Korean agricultural T products among Southeast Asian consumers are Tteokbokki. When CU, a convenience store operated by BGF Retail, opened its first store in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this year, it was visited by 11,000 people in 10 days, and Tteokbokki was the top-selling product. When BTS member Jimin was broadcasted on TV eating Tteokbokki at a Korean food stall, more consumers rushed to look for ‘red food’. Dongwon F&B’s God of Tteokbokki and Young Poong’s Yopokki are the Tteokbokki products sold at Shopee’s Korean Food Pavilion in pouch form and cup form. Gochujang (red chili paste), the ingredient of Tteokbokki, is also of interest. Sajodaerim exports Sajo Halal Gochujang and Sajo Spicy Halal Gochujang to Malaysia and Singapore. Sales of Sajo Halal Gochujang increased by more than 300% compared to the previous year as of last year. As in the example of Sajo, Halal certification is serving as an opportunity to increase the preference for Korean agricultural products in Southeast Asia. Among the countries that opened Korean Food Pavilion in Shopee, Muslims take up 60% of Ma-

10 Korea Agrafood

東南アジア(Shopee)? みんなで一緖にトッポギを! 東南アジアの消費者が最も好む韓國の農食品は?トッポ ギだ?BGFリテ―ルが運營するコンビニエンスストア のCUが今年マレ―シアのクアラルンプ―ルに1號店を オ―プンしたとき?10日間で1万1,000人余りの人?が來 店した?このときの賣上1位の製品がトッポギだった? BTSのジミンが韓國の屋臺でトッポギを食べる姿が放送 されるやいなや?「赤い食べ物」を買い求める消費者の動 きが加速した?Shopeeの韓國食品コ―ナ―で販賣され るトッポギは?東遠(ドンウォン)F&Bのトッポギの神 (シン)とヨンプンのヨッポギなどだ?これらの製品は? パウチとカップで販賣されている?トッポギの材料のコ チュジャンへの關心も集まっている?サジョデリムは? マレ―シアとシンガポ―ルにサジョハラ―ルコチュジ ャンとサジョメウンハラ―ルコチュジャンを輸出して いる?サジョハラ―ルコチュジャンの販賣量は?昨年時

laysia’s population, Singapore 15%, and Philippines 5%. After receiving KMF Halal certification from Korea and MUI Halal certification from Indonesia, Yopokki is being sold together with the original products of Young Poong. Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen is also a popular item. It is analyzed as having captured the palate of Southeast Asian consumers who like the spicy taste. Again, the sales volume of Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen, which obtained Halal certification from KMF and MUI, is high. Mixed coffee also cannot be neglected. Southeast Asia has many sweet coffees such as condensed milk coffee. Consumptions of simple yet sweet mixed coffee have increased among consumers, who have been restricted from outside activities due to the impact of COVID-19. Dongsuh Foods’ Maxim Korea coffee dominates the mixed coffee market share.

点で前年比300%も增加した? サジョの例のように?ハラ―ル認證は東 南アジアで韓國の農食品の興味·關 心を高める要因として作用している?Shopeeに韓國食 品コ―ナ―を開設した國·地域のうち?マレ―シアは人 口の60%?シンガポ―ルは15%?フィリピンは5がムス リムだ?ヨッポギは韓國のKMFハラ―ル認證とインド ネシアのMUIハラ―ル認證を受け?オリジナルの製品 とともに販賣されている? プルダクポックムミョンも人氣品目だ?辛さに慣れて いる東南アジアの消費者の好みにもマッチするとの分 析だ?これについても?KMFとMUIからハラ―ル認證 を受けたプルダクポックムミョンの 販賣が多くなって いる? ミックスコ―ヒ―も外せない?東南アジアでは練乳コ― ヒ―のような甘いコ―ヒ―が多い?新型コロナなどの影 響で?屋外での活動に制約を受けた消費者が手輕であり ながらも?甘いミックスコ―ヒ―の消費が增加した?東 西(トンソ)食品のマキシムコ―ヒ―がメイン商品になっ ている?

Popular Korean Products




Rice Cake

Mixed Coffee





Ramyeons <Source: Shopee>

December 2021 11


Korean Pear Recognized by the World with Halal Certification 12 Korea Agrafood

here are many ‘firsts’ in the words deT scribing the Korean Pears Cooperative Union (KPCU), which is located in Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do. It was the first in Korea to export pears to India and the first in the Gyeongsangnam-do area to export them to the Netherlands, Canada, and New Zealand. KPCU is also the first in Korea to acquire ISO22000, and the first in the world to receive pear Halal certification, above all. Using Halal certification as a steppingstone, KPCU is exporting Korean pears to 12 countries and is striving to enter new markets such as the United States.

One-Stop from Production to Export A pear export specialized corporation, KPCU was formed in 2016 by six farmers with a determination to export the world’s most delicious pears. When KPCU was established, there was only one purpose: “To become a corporation for farmers”, so farmers’ profits were the top priority. It is for this reason that KPCU does not receive subsidy from the government or local governments, export pears directly without going through a trading company, and that the management is volunteering without pay. Since KPCU does not receive external subsidies, it can dedicate itself to its members and can spend less on the logistics cost as it exports pears directly. The management’s income, like other members, is only from farming and exporting. As a result, there is no cost wasted, so they could naturally raise the export price of pears, and the price of KPCU pears is 1.5 times higher than other pears. CEO Kim Geon-su said, “Currently, our 32 member farms produce and export pears on a scale of 32 hectares, with a confidence that we are small but a strong cooperative union.”

以淸眞認嗇走向世界的韓攻梨 位于慶尙南道晋州的韓攻梨營農組合法人擁有多項“第 一”桂冠?如,捲印度出口韓攻梨的第一家,在慶南地袴 首次麟現捲荷蘭?加拿大?新西蘭等出口韓攻梨,在韓 攻水果生産行業第一憾獲得ISO22000認嗇,尤其是在 全世界第一憾獲得梨淸眞認嗇等等?目前,他們正以淸 眞認嗇爲跳板向世界12憾攻家和地袴出口韓攻梨,幷爲 進入美攻等新的市場進行孤軍奮戰?


韓攻梨營農組合法人是由6名志同道合的農戶,以生産 和出口最優質梨爲共同意愿,于2016年聯合成立的梨出 口法人組合?韓攻梨營農組合法人從成立之初目的只有 一憾,那就是“要成爲一心爲農民的法人”讓農戶增加收 入?他們沒有向政府和地方政府要補助,出口産品沒有 依賴貿易企業,都是由自己直接進行出口,格營團隊成 員沒有報酬,所有事務都是无償服務?沒有外部補助, 可以更專心于爲繇員服務,直接進行出口,可以節省更 多的物流費用?格營團隊成員的收入也和其他繇員一

CEO Kim Geon-su

December 2021 13


Let’s Find the Taste of Childhood Pears What KPCU boasts in the pears it exports is ‘taste’. Of course, if pears were not delicious, it would be difficult to expect export unit price and farms’ income. KPCU wanted to find the unique sweet taste of Korean pears, convinced that they would be definitely appreciated abroad. So KPCU sticked to old farming methods. The members of KPCU grow pears in the wild without using artificial insemination, growth promoters, or herbicides. Pears grown in this way are rich in sweetness and have a crunchy texture. The pears produced by KPCU are at least 13 brix, so buyers who have tasted its pears here are sure to purchase again. This confidence is also felt at various food fairs, as KPCU prepares to present real pears instead of a catalog so that potential buyers can taste its pear. And with this one word, ‘Korea Pears Cooperative Union’, all promotion is done. CEO Kim Geon-su said, “When I was young, pears were very delicious. But one day, the pear grew bigger, but they were less deli-

14 Korea Agrafood

樣,全迲自己務農和出口産品所得?所以也不存在衾花 錢等問題,還能自然提高梨的出口價格?他們生産的梨 價普遍高于其他梨的1.5倍? 金虔洙CEO說道,“目前,共有32名繇員農戶利用32公 頃地進行梨生産和出口,我們捲自己‘小而强的法人’充 滿自信?”


韓攻梨營農組合法人出口的梨最大優点在于其“味道”?如 果不好吃,芎然談不上什鹿出口單價,也難以期待增加農 戶的收入?他們追求的是傳統韓攻梨所特有的甛美味道? 所以,栽培法也一直在堅持採用古老的傳統方法?韓攻 梨營農組合法人繇員農戶栽培的梨不採用人工授粉方 法,不使用生長芟及除草芟,完全在野山上讓其自然生 長?用這種方法栽培的梨甛味濃?口感蜈脆?韓攻梨營 農組合法人所生産的梨糖度至少在13brix以上,購買過 他們生産的梨的客商都繇成爲他們的回頭客? 這種自信也憐現在各種食品博覽繇上,那就是沒有商品 目湳,只讓顧客現場品嘗梨的味道,所用的廣告詞也只 有一句,那就是“韓攻梨營農組合法人”? 金虔洙CEO憐示,“小時候吃的梨眞的是蜈好吃,可不 知從絞天起梨是越來越大,味道却越來越差,所以我們 想到了要重返昔日?而且,這種古老的栽培方法也爲獲 得淸眞認嗇起到了主要作用?”


cious. So, I suggested to go back to the old days. Such a cultivation method was effective in obtaining Halal certification.”

Boosting Exports through Halal Certification KPCU was the first in the world to receive pear Halal certification, by the Korea Muslim Federation (KMF) (2018) and ESMA Halal certification from UAE (2018). KPCU pears are selected and packaged in a fruit packing house that has received ISO22000 certification (2018) and also received global GAP certification. The pears of KPCU, which have undergone strict quality and product control, have been exported to a total of 12 countries starting from Hong Kong in 2017, followed by Thailand, Vietnam, India, UAE, the Netherlands, Canada, and New Zealand, and recently Guatemala. The export amount was USD 1.07 million (331 tons) as of 2019, and it is expected to reach USD 1.3 million (380 tons) in 2021. KPCU pears can be found at department stores or high-end grocery stores in exporting countries. “I want to expand the number of farms that can produce high-quality pears together to export more Korean pears to more countries, while opening up new markets in Europe and Africa as well as the US through Kosher certification”, said CEO Kim Geon-su.

韓攻梨營農組合法人是世界第一家獲得梨淸眞認嗇的企 業?他們所生産的梨已獲得韓攻伊斯蘭敎(KMF)淸眞 認嗇(2018年)和阿聯酋ESMA淸眞認嗇(2018年),幷 在獲得ISO22000認嗇(2018年)的篩選廠進行篩選和包 裝?他們還獲得了全球GAP認嗇? 韓攻梨營農組合法人生産的梨産品,格過嚴格的質量管理 和商品管理,從2017年出口香港爲開頭,現已屠展到捲 泰攻?越南?印度?阿聯酋?荷蘭?加拿大?新西蘭?危 地馬拉等世界12憾攻家和地袴進行出口?2019年麟現 出口額100万7000美元(331菫),預計2021年出口額可 達到130万美元(380菫)?産品已進入出口攻各大百貨 商場和高級食品店? 金虔洙CEO說道,“爲了能誥向更多的攻家出口更多的 韓攻梨,我們打算訣樓頑大能誥共同生産優質梨的農戶 瑠?同時,還打算通過KOSHER潔食認嗇開陽美攻市 場?斛洲市場及非洲市場等新市場?” Korean Pears Cooperative Union +82-55-761-9921 +82-55-762-9921

Watch Korea’s Pear Video

December 2021 15


Promoting K-FOOD Leading the Hallyu n extensive K-FOOD event was held. The A Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs held an event to focus on promoting KFOOD at COEX in Seoul from November 8th to the 11th. The purpose of the K-FOOD event is to promote the excellence of Korean agricultural products, which continue to garner attention from all over the world owing to the Hallyu (Korean Wave), and to expand into foreign markets. A large-scale export consultation meeting, Buy Korean Food (BKF), was

16 Korea Agrafood

韓流ブ―ムをリ―ドするK-FOODを知る 大?的なK-FOODのイベントが開催された?このイベント は?農林畜産食品部と文化體育觀光部?産業通信資源部?保 健福祉部?中小ベンチャ―企業部?海洋水産部など6ヶ所の 關係機關が合同で11月1日から31日まで?「2021 K-博覽會」 として開催された?このなかで農食品部は?「K-博覽會」と連 携し?8日から11日までソウルのコエックスでK-FOODを集 中的にプロモ―ションするイベントを開催した?韓流ブ―ム

conducted, and through the K-FOOD Promotion Hall and Live Commerce, Korean agricultural products were eagerly promoted.

K-FOOD Exhibition, from Strawberries to Ginseng “Strawberries and Shine muscats are the most popular K-FOOD in Thailand.” A cooking class was held at the K-FOOD Promotion Hall on the 10th. Auan Rangsit Sirananon, a Thai who runs a YouTube channel, FatMango Family, raised his thumb that strawberries and shine muscats are by far the best in Thailand, a fruit paradise. At the K-FOOD Promotion Hall, various agricultural products, including strawberries and shine muscats pointed out by Mr. Auan, were displayed. The exhibition consisted of a total of 36 items, including 9 fresh agricultural products, such as paprikas, pears, grapes, mushrooms, melons, tangerines, apples, and sweet persimmons, as well as 27 processed food products, including Kimchi, ginseng, processed red ginseng products, such as ramyeon,

の後押しもあり?世界の人?の注目が集まる韓國の農食品に ついて?すぐれた品質をアピ―ルし?海外市場進出を擴大す ることが?今回のK-FOODイベント實施の理由だ?大規模な 輸出商談會(Buy Korean Food, BKF)を進めるとともに? K-FOOD廣報館とライブコマ―スなどを通して?韓國の農 食品の販促にも注力してきた?


「イチゴとシャインマスカットは?タイで最も人氣があるKFOODです?」 10日?K-FOOD廣報館で開催された料理敎室?YouTubeチ ャンネルのFatMango Familyを開設·運營するタイ人のア アン(Auan Rangsit Sirananon)氏は?果物王國のタイにお いて?イチゴとシャインマスカットは最高と褒めたたえた? K-FOOD廣報館ではアアン氏が高評價したイチゴとシャイ ンマスカットをはじめ?樣?な農食品が登場した?77㎡のス ペ―スに「Taste of Wonder, K-Food」をテ―マとしてパプ リカ?梨?ブドウ?キノコ?メロン?ミカン?リンゴ?甘枾 などの新鮮農産物9品目?キムチ?高麗人參?紅參加工品? インスタントラ―メン?マッコリ?エゴマ油?米菓などの加 工食品27品目?計36品目が展示された? K-FOODのASMRを直接聽くことのできる空間も異色だ?

<Source: Yonhapnews>

December 2021 17


Makgeolli (Korean alcoholic beverage), perilla oil, and rice cookies. In particular, on the 11th, South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in visited and toured the K-FOOD Promotion Hall and heard about success stories of exports from officials of export companies such as Hansung Food, a Kimchi exporter.

Live Commerce with Influencers Live commerce for K-FOOD attracted attention. It was held for two days on the 8th and 10th, and began on the 8th with Tmall Live, China’s leading online commerce, with a Wanghong, who has 520,000 Chinese followers. Among the products of Korean Food Pavilion on Tmall, about 20 items, including Mak-geolli and shine muscats, which have gained sensational popularity in China, were selected and introduced. Resultingly, it achieved a great promotional effect for Korean agricultural produdcts, with 1.05 million views of the products during the live streaming. Following such successful campaigns, Shopee, Southeast Asia’s largest online shopping mall, also conducted live commerce on the 10th to market to Southeast Asian consumers. Six products, including Munchy Ball, a vegan snack from Jainn, Honey Butter Almond from Murgerbon, and Mandarin Orange Snack from Frunack, were promoted.

18 Korea Agrafood

ここではキムチ?梨?シャインマスカット?パプリカ?イチ ゴ?高麗人參など?農食品部が最近製作したK-FOODの映 像を確認することができる?YouTubeにアップされたキム チの映像は?3週間で視聽數が390万回を記錄するなど?注目 が集まっている? 特に?11月11日には?文在寅(ムン·ジェイン)大統領が直接 K-FOOD廣報館を視察した?ここで文大統領は?キムチ輸 出企業のハンソン食品などの企業關係者に輸出成功事例を尋 ねたりしていた?


を對象としたライブコマ―スも注目を集めた?KFOODのグロ―バル市場を擴張するための戰略だった?8日 と10日の二日間開催されたが?まず8日には中國のフォロワ― 52万人の網紅(ワンホン)とともに?中國を代表するオンライ ンモ―ルのT-Mallでライブを實施した?T-Mallに開設された 韓國食品館のなかで?中國で爆發的な人氣でリ―ドしている マッコリとシャインマスカットなど?約20品目を選んで紹介 した?その結果?放送中に製品紹介數が105万回を記錄するな ど?韓國の農食品への高いプロモ―ション效果があった? こうした興行成績を受けて?10日には東南アジアの消費者の 攻略のために?東南アジア最大のオンラインモ―ルのShopee でもライブコマ―スを實施した?カナダ國籍で「ペク·ジョン ウォンクラス」のパネルにも出演したエイミ―·アレハがメイ ンホストとしてジャイン(Jainn)のヴィ―ガンスナックのマン チボ―ル(Munchy Ball)とマガボン(Murgerbon)のハニ―バ タ―ア―モンド?フルナック(Frunack)のミカンスナックな ど?6種類の製品の販促を行った? K-FOOD

(Buy Korean Food) ‘The 2021 Overseas Buyer Invited Online Export Consultation Meeting’ (BKF 2021) took place over four days from the 8th to the 11th to support the expansion of agricultural and fishery food exports. 165 Korean exporters and 92 overseas buyers from 23 countries, including Japan, China, Southeast Asia, Australia, the EU, the United States, Canada and Latin America, participated. As it was a non-face-to-face online consultation meeting, it was operated in one-toone consultations with only interpreters attending a total of 12 booths. The total number of consultations was 325, with a performance worth USD 8.9 million. During this period, overseas buyers showed interest in various items such as Rabokki (stir-fried instant noodle) snacks, as well as high-quality fresh agricultural products such as strawberries and shine muscats. Also, a business agreement was promoted to expedite exports of Korean agricultural products. Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT) and Parkson, Asia’s leading department store chain signed an online MOU on the 10th. Through this MOU, both parties resolved to establish a cooperative system to expand the Korean food market in the Chinese market.

農水産食品の輸出擴大の支援のための「2021バイヤ―オ ンライン輸出商談會」(BKF2021)が8日から11日まで四 日間開催された?國內の輸出業者165社?日本と中國? 東南アジア?オ―ストラリア?EU?米國?カナダ?中南 米など海外のバイヤ―など23の國·地域の92社が參加し た?非對面のオンラインの商談會で開催された?イベン ト會場には?全體で12のブ―スに通譯のみが參加し?1:1 の商談方式で運營された?全體の商談件數は325件で?8 億8,900万ドル規模の實績を收めた?この期間に海外のバ イヤ―はイチゴ?シャインマスカットなどすぐれた品質 の新鮮農産物だけではなく?ラッポギなどのスナックを はじめとした樣?な品目に關心を示した? また?韓國の農食品輸出の促進のための業務協約も進め られた?韓國農水産食品流通公社(aT)とアジアを代表す る百貨店グル―プの百盛が10日にオンラインのMOUを 締結した?今回のMOUを通して?兩者は中國市場で韓 國食品の市場擴大のために?協力體制を構築することと した?

December 2021 19

Special K-FOOD _ Red Ginseng

Global Consumers Pay Attention to

Korean Red Ginseng Korean red ginseng products are sweeping across the world. This is because ginseng is an excellent immune food suitable for the current era when health has become more important, and consumers have a wider range of product choices. In particular, the export of Korean red ginseng products is not concentrated in a specific country but is gaining popularity worldwide, proving that it is a global food.

20 Korea Agrafood

Korean Red Ginseng Takes a Leap Forward as a Global Food Product

<Source: Baidu>

he popularity of Korean red ginseng products T is easily reflected in exports. In 2020, the exports of Korean red ginseng products including red ginseng raw materials, red ginseng powder, red ginseng tablets, and red ginseng preparations such as candy and beverages was USD 158 million. Exports until September of this year were USD 129 million, up 27.7% from USD 101 million in the same period last year. If exports are maintained at the current level, it is highly likely that Korean red ginseng products will record the highest export value ever. Korea also exports its red ginseng products to diverse countries, not concentrated in any specific country. The largest importing country is China. Hong Kong and Japan are the main importing countries for Korean red ginseng products. Recently, however, Korean red ginseng products are gaining popularity in countries such as the United States and Vietnam. By September this year, exports to the U.S. increased by a whopping 55% compared to the same period of the previous year, surpassing Hong

Kong and Japan and recording the second-largest export value after China. Exports to China also increased by 34% compared to last year and Japan by 21.6%. These results show that Korean red ginseng is a global trending health food.

韓攻紅參,一躍成爲全球食品 韓攻紅參的暢銷勢頭可從出口額上顯而易見?包括紅參整根産 品在內,紅參粉?紅參精?紅參糖及飮料等各種紅參産品 2020年的出口額達到1億5800万美元?而截止到今年9月的出 口額已達到1億2900万美元,比去年同期的1億100万美元增 加了27.7%?如果出口額訣樓保持目前的增長勢頭,韓攻紅參 産品有望創造曆史最高紀湳? 韓攻紅參的出口捲象攻也不偏向于特定的攻家,廣泛而多樣? 最大的出口捲象攻依然是中攻,緊隨其后的是香港?日本等攻 家和地袴?但近來,韓攻的紅參産品開始在美攻?越南等攻家 蜈暢銷?截止到今年9月捲美出口額同比去年增長55%之多, 一擧超越香港和日本名列中攻之后的第二位?捲中攻的出口額 也比去年增長34%, 日本增長21.6%?這些都足以說明韓攻紅 參成爲全球健康食品的大趨勢? December 2021 21

Special K-FOOD _ Red Ginseng

Korean Red Ginseng Engraved as a Health Food he secret to the popularity of Korean red T ginseng products is that they are increasingly becoming recognized as health food by consumers. Korean red ginseng has been in the spotlight as consumers around the world are more inclined to purchase healthy products amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The major functions of red ginseng are enhancement of immunity, fatigue improvement, smooth blood flow, and antioxidant function. Recently, red ginseng has been recognized for its functionality to help improve brain function. Last year, Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corpo-

ration (aT) conducted a human clinical test of Korean red ginseng in cooperation with local professors at Kyushu University, etc. in Japan. The results showed that red ginseng was effective in improving cognitive function. As Korean red ginseng products are recognized as health foods, they are also gaining popularity as gifts. In Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam and Singapore, Korean red ginseng products have become the most popular gift for parents and relatives.

韓攻紅參,打下健康食品烙印 韓攻紅參産品暢銷的秘訣在于央在消費者芎中已越來 越多地形成健康食品的共識?在新冠肺炎疫情下,隨 着世界各地消費者購買健康産品意愿的增加,韓攻紅 參産品也受到了更多的關注?紅參最主要的功能是提高 免疫力?恢復疲勞?促進血液循環及抗宸化功能等?最 近硏究結果還憐明,紅參還有助于提高大腦的功能? 韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT)于去年,通過侮日本九 州大縯等芎地的敎授硏究團隊合作進行了韓攻紅參的 人郞臨床麟驗?麟驗結果顯示,紅參捲提高認知能力 具有明顯的效果? 隨着韓攻紅參産品成爲消費者公認的健康食品,韓攻 紅參産品也開始成爲熱門饋贈饑品?在越南?新加坡 等東南亞攻家,韓攻紅參産品已成爲孝敬父母或饋贈 親朋好友的最佳熱門饑品? 22 Korea Agrafood

Expansion of Consumption Base with Various Product Lines


here is another secret to the popularity of T Korean red ginseng products-that they have expanded the range of choices for consumers around the world with a variety of product lines. Products range from traditional slice types and easy-to-eat stick-type ones to beverages, teas, candies, and jellies. The popularity of Korean red ginseng products is growing due to the high quality of various products. In fact, a Korean red ginseng producer export more than 100 products. Its representative said, “We have expanded the choice of overseas buyers by diversifying our products. We are confident about their quality and safety, because they all have to complete verification by the exporting country.” In addition, Korean red ginseng products have become more popular as overseas consumers can easily purchase them thanks to the growth of the online and offline markets. Overall, multiple factors such as a variety of products and their availability for purchase by consumers anytime, anywhere have all contributed to the popularity, expanding the basis for consumption of Korean red ginseng products.

韓攻紅參産品暢銷還有一憾秘訣,那就是以多樣化的産 品群不鉤頑大全球消費者的選楊範圍?産品從傳統的切 片到食用方便的棒袋型産品,還有飮料?茶?糖果?軟 糖等種類繁多?由于韓攻紅參産品花樣繁多質量又好, 所以暢銷的勢頭强勢不癎? 有一家韓攻紅參出口企業,其出口産品群已達到100多 種産品?該企業相關負責人說道,“我們是通過産品的多 樣化爲海外客商提供更多的選楊範圍?芎然,質量和安 全性也要得到出口攻的驗嗇,捲此我們蜈有自信?” 除了麟郞店銷魔之外,網購市場的屠展也爲海外消費者 購買韓攻紅參産品及銷量的增加創造了穡件?總而言 之,在産品的多樣化及消費者可隨時隨地購買到韓攻紅 參産品等因素的綜合作用下,韓攻紅參産品的消費範圍 也在不鉤地頑大?

Watch Korea’s Ginseng Video

December 2021 23

Essay Photo

“We Hope You had a Fruitful and Successful Year” Dear <Korea Agrafood> readers, the year 2021 is coming to an end. On the threshold of chilly winter, it’s time to wrap up the unfulfilled year and prepare for the upcoming New Year. Persimmons that bore fruit after going through all kinds of hardships this year are ripening into Gotgam (dried persimmons). Thus, expectations are higher than regrets in the hand that Gotgam. We sincerely hope that our readers will have a successful closure in their own fields, and thank you for showing love for Korean agricultural products this year. The photograph shows people hanging persimmons to make Gotgam in a Gotgam village in Sangju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea.

24 Korea Agrafood

December 2021 25

Health & Wellness


Sesame Oil and Perilla Oil in Oversea Markets 芝麻油?蘇子油走向世界, 株 唱歌傅 (

esame oil and perilla oil are essential food S ingredients in Korea. They are versatile with a nice aroma, so they go well with any dish. Recently, sesame oil and perilla oil have been known to contain a large amount of healthy nutrients such as omega-3s, thereby drawing attention even overseas. CHAMGOEUL CO., LTD. played a big role in their gaining popularity. CHAMGOEUL is promoting the taste of Korea by producing sesame oil and perilla oil through a lowtemperature pressing method.

26 Korea Agrafood


芝麻油和蘇子油在韓攻是家家必備的食品材料?芝 麻油和蘇子油香味糾特用法多樣,可侮各種料理進 行搭配?由于芝麻油和蘇子油富含斛米伽3等有益健 康的成分,所以也開始受到海外消費者的關注?韓 攻芝麻油和蘇子油能誥走出攻門,(株)唱歌傅起到了 蜈大的作用?正是他們以低溫趺油方試生産的芝麻 油和蘇子油,出口世界各攻讓世人品嘗到了韓攻的 美味?



Oil Market, ‘Favorable’ due to Food Service Industry CHAMGOEUL, located in Gimje, Jeollabukdo, is a company which is well known overseas as much as in Korea. It is taking the lead in promoting the charm of sesame oil and perilla oil to foreigners, and has recorded the largest export volume among Korean companies. It is particularly encouraging that 30% of the total exports are sold to locals. CHAMGOEUL is on a roll, but it wasn’t easy from the start. It is because, in Korea in 2000, when it was established, it was more common to press sesame oil or perilla oil directly at mills that could be found all over the country than to purchase them. It turned out favorable with the development of the food service industry in Korea. The company continued to grow gradually as such markets as the institutional food service market thrived. In addition, Japanese buyers showed interest in the products of CHAMGOEUL after tasting samples at a food fair, and the company

外都蜈知名的企業?他們不僅走在了讓世界和外攻 人了潁韓攻芝麻油和蘇子油魅力的前列,而且還是 韓攻出口食用油最多的龍頭企業?最令人鼓舞的是 出口總量的30%都是銷魔給芎地消費者的? 現在的(株)唱歌傅可以說是如日中天,但在創業之 初幷不是一帆風順,因爲在2000年成立公司時,韓 攻到處是趺油的小作坊,消費者更多的是直接趺油 吃而不是購買?轉机出現在韓攻餐飮業的興起,隨 着團郞餐供應市場等市場規模的逐漸頑大,也帶動 了公司的不鉤屠展?加之,在食品博覽繇上(株)唱 歌傅産品樣品引起日本客商的興趣等,開始形成捲 外銷魔産品等多渠道産品銷路? (株)唱歌傅董事長金閏權回顧道,“餐飮業的興起帶 動消費市場的頑大,讓我們看到了屠展的机遇?而 且,優質的産品讓日本客商主動提出購買意向,由 此開始了産品的捲外出口?”


株 唱歌傅芝麻油?蘇子油産品的最大特点是採用 “低溫趺油方式”進行生産?以往,在韓攻捲芝麻和 蘇子趺油,採用的一般都是先用接近200℃的高溫 炒芝麻或蘇子,然后再用趺油机趺油的方式?而唱 ( )

CEO Kim Yun-kwon

December 2021 27

Health & Wellness

was able to obtain overseas sales channels.

It’s Better Because It is Made at Low Temperatures The biggest characteristic of CHAMGOEUL’s sesame oil and perilla oil products is that they are produced through a ‘low-temperature pressing method’. In Korea, sesame oil and perilla oil had been generally roasted at high temperatures close to 200℃ and squeezed out with a press. However, CHAMGOEUL extracts oil by pressing raw materials at low temperature. This method of oil extraction at low temperature creates a nice aroma, and allows a longer shelf life than the existing method owing to reduced contact between raw materials and oxygen. CEO Kim Yun-kwon explained that such a method is particularly good for retaining the intrinsic nutrients such as omega-3s contained in sesame oil and perilla oil. CEO Kim Yun-kwon explained, “For sesame oil and perilla oil, the key is that they’re high in

28 Korea Agrafood

歌傅所採用的是在低溫下捲原料進行趺油,採用這 種方式趺出油不僅味更好,而且可癎少原料侮宸槐 的接觸時間,使保質期比以往方式更長?金董事長 潁撈道,採用低溫趺油方式還能有效保留芝麻油和 蘇子油所含的斛米伽3等固有成分? 金閏權董事長說道,“芝麻油和蘇子油的核心是香味 濃?斛米伽3的含量高?油炸是其附加的功能?我們 都知道假燾中的冷萃假燾口感更柔味更香,油也一 樣,用低溫趺油方式趺出的油各方面都更好?能誥 保留其固有的有效成分也是低溫趺油方式的一大優 点?”從麟際調査的結果看,採用低溫趺油方式生 産的産品要比用以往方式生産的産品保質期長30% 左右?而且,斛米伽3含量也明顯高于橄欖油和油 菜油?


目前,唱歌傅公司的産品已出口美攻?中攻?日本? 泰攻等20多憾攻家?雖然美攻是主要市場,但出口 依賴度幷不局限于特定的攻家,所以銷路一直保持 在穩定的狀態,銷魔額也在不鉤增長?銷魔額從 2001年芎初的約178万美元,格每年的不鉤屠展, 到去年已達到約9323万美元?今年,在物流及生産

omega-3 and that they have a nutty taste. An additional function is frying. Just as cold brew coffee tastes mild and savory, it’s better in every aspect to make oil with the low-temperature pressing method. It also has the advantage of retaining the nutritious ingredients in sesame oil.”

Going Global Market Currently, CHAMGOEUL exports its products to more than 20 countries, including the United States, China, Japan, and Thailand. Although the main market is the United States, the company is not heavily dependent on exports to any specific country, and continues to maintain stable markets with an increase in sales growth. Sales in 2001 amounted to about USD 1.78 million, and as it continued to grow every year, sales reached about USD 93.23 million last year. This year, despite difficult distribution and production related circumstances, the company is expected to achieve about USD 110.2 million in sales. In addition to its core products, sesame oil and perilla oil, another line of products produced by CHAMGOEUL, which is Korean fermented sauce, has become immensely popular overseas. CHAMGOEUL explains that most Korean restaurants in Thailand use CHAMGOEUL’s Gochujang (red chili paste) products, and that the company sold its Gochujang products on the home shopping network in India with the help of the Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT). With the recent increased interest overseas in Seasoned Bean Paste products, the company is stepping up the development of products containing nuts. Also, health functional oils are on the brink of being produced on a commercial scale. CEO Kim Yun-kwon said, “We plan to sell raw sesame oil and walnut oil so that we can penetrate the market for olive oil. We will continue to make efforts to promote Korean oil and other food ingredients overseas.”

穡件遇到蜈大困難的狀拗下,銷魔業績依然有望能 誥達到1億1020万美元?除了主要産品芝麻油和蘇 子油之外,(株)唱歌傅生産的醬類産品在海外也蜈 暢銷?在泰攻,大部分韓餐館都在用(株)唱歌傅生 産的辣椒醬産品?在韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT) 的搗助下,他們的産品還開始在印度的電視購物頻 道上進行銷魔? 近來,隨着包飯醬産品在海外的熱度上升,他們 也正在加快捲含有堅果類産品的開屠步伐?而 且,健康功能性食用油開屠,目前也正在完成商 品化階段? 金閏權董事長憐示,“我們計琬通過鮮香油和核桃油 等産品進入橄欖油銷魔市場?捲趺油産生的副産 品,我們將其作爲植物蛋白質原料創造更多的附加 値?我們將訣樓努力讓更多人的海外消費者了潁韓 攻産食用油和食材?” CHAMGOEUL CO., LTD. +82-63-547-6941

December 2021 29

Focus on People

Popularity of Korean Agricultural Products Felt through AFLO Activities

Bang Min-soo, AFLO member

Korea has a program where young people support agricultural products exports to enter emerging markets. It is the Agrifood Frontier Leader Organization (AFLO), operated by Korea AgroFisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT). Since its introduction in 2017, a total of 435 young people have participated in this program so far this year. Although domestic activities were held in Korea instead of overseas mainly due to the impact of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, AFLO activities are bringing a fresh air into Korean agricultural products exports. <Korea Agrafood> met Bang Min-soo, an active AFLO member this year.

30 Korea Agrafood


Please briefly introduce yourself and explain why you applied for AFLO.


“I am currently a 4th year college student, majoring in International Trade. I am usually interested in Korean agricultural products, so I once applied for a youth trade expert nurturing project by a Korean association. Through this project, I helped a Korean agricultural corporation export to Amazon in the U.S. It was fun and rewarding to help Korean companies export and to be involved in the actual export process. That’s why I applied for AFLO to play a role in supporting and helping the export of Korean agricultural products, which I was interested in.”


“What I clearly felt while working as an AFLO member is that overseas consumers view Korean agricultural products positively. For example, we sent samples of Korean agricultural products to overseas buyers and checked that they gave us favorable responses, so it led to exports. Also, promoting Korean agricultural products through social media to Cambodians, the country I was overseeing, increased the number of followers and likes. This reaction shows that Korean agricultural products are favorably evaluated by locals. We especially drew much better responses when we held a social media event that local consumers directly participated. It was unfortunate that I could not carry out overseas activities due to COVID-19, but I was proud that I took the lead in promoting Korean agricultural products.”

What kind of activities did you do as an AFLO member? “I carried out activities from June to September 2021. First, I oversaw the Cambodian market, so I uploaded the local market research results to the blog, and assisted in the local aT branch’s on-site marketing, influencer recruitment, and SNS management. I also participated in the market research of Vietnam, the main export target for Korean companies, by analyzing the distribution environment of the Vietnamese e-commerce market and directly finding buyers. During these activities, I focused on to increasing the objectivity of data and statistics to give trust to Korean buyers and exporters.”

How did overseas consumers or buyers evaluate Korean agricultural products?


What kind of activities would you like to do in the future?

“When I applied localized marketing to promote Korean agricultural products during AFLO activities, I felt that locals grew more familiar with Korean agricultural products and had a good impression. For example, an event sharing ramyeon recipes on social media drew high interest with various recipes using local ingredients. Based on my experience as an AFLO member, I want to work in a field that contributes to the export of Korean agricultural products.”

December 2021 31

Monthly Pick The Best in Season

12 Dec. SUN







Winter Health Keeper,

Yuja It is easy to catch a cold when there is a wide daily temperature range like these days. To relieve the cold, Yuja (citrus) is a great fruit to eat. With its sweet taste and soft scent, Yuja is considered one of the best fruits to stay healthy in winter because it is good for preventing colds. Made into various processed products such as tea and jam, Korean Yuja is the perfect agricultural product to in season to have ‘now’.

32 Korea Agrafood

j Delicious in Any Way


‘Apples, oranges, lemons…’. These fruits are widely known for their high vitamin C content. But even these are not on par with Yuja, because Yuja is so rich in vitamin C. 100g of Yuja contains about 160mg of vitamin C, which is even three times that of lemon that is known as the ‘treasury of vitamin C’. Vitamin C has various effects such as preventing colds, preventing aging, and fatigue recovery. Yuja also has various ingredients such as vitamin B and Hesperidin, which protects blood vessel health. Thanks to this, consuming Yuja can help prevent cerebrovascular disease and stroke and excrete wastes. These are why Yuja has been called ‘tangerine used as medicine’ since the old times.


Tangerine used as Medicine, Yuja


Zoom In

Yuja has a strong aroma when it is a fresh fruit but it tastes very sour. Since it is even sourer than lemon, it is difficult to eat Yuja as it is, unless you like sour taste. As a result, Yuja is usually pickled in sugar to make tea or is mixed with other ingredients such ginger. Recently, Yuja is sold in various forms, such as potions, powders, and tea bags, so that it is easy to drink and have more value. Many Korean Yuja products are exported abroad, and they are especially popular in China. In fact, prepared Yuja products were sold out in 5 minutes at a promotional event in China. The secret to the popularity of Korean Yuja products is their strong flavor and thick skin. Korean Yuja is produced in Goheung, Wando, and Jangheung in Jeollanam-do and Geoje and Namhae in Gyeongsangnamdo. It is said that the seaside areas like these are good for producing Yuja.

December 2021 33

Monthly Pick The Best Product Online

Best Seller

Nutrition and Taste Together,

Banana Flavored Milk Milk is known as a healthy drink because it is rich in collagen, a kind of protein, calcium, and vitamin B2. But some people are reluctant to drink milk because of its unique taste. To have both nutrition and taste, one way is to drink processed milk that tastes delicious. In Korea, ‘Banana Flavored Milk’ is a representative product that is also popular with online consumers in China.

34 Korea Agrafood

Banana Flavored Milk is the product that comes to mind when you think of convenience stores in Korea. This is because it is so popular that it has ranked the top of the overall sales volume in the convenience store industry every year ever since it was launched, albeit only a slight difference between stores. Korean Banana Flavored Milk is contained in a cute-sized ‘jar bottle’ and has a special banana flavor, which is not common with processed milk. Such characteristics have captivated not only Koreans but also foreigners. Banana Flavored Milk has been selected as ‘the best 3 must buy product when visiting Korea’ among Japanese people, and it was also counted as the most-bought product among Chinese people in Korea. Recently, Banana Flavored Milk has also been gaining popularity in online malls as it has risen to the top selling products among Korean products in ‘JD. com’ in China.

B a n a n a

Popularity of ‘Banana Flavored Milk’ across the World

F l a v o r e d

M i l k

Zoom In Popular even when the Shape Changes Banana Flavored Milk is sold in a pack form at JD. com in China. Since milk has a short shelf life, Banana Flavored Milk is manufactured in sterilized packs to be stored for a long time. Although the unique packaging form has changed, the popularity of Banana Flavored Milk remains the same due to familiarity with processed milk, cheap price and delicious taste, and the reliable quality of processed milk made in Korea. The reasons for purchase of Banana Flavored Milk also varied. One consumer cited the Korean drama ‘Reply 1988’ as the motive for purchasing Banana Flavored Milk, saying that he bought it after he saw it in the drama. Let’s look at various reasons for purchasing Banana Flavored Milk through the information below.


December 2021 35

Issue in SNS

Hallyu Syndrome

Squid Game <Source: Netflix>

Now, Hallyu (Korean Wave) is no longer an unfamiliar scene on the global stage. The Hallyu, which blossomed with BTS and the movie ‘Parasite’, reached its apex with ‘Squid Game’. The Netflix original survival drama Squid Game recently ranked first in viewer ratings in 83 countries, causing a global syndrome. Squid Game is the first series to top the list in 83 countries where Netflix can be watched. Reflecting its popularity, parodies of Squid Game have become popular in each country, and Korean agricultural products are also attracting attention.

36 Korea Agrafood

What is Squid Game? Squid Game is a story of people risking their lives for a chance to win a 45.6 billion won (USD 39 million). 456 debt-stricken, cashstrapped players take part in deadly children’s games, dreaming of becoming the final winner to start a new life. In a total of 9 episodes, Squid Game has drawn worldwide attention with ‘Korean traditional games’ and ‘Deathmatch’, where the opponent must die for one to win the prize. As the whole series unfolds, the people who lose the game are doomed and someone receives the prize after a desperate struggle. The drama starts with ‘Red Light Green Light’, where one can only move when the tagger

covers his eyes and iterates a phrase. This is followed by ‘Dalgona Cutting’, which requires the players to cut around the outline of an umbrella or star picture without breaking it, ‘Tug of War’, where each team pulls a rope, and ‘Squid Game’, where players push the opponents out of a drawing. Here, the Korean ‘tearjerker’ style that appears in the middle is also something to pay attention to during Squid Game. A good heart that goes beyond the simple story of death and killing to connect those who have fallen behind in society is another key to the overall storyline. This is also why ‘Grandpa Gganbu’, who shares affection with the main character, is constantly discussed.

December 2021 37

Issue in SNS

K-FOOD in Squid Game Dozens of people lined up at an experience hall in Paris, France, and customers waiting for a long time at a retail store in Shanghai, China. They are all waiting for Dalgona, which is called ‘Korean hokey-pokey’ and ‘Honeycomb toffee’. Dalgona, a traditional Korean snack, has become enormously popular abroad. The culture of making and experiencing Dalgona like Squid Game is trending all over the world. The ‘Dalgona Kit’ was once out of stock. Celebrities are also rushing to upload content on how to make Dalgona on their social media. A YouTuber with 9.3 million subscribers posted a video of multiple Dalgona chal-

38 Korea Agrafood

lenges, and NBC’s famous talk show host ‘Jimmy Fallon’ also posted on his to join the popularity. Dalgona is not the only Korean food to benefit from this popularity. Samyangfoods’ Samyangramen and green bottled Soju also drew attention overseas. The same goes for Tteokbokki, which is already widely known. It has become known through the scenes where Squid Game’s main character eats Tteokbokki at a food stand and raw ramyeon by crushing it as a side dish while drinking Soju. Let’s check out the Korean food that the main characters like so we can look forward to with infographics.

What are the Actors’ Favorite Food? Lee Jung-jae

Samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) “Nothing beats the taste of glutinous rice and vegetables in one small chicken.”

Heo Sung-tae

Cheonggukjang (rich soybean paste stew) “I always crave Cheonggukjang. I have mastered all the best Cheonggukjang restaurants in each region.”

Jung Ho-yeon

Gukbap (hot soup with rice) “Gukbap at my father’s place is very good.”

Anupam Tripathi

Doenjangjjigae (soybean paste stew) “I like to eat Doenjangjjigae for breakfast or lunch.” <Source: Netflix>

December 2021 39

K-FOOD Recipe Ojingeobokkeum

40 Korea Agrafood

Ojingeobokkeum Spicy & Sweet jingeobokkeum (stir-fried O squid) is a good dish to have to get back your appetite. You can enjoy a delicious bowl of rice without any other side dishes, and it is easy to cook because it requires only few ingredients. When perfectly cooked noodles are added, it becomes a simple and wonderful accompaniment to a drink. Let us follow the recipe in <Korea Agrafood> to make a simple Ojingeobokkeum, which contains taurine and is good for fatigue recovery.

December 2021 41

K-FOOD Recipe Ojingeobokkeum


Main Ingredients: 1 squid, 1/4 carrot, 1/2 onion, 1 red pepper, 1 green onion


Clean the squid under running water, then cut it into bite-size pieces.

Cut the carrot, onion, red pepper and green onion into long and thick pieces.

Sub Ingredients: 2/3 tablespoon of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of oligosaccharide, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 1 teaspoon of minced garlic, 1 tablespoon of gochujang (red chili paste), 2 tablespoons of red pepper powder 2 Servings


Mix together all the ingredients for the seasoning sauce to make marinade.

20 min

510 kcal



Put the prepared vegetables and squid in a large bowl and pour the marinade on it.


Mix the seasoning and ingredients thoroughly.

On a lightly oiled frying pan, stir-fry the ingredients over high heat for 4~5 minutes.


Place the Ojingeobokkeum on a plate and enjoy.


42 Korea Agrafood


Ojingeobokkeum-Related Export Products

Gochugaru from Yeongyang Red Pepper Trade Corporation

Korean Style Versatile Stir-fried Sauce from Jinsung F.M

Gochugaru (red pepper powder), which is

Seasoning is most important in cooking.

made of finely ground red peppers, is an

It is because the taste of a dish depends

essential ingredient when preparing spicy

on the seasoning. Getting Jinsung F.M’s

Korean dishes. Gochugaru is added in

stir-fried sauce products will solve all

practically all the red-colored Korean dish-

such cooking dilemmas. One stir-fried

es such as Tteokbokki, Haemulsundubu-

sauce takes care of not only

jjigae (seafood and soft bean curd stew),

Ojingeobokkeum, but also

and Kimchijjigae (Kimchi stew). Yeongyang

Jeyukbokkeum (stir-fried pork) and

Red Pepper Trade Corporation sells high-

Nakjibokkeum (stir-fried octopus).

quality Gochugaru, which the company

Jinsung F.M’s stir-fried sauce products

produces by the latest hygienic methods.

come in tubes for convenience of use

Since red peppers are dried at low tem-

and storage.

peratures, their inherent components are 031-352-0261


031-352-6475 054-680-9000

December 2021 43

Variety Korea

Busan the Second Largest City in Korea ou would easily think of Seoul as Y the representative city of Korea, but Busan is another city that represents Korea, attracting nearly 3 million tourists a year from all over the world. Foreign tourists pay attention to Busan because there are so many attractions to see and enjoy. Let’s travel to Busan, which is full of various things to see, eat, and enjoy, with <Korea Agrafood>.

44 Korea Agrafood

韓國第二の都市?釜山 韓國を代表する都市といえば?ソウルが頭に浮かぶだろう が?釜山は年間300万人近くの觀光客が全世界から訪れる? ここからも明らかなように?ソウルに次いで韓國を代表す る都市だ?海外の觀光客が釜山に注目する理由は?見どこ ろやおすすめスポットが非常に多いためだ?樣?な見どこ ろとグルメスポット?おすすめスポットが盛りだくさんの 釜山に<Korea Agrafood>とともに出かけてみよう?

Gwangan Bridge


Busan is the largest port city in Korea. As a result, it has many attractions along the sea. A major one is Haeundae Beach, one of Korea’s most famous beaches. Although it attracts tourists the most in summer, if you are a tourist who wants to enjoy the beauty of the sea, the season doesn’t matter. A place not to be missed when visiting Haeundae is the film street where Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) is held. As one of the largest international film festivals in Korea, BIFF is a worth site to visit for tourists interested in Korean dramas and movies, as there are the handprints of major directors and actors of Korean films engraved along this movie street in Haeundae. Gwanganli Beach is also not to be missed. Gwangan Bridge seen from Gwanganli Beach emits more than 100,000 colors, which marvel all tourists who see the night view of this striking landscape.

Haeundae Beach

釜山は韓國最大の港灣都市といえる?そのため?海を中心 とした見どころが多い?代表的な場所が海雲臺(ヘウンデ) だ?海雲臺海水浴場は?每年1,000万人を超える觀光客が 訪れる?韓國を代表する海水浴場だ?海水浴場という特性 上?夏に觀光客が集まるが?趣のある海の風情を樂しみた いなら?季節はさほど關係ない?海雲臺を訪れたときに外 せない場所が?釜山國際映畵祭が開催される「海雲臺映畵通 り」だ?BIFFは韓國最大の國際映畵祭で?海雲臺にある「海 雲臺映畵通り」を散策すると?韓國映畵を代表する監督や俳 優の手形が刻まれており?韓國のドラマと映畵に關心があ る觀光客ならば?一度は訪れておきたい場所だ? また?廣安里(クワァンアンリ)海水浴場も外せない?特に? 廣安里海水浴場から眺める廣安大橋は10万種類以上のライ トでライトアップされた姿はまさに絶景で?ここの夜景を 一度見た觀光客ならば?その景色に壓倒される?

Busan International Film Festival

December 2021 45


Variety Korea


The most famous dishes of Busan are undoutedly Dwaejigukbap (pork and rice soup) and Milmyeon (wheat noodles). Dwaejigukbap is made with pork and rice in broth made of pork bones, seasoned with chives, salted shrimp, and Kkakdugi (cubed radish kimchi). Dwaejigukbap is called ‘soul food’ by Busan people, and Dwaejigukbap restaurants are found everywhere in Busan. As another local dish in Busan, Milmyeon is made by noodles in a broth made from beef, pork, and chicken bones. Milmyeon noodles with added starch have a chewy texture, like Naengmyeon (cold buck wheat noodles). During the Korean War, the North Korean displaced people mixed wheat flour with potato flour instead of buckwheat as they wanted to eat Naengmyeon, which is presumed to have become the origin of Milmyeon. As a city of the sea, Busan is abundant with seafood. You can taste cheap seafood at traditional markets such as Jagalchi Market, Gijang Market, and Gukje Market, as well as raw fish restaurants near Haeundae and Gwanganli.

46 Korea Agrafood


釜山を代表する食べ物といえば?もちろんテジクッ パとミルミョンだ?テジクッパは豚骨でとったス― プに?豚肉と米飯を入れて食べるクッパで?ニラの淺 漬けとオキアミの鹽辛?カクテギで味を調整して食べ る?テジクッパは釜山の人?の「ソウルフ―ド」と呼ば れ?釜山の至る所でテジクッパの專門店をみることが できる? ミルミョンは釜山の鄕土料理で?牛?豚?鷄などの 骨で取ったス―プへ麵をかけて食べる料理だ?デン プンを加えたミルミョンの面は?こしのある食感で 冷麵と似ているともいわれる?そこで?朝鮮戰爭の 當時に?現在の北朝鮮地域から逃れてきた人?が冷 麵を食べたいときに?ソバの代わりに小麥粉にデン プンを混ぜて作った料理がミルミョンの起源である といわれている? また?港町の釜山で味わうのにうってつけの料理 は海産物だ?刺身をはじめとして樣?な海 産物は?釜山の情緖を最大限味わうこ とができる?海雲臺や廣安里の近所 にある刺身店はもちろん?チャガ ルチ市場や機張(キジャン)市場? 國際市場などの傳統市場でも手 ごろな價格で海産物を味わうこと ができる?

Gijang Miyeok

Local Products

Not all tomatoes are the same. Busan has a special tomato, called Daejeo tomato. It is named so as it started to be cultivated in Daejeo-dong, Busan. This area has a salty soil and a coastal area, giving a unique, salty taste to Daejeo tomato produced here with high sugar content. The tomato is known for its value as it is registered as an agricultural product under the geographical indication system. Miyeok (seaweed) is also a local specialty that cannot be missed. Miyeok produced in Gijang, Busan is of such excellent quality that it was presented to the king during Joseon Dynasty. The shipment period of Gijang Miyeok is from December every year to April to May of the following year. Gijang is especially designated as a special zone for seaweed and kelp, and it boasts the highest quality as a festival is held every year.

Daejeo Tomato

トマトだからといって?全部同じようなトマトではない? 釜山には特別なトマトがある?それが?大渚(テジョ)トマ トだ?大渚トマトは?釜山の大渚洞で栽培されて始めたこ とから付けられた名前だ?この地域は?土壤に鹽分が多く 含まれ?海岸地帶でもある?ここで生産される大渚トマト は糖度が高いが鹽味も加わっていることから?獨特の味に なっている?特に?大渚トマトは地理的表示制度の農産物 として登錄されており?その價値が認められている? ワカメも外せない特産物だ?釜山の機張で收穫されるワカ メは?朝鮮時代の王に獻上したほど?質のよいものだ?機 張ワカメの出荷時期は?每年12月から翌年の4~5月までだ? 特に?機張郡はワカメ·昆布特區に指定されており?每年? 關連イベントが開催されるなど?機張ワカメは最高品質を 誇る?

December 2021 47


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