May 2021 (vol.307)

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May 2021 vol.307


Global Trend

Rosepia, the Name that Represents Korean Roses

Vietnam, the World’s 5th Largest Consumer of Ramyeon

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Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0963 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995 Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved. CEO Kim Choon-jin EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Oh Hyung-wan (Food Industry & Trade Division) EDITORS Ahn Byeong-hee REPORTERS Lee Young-ju ( Kim Young-min ( Lee Ki-no ( Choi Yeong-jin ( GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Han Hyo-jin (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)


EDITORIAL BOARD BEIJING Chung Yeon-su 070-4617-5090 ( SHANGHAI Sung Si-chan 070-7077-6197 ( CHENGDU Wang Sung 070-4617-3267 ( DALIAN Koh Jung-hee 070-4617-3266 ( HONGKONG Kim Suk-ju 070-4617-2696 (


HANOI Park Min-cheol 070-4617-7257 ( HOCHIMIN Park Il-Sang +84-28-3822-7504 ( BANGKOK Lee Ju-yong 070-4617-7226 ( JAKARTA Lee Seoung-bok 070-4617-2695 ( TOKYO Jang Seo-gyeong +81-3-5367-6656 ( OSAKA Kwon Tae-hwa +81-6-6260-7661 ( NEW YORK Shim Hwa-sop 1-212-889-2561 ( L.A Han Man-woo 1-562-809-8810 ( DUBAI Kim Hyuk +97-1-4339-2213 (

Cover Story

Infinite Possibility of Rice,

K-Processed Rice Products

PARIS Ha Jung-a 070-4617-7225 ( VLADIVOSTOK Shin Jae-hun 070-4617-3277 ( QINGDAO Lee Sun-woo ( KUALALUMPUR Jang Jae-hyung (


The Secret of Popularity of K-Processed Rice Products


Focused as the Epitome of Healthy Food


Mammos Total Snack Company

EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9072

Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website,

May 2021 vol. 307 Exploration

Trend & Culture





Rosepia, the Name that Represents Korean Roses

Vietnam, the World’s 5th Largest Consumer of Ramyeon



TRADITIONAL K-FOOD Korean Gochujang of 7 Generations Advances into the World

MONTHLY PICK Photo by Dameulstudio


20 26

HEALTH & WELLNESS Organic Infant Food Containing Mother’s Love


Rice, along with wheat and corn, is one of the world’s three largest food crops. It is consumed mainly in Asia, including Korea, and is also a master of transformation. Korean rice is processed in a wide variety of forms, from instant rice to rice cakes, snacks, noodles, drinks, and even alcohol. Recently, processed rice products are attracting a lot of interest in the US and Europe.

- The Best in Season: Perilla Leaves - Best Product Online: Red Ginseng


ISSUE IN SNS SEVENTEEN, Massively Popular as the Number of Its Members


K-FOOD RECIPE Bibimguksu, One Spicy & Sweet Mixed Meal





FOCUS ON PEOPLE Kim Jae-hyung, Director of the Export Promotion Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs


VARIETY KOREA Jeonju, the Home of Bibimbap

C over Story

Infinite Possibility of Rice,

K-Processed Rice Products Rice, along with wheat and corn, is one of the world’s three largest food crops. It is consumed mainly in Asia, including Korea, and is also a master of transformation. Korean rice is processed in a wide variety of forms, from instant rice to rice cakes, snacks, noodles, drinks, and even alcohol. Recently, processed rice products are attracting a lot of interest in the US and Europe. Currently, the export of processed rice products in Korea has achieved the highest performance in history and is ever booming.

4 Korea Agrafood

大米的无限可能性,韓攻大米加工食品 大米侮小麥和玉米一道被稱之爲是世界三大粮食作物,主 要在韓攻等亞洲地袴消費?大米也可以說是變身奇思,在 韓攻,利用大米加工的食品從方便米飯到米桀?餠干?米 陸?飮料?米酒等花樣繁多?近來,隨着有益健康的无螂 質大米加工食品受到人們的歡迎,也引起了美攻和斛洲等 地消費者的關注?目前,韓攻大米加工食品的出口正在高 歌猛進,不鉤刷新新紀湳?

May 2021 5

C over Story

The Secret of Popularity of K-Processed Rice Products

long with the global increase in single-person A households, the increase in demand for home meal replacements caused by COVID-19 has led to consumption of processed rice products. The convenience of K-processed rice products, such as instant rice that is easy to prepare, has come into prominence. In recent years, due to the influence of Hallyu (Korean Wave), tteokbokki, a national snack food in Korea, became popular worldwide, contributing to the export of processed rice products. In fact, it is reported that the popularity of tteokbokki franchise restaurants in Thailand and Taiwan has increased, and also exports of rice cakes have increased as many Hallyu fans cooked tteokbokki at home. In addition, as the popularity of beverages and makgeolli, which have the unique sweetness of rice, has increased, processed rice products have emerged as a

6 Korea Agrafood

韓攻大米加工食品受寵秘訣 全球性單身家庭的增加及受新冠疫情的影響, 使大米加工食品等家庭方便食品的需求量有了 進一步增加?如,可簡單潁決一頓飯的方便米 飯等韓攻大米加工食品的便利性開始得到消費 者的靑器?近來,在韓流的影響下,韓攻典型的 大衆小吃炒米桀走出攻門也爲大米加工食品的出 口助力一臂之力?如在泰攻及臺膿等地,不僅炒 米桀連鎖餐館蜈受人們的歡迎,而且還有許多韓 流粉絲在家自己動手做炒米桀等,進而帶動米桀 類産品出口量的增加?除此之外,隨着帶有大米 特有甘甛味道的飮料及馬格利酒等受到消費者的 熱捧,使得大米加工食品開始成爲韓攻主要的出 口農食品? 韓攻政府提供的支援也爲大米加工食品頑大出口

Top 10 major export agricultural food in Korea. The support of the Korean government has also contributed greatly to the expansion of the export of processed rice products. It expanded the distribution channels overseas and actively supported differentiated marketing using celebrities and influencers. Through this, Korean processed rice products such as tteokbokki can be easily purchased at major overseas online malls such as Amazon in the US and Tmall in China. The Korean industry for processed rice products continues its own efforts. It is making joint efforts to develop new products and expand exports through the Korea Rice Foodstuffs Association. It is drawing attention from consumers by carrying out promotional activities such as selecting the top 10 processed rice products every year.

K-Processed Rice Products

起到了重要的作用?這些支援項目包括拓展在海 外市場的銷魔渠道,借助明星和網紅等開展特色 營銷等?通過這些援助項目,也使海外消費者能 誥在美攻亞馬遜及中攻天猫等海外網購店更加方 便地購買到炒米桀等韓攻大米加工食品?作爲韓 攻政府支援項目的內容之一,電影“寄生惡”中的 女影星趙茹珍還專門爲米陸産品拍攝了廣告片? 韓攻大米加工食品企業的自身努力也在訣樓?各 家企業都在爲進一步頑大産品的出口,通過韓攻 大米加工食品協繇共同努力開屠新産品?幷且, 每年都通過組織評選十佳大米加工食品等宣傳活 動,吸引消費者捲大米加工食品的關注? May 2021 7

C over Story

n Korea, there is a saying that ‘Bap is restorative I medicine’. Bap is the staple food of Koreans which is cooked by boiling rice, and there is a long-standing belief that even if you eat only Bap, you can maintain your health. As science advances, the basis for this belief is elucidated one by one. First of all, unlike wheat, rice does not require the pulverizing process to use for food. The cooking process is simple, so it has the advantage of losing less nutrients. It is also basically rich in various nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, dietary fiber, and minerals. It is also good for preventing obesity and adult diseases. This is because starch in rice is digested and absorbed more slowly than starch in wheat, so it prevents a rapid rise in blood sugar. Recently, as more people suffer from allergies and digestive disorders due to gluten contained in wheat flour, processed rice products, which are gluten-free, are drawing attention as well-being foods.

Focused as the Epitome of Healthy Food


What is Gluten? Gluten is an insoluble protein, and it plays a role in giving firm elasticity and a chewy texture to bread or noodles. Gluten is known to cause allergies, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and headache, as well as shock, skin disease, fibromyalgia, and celiac disease in severe cases.


螂質是一種不溶性蛋白質,可使面包及面穡等面食富有 彈性和勁道的嚼感?現已査明,膚質不僅可引起過敏? 腹痛?腹瀉?頭痛等症狀,嚴重時還可引起休克?皮膚 病?纖維肌痛症?乳桃瀉等疾病?

8 Korea Agrafood

在韓攻有句話叫“飯就是補葯”?米飯是韓攻人的主 食,韓攻人自古以來就堅信只要保嗇吃好飯就能保持 住健康的身郞?隨着科縯的進步這種觀点也被有利的 嗇据所一一嗇麟? 首先,大米不同于小麥,沒有制成面粉的過程?烹斐 過程也蜈簡單,所以還有營養成分流失少的優点?而 且,大米中還富含爺水化合物?蛋白質?脂肪?膳食 纖維及告物質等各種營養成分? 大米捲預防肥獨和成人病有好處?因爲大米澱粉的 消化吸收過程要慢于小麥,所以可防止血糖的急速 上升?由于面粉中含有的螂質成分引起過敏及消化障 巫的人在增加,所以无螂質大米加工食品越來越受到 人們的關注?

K-Processed Rice Products Loved all Over the World

Exports of K-Processed Rice Products 2020 Processed Rice Products Export Performance by Item Rice Crackers

Exports of Korea’s processed rice prod-


Miscellaneous 2.9%

ucts reached a record high of USD 137.6 million in 2020. This is a 26.9% increase from the same period last year. The increase in exports of processed rice prod-



ucts seems to have been affected by the

Rice Drinks

expansion of the processed rice products


Rice Cakes


market due to the increasing demand for home meal replacements. Consumption of rice cakes including tteokbokki increased in Asian markets such as Japan

Processed Rice


and China along with the spread of Korean wave culture, and demand for processed rice, such as frozen fried rice and instant rice, surged in the U.S. market due to the influence of COVID-19.

Exports of Processed Rice Products by Country in 2020 (unit : million)

世人靑器的韓攻大米加工食品 年,韓攻大米加工食品創曆史之最,麟現 出口額 1 3 7 . 6 百万美元,同比前一年增加 26.9%?看來,家庭方便食品需求量的增加及大 米加工食品市場需求的頑大捲大米加工食品出口 量的增加産生了主要影響?隨着韓流文化的頑 散,炒米桀等米桀類産品在日本和中攻等亞洲市 場的銷量有了大幅度增加,而冷凍炒飯和方便米 飯等米飯類加工食品則在新冠疫情的影響下在美 攻市場的需求劇增?

USD 54.92


USD 17.038 USD 12.886 USD 9.075

May 2021 9

C over Story

Rice Snack Company that is More Recognized Overseas ammos Total Snack Company is the M number 1 exporter in the Korean rice snack sector. Early in the late 1990s, when they entered the overseas market, they introduced the taste of Korean rice snacks locally. Their products are exported to the US, China, UK, France, Singapore, and Canada. Exports account for 70% of sales. Now, their products can be easily found in large global distribution

10 Korea Agrafood

馳名海外的大米餠干生産企業 是韓攻大米餠干領 域的出口龍頭企業?早在1990年代后期便進入海外市 場,將韓攻的大米餠干産品推向了世界市場?産品現已 出口美攻?中攻?英攻?法攻?新加坡?加拿大等多憾 攻家?出口額也達到了總銷魔額的70%?在全球性大型 商場好市多?家樂福?H-Mart等也可隨處見到大米餠 Mammos Total Snack Company

stores such as Costco, Carrefour, and H Mart. There are over 70 kinds of products, all of which are made only with gluten-free ingredients such as rice and brown rice. CEO Shin Sung-bum said, “In Korea, consumers of rice snacks are mostly older in age, while overseas consumers are younger in their twenties. As the demand is increasing for snacks that are good for your body and not fattening or salty, they are gaining popularity as rice snack products that can be enjoyed by young people and children.” The easy-to-eat shape is also a factor affecting their popularity. They acquired a patent by developing a stick-type product that you can hold in your hand and a bite-sized ONE-BITE product. CEO Shin Sung-bum said, “The existing rice snack products are inconvenient to eat and to carry because they are large, so they smear around the mouth or need to be crushed when eaten. So, we developed an easy-to-eat rice snack. In particular, they were packaged individually so that they can be eaten anytime, anywhere, and received favorable reviews from consumers.” Recently, in line with the well-being trend, we are continuously developing cereal bars containing nuts such as cashew nuts and almonds. Also, we are producing rice snack products that contain functional ingredients such as red ginseng and collagen, or Korean famous specialties such as Jeju tangerine and Boseong green tea.

干産品?産品花樣也繁多,有70多種且全部利用大米和 鼠米等无螂質原料進行生産?産品味道也有草撻味?香 蕉味?巧克力味?酸球味等多種多樣? 公司董事長愼成凡說道, “在韓攻,大米餠干的消費層 主要偏向于高齡群郞,而在海外消費捲象的年齡主要是 20多歲的年輕群郞?旣然要吃就要吃捲身郞有益的餠 干已成共識,所以不屠獨不含鹽的餠干産品需求越來越 大,大米餠干也成爲了受年輕消費者和傅童喜歡的熱門 産品?” 吃着蜈方便的款式也是受歡迎的因素之一?爲此還開屠 出了便于手嗇的棒型和一口大小的ONE-BITE式專利 産品? 愼成凡董事長說道,“以往的大米餠干産品形狀較大, 所以在吃餠干時格常繇有餠干末沾到嘴仝且需要倣着 吃,旭帶也不太方便?所以我們開屠出了形狀大小吃着 方便的大米餠干産品?而且包裝也採用便于隨時隨地方 便食用的單包裝方式,得到了消費者的好評?” 目前,我們根据人們越來越重視健康的屠展趨勢,正 在進行混合有腰果及杏仁等堅果類的穀物棒等産品的 開屠?而且還生産添加有紅參或膠原蛋白等功能性原料 及含有韓攻著名特産上州柑桔?銅城綠茶等成分的大米 餠干産品? 愼成凡董事長憐示,“全球大米加工食品的市場每年都 在頑大,市場的屠展前景蜈樂觀,所以我們計琬在積極 開屠産品的同時還將積極開展市場營銷活動?”

Mammos Total Snack Company +82-31-741-2000

May 2021 11


the Name that Represents Korean Roses 12 Korea Agrafood

t is no exaggeration to say that roses, I which are synonymous with beauty, are the most loved flowers in the world. Love for roses is great in Korea as well. Each year, about 150 million roses of various varieties and colors are cultivated. In particular, spray roses (spray roses take a form which produces multiple blooms per stem) are Korea’s representative export roses and are recognized for their excellent quality. Over a long period of time, not only varieties have been improved, but also cultivation and distribution methods have been enhanced, and Rosepia CO., LTD. is at the center of all these efforts. Meet Rosepia, which currently accounts for 90% of the Korean rose exports, and has become synonymous with Korean roses.

The highest quality made cooperatively The fundamental spirit of Rosepia is in cooperation. In 1997, Korea faced great difficulties during the IMF financial crisis, and rose farmers were no exception. Rose farmers across the country promoted the export of roses to find a way out, and Rosepia was established in the process. Lee Kwang-jin, Senior Managing Director of Rosepia said, “To overcome the difficulties at the time, we promoted the export of roses to Japan, where there was a large consumer market for flowers and logistics costs were low due to geographical proximity. At first, it was difficult to maintain freshness, but now it is recognized enough to transact with the sale at a fixed price and quantity. Sale by fixed price refers

韓國のバラを代表する名前? ロ―ズピア(Rosepia) 美しさの代名詞として通じるバラは?世界的に最も愛さ れている花といっても過言ではない?ロ―マ神話のなか の愛の神であるクピド(Cupido)は?その美しさに反し て棘に刺される痛みを厭わず?最後まで愛したと傳えら れるほど?優雅な姿と魅力的な香りを誇る?韓國でもバ ラへの愛はすさまじい?每年?約1億5,000万本の樣? な品種と色のバラが生産されるほどだ?特に?スプレ― バラ(1つの莖に複數の花を寮かせる形)は?韓國の代表 的な輸出用のバラで?すぐれた品質が認められている? 長きにわたる品種改良はもちろん?栽培および流通方式 の改善が行われた?こうした努力の主人公が?まさに ロ―ズピアだ?現在?韓國のバラ輸出の90%を擔い? 韓國のバラの代名詞になったロ―ズピアをみていこう?


ロ―ズピアの基本精神は協同にある?1997年?大韓民 國はアジア通貨危機を經驗し?大きな困難に直面した? バラ農家も例外ではなかった?全國のバラ農家は活路を 見出すため?バラの輸出を推進した?この過程でロ―ズ May 2021 13


to exporting with a predetermined price and quantity, which is possible because we have established a trust relationship with Japanese buyers thus far.” Roses are harvested in 30 member farms nationwide, and most of them are high-tech glass greenhouses where temperature and humidity are managed. In particular, after harvesting, roses are collected at a sorting plant located in Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, and are immersed in water treated with a life-extending agent within 10 minutes after harvesting to maintain freshness. Even after the final sorting, they are put in self-developed water-filled buckets and exported. This bucket was selfdeveloped so that water does not spill out even if it is turned over. Managing Director Lee Kwang-jin explained, “When transporting roses, they are not simply stacked, but must be immersed in water treated with a life-extending agent. Although the logistics costs are great, it is an essential measure to maintain freshness. We are doing our best for the management after harvesting, such as managing the sorting plant with the cold chain system.”

14 Korea Agrafood

ピアが設立された?ロ―ズピアの李光珍(イ·クヮンジ ン)專務理事は?「當時の困難な狀況を打開するために? 花卉の消費市場が大きく?地理的にも近くて物流費が安 い日本へのバラ輸出を推進した?當初は鮮度維持で苦勞 したが?現在は定價隨意賣買を進めるほど?品質も認め られている?定價隨意賣買とは?價格と量を事前に決定 して輸出することを指すが?この間?日本のバイヤ―と の信賴關係を構築したことで可能になったことだ?」と 述べた? 全國の會員農家の30ヶ所でバラが收穫されるが?溫度 と濕度が管理される最先端のガラス溫室がほとんどだ? 特に?收穫を終えたバラは全羅北道の全州にある選別場 に集められるが?收穫後の10分以內に壽命延長劑の處 理がされた水に浸けられ?鮮度維持が行われる?最終選 別を終えた後でも?獨自開發した水筒に浸して輸出され る?この水筒はひっくり返しても水がこぼれないように 獨自開發したものだ? 李光珍專務理事は?「バラを運送するとき?單純に重ね るのではなく?壽命延長劑の處理された水に必ず浸す? 物流費が多くかかるが?鮮度維持のために必須の措置 だ?選別場もコ―ルドチェ―ンシステムで管理するな ど?收穫後の管理に最善を盡くしている?」と說明した?


バラは品種が非常に重要だ?品種により價格が千差万別 なためだ?特に?バラの場合?一度栽培すると4年は栽

Developing new varieties and pioneering new markets Rose varieties are very important. This is because prices vary widely depending on the variety. In particular, in the case of roses, once planted, you must cultivate them for 4 years, so you need to be careful in choosing a variety. That’s why Rosepia tests dozens of new varieties every year. Managing Director Lee Kwang-jin said, “Roses cannot be stored and it is not easy to change varieties. That is why Rosepia tests 30 to 100 new varieties every year to reduce failure in variety selection, and 25% of the cultivation area is for cultivating new varieties.” Rosepia’s competitiveness is the endeavor to constantly develop new varieties without being complacent with reality. Rosepia is also exploring new markets to expand exports of roses. This is because we believe, from a long-term perspective, that diversification of the export market will help the rose industry in Korea. Managing Director Lee Kwang-jin said, “It took 15 years to become Korea’s leading rose brand. Currently, most roses are exported to Japan, but we are planning to find new markets. Russia also has a lot of demand for roses, but export competitiveness is not high due to the recent decline in value of the Russian ruble. Rather, we assess that Singapore and the Middle East have potential. We will continue to do our best for the globalization of Korean roses.”

培しなければならないため?品種の選擇は愼重に行わな ければならない?ロ―ズピアが每年?數十種の新品種を テストする理由がまさにここにある? 李光珍專務理事は?「バラは保存もきかず?品種を變え ることも容易ではない?そこで?ロ―ズピアは品種選擇 の失敗を減らすために?每年30~100種類の新品種をテ ストしており?栽培面積の25%は新品種を栽培してい る?」と述べた?現實に滿足することなく?絶えず新品種 を開發する努力こそ?ロ―ズピアの競爭力であるという 考えだ? ロ―ズピアはバラの輸出擴大のために?新市場の開拓に も乘り出している?長期的な觀点で輸出市場の多角化が 韓國のバラ産業の發展に貢獻すると信じているためだ? 李光珍專務理事は?「韓國を代表するバラのブランドに なるまで?15年という歲月がかかった?現在?バラは ほとんどが日本へ輸出されているが?新たな市場の開拓 にも乘り出す方針だ?ロシアもバラに對する需要が多い が?近年のル―ブルの下落により?輸出競爭力が高くな い狀況だ?むしろ?シンガポ―ルと中東地域などが?可 能性があると判斷している?今後も韓國のバラのグロ― バル化のために最善を盡くしたい?」と述べた?

Rosepia CO., LTD. +82-63-548-3113 +82-63-548-4114

May 2021 15

Global Trend _


Vietnam the World’s 5th Largest Consumer of Ramyeon 世界第五方便面消費攻,越南 The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has decreased dining out consumption and widely spread, the home cooking trend all over the world. This trend has boosted the popularity of instant noodles with various flavors. Let’s take a look at the ramyeon (ramen) consumption and trends in Vietnam, where ramyeon sales have been rapidly increasing in recent years.

新冠疫情下隨着外餐癎少,居家料 理文化已成爲全 球性趨勢? 在這一趨勢 下,方便而花 樣繁多的方便面 開始受到人們的 靑器?下面就 讓我們通過全 球趨勢欄目,了潁 一下銷量猛增的越南方便 面消費量及趨勢?

16 Korea Agrafood

Vietnam’s Fast-Growing Ramyeon Market According to the World Instant Noodle Association (WINA), Vietnam’s ramyeon consumption was 5.4 billion in 2019, an increase by 4.4% from the same period of previous year. It ranks fifth in the world after China, Indonesia, India, and Japan. Vietnam’s Ramyeon consumption per capita was 57 units during the same period, ranking third after Korea’s 75 and Nepali 58. However, this figure is truly surprising for the amount of ramyeon consumption given its population. In Vietnam, one of the most popular ramyeon types is the packaged ramyeon, and the preferred flavors are in the order of beef, chicken, vegetables, and seafood. Currently, there are about 50 instant noodle manufacturers in Vietnam. Among them, Vina Acecook, Masan, and Asia Food occupy about 70% of the market.

快速屠展的越南方便面市場 据世界方便面協繇(WINA)統計,2019年越南 方便面消費量爲54億憾,2018年同比上漲了 4.4%?消費總量訣中攻?印尼?印度?日本之 后占世界第五位?同期,越南人均方便面消費 量爲57憾,訣韓攻75憾及尼泊爾58憾位居第三 位?相捲于人口比例,方便面的消費量驚人? 在越南最受歡迎的是袋裝方便面,最喜歡的味 道依次爲牛肉味?鷄肉味?蔬菜和海鮮味方便 面? 据統計,目前越南約有50多家方便面生産企業? 其中,Vina Acecook, Masan, Asia Food這 3家企業的市場占有率約達70%?

May 2021 17

Global Trend _


新冠疫情后方便面消費的變化 新冠疫情出現后越南的方便面消費量有了更大的提高?据 全球領先的消費者購買和使用洞察市場硏究机構――凱度 消費者指瑠(Kantar World Panel)統計,2020年初新 冠疫情出現后,越南的方便面消費不論是城鄕普遍有所增 長?其中,城市增長65%,農村增長27%?而且還据此 次調査得出,越南方便面市場的主要消費群郞在農村地 袴,其消費量占方便面總消費的80%?据分析,出現這 種結果的原因在于保持社交距牢,使人們更靑器家庭方便 食品,而最典型的方便食品就是方便面? 韓攻的八道食品就是2006年進入越南的方便面企業之一? 該公司于2012年就已在越南建成方便面工廠幷正式進入 方便面的生産和銷魔?

Changes in Ramyeon Consumption after COVID-19 Ramyeon consumption in Vietnam has been increasing even further after COVID-19. According to the world-renowned advertising company Kantar World Panel, ramyeon consumption in Vietnam, both in urban and rural areas, increased after the outbreak of COVID19 in early 2020. In fact, it was announced that ramyeon consumption has risen by 65% in cities and 27% in rural are assince the outbreak of COVID-19. Moreover, a survey found that people in rural are as are the main consumers of the ramyeon market, accounting for 80% of the total ramyeon consumption in Vietnam. An analysis showed ramyeon was one of the common foods sought by consumers to conveniently eat at home due to strict social distancing. Among Korean companies, Paldofood has been targeting the Vietnamese market since it entered Vietnamin 2006. It completed building a ramyeon factory in 2002 in Vietnam and actively began ramyeon production and distribution.

18 Korea Agrafood

Healthy and Nutritious Ramyeon is the New Trend COVID-19 is also changing the food purchasing habits of Vietnamese consumers. According to a report, 83% of Vietnamese consumers choose healthy diets, which is higher than the global average of 79%. About 89% of consumers also expressed their willingness to pay a higher price for healthy food. In response, ramyeon manufacturers are also releasing healthy and nutritious ramyeon one after another. Vina Acecook launched vegetarian ramyeon using mushrooms and vegetables as the main ingredients. Ramyeon company UNIBEN is also releasing new products such as rice noodle ramyeon to keep pace with the trend of ‘healthy ramyeon with rich nutritions’.

健康高營養方便面成趨勢 新冠疫情給越南消費者的食品採購理念也帶來了新的變 化?也就是說,捲健康食品的關注更高了?据一項硏究報 告顯示,83%的越南消費者都在選楊健康的餐飮,這一 瑠据要高于全球平均水平79%?而且有大約89%的消費 者憐示愿意爲健康食品付出更高的價格? 据此,方便面生産企業也在陸樓推出健康高營養方便面産 品?Vina Acecook公司還推出了以菉慶?蔬菜等爲主 原料的素食方便面?UNIBEN方便面生産企業還通過推 出米粉方便面?火鍋菉慶方便面?裙帶菜方便面等新産 品,以順應“高營養健康方便面”的屠展趨勢要求?越南消 費者蜈注重方便面産品的原産地和材料等內容,購買産品 時先確認産品的成分?原産地等已成爲一種趨勢?

<Source=Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency of Hanoi Trade Office and Hanoi Branch Office of aT>

2015~2019 Vietnamese Ramyeon Consumption World Instant Noodle Association (WINA)


(unit: million)

5,200 4,800








May 2021 19

Traditional K-FOOD

Korean of 7 Generations Advances into the World 傳承7代的韓攻辣椒醬走向世界 Gochujang representing Korea produced by a traditional method Produced by SUNCHANG MOONOKRYE FOOD, gochujang has an excellent savory taste with a unique dark red color, a subtle scent, and a taste that arouses appetite. Its quality is guaranteed by the raw ingredients produced in the clean water of Sunchang and the flavor that has been passed down for 7 generations of tradition. Produced with a unique method in the old region of Sunchang, gochujang also has Meju (fermented soybean lump) that is made separately every year around July of the lunar calendar. Gochujang is prepared in the winter, because the cold weather slows the saccharification rate, inhibits the growth of lactic acid bacteria, and gives a rich taste without making it sour. CEO Cho Jong-hyun, the son of Moon Okrye of SUNCHANG MOONOKRYE FOOD, CO., LTD. said, “The gochujang sales have increased nationwide because it is so delicious. The number of gochujang shops has also soared and even formed a tourist complex,

20 Korea Agrafood


淳昌文玉饑食品生産的辣椒醬顔色黑紅,味道香甛?在 山淸水秀的淳昌生産的原料和傳承7代的味 道可保嗇産品的質量?採用淳昌古老的糾特方法生産的 辣椒醬,需要在每年的陰曆7月專門制作辣椒醬用豆醬 餠,幷在寒冷的嚴冬酩制辣椒醬?冬季酩醬可癎緩糖化 速度,抑制乳酸菌的繁殖,不繇屠酸且味道更甛香? 又文玉饑老球球的傅子又淳昌文玉饑食品(株)的董事長 曹琮賢說道,“辣椒醬蜈好吃,所以銷往全攻各地,銷 量也增加了?以我們的店鋪爲中心,周圍出現了許多辣

Gochujang (Red chili paste) by SUNCHANG MOONOKRYE FOOD CO., LTD. is made of red pepper, beans, and glutinous rice produced in the clean water and fertile soil of Sunchang, Jeollabuk-do. The local gochujang is especially made through a unique, traditional method of Sunchang, with the care and sincerity of grandmother Moon Ok-rye. Recently, SUNCHANG MOONOKRYE FOOD has been expanding its gochujang exports every year, exporting USD 31,000 worth of gochujang seasoning sauce to China.

淳昌文玉饑食品(株)(SUNCHANG MOONOKRYE FOOD CO., LTD.)生産的 辣椒醬是以全羅北道淳昌純淨的水和肥沃土地上生長的辣椒?大豆?構米爲原 料制成的?文玉饑老球球的傳家手藝風味辣椒醬是以淳昌地袴糾特的方法配制 的韓攻傳統食物之一?這些辣椒醬的捲外出口也在逐年頑大,最近捲中攻還出 口了價値3.1万美元的調味辣椒醬産品?

May 2021 21

Traditional K-FOOD

the Sunchang Traditional Gochujang Folk Village.”

Exports to the United States, China and Asia expanded When exporting gochujang, SUNCHANG MOONOKRYE FOOD values not only the taste but also the product designs. Since there are many types of seasoning paste and sauce in the world, SUNCHANG MOONKORYE FOOD is investing more in developing differentiated designs to capture consumers’ attention. To meet the changing dietary habits of people around the world, the company is focusing on developing gochujang sauce in line with the growing preference for mixed or convenient foods. Exports also increased with the growing reputation of gochujang’s excellent taste and quality. In 2019, SUNCHANG MOONOK-

22 Korea Agrafood

椒醬店鋪,使這裏變成旅游園袴幷形成了淳昌傳統辣椒 醬民俗村?”


淳昌文玉饑食品出口辣椒醬時,不僅重視辣椒醬的味 道,而且還蜈重視産品的設計?全球有許多醬類産品, 爲了更好地吸引消費者的眼球,他們不惜加大投資開屠 具有差別化的産品設計?他們還根据人們喜歡混合食品 和方便食品的飮食習慣變化趨勢,致力于開屠調味辣椒 醬産品? 隨着産品的質量和味道逐漸被消費者所了潁,出口量也 得到了提高?2019年,通過侮美攻食品企業簽署出口 合同麟現了8.9万美元的出口業績?2020年,爲中攻食 品企業出口了價値3.1万美元的火腿腸鍋用調味辣椒醬? 尤其在中攻市場,隨着韓攻食品的人槐不鉤提高,進口 客商的咨詢也絡繹不絶,頑大出口的前景蜈樂觀? 曹琮賢董事長憐示,“我們將訣樓傳承制作辣椒醬的傳統 之疸,進一步開屠適合現代人口味的辣椒醬調味産品? 同時,還將訣樓努力頑大出口,讓世界更多地了潁韓攻 傳統辣椒醬的味道?”

RYE FOOD signed an export contract with a U.S. food company and exported USD 89,000 worth of products, and in 2020, it exported USD 31,000 worth of gochujang seasoning sauce for Budae-jjigae (Sausage stew) to Chinese food companies. With continued buyer inquiries for food imports due to the growing popularity of Korean foods in the Chinese market, exports are expected to grow further. CEO Cho Jong-hyun said, “We will continue to develop a sauce using gochujang to satisfy modern day people’s tastes and appetite, by inheriting the tradition of gochujang making. We will also strive to expand our exports to spread the traditional Korean taste of gochujang throughout the world.”

The Remarkable Achievements of Korean



In 2020, Korea’s gochujang exports hit an all-time high of USD 50.93 million, an increase by 35% from 2019. The reasons for such dramatic increase are analyzed as the influence of the Korean Wave such as K-pop and K-dramas, which has raised interest in Korean food, and the higher frequency of using gochujang as a seasoning to cook at home instead of eating out. In fact, the sales of gochujang and sauces surged in Thailand as people followed the recipes of Korean dishes, and as a famous U.S. hamburger chain has also launched a spicy chicken burger seasoned with gochujang sauce.

年,韓攻辣椒醬出口創曆史新紀湳,麟現出口額5093万美元,比2019年增 加了35%?分析認爲其主要原因在于,一是韓攻流行音樂?韓劇等韓國文化的 影響提高韓食的知名度了? 還有,因新冠疫情影響上餐館用餐癎少,居家料理 增多,使辣椒醬調料的用量也隨之增多? 在泰攻,就是由于人們效敦韓劇中的料理而使辣椒醬及調味醬類産品的銷量得 到了猛增?美攻的一家著名漢堡包連鎖店還推出了利用調味辣椒醬調制的調味 炸鷄漢堡? 2020

May 2021 23

Essay Photo 24 Korea Agrafood

Rice seedling is the beginning of one-year farming to harvest rice in the fall. Although rice transplanting machines plant seeds instead these days, the farmer plants rice seedlings very carefully as if handling children. These rice plants will grow healthy and embroider the fields with golden hues in the fall. Harvested rice will meet consumers around the world either as a healthy food or as a variety of processed foods. We look forward to the various transformations of Korean rice with our readers. The photo shows a farmer planting rice seeds one by one with hand in Osan, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.

“Heartwarming Feeling from Farmers’ Fingertips”

May 2021 25

Health & Wellness

Organic Infant Food Containing Mother’s Love venet CO., LTD. is a company specializing I in infant food and is gaining great popularity in the export market. This is because their products, which are safety ensured and have excellent taste, are made with organic ingredients in consideration of the health and safety of infants and toddlers. As the excellence of nutrition and safety has become known, foreign buyers are continuing to consult for importing. Starting with the first export of USD 178,000 to China in 2015, the export volume has steadily increased, and it is showing a growth trend of achieving USD 8.9 million in exports by 2020.

Premium infant and toddler products exported to 15 countries around the world Exporting countries have been expanded to 15 countries, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, the United States, and Canada, from the initial focus on China. In particular, ‘Grain

26 Korea Agrafood

讓有机叛幼傅食品滿載母愛之心 是一家在出口市場大受歡迎的叛幼傅食品生産 企業?因爲他們所用的都是有益于叛幼傅健康和安全 的有机原料,所生産的産品安全味美?隨着産品的營 養及安全性被消費者所了潁,海外客商的進口洽談也 是紛至沓來?自2015年首次捲中攻出口17.8万美元開 始,出口量持樓增長,到2020年已麟現出口額890万 美元? Ivenet


出口攻也從芎初的以中攻爲主,頑大到香港?臺膿? 澳大利亞?美攻?加拿大等15憾攻家和地袴?尤其是 主打出口品牌“穀物朋友(Grain Friend)”産品是以鼠 米?構大麥?玉米?高粱等7種穀物爲原材料生産的, 安全性高及100%使用韓攻原料等都是産品的優勢? 癩一憾主要出口品目“有机爆米穡(Organic Stick Rice Snack)” 産品則是以白米?大麥芽?球莖甘藍? 紫薯?曖菜等100%有机原料精制而成?Ivenet通過 出口安全高營養叛幼傅食品使品牌的地位得到了大幅 度提高?近來,因新冠疫情侮客商的面捲面出口交易 癎少的情拗下,Ivenet還胥到了進行非面捲面出口的 方法? 尤其是摸准新冠疫情后快速屠展的中攻網絡市場,參 侮了由韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT)在中攻天猫開設 的韓攻食品館的運營項目?幷通過開展新商品的市場 May 2021 27

Health & Wellness

Friend’, the flagship export brand, uses 7 different kinds of grains such as brown rice, sticky barley, corn, and sorghum as raw materials, and the fact that only 100% Korean ingredients with high level of safety are used is their strongest point. Recently, as exports through face-to-face sales have declined due to COVID-19, Ivenet found a way for non face-to-face export. In particular, targeting the rapidly growing online market in China since COVID-19. Ivenet participated in the operation of the Korean Pavilion created on Tmall of China with the Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT). Through this, it focused on targeting the online distribution market for promising export items to China by market testing new products and securing a logistics hub. Min Byoung-kwan, CEO of Ivenet CO., LTD. said, “Due to high quality and high safety of our products, consumer word of mouth spread rapidly, and exports increased significantly as the purchasing spread to include middle-class buyers.”

測試及建立物流据点等,集中開展了捲華出口前景品目 的網絡流通市場攻略? Ivenet CO., LTD.閔丙官董事長說道,“捲于出口産 品,我們首先致力于利用以叛幼傅爲捲象的高品位高圭 産品,讓消費者更多了潁産品的品牌?隨着産品質量和 安全性在消費者中快速形成良好的口碑,以及購買群郞 向中産階層頑大,出口量也得到大幅度增加?”


在屠生新冠疫情之前,Ivenet都是通過參加攻際食品博 覽繇侮芎地客商直接見面洽談增加出口的?但在屠生疫 情之后,爲了訣樓頑大出口不得不轉向非面捲面出口? 幸運的是,通過中攻的天猫在中攻消費者中樹立起了高 圭産品形象,使産品捲中攻市場的出口量得到進一步頑 大? 主打出口商品“有机爆米穡”是用100%有机大米餠干制 作的叛幼傅營養零食,特点是未格油炸加工?産品已獲 得中攻有机加工食品認嗇,安全?不粘手?入口融化, 蜈受消費者歡迎?“穀物朋友”是捲精選的7種韓攻産无 農葯穀物未格油炸加工的産品,味道和營養都蜈優秀? “手指酸球”每20g含有20億活乳酸菌,捲鮮酸球進行凍 干加工而成,營養和味道保持原汁原味? 28 Korea Agrafood

Before COVID-19, Ivenet had steadily increased its exports through consultation with local buyers through participation in international food exhibitions. However, after the COVID-19 outbreak, in order to expand exports, there was no choice but to switch to non-face-to-face exports. Fortunately, as the recognition of high-quality products is spreading through China’s Tmall, exports to the Chinese market can be further expanded.

最近正致力于開拓俄羅斯?印度?日本?菲律賓 等新市場?公司計琬通過各攻的産品偏好分析,以生産 和出口定制型産品戰略頑大出口? 閔丙官董事長憐示,“我們正在爲生産出最好的産品, 使其成爲受消費者歡迎和靑器的熱門産品而努力?同時 還要積極開拓出口市場,計琬到2025年將出口額提高 到4500万美元?” Ivenet

Have consumers recognize the image of high-quality products ‘Organic Stick Rice Snack’, the flagship export product, is a nutritional snack for infants and toddlers made with 100% organic rice crackers and is characteristic of not being deep fried in oil. In addition, it is safety ensured enough to be certified as an organic processed food in China, and it is popular because it does not get on the hands of infants and toddlers, and it dissolves in the mouth. ‘Grain Friend’ has excellent taste and nutrition because it is made, without deep frying in oil, with carefully selected 7 kinds of korean pesticide-free grains. ‘Finger Yogurt’ contains 2 billion lactic acid bacteria per 20g, and fresh yogurt is freeze-dried to retain taste and nutrition. Ivenet has recently been focusing on developing new markets such as Russia, India, the Middle East, Japan, and the Philippines. It plans to significantly increase exports through a strategy of analyzing the products preferred by each exporting country, then creating customized products for each market for exporting. CEO Min Byoung-kwan said, “We plan to expand our exports to USD 45 million by 2025 by actively pioneering the export market.”

Ivenet CO., LTD. +82-2-3431-4311

May 2021 29

Focus on People

Leading the Development of Online Markets

Kim Jae-hyung Director of the Export Promotion Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Korean agricultural product exports are increasing rapidly. Last year, export amounted to USD 7.56 billion, a record high, and exports in the first quarter of this year also increased by 13.7% compared to the same period last year. If this trend continues, it is expected that it will be possible to achieve USD 8.1 billion in agricultural product exports, which the Korean government is aiming at this year. Ironically, ‘COVID-19’ served as a momentum for the rapid growth of Korean agricultural product exports. The spread of the infectious disease accelerated online distribution and consumption, and as a result, increased consumption of Korean agricultural products.

30 Korea Agrafood


Korean agricultural product exports have been growing rapidly, please tell us about it.


Even in difficult situations such as COVID19 last year, thanks to the efforts of the export farmers, the food industry, and the public sector together, Korean agricultural product exports have significantly increased. In some aspects, there has been strengthening online non-face-to-face distribution and marketing, and making good use of the advantages of the Hallyu (Korean Wave). However, in the long run, I think that efforts to improve the quality of Korean agricultural products and to promote Korean agricultural products and Korean dishes in the world have come to fruition.


If there are any online export promoting polices this year, please introduce them. With the outbreak of COVID-19, the export support business was quickly switched to the online and non-face-to-face, and this year, we are planning to pioneer full-scale online market. First of all, we will lay the groundwork for Korean agricultural products to enter large-scale overseas online shopping malls. Already, the Korea Pavilion on Tmall China is showing good results. This year, we plan to open additional Korean food & grocery markets on Shopee, the largest online shopping mall in Southeast Asia, to support direct export through online platforms.

As COVID-19 is prolonged, it has become difficult to meet with overseas buyers, and it’s expected to disrupt agricultural product exports. Are there are any countermeasures for this? In a situation where it is difficult to meet face-to-face with overseas buyers, ‘the online transaction mediation platform’ is being established to effectively promote Korean agricultural products. The product information that foreign buyers want can be identified in advance, and Korean agricultural products exporters can provide relevant information on the platform. Last year, as we promoted export consultations in a nonface-to-face manner and received good reviews from both the Korean export industry and overseas buyers, the online transaction mediation platform is expected to be of considerable help.


If you have any aspirations as a person in charge of exporting agricultural products, please tell us. The fact that interest in home meals and healthy foods is increasing during COVID19 pandemic is a very good opportunity for Korean agricultural product exports. Kimchi and fermented soybean products are healthy fermented foods, and the Korean food culture itself attaches importance to eating at home. In the future, in order that Korean agricultural product exports can grow, we will actively respond to changes in export and distribution trends, and establish a system for exporting agricultural products using online platforms.

May 2021 31

Monthly Pick The Best in Season

5 May SUN







Uniquely Aromatic

Perilla Leaves Perilla leaves are consumed in various forms in Korea. They are an indispensable ssam (leaf wraps) vegetable when eaten with meat and are consumed as a variety of processed foods such as pickles. In particular, perilla leaves contain rosmarinic acid, so in Japan, Korean perilla leaves are registered as a functionality labeling food, and their functionality is recognized.

32 Korea Agrafood

e v a e L a l l i r e

Rosmarinic acid is an ingredient mainly contained in rosemary and lemon. At the time of registration of Korean perilla leaves as a functionality labeling food in May 2020 in Japan, it stated, “This product contains rosmarinic acid. It has been reported that rosmarinic acid reduces discomfort such as pollen and dust. It is suitable for people with eye discomfort.” In addition, perilla leaves contain more than twice as much iron as spinach, and are rich in minerals such as calcium and vitamins A and C. In particular, as a result of analyzing perilla leaves by the Rural Development Administration of Korea, it was found that rosmarinic acid, known to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and dementia prevention effects, contained 76 mg/g per dry leaf, about 7 times more than rosemary (11 mg/g).


Perilla leaves with various nutrients and efficacies


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Various transformations of Korean perilla leaves Perilla leaves are delighting consumers’ taste buds in various ways in Korea. Not only are they indispensable to have with meat such as pork belly, but their unique scent adds texture to the stew or soup. Also, pickled perilla leaves are a good side dish for Koreans to finish a bowl of rice. Perilla leaves, which can be transformed into such a variety of foods, are expected to be popular overseas. Accordingly, Korea is targeting the Southeast Asian market where the assorted ssam market is expanding like Korea, including Hong Kong. Also, the Japanese market, where it’s registered as a functionality labeling food, is expected to be a market to watch out for. In addition to the use of Korean perilla leaves as ssam vegetables, their use with kimchi, a traditional Korean food, is also attracting attention. Hansung Food CO., LTD., a kimchi export company, developed kimchi using perilla leaves and obtained a patent.

May 2021 33

Monthly Pick Best Product Online

Best Seller

Red Ginseng has become a filial piety gift in Vietnam Red ginseng is the most popular gift in Korea. It’s good for your health, and it’s also good for expressing your appreciation for the other person. This is also the case in Vietnam. As Korean red ginseng has become popular as a gift and a health functional food, on Vietnam’s leading online mall, Shopee, red ginseng has been listed among ‘Favorite’ products.

34 Korea Agrafood





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i e



What is the consumer evaluation of Korean red ginseng on Shopee? The bottom line is, the satisfaction level was very high that most of the buyers expressed their intention to repurchase. Despite the high price range incurred by the use of superior raw materials, Shopee customers in Vietnam gave good reviews. Satisfaction with packaging and quality was particularly high, and a long shelf life was also a preference factor. Not only does it look great and is convenient to carry around, but it also can be consumed for a long time. In addition, other reasons of purchase included “I like it because it is large in quantity” and “I can trust it because the product is in Korean”.


In Vietnam, red ginseng is attracting great interest as a holiday gift. In Vietnam, where people are willing to spend on expensive gifts for parents and relatives, Korean health functional foods have become the best gifts. In fact, on Shopee, a corner that sells Korean red ginseng products are located in the gift category. The red ginseng sold here include products from Jeongkwanjang, Honey Sliced Korean Red Ginseng from Sambok Food, and Korean 6 years red ginseng extract 365 from Daehan Red Ginseng Promotion, etc. All of them received the Favorite label, which is given to popular products on Shopee Vietnam. The secret of the popularity of Korean red ginseng is a premium image for its health-improving functionality and quality. Unlike products of other countries, it is recognized that it is made with only undiluted pure red ginseng liquid. In addition, easy-to-carry drinks and red ginseng candies are also gaining popularity, because they have lower prices.


Popular for health care and gifts

Consumer reviews on purchasing Korean red ginseng on Shopee

May 2021 35

Issue in SNS


Massively Popular as the Number of Its Members SEVENTEEN went on to take over Hallyu (Korean Wave) fans. As they bring their third single album to Japan after appearing on one of the leading talk shows in the United States, SEVENTEEN is drawing attention of Hallyu fans. The video of their appearance on the talk show in the U.S. has attracted attention enough to set a record for the highest number of views on the corresponding YouTube channel. Now, while continuing their activities in Japan, Hallyu fans are paying attention to SEVENTEEN through TV programs, YouTube, and social media.

36 Korea Agrafood

A Series of Favorable Reviews Through an American Talk Show SEVENTEEN drew attention of Hallyu fans by giving a splendid performance in ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’. The Ellen Show is a famous talk show program airing on NBC in the United States. SEVENTEEN’s performance at the Ellen Show was of the song ‘HIT’ released in 2019. They gave a high-level performance and received a series of favorable reviews by leading foreign media. Billboard of the United States focused on their powerful performance, saying, “SEVENTEEN continues to be a blockbuster on American TV.” In addition, Canadian media ET Canada and

UK’s famous magazine NME also mentioned SEVENTEEN’s dominance on stage. In particular, the video of SEVENTEEN’s HIT stage unfolded at the Ellen Show was ranked on top-trending on YouTube, and made it possible to realize their global popularity. Also, the video uploaded on the official YouTube channel of the Ellen Show achieved the highest number of views on the channel. Meanwhile, SEVENTEEN has built awareness in the United States by appearing on CBS’s ‘The Late Late Show with James Corden’ and NBC’s ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show’ in January.

Tip Watch the Ellen show online

May 2021 37

Issue in SNS

Positive Influence on Social Media SEVENTEEN launched a consolation campaign for young people, creating warmth. SEVENTEEN recently conducted a campaign called ‘Not Alone’ on social media. It is a format in which fans upload moments with their friends, lovers, and families to the pre-released ‘Hitorijanai’ soundtrack, and the videos are combined to produce a special version of the music video. This campaign was automatically applied by uploading a video with the ‘Hitorijanai’ hashtag, so many fans participated. One fan commented after participating, “The timing is amazing. It was released to the public when everyone was upset and angry, so I felt relieved.” This campaign is a part of overcoming COVID-19, and was planned by SEVENTEEN for young people who are having a difficult time. This campaign took place prior to

the official release of the third single album ‘Hitorijanai’ released in Japan on April 21st. This new song, Hitorijanai, released by SEVENTEEN, is a song that portrays the determination of youth toward their dreams, and sends a message of support to the youth.

Additional Info

Watch SEVENTEEN & Watch Korean Food, Too As they post their own program and variety show ‘GOING SEVENTEEN’ on YouTube, other videos are gaining popularity as well. One of them is SEVENTEEN’s mukbang. Dino, one of the members, said, “It’s a sumptuous feast. It’s really the best.” Let’s check out through the videos the samgyeopsal (pork belly), doenjangjjigae (soybean paste stew), and ganjanggejang (soy sauce marinated crab) that SEVENTEEN ate.

38 Korea Agrafood

SEVENTEEN Introduces Various Facets of Korea With SEVENTEEN’s playing an active role regardless of the medium, the number of fans who are ‘lovesick for SEVENTEEN’ is increasing. Since the group consists of a large number of people, there are many inquiries about individual members. So we prepared. The videos of SEVENTEEN members cooking and traveling, styling, etc.


K-Drama & Styling

“It was so much better with the stylist’s explanation.”

K-FOOD & Cooking Content : Be introduced to Korean food made by the members cooking live on high-definition video with English subtitles. Follow directions and you’ll be making delicious Korean dishes.

Content : Watch for the fashion, beauty, and style in Korean dramas with English subtitles. If you follow the styling as described, you can become the main character in a drama.

K-Culture & Tradition Content : Watch a vivid episode of kimchi-making experience along with Korean fermentation culture. Watch it once and you can become an expert in kimchi, a Korean traditional dish.

JUN “If I go home, I will make it for my family.”

JEONGHAN “I made it, but it’s so delicious.”

K-Pop & Sightseeing

VERNON “I hope the day comes soon when we can all meet together.”

Content : Check out Seoul’s K-Pop attractions, games, and dance challenges now! Go sightseeing and learn to dance online.

May 2021 39

K-FOOD Recipe Bibimguksu

40 Korea Agrafood

Bibimguksu One Spicy & Sweet Mixed Meal

long with bibimbap, another dish A symbolizing the bibim (mixed food) culture of Korean food is bibimguksu (spicy noodles). It is an easy meal to make since you can choose any ingredients you like and follow a simple recipe. Many Koreans enjoy eating bibimguksu as late-night snacks or during the summer when they have low appetite. Also, the delectable scent of sesame oil arouses appetite even more. Let’s make bibimguksu using sweet and sour sauce, thin noodles, and various vegetables with <Korea Agrafood>.

May 2021 41

K-FOOD Recipe Bibimguksu



Shred onion, perilla leaves, and cucumber.

Main Ingredients: 100g thin noodles, 1/4 slice of onion, 1/4 cucumber, and 2 perilla leaves

Sub Ingredients: 1 tbsp, gochujang (red chili paste), 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp red pepper powder, 1.5 tbsp vinegar, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp ground garlic, and 1 tbsp sesame oil

1 Serving


Put water in a pot and boil it.

10 min

Mix 1 tbsp gochujang, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp red pepper powder, 1.5 tbsp vinegar, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp ground garlic, and 1 tbsp sesame oil to make a seasoning sauce.




When the water starts to boil, add as many thin noodles as you want to eat and stir until they are well cooked.


When the thin noodles are cooked, put them in cold water to cool down the heat.

Tightly squeeze water out of the noodles, put them in a bowl, and add all the ingredients prepared earlier.


Mix them well to complete bibimguksu! They are ready to eat now.


42 Korea Agrafood


Bibimguksu-Related Export Products Sesame Oil from Bebefoodkorea This sesame oil has a rich and savory taste as the whole sesame seeds are slowly roasted at a low temperature. You can see the

Bibim Sauce from Doolrecooks CO., LTD.

clear and clean color of sesame oil after three filtration processes. This product

Bibimmen from Paldofood

is safe to consume as it meets the hygiene stan-

A major product of bibim

This bibimguksu sauce is

dards, has excellent quality,

ramyeon in Korea,

made of apples and pears. If

and it has also acquired

Paldofood’s Bibimmen has

you have this sauce, you don’t

HACCP and KOSHER certi-

firmly established itself as a

need any other ingredients. It


bestseller since its launch in

has no chemical additives and

1984. It takes up about

is made by mixing ingredients

60% of the Korean market

such as gochujang, fermented


share, and there is also ‘Pal-

vinegar, and soy sauce. This

do Bibimmen Spicy Flavor’

sauce can also be used for

in addition to the original

bibimbap and goes well with


various Korean dishes such as Golbaengi-muchim (Spicy Sea Snail Salad), thanks to its wide



1588-3819 m/doolrecooks

May 2021 43

Variety Korea

Jeonju the Home of Bibimbap eonju is the center of administration, educaJ tion, and culture in Jeollabuk-do, Korea. As such, it is a city representing Jeollabuk-do. Korean traditions and culture are well-preserved in Jeonju, so it has also been designated as a Hanok Village with more than 700 Hanoks, Korean traditional houses, and a UNESCO City of Gastronomy. Let’s take a trip to Jeonju, which is full of things to see and eat, with <Korea Agrafood>!

44 Korea Agrafood

ビビンバの故鄕?全州 全州は?韓國の全羅北道の行政·敎育·文化の中心地だ?そ して?全羅北道を代表する都市でもある?また?全州では韓 國の傳統と文化がしっかりと保存されている?これは?韓國 の傳統家屋の韓屋(ハノク)700棟余りが集まっている韓屋マ ウル(村)とユネスコ飮食創意都市に指定されることからもわ かる?では?<Korea Agrafood>と見どころ?名物の食 べ物がいっぱいの全州へ向かってみよう?


The tourist destination that represents Jeonju is by far the Hanok Village. As a city boasting 1,200 years of history, Jeonju has more than 700 Korean traditional houses located in the city center where tradition and modernity coexist. In Hanok Village, tourists can experience Korean traditional paper Hanji and traditional fan making techniques. Gyeonggijeon, which preserves the 500 years of Joseon Dynasty, is also must-see. It was built to enshrine the portrait of King Taejo, who founded the Joseon Dynasty, and to hold ancestral ceremonies. Along with his portrait, there is also a museum dedicated to the portraits of the kings of Joseon Dynasty. After having experienced the rich Korean traditions, you cannot also miss the Jeonju International Film Festival, which represents the present day. Celebrating its 22nd year this year, the Jeonju International Film Festival, was held both online and offline inviting 186 films from 48 countries despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

全州を代表する觀光地は?もちろん韓屋マウルだ? 1200年余りの歷史を誇る故鄕であるように?韓國 傳統家屋の700棟余りが都心のなかに位置し?傳統 と現代が共存している?韓屋マウルでは?韓國固 有の紙である韓紙と扇子の制作技術などを郞驗で きる? 朝鮮王朝の500年余りの時間が保存されている慶基 殿(キョンギジョン)も見どころだ?慶基殿は?朝鮮 王朝を開いた太祖(李成桂)の肖像畵を祀り?祭祀を 行うために建てられた建物だ?太祖の肖像畵ととも に?朝鮮王朝の肖像畵を祀った博物館も設けられて いる?このように?韓國の傳統を經驗したいなら? 現代を代表する全州國際映畵祭もはずせない?今年 で22回目となる全州國際映畵祭は新型コロナにも かかわらず?48ヶ國の186本の映畵が招待され?オ ン―オフラインで同時開催された? May 2021 45


Variety Korea

Bibimbap is one of the most highly recognized Korean cuisines abroad. According to records, people of Jeonju have been eating bibimbap since 200 years ago. Jeonju Bibimbap has become a representative dish of Korean food with its abundant ingredients and excellent cooking techniques. Another major dish of Jeonju is Kongnamulgukbap (Bean Sprout and Rice Soup), which is cooked by the traditional method of boiling soybean sprouts in a pot with various seasonings, and later adding rice into the hot broth to serve it. Kongnamulgukbap is gaining popularity not only as a hangover soup but also for lunch. Jeonju Hanjeongsik (Korean Table d’hote) represents Jeonju as well. It comes with so many side dishes as if the table legs might collapse. Jeonju Hanjeongsik will amaze you with a high array of side dishes served with rice and soup and please your eyes and mouth with its course menu.

46 Korea Agrafood

ビビンバは海外で最も認知度が高い韓食のうちの1つだ? 記錄によれば?全州では200年余り前からビビンバを食べ ていたとされる?全州ビビンバは?全州の豊富な食材とす ぐれた飮食の技術で韓食を代表するメニュ―となった? 全州のもう1つの代表的な料理としては?コンナムル(もや し)クッパがある?代表的なコンナムルクッパは?トゥッ ペギ(土燒きの食器)にもやしを入れ?ヤンニョムを入れて 煮腐む傳統的なものとご飯に熱いス―プをかけるものがあ る?コンナムルクッパは?ヘジャンククはもちろん?晝食 として?も脚光を浴びている? 全州のその他の代表的な料理が全州韓定食だ?おかずが非 常に多く?それはテ―ブルの脚が折れそうになるほどだ? 全州韓定食は?テ―ブル上のメニュ―に驚き?その美味し さ驚く?つまり?目と舌で樂しむメニュ―だといえる?

Local Products

全州の代表的な特産物のうちの1つが梨だ? 晝と夜の氣溫および濕度の差が大きいという 地理的な特性から全州の梨は糖度が高く?果 汁も多い?桃もまた全州を代表する特産物 だ?韓國で近代改良品種の桃を初めて栽培し たことで知られるほど?桃の栽培技術と品質 がすぐれたものとなっている? 全州は韓國の傳統を誇る都市らしく?傳統酒 も有名だ?海外でよく知られた韓國の傳統酒 のうちの1つがマッコリだ?特に?全州マッ コリは韓國の3大マッコリの1つに數えられて いる?マッコリとともに?韓國固有の酒の家 釀酒(カヤンジュ)がある?家釀酒は?家で釀 造される酒を意味する言葉だが?全州傳統酒 博物館では?この家釀酒を直接學ぶことので きる講座も開設されている?

One of Jeonju’s representative specialties is pear. Jeonju pears are high in fructose and rich in fruit juice due to the huge difference in temperature and humidity between day and night in Jeonju. Peaches also represent Jeonju, since it is known to be the first city in Korea that produced modern improved varieties of high-quality peaches with excellent cultivation technology. As a city of Korean traditions, Jeonju is also famous for traditional alcoholic beverages. One of the Korean traditional liquors well known abroad is Makgeolli (rice wine). Jeonju Makgeolli is especially considered one of the three major Makgeollis in Korea. Along with Makgeolli, there is also Gayangju, an alcoholic liquor unique to Korea. Gayangju refers to homemade liquor, and the Jeonju Korean Liquor Museum also offers a lecture where people can learn how to make Gayangju on their own.

May 2021 47


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Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation is leaping toward a new future. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2017 and we plan to take a big step forward. Having grown strongly since our establishment in 1967, we are becoming a force for globalization. Our bigger steps will be milestones for tomorrow.

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