July 2021 (vol.309)

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July 2021 vol.309


Global Trend

Variety Korea

Seedless Watermelon Captivated Japan

Korean Laver Snack Hit the U.S.

City of Cultural Heritage, Buyeo



Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign Let us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste.

If we reduce food waste, can take care of both IfIndividuals we reduce diet and health food waste,

Let’s reduce waste at home. your diet and buy only 01 Plan the food you need.

Quantity of Meals

Consider the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients.

Restaurants can save the costs for food waste disposal

Divide food ingredients into portions and 02 store them in a transparent container.

We can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas

You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator.

help people who are hungry by donating some of the savings.

Expiration Date

03 Ground dry ingredients to cook. Then, let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.

How close have you gotten to Zero Waste? Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.

Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one.

Let’s donate together in everyday life. Start WFP individual donation You can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website, ko.wfp.org, and clicking the Donate button.

Donate on ‘Share the Meal’ Zero food waste with one finished meal!

Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day!

Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses!

1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives.

You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and sharethemeal.org.

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0963 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995 Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved. CEO Kim Choon-jin EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Oh Hyung-wan (Food Industry & Trade Division) EDITORS Ahn Byeong-hee REPORTERS Kim Young-min (kimym@agrinet.co.kr) Lee Ki-no (leekn@agrinet.co.kr) Choi Yeong-jin (choiyj@agrinet.co.kr) GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Han Hyo-jin (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)


EDITORIAL BOARD BEIJING Chung Yeon-su 070-4617-5090 (djdaddy@at.or.kr) SHANGHAI Sung Si-chan 070-7077-6197 (sschan@at.or.kr) CHENGDU Wang Sung 070-4617-3267 (wangcheng@at.or.kr) DALIAN Koh Jung-hee 070-4617-3266 (kohjh@at.or.kr) HONGKONG Kim Suk-ju 070-4617-2696 (sukju71@at.or.kr) HANOI Park Min-cheol 070-4617-7257 (cheol@at.or.kr)


HOCHIMIN Park Il-Sang +84-28-3822-7504 (flower@at.or.kr) BANGKOK Lee Ju-yong 070-4617-7226 (pathfinder@at.or.kr) JAKARTA Lee Seoung-bok 070-4617-2695 (insa@at.or.kr)

Cover Story

TOKYO Jang Seo-gyeong +81-3-5367-6656 (skjang@at.or.kr) OSAKA Kwon Tae-hwa +81-6-6260-7661 (thkw@at.or.kr) NEW YORK Shim Hwa-sop 1-212-889-2561 (sirshim@at.or.kr)

Paprika the Gem of All Vegetables

L.A Han Man-woo 1-562-809-8810 (afmcwoo@at.or.kr) DUBAI Kim Hyuk +97-1-4339-2213 (kh6318@at.or.kr) PARIS Ha Jung-a 070-4617-7225 (ewropa@at.or.kr) VLADIVOSTOK Shin Jae-hun 070-4617-3277 (chekov@at.or.kr) QINGDAO Lee Sun-woo (bird@at.or.kr)


Korean paprika found in China


Paprika, Nutritious Color Food


Joeun Green, the Center of Gangwon-do’s Paprika

KUALALUMPUR Jang Jae-hyung (jhjang@at.or.kr) EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9072

Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, www.agrotrade.net.

July 2021 vol. 309 Exploration

Trend & Culture





Seedless Watermelon Captivated Japan

Korean Laver Snack Hit the U.S.




SPECIAL K-FOOD Korean Agricultural Products that even COVID-19 Could Not Stop

Photo by Dameulstudio

- The Best in Season: Bokbunja - Best Product Online: Coffee Mix




Paprika is a gem-like veg-

9 Charms of 9 Girls, TWICE

etable. In addition to having beautiful and vivid colors as red, yellow, orange, and green, it is also rich in


healthful nutrients such as vitamin C. Moreover, it is


K-FOOD RECIPE Bulgogi, Korea’s Signature Dish of Taste and Style

rich in sweetness and is 26

HEALTH & WELLNESS Green Plum Syrup, Charm of Bitter-Sweet Taste

used in numerous dishes around the world, and the culture of consuming it raw as salads is spreading.

Extras 24




FOCUS ON PEOPLE Park Byeong-cheul, President, K-mush CO., LTD.


VARIETY KOREA City of Cultural Heritage, Buyeo

C over Story

Paprika the Gem of All Vegetables

Paprika is a gem-like vegetable. In addition to having beautiful and vivid colors as red, yellow, orange, and green, it is also rich in healthful nutrients such as vitamin C. Moreover, it is rich in sweetness and is used in numerous dishes around the world, and the culture of consuming it raw as salads is spreading. Paprika is one of the most important agricultural products for export in Korea. It is of superb quality that more than 80% of Japan’s imported paprika are from Korea. And it is the first Korean fresh agricultural product to aim at USD 100 million in exports.

4 Korea Agrafood

蔬菜類的銅石――彩椒 彩椒可以說是如銅石般的蔬菜?彩椒不 僅有紅色?黃色?橙色?草綠色等鮮艶 美麗的顔色,而且還富含維生素C等各 種人郞所需的營養成分?由于彩椒甛味 蜈濃,所以已廣泛用于世界各地的各種 料理之中?隨之,以色拉等方式生吃的 消費文化也呈不鉤頑散之勢?彩椒是韓 攻最主要的出口農産品之一?日本進口 的彩椒有80%以上來自韓攻,品質優良 的韓攻彩椒是韓攻第一憾以1億美元爲 出口目標的新鮮農産品?

July 2021 5

C over Story

Korean Paprika Found in China urrently, Korean paprika is exported 99% to C Japan. However, as the Korean and Chinese governments wrapped up quarantine negotiations regarding export of paprika last year, major revisions are expected. At the ‘International Food Innovation Exhibition (SIAL CHINA) 2021 in Shanghai’, Korean paprika received immense interest and favorable reviews from local people in China. An official from the Shanghai branch of the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) said, “Chinese showed much curiosity towards orange paprika which is rare in China.” In particular, the cooking shows at the fair received great attention by presenting recipes that en-

6 Korea Agrafood

登陸中攻的韓攻彩椒 目前,韓攻彩椒99%都出口日本?但隨着去年由 韓中兩攻政府就出口彩椒達成檢疫協議,彩椒出 口正迎來天潼地覆的變化?在今年5月召開 的“2021上海攻際食品和飮 料展覽繇 ( S I A L CHINA)”上,韓 攻産彩椒受到了衆 多中攻消費者的關 注和好評? 韓攻農水産食品流通 公社(aT)上海分社相關

hance the sweet taste and texture of Korean paprika such as Vietnamese spring rolls, tortillas, and salads. An official from the Shanghai branch of aT explained, “In China, it is common to cook any ingredient for eating, but at this exhibition, we organized raw food-oriented recipes in order to emphasize the crunchy texture and sugar content of Korean paprika. In the survey conducted after tasting paprika, many responded that Korean paprika is of moderate thickness, and has high moisture and moderate sugar contents.” Consultations were handled by ‘Shanghai Anyway’, a partner of KOPA, the integrated Korean paprika export organization, and export consultations were actively conducted with buyers from more than 20 companies during the exhibition. An official from the Shanghai branch of aT said, “Buyers from all over China expressed great interest in Korean paprika, which was made possible to export to China after the settlement of the 2019 paprika quarantine negotiations. There were many inquiries about the condition and price of the products at the fair, and discussions on trading in Korean paprika are continuing.”

負責人說道,“他還捲韓攻彩椒的品質憐示獸 賞?尤其捲中攻罕見的橙色彩椒憐現出了濃厚的 興趣?” 展覽繇期間,還通過烹斐秀活動推出利用韓攻産 彩椒制作的越南春卷?墨西哥玉米餠?色拉等食 譜配方受到游客們的廣泛關注?韓攻農水産食品 流通公社(aT)上海分社相關負責人說道,“中攻 人普遍習慣于吃烹熟后的食物,但在這次展覽繇 上我們爲了突出韓攻彩椒的脆口及甛味特色,專 門推出了以生吃爲主的食譜配方?在彩椒品嘗活 動后的問卷調査中,有許多人都憐示韓攻産彩椒 果肉厚薄及糖度適中且含水量高?” 彩椒出口洽談也蜈活躍?負責洽談活動的是韓攻 彩椒出口合作組織KOPA的合作琓伴“上海艾臼維 進出口有限公司(Shanghai Anyway)”,展覽繇 期間共侮20多家客商企業進行了出口洽談活動? 韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT)上海分社相關負責 人憐示,“中攻各地的客商捲2019年達成彩椒檢疫 協議后可出口的韓攻彩椒憐現出了極大的興趣?在 展覽繇現場捲産品的狀態及價格有蜈多咨詢,目 前,相關韓攻彩椒出口的具郞商談和操作也正在 進行之中?”

July 2021 7

C over Story

Paprika Nutritious

Color Food aprika is rich in vitamin C to be P called a vitamin capsule. According to a study conducted by the Korea Rural Development Administration, half a paprika (100g) will satisfy the daily intake of vitamin C. Also, paprika is a perfectly nutritious vegetable for both men and women of all ages because it contains betacarotene, which is good for anticancer effects and preventing adult diseases. Especially, the taste and nutritional content are slightly different depending on the color, making it fun to choose and eat.

營養酪富的有色食品,彩椒 彩椒富含維生素C,有維生素膠囊之稱?据 韓攻農村振興廳的硏究結果,每天只需吃半 憾(100克)彩椒就足以滿足人郞所需的每日維生 素C所需量?而且,彩椒中還含有具有抗癌效果及 有益于預防成人病的β-胡蘿卜素,且富含鑒?累及 膳食纖維,是捲男女老少皆宜的營養酪富的蔬菜? 彩椒顔色不同其味道和營養成分也略有不同,所以 挑選各色彩椒也別有一番樂趣?

8 Korea Agrafood



High blood pressure, Vascular disease

Anemia Prevention, Weight Loss

Yellow paprika contains a constituent called pyrazine. Pyrazine keeps blood from clotting and is effective in preventing vascular diseases such as high blood pressure, cerebral infarction, and myocardial infarction. It also contains flavonoids which help strengthen the blood vessel wall.

Green paprika is rich in iron, which is effective in preventing anemia. Also, it promotes digestion and helps with weight loss because its calories are very low at 14kcal, and it is high in fiber.

黃色/高血忘, 血管疾病

黃色彩椒含有一種叫芙炙的 成分?芙炙成分捲防止 血凝和預防高血忘? 腦梗塞?心肌梗塞等 血管疾病蜈有效? 而且,黃色彩椒中還 含有類黃圖成分,有 助于强健血管壁?


草綠色彩椒富含鐵成分,捲預防貧血蜈 有效?而且熱量只有 14 大賓左右幷富含 纖維質,所以有助于 促進消化及癎肥?



Skin-lightening Effect, Skin Health

Aging Prevention, Anti-cancer Effect

Orange paprika is rich in beta-carotene, which inhibits the formation of melanin pigment. Since orange paprika has a skin-lightening effect and also has a good effect on atopic dermatitis, it is used to make soap or skincare paste.

The red color of paprika comes from a pigment called lycopene. Lycopene prevents the formation of free oxygen radicals that cause aging and diseases in our body. It is also known to inhibit key factors that promote growth of cancer cells.


紅色/抗衰老, 抗癌效果

橙色彩椒富含β-胡蘿卜素成分, 可抑制黑色素的生成?橙 色彩椒不僅有美白效 果,而且捲特應性皮 炎也有良好的效果, 所以也用于生産香牲 和面膜等産品?

紅色彩椒呈現紅色是因爲彩椒中含 有一種叫番茄紅素的天 然色素?番茄紅素 可防止引起人郞老化 和疾病的活性宸的生 成?而且還能抑制促 進癌細胞生長的主要 因子? July 2021 9

C over Story

Joeun Green, the Center of Gangwon-do’s Paprika orean paprika is produced throughout the K year, thanks to the paprika produced in Gangwon-do. Whereas paprika production is halted in most areas during the hot summer season, in Gangwon-do, paprika is harvested from late May to November. Gangwon-do is relatively cool and has a large daily temperature range, which allows fruiting even in summer. Cheorwon, Gangwon-do, is the representative main production area. Joen Green, an agricultural company located here developed paprika in Gangwon-do as a local specialty.

10 Korea Agrafood

江原道彩椒的中心,Joeun Green 韓攻彩椒可全年生産,這要歸功于江原道生産的彩椒?在酷熱 的盛夏,大部分地袴的彩椒生産都繇中鉤?而江原道地袴的彩 椒可從5月末生産到11月?由于江原道槐候祺爽且晝夜溫差 大,所以在酷熱的夏季也能結出許多碩果?最主要的彩椒主産 地是江原道鐵原,地處江原道鐵原的農業繇社法人Joeun Green正是將江原道彩椒屠展成地方特産的主人公? Joeun Green是2010年由江原道彩椒栽培戶聯合成立的法人 企業?他們通過統一篩選和統一銷魔,將2011年所達到的總

Joeun Green was established in 2010 by paprika farmers in Gangwon-do. By implementing joint selection and joint sales, production of 950 tons in 2011 has increased to 3,000 tons by 2020. It obtained Korean and global GAP certification through eco-friendly farming methods using nutriculture and natural enemies, and exports more than 1,000 tons of paprika to Japan every year. Jang Jun-su, director of Joeun Green said, “Cheorwon was originally the main producer of cucumbers and tomatoes, but now paprika production has increased to a similar level as tomatoes. As of 2020, there are around 20 Joeun Green member farmhouses, and the cultivation area of the greenhouses is approximately 264,000m2.” Notably, the state-of-the-art paprika screening system is Joeun Green’s greatest strength. In 2020, by adopting automatic selection devices that respond to robot arms that carry boxes and to cameras, Joeun Green has capabilities of selecting and packaging up to 50 tons per day. Jang Jun-su, director of Joeun Green said, “In order to solve problems of a shortage of hands, we are pushing ahead with mechanization of sorting sites. Especially, we were able to save a considerable amount of labor costs by utilizing at the sorting sites the robot arms that had been adopted first for other industries. In fact, the number of workers needed for sorting paprika has decreased from 50 to around 10, and we plan to further enhance mechanization and strengthen competitiveness.” Most of Joeun Green’s member farms are stably producing high-quality paprika by adopting the Smart farming system. They are in full compliance with the Positive List System (PLS) standards of Korea and Japan, and have finished all the preparations for exporting to China. Jang Jun-su, director of Joeun Green said, “If orders come for exports to China from KOPA, an integrated paprika export organization, we are all set to export at any time in line with China’s requirements.”

産量950菫提高到2020年的3000菫?他們還通過養液栽培及 利用天敵的綠色栽培法,已獲得韓攻攻內及攻際GAP認嗇, 幷每年向日本出口1000菫以上彩椒産品? Joeun Green的張准洙理事說道, “鐵原地袴一直是黃瓜和番 茄的主産地,可現在彩椒的産量已接近番茄?2020年Joeun Green的繇員農戶已達到20多戶,大棚栽培面積已達到約 264,000平米?” 擁有最先進彩椒篩選係統是Joeun Green的最大優勢?2020 年,通過引進自動搬運箱子的机器臂和用相机識別的自動篩選 生産陸,使每天的最大篩選及包裝能力達到了50菫? 張准洙理事說道,“爲了潁決人手不足的問題,我們正在積極 推進篩選作業的机械化?爲此通過引進其他産業領域早已引進 使用的机械臂係統,節省了相芎的勞務費用,篩選彩椒的人力 從原來所需的50多人癎少到10人?我們計琬,今后還將通過 進一步提高机械化程度以提高競爭力?” Joeun Green的大部分繇員農戶也都通過引進智能農場係統 進行穩定的優質彩椒生産?他們所生産的彩椒嚴格遵守韓攻和 日本的PLS標准,幷以完成捲中出口的所有准備?張准洙理 事說道,“目前,在彩椒的生産階段我們已獲得韓攻攻內及攻 際GAP認嗇,幷能滿足日本苛刻的農葯標准?彩椒出口合作 組織KOPA已做好捲華出口的所有准備,只要有訂單我們可 隨時按照中攻的標准進行出口?”

Joeun Green Agricultural Corporation +82-33-458-1717



July 2021 11


Seedless Watermelon Captivated Japan 12 Korea Agrafood

apan is well-known for regional agriculJ tural specialty products. So Japanese consumers have great pride in their native agricultural products. Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation is drawing attention for enabling seedless watermelon to take root in Japan. In particular, they succeeded in capturing niche markets by exporting watermelons to Japan when it was not the time for harvesting watermelons.

The birth of seedless watermelon Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation is famous for producing seedless watermelons in Korea as well. What is the reason for Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation to insist on seedless watermelons which are harder to cultivate than regular watermelons? They do so in order to differentiate themselves and to raise their competitiveness. These strategies hit the mark. In fact, at major department stores in Korea, seedless watermelons of Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation are priced higher than regular watermelons. Their differentiated strategy with seedless watermelons worked in Japan. In Japan, watermelons are sold in the fresh-cut form (watermelon cut into bit-size pieces) in cups or containers. Watermelons with seeds, not only the seeds fall in the container, making it unsightly, but it is also inconvenient to remove the seeds. So Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation’s seedless watermelons, such inconveniences disappeared, and began to satisfy consumers in Japan. There is another success strategy in Japan. It’s having succeeded in local branding in Japan. They have tailored to the tendency of

日本を搖るがす韓國の種なし西瓜 日本は地域別に特化した農産物で有名な國だ?そこで? 日本の消費者は自國の農産物に對するプライドが高い? こうした日本市場へ?韓國の井邑丹楓美人組合共同事業 法人が種なし西瓜を定着させることに成功し?注目を集 めている?特に?日本で西瓜が生産されない時期に輸出 するなど?ニッチ市場の攻略に成功した?


井邑丹楓美人組合共同事業法人は?韓國でも種なし西瓜 の生産で有名だ?井邑丹楓美人組合共同事業法人が?一 般の西瓜に比べて栽培が困難な種なし西瓜にこだわる理 由は何だろうか?それは?市場での差別性を備え?競爭 力を高めるためだ?この戰略は的中した?實際に?韓國 の主要な百貨店で?井邑丹楓美人組合共同事業法人の種

July 2021 13


Japanese consumers to prefer their own brands. On top of that, they were highly favored for capturing niche markets by exporting watermelons to Japan when it was not the time for harvesting watermelons. In fact, Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation exports watermelons between September and November when watermelons are not produced in Japan. Lee Jeong-jin, CEO of Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation, explained, “It was effective that we produced and exported seedless watermelons to have differentiation from Japanese watermelons. As a result, we plan to expand export area in Japan from Fukuoka to Tokyo and the North Sea.”

High-sugar watermelon with proven quality and safety Watermelon of Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation is wellknown for its high quality. Usually, a water-

14 Korea Agrafood

なし西瓜は?一般の西瓜に比べて高い價格で販賣されて いる? 種なし西瓜を通した差別化戰略は?日本でも通用した? 日本では西瓜を丸のまま販賣するほか?カットした狀態 で容器にいれて販賣する?例えば?種がある西瓜は容器 に種が落ちて?見た目がよくないだけでなく?種を取り 除かなければならないという不便さがある?しかし?井 邑丹楓美人組合共同事業法人の種なし西瓜は?これらを 解消し?日本の消費者を滿足させ始めた? 日本での成功戰略は他にもある?それは?日本の現地で ブランド化に成功したことだ?日本の消費者が自國のブ ランドを好むという点に合わせたものだ?ここで?日本 で西瓜が生産されない時期へ輸出を行い?ニッチ市場を 攻略したことも?日本の現地で脚光を浴びた?實際に? 井邑丹楓美人組合共同事業法人は?日本で西瓜が生産さ れない時期の9~11月の間に西瓜を輸出している? 李廷振井邑丹楓美人組合共同事業法人代表は?「日本の西 瓜との差別化のため?種なし西瓜を生産して輸出したこ とが?功を奏した?その結果?日本の輸出地域を福岡か ら東京?北海道まで擴大する計畵だ?」と說明した?



melon is evaluated to be tasty with 11 Brix of sugar, but watermelons shipped by Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation have the sugar content of 13 Brix. Only watermelons that pass this standard and have no scratches on the surface are shipped. This is possible due to the quality control by the farms during the cultivation process. Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation provides an in-house training once a month in order to raise the level of cultivation management and for safe production of watermelons. Also, once a week, the sites are visited by university professors and watermelon experts for consultation. And when the watermelon production season is over, shipment performances by the producers are organized and compared with each other. Through these methods, cultivation technology of the farms was upgraded. Watermelon about to be exported can be exported only after completing a safety inspection by the Agricultural Products Quality Management Service. Lee Joung-jin, CEO of Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation said, “We are probably the only one to regularly export watermelons to Japan. We are that much confident in quality and safety. The producers also feel pride in representing Korea to export watermelons.” CEO Lee added, “What Japanese buyers demand most is safety, reassurance, and trust. Since we too consider safety, reassurance, and trust to be the most important values, we hope you will purchase our watermelons with confidence.”

Jeongeup Danpungmiin Agricultural Cooperative Federation +82-63-538-1213 jj2jw@naver.com


有名だ?一般の西瓜の 糖度が11度ほどならば? おいしいと評價されるが?井邑丹 楓美人組合共同事業法人から出荷される西瓜の糖度は13 度だ?この基準を通過し?選別過程で西瓜の表面に傷が ない西瓜のみを出荷する?これは?栽培過程で生産農家 の徹底した品質管理があったために可能になったのだ? 井邑丹楓美人組合共同事業法人は?農家の栽培管理の水 準を高め?安全な西瓜を生産するために?1ヵ月に1回? 集合敎育を實施する?また?1週間に1回ほど大學敎授? 西瓜の專門家などとともに?現場を訪問してコンサルテ ィングを實施している?さらに?西瓜の生産時期が終わ ると?生産農家別に出荷成績を整理し?互いに比較でき るようにした?こうしたやり方を通して?生産農家の栽 培技術をレベルアップさせた?輸出を控えた西瓜は?農 産物品質管理院の安全性檢査を經なければ輸出すること ができない?こうした嚴しい品質管理と徹底した安全性 管理があることで?井邑丹楓美人組合共同事業法人の種 なし西瓜は?韓國はもちろん日本の消費者にも認められ るところとなった? 李廷振代表は?「韓國から日本へ長期的に西瓜を輸出する ところは?私たちのところが唯一だ?それほど?品質と 安全性では自身がある?生産農家も韓國を代表し?西瓜 を輸出するということに?プライドを持っている?」と述 べた?また?李代表は「日本のバイヤ―が最も要求するこ とは?安全?安心?信賴だ?私たちも安全?安心?信賴 を最重要な價値と認めているので?私たちの西瓜を安心 して購入していたければと思う?」と付け加えた? July 2021 15

Global Trend _ Laver Snack

Korean Laver Snack アメリカに衝擊を與える韓國の 海苔スナック Laver (a type of seaweed) is a favorite side dish for every Korean. Recently, various processed products using laver have been developed, making it suitable for side dishes and snacks taken with alcoholic drinks. Notably, the unique texture and salty taste of laver snacks have allowed them to emerge as a global food. Recently, laver snacks have become popular among all ages in the United States due to their unique aroma and the widespread recognition that they are a healthy food.

海苔は?韓國人なら誰もが好きな食べ物だ。最 近では?海苔を利用した樣?な加工食品が開 發されている?おかずはもちろん?おやつ? おつまみなどとしても遜色がない?特に?海 苔スナックは?海苔固有の食感とほどよい鹽 味で傳統的にアジア系の消費者だけで なく?グロ―バルに通用する食品 として浮上している?最近?アメ リカでは全ての年齡層 から人氣を集めて いる?

16 Korea Agrafood

The Growing U.S. Laver snack Market From 2015 to 2019, imports of laver snack-related products maintained an annual growth rate of 8%. Especially, imports of laver snack-related products increased 18% year-on-year in 2016, showing a rapid growth. Then, just how many laver snack-related products have been exported to the United States by Korea, where various laver-related products are produced? The result indicates that the U.S. is the second largest importer of laver snack-related products after Mexico. The U.S. imported USD 160 million worth of Korean laver snack-related products, accounting for 11% of the total imports.

擴大するアメリカの海苔スナック市場 2015年から2019年までアメリカの海苔スナック關連製品の輸入規 模は?年間8%の擴大傾向を維持した?特に2016年の海苔スナッ ク關連製品の輸入規模は?前年より18%成長し?急速な成長を示 した? それでは?海苔と關連する樣?な製品を生産する韓國は?どれく らいの量の海苔スナック關連製品をアメリカへ輸出したのか?結 果は?アメリカ全郞の海苔スナック關連製品の輸入國のうち?メ キシコについで2位だ?アメリカは1億6,000万ドルの規模で韓國の 海苔スナック關連製品を輸入している?輸入規模全郞のなかの 11%を占める?

Hit the United States

July 2021 17

Global Trend _ Laver Snack

なぜ?アメリカの消費者は海苔スナッ クが好きなのか

The reason why American consumers love Laver snack Like so, it has been analyzed that the reason why laver snack-related products are in the limelight in the U.S. is because they are perceived to be good for health and low in calories. In fact, it is easy to find the health-related certificates such as organic, gluten-free, and vegan for the laver snack-related products sold in the U.S. The laver snack is not merely a snack, but it has become quite popular as a low-calorie healthy food. How do Americans search for laver snacks on the Internet and utilize them? According to a survey, the keywords for laver snacks sold on online shopping websites in the U.S. are Crisp, Chips, and Crunch in order of frequency of occurrence. In addition, on online shopping websites in the U.S., laver snacks with the original taste without added flavor have been sold the most. The second most sold are laver snacks with the hot and spicy taste. However, rather than the spicy taste of chili, the products with added spiciness of wasabi or onion are more popular.

18 Korea Agrafood

このように?海苔スナック關連の製品がアメリカで脚光を 浴びる理由は?ヘルシ―で低カロリ―という認識が定着し ているためだ?實際に?アメリカで販賣される海苔スナッ ク關連製品では?オ―ガニック?グルテンフリ―?ビ―ガ ンなどの健康と關連した認證を簡單に確認できる?海苔 スナックが單純に?おやつというカテゴリ―を超えて? 健康によい低カロリ―の健康食品として脚光を浴びてい るということだ? アメリカの消費者は?海苔スナックをどのように檢索し? 活用しているだろうか?アメリカのオンラインショッピ ングモ―ルで販賣される海苔スナックに對するキ―ワ― ドは?Crisp?Chips? Crunchの順になっていた?これ をみると?アメリカで海苔スナックはサクサクした食感 が强みであるとされる? さらに?アメリカのオンラインショッピングモ―ルで販 賣されている海苔スナックは?香料を追加していないオ リジナルの味が最も多く賣れている?その次は?辛い味 の海苔スナックだ?しかし?その辛さはチリのような辛 さではなく?ワサビやタマネギの辛さである?この味を 加えた製品が脚光を浴びている?

Korean Laver snack Boom Most of the laver snack products on online shopping websites in the U.S. are from Korea. Also, they are packaged in the same kind of packaging used for the typical Korean seasoned laver products (pastic wrapper). Local reactions show clearly how the laver snack is evaluated within the U.S. market. The interviews with local distributors conducted by Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) overall indicate the high demand for Korean laver snack products. In particular, it is significant that the laver snack has become one of the largest categories in the U.S. food market. Han Man-woo, director of the Los Angeles Branch Office of aT, said, “As more and more consumers are looking for healthy food in the U.S., tasty and healthy laver snack purchases are expected to increase. If product improvement and new product development are carried out, we can expect the continuous popularity of laver snacks.”

韓國の海苔スナックの宣傳 アメリカのオンラインショッピングモ―ルの海苔スナッ ク製品は?韓國の製品が大多數であることが明らかにな った?製品のパッケ―ジでは?韓國の一般的な味付海苔 (ビニ―ル包裝)の形態になっている?アメリカの市場で 海苔スナックをどのように評價するかは?現地の反應を 見てもはっきりとわかる?特に?海苔スナックがアメリ カの食品市場で最大規模を示すカテゴリ―のうちの1つに 定着している点も大きな意味があると評價されている? 韓晩愚(ハン·マンウ)aTロサンゼルス支社長は?「アメリ カで健康食品を求める消費者が增えるとともに?味と健 康の全てを備えた海苔スナックの購入が增えると予想され る?現地市場に合った製品の改善と新製品開發が行われれ ば?海苔スナックの持續的な人氣を期待してもよい?」と述 べた?

Data Source : Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT)

U.S Imports of Korean Laver Snack Data Source : ITC (International Trade Center)

(unit: USD 1 million)

160 122 108 77







July 2021 19

Special K-FOOD

Korean Agricultural Products that even COVID-19 Could Not Stop 新冠疫情也阻倦不住的韓攻農食品

20 Korea Agrafood

It has been over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic has directly hit the globe. Agricultural products could not be imported and exported freely among countries, and consumers zipped their wallets due to restrictions on going out. Nevertheless, overseas consumers did not refrain from buying Korean agricultural products. Korea’s agricultural products exports recorded the highest level ever in 2020 during the pandemic, which is continuing. In 7 articles, <Korea Agrafood> introduces major Korean agricultural products that captivated overseas consumers despite the COVID-19 outbreak.

全球遭遇新冠疫情襲擊已有一年之多?期間,不僅各攻的農産品進出口受到蜈大的影響,限制外出政策也讓許多 消費者无從進行消費?葉便如此,海外消費者購買韓攻農食品的熱度幷沒有癎少?相反,新冠疫情最嚴重的2020 年,韓攻農食品的出口額還創下了曆史最高紀湳,而且這一紀湳仍在延樓之中?就此,《Korea Agrafood》將分七 期爲舅介紹在新冠疫情下海外消費者最關注的韓攻農食品主要品目?

Kimchi, the Symbols of Health & Functionality

Amid the spread of COVID-19, Kimchi and ginseng are searing into overseas consumers’ minds as symbols of health and functionality. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, kimchi export reached a record high of USD 145 million, mainly because kimchi, a fermented food, is recognized as a health food that boosts immunity. Other factors in the growth of Korean kimchi exports are changes of Korean tradition-

al kimchi into various forms or kimchi’s localization by combining with various dishes abroad. Examples are exports of vegan kimchi and canned kimchi or the use of kimchi as a raw ingredient in foreign dishes such as barbeque or taco.


在新冠疫情下,泡菜和人參已被海外消費者視爲象征 健康和功能性的典型品目?在新冠疫情盛行的2020 年,泡菜的出口額創下曆史之最的1.45億美元?其 中的主要原因在于消費者認定屠酵食品泡菜是可提高 免疫力的健康食品?除此之外,韓攻式傳統泡菜形態 的多樣化變化及侮海外各種食物相結合形成芎地化食 品也是韓攻泡菜出口額提高的主要因素之一?如,出 口素食泡菜、罐裝泡菜産品及在BBQ勁肉?墨西哥卷 餠等海外料理中使用泡菜原料等? July 2021 21

Special K-FOOD

Mandu, Satisfy Consumers with Convenience The popularity of Mandu (Dumpling) cannot be ignored either. A Korean company’s Mandu brand ranked 1st in the U.S. market share in 2016, proving its popularity and competitiveness not only in the U.S. but also in the European market. One secret of the popularity of Korean Mandu is that they can be eaten in various ways.

Ginseng, the Symbols of Health & Functionality Ginseng cannot be left out when it comes to immune-boosting products. Its advantage is that it can be produced in a variety of items while maintaining its efficacy. A main example is red ginseng, but there are various products that can be consumed easily, such as tea, candy, and jelly. In line with the trend of increased health concerns due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Korean government has supported exports through online and offline promotional events, which led to an export of about USD 230 million worth of Korean ginseng products in 2020.


增强免疫力産品不能沒有人參?人參具有加工成各種 産品其效能不繇降低的優点?紅參可以說是最典型的 人參加工産品,除此之外還有人參茶?人參糖?人參 軟糖等各種便于食用的産品?2020年,韓攻政府 根据新冠疫情使人們更加關心健康的趨勢,通過開 展陸上及陸下出口支援促銷活動,捲外出口了約 2.3億美元的韓攻人參産品? 22 Korea Agrafood


餃子也蜈受消費者歡迎?有一家韓攻餃子生産企業的産品還曾于 2016年榮登美攻市場占有率第一的位置?産品在美國和歐洲受消費 者歡迎?韓攻餃子可煎?蒸?油炸?水煮,烹調方法多種多樣?

Processed Rice, Satisfy Consumers with Convenience Korean Home Meal Replacement (HMR) food that has increased nutrition and convenience is shining even further in the midst of COVID-19. Various processed rice products such as instant rice have captured the hearts of consumers who seek convenience and nutrition at the same time. Korean processed rice still having the nutrients of rice, which has been in the limelight as a gluten-free food.


快餐也大放異彩?最典型的就是速食飯?以方便米飯爲代憐的各種加 工米飯産品,蜈吸引追求方便及營養的消費者的購買意愿?尤其是, 韓攻産加工米飯保留了无麥螂食品大米的原有營養成分且産品形態多 樣,爲海外消費者提供了更多的選楊余地?

Ramyeon, the Tide of Hallyu Hallyu (Korean Wave), represented by K-Pop and K-Drama, has had a significant impact on Korean agricultural products consumption. Korean Ramyeon recorded a whopping USD 600 million in exports in 2020. Ramyeon has traditionally been a strong export item, but various Ramyeon products are recently gaining popularity abroad thanks to the influence of the Hallyu. An example demonstrating this is the quadruple crown of Korean film ‘Parasite’ at the Academy Awards in February 2020, which resulted in the widespread love for Chapaguri (Ram-don) by people all over the world. The Korean Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen is one of the world’s best sellers as well.


以韓攻流行音樂(K-Pop)?韓攻電視劇(K-Drama)爲代憐的韓 流,也捲韓攻農食品的消費産生了蜈大的影響?如2020年,拉面 出口創下6億美元出口額?韓攻拉面可以說是傳統的出口主力品 目之一,但在最近借助韓流的影響,各種韓攻拉面更是在海外市 場人槐大增?如,隨着韓攻電影《寄生惡》榮獲奧斯賓四大奬項, 炸醬拉面(Chapaguri)已成爲世界各地消費者喜愛的産品?還有 辣味火鷄面也成爲了全球最暢銷産品之一?

Sauces, the Tide of Hallyu Korean sauces, represented by gochujang (red chili paste) and ganjang (soy sauce) were exported in about USD 100 million last year, recording the highest amount of export ever thanks to the influence of the Hallyu. Such increase in exports are analyzed as due to the purchase and use of Korean sauces such as gochujang by overseas consumers to cook the same Korean food at home after watching K-dramas. Itaewon Class, which aired last year, became very popular in Southeast Asia and drove the export of sauces such as gochujang. As long as the Hallyu does not stop, Korean sauces are expected to be more than enough to attract overseas consumers in the future.


以辣椒醬和醬油爲代憐的韓攻醬汁類産品,去年也借助韓 流的影響創下約1億美元的曆史最高出口額?分析認爲, 辣椒醬等韓攻醬汁類産品出口額的增加,侮芎地消費者受 韓攻電視劇影響,用韓攻辣椒醬等醬汁類産品在家做韓食 料理有直接的關係?如去年熱播的韓劇《梨泰院Class》, 在東南亞大受歡迎,從而也帶動了辣椒醬等醬汁類産品的 出口?只要韓流熱浪不癎,相信韓攻醬汁類産品捲海外消 費者依然繇有足誥的吸引力? July 2021 23

Essay Photo 24 Korea Agrafood

The red sun is about to set the vast cabbage field ablaze. Accordingly, farmers will become very busy watering their hard-grown cabbages. Who could have planted the cabbages that grew so much at the foot of a mountain 1,100m above sea level, about to touch the sky? Soon, all that hard work and effort will pay off. We look forward to seeing the cabbages transform into Korean kimchi and meet with the readers of <Korea Agrafood> as well as overseas consumers. This photo is a cabbage field in Anbandegi, Gangneung, Gangwon-do, Korea, where even the clouds come to take a rest.

A “Tug-of-War” between the Hot Sun and Farmers in July

July 2021 25

Health & Wellness

Green Plum Syrup Charm of Bitter-Sweet Taste ruit products, rich in nutrients such as vitaF mins and minerals, are quite popular in the beverage market. This is owing to the fact that more and more overseas consumers desire to reduce caffeine intake, and prefer healthy beverages. Green plum syrup (Maesil-chung) is one of the products receiving attention from foreign countries. Among them, Daap Maeyul Farming Association is getting closer to overseas consumers by selling Green plum syrup products on online shopping sites, as well as at overseas stores.

Maturation received favorably by consumers abroad In Korea, Green plum is used to make chung (extract syrup), which is taken by adding it in water, yogurt, and various sauces. Especially, Green plum syrup products of Daap Maeyul Farming Association are received favorably overseas. The secret is in maturation. All Green plum syrup products on the market are made by squeezing matured Green plum because through this process, the scent of green plum becomes stronger and the unique bitter taste is removed. ‘Green plum tea NO 6’ is made with green plum fermented for two years, and ‘Green plum tea NO 6 Premium’ is made with green plum fer-

26 Korea Agrafood

甛酸璉的魅力――靑梅汁 富含維生素和无机物等營養成分的水果産品蜈受飮料市 場的歡迎,有越來越多的海外消費者喜歡不含假燾因的 健康飮料?靑梅汁就是海外消費者關注的品目之一?多 鴨梅栗營農組合法人就是一家利用海外商場及網店面向 海外消費者銷魔靑梅汁的企業?


在韓攻,靑梅主要用來做靑梅汁,可兌水?兌酸球等, 也可用于各種調料?多鴨梅栗營農組合法人生産的靑梅 汁産品蜈受海外消費者的歡迎,其中的秘訣就在于産品 的熟成?他們銷魔的靑梅汁産品都是捲靑梅進行熟成后 趺汁而成的,格過熟成過程可消除靑梅的苦璉味道,提 高靑梅的香味?靑梅汁(Green plum tea NO 6)是利 用屠酵兩年的靑梅制成的産品,高圭靑梅汁(Green plum tea NO 6 Premium)是利用屠酵三年的靑梅制 成的産品? 多鴨梅栗營農組合法人董事長徐順烈說明道,“屠酵兩 年以上的靑梅可以說都是有益于身郞健康的補葯,屠酵 后的靑梅不僅沒有苦璉的味道,而且靑梅的香味更濃? 侮白糖相比,提高了低聚糖的使用比率,因此口感更加 柔和?”


多鴨梅栗營農組合法人徐董事長介紹說,企業是從 2005年開始着手海外市場開拓的,這是根据韓攻攻內 市場已處于飽和狀態的現狀而轉向海外市場的?從通過 海外博覽繇進行的市場調査結果看,海外客商的反應要 好于預期,産品銷魔有蜈大的勝算把握? July 2021 27

Health & Wellness

mented for three years. Seo Soon-yeol, president of Daap Maeyul Farming Association, explained, “Green plum that has been fermented for more than two years is considered a restorative medicine. That’s how healthy it is. Particularly, the bitter taste disappears and the flavor of green plum is heightened. And adding more oligosaccharide than sugar made it soft in texture.”

Seeking exports due to over-saturated Korean market It was not until 2005 that Daap Maeyul Farming Association opened up overseas market. It began as they turned to foreign countries after judging that Korean market was over-saturated. According to president Seo Soon-yeol, when he visited an overseas exhibition for a field survey, buyers’ reactions were better than expected, which allowed him to assess that their products would have a chance of success. President Seo Soon-yeol further explained, “In 2005, we participated in the Korean festival in New York, and had a testing event for buyers. They loved it, saying it was sweet and sour. On top of that, buyers showed interest in the efficacies of green plum, and that gave us confidence in exports.” Recently, Daap Maeyul Farming Association opened a store on Amazon, the representative online shopping mall in the United States, and expanded to a new market online. As it hasn’t been long since the store was opened, the sales volume is rather small. However, they received positive reviews from purchasers such as “I feel like getting healthier thanks to the unique scent of green plum.”

28 Korea Agrafood

徐順烈董事長說道,“芎初我們捲海外市場能否接受靑 梅汁幷沒有把握,所以在2005年紐約韓人節期間組織 客商進行了試飮品嘗活動?結果,反響出乎意料地都說 産品酸甛好喝?加之客商捲靑梅的效能等也蜈感興趣, 使我們捲産品的出口有了信心?”最近,多鴨梅栗營農 組合還通過進入美攻最大的網購商城亞馬遜進一步頑大 了産品的銷路?盡管現在尙婁入店之初銷量幷不大,但 有許多消費者都說“産品蜈濃蜈好吃”?“靑梅的特殊香 味讓人感袈更健康”等好評連連?

Expand the market with good ingredients Currently, the products of Daap Maeyul Farming Association are exported to five countries, including the United States, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Austria. Exports are gradually increasing every year, and expected to rise from USD 10,000 in 2005 to an all-time high this year. The expected amount of export is USD 300,000. The expectation arose as they expanded their export outlet to the West Coast market for the first time in July this year, following the East Coast market in the U.S., which had accounted for nearly 80% of the export market. In addition, the recent increase in imports by Austria of ‘Sliced Green Plum Pickles’, another product of Daap Maeyul Farming Association, also contributed to the expectation. President Seo Soon-yeol said, “The products we make are made only with green plum grown in Gwangyang, a region famous for green plum in Korea. We always appreciate a lot of interest in our products.”

Green Plum Efficacy


目前,多鴨梅栗營農組合法人産品的出口攻有美攻?馬 來西亞?印度尼西亞?泰攻和奧地利等五憾攻家?出口 額從2005年的1万美元逐年增加,今年有望達到30万 美元的曆史最高値?原本占出口市場80%左右的美攻 東部市場,從今年7月開始首次頑大到西部市場,爲出 口額創新高創造了穡件?同時,奧地利增加多鴨梅栗營 農組合法人生産的靑梅醬菜(Sliced plum pickle)産 品進口量也爲出口額的增加助了一臂之力? 徐順烈董事長說道,“我們生産的産品使用的都是韓攻 靑梅著名産地光陽産靑梅?我們一直在堅持使用最優質 的原料生産産品,所以海外消費者也相捲于價格更看重 我們的産品質量?我們銷魔的産品還有靑梅濃縮液 (Plum extract)?靑梅醋(Plum vinegar)及靑梅泡菜 (Plum kimchi)等,捲此希望消費者能給予更多的關 注?” Daap Maeyul Farming Association +82-61-772-3289 webmaster@maesilplus.com

Green plum is a representative fruit that is good for fatigue recovery. It is an alkaline food which is good for fatigue recovery and is effective in improving one’s constitution. In particular, with its excellent detoxifying effect, it is known to have the efficacy to treat an upset stomach and food poisoning.

靑梅是有助于恢復疲勞的典型水果之一?靑梅作 爲杆性食品,具有恢復疲勞及改善郞質等效果? 尤其具有顯著的潁毒作用,捲腹痛及食物中毒等 有治療效果?

July 2021 29

Focus on People

K-mush, the Global Brand of Korean Mushrooms

+82-2-6402-8625 www.kmush.or.kr

Park Byeong-cheul President, K-mush CO., LTD.

K-mush, an integrated mushroom export organization, is doing its best to improve quality and manage safety in order to have competitiveness in foreign markets. Recently, efforts have been made for safety management that accords with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) required by the United States FDA. <Korea Agrafood> met with Park Byeong-cheul, the newly elected president of K-mush to hear about Korea’s mushroom exports.

30 Korea Agrafood


Please briefly introduce K-mush. K-mush is the general headquarters of Korea’s mushroom exports. It is an integrated export organization to which around 200 member companies, including mushroom farms and exporters, are affiliated, and which exports mushrooms to 27 countries around the world. The major exporters are the Netherlands, the United States, Australia, Canada, and although as of 2019, more than USD 50 million in exports had been recorded. K-mush is targeting overseas markets with a focus on freshness and the brand itself, and plans to expand exports of Korean mushrooms by actively pushing ahead with measures to increase added value such as developing processed food products.



Korean mushrooms are popular because they do not have a strong scent compared to foreign mushrooms. Also, they boast their top quality in the world. Mushrooms exported by K-mush have secured safety by obtaining the official organic certification from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) certification, approved by Korea and the international community, and Non-Pesticide certification. Farms exporting mushrooms are making great efforts for mechanization of the facilities, and to strengthen sanitary education, while adopting and having take root the system of Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) required by the U.S. FDA.

You have been appointed president of K-mush. Please tell us your aspirations. Mushrooms have many advantages as a future food of having high nutrition, low calories, and immune functionality. Considering these characteristics, I believe that the future growth possibility is very high, and we will do our best to pioneer new markets in the future. We will also create new markets through active marketing in countries with low import demand for mushrooms such as Europe, Australia, and the Middle East. I think that, in the mushroom industry, exports are no longer a special domain, but it’s an essential link for the entire Korean mushroom industry to maintain stability. I will strive so that Korean mushrooms will be loved and recognized around the world.

Please tell us about the excellence of Korean mushrooms.


Lastly, could you say something to foreign buyers and overseas consumers? I want to convey a message that Korean mushrooms will not stop developing. Just as the brand of Korea itself has been constantly developing, Korean mushroom industry itself is also dynamically changing and developing. Even in the face of new difficulties in new situations, we have the wisdom and experience to overcome all that. We promise that we will not fail to deliver a gift of ‘satisfaction’ with better products. I will not cease to strive so that K-mush can develop into a world-recognized global brand.

July 2021 31

Monthly Pick The Best in Season

7 Jul. SUN







Summer Rejuvenator

Bokbunja During the summer months of June and August in Korea, rejuvenating and revitalizing foods become very popular. This is to fully overcome the heat that weakens the body’s energy. Currently in season, Bokbunja (Korean Raspberry) is second to none when it comes to a natural tonic. In Korea, people enjoy Bokbunja in various forms such as alcohol, beverages, and vinegar.

32 Korea Agrafood

j n u b k o

A kind of wild raspberry belonging to the family Rosaceae, Bokbunja has an excellent sweet and sour taste. It is especially famous for being an energy-boosting fruit. The efficacy of Bokbunja can also be confirmed in old Korean medical books, which state that Bokbunja makes the body hard and strong. The books also say that it is good to eat Bokbunja by drying it well. The efficacy of Bokbunja was also confirmed through modern medicine. A recent analysis on the effect of Bokbunja on the body found that its anthocyanins greatly affect the body by boosting blood circulation by preventing blood clots, inhibiting cancer and aging, and sterilization. Bokbunja is not called a natural tonic for nothing.


Legendary Power ‘Bokbunja’


Zoom In

It’s Delicious to Eat in Any Way Korean Bokbunja is a special product of the Gochang of Jeollabuk-do, and Bokbunja from the Seonunsan Mountain is especially famous. In Korea, 10 Bokbunja flowers gather and are bloomed in an umbrella shape on each branch from around June, and Bokbunja for medical purpose are used by drying the fruits around July. Bokbunja used as a tea is made by infusing the root instead of the fruit. Bokbunja is also soaked and aged in alcohol to enjoy a sweet and bitter taste. This can be made at home, but the products sold in the market are popular too. Among them, Bohaebokbunjajoo is very famous and is exported to 10 countries including the U.S., Malaysia, Australia, and New Zealand. Vinegar made from Bokbunja is also famous, which can be enjoyed healthy by mixing it with water, carbonated water, or milk.

July 2021 33

Monthly Pick Best Product Online

Best Seller

Fall in love with Korea’s Soft

Coffee Mix This is about coffee, the daily necessity of modern people and the most popular drink in the world. Having been born in Africa and captured the world through Islam and Europe, coffee is also drawing attention as a Korean product. It is even recognized by Amazon, the leading online mall in the United States. Let’s take a look at the secret of how Korean coffee has been chosen by overseas consumers.

34 Korea Agrafood




Zoom In





Amazon consumers generally rated Korean coffee as “soft and delicious”, “very convenient to carry anywhere” and “First time purchasing this flavor and I totally love the Mocha. Only 10 more calories!” According to Amazon consumers, Korean coffee items are healthier, delicious, and convenient compared to other instant coffee. Moreover, several other comments said that they learned about Korean coffee mix products through a Korean drama and that they would only buy Korean coffee products in the future. There were also various reasons for the purchase. Check out the consumer testimonials and reviews below.


Coffee trees grow in the regions between the latitude of 25° south and 25° north globally. As a result, they do not grow in Korea, which is located at latitudes 33°-38° north. Almost coffee beans must be imported to Korea to make coffee. Nonetheless, Korean coffee is recognized abroad for its quality. In fact, the export of Korean instant coffee products has also been on an upward trend for the past five years. The popularity of Korean coffee can also be felt on U.S. online shopping malls: Amazon has put the ‘Choice’ label on Korean coffee. Amazon’s Choice is a mark awarded to products that receive excellent evaluations on various criteria such as consumer reviews, quality, and service satisfaction. Consumers who purchased Korean coffee products contributed 2,997 ratings in a total of 4.8 stars (5 out of 5), contributing to Amazon’s decision to put the ‘Choice’ mark.


Reverse Export of Korean Coffee

Why Korean Coffee is Chosen

July 2021 35

Issue in SNS

9 Charms of 9 Girls,






TWICE, the biggest K-pop girl group of 9 girls with 9 various charms, is back. As TWICE resumes activities by appearing on a famous talk show in the United States, numerous Hallyu (Korean Wave) fans at home and abroad are paying attention to many TWICE-related things, such as social media and YouTube posts. As if proving their booming popularity, TWICE is also proving themselves as the true, hottest global girl group by breaking the ‘Worldwide girl group record’ on YouTube.

36 Korea Agrafood

Returned with a New Album TWICE has presented the performance of their new song ‘Alcohol-Free’, exuding a refreshing charm. TWICE appeared on the American talk show ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ on May 9, drawing attention of many fans since it was the first stage to appear after an 8-month break. TWICE’s performance at the Ellen Show was ‘Alcohol-Free’, the title track of their new album ‘Taste of Love’ and a refreshing song for summer. The media highly praised the song, saying “TWICE

caught eyes with the passionate Latin dance movements and the gentle, wavy choreography on the sound combining bossa nova and hip-hop.” TWICE has presented exciting, bubbly dance songs every summer season, such as ‘SIGNAL’, ‘Dance the Night Away’, ‘MORE & MORE’. This year, TWICE is again receiving generous, warm love of Korean and overseas fans with the album that fully exudes a summer vibe.

July 2021 37

Issue in SNS

‘Tribute’ to Fans & New YouTube Record TWICE broke a new record on YouTube. It is more meaningful because this achievement was among girl groups around the world. The music video of TWICE’s Japanese song ‘BREAKTHROUGH’ recently surpassed 100 million views on YouTube, becoming the 17th music video to do so. As a result, among girl groups around the world, TWICE has become the group having the most music videos with more than 100 million views on YouTube. This is such a marvelous record exceeding the previous record of 16 videos owned by the British women trio, LittleMix. The secret to TWICE’s popularity lies in their excellent fan management and care along with catchy songs. In fact, TWICE has shown huge affection towards their fan club ‘ONCE’. In commemoration of the 2nd anniversary of debut, TWICE expressed appreciation to ONCE with an electronic display board and even gave ‘Jokbal (Braised Pig’s Feet) Lunch’, their favorite food, to fans along with notes as a present.

Additional Info

TWICE’s Irresistible Love for Jokbal Momo, Sana, and Mina from Japan and Tzuyu from Taiwan showed love for Korean Jokbal on TV. Momo said that her ideal type of man “should not be plump but eat Jokbal well.” Tzuyu agreed, confessing that she also likes the food. Tzuyu said “I really like Jokbal. I love it so much that I even ordered it for delivery with Momo and Sana avoiding CCTV and the manager’s watchful eye. When the food was delivered, we lifted it with a rope.” About this, Jeongyeon added, “All 9 of us like Korean Jokbal.”

38 Korea Agrafood

TWICE’s Cooking Famous for ‘A pretty girl next to a pretty girl’, TWICE’s mukbang is one of the most popular contents among fans. Fans even create and upload TWICE’s mukbang videos themselves, claiming how TWICE is pretty when they eat in a casual, down-to-earth way. This is why many TWICE mukbang videos are posted on YouTube and gaining popularity. The members also showed them cooking several times and eating their own food on their own channel ‘TWICE TV’. Let’s check out the foods that TWICE members like, and let’s cook Korean dishes together.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rduunATONqI&list=PLyV6nxJTW RHgcpGq7BCUQDj3G91aptuLw&index=8

Nayeon Bossam, Makguksu

Sana Gejang, Kimchijjigae

Jeongyeon Galbi, Tteokbokki

Tzuyu Gimbap, Jokbal



Jokbal, Kimchijjigae

Chicken, Borigulbi

July 2021 39

K-FOOD Recipe Bulgogi

Bulgogi Korea’s Signature Dish of Taste and Style

hat is the signature dish representing Korean food? W Various Korean dishes are drawing attention around the world thanks to the Hallyu (Korean Wave), but Bulgogi still cannot be omitted when talking about Korean food. With thinly sliced beef and all kinds of vegetables marinated in seasoning sauce, Bulgogi is a perfect dish to captivate both the eye and the mouth. So, Koreans often eat it on special days or social gatherings. As the most popular menu among foreigners by far, Bulgogi is one of the most well-known dishes representing Korean food that travelers must try when they visit Korea.

40 Korea Agrafood

July 2021 41

K-FOOD Recipe Bulgogi


Main Ingredients: 700g of beef foreshank, 1 onion, 1 green onion, 1 pack of enoki mushrooms, 1 pack of oyster mushrooms, and 2 red chili peppers


Put thinly sliced beef foreshank, 4 tbsp of sugar, 2 tbsp of starch syrup in a large bowl.

Add 3 tbsp of minced garlic, 9 tbsp of soy sauce, and a little bit of black pepper, and mix them well to coat the beef foreshank with the seasoning.

Sub Ingredients: 4 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp starch syrup, 3 tbsp minced garlic, 9 tbsp soy sauce, 3 tbsp sesame oil, and black pepper 2 Servings


Add 1 tbsp of sesame oil and wait for 30 minutes.

35 min




While waiting, shred the onion and tear the mushrooms into bite-size pieces.


Add 2 tbsp of sesame oil to the prepared veggies and meat and roast them over high heat.

When the veggies and meat are almost cooked, slice the 2 red chili peppers diagonally and add.


Put the cooked Bulgogi into a bowl or a dish to serve. Now it is ready to eat!


42 Korea Agrafood


Bulgogi-Related Export Products

MYCHEF’s Truffle Bulgogi Pot Rice Meal Kit

Korean Beef Bulgogi Marinade by CHUNGWOO CO., LTD.

Manufactured by MYCHEF, a major meal kit company in Korea, this product is easy to cook

With this one sauce, you won’t have to worry

since all the ingredients have been trimmed that

about taste, the key to all dishes. You will never

they can just be put in a pot without cutting

fail to cook Bulgogi as long as you have this

them. All you need to do is to mix the home-

product. Just pour the sauce over the meat.

made sauce developed by MYCHEF with the

Having a sweet and soft flavor, this sauce can be

meat in the meal kit, and you will be ready to

used to cook other Korean dishes in addition to

cook. The price is also reasonable. Even though

beef bulgogi. If you want to cook a spicy dish,

the kit includes 3 servings (705g) oil made from

you just need to add a bit of red pepper powder.

truffle, one of the world’s three great delicacies,

The product volume ranges from 420g to 1.95kg

beef, and all kinds of vegetables, it can be pur-

and to even 10kg, which is a bulk size. Other

chased for only KRW 13,900. Also, the meal kit

sauces sold by CHUNGWOO Co., Ltd. include

only takes 45 minutes to cook in an electric rice

“All-purpose mixing seasoning sauce”, “Tteok-

cooker and 20 minutes in a pot. If you only want

bokki Seasoning Sauce”, “Pork Galbi Marinade”,

to eat bulgogi, just cook it without rice.

which have all received various food certifications including HACCP.





July 2021 43

Variety Korea


Five-Story Stone Pagoda Jeongnimsa Temple Site

City of Cultural Heritage

uyeo is a highly captivating, attractive city with B rich splendid cultural heritage passed down by the ancient kingdom of Baekje from 1,400 years ago. It is always full of historical and cultural sites to see that people say that relics have been poured out wherever they dig. Many of Baekje’s historical sites are listed as ‘UNESCO World Heritage Sites’, and Seongheungsan mountain Love Tree and Gungnamji Pond are very famous as photo spots. Introducing Buyeo, where you can feel the beautiful and mysterious Baekje culture anywhere.

44 Korea Agrafood

文化遺産の都市?扶餘 扶餘(プヨ)は?1400年前?古代國家の百濟の煌びやか な文化遺産を樂しむことができる魅力的な都市だ?土を 掘るたびに遺物が大量に出てきたという話が出るほど? 見どころが多い?百濟の遺跡の相當數は「ユネスコの世 界遺産」に登載されており?聖興山(ソンフンサン)の一 本松と宮南池(クンナムジ)はフォトスポットとしても有 名だ?足の向くまま步くところが常に美しく?神秘的な 百濟の文化が感じられる扶餘を紹介する?

Gungnamji Pond


Located at the southern area of Chungcheongnam-do, Buyeo is densely populated with some of the most beautiful historical sites. They include Busosanseong Fortress and Jeongnimsa Temple Site, which are registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and a famous photo spot Gungnamji Pond is located not far from downtown. The National Buyeo Museum is especially a must-visit course in Buyeo. Here, you can directly see the ‘Gilt-bronze Incense Burner of Baekje’, one of the greatest masterpieces of Baekje culture. Excavated in Neungsalli Ancient Tombs, Buyeo in December 1993, the ‘Giltbronze Incense Burner of Baekje’ was almost undamaged and intact thanks to its discovery in mud. The moment you see it, you will be awestruck by its amazing craftsmanship and stunning beauty. Recently, Seongheungsan Mountain has been drawing attention as a tourist spot because of the love tree. Already a wellknown destination as the filming location of the movie <My Sassy Girl>, Seongheungsan Mountain is becoming more famous as the best photo spot by photographers. The love tree is 22m in height and 125cm in diameter.

Gilt-bronze Incense Burner of Baekje

忠淸南道に位置する扶餘は?市內を中心に有名な觀光 地が密集している?ユネスコ世界遺産に指定された扶 蘇山城(プソサンソン)と定林寺址(チョンリムサジ)があ り?フォトスポットの宮南池も市內からさほど遠くな い場所に位置している?特に?國立扶餘博物館では? 百濟文化最高傑作に擧げられる「百濟金銅大香爐」を直 接見ることができる?1993年12月?扶餘陵山里(ヌン サンリ)古墳から發見された百濟金銅大香爐は?赤土の なかから發見されたおかげで?損傷がほとんどなく? 完全な狀態を維持しているが?見た瞬間にその優れた 工藝技術に感嘆させられる?最近では?聖興山が觀光 客の絶えない名所として注目を集めているが?それは まさに映畵に出てきた一本松のためだ?「獵奇的な彼 女」という映畵の撮影地として有名だが?寫眞作家が 擧げる最高のフォトスポットとして薛になっている? 一本松は22mの高さで?直徑は125cmに達する?

Seongheungsan Mountain Love Tree

July 2021 45


Variety Korea

There are 10 kinds of must-eat dishes when traveling to Buyeo. They are Lotus Leaf Rice, Mushroom Hotpot, Roasted Korean Beef, Spicy King Crab Soup, Mushroom Gimbap, Wild Vegetable Bibimbap, Grilled Eel, and Lotus Bread, which are called ‘10 Delicacies of Buyeo’ together. Tourists can easily try the 10 Delicacies of Buyeo in the ‘GoodTrae Food Street’. We especially recommend Buyeo Lotus Bread since it cannot be found in other regions. Buyeo is very famous for lotus flower inspired food such as lotus leaf rice, lotus bread, and lotus tea. The Lotus Festival is held every July at Gungnamji Pond, a famous photo spot that forms a spectacular scene of lotus complex built on an area of 330,000m2. If you go to a nearby tea house ‘BaekjeHyang’, you can taste lotus flower tea and lotus bread. A fresh lotus flower comes out as it is in the tea, emitting a delicate scent and a clean taste of a top quality.

46 Korea Agrafood

扶餘に行ったら必ず食べなければなら ならい10種類の料理がある?ヨンニ ップパプ(蓮の葉ご飯)?ポソッジ ョンゴル(キノコの鍋)?韓牛クイ ?チャムゲメウンタン(チュウゴ クモズクガニのメウンタン)?ポ ソッキムパプ(キノコの海苔卷き)? 山菜ビビンバ?ウナギクイ?ヨンコ ッパン(蓮の花の形の饅頭)などで?これ らは「扶餘10味」と呼ばれている?觀光客は「グ ットゥレ(GoodTrae)飮食特化通り」に行けば?扶餘10味 を簡單に味わうことができる?特に?扶餘のヨンコッパン は他地域で食べることができないため?必ず食べておくこ とをお勸めする?扶餘はヨンニップパプ?ヨンコッパン? 蓮花茶など蓮の花が非常に有名だ?フォトスポットの宮南 池では每年7月頃に蓮花祭が開催されるが?10万坪ほどに 造成された蓮花團地が壯觀をなしている?この近くにある 喫茶店の「百濟香(ペクチェヒャン)」へ行けば?ヨンコッパ ンとともに?一幅の繪のような蓮花茶が味わえる?蓮の花 の一輪がそのまま入って出てくるが?かすかに廣がる香り とさっぱりとした味が逸品だ?

Local Products

Agricultural products produced in Buyeo use the joint brand ‘GoodTrae’. A compound word of ‘Good’ and ‘Tree’, the brand means quality agricultural products produced in a clean natural environment. GoodTrae’s representative agricultural products include melons and tomatoes. GoodTrae melons are cultivated in facility houses of about 380 farms in Buyeo, which forms an area of 205ha and the largest main production site in Korea. The fruit is sweet and juicy because it is grown under the best growing conditions, and it obtained ISO9001, an international quality certification. Buyeo GoodTrae tomatoes are produced year-round in an area of 320ha by about 590 farms in Buyeo. Thanks to the natural conditions of Baengmagang river and the huge daily temperature difference, the tomatoes are firm and are high in sugar content. Other crops distributed under GoodTrae brand are chestnuts, button mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, and zucchini, all of which are well-loved by consumers.

扶餘で生産される農産物は「グットゥレ」(GoodTrae)という共同ブ ランドを使用する?「Good」と「TREE」の合成語で?クリ―ンな自 然環境で生産された良質の農産物という意味が腐められている? 代表的なグットゥレの農産物には?メロンとトマトがある?グッ トゥレのメロンは扶餘內の380余りの農家がハウスで栽培してい るが?205ha規模の韓國最大の主産地を形成している?國際的な 品質品證であるISO9001はもちろん?最適の生育條件で栽培され ることから?果肉も甘く?果汁も多い?扶餘のグットゥレのトマ トは扶餘內の590余りの農家が320haで年中生産する?白馬江とい う自然條件と日較差が大きく?肉質がしっかりするとともに?糖度 も高いのが特徵だ?このほかにも?栗とマッシュル―ム?椎茸? ズッキ―ニなどがグットゥレのブランドで流通しており?消費者 からの人氣も高い? July 2021 47


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E-Mail : shanghaiat@at.or.kr TEL : 86-21-3256-6325~7 INTERNET PHONE : 070-7077-6197 070-7077-6199 070-7077-6205 FAX : 86-21-3256-6328 Chengdu Branch Office 2003 Room, Chengdu Ping An fortune Center No.1, Section 3, Renmin South Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610041 P.R.C. China

中攻泗川省成都市武侯袴人民南路3段 1獄成都平安財富中心610041) (

E-Mail : chengdu@at.or.kr TEL : 86-28-8283-3376, 3387 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-3266~7 FAX : 86-28-8283-3396

Hongkong Branch Office Room 705, 7F Jubilee Centre, 18 Fenwick Street, 46 Gloucester Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong E-Mail : hkatcenter@at.or.kr TEL : 852-2588-1614~16 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2696~7 FAX : 852-2588-1919 (Taipei) SKYLINE BUSINESS CENTER 15F, No.159, Sec.1, Keelung Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan



Southeast Asia


Tokyo Branch Office Korea Agro-Trade Center, Tokyo Korea Center 5F, 4-4-10 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0004, Japan

Jakarta Branch Office The Energy Building 20th FL, Zone F, SCBD Lot. 11A JL. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia E-Mail : jakarta@at.or.kr TEL : 62-21-2995-9032~3, 9035 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2694~5 FAX : 62-21-2995-9034

Los Angeles Branch Office 12750 Center CourtDriveSouth, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA E-Mail : losangeles@at.or.kr TEL : 1-562-809-8810 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2692~3 FAX : 1-562-809-1191

(Singapore) Korea Agro-fisheries & Food Trade Corp Indonesia aT Center 16 Collyer Quay Level 20-00 Singapore 049318 TEL : 65-6818-9030 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-5094

New York Branch Office 15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA E-Mai l : newyork@at.or.kr TEL : 1-212-889-2561 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2690~1 FAX : 1-212-889-2560

東京都新宿袴四穀4-4-10 KOREA



E-Mail : tokyo@at.or.kr TEL : 81-3-5367-6656, 6693~94 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7060~7062, 2689, 3265 FAX : 81-3-5367-6657


E-Mail : hkatcenter@at.or.kr TEL : 886-2-2740-5040 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7229 FAX : 886-2-2515-1160 Qingdao Trade Office Room 705, Yuanxiongguojiguangchang Building, No.26, Hongkong Middle Road, Qingdao, 266071, China

中攻山東省靑島市市南袴香港中路26獄 遠雄攻際廣場705戶) (

E-Mail : qingdao@at.or.kr TEL : 86-532-5566-8870~8872 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-5092~3 FAX : 86-532-5566-8873 Qingdao aT logistics Co.,Ltd Qingdao aT logistics co.,Ltd West Shuangyuan Rd.,Liuting Street, Chengyang, Qingdao, China

靑島市城陽袴流享街道雙元路西靑島愛 特物流有限公司) (

E-Mail : qingdao_logistics@at.or.kr TEL : 86-532-6696-2229, 2280 INTERNET PHONE : 070-7938-0865 070-7938-0863 070-7938-0864 FAX : 86-532-6696-2181

Osaka Branch Office 8F, Nomura Fudousan Osaka Bldg. 1-8-15, Azuchimachi, Chuou-ku, Osaka, 541-0052, Japan

大阪市中央袴安土町1-8-15, 野村不 動産大阪 B/D 8F) (

E-Mail : osaka@at.or.kr TEL : 81-6-6260-7661 INTERNET PHONE : 070-7000-4138 FAX : 81-6-6260-7663

Middle East Dubai Branch Office (PO BOX 57528) Office #48, SunsetMall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Jumeira 3, Dubai, UAE TEL : 971-4-339-2213

Hanoi Branch Office #1213, 12th floor., Keangnam Hanoi Landmark 72 Tower, plot E6, Pham Hung Str., South Tu Liem Dist, Ha Noi., VietNam E-Mail : hanoi@at.or.kr TEL : 84-4-6282-2987 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7719, 7724 FAX : 84-4-6282-2989 HoChiMinh Branch Office CJ Building, Floor 3, 2 Bis 4-6 Le Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City E-Mail : sgtchoi@at.or.kr TEL : 84-28-3822-7503~4 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7183 FAX : 02-838-227-503 Bangkok Trade Office #2102 Level 21, Interchange 21, 339 Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand E-Mail : bangkok@at.or.kr TEL : 66-2-611-2627~9(Extension 12) INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7226 FAX : 66-2611-2626

Europe Paris Branch Office Korean Agro-Trade Center, 89Rue Du Gouvemeur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, lssyles-moulineaux, France E-Mail : paris@at.or.kr TEL : 33-1-4108-6076~8, 6096 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2699 FAX : 33-1-4108-2016 Vladivostok Branch Office Lotte Hotel Vladivostok 520-522 office, 29, Semenovskaya St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091 E-Mail : chekov@at.or.kr

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