August 2021 (vol.310)

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August 2021 vol.310


Global Trend

Variety Korea

Colorful RainbowColored Cherry Tomatoes

Korean Instant Tteokbokki Captivates the World

‘Yangyang’, which Emerged as a Hot Place



Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign Let us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste.

If we reduce food waste, can take care of both IfIndividuals we reduce diet and health food waste,

Let’s reduce waste at home. your diet and buy only 01 Plan the food you need.

Quantity of Meals

Consider the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients.

Restaurants can save the costs for food waste disposal

Divide food ingredients into portions and 02 store them in a transparent container.

We can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas

You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator.

help people who are hungry by donating some of the savings.

Expiration Date

03 Ground dry ingredients to cook. Then, let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.

How close have you gotten to Zero Waste? Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.

Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one.

Let’s donate together in everyday life. Start WFP individual donation You can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website,, and clicking the Donate button.

Donate on ‘Share the Meal’ Zero food waste with one finished meal!

Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day!

Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses!

1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives.

You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0963 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995 Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved. CEO Kim Choon-jin EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Oh Hyung-wan (Food Industry & Trade Division) EDITORS Ahn Byeong-hee REPORTERS Kim Young-min ( Cho Yeong-kyu ( Lee Ki-no ( Choi Yeong-jin ( GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Han Hyo-jin (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)


EDITORIAL BOARD BEIJING Chung Yeon-su 070-4617-5090 ( SHANGHAI Sung Si-chan 070-7077-6197 ( CHENGDU Wang Sung 070-4617-3267 ( DALIAN Koh Jung-hee 070-4617-3266 ( HONGKONG Kim Suk-ju 070-4617-2696 (


HANOI Park Min-cheol 070-4617-7257 ( HOCHIMIN Park Il-Sang +84-28-3822-7504 ( BANGKOK Lee Ju-yong 070-4617-7226 ( JAKARTA Lee Seoung-bok 070-4617-2695 (

Cover Story

TOKYO Jang Seo-gyeong +81-3-5367-6656 ( OSAKA Kwon Tae-hwa +81-6-6260-7661 ( NEW YORK Shim Hwa-sop 1-212-889-2561 ( L.A Han Man-woo 1-562-809-8810 ( DUBAI Kim Hyuk +97-1-4339-2213 (

Korea’s Signature Healthy Food,

Samgyetang & Watermelon

PARIS Ha Jung-a 070-4617-7225 ( VLADIVOSTOK Shin Jae-hun 070-4617-3277 ( QINGDAO Lee Sun-woo (


Representative Nourishing Food, Samgyetang


Samgyetang Level Up, Ginseng and Red Ginseng


Summer’s Key Fruit, Watermelon

KUALALUMPUR Jang Jae-hyung ( EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9072

Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website,

August 2021 vol. 310 Exploration

Trend & Culture





Colorful Rainbow-Colored Cherry Tomatoes

Korean Instant Tteokbokki Captivates the World



SPECIAL K-FOOD Korea’s Kimchi, Convenience Added to Health

MONTHLY PICK Photo by Dameulstudio

- The Best in Season: Peaches - The Best Product Online: Yuja Tea



The sweltering heat of

K-pop King, EXO


summer can weaken your health and damage your health. That is why Koreans don’t forget to


eat nourishing foods, and Samgyetang and water-


K-FOOD RECIPE Dubujorim, a simple meal made with healthy ingredients

melon are the major ones. 26

HEALTH & WELLNESS Promoting ‘Korean Green Tea’ to The World

These two nutritional foods help with taking care of health in summer in completely different ways. Samgyetang, the hot Korean ginseng chick-


en soup, maintains stamina with rich nutrients, and the cold watermelon re-



FOCUS ON PEOPLE Ko Kwan-dal, President of K-BERRY

plenishes the lost moisture due to sweating a lot.

40 44

VARIETY KOREA ‘Yangyang’, which Emerged as a Hot Place

C over Story

The sweltering heat of summer can weaken your health and damage your health. That is why Koreans don’t forget to eat nourishing foods, and Samgyetang and watermelon are the major ones. These two nutritional foods help with taking care of health in summer in completely different ways. Samgyetang, the hot Korean ginseng chicken soup, maintains stamina with rich nutrients, and the cold watermelon replenishes the lost moisture due to sweating a lot. Let us introduce Korean nourishing food, sometimes hot, sometimes cold, to beat the scorching heat.

Korea’s Signature Healthy Food,

Samgyetang Watermelon 4 Korea Agrafood

韓攻頂級滋補佳品,參鷄湯和西瓜 夏季的酷暑繇使人的郞力下降,危害人郞健康?所以韓攻 人都繇吃一些滋補保健食物,其中最典型的便是參鷄湯和 西瓜?這兩種滋補食物繇以完全不同的方式捲夏季的健康 管理提供搗助?熱吃的參鷄湯可提供酪富的營養保持郞 力,祺爽的西瓜可補充因出汗而流失的水分?下面就爲舅 介紹可通過冷熱進補戰勝酷暑的韓攻滋補保健食物?

August 2021 5


amgyetang is the most loved S healthy food of Koreans. In a recent opinion poll, Samgyetang was chosen as the most preferred healthy food by 7 out of 10 office workers, receiving wide support. People eat a lot of cold food to beat the heat in summer, but digestive system and resistance weaken when the stomach feels cold. But warming the inside with hot food can help maintain health. Samgyetang is especially perfect for recovering fatigue in midsummer, as it is rich in protein, amino acids, and various ingredients such as ginseng, garlic, and jujube that supplement nutrition. Chicken, the main ingredient of Samgyetang, is digested and absorbed better than beef and contains plenty of unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, which helps prevent adult diseases such as arteriosclerosis and heart disease. Thus, Samgyetang is great for all age groups, such as growing children, test takers, the elderly, and even for patients.

Representative Nourishing Food,

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滋補食物的代名詞――參鷄湯 參鷄湯是韓攻人最喜歡的滋補食物?最近的一項輿論調査結果 顯示,每10憾職場人中就有7人憐示最喜歡的滋補食物是參鷄 湯?酷熱的夏季人們爲了潁暑常常喜歡吃祺的食物,但祺的食 物繇造成胃寒幷使消化功能和抵抗力下降?這時,吃一些溫胃 熱食物便能搗助人郞保持健康?參鷄湯富含蛋白質和脣基酸且 配有人參?大蒜?大棗等可補充營養的各種材料,蜈適合恢復 盛夏疲憊的郞力?參鷄湯的主要原料鷄肉,比牛肉消化吸收效 果更好,而且還富含有益于預防動疸硬化?心臟病等成人病的 亞油酸等不飽和脂肪酸?參鷄湯不僅捲生長屠育期傅童?應考 生及老年人等各年齡段的人都有好處,而且也是蜈好的患者康 復食物? 6 Korea Agrafood

Maniker F&G

amgyetang is not only highly nutritious but is also S best for a savory taste with the rich chicken broth and chewy meat that go well together. Gaining popularity abroad and loved by people all around the world as a healthy food, Samgyetang is also exported to the United States, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong as a packaged version to eat conveniently at home. Harim and Maniker F&G products are the main ones. To maintain chickens’ freshness, Harim produces products based on the principle of ‘slaughtering and commercialization on the same day’ in a HACCP certified workshop. Maniker F&G exports Samgyetang and Samgyejuk together. It uses high-quality glutinous rice as the main ingredient for Samgyejuk, along with the highest-quality ingredients such as ginseng, jujube, and chestnuts. Recently, Nonghyup Moguchon successfully exported Samgyetang to Japan. This product has preserved the texture of chicken and boasts a light taste by removing the fat while boiling the chicken once.


Easily Enjoyable Korean Samgyetang

參鷄湯不僅營養高,而且湯濃肉香味道絶佳?參鷄湯在海外也蜈受消費 者歡迎,近來,隨着在家也能烹吃的方便參鷄湯産品出口美攻?日本? 臺膿?香港等地,央已開始成爲受世人喜愛的滋補保健食品?主要産品 有Harim和Maniker F&G?爲了保持鷄肉的新鮮,Harim産品是以“芎 天殺鷄,芎天商品化”爲原則,在獲得HACCP認嗇的車間進行生産? Maniker F&G則是出口參鷄湯和參鷄粥産品?參鷄粥是以優質構米爲 主原料,幷配有人參?大棗?栗子等材料的優質産品?最近,農協牧牛 村(Nonghyup Moguchon)還成功麟現了捲日本的參鷄湯出口?其産 品特点是,以農協牧牛村糾特的熱處理工藝進行加工,通過一次煮熟過 程消除油性,使鷄肉鮮而不宮,口感更佳?

Nonghyup Moguchon


August 2021 7

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n Samgyetang, ginseng is as important as chicken. It is I not an exaggeration to say that Samgyetang has started to be eaten since ginseng became popular. A major herbal medicine in Korea, Ginseng is effective for increasing resistance to stress, recovering from fatigue, suppressing high blood pressure, anticancer, and nourishment tonic effect. As a result, the official name given is Panax ginseng, which means a panacea. Recently, Samgyetang with a whole root of red ginseng, has also appeared. A processed ginseng product made by steaming and drying ginseng, red ginseng gives the soup a richer taste if it is added to Samgyetang.

Samgyetang Level Up, Ginseng & Red Ginseng 參鷄湯升級版,人參和紅參 人參在參鷄湯中是和鷄肉一樣重要的材料?參鷄湯可以 說是人參大衆化的産物,人參是韓攻最典型的韓葯材之 一,具有抗忘?恢復疲勞?抑制高血忘?抗癌?滋養强 壯等效能,所以人參也有靈丹妙葯之稱?近來,市面上 還出現了放有一整根紅參的參鷄湯?紅參是捲人參進行 蒸熟干燥加工的人參加工品,參鷄湯中放入紅參可使湯 味更濃?

8 Korea Agrafood

Fusion Samgyetang of Various Charms amgyetang is a well-known food among foreignS ers. Japanese writer Ryu Murakami praised Samgyetang in his novel as the best Korean dish, while famous Chinese film director Zhang Yimou called it Ginseng Chicken Soup and said he always eats it every time he visits Korea. The rising popularity of Samgyetang recently has led to the invention of fusion Samgyetang with various ideas. Chestnuts and pine nuts are added as standard, and even unpeeled wild abalone or octopus go into some Samgyetang. There are also ‘Seafood Samgyetang’ with octopus, crab, and abalone, ‘Samgyetang with medicinal herbs’, and ‘Bamboo Barrel Samgyetang’, in which chicken is steamed in a bamboo barrel instead of a pot.

魅力多樣的融合參鷄湯 參鷄湯是外攻人也都蜈熟悉的食物?日本作家 村上龍在自己的小說中盛獸參鷄湯是韓攻最好 的料理,中攻的著名導演張藝謀則把參鷄湯稱 作“人參鷄湯”且每次來韓攻時都要吃參鷄湯? 隨着參鷄湯的名槐越來越高,在參鷄湯中賦予 各種新槪念的融合參鷄湯也層出不窮?如,加 入栗子和松子的參鷄湯,加入帶殼鮑魚或八爪 魚的參鷄湯等,還有加入八爪魚?花蟹?鮑魚 等的“海鮮參鷄湯”,加入各種韓葯材的“韓方 參鷄湯”及用竹筒代替砂鍋做出的“竹筒參鷄 湯”等? August 2021 9

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Key Fruit,

Watermelon n hot, sweaty weather, a slice of watermelon I filled with moisture can quench thirst in one shot. In Korea, watermelons are in season from June to August and are great for replenishing moisture and quenching thirst in summer because it is made up of 91-95% moisture. It is rich in not only moisture but also fructose, glucose, various minerals, and vitamins A and C, which are easily absorbed into the body and recover the exhausted body and mind from the sweltering heat. The red flesh and peel of watermelon contain a lot of lycopene, which is effective for preventing various cancers such as prostate cancer. Lycopene becomes more abundant when stored at room temperature, so keep watermelon at room temperature and refrigerate it for a bit before eating.

夏季典型水果,西瓜 天熱出汗時,只要吃上一塊西瓜便能讓干渴烟消云散?韓攻 西瓜的時令季節爲6-8月,西瓜的91-95%爲水分,所以蜈適 合在夏季補充水分及消渴?除了水分,西瓜中還富含果糖? 葡萄糖?各種无机物及維生素A,C等成分,且易被人郞所吸 收,有助于恢復因酷熱而疲憊的身心?西瓜的紅色果肉和果 皮中還含有大量番茄紅素成分,這一成分捲前列腺癌等各種 癌症具有預防效果?常溫保管可增加番茄紅素,所以西瓜最 好要常溫保管幷在吃前冷藏后再吃?

10 Korea Agrafood

Smaller and t a E o t r e i s a E

憾頭更小,食用更方便 s the number of single-person households A grows, watermelons that used to be somewhat inconvenient to eat, are undergoing transformation. Small and cute mini watermelons are now on the market for single persons to eat alone. Apple watermelon is a main example. As small and thin-skinned watermelons like apples, they have become very popular and are now exported all over the world. Apple watermelon weighs about 1kg, which is a good enough for an adult male to pick up with one hand. Another advantage is that it has thin enough skin to be peeled like an apple. Although apple watermelons are more expensive than regular ones, it is easy to trim and has the right size to be split in half and scooped with a spoon, so it is demanded highly by single-person households. Recently, black mango watermelon with yellow flesh is also popular. Having 1/2 the size of regular watermelons, it is both thin and easy to store. It not only tastes great but is also well-received by young consumers who are looking for exotic fruits.

隨着單人家庭的增加,西瓜的憾頭也在屠生變化? 有各種可供一人食用的小巧玲瓏的微型西瓜在不鉤 上市?最典型的是掠果西瓜,這種西瓜像掠果一樣 皮薄憾頭小,蜈受消費者歡迎,幷已開始出口世界 各地?掠果西瓜的重量大約在一公斤左右,憾頭在 成人男性能一手嗇起的大小?皮薄且能像掠果一樣 削皮吃也是掠果西瓜的一大優点?雖然價格要高于 一般的西瓜,但因爲其容易收拾,切一半蠻肉吃大 小也蜈適中,所以單人家庭的需求蜈高? 近來,帶有黃色果肉的黑芒果西瓜也蜈受消費者的 歡迎?這種西瓜的優点是憾頭只有以往西瓜的一 半,皮薄,易保存等?黑芒果西瓜不僅好吃,還蜈 受喜歡特色水果的年輕消費者的靑器?

August 2021 11


Colorful Rainbow-Colored

Cherry Tomatoes 12 Korea Agrafood

ellow tomatoes and black tomatoesY they are a bit unfamiliar. Tomatoes with unusual colors don’t really draw our attention because of the perception that tomatoes should be red. Rather, tomatoes of various colors are richer in functional nutrients such as lycopene and anthocyanins, which can also increase added value. So, JYT Agro-Food CO., LTD., an agricultural corporation, put cherry tomatoes of red, green, yellow, orange, black, and white colors in one package. It is also called ‘Colored Cherry Tomatoes’. Tomatoes of various colors from natural sites are becoming popular in the Asian market including Hong Kong, and JYT Agro-Food plans to target the North American market with processed foods using colored cherry tomatoes.

Each of Six Colors with Different Flavors and Nutrients The core products of JYT Agro-Food are the basic red cherry tomatoes as well as the ‘Colored Cherry Tomatoes’ in 6 colors including green, yellow, orange, black, and white. JYT Agro-Food paid attention to colored cherry tomatoes because of their ‘taste’ and ‘nutrition’. When colored cherry tomatoes were first released in Korea, they had a high aesthetic value and were interesting but not familiar to people. Consumers would look curiously at the yellow tomatoes and naturally add red tomatoes to their shopping carts. As such, colored cherry tomatoes seemed to disappear from the market. However, Park In-ho, the CEO of JYT Agro-Food, did not give up on the colored cherry tomatoes until the end. It was because of their charm of having different flavors and nutrients for each color. Cherry tomatoes are rich in ly-

カラフルな七色の光のカラ―ミ ニトマト 黃色のトマトと黑いトマトというと?違和感を覺える かもしれない?赤くなければトマトではないという認 識により?赤以外の色のトマトには?なかなか手が伸 びない?一方?樣?な色のトマトには?リコピンやア ントシアニンのような機能性榮養素が豊富に含まれて いる?樣?な色のトマトには?そうした付加價値を高め られるという意味もある?そこで?農業會社法人(株)ジ ャヨントは?赤·黃綠·黃·オレンジ·黑·白のミニト マトを1つのパッケ―ジにした?またの名を「カラ―ミニ トマト」という?ジャヨントの色とりどりのトマトは? 香港をはじめとして?アジア市場で頭角を現しており? カラ―ミニトマトを利用した加工食品を通して?北米市 場の攻略にも乘り出す考えだ? 6つの色ごとに異なる味と榮養

ジャヨントの核となる製品は?基本の赤色トマトをはじ めとして?黃綠?黃色?オレンジ?黑?白など6色の「カ ラ―ミニトマト」だ?ジャヨントがカラ―ミニトマトに

August 2021 13


JYT Agro-Food produces dried fruit chips in a similar way to natural drying.

copene, an antioxidant among the phytochemical components known as the 7th nutrient, and orange cherry tomatoes are rich in betacarotene, which is great for skincare. Yellow cherry tomatoes contain antioxidant carotenoids and have a strong sweet taste. Green cherry tomatoes have a strong sour taste and are rich in chlorophyll content. Black cherry tomatoes are sweet and sour and are rich in anthocyanins that are excellent for anti-aging, and white cherry tomatoes have flavonoid, which are immuno-enhancing ingredients. CEO Park In-ho of JYT Agro-Food said, “Since each color of colored cherry tomatoes contains various healthy ingredients and has different flavors, we judged that they have enough market ability if we can overcome the stereotype that tomatoes are red.”

Beyond the Asian Market to the United States and Europe JYT Agro-Food produces 1,500 tons of high-quality colored cherry tomatoes per year in a smart farm facility house of about

14 Korea Agrafood

焦点を定めた理由は?「味」と「榮養」だ?初めて韓國でカ ラ―ミニトマトが出荷された當時は?觀賞用としての價 値が高かった?珍しかったが?馴染みのあるものではな かった?消費者は黃色のトマトを珍しそうに眺めた後? 何事もなかったように赤色のトマトを買い物かごに入れ たりしていた?そうしたことから?カラ―ミニトマトは 市場から姿を消しかけた?しかし?朴仁浩(パク·イン ホ)ジャヨント代表は?カラ―ミニトマトを最後まで見 放さなかった?それは?色ごとに異なる味?色ごとに異 なる榮養素というように?カラ―ミニトマトが持つ魅力 のためだった? ミニトマトは第7の榮養素として知られるフィトケミカ ルの成分の1つである抗酸化物質のリコピンなどが豊富 で?オレンジ色のミニトマトは肌の美容によいベ―タカ ロチンが豊富に含まれる?黃色のミニトマトには?抗酸 化作用のカロチノイドを含んでおり?甘味が强い?酸味 が强い黃綠色のミニトマトには?葉綠素が豊富に含まれ る?黑のミニトマトは 若干の酸味があり?老化防止に よいアントシアニンが豊富だ?白のミニトマトには免疫 力のアップによいフラボノイドが含まれている? 朴仁浩代表は?「カラ―ミニトマトは色ごとに健康に良 い成分が異なり?色ごとに味も異なるように?トマトは 赤いという固定觀念のみを取り除けば?市場性は十分だ と判斷した?」と述べた?

4,000m2. Word of mouth quickly began to spread as JYT Agro-Food supplied them to large supermarkets in Korea. Based on the stable demand in Korea, JYT Agro-Food turned its attention to overseas markets with a conviction that the quality of colored cherry tomatoes could be recognized abroad. The first export site for JYT Agro-Food is Hong Kong. Unlike its previous strategy of exporting colored cherry tomatoes as food ingredients, JYT Agro-Food targeted general consumption markets such as small and midsized marts. It was driven by JYT AgroFood’s desire to properly present fresh agricultural produce. The result was successful. Since its first export of USD 40,000, JYT Agro-Food has expanded its export market to Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Australia, achieving a total export of USD 340,000 last year. JYT Agro-Food is expanding its product line to processed foods using colored cherry tomatoes. It has developed naturally dried fruit chips and fruit tea bags to be consumed as beverages and teas by using the dried fruit chips. The products drew positive responses from buyers in North, Central America, and Europe at international food fairs. CEO Park In-ho emphasized, “We will actively target overseas markets such as the U.S. by using high-quality cherry tomatoes as raw ingredients and various products such as dried fruit chips and fruit tea bags, which are secondary processed products.”


ジャヨントは?約4,000㎡のスマ―トファ―ムの施設ハ ウスで?年間1,500トンほどの高品質のカラ―ミニトマ トを生産する?韓國の大型マ―トなどへ納入するととも に?そこでの口コミが急速に廣まり始めた?ジャヨント は?韓國の安定的な需要を基盤として?海外市場へと 目を向けた?これは?カラ―ミニトマトの品質が海外 でも認められると確信したためだった?ジャヨントの 最初の輸出先は香港だ?ほとんどが業務用として輸出 されていた旣存の戰略とは異なり?ジャヨントは中小 の小賣店など?一般の消費市場に狙いをつけた?なぜ なら?生鮮農産物をしっかりと販賣したいという狙い があったためだ?結果は?大成功だった?初めての輸 出で4万ドルの實績を出して以降?ジャヨントは香港を はじめとして?シンガポ―ル?マレ―シア?臺灣?オ― ストラリアなどへと輸出市場を擴大し?昨年の輸出總額 は34万ドルを達成した? ジャヨントは?カラ―ミニトマトを活用した加工食品に より?製品を擴大している?自然乾燥と似た製法で乾燥 させた乾燥果實チップス?これを活用して飮料や茶とし て飮用できるように作った果實ティ―バックなどを博開 發した?これらは國際食品エキスポなどで北米·中米と ヨ―ロッパ地域のバイヤ―から好評を博した? 朴仁浩代表は?「高品質のミニトマトを原料として?第2 の加工品となる乾燥果實チップスとフ―ドゥエティ (フ―ド愛ティ―)など數種類の商品を足がかりとして?米 國などの海外市場を積極的に攻略したい?」と强調した?

JYT Agro-Food CO., LTD. +82-31-966-0782 +82-31-966-0783

August 2021 15

Global Trend _ Instant Tteokbokki

Korean Instant Tteokbokki Captivates the World 韓攻速食炒年桀迷倒世界 Tteokbokki, the most representative, scrumptiously spicy Korean food. Many Koreans enjoy making tteokbokki at home and it also became a snack for people around the world. Due to the impact of COVID-19, instant tteokbokki in the convenient HMR (Home Meal Replacement) form is gaining popularity in the U.S. and China. Let’s find out about the popularity of instant tteokbokki, which has emerged as a global snack.

爽口辣味韓食的代名詞炒年桀? 在韓攻,家家都可以做的炒年 桀,現已開始成爲世人喜歡的美 味小吃?尤其在新冠疫情下,食 用簡單方便的家庭替代餐)形態 速食炒年桀蜈受美攻?中攻等地 消費者的歡迎?下面就讓我們一 同賞識一下世人喜愛的美味小吃 炒年桀的魅力所在?

16 Korea Agrafood

The Power of Korean Tteokbokki is in Progress Korean instant tteokbokki is becoming a synonym for HMR food along the consumption trend due to COVID-19. According to the Korea Customs Service, exports of tteokbokki (including processed rice products and rice cakes) in 2020 amounted to USD 54 million, up 56.7% from the previous year. Exports from January to April this year reached USD 21 million as well, up 50.5% from the same period last year. The secret of this popularity is analyzed as the influence of the new consumption trend, or a higher demand for HMR food at home, such as tteokbokki, due to COVID-19. Accordingly, Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) also held a K-Food HMR export consultation session from June 29 to 30. There was a high Interest in tteokbokki and rabokki (tteokbokki with Ramyeon Noodles) products in the form of cups or pouches during the consultations.

韓攻炒年桀的玭力正在進行時 韓攻速食炒年桀在新冠疫情的消費趨勢下已開始成爲家庭替代餐的代名詞? 据韓攻關稅廳統計,2020年炒年桀(含大米加工産品和大米桀点)産品的出口 額爲5400万美元,同比前一年增長56.7%?今年1~4月的出口額也有2100万 美元,比去年同期增長50.5%?分析認爲,産品熱銷的秘訣在于因受到新冠 疫情影響,出現家庭捲炒年桀等家庭替代餐需求增加的消費趨勢所致?据 此,韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT)也于6月29~30日,擧辦了韓攻食品(KFOOD)家庭方便食品出口洽談繇?在這次洽談繇上桶裝及袋裝炒年桀?拉面 炒年桀等産品依然得到了客商們的高度關注?

August 2021 17

Global Trend _ Instant Tteokbokki

from a local U.S. supermarket said, “Americans tend to prefer tteokbokki which has both spicy and sweet tastes. The demand for cheeseflavored and dakgalbi (spicy stir-fried chicken) flavored tteokbokki is high recently. The variety of flavors will help attract more customers.”

美攻,各種味道的速食炒年桀大受歡迎 Popularity Various-Flavored Instant Tteokbokki in America Korean instant tteokbokki is easily found in local U.S. supermarkets and online malls. U.S.based Korean tteokbokki manufacturers emphasize the taste and convenience of the products, highlighting the ‘deliciously spicy’ of Korean gochujang, the sauce for tteokbokki, or the ‘harmony of spicy and sweet taste’ as the strengths. The ‘chewy texture’ and ‘fresh ingredients’ of rice cakes used to make tteokbokki are also rising as other feats of Korean instant tteokbokki. Since they are instant products, phrases such as ‘Easy to eat’ and ‘a simple 3minute cooking product’ can be found. It is noteworthy that products have been diversified into the flavors preferred by American as well. Cheese, chicken, and jjajang (black bean) flavors are released to suit the taste of Americans who do not like spicy food unlike Koreans. This has widened the range of instant tteokbokki choices for American consumers. Where do American consumers buy Korean tteokbokki? They usually prefer to purchase from offline supermarkets, but online orders have been rapidly these days increasing due to the growth of online distribution. An employee

18 Korea Agrafood

韓攻速食炒年桀産品在美攻芎地商場和網店都蜈常見?進 入美攻的韓攻炒年桀産品生産企業都蜈重視産品的味道和 方便性?他們都把炒年桀醬料,葉韓攻辣椒醬的“爽口辣 味”及“甛辣味搭配”作爲産品的優勢?同時,年桀“口感勁 道”及使用“新鮮食材”也開始成爲韓攻速食炒年桀産品的 優勢之一?由于是速食食品,所以在産品上也時常能看到 “食用方便”?“3分鍾便可完成的方便産品”等詞語? 産品味道多樣以滿足美攻芎地消費者不同的口味要求也値 得一提?美攻人侮韓攻人不同,他們不喜歡吃辣味食品, 由此還專門推出適合美攻人口味的芝士味?鷄肉味?炸醬 味等産品?這也讓美攻消費者捲速食炒年桀有了更多的選 楊余地? 美攻消費者都繇在絞裏購買韓攻炒年桀産品郡?一般都喜 歡在陸下麟郞店購買,但隨着近來網絡銷魔的屠展,網上 訂購瑠量呈現出了劇增的態勢? 美攻芎地商場相關負責人憐示,“美攻市場偏向喜歡辣味和 甛味搭配的炒年桀?近來,捲芝士味?鷄排味炒年桀的需 求量蜈高?推出各種味道的産品繇吸引更多的消費者?”

Tteokbokki Establishes Itself with Convenience and Spicy Taste in China Among the HMR products sold in Chinese online malls, what is mentioned the most? The first place is definitely ramyeon, followed by tteokbokki. Korean instant tteokbokki is so popular in China because it is easy to eat with a strong spicy taste that Chinese prefer. One tteokbokki company, which is also famous in Korea for its spicy taste, has opened a branch in China and provides a delivery service. Its tteokbokki is very popular among people who can’t forget the taste of spicy tteokbokki in Korea. It was found that many consumers bought tteokbokki from online shopping malls in China as snacks or meals for children. If they don’t have enough time to cook, they add other ingredients to HMR-type instant tteokbokki to cook. ‘Friends’ and ‘colleagues’ were analyzed as the keywords of the main consumers of tteokbokki, who cook and eat instant tteokbokki at outdoor activities, parties, and events. In addition to the simple cooking, the convenience of Korean instant tteokbokki served as an advantage to purchase. Sung See-chan, Director of aT’s Shanghai branch, said, “The demand for instant tteokbokki is on the rise with the increased online consumption of instant food, such as home convenience food, due to the prolonging COVID-19. Cheese-flavored or cup-packaged Korean instant tteokbokki is especially the most purchased and consumed ones.”

中攻,迲辣味加方便鞏固地位 在中攻網店銷魔的家庭替代餐中提及最多的産品是什鹿 郡? 第一是拉面,其次便是炒年桀?韓攻速食炒年桀之所 以在中攻受歡迎,是因爲産品突出了中攻人喜好的辛辣味 道和食用的方便性? 有一家專門以生産辣味特色炒年桀産品爲主的企業,還在 中攻成立分公司幷開展了快遞服務業務?這家企業生産的 炒年桀産品蜈受喜歡韓攻辣味炒年桀味道的消費者歡迎? 在中攻網店購買炒年桀産品的消費者,大都是爲了潁決孩 子的零食或用餐問題而購買的?蜈多人都採用在家庭替代 餐形態的速食炒年桀中添加其他食材的方法節省用餐的烹 斐時間?而且,分析認爲朋友和同事交往等也是炒年桀産 品主要消費層的核心之一,這一消費群郞主要是通過戶外 野餐派捲及活動等進行炒年桀産品的消費?可以說,韓攻 速食炒年桀便于烹斐及食用的優点,爲消費者購買産品産 生了積極的作用? 韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT)上海分社支社長成始燦說 明道,“隨着新冠疫情的長期化及以 家庭替代餐爲主的速食食品網購 消費需求的增加,炒年桀産品的 需求量也呈不鉤增加之勢?而芝士 味及桶裝炒年桀是韓攻速食炒年桀 的主流消費産品?”

<Source: Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT)>

August 2021 19

Special K-FOOD _ Kimchi

Korea’s Kimchi

Convenience Added to Health Kimchi, the representative food of Korea. But now it has become a food loved by people all over the world. Not to mention the efficacies of kimchi, a fermented food, it has made available more choices for global consumers with a variety of products. Due to such effects, the growth rate of Korea’s kimchi exports is the highest ever. Let’s look into the reasons why Korea’s kimchi is loved by overseas consumers.

20 Korea Agrafood

Kimchi, Leads Korea’s Exports of Agricultural Products Actual exports of Korea’s agricultural products are even more impressive amidst COVID-19 pandemic. At high risk from COVID-19, consumers have looked for healthier foods that can boost immunity. Korea’s agricultural products exports increased significantly in keeping with such needs of global consumers. Undeterred by global trade difficulties due to COVID-19, Korea’s agricultural products exports in 2020 reached a record high of USD 7.57 billion. At the center of it all is Korea’s kimchi. Exports of kimchi amounted to USD 144.5 million in 2020, up 37.6% from the previous year. That was the biggest growth rate among the Korea’s agricultural products for export during the same period. Such a growth rate continues this year. By the first half of this year, kimchi exports amounted to USD 86.8 million, up 20.1% from the same period last year.

韓國の農食品輸出をリ―ドするキムチ 韓國の農食品輸出實績は?新型コロナの中で?さらに 光を放っている?新型コロナウイルスのリスクのなか で?消費者はより健康で免疫力の强化に優れた食品を 求めている?韓國の農食品は?こうした世界の消費者 のニ―ズに對應しながら?輸出額を大幅に伸ばした? 新型コロナにより?全世界の貿易が困難な狀況でも? 2020年の韓國の農食品輸出額は75億7,000万ドルで? 史上最高額を記錄した? この中心に韓國のキムチがある?2020年のキムチ輸出 額は?1億4,450万ドルで前年に比べて?37.6%の增加 となった?韓國から輸出される農食品のなかで同 時期に最も大きな伸び率を示したもの だ?こうした成長は今年も續い ている?今年の上半期ま でのキムチ輸出額は 8,680万ドルで 前年同期に比 べて?20.1% 增加した? August 2021 21

Special K-FOOD _ Kimchi

The Key to the Popularity of Korea’s Kimchi


The reason why Korea’s kimchi is loved by global consumers is because of the widespread awareness that kimchi is a healthy food. Kimchi is already recognized as the best health food by famous science magazines and daily newspapers abroad. In fact, <Health>, an American magazine focused on health, has selected kimchi as one of the world’s five healthiest foods. As a result, kimchi is living up to consumers’ expectations to find healthy food during COVID-19. Kimchi is known to vary in nutritional value depending on the raw materials or the degree of ripening. Hence, there are about 300 different types of kimchi in Korea. Any ingredient that can be salted, mixed with seasoning then fermented can become kimchi. Therefore, cabbage kimchi has been a representative of Korea’s kimchi, but now various types of kimchi have become popular overseas. Korea’s kimchi is excellent for immunity and has various types, satisfying consumers’ preferences. Also, the fact that kimchi goes well with various local foods increases its popularity.

22 Korea Agrafood

韓國のキムチが世界の消費者から愛される理由は?キム チが健康食品という認識が廣がったためだ?すでに?海 外の有名な科學雜誌と新聞では?キムチが最高の健康 食品と認められている?實際に?米國の健康專門誌の 「ヘルス」は?キムチを世界5大健康食品に選定したこと がある?その結果?キムチが新型コロナで健康食品を 求めようとする消費者の期待に應えている? キムチは原材料や熟成の程度により?榮養學的な價値 が異なることが知られている?このため?韓國ではキ ムチの種類だけでも?約300種類にも達している?鹽漬 けしてヤンニョムを混ぜ合わせた後で發酵可能な材料 は?全てキムチにできるというほどだ?ここへ來て? この間?韓國のキムチといえば?白菜キムチが代表格で あったが?今や樣?な種類のキムチが海外でも人氣を集 めている?韓國のキムチが免疫力のアップもよく?種類 も多く?消費者の嗜好を滿たしているのだ?また?樣 ?な現地の料理ともしっかりとマッチするという点も キムチの人氣をさらに高めている?

Have You Seen This Kind of Kimchi?

Kimchi that was available overseas in the past used to be mostly in the form of a plastic pouch. And it was true that there was concern that the taste might change or that it could deteriorate due to the characteristics of fermented food. Recently, however, Korea’s kimchi has been eliminating such concerns through the changes in packaging methods. For example, canned kimchi and the seasoning products that revive the taste of kimchi are popular overseas. Canned kimchi has the advantage of being easily accessible at home or outdoors as it is easier to carry and store than the vinyl packaging. Kimchi seasoning products are also gaining popularity because they can be easily carried around like spice containers and sprinkled on various dishes. In fact, customer reviews of kimchi seasonings on Amazon stated, “I have sprinkled the product on french fries, hamburgers, pizza, and even on salad”, “This seasoning is like a new world.” Evaluations of canned kimchi are also generous. Buyers left reviews by saying, “Canned kimchi is good because it can be eaten quickly. It also has the advantage of being stored at room temperature. And I like it that it’s not spicy”, “Canned kimchi is sealed tight, so the liquid doesn’t leak out. I reordered it be-

cause I could put it on a shelf and have it whenever I wanted.”

こんなキムチを見ましたか? 海外で見ることのできるキムチは?以前はビニ―ルのパウ チのものが大部分だった?これに加えて?發酵食品という キムチの特性により?味が變わったり變質したりするリス クがあったのも事實だ? しかし?近年?韓國のキムチはパッケ―ジの變化により? こうしたリスクがなくなっている?例えば?罐に入った キムチやキムチの味をそのまま生かしたシ―ズニングも 海外で人氣だ?罐キムチはビニ―ルよりも持ち運びや保 管が簡單なため?家庭や野外でも簡單に食べられるとい う强みがある?キムチシ―ズニングもまた?ソ―スの容 器のように簡單に持ち運びできるとともに?樣?な料理 にふりかけて食べられるため?人氣を集めている?これ らの製品はオンラインでも?その眞價を確認できる?實 際に?Amazonのキムチシ―ズニングの購入後の書き腐 みには?「フライドポテト?ハンバ―ガ―?ピザ?チキン に續き?サラダにも使った?」?「このソ―スは新世界の扉 を開いた?私はほとんど全ての料理に?このソ―スを使 った?」という內容があるほどだ?罐キムチに對する評價 も好意的だ?購入者は?「罐キムチは素早く食べられてい い?常溫で保管できる强みもあり?辛くなくていい?」? 「罐キムチは密封されているので?汁が漏れない?棚にお いて?食べたいときに食べられてよいので?また注文し た?」などのレビュ―が書き腐まれていた? August 2021 23

Essay Photo

The Sea, Like Mother’s Bosom

In August in Korea, the heat wave reaches its peak. So the cool sea is highly popular as a vacation spot. When you feel the breeze blowing from the end of the horizon and gaze at the sea with no end in sight, your mind becomes calm and free of daily frustrations. It’s as vast and comfortable as a mother’s bosom. We pray that the peaceful scenery of the sea will heal a little the weary hearts and minds of our <Korea Agrafood> readers. The picture shows the scenery of a fishing village in Seogwipo, Jeju-do, Korea.

24 Korea Agrafood

August 2021 25

Health & Wellness

Promoting Korean Green Tea to The World reen tea is one of the most popular teas in the G world. Korean green tea, which was not known in the world market just 10 years ago, is now proudly becoming world recognized. This is because it maintains the standardized quality that foreign buyers want. It was made possible thanks to NOUSBO CO., LTD., a leader in Korean green tea exports, at the center of such a result.

Korean Green Tea, Tapping into The Global Market Nousbo is a company that produces materials for organic farming and distributes them in Korea and exports them overseas. How did this company get to export green tea? Han Ku, Overseas Business Division General Manager, recalled, “Korean green tea is grown organically. So naturally, we got to supply our organic farming materials. And we started with the intention of raising our value added by promoting Korean green tea overseas.” However, more than a decade ago in 2010, Korean green tea was not recognized in the world. Although price was higher than other competitors, it did not have standardized quality. Instead, Korea’s organic certification was recognized in the United States and Europe as well, which allowed exports without a separate certification process. Thus, Nousbo embarked on mass production through quality standardization of Korean green tea. First, the export business group was established in Hadong county, Gyeongsangnam-do to start

26 Korea Agrafood


綠茶是世人喜愛的茶品之一?僅在十年之前,在 世界市場上還是默默无聞的韓攻綠茶,現已開始 茫首挺胸走向世界市場?這也得益于韓攻綠茶已 達到海外客商要求的標准化質量水平?韓攻綠茶 出口的領頭雁NOUSBO CO., LTD.正是麟現 這一結果的核心力量?


原本是一家生産?銷魔和出口有机農 業材料的企業?那鹿,央是如何加入到綠茶出 口的行列的郡? NOUSBO海外事業本部具炯佑 本部長回憶道,“韓攻綠茶生産採用的是有机栽 培法,所以自然要用到我們所生産的材料?我 們開始做綠茶出口的初衷,就是想要讓海外消 費者更多地了潁韓攻的綠茶,以提高韓攻綠茶 的附加値?” 但在十多年前的2010年,韓攻綠茶幷不被世界所 NOUSBO

August 2021 27

Health & Wellness

training production farmers. Hadong county unified the shape and aroma of green tea leaves preferred by the U.S. and European buyers through its own manual. Furthermore, quality was secured by selecting and exporting only products that were certified by foreign authorized organizations. Han Ku, General Manager, said, “In the early days of export, Korean green tea began with costeffective products with good quality and low price. Since then, we have built trust by maintaining the quality that foreign buyers want, and presently, we export to 24 countries.”

Expanding the Base of Korean Green Tea Nousbo’s green tea exports are carried out in bulk where green tea leaves, which are raw materials, are exported. In the beginning of export, some buyers even asked, “Do you have green tea in Korea?” But now Nousbo accounts for 60% of Korea’s green tea leaves exports. Amount of export is approximately USD 3.7 million as of 2020. Nousbo’s goal is to export about USD 5.2 million

28 Korea Agrafood

看好?首先,價格雖高于其他競爭攻的産品,但 質量沒有達到標准化的質量水平?好在美攻和斛 洲都承認韓攻的有机認嗇,所以産品出口无需做 其他認嗇手樓?据此,NOUSBO按照質量標准 化要求開始了韓攻綠茶的批量生産?首先,他們 通過侮慶尙南道河東郡合作成立出口事業團,開 始了捲生産農戶的敎育培訓?河東郡通過制作産 品手冊,捲美攻及斛洲客商看好的綠茶形狀及茶 味進行了統一?幷通過專門出口獲得攻外認嗇机 構認嗇的産品,保嗇了出口産品的質量? 具炯佑本部長說道,“出口初期,主要是以質優價 廉?性價比高的産品爲主開始的?之后,通過保 嗇滿足海外客商要求的質量,不鉤提高産品信 譽,使目前的出口攻已增加到24憾攻家?”


綠茶是以散裝茶葉形態進行出口的? 出口初期甚至還有一些客商好奇地問“韓攻也有綠 茶駑?”而現在,NOUSBO綠茶的出口量占韓攻 綠茶葉出口總量的60%,2020年出口額也達到約 370万美元,而今年的出口目標是約520万美元? 這侮人們還不甚了潁韓攻綠茶文化的十年前相 比,可以說是取得了令人襲目的屠展? NOUSBO

this year. Significant growth has been achieved compared to more than a decade ago, when Korean green tea culture was not well known. The key to such a success lies in the philosophy of expanding the base of Korean green teas in the global market. Therefore, Nousbo emphasized the image of Korean green tea, and not its own brand. As a result, Korean green tea brands began to emerge in tea shops in Europe, and the number of such tea shops gradually increased. In the end, Nousbo’s persistent efforts to promote the names of Korean green teas since 2010 when it began exporting led to the expansion of the base of Korean green teas. Nousbo started a new business four years ago. It is challenging the Matcha market. Matcha is ground green tea leaves in powder form. This powder is mixed with water to make a drink or it can be used as a food ingredient, and sales volume is in creasing 7 to 9 percent worldwide every year. As Nousbo signed a supply contract with Starbucks corporate head office in the U.S. in 2018, it confirmed the possibility of entering the global market for Matcha. Han Ku, General Manager, said, “Unlike other competitors, Korean green tea has a unique taste. It took 10 years to make this unique taste competitive. Overseas buyers and consumers have just now begun to recognize this particular taste as a special quality unique to Korean green tea. We plan to target global markets with such points put forward as strengths.”

取得這些成功的秘訣之一,便是在世界市場上弘 揚韓攻綠茶的哲縯?他們所突出的是韓攻綠茶形 象,而非NOUSBO自己的品牌?所以,在斛洲 的茶館(Tea Shop)開始出現韓攻綠茶品牌且在 越來越多的茶館中能見到韓攻綠茶?從2010年 開始,NOUSBO始終以韓攻綠茶的名稱捲外進 行的出口,爲弘揚韓攻綠茶的本源帶來了積極的 結果? NOUSBO從4年前開始又在開陽一項新項目,那 就是挑戰抹茶(Matcha)市場?抹茶指的是將綠茶 葉制成粉芟的産品,可兌水喝也可用于烹斐材 料,全球每年的增長率爲7-9%?2018年, NOUSBO通過侮美攻星巴克總公司簽署供貨合 同,基本確立了進軍抹茶世界市場的可能性? 具炯佑本部長說明道,“韓攻綠茶不同于其他競 爭攻的産品,有央自己糾特的味道?我們用十年 的時間將這種糾特的味道變成了競爭力?海外客 商及消費者已開始知道這種糾特味道就是韓攻綠 茶的特色?我們將利用這些優勢進一步開拓世界 市場?” NOUSBO CO., LTD. +82-31-295-6178

August 2021 29

Focus on People

Pioneering New Markets with Premium Strawberries


Ko Kwan-dal, President of K-BERRY

K-BERRY, an integrated strawberry export organization, is considered an instance of dramatically overcoming a crisis last year. There was great concern that strawberry exports would drop sharply when flights were suspended due to COVID-19, but instead, the actual exports increased through vessel export and exclusive aircraft flights. We met with Ko Kwan-dal, President of K-BERRY, to hear in detail about Korean strawberry exports.

30 Korea Agrafood


Please give us a brief introduction to K-BERRY. Founded in 2018, K-BERRY is a Korean integrated strawberry export organization, with 34 producer organizations and 40 exporters participating as of 2020. As four Nonghyups, which had been autonomously exporting Korean strawberries, participated as member companies of K-BERRY, orderly marketing has been further strengthened. As such, the expansion of member companies generated the effect of diversifying varieties of Korean export strawberries, previously centered on the existing Maehyang, to include Kuemsil and Sulhyang. Currently, KBERRY is in charge of 91% of total strawberry exports.



We plan to export premium strawberries that cost more than 10% higher price starting from the latter half of this year by increasing strawberry fruit size and by increasing sugar content. Currently, strawberry farms that grow various types of strawberries are getting consulting for cultivation of premium strawberries. In general, Korean exported strawberries, such as Maehyang, are considered small in size, but if you manage the entire cultivation process well from seedling management, it’s quite possible to produce large and sugar-rich Maehyang strawberries. We plan to improve the quality of strawberries for export overall by setting different prices depending on their size.

Exports are continuing to grow despite COVID-19. I’d like to know how that has been possible. Last year, vessel export and adopting exclusive aircraft helped a great deal. Especially, strawberry exports to Singapore increased by 21% compared to the previous year. I believe it’s thanks to the fact that the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) cooperated with Korean Air to provide active support. Exports using vessel have also contributed to the expansion of strawberry exports. Air export is suitable due to the characteristics of strawberries with a short shelf life, but if only export volume is controlled properly, vessel export is quite possible in January and February when the weather is cold.

What projects are you focused on promoting this year?


Lastly, please tell us about your aspirations. Korea is the world’s seventh largest exporter of strawberries. We export strawberries to 26 countries around the world, and despite COVID-19, exports hit USD 53 million in 2020. Our export target for 2021 is USD 65 million, and we expect that it will be quite possible to achieve it considering the export performance of K-BERRY by the first half of the year. Starting with the Philippines in November, we will hold a large-scale promotional event to develop new markets such as Canada and make efforts to expand exports of premium strawberries.

August 2021 31

Monthly Pick The Best in Season

8 Aug. SUN







Peaches Sweet Temptation Peaches, with soft flesh and sweet juice, taste the best between July and September. Peaches produced during this period have such superb nutrition and taste that they are likened to ‘restorative herb medicine’. Recently, peaches beat out watermelons to become the most popular summer fruit in Korea.

32 Korea Agrafood

e h a


The Most Popular Fruit in Summer


The season of sweet peaches has arrived. Peaches are a very attractive fruit for dieters because they are sweet and tasty, yet filling with little calories. There are 35Kcal in 100g of peaches, that is to say, the amount of calories in a peach is only one third of calories in a bowl of rice. Peaches are quite effective in relieving stress owing to amygdalin found in peaches. Amygdalin has the effect of stabilizing nerves, and aids in getting more deep sleep. Peaches can be used to make processed food products such as canned peaches, juice, and jam; and they are also used as the main ingredient in making yogurt. When cooking peaches, you can cut the peach, add a little salt, then bake for about 3 minutes. Grilled peaches allow you to intake all the good nutrients along with different flavors as in the case with pineapples and tomatoes.


The Superfood of Summer


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Peaches grown in Korea have varieties that largely include nectarines, white peaches, and yellow peaches. White peaches are the most popular variety with high sugar content and soft texture. Yellow peaches are used for processing owing to their hard flesh, and unlike the other aforementioned varieties, nectarines have fuzz-less skin, and a harmonious blend of sweet and sour flavors. The main peach producing regions in Korea include Eumseong in Chungcheongbuk-do, Icheon in Gyeonggi-do, and Cheongdo in Gyeongsangbuk-do. Recently, peaches have become representative fruits of the summer season in Korea. According to a survey conducted by a large supermarket, peach sales this year are higher than watermelon sales as in the previous year. The keys to the popularity of peaches included their quality, the increase in one or two-person households, and that they are easy to eat alone in stay-at-home lifestyles incurred by COVID-19.

August 2021 33

Monthly Pick The Best Product Online

Best Seller

Yuja Tea Best for Bronchial Protection As demand for healthy fruit drinks increases, more and more consumers are looking for Korean yuja tea (Korean Citron Tea). Southeast Asian markets are no exception. It can be easily found in large local stores, and especially, on Shopee, the leading online shopping platform in Southeast Asia, yuja tea was listed among the best selling products with sweet taste and well-being keywords.

34 Korea Agrafood




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j u Y

The biggest charm of yuja tea is its beautiful yellow color and sweet and sour taste. In addition, it is good for colds and skin care since it has three times more vitamin C than lemon. It is also known to be rich in organic acids which are good for anti-aging and fatigue recovery. Recently, it has also become popular in Southeast Asia, where yuja tea has relatively kept a low profile. This is due to a growing number of consumers who want healthy yet sweet tea while reducing caffeine intake. In Vietnam, it is increasingly perceived to be ‘Korean yuja tea’ and in Malaysia, recognition of yuja tea is broadening centered on small cafes. The same is the case with online shopping malls. On Shopee Vietnam, ‘DOORAEONE Citron Tea’ was listed among the ‘Favorite’ products, and it also received a high rating and got ‘Preferred’ on Shopee Malaysia.

The product reviews for yuja tea by Shopee consumers state, in short, “It’s healthy and tasty, and also pretty in design.” For the same reasons for its popularity in Southeast Asia, it is receiving favorable reviews mainly regarding health and taste. Such product reviews as “good for colds” stood out owing to the growing concerns about respiratory diseases caused by COVID-19. With the increasing popularity of Korean yuja tea, the teas made by combining various raw materials are also gaining popularity. Typical examples include GINSENG Honey Citron Tea, in which ginseng is added to yuja, and GINGER Honey Citron Tea, which is made with a combination of yuja and ginger. In addition, Jujube Tea was purchased by consumers as they were sold in pairs with yuja Tea.


Yuja Tea, Korea’s Own

Yuja Tea and Fruit Tea

August 2021 35

Issue in SNS

K-pop King,




EXO’s popularity is indeed on an unstoppable. Their special album ‘Don’t Fight the Feeling’ topped the iTunes Top Albums chart, and 11 of their music videos reached more than 100 million views on YouTube. As EXO’s D.O. has recently set out to solo activities for the first time, he is expected to draw new fans. With ‘K-Pop King’ EXO, let us introduce the must-eat food they eat to beat the scorching summer heat. <Picture Source = EXO’s SNS Account>

36 Korea Agrafood

Achieved Top in 85 Countries Recently, EXO topped the iTunes Top Albums chart with the special album ‘Don’t Fight the Feeling’, placing first in 85 countries around the world including Europe, Asia, and the Americas. It was also ranked first in China’s QQ Music, Kugou Music, and Kuwo Music Digital Album sales chart, especially receiving certificate as ‘Triple Platinum’ on QQ Music within 2 hours and 19 minutes of release. Triple Platinum is a certification given to albums that have sold over CNY 3 million (about USD 462,765). Recently, EXO has also set a record of surpassing 11 music videos with more than 100 million views on YouTube. ‘Monster’ became the first boyband music video by SM Entertainment to reach 200 million views, and the music video for ‘Love Shot’ became the first music video of an SM Entertainment artist to record 400 million views. This is the fastest trend among

artists in SM, Korea’s largest entertainment company. Since debuted in 2012, EXO has been reigning as a top-class idol through steady care. EXO has released 37 albums in total and built a spectacular career, winning 25 awards at various ceremonies. Recently, a song by Baekhyun, one of the EXO members, had the honor of being selected as the ‘Best K-Pop Song of 2021’ by Time magazine in the United States.

August 2021 37

Issue in SNS

EXO’s ‘all-round talent’ D.O. recently released a single album. With this first solo album, D.O. has set out to independent singing activities for the first time in 9 years of his debut. The album consists of 8 songs in total including 6 new songs and bonus tracks, full of D.O.’s sweet and mellow tone. So far, D.O. has been drawing huge popularity as an EXO member for his attractive vocals, excellent singing ability, and powerful performance. As the nickname ‘all-rounder’, he has also shown off his splendid acting skills on the screen. The films D.O. starred as supporting and leading roles, ‘Along with the Gods: The Last 49 Days’, ‘Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds’, and ‘My Annoying Brother’, were also very popular in Korea.

All-round Talent, D.O. In addition to his singing and acting activities, D.O. is known for his impressive Korean cooking skills. Not only did he enjoy cooking as a hobby, but he also served in the military as a ‘cooking officer’. Through Naver V Live, Korea’s major portal site, the nickname combining D.O. and chef even spread as he showed his fans how to cook Korean food. Changmin, another SM artist and the member of top boyband TVXQ!, D.O.’s cooking skills, “D.O. is an idol member with superb cooking talent. I know he’s also obtained a Korean food chef’s license.”

38 Korea Agrafood

Tip Check out D.O.’s Korean recipes on V Live!

Most Sought-after Menus by E X O in the Summer Foods that can beat the sweltering heat become popular in the summer. The same goes for EXO members. In a radio broadcast, they answered on the topic ‘What they want to eat in the summer’. Let’s check out the most sought-after summer menus by EXO as shared on the famous Korean radio show ‘Cultwo Show’.





Naengmyeon, Galbi, and Kongguksu

Patbingsu and Watermelon

Samgyetang and Nakjitang


“Naengmyeon (Cold Buckwheat Noodles) and meat (Galbi: short rib) are perfect in the summer. I also like Kongguksu (Noodles in Cold Soybean Soup).”

“I like sweet food. I often eat cool watermelon and Patbingsu (Shaved Ice with Red Bean Topping).”

“I like rejuvenating foods. I refresh myself with Samgyetang (Ginseng Chicken Soup) or Nakjitang (Octopus Stew).”

“I want to eat Dotorimuk (Acorn Jelly Salad) in the summer. It’s so delicious. I love Dotorimuk.”

August 2021 39

K-FOOD Recipe Dubujorim

Dubujorim a Simple Meal Made with Healthy Ingredients

ith a growing interest in health and W diet, more and more people are enjoying ‘vegetarian’ meals. However, being blindly on a vegetarian diet leads to protein deficiency. Dubu (Tofu) is the ingredient needed in such a case. Dubu, called ‘the meat of the field’, is high in protein. Above all, it’s not difficult to cook using dubu. A typical dish is Dubujorim (Braised Bean Curd). You just have to boil down a block of dubu with added spicy sauce. Here is a 10-minute recipe for healthy and delicious dubujorim for you to enjoy.

40 Korea Agrafood

August 2021 41

K-FOOD Recipe Dubujorim



Drain dubu in a sieve then cut it vertically into bite-sized pieces.

Slice onion thinly, and slice green onion diagonally.

Main Ingredients: 1 block of dubu, 1/2 onion, 1/2 green onion, 1/2 tbsp cooking oil Sub Ingredients: 4 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp red pepper powder, 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp minced garlic, 1 tbsp sugar, 100ml water

2 Servings


Mix all the seasoning ingredients together.

10 min

375 kcal



Put 1/2 tbsp of cooking oil in the pan and cook over low heat so that both sides of dubu are nicely browned.


When dubu is sufficiently cooked, add vegetables and the seasoning and simmer for another five minutes.

When the liquid is reduced, put a lid on and simmer for another minute.


Transfer it to a plate and enjoy your dubujorim~!


42 Korea Agrafood


Dubujorim-Related Export Products

Dubu Products of Pulmuone

Multi-Purpose Sweet Soy Sauce of Hyomoro CO., LTD.

It is dubu sold at Pulmuone, a representative food company in Korea. Pulmuone’s dubu prod-

It is a multi-purpose sauce produced by

ucts boast excellent quality and safety since they

Hyomoro. It can be used in various soy sauce-

are made with only Korean beans. They are pop-

based Korean dishes such as beef bulgogi,

ular at home and abroad as healthy products,

japchae, and braised spicy chicken, as well as

especially in the United States where interest in

dubujorim. It has exceptional flavor since it is

health has grown. For dubujorim, it is best to buy

made by mixing brewed soy sauce, fruit concen-

the firm dubu for panfrying. This is because it is

trate, and vegetable stock. Notably, the biggest

convenient to cook the sides of dubu if it is not

advantage of the product is that it’s safe for veg-

easily crushed. In addition, Pulmuone sells a vari-

etarians because it contains no animal ingredi-

ety of processed dubu products. Since healthy

ents. In addition to vegan certification, it has ac-

protein content of dubu has garnered a world-

quired various kinds of certifications such as FDA

wide popularity, Pulmuone recently released new

and Halal. It can be stored for two years. 315g

products such as ‘Soft Tofu Gratin’ and ‘Tofu

basic capacity products and 2.2kg large capacity


products are on the market.



August 2021 43

Variety Korea

Yangyang which Emerged as a Hot Place angwon-do becomes crowded with people durG ing summer in Korea. This is because it has the vast, wide sea, water leisure activities, and abundant foods that are enough to attract tourists. Recently, ‘Yangyang in Gangwon-do’ has become the hottest place among them, rapidly emerging as a tourist destination representing the province as nature-friendly travel and play culture spread among young people. Let’s set off to Yangyang, where all three of tourist sites, food, and specialties are blended well together.

44 Korea Agrafood

ホットプレイスとして浮上した「襄陽」 韓國で夏になると?多くの人が江原道(カンウォンド)を訪 れ?各地がごった返している?見ているだけで氣分が爽快 になるような廣?とした海とマリンレジャ―?豊富な料理 などが觀光客を魅了するのに十分な要素が麝っているため だ?なかでも?「江原道襄陽(ヤンヤン)」は?近年?最高の ホットプレイスとしての地位を確立してきた?觀光地と食? 特産物まで三拍子麝った襄陽へ出かけてみよう?

Seoraksan National Park


Yangyang is the ‘hottest’ tourist site in Korea nowadays. As more people, especially the young, enjoy surfing, Yangyang has drawn attention with its clean and high waves, even called ‘Mecca of Surfing’ which is enough to demonstrate its recent popularity. The most visited places by tourists are Naksan Beach and Hajodae Beach. If you walk around here, you can easily see people surfing in the sea and about 40 surfer shops in total. Many pubs are lined up along the beach for people to quench their thirst from surfing, making Yangyang a great place to enjoy drinking and leisure at the same time. However, you are mistaken if you think the sea is the Yangyang’s only tourist attraction. Seoraksan National Park, a treasure trove of ecosystems, is also a must-see resort in Yangyang. It is home to the whopping 939 plant, 25 mammal, 90 bird, 11 reptile, 9 amphibian, and 360 insect species. You can see anthropological heritage as well; the oldest Neolithic ruins in Korea when you go to Osan-ri, and a stone pagoda built more than 1,000 years ago when you visit Dunjeon-ri.

Jinjeonsa Temple Site Stone Pagoda Naksan Beach

近年?襄陽は韓國で最も「ホット」な觀光地だ?若者層を 中心に?サ―フィンを樂しむ人?が一氣に增えるとと もに?海がきれいで高い波がある襄陽が注目されたと いうものだ?「サ―フィンの聖地」と呼ばれるほどで?近 年の人氣を實感するのには十分だ?觀光客が訪れる代 表的な場所は?洛山(ナクサン)海水浴場と河趙臺(ハジ ョデ)海水浴場などだ?この場所を散策すると?サ―フ ァ―がサ―フィンを樂しむ姿を容易に目にすることが できるほか?全體で約40店に達するサ―ファ―ショッ プも見學できる?ここには?サ―フィンによる喉の渴 きを癒せるパブが海岸に立ち竝んでおり?酒とレジ ャ―を同時に樂しむのもよい? だからといって?襄陽の觀光地が海だけかといえば? そうではない?生態系の寶庫である雪岳山(ソラクサン) 國立公園も襄陽で外せない保養地だ?實に?939種の植 物が生息しており?哺乳類25種と鳥類90種?爬蟲類11 種?兩生類9種?昆蟲類360種などが生息している?人 類學的な遺産もみることができるが?鰲山里(オサン リ)では韓國で最も古い新石器時代の遺跡を?屯田(ド ゥンジョン)里では約1,000年前に作られた石塔をみる ことができる? August 2021 45


Variety Korea

The major dishes of Yangyang are Seopguk (Mussel Soup), Ttugeoritang (Spicy Floating Goby Stew), and Songibeoseotjeongol (Pine Mushroom Hot Pot). These foods are considered as must-try specialties in Yangyang. Seopguk is recommended to try in particular, since it is not easily available in other regions. Made by boiling wild mussels with soybean paste and chives, it is so rich in nutrients that it is even called Yangyang’s ‘best health food’. Ttugeoritang is another dish that can only be experienced in Yangyang. At first glance, it looks like Chueotang (Loach Soup) or eojuk (Fish porridge). But it is known as a special food that reflects the sorrows of life in Yangyang. Ttugeoritang is made by boiling freshwater fish living on the bottom of first-grade clean water in a spicy and hot broth, and by filtering fish bones in a sieve. Thanks to this, it is also a popular hangover dish to calm the stomach the next day after a drink night. Songibeoseotjeongol is also a special dish in Yangyang. Its unique feat is a deep flavor infused by boiling pine mushrooms, a specialty of Yangyang, as the main ingredient with thinly sliced-and seasoned beef and clams together. The deep flavor of pine mushrooms blends well together, so you can feel your body getting healthier even before you eat it.

名物料理は?いうまでもなくソプクク(注:ム―ル 貝のス―プ)とトゥゴリタン(注:ウキゴリのス― プ)?ソンイポソッジョンゴル(注:松茸の寄せ鍋) だ?これらの料理は襄陽を訪れたら必ず食べるべ き料理に擧がっている?特に?ソプククは他の地 域で簡單に食べられるものではないため?必ず食 べておくことをお勸めしたい?天然のホンハプ (ム―ル貝)を味粃?ニラなどとともに煮腐んで作 るもので?襄陽で「最高の保養食(スタミナ食)」と 呼ばれるほど?ソプククは榮養滿点だ? トゥゴリタンも襄陽でのみ食べられる料理だ?ぱ っと見た目にはチュオタン(どじょうのス―プ)や オジュク(魚粥)に似ている?しかし?襄陽では生活 の悲しみと喜びが腐められた特別な料理で通じる? 淸流に住む淡水魚をピリ辛のス―プで煮腐み?魚 の骨をふるいにかけて作られる?そのおかげで? 酒を飮んだ翌日の胃腸の調子を整える料理として 高い人氣を誇る? ソンイポソッジョンゴルも襄陽でならば?特別 が料理だ?襄陽の特産物である松茸が主材料で? 薄く切ってヤンニョムで味付けた牛肉と貝のむき 身を一緖に煮腐み?深い味わいが逸品だ?松茸特 有の深い香りがぴったりなため?食べる前から體 が健康になった氣分になる?

Ttugeoritang Songibeoseotjeongol


46 Korea Agrafood

Local Products

In Korea, Yangyang-harvested pine mushrooms and salmon harvested are famous. Yangyang’s pine mushrooms are especially known for excellent chewiness and scent among all pine mushrooms, with a low moisture and firm flesh as 100% natural mushrooms. Also, the pine mushrooms intake nutrients only from the roots of 20-to-60-year-old pine trees, that they have a unique, heavy scent similar to rosin. The 1st grade pine mushrooms must beat least 8cm long, have no top part spreading out, and have the stem in uniform thickness. Yangyang’s top-grade pine mushrooms are considered the best among agricultural products, with prices soaring to as high as KRW 100,000. The Namdaecheon Brook located in Yangyang is a major salmon return stream in Korea. More than 70% of salmon returning to Korea are born and die here. As a result, the Salmon Festival has become a representative local festival in Yangyang, where people can enjoy salmon dishes and rich activities and programs. At the Yangyang 5-day Market, you can easily buy both pine mushrooms and salmon.

韓國で松茸と譯は襄陽でとれるものが有名だ?襄陽 の松茸は韓國の松茸のなかでも?食感と香りがすぐ れたものと知られていたが?100%自然のキノコで水 分の含有量も少なく?肉質がしっかりしていること が特徵だ?また?松茸は20~60年經った松の根からの み榮養分を攝取し?松脂の香りに似た特有の深い香 りがする?1等級になる松茸は長さが8cm以上で?か さの部分が廣がっておらず?柄の太さが均一でなけれ ばならない?襄陽の最上級の松茸は?價格が韓國ウォ ンで10万ウォンまで上がるほど?農産物のなかでも 最上級品で通じる? 襄陽に位置する南大川(ナムデチョン)は?韓國にある 代表的な譯が回歸する川だ?韓國へ戾ってくる譯の 70%以上が?この場所で生まれて戾ってきて生涯を 終える?そうしたことから?譯祭りが開催されてい るが?これは襄陽の代表的な地域のイベントとしての 地位を確立してきており?豊富な體驗プログラムとと もに?譯料理を樂しむことができる?襄陽の五日市を 訪れれば?松茸と譯の全てを手輕に購入することがで きる?

August 2021 47


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