October 2022 (vol.324)

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The Natural Seasoning that Brings Out the Best Taste in Korean Food Take Yuja Tea During the Changing Seasons Processed FarmtasticFood E-Commerce Suncheon Pear, the First-Tasted Pear in Korea Becomes the World’s Best Health Food Korean Ginseng October 2022 vol.324
https://www.k-foodtrade.or.kr Visit K-FOOD Trade & Enjoy the variety of Korean Food k-foodtrade.or.kr is also available via your mobile phone. Find your Korean Food Buyers Pause! K-FOOD Fans Pause!

Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign and ’s

Let us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste.

If we reduce food waste,

Let’s reduce waste at home.

01 Plan your diet and buy only the food you need.

ExpirationQuantityDate of Meals

Individuals can take care of both diet and health

If we reduce food waste,

Restaurants can save the costs for food waste disposal

We can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas

help people who are hungry by donating some of the savings.

Then, let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.

Consider the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients.

02 Divide food ingredients into portions and store them in a transparent container.

You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator.

03 Ground dry ingredients to cook.

Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one.

How close have you gotten to Zero Waste? Let’s donate together in everyday life.

Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.

Zero food waste with one finished meal!

Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day!

Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses!

Start WFP individual donation

You can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website, ko.wfp.org, and clicking the button.


Donate on ‘Share the Meal’

You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and sharethemeal.org.

1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives.


During the COVID-19 pan demic, the global attention was focused on health func tional foods that boost im munity, and red ginseng came to be at the center of it. As Korea is the birthplace of ginseng, it has various types of ginseng such as red ginseng, ginseng which is a raw ingredient for red gin seng, and black ginseng, which is processed more than red ginseng.

Korean Ginseng Becomes the World’s Best Health Food

Photo by THREE THREE STUDIO Styling by Dooeun
Main Theme Ginseng Boosts Immunity06 Steamed and Dried Ginseng, ‘Red Ginseng’ and ‘Black Ginseng’ 08 From Red Ginseng Jelly to Red Ginseng Honey Tea 10 October 2022 vol. 324
12 20 34 CONTENTS

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0963 Fax +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995

Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Ki No-sun (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITORS Chang In-shik REPORTERS Seo Sang-hyun (seosh@agrinet.co.kr)

Cho Yeong-kyu (choyk@agrinet.co.kr)

Choi Yeong-jin (choiyj@agrinet.co.kr)

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Jeong Seo-young (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)


BEIJING Park Sung-kuk 070-4617-5090 (parksk@at.or.kr)

SHANGHAI Sung Si-chan 070-7077-6197 (sschan@at.or.kr)

CHENGDU Wang Sung 070-4617-3267 (wangcheng@at.or.kr)

DALIAN Koh Jung-hee 070-4617-3266 (kohjh@at.or.kr)

HONGKONG Kim Suk-ju 070-4617-2696 (sukju71@at.or.kr)

HANOI Park Min-cheol 070-4617-7257 (cheol@at.or.kr)

HOCHIMIN Park Il-sang +84-862-470-214 (flower@at.or.kr)

BANGKOK Lee Ju-yong 070-4617-7226 (pathfinder@at.or.kr)

JAKARTA Cho Sung-thok 070-4617-2694 (cst7424@at.or.kr)

TOKYO Jang Seo-gyeong +81-3-5367-6656 (skjang@at.or.kr)

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PARIS Ha Jung-a 070-4617-7225 (ewropa@at.or.kr)

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KUALALUMPUR Jang Jae-hyung (jhjang@at.or.kr)

EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9072 Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, www.k-foodtrade.or.kr PROCESSED FOOD The Natural Seasoning that Brings Out the Best Taste in Korean Food 16 NEW ITEM A Choice for Pets’ Better Life BetterPet 20 TREND & PRODUCTS Post-Pandemic Diversification of Camping Food Products 26 30 34 Extras Trend & Culture PHOTO ESSAY24 K-FOOD FRIEND - Webtoon : Persimmons - Fan Letter : Hurummaqshuro 38 Closeup K-FOOD RECIPE Simple K-FOOD, Musaengchae Bibimbap FARMTASTIC Suncheon Pear, the First-Tasted Pear in Korea 12 E-COMMERCE Take Yuja Tea During the Changing Seasons
4 Korea Agrafood C over Story Korean Ginseng Becomes the World’s Best Health Food 高麗人參,成爲全球保健食品

International food expos are held all over the world. The most popular product in the Korean Pavilion is ‘Red ginseng’. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the global attention was focused on health functional foods that boost immunity, and red ginseng came to be at the center of it. As Korea is the birthplace of gin seng, it has various types of ginseng such as red ginseng, gin seng which is a raw ingredient for red ginseng, and black gin seng, which is processed more than red ginseng. What kind of ginseng products are there in Korea? <Korea Agrafood> will in troduce them.

October 2022 5
在世界各地擧辦的攻際食品博覽繇上韓攻館的最熱門商品是“紅參” ?在新冠肺炎 疫情全球性大流行下具有提高免疫力效果的健康功能食品已成爲世界關注的熱 点,其中占据核心位置的便是“紅參” ?韓攻不愧爲是人參宗主攻,有着紅參?紅 參原料人參和加工過程比紅參更復雜的黑參等各種人參類制品?那鹿,這些人參 類産品都有絞些郡?本期《Korea Agrafood》就爲舅做 下介紹?
6 Korea Agrafood C over Story GinsengBoostsImmunity

inseng is rich in saponin. While a small amount of saponin is contained in various plants such as beans, Deodeok (codonopsis lanceola ta), and onion, the saponin of ginseng has a different chemical structure. Thus, ginseng saponin is called ginsenoside, which is a combined word of ginseng and glycoside.

Korean ginseng contains more types of ginseno sides than foreign ginseng. According to the Geumsan County Office in Chungcheongnam-do, the largest producer of ginseng in Korea, foreign ginseng has around 10 ginsenosides, while Korean ginseng has 30. Ginseng has diverse effects, such as enhanc ing immunity, antioxidant, anticancer, and detoxifica tion, smooth blood circulation, improving memory, and regulating hormones. This is why ginseng is also called a ‘cure for all diseases’ in Korea.

In Korea, ginseng is eaten as food. The most com mon dish is Samgyetang (Ginseng chicken soup), which is braised deeply with ginseng, glutinous rice, dates, chestnuts, astragalus, and garlic in one chicken to be enjoyed as a summer health food. Ginseng Jeonggwa (candied ginseng) marinated in honey are great for breakfast and sometimes as a reassuring snack. Some ginseng is eaten with the leaves like vegetables. Sprout ginseng is ginseng developed by the Rural Development Administration of Korea and contains 3 to 4 times higher content of saponin in leaves than roots. Ginseng and jujube are decocted to drink ginseng jujube tea, and ginseng tea products in granular form are also available.

Citing the research results of the research team of Chung-Ang University, a report titled ‘God Given Korean Ginseng’ published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs of Korea claimed that ‘Ginseng increases resistance to not only cold but also viral diseases such as SARs and the novel flu.’ It was a well-grounded move that the world paid attention to Korean gin seng due to COVID-19.

G October 2022 7 人參富含牲曷成分,大豆?沙參?洋升等各種食物中也含有 少量的牲曷成分,但人參的牲曷具有不同的化縯結構,所以 爲袴別起見人參的牲曷用人參和糖曷的合成詞稱之爲人參牲 曷(Ginsenoside)? 韓攻的高麗人參比外攻的人參牲曷種類更多?据韓攻人參的 最大主産地忠淸南道錦山郡廳稱,外攻人參的人參牲曷種類 般爲10種左右,而高麗人參則多達30余種?所以說高麗人 參的效能包括提高免疫力及抗宸化?抗癌?潁毒作用?促進 血液循環?增强記憶力?激素調節等也更加廣泛?因此,在 韓攻人參也被稱之爲包治百病的“万能之葯” ? 在韓攻人參不僅是 種葯材而且還是 種食材,參鷄湯便是 其典型的代憐?參鷄湯是一種將人參?構米?大棗?栗子? 黃九?大蒜等放入鷄汲裏 起熬煮的料理,婁夏季大補食物? 除此之外,牛球中加入人參泥和蜂蜜的人參牛球,人參和鮑 魚長時間熬煮而成的人參鮑魚粥,用蜂蜜酩制的人參蜜餞等 也都是蜈好的早餐代餐和零食小吃食品?還有 種吃蔬菜 樣連葉帶參一起吃的人參?這種由韓攻農村振興廳開屠的新 苗參其參葉中的牲曷含量比人參根高3 4倍?還有利用人參 和大棗 起熬制的人參大棗茶及顆粒狀人參茶等上市産品? 由(株)高麗人參制造(Korea Ginseng Production Co , LTD.)和高麗元人參(Korea One Ginseng)等生産的産品 蜈刷眼? 韓攻農林畜産食品部出具的“高麗人參介紹(God Given Korean Ginseng)”中引用韓攻中央 大縯硏究團隊的硏究結果憐示, “人參可提 高捲感冒及非典?甲型H1N1流感等病毒 性疾病的抵抗力? ”在新冠肺炎疫情下高 麗人參引起全球襲目有其充分的根据? 人參,提高免疫力

hat is Korean’s favorite health functional foods? It is red ginseng, which has light yel lowish brown or light reddish-brown color made by steaming and drying raw ginseng to make its mois ture content 14% or less. Since new ginsenosides are created while processing raw ginseng into red gin seng, red ginseng has a different effect from ginseng. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of Korea offi cially recognizes five functions of red ginseng as a health functional food: immunity enhancement, fa tigue improvement, blood flow improvement, mem ory improvement, and antioxidant. Red ginseng is al so registered as a functional ingredient in Korea.

Red ginseng concentrates are often packaged in a stick form for convenience, and Daedong Korea Ginseng Co., Ltd.’s ‘RED GINSENG PREMIUM’. When the Korea Consumer Agency tested Korea’s major red ginseng stick products, the results showed that Daedong Korea Ginseng’s products had the highest ginsenoside content, followed by ‘Cheongk wanjang Korean Red Ginseng Extract Everytime’ from Korea Ginseng Corp., ‘Ginseng Everyday Korean Red Ginseng Stick’ from Daesang Life Science Corp., etc. ‘Cheongkwanjang Red Ginseng Extract Everytime’ uses only six-year-old ginseng strictly produced through 100% contract cultivation and adds only purified water to six-year-old red gin seng concentrate. Black ginseng is made by steam 9 times. It is less bitter and is rich in effective is especially known to content of ginsenoside-Rg3, excellent anticancer activity. products include ‘Geumheuk ginseng concentrate from Ginseng Co., Ltd., and ‘Geumheuk Black Ginseng Haneul Cheongwa’, which has marinated black ginseng in honey as it is.

8 Korea Agrafood C over Story
W 捲人參進行蒸碼加工的“紅參和黑參” 韓攻人最喜歡的健康功能食品是什鹿郡?那就是紅參?紅參是 利用蒸汽捲鮮參進行蒸熟后碼干使其水分含量降到14%以下的 淡黃褐色或淡紅褐色人參?鮮參加工成紅參的過程中繇生成新 的人參牲曷成分,所以紅參比人參還具有其他不同的功效?捲 此,韓攻食品秉葯品安全處(KFDA)官方認嗇紅參是具有提高 免疫力?改善疲勞?促進血液循環?改善記憶力?抗宸化等五 大功能的健康保健食品幷將紅參列入韓攻功能性原料? 考慮到食用和旭帶等方便性,紅參濃縮液有蜈多棒袋裝産品, 其 中 大 東 高 麗 參 ( 株 ) ( D a e d o n g K o r e a G i n s e n g CO.,LTD.)生産的高圭紅參精産品蜈令人襲目,据韓攻消費者 院捲韓攻主要的棒袋紅參産品進行檢測調査的結果該産品的人 參 牲 曷 含 量 最 高 ? 其 后 依 次 是 ( 株 ) 韓 攻 人 參 公 社 ( K o r e a Ginseng Corp )生産的正官庄紅參精Everytime和(株)大象 生命科技公司(DaesangLifeScience Corp )生産的人參 Everyday 紅參棒(Ginseng Everyday Korean Red Ginseng Stick)等産品?正官庄的紅參精Everytime産品所 用的人參100%都是通過訂單栽培嚴格生産的6年生人參,産 品只用6年生紅參濃縮液和純淨水生産?人參Everyday紅參棒 産品也是以6年生紅參爲原料,再加上五味子?山茱萸等8種韓 葯材 起熬制使紅參味更濃更美的産品? 黑參是捲人參進行9次反復蒸碼加工使顔色變黑的人參?黑參 的苦味輕于紅參且有效牲曷的含量更高,尤其是黑參富含抗癌 作用顯著的人參牲曷 Rg3成分,這也是近來黑參更受人們關 注的原因?主要的黑參産品有錦山黑參株式繇社(Geumsan Black Ginseng CO , LTD )生産的黑參濃縮液錦黑精 (Geumheukjeong)和用蜂蜜等捲原狀黑參進行酩制的錦黑黑 參天果(Geumheuk Black Ginseng Haneul Cheongwa) 等?
October 2022 9 Red Ginseng Black Ginseng Steamed and Dried Ginseng

mong Korean health functional foods, red ginseng has the highest sales. This is why Korea has such special love for red ginseng and has various red ginseng products. Red ginseng is eaten in a stick and a pill form. Nonghyup Red Ginseng’s ‘Hansamin Sim Eui Hwan’ (Korean Red Ginseng Extract Pill) is a premium red ginseng health functional food carefully manufactured with 6 additional in gredients, including six-year-old red ginseng and antler. Red ginseng jelly is also popular as a healthy food for children, released by CKD Healthcare Corp. and Ivenet. It is known to draw high interest of mothers as it can help boost immunity in growing children.

Red ginseng has a bitter taste, so it has likes and dislikes. However, this story is different when red ginseng meets honey. Han Kuk Sam’s ‘Korea Red Ginseng & Honey Stick’ is an example. Having a bitter and sweet taste as a mixture of Korean red ginseng and Korean honey, it is easy to eat one stick a day.

Also, ‘Red Ginseng Jeonggwa Gold’ (Candied red ginseng) from Daedong Korea Ginseng Co., Ltd. is a perfect nutritious snack that has removed the characteristic bitter taste of red ginseng and added sweetness by pre serving red ginseng in Korean honey for a long time. Red ginseng is also taken as a tea.

‘Cheongkwanjang Red Ginseng Tea’ made by Korea Ginseng Corp. has both the bitter taste of red ginseng and the sweet taste of jujube, so even people new to red ginseng can enjoy it.

10 Korea Agrafood C over Story
A From Red Ginseng Jelly to Red Ginseng Honey Tea 韓攻的保健食品中銷量最多的是紅參?人們捲韓攻的“紅 參”情有糾鍾,所以在韓攻各種紅參産品也蜈多,這些産 品 除 了 棒 袋 裝 形 態 外 還 有 丸 芟 形 態 等 ? 農 協 人 參 (Nonghyup Red Ginseng)生産的韓參印心秉丸便是 種利用6年生紅參和鹿茸等6種輔料精心制造的高圭紅 參保健食品?爲傅童制作的健康食品紅參軟糖也蜈熱 銷,鍾根堂健康(CKD Healthcare corp.)和Ivenet等 都有産品上市?這些産品有助于提高生長期傅童的免疫 力,所以蜈受綾綾們的靑器? 由于紅參帶有苦味所以各有好惡之分,但是紅參侮蜂蜜 搭配就癩芎別論了?由韓攻參(Han Kuk Sam)生産的 蜂蜜紅參棒便是最好的例嗇?這是 種利用韓攻産紅參 和韓攻産人工養蜂蜜進行搭配的産品,其味道苦中帶 甛,每天吃一袋好吃不宮口?由大東高麗參(株)生産的 紅參正果GOLD則利用韓攻産蜂蜜捲紅參進行長時間酩 制,在消除紅參特有苦味的同時增加甛味,使其成爲不 從紅參軟糖到紅參蜜茶

There is also Huons Nature’s ‘Honey Shot Red Ginseng Honey Tea’, which is a great product to enjoy as a tea as a combination of red ginseng and honey.

CJ Cheiljedang’s ‘Hanppuri’ series. Made by decocting black ginseng, red ginseng, and ginseng with 9 herbal medicines, these products include ‘Black Ginseng Daebo’, ‘Red Ginseng Daebo’, and ‘Ginseng Daebo’. ‘Hanppuri’ means one gin seng root. ‘Black Ginseng Daebo’ has a deep taste as it uses about 20 g of raw ingredient compared to 100 g of ginseng and ‘Ginseng Daebo’ has a unique taste of ginseng as it added ginseng con centrate. CJ introduces that one bottle of Hanpuri Daebo allows one to start the day energetically.

Ginseng Processed Products

Huons Nature’s Honey Shot Ginseng Tea Daedong Korea Ginseng CO.,LTD.’s Red Ginseng Premium Geumsan Black Ginseng CO., LTD.’s Geumheukjeong Nonghyup Red Ginseng’s Hansamin Sim Eui Hwan Han Kuk Sam’s Korea Red Ginseng & Honey Stick Cj Cheiljedang’s Hanppuri Series CKD Healthcare corp.’s Kids Red Ginseng jelly Korea Ginseng corp.'s Cheongkwanjang Korean Red Ginseng Extract Everytime
October 2022 11
錯的營養零食?紅參還可以制成茶飮食品,如(株)韓 攻人參公社生産的正官庄紅參茶可同時品味紅參的苦 味和大棗的甛味,使首次接觸紅參的人也能輕松接受 紅參的味道?還有 種由Huons Nature公司生産的 HONEY SHOT紅參蜜茶,這是 種利用紅參和蜂 蜜搭配的茶飮産品? C J 第 制 糖 ( C j C h e i l j e d a n g ) 生 産 的 根 參 (Hanppuri)係列是利用黑參?紅參?人參和9種韓 葯 材 熬 制 出 的 産 品 , 産 品 有 黑 參 大 補 ( B l a c k G i n s e n g D a e b o ) ? 紅 參 大 補 ( R e d G i n s e n g Daebo)和人參大補(Ginseng Daebo)等? 根指 的是 根人參,黑參大補每100g産品中含約20g原 料,風味蜈足?人參大補則含有人參濃縮液,人參固 有味道濃?CJ在介紹産品時稱道,每天一甁一根大 補可讓舅充滿活力每一天?
12 Korea Agrafood Farmtastic Suncheon Pear the First-Tasted Pear in Korea 標題-韓攻最早熟梨“順天梨”

The Pear Tree is Young

SAC was established in 2010 with the in vestment of Suncheon Agricultural Cooperative (Suncheon Nonghyup), etc. It ships pears, plums, sweet persimmons, kiwis, peaches, and cucumbers under its representative brand ‘Hanurine’.

One of SAC’s main export agricultural products is pears. Since Suncheon has a fertile soil and a huge daily temperature difference, its pears have a high sugar content and a crunchy texture. Above all, the age of pear trees is 20 to 30 years old, which is lower than that of major Korean pear-producing regions. SAC’s section chief Min Dae-won said, “The pear trees in Suncheon are young, so they grow more actively than pear trees in other main producing areas which are more than 50 years old on average. As a result, our pears

Suncheon, Jeollanam-do, is located in the south ernmost part of Korea’s pear-producing regions. Thus, Suncheon is the place in Korea where you can taste pears the first. Suncheon pears are ex ported abroad through Suncheon Association Cooperative Co., Ltd. (SAC), which especially fo cuses on exporting as it is designated as Taiwan Export Fruit Packing House. SAC is striving to ex pand the base of Korean pears by steadily export ing Suncheon pears to Southeast Asia such as Hong Kong and Vietnam.

October 2022 13
梨樹樹齡年輕 順天組共是2010年由順天農協等共同出資成立的農産品 産地流通組織?他們通過自主品牌Hanurine捲外銷魔 梨?梅果?甘枾?搗銳桃?桃?黃瓜等農産品,不鉤提 高順天農産品的瀨譽? 梨是順天組共捲外出口的主要農産品之 ?順天土地肥沃 晝夜溫差大,所以梨的含糖量高且口感蜈脆?尤其是梨樹 的樹齡都在20 30年之間,低于其他韓攻梨主産地?順天 組共閔大源科長分析道, “順天梨樹婁年輕樹,所以要比 平均樹齡超過50年的其他主産地梨樹生育能力更加旺 盛,果肉更加緊麟,色樣更加透明,商品性更加優越” ? 芎初,由5家農戶開始的順天組共目前繇員已增加到22 人,這些農戶共同旭手正在熱火朝天地進行梨的生産? 主攻臺膿出口市場 順天組共順天梨的年出口量約爲400 500菫?順天組共 是臺膿出口梨的指定專用選果場,而且捲臺膿的出口量 占總出口量的80%?臺膿是韓攻産梨的主要出口地,其 次是美攻?這也是順天梨進入臺膿市場的主要原因?順 全羅南道順天是韓攻最南端的韓攻梨主産地?所以這裏栽培的 梨開花結果最早,産品上市也比其他地方平均早5天左右?順 天是在韓攻能誥最先吃到梨的地方?這裏産的順天梨都是通過 順天聯合組合共同事業法人捲外進行出口的?順天組共是捲臺 膿出口梨的指定選果場,所以主要捲臺膿進行産品的出口,侮 此同時他們還通過持樓捲香港?越南等東南亞攻家出口順天 梨,不鉤頑大韓攻梨的出口範圍?

have firmer flesh and transparent color, so they are great for commercial sales.” SAC, which initially started as a farm with five peo ple, has now increased to 22 members, dedi cating itself to producing Suncheon pears.

Focus on Taiwanese Export Market

The annual export volume of pears of SAC is about 400~500 tons. 80% of pear exports are shipped to Taiwan, as SAC is designated as a fruit packing house exclusively for export to Taiwan which is the key importer of Korean pears. SAC also exports its pears to Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. By late August, it exported 24 tons of Shingo pears to these countries before exporting to Taiwan began in earnest this year. Local governments played a major role in helping SAC pear farmers be come interested in pear exports. Suncheon City provided export promotion expenses to en courage the farmers to export, based on which the farmers raised their export pears to the highest quality as well as for Korean use. Section Chief Min thinks this was the impor

Section Chief, Min Dae-won
天組共還向新加坡?香港?馬來西亞等攻家和地袴也出 口順天梨?今年8月末爲止,在捲臺膿正式進行出口之 前,他們已捲這些攻家和地袴出口了24菫新高梨?順天 組共的梨栽培戶如此重視梨的出口,這侮地方政府的作 用也有蜈大的關係?順天市通過支援出口補貼奬勵農戶 進行出口,幷以此爲基礎使出口用梨的質量達到不亞于 內需用梨的程度?閔科長認爲,這也是在梨主産地相捲 缺少名槐的順天梨能誥在臺膿市場揚名的重要契机? 順天組共捲出口梨的安全性也蜈重視?農戶們能誥積極 參侮出口梨生産的癩一憾主要因素是他們都已獲得良好 農業規範(GAP)農戶認嗇和可嗇明已達到農産品優質管 理設施規定標准的GAP設施認嗇,幷堅持捲農戶開展限 用生長芟赤獺素的敎育? 以全球GAP爲出口揷上翅膀 順天組共計琬將物量處理能力從目前的1000菫提高到 2000菫?爲此,他們打算再購進 臺篩選机,且把出口 量目標値也提高到了800菫以上?作爲其中 環,他們 所提出的方針是針捲不同的攻家麟施定制型出口戰略? 也就是說,根据臺膿和香港喜歡中果,越南喜歡小果, 馬來西亞喜歡超市銷魔用小包裝等各攻所需的産品特点 進行有針捲性的營銷? 此外,順天組共出口的癩 種商品搗銳桃已獲得全球 GAP認嗇,由此他們計琬將全球GAP認嗇領域頑大到 14 Korea Agrafood Farmtastic

tant opportunity for Suncheon pears, which were relatively little known as the main pro ducer of pears, to be well-known in Taiwan.

SAC also pays close attention to the safety of export pears. As another factor for it to ac tively pursue export, SAC received GAP facil ity certification, which proves it has met the criteria for the designation of excellent agri cultural management facilities along with GAP farmhouse certification. In addition, SAC continues to educate to farmers to refrain from using gibberellin, a growth stimulant.

Promoting Export with Global GAP

SAC aims to expand the amount it can han dle from the current 1000 tons to 2000 tons by introducing another selector It has also in creased the export volume target to more than 800 tons and plans to promote a customized export strategy for each country, as Taiwan and Hong Kong prefer medium-size pears, Vietnam likes small-size pears, and Malaysia wants small packaging for supermarket sales. Thus, SAC plans to carry out different market ing since each country has different product preferences.

Furthermore, SAC plans to expand the scope of global GAP to pear next year as it has already received the global GAP for Kiwi, another fruit it exports. This is SAC’s aspira tion to further enhance the safety of Suncheon pears and spread the name of Suncheon pears all over the world. Section Chief Min Daewon said, “SAC exports Suncheon pears through a sorting facility that has received GAP certification and regularly performs pes ticide residue testing, so our pears can be eaten with confidence abroad. We will work hard to expand our export areas to Taiwan and Southeast Asia so that various overseas con sumers can taste Suncheon pears.”

Suncheon Association Cooperative +82-61-363-7602 mamin13@daum.net

Importers: Taiwan

Additional Info

Product name: Suncheon Pear

Product ingredients: Shingo Pear

Expiration date: None

Product size: 15 kg box

Certification: GAP Farm Certification (KOR), GAP Facility Certification (KOR)

Characteristics: Firm flesh, and transparent color due to young tree age, thus excellent for marketability.

Designated as a Taiwan export fruit packing house with safety secured through regular inspection.

October 2022 15
梨産品,以進一步提高順天梨的安全性,讓順天梨揚名 天下? 閔大源科長憐示, “順天組共是通過獲得GAP設施認嗇 的選果場進行順天梨出口的,而且捲殘留農葯也進行定 期檢査,所以海外消費者盡可放心吃?我們將訣樓努力 進一步頑大捲臺膿及東南亞地袴的出口領域,讓更多的 海外消費者能誥吃到順天梨” ?
16 Korea Agrafood Processed Food

S Natural Seasoning that out Best Taste in Korean

ungjin Whole Foods has its own special story The first motivation to make healthy food was to release her son suffering from atopy and the successful commercialization followed. So, Sungjin Whole Foods are famous for producing food only made with agricultural products. The representative products of Sungjin Whole Foods are ‘Natural Seasoning’ and ‘5 kinds of Stock Dashi T-bag’ containing kelp as the main ingredient. Recently, it has successfully increased its recognition by exporting natural sea sonings, kelp packs, and medicinal herbal tea to overseas countries seeking ‘Korean taste’

Eating Well is a Cure for All…I Develop my Food Thinking I Will Feed This to My Son.

The identity and goal of Sungjin Whole Foods is well represented in the slogan of Sungjin Whole Foods which is “I only present customers with food that I could serve to my own family”. Established in 2017, Sungjin Whole Foods took the first step into the food industry with ‘Premium Hyul’, a nat

October 2022 17
Food ソンジンホ ルフ ドには?特別 なスト リ がある?つまり?ア トピ に惱む子どものために作っ たヘルシ な食料品の商品化に成 功したということだ?また?ソン ジンホ ルフ ドの製品は農産物 のみを原材料として生産している という特徵がある?代表的な製品 は?「天然調味料」と昆布を主原料 とした「5種のだしパック」だ?最 近では?「韓國の味」を求める海外へ 天然調味料と昆布 のだしパック?韓方(ハンバン)茶などをし?認知度を高 めている? 食べ物は「藥」 母の心で開發 「自分の家族に食べさせることを考えながら作った製品 をお客樣に屆ける?」ソンジンホ ルフ ドのスロ ガ ンには?生産者としての本質と目指すべき姿がしっかり と 盛 り 腐 ま れ て い る ? 2017 年 に 設 立 さ れ た ソ ン ジ ン ホ ルフ ドは?食品の風味をより 層引き立てる天然 調味料「プレミアムヒュル」製品で食品業界に第 步を踏 み出した?これに續いて?だしをとるときに使用する昆 布だしパックと韓方茶などで製品の種類を廣げた? 許美鎭(ホ·ミジン)ソンジンホ ルフ ド代表は?「良 質の原料は自然のなかから出てくるものと考える?この 韓食の味を引き立てる自然の調味料 CEO Heo Mi-jin

ural seasoning that elevates the flavor of food. Then, it expanded its product line with kelp packs used to make broth and Korean medicinal herbal tea. The biggest feature of these products is that on ly Korean agricultural products are used as ingredi ents without synthetic additives. The disadvantage can be a slightly higher price than that of commer cial products. But they are very firm with making products with good ingredient. It is because they have experienced valuable experiences that a good environment and raw materials have a great effect on health. Heo Mi-jin, CEO of Sungjin Whole Foods, said, “I think good ingredients come from nature. My son had atopy, but he was cured after leaving the city and eating nature-raised food. Seeing that he was cured, it gave me faith.”

Trust with Customers Led to Expansion of Exporting Goods

Currently, Sungjin Whole Foods exports prod ucts to Vietnam, the United States, and Hong Kong. After one year of establishment, it began to develop overseas markets, successfully maintained a stable market. It has now established itself as a full-fledged exporting company.

Natural seasonings, kelp packs, radix angelicate gigantis, rehmanniae radix preparat, peony, cnidii rhizoma, Samultang Herbal Tea and Yeongdeok

18 Korea Agrafood ことは?息子がアトピ を發症し?都市を離れて自然の なかで育った食べ物を食べ?それが回復していったこと を目の當たりにするなかで?信賴が生まれた?韓國の土 地?韓國で栽培されるものを原料に使用するため?價格 が市販の製品に比べて30%程度高いが?その代わりに品 質は確かだ?」と述べた? 顧客との信賴で輸出製品も擴大 現在?ソンジンホ ルフ ドの製品の輸出先はベトナム と米國?香港だ?設立後1年で海外市場開拓に乘り出し て販路を安定的に維持し?今では押すに押されぬ輸出企 業としての地位を確立した?輸出製品も樣?だ? 米國へは天然調味料?昆布だしパック?當歸と熟地黃? 芍藥?川穹で作った四物湯(サムルタン)茶をはじめとし た韓方茶?盈德ズワイガニラ メンが輸出される?香港 へは昆布だしパックとふりかけキムジャパンが輸出され る?ふりかけキムジャパンはご飯にかけると手輕に 食 分の食事になり?盈德(ヨンドク)郡の特産物であるズワ イガニが入ったラ メンは飮酒翌日の醉い覺まし用とし て人氣を集めている? 許美鎭代表は「輸出額は多くないが?リピ ト率が高い ため樣?な製品の輸出と新製品開發が可能だ?」と說明し た? 新製品?新市場開拓の乘り出す ソンジンホ ルフ ドは?今年も新製品開發に拍車をか けている?米國のバイヤ の要請により?2021年から 開發を始めた參鷄湯のだしパックは?最終段階に差し掛 Processed Food

large snow crab ramyeon are exported to the United States. Kelp packs and Furikake laver flakes are exported to Hong Kong. Furikake laver flakes are a simple dish that can be mixed with rice. Ramyeon with snow crab, Yeongdeok’s spe cialty, is gaining its popularity as a hangover ramyeon.

Thanks to its excellent quality, Sungjin Whole Foods has been able to broaden its export product range. Repurchase from consumers who are satis fied with the quality help Sungjin Whole Foods to build trust with buyers, which gave them the op portunity to export a variety of products.

CEO Heo Mi-jin said, “The export amount is not large, the high repurchase rate made it possible to export various products and develop new prod ucts.”

New Product, Pioneer to New Market

Sungjin Whole Foods has also spur the devel opment of new product

this year. Samgyetang broth pack, which began de velopment in 2021 at the request of a U.S. buyer, has entered the final stage. In addition, a pet food product using Yeongdeok large snow crab is sched uled to be launched this year to target the growing pet market. Through this, we plan to strive to create high added value using by-products. It is also con sidering entering Vietnam for the production of ex isting products. This is to produce red seasoning products that are used as sauces for Korean soups and stir-fries. It is a strategy to take the lead in pro moting Korean food and increase sales, leading it to a ‘win-win’.

CEO Heo Mi-jin said, “We plan to export prod ucts to Japan, whose diet is similar to that of Korea, we ask for inquiries from many buyers.”

Sungjin Whole Foods Vietnam Kong

+82-54-733-8852 heomijin@naver.com www.charmeal.co.kr

Additional Info

Product name: Yeongdeok Snow Crab Dashi Stock T-bag

Product ingredients: Yeongdeock large snow, kelp, shrimp, anchovy, northern whiting silver sillago

Expiration date: 1 year

Product size: 15 g

Certification: FSSC 22000 (US), ISO 22000 (KOR), FDA (US)


쪾Convenient to make broth that can be used in Korean food such as fish cake soup, Tteokbokki and udon.

쪾Trustworthy and safe food products since it uses Korean agricultural products as raw materials without synthetic additives.

October 2022 19
U.S. Hong
かった?また?着實に成長しているペット市場をタ ゲ ットとして?盈德ズワイガニを活用したペットフ ド製 品も?今年發賣予定だ?これらを通して?副産物を活用 した高付加價値の創出にも注力する計畵だ? 旣存製品の生産のために?ベトナム進出も構想中だ?韓 國のス プや炒め物のたれを活用する赤いヤンニョム製 品を生産するためだ?韓食を廣める面でもリ ドし?賣 上も伸びており?「ウィンウィン」の關係にするという戰 略だ? 許美鎭代表は?「食習慣が韓國と似ている日本へ製品を 輸出する計畵もある?多くのバイヤ からの問い合わせ をお願いしたい?」と述べた?

A Choice for Pets’ Better Life BetterPet

et food is a hot topic in the global agricultural product market. The pet food market is growing with the increasing number of households with pets. The same goes for Korea. Recently, pet food with added functionality is draw ing attention in the Korean pet food market. The main examples are the products of BetterPet, which researches dementia in pets and has developed Korea’s first functional wet food that prevents pet dementia. BetterPet is now challenging the global market with them.

Food Improving Cognitive Impairment Syndrome

P 症を硏究し?ペッ トの認知症を予防する機能性ウェットタイプ飼料を開發 した?これは韓國初で?ベタ ペットはこれらの製品で 世界市場へ挑戰狀を叩きつけている? 認知機能不全症候群の改善のための飼料 ベタ ペットは人間の認知症を硏究している(株)プロセ ルカンパニ ( Jwa-jin

BetterPet is a pet food brand of Procell Company Inc., an R&D firm that researches human dementia and develops dementia treat ments using natural materials. With the recent expansion of dementia research from humans to pets, BetterPet was founded as a pet food company in 2021. The lifespan of pets has al so increased with the number of households with pet grows, often causing pet diseases. One of them is ‘cognitive disorder syndrome’

20 Korea Agrafood
New Item
世界の農食品市場でペットフ ド が話題だ?ペットを育てる家庭が 增えるなかで?自然にペットフ ド市場も擴大している?近年?韓 國のペットフ ド市場で機能性を プラスしたペットフ ドが注目を 集めている?その主人公がベタ ペット(BetterPet)の 製品だ?ベタ ペットはペットの認知
Procellcompany)のペットフ ドブラン ドだ?ペットと生活をともに家庭が增えるとともに?ペ ットの壽命も延び?これによりペットの病氣も多く發生 することになったが?その中の1つが「認知機能不全症候 群」だ?このように?ベタ ペットは「認知機能改善素 材」を適用し?韓國初のペットの犬の認知機能不全症候 群の症狀改善を手助けする機能性飼料を發賣している? ベタ ペットの代表も金佐鎭敎授だ? プロセルカンパニ の「認知機能改善素材」は桔梗から抽 出される?桔梗抽出物は?韓國で認知能力向上の機能性 ペ ッ ト の よ り よ い 生 活 のための選擇 ベタ ペ ット(BetterPet) CEO Kim
(an adjunct professor at Chungnam National University College of Medicine)

What is Pet Food?

As a promising export item selected by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs of Korea, pet food is for pets such as dogs and cats. A major company that manufacturers pet food is Procell Company’s subsidiary BetterPet, which produces functional food containing the ‘cognitive function improvement ingre dient’ it has developed. ‘Cognitive function improve ment ingredient’ is extracted from bellflower, and it is effective in anti-in flammation, anti-obesity, and lowering cholesterol.

October 2022 21

also known as pet dementia.

This led BetterPet to launch Korea’s first functional food that helps improve pet cogni tive impairment syndrome by applying the ‘cognitive function improvement ingredient’. BetterPet’s CEO is also Professor Kim Jwajin. Procellcompany’s ‘cognitive function im provement ingredient’ is extracted from bell flower. Bellflower extract has been recognized in Korea as a health functional food ingredient for cognitive enhancement, and its main sub stance is called Platycodin D, which is a saponin type. Also, according to the Korea Rural Development Administration, Platycodin D has been reported to have antiinflammatory, anti-obesity, and cholesterollowering effects.

Wet Formula and Grain-Free, Pet-Friendly Choice

There are two main types of BetterPet prod ucts: for dogs and for cats. Dog food is mar keted under the name of GETDOG and cat food under the name of CATYUM, both of which contain ingredients that improve cogni tive function. According to BetterPet, between

などに對する健康機能食品の原料として認められた?主成 分はサポニン系のプラチコジンDという物質だ? ウェットタイプでグレインフリ ?ペットのた めの選擇 ベタ ペットの製品はペットの犬用と猫用などの大きく2 種類がある?犬用の飼料はゲットゴグ(GETDOG)?猫用 の飼料はキャットヤム(CATYUM)という名稱で發賣され ており?全て認知機能改善成分が含まれている?ベタ ペ ットによれば?8才以上の犬のなかの14 35%?15才以上 猫のなかの50%が認知障害を經驗する?ベタ ペット 飼料がこれらのペットの認知機能改善を通

して?生活の 質を高められるというものだ?特に?飼料がウェットタ イプという点も目を引く?ドライタイプ飼料は飼料乾燥 過程で榮養素が破壞される 方?ウェットタイプ飼料は 榮養素が維持され?鹽分とカロリ も低い?何よりウェ ットタイプ飼料は食べやすく?生後間もない子犬·子猫や 齒の狀態がよくない高齡の犬·猫も簡單に食べられる?そ のほかに?穀物を使用しないグレインフリ 製品という点 も特徵だ?これは?ペットの穀物アレルギ を最小化し? 口腔內の衛生狀態を維持するためだ? 日本を越えてヨ ロッパと米國へ ベタ ペットの製品は日本とベトナムなどへ輸出されてい る?ベタ ペットは?今後もヨ ロッパと米國への進出を 夢見ている?これらの國?は?ペット文化が定着しており? 22 Korea Agrafood New Item

Beyond Japan to Europe and America

BetterPet products are exported to Japan and Vietnam. In Japan, they have entered various antenna shops including the largest discount general store Don Quijote, expanding the pro motion of products. BetterPet dreams of enter ing Europe and U.S. in the future because they have a well-established pet culture with high pet food consumption. BetterPet also plans to diversify its products, such as food containing substances that improve kidney function. Believing that the right pet culture can be a driving force for the growth of the pet indus try, BetterPet also plans to continue promoting campaigns for pet culture, such as plogging to collect pet feces with pet owners. CEO Kim said “There are many large pet food compa nies abroad, but we have the capability to dis cover functional ingredients and develop pet food with them. Like people, pets can live a healthy life through health functional food. I hope that opportunity is found at BetterPet.”


+82-42-624-4827 procellcompany@naver.com www.bttpet.com

Importers: Japan

Additional Info

Product name: GETDOG, CATYUM

Product ingredients: GETDOG (Chicken/Beef/Salmon), CATYUM (Chicken Breast/Roast Yellowtail/Salmon)

Expiration date: 24 months from date of manufacture

Product size: one bag of 70 g

Certification: None Characteristics: Korea’s first functional food that helps improve pet cognitive impairment syndrome. Wet and grain-free formula for pets of all ages to easily consume.

ペットフ ドの消費能も高いためだ? また?ベタ ペットは製品も多樣化する計畵をもってい る?その 環となるのが腎臟機能改善物質を含む飼料だ? ベタ ペットは飼い主とともに?ペットの犬の排泄物を拾 うプロギングのようなペット文化のためのキャンペ ンも 引き續き推進する計畵だ?正しいペット文化がペット産業 を成長させるエンジンになるとの判斷からだ? 金佐鎭代表は「海外では大手ペットフ ド企業が多いが? 當社は機能性素材を發掘し?この素材を融合させてペッ トフ ドを開發する能力がある?人?が健康機能食品を 買い求めるように?ペットも健康機能食を通して健康な 生活を送ることができる?その機會がベタ ペットにな るようにしたい?」 14~35% of pets over age 8 and 50% of cats over age 15 suffer from cognitive impairment, but BetterPet food can improve the quality of these pets’ life by improving their cognitive function. The fact that the food formulation is wet also stands out. Whereas nutrients are de stroyed during the drying process of dry food, nutrients are maintained in wet food which are low in salt and calories. Above all, wet food is easy to eat even for newly born puppies and kitties, as well as older dogs and cats with poor teeth. Another feature is that BetterPet products are grain-free. This was a decision made to minimize grain allergies in pets and to maintain oral hygiene.
October 2022 23
“Harvest season has arrived. Enjoy the richness of countryside!”
24 Korea Agrafood P h o t o E s s a y

The high blue sky and golden fields are typical autumn scenery in rural Korea. The picture is a field in Gimje, Jeollabuk-do, Korea’s representative granary. The ripe yellow rice bows its head, signaling that the harvest season is ap proaching. Rice is the staple food of Koreans to the extent that there is a say ing that ‘Koreans get energy from rice’, and golden fields symbolize abun dance. <Korea Agragood> readers, please feel the autumn scenery of the Korean countryside in the harvest season.

October 2022 25

Post-Pandemic Diversification of Camping Food Products

Camping is becoming more popular as social distancing due to COVID-19 has restricted indoor leisure activities. Camping is a leisure activity to enjoy outdoors while minimiz ing contact with others. The global camping market is ex pected to grow, and it has be come popularized from 2020, which is called the ‘first year of camping,’ in China. The Korean camping market is worth USD 4.9617 billion (KRW 1410=USD 1) in 2021, a 20% increase from the previous year.

Camping Market’s Growth after the Pandemic

The number of people enjoying nature while avoiding the crowds and minimizing contact with others is increasing.

According to the Food Information Statistics System (FIS) of the Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT), the glob al camping market is expected to grow by 11.2% from USD 62 billion in 2021 to USD 68.9 billion in 2022. The Korean camping market also increased by nearly 20% from USD 4.1349 billion in 2020 to USD 4.9617 billion in 2021.

Camping craze is also blowing in China. 2020 is called the ‘first year of camping,’ which is growing rapidly as it is welcomed as an outdoor activity that allows social distancing. Also, the sales of camping items increased by 50% and imported camping goods by 130% year compared to the same period of the previous year on online shopping mall ‘T-MALL’, indicating market growth.

26 Korea Agrafood Trend & Products
隨着新冠肺炎疫情要求人們保持社交 距牢使各種室內休閑活動受到限制, 戶外露營開始受到人們的靑器?露營 活動可以在最大限度避免侮他人接觸的 穡件下享受愉快的戶外休閑時光?世界 各地也蜈看好露營市場的屠展前景, 比如在中攻,露營文化從被稱之爲“露 營元年”的2020年便開始全面走向大衆 化?2021年,韓攻的露營市場規模已 達到49億6172万美元,較上年同期增 長20%,同時各種露營用食品也開始呈 現多樣化? 疫情全球性大流行之后露營用食品呈多樣化趨勢 疫情全球性大流行之后露營市場的屠展勢頭 露營原本就是 項深受人們喜愛的戶外休閑活動,自出現疫情全球性大流行之后 其熱度更是越來越高?避開聚集場所,癎少侮他人的接觸,想在大自然中享受休 閑時光的露營族在不鉤增加?据韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT)的食品信息統計 係統分析,露營市場繇呈現全球性增長之勢?預計全球露營市場規模從2021年 的620億美元可達到2022年的689億美元增長11.2%?韓攻的露營市場規模從 2020年的41億3495万美元增加到2021年的49億6172万美元增長近20%?在 中攻,人稱2020年是“露營元年” ,露營活動作爲可保持社交距牢的戶外活動蜈 受人們的歡迎,所以其屠展趨勢也蜈猛?而網購商城天猫的露營産品及進口露營 用品銷量較上年同期分別增長50%和130%,市場規模在不鉤增加?
October 2022 27

Camping Food that Satisfies Taste and Sentiment

as ‘Instant Noodle and Rice with Beef and Seaweed Soup’. Also, as ‘eat-and-drink camp ing’ is emerging as a trend in Korea, highquality meal kit products that satisfy both taste and sentiment are also sold for camping. Shinsegae Food introduced three types of short-loin steaks (L-Bone Steak, T-Bone Steak, Porter House Steak) for consumers who enjoy ‘eat-and-drink camping’. Dishes that are enjoyed at steak restaurants and menus that are difficult to find outdoor have been devel oped into camping food that can be cooked easily and simply

In Korea, a variety of foods for camping are produced as more consumers are looking for a delicious meal outdoors. Popular camping foods are small packaged products with high portability by reducing volume, or simple products that shorten the cooking process or time. They include meal kit, which is pack aged for 1~2 servings and allows for preparing meals without any other ingredients, and freeze-dried food that gives the texture and taste of the food raw ingredients simply by pouring hot water

Chammi Food Co., Ltd. is differentiating it self as a heated food products eaten right away by pouring only water. It produces rice prod ucts that can be eaten hot even by pouring cold water because they contain a heating ele ment and sells them on its own shopping mall (www.barobbb.co.kr) and open market. Chammi Food’ dry instant foods include 33 pouch types, 5 cup types, and 5 types for ex port, such as ‘Beef Flavor Bibimbap’ as well

28 Korea Agrafood Trend & Products
讓味道和興致皆滿意的露營食品 在韓攻,爲了滿足越來越多的露營消費者想在戶外潁決 頓美味野餐的需求,各種露營定制型食品也在不鉤上 市?大受歡迎的露營專用食品都是 些容積小?易旭帶 的小包裝産品和烹斐時間短?省時方便的産品?如按照 1 2人分量進行包裝且无需其他材料便能潁決 頓餐的 半成品淨菜(Meal Kit),只需倒入開水便能吃到原汁原 味 佳 肴 的 凍 干 食 品 等 ? ( 株 ) C H A M M I 食 品 (CHAMMI FOOD CO , LTD )生産的特色産品是 只需加水便可直接食用的自熱食品?他們通過在産品中 加入屠熱芟生産倒入祺水也能吃到熱食的大米加工産品 幷在自家網店(www.barobbb.co.kr)和公開市場上進行 銷魔?(株)CHAMMI食品生産的干燥葉食食品還有牛 肉拌飯(Beef Flavor Bibimbap/牛肉味)?牛肉裙帶菜 湯拉面愛飯(Instant Noodle and Rice with Beef and Seaweed Soup)等袋裝33種?桶裝5種?出口用5 種等50余種産品?而且在韓攻,隨着“有吃有喝的露營” 開始成爲一種新時尙,讓味道和興致皆能得到滿足的高 級半成品淨菜也作爲露營用産品不鉤上市?新世界食品 (SHINSEGAE FOOD)生産的三種前腰脊部牛排(L BONE STEAK, T BONE STEAK, PORTER HOUSE STEAK)就是專爲喜歡享受“有吃有喝露營” 的消費者推出的産品?這是 種專爲野外食客開屠,通 過簡單的烹斐便能方便地吃到以往只能在牛排專營店思 能吃到的露營用食品?

Food and Beverage Marketing Using Camping Products Bibimbap Steaks

As the camping market grows, F&B companies and camping brands collaborate and launch camping products such as equipment sets and insulated chairs. Such marketing leads to product purchases due to the association effect with the food or beverage sold by the company during outdoor activity For exam ple, SPC Group’s bakery brand ‘Paris Baguette’ sells ‘Shelf Ladder Set’ in collabo ration with outdoor brand NorthPeak. In addi tion, Coca-Cola Korea held an event that gives a ‘cooled camping chair’ that is portable and foldable and can keep drinks cool. Since these products are sold or given away in limited quantities for a certain period, they are rare and stimulate consumers’ desire to purchase. They also promote food and beverage brands through social media and online camping fo rums, so the F&B industry promotes market ing activities in collaboration with camping companies.

October 2022 29
利用露營用商品進行飮食産品營銷 隨着露營市場的不鉤頑大,飮食企業和露營專業品牌還 聯手推出露營設備套裝?保溫椅等各種露營用商品?這 種營銷可在戶外活動時捲相關企業銷魔的食品和飮料産 生聯想效應進而促成購物?如SPC (SPC GROUP)的 烘焙品牌“巴黎貝甛(Paris Baguette)”侮戶外品牌 NORTHPEAK聯手進行了捲“Shelf Ladder Set”的 銷魔?而韓攻可口可樂公司(Coca Cola Korea)則通 過贈送可折疊且有保冷功能的“保冷露營椅”進行了産品 促銷活動?由于這些産品在 定期限內限量銷魔或贈 送,具有 定的稀缺性所以可刺激消費者的購買慾?同 時,通過SNS及露營相關群等捲飮食品牌具有廣告效 果,所以飮食業界也在積極侮露營專業企業進行合作聯 手開展營銷活動? Korean Camping Food Products Beef Flavor
Instant Noodle and Rice with Beef and Seaweed ThreeSoup Types of Short-loin

Take Yuja Tea during the Changing Seasons

The sweltering heat is gone, and the season of cool breezes is fast approaching. There is an uninvited guest that comes with the changing seasons: Cold. In such a case, it is great to have tea to warm the body. ‘Yuja (citron) Tea’ is excellent for preventing colds due to its high vitamin content. Characterized by its sweet taste, Korean Yuja Tea is expanding its consumption base in China including online malls.

Yuja Tea’s Vitamin C, Health Supplement

The main raw ingredient Yuja Tea, Yuja is high in vita min C. According to Chinese Food Ingredients Table published in 2015, the vita min C content per 100 g of Yuja is 23 mg. This is an exceptionally high number consider ing that cherries have 10 mg, bananas have 8 mg, and ap ples have 4 mg. In a simple calculation, about 500 g of apples must be consumed to reach the amount of vitamin C in 100 g of Yuja.

Korean Yuja is cultivated in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, and it has firm skin and much higher sugar content as it grows in the wind. Since it has a sweet taste in addition to its unique refreshing scent, it can be easily consumed by people of all ages and is popular as a health functional drink because.

30 Korea Agrafood
柚子茶的主要原料柚子的維生素 C含量蜈高,据2015年屠布的 中攻食品成分憐顯示,每100g 柚 子 中 的 維 生 素 C 含 量 爲 23mg,這侮櫻桃含10mg?香 蕉含8mg?掠果含4mg相比其瑠値相 芎高?單純從瑠値比較上講,吃100g柚子 等于吃500g掠果? 韓攻的柚子主要産于韓半島南部地袴,由 于在海風中生長所以果皮硬麟且糖度也蜈 高?所配制出的柚子茶味道淸香甛美, 男女老少皆可飮用,是蜈受歡迎的保健 飮料?柚子茶還通過推出各種添加有益健 康的生姜?增加甛味的蜂蜜等不同原料的 産品不鉤頑大其消費面?近來,市面上還 出現了添加百香果?沂湛?藍撻等原料的 柚子茶産品? 子茶中的維生素C, 健康的保健飮料
October 2022 31

Why JD Consumers are in Love with Yuja Tea

In China, Korean Yuja Tea is a very popular product. For ‘Jeonnam Sky Smile Citron’ and ‘Nonghyup Honey Yuja Tea’, the number of con sumer reviews exceeded 500,000. That a Chinese Yuja Tea company wrote ‘Yuja Tea’ in Korean along with Chinese on its products indicates the huge popularity of Korean Yuja Tea in China. The main reason JD consumers purchasing Korean Yuja Tea is to maintain their health in the fall and to drink it cool in the summer. For the characteristics of Yuja, they mainly picked they liked he chewy flesh, rich unique flavor, and the large amount of product. In fact, the Yuja content of KJ and Hansung Food Co., Ltd. products in Korea reached 75% and 48% respectively, which is much higher than products in other countries.

Korean Yuja Tea

32 Korea Agrafood
E-Commerce <Source : JD.com>
京東商城消費者靑器的原因 韓攻柚子茶産品在中攻也蜈暢銷?如“全南蜂蜜柚子茶飮品” 和“農協蜂蜜柚子茶”購物評語都已超過50万穡?中攻的一家 柚子茶生産企業還在自己的産品上同時用中文和韓文印上了 “柚子茶” ,由此也能切身感受到韓攻柚子茶的暢銷勁頭? 京東商城消費者購買韓攻柚子茶的主要原因是,韓攻柚子 茶不僅有益于秋季健康而且也是不錯的夏季淸祺飮料?評 語內容主要是果肉的嚼感蜈好及特有的淸香味濃?分量足 等 ? 由 韓 攻 K J 和 韓 星 食 品 營 農 組 合 法 人 (HANSUNGFOOD CO , LTD )生産的産品,柚子的含 量分別達到75%和48%,含量遠超于其他攻家的産品?下 面就讓我們看 看京東商城消費者的購物評語?

Yuja Tea can be used in various ways. First, Yuja can be mixed with warm water to make Yuja Tea. It can also be sprinkled over salad as a dressing, as its unique sweet and refreshing taste goes well with the salad. In addition, you can enjoy refreshing Yuja-ade by mixing it with car bonated water, and it is also delicious to eat on top of ice cream or yogurt. You can get vitamin C by eating Yuja as a snack, which is good for your health. Yuja Tea is great to even spread it on bread like jam. Let’s look at the recipe cards and use Yuja Tea in various ways.

Additional Info to Use Uses and Recipes of Yuja

October 2022 33
Yuja Tea Various
Tea 柚子茶有多種不同的吃法?首先是柚子茶可兌熱水芎 茶喝?柚子茶也可芎色拉的調味汁用,柚子茶甛美淸 新的味道可調配出味道更美的色拉?柚子茶還可兌蘇 打水配出祺爽的柚子汽水?柚子茶侮領激凌或酸球等 搭着吃也別有風味?芎零食喝可補充維生素C有益于 身郞健康?柚子茶也可像果醬 樣抹在面包上吃?那 就讓我們按照相關食譜賓嘗試 下柚子茶的不同吃法 養? 柚子茶,吃法多,搭配花樣多

Simple K-FOOD Musaengchae Bibimbap

In Korea, Bibimbap is the “go to” menu when one has no appetite. This is because you can have a square meal by simply mixing the rice with side dishes and Gochujang (hot pepper paste). There are various types of Korean Bibimbap, but the one with the simplest recipe is made with Musaengchae, julienne Korean radish Salad ingredients. Both the recipe and the ingredient are simple. You only need to prepare radish, Gochutgaru (chili pow der), sugar, vinegar and garlic. We introduce you the recipe to make Musaengchae Bibimbap that even a beginner in Korean food can master with 20 minutes of time.

34 Korea Agrafood K-FOOD Recipe Musaengchae Bibimbap
October 2022 35

Musaengchae Bibimbap Recipe

Wash the radish then cut it in big pieces.

Slice the cut radish into thin stripes.

Place the radish stripes in bowls and sprinkle with salt & sugar and leave it for 10 minutes to marinate the radish in salt & sugar.

Throw away the salted and sug ary water and season the mari nated radish with Gochutgaru.

Put the green onion, chopped garlic, vinegar and fish sauce to gether in one bowl and mix them well.

36 Korea Agrafood
04 Garnish the dish with fried eggs on top of rice and sliced radish and the dish is complete. 07Cook 4 fried eggs over low heat.06 KoreaAgrafood KoreaAgrafood 4 Servings 20 min K-FOOD Recipe Musaengchae Bibimbap 400 g of radish, 1/2 green onion, 4 eggs 2.5 T of Gochutgaru, 1T of sugar, 1T of salt, 0.5T of Vinegar, 1T of chopped garlic and 1T of fish sauce Main Ingredients Sub Ingredients


Musaengchae Bibimbap-Related Export Products

The Kimchi BASE from SAMJIN G.F. CO., LTD.

SAMJIN G.F specializes in production and ex port of Kimchi. SAMJIN G.F sell variety of Kimchi such as sterilized Kimchi and unsterilized Kimchi and product type is also varied. SAMJIN G.F, company specializing in Kimchi production, has introduced a Kimchi sauce so that you can easi ly make Kimchi at home. The volume is 453 g, no other seasoning is needed other than this product to make Kimchi. It has acquired HACCP certification and food safety certifications such as FSSC22000, and is currently exporting Kimchirelated products to the United States, Japan, Europe and Southeast Asia.

+82-61-331-6663 www.samjingf.co.kr

Assi Fish Sauce (Anchovy) of R&G Corp.

The Assi Fish Sauce is the core ingredient that elevates the flavor of Kimchi. The Fish Sauce is made by fermenting the anchovy and allow the Kimchi to have that refreshing taste as the Kimchi gets aged. The peculiar smell can be repulsive at first, but as it is mixed withother in gredients, it turns into savory taste. You can use it making soup, Korean side dishes and Jjigae (stew) if you keep Fish Sauce in your kitchen. R&G Corp. is selling Assi Fish Sauce both in small volume of 900 ml and big volume of 1.8 L. Other than Fish Sauce, it is also ex porting variety of Korean food products. +82-31-711-1232 http://www.assifood.kr

Check Out the Various Recipe Using Korean Sauce such as Jang
October 2022 37

Nick Name Hurummaqshuro

Nationality Indonesia : 20

Favorite Food: Kingsberry

K FOOD Letter

From Indonesia

Hello, I am an ‘Agrafood’ follower based in Indonesia My favorite Korean agricultural product that I love is Kingsberry, which I purchase at a Korean market in Indonesia The reason is very simple-it is very large, has a soft texture, and is even sweet Korean Kingsberry is of excellent quality and are fresh, which are the most important in agricultural products. So, it is expen sive but is worth the purchase. More recently, I’ve become inter ested in Korean Gotgam (dried persimmon). I would love to try it, but unfortunately there is no place that sells Gotgam in my city I found Gotgam products in some local stores in Indonesia , but they are not Korean. I was sad that it didn't taste like a real Gotgam. I would like to <Korea Agrafood> intro duce Korean persimmon processing companies such as Gotgam.

“I like Korean Kingsberries which are worth the expensive price.”

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INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7719, 7724 FAX : 84-4-6282-2989

HoChiMinh Branch Office

CJ Building, Floor 3, 2 Bis 4-6 Le Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

E-Mail : sgtchoi@at.or.kr TEL : 84-28-3822-7503~4

E-Mail : chengdu@at.or.kr

TEL : 86-28-8283-3376, 3387

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-3266~7

FAX : 86-28-8283-3396

Qingdao aT logistics co.,Ltd West Shuangyuan Rd.,Liuting Street, Chengyang, Qingdao, China


E-Mail : qingdao_logistics@at.or.kr TEL : 86-532-6696-2229, 2280

INTERNET PHONE : 070-7938-0865

070-7938-0863 070-7938-0864 FAX : 86-532-6696-2181

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7183 FAX : 02-838-227-503

Bangkok Trade Office

#2102 Level 21, Interchange 21, 339 Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand

E-Mail : bangkok@at.or.kr

TEL : 66-2-611-2627~9(Extension 12)

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7226 FAX : 66-2611-2626


Los Angeles Branch Office 12750 Center CourtDriveSouth, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA

E-Mail : losangeles@at.or.kr TEL : 1-562-809-8810

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2692~3 FAX : 1-562-809-1191

New York Branch Office 15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA

E-Mai l : newyork@at.or.kr

TEL : 1-212-889-2561

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2690~1 FAX : 1-212-889-2560


Paris Branch Office Korean Agro-Trade Center, 89Rue Du Gouvemeur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, lssyles-moulineaux, France

E-Mail : paris@at.or.kr TEL : 33-1-4108-6076~8, 6096

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2699

FAX : 33-1-4108-2016

Vladivostok Branch Office

Lotte Hotel Vladivostok 520-522 office, 29, Semenovskaya St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091

E-Mail : chekov@at.or.kr

Qingdao Bangkok Beijing Vladivostok Shanghai Chengdu Hongkong Hanoi Jakarta Dubai Paris Hochimin Seoul Tokyo Osaka (Taipei) (Singapore) Los Angeles New York
Global Networks Offices Overseas aT Center Bases
中攻北京市朝陽袴廣順北大街 33獄院1獄樓1單元6層603室)
中攻上海市長寧袴 婁山關路83 獄新虹橋中心大厦3201室)
(中攻泗川省成都市武侯袴人民南路3段 1獄成都平安財富中心610041)
中攻山東省靑島市市南袴香港中路26獄 遠雄攻際廣場705戶)
靑島市城陽袴流享街道雙元路西靑島愛 特物流有限公司)

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