Nov 2022 (Vol.325)

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Full of Red Sweetness, Sweet Potato ‘Ready-to-Serve’ in 10 Minutes, Korean Home Meal Replacement New FarmtasticItem E-Commerce Paprika Produced by Optimal Environmental Management Korean Kimchi November 2022 vol.325 Visit K-FOOD Trade & Enjoy the variety of Korean Food is also available via your mobile phone. Find your Korean Food Buyers Pause! K-FOOD Fans Pause!

and ’s

Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign








who are

of the


us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste. If we reduce food waste, If we reduce food waste,
let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.
can take care of both diet and health
can save the costs for food waste disposal
can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas
hungry by donating some
savings. Let’s reduce waste at home. How close have you gotten to Zero Waste? Let’s donate together in everyday life. 01 Plan your diet and buy only the food you need.
the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients. 02 Divide food ingredients into portions and store them in a transparent container. You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator. 03 Ground dry ingredients to cook. Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one. Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.
can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website,, and clicking the button. You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and Zero food waste with one finished meal! Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day! Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses! 1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives. Start WFP individual donation Donate on ‘Share the Meal’ ExpirationQuantityDate of Meals Donate



is ‘Kimchi Day’, a legal anniversary in Korea. Since last year, not only Korea but also several states in the U.S. have en acted ‘Kimchi Day’, and now, the U.K. and Canada are preparing to enact it as well. This move confidently shows that Kimchi is be coming a healthy food for

around the world.

Elevates the Status of Kimchi

Continuing the legacy of Korean Kimchi, ‘Kimchi Master’ 06 Kimchi Day as the anniversary of the people around the world 08 Korea Functional Mark Kimchi No.1 Trechan Co., Ltd. 10 November 2022 vol. 325 COVER
Photo by THREE THREE STUDIO Styling by Dooeun
12 16 34 CONTENTS
November 22, ‘Kimchi Day’

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0963 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995

Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Ki No-sun (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITORS Chang In-shik

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TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Jeong Seo-young (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)


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EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9072 Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, PROCESSED FOOD Tradition Meets Trend, Sunmihangwa 16 NEW ITEM Full of Red Sweetness, Sweet Potato 20 TREND & PRODUCTS Korean Ramyeon is Growing on the Popularity of K-Culture 26 30 34 Extras Trend & Culture PHOTO ESSAY24 K-FOOD FRIEND - Webtoon : Pear - Fan Letter : Beatrice_Chai 38 Closeup K-FOOD RECIPE The Fatal Attraction, Kimchi Jjim FARMTASTIC High-Quality Paprika Produced by Optimal Environmental Management 12 E-COMMERCE ‘Ready-to-Serve’ in 10 Minutes, Korean Home Meal Replacement
4 Korea Agrafood C over Story Elevates the Status Elevatesof the Status of November 22, ‘Kimchi NovemberDay’ 22, ‘Kimchi Day’ キムチの地位向上を圖る11月22日「キムチの日」キムチの地位向上を圖る11月22日「キムチの日」


November 2022 5
22 is ‘Kimchi Day’, a legal anniversary in Korea. Since last year, not only Korea but also several states in the U.S. have enacted ‘Kimchi Day’, and now, the U.K. and Canada are preparing to enact it as well. This move confi dently shows that Kimchi is becoming a healthy food for people around the world. Moreover, in Korea, Kim-chi is ex panding its scope with the introduction of Kimchi with func tionality 11月22日は?韓國の法定記念日の「キムチの日」だ?昨年から?韓國のみな らず米國の樣?な州でも「キムチの日」が制定されている?今では?イギリ スとカナダなどでも「キムチの日」制定の準備が進められている?こうした 動きは?キムチが世界の人?の健康食品になっていることを示すものだ? さらに?韓國では機能性を表示したキムチも登場し?キムチの可能性が廣 がっている?

Continuing the Legacy of Korean Kimchi, Kimchi Master

Kimchi was recognized as an international stan dard by the Codex under the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation in 2001. Its name has also been officially recognized as ‘Kim chi’ in Korea. In addition, ‘Kimjang : Making and Sharing Kimchi in the Republic of Korea’ was regis tered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2013. This implies that the Kimchi culture is a cultural heritage that the whole world must preserve and trans mit. As such, Korea is raising its status as the master country of Kimchi. There are people bolstering this move, called ‘Kimchi Masters’ in Korea. Experts who have inherited and developed Korean food are desig nated as masters in Korea, and there is a total of five ‘Kimchi Masters’.

First, Master Yu Jeong-im of Poong Mi Food CO., LTD. has been operating a Kimchi manufacturer since 1986. In addition to the traditional Baechukimchi (cab bage Kimchi), it has developed a calcium manufactur ing method using eggshell and secured various patents, such as Kimchi adding calcium. Second is Master



キムチは?2001年に國際食糧農業機關傘下の國際食品規格 委員會で國際規格として認められた?キムチの公式名稱が 韓國の「Kimchi」と認められたのだ?また?「キムジャン? キムチを漬けて分かち合う文化」が2013年にユネスコの人 類無形文化遺産に登錄された?ここには?キムジャン文化 を全世界が 緖になって保護し?繼承する必要のある文化 遺産という意味が腐められている?このように?韓國はキ ムチの宗主國としての地位を高めている?そして?こうし た動きを後押ししている人?がいる?韓國で「キムチ名人」 と呼ばれる人たちだ?韓國には?韓國の食品を繼承し?發 展させてきた專門家を名人に指定している?そのなかに「キ ムチ名人」が5人いる? まず?プンミ食品のユ·ジョンイム名人は?1986年からキ ムチの製造會社を經營し?傳統製法のポギキムチだけでな く?卵の殼を素材としたカ ルシウム製造法を開發し ? カ ル シ ウ ム を 加 え た キ ム チ

6 Korea Agrafood C over Story

Kang Soon-ui of Kang Soonui Myeongga, who has continued the 200-year history of the head family house. A popular product here is Chija Baekkimchi (white Kimchi with gardenia seeds) which are not spicy and have a clean taste. Lee Ha-yeon, Master of Bonguri Kimchi who serves as the President of the Korea Kimchi Association, has been designated as a master of Kimchi with Haemulseokbakji (radish and cabbage Kimchi with seafood). This Kimchi is made by adding various seafood such as abalone, conch, and oysters to Kimchi cabbage, radish, and kohlrabi. Haemulseokbakji is known as the royal Kimchi of the Joseon Dynasty

Master Yoon Mi-wol of Kimchi Story is the owner chef of ‘Yunke’, a Korean restaurant in Tokyo, Japan. Master Yoon manufactures Baechutongkimchi, known as the oldest Kimchi in the literature, in the traditional way. It is noteworthy that Oh Suk-ja has been making Banji, a local Kimchi from Naju of Jeollanam-do, Korea. Banji is a unique type of Kimchi eaten after 15 days by filling cabbage or radish with various season ings, marinating it with salted shrimp, and then pouring the broth mixed with pear juice and brisket broth. It is characterized by its mild taste.

など?樣?な特許を取っている?200年にわたる宗家の味 を受け繼いでいるカン·スンイ名家のカン·スンイ名人? こちらの人氣商品は乾燥したチジャ(クチナシの實)を入れ たチジャペクキムチだ?辛くなくさっぱりとした味で?子 どもも食べやすい?韓國キムチ協會會長を務めるボンウリ キムチの李ハヨン名人は?ヘムルソクバッチでキムチ名人 に指定された?ヘムルソクバッチは白菜と大根?ナス? コ ルラビなどにアワビとサザエ?イイダコ?牡蠣など 樣?な海産物を入れて作ったキムチだ?朝鮮時代の宮中キ ムチとして知られている? 「尹美月キムチイヤギ」の尹美月(ユン·ミウォル)名人は? 東京で韓國料理店「尹家」のオ

November 2022 7
ナ シェフで文獻上最古の キムチとして知られるペチュトンキムチを傳統製法そのま まに製造している?オ·スクジャ氏は韓國の全羅南道羅州 地域の傳統のキムチ「バンジ」を作ってきているという点が 目を引く?バンジは?白菜や大根に各種のヤンニョムを加 え?アミの鹽辛で味を調整した後?梨の汁と大根の汁?牛 肉のダシを混ぜたス プを注いで?その15日後に食べると いう異色のキムチだ?淡白な味が特徵だ? 韓國には?大象(デサン)のチョンガチプ?CJ第 製糖のビ ビゴを筆頭に?プルムウォン?アワ ホ ム?テガフ ド などから樣?なキムチが發賣され?これらの海外での人氣 も高い? 1 1. Master Yu Jeong-im’ Baechukimchi 2. Master Kang Soon-ui’s Chija Baekkimchi 3. Master Lee Ha-yeon’s Seokbakji 4. Master Yoon Mi-wol’s Baechutongkimchi 5. Master Oh Suk-ja’s Banjikimchi4 5 2 3

very November 22 is ‘Kimchi Day’. November 22 was designated so because the main ingredients of Kimchi such as Kimchi cabbage and radish, and auxiliary ingredients such as garlic and salted fish were gathered one by one, forming November and with the symbolism that it has more than 22 health-functional efficacies such as immune enhancement, anti-cancer, and antioxidant.

‘Kimchi Day’ was also enacted beyond Korea, starting in California, Virginia, New York, and Washington D.C.. This demonstrates that Kimchi, consumed and recognized mainly by the Korean American community, has spread throughout the U.S. so its popularity is now growing in the American mainstream society. The resolution of the California state legislature, which was the first in the U.S. to enact ‘Kimchi Day’, introduces the origin of Kimchi and states that Kimchi has an immuneboosting effect.

Not only the U.S., but also Argentina, the U.K., and Canada are preparing to enact ‘Kimchi Day’. This movement to enact ‘Kimchi Day’ shows the possibility of Kimchi becoming a global food.

Recently, the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) met with the Minister of Justice of Malaysia and asked for cooperation in promoting the enactment of ‘Kimchi Day’ in Malaysia. aT has also set out to initiatives to pass the ‘Kimchi Day’ enact ment resolution submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives. In the U.S., ‘Kimchi Day’ is ex pected to spread nationwide beyond the states.

11月22日は「キムチの日」だ?キムチの日は白菜?大根など? キムチの主原料とニンニク?鹽辛などの調味料をひとつ(1つ) ひとつ(1つ)が集まったということで11月?免疫力アップ? 抗酸化?抗ガンなど健康機能的な效果が22種類以上というこ とから22日となり?11月22日がキムチの日に指定された? 「キムチの日」は韓國を越え?米國のカリフォルニア州を起点 としてバ ジニア州?ニュ ヨ ク州?ワシントンD.C.など でも制定された?これは米國の韓國系住民の社會を中心に消 費されていると認識されていたキムチが米國全域に廣がり? 今では米國で主な社會でもキムチの人氣が高まっていること の好事例だ?米國で最初にキムチの日を記念日の制定に乘り 出したカリフォルニア州議會の決議文には?キムチの起源は もちろん?2013年のユネスコ人類無形文化遺産に搭載された 「キムジャン」を紹介し?キムチが免疫アップの效果

8 Korea Agrafood C over Story
があると いう內容が入っている? 米國だけでなく?アルゼンチンとイギリス?カナダなどでも 「キムチの日」制定を進めている?こうした「キムチの日」制定 の動きは?キムチが世界の人?の食べ物として廣がっていく 可能性を示している? 最近?韓國農水産食品流通公社(aT)は?マレ シアの法務部 長官など?マレ シアの要人と會い?マレ シアの「キムチの 日」制定の推進への協力を要請する 方?米國の連邦下院議會 に提出された「キムチの日」制定の決議案を通過させるための 活動に乘り出している?米國の場合?「キムチの日」が米國の 州を越えて?米國全土に廣がることが期待される? キムチの日?世界の人?の記念日に
The ‘Kimchi
Day’ Festival

Kimchi Day as the Anniversary of the People Around the World

November 2022 9

Korea Functional Mark

Kimchi manufacturer Trechan CO.,

has been drawing attention. In 2022,

Kimchi was registered as a functional mark food in Japan, and the main driver is Trechan. This is the first time that Korean Kimchi has been regis tered as a functional mark food in Japan, Trechan Kimchi, containing fructo oligosaccharides, was also listed on functional mark foods in Korea as the first Kimchi with functional labeling in Korea. The pack

states that Trechan Kimchi contains fructo

which are known to promote the

of beneficial intestinal bacteria and

されたが?その主人公がトゥレチ ャンだ?韓國産キムチが日本の機能性表示食品に登

されたのは?今回が初めてだ?フラクトオリゴ糖 が含まれたトゥレチャンのキムチは?韓國の機能性 表示食品の目錄にも名前を連ねている?韓國での機 能性表示キムチは?トゥレチャンが最初だ?パッ ケ ジに「腸內の善玉菌の增加や便通の改善に貢獻 することで知られたフラクトオリゴ糖が含まれてい る」と明記されている?この機能性表示キムチは? 今年下半期から本格的に發賣される予定だ? 「機能性表示キムチ第1號」のトゥレチャンは?韓國 の傳統製法の發酵キムチを生産している?2年熟成 した天日鹽に2年發酵させたカタクチイワシの鹽辛を 使用する?また?天日鹽に米麴を入れてもう 回發 酵させた天然の調味料である鹽麴を使う?鹽?は?ナ トリウムの含有量が低い天然の調味料だ?何より? トゥレチャンは自社で開發した熟成制御種菌を使用 する?これは品質維持期間を延ばし?味の維持期間 と賞味期限を延ばす克きがある?容器もトゥレチャ ンのアピ ルポイントだ?呼吸する機能性パウチの パッケ ジは?發酵過程で生成されるガスを排出す


marked Kimchi is scheduled to be released officially from the second half of this year.

produces fermented

through the

10 Korea Agrafood C over Story ecently,
This functionally
Kimchi No.1 Trechan CO., LTD. 韓國の機能性表示キムチ第1號 最近?キムチメ カ の「トゥレチャン」が注目を集 めている?2022年に韓國産のキムチが日本の機能 性表示食品に登錄
Managing Director Kim Kwang-ho

traditional Korean manufacturing method, using salt ed anchovies fermented for 2 years with sun-dried salt aged for 2 years. Trechan also uses fermented yeast salt, a natural seasoning fermented by adding malted rice to sea salt. Fermented yeast salt is a natural sea soning with reduced sodium. Above all, Trechan uses a mature Kimchi lactobacillus that was developed inhouse, which can extend the quality maintenance pe riod. Container is also Trechan’s pride. Its breathable functional pouch packaging container emits the gas generated during fermentation. It not only prevents bursting during the distribution process but also helps the fermentation of Kimchi.

Such Trechan Kimchi is exported to the U.S., Hungary, and New Zealand. The strategy is to test the east of Korea in the U.S., the west of Korea in Hungary, and the south of Korea in New Zealand. By doing so, Trechan aims to export its Kimchi products to Canada, Europe, and Australia. Kim Kwang-ho, Managing Director of Trechan, said, “From now on, we will do our best to promote the reputation of Korean Kimchi worldwide.”





防ぐことは もちろん



?ニュ ジ ランドへ輸出されている

November 2022 11
Daega Foods CO., LTD.’ Kimchi Our Home LTD.’ Kimchi Pulmuone CO., LTD.’ Kimchi Jongga (Daesang)’ Kimchi Bibigo (CJ Cheiljedang)’ Kimchi
の發酵にも役に立つ? こうした
ハンガ リ
國 は韓國の東側を?ハンガリ は韓國の西側を?ニ ュ ジ ランドは韓國の南側をそれぞれテストす るための戰略だ?これを通してカナダ?ヨ ロッ パ?オ ストラリアにもトゥレチャンのキムチを 輸出するという判斷だ?今後は?これらの國?へ 機能性表示キムチも 緖に輸出に乘り出す? 金光虎(キム·グワァンホ)トゥレチャン理事長 は?「トゥレチャンは韓國の傳統製法と現代の科 學技術を融合させ?未來型のキムチを生産する會 社だ?それが種菌も?包裝資材も直接開發した理 由で?機能性表示キムチもその成果のなかの1つ だ?今後?韓國のキムチの名聲を世界に轟かせら れるように努力していきたい?」と述べた? Trechan CO., LTD. +82-62-672-3388
12 Korea Agrafood Farmtastic 以最佳環境管理生産的優質彩椒 High-Quality Paprika Produced by Optimal Environmental Management

Cheorwon, the Main Producer of Korean Paprika

Neulsing is lead by CEO Shin Hyun-chan. Recognized as the leading paprika farmer in Cheorwon, CEO Shin planted first paprika in Cheorwon in 2005 and introduced the nutrient solution culture system to Cheorwon. With the establishment of the paprika cultivation manu al, Cheorwon has grown into a major producer of summer paprika in Korea. Neulsing is an agricultural corporation he founded with his family in 2018 and is now overseen by his en tire family.

The oldest son, who majored in electricity at university and specialized in smart farm facili ty maintenance, and the younger son, who at tended Agricultural Meister College, produce paprika with their parents, and the daughter who graduated with a major in Advertising

Cheorwon, Gangwon-do is one of the largest pro ducers of Korean paprika. Due to large tempera ture difference between the days in Cheorwon, pa prika pulp is hard and is rich in moisture. Its paprika is evaluated as great snack to eat raw. There is a farmhouse that leads such Cheorwon paprikas in the frontline it is an agricultural corporation, Neulsing CO., LTD.. CEO of Neulsing Shin Hyunchan is the key figure who made paprika take root in Cheorwon. Neulsing has been exporting its all the products to Japan this year, raising the value of Korean paprika.

江原道鐵原是韓攻彩椒的最大主産地之 ?鐵原地袴晝夜溫差 大,這裏的彩椒果肉硬麟水分多,所以鐵原彩椒可芎零嘴生吃? 尤其在夏季更是如此?在鐵原有 家生産彩椒的領頭農戶,那 就是農業企業法人Neulsing?Neulsing執行總裁(CEO)申賢 燦就是將彩椒引進到鐵原的主人公?今年,Neulsing所生産的 彩椒將全部出口日本,由此也繇讓韓攻産彩椒的知名度得到進 步提高?

,韓攻彩椒的主産地 申賢燦CEO是Neulsing的帶頭人,同時也是鐵原彩椒 生産的先進農戶?申賢燦CEO于2005年首次在鐵原開 始種植彩椒,而且還把養液栽培係統引進到了鐵原?隨 着鐵原彩椒種植手冊的成型,鐵原也逐漸屠展成了韓攻 夏季彩椒的主産園袴?由此,他也于2018年侮家庭成員 道成立了農業企業法人Neulsing? Neulsing

彩椒而竭盡全力” ?

November 2022 13
CEO Shin Hyun-chan
是由家庭成員共同格營的家族式企業?其中, 在大縯主修電槐專業具有智能農場設施整頓專業知識的 大傅子和畢業于農業大縯的小傅子侮父母 道負責彩椒 的生産,而畢業于廣告宣傳專業的女傅則負責捲外宣傳 彩椒産品?全家齊心協力專注于彩椒的生産,也保障了 産品質量和信譽? Neulsing已獲得GAP認嗇,而且還採用了利用天敵防 治病惡害的耕作方法?這些也都是Neulsing彩椒値得信 任的因素之 ? 申賢燦CEO說道, “全家合力種植彩椒憐示我們捲彩椒 有 着 深 厚 的 情 結 ? 我 們 每 天 都 在 爲 消 費 者 能 誥 吃 到 100%放心的優質

and Public Relations sells and promotes papri ka grown hard by the family to consumers. The whole family is devoted to paprika culti vation, which boosts both trust and quality

Neulsing is GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) certified and applies natural enemy farming method using insects, making its pa prika even more reliable. CEO Shin Hyunchan said, “That our whole family is dedicated to growing paprika means our huge affection for paprika. We work hard each day to make paprika 100% safe and edible.”

Smart Farm, Optimal Growth Environment Control

CEO Shin Hyun-chan has personally select ed the varieties. He visits the Netherlands every year to check out new varieties and see whether they are suitable for Korea. In this way, he has continued to maintain relation ships with the Netherlands for 15 years, visit ing the country again this year

But choosing a good variety does not lead to producing good paprika. It must be secured by accurate farming methods based on smart farms. So, Neulsing emphasizes the ‘stan

最佳生育環境控制,智能農場 彩椒品種是由申賢燦CEO親手選楊的,申賢燦CEO每 年都要到荷蘭考察新的品種幷考量絞憾品種更適合在韓 攻種植?這也是他能蜈自信地改換品種的背景?他侮荷 蘭的聯係已保持15憾年頭,今年也去了 緋? 選楊了好的品種幷不意味着 定能生産出好的彩椒?生 産出好的彩椒還需要具備以智能農場爲基礎的科縯耕種 方法,所以Neulsing始終在强調“守則” ?Neulsing還 是韓攻農村振興廳指定的“大瑠据應用優秀農場” ,因此 這裏也是通過智能農場保持最佳生育環境的地方?癩 外,利用智能農場的能力也蜈重要,申賢燦CEO蜈早之 前就在荷蘭接受過環境控制係統運營培訓,芎今的智能 農場核心就是環境控制係統?


量高、果肉硬麟且果汁酪 富,尤其是侮荷蘭産彩椒相比果型更加優秀?這些都是 韓攻産彩椒在日本暢銷的主要原因?今年,Neulsing生 産的彩椒將全部出口日本? 着手開拓高端新市場 今年的出口預期値是800菫?在成立Neulsing之前,申 賢燦CEO從17年前開始就已開始捲日本進行了彩椒的 出口,所以産品質量早已得到日本市場的認可? 除了日本市場,Neulsing正在籌琬開拓新市場?通過韓 攻農水産食品流通公社(At)捲中攻進行過彩椒試出口的 Neulsing認爲,以他們的産品是完全能誥恕身中攻的高 端農産品市場的?此外,格上屠展速度迅猛的越南也是
14 Korea Agrafood Farmtastic

Neulsing is designated as an ‘excellent farm using big data’ by the Rural Development Administration of Korea, maintaining an optimal growth environment through smart farms. The ability to use smart farms is also important. CEO Shin received training in environmental control system operation in the Netherlands a long time ago, which has led to today’s smart farm. The pa prika grown in this setting has a high quantity, firm flesh, abundant fruit juice, and excellent fruit type, compared to that of the Netherlands in par ticular These are why Korean products are so popular in Japan. Neulsing’s paprika is all export ed to Japan this year.

Starting to Pioneer a New Premium Market

Exports this year are expected at 800 tons. Before establishing Neulsing, CEO Shin started exporting paprika to Japan 17 years ago and was recognized for its quality early. He is planning to explore new markets outside of Japan. Having ex ported paprika to China as a trial through Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT), Neulsing diagnosed that it would be able to target the premium agricultural food market in China. In addition, due to its rapid economic growth, Vietnam is a promising new market for Korean paprika targeting high-end agricultural product market.

CEO Shin also plans to change the paprika vari ety into a cultivar with strong resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), which will start trial cultivation from next year As a disease that caus es spots on paprika, TSWV has been very difficult for paprika farmers to control every year Thus, Neulsing’s bold transition to a new variety is a de cision for Korean paprika’s future. CEO Shin said, “We will introduce Korean paprika to the world by cultivating the best varieties suitable for our growing environment in Korea in a smart way.”

Neulsing CO., LTD. +82-10-3722-1052

Importers: Japan

Additional Info

Product name: Neulsing Paprika

Product ingredients: Paprika

Expiration date: None

Product size: 15 kg box (20-30 pieces)

Certification: GAP (KOR)


Produces high quantity paprika of firm flesh and excellent fruit shape through educational smart farm.

Selects and harvests paprika varieties suitable for the Korean growing environment while operating its own seed testing lab.

韓攻産彩椒玭在的新市場,目標也是高端農産品市場? 申賢燦CEO還有捲彩椒品種更新換代的計琬?所選的是 一種耐番茄斑萎病毒(TSWV)的品種,幷打算從明年開 始進行試種?番茄斑萎病毒是 種彩椒上出現斑痕的病 害,每年彩椒栽培戶都要爲防治這種病害而付出蜈多? 大圈向新品種轉換,不僅是爲了Neulsing,更是爲了韓 攻彩椒的未來而做出的決定? 申賢燦CEO說道, “我們蜈自信,如果産量高果型好的 現有彩椒品種再具有抗病性,那鹿,韓攻彩椒 定能在 海外具有更加廣闊的市場?我們將 如旣往以智能方法 栽培最適合韓攻栽培環境的優良品種,讓韓攻彩椒走向 世界” ? dard’.
November 2022 15

unmihangwa is leading a trend of Yugwa (fried

traditional snack

adheres to the traditional

on for 3 generation and, it has been at tracting attention for the product’s individual

These efforts have bore the fruit for the year-round sales and overseas market development. Sunmihangwa’s

to approach consumers by fusing trend in dessert-type Yugwa explains its pride of ‘keep the tradition and leap for the future’.

16 Korea Agrafood Processed Food
rice sweet), a
of Korea. It
recipe passed
packaging and refined package.
善美韓菓(ソンミハングァ)は?韓國の傳統的な菓子の油 菓(ユグァ)にトレンドを取り入れている企業だ?傳統製 法をそのままに3代にわたって受け繼がれた油菓の製法 にこだわり?個別包裝?洗練されたパッケ ジなどで人 ?の注目を集めている?このことは?年間を通しての販 賣と海外の販路開拓という面で實を結んだ?「傳統を守 りつつ未來に向けて挑戰する」と自負する善美韓菓は? デザ ト用の油菓に趣を加え?消費者にアプロ チする 計畵だ? 海外でも好評な油菓 油菓を專門に生産する善美韓菓から米國へ輸出される製 品は?「サルルトッキ」と「ハンソン韓菓」だ?韓國の傳統 的な菓子の油菓は?米粉をこねて乾燥させた生地を油で 揚げた後?蜂蜜や飴を塗って米を揚げた衣をつけて作ら S

Yugwa, Well-received in Overseas as well

The main exporting products of Yugwa maker, Sunmihangwa are ‘puffy bunny’ and ‘Hanson Hangwa’ (finger food Hangwa). Yugwa is made from frying the rolled rice flour in oil, spreading honey or grain syrup and covering it with pop rice. The ‘puffy bunny’ is a Yugwa package made from 5 different pop rice ingredients such as prickly pear, glutinous rice, pumpkin, grape and coffee. The ‘Hanson Hangwa’ is made from 15 dif ferent pop rice such as glutinous millet, black rice, sticky black rice, sesame seeds, scented rice, etc. which is available for individual purchase.

November 2022 17
T raditional Meets Tr end Sunmihangwa れる?サルルトッキは?サボテンとも ち米?カボチャ?ブドウ?コ ヒ な ど5種類の衣をつけた油菓をセットに した製品だ?ハンソン韓菓は?粟?黑 米?黑もち米?胡麻?香り米?そばな ど15種類の衣をつけたもので?個別購 入が可能だ? 善 美 韓 菓 で 輸 出 を 開 始 し た の は ? 2019年からだ?番組などで紹介され た善美韓菓の製品を見た在米の韓國 人から輸入の依賴があり?輸出が開始されることにな った?特に?その中で勵みになったのが?現地の人?の 間でも製品の認知度が徐?に高まっているという点だ? 金成來(キム·ソンネ)善美韓菓代表は?「輸入業者に聞 いたところでは?コロナ禍にもかかわらず?現地の顧客 が予約金を支拂い?商品を待っているということだ?こ 傳統とトレンドの融合?善美韓菓 CEO Kim Sung-rae

started exporting since 2019. Its road to overseas markets opened when a Korean American entrusted import when he saw the prod uct introduced in broadcast. What is especially en couraging is that its product recognition is gradual ly increasing.

Kim Sung-rae, the CEO of Sunmihangwa said, “The importer told me that the locals made a de posit and waited despite COVID-19. I think we owe the success to individual packaging, which is not only hygienic but also nice to look at.”

Earned Taste and Texture by Sticking to Traditional Recipe

Sunmihangwa’s competitive edge lies in tradi tional Yugwa recipe. The recipe allowed to keep both the soft texture and taste. Sunmihangwa fer ments the glutinous rice, which is a main ingredient for Yugwa, for over 20 days and mix it with soy bean water to make dough. In succession, boil it for 4 hours in iron pot, fry it in oil, dip it in grain syrup and finally cover it with pop rice. Sunmihangwa says the soft texture of Yugwa is on ly realizable when they strictly follow the tradition al recipe without using additives.

Choosing traditional recipe was not an easy deci sion. Although it keeps the texture soft, it is more vulnerable to damage during delivery due to weak

れは?衛生的な狀態を維持できる個別包裝と見た目が美 しく?おいしいということから可能になったことだ?大 量生産よりは傳統的な製法で質の高い製品を少量生産し たことで?好評になったと考えられる?」と述べた? 傳統製法による味と食感 善美韓菓が擧げている强みは?傳統製法による油菓の製造 だ?これにより?柔らかな食感と味を實現できると考える ためだ?善美韓菓では?油菓の主原料のもち米を20日以 上發酵させ?大豆の汁を混ぜて生地を作る?さらに?大釜 で4時間茹でて油で揚げた後?飴を付けた米粉の生地に 衣をつける?善美韓菓によれば?こうした傳統製法で製 造してこそ?無添加で柔らかい食感の油菓を生産できる のだ?もちろん?傳統製法で製品を生産すると?その分の 苦勞も多い?食感が柔らかい代わりに?耐久性もないこと から?配送中に製品が破損する恐れがあったためだ?また? 飴は水飴と異なり?固まるという性質があるので?その 都度手作業で對應しなければならず?人件費の負擔も抱 えていた? 金成來代表は「飴の代わりに水飴で油菓を作れば?大量 生産?人件費の節約が可能だ?それでも?飴

で油菓を生 産するのは?しこしこした食感とわれわれの製法を維持 しなければならないという哲學のためだ?多くの手間暇 がかかるが?基本に答えがあるという考えのもと?これ までの製法で生産している?」と述べた? 洗練された製品で市場擴大 善美韓菓では?製品のパッケ ジにも心血を注いでいる? Sunmihangwa
18 Korea Agrafood Processed Food

durability Unlike starch syrup, the grain syrup tends to clot which raises personnel expenses since the production process needs to be done manually. But Sunmihangwa puts tradition over costs and continues to use traditional recipe.

CEO Kim Sung-rae said, “Using starch syrup in stead of grain syrup allows mass-production, not to mention a great cut down in personnel expenses. Despite the advantages, we still choose grain syrup to stay true to our value and philosophy of keeping the classical way and its soft texture. It is painstak ing work but answers always lie in basics and that’s why we stick to the original way.”

Style, a Key to Market Expansion

その結果?善美韓菓の主な消費層は30代の女性で?年 間の賣上額もほぼ 定の狀態が維持されている? 海外市場の擴大のために?注視しているところが中國 と東南アジアだ?この間は?在外韓國人のみ購入する ものと考えて米國をタ ゲットにしたが?海外で競爭 力があるとの判斷のもと?タ ゲットを變更した?そ の 環として?韓國農業技術實用化財團が實施した東 南アジアの消費者の反應テストに參加して好評だった こともあった?これにより?新市場開拓のための製品 開發に力を注いでいくとの方針だ? 金成來代表は?「健康を重視し?菜食文化が成長してい るほどに?ウェルビ イングな食品の油菓の消費のす そ野を廣げていきたい?ヴィ ガンの製品でも競爭力 は十分と考える?バイヤ の方?には?多くの問合せ をお願いしたい?」と述べた

Sunmihangwa Importers: U.S.


Sunmihangwa also puts energy on prod uct packaging. As a result, the major con sumers is women in their 30s, and the year-round sales are maintained evenly.

China and Southeast Asia is the next target for overseas market expansion. Until now, it aimed US under the assumption that only overseas Koreans would buy the product. However, it changed the target after witnessing its competitiveness in other overseas markets. It participated in the Southeast Asia consumer response test, operated by the Korea Agriculture Technology Promotion Agency, and received a good evaluation. As a result, it plans to develop products to pioneer new markets.

CEO Kim Sung-rae said, “As the health is be coming a trend of its own and the vegetarian cul ture is growing, I think expansion of Yugwa con sumption is getting more and more promising. The product even qualifies to be a vegan product. Inquiries from buyers are always welcomed.”

Additional Info

Product name: Hanson Hangwa (Finger food Hangwa)

Product ingredients: Glutinous rice, grain syrup

Expiration date: 6 months (kept in room temperature)

Product size: 100 g per package

Certification: HACCP (KOR)


You can eat without concern since all pop rice, except for coffee flavor, is made from fresh Korean agricultural products.

Since it’s made with traditional recipe, no synthetic food additives is used and you can enjoy a tender and chewy texture inside .

November 2022 19

Full of Red Sweetness

Sweet Potato

Dongbo Nongsan ex ports sweet potatoes with the philosophy of great taste, shape, size, storability, and easy packaging, earning global recognition for excel lent quality overseas and higher performance of ex port. The company is espe cially differentiating itself apart by exporting ‘Hogam mi’ and ‘Danjami’, which are new varieties of Korean sweet potatoes that cannot be pur chased anywhere else. Recently, the company is very busy in pioneering new markets, with aspirations to open the door to overseas mar kets by developing processed products in the future.

Increased Export-driven Sales

Currently, Dongbo Nongsan exports sweet potatoes to Hong Kong. According to Dongbo Nongsan, Chinese sweet potatoes are signifi cantly cheaper than Korean ones, but Korean sweet potatoes are in high demand in Hong Kong for safety reasons. Thanks to this, Dongbo Nongsan achieved an export of USD 560,100 (USD 1 = KRW 1,428) last year. This is a remarkable growth considering that over

東普(トンボ)農産は味と形?大き さ?保存性?手輕なパッケ ジと いう哲學で?サツマイモを輸出し ている?それにより?海外でも品 質を認められ?最終的には輸出實 績アップという成果に結びついた? 特に?他の企業からは買えない韓 國の新品種のサツマイモ「ホガンミ」と「タンジャミ」を輸 出し?他との差別化を圖っている?最近では?新市場の 開拓のために奔走し?今後の加工品開發で海外市場へ進 出するという抱負がある?


現在?東普農産からのサツマイモの輸出先は香港だ?東 普農産によれば?中國のサツマイモは韓國産よりも大き く安いが?安全性の面から香港では韓國のサツマイモの 需要が高い?これもあり?東普

20 Korea Agrafood
New Item
農産は昨年56万100ドル (USD 1 = KRW 1,428)という輸出實績となった?輸 出を始めた2016年當時が1万4,010ドル?2020年が28万 330ドルだった点を考慮すれば?飛躍的な伸びを見せて いるといえる? 輸出するサツマイモの品種も樣?だ?旣存品種のサツマ イモが輸出額の50%を占め?韓國で開發された新品種の サツマイモが殘りとなる?東普農産で取扱う新品種のサ ツマイモは「ホガンミ」と「タンジャミ」だ? 赤 色 と 甘 さ に 身 を 包 んだサツマイモ
CEO Lee Dong-bo

What is Hogammi, Danjami?

According to the Rural Development Administration of Korea, Hogammi developed in 2015 has both the savory taste of pumpkin and the sweet taste of sweet potato. It is also rich in beta-carotene that is effective in protecting eye sight with antioxidant and anti-cancer functions. Developed in 2016, Danjami has a high sugar content and is good for skin care with its antho cyanins and polyphenols content. Above all, they have excellent marketability because they endure diseases and pests well.

November 2022 21

sales were USD 14,010 in 2016 when ex ports first started and were USD 280,330 in 2020.

are also diverse varieties of exported sweet potato. Existing sweet potato varieties ac count for 50% of exports, and the new varieties of sweet potatoes developed in Korea account for the rest. The new sweet potato varieties sold by Dongbo Nongsan are Hogammi and Danjami. CEO Lee Dong-bo of Dongbo Nongsan said, “The new varieties of sweet pota to have richer sugar content and greater texture compared to existing varieties, so their populari ty is increasing overseas as well.”

Market Strategy Keywords, Marketing and Freshness


as the factor that has allowed it to establish itself as an export farm, because it did not spare sup port

buyers even if suffering a small loss. One of them is supplying 5% of shipments to buyers free of charge during the first two years of ex port, with a belief that the overseas consumers

taste Korean sweet potatoes first to pur chase them.

Dongbo Nongsan also put in great care into


バイヤ に無償で提供したということだ






更する際にも細心の注意を拂った?それまでは800gの小 包裝のサツマイモをビニ ル包裝したが?これによりサツ マイモの鮮度が落ちるという判斷のもと?ネットに變更し た?ネットの下の部分にバ コ ドを付けた?バイヤ が現地で商品を受け取り?すぐに販賣できるように細心の 注意を拂った結果だ?また?大量の場合は箱に空氣穴をあ けてサツマイモの呼吸を助けるなどの工夫も行った? さらに?サツマイモの鮮度維持ができるように航空便に こだわった?ただ?最近では農産物の鮮度維持が可能な CAコンテナが開發され?船便へも輸出量を徐?にシフト させている?

シンガポ ルに續き?ロシアまで 最近では?輸出市場擴大の足場も準備した?きっかけ

22 Korea Agrafood New Item seas
picks aggressive marketing
李東普(イ·ドンボ)東普農産代表は?「新品種のサツマイ モの糖度や食感などが旣存の品種を比べて優れているの で?海外でも人氣が出ている?」と述べた? 市場攻略のキ ワ ド?マ ケティングと鮮度 東普農産で輸出農家としての地位を確立した要因として? 攻擊的なマ ケティングがある?それは?たとえ少しの損 失が出ても?バイヤ への支援を惜しまないということに 表れている?

changing the packaging and trans portation. In the past, it wrapped 800 g small-packed sweet potatoes in plastic, but then it switched to a net after judging that this degrades the freshness of the sweet potatoes, a breathing crop, with a bar code attached to the bottom of the net. This is to ensure that buyers can receive the product local ly and sell it as it is. Also, the company drilled air holes in the box to help the sweet potato breathe for large-volume packaging.

It maintained the same airfare to ensure that the sweet potatoes remain fresh. However, with the development of CA containers that maintain the freshness of agricultural products, Dongbo Nongsan also exports its products by ships a bit.

From Singapore to Russia

Recently, Dongbo Nongsan has also laid a foothold to expand the export market, as buyers who has recognized the quality of its sweet potato has expressed its interest to imports them into Singapore. Accordingly, Dongbo Nongsan plans to adjust the export unit price and gradual ly start exporting from this year. The company is considering not only exporting fresh agricul tural products but also producing processed products. The company predicts that there is a great chance of accessing the geographically close Vladivostok and Sakhalin regions of Russia with roasted sweet potato products or meal kit products.

CEO Lee Dong-bo said, “We have a sense of goal and pride to export the best sweet potatoes, which has allowed us to enjoy higher sales to gether with our import buyers. We look forward to receiving inquiries from many more buyers as we promise unchanging sweet potato quality.”



品を生産する構想もある?地理的に近接したロシアの ウラジオストクとサハリン地域に?燒きイモやミ ルキ ットでアプロ チすれば勝算があるとの見通しがある? 李東普代表は?「最高のサツマイモを輸出するという目 的意識とプライドがあった?その結果?輸入バイヤ と ともにお互いの賣上がアップするという喜びも享受でき た?今後も變わることなく?サツマイモの品質を約束す るので?バイヤ の方?からの多くの問合せをお願いし たい?」と傳えた?



November 2022 23 +82-10-5118-5294
Info Product name: Sweet Potato Product ingredients: Hogammi, Danjami Expiration date: None Product size: 800 g one bag Certification: None Characteristics: 쪾New variety of sweet potato in Korea great for health with various functional ingredients such as beta-carotene. 쪾Hogammi has both the savory taste of pumpkin and the sweetness of sweet potato, while Danjami
high in sugar content. Importers: Hong Kong は?東普農産のサツマイモの品質を認 めたバイヤ がシンガポ ルでの輸入 を打診したことだ?そこで輸出單價を調整 し?今年から徐?に輸出する予
24 Korea Agrafood P h o t o E s s a y

There are many kinds of Kimchi, a traditional fermented food in Korea that is seasoned with sauce after drenching various vegeta bles in salt water, and among them, the most well-known or typical kind is the Kimchi made with cabbage. Baechukimchi (cabbage Kimchi) that is fermented just about right, has that sour, spicy and savory tastes which adds flavor to Korean dish. The photo shows the cabbage patch in Gangneung, Gangwon-do. Dear <Korea Agrafood> readers, How about trying out the real taste of Korean Kimchi made with fresh cabbage today?

November 2022 25 “Enjoy
the real taste of Korean Kimchi made with fresh cabbage!” “Enjoy the real taste of Korean Kimchi made with fresh cabbage!”
26 Korea Agrafood Trend & Products

Korean Ramyeon is Growing on the


Exports of ramyeon, which has become famous through the globalization of Korean food and K-Food, are in their heyday. The products aimed at overseas markets are soupfree ramyeon. Since they have no soup, you can feel the chewy noodle texture, enjoy the taste of various sauces such as cream and cheese, and change the taste by adding toppings, so they are popular with young con sumers.

Korean Ramyeon has the Largest Export Performance Ever

According to the Food Information Statistics System (FIS) of Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT), Korea’s ramyeon exports reached an all-time high of USD 670 million as of 2021. Such a growth of exports was affected by the increase in home cooking due to prolonged COVID-19. In addition, the ramyeon-eating scenes in Korean movies and dramas have also increased the interest of overseas consumers.

In China, ‘Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen’ of Samyang Foods CO., LTD. has been selected as the Korea Brand of the Year Award by consumers for the third years in a row In Japan, ‘Shinramyun’ of Nongshim CO., LTD. ranked second in popular instant noodles in the first half of 2022 chosen by Food Review Portal.

November 2022 27
Popularity of K-
韓國のインスタントラ メン、K カルチャ の人氣に便乘し?輸出市場で成長 韓食の世界化?K Foodなどで有名 になった韓國のインスタントラ メ ン輸出が全盛期を迎えている?海外 市場をタ ゲットにした製品は?韓 國でも安定的な人氣がある?ピリ辛 のス プのインスタントラ メンよ り も ? ス プ が な い イ ン ス タ ン ト ラ メンが人氣だ?それは?ス プ がなく麵の食感が樂しめること?ク リ ム?チ ズなどの樣?な味を樂 しむことができることがある?トッ ピングを加えるなど味のバリエ シ ョンも豊富なため?若い消費者に人 氣だ? 韓國のインスタントラ メンの輸出實績は歷代最高 韓國農水産食品流通公社のFIS(食品情報統計システム)によれば?2021年時点の 韓國のインスタントラ メンの輸出規模は?6億7,000万ドルで歷代最高を記錄 した?新型コロナの長期化で家での調理機會が增えたことも輸出增加に影響を與 えた?また?韓國の映畵やドラマなどでインスタントラ メンを食べる場面が登 場し?海外の消費者の關心も高まったこともある?韓國のインスタントラ メン の輸出割合は?中國22.2%?米國12%?日本9.7%の順になっている?中國では 三養食品(株)の「プルダックポックンミョン」が?消費者が選ぶ大韓民國今年のブ ランド大賞に3年連續で選ばれている?日本では農心の「辛ラ メン」が?飮食レ ビュ ポ タルが選んだ2022年上半期人氣のあるインスタントラ メンで2位に ランクインした?このように?主要輸出國の消費者での韓國のインスタントラ メンに對する好奇心や態度が輸出にプラスの影響を與えている?

Korean ramyeon can be largely divided into oil-fried ramyeon and non-oil-fried dry ramyeon. Also, they are classified into pouch ramyeon and container ramyeon according to the packaging type, and soup ramyeon and soup-free ramyeon according to the presence or absence of soup. Pouch ramyeon contains noodles and soup in a plastic package, which are cooked together in boiling water. The con tainer ramyeon have noodles and soup, which are cooked with hot water to be consumed. In addition, most soup ramyeon has Gochutgaru (red pepper powder) and is red and spicy, but ramyeon without Gochutgaru or soup is also sold. In the Korean ramyeon market that re peats growth and slump, companies continue to develop differentiated and diverse products to draw consumers’ attention. An example is ‘Shinramyun Black Dubu Kimchi’, which has added Dubu (tofu) and Kimchi to Nongshim’s ‘Shinramyun Black.’

The market for exotic ramyeon is also ex

panding. New products of sweet and sour Bibimmyeon (spicy noodle) that stimulate consumer tastes in summer are released, em phasizing the unique taste and characteristics of each manufacturer ‘Jin Bibimmyeon’ of Ottogi CO., LTD. emphasizes that it has 20% more amount than existing products. In addi tion, premium ramyeon or less salty and less spicy non-soup noodles are released consider ing health. A typical example is ‘Salad Noodles’ of Nongshim, a less pungent and low-calorie Bibimmyeon that does not use spicy red sauce.

差別化されたインスタントラ メンの發賣が 活發に

韓國のインスタントラ メンの麵は?油で揚げた麵と油で 揚げない麵に大別される?また?袋麵とカップ麵?ス プ の有無により汁あり麵と汁なし麵などに分類される?袋麵 はビニ ルの包裝袋に麵とス プが入っており?お湯に麵 とス プを入れて作るのが 般的だ?カップの中に麵と ス プが入っているカップ麵は?お湯を入れて戾した後 に食べる?また?韓國では粉唐辛子が入った赤いピリ辛 味のス プのインスタントラ メンがほとんどだが?粉 唐辛子が入っていないものや?汁なしのインスタント ラ メンも販賣されている? 特に?韓國の企業は消費者の關心を引き付けるために?差 別化された樣?な製品を繼續的に開發している?農心の 「辛ラ メンブラック」に豆腐とキムチを加えて發賣され

製品が「辛ラ メンブラック豆腐キムチ」だ?

色のインスタントラ メン市場も擴大している?夏の 消費者の味覺をそそる甘酸っぱいビビンミョンは?メ


28 Korea Agrafood Trend & Products
品 が發賣されている?(株)オットゥギの「ジンビビンミョ ン」は旣存の製品よりも容量が20%以上も多いというコ ンセプトを强調している?また?プレミアムなインスタ ントラ メンや健康に配慮して鹽分や辛さを控えめにし たノンフライ麵も發賣している?農心の「サラダヌ ド ル」がその代表だ? Active Release of Differentiated Ramyeon Products

Ramyeon without Soup is Popular Overseas

The global ramyeon market was USD 41.6 billion as of 2021, up 21.3% from USD 34.3 billion in 2017. Korean ramyeon products have become famous due to the globalization of Korean food and K-Food and are also drawing attention. Korean ramyeon without soup is popular among young consumers in overseas markets. There is no hot soup, so you can enjoy the chewy noodle texture and the tastes of various sauces such as creamy and sweet flavor Toppings such as shrimp, vegeta bles, and meat can also be added to give a change. ‘Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen’ is stir fried in sauce without soup, and various fla vors such as cream, cheese, and black bean are released with the spicy taste as the base. Japchae of Ottogi CO., LTD. is an instant noo

to easily taste Korean traditional food,

(stir-fried glass noodles and vegeta bles).

for stir-fried ramyeon or

ramyeon is high in India, Vietnam, and Indonesia that have high demand for ramyeon,

and Korean soup-free ramyeon is also gaining popularity in Hong Kong due to its local fa miliarity with soup-free noodle dishes.

メン市場規模は?2021年時点 では416億ドルで?2017年の343億ドルに比べて21 3% の成長を示しているが?韓食の世界化?K Foodなどで 有名になった韓國のインスタントラ メン製品も注目を 集めている?海外市場の若い消費者に汁なしの韓國のイ ンスタントラ メンが人氣だ?熱いス プがなく?麵の 食感を樂しむことができ?クリ ム味?甘い味など樣? なソ スを樂しむことができる?また?エビ?野菜?肉 などのトッピングを加えて食べるなど?味のバリエ シ ョンを樂しめる点も特徵だ?「プルダックポックンミョ ン」は汁なしで?タレを混ぜて作るインスタントラ メ ンで?辛味をベ スにクリ ム?チ ズ?ジャジャン など樣?な味の製品が發賣されている?(株)オットゥ ギの「イェンナルチャプチェ」は手輕に韓國の傳統食で あるチャプチェが食べられるインスタント食品だ?特 に?インスタントラ メンの需要が高い?ベトナム? インドネシアなどでは?炒めるインスタントラ メン や混ぜて食べるインスタントラ メンに對するニ ズ が高く?汁なし麵に慣れた香港でも韓國の汁なし麵が 人氣を博している?

Korean Ramyeon Products

November 2022 29
Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen JapchaeShinramyun Black Dubu Kimchi Jin Bibimmyeon
海外では汁なしのインスタントラ メンが人氣 世界のインスタントラ

‘Ready-to-Serve’ in 10 Minutes, Korean Home Meal Replacement

There are times that we are too lazy and lethargic to do anything. But when we still need to eat, HMR is useful. The types of convenience food have been diversified recently, and products containing the ingredi ents of fresh agricultural products are released. The same goes for Korea. There are ‘Cupbahn’ a combina tion of soup and rice, and stew, and Tteokbokki (stir-fried rice cake) products are very popular on Amazon.

From Snacks to Stews, Amazon’s ‘Best’

Yopokki’s Rabokki (srir-fried instant noodle) re cently ranked 18th Best in Amazon’s Rice noodles list. A cup-Rabokki product combining the taste of Jjajang (black-bean-sauce), it received a rating of 4.5 out of 5. Other HMR products also received positive reviews from Amazon consumers. The main examples are CJ Cheiljedang’s ‘Cupbahn’, which combines instant rice and Jjigae (stew) into one product. ‘Cupbahn’ has many types of dishes, such as curry, Bibimbap, Sundubujji-gae (soft bean curd stew), and Jjajangbap (black-bean-sauce rice), thus chosen by consumers who want to ex perience various Korean food. Moreover , Hansang’s Jeonbokjuk (abalone porridge) ranked 90th on Packaged Chowders and Ottogi’s ‘Pork Kimchi Stew’ ranked 86th on Packaged Stew. Also, Wang’s ‘Bulgogi hot pot soup’ ranked 54th in Deli & Prepared Foods, drawing attention of Amazon consumers.

由Yopokki公司生産的Rabokki(拉面辣炒年桀)産 品,近日已恕身亞馬遜Rice noodles類産品暢銷榜

第18位?這種帶有炸醬面味道的桶裝拉面辣炒年桀 産品,在滿5分評選中獲得4.5高分?分析認爲,産 品的味道?價格及食用方便性都是吸引亞馬遜消費 者的主要原因? 其他方便食品也得到了亞馬遜消費者的好評,如方 便米飯(instant rice)侮沓菜(Jjigae)等搭配

30 Korea Agrafood
的希傑 第 制糖(CJ CheilJedang)杯飯産品?杯飯産品的 種 類 也 多 種 多 樣 , 如 假 綾 飯 ( c u r r y ) ? 拌 飯 (Bibimbap)?嫩豆腐湯飯(Sundubu Jjigae)?炸醬 飯(Jjajangbap)等?這些産品爲消費者品嘗韓食提供 了多種選楊? 除此之外 ,Hansang生産的鮑魚粥 (Whole Abalone Porridge)産品在Packaged Chowders排行中位列第90位,Ottogi生産的Pork Kimchi Stew在Packaged Stew排行中位列第86 位,Wang Bulgogi hot pot soup産品在Deli & Prepared Foods排行中位列第54位等,韓攻方便 食品在不鉤吸引亞馬遜消費者的眼球? 從面食到罰沓菜,上亞馬遜“暢銷榜”
November 2022 31

Comment Full of Unique Personality, Why Buy?

According to the purchase reviews of products that ranked high in sales, the main keywords that led consumers’ purchase were preference for Korean food, taste, and storage. HMR products are easy to store, prepare, and eat, and are delicious. A particu larly eye-catching evaluation was, “It’s perfect for my son’s school lunch. It is easy to cook and appro priate for my son to eat himself, because he can just simply microwave it.” Another consumer who pur chased instant rice said, “Rice is good because it is healthy. It is delicious no matter what kind of meat it is served with.” Other reviews for purchase were varied, such as “cheap but high-quality in taste” and “there are many options to choose from thanks to the variety of Korean food menus.” Let’s check out the reviews from buyers.

Korean Home Meal Replacement

32 Korea Agrafood
E-Commerce <Source : amazon> 憾性滿分評語,購物理由是? 從名列銷魔榜前列的産品購物評語看,消費者購買韓攻方便食 品的關鍵詞主要是喜歡韓食?味美和保存方便等?也就是說, 韓攻方便食品烹斐方便?味美且易保存食用?在杯飯産品購物 評語中尤其吸引眼球的回帖是“蜈適合給傅子准備在校吃午餐, 烹斐蜈方便,只需用微波爐熱 下便可,傅子自己動手吃完全 沒問題” ? 癩一位購買方便米飯産品的消費者在評語中寫到, “米飯有益于 人郞健康,侮什鹿肉搭配都蜈好吃” ?從購物評語中還可以看 出 , 消 費 者 購 買 方 便 食 品 的 理 由 也 是 多 種 多 樣 , 如“ 價 廉 物 美” , “韓食菜品花樣酪富選項多”等等?下面就讓我們 起來看 下消費者的購物評語?

There are many other convenient HMR food products in Korea. Seyeon Food’s Japchae is a traditional Korean feast dish turned into a convenient food product. It is suitable for those preferring vegetables food since it has glass noodles and vegetables. There are also companies specialize in selling soup products. At Chamstory, you can purchase Galbitang (rib soup), Gamjatang (pork backbone stew), which are commonly eaten in Korea. Gamjatang is a spicy stew with pork backbone, so you can eat the meat attached to the backbone.

There are also frozen products. Hearty spoon’s ‘Kore an Rice Pancake’ is a great winter snack and has an ex cellent sweet taste of the syrup inside. Sunbong Food’s Samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) is also recommend ed to warm up and rejuvenate the body from the cold weather in winter.


蜈受推崇健康食品海藻 類熬的湯,具有海鮮特有的濃厚味道? 除此之外還有冷凍産品?如Hearty spoon係列産品韓 攻蜂蜜糖餠(Korean Rice Pancake)便是 種冬季潁 飢零食,蜂蜜糖餠的糖漿陷味道更是甛美 絶?還有 可溫暖冬季寒祺身郞及恢復元槐的先鋒食品(Sunbong Food)的參鷄湯(Samgyetang)也値得推茱?

November 2022 33
Korean Home Meal Replacement Enjoy the Fun of Choosing 除了以上産品韓攻還有蜈多種方便食品?Seyeon食品 (SeyeonFoods)生産的什錦炒菜便是 種將韓攻的傳 統料理及宴席菜做成方便食品的産品?菜品中有粉穡及 各種蔬菜,蜈適合喜歡素食的消費者食用?還有專門銷 魔湯類産品的企業?在CHAMSTORY係列産品中, 消費者可購買到韓攻人常吃的排骨湯(Glbitang)?土豆 湯(Gamjatang)?裙帶菜湯(Miyeokguk)等産品?土 豆湯是用肆脊骨熬的辣味湯,剔吃骨頭上的肉也別有 番樂趣?裙帶菜湯是用近來
CJ’s Cupbahn
Miyeokguk Hearty Spoon’s Rice Pancake
34 Korea Agrafood K-FOOD Recipe

The Fatal Attraction Kimchi Jjim

Place one delicious Kimchi on the table, and a sound dinner is ready in Korea. Kimchi Jjim (braised pork with Kimchi) is food made with well-ripen Kimchi which gives it a deep and rich flavor even when it is boiled only for a short time. If you eat Kimchi Jjim on top of newly-cooked rice, it's a true delicacy The smell of Kimchi Jjim it self is already mouth watering for many Koreans for its excellent sour and spicy fla vor. So, I recommend Kimchi Jjim for your dinner table to bring back your appetite.

November 2022 35

Kimchi (1/4 of




in the


36 Korea Agrafood
Jjim Recipe Cut
head) and spread it
a pot.01 Put the pork
g) mixed in cooking wine
pot and fry
03Put 2 tbsps of sesame oil and fry Kimchi in medium heat.02 Fry Kimchi and the pork until they turn brown, add water so that the ingredients are soaked and boil it with a strong fire. 05Add 1 tbsp of sugar.04 Lastly, boil away the water and plate the leek and making deli cious Kimchi Jjim is finally finished. 07If the broth is boiled away, re peat adding water so that the in gredients are soaked twice. 06 KoreaAgrafood KoreaAgrafood 2 Servings 30 min K-FOOD Recipe Kimchi Jjim 1/4 head of Kimchi, 200 g of pork, half a leek 2 tbsps of sesame oil, 1 tbsp of sugar, 3 tbsps of cooking wine Main Ingredients Sub Ingredients

Check Out the Kimchi Recipe in K-Food Recipe in World.

Kimchi Jjim-Related Export Products

The DaekwangF&G - Ripe Kimchi

are two types of Kimchi : ripe and unripe. Well-ripe Kimchi has strong sour taste and this characteristic especially shines when it’s made with ripe Kimchi. DaekwangF&G is a company that sells this type of ripe Kimchi. Since they pro duce Kimchi with only Korean agricultural prod ucts, you can taste the genuine flavor of Kimchi. Also, its safety is guaranteed with HACCP certifi cation. If you store Kimchi in 5~10℃, the fermen tation process continues further, and if you store it at 4~5℃, it can be aged for a long time. You can also purchase Chonggakkimchi (whole radish Kimchi), Dongchimi (radish water Kimchi), Gatkimchi (leaf mustard Kimchi) in DaekwangF&G.

The Shinsagang Kimchijjigae (Kimchi stew)

Kimchijjigae has more broth than Kimchi Jjim. But if you repeat the process of adding water and boiling away the water for several times, Kimchijjigae can also turn into Kimchi Jjim. If you feel like making Kimchi Jjim is too much, just buy Shinsagang product. Shinsagang has been exporting Kimchijjigae overseas since 2018. It is exporting its goods to the U.S., Australia and China, and its signature product is the Kimchijjigae that has carried on for 3 generation. You can also buy Chamchikimchijjigae (tuna and Kimchi stew) and another sta ple food in Korea, Deonjangjjigae (soybean paste stew) at Shinsagang.

November 2022 37 Tips

“I Like Korean Agricultural Products because They Are High Quality”


My favorite Korean agricultural product is fresh produce! Whenever I watch Korean documentaries and TV variety shows, I can see that farmers put a tremendous effort into ensuring that their produce tastes excellent under the best conditions. In fact, the taste of Korean pears cannot be generated without diligent farming. The Korean agricultural and fishery products I recently had were frozen seafood, which I liked a lot especially because I had never seen such a kind in Malaysia. In Malaysia, Korean supermarkets are opening in many neigh borhoods, including Klang Valley. I’m so happy that it’s become much easier to cook authentic Korean cuisines because the supermarkets sell frozen and fresh foods. For my cooking reference, I would like <Korea Agrafood> to introduce local Korean specialty dishes such as Jeju black pork and Tongyeong oysters.

K-FOOD Fan LetterNick Name: beatrice_chai Nationality: Malaysia Age: 25 Favorite Food: Fresh produce From
Dear Sir/Madam We appreciate your interest in K-Food Korea Agrafood magazine is specialized in promoting Korean Agricultural products to buyers in abroad. We cover Korean promising Agricultural products, dietary culture and export companies. We launched a new e-Agrafood (online newsletter) service to provide our exisiting of fline magazine. If you are interested in K-Food or want to catch up latest food trend, don’t hesitate to join our e-Agrafood. How to subscribe online e-Agrafood (newsletter) 1. Please access to the QR Code below. 2. Fill in the information and e-mail and apply for a subscription. 3. Receive online e-newsletters via e-mail once a month. You can also join Agrafood on SNS. SUBSCRIBE KoreaAgrafood ※ Contact us to for cancellation of your subscription and inquiries. Are you interested in Korean Food? INVITATION

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2003 Room,
fortune Center
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