April 2022 (vol.318)

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Korean Convenience Food Market with No Limits to Growth Ramyeon Emerged as K-FOOD Representative Trend & FarmtasticProducts E-Commerce Fresh Fruit Snacks to Eat on the Way to and from Work, Mini Paprika April 2022 vol.318 Korean Vegan Food Taste & Nutrition

https://www.k-foodtrade.or.kr Visit K-FOOD Trade & Enjoy the variety of Korean Food k-foodtrade.or.kr is also available via your mobile phone. Find your Korean Food Buyers Pause! K-FOOD Fans Pause!

If we reduce food waste,

Restaurants can save the costs for food waste disposal

Let’s reduce waste at home.

1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives. Start WFP individual donation Donate on ‘Share the Meal’ ExpirationQuantityDate of Meals Donate

01 Plan your diet and buy only the food you need.

Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one.

Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.

You can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website, ko.wfp.org, and clicking the button.

Zero food waste with one finished meal!

Let us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste.

We can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas

Individuals can take care of both diet and health

Consider the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients.

03 Ground dry ingredients to cook.

You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and sharethemeal.org.

help people who are hungry by donating some of the savings.

Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign and ’s

If we reduce food waste,

Then, let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.

How close have you gotten to Zero Waste? Let’s donate together in everyday life.

02 Divide food ingredients into portions and store them in a transparent container.

You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator.

Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day!

Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses!


12 16 30 CONTENTS Value


One of the hottest trends these days, value consump tion is a rational consump tion method based on the value one aims for. Young people in their 20s and 30s especially pursue consump tion through the value of ‘environment’. This is the reason the vegan market is growing around them. This is also a global trend, and the vegan market is gradually expanding in Korea as well.

Photo by Dameulstudio Consumption-driven Vegan, Leading Player in Future

Vegan Market Led by the Younger Generation06 Vegetarian Meat Substitutes Stand Out in the Vegan Market 08 What are in Korean Vegan Food?10 April 2022

Main Theme vol.

Agricultural Products

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all the contents on

Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995

Chili Peppers Containing Blood Sugar-Lowering Components as a Leading Export Product 20

Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

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GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Han Hyo-jin (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)

EDITORS Chang In-shik REPORTERS Kim Young-min (kimym@agrinet.co.kr) Cho Yeong-kyu (choyk@agrinet.co.kr) Choi Yeong-jin (choiyj@agrinet.co.kr)


Fresh Fruit Snacks to Eat on the Way to and from Work, Mini Paprika 12 Closeup

JAKARTA Cho Sung-thok 070-4617-2694 (cst7424@at.or.kr)

CEO Kim Choon-jin

& PRODUCTS Korean Convenience Food Market with No Limits to Growth 26 E-COMMERCE Ramyeon Emerged as K-FOOD Representative 30 K-FOOD RECIPE The Best ‘Bibimbap’ Both in Look and Taste 34 Extras Trend & Culture PHOTO ESSAY24 K-FOOD FRIEND - Webtoon : Red Ginseng - Fan Letter : Cherie May Niere 38

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Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

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Agrafood at the

Enchanted with Five Tastes 16


One of the hottest trends these days, value consumption is a rational consumption method based on the value one aims for Young people in their 20s and 30s especially pursue con sumption through the value of ‘environment’. This is also a global trend, and the vegan mar ket is gradually expanding in Korea as well. As such, the vegan market is establishing itself as an axis of the global agricultural product consumption market.

Value Consumption-driven Vegan, Leading Player in Future Agricultural Products

4 Korea Agrafood C over Story

April 2022 5 近年?價値消費が話題になっている?價値消 費とは?自身が志向する價値を土臺とした合 理的な消費スタイルだ?特に?20~30代は 「環境」という價値を通して?消費を追求して い る ? 最 近 で は ? こ う し た 動 き を 中 心 に ヴ ィ ガン市場が成長している?特に?新型コ ロ ナ に よ り ? 深 刻 な 環 境 問 題 を 體 感 し た 20~30代は?環境にやさしく?エシカルな消 費を志向しながら?ヴィ ガンというスタイ ルを自然に受け入れている?これは?全世界 的な流れであり?近年では韓國でもヴィ ガ ン市場が徐?に擴大している?このように? ヴィ ガン市場は世界の農食品の消費市場の1 つの軸として地位を確立してきている? 價値消費を牽引するヴィ―ガン? 未來の農食品の主役に

6 Korea Agrafood C over Story

egan means complete vegetarians who don’t eat any animal products. Going beyond vegetarianism, it also includes people who do not use animal-derived products in their entire lives. Such vegan has recently be come a hot topic in the agricultural product market, as young people in their 20s and 30s are paying more attention to value consump

ヴィ ガンは動物性食品を全く食べない完全な菜食主義 者を意味する?さらにいうと?菜食主義にとどまらず? 生活全般で動物由來の製品を使用しない人?までが含ま れる?こうしたヴィ ガンが?近年?農食品市場で話題 に上っている?この背景には?20 30代の價値消費への 關心の高まりがある?環境とともに健康を考え?動物保 護のようなエシカルな價値を重視する雰圍氣がこうした 世代を中心に廣がっているためだ?豆腐で作ったパスタ Vegan Market Led by the Younger Generation 若い世代が主導するヴィ ガン市場 V

と植物性の代替肉で作ったハンバ ガ を食べ?環境に やさしい素材の服を着る姿は?今では違和感なく受け入 れられている?これらのことから?ヴィ ガン市場も急 速に形成·擴大されている? 世界の菜食人口は?1億8,000万人と推定される?米國が 927万人?ドイツが738万人?イギリスが366万人とな っている?近年では?中國

April 2022 7

tion. Atmosphere of emphasis on health, envi ronment, and ethical values such as animal protection is spreading around them. It is no longer strange to see young people eat pasta made with Dubu (tofu) noodles, hamburgers made with vegetable substitutes, and wearing eco-friendly clothes. For this reason, the vegan market is also rapidly growing.

The world’s vegetarian population is esti mated at 180 million, with 9.27 million in the United States, 7.38 million in Germany, and 3.66 million in the UK. Recently, China and Brazil have been emerging as vegetarian countries, where vegans are becoming more interested in vegetarianism for a healthy life. According to the Korea Vegan Union, the number of vegetarians in Korea is estimated at 1.5 million as of 2018. This is a tenfold in crease compared to 150,000 in 2008. This phenomenon in Korea is greatly thanks to the younger generation. In the ‘2021 Processed Food Segmentation Market Status Vegan Food’ published by the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) this year, “The interest in vegan food is growing more prominent with the younger generation, be cause they react sensitively to lifestyle and trends promoted by influencers through Instagram and YouTube, and they have a strong tendency to express their values and be liefs during consumption.” とブラジルが菜食主義の新興 國として浮上しているが?これら國?のヴィ ガンは? 健康的な生活のために菜食への關心が高い?韓國の菜食 人口は?韓國菜食連合會によれば2018年時点で150万人 と推定される?2008年の15万人に比べると?10倍增加 したことになる?韓國のこれらの現象もまた?若い世代 の影響が大きい? 今年?韓國農水産食品流通公社(aT)が發行した『2021 加工食品細分市場の現狀 ヴィ ガン食品』においても? 「ヴィ ガン食品に對する關心は?若い世代になるほど 著しい?これらは?Instagram?YouTubeなどを通し て?インフルエンサ が紹介するライフスタイルとトレ ンドに敏感に反應し?消費のときに自身の價値觀と信念 を示す傾向が强いため」との說明があった?

Vegetarian Meat Substitutes Stand Out in the Vegan Market

8 Korea Agrafood C over Story

Dubu Noodles

egan food is divided into certified vegan food and plant-based alternative meat. The size of vegan market can be inferred from plant-based meat substitutes. The global plant-based alternative meat market has grown at an average annual rate of 9.6% since 2016 to USD 6.071 bil lion in 2020. Korea has a similar trend. According to a recent ‘Alternative Meat Perception Survey’ conducted by Shinsegae Food on 1,000 Koreans in their 20s and 30s, 67.6% of the respondents said they had a positive view of alternative meat. As the reason for consuming substitute meat, environmen tal preservation had the highest rate with 71.4% of the respondents. As such, the size of the plant-based alternative meat market in Korea is USD 17.4 mil lion in 2020, an increase of 23.7% from USD 14.1 million in 2016. In addition, 612 products in total received vegan certification from the Korea Agency of Vegan Certification and Services from 2018 to 2021. Among them, 286 products received vegan certification in 2021, an increase of 151% compared to 2019.

Veggie garden Jajang Topokki

Plant-Based Bibigo Mandu

ヴィ―ガン市場で際立つ植 物性の代替肉V

In line with this trend, major Korean food compa nies are also entering the vegan market with a focus on alternative meat. Nongshim launched ‘Veggie Garden’, an alternative meat brand, and is preparing a vegan restaurant as the first Korean food compa ny Also, CJ Cheiljedang launched 100% plantbased Bibigo Mandu (dumpling) through its plantbased food brand, ‘PlanTable’, and Pulmuone drew attention by manufacturing Dubu noodles instead of flour noodles. All three products are currently being exported to the United States and other countries. Along with this, Shinsegae Food released sliced ham in introducing ‘Better Meat’ as a pork substi tute brand, and in only three months after the re lease of sandwiches using sliced ham at Starbucks, it reached a cumulative sales volume of 200,000 products.

April 2022 9 ヴィ ガン食品は?ヴィ ガン認證食品と植物 性の代替肉に分けられる?ヴィ ガン市場の規 模は?植物性代替肉を通して推測できる?世界の 植物性代替肉の市場規模は? 2020年は60億710万ドルで? 2016年から年平均9.6成長してきた?韓國も同樣の傾向がみら れる?近年?新世界フ ドが韓國の20~30代の1,000人を對象 に 實 施 し た「 代 替 肉 に 對 す る 認 識 調 査 」を み る と ? 回 答 者 の 67.6%が代替肉を肯定的に考えていると答えた?代替肉を消 費する必要がある理由としては?環境保全が回答者の71.4% を占め?最も高かった?韓國の植物性代替肉の市場規模は? 2020年は1,740万ドルで?2016年の1,410万ドルに比べて 23 7%が增加した?また?韓國初のヴィ ガン認證の專門機 關である韓國ヴィ ガン認證院の認證を受けた食品數は? 2018年から2021年で全612品目にのぼった?このうち2?021 年にヴィ ガン認證を受けた新規製品は?286品目だった? こ れは?2019年に比べて151%の增加となった? こうした流れに合わせて?韓國の主要食品企業も代替肉を中心 に?ヴィ ガン市場へ本格的に進出している?農心(ノンシム) は?代替肉のブランドのベジガ デンを發賣し?韓國の食品企 業初のヴィ ガンレストランを準備している?CJ第 製糖(チ ェイルジェダン)は?植物性食品のブランドのプランテ ブルを 通して?100%植物性のビビゴマンドゥなどを發賣し?プルム ウォンは小麥粉の麵を代替する豆腐の麵を製造し?注目を集め た?これら三社の製品は?現在?米國などへ輸出されている? これとともに?新世界フ ドは豚肉の代替肉ブランドとして? 「ベタ ミ ト」を發賣し?スライスハムも發賣した?スタ バ ックスでスライスハムを使ったサンドウィッチを發賣し?發賣 後3ヶ月の累積販賣量は20万個を達成した?

韓國のヴィ ガン食品?何がある? R

What are in Korean Vegan Food?

ecently, various vegan foods have been launched in Korea. Zikooin Company developed ‘UNLIMEAT’ as Korea’s first plantbased meat substitute brand and distinguished itself early in the vegan market. Recently, it printed soybean oil letters on FSC-certified pa per BAO FOOD introduced vegan curry using gluten-free Dodam rice. Whole Blending devel oped plant-based vegan protein powder, and INTAKE launched soymilk made with 100% Korean non-GMO soybeans. GHIRUM is ex porting vegan Kimchi without salted fish to Europe, the United States, and Hong Kong. In addition, Samyook Foods made banana-fla vored soy milk, Amilky made Korea’s first plant-based ice cream, Vicell made vegan yo

10 Korea Agrafood C over Story 近年?韓國では樣?なヴィ ガン食品が發賣されてい る?まず?チグイン(注:日本語では地球人を意味する) カンパニ は?韓國で初めて植物性代替肉のブランドと して「オンリミ ト」を開發するとともに?すぐさまヴ ィ ガン市場で頭角を現した?近年では?FSC認證を 受けた紙に大豆油インクで文字を印刷した?バオフ ド は?グルテンフリ のトダム米を活用したヴィ ガンカ レ を發賣した?また?ホ ルブレンディングは?植物 性のヴィ ガン向けのタンパク質のパウダ を開發し? インテイクは100%韓國産のNon GMO大豆で作った豆 乳を市場へ投入した?ギロムは鹽辛を使用しないヴィ ガン用のマッキムチを歐州と米國?香港などで輸出してい る?このほかにも?サムユク食品はバナナ味の豆乳を?ア ミルキ は韓國發の植物性アイスクリ ムを?バイセル はヴィ ガン用のヨ グルトを?フ ディ ズは韓國發 のオ ガニック玄米を使用した玄米チップスをそれぞれ

Vegan Protein Powder Soy Milk Banana-Flavored Soy Milk Vegan Yogurt Brown Rice Chips Vegan Kimchi

April 2022 11 發賣し?ヴィ ガン市場では新たなブ ムが起こって いる? 韓國では?ヴィ ガンのイベントも定期的に開催されて いる?今年だけでも?「IT IS A GOOD LIFE」という スロ ガンを揭げ?2月にベジノミクスフェア ヴィ ガンフェスタが開催され?7月には食品醫藥品安全處が 後援するコリアヴィ ガンフェアが開催予定だ?特に?ヴ ィ ガンフェスタは?韓國發のヴィ ガンエキスポで? 2022年には150あまりの企業が參加し?2万人以上が訪 れたものと推定されている?韓國でヴィ ガンというス タイルが徐?に社會に浸透しているという新たな證だ? 新型コロナのパンデミックが終息するとき?韓國の樣? なヴィ ガンフェスティバルに世界の人?が注目する日 が來ることを期待したい?

gurt, and FOODIES launched brown rice chips using organic brown rice, causing a new sensa tion in the vegan market.


Vegan events are also held regularly in Korea. This year, Veginomics Fair-Vegan Festa was held in February, and the Korea Vegan Fair sponsored by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is scheduled for July. Vegan Festa is Korea’s first vegan expo with 150 firms partic ipating in 2022, and it is estimated that more than 20,000 people attended. The day that peo ple around the world can pay attention to vari ous vegan festivals in Korea when the COVID19 ends is highly anticipated.

V egan Food

Plant-Based Meat Vegan Curry

12 Korea Agrafood Farmtastic Fresh Fruit Snacks to Eat on the Way to and from Work, Mini Paprika 上縯?上班路上的方便生鮮零食,迷究彩椒

The Largest Producer of Mini Paprika, Dogok Paprika

Moon Hyoung-ryang, Director of Dogok Paprika, said, “10 farms gathered to produce mini paprika in 2016, and by launching a product under the brand Dogok Farm, Dogok Paprika has become known as the largest pro

Paprika is a regional specialty of Hwasun, Jeollanam-do, Korea. Hwasun’s paprika is consid ered a specialty, and Dogok-myeon in Hwasun is especially the largest paprika growing area in Korea. At its heart is the Dogok Paprika Agriculture Corporation (Dogok Paprika). As a horticultural complex designated by the Korean government, Dogok Paprika has been pioneering a new avenue into the Japanese market for Korean paprika, after it daringly changed its crop from paprika to mini paprika six years ago.

迷究彩椒的最大主産地,道穀彩椒 道穀彩椒營農組合法人成立于2006年?這是捲1999年 開始以“作目班”形式格營的彩椒栽培戶進行集中聯合成 立的營農組合法人?道穀彩椒營農組合法人成立之初的 主要栽培品種是彩椒,而且其産品成爲韓攻彩椒開拓出 口市場的先鋒?但由于上市競爭等影響産品也遇到了危 机,爲了破潁這 危机而選楊的品目正是迷究彩椒?他 們判鉤,以原有的彩椒栽培大棚及彩椒栽培格驗完全能 誥栽培出優質的迷究彩椒? 道穀彩椒營農組合法人文炯亮理事說道, “道穀彩椒營農 組合法人是從2016年開始由10家農戶聯合生産迷究彩 椒的,現如今通過推出DogokFarm品牌迷究彩椒商品 已屠展成韓攻最大的迷究彩椒主産地” ?目前,道穀彩椒 已占韓攻迷究彩椒市場的80%,栽培面積達10公頃,共 生産迷究彩椒934菫,銷魔額達到560万美元(2020年9 月至2021年8月)?同時,還生産有4公頃左右的彩椒? GAP認嗇和天敵防治種植,更安全 迷究彩椒的憾頭 般只有普通彩椒的1/4左右?糖度平 彩椒是韓攻全羅南道和順的地方特産?和順地袴日照酪富, 山地面積占73%,空槐淸新,地處榮山江上游,用的都是 級水?尤其是和順的道穀面,以面爲單位來講是韓攻彩椒栽 培面積最大的面?其中,道穀彩椒營農組合法人就是由韓攻 政府指定的園藝專業園袴?這裏從6年前開始,通過果鉤將 栽培品種從彩椒改爲迷究彩椒,爲日本的韓攻産彩椒市場注 入了新的活力?

April 2022 13

Dogok Paprika was launched in 2006, bringing together paprika farms that used to be operating in the form of a crop group from 1999. The first crop of Dogok Paprika was pa prika. It was standing at the forefront of pio neering Korea’s paprika export market, but it faced a crisis due to shipment competition, etc., and the item it chose at the time was mini paprika. It was due to a judgement Dogok Paprika would be able to grow high-quality mini paprika based on existing paprika facility house and paprika cultivation experience.


Paprika, which currently accounts for 80% of the Korean mini paprika market, produced 934 tons of mini paprika worth USD 5.6 million (September 2020 to August 2021) on a 10 ha scale, and it also harvests paprika from about a farmland of 4 ha.

均爲10Brix,最高可達到13brix,所以要比 般的彩椒 更甛?道穀彩椒營農組合法人生産的迷究彩椒有紅色? 黃色?橘黃色?巧克力色等四種?据道穀彩椒所講,紅 色迷究彩椒富含維生素A和E,黃色迷究彩椒富含防血 凝的芙炙(Pyrazine)成分和有益于眼健康的葉黃素成 分,橘黃 彩椒 富含 卜素 而 糖度 巧 力 彩 則富含防癌成分辣



也 比番茄高兩倍,而


椒黃素? 道穀彩椒營農組合法人10戶菜農皆獲有良好農業規範 (GAP)認嗇,保嗇了産品的安全性?而且,他們還利用 天敵代替農葯進行病惡害防治管理,消除了殘留農葯隱 患?這也是提高産品安全性的主要環節之一 ?所以,文 炯亮理事也蜈自信地憐示,道穀彩椒營農組合法人生産 的迷究彩椒是“可以放心吃的産品” ?由于迷究彩椒的憾 頭不大,所以具有只要用水洗 下就能隨時隨地食用的 優点,完全可芎做縯生及職場人的零食小吃? 日本市場,打通新門路 借助這些優点,迷究彩椒正在努力叩開日本市場的大 門?由于迷究彩椒備菜簡單方便,不像 般彩椒那樣麻 煩,所以更適合習慣于生食文化的日本?而且,迷究彩 椒 定能取代現有彩椒産品的判鉤也是把日本作爲首選 出口地的理由?道穀彩椒營農組合法人從2020年9月到 2021年8月一年間,共出口14菫迷究彩椒?曾格的彩椒 14 Korea Agrafood

Director Moon Hyoung-ryang


Increased Safety with GAP Certification and Natural Enemy Farming Methods

Mini paprika is about 1/4 the size of regular paprika. The maximum sugar content is 13 brix, with an average of 10 brix, making mini paprika sweeter than regular paprika. The mini paprikas of Dogok Paprika have 4 colors: red, yellow, orange, and chocolate. The chocolatecolored mini paprika is especially grown only by Dogok Paprika.

All 10 farms of Dogok Paprika have re ceived GAP certification to ensure safety. In addition, there is no need to worry about pesti cide residues since pests are managed using natural enemies instead of pesticides. This also

increases safety This is why Director Moon confidently explains that Dogok Paprika’s mini paprika is a reliable and edible product. As mi ni paprika is small and can be eaten anytime, anywhere just by washing it in water, it is a great snack for students and office workers.

Based on these advantages, mini paprika is knocking the door of the Japanese market. This is from the idea that mini paprika is more suit able for Japan, which is used to the omophagia culture, than regular paprika, which has to be trimmed several times. Above all, that mini pa prika can replace the existing paprika is the rea son Japan was chosen as the first export desti nation. Dogok Paprika exported 14 tons of mi ni paprika from September 2020 to August 2021, amounting to USD 60,000.

April 2022 15 出口先鋒道穀彩椒營農組合法人,現在已開始專注于迷 究彩椒的出口,幷在不鉤推進出口成功的可能性?文理 事蜈自信地說“馬上就繇跨越過渡期” ? 除了日本之外,面向中攻?東南亞攻家的迷究彩椒出口 計琬也正在籌琬之中?他們認爲

Breaks New Ground into the Japanese Market

Dogok Paprika is exploring plans to export mini paprika to China, Hong Kong, and other Southeast Asian countries, along with Japan. Considering that Korean paprika was exported to China for the first time in 2020 and quaran tine negotiations with Vietnam were complet ed in 2021, now, Dogok Paprika expects to be able to sufficiently promote mini paprika ex ports to these regions.

是完全可行的? 文炯亮理事憐示, “訣産品出口日本的之后,我們還有 2010年韓攻首次捲澳大利亞出口産品等開拓新市場的格 驗,所以我們將侮栽培農戶一道共同爲韓攻迷究彩椒走 向世界而努力” ? Additional Info Product name: Dogok Farm Mini Paprika Product ingredients: Mini Paprika Shelf life: N/A Product size: 3kg box, 5kg box Certification: GAP (KOR) Features: 쪾1/4 the size of regular paprika, maintains a maximum sugar content of 13 brix. 쪾4 colors including red, yellow, orange, chocolate, only place to produce the chocolate color.

+82-61-371-4086 dogokfarm@naver.com http://dogokfarm.com ,從2020年首次捲中攻 出口韓攻彩椒及2021年侮越南達成檢疫協議的情拗看, 捲這些地袴出口迷究彩椒

Dogok Paprika, which has been at the fore front of paprika export, is increasing the likeli hood of export success by recently focusing on exporting mini paprika. Director Moon said with confidence that “We will be able to break away from the transition period soon.”

Director Moon Hyoung-ryang said, “Since we have know-how in pioneering new mar kets as we exported our products to Australia for the first time in Korea in 2010 after Japan, we will work hard to promote Korean mini paprika with farmers.”

Dogok Paprika Agriculture Corporation

16 Korea Agrafood Processed Food

Wine and Distilled Liquor Made from Omija

CEO Lee Jong-gi

五味子是因其具有酸?苦?甘? 辛?咸五種味道而得名的農産 品,成熟的五味子呈鮮紅色?由 于五味子只産于韓攻?中攻和日 本等攻家,所以婁于稀有品目? OmyNara正是着眼五味子的這 稀有性特点,計琬以世界首創 開屠出的五味子酒類産品吸引全 球消費者? 用五味子釀造的果酒和蒸衲酒 由OmyNara銷魔的五味子酒類可分爲兩大類? 一種是 果酒類産品,癩 種是蒸衲酒類産品?

而果酒類産品又 分爲釀造方法截然不同的起泡酒和非起泡酒?起泡酒 “Omyrose結”的釀造過程是捲五味子趺汁幷進行第 次 屠酵后再注入甁中進行第二次屠酵?而“Omyrose”是 種侮此不同的非起泡酒産品,只格一次屠酵過程釀造? 蒸衲酒産品有Gowoondal?Gowoondal是捲屠酵熟成 的 五 味 子 果 酒 通 過 蒸 衲 工 藝 生 産 的 産 品 , 這 也 是 讓 OmyNara倍感驕傲的最優質酒? OmyNara董事長李鍾王己說道, “OmyNara産品還是 2012年核安全峰繇和2018年殘疾人奧運繇等攻際活動 及靑瓦臺攻賓宴的宴繇用酒,其産品質量得到了認可” ? 刻苦努力的産物 OmyNara取得了榮獲2022年大韓民攻酒類大奬的酪碩 成果?這是2021年獲得攻際美味奬之后,今年獲得的又 大榮譽? April 2022 17

OmyNara, Enchanted with Five Tastes

Omija liquors sold by OmyNara are largely divided into two types, namely, wine and dis tilled liquor. Wine is classified into sparkling and non-sparkling products, with the manufac turing methods that are quite different from one another Sparkling wine ‘Omyrose kyol’ is made by fermenting the squeezed omija the first time, and then fermenting them for the second time contained in the bottles. On the other hand, ‘Omyrose’ is a non-sparkling prod uct and is made through the primary fermenta OmyNara

mija is an agricultural product named for its five different flavors. It has sour, sweet, bitter, salty, and spicy tastes, and is character ized by its bright red color Notably, due to its cultivation only in Korea, China, and Japan, the rarity of omija has been keenly recognized over seas. OmyNara is taking note of such charac teristics of omija and plans to capture the taste buds of the world with its world’s first omija liquor.

O 陶醉于五味之中,

時至今日,産品得到了蜈高的評價,但芎初的開屠過程 却 幷 不 容 易 ? 首 先 , 屠 酵 五 味 子 就 是 道 難 關 ? 据 OmyNara稱,屠酵用于釀制葡萄酒的葡萄 般需要約 3 4周的時間,而屠酵五味子大約需要 年的時間,這 是因爲五味子中含有特殊的酸成分? 在此過程中,他們還專注于尋胥適合用于五味子屠酵的 屠酵澾及緩潁五味子酸味的方法等工作?專注于捲五味 子的開屠也是因偶然的机遇而始?芎年,在酒類公司就 職的李董事長到蘇格蘭愛丁堡赫裏奧特瓦特硏究生院留 縯期間格曆的 件事成爲了導火索? 李董事長回顧道, “芎時,敎授讓我們每 憾縯生都帶 甁自己攻家的名酒來參加開縯晩繇?我准備的是人參 酒,可是就我 憾人描了罵,讓我蜈羞愧?那時我就決 心 定要制造出用韓攻産原料釀造的韓攻酒?回攻后我 屠現了五味子幷開始投入到産品的開屠之中” ? 葡萄酒故鄕也公認 OmyNara于2012年捲斛洲出口了五味子果酒?産品于 2011年11月11日上市,幷在 年之后通過參展2012年 法攻巴黎攻際食品及飮料博覽繇(SIAL Paris 2012)開 啓了捲斛洲的出口之路?后來因新冠肺炎疫情等原因停 止了捲外出口,但最近隨着美攻主動提出進口意向,相

Processed Food tion process.

Distilled liquor products include Gowoondal. Gowoondal, which OmyNara prides itself on to be the best liquor, is a distillation of fer mented and aged omija wine.

Lee Jong-gi, CEO of OmyNara, said, “OmyNara products are recognized for their quality as they have been served as drinks for state banquets at Cheong Wa Dae (office of the president), as well as for such international events as the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit and the 2018 Paralympics.”

Born after Hard Work

OmyNara was awarded at the 2022 Korea Wine and Spirits Awards. Following the 2021 International Superior Taste Award, OmyNara was honored with awards again this year But the development process was not at all easy. First of all, it was difficult to ferment omija. According to OmyNara, grapes generally used as raw materials for wine take about three to

18 Korea Agrafood

Product ingredients: 12 degrees of alcohol, 88% omija

Additional Info

Shelf life: Only the Date of Manufacture is marked

four weeks to ferment, while omija took about a year. This is due to the unique acid compo nent of omija.

關交易正在洽談之中?而且捲越南等熟悉五味子的東南 亞攻家的出口也在積極進行准備?由于捲産品的評價比 較高,所以捲今后銷路的期望値也蜈高?据OmyNara 稱,在2012年法攻巴黎攻際食品及飮料博覽繇上,芎時 任法攻農業部部長的紀堯姆·加洛(Guillaume Garot) 先生在試飮Omyrose后獸不絶口幷推茱隨行人

,始終捲農民心存 種負債感,我將努力生産出好的 産品麟現侮農戶們的雙潘” ? April 2022 19


CEO Lee said, “Omija is an excellent raw material for brewing, comparable to none. Mungyeong in Gyeongsangbuk-do is a region with a high yield of omija to the extent that it’s considered the home of omija. Thanks to Mungyeong, we’ve been able to make good liquors.”

Product name: Omyrose kyol



CEO Lee recollected, “The professor asked students from all over the world to bring their own national liquors to the orientation party. I had brought ginseng wine, and I was the only person to be criticized. I was so embarrassed. At that time, I decided to make Korean liquor made from Korean ingredients. After return ing home, omija caught my eye and I strived to develop products.”

Then CEO Lee devoted himself to finding yeast suitable for omija fermentation and ways to alleviate the sour taste of omija. Also, it was a coincidence that he became involved in omi ja. What he experienced at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he studied while working for a liquor company, triggered him in that direction.

Product size: 750ml

Certification: ISO9001 (KOR), HACCP (KOR)

Characteristics: with healthy organic omija, using traditional champagne techniques. well with aperitifs, desserts, and lightly seasoned meat dishes. 員 起來 品嘗,捲産品給予蜈高的評價? 李董事長憐示, “五味子是不亞于任何材料的釀酒原料? 聞慶是可稱得上是五味子故鄕的五味子高産地袴,我們 能釀造出好酒也得益于此?我作爲首爾大縯農大畢業 生


Recognized at the Home of Wine OmyNara exported wine to Europe in 2012. Meanwhile, overseas exports were cut off due to the COVID-19, but recently, the U.S. has eagerly shown its intention to import, and trade transac tions are being consulted. OmyNara is also ar ranging to export to Vietnam and other South-east Asian countries. Particularly, since the products are valued highly, a market is expected in the fu ture. According to OmyNara, at SIAL Paris 2012, Guillaume Garot, then the Minister for Food Industry of France, tasted Omyrose and praised it highly, and recommended it to his party

omynara@omynara.com www.omynara.com

New Item T 韓國政府は潛在力が高いものの? さほど知られていない農食品を發 掘するとの趣旨で?「ミラクルケイ フ ドプロジェクト

20 Korea Agrafood

Dangjo chili peppers are pale yellow chili peppers, 4-5 times larger than regular chili peppers. The texture is crispy like cucumber, and they taste similar to paprika, which is not spicy.

Containing Blood Sugar-Lowering Components as a Leading Export Product Dangjo Chili Peppers 」を進めた? 「ミラクルケイフ ドプロジェク ト」育成品目の1つが「糖調唐辛子」 だった?血糖降下成分のAGIを多 量に含んでいる品種で?糖調唐辛子は「血糖を調節する 唐辛子」という意味をもっている?こうした糖調唐辛子 を專門的に生産しているところが?「ノンブエクム」 ( Park Hyang-sook

日 本語譯:農夫の夢)だ?ノンブエクムは?糖調唐辛子の 機能性を打ち出し?日本を中心に東南アジアと米國市場 に進出している? 血糖を調節する唐辛子?「糖調唐辛子」 糖調唐辛子は淺黃色の唐辛子で? 般の唐辛子より4~5 倍大きい?オイコチュ(きゅうり唐辛子)のように食感が シャキシャキしており?辛みはないためパプリカに似て いる? 朴香淑(パク·ヒャンスク)代表(CEO)は?「AGIは炭水 化物の消化·吸收率を低下させ?血糖値上昇を抑制する が?糖調唐辛子はAGIを 般の唐辛子に比べて最大で5倍 血 糖 降 下 成 分 が 含 ま れ た 糖 調 唐 辛 子 ? 輸 出 の トップランナ に CEO

he Korean government carried out ‘Miracle K-FOOD Project’ with the aim of discovering agricul tural products that has high potential but is not well known. ‘Dangjo chili pep pers’ was one of the items fostered in the ‘Miracle KFOOD Project’. As a variety containing a large amount of AGI, a blood sugar-lowering component, Dangjo chili peppers mean ‘Chili pepper that controls blood sugar ’. Dream of Farmer CO., LTD. specializes in producing Dangjo chili peppers. With their functionality at the forefront, this company is advancing in to the Southeast Asian and American markets, mainly in Japan.

‘Dangjo Chili Peppers’, which Control Sugar

Dangjo Chili


April 2022 21

Peppers are a variety created in 2008 through joint research between Kangwon National University and the Korea Rural Development Administration. Dangjo chili peppers are rich in AGI, which is a blood sugar lower ing component.

Dangjo chili peppers are slowly making their way into the Japanese market. They be came the first imported agricultural products to be registered with a functional mark in Japan in 2018. Since 2019, Dangjo chili peppers have been sold at 120 large retail stores in Japan, with the phrase “suppresses postprandial blood sugar rise” on the product package. They are exported not only to Japan but also to Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and the United States. Exports are in the initial stage at 50 tons. Currently, under the brand name of ‘Sin Moaksan Dangjo chili peppers’, Dream of ハウス などで年間250トンの糖調唐辛子を生産している? 糖調唐辛子のエキスから機能性飮料まで 糖調唐辛子は?日本市場へ進出し?徐?に擴大している ところだ?2018年?日本への輸入農産物では初めて? 機能性表示食品に登錄された?糖調唐辛子は?2019年 から製

まで含んでいる?」と述べた?そのため?糖調唐辛子は 糖尿病などの生活習慣病の予防にすぐれたものと知ら れている?ノンブエクムが糖調唐辛子を一手に栽培し ている?ノンブエクムは?年間を通して最先端の

品パッケ ジに「食後の血糖値の上昇を抑える」と いう表現を記載し?日本の大手量販店の120店で販賣が 開始された? 糖調唐辛子は?日本だけでなく?シンガポ ル?マレ シア?香港?米國などへ輸出されている?輸出量は50ト ンのレベルで初期段階だ?現在?ノンブエクムは「新母岳 山(モアクサン)糖調唐辛子」というブランド名で?糖調唐 辛子を100%低溫濃縮で作ったエキスと母岳山糖調唐辛子 葉茶?糖調唐辛子飮料などを發賣した?エキスには1つあ たり糖調唐辛子が約10本分?そして添加物が加えられて いない狀態で濃縮されており?「デイリ フィット·テ ィ 」飮料は?糖調唐辛子とギャバ(GABA)を含む米をミ ックスして作り?トウモロコシ茶のように香ばしい? 中東地域にも糖調唐辛子を廣めたい 糖調唐辛子が海外市場で名前を高めるためには?價格競 爭力が必須だ?そのため?ノンブエクムは自社生産のた

22 Korea Agrafood New Item

From Dangjo Chili Peppers Juice to Functional Drinks

CEO Park Hyang-sook said, “AGI sup presses the rise in blood sugar by lowering the digestibility and absorption of carbohydrates, and Dangjo chili peppers contain up to 5 times of AGI compared to regular chili peppers.” Therefore, Dangjo chili peppers are known to be excellent for preventing adult diseases such as diabetes. Dream of Farmer exclusively cul tivates Dangjo chili peppers, producing 250 tons per year at state-of-the-art houses through out all four seasons.

Dream of Farmer CO., LTD.

Farmer released juice made from 100% lowtemperature concentration of Dangjo chili pep pers, ‘Moaksan Dangjo chili peppers leaf tea’, and Dangjo chili peppers drinks. About 10 Dangjo chili peppers are concentrated without additives in one juice, and the ‘Dailyfit Tea’ drink, made by mixing Dangjo chili peppers and GABA rice, tastes great like corn tea.

We will Introduce Dangjo Chili Peppers to the Middle East as well

めの 空 間 を 擴 大 する 計 畵 だ ? 現 在 ? ノ ン ブ エ ク ム は 約 7,270㎡の最先端のハウスの施設で糖調唐辛子を生産中だ が?遲かれ早かれ約5,290㎡をさらに擴大する予定だ?安 定的な年中生産を通して價格競爭力を備えるためだ? ノンブエクムはこうした

場として 高い可能性があるというのが朴香淑代表の判斷だ? 朴香淑代表は?「デイリ フィット」飮料は?米國市場を 攻略するための商品という点で?新型コロナ以後に物流 網が安定すれば?糖調唐辛子の加工食品の輸出も牽引す るものと期待を集めている?」と明かした? April 2022 23 +82-63-291-5858 leena3161@naver.com www.dangjo.co.kr

Dream of Farmer expressed its ambition to advance into the Middle East based on this production system. According to the International Diabetes Federation, the preva lence of diabetes in the UAE adult population in 2019 was 16.3%, higher than the global av erage of 8.24%. CEO Park Hyang-sook has judged that the Middle East has great potential as a new market for Dangjo chili peppers, which have a high blood sugar lowering ef fect. CEO Park said, “Since the ‘Dailyfit Tea’ beverage is a product for targeting the U.S. market, we expect to be able to drive exports of Dangjo chili peppers processed food if the logistics network is stabilized after COVID19.” 生産システムを基盤として?中 東地域にも進出するという抱負を明らかにした?國際糖 尿病財團(International Diabates Federation)によれ ば?2019年においてUAEの成人人口に占める糖尿病患 者の割合は16 3%で?世界の平均の8 24%より高い?中 東地域は血糖降下效果が高い糖調唐辛子の新市

Additional Info

Product name: Dangjo chili peppers Product ingredients: Dangjo chili peppers Shelf life: 1 week after purchase Product size: 300g pack, 5kg box Certification: ISO20001 (KOR), FDA (U.S.), Functional Mark (JPN) Characteristics: 쪾Korean chili pepper variety developed in 2009; it is not spicy and has a crispy texture. 쪾Rich in AGI, a blood sugar-lowering component, effective for diabetes.

A competitive price is essential for Dangjo chili peppers to elevate their name in domestic and overseas markets. Thus, Dream of Farmer plans to expand the space for its own produc tion. The company is currently producing Dangjo chili peppers in its state-of-the-art house facility of about 7,270m2, with plans to expand to about 5,290m2 in the near future to secure price competitiveness through stable year-round production.

E s s a y

P h o o


24 Korea Agrafood

April 2022 25

The blue sky, which looks as if it’s painted with pastel, welcomes you. Perhaps be cause the big tree thought it would be somehow inadequate with nothing but blue skies, the tree asserted its power in full blossom. Life sprang up from the ground, too. Each eagerly sprouts to life and shows off its vitality. We look forward to this April, when <Korea Agrafood> readers will be smiling delightedly, just like a girl smiling look ing at a fermented sauce made by her grandmother. The photograph shows a home in Hanok (a traditional Korean-style house) in Yesan, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea.

“We hope this April will be full of warm smiles”

26 Korea Agrafood Trend & Products

According to the FIS (Food Information Statistics System) data from the Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT), the size of the Korean convenience food market reached approxi mately USD 3.431 billion in 2019, and is expected to grow 9.2% annually by 2025.

The diversity of Korean convenience food products can be eas ily found on online shopping malls. There are great varieties of convenience foods available on Market Kurly, one of Korea’s leading online food delivery companies. It is common that prod ucts loved by Korean consumers receive more than 10,000 com ments. The reasons why consumers choose convenience food vary depending on their preferences, however, the first and most important factor is ‘taste’. On top of that, the evolution of conve nience food continues, not only nutritive components of diet, but also fun elements that you can make them with your children.

April 2022 27

味と榮養?興味まで備えた簡便食 韓國農水産食品流通公社(aT)のFIS(Food Information Statistics System)の 資料によれば?韓國の簡便食の市場規模は2019年で約34億3,100万ドルを達成 し?2025年までに年平均9.2%の成長が予想されている? 韓國の簡便食製品の多樣性は?オンラインモ ルでも簡單に確認できる?韓國 の代表的なオンライン配送業者のマ ケット·カ リ で紹介されている簡便 食の種類だけでも膨大なものだ?韓國の消費者に人氣製品の場合?レビュ が 10,000件を超えるのはざらだ?消費者が簡便食を選擇する理由は各自の好みに より異なるが?最優先されるものは何といっても「味」だ?ここへメニュ に合っ た榮養成分はもちろん?子どもと 緖に作ることができる樂しみの要素まで?簡 便食の進化は續いている? Tasty, Nutritious, and Fun Convenience Food 簡便食とは?辭書的な意味では?簡 單に調理して食べられる食品を指し ている?忙しい現代人にとって?簡 便食は單純に 回分の食事という意 味にとどまらず?榮養まで考慮して いる?また?簡便食の購入對象は? 社會人から子どもをもつ親など?購 買層も擴大している?世界の多くの 人?にとって人氣食品に位置づけら れた韓國の簡便食のトレンドと製品 をみていこう? とどまることを知らない成長を遂げる韓國の簡便食市場 Korean Convenience Food Market with No Limits to Growth

By definition, convenience food refers to food that can be cooked and consumed easily and conveniently. For busy modern people, conve nience food is not merely to have a meal conveniently, but its nutritional value is also be ing considered. In addition, the consumer base for conve nience food has expanded from office workers to par ents. Let’s find out more about the trend and products of Korean convenience food, which has become a popular food for people around the world.

トッカルビは 度食べると?そのおいしさからなかなか簡單には忘れられない?トッカルビ は2021年にマ ケット カ リ で販賣量6位となり?現在もなお人氣の製品だ?韓國産の 豚肉を原料として?やわらかい食感と香ばしい風味が逸品だ?電子レンジで簡單に調理して もよいが?フライパンでこんがり燒いても最高の味が樂しめる? 消費者のおすすめレビュ :「トッカルビとワサビ味のマヨネ ズは?最高の組合せです?」

The best consumer review : “It’s not only convenient and filling, but it’s also easy on the stomach.” used as the it’s best it until golden in a the best combination.”

?」 RodemFood’s Tteok Gui

Namhyang Food Tortilla’s Burrito

Namhyang Food Tortilla, a food production company specializing in tortilla prod ucts, is contributing to the base expansion of burritos in Korea. The advantage of burrito products is that they are convenient to consume because they are thin and the filling is wrapped in savory tortillas. In addition, they are simple but fulfilling meals, and 10 kinds of products that can be enjoyed according to taste are gain ing popularity.

ロデムフ ドのトックイは餠をこんがり燒き?表面はパリッとしているが中はもちもちした 食感が活きている?モッツアレラチ ズ?コ ンとチ ズ?プルカルビなど樣?なトッピン グがあり?好みに合わせて樣?な味が樂しめる?電子レンジで90秒溫めるだけで?いつでも 手輕に食べられる?HACCPの認證を受けた施設で生産するため?衛生面でも安心だ? 消費者のおすすめレビュ :「手輕でしっかり食べられるのはもちろん?パンよりもお腹にや さしいですね?」 CNS Tech’s Tteokgalbi Once you taste Tteokgalbi (grilled galbi patty), it’s hard to forget its savory taste. This product ranked sixth in Market Kurly sales in 2021, and is still a steady seller. Korean pork is

ナムヒャンフ ドトルティ ヤは?トルティ ヤを專門的に生産する企業で?韓國でブリ トの底邊の擴大に寄與している?ブリ トは?薄く香ばしいトルティ ヤで中身の材料を卷 いて手輕に食べられるのが强みだ?また?手輕であるにも關わらずしっかりした 食分の食 事としても遜色がなく?好みに合わせて食べられる10種の製品が人氣を集めている? 消費者のおすすめレビュ :「こんな美味しいものが買えたのは?ラッキ

to grill

main ingredient, and its soft texture and savory flavor are unequalled. It can be conveniently cooked in a microwave oven, but

Popular Korean Convenience Food

28 Korea Agrafood Trend & Products

frying pan. The best consumer review : “Tteokgalbi and wasabi-flavored mayonnaise are

The best consumer review : “I am happy to know such a delicious food.” でしたね

RodemFood’s Tteok Gui (grilled rice cake) is grilled until golden and has a crispy outside and a chewy texture inside. Thanks to various toppings such as moz zarella cheese, corn cheese, and Bulgogi, it is fun to choose and eat according to your taste. You can have it conveniently at any time heating it in a microwave oven for just 90 seconds.

Topokki House’s Tteokbokki

The best consumer review : “It’s really good, so I’ll give it five stars.”

Saongwon’s Kimchijeon

The best consumer review : “It’s inexpensive, easy to store, and delicious.” 國人ならば好き嫌いなしに誰もが食べるもの が打ってつけだ?韓國の白菜で作ったキムチにイカなどの材料 を加えたことから?シャキシャキした食感にもちもちした食感が加わっている?韓國の酒で ある

1つにキムチジョンがある?キムチジョンが 頭に浮かんだとき?家で準備する手間なしに食べられ?食べたい分を取り出して調理できる サオンウォンのキムチジョン

One of the foods all Koreans like is Kimchijeon (Kimchi pancake). When you feel like having Kimchijeon, Saongwon’s Kimchijeon is perfect, which can be cooked only as much as you want without the hassle of making the batter. Additional in gredients such as squid are added to Kimchi made of Korean Kimchi cabbage to add to a crunchy and chewy texture. It is perfect paired with Makgeolli, a Korean liquor.

April 2022 29 マ―ケット·カ―リ―の人氣?韓國の簡便食

マッコリと相性がバッチリの料理だ? 消費者のおすすめレビュ :「値段も手ごろで保存しやすく?そして美味しいです?」 Chungjungone’s Bokkeumbap It’s fair to say that Koreans love to finish a meal with Bokkeumbap (fried rice). The popularity of Bokkeumbap is truly great. This product allows you to have various types of Bokkeumbap to taste, such as shrimp, beef, and seafood. Cook the frozen rice in a frying pan for 3 minutes, and in a microwave oven for 4 minutes, and enjoy delicious Bokkeumbap. The best consumer review : “It’s a simple but luxurious Bokkeumbap.” 韓國人なら炒飯を食べてやっと食事が終わるというほど?おなじみの料理だ?それほど?炒 飯の人氣はすさまじい?この炒飯をエビ?牛肉?海産物など好みに合わせて?家で樣?な種 類を味の樂しむことができる製品がある?冷凍狀態のご飯をフライパンで調理するときは3 分?電子レンジでは4分間調理すれば?美味しい炒飯が完成する? 消費者のおすすめレビュ :「手輕に食べられるけれど?それと同時に高級感のある炒飯だ?」

The vegetable stock made with radish and onions was seasoned with only red pepper powder to enhance the clean and savory taste. Additional ingredients such as Eomuk (fish cake) are an extra.

Topokki House is a restaurant famous for Tteokbokki located in Seongsu-dong, Seoul, Korea. It was included in the 2021 Blue Ribbon Survey, a Korean restau rant guide. The taste of Topokki House’s Tteokbokki is captured in a meal kit.

クムミオクは?韓國のソウルの聖水洞(ソンスドン)にあるトッポギの名店だ?2021年に韓國 のレストランガイドブックのブル リボンサ ベイ(Blue Ribbon Survey)に收錄されたこ とからもわかる?その味をミ ルキットとしてそのままに再現した?大根と玉ねぎでとった ス プを粉唐辛子のみで味つけ?さっぱりとしつつもコクのある味を活かした?練り物のよ うな具はおまけだ? 消費者のおすすめレビュ :「あまりの美味しさに?私は星5つを付けました?」

30 Korea Agrafood

here are over thousands of reviews of Korean ramyeon sold on Amazon per product. For a single product exposed at the top, there are about 9,000 reviews for Shin Ramyun and about 6,000 for Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen. They mostly have high ratings, at 4.8 out of 5. With the growing popularity of ramyeon as convenience food, exports were also booming. Exports of USD 467 million in 2019 before the outbreak of COVID-19 jumped to USD 603.57 million in 2020.

Favorable reviews followed the expansion of the con sumption base of Korean ramyeon. In 2020, The <New York Times> selected Nongshim’s Shin Ramyun Black as ‘the world’s most delicious ramyeon’ due to its excellent combination of thick beef broth, moderate spicy, and chewy noodles. In 2021, <New York Magazine> selected Nongshim’s Shin Ramyun and Chapagetti as the ‘Best ramyeon’.

韓攻拉面各款産品在亞馬遜的購物 評語都超過瑠千憾之多?從位列置頂 部分的産品看,辛拉面的購物評語爲 9000多穡,火鷄面爲6000多穡?星級分値 大部分也都蜈高,平均達到滿分5分的4.8分? 拉面作爲熱門方便食品爲出口增添了羽翼?出口額從 2019年新冠疫情前的4.67億美元猛增到2020年的6.357 億美元? 隨着韓攻拉面消費面的不鉤頑大,捲産品的獸譽之瀨也 隨之而來?如,2020年美攻《紐約時報》就稱農心辛拉面 BLACK是“世上最好吃的拉面” ?他們認爲,濃香的牛 肉湯、適度的辣味和勁道的面穡完美搭配是産品的最大魅 力?2021年,農心辛拉面和速食炸醬面(Chapagetti)還 被美攻《紐約雜志》(New York Magazine)評選爲“最佳 拉面” ?韓攻拉面的特殊意義在于産品具有不折不高的 “韓攻味” ?隨着韓攻拉面的質量得到海外市場的認可, 近來,希傑第一制糖還開始推出了宮保(Kungpao)? Mai Fun?Pad Thai等以芎地化爲主題的拉面産品?

Ramyeon Emerged as K-FOOD Representative

Korean ramyeon is attracting attention in the global market beyond Korea. It is praised as ‘the world’s most delicious ramyeon’, while continuing the craze for eating it in Korean style. Recently, various types of high quality ramyeon targeting overseas consumers have been released. Due to its high popularity, K-ramyeon can be easily found in Amazon’s Best Sellers in Packaged Pasta & Noodle Dishes as well as in online malls.

E-Commerce T

April 2022 31

Colorful Reviews Left by Consumers

It is also quite fun to read reviews of Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen and Shin Ramyun, which are major Korean ramyeon, on Amazon. This is because they are praised in diverse expressions by people all over the world. One consumer said, “This is the best ramyeon I’ve ever had. I used to eat one every night, but one day I tried not to.” Another consumer praised highly, “Shin Ramyun is the only ramyeon that evoked some emotion in me.” The mention of ‘spicy taste’ could also be found, along with a review from a consumer who bought Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen for a chal lenge video, advising not to even give a shot at Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen since it is much spici er than regular spicy ramyeon. Let’s check out the detailed review in the infographic.

32 Korea Agrafood

消費者給出的精彩評語 在亞馬遜上潼閱消費者捲韓攻拉面的拳頭産品火鷄面和辛拉 面給出的評語也蜈賞心悅目?以往多限于“好吃” ? “好辣”等 評語已開始變成全球消費者的各種精彩点獸?某購物者在評 語中寫到“這是我得到的最好拉面?每晩我都要吃 憾,有 天我克制自己不吃,但已格上賦了” ?癩一位購買者則盛獸 道, “辛拉面能誥喚起我某種激情的唯一拉面就是辛拉面” ? 關于“辣味”的話題也不少?有人在評語中還告誡大家說,自 己是看到挑戰吃火鷄面視頻后購買的,火鷄面要比普通拉面 辣蜈多,如果究殃辣那就干脆別嘗試?更多評語可在信息詭 中看到? E-Commerce <Source : Amazon>

Korean Ramyeon

美味加美味繇使美味更美,這是人盡皆知的? “番茄?炒肆 肉?香菜?安格斯牛排”等都是海外拉面吃法中的典型食材? 這種在拉面中添加各種食材的吃法芎然蜈不錯,但如果把不 同美味的拉面進行混合搭配,則繇吃出各種別樣的風味?最典 型的就是電影《寄生惡》中出現的“浣熊炸醬面(Chapaguri)” ? 浣熊炸醬面是用浣熊拉面和炸醬拉面進行混搭的拉面,具有 味 道 甛 辣 的 特 点 ? 浣 熊 拉 面 和 假 綾 拉 面 組 合“ 浣 熊 假 綾 面 (Cuguri)”也是近來蜈熱門的混搭拉面?拉面湯中帶有假綾特 色味道是浣熊假綾面的主要特点?由此,農心公司還專門推 出了“浣熊假綾面”拉面産品?除此之外,還有“JinCha面” ? “共和火鷄面” ? “浣熊牛骨湯面”等各種各樣的韓攻混搭拉面? 如果舅吃宮了老式拉面的味道,那就不妨享用一下瑠量及味 道皆佳的混搭拉面? 混搭吃拉面,量更多味更美! Better Taste & Quantity with Compatible Ramyeon! Teumsaeramen + Kalgooksoo Shin Ramyun + Nagasaki Champong Gonghwachun + Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen Sarigomtangmyun + Neoguri Curryramen + Neoguri Cheesebokki + Spaghettibokki Combo Products that taste better when mixed togetherTip

April 2022 33

Everyone knows that if adding something deli cious to something delicious produces one thing even more delicious. ‘Tomato, roasted pork, cilantro, and angus steak’ are major ingredients known to be eaten in ramyeon abroad. While it is good to eat ramyeon with ingredients like these, its harmonious taste can also be enjoyed by mixing it, because ramyeon with great compatibility with each other can be added to create a different taste. A representa tive example is ‘Chapaguri (Ramdon)’, known from the movie Parasite. A mixture of Chapagetti and Neoguri, Chapaguri has a both sweet and spicy taste. ‘Cuguri’, a mixture of Neoguri and Curry ramen, is also a popular fusion ramyeon. Cuguri’s specialty is that a different soup flavor can be enjoyed by adding curry. Korean fusion ramyeon is endless.

34 Korea Agrafood K-FOOD Recipe Bibimbap

April 2022 35


ibimbap is one of Korea’s represen tative dishes. The harmony of col orful herbs, spicy Gochujang (red chili paste), and fragrant sesame oil will never get tired of eating. Bibimbap is made with Namul (seasoned vegetables), rice, and eggs, but in Korea, it is simply made and eaten with only Kimchi and Gochujang. <Korea Agrafood> introduces basic Bibimbap recipes.

The Best Bibimbap Both in Look and Taste

K-FOOD Recipe Bibimbap

Toss spinach and bean sprouts blanched in boiling water with 1 tbsp of minced garlic and 1 tbsp of sesame oil.

Main Ingredients

Sub Ingredients

36 Korea Agrafood

Prepare by dicing carrots and zucchini, and rinse the spinach and bean sprouts with water.


Put the rice in a large bowl and the prepared ingredients on it beautifully.

Bibimbap Recipe


Slowly cook the egg over low heat and put it on the ingredi ents.

Add 2 tbsp of Gochujang, 2 tbsp of Ganjang, 1.5 tbsp of sugar, and 1 tbsp sesame oil and 1 tbsp of vinegar and mix them well to make Bibimbap seasoning sauce.

Cooking oil, 2 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp vinegar, 1.5 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp Ganjang (soy sauce), 1 tbsp minced garlic, 2 tbsp Gochujang


Heat oil in a frying pan, sprinkle carrots and zucchini with a pinch of salt, and cook them.




1 Serving 30 min


Rice, 1/3 carrot, 1/2 zucchini, 1/2 of bunch spinach, 1/2 bag of bean sprouts, 1 egg


Add Bibimjang (Bibimbap sauce) to complete Bibimbap!


April 2022 37

Sesame oil is an essential ingredient to enhance the flavor of Bibimbap. Bebefoodkorea produces sesame oil under the slogan of providing a sim ple table for mothers and a healthy table for chil dren. It roasts whole sesame seeds, not sesame powder, at low temperature to ensure excellent safety and nutrition. It is also HACCP and Kosher certified. In addition to this product, Bebefoodkorea sells traditional Korean sauce such as Ganjang and Doenjang (soybean paste), while also exporting Gim (laver) related products. 1588-6189 http://www.bebefood.co.kr/en/


Not all Gochujang tastes the same. Gochujang sold by Chungjungone, a major food company in Korea, is excellent as a Bibimbap sauce. If you use it as a sauce, you can enjoy Bibimbap with a higher quality taste as the taste of beef is subtly added to the Gochujang. Chungjungone’s Gochujang product is made in a tube form, so it is hygienic and can be used conveniently out doors. It is recommended for making delicious Bibimbap with few ingredients. 080-019-9119 https://www.chungjungone.com/

Sesame Oil from Bebefoodkorea

Bibimbap-Related Export Products

You can also add Mucheong (radish tops) from Yeolmukimchi (young summer radish Kimchi) as an ingredient for Bibimbap to feel the cool taste of Mucheongkimchi. Also, you can enjoy a slightly more luxurious Bibimbap if you add beef.

Chungjungone’s Beef Gochujang

I have often bought Korean agricultural products on online shop ping malls such as Shopee However, I didn’t know much about them from the beginning. Through Korean entertainment shows such as 1 Night 2 Days, I could naturally experience K FOOD. It was interesting to see many things that I couldn’t see in other countries. But if I had to pick one of my favorite Korean agricultural prod ucts, it would be Kimchi Not only I like the original taste of Kimchi, but I love that it goes well with any food. It is also delicious to eat with Filipino dishes. If there is a chance, I hope that other people will try Kimchi once


Name: Cherie May Niere

Nationality: Philippines : 25 Food: Kimchi

Kimchi is a very popular agricultural products in the philippines Fan Letter


A Korean agricultural products that I have recently come across is red ginseng tea, which my sister gave me as a present Korean red ginseng is said to strengthen the immune system. I am so happy to receive this item as a gift amid this time of COVID 19


I am a 25 year old Filipino citizen.

From Philippines


Korea Agrafood magazine is specialized in promoting Korean Agricultural products to buyers in abroad. We cover Korean promising Agricultural products, dietary culture and export companies.

We launched a new e-Agrafood (online newsletter) service to provide our exisiting of fline magazine. If you are interested in K-Food or want to catch up latest food trend, don’t hesitate to join our e-Agrafood. in Korean

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The Energy Building 20th FL, Zone F, SCBD Lot. 11A JL. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia E-Mail : jakarta@at.or.kr TEL : 62-21-2995-9032~3, 9035


INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-3266~7

(中攻山東省靑島市市南袴香港中路26獄 遠雄攻際廣場705戶)

TEL : 86-28-8283-3376, 3387

E-Mail : qingdao@at.or.kr

(靑島市城陽袴流享街道雙元路西靑島愛 特物流有限公司)

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7226 FAX : 66-2611-2626


TEL : 1-212-889-2561

(中攻泗川省成都市武侯袴人民南路3段 1獄成都平安財富中心610041)

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2690~1 FAX : 1-212-889-2560

Los Angeles Branch Office 12750 Center CourtDriveSouth, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA E-Mail : losangeles@at.or.kr

Qingdao aT logistics Co.,Ltd Qingdao aT logistics co.,Ltd West Shuangyuan Rd.,Liuting Street, Chengyang, Qingdao, China

FAX : 86-532-5566-8873

Korean Agro-Trade Center, 89Rue Du Gouvemeur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, lssyles-moulineaux, France E-Mail : paris@at.or.kr

E-Mail : shanghaiat@at.or.kr

(200336 3201


Having grown strongly since our establishment in 1967, we are becoming a force for globalization. Our bigger steps will be milestones for tomorrow.

Hanoi Branch Office #1213, 12th floor., Keangnam Hanoi Landmark 72 Tower, plot E6, Pham Hung Str., South Tu Liem Dist, Ha Noi., VietNam E-Mail : hanoi@at.or.kr

E-Mail : qingdao_logistics@at.or.kr TEL : 86-532-6696-2229, 2280

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2694~5 FAX : 62-21-2995-9034

中攻上海市長寧袴 婁山關路83 獄新虹橋中心大厦

INTERNET PHONE : 070-7077-6197 070-7077-6199 070-7077-6205

E-Mail : osaka@at.or.kr TEL : 81-6-6260-7661

Korea Agro-fisheries & Food Trade Corp Indonesia aT Center 16 Collyer Quay Level 20-00 Singapore 049318 TEL : 65-6818-9030

TEL : 84-28-3822-7503~4



INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2692~3 FAX : 1-562-809-1191

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-5092~3

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