May 2022 (vol.319)

Page 1

Korean Cabbage that can Taste Sweet without Dressing Various Ingredients, Evolving Korean Mandu New FarmtasticItem E-Commerce Korean King Oyster Mushroom that Fascinated Europeans May 2022 vol.319 New Topic Health & Functionality Visit K-FOOD Trade & Enjoy the variety of Korean Food is also available via your mobile phone. Find your Korean Food Buyers Pause! K-FOOD Fans Pause!

Let’s reduce waste at home.

We can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas

You can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website,, and clicking the button.

Zero food waste with one finished meal!

Restaurants can save the costs for food waste disposal

02 Divide food ingredients into portions and store them in a transparent container.

Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign and ’s

Then, let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.

If we reduce food waste,

03 Ground dry ingredients to cook.

Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one.

You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator.

01 Plan your diet and buy only the food you need.

Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.

You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and

Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day!

Individuals can take care of both diet and health

Let us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste.

If we reduce food waste,

help people who are hungry by donating some of the savings.

Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses!

1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives. Start WFP individual donation Donate on ‘Share the Meal’ ExpirationQuantityDate of Meals Donate

How close have you gotten to Zero Waste? Let’s donate together in everyday life.

Consider the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients.


Photo by Dameulstudio

Main Theme

With prolonged COVID-19, consumers around the world are paying attention to ‘health’, perceiving food products as necessary for a healthy life. This trend is also transpiring in the agricultural product market. Now, when consumers choose agricul tural products, they consider ‘health’ and ‘functionality’ as their top priority, which is al so becoming a global trend.

12 16 30 CONTENTS

Targeting the Japanese Functional Food Market 08 What


From Sesame Leaves to Kimchi, about

May 2022 vol. 319

Functionality Label for General Korean Food Products? 10

‘Health’ and ‘Functionality’ are New Topics in the Agricultural Product Market

Health Functional Food Market on a Growth Trend

Korean Cabbage that can Taste Sweet without Dressing





BEIJING Park Sung-kuk 070-4617-5090 ( SHANGHAI Sung Si-chan 070-7077-6197 ( CHENGDU Wang Sung 070-4617-3267 ( DALIAN Koh Jung-hee 070-4617-3266 ( HONGKONG Kim Suk-ju 070-4617-2696 ( HANOI Park Min-cheol 070-4617-7257 ( HOCHIMIN Park Il-sang +84-862-470-214 (

DUBAI Kim Hyuk +97-1-4339-2213 (

EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea

OSAKA Kwon Tae-hwa +81-6-6260-7661 (

L.A Kim Min-ho +1-562-809-8810 (

KUALALUMPUR Jang Jae-hyung (


TOKYO Jang Seo-gyeong +81-3-5367-6656 (



227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0963 Fax +82-61-804-4521

Deliciously Korean Gochujang

DODAM, from Green Tea to 30 Kinds of Jam

Webtoon : Strawberry - Fan Letter : Angelica Chiong 38

MOSCOW Shin Jae-hun 070-4617-3277 (

QINGDAO Lee Sun-woo (



BANGKOK Lee Ju-yong 070-4617-7226 (

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EDITORS Chang In-shik REPORTERS Kim Young-min ( Cho Yeong-kyu ( Choi Yeong-jin (

JAKARTA Cho Sung-thok 070-4617-2694 (

Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.


26 30 34 Extras Trend & Culture PHOTO ESSAY24 K-FOOD FRIEND

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Ki No-sun (Food Industry & Trade Division)

12 Closeup

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Han Hyo-jin (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)

Various Ingredients, Evolving Korean Mandu

Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995


Tel +82-2-3434-9072 Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website,

NEW YORK Shim Hwa-sop 1-212-889-2561 (

Korean King Oyster Mushroom that Fascinated Europeans

Deliciously Salty, Ganjang Gyeranbap

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

4 Korea Agrafood C over Story

With prolonged COVID-19, consumers around the world are paying attention to ‘health’, perceiving food products as nec essary for a healthy life. This has driven the growth of the health functional food market globally, according to the Korea Health Supplements Association (KHSA), the global health functional food market was confirmed to be at USD 156.2 bil lion in 2021. This trend is also transpiring in the agricultural product market. Now, when consumers choose agricultural products, they consider ‘health’ and ‘functionality’ as their top priority, which is also becoming a global trend.

‘Health’ and ‘Functionality’ are New Topics in the Agricultural Product Market

May 2022 5 新型コロナが長期化するにつれ?全世界の消費者の關心は「健康」に集ま っている?そのため?消費者は食品を健康な生活のためのものと認識し ている?これは健康機能食品市場の成長を牽引した?韓國健康機能食品 協會によれば?世界の健康機能食品市場は?2021年の1,562億ドルに 達するとされている?こうした雰圍氣は?農食品市場で現れている?今 や消費者は農食品を選ぶとき「健康」と「機能性」を優先し?これはまた世 界的な流れでもある? 農食品市場?「健康」と「機能性」が新たな話題に

6 Korea Agrafood C over Story

2019年の世界の健康機能食品市場の規模は1,432億ド ル?2013年に1,000億ドルを突破した後?每年5%以上 の成長を續けている?韓國健康食品協會によれば?韓國 の健康機能食品市場の規模は?2021年の41億1,500万ド ル(推定)で?2017年の34億331万ドルと比べると?5年 間で20.9%成長した?健康機能性原料の販賣量は紅參が 11億2,617万ドルで最も多く?プロバイオティクスは6 億8,673万ドルで2番目に多い?ビタミンは5億1,684万 ドル?EPAおよびDHAを含む油脂は2億39万ドル?體 脂肪減少關連製品は1億3,294ドル?コラ ゲンは8,613 万ドルとなった?プロバイオティクスは乳酸菌の增殖と 惡玉菌の抑制などに?EPAおよびDHAは血中の中性脂 肪の數値改善と目の健康などに效果があるとされる? 成長傾向をみせる健康機能食品市場 Health Functional Food Market on a Growth Trend I

n 2019, the global health functional food market was valued at USD 143.2 billion. Since exceeding USD 100 billion in 2013, it has been growing at more than 5% every year. According to the KHSA, the size of the health functional food market in Korea is estimated at USD 4.115 billion in 2021, up 20.9% over the past five years from USD 3.403 billion in 2017. In sales of health functional ingredients, red ginseng was the highest at USD 1,126 million, followed by probiotics USD 686.73 million, vitamins USD 516.84 million, oil containing EPA and DHA USD 200.4 million, body fat reduction products USD 132.94 mil

lion, and collagen USD 86.13 million. Probiotics are effective in proliferation of lac tic acid bacteria and inhibition of harmful bac teria, while EPA and DHA are effective in im proving blood neutral lipids and eye health. In the marketing survey of 240 member compa nies of the KHSA last year, ‘immune func tion’ was the most popular functional field, followed by intestinal health, skin health, sleep quality improvement, and body fat reduction.

Red ginseng is definitely a functional item with excellent immune function. Its main products are Red Ginseng Extract from Korea Ginseng Corporation and Samsidae Red Ginseng Extract Every Ginseng from Geumsan Black Ginseng CO., LTD. In Korea, ginseng is a major health func tional food along with red ginseng.

昨年?韓國健康食品協會所屬の240社のマ ケティング 擔當者を對象にしたアンケ ト調査で最も人氣が高い機 能性分野として?「免疫機能」が壓倒的に高く?このほか には腸の健康?肌の健康?睡眠の質改善?體脂肪の減少 などが擧がった?免疫機能がすぐれた機能性品目は?當 然ながら紅參で?紅參の主要製品は韓國人參公社の紅參 エキスと錦山(クムサン)黑參株式會社のサムシデ紅參エ ブリジンセンなどがある? 韓國の健康機能食品としては?紅參とともに

高麗人參が その代表だ?グロ バル市場調査會社のトラスティッ ド·ビジネスインサイトによれば?世界の高麗人參抽出 物 市 場 の 規 模 は 2 1 8 億 ド ル で ? 2 0 2 7 年 ま で に 年 平 均 6 1%成長すると予想されている?これが高麗人參の宗 主國である韓國の高麗人參が注目されている理由だ?高 麗人參は免疫力を高め?疲勞を回復させ?骨の健康を助 ける機能性原料で?最近では米國で健康機能食品として 注目されている? ほかにも?ニンニクは血中のコレステロ ル改善に寄與 する機能性原料として認められているほか?最近ではブ ラックベリ 抽出物の血壓調節效果が確認され?原料登 錄を控えている?

According to Trusted Business Insights, a global market research firm, the global gin seng extract market size is estimated at USD 21.8 billion and is expected to grow at CAGR of 6.1% by 2027. This is the reason Korean ginseng, the origin of ginseng, is receiving more attention. As a functional raw material that enhances immunity, improves fatigue, and helps bone health, ginseng has recently been drawing attention as a health functional food in the U.S. In addition, garlic has been recog nized as a good functional raw ingredient for improving blood cholesterol, and black rasp berry extract is pending registration as a raw ingredient since its blood pressure control ef fect is recently confirmed.

May 2022 7

8 Korea Agrafood C over Story

It is especially notable that Korean agricul tural products are registered as functional food products in Japan, where the functionality la beling food system has been in effect since こうした健康機能食品市場に步調を合わせる形で?農食品 市 場 も 健 康 と 機 能 性 が 話 題 に な っ て い る ? 何 よ り ? K FOODが健康食品としての認知度を高めているが?キムチ とコチュジャンなどの傳統的なK FOODはもちろん?エゴ マ葉と唐辛子などの生鮮農産物が機能性を認められ?健康 食品としての人氣を獲得している? 特に?韓國産の農食品が日本の機能性表示食品に登錄され ている点がひときわ目を引く?日本は2015年から機能性表 示食品制度を實施している?糖調唐辛子は血糖値の上昇を 抑制する效果が認められ?2019年に日本で機能性表示食品 に登錄された?日本國內に輸入された農食品 (Trechan) Sesame leaves

n line with this health functional food mar ket, health and functionality are emerging as trends in the agricultural food market. With K-FOOD gaining recognition as a health food, traditional K-FOOD such as Kimchi and Gochujang, as well as fresh agricultural prod ucts such as sesame leaves and chili pepper, are drawing popularity as health foods due to recognition for their functionality.

のなかでは初 めてのことだ?韓國の糖調唐辛子は「ノンブエクム(日本語 譯:農夫の夢)營農組合法人」から日本へ輸出されている? I From Sesame Leaves to Kimchi, Targeting the Japanese Functional Food Market エゴマ葉からキムチまで?日本の機能性食品市場を攻略 Kimchi

oil (Komega) Dangjo chili pepper (Dream of Farmer CO., LTD.)

糖の整腸機能を認めたもの だ?キムチの機能性の硏究のためのテスト製品は?韓國の世 界キムチ硏究所とキムチ業者のトゥレチャン(TRECHAN) が協力して製造した? このほかに?2021年にはエゴマ油と紅酢も日本の機能性表示食 品に登錄された?エゴマ油はコメガ(Komega)の製品で?血中 の中性脂肪の數値を改善し ? 目の健康維持に役立つ EPA と DHAを含んだオメガ3の含有量が高い?紅參は?近年?認知機 能の改善に高い效果があるとの硏究結果をもとに?登錄が進め られており?藪も血糖値の上昇を抑える1 デオキシノジリマイ シン(1 Deoxynojirimycin)が認められ?登錄を控えている?

May 2022 9

Registration for red ginseng is currently underway based on the results of research showing that it can greatly improve cogni tive functions, and silkworms are about to be registered, recognized for 1-deoxynojir imycin which suppresses blood sugar rise. たということが?韓國農水産食品流通公社(aT)の說明だ?韓 國のエゴマは秋富(チュブ)エゴマが有名だ?2022年には韓 國産キムチが新たに登錄された?韓國産キムチが日本の機能 性表示食品に登錄されたのは今回が初で?これは日本政府が キムチに含まれるフラクトオリゴ

2020年には?韓國産のエゴマ葉が日本の機能性表示食品に 名前を連ねた?エゴマ葉に含まれるロスマリン酸が目の不快 感を緩和する機能があるとの科學的な根據を日本の硏究機關 を通して確認し?エゴマ葉の機能性が表示できるようになっ

2015. Dangjo chili pepper was registered as a functional food in Japan in 2019 in recognition of its efficacy in suppressing blood sugar rise. This is the first of its kind among imported agricultural products in Japan. Korean Dangjo chili peppers are ex ported to Japan by ‘Dream of Farmer CO., LTD.’.


In 2022, Korean Kimchi was newly reg istered as a functional food, the first time in Japan. This means the Japanese govern ment has recognized the intestinal function of fructooligosaccharide in Kimchi. A pro totype for functional research on Kimchi was produced jointly by the World Institute of Kimchi in Korea and Trechan, a Kimchi company. In addition, perilla oil and red vinegar were registered as functional foods in Japan in 2021. A product of Komega, perilla oil is rich in omega 3 content in cluding EPA and DHA, which can im prove blood neutral lipids and help eye health.

In 2020, Korean sesame leaves were list ed as functional foods in Japan. Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT) explains the functionality of sesame leaves could be labeled by securing scientific evidence through a Japanese re search institute that the rosmarinic acid ele ment in sesame leaves can relieve discom fort in the eyes. Chubu sesame leaf is the famous Korean sesame leaf.

ike Japan, Korea has implemented the ‘Gen eral Food Functional Labeling System’ since December 29, 2020. As of April 2022, there are 296 products with general food functional la beling that have been voluntarily reviewed by the Korea Food Industry Association.

The no. 1 general product with functional indica tion registered at the Korea Food Industry Association is Pulmuone’s ‘PGA plus calcium silken bean curd’. This product contains poly-gam ma-glutamic acid (PGA), which helps promote calcium absorption in the body After, Pulmuone introduced ‘Fermented red yeast rice natto’. Red yeast rice is known to be effective for reducing blood cholesterol. Pulmuone also sells ‘Vegetable lactobacillus rice’, a yogurt product containing pro biotics. Daesang has launched Red vinegar con taining aloe gel, which is good for skin health and immunity enhancement.

韓國も2020年12月29日から日本と米國のように 「 般食品機能性表示制」を實施している? 2022年4月時点で?韓國食品産業協會で廣告を審議 した 般食品機能性表示製品は?296品目ある?韓 國食品産業協會に1號に登錄された機能性表示 般 製品の「PGAプラスカルシウム絹ごし豆腐」だ?この 製品は?體內でのカルシウムの吸收促進に役立つポ リガンマグルタミン酸(PGA)が含まれた製品だ? それに續いて?プルムウォンは「發酵紅麴納豆」を發 賣した?紅麴は血中のコレストロ ルの減少に效果 があることが知られている?また?プロバイオティ クスが入っているヨ グルトの「植物性乳酸菌米」と 販賣中だ?韓國産の米を發芽させて作り?朝食の代 用品としてもよい?大象(デサン)は?肌の健康と腸 の健康?免疫力の增進などによいアロエゲルを含む 紅酢を發賣した? What about Functionality Label for General Korean Food Products? L 韓國の機能性表示一般食品は?

10 Korea Agrafood C over Story

Milk made with ground ginseng and yam (Seoul Dairy Cooperative)

General Korean Food Products with Functionality Label

Corn silk tea (Kwangdong Pharmaceutical)

Trechan Kimchi is Korea’s first Kimchi with functionality label. World Institute of Kimchi ex plained, “Trechan Kimchi contains fructooligosac charide, a natural substance that proliferates benefi cial bacteria in the intestine, and helps smooth bowel movements.”

General products with functionality labeling us ing ginseng include ‘Milk made with ground gin seng and yam’ by Seoul Dairy Cooperative. This product is Korea’s first functionally labeled milk.

Green tea powder with chlorella (Nokchawon)

Red vinegar (Daesang)

Trechan Kimchi (Trechan)

Nokchawon launched Green tea powder with chlorella which is reported to be helpful in antioxi dants, and Kwangdong Pharmaceutical CO., LTD. launched ‘Corn silk tea’ containing indigestible maltodextrin, which helps suppress postprandial blood sugar rise.

トゥレチャンキムチは?韓國の機能性表示キムチ1號 だ?世界キムチ硏究所は「世界キムチ硏究所が技術 支援したトゥレチャンキムチは腸內の善玉菌の增や し?惡玉菌を抑制し?便秘の予防によい天然物質の フラクトオリゴ糖を含むキムチ」と說明した?高麗 人參を活用した機能性表示 般製品にはソウル牛乳 協同組合の「高麗人參·山芋をすりおろして作った 牛乳」がある?この製品は韓國初の機能性表示牛乳 だ? 茶製造企業の綠茶園(ノクチャウォン)は?抗酸化に役 立つと報告されたクロレラが入っている「クロレラ粉 茶」を?廣東(クァンドン)製藥(株)は食後の血糖値 上昇を抑え?便秘の予防に役立つ難消化性マルトデ キストリンを含む「とうもろこしのひげ茶」をそれぞ れ發賣した? Vegetable lactobacillus rice (Pulmuone)

PGA plus calcium silken bean curd (Pulmuone) Fermented red yeast rice natto (Pulmuone)

May 2022 11

12 Korea Agrafood Farmtastic ヨ―ロッパの人?を魅了した韓國産·エリンギ-チョンヘ Korean King Oyster Mushroom that Fascinated Europeans

The quality of king oyster mushroom varies by carbon dioxide, temperature, and humidity, and Cheon Hye mushroom grower operates as a smart farm that automatically controls the cultivation environment. Not constant temper ature and humidity make mushrooms vulnera

スマ トファ ム?高品質の商品生産に寄與 チョンヘは?エリンギとミニエリンギを栽培する農場 だ?チョンヘの權讚赫(クォン·チャンヒョク)代表は? オ ストラリアに12年住んだ後?2019年に歸國して父 親

?濕度により品質に違いが出てくるが?チョン ヘのキノコ栽培舍は?このような栽培環境を自動で制御 するスマ トファ ムとして運營されている? チョンヘは高品質のエリンギ生産量の50%を選別し?オ ランダとイギリスへ輸出している?韓國のエリンギ輸出 實績は?2019年で約2,630万ドル?2020年で2,587万ド ル?2021年で2,650万ドルと增加傾向にあり?オランダ が輸出額の25%以上を占め?最も多い? エリンギは白の厚い柄とその上にある小さい笠、彈力のある 食感が特徵だ?特に韓國産キノコは味と見た目がよく?ヨ ロッパの人?の關心を集めている?慶尙北道の金泉(キムチ ョン)のエリンギ農場の「チョンヘ」は?2015年からこれま でヨ ロッパ市場へエリンギを輸出している?靑年農業者 らしく?スマ トファ ムをいち早く構築し?高品質のキ ノコを生産している?

King oyster mushroom is characterized by a thick white stem, a small cap on top, and a firm flesh. Korean mushrooms are particularly drawing atten tion from Europeans because of their excellent taste and shape. ‘Cheon Hye’, a king oyster mush room farm located in Gimcheon, Gyeongsangbukdo, has been exporting king oyster mushrooms to the Netherlands and the UK since 2015. As a young farmer, it built a smart farm early and has been producing high-quality mushrooms. の家業を繼ぎ?同年にすぐさまキノコ栽培に乘り出し た?チョンヘのキノコ生産規模は?キノコ栽培舍が13棟 で?1棟あたり1トンずつ生産し?1週間で5トンずつ出 荷している? チョンヘのエリンギの强みは?商品性にすぐれ?また品 質にバラツキがないという点だ?エリンギは?二酸化炭 素と溫度

May 2022 13

Smart Farm Contributed to HighQuality Products

Cheon Hye is a farm that grows king oyster mushroom and mini king oyster mushroom. When CEO Kwon Chan-hyeok returned to Korea in 2019 after living in Australia for 12 years, he took over his father’s business and jumped right into mushroom farming that year Cheon Hye has 13 mushroom growers, producing 1 ton per grower and shipping a to tal of 5 tons per week. The advantages of Cheon Hye’s king oyster mushroom are that it has excellent marketability and is uniform.

キノコは保存性と安全性が最 優先 チョンヘがエリンギをヨ ロッパへ輸出 するときに重視するのが保存性だ?オランダの場 合?海上輸送のため最短でも30日以上がかかるためだ? 權讚赫代表は?「エリンギを低溫で生育させて硬度を高 め?出荷前に 度予冷する?予冷を行わなければ?商品 が變質しやすく保存性も落ちる?」と說明した? チョンヘは安全性も徹底して確保している?グロ バル G A P 認 證 と T e s c o N u r t u r e 認 證 を 受 け た ? T e s c o Nurtureとは?イギリスの大手流通業者のTescoで販賣 される農食品を對象に實施する自社品質認證だ?また? 韓國の國家公認試驗認證機關のOATCへ每週サンプルを 送り?エリンギのリステリア菌(Listeria monocyto genes)への感染の有無を檢査しており?韓國ではGAP 認證と無農藥認證も取得した? 「夢」は自社での種菌培養所の設立 チョンヘはヨ ロッパ市場に限定されているエリンギの 輸出市場を米國とオ ストラリアなどへ擴大する計畵を 立てた?米國とオ ストラリアは?オランダに次ぐ韓國 産エリンギの輸出國で?それぞれ2位と3位だ?また?最 近ではベトナムなど東南アジアの經濟が急速に成長して いることから?韓國の農食品の新たな顧客になりうると 14 Korea Agrafood

ble to diseases, and low concentration of carbon diox ide makes the mushroom stem thinner. Cheon Hye selects 50% of its high-quality king oyster mushroom production and exports it to the Netherlands and the UK. Korea’s king oyster mushroom exports are on an upward trend, reaching about USD 26.3 million in 2019, USD 25.9 million in 2020, and USD 26.5 million in 2021, with the Netherlands accounting for more than 25% of exports.

Storage and Safety Come First for Mushrooms


CEO Kwon Chan-hyeok

Storage is important when Cheon Hye ex ports king oyster mushrooms to Europe. This is because they are shipped to the Netherlands by sea, which takes at least 30 days or more. CEO Kwon said, “We grow king oyster mush room at a low temperature to increase its hard ness, and pre-cool it once before shipment. If it is not pre-cooled, the product is easily dete riorated and is stored in a poor condition.”

Cheon Hye has received global GAP and Tesco Nurture certifications, securing safety. Tesco Nurture is an in-house quality certifica tion conducted for agricultural products that en ter Tesco, a large UK distribution company In addition, Cheon Hye sends samples every week to the OATC, a nationally accredited test ing and certification institution in Korea, to check for Listeria monocytogenes infection in king oyster mushrooms and also obtained the GAP and Pesticide-Free certifications in Korea.

Product name: Cheon Hye

Expiration date: N/A

Product size: 4 kg box

Product ingredients: King Oyster Mushroom

いう分析から?東南アジアも新市場として注目している? とはいえ?2021年の韓國産エリンギのベトナムへの輸 出額は?49万ドルとわずかなものだった? チョンヘは?種菌の培養所を設立するという計畵も遠慮 がちに


‘Dream’ is to Establish a Seed Culture Center


Additional Info

Certification: Global GAP (EU), Tesco Nurture (UK), GAP (KOR), PesticideFree (KOR)

Cheon Hye also made plans to expand the export market for king oyster mushrooms, which was limited to the European market, to the United States and Australia. After the Netherlands, the U.S. and Australia are the 2nd and 3rd largest exporters of Korean king oyster mushrooms. In addition, Cheon Hye al so predicts that Southeast Asia will be a new market and become a new customer for Korean agricultural products, with the rapid growth of Southeast Asian economy such as Vietnam. Vietnam’s export value of Korean king oyster mushroom in 2021 was small at USD 490,000.

CEO Kwon Chan-hyeok said, “We produce them in Gimcheon, which has clean water and good air, based on the accumulated database, so you can purchase Korean king oyster mushrooms with trust.”

Cheon Hye

May 2022 15

Features: Maintains uniform marketability through smart farms that automatically control carbon dioxide, temperature, and humidity. Increased hardness through lowtemperature growth, and pre-cooling before shipment to ensure storability. 明かした 培養すれば?エリンギ栽培 の初期段階から輸出國でのニ ズが高い條件での品質管 理が可能になるためだ?輸出條件に合わせたキノコを生 産するほど?現在の輸出割合も生産量の50から70 80% まで高められる? 權讚赫代表は?「チョンヘは365日?良質のエリンギを生 産しようと努力している?水や空氣が澄んだ最適な環境 の金泉で?蓄積されたデ タベ スをもとに生産してい るので?韓國産エリンギを安心して購入してほしい?」と 述べた?

Importers: Netherlands UK

Cheon Hye also cautiously revealed its plans to set up a seed culture center This is because it can ensure quality control under the desired conditions in the exporting country by directly culturing the seed. As it produces king oyster mushrooms customized for export, it can raise the proportion of current exports from 50% to 70-80% of production.

16 Korea Agrafood Processed Food

W 從綠茶果醬到30多種果醬産品,DODAM

說道綠茶加工食品,人們首先繇 想到的自然是茶葉,因爲綠茶是 種深受人們喜愛的悠久茶品? 但是近來,利用綠茶葉加工的各 種 綠 茶 加 工 食 品 也 開 始 層 出 不 窮,利用綠茶加工的“果醬”便是 其中之 ?綠茶果醬的特点是其 味道甛中略帶苦味,可兌牛球配 出拿鐵飮料等,用效蜈高?位于 全 羅 南 道 銅 城 的 農 業 企 業 法 人 DODAM,在早期開屠出綠茶果醬后,正在以韓

CEO Jeong Soon-oh

hen it comes to processed green tea leaves food products, it is easy to think of tea because it is most popular and has been loved for a long time. Recently, however, various processed products made with green tea leaves have been produced. One of them is ‘jam’. Green tea jam is characterized by a combination of sweet and bitter flavors, and is consumed in a variety of ways such as a latte made by melt ing it in milk. DODAM, an agricultural com pany located in Boseong, Jeollanam-do, de veloped green tea jam early on and is active in overseas markets with the jam products made from fresh Korean agricultural products.

攻産 新鮮農産品果醬産品馳騁在海外市場? 承載慈母之心 成立于2016年的DODAM,目前以綠茶果醬爲龍頭生 産有30多種果醬産品?他們以自主品牌“MAMAM”正 在銷魔草撻果醬?掠果果醬?藍撻果醬?紅茶巧克力果 醬等各種果醬産品?品牌名稱MAMAM的韓語之意爲 “慈母之心” ,意喩生産健康産品的志向?爲此,他們也 在固守着“5无”戰略,所以捲MAMAM産品來說,消費 者完全可以消除捲白糖?添加芟?防腐芟?香料?色素 等 的 躬 心 ? 尤 其 是 主 力 産 品 M A T C H A M I L K JAM,爲了消除綠茶的苦味需要添加低聚糖和球粉,但 其産品不同于市面上的其他産品完全沒有棕櫚油成分? 農夫的果醬情結 DODAM産品的最大優勢在于其主原料含量蜈高?市 面上 般果醬産品的主原料含量大都在30~50%之間, May 2022 17

Containing a Mother’s Heart

DODAM, from Green Tea to 30 Kinds of Jam

Founded in 2016, DODAM currently pro duces more than 30 types of jam products, led by green tea jam. It has established its own brand ‘MAMAM’, and is selling strawberry jam, apple jam, blueberry jam, and black tea chocolate jam. The brand name MAMAM means ‘a mother’s heart’. It conveys the com pany’s aspirations to make healthy products,

18 Korea Agrafood

而DODAM産品的主原料含量高達70%?他們相信, 主原料含量高的産品思是好産品?事麟上,DODAM 草 撻 果 醬 每2 3 5 g 就 含 有 2 1 粒 韓 攻 産 草 撻 , 藍撻 果 醬 (235g)含有330粒藍撻,其他果醬所含水果的比例也是 如此? DODAM之所以如此看重産品的原料,這侮鄭董淳午 事長農夫身略有蜈大關係?雖然,他現在已是食品企業 DODAM的董事長,但芎年從外地重返故鄕銅城爲的 是回家務農,因爲世代務農爲生的家裏需要搗手? 鄭董事長說道, “每芎要膚掉有傷的農産品時都繇袈得蜈 心疼,所以下定了做加工和銷魔的主意?起初是從做綠 茶果醬和搗銳桃果醬開始的,但隨着捲各種時令農産品 進行加工,産品種類也增加到了30多種?癎少農産品浪 費助推農産品消費是我們做産品的初心,所以我們 直 在堅持讓産品含有更多的原料” ? 更上 層樓,出口信心十足 DODAM能誥捲外出口産品,韓攻農水産食品流通公 社(aT)的搗助蜈大?首次出口是從參加2017年2月“迪 拜食品博覽繇”開始的?在這絹博覽繇上他們簽署了價値 約40万美元的抹茶牛球果醬和紅茶牛球果醬(BLACK TEA MILK JAM)的出口合同?

A Farmer Thinks of a Jam

Processed Food and for this purpose, DODAM has been adher ing to its ‘free of 5’ strategy. Hence, DODAM’s products could eliminate concerns about sugar, additives, preservatives, flavoring agents, and pigments. Particularly, its flagship product, MATCHA MILK JAM, contains oligosaccha ride and powdered milk to eliminate the bitter taste of green tea, but unlike products in market, it does not contain any palm oil.

The biggest strength of DODAM products is the high content of main ingredients. While other fruit jam products in market have a main ingredi ent ratio of approximately 30% to 50%, the main ingredient ratio for DODAM’s products is up to 70%. It is based on the belief that a good product should contain main ingredients predominantly more than the other ingredients. In fact, 235 g of DODAM’s strawberry jam contains 21 Korean strawberries, and the blueberry jam (235 g) con tains 330 blueberries. This ratio applies to other

The United States

Additional Info

Product name: Matcha Milk Jam

Certification: FSSC 22000 (KOR), ISO 22000 (KOR), Halal (KOR)

CEO Jeong Soon-oh’s being a farmer himself contributed to the fact DODAM was able to pay attention to the raw ingredients. DODAM has now grown into a proper agri-food company, but farming was the reason why CEO Jeong, who lived away from home, returned to Boseong, his hometown. It was to be of help to the farming that had been passed down from generation to generation. CEO Jeong said, “I started my business with green tea jam and kiwi jam, but since we processed seasonal produce, the number of products increased to about 30.”

Product size: 235 g

Confidence in Exporting Having Overcome Obstacles

DODAM was able to export its products overseas thanks to the help of the Korea AgroFisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT) be cause the company started its first export by par ticipating in the Dubai GULFOOD held in February 2017.


May 2022 19

Characteristics: Contains 24% healthy organic green tea and oligosaccharide instead of sugar. Can be spread on bread or mixed with milk or carbonated drinks.

In 2018, with the acquisition of Halal certifica tion, DODAM’s export took off and accelerated. As DODAM’s products were moved from a nonHalal certified section to a Halal-certified section, Muslims began purchasing the products. Also, the company achieved its highest performance of USD 800,000. Recently, orders have plunged to 95% due to COVID-19 and the disruption in lo gistics. However, as the competitiveness of the product itself is unchanged, exports are expected to be normalized if internal and external condi tions stabilize. New products using perilla seeds are in development since there is a demand for such products in Japan, which will prove effec tive in securing the market.

Importers: Malaysia


Product ingredients: 24% Matcha, 25% whole milk powder, 51% oligosaccharide

fruit jam products as well.

Expiration date: 1 year and 6 months

CEO Jeong said, “We will compete fairly with quality rather than relying on marketing to promote Korean jam and fresh agricultural products to many overseas consumers.”

2018年獲得淸眞認嗇后,隨着産品從非淸 眞認嗇櫃臺進入淸眞認嗇櫃臺面向伊斯 蘭 消 費 者 , 産 品 的 出 口 有 了 新 的 突 破,出口業績達到創紀湳的80万美 元?近年來,盡管因新冠肺炎疫情 及 物 流 不 暢 等 影 響 訂 單 量 驟 癎 95%,但産品自身的競爭力依鼓,所 以只要內外環境得到改善,出口前景依然 看好?以蘇子爲原料的新産品開屠也在准備之中?因爲 相關産品在日本有市場需求,所以他們判鉤這 産品繇 捲在日本市場站住脚起到重要作用? 鄭董事長說道, “攻內市場是有限的,但海外却是銷量无 限的市場?相捲于迲市場營銷,我們將更專注于産品的 質量,以質取勝,讓更多的海外消費者了潁韓攻的果醬 和新鮮農産品” ?

ド レ ッ シ ン グ な し で も 甘 味 が あ る 韓 國 の キ ャ ベツ キャベツは西洋で三大長壽食品と して知られている?ビタミンUを 含んでおり?胃の健康管理にも役 立つ?そのため?不規則な食習慣 になりがちな人?にこの上なくお 勸めな農食品がキャベツだ?こう したキャベツ市場に新たな風を卷 き起こす韓國産のキャベツがある?それは?やわらかな食 感で糖度も高く?サラダ用に最適なココマキャベツだ?韓 國で育成したココマキャベツは?日本と臺灣へ輸出してお り?韓國産の小玉キャベツの國際競爭力を高めているとこ ろだ? 韓國の小玉キャベツ「ココマキャベツ

20 Korea Agrafood

New Item

」 ココマキャベツは定植後?50日で收穫が可能な極早生種 の小玉キャベツで?シャキシャキした食感で?糖度は 8~10brixと高めだ?そのため?ココマキャベツは「ドレ ッシングなしで食べられるヘルシ な韓國のキャベツ」 と說明される? ココマキャベツの主産地は?全羅北道の群山(グンサ ン)だ?群山は稻作に代わる新たな所得作物の普及のた めに?2018年からココマキャベツを育成し?現在?全 國の生産量の60%以上を占めている?このように?群山 でココマキャベツが新たな所得作物としての地位を確立


Kkokkoma Cabbage is a small cabbage that can be harvested 50 days after planting, with a crispy texture and high sugar content of 8-10 brix. Therefore, Kkokkoma Cabbage is de scribed as ‘healthy Korean cabbage that can be eaten without dressing’. Gunsan, Jeollabuk-do is its main production area. Gunsan has been cultivating Kkokkoma Cabbage since 2018 to that can Taste Sweet without Dressing Korean Cabbage

Korean Small Cabbage, ‘Kkokkoma Cabbage’

President Nam Seong-ha

abbage is known as one of the three major longevity foods in the West. Since it contains vitamin U, which helps with stomach health, cabbage is the best agricultural product for modern people with irregu lar eating habits. There is a Korean cabbage creating a sensation in the cabbage market it is Kkokkoma Cabbage, which has a crispy texture and high sugar content and is suitable for salads. Kkokkoma Cabbage grown in Korea is ex ported to Japan and Taiwan, while increasing the international competitiveness of Korean small cabbage.

Kkokkoma Cabbage?

Kkokkoma Cabbage is a small cabbage variety developed by Asia Seed in Korea in 2000. It is about 1/3 the size of an ordinary cabbage and weighs less than 1 kg. The leaves are crispy and sweet, so it is suitable for eating food raw.


May 2022 21

知られるようになったということ だ ? 三 父 子 カ ン パ ニ は 3 0 余 り の 農 家 が 生 産 す る 約 1,000トンのうち400トン程度をキャベツの最大消費地 の日本と臺灣に輸出している? 日本は生食文化が發達している?特に?ココマキャベツ は日本で人氣の小玉キャベツの品種「グリ ンボ ル」と 似た特徵がある?また?臺灣はキャベツの大部分を炒め たり?刻んで食べるため? 般のキャベツよりも葉が 薄く?水分が多い小玉キャベツが炒め物用やしゃぶし ゃぶ用に適している?これらが?ココマキャベツが日 本と臺灣の輸出市場を攻略できた理由だ?三父子カン パニ は?日本では「たま菜小町」?臺灣では「洋君(ヤ ングン)」でそれぞれブランド化して輸出している?今 後は?兩國のブランドを「ヤングン」に統合する予定だ? 22 Korea Agrafood New Item supply

Overseas market development played a piv otal role in establishing Kkokkoma Cabbage as a new income crop in Gunsan. Since 2018, the first year of harvest, Kkokkoma Cabbage has attempted to enter the overseas markets with SAMBUJA COMPANY, which is specialized in agricultural products. President Nam Seongha of SAMBUJA COMPANY said, “When SAMBUJA COMPANY was established in 2016, we were exporting ‘Gim (laver)’ as our main product. But then we started looking for high quality small cabbage at the request of a Japanese buyer, and this is when I first encoun tered with Kkokkoma Cabbage.” 38 tons of Kkokkoma Cabbage was exported to Japan and Taiwan in 2018 for the first time.

To Japan and Taiwan, the Largest Cabbage Consumers

Gunsan’s Kkokkoma Cabbage export marks the first export of Korean small cabbage. Korean small cabbage began to be known to people in the world from 2018. SAMBUJA COMPANY is exporting about 400 tons of the

したのには?海外市場の開拓が功を奏した?ココマキャ ベツは初收穫の2018年から農食品輸出專門企業の三父子 (サンプジャ)カンパニ とともに?海外市場の門を叩い た?三父子カンパニ の南星河(ナム·ソンハ)代表は? 「2016年の設立當時?『三父子海苔』を主力商品として輸 出しており?日本のバイヤ の依賴で高品質の小玉キャ ベツを探していたときに?ココマキャベツとの關係がで きた?」と明かした?ココマキャベツは?2018年に初め て日本と臺灣に38トンを輸出した? キャベツの最大消費地?日本と臺灣へ 群山のココマキャベツの輸出は?韓國の小玉キャベツの 初輸出を意味する?2018年から少しずつ世界の人?に 韓國の小玉キャベツが new income crops that can replace rice, and this variety now accounts for more than 60% of Korea production.

May 2022 23

Japan has a well-developed raw food eating culture. Kkokkoma Cabbage has similar char acteristics to ‘Greenball’, a popular small cab bage variety in Japan. Also, as most cabbage is fried or blanched in Taiwan, small cabbage with thinner leaves and more moisture than regular cabbage is suitable for stir-frying or shabu-shabu. These are why S AMBUJA COMPANY could target the export markets of Japan and Taiwan with Kkokkoma Cabbage, under the brand name ‘Tamanakomachi’ to Japan and ‘Yanggun’ to Taiwan. In the future, the brands of both countries will be integrated into ‘Yanggun’.

Additional Info Product name: Yang-Gun Cabbage

1,000 tons produced by 30 farms to Japan and Taiwan, the largest cabbage consumers.


Expiration date: N/A

お粥やキムチなど樣?な加工食品を開發 ココマキャベツの輸出が安定すれば?年間供給が必須に なる?輸出機關が以前は5月から10月までだったが?今 年からは群山のほかに江原道地域と全羅南道地域などへ 栽培地域が擴大したことで?5月から開始し年間輸出に 挑戰する予定だ?最近では?農家所得を高める對案とし て?加工食品を開發している?南星河代表は?「韓國の ココマキャベツは?GAPの認證を受けるなど?徹底し た品質管理を通して?生産されている?日本と

Product ingredients: Kkokkoma Cabbage

President Nam Seong-ha said, “Korea’s Kkokkoma Cabbage is produced through strict quality control, such as receiving GAP certification. We want to introduce Kkokkoma Cabbage to overseas consumers by building the capacity to export to other countries.”

Year-round supply is essential for stable ex ports of Kkokkoma Cabbage. The export peri od used to be from May to October before, but from this year, SAMBUJA COMPANY will start exporting from May to challenge itself to a year-round export as it has expanded the cul tivation area to Gangwon-do and Jeollanamdo in addition to Gunsan.

Certification: GAP (KOR)

Recently, as an alternative to increase farm household income, SAMBUJA COMPANY is developing processed foods such as Kkokkoma Cabbage Porridge and Kkokkoma Cabbage Kimchi.

Product size: 6 kg box (6 cabbages)

臺灣はも ちろん?他の國へも輸出できる余力を付け?海外の消費 者にココマキャベツを自信を持って披露したい?」と抱負 を述べた?


Characteristics: A small cabbage that is an extremely early variety, about 1/3 of a normal cabbage, and weighs less than 1 kg; Crispy texture and high sugar content, suitable for salads and stir-frying.

Importers: Japan Taiwan

Development of Various Processed Foods, Porridge and Kimchi

P h

“This May, the queen of all seasons, give yourself peace of mind with a cup of green tea”

o t o E s s a y

24 Korea Agrafood

It’s May, known as the queen of all seasons. In May, mountains and fields in Korea are full of lush greenery, which blends in with unknown flowers to resemble a beauti ful painting. The green tea plantation landscape is no different. Except for the winding furrows, the field is filled with green tea leaves. Just looking at it refreshes your eyes, and relaxes your mind. Dear <Korea Agrafood> readers, how about spending some time at leisure just like in the photograph with a cup of Korean green tea? The photo graph shows green tea fields in Boseong, Jeollanam-do, Korea.

May 2022 25

26 Korea Agrafood Trend & Products

May 2022 27

According to the Food Information Statistics System (FIS) data of Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT), the production of Korean Gochujang in 2020 was 141,352 tons, an in crease of 5.3% from the previous year, exceeding 140,000 tons for the first time. This production led to exports. Exports of Korean Gochujang in 2021 were USD 52.8 million, up 3.7% from USD 50.93 million in 2020. According to analysis, Korean Gochujang exports have also expanded with the increase of overseas con sumers’ purchases thanks to the influence of Hallyu (Korean Wave). Exporting countries are also expanding from Southeast Asian countries to North America, Europe, Oceania, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. Gochujang, Korea’s repre sentative sauce, is now recognized as the world’s Gochujang.

生産量和出口量皆創曆史之最 据韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT)FIS(Food Information Statistics System) 統 計 資 料 , 2 0 2 0 年 韓 攻 辣 椒 醬 總 産 量 爲 1 4 1 3 5 2 万 菫 , 同 比 前 年 增 長 5.3%,首次突破14万菫大關? 辣椒醬的出口量也隨着産量的增加而增加?2021年,韓攻辣椒醬麟現出口額 5280万美元,比2020年的5093万美元增加了3.7%?分析認爲,韓攻辣椒醬 出口的增加是海外消費者在韓流影響下增加購買的結果?出口攻也從東南亞到 北美?斛洲?大洋洲?中南美?中東?非洲等不鉤在頑大?韓攻典型的醬料辣 椒醬,已成爲世人認可的全球辣椒醬? Both Production and Exports are at an All-Time High 又辣又好吃,韓攻辣椒醬 韓攻典型的醬料辣椒醬,現已成爲 備受世人關注的全球性醬料?韓攻 辣椒醬的特点不僅在于央的辣味, 更在于央蜈好吃,蜈適合侮海外的 各種料理進行搭配?近來,順應屠 展變化的飮食愛好,各種拌飯用? 辣沓鷄塊用等專用辣椒醬及軟管包 裝?小容量包裝等産品特色也呈多 樣化趨勢? Deliciously Spicy, Korean Gochujang

Gochujang (red chili paste), which is a byword of Korean sauce. Gochujang is now in the spotlight as a sauce not only in Korea but around the world. This is because it is not only spicy and makes your mouth tingle, but it is al so delicious at the same time, so it goes well with a variety of foreign foods. In line with the recent trend of preference for food, product characteristics of Gochujang have been diversifying to in clude the ones for Bibimbap and Dakbokkeumtang (spicy braised chicken), as well as tube type and small volume.

Korean Gochujang Export Status How Koreans buy Gochujang (Unit: USD 10,000) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 3,196 3,681 3,767 5,093 5,280 Large Supermarkets Online Malls Supermarkets Others 43.4% 24.4% 16.2% 16% <Source : FIS>

Koreans mostly buy Gochujang at large su permarkets. Including online malls operated by large marts, the proportion is 55.7%, more than half. 72.4% were offline purchases, meaning 7 out of 10 people bought Gochujang

韓攻辣椒醬的銷魔渠道是? 韓攻人購買辣椒醬大都是在大型超市?如果把大型超市 格營的網購商城算在內,銷量比重約占55.7%,超過總 銷量的一半以上?如果按麟郞店和網店袴分的話,麟郞 店銷量占72.4%,葉每10人中有7人是在麟郞店購買, 而網店銷量只占26 6%?由此可見,喜歡少量購物的消 費者更愿意選楊購物方便及郵費花銷少的銷魔渠道?選 購辣椒醬最主要的決定因素是産品的味道,占24.2%最 高?其次是原材料是否是韓攻産,占19.4%?然后依次 爲價格,廠家信譽度?辣味程度等?用辣椒醬做料理最 多的是辣炒肆肉,占22 6%最高?然后依次爲炒米桀 (17%)?拌飯(12%)? 在韓攻,名列銷魔前茅的辣椒醬産品是,由CJ第 制 糖?淸淨園?思潮大林等生産的産品?近來,還有大型 流通企業推出的自有品牌(Private Brand)産品上市? 除此之外,韓攻大大小小的家庭作坊式中小企業也在推 出各式各樣的辣椒醬産品? How is Gochujang Sold in Korea?

offline and 26.6% were online. This implies that consumers who prefer to purchase prod ucts in small quantities use distribution chan nels that are easy to access or charge low ship ping fees. The most important factor in pur chasing Gochujang was taste with 24.2%, the highest ratio, and whether it uses Korean in gredients which accounted for 19.4%. It was followed by price, reliability of the manufac turer, and spicy level. The most-often cooked food using Gochujang was Jeyukbokkeum (stir-fried pork) with 22.6%, followed by Tteokbokki (17%) and Bibimbap (12%). Next, the top selling Gochujang products in Korea are those produced by CJ CheilJedang, Chungjungone, and Sajo Daerim. Recently, large retailers are also launching PB (private brand) products. A variety of products have also been launched by small and mid-sized companies to the extent that every household in Korea makes and eats Gochujang.

28 Korea Agrafood Trend & Products


Korean Gochujang can also be found even in China, where people are accustomed to the spicy taste. There are products similar to Gochujang, but the original Korean Gochujang is only imported and sold in China. Also, Korean Gochujang in various capacities and 醬是由CJ第 制糖必品 閣(Bibigo)品牌的Gochujang Sauce Hot&Sweet産 品和由淸淨園生産的Korean Chili Sauce産品?這些 産品的特点是在設計上採用了美攻消費者習慣使用的容 器和芟型?在捲辣味幷不陌生的中攻也能買到韓攻辣椒 醬?盡管有 些類似于辣椒醬的産品,但進口銷魔的地 道辣椒醬只有韓攻産品?而在日本,可以買到各種料理 專用産品和

韓攻辣椒醬在海外也好買 隨着韓攻辣椒醬出口的不鉤增加,如今在海外也蜈容易 買到韓攻辣椒醬?首先,美攻是韓攻最大的辣椒醬出口 市場?2021年,美攻進口了約1400万美元的韓攻辣椒 醬?在美攻銷量最大的韓攻辣椒

products suitable for food use can be found in Japan. Gochujang released exclusively for Bibimbap, a representative Korean food, mixed fermented sauce products based on Gochujang, or products with enhanced sweet ness, are gaining popularity as well.

May 2022 29

各種容量的韓攻辣椒醬産品?如,韓食拌飯 專用辣椒醬,以辣椒醬爲主配制的醬類産品,以及增加 甛味的辣椒醬等都蜈暢銷?

Tip !

As exports of Korean Gochujang increase, Korean Gochujang can be easily found over seas. First, the United States is Korea’s largest export market for Gochujang. In 2021, about USD 14 million of Korean Gochujang was imported. The best-selling Korean products in the US are Gochujang Sauce Hot & Sweet by CJ CheilJedang Bibigo and Korean Chili Sauce by Chungjungone, which are character ized by a container and formulation to sprinkle Gochujang like a sauce familiar to American consumers.

Korean Gochujang Available Overseas out about Korean Gochujang products at a glance

海外市場的?産品暢銷 的核心因素在于“烹斐快捷” ? “皮薄”和“閻多” ? 韓攻餃子是以BIBIGO的成功模式進行生産幷使其 芎地化,所以産品在海外的人槐越來越高?近五年 來,韓攻餃子的出口 直處于持樓增長之勢?2021 年,韓攻餃子創下6371.3万美元的出口業績,比 2017年增長155 6%?出口攻也蜈廣,有東盟攻家 ( 占 出 口 總 量 的 2 4 7 % ) ? 日 本 ( 2 3 8 % ) ? 美 攻 ( 1 6 . 6 % ) ? 香 港 ( 7 . 6 % ) ? 英 攻 ( 5 . 9 % ) ? 德 攻 (3.8%)及俄羅斯(1.8%)等?

This is because Mandu contains meat, Dubu (tofu), and vegetables evenly, is filling, and is simple to make. Recently, the ingredients of Korean Mandu are diversifying more. Mandu with Galbi (ribs), chicken, and chili pepper has been released, and the Mandu wrapper is getting thinner so that the taste of ingredients can be felt better. Consumers are also paying attention to the evolved Mandu. As in overseas online malls, Korean Mandu products have emerged as star products on Shopee.

Various Ingredients, Evolving Korean Mandu

Korean Mandu is manufactured and localized according to the success recipe of Bibigo, gaining popularity abroad. Compared to 2017, Korean Mandu’s export amount grew by 155.6% to USD 63.7 million in 2021. Importing coun tries are also diverse. ASEAN countries took up 24.7%, fol lowed by Japan (23.8%), US (16.6%), Hong Kong (7.6%), UK (5.9%), Germany (3.8%), and Russia (1.8%).

Dumpling?, ‘Mandu’ in Korea 外消費者已不陌生?拉動海外消費的韓攻餃 子 産 品 是“ B I B I G O 餃 子 ” , 該 産 品 是 以 韓 式 標 識 Mandu取代Dumpling打開

E-Commerce 韓攻餃子(Mandu)以往是以Dumpling 稱捲外進行出口的,這是由于Mandu在海 外的知名度太低所以使用了Dumpling名稱?而如 今,隨着韓攻餃子的消費圈在不鉤頑大,Mandu名 稱捲海

30 Korea Agrafood

In Korea, every household stocks at least one package of Mandu (dumpling) in the freezer

Korean Mandu was once exported under the name Dumpling. Mandu was introduced dumplings abroad first because the name was little known. But now the name Mandu is no longer unfamiliar. This means that the consumption base of Korean Mandu has expanded. It was ‘Bibigo Mandu’ that drove the popu larity of Korean Mandu abroad. Instead of dumplings, they used Mandu, the Korean name, to target overseas markets. The popularity factors are ‘quick cooking’, ‘thin wrapper’ and ‘abundant stuffing’.



May 2022 31

32 Korea Agrafood

Delicious and Easy to Cook, Korean Mandu

Korean Mandu

One consumer who purchased Seafood Mandu explained, “Because it takes less time to cook than Gogi Mandu and is better eaten with noodles or soup.” A consumer who bought Bibigo’s local ized Pork Corn-meat Mandu said, “My child likes the texture of popping corn kernels. This time, I bought it in large bulk.”

在Shopee上榜暢銷産品“Favorite”和“Star”之列的韓攻餃子 瑠量繁多?旣有傳統的肉閻餃子?辛奇餃子?蝦仁餃子?土 豆餃子,又有糖餠餃子?豆腐餃子?排骨餃子等新品餃子? 眞可謂是,所有韓攻Mandu都是熱門暢銷産品,購物評語 也好評如潮? 産品暢銷的共同要素是“好吃”和“烹調快捷” ?芎然,每種産 品也各有其吸引消費者之處?如,有 位購買海鮮餃子的消 費者講道, “海鮮餃子烹斐時間比肉閻餃子短,而且還可以 放 到 面 裏 或 湯 裏 起 煮 着 吃 ” ? 還 有 位 購 買 芎 地 産 BIBIGO肆肉玉米閻(cornmeat)餃子的消費者留下評語 說, “嚼玉米粒的口感蜈有趣,孩子們都蜈喜歡吃,所以這 次買了蜈多” ?更多購物評語可瀏覽信息憐? 好吃易烹調,韓攻餃子Mandu E-Commerce <Source : Shopee>

The types of Korean Mandu listed in ‘Favorite’ and ‘Star ’, which means popular products on Shopee, are diverse. Following the existing Gogi (meat) Mandu, there are also more recent products such as Kimchi Mandu, Shrimp Mandu, and Potato Mandu, Hotteok (syrup-filled pancake) Mandu, Dubu Mandu, and Galbi Mandu. Literally, it is no exaggeration to say that all Korean Mandu products are popular.

Mandu products by Korean manufacturers other than Bibigo can also be found on online malls. There are Dongwon FNB and Pulmuone, which are also competing with Bibigo in Korea. Dongwon FNB is targeting the market with ‘large, local ized’ products, mainly ‘King-sized Mandu’ and ‘Dimsum Cheong Fun’. Pulmuone is reaching con sumers with ‘differentiated stuffing’ inside ‘thin wrapper’, such as ‘Hotteok Mandu with Mozzarella’ and ‘Bamboomuone Meat Thin Shell Mandu’.

In addition, Sajo Daerim’s ‘Dumplings Boiled Pork’, Choripdong’s Vegetable dumpling, and Kimchi dumpling with pork are also drawing prominent popularity in overseas online malls.

Hot Chicken Flaver Mandu Son Mandu

May 2022 33

Bibigo Mandu

Various Korean Mandu ProductsTip 盡享挑吃美食之樂趣(制作憐格) 除了BIBIGO産品之外,消費者在網店還能購買到韓攻其他 餃子生産企業生産的Mandu産品?如,東遠(Dongwon FNB)和圃美多(Pulmuone)産品等?這些企業在韓攻也都 是BIBIGO的競爭企業?東遠的市場開拓方略是産品的“大餃 子化和芎地化” ,典型産品有“餃子王(King

Hotteok Mandu with Mozzarella

King-Size Mandu

Enjoy the Fun of Choosing to Eat

GoHyang Mandu sized mandu)” 和“福菜的点心(Dim Sum)腸粉(Cheong Fun)”等?而圃 美多則是以“薄皮”和“特色閻”吸引消費者,如“馬蘇裏拉糖閻 餠餃子(Hotteok Mandu with Mozzarella)”和“薄皮滿閻 餃子(Bamboomuone Meat Thin Shell Mandu)”等? 除此之外,思潮大林(Sajo Daerim)生産的Dumplings B o i l e d P o r k 水 餃 和 Choripdong 生 産 的 蔬 菜 餃 子 (Vegetable dumpling)?辛奇王餃子(Kimchi Dumpling with pork)等也都在海外網店蜈刷眼?

34 Korea Agrafood

K-FOOD Recipe

Ganjang Ham Gyeranbap


ermented sauces are an indispensable in gredient when it comes to Korean food. It’s because there is no Korean dish without added fermented sauce, and the taste of food depends heavily on the fermented sauce. Notably, unlike most sauces from around the world, Korean sauces are versatile in that they can be used not only as sauces but also as main ingredients. A typical example would be ‘Gan jang Ham Gyeranbap (ham and egg fried rice with soy sauce)’. Ganjang Ham Gyeran-bap is highly popular with students who live alone be cause it requires only few ingredients and any one can successfully make it in just 10 minutes.

May 2022 35

Deliciously Salty, Ganjang Ham Gyeranbap




Ganjang Ham Gyeranbap Recipe

Discard the ham oil and cut it in to small pieces.

06 KoreaAgrafood KoreaAgrafood 2 Servings 10 min K-FOOD Recipe Ganjang Ham Gyeranbap 1/2

Ganjang (soy sauce) 2 eggs, 450g of rice Main Ingredients Sub Ingredients

36 Korea Agrafood

Serve it up on a plate and en joy~!

Once the green onion oil is made, add the prepared eggs and ham and scramble them.

Chop the green onion.

Add rice and 2 tbsp of Ganjang to the frying pan and mix well to gether. green onion, can of ham, of

Grease the frying pan with cook ing oil and add the chopped green onion.

Beat the eggs so that the whites and yolks are mixed well.


2 tbsp




Jangmaeul’s Joseon Soybean Sauce

May 2022 37

Korean Fresh Pork ROSEFARM

Korean Fresh Pork ROSEFARM is characterized by containing 100% Korean pork. As high-quality Korean pork is used, its fresh and deep flavor and texture are remarkable. It also contains 95% of pork, which is the highest level of pork content among commercially available ham. Also, pork is aged at a low temperature of less than 5°C for 24 hours for a deeper and richer taste. It is cur rently exported to Singapore.

Ganjang Ham Gyeranbap-Related Export Products

In Korea, Ganjang is largely divided into two types: one for making soup and one for making seasoned vegetables. However, Jangmaeul’s Joseon Soybean Sauce can be used to make both kinds of food. Particularly, the unique taste of Jangmaeul’s Ganjang is a result of its produc tion in a traditional Korean method. It has no ad ditives such as preservatives and food coloring, and only Korean beans are used for ingredients. It’s available in 0.9 liter and 1.8 liter bottles. It has obtained ISO certification, and has been recog nized for its quality




Ganjang Ham Gyeranbap tastes much better when ac companied with sour Kimchi. The sour taste of Kimchi will stimulate your appetite.

K-FOOD Fan Letter

Name: Angelica Chiong

From Philippines

Nationality: Philippines

Hello, I am from the Philippines and I’m 24 years old I love Korean agricultural products so much that I even make Kimchi myself. I mostly get information about Korean food on Instagram, and what I recently saw is Shin Ramyun, because a Korean American chef I follow on Instagram (account name: chefchrischo) recently posted about it on his ac count Since then, Shin Ramyun has become my favorite Korean agricultural products because I can keep it at home and eat it easily, and it goes well with rice It has a great spicy taste and a very good composition of raw soup too, so I eat it often I came to know about Korean Dubu (tofu), strawberries, and Tteokbokki by following <Korea Agrafood> on Instagram from last year So, there are also some Korean agricultural products that I would like to see on <Korea Agrafood> It is ean rice. There are various types of orean rice such as white, brown, red I’d like <Korea Agrafood> to share with us information about the dif ferences among these rice types.

“I Like Korean Ramyeon”

Favorite Food: Korean Ramyeon

Age: 24


Korea Agrafood magazine is specialized in promoting Korean Agricultural products to buyers in abroad. We cover Korean promising Agricultural products, dietary culture and export companies.

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