June 2022(vol.320)

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June 2022 vol.320

Summer Food

Samgyetang & Naengmyeon


New Item


Temptation of Yellow Stripes and Sweet White FleshSeongju Chamoe

Sibrihyang, Scented Rice with a Sweet Popcorn Flavor

Korean Tea Capturing the Taste Buds of China, Coffee Products

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Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign Let us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste.

If we reduce food waste, can take care of both IfIndividuals we reduce diet and health food waste,

Let’s reduce waste at home. your diet and buy only 01 Plan the food you need.

Quantity of Meals

Consider the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients.

Restaurants can save the costs for food waste disposal

Divide food ingredients into portions and 02 store them in a transparent container.

We can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas

You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator.

help people who are hungry by donating some of the savings.

Expiration Date

03 Ground dry ingredients to cook. Then, let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.

How close have you gotten to Zero Waste? Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.

Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one.

Let’s donate together in everyday life. Start WFP individual donation You can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website, ko.wfp.org, and clicking the Donate button.

Donate on ‘Share the Meal’ Zero food waste with one finished meal!

Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day!

Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses!

1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives.

You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and sharethemeal.org.

CONTENTS June 2022 vol. 320 12




COVER Summer in Korea is usually from June to August. The average temperature exceeds 25°C during this time, so your whole body is drenched with sweat even if you are outside for a while. There are foods that Koreans look to stand the heat in the summer. Samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) and Naengmyeon (cold buckwheat noodles) are both representative Korean summer foods.

Main Theme

Korean Summer Food Samgyetang & Naengmyeon 06

Representative Summer Food, ‘Samgyetang’


‘Naengmyeon,’ Perfect for Hot Summer with Cold Broth


What are Samgyetang and Naengmyeon Export Products?

Closeup 12 FARMTASTIC Temptation of Yellow Stripes and Sweet White Flesh-Seongju Chamoe

16 PROCESSED FOOD Doraji Jeonggwa, an Immune Enhancer in Increasing Demand

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0963 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995 Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved. CEO Kim Choon-jin EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Ki No-sun (Food Industry & Trade Division) EDITORS Chang In-shik

20 NEW ITEM ‘Sibrihyang,’ Scented Rice with a Sweet Popcorn Flavor

REPORTERS Seo Sang-hyun (seosh@agrinet.co.kr) Kim Young-min (kimym@agrinet.co.kr) Cho Yeong-kyu (choyk@agrinet.co.kr) Choi Yeong-jin (choiyj@agrinet.co.kr) GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Han Hyo-jin (ENGLISH)

Trend & Culture 26 TREND & PRODUCTS Korean Kimchi Adds Functionality to Taste and Nutrition

Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)

EDITORIAL BOARD BEIJING Park Sung-kuk 070-4617-5090 (parksk@at.or.kr) SHANGHAI Sung Si-chan 070-7077-6197 (sschan@at.or.kr) CHENGDU Wang Sung 070-4617-3267 (wangcheng@at.or.kr)

30 E-COMMERCE Korean Tea Capturing the Taste Buds of China, Coffee Products

DALIAN Koh Jung-hee 070-4617-3266 (kohjh@at.or.kr) HONGKONG Kim Suk-ju 070-4617-2696 (sukju71@at.or.kr) HANOI Park Min-cheol 070-4617-7257 (cheol@at.or.kr) HOCHIMIN Park Il-sang +84-862-470-214 (flower@at.or.kr) BANGKOK Lee Ju-yong 070-4617-7226 (pathfinder@at.or.kr)

34 K-FOOD RECIPE Chamchikimchibokkeum Doubles the Flavor of Kimchi

JAKARTA Cho Sung-thok 070-4617-2694 (cst7424@at.or.kr) TOKYO Jang Seo-gyeong +81-3-5367-6656 (skjang@at.or.kr) OSAKA Kwon Tae-hwa +81-6-6260-7661 (thkw@at.or.kr) NEW YORK Shim Hwa-sop 1-212-889-2561 (sirshim@at.or.kr) L.A Kim Min-ho +1-562-809-8810 (mhkim@at.or.kr) DUBAI Kim Hyuk +97-1-4339-2213 (kh6318@at.or.kr) PARIS Ha Jung-a 070-4617-7225 (ewropa@at.or.kr)


MOSCOW Shin Jae-hun 070-4617-3277 (chekov@at.or.kr)


QINGDAO Lee Sun-woo (bird@at.or.kr) KUALALUMPUR Jang Jae-hyung (jhjang@at.or.kr) EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News

38 K-FOOD FRIEND - Webtoon : King Oyster Mushroom - Fan Letter : Rami

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Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, www.k-foodtrade.or.kr

C over Story



Samgyetang & Naengmyeon

Summer in Korea is usually from June to August. The average temperature exceeds 25°C during this time, so your whole body is drenched with sweat even if you are outside for a while. There are foods that Koreans look to stand the heat in the summer. Some eat Samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) to revive the body weakened by the hot weather, and the others eat Naengmyeon (cold buckwheat noodles) to forget the heat. Samgyetang and Naengmyeon are both representative Korean summer foods.

4 Korea Agrafood


韓攻的夏天一般是從6月到8月。這期間的平均槐溫可達25 ℃左右,人在戶外只一繇傅工夫便繇大汗淋惱?每到夏 季,韓攻人就繇喜歡吃一些消夏美食?一方面要吃能爲 夏天虛弱的身郞補充郞力的熱參鷄湯,癩一方面還要吃 可爲身郞降熱潁暑的領祺冷面?參鷄湯和冷面都是韓攻 典型的消夏美食?

June 2022 5

C over Story

, d o o F r e g m n a m t u e S

y e v g i t a m t a n e S s e r p e R

6 Korea Agrafood

n summer when Koreans lose appetite and feel I drowsy, they look for Samgyetang as a ‘nourishing food’ to restore energy. Samgyetang is a deep-boiled dish with glutinous rice, jujube, chestnut, astragalus, garlic, and ginseng in one chicken. It surely is the best for ‘nourishing and restoring’ since it contains all the ingredients energizing the body. As one of the traditional Korean foods that has been passed down from the Joseon Dynasty in Korea, Samgyetang has a history of nearly 250 years inferred from records (1777) of boiling chicken to gain energy. Recently, Samgyetang combined with various ingredients such as abalone and Neungi mushrooms (black tiger’s paw mushrooms) is also being introduced. Samgyetang exports are also on the rise, thanks to its recognition as a Korean health food boosting immunity in response to the spread of COVID-19. That chicken dishes are almost without likes and dislikes, are made and can be stored at room temperature, and are easy to cook also contributed to exports. Samgyetang is exported to the United States, Japan, Canada, Hong Kong, etc. and its exports are increasing every year with 2386 tons in 2019, 3455 tons in 2020, and 3917 tons in 2021. Frozen Samgyetang to China will also be exported to China from March 7 this year, which is expected to activate Samgyetang product exports further. Japanese author Murakami Ryu praised Samgyetang as the best Korean dish that he even included a scene of eating Samgyetang in his novel, and Chinese film director Zhang Yimou praised it as Ginseng chicken soup. As such, Samgyetang is attracting attention not only in Korea but also as a ‘nourishing food’ for people around the world.

格典美食“參鷄湯” 在沒有食慾渾身乏力的夏天,韓攻人都要吃“滋補食物” 參鷄湯? 參鷄湯是用一只整鷄,將人參(鮮人參或紅參)及構米? 大棗?栗子?黃九?大蒜等放入鷄汲內沓煮出的料理? 由于所用的食材都具有恢復元槐的功效,因此可以說參 鷄湯是一種最佳的滋補食物?參鷄湯是從韓攻的朝鮮時 期開始流傳至今的韓攻傳統食物之一,從吃沓鷄補元槐 的記湳(1777年)推鉤,參鷄湯已有250多年的曆史?近 來,市面上還開始出現利用鮑魚和虎掌慶等各種材料配 制的參鷄湯? 參鷄湯的捲外出口也 呈增長之勢?在新 冠肺炎疫情不鉤 頑散的形勢下,參 鷄湯已被消費者廣泛認 爲是能誥提高免疫力的 韓攻保健食品?鷄肉 料理廓乎沒有好惡之 說,常溫方便制品可 在室溫下保存,烹 調方法簡單等優 点也都爲産品的 出口起到了積極的 作用?目前,參鷄湯 已出口美攻?日本?加 拿大和香港等地,出口量 分別爲 2 0 1 9 年 2 3 8 6 菫 (1116.9万美元),2020年3455 菫(1673.6万美元),2021年3917菫(1827.2万美 元),逐年在增加?癩外,隨着從今年的3月7日開始可 捲中攻出口冷凍參鷄湯,預計參鷄湯産品的出口將繇 更加活躍? 日本作家村上龍,通過在他的小說中描述吃參鷄湯的場 景,盛獸參鷄湯是韓攻最好的料理?中攻電影導演張藝 謀則盛獸參鷄湯是人參鷄湯?參鷄湯已走出攻門成爲世 人關注的“滋補食物”?

June 2022 7

C over Story

ven if one survives summer with hot Samgyetang, E one tends to always look for ice water in summer. In Korea, there is cold dish that is as good as ice water: Naengmyeon, a dish eaten cold by adding garnish and broth to buckwheat noodles. Cold noodles are rare abroad, so Korean Naengmyeon often captures overseas consumers. There are several types of Naengmyeon, including Pyeongyangnaengmyeon, Hamheung-naengmyeon, and Jinjunaengmyeon. Pyeongyangnaengmyeon is North Korea’s Pyeongyang-style Naengmyeon, made with beef broth mixed with Dongchimi (radish water Kimchi), and has a mild taste that is neither salty nor spicy. Hamheungnaengmyeon is made with Hoemuchim (spicy raw fish salad) on top of noodles made with sweet potato starch powder. It is also a local food in Hamheung, North Korea. Pyeongyangnaengmyeon and Hamheungnaengmyeon thrived in Seoul through displaced people after the Korean War. Born in Jinju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Jinjunaengmyeon has a gorgeous, fancy garnish as it is topped with Yukjeon (pan-fried battered beef), Mukimchi (radish Kimchi), egg rolls, shredded red pepper, and pine nuts. The broth tastes completely different from Pyeongyangnaengmyeon as beef bones are broiled in water and seafood such as anchovies, mussels, and clams are added to boil. A mixture of Pyeongyangnaengmyeon and Hamheungnaengmyeon is Seoul Naengmyeon today. In Korea, we eat Mulnaengmyeon (cold buckwheat noodles with Dongchimi) or Bibimnaengmyeon (spicy buckwheat noodles) after eating meat. The two types of cold noodles are Seoul Naengmyeon. The broth of Mulnaengmyeon is sweeter and sourer than Pyeongyangnaengmyeon and has ice cubes floating on it in the summer.

8 Korea Agrafood

炎熱的夏天還是祺湯可口,“冷面” 葉便迲熱參鷄湯能消夏,但在炎熱的夏天人們依然繇想 喝一些領水?一口領水可以讓身上的暑槐瞬間消散?韓 攻有一種祺勁不亞于領水的美食,那就是冷面?冷面婁 冷食料理,由蕎麥面?菜碼和祺湯等組成?冷食料理在 海外幷不多見,所以,海外消費者捲韓攻冷面蜈好奇? 冷面的種類也是多種多樣,如平壤冷面?咸興冷面?晋 州冷面等等?平壤冷面是平壤式冷面,主要特点是 用牛肉湯和水蘿卜辛奇做面湯,味道不辣不咸 淸淡爽口?咸興冷面是在紅 薯澱粉面上搭配祺拌生 魚片的冷面?先拌 着吃面,之后再倒 祺湯喝面?咸興冷 面也是咸興的特色風 味小吃之一?平壤冷面 和咸興冷面都是在韓攻戰 爭之后由背井牢鄕的難民 帶到韓攻來的?起源于慶尙 南道晋州的晋州冷面菜碼蜈 酪盛?晋州冷面的菜碼中有煎 牛肉?蘿卜辛奇?鷄蛋 絲?辣椒絲?松仁等, 所以也有人稱其“似如 一幅怜卷”?面湯也是 用牛骨湯和**魚?海 虹?蛤腦等海鮮一起熬煮 而成,所以其風味完全不同于平 壤冷面? 平壤冷面和咸興冷面相互結合的冷面是芎今的首爾冷面? 在韓攻,先吃肉后再吃冷面時有兩種吃法,一是吃帶湯 的冷面,二是吃拌冷面,這兩種冷面都是首爾冷面?首 爾冷面的冷面湯要比平壤冷面更酸甛好喝,夏天吃冷面 還繇在湯中放一些領嚬? 韓攻的暑熱是從6月開始,這也意味着冷面開始登上午餐 菜譜?近來,還開始流行一種辣如火鷄炒面的辣冷面? 這也可以說是,MZ世代(80~90后)想以更刺激的食物 消暑祛熱的冷面趨勢?

Naengmyeon Perfect for Hot Summer with Cold Broth

June 2022 9

C over Story

Samgyetang and Naengmyeon Export Products?

What are

arious products of Samgyetang are exV ported from Korea. First, Nonghyup Moguchon Samgyetang is exported to Japan. It is manufactured in one of Korea’s approved export workshops to Japan. Harim’s Dakhanmari (whole chicken stew) is also captivating the taste buds of Japanese as a Samgyetang product made by processing the Korean Dakhanmari menu, which is popular among Japanese, in a simple retort recipe. Cheongmyeongwon’s Woongchu Samgyetang succeeded in entering Taiwan last year. As a 50-day-old male rooster since it was hatched, Woongchu chicken is chewy, less oily, and light unlike general chicken broilers. Maniker F&G is also exporting Ginseng Samgyetang to North American markets such as the U.S. and Canada. Samgyetang was exported to Canada for the first time in 2020 after 23 years of consultation. Goryeo Samgyetang of Ourhome is sold in New Zealand, and Bibigo Samgyetang of CJ Cheiljedang is available on U.S. Amazon. Both products have a rich taste as a whole root of fresh ginseng is added with chicken and boiled with glutinous rice and garlic. The major product of Naengmyeon is Nongshim’s Doongji Naengmyeon, a dry noodle product first launched in 2008. It has two types: Dongchimi-based Mulnaengmyeon and Bibimnaengmyeon. Nongshim has been steadily expanding its entry into overseas markets such as Japan, the U.S., and China since

10 Korea Agrafood

Harim’s Dakhanmari <Source : Harim>

參鷄湯和冷面的出口産品都有絞些? 參鷄湯出口産品種類蜈多?如,農協牧牛村的參鷄湯 出口日本幷進入日本連鎖超市HANAMASA的80家 店鋪?所出口的參鷄湯也是由韓攻獲准生産捲日出口産 品的廠家生産?Harim的一只鷄(Dakhanmari)産品捲 日本消費者也蜈有吸引力?這是一種捲日本人喜歡的韓 攻一只鷄食品採用蒸煮袋包裝方式進行加工的參鷄湯商 品?Cheongmyeongwon的雄雛參鷄湯于去年成功進 入臺膿市場?雄雛是孵化50天后的公鷄,這種鷄不同于 一般的肉鷄,肉質緊麟而不柴,淡口而不油宮? Maniker F&G也在捲美攻和加拿大等北美市場進行人 參參鷄湯等産品的出口?其中,捲加拿大的出口曆格23 年的交涉,最終于2020年首次麟現參鷄湯的出口? Ourhome生産的高麗參鷄湯上市新西蘭市場,Bibigo 參鷄湯可在美攻的亞馬遜買到?這兩種産品都是用一只

designating 2010 as the ‘first year of globalization of Naengmyeon’. Doongji Naengmyeon is especially sold in Japan under a different name, Hululu Naengmyeon. Tasting similar to Bibim Naengmyeon, Bibimmyeon (spicy Korean cold noodles) is also considered a summer delicacy. A dish eaten by mixing cold noodles in Bibimjang (Bibim sauce), Bibimmyeon gives the essence of summer ramyeon taste if one or two ice cubes are added. The representative products are Bibimmyeon from Paldo and Baehongdong from Nongshim. Bibimmyeon is exported to all over the world including Japan and the U.S..

Samgyetang (Nonghyup Moguchon)

整鷄?一根鮮人參和構米?大蒜等煮透的參鷄湯,味道 蜈濃? 冷面的代憐性産品是農心的Doongji冷面?Doongji冷 面是于2008年首次上市的干面狀産品,産品分爲配有水 蘿卜辛奇加掠果醋爲底湯的湯冷面和配有用韓攻梨和紅 辣椒絞汁幷格7天熟成加工成拌醬料的拌冷面等兩種? 農心自從把2010年定爲“冷面世界化元年”以來,一直在 致力于頑大捲日本?美攻?中攻等海外市場的進入?在日 本,還把Doongji冷面改名爲“Hululu”冷面進行銷魔? 味道侮拌冷面類似的祺拌拉面(Bibimmyeon)也是値得 推茱的夏季美味?祺拌拉面是用拌醬拌祺面吃的一種料 理,如果再放一兩塊領塊,可以說是品嘗到了夏季拉面 的精髓?祺拌拉面的主要産品有八道的祺拌拉面和農心 的Baehongdong?祺拌拉面做爲“祺吃拉面”的開端,已 開始出口日本?美攻等世界各地?

Woongchu Samgyetang (Cheongmyeongwon)

Ginseng Samgyetang (Maniker F&G)

Samgyetang & Naengmyeon Export Products Goryeo Samgyetang (Ourhome)

Doongji Naengmyeon (Nongshim)

Bibigo Samgyetang (CJ Cheiljedang)

Bibimmyeon (Paldo)

Baehongdong (Nongshim)

June 2022 11


Temptation of Yellow Stripes & Sweet White Flesh - Seongju Chamoe

黃色の縞模樣と甘くて白い果肉の誘惑-星州チャメ 12 Korea Agrafood

The subtle scent of Chamoe can be smelled everywhere in Seongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do. This is truly the scene of Seongju, the main producing area of Chamoe (Korean melons). As a snack for Koreans, Chamoe, which has a crisp yet sweet taste, is gaining popularity as a ‘yellow Korean melon’ in global markets such as Japan. This was possible thanks to the Seongju Chamoe Export Center (SCEC), which has been knocking on the doors of the Japanese market since 2005.

慶尙北道·星州(ソンジュ)を訪れると?至るところからほ のかにチャメ(マクワウリ?以下?チャメと表記)の香りが 漂ってくる?韓國のチャメ主産地の星州らしい姿だ?シャ キシャキした食感と甘さが逸品のチャメは日本など世界市 場で「黃色い韓國のメロン」として人氣を獲得している?こ れは?2005年から日本市場に進出した星州チャメ輸出營農 組合法人の存在が可能にしたのだ?

Beyond Korea, Now to the World SCEC is a specialized Chamoe export corporation established in 2005 by Seongju Chamoe Export Crop Group, the previous production group, exclusively for export with the will to ‘pioneer the barren land of Chamoe’. Seongju Chamoe started to make its product known in the Japanese market from 2005. Managing Director Yun Seong-wook said, “There were also Chamoe in Japan, but as the crop shift to melons proceeded rapidly, Chamoe almost disappeared in Japan. As Chamoe consumption increased mainly among Korean-Japanese, Seongju Chamoe started to gradually expand its domain in Japan too.” Seongju Chamoe accounts for more than 70% of Korea’s cultivated area and for most of Chamoe export. SCEC stands at the fore-


星州チャメ輸出營農組合法人は?2005年に設立されたチ ャメ輸出專門法人だ?つまり?星州のチャメが日本市場 で名前を本格的に知られるようになった出發点は?2005 年からだった? 尹盛煜(ユン·ソンウク)常務は?「日本にもチャメがあ ったが?メロンへ作目の轉換が早く進み?見かけられな くなったようだ?在日韓國人を中心に韓國産チャメの消 費が增えると?自然に日本にも星州のチャメが少しずつ 廣がり始めた?」と回想した? 星州のチャメは?韓國の栽培面積の70以上を占め?チャ メ輸出のほとんどが星州のチャメだ?こうした星州チャ メの輸出の最前線に立っているのが?星州チャメ輸出營 農組合法人だ?黃色の表皮と白い果肉?甘さと香りなど が絶妙に調和した星州チャメは?世界の人?の胃袋を攷 んでいる?法人は?現在?日本をはじめとしてシンガ ポ―ルと臺灣?香港?マレ―シア?グアムなどへチャメ を輸出している?最近では?フランスやロシアなどヨ― ロッパへの進出も試みている? June 2022 13


Managing Director Yun Seong-wook

front of this Chamoe export. Having a harmony of yellow skin, white flesh, and sweet taste and aroma, Seongju Chamoe is targeting the taste buds of people around the world. SCEC currently exports Seongju Chamoe to Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Malaysia, and is recently trying to advance into the European market such as France and Russia.

Dedication for Nearly 20 Years as an Export Corporation ‘Yellow-K’ is the export brand of SCEC. By applying a systematic management from cultivation to shipment using the GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) cultivation, SCEC cultivates Chamoe in soil with more soil depth in natural compost made by mixing and aging sawdust and fallen leaves compost. Above all, ginseng fermented liquid fertilizer is added in this process, which is the reason Yellow-K is recognized as a high-quality fruit with crispy flesh and a sugar content of 13 brix or higher. SCEC has been dedicated itself as a special-

14 Korea Agrafood


星州チャメ輸出營農組合法人の輸出ブランドは? 「Yellow-K」だ?Yellow-Kは?GAP(農業生産工程管 理)栽培農法で栽培から出荷までを體系的な管理システ ムを導入し?おがくずと落ち葉の堆肥などを混合·熟成さ せた天然の堆肥を利用し?地力を高めた土壤で栽培する? さらに?この過程で高麗人參發酵の液肥を投入する?こう したことにより?Yellow-Kのシャキシャキした果肉と 13brix以上の糖度を備えた高品質のチャメの生産を實現 し?品質も認められている? 星州チャメ輸出營農組合法人は?20年近く輸出專門法人 としてひたすらに步みを進めてきた? これは?同法人が 輸出に最適化された商品のみにこだわってきた結果だ? チャメの鮮度維持のために當日收穫を行い?流通期間を考 慮して熟期が90~95%の商品のみを收穫した?また?チャ メは4回にわたって花が寮き?4回の收穫期を經るが?收 穫期ごとに糖度が異なる?そのため?收穫期別に糖度を 測定した後?自社選別して最高糖度の基準にあった商品 のみを選定する?


星州チャメ輸出營農組合法人の輸出用商品は1と1.5kgの 袋包裝からボックス包裝の2kg?3kg?5kg?10kgなど と樣?だ?これは?海外の消費者が韓國産の高品質なチ

ized export corporation for nearly 20 years, the result of focusing on products optimized for export. To maintain freshness, SCEC harvests Chamoe on the same day, only those with ripening maturity of 90-95% considering the shelf life. Chamoe go through four harvesting seasons as they bloom and wither four times. Since the sugar content varies at each harvest season, it is measured for each harvest season to select Chamoe products meeting the highest sugar content level set by SCEC. The average sugar content in the first and second harvest seasons is 15 brix or more.

Strategy to Advance into the U.S. and Live only on Exports SCEC’s Chamoe exports vary from 1 kg and 1.5 kg bag packaging to box packaging in 2 kg, 3 kg, 5 kg, and 10 kg. The idea is to allow overseas consumers to purchase high-quality Chamoe according to their individual circumstances. It is also noteworthy that ‘How to eat Chamoe’ is written in English on the packaging in consideration of overseas consumers not familiar with Chamoe, saying that Chamoe can be peeled or be eaten with seeds since it has fewer seeds than melons. Unlike in Korea, overseas consumers often take out all Chamoe seeds. SCEC dreams of advancing into North American markets such as the United States and Canada in the future. The idea is to solidify its position as a ‘complete export corporation’ by establishing an export complex aimed at these markets and successfully targeting the North American market. Managing Director Yun said “We will do our best to make our Chamoe loved by not only Koreans but also people around the world.”

ャメをそれぞれの與件に合わせて買えるようにしようと いう趣旨によるものだ?包裝紙に「チャメの食べ方」が英 語で表示されている点も目を引く?チャメはメロンより 種が小さく?皮を剝いて食べてもよく?種と一緖に食べ てもよいという內容だ?海外の消費者は韓國と異なり? チャメの種を全て取ることが多いためだ? 星州チャメ輸出營農組合法人は?今後?米國とカナダな ど北米市場進出の夢をもっている?これらの市場をタ― ゲットとした對米チャメ輸出團地を造成した?北米市場 攻略に成功すれば?星州チャメ營農組合法人が志向して きた完全な「輸出專門法人」としての意志を强固なものに できるという構想だ? 尹常務は?「韓國人だけのチャメではない?世界の人?も 注目するチャメになるよう?最善を盡くしていきたい?」 と明かした? Seongju Chamoe Export Center +82-54-933-7652



Japan Singapore Hong Kong

fo Additional In Product name: Yellow-K Product ingredients: Seongju Chamoe 100% Expiration date: None Product size: 1?1.5 kg bag, 2?3?5?10 kg box Certification: GAP (KOR) Features: 쪾High-quality Chamoe of 13 brix or

more harvested by putting ginseng fermentation liquid fertilizer 쪾‘How to eat Chamoe’ written on the packaging in English for overseas consumers

June 2022 15

Processed Food

Doraji Jeonggwa, an Immune Enhancer in Increasing Demand (braised bellflower root in he representative sweet sauce) for 25 years. T food that boosts the immune system in Korea is red ginseng. This is bePush for Processed cause red ginseng has Products Based on Consumer Reactions large amounts of saponins that are excellent for imAccording to Yeom Miproving immunity, and alsook, CEO of Seoga, an so because various prodagricultural company, it has CEO Yeom Mi-sook ucts such as red ginseng been five years since Seoga slices and extract have sold its Doraji Jeonggwa. been released. Recently, processed products When the company was established in 2017, made with Doraji (bellflower roots) have it entered the business of food processing for emerged as foods that improve the immune Doraji and became seriously involved with it. system. Doraji is a root vegetable like red Doraji Jeonggwa, which had been served ginseng and contains a large amount of during 25 years of running a restaurant, resaponin, and can be expected to help prevent ceived positive consumer reviews and the respiratory diseases and improve your imcompetitiveness of the product was conmune system. Seoga, an agricultural compafirmed. And it was decided that it would be ny located in Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, good to promote Doraji Jeonggwa as a speis seeking to enter foreign markets with cial product of Gyeongju, where the compaknow-how in producing Doraji Jeonggwa ny was located.

16 Korea Agrafood

免疫機能向上食品として浮上したト ラジジョングァ 韓國の代表的な免疫機能向上に關わる食品は?紅參だ? この背景には?免疫力の向上によいサポニンが豊富に含 まれ?紅參の切片(譯注:紅參を切ったもの)?エキスな ど樣?な製品が發賣されている?最近では?桔梗(譯 注:韓國語ではトラジ)で作られた加工食品も免疫機能 の向上に役立つ食品として浮上している?桔梗は紅參に 似ており?サポニンを豊富に含み?呼吸器の疾患の予防 や免疫機能の向上を助けるとされている?慶尙北道の慶 州(キョンジュ)市に位置する農業會社法人のソガは?25 年間?トラジジョングァ(譯注:桔梗の根で作った蜜菓 子)を生産したノウハウで海外市場を開拓している?


ソガでトラジジョングァを販賣したのは?5年前からだ? 2017年に會社を設立するとともに?桔梗の加工食品事 業を本格的に參入した?この背景には?飮食店を25年間 運營するなかで提供してきたトラジジョングァが顧客の 間で好評であり?そこから製品の競爭力を 確認できたということがある?そ のうえで?會社の所在地の慶州市 の特産物にするのがよいと判斷し たのが?廉美淑(ヨム·ミスク) 農業會社法人ソガ代表の話だ? 廉代表は?「飮食店を經營す るなかで?トラジジョング ァをデザ―トに出したが? お客さんの評判もよかった?そ こで?他地域の人?が慶州を訪れた ときのお土産になる特産品へ育成しようという趣旨で? トラジジョングァ事業が始まった?この商品は品質もす ぐれており?多くの顧客が購入している?」と述べた? 桔梗は?韓國の林産物のなかの1つで?サポニンが主に 含まれる成分だ?韓國醫學では?熱を抑え呼吸器疾患の June 2022 17

Processed Food

CEO Yeom said, “When I was running the restaurant, we served Doraji Jeonggwa as dessert, and the customers responded quite favorably. So I started a Doraji Jeonggwa business with the aim of fostering it as a special product that can be presented as a gift when outsiders visit Gyeongju. Doraji Jeonggwa is quite popular since it’s made with excellent ingredients.” Doraji is one of the forest products in Korea, and its chief component is saponin. It is a root vegetable used, in Korean medicine, to control heat and prevent respiratory diseases.

3-year-old Doraji used, Confidence in Quality The representative products of Seoga include ‘Seoga Doraji Jeonggwa’, ‘Seoga Doraji Jeonggwa with Bean Powder’, and ‘Seoga Sticky Doraji Cheong (extract syrup)’. The bitter taste of Doraji may be somewhat unpleasant. To solve this problem, Doraji is sugared to make Doraji Jeonggwa, and Doraji Jeonggwa with Bean Powder is Doraji Jeonggwa sliced and

18 Korea Agrafood




ソガで販賣される代表的な製品は?「ソガトラジジョン グァ」?「ソガきな粉トラジジョングァ」?「ソガチョンド ゥクチョンドゥクトラジチョン(譯注:チョンはエキ ス)」だ?桔梗は?少し苦みがあり?それが苦手な人もい る?それを解消するために糖蜜に漬けたものがトラジジ ョングァで?これを切ってきな粉をまぶしたものが?き な粉トラジジョングァだ?香ばしさと甘さが特徵で?子 どもからも人氣だ?トラジチョンはジャムのような製品 で?生の桔梗と乾燥させた桔梗が入っている?漬け腐む 過程を溫度別に3段階に分けて進めたことから?桔梗全 體から甘さが感じられるのが特徵だ?また?約30℃の低 溫で乾燥させるために堅くなりすぎず?適度な食感があ る?原料も韓國の桔梗の主産地と知られる慶尙北道·醴 泉(イェチョン)と安東(アンドン)?京畿道·驪州(ヨジ ュ)で生産される3年物の桔梗のみを使用する?


現在?ソガの主な販路はオンラインだ?賣上額の80%程 度がオンラインだ?韓國の代表的なインタ―ネットショ ッピングモ―ルのク―パンとネイバ―ストアをはじめと

covered with bean powder. It is popular with children as well owing to its nutty and sweet taste. Doraji Cheong products are made like jam, and contain raw and dried Doraji. Notably, the pickling process is divided into three processes according to temperature, giving the whole Doraji a sweet taste. Also, since it undergoes a drying process at a low temperature of about 30 ℃, the texture is not hard but chewy. For raw materials, only 3-year-old Doraji produced in Yecheon and Andong in Gyeongsangbuk-do, and in Yeoju, Gyeonggi-do, known to be the main producers of Doraji in Korea, are used.

The Representative Specialty of Gyeongju Gains in Popularity Online Currently, Seoga’s main market is online. About 80% of sales are online. Its products can be purchased from Coupang and Naver Store, which are Korea’s leading e-commerce companies, as well as from idus and 11Street. This is due to the fact that more effort went into online markets than offline on account of the COVID19 boost to e-commerce. As to overseas markets, Seoga has been exporting its products to the U.S.. Since the company started exporting in 2018, its performance has steadily improved. In 2021, it achieved export performance of approximately USD 44,000. Accordingly, Seoga plans to actively utilize food fairs to further increase overseas demand. CEO Yeom said, “Doraji is an agricultural product that is not less efficacious than red ginseng, but as it is still unfamiliar abroad, we will try to make it widely known. In Vietnam and Canada, because of COVID-19, there is an increasing recognition and demand for Doraji, and we will take the lead in exporting high quality products.”

して?アイディアス?11番街などで製品を購入すること ができる?これは?新型コロナなどでインタ―ネットシ ョッピングが活發になり?オフラインよりもオンライン の販路により力を注いだ成果だ?オフラインは?慶州市 のアンテナショップとロッテワ―ルドのような觀光地な どで販賣されている?それほど?品質が認められたもの というわけだ?海外へは米國へ製品を輸出中だ?2018 年に輸出を始めて以降?その實績は繼續的に增加してい る?2021年には約5,600万ウォンの輸出實績をあげた? そこで?ソガは海外での需要をさらに廣げるために?食 品エキスポを積極的に活用する計畵だ? 廉代表は?「桔梗は紅參と比べても效能に引けをとらない 農産物だが?海外ではいまだに馴染みがないことから? 知名度のアップに努めたい?ベトナムとカナダでは?新 型コロナで桔梗に對する認知度と需要が高まっている? そのため?良質の製品で輸出に乘り出していく?」と抱負 を述べた? Seoga +82-10-6447-5077 sukgae0928@naver.com



The United States

fo Additional In Product name: Doraji Jeonggwa (braised bellflower root in sweet sauce) Product ingredients: Doraji (bellflower root), sugar, honey Expiration date: 1 year (Store in cool place) Product size: 350 g Certification: HACCP (KOR), ISO 22000 (KOR), FDA (U.S.) Characteristics: 쪾As a sugaring food, the taste is sweet

and does not have the bitter taste of bellflower roots. 쪾Dried at low temperature so it’s not hard and you can enjoy the chewy texture.

June 2022 19

New Item

Sibrihyang Scented Rice with a Sweet Popcorn Flavor

lavored rice is literally F ‘scented rice’. It is used like rice and is sold as higher-quality rice than regular rice as it has a scent. Korea’s representative scented rice is ‘Sibrihyang,’ which means ‘the fragrant aroma of rice spreads to many miles’ With its excellent aroma, SibriDirector Shin Jae-wook (far right) hyang was first exported to Hong Kong on trial last year and is preparing to expand to Southeast Asia, the main market of scented rice.

爆米花味香米“十裏香” 香米和一般的大米一樣主要用于做 米飯,但由于其帶有香味所以魔價 也高于一般的大米?“十裏香”是韓 攻典型的優質香米,其名稱含有飯 香可香飄十裏之意?這一優質香米 “十裏香”,于去年首次捲香港進行 了試出口,幷正在着手將出口領域 頑大到香米的主市場東南亞地袴?


Scented Rice with Unique Stickiness of Korean Rice ‘Fragrant popcorn scent’ is the best feature of Sibrihyang, which was developed in 2019 by Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research & Extension Service. The main ingredient that gives the popcorn flavor is 2-AP, which Sibrihyang has a high content of. The rice grains are also long, transparent, and stickier than other scented rice products with popcorn flavors. Since it was registered for a Korean patent in 2020, Sibrihyang is cultivated as the highest-quality luxury brand in Jeollabuk-do. Sibrihyang is currently being produced in

20 Korea Agrafood

由全羅北道農業技術院于2019年開屠出的十裏香,其最 大的優点是“帶有爆米花香味”?産生爆米花香味的主要 成分是2-AP,十裏香的2-AP含量蜈高,而一般大米是 廓乎不含這種成分?且十裏香香米比其他帶有爆米花香 味的長粒透明香米粘性更高?十裏香已于2020年注冊韓 攻專利,幷正在努力將其培育成全北最優的馳名品牌? 目前,十裏香的生産是在全北的群山和益山等地進行? 据2021年韓攻農村振興廳以十裏香消費者爲捲象進行的 聯合麟驗顯示,韓攻消費者捲十裏香的“味道?口感?廂 性”給予了蜈高的評價,幷格分析得出十裏香米飯的味道 是消費者購買該産品的主要因素?十裏香不僅有韓攻米 特有的“味道”和“廂性”,而且還有海外消費者喜歡的“香 味”,所以具有可在海外香米市場上進行競爭的玭力?這 也是去年,農村振興廳把十裏香確定爲“攻內培育新品種 試出口”品目之一的背景?2020年,韓攻政府還把香米 確定爲具有出口玭力的品目?

Ne w

Ite m

What is Sibrihyang? A new scented rice variety developed in 2019 by the Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research & Extension Service over 10 years from 2010. It has an excellent, delicious popcorn scent as an artificially cross-bred product of Korea’s highest quality rice and China’s scented rice, Daohuaxiang ( ) No.2. Sibrihyang is currently being released in Jeollabuk-do under the brand ‘Yedamchae Sibrihyang Rice’.


June 2022 21

New Item

Gunsan and Iksan in Jeollabuk-do. According to a joint experiment conducted on Sibrihyang’s consumers by the Rural Development Administration in Korea in 2021, Korean consumers rated Sibrihyang highly for the taste, texture, and stickiness of rice, it was analyzed that the taste of rice led to their purchase. Added with unique ‘rice flavor’ and ‘stickiness’ of Korean rice to the ‘scent’ preferred by overseas consumers, Sibrihyang is expected to be competitive in the scented rice market in Korea and abroad. This is also the one of the reasons that the Rural Development Administration selected Sibrihyang as one of ‘trial export of Korea new cultivated varieties’ last year.

Okgu, Devoted to Cultivating the Best Scented Rice Sibrihyang’s largest plantation is in Okgu, Gunsan, Nearly 70% of Korean Sibrihyang is produced in the Okgu area. This is the third year of Sibrihyang cultivation since the Okgu Agricultural Cooperative (OAC) established the pilot complex in 2020. OAC is thoroughly carrying out Sibrihyang quality control. For example, products with protein content of 6.5% or less and moisture content of 15% or more are restricted

22 Korea Agrafood


十裏香的最大栽培地是全北群山的沃溝地袴?沃溝 地袴十裏香的栽培面積接近于全攻十裏香總栽培面 積的70%?沃溝農協自2020年組建十裏香示範園袴 以來,時至今日栽培十裏香已有三憾年頭?沃溝農 協捲十裏香的質量管理蜈嚴格,蛋白質含量低于 6.5%,水分含量高于15%的商品都要禁止上市, 因爲米飯味道的好壞取決于大米所含的蛋白質和水 分?十裏香專用加工園袴也將在年內竣工,爲了保 嗇十裏香的純正香味該加工園袴只加工十裏香一憾 品種? 沃溝農協捲十裏香的重視還郞現在了捲栽培規模的 頑大?預計沃溝地袴十裏香的栽培面積從2020年的 5公頃到今年增加到200公頃 (目標値)? 沃溝農協稻穀綜合處理廠申載旭所長說明道,“十裏 香香米不同于其他的香米,具有廂性足的特点?我 們認爲,可利用十裏香侮現有海外香米産品的差別 化,以高級大米形象捲十裏香進行促銷”?



沃溝農協栽培的十裏香于去年11月首次捲香港進行 了試出口?葉,捲香港出口了600袋500g和1kg裝 十裏香香米和568盒十裏香方便米飯産品?結果蜈 成功,尤其是十裏香方便米飯大受香港消費者的歡 迎?所出口的方便米飯是一種叫樂天“L’grow”的十 裏香方便米飯産品,該産品不含任何添加芟100% 只用水和香米加工而成?

from shipment because protein and moisture determine the taste of rice. Sibrihyang’s processing complex will also be completed this year to dry and process only one Sibrihyang variety, as a measure to fully preserve the unique flavor of Sibrihyang. OAC’s such interest in Sibrihyang led to the expansion of the cultivation area. The Sibrihyang cultivation area in Okgu, which was 5 ha in 2020, is expected to increase to 200 ha (target) this year.

Promising Korean Export Item in 2021 Cultivated by OAC, Sibrihyang was first exported to Hong Kong on a trial in last November. 600 units of Sibrihyang 500 g and 1 kg packages and 568 units of instant rice made of Sibrihyang were exported to Hong Kong. The result was successful, as instant rice was especially popular with Hong Kong consumers. Called Lotte L’grow Sibrihyang Instant Rice, they are processed foods made with 100% water and rice without additives. OAC is strengthening its will to export Sibrihyang to Southeast Asia along with China, the main market for scented rice. As a hybrid of Daohuaxiang No. 2, Chinese scented rice, Sibrihyang’s scent is familiar to Chinese people. That is why OAC is looking forward to exporting Sibrihyang to China. It is also diversifying processed foods such as Nurungji (scorched rice) and Makgeolli in addition to instant rice to increase exports. Director Shin Jae-wook of the rice processing complex of OAC, said “Sibrihyang produced in Okgu, Jeollabuk-do, home of Korean rice, is the finest rice. We will confidently approach overseas consumers with high-quality products.”

沃溝農協還打算捲香米的主市場中攻和東南亞出口十裏 香?十裏香是侮中攻的香米稻花香2獄雜交的品種,所 以其香味捲中攻人來講蜈熟悉,這也是十裏香有望出口 中攻的一大理由?除此之外,沃溝農協還通過生産方便 米飯?鍋巴?馬格利酒等各種十裏香加工食品,麟現産 品的多樣化努力頑大産品的出口?在産品的包裝上也正 在考慮除了目前的4kg和10kg裝産品外,再增加小包裝 産品爲消費者提供更多的選楊余地? 申載旭所長憐示,“十裏香是産于韓攻稻米之鄕全北沃溝 的韓攻最優質大米?我們將以優質産品爲招牌充滿自信 地面捲海外消費者”?

Okgu Agricultural Cooperative +82-63-464-8864



Hong Kong

fo Additional In Product name: Yedamchae Sibrihyang rice Product ingredients: 100% Sibrihyang Expiration date: None Product size: 4 kg, 10 kg Certification: None Characteristics: 쪾Rich in 2-AP, which is the main

ingredient of scented rice that gives off a delicious popcorn scent 쪾Excellent rice taste thanks to transparent rice grains and high stickiness unlike other scented rice

June 2022 23

Essay Photo 24 Korea Agrafood

“It’s Time for a Little Break” Spring already slipped away and the month of June has arrived. In Korea, it is the time when the sweltering heat begins to take over, and it is also when farmers have a hard time with busy farming. That’s all the more reason why we need to take a little break. How about welcoming a little time to rest just like the farmers in the photograph with a glass of Makgeolli (Korean rice wine) and Kimchijeon (Kimchi pancake)? The photograph shows an elderly farmer taking a break from farming in Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea.

June 2022 25

Trend & Products

26 Korea Agrafood

Korean Kimchi Adds Functionality to Taste & Nutrition 味と榮養に機能性が加わった韓國のキムチ “Do You Know Kimchi?” In the past, this was the question Koreans naturally asked when they met foreigners. But now, such a question feels a bit embarrassing because Korean Kimchi is so well-known that it has been in spotlight abroad as well. Various types of Kimchi as well as the well-known Baechu Kimchi are gaining popularity from consumers abroad, with its functionality drawing attraction lately.

“Do You Know Kimchi?”これは 以前?韓國人が外國人に會えば當然 のようにする質問だった?しかし? 今ではこうした質問自體が?やや違 和感のあるものになっている?それ は?韓國のキムチが海外でも脚光を 浴びていることからわかるように? キムチの認知度が上がっているため だ?一般によく知られた白菜キムチ はもちろん?樣?なキムチが海外の 消費者の人氣を獲得し?最近ではキ ムチの機能性が注目されている?

Korea Proves Itself as the Homeland of Kimchi Korea has a special day to commemorate Kimchi. Since 2020, Kimchi Day has been celebrated every November 22, enacted so to mean the use of 11 different (November) ingredients and to show 22 different (22) effects. Is Kimchi Day only in Korea? The answer is ‘No’. In August 2021, the California state legislature passed a resolution designating November 22 as Kimchi Day, and this February, the Virginia state legislature also passed a resolution to start Kimchi Day. As a result, Korea is recognized and appreciated worldwide as the homeland of Kimchi. Codex Alimentarius Commission established a standard for Kimchi in 2001 and named it Korea’s Kimchi, acknowledging that Korea is Kimchi’s origin.

キムチの宗主國を立證する韓國 韓國には特別なキムチの記念日がある?これは?2020年に制定された「キムチの 日」(每年11月22日)だ?11月22日がキムチの日になったのは?キムチが11種類 (11月)の材料を使用し?22種類(22日)の效能を持つということがあるためだ? ところで?キムチの日は韓國にのみあるのだろうか?答えは「No」だ?米國のカ リフォルニア州議會は?2021年8月に11月22日をキムチの日に指定する決議案 を通過させた?さらに?今年2月には?米國のバ―ジニア州議會もキムチの日を 制定する決議案を通過させた?これにより?韓國がキムチの宗主國であること が海外でも認められ?その記念日になったのだ? コ―デックス委員會(Codex Alimentarius Commission)も?2001年にキム チの規格を定め?その名稱を韓國のキムチと命名し?韓國がキムチの宗主國と いう事實を認めた? June 2022 27

Trend & Products

watery and spicier to improve storability. Kimchi types depend on the use of Gochutgaru (red pepper powder), such as Baekkimchi (white Kimchi) which is without Gochutgaru, as well as the presence of water, such as Nabakkimchi (water Kimchi) and Dongchimi (radish water Kimchi). As such, various Korean Kimchi is recognized by overseas consumers as well, as confirmed in the amount of Kimchi exports that are increasing year by year. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs of Korea, Kimchi exports over the past five years have recorded USD 81 million in 2017, USD 98 million in 2018, USD 150 million in 2019, USD 145 million in 2020, and USD 159 million in 2021.


Any Ingredient Can be Kimchi Most people think of Baechu Kimchi to refer to Kimchi, but there are countless various types of Kimchi in Korea. The variety of Kimchi is probably the most amazing as each household makes Kimchi with unique, different ingredients. In addition to the common Cabbage and radish, there is also Kimchi made of cucumbers, green onions, and even fruits to your surprise. Another characteristic of Kimchi is that its seasonings and flavors vary depending on the region. Kimchi in the northern region of Korea, which has relatively cold weather, is waterier and rather bland, while Kimchi in the southern region is less

28 Korea Agrafood

キムチといえば?眞っ先に白菜キムチが頭に浮かぶが?韓 國のキムチの種類は數えられないほど多い?韓國では?家 ごとに特色のある材料でキムチを漬ける?こうしたこと から?キムチの多樣性は類をみないものといえる?一般的 な白菜や大根のほかにも?キュウリ?ネギはもちろん?果 物を活用したキムチもある?しかしながら?この程度で 驚いてはいけない? また?地域によりヤンニョム(藥味)と味が異なるのも特 徵だ?韓國で相對的に氣候が寒い中部地域は?キムチに 汁氣が多くて薄味だ?一方?南部地域は貯藏性を高める ために?汁氣が少なく辛いのが特徵だ?また?粉唐辛子 の有無により?粉唐辛子がない白キムチがあり?汁氣の 有無により水キムチ?トンチミのような水分が多いキム チもある? このように?韓國に樣?なキムチがあることは?海外の 消費者も認めている?これは韓國のキムチの輸出額から 確認できる?韓國のキムチの輸出量は?年?增加してい る?韓國の農林畜産食品部によれば?最近の5年間のキ ムチ輸出額は?2017年8,100万ドル?2018年9,800万ド ル?2019年1億5,000万ドル?2020年1億4,500万ドル となり?2021年には1億5,900万ドルを記錄した?

Focusing on Functionality of Kimchi The health functionality of Kimchi is receiving attention again in the COVID-19 era. A French research team also announced a study result that consuming Kimchi helps prevent COVID-19. In addition, Korean Kimchi was registered with the Consumer Affairs Agency of Japan as a functional food for the first time. The main leader is Trechan Co., Ltd., a Korean Kimchi producer with the motto of ‘Globalization of Korean Traditional Kimchi’. The Japanese government, recognizing the scientific evidence that fructooligosaccharide in Kimchi has a digestive action, registered Trechan’s Kimchi as a functional food. Trechan exported Kimchi worth USD 80,000 abroad in 2020, and this record is expected to be broken from the second half of this year as the number of consultations with overseas buyers is increasing with the registration of Kimchi as functional food. Trechan has

completed the deliberation registration of labeling Kimchi’s function to reduce cholesterol in Korea, and it is also in the process of registering the functionality labeling of Kimchi as a food that promotes calcium absorption soon. This implies the company’s goals of imprinting worldwide that Korea is the homeland of Kimchi and presenting high value-added products to overseas consumers.

機能性が注目されるキムチ キムチの健康機能性がコロナ禍において再び注目されてい る?特に?韓國のキムチが日本で機能性表示食品として登 錄されるという成果にもつながった?その主人公は?韓國 傳統のキムチのグロ―バル化をモット―にした韓國のキ ムチ生産企業の「トゥレチャン」だ?キムチに含まれるフ ラクトオリゴ糖の整腸作用の科學的根據が認められ?ト ゥレチャンのキムチは機能性表示食品に登錄された?ト ゥレチャンは?2020年に海外へ8万ドルのキムチを輸出 した?今年は機能性表示食品の登錄で?海外のバイヤ― の商談も增やしており?下半期からは2020年の輸出實 績をゆうに超えると予想している?

June 2022 29

rce e mm o C E-

Korean Tea Capturing the Taste Buds of China, Coffee Products ‘Coffee in one hand after breakfast and lunch.’ This has long been a symbol of office workers in Korea. According to one statistic, 31% of Koreans drink two cups of coffee a day, which is also translated into their special affection for coffee. Koreans developed the first mixed coffee sticks in the world and the overseas demand for coffee products has also increased as they are recognized for excellent quality. In fact, coffee products have risen to the top selling Korean agricultural products on JD.com in China, confirming their popularity.

From Mixed Coffee to RTD Coffee Coffee trees grow between the latitudes of 25° S and 25° N. Located at latitude 33-38° N, Korea also has some places that grow coffee trees in greenhouses, but most of the coffee beans are imported and processed. But it is wrong to think the quality will be poor. Korea has as much love for coffee as in the West that it developed the first coffee product in the world, called ‘mixed coffee’. Mixed coffee is made by adding sugar and cream or whitener to instant coffee and has a sweet taste. Sugar and cream neutralize the characteristic bitter coffee to taste sweeter, and coffee can be consumed easily by carrying one stick at a time. Dongseo Food and Namyang Dairy products are widely known, and the demand for RTD Coffee has also been recently increasing. Known as BTS Coffee, the products of hy Co., Ltd. are also gaining huge popularity abroad.

30 Korea Agrafood

從Mix Coffee到RTD假燾 假燾樹的生長帶是在南緯25°到北緯25°之 間?在地處北緯33~38°之間的韓攻,也有 利用溫室大棚栽培假燾樹的地方,但主要還是迲 進口假燾豆來進行産品的加工?但如果就此認爲質量也 繇不及他人那就錯了?在韓攻,人們捲假燾的情結不亞 于西方,世界首創開屠出的假燾産品“Mix Coffee(三 合一速溶假燾)”就是最好的例嗇? Mix Coffee是由速溶假燾?白糖?球油或假燾伴侶等 配制而成的甛味假燾産品?産品利用白糖和假燾伴侶等 捲假燾特有的苦味進行中和使其增加甛味口感,幷採用 單袋小包裝設計使其更加便于旭帶和食泡?市場上常見 的大部分Mix Coffee産品都是由東西食品和南陽乳業 生産的?近來,還有一種可直接喝的冷萃假燾(RTD Coffee)市場需求也蜈旺盛?如,(株)hy公司以BTS(防 彈少年團)假燾推出的假燾産品在海外高歌猛進,人槐蜈 高?

June 2022 31

rce e mm o C E-

Taste and Packaging are Both ‘Great’

Korean Coffee

There are various types of Korean mixed coffee products that are popular on JD.com in China. They are selected according to cream, sugar content, and coffee beans, and iced coffee products to enjoy in summer are also on sale. Consumers of JD.com generally rated Korean coffee products as ‘soft and delicious’ along with comments such as ‘the beans dissolve well in water’, ‘it has a reasonable calorie amount’ and ‘it has pretty packaging’. One consumer said “Korean coffee is great. I enjoy drinking it after breakfast, and I am very satisfied. Other teachers like it too. It’s perfect to put 2 sticks of mixed coffee in one mug.” Let’s check other reviews and evaluations in the infographic.

味道?包裝皆“達標” 在中攻京東商城暢銷的韓攻Mix Coffee産品種類繁多? 消費者可根据産品中球油?白糖?假燾豆的不同含量及口 味選楊自己所喜歡的産品,所魔産品中還有夏季飮品領假 燾等産品? 京東商城消費者捲韓攻假燾調制品的總郞評價是“味美柔 口”?除此之外,還有蜈多諸如“假燾易溶”?“熱量合理”? “包裝漂亮”等好評?有一位購物者寫道,“韓攻假燾?確 麟不錯?早飯后我都要喝一杯,非常滿意?其他朋友們也 都說他們蜈喜歡韓攻假燾,一杯馬克杯中放兩袋Mix Coffee正好” ?更多內容可瀏覽信息詭? <Source : JD.com>

32 Korea Agrafood

Buy Coffee According to Your Taste! The major Korean coffee products sold on JD.com are Dongseo Food’s Maxim Original, Mocha Gold Mild, White Gold, and Arabica 100, followed by Namyang Dairy French Cafe. Recently, instead of the sweet taste of mixed coffee, Americano and Latte-based products of light taste are also gaining popularity, such as Mild Roasted Coffee and Double Shot Latte of Maxim’s Kanu brand. A consumer who bought the Kanu Double Shot Latte commented, “This is the best coffee my grandma picked. I eat a stick of Kanu coffee in kettle-boiled water every day.”

可按口味喜好進行選購! 在京東商城銷魔的韓攻假燾調制品主要有東西食品的麥 馨(Maxim)?原味(Original)?摩賓格典假燾(Mocha Gold Mild)?White Gold假燾?Arabica 100假燾等 産品?緊隨其后的還有南陽乳業的French假燾?近來, 不同于Mix Coffee特有的甛味,以純正美式假燾和拿 鐵味爲基礎的産品蜈受歡迎?如麥馨賓奴(KANU)品牌 的Mild Roasted Coffee和Double Shot Latte(雙略 拿鐵)等?有一位購買雙略拿鐵産品的消費者在評語中寫 道雙略拿鐵是“球球眼中最好的假燾”,“每天都要用開水 食泡喝一杯”?

fo Additional In

Dalgona Latte Made with Korean Mixed Coffee Dalgona latte is a drink made with Korean mixed coffee. It is one of the games many people enjoyed as they spend more time at home due to COVID-19. All you need is 3 sticks of mixed coffee, 3 tbsps of water, and milk. Mix the coffee and water together and stir them in one direction for 5 minutes to make the Dalgona undiluted solution. Simply pour the solution and milk into a cup in a 1:3 ratio to enjoy Dalgona Latte.

June 2022 33

K-FOOD Recipe Chamchikimchibokkeum

Chamchikimchibokkeum Doubles the Flavor of Kimchi

imchi, a traditional Korean dish, is a soul K food for Koreans. As such, there are various types of Kimchi and various recipes using Kimchi. The representative dish using Kimchi is Kimchijjigae (Kimchi stew), and there is a dish suitable for people who find it difficult to cook Kimchijjigae, namely Chamchikimchibokkeum (stir-fried tuna and Kimchi). All you need are Kimchi and canned tuna. Let’s try to cook Chamchikimchibokkeum, a good dish to have with rice when you don’t have much appetite.

34 Korea Agrafood

June 2022 35

K-FOOD Recipe Chamchikimchibokkeum

Chamchi kimchi bokkeum Recipe Cut 1/2 head of Kimchi into bite01 sized pieces.

3 Servings 10 min

Main Ingredients 1/2 head of Kimchi, 1/2 green onion, 1 can of canned tuna (150 g) 1 tbsp of sesame oil in a pot Add 1.5 tbsps of sugar to cooked 02 Put 03 and stir-fry Kimchi over medium Kimchi. heat for over 2 minutes.

Sub Ingredients 1 tbsp of sesame oil, 1.5 tbsps of sugar


1/2 green onion diagonally tuna when Kimchi and 04 Cut 05 Add and stir-fry with Kimchi. green onion are almost done.


06 Stir-fry for another 10 seconds. 36 Korea Agrafood

Serve up on a platter and 07 enjoy~!

Tips Please note that the Chinese name for Kimchi, a traditional Korean dish, has changed to ‘xinqi (辛奇)’. Xinqi has a similar pronunciation to Kimchi and means slightly spicy. Its taste remains great regardless the name change.

Chamchikimchibokkeum-Related Export Products

Iikim Kimchi CO., LTD.

Sempio’s Stir-fried Kimchi

Iikim is a company that is more recognized over-

If you wish to eat stir-fried Kimchi straight from

seas. Last year, it exported USD 14 million worth

the package without the hassle of cooking,

of Kimchi and ranked second in the Kimchi ex-

Sempio’s Stir-fried Kimchi would be highly rec-

port industry. It shows how much the company’s

ommended. It is a canned product that is highly

product has a taste that is well-received over-

storable, does not smell, and its taste does not

seas. In addition to Kimchi, Iikim exports a variety

change, so it allows you to taste Kimchi of a cer-

of products including Baekkimchi (white Kimchi),

tain taste anytime, anywhere. Since the product

Bossamkimchi (wrapped Kimchi), Yeolmukimchi

comes in small amounts (160 g), it can be con-

(young summer radish Kimchi), Pakimchi (green

veniently enjoyed without having to worry about

onion Kimchi), and Gatkimchi (Leaf Mustard

leftovers. Its deep taste is derived not from fish

Kimchi). Recently, the company has taken a step

sauce but from Yondu, a plant-based seasoning

closer to Muslims by acquiring halal certification.

sauce made with fermented soybeans, so vegans can freely enjoy the product without any concern.





June 2022 37

K-FOOD Name: Rami

Nationality: France

Age: 31

Favorite Food: Red Ginseng

Fan Letter

“I enjoy drinking red ginseng” From France

My name is Rami. I’m 31 years old and

I’m from

I most France. The Korean agricultural product ular in my country that it recently had is red ginseng. It is very pop athlete, I always drink ginis often used as a medicine. And as an oriental medicine that uses seng. One of the important principles of an efficient use of energy. I ginseng is to find a healthy lifestyle for of Korea, so I also enjoy respect and admire such a unique culture same effect. drinking red ginseng which gives us the products at a grocery store I mainly purchase Korean agricultural d right now is banana located in Algeria. What comes to min from soybeans for people soymilk, which was apparently made flavor. As such, I like who can’t drink milk by adding banana it’s Korean agricultural products because healthy and delicious. I hope that <Korea Agrafood> will give us more information on Korean agricultural products going forward.


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