August 2022 (vol.322)

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August 2022 vol.322

Added Health to Snacks

Korean Traditional Snacks


New Item


Gokseong Melon Soars Toward Globalization!

3 Minutes in the Microwave, Try Korean Gimbap!

Growing Popularity of Korean Food, Expanding K-Sauce Market

se! u e! a s P u s a r Buye D Fans P O K-FO

Find your Korean Food Visit K-FOOD Trade & Enjoy the variety of Korean Food is also available via your mobile phone.



Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign Let us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste.

If we reduce food waste, can take care of both IfIndividuals we reduce diet and health food waste,

Let’s reduce waste at home. your diet and buy only 01 Plan the food you need.

Quantity of Meals

Consider the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients.

Restaurants can save the costs for food waste disposal

Divide food ingredients into portions and 02 store them in a transparent container.

We can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas

You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator.

help people who are hungry by donating some of the savings.

Expiration Date

03 Ground dry ingredients to cook. Then, let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.

How close have you gotten to Zero Waste? Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.

Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one.

Let’s donate together in everyday life. Start WFP individual donation You can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website,, and clicking the Donate button.

Donate on ‘Share the Meal’ Zero food waste with one finished meal!

Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day!

Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses!

1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives.

You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and

CONTENTS August 2022 vol. 322 12



Photo by THREE THREE STUDIO Styling by Dooeun

COVER Korean snacks are trending abroad. As overseas consumers aiming for healthy lifestyles are becoming more interested in gluten-free products, Korean traditional snacks as well as snacks made of rice are drawing attention. There are various types ranging from Hangwa (Korean traditional sweets), rice crackers, rice crispy pancakes, and Tteok (rice cakes), to Nurungji (scorched rice).

Main Theme

Added Health to Snacks,

Korean Traditional Snacks 06

Korean Sweets, Hangwa


From Chapssaltteok to Dessert Tteok


Snacks Made with Gim and Barley

Closeup 12 FARMTASTIC Gokseong Melon Soars toward Globalization!

16 PROCESSED FOOD Tteok, a Healthy Snack to Enjoy with Rice

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0963 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995 Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved. CEO Kim Choon-jin EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Ki No-sun (Food Industry & Trade Division) EDITORS Chang In-shik

20 NEW ITEM 3 Minutes in the Microwave, Try Korean Gimbap!

REPORTERS Seo Sang-hyun ( Cho Yeong-kyu ( Choi Yeong-jin ( GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Han Hyo-jin (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE)

Trend & Culture 26 TREND & PRODUCTS Growing Popularity of Fruit and Vegetable Drinks along Health Trends

Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)

EDITORIAL BOARD BEIJING Park Sung-kuk 070-4617-5090 ( SHANGHAI Sung Si-chan 070-7077-6197 ( CHENGDU Wang Sung 070-4617-3267 ( DALIAN Koh Jung-hee 070-4617-3266 (

30 E-COMMERCE Growing Popularity of Korean Food, Expanding K-Sauce Market

HONGKONG Kim Suk-ju 070-4617-2696 ( HANOI Park Min-cheol 070-4617-7257 ( HOCHIMIN Park Il-sang +84-862-470-214 ( BANGKOK Lee Ju-yong 070-4617-7226 ( JAKARTA Cho Sung-thok 070-4617-2694 (

34 K-FOOD RECIPE Revive Your Appetite this Summer with ‘Yeolmuguksu’

TOKYO Jang Seo-gyeong +81-3-5367-6656 ( OSAKA Kwon Tae-hwa +81-6-6260-7661 ( NEW YORK Shim Hwa-sop 1-212-889-2561 ( L.A Kim Min-ho +1-562-809-8810 ( DUBAI Kim Hyuk +97-1-4339-2213 ( PARIS Ha Jung-a 070-4617-7225 (


MOSCOW Shin Jae-hun 070-4617-3277 (

24 PHOTO ESSAY 38 K-FOOD FRIEND - Webtoon : Shine Muscat - Fan Letter : Handininurmansyah

QINGDAO Lee Sun-woo ( KUALALUMPUR Jang Jae-hyung ( EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9072

Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website,

C over Story

Added Health to Snacks,

Korean Traditional Snacks おやつにヘルシ―さをプラス?韓國のお菓子

4 Korea Agrafood

Korean snacks are trending abroad. As overseas consumers aiming for healthy lifestyles are becoming more interested in gluten-free products, Korean traditional snacks as well as snacks made of rice are drawing attention. There are various types ranging from Hangwa (Korean traditional sweets), rice crackers, rice crispy pancakes, and Tteok (rice cakes), to Nurungji (scorched rice). We’ll introduce delicious Korean snacks, sweets, and desserts, imagining how overseas consumers enjoy Hangwa and Tteok with coffee.

海外で韓國のお菓子が流行している?特に?健康的な生活を志向する海外の消費者のグルテ ンフリ―製品への關心が高まり?韓國の傳統的な菓子はもちろん?米で作った韓國のお菓子 も注目を集めている?これらは韓菓を筆頭に米菓やせんべい?餠とヌルンジ(おこげ)まで? その種類は樣?だ?韓國人がおやつに?または食後に食べるお菓子?海外の消費者が韓菓と 餠をコ―ヒ―と一緖に食べる姿を想像しながら?韓國のおいしいお菓子を紹介する?

August 2022 5

C over Story

Korean Sweets, Hangwa


6 Korea Agrafood

ealth’ becoming H the core of the global snack trend is a reason Korean snacks are attracting attention. Korean snacks, especially traditional ones, are classified as plant-based snacks because grains are the main ingredient. One of the most popular traditional snacks is Hangwa. They include Yakgwa (honey cookie) made by kneading flour with sesame oil and honey, then frying it in oil; Yugwa (deep-fried sweet rice cake) made by soaking glutinous rice flour, kneading, steaming, and drying, and then coating it with honey, sesame, beans, nutty grains, various powders, etc.; and Gangjeong (sweet rice puffs) made by mixing baked or fried rice with starch syrup. Aroohwa and Dammijung are the companies specialized in producing Hangwa such as Yakgwa, Yugwa, and Gangjeong. Also, Sandullhae is taking the lead in popularizing Korean sweets by promoting ‘Baked Yugwa’ made from glutinous rice. In addition, there are many processed foods made from rice. Among them, Chungo’s products stand out: Organic Purple Sweet Potato Rice Snack and Organic Pumpkin Rice Snack, made by mixing 97% rice with purple sweet potato and sweet pumpkin powder and roasting them. In addition, ‘Grain Friend’ by Ivenet, which specializes in children’s food used a total of 8 Korean produced grains including rice and added calcium, a nutrient that helps growth and development. Jeonbyeong (crispy pancake) is also a snack enjoyed by many Koreans. ShinHwaDang serves Jeonbyeong made of Korean rice such as ‘Almond Jeonbyeong’, ‘Green Laver Jeonbyeong’, and ‘Black Sesame Jeonbyeong’. Famous for its Choco Pie, Poongnyeon Bakery, is also part of Jeonbyeong gift set which is abundant in sesame seeds, ginger, peanuts, and green laver in its products.

「健康」が世界のお菓子の トレンドの中心になって いる?韓國のお菓子が關 心を集める理由がまさにこ こにある?韓國のお菓子? 特に傳統的な菓子は穀物が主原 料であるように?植物性の菓子に分 類される?そのなかで代表的なものが韓菓 (ハングァ)だ?韓菓は韓國の傳統菓子で?小麥にごま油と蜂 蜜などを加えてこねた後?油で揚げた藥菓(ヤックァ)と白 玉粉に酒を加えてこねて蒸し?乾燥させた後に油で煮詰め た後?水あめなどをかけて小豆などの粉をまぶした油菓(ユ グァ)?燒いたり揚げた米などに水あめを加えて混ぜ合わせ て作ったカンジョンなどがある?アルファやタムミジョンは 藥菓と油菓?カンジョンなどの韓菓を傳統製法で生産してい る韓菓專門メ―カ―だ?また?サンドゥレはもち米を他の添 加物なしに加工した「燒き油菓」を發賣し?韓菓の大衆化を リ―ドしている?これだけではなく?米で作った加工食品も 多い?米菓子の中にはチョンオコンガンの 製品が目に付く?オ―ガニックのパッ チャン紫いもとオ―ガニックのパッチ ャンカボチャなどで?米の含有量が 97%で紫いもとカボチャの粉を混ぜて 燒いて作ったものだ?また?子どもの食 べ物を專門的に生産しているアイベネッ ト(Ivenet)の製品の主原料も米だ?アイベ ネットのコンムルチングは?米を含めて全郞で8種類の韓國 産の穀物を使用し?成長や發達に役立つ榮養素のカルシウム が加えられている? 煎餠もよく食べられるお菓子だ?シンファダン製菓の特徵 は?米で作った煎餠ということだ?同社はア―モンド煎餠? 靑のり煎餠(Green Laver Cookies)?黑ゴマ煎餠など?韓 國産の米で作った煎餠を發賣している?チョコパイで有名な豊 年(プンニョン)製菓も煎餠のギフトセットを發賣している?ゴ マと生姜?ピ―ナッツ?靑のりなどが煎餠の中に たくさん入っているのが特徵だ?

August 2022 7

C over Story

teok cannot be left out when it T comes to Korea. Overseas consumers who are not familiar with chewy texture are also attracted to this chewy texture. This is thanks to Tteokbokki, which is gaining popularity all over the world, and Garaetteok (rice cake stick) is the origin of this Tteokbokkitteok. Garaetteok is a round, long white rice cake. Tteok thinner and shorter in length than Garaetteok is Tteokbokkitteok, and Tteok cut diagonally is used for Tteokguk (rice cake soup). Dried Garaetteok is sometimes eaten roasted, and dipping it in honey will give the essence of the crunchy outer and moist inner. Gukminssaltteok’s ‘Roasted Rice Garaetteok’ is the main brand. There are various types of Tteok in Korea, such as Chapssaltteok (glutinous rice cake with red bean filling), Injeolmi (Bean-powder-coated rice cake), Kkultteok (honey-filled rice cake), and Songpyeon (half-moon rice cake). Saimdangfood produces a variety of Tteok products such as Chapssaltteok, Injeolmi, and Tteokguktteok. Its brand is ‘Gomesiru’, which is a combination of ‘gome’ meaning the best ingredients and ‘siru’ meaning Korean traditional bowls. Gosurok is famous for Mosi (ramie) Songpyeon. Gosurok uses directly grown ramie as a raw ingredient for Tteok, applying the non-hardening Tteok manufacturing technology developed by the Rural Development Administration of Korea. As a result, the chewiness of Tteok is preserved even if refrigerated or thawed after freezing. Cheongsachorong is famous for its dessert Tteok. It produces regular Chapssaltteok and fruit Chapssaltteok made with Korean fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, and melons. Saimdangfood is also entering dessert Tteok market by making strawberry fresh cream cake Chapssaltteok, and Nutella cacao Injeolmi.

8 Korea Agrafood

普通の餠からデザ―ト用 の餠まで 「韓國」といえば?「餠」を外せない?彈力の ある食感に慣れない海外の消費者もこの 食感に魅了されている?全世界的に人氣 を獲得しているトッポギのおかげだが? こうしたトッポギの餠の元祖はカレトッ だ?カレトッは丸くて長い白い餠だ?カ レトッより細く短い餠はトッポギ用の餠 で?カレトッを斜めに切った餠はトック用の餠に使う?何 より干したカレトッは燒いて食べたりもするが?蜂蜜をつ けて食べれば外はカリカリ中はホカホカの神髓を味わうこ とができる?主な製品としては?國民米餠の「燒いて食べる 米カレトッ」がある? 韓國には?樣?な種類の餠がある?閻が入っているチャプ サルトッ?きな粉をまぶしたインジョルミ?蜂蜜や砂糖な どを中に入れて作ったクルトッ?大豆などを中に入れて半 月の形に作ったソンピョンなどがある?サイムダンフ―ド はチャプサルトッとインジョルミだけでなく?トック用の 餠など?樣?な餠の製品を作っている?サイムダンフ―ド のブランドは「コメシル」?最高の食材を意味する「コメ」と 韓國の傳統的な甕を意味する「シル」を合わせた用語だ? コスロックは苧麻ソンピョンで有名だ?同社は直接栽培し た苧麻を餠の原料に使用する?特に?コスロックの餠は韓 國の農村振興廳が開發して「固くない餠」の製造技術を利用 している?そのため?冷藏保存や冷凍保存後に解凍しても 餠の食感がそのままに維持されている? チョンサチョロンはデザ―ト用の餠で有名だ?チャプサル トッとイチゴ?ブル―ベリ―?メロンなどを韓國産の果物 を融合させて作った果實チャプサルトッを生産している? サイムダンフ―ドもイチゴの生ク リ―ムケ―キチャプサルト ッ?ニュ―テラカカオ インジョルミなど を作り?デザ― ト用の餠の市場 に進出している?

From Chapssaltteok to

Dessert Tteok August 2022 9

C over Story

Snacks Made with

Gim & Barley hat are other traditional Korean W snacks? Gimbugak (laver chips) is opening a new horizon for the Korean snacks. It rose to popularity when a TV program aired Hwasa of Korean girl group Mamamoo eating it deliciously. To make Gimbugak, glutinous rice paste is applied to Gim, dried, and fried in oil. It is savory yet salty, so once you get your hands on it, you can’t stop. Seaworld Co., Ltd. produces not only Gimbugak but also Hwangtaebugak (dried pollack chips), Kkotgebugak (crab chips), etc., and seasons them with deep sea water to preserve the original taste of the raw ingredients. In addition, there are also Dongwon Yangban’s Gimbugak and Bibigo’s Original Gimbugak. Nurungji is one of Korea’s representative snacks. It is rice stuck to the bottom of a rice cooker, and Koreans have dried it to eat it as a snack. These days, Nurungji is also sold in the market as a snack substitute. Sungchan Food is introducing crispy and savory Nurungji through the modern traditional cast iron cauldron method. In addition, Daesang ChungJungOne’s global brand ‘O’Food’ has launched Gimbugak ‘O’Food Seaweed Chips’ and ‘O’Food Nurungji’ to meet the tastes of overseas consumers. Both products have been certified for vegan and gluten-free. Rice pudding is also worth trying. Yeniqueenz sells whipped cream rice pudding with a high content of whipped

10 Korea Agrafood

海苔?麥で作ったお菓子も 韓國のその他の傳統的なお菓子には何があるだろうか? キムプガク(譯注:海苔の天ぷら)は?韓國のお菓子の新 たな地平を開いている?韓國のアイドルの MAMAMOOのメンバ―のファサがあるTV番組でおい しそうに食べ?話題になったお菓子だ?海苔にもち米の 衣を付けて乾燥させた後に油で揚げた料理で香ばしさと 鹽辛さがあり?ひとたび手を付けると止められない? (株)シ―ワ―ルドはキムプガクだけでなく?ファンテプ ガク(譯注:干したスケトウダラの天ぷら)?コッケプガ ク(カニのチップス)などを製造しており?海洋深層水で 鹽加減を調整し?原材料固有の味を活かした?このほか に?東遠のヤンバンキムプガクとビビゴのオリジナルキ ムプガクもある? 韓國の代表的なおやつだと?ヌルンジも外せない?ヌル ンジは釜の底にへばり付いたご飯のことで?韓國人はこ のヌルンジを乾燥させておやつとして利用してきた?こ うしたヌルンジが今日ではおやつの代わりに市販されて いる?ソンチャン食品は現代的な傳統的大釜を用いてサ クサクして香ばしいヌルンジを販賣している?また?大 象(デサン)淸淨園のグロ―バルブランド 「オ―フ―ド(O’Food)」は海 外の消費者の好みに合わせ て?キムプガク「オ―フ― ドシ―フ―ドチップス」と ヌルンジ「オ―フ―ドヌル ンジ」などを發賣した?2つ

cream. They are 100% gluten-free products with 5 types including ‘scooping strawberry rice pudding.’ There are also snacks made with barley and not rice, represented by Bori Geonppang (barley hardtack). Geonppang is a type of baked and dried bread, and ‘Bori Geonppang’ adds Korean barley flour to the dough. Geumpung Confectionery is the top seller of ‘Bori Geonppang’ on Coupang, a Korean e-commerce company. Established in 1995, it has also obtained a patent in Korea for ‘Hongsam Geonppang’ made of red ginseng, a local specialty. ‘Bori Geonppang’ soaked in milk is very delicacy too.

Dammijung’s Hangwa set

の製品全てビ―ガン認證とグルテンフリ―認證を受け た? 米のプリンも食べる價値がある?イェニクイ―ンズは生 クリ―ムの含有量が高い「すくって食べる生クリ―ム米 プリン」を販賣している?「すくって食べるイチゴ米プリ ン」など5種類で?100%グルテンフリ―の製品だ? 米ではない麥で作ったお菓子もある?麥乾パンがその主 人公だ?乾パンは燒いて干したビスケットの種類で?麥 乾パンは乾パンを作るとき?小麥粉をこねるときに韓國 産の麥粉を加えた?韓國の五―コマ―ス企業のク―パン の麥乾パンの販賣ランキング1位の業者はクムプン製菓 の麥乾パンだ?1995年に設立された同社は地域特産物 の紅參を活用した紅參乾パンで國內の特許を獲得した? 牛乳に浸して食べる乾パン知る人ぞ知るおいしい食べ方 の1つだ?

Chungo’s Organic Pupple Sweet Potato Rice Snack

ShinHwaDang’s Rice Jeonbyeong

Korean Traditional Snacks Saimdangfood’s Chapssaltteok

Seaworld’s Gimbugak

GOSUROK’s Mosi Songpyeon


GEUMPUNG Confectionery’s Bori Geonppang

August 2022 11


Gokseong Melon Soars toward Globalization!

谷城(コクソン)メロンの世界化に向け飛躍する 12 Korea Agrafood

There’s a wooden TV model at Gokseong Station in Gokseong, Jeollanam-do. There is also a melon sculpture on the clock tower at the intersection in front of the Gokseong Police Station and even a melon-themed town in Gokseong as well. Gokseong melon is a major producing area of melon, accounting for nearly 20% of Korea’s melon production. Having elevated Gokseong’s position as the main melon production area, Gokseong Melon Co., Ltd. is now focusing on exporting melons to Southeast Asia such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore.

全羅南道·谷城の谷城驛には?木で作ったTVの模型がある? 谷城警察署前の交差路にある時計塔の上にも「メロン」の造形 物があり?谷城には何とメロンをテ―マにしたメロンマウル (譯注:マウルは韓國語で「村」の意)がある?谷城メロンは? 韓國のメロン生産量の20%近くを占める代表的なメロンの産 地だ? CEO Lee Seon-jae

Gokseong Melon’s Signature Brand, ‘Melon Village by Train’ Gokseong Melon Co., Ltd. is an agricultural corporation established in 2009 with 208 farms growing melons in Gokseong. Its signature melon brand is ‘Melon Village by Train’, which was launched and has been grown as the main agricultural brand of Gokseong by Gokseong Melon Co., Ltd. since it was founded. Gokseong melon is gaining popularity not only in Korea but also abroad, mainly exported to Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore. In 2019, it successfully entered high-class Japanese supermarkets, Yata and UNY, which were meaningful in checking the possibility of Korean melons to enter premium markets. Lee Seon-jae, CEO of Gokseong Melon Co., Ltd., said, “Gokseong melon has been cultivated since 1982 and marks 40th anniversary this

谷城メロンの代表ブランド「汽車に乘ってメロ ンマウル」

谷城メロン株式會社は?2009年から谷城でメロンなどを 栽培する208の農家とともに設立した農業會社法人だ?同 社のメロンのブランドは「汽車に乘ってメロンマウル」? 谷城メロン株式會社は2009年の設立以降?「汽車に乘っ てメロンマウル」の生産を擴大しつつ?「汽車に乘ってメ ロンマウル」が谷城を代表する農産物のブランドになる よう成長させてきた? 谷城メロンは韓國だけでなく?海外でも人氣を獲得して いる?主に香港と臺灣?シンガポ―ルへ輸出され?2019 年には日系の高級ス―パ―の一田( Yata )とユニ― (UNY)での新規の販賣に成功し?韓國産メロンの高級市 場進出の可能性を確認できたという点で意味があった? 李善宰(イ·ソンジェ)谷城メロン株式會社代表は?「谷 城メロンは1982年から栽培を始め?今年で40年目に入 った?谷城メロンの長きにわたる經驗をもとに?谷城メ ロン株式會社は香りと糖度?果肉の全てを向上させるた め?農家の方?と努力を重ねている?」と述べた? August 2022 13


year. Based on the long experience of Gokseong melon, we have been working very hard with our farmers to improve flavor, sugar content, and fruit quality.”

Musk Flavored Gokseong Melon Gokseong melon is an Earls-type melon with a thick net, a strong musk flavor, and a sugar content of 13-15 Brix, boasting a rich sweet taste. It is also kind of heavy with a weight of at least 1.6 kg and has soft fruit and an excellent palatability. Geographical conditions play a huge role for Gokseong Melon Co., Ltd. to produce the best melons. Gokseong has an inland climate with an average annual temperature of about 13.6℃ and high daily temperature differences due to topographic characteristics, making it an optimal place for melon cultivation. In addition, the unique musk flavor of the melons was enhanced through a cultivation technique of producing only one melon per vine, and in 2009, a state-of-the-art non-destructive sugar content measurement system was introduced to select only products passing the same standard. Also, safety is secured by obtaining a GAP

14 Korea Agrafood


谷城メロンは?網目が太いア―ルス系統のメロンで?ム スクの香りが强く?もともとの糖度が13~15Brixを上回 り?甘さが逸品だ?重さは最小1.6kgと重く?果肉は柔 らかく食味もすぐれているのが特徵だ?このように?谷 城メロン株式會社が最高のメロンを生産できるのには? 地理的な條件が貢獻している?谷城は年平均氣溫が約 13.6℃の內陸性氣候で?メロン栽培の最適地だ?地形的 な特徵として日較差が大きく?高糖度で高品質なメロン を生産するのに有利だ? さらに?1つのつるにメロン1玉のみ生産する栽培法によ り?メロン特有のムスクの香りを强め?2009年に最新 式の非破壞糖度測定システムを導入し?同一の基準を通 過した商品のみを選別する?また?GAP認證を取得す ることで安全性も確保している? 谷城メロン株式會社は?13Brix以上のメロンで構成され る一般メロンと糖度が14Brix以上でGAP認證農家の嚴 格な品質管理を經たプレミアムメロンに分けて販賣して いる?


谷城メロン株式會社のメロン輸出量は?コロナ前の 2019年時点で80トンだった?コロナで輸出量は大幅に 減少したが?今年から例年の水準に回復していくとの自 信を見せている?輸出に最適化された收穫技術のおかげ だ?まず?谷城メロン株式會社はメロンのヘタに氣を付

certification. Gokseong Melon Co., Ltd. separately sells regular melons composed of melons of 13 Brix or higher and premium melons with a sugar content of 14 Brix or higher that have undergone strict quality control by GAP certified farms.

Gokseong Melon Goes Abroad Again Gokseong Melon Co., Ltd.’s melon exports were 80 tons as of 2019 pre-COVID19. Exports decreased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic period, but the company expressed confidence that they will recover to the previous year’s level from this year, thanks to harvesting technology optimized for export. First, Gokseong Melon Co., Ltd. pays attention to the melon stem, as the stem must be thick to maintain freshness during the shelf life. In addition, 12 Brix melons are first harvested considering the ripening period; only then overseas consumers can purchase 14 Brix products locally. 14 Brix is the most delicious sweetness of melon. Gokseong Melon Co., Ltd. expressed its will to further expand the processed melon products such as pickled melon, melon ice cream, and melon smoothie while pioneering the high-quality premium market in the future. CEO Lee Seon-jae said, “Gokseong melons is now preparing to become a global melon company beyond Korea. When borders reopen, I hope that foreign consumers will visit the Melon Village in Gokseong and experience Korean melon well.”

けている?ヘタが丈夫だと流通期間中に鮮度を維持する ことができるためだ?また?追熟期間を考慮して12Brix のメロンをまず收穫する?そうしてこそ?海外の消費者 が現地で14Brixの商品を購入できる?14Brixはメロン が最も美味しい糖度だ? 今後?谷城メロン株式會社は高品質のプレミアム市場を 開拓するなか?メロン漬物とメロンアイスクリ―ム?メ ロンスム―ジ―など谷城メロンの加工品をさらに擴大し ていくという意思を示した? 李善宰代表は?「谷城メロンは今や韓國を越えて?世界 のメロンとなる準備をしている?航空便再開後は谷城の メロン村も訪れ?韓國のメロンを思う存分體驗してほし い?」と述べた? Gokseong Melon Co., Ltd. +82-61-363-7602


Hong Kong Taiwan Singapore

fo Additional In Product name: Gokseong Melon Product ingredients: Melon Expiration date: 5 days at room temperature Product size: 8 kg box (4-6 melons) Certification: GAP (KOR) Characteristics: 쪾It is an Earls-type melon with a thick net, weighs 1.6 kg, and has a basic sugar content of 13-15 Brix. 쪾Condensed unique musk flavor of melon through the cultivation technique of producing only one melon per vine.

August 2022 15

Processed Food

Tteok a Healthy Snack to Enjoy with Rice


16 Korea Agrafood

大米侮小麥和玉米一道作爲三大農 作物之一可稱得上是變身鬼思?不 僅可作爲主食,而且還可以加工成 点心?酒類等各種各樣營養酪富的 加工食品?近來,隨着大米加工食 品成爲海外消費者關注的健康食品, 韓攻傳統食品年桀的消費面也呈不鉤 頑大之勢?而且産品種類也從傳統年 桀到提拉米蘇(Tiramisu)?草撻球 油年桀等融合年桀花樣繁多?(株) 領議政(YEONG UI JEONG 正在用新米加工的各種“冷凍年桀”挑戰出口 市場,努力頑大産品的銷路?

ecently, as processed rice R products have been noted overseas as healthy foods that promote wellness, there has been an increased consumption of Tteok (rice cakes), a traditional Korean food. In addition to traditional Tteok, fusion Tteok, such as Tiramisu General manager Jeong Seong-bong and Strawberry Cream Tteok, have become more diverse. CO.,LTD.) Notably, YEONG UI JEONG Co., Ltd. has been expanding to new sales channels by challenging export markets with various ‘frozen Tteok’ made of newly harvested rice.


Frozen Tteok Products Currently, there are about 100 different Tteok products by YEONG UI JEONG. YEONG UI JEONG’s products are largely divided into traditional Tteok and fusion Tteok. Traditional Tteok includes Songpyeon (half-moon rice cake) and Omegi Tteok, and fusion Tteok include Tiramisu Tteok, which is popular among the younger generation. In respect that young people generally prefer sweet flavors, the company has developed fusion Tteok products that are familiar to them. The best aspect of YEONG UI JEONG’s Tteok is that they are ‘frozen’ products. Hence, unlike refrigerated Tteok, which spoil easily, they can be stored up to 1 year, and are easy to export by sea. It varies slightly depending on the product, however, the frozen Tteok can be eaten after it’s thawed in a microwave for 15 to 20 seconds, and its texture is no less chewy than refrigerated Tteok. Jeong Seong-bong, general manager of YEONG UI JEONG, said, “Our Tteok is made of glutinous rice. Because of the company’s recipe for the ingredients, the chewy Tteok texture is retained even though it have been frozen and thawed.

領議政目前所生産的年桀産品有100多種?領議政生産的 産品可分爲傳統年桀和融合年桀兩大類,傳統年桀産品 有松桀?Omegi年桀等,融合年桀則有年輕一代比較喜 歡的提拉米蘇年桀等産品?融合年桀産品也是根据年輕 人喜歡甛口食品及融合食品的特点開屠出的産品? 領議政年桀産品的最大特点是“冷凍”産品?這些産品不 同于易變質的冷藏年桀産品,保質期可長達一年,也蜈 容易進行船運出口?這些産品只需在微波爐內潁凍1520秒或在夏季只需在室溫下放置20分鍾便可食用,且粘 度及口感毫不遜色于冷藏年桀?(株)領議政總管本部長 鄭盛捧說道,“用構米作原料且格過反復熢面過程,加之 利用領議政糾家原料配方,可使年桀在冷凍和潁凍之后

August 2022 17

Processed Food

Overseas Expansion with Traditional Tteok YEONG UI JEONG’s main export product is traditional Tteok. It’s because, currently, the main consumers who purchase Tteok are the elderly overseas Koreans and East Asians. Living in a foreign country, they consume traditional Tteok out of nostalgia for their hometown. Therefore, ‘Omegi Tteok’, ‘Ssuk (Mugwort) Ojengyi Tteok’, and ‘Songpyeon’ make up the majority of exports. ‘Omegi Tteok’, made of glutinous millet and glutinous rice, is characterized by its nutty flavor with red beans or bean powder on the outside. ‘Ssuk Ojengyi Tteok’, made by mixing glutinous rice and mugwort, is very sweet with red bean paste filling. ‘Songpyeon’, made with glutinous rice and filled with red beans or honey, with a characteristic half moon shape, is usually consumed on Chuseok (Korea Thanksgiving Day), so sales are high at this time. General manager Jeong Seong-bong said, “Our products have a superb balance of flavors. Even foreign buyers who are unfamiliar with Tteok say they’re tasty when they try them. Fusion Tteok is aimed at young people and traditional Tteok is for sale targeting the elderly. Omegi Tteok, which is a traditional Tteok, is quite popular that it won first place in a Korean product show. As for the ingre-

18 Korea Agrafood



傳統年桀類産品是領議政的出口主力産品?目前購買年 桀的主要消費群郞是高齡段海外僑胞和東亞人群?捲于 這些遠牢故土流落他鄕的游子來說購買傳統年桀是他們 捲思鄕情結的一種慰藉?所以,“Omegi年桀”?“艾蒿 年桀”?“松桀”等産品占出口比重的大部分?Omegi年 桀是用小黃米和構米制作而成幷憬上一層赤豆泥或大豆 粉的年桀,特点是味道香濃?艾蒿年桀是用構米和艾蒿 制作而成幷有豆沙閻的年桀,特点是口感甛美?松桀是 形狀如半月狀幷有豆沙或蜂蜜閻的構米年桀,在韓攻主 要在中秋節吃,所以這憾時期的銷量最大? 領議政的鄭盛捧總管本部長說道,“我們産品的味道水准 蜈高,那些幷不習慣吃年桀的外攻客商在品嘗産品時也 都說蜈好吃?我們正在以年輕消費群郞作爲融合年桀的 銷魔捲象,以老年消費群郞作爲傳統年桀的消費捲象進 行産品的銷魔?傳統年桀Omegi年桀在市場蜈暢銷,産 品還曾榮登韓攻品評繇榜首,所用的原料也都是芎年産 的新米”?


隨着各種年桀好産品的不鉤推出,海外捲産 品的需求也在持樓增加?出口額也從 2015 年首次出口時的 40 万美 元,隨每年在海外銷魔量的不鉤 增加,到今年有望突破累計出口 額超400万美元大關?産品在美攻

dients, only rice grown that year is used.”

Expected to Increase Exports with Fusion Tteok As good quality Tteok continues to be produced, there is a continuous increase in overseas demand. As overseas sales, which were only USD 400,000 in 2015, when Tteok was exported for the first time, kept on increasing significantly every year, it is expected that the cumulative export amount will surpass USD 4 million this year. This is due to the nearly doubling of actual exports in the western part of the U.S.. The main distribution channel is H Mart. In Australia, another importer, there is a demand for fusion Tteok, for which sales are expected to increase in the future. Although the export performance is insignificant due to low awareness of fusion Tteok, it is considered that it is sufficiently competitive in taste and quality. YEONG UI JEONG explains that the taste evaluation of the fusion Tteok products, namely, Tiramisu Tteok, Strawberry Cream Cheese Tteok, and Corn Cream Cheese Tteok, proved satisfaction. General manager Jeong Seong-bong said, “Consumers who participated in the tasting events in LA and New York responded positively. We’re confident that if publicity and sales promotions are successfully carried out, they will be recognized as healthy snacks. We anticipate many inquiries from buyers regarding traditional and fusion Tteok.”

西部地袴的出口業績接近增加兩倍之多,主要銷魔渠道 是H超市? 癩一憾出口攻澳大利亞捲融合年桀也有産品需求,所以 有望今后在澳大利亞的銷量繇進一步頑大?盡管目前融 合年桀的知名度依然不是蜈高,出口業績也不多,但從 味道和質量所具有的競爭麟力上判鉤前景依然看好?領 議政憐示,市場捲融合年桀産品提拉米蘇年桀?草撻球 油芝士年桀?玉米球油芝士年桀等産品的味道都有蜈高 的評價? 鄭盛捧總管本部長憐示,“在洛杉磯和紐約參加品嘗繇 的消費者捲産品的反響蜈不錯?但我們自信,只要做好 廣告及促銷,融合年桀作爲健康零食一定繇在市場上占 有一席之地?我們期待有更多的客商能誥關注和訂購我 們的傳統年桀和融合年桀産品”? YEONG UI JEONG Co., Ltd. +82-32-656-9700


U.S. Australia

fo Additional In Product name: Omegi Tteok, Ssuk Ojengyi Tteok Product ingredients: Glutinous rice, Red beans, Mugwort Expiration date: 1 year (frozen storage) Product size: 50 g (per single item) Certification: FSSC22000 (US), HACCP (KOR), ISO22000 (KOR) Characteristics: 쪾Developed as a frozen product so

that Tteok with short shelf life can be stored for a long time. 쪾Good quality ingredients are used for a chewy texture of Tteok.

August 2022 19

New Item

3 Minutes in the Microwave,

Try Korean Gimbap! imbap represents G Korean fast food. However, it is not easy and simple to make Gimbap, because you would need to make egg garnish, stir-fry shredded carrots, spread rice over Gim (laver), and put the ingredients and roll them into a long, round shape. CEO Cho Eun-woo Now you can eat delicious Gimbap at home in just 3 minutes, since the release of ‘Frozen Gimbap’ by BokManSa. BokManSa’s signature brand 11:45 is ‘11:45.’ You slightly become hungry around 11:45 before 12:00pm or 12:00am. But in just 3 minutes, you can fill your hungry time with happiness with Korean Gimbap.

微波爐3分鍾,盡享 韓攻紫菜飯卷美味!

說道韓攻的快餐可以說非紫菜飯卷 莫婁,但紫菜飯卷的制作過程幷不 簡單?首先要准備煎鷄蛋絲?炒曖 菜和胡蘿卜絲,然后在紫菜片上鋪 上米飯幷擺放所准備的材料,最后 將其卷成圓筒形長卷?現在,隨着 BokManSa公司推出“冷凍紫菜飯 卷”新産品,消費者在家只需3分鍾 就能吃上紫菜飯卷?BokManSa推出的産品代憐性的品 牌是“ ”,中午或半夜12点之前,到了11点45左右 正是人們感到飢腸襤襤的時候,這時,只需3分鍾,便 可用韓攻的紫菜飯卷讓飢餓轉換成幸福的時刻?


Frozen Gimbap, the Key to Globalization of Korean Gimbap Located in Hadong, Gyeongsangnam-do, BokManSa is a company specialized in manufacturing frozen food. Cho Eun-woo, CEO of BokManSa, came up with ‘frozen Gimbap’ after thinking about how to make people consume more Korean agricultural products. However, they didn’t have the chance to enter the Korean market where there are already

20 Korea Agrafood

位于慶尙南道河東的冷凍食品生産企業BokManSa,其 公司名稱是由韓語“創造幸福的人”字頭組成?公司名稱所 郞現的是通過美食創造幸福,通過美食共享幸福的企業追 求,而BokManSa所選楊的美食正是“冷凍紫菜飯卷”? 但是由于在韓攻有許多現訂現做紫菜飯卷店鋪,所以冷 凍紫菜飯卷在韓攻廓乎沒有什鹿市場?由此, BokManSa將眼光投向了海外市場,幷通過綜合考量日 本壽司能誥走向世界,韓流熱浪不鉤助推紫菜飯卷知名 度的提升,以及紫菜飯卷食用簡單方便等因素,更加堅 定了産品一定能誥在海外獲得成功的自信? 而且,韓攻紫菜飯卷比日本的壽司內容更酪富,且有

Ne w

Ite m

What is Frozen Gimbap? Made with Korean ingredients such as rice and Gim, frozen Gimbap was developed by rapidly freezing at -40°C and can be cooked in a microwave for 3 minutes. In Korea, ‘Egg Gimbap’, ‘Spicy Pork Gimbap’, and ‘Charcoal Grilled Bulgogi Gimbap’ were launched, and locally customized Gimbap such as vegan Gimbap are exported to overseas markets.

August 2022 21

New Item

many places that make Gimbap instantly after order is placed. So, BokManSa looked overseas market. Since Japanese sushi is already widespread all over the world, and Gimbap is drawing more interest thanks to the Hallyu (Korean Wave), BokMan-Sa was confident that it would also be successful overseas. Moreover, since Gimbap is rich in ingredients unlike Japanese sushi, even one line of Gimbap can be considered a ‘healthy meal’, which is another advantage of Korean Gimbap.

Not Different from Regular Gimbap Frozen Gimbap is cooked in a microwave to eat. There are concerns that Gim may break or the middle part of Gimbap may not melt well, causing lower quality than room temperature Gimbap. To solve this problem, BokManSa is dedicated to supplying raw ingredients such as rice and Gim first, using rice from Hadong and Gim from Wando, which is the world’s best Gim producer. BokManSa also enhanced the delicious taste by seasoning the rice with water soaked in kelp and grilling the meat over a direct fire. Gimbap made with these ingredients is cut to be easy to eat immediately

22 Korea Agrafood

只需一根紫菜飯卷便能 “潁決一頓健康餐”的優 点?

侮一般的紫菜飯卷別无 兩樣

冷凍紫菜飯卷需要用微波爐進行潁凍后再吃?所以在潁 凍過程中有可能繇出現紫菜皮爆裂或潁凍不透等問題? 爲了潁決這些問題,BokManSa首先在大米和紫菜等原 材料的選料上進行了嚴格的把關?他們所用的大米都是 産自河東地袴的芎地米,所用的紫菜都是産自世界著名 紫菜主産地莞島産紫菜?而且,利用海帶湯物飯使飯味 更香,利用炭火進行勁肉使勁肉的炭火味更濃?利用這 些材料將紫菜飯卷做好后,切成便于食用的小塊幷在零 下40℃的低溫下進行速凍處理? 値得一提的是,他們還設計制造了一種潁凍時避免紫菜 飯卷潮陵的微波爐專用勁盤?這憾已注冊專利的勁盤, 通過採用勁盤中間部位帶有隔牢膜的設計,潁決了潁凍 時外圍加熱效果好中間加熱效果差的問題?


冷凍紫菜飯卷的配方花樣繁多?這也是BokManSa能捲 美攻?英攻?法攻?澳大利亞?臺膿等8憾不同攻家和 地袴出口冷凍紫菜飯卷的原因?其特点是根据各憾攻家 不同的口味喜好進行紫菜飯卷的開屠?如,捲香港主要 是根据他們喜歡肉類的特点生産和出口炭勁牛肉紫菜飯

after it is produced and then rapidly frozen at C. Above all, BokManSa made a tray for 40° the microwave to hold the Gimbap so that it does not get wet when cooking in the microwave. This tray has been registered as a patent in Korea, and it has a separate partition placed in the middle to solve the issue that only the edges of Gimbap are heated when cooking in the microwave while the middle part is not warmed well. Thanks to such efforts, people can enjoy delicious Korean Gimbap anywhere in the world with just a microwave.

Various Types from Meat Gimbap to Vegan Gimbap There are various recipes for frozen Gimbap. This is why BokManSa can export frozen Gimbap to eight countries, including the U.S., U.K., France, Australia, and Taiwan. Gimbap has been developed according to the taste of each country. For example, charcoal grilled beef Bulgogi Gimbap is exported to Hong Kong as people there prefer meat, while to meet the increasing vegan trend, Bibimbap Gimbap is produced and exported to the U.S. and U.K.. Recently, BokManSa is preparing to enter the UAE market, making a sample due to the request for Gimbap with mushrooms. BokManSa has set a goal to extend the export of frozen Gimbap from the current USD 500,000 to USD 1 million in the future. This is why it has obtained halal and kosher certifications. CEO Cho Eun-woo said, “If America has hamburgers, Korea has Gimbap. We will present a variety of healthy recipes so that people around the world can easily enjoy the taste of Korea.”

卷等産品,捲美攻和英攻則根据素食主義者不鉤增多的 趨勢生産和出口拌飯紫菜飯卷等産品? BokManSa的目標是將目前的50万美元冷凍紫菜飯卷 出口額增加到100万美元?爲此,BokManSa還獲得了 淸眞認嗇(HALAL)和潔食認嗇(KOSHER)? 是公司董事長曺恩玗,“如果說美攻有漢堡包,那鹿可以 說韓攻有紫菜飯卷?紫菜飯卷是韓攻典型的方便食品, 同時也完全能誥頂用一頓健康餐?今后,我們將訣樓推 出更多健康的配方,讓世界各地的消費者都能品嘗到韓 攻的美味”? BokManSa +82-55-884-2252


U.S. Taiwan


fo Additional In Product name: 11:45 Gimbap Product ingredients: Rice, Gim, meat, various vegetables Expiration date: 1 year (frozen storage) Product size: 220 g (1 line) Certification: HACCP (KOR), ISO22000 (KOR), FSSC22000 (USA), HALAL, KOSHER Characteristics: 쪾Manufactured and patented a

microwave tray for Gimbap so that the Gimbap does not get wet when cooking in a microwave. 쪾Meat Gimbap, vegan Gimbap, lowcalorie Gimbap, etc. to meet the tastes of people around the world.

August 2022 23

Essay Photo

“Looking at a rural landscape gives you a peace of mind”

24 Korea Agrafood

Sunflowers have grown under the scorching August sun, and are showing off their peak beauty. The photograph shows a sunflower field created in Namcheon Waterside Park in Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do. Such a marvelous rural scenery and natural environment provide leisure and a place to relax for urbanites who are tired of their everyday lives. Dear readers of <Korea Agrafood>, we hope you can find your peace of mind while looking at the rural landscape at sunset with sunflowers.

August 2022 25

Trend & Products

26 Korea Agrafood

Growing Popularity of Fruit & Vegetable Drinks along Health Trends 健康がトレンド?果實·野菜飮料の人氣が上昇 Drinks made from juices of fruits and vegetables are becoming more popular. On the Korean portal site NAVER, health juice and fruit juice are ranked 3rd or 4th every month after nutritional supplements and vitamins in the rankings of popular food search keywords. Thanks to the post-COVID-19 consumption trend placing importance on health, people are searching fruit and vegetable juices containing functional ingredients and nutrients more often.

果實や野菜を搾った飮料の人氣が 高まっている?韓國のポ―タルサ イトのネイバ―(NAVER)では? 健康ジュ―スや果實ジュ―スが食 品分野の人氣檢索語で榮養劑?ビ タミンなどに續き?每月3~4位にな っている?新型コロナ以後の健康 を重視する消費トレンドにも支え られ? 榮養を手輕に攝取し?機能 性成分が豊富な果實ジュ―スと野 菜ジュ―スを購入する頻度が高ま っている?

Orange Drinks are Declining, Vegetable Drinks are Popular Fruit drinks and vegetable drinks are processed directly or diluted with fruits or vegetables as main ingredients. According to the Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT), the Korean fruit and vegetable beverage market grew to USD 73.62 million in 2016. However, as more consumers avoid beverages with high sugar content the fruit beverage and vegetable beverage market decreased to USD 61.15 million in 2020. Analysis of sales by flavor shows that while sales of orange drinks are declining, sales of beverages flavored with vegetables are increasing. As for vegetable drinks, it is analyzed that cabbage, beetroot, and pumpkin drinks are growing in popularity. This reflects the demand of young consumers who pursue a healthy life to replenish nutrients through fruit and vegetable drinks beyond food intake.

オレンジ味の飮料が減り?野菜飮料が人氣 果實·野菜飮料は?果實または野菜を主原料として加工したものを直接または 希釋して飮む製品だ?韓國農水産食品流通公社(aT)によれば?韓國の果實·野 菜飮料市場は2016年の7億3,862万ドルの規模まで成長した?一方で?糖分含有 量が高い飮料を避ける消費者が增え?2020年には6億1,315万ドルの規模まで縮 小した?味の違いによる賣上をみると?オレンジ味の賣上が減少する一方?そ の他の野菜?梅?ザクロなどの味の賣上は增加傾向にある?野菜はキャベツ? ビ―ツ?カボチャ味の人氣が高いと分析された?これは?健康な生活を追求す る若い消費者を中心に?食事で十分に攝取できない榮養成分を果菜飮料で補お うとする需要を反映したものだ? August 2022 27

Trend & Products

Cabbage Juice is on the Rise in Popularity As of the first half of 2022, healthy juice and fruit juice are ranked 3rd and 4th every month in NAVER’s popular food search keyword rankings, following nutritional supplements and vitamins. Among them, cabbage juice, pumpkin juice, beetroot juice, and bellflower juice are the most popular in order with high interested by consumers in their 30s and 40s. Cabbage juice is popular, especially due to its rich content in vitamin U, which is good for stomach health. Since Vitamin U is most abundant in the core of cabbage but is hard and tough, so it is difficult to consume in stir-fries or salad and is much easier to drink as juice. Korea pro-

Premium Organic Cabbage

Organic Cabbage and Broccoli Juice

28 Korea Agrafood

duces cabbage all year round through facility cultivation, and various food manufacturers, agricultural corporations, and individual farms manufacture cabbage juice. ‘Premium Organic Cabbage’ of GNM Life Co., Ltd., a health food company, is made by squeezing raw cabbage without water. 85-90 g of organic cabbage is used to produce one 70 ml pouch of juice. Considering the taste and health of consumers, products that have added fruit or vegetable juice to cabbage juice are also sold. GNM Life is selling ‘Organic Cabbage and Broccoli Juice’ on Amazon. com.

キャベツジュ―スの人氣が上昇傾向 年の上半期時点のネイバ―(NAVER)の食品分野 での人氣檢索語の順位をみると?健康ジュ―スや果實 ジュ―スが榮養劑?ビタミンなどに續いて每月3~4位に 入っている?健康ジュ―スや果實ジュ―スの中では? キャベツジュ―ス?カボチャジュ―ス?ビ―ツジュ― ス?キキョウジュ―スの順で人氣があり?30~40代の 消費者の關心も高まった? キャベツジュ―スは?胃の健康管理によいビタミンU が豊富なことから人氣がある?ビタミンUはキャベツ の芯の部分に多く含まれるが?堅いため炒め物やサラ ダでの攝取が難しく?ジュ―スで飮むのが最も容易な 攝取方法だ?施設栽培で年中キャベツが生産される韓 國では?樣?な食品製造業者?營農組合法人?個別農 家がキャベツジュ―スを製造している?健康食品會社 の(株)GNMライフの「水なしで搾った有機キャベツジ ュ―ス」は?キャベツを丸ごと水なしで搾って作った製 品だ?70㎖のジュ―ス1袋を生産するのに?85~90の 有機キャベツが使用される?消費者の好みと健康を考 慮し?キャベツジュ―スに果實ジュ―スや野菜ジュ― スを加えた製品も販賣される?(株)GNMライフはア マゾンで「有機キャベツブロッコリ―ジュ―ス」を販賣 している? 2022

ABC Juice is also Drawing Attention The most popular fruit and vegetable drink in Korea these days is ABC juice, which is made of apples (A), beetroots (B), and carrots (C). It contains vitamins, that are popular for skin health, whitening, and detoxifying effects, and is manufactured as a processing product beyond homemade and distributed in the market. ‘I’m Real ABC Juice’ from Pulmuone Foods, which is leading the juice market in Korea, is popular among health-conscious consumers because it can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere without the need to prep raw ingredients as apples, beetroots, and carrots are grinded as they are. Without adding water or sugar, non-heating sterilization method was applied to minimize nutritional loss of raw ingredients. Recently, Pulmuone Foods also released ‘I’m Real FROZEN ABC,’ which is a quick-frozen juice to stay cool on a hot summer day. It is convenient as it can be simply defrosted it whenever you need.



最近では?韓國で流行している果 實·野菜飮料はリンゴ(Apple)? ビ―ツ(Beet)?人參(Carrot)が原 料のABCジュ―スだ?ビタミンが 豊富なことはもちろん?肌の美容? 美白?デトックス作用などで人氣が 高い?また?家庭で直接作って飮む レベルを越えて?加工品として製造 されて市場に流通する?韓國のフレッシュジュ―ス市場 を先導するプルムウォン食品の「アイムリアル(I’m Real)のABCジュ―ス」は?健康に關心がある消費者の 人氣が高い?リンゴ?ビ―ツ?人參を丸ごとすりおろし て入れ?原材料に手を加える面倒なしに?いつでもどこ でも飮むことができる?水?砂糖などを加えず?非加熱 殺菌製法を利用して原材料の榮養分 の損失を最小化した?最近では?暑 い夏にさっぱりと飮めるように? フレッシュジュ―スを急速冷凍し た「アイムリアルフロ―ズンABC」 も發賣された?必要なたびに手輕 に解凍して飮むことができるので 便利だ?

August 2022 29

rce e mm o C E-

Growing Popularity of Korean Food,

Expanding K-Sauce Market K-Sauces Occupying the Online Mall Shopee According to the Korea Customs Service, the export of sauces has continued to grow and is breaking new records every year. Exports last year were USD 360.75 million, an increase of 13.7% from 2020. This popularity can easily be checked in online malls, too. First, let’s connect to Shopee Vietnam, an online mall representing Southeast Asia. If you search for ‘Gochujang’, you can find dozens of Gochujang products labeled as ‘Favourite’. They include CJ Haechandle’s ‘Gold Gochujang’, which is also widely known in Korea, followed by Sempio’s ‘Taeyangcho Gochujang’ and ChungJungOne’s ‘Gochujang with 100 % Brown Rice’. ‘Maeil Shin Gochujang Chili Sauce’, which is somewhat unfamiliar to Koreans, also rose to popularity. Let’s search Ssamjang (red chili and soybean paste) this time. CJ Haechandle’s ‘Korean Seasoned Soybean Paste’, ChungJungOne’s ‘Seasoned Bean Paste’ also received the ‘Favorite’ label. As a mixture of Doenjang (soybean paste) and Gochujang, Ssamjang has a savory yet spicy taste. Other popular products when Bulgogi is searched are Bulgogi sauce for beef and Bulgogi sauce for pork.

30 Korea Agrafood

占領網購商城蝦皮,K醬料 据韓攻關稅廳統計,醬料類産品 的出口業績持樓在增長,每年都 要更新新的記湳?去年的出口額 達到3.6075億美元,比2020年增加了 13.7%?這種暢銷勢頭在網購商城上 也顯而易見?首先,來看一下東南亞 的典型網購平臺蝦皮越南站,搜索一下 “Gochujang”便可看到瑠十憾貼有“Favourite”標簽 的辣椒醬産品?以在韓攻知名度蜈高的CJ好餐得辣 椒醬(CJ Haechandle Gochujang)爲榜首,上榜 産品有泉牌太陽草大米辣椒醬 ( S e m p i o Gochujang)産品也踏進了暢銷行列? 再來搜索一下包飯醬(Ssamjang)?Haechandeul的 四季包飯醬(KOREAN SEASONED SOYBEAN PASTE)?淸淨園的調味包飯醬(Seasoned Bean Paste)等獲得了熱榜標簽?包飯醬是利用辣椒醬和大 醬混合配制出的醬料,具有香辣味兼備的特点?搜索 “勁肉 ( B u l g o g i ) ”也能査看到勁牛肉調料 (BULGOGI SAUCE FOR BEEF)和勁肆肉調料 (BULGOGI SAUCE FOR PORK)等暢銷熱門 産品?近來,還有辣沓鷄塊調料(SPICY SAUCE FOR BRAISED CHICKEN)可供消費者選楊?

Those who have tried Korean food already know that the taste of Korean food comes from its sauces. As K-FOOD draws attention abroad with K-contents, ‘Jang (Korean traditional sauce)’, a key ingredient, is also widening its presence. It is mistaken to think that Korean sauce includes only ‘Gochujang (red chili paste)’, which is recognized as the major sauce. In addition to these sauces, the demand for seasonings to help easily prepare for Korean food is also increasing significantly. Bulgogi sauce for beef and Bulgogi sauce for pork are popular seasonings, with a gradually increasing number of types.

August 2022 31

rce e mm o C E-

Making Tteokbokki and Korean Food Myself

Korean Sauce

What is the secret to the popularity of Korean sauces? According to the consumer reviews, the main reasons for the popularity of Gochujang were its sweet and spicy taste, along with pretty packaging and the low risk of spoilage. That it is an essential ingredient of Tteokbokki was also mentioned. Next, Ssamjang’s less spicy and salty taste than Gochujang was chosen as a strength. The review that it was excellent as a BBQ sauce like in Korea especially drew attention. One consumer who purchased Bulgogi sauce for pork and beef said, “Ssamjang is good for people who want to cook fast and avoid spicy taste-a lazy person like me”, giving such a positive evaluation.

辣炒年桀?韓食皆可親手做 韓攻醬料類産品暢銷的秘訣是什鹿郡?從消費者給出的評 價看,辣椒醬的首推原因在于央的甛辣味,其次還有漂亮 的包裝和不易變質的優点?除此之外,辣椒醬是辣炒年桀 的必備材料也是主因之一?而包飯醬暢銷的最大優勢則在 于其辣味和咸味都要低于辣椒醬?尤其是和韓攻的評價一 樣,給出包飯醬是不錯的勁肉料的評價蜈亮眼?除此之 外,有一位購買勁肆肉調料和勁牛肉調料的消費者還給出 好評說,“做料理快捷方便且蜈適合殃辣的人食用,比如像 我一樣懶惰的人”? <Source : Shopee>

32 Korea Agrafood

With Seasoning Sauce, I'm also a Korean Chef Gochujang, Doenjang, and Ganjang (soy sauce) are essential ingredients for making Korean food since they make the seasoning that is the basis of Korean food. However, the taste of marinade can change depending on the measurement and it can be a hassle, which may make one hesitate from cooking. But buying the finished product can solve this. Just pour the finished sauce over the ingredients. Let’s make popular Korean food easily and simply with the finished sauce introduced by <Korea Agrafood>.

有了調味醬我也是韓食大善 辣椒醬?大醬和醬油是制作韓食的必備材料,韓食的基本 調味醬都是由這些材料配制的?但配比不同其調味醬的味 道也相差蜈大,而且繁磨的配制過程也繇令人打峨動手做 料理?這些問題只需購買成品醬料便可全部潁決,有了這 些成品醬料做料理蜈簡單,只要在食材上倒上醬料葉可? 那就讓我們利用《Korea Agrafood》介紹的成品醬料,自 己動手簡單方便地做一些熱門韓食料理養?

fo Additional In

Korean Seasoning Sauce Products

Baeksul Spicy Bulgogi Marinade

Baeksul Spicy Sauce For Braised Chicken

Baeksul Spicy Sauce for Braised Fish

MaeilFood Korean Japchae Sauce

MaeilFood Braised Seafood Sauce

ChungJungOne Beef Bulgogi Marinade

Ottogi OshefTteokbokki

August 2022 33

K-FOOD Recipe Yeolmuguksu

34 Korea Agrafood

Revive Your Appetite this Summer with


eolmu is a leaf on a young radish. Yeolmu Y leaves are characterized by their soft and crunchy texture, and by their high moisture content for their size. In Korea, Yeolmu is commonly used to make Kimchi. Yeolmu Kimchi is used in various ways because it goes well with most Korean ingredients. Particularly, Yeolmuguksu (spicy noodles with young summer radish Kimchi), which is noodles with Yeolmu Kimchi, is a quite popular summertime food in Korea. Its cool and sour taste is captivating, and it has a very simple recipe. Revive your summertime appetite with Yeolmuguksu of Korea.

August 2022 35

K-FOOD Recipe Yeolmuguksu

Yeolmuguksu Recipe Slice Yeolmu Kimchi, cucumber, 01 and chili pepper into bite-size pieces.

2 Servings 15 min

Main Ingredients 200g of Yeolmu Kimchi, 1/4 of cucumber, 1 chili pepper, 2 boiled eggs, 200g of noodles, a little bit of ice Boil the eggs in a pot then peel 02 them.

seasoning sauce by mixing 03 Make 500ml of Yeolmu Kimchi soup, 1 tbsp of sugar, and 1 tbsp of vinegar.

Sub Ingredients 500ml of Yeolmu Kimchi soup, 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of vinegar


Put 200g of noodles in boiling wathe cooked noodles in 04 utes. 05 Rinse ter and boil for another 3 to 4 mincold water three to four times.


Twirl noodles in a bowl then add the Add a little bit of ice and enjoy 06 prepared 07 sauce, Yeolmu Kimchi, Yeolmuguksu! cucumber, and chili pepper.

36 Korea Agrafood

Tips You can make Yeolmu Bibimguksu (spicy noodles) by adding Gochujang (red chili paste) in place of Yeolmu Kimchi soup. Make it to your liking!

Yeolmuguksu-Related Export Products

Sin A Food’s Yeolmu Kimchi

Samyang Food’s Yeolmu Bibimmyeon

Sin A Food is a company that has made

It is a brand of instant noodle by Samyang

Kimchi for more than 20 years. Its Yeolmu

Foods, a company widely known for its Hot

Kimchi products with lots of seasoning are fa-

Chicken Flavor Ramen. It features a sweet and

vored by Korean consumers. Sin A Food’s

sour taste, and you can make Yeolmu

Kimchi is of the highest quality since it is made

Bibimguksu simply by adding Yeolmu Kimchi

of outstanding agricultural products from all

to it. As an instant noodle, it is characteristically

over Korea. Also, it sticks to the traditional

easy to cook: rinse the cooked noodles in cold

Kimchi recipe for the unique taste of Korean

water then mix in the Bibim sauce and enjoy.

Kimchi. Sin A Food has acquired ISO 22000

This product will be perfect if you want to enjoy

and FSSC 22000 certifications in effort to en-

the clean taste of Yeolmuguksu without soup.

sure food safety.



August 2022 37

K-FOOD Nick Name: Handininurmansyah Age: 24

Nationality: Indonesia

Fan Letter

Favorite Food: Tteokbokki, Gochujang

“I fell in love with Tteokbokki & Gochujang”

From Indonesia

My favorite Korean food products are paste). I tried Gochujang Tteokbokki and Gochujang (red chili from CJ E&M of Korea. I for the first time when I got it as a gift mall in Indonesia where I buy Tteokbokki at an online shopping ame my ‘favorite’ food live. After tasting these two, they bec hujang or buy instant products. I make Tteokbokki with Goc ry day! Tteokbokki is Tteokbokki products and eat them eve y. Since I live abroad, I made with rice, so it is good for the bod also want to eat real Tteokbokki sold in Korea. This is the reason I watch Korean street food every day on YouTube. If there is a chance, I hop e tha t <K ore a Agr afood> will also introduce original Korean snacks made wit h

fre sh

Korean agricultural products.


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