September 2022 (vol.323)

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Easy on the Stomach, Wholesome Grain Ramyeon Korean Spicy Taste, Gochutgaru (Chili Powder) Processed FarmtasticFood E-Commerce The Next Generation of Grape Varieties, Hongju Seedless Now into the World Korean Dairy Products September 2022 vol.323 Visit K-FOOD Trade & Enjoy the variety of Korean Food is also available via your mobile phone. Find your Korean Food Buyers Pause! K-FOOD Fans Pause!

Start WFP individual donation Donate on ‘Share the Meal’

ExpirationQuantityDate of Meals Donate

Individuals can take care of both diet and health Restaurants can save the costs for food waste disposal

Let us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste.

You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator.

03 Ground dry ingredients to cook. Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one.

Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign and ’s

Let’s donate together in everyday life.

We can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas help people who are hungry by donating some of the savings.

Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day!

How close have you gotten to Zero Waste?

Let’s reduce waste at home.

Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.

01 Plan your diet and buy only the food you need. Consider the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients.

You can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website,, and clicking the button. You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and

Zero food waste with one finished meal!

Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses! 1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives.

02 Divide food ingredients into portions and store them in a transparent container.

If we reduce food waste, If we reduce food waste, Then, let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.

Main Theme Growing Fermented Milk made from HighQuality Milk 06 Korean Infant Formula, Safety First08 Another Dairy Product, Cheese and Ice Cream10 September 2022 vol. 323 COVER Korean dairy products are drawing attention from peo ple around the world since they use a variety of crude milk and pursue safety as their top priority. Unique milk products with different tastes and scents, such as banana flavored milk, are often post ed on social media of people around the world. Photo by THREE THREE STUDIO Styling by Dooeun 16 20 34 CONTENTS Now into the World Korean Dairy Products

L.A Kim

CEO Kim Choon-jin EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Ki No-sun (Food Industry & Trade Division) EDITORS Chang In-shik REPORTERS Seo Sang-hyun ( Cho Yeong-kyu ( Choi Yeong-jin ( GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Han Hyo-jin (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE) EDITORIAL BOARD BEIJING Park Sung-kuk 070-4617-5090 ( SHANGHAI Sung Si-chan 070-7077-6197 ( CHENGDU Wang Sung 070-4617-3267 ( DALIAN Koh Jung-hee 070-4617-3266 ( HONGKONG Kim Suk-ju 070-4617-2696 ( HANOI Park Min-cheol 070-4617-7257 ( HOCHIMIN Park Il-sang +84-862-470-214 (


( QINGDAO Lee Sun-woo ( KUALALUMPUR Jang Jae-hyung ( EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9072 Fax +82-2-3434-9077 Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the 227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0963 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995 Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved. You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, PROCESSED FOOD Easy on the stomach, wholesome grain Ramyeon 16 NEW ITEM Korean Traditional Fruit Snack, Ice Hongsi 20 TREND & PRODUCTS Korean Convenience Stores Favored by the Younger Generation Experience 26 30 34 Extras Trend & Culture PHOTO ESSAY24 K-FOOD FRIEND - Webtoon : Paprika - Fan Letter : Shamimdxer 38 Closeup K-FOOD RECIPE Rose Tteokbokki, The Combination of Spicy and Creamy FARMTASTIC The Next Generation of Grape Varieties, Hongju Seedless 12 E-COMMERCE Korean Spicy Taste, Gochutgaru


OSAKA Kwon Tae-hwa +81-6-6260-7661 ( Shim Hwa-sop 1-212-889-2561 ( Min-ho ( Hyuk ( 070-4617-7225 ( Jae-hun 070-4617-3277


TOKYO Jang Seo-gyeong +81-3-5367-6656 (

BANGKOK Lee Ju-yong 070-4617-7226 (


JAKARTA Cho Sung-thok 070-4617-2694 (


PARIS Ha Jung-a

4 Korea Agrafood C over Story

September 2022 5 In 2021, Korea’s dairy exports were USD 170.49 million. Among them, infant formula accounts for the most at 61%, and raw milk and con densed milk each account for around 10%. Korean dairy products are drawing attention from people around the world since they use a vari ety of crude milk and pursue safety as their top priority Unique milk products with different tastes and scents, such as banana flavored milk, are often posted on social media of people around the world. Korean Dairy Products Now into the World 2021年韓攻乳制品的出口業績爲1.7049億美元?其中,配方乳粉占比最高達61%,而鮮 球和煉乳等分別占10%左右?韓攻乳制品都是以各種鮮球爲原料且把産品的安全性作爲 最高價値,所以蜈受世人的靑器?如,香蕉味牛球等具有特色味道和香味的乳制品格常 繇出現在世人的SNS上? 韓攻乳制品,走向世界

6 Korea Agrafood C over Story Growing Fermented Milk Made from High-Quality Milk 用優質鮮球生産的屠酵乳屠展迅猛

ilk is the basic raw ingredient of dairy prod ucts. In 2021, milk exports were USD 14.19 million. 80% of Korea’s milk exports is from Yonsei Dairy, which exports milk mainly to China and Southeast Asia such as Vietnam and Indonesia.

Yonsei Dairy’s ‘Milk Talk Yonsei Dairy Farm Milk’, a product for export to China, has been recognized for its quality and received the Superior Taste Award for two years in a row in the dairy product category of the International Taste Institute this year. Seoul Milk Cooperative ranked first in the milk category in the Korean Premium Brand Index for 10 consecutive years. It produces ‘Seoul Milk,’ which is a premium milk using crude milk with a germ count of 1A and a somatic cell count of grade 1. Products with flavor added to milk are also popu lar Banana flavored milk, coffee flavored milk, and strawberry flavored milk released by Yonsei dairy, Seoul Milk Cooperative, and Binggrae Co., Ltd. es pecially evoke the curiosity of overseas consumers who are used to white milk. Binggrae’s ‘Banana Flavored Milk’ entered the Japanese market for the first time among Korean dairy products and sold over USD 19.15 million in sales in China. Yogurt is a dairy product fermented with lactic acid bacteria in milk. The size of Korean fermented milk market has been growing at an average annual rate of 1.9% over the past five years. It is analyzed that con sumption of fermented milk such as yogurt has grown with rising attention to health trends. Last year, the Korean fermented milk market share was in the order of by ‘Will’ of hy Co., Ltd., ‘Yogurt’ of Seoul Milk Cooperative, ‘Bulgari’ of Namyang Dairy Products Co., Ltd. and ‘Yoplait’ of Binggrae. ‘Will’ is introduced as even fermented milk can keep the stomach healthy, and ‘Yogurt’ is 65 ml, so it can be consumed at once. Recently, plain yogurt mixed with nuts is also emerging.

M September 2022 7 乳 制 品 的 基 本 原 料 是 牛 球 ? 2 0 2 1 年 韓 攻 牛 球 出 口 總 額 爲 1419.9万美元,其中延世乳業(YONSEI DAIRY)的産品 約占80%?延世乳業的鮮牛球主要是以中攻及越南?印度尼 西亞等東南亞攻家爲中心進行?延世乳業所生産的捲華出口 産品“Milk Talk延世牧場牛球”在今年的攻際風味評鑒所 (International Taste Institute)乳制品領域已連樓兩年榮 獲頂級美味大奬(Superior Taste Award)?首爾乳業 (SEOUL DAIRY COOPERATIVE)在韓攻高圭品牌指 瑠牛球領域已連樓十年位居榜首,他們所生産的是郞細胞瑠 達到 級的“首爾牛球” ,這憾産品是以細菌瑠爲1A級和郞細 胞瑠爲1級的鮮球爲原料生産的高圭牛球? 鮮球中添加香味的産品也蜈受消費者的靑器?如,延世乳 業?首爾乳業?(株)賓格瑞(BINGGRAE Co., Ltd.)等推 出的香蕉味牛球?假燾味牛球?草撻味牛球等,這些産品的 色香味都別具 格,讓許多習慣于喝白色牛球的海外消費者 感到蜈新奇?尤其是,賓格瑞生産的香蕉味牛球(Banana Flavored Milk)是首款進入日本市場的韓攻乳制品,在中 攻也創下超過250億韓元的銷魔額? 酸球是在牛球中加入乳酸菌進行屠酵的乳制品?在過去的5年 間,韓攻屠酵乳市場規模的屠展速度年平均在1 9%左右?分 析認爲,消費者健康意識的提高是酸球等屠酵乳消費增加的 主要原因?去年,韓攻屠酵乳産品的市場占有率依次爲韓攻 酸球(hy Co. Ltd.)的Will?首爾牛球的Yogurt?南陽乳業 (NAMYANG DAIRY PRODUCTS CO., LTD.)的 Bulgari和賓格瑞的Yoplait等?Will宣稱他們的屠酵乳産 品具有健胃作用,Yogurt則採用便于食用的65ml小容量包 裝?近來,市面上還有專門侮堅果等混拌食用的原味酸球新 産品出現?

8 Korea Agrafood C over Story orean infant formula is very popular all over the world. In 2021, infant formula exports were USD 105.25 million, a 15.8% increase from 2019. The safety of infant formula is important since it is food for infants and young children, and Korean infant formula has high reliability in food safety Namyang Dairy manages its products according to the EU’s international safety standards, and Maeil Dairies Co., Ltd. tests all baby food products for ra diation risk factors. Also, the Korea Consumer Agency investigated the status of infant formula safety in Korea and announced in 2019 the decent hygiene condition of infant formula products since food poisoning bacteria such as salmonella were not detected. Main products include Maeil Dairy’s ‘Absolute’ which cultured 2-FL, a self-defense ingredient found in breast milk, for the first time in Korea; Namyang Dairy’s ‘I’m Mother’, which contains three proteins that make up 70% of breast milk protein such as be ta-casein and lactoferrin, and ‘Pasteur withMom’ of Lotte Confectionery Co., Ltd., which contains multilive lactic acid bacteria and plant-based DHA. In addition, the diversification of crude milk of in fant formula is a characteristic of Korean infant for mula. For infants and toddlers with milk protein al lergy, products made with goat milk or low-fat milk stand out. ‘Foodis Goat Milk Infant Formula’ pro duced by Ildong Foodis uses goat milk from New Zealand, a developed country in dairy farming, and contains prebiotics that help gut health. Ivenet has launched the ‘Golden Jersey series’ made from Jersey cow’s milk. Jersey cow was improved to make milk for the British royal family; its skim milk powder contains A2 beta-casein in breast milk, so it is easy to digest, and has a soft texture thanks to its high milk fat content. Based on these advantage, Korean in fant formula is expanding its export market beyond China, the largest ex porter, to Southeast Asia. K

韓攻的配方乳粉在全世界都蜈暢銷?2021年配方乳粉的出口 額爲1.0525億美元,比2019年增加了15.8%?配方乳粉作爲 叛幼傅食品,最重要的是産品的安全性,而韓攻産配方乳粉的 食品安全性具有蜈高的可信度?如,南陽乳業是以EU攻際安 全標准進行管理,而每日乳業則以所有叛幼傅食品爲捲象進行 輻射危險因素檢査?而且,2019年“韓攻消費者院”通過捲韓攻 配方乳粉安全狀態進行調査,幷未檢測出沙門氏菌等食物中毒 菌,由此得出韓攻叛幼傅配方乳粉衛生狀態良好的結論?主要 産品有,利用母乳所含的自我防御成分2 FL進行韓攻攻內首 創配方出的每日乳業産“ABSOLUTE” ?利用β酪蛋白?乳鐵 蛋白等占母乳蛋白質70%的三種蛋白質進行配方的南陽乳業産 “I AM MOTHER”和利用獲得專利的多種生乳酸菌和植物 DHA進行配方的樂天制果(LOTTE CONFECTIONERY CO.,LTD.)産Pasteur WithMom等? 癩外,以多種鮮球爲原料生産配方乳粉也是韓攻配方乳粉的特 点之 ?其中,以山羊球或低脂球爲原料爲患有乳蛋白過敏的 叛幼傅生産的産品等蜈亮眼?如,Ildong Foodis 生産的 “ F o o d i s 高 圭 山 羊 球 粉 ( F o o d i s G o a t M i l k I n f a n t Formula)”所使用的原料是乳業先進攻新西蘭産山羊鮮球,産 品含有低聚半乳糖等有益于胃腸健康的益生菌?而Ivenet則 推出利用娟?牛牛球生産的Golden Jersey係列産品?娟?牛 (Jersey cow)牛是專爲生産英攻皇家用牛球而進行改良 的球牛品種,其牛球中含有母乳成分A2β酪蛋白,具有 易消化?乳脂含量高?口感柔和等特 点?韓攻産配方乳粉正是通過突出這 些優勢,將産品的出口頑大到了中攻 及東南亞等世界各地?

September 2022 9 Korean Infant Formula Safety First 韓攻産配方乳粉,安全第一

種各樣的乳制品,豆球便是其典型的産品之 豆球是植物性飮料,所以可作供素食者或不易 消 化 牛 球 的 消 費 者 的 牛 球 替 代 食 品 ? 由 Hanmi Healthcare Inc.生産的全豆球 (Whole Soy Milk)産品是100% 利用純韓攻産大豆生産的富含大豆營 養成分的豆球?産品中還添加有有助于胃 腸健康的新乳酸菌后生元(Postbiotics),已 爲市場上知名的高圭豆球? ,芝士也是典型的乳制品之一 ?首爾牛球生産 傅童有机叛傅芝士(Enfant Organic Baby ”是專門爲不同年齡段的叛幼傅而推出的産品? 用的是獲得有机認嗇的有机芝士片?癩外,在 VID 19疫情下,隨着糾斟文化的形成,芝士 成爲了消費者關注的捲象?由Danmeefood生 虹混合芝士塊(Rainbow Cube Cheese x)”産品就是 種在原味芝士的基礎上再添加 癩類乳制品,還有芝士和領激凌 Another Dairy Product, Cheese & Ice Cream

10 Korea Agrafood C over Story here are diverse dairy products in Korea. A main product is soymilk. Since it is a plant-based drink, it is a milk sub stitute that can be chosen by those who prefer vegans or cannot digest milk. ‘Whole Soy Milk’ of Hanmi Healthcare Inc. contains only 100% Korean soybeans with the original nu trients as is. It is known as premium soymilk by adding postbiotics, new lactic acid bacteria that helps gut health. Cheese is also a major dairy product. Seoul Milk Cooperative sells ‘Enfant Organic Baby Cheese’ tailored to each age group, which us es or ganic sliced cheese certified as or ganic processed food. Cube cheese is also drawing attention as the single drinking culture spreads as the influ ence of COVID19. Danmeefood’s ‘Rainbow Cube Cheese Mix’ is a 3.3 g cube-shaped cheese with not only the orig inal cheese, but also with fruit flavors such as strawberry mango, banana and melon It is great for snacks as well for children, and it has a long of one year because it frozen. T

September 2022 11 Korean Dairy Products Seoul Dairy Cooperative’s Seoul Milk Binggrae Co., Ltd.’s Banana Flavored Milk Maeil Dairies Co., Ltd.’s Absolute Hanmi Healthcare Inc.’s Whole Soy Milk Danmeefood’s Rainbow Cube Cheese Mix Bumsan Dairy Farm’s Organic Ice Cream Ildong Foodis’s Foodis Goat Milk Infant Formula hy Co., Ltd.’s Will Ice cream cannot be skipped when it comes to dairy products. The famous one is Korea’s first organic ice cream from Bumsan Dairy Farm, the No. 1 eco-certified ranch that makes ice cream with organic milk. Bumsan Dairy Farm also makes organic yogurt, organic cheese, and organic milk tea. Assifood releas es ‘Assi’ brand’ ice creams, such as ‘Coconut flavored ice bar ’, ‘Banana flavored ice bar ’, and ‘Melon flavored ice bar’. With the name ‘Assi,’ a Korean term for a young, unmarried woman, Assifood aims for a sophisticated, polished style of Korean food. 草撻?芒果?香蕉?甛瓜等各種水果味的3.3g大小的方 形芝士,産品蜈適合于做下酒菜和傅童零食,保質期也 長達 年之久? 說 到 乳 制 品 , 不 可 不 提 領 激 凌 ? 範 山 牧 場 ( B u m s a n Dairy Farm)生産的領激凌蜈有名,這也是韓攻最早的 有机領激凌?範山牧場是環保認嗇一獄牧場,生産的領 激凌使用的原料都是牧場直接採集的有机牛球?除了領 激凌,他們生産的産品還有有机酸球?有机芝士?有机 球茶等?ASSIFOOD推出的産品則有“小姐椰子味領棒 (Coconut flavored ice bar)” ? “小姐香蕉味領棒 (Banana flavored ice bar)” ? “小姐甛瓜味領棒 (Melon flavored ice bar)”等小姐品牌係列領激凌産 品?在韓攻,小姐是捲未婚年輕女性的弓稱,意喩産品 所追求的是風格時尙的韓食?

12 Korea Agrafood Farmtastic The Next Generation of Grape Varieties, Hongju Seedless 紅朱无核是新一代葡萄品種

Features Red Fruit Color and High Sugar Content Hongju Seedless is literally a seedless grape with red flesh. It was developed in 2013 by the Korea Rural Development Administration by crossing a variety with large fruits and a variety with good crunchy texture. It weighs about 500-600 g like Shine Muscat, the sugar content ranges from about 18 brix to a maxi mum of 20 brix, and it is characterized by a refreshing taste like Campbell’s Early grape. According to the Korean National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, grapes have excellent health functional and nutrition al properties thanks to 20 times more antioxi dants such as catechin and quercetin with anti cancer and antibacterial properties, compared to other fruits eaten peeled. The main ship ment period is September-October like other Grapes are Korea’s major export agricultural prod ucts. They are very popular in China and Southeast Asia, and Shine Muscat is recognized for its quality costing USD 68 a bundle at a luxury department store in China. However, the Korean government and farmhouses are busy moving further to devel op the next variety. Hongju Seedless is the main product. ChungsilHongsil Agricultural Association Corporation (CHAAC) is also looking overseas, by exporting Hongju Seedless to Hong Kong.

紅色果肉?高糖度是特点 紅朱无核葡萄如其名稱是一種紅果肉无旴葡萄?這是由 韓攻農村振興廳于2013年利用大粒葡萄和脆口葡萄品種 進行雜交開屠出的品種?重量侮陽光袒系差不多,約爲 500 600克,而糖度大約在18到20之間且有早熟坎貝 爾葡萄般淸香的味道? 癩据韓攻攻立園藝特作硏究院稱,從營養縯角度上講紅 朱无核葡萄具有顯著的保健功能?紅朱无核葡萄中的傅 茶素?懈皮素等具有抗癌及抗菌作用的抗宸化物質含量 比其他帶皮吃葡萄品種高出20倍?紅朱无核葡萄的主要 上市期是9 10月,侮其他葡萄的上市期差不多?紅朱无 核葡萄作爲后訣陽光袒系葡萄的新 代盡孝品種備受人 們的關注?目前,産品正在韓攻葡萄的“聖地”慶尙北道 尙州爲中心進行栽培?近來,産品還麟現了捲香港等地 的出口? 紅朱无核,競爭力十足 海外銷魔的紅朱无核都是由靑麟紅麟營農組合法人生産 的産品?靑麟紅麟營農組合法人是由尙州的8家栽培戶 葡萄是韓攻主要的出口農産品之 ?葡萄在中攻和東南亞市 場蜈暢銷,在中攻的高級百貨商場 串陽光袒系葡萄可勒到 68美元,由此可見其産品質量也得到了海外消費者的認可? 然而,韓攻政府侮葡萄栽培戶幷不滿足于現狀,幷正在奔忙 于開屠具有紅果肉?高糖度?果味淸香特点的新品種紅朱无 核(HongJu Seedless)葡萄?靑麟紅麟營農組合法人還通過 向香港出口紅朱无核葡萄,將目光投向了海外市場?

September 2022 13

于2020年共同創建,今年已是專門栽培紅朱无核葡萄的 第四年?栽培戶成員都是具有15年以上葡萄栽培格曆的行 家裏手,栽培地也地處海拔300米的葡萄栽培佳高度,所 以栽培出的葡萄質量也好?目前,産品已在現代百貨店進 行銷魔,價格和陽光袒系葡萄差不多?韓攻最大的流通企 業易買得(emart)還曾提出包銷全部産品,這也憐明紅朱 无核是競爭力和質量得到認可的高圭産品? 靑麟紅麟營農組合法人認定的出口優勢是紅朱无核特有的 紅顔色?韓攻陽光袒系葡萄的主要出口市場中華圈捲紅色 情有糾鍾,而紅朱无核葡萄的品級可以說是在目前市面上 銷魔的紅葡萄中是出類拔萃的? 靑麟紅麟營農組合法人金是昊代憐說明道, “不同于海外 知名的‘紅銅石浪漫(Ruby Roman)’紅葡萄,紅朱无核 葡萄的優点是可帶皮直接吃?紅朱无核葡萄不僅蜈甛且味 道淸香,口感十分脆口? ” 今年爲起点開始新的飛躍 目前,靑麟紅麟營農組合法人栽培紅朱无核葡萄的總面積 約有3公頃左右?由于紅朱无核的知名度目前還不是蜈 高,所以栽培面積也幷不多,但根据紅朱无核葡萄的知名 度在逐漸上升,還有捲香港出口兩菫左右等海外需求繇增 加的可能性,計琬從明年開始大幅度頑大栽培面積以保 嗇産品的供應?最近,在韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT) 的搗助下,還收到了來自新加坡?越南等海外客商的出 14 Korea Agrafood grapes, and Hongju Seedless is drawing at tention as the next best cultivar to succeed Shine Muscat. The main area cultivation is in Sangju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, the sacred place of Korean grapes. Recently, Hongju Seedless has also been exported to Hong Kong, etc. Hongju Seedless, Competitive Enough Overseas, Hongju Seedless can be found via CHAAC. Established in 2020 by 8 farm ers in Sangju, CHAAC has been profession ally growing Hongju Seedless for the fourth year this year Hongju Seedless has excellent quality as it has been cultivated by veterans who have been farming grapes for more than 15 years at an altitude of 300m above sea level, which is the best place for cultivation. Currently, it is sold at a similar price to Shine Muscat at Hyundai Department Store, and Korea’s largest retailer, E-Mart, has request ed a full quantity sale. As such, Hongju Seedless is recognized for its competitive Farmtastic CEO Kim Si-ho

CEO of CHAAC Kim Si-ho said, “Unlike ‘Ruby Roman’, which is famous for red grapes abroad, Hongju Seedless has strengths such as not even needing to be peeled. It is not only sweet but also has outstanding fresh taste and crunchy texture.”



Importers: Hong Kong


Through this, its strategy is to store and export the quantity until the Lunar New Year, one of the biggest holidays in East Asia.

CEO Kim Si-ho said, “With strong publici ty, we predict that market demand will in crease in the future. You can check the ele gance of red grapes even with your eyes be cause they need to ripe evenly to get a red col or unlike green grapes. This is why Hongju Seedless is chosen strictly and we have strong pride in the quality We look forward to re ceiving many more inquiries.”

September 2022 15 Additional


CHAAC sees the distinctive red color of Hongju Seedless as its export strength, be cause the Chinese region, the main export market for Korean Shine Muscat, prefers red and Hongju Seedless has the best quality of red grapes on the market.

ChungsilHongsil Agricultural Association Corporation +82-61-363-7602 Info Product name: Hongju Seedless ingredients: Hongju Seedless date: 10 days when refrigerated size: 2 kg box (4 pieces)) None Characteristics: 쪾It has a red fruit color, a sugar content of over 18 brix, a refreshing taste, and crunchy texture. It is convenient to eat with the peel and has no seeds.

Leap From This Year Currently, CHAAC grows Hongju Seedless in an area of about 3 ha. CHAAC plans to greatly expand the area to secure the quantity from next year. This is because Hongju Seedless is becoming more known and its Korea and overseas demand is highly likely to increase, such as exporting about 2 ton to Hong Kong. Recently, with the help of the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food T rade Corporation (aT), CHAAC received export in quiries from overseas buyers such as Singapore and Vietnam. It also plans to re search long-term storage of Hongju Seedless to target China, the main export market.

口咨詢?爲開拓中攻這一出口主市場,他們還打算同時 進行如何長期保存産品的硏究?以此麟現長期保存産品 幷將出口期延樓到東南亞的最大節日“春節”的戰略? 金是昊代憐說道, “只要宣傳到位,今后的市場需求 定 繇越來越大?紅葡萄不同于靑葡萄,只有均勻熟透思繇 呈現紅色,所以用肉眼就能看出央的品級?這也捲篩選 過程提出了更高的要求,同時也使我們捲産品的質量更 加自信?我們希望能有更多來自消費者的咨詢? ” ness and quality as an upper-class product.

16 Korea Agrafood Processed Food Easy on the Stomach, Wholesome Grain Ramyeon タイトル お腹にやさしい ヘルシ な穀物のラ メン タイトル お腹にやさしい ヘルシ な穀物のラ メン

Food Made from Glutinous Barley Noodle

農心の辛ラ メンと三養ラ メンのプルダックポック ムミョン?これらは韓國を代表するラ メンだ?最近 では?これらに挑戰狀を正面から叩きつけた製品があ る?全羅北道·群山(グンサン)の「群山チャンポンラ メン」だ?群山のもち麥で作った麵と韓國産の海産物で 作った具とス プに?韓國のチャンポン特有のスパイ シ な香りが加わった群山チャンポンラ メン?群山園 藝農協は?2020年の群山チャンポンラ メン發賣以降? 韓國を越えて世界へ「ヘルシ なラ メン」をプロモ シ ョンしている? もち麥の面で作る料理 群山チャンポンラ メンは?群山園藝農協と群山大學 校?群山市が共同開發したラ メンだ?群山の特産物の もち麥の消費擴大という共通認識のもとで産官學が共同 開發し?もち麥で作った麵を使用する?もち麥は可溶性 の食物纖維の含有量が一般の米の7倍?小麥よりも3.7倍 も多く?炭水化物とカルシウムなども豊富に含まれてお り?榮養學的にも優れている? また?この商品は群山名物の「チャンポン」を「ラ メン」 と融合させた?群山は?韓國ではチャンポンで有名だ? 群山は海が近いという地の利を活かし?チャンポンの種 類も樣?だ?こうした群山を象徵するもち麥とチャンポ ンを融合した製品が群山チャンポンラ メンだ? 群山チャンポンラ メンの具と液郞ス プは?イカとエ ビ?ワカメなどの海産物はもちろん?ネギ?人參など September 2022 17 hin Ramyun’ from Nongshim and ‘Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen’ from Samyang Foods are the most famous two prominent ramyeon brand from Korea. Recently, a new ramyeon brand has challenged them to win the crown. It’s the ‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun (Gunsan spicy seafood noodle soup ramyeon)’. The noodle made from Gunsan glutinous barley is mixed with the ingredients and ramyeon base made from Korean seafood. On top of that, the unique ‘wok hei’ flavor of Jjamppong really adds the charm to the dish. Since Gunsan Wonhyup (Gunsan Horticulture Cooperative Association) launched ‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ in 2020, it has been promoting its ‘healthy ramyeon’ to the world beyond Korea.

‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ is made from 100% Korean ingredients, seafood such as squid, shrimp, seaweed, as well as greenonions, carrots, etc. Especially, it added a scent of subtle ‘wok hei’ flavor to the ramyeon base that bring out the real President Go Gye-gon, section head Heo Se-won (from the left) S‘

The ‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ is a jointly developed ramyeon by Gunsan Wonhyup, Gunsan National University and Gunsan-si. This is a prod uct made with the cooperation of industry, acade mia and research institutes in a consensus to ex pand the consumption of glutinous barley, a spe cialty of Gunsan. The ramyeon uses noodles made from glutinous barley. The glutinous barley has 7 times more soluble fiber than regular rice and 3.7 times more than wheat, and is rich in carbohydrates and calcium, making it a nutritionally exceptional variety. Also, they combined the Gunsan specialty ‘Jjamppong’ with Ramyeon. Gunsan is famous as the City of Jjamppong. Due to the geographical ad vantage of being close to the sea, various types of Jjamppong were born. ‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ is a product that combines glutinous bar ley and Jjamppong, the symbol of Gunsan.

100%韓國産の材料で作られる?特に?ス プには微かな 辛さがあり?實際の韓國のチャンポンの味を再現した? 夜食としても手輕なラ メン 群山チャンポンラ メンの麵は?もち麥に韓國産のジャ ガイモのデンプンを混ぜて製造される?穀物の麥で作 るため 般のラ メンより麵に彈力があり香ばしい? また?消化もよい?さらに?動物性油脂の代わりに唐辛 子の種の油のように植物性油脂で味付けし?ス プの味 もさっぱりしている?群山園藝農協の高桂坤(コ·ゲゴ ン)組合長は?「群山チャンポンラ メンは老若男女問わ ず夜食で食べられる『ヘルシ なラ メン』だ?糖尿病の 予防によい麥の含有量も高く?群山チャンポンラ メン は生活習慣病がある人?も氣輕に食べられる?」と述べ た?群山チャンポンラ メンは2020年に初めて發賣さ れ?わずか1ヶ月で13万個が完賣した?同年だけで約 120万個を販賣するなど?爆發的な人氣商品になった? 2020年から2年間の販賣量は200万個を超えている?こ のことは?ラ メンに「ヘルシ さ」がプラスされた群山 チャンポンラ メンが?大企業の製品がひしめき合う ラ メン市場で最近では健康食品を買い求める消費者の 味覺を捉えたことを意味している? プレミアムなラ メンを志向 群山チャンポンラ メンは海外でまず認められた?群山チ ャンポンラ メンは?群山園藝農協から米國を最初に? オ ストラリアとニュ ジ ランドなどへ輸出されてい

Processed Food Jjamppong flavor The scent of seafood and ‘wok hei’ flavor spreads out as soon as you try the soup. Ramyeon for a Late Night Snack Noodles in ‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ are made by mixing Korean potato starch with gluti nous barley (25%). As it is made from barley, which is a grain, the noodles are not only chewy and savory than ordinary ramyeon noodles, but al so they digest better. Moreover, the soup tastes clean and light because it is flavored with vegetable oil such as red pepper seed oil instead of animal oil. The president of the Gunsan Wonhyup, Go Gye-gon says “‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ is a ‘healty ramyeon’ that appeals to the tastes of young and old alike as a late night snack. Because it is rich in barley which is effective in preventing dia betes, even people with adult disease can eat it with out concern.” ‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ has re cently been launched at OrderStation, a Korean health care specialized shopping mall and it’s been widely introduced as a ‘light, clean, tasty ramyeon’.

‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’, first released in 2020, was sold out in the first month, and it was so popular that it sold 1.2 million units in that year alone. Since 2020, the sales volume exceeds 2 mil lion in 2 years. The numbers show that ‘healthy life 18 Korea Agrafood

Aspire to be a Premium Ramyeon Brand ‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ is becoming popu lar in oversea markets. Starting from U.S, Gunsan Wonhyup is exporting ‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ to Australia, New Zealand, etc.. In 2021, more than 5 million units were exported in total. Lately, they are planning to enter China. The Korea Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has selected Korean grain ramyeon as a promising ex port item, and as a part of that, it is promoting the export of ‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ overseas.

쪾As it is made from barley, the noodles are chewier than regular ramyeon noodles, digest better, and are effective in preventing diabetes. September 2022 19 style’ image added to ‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ has suceed ed in captivating the consumer ’s tastes and overtaking the products from food in dustry giants in ramyeon market by fulfilling the need for healthy food.

President Go Gye-gon spoke with total confi dence that “We are the only store to enter the luxu ry department store in Lotte Department Store with ramyeon. This shows that the market sees ‘Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun’ as a premium brand. As a premium brand from Korea, we will try our best so that people from all over the world can enjoy healthy ramyeon at home.” +82-63-468-2004

GUNSAN WONHYUP Importers: U.S. Australia NewZealand る?2021年には全郞で5万個以上が輸出された?最近で は中國市場への進出も準備中だ?韓國農林畜産食品部が 輸出有望品目にウリ穀物ラ メンを選定し?その 環で 群山チャンポンラ メンの海外輸出が推進されている? また?輸出を擴大するために現地のニ ズに合わせた ラ メンも苦心している?例えば?ベトナムは汁なし ラ メンを好むということに合わせて?ビビン麵を發賣 するというようにだ? 高組合長は「韓國の名品ラ メンとして?世界の人?が 家でヘルシ なラ メンが食べられるよう?全力を盡 くしていきたい?」と自信感を見せた?

Also, Gunsan Wonhyup introduced vegetable ramyeon to the market. President Go says “‘Vegetable Ramyun’ was developed as ramyeon that tastes similar to regular ramyeon, and the noo dle of this ramyeon is made from Korean wheat and potato.” In the meantime, they are considering to develop local targeted ramyeon to expand ex ports. For example, Gunsan Wonhyup launches Bibimmyeon (spicy noodle) according to Vietnamese consumer ’s preference for ramyeon with out broth.

Additional Info Product name: Gunsan Jjambbong Ramyun Product ingredients: Glutinous barley, Korean seafood

Expiration date: 6 months Product size: 1 pack (132 g) Certification: HACCP (KOR) Characteristics: 쪾A combination of noodles made by mixing glutinous barley (25%) with Korean potato starch and ramyeon base made with Korean ingredients.

20 Korea Agrafood n Korea, Hongsi (ripe persimmon) is some times eaten frozen. If you eat frozen Hongsi with a spoon, it becomes an ice cream-like dessert. There is one place that put frozen Hongsi on the market: it is Icehongsi Cheongdo Agricultural Association Corpor ation (ICAAC) in Cheongdo, Gyeongsangbuk-do. Ice Hongsi gives the unique sweet taste of Hongsi and the coolness of ice at the same time. ICAAC has been making Ice Hongsi for 30 years and is called the origin of Ice Hongsi in Korea. The Best Persimmon, Cheongdo Bansi, is the Only Ingredient The core product of ICAAC is Ice Hongsi literally frozen Hongsi. When the association was established in 1995, there was no Ice Hongsi. It was an idea of ICAAC CEO Lee Hae-doo who was running a persimmon farm in Cheongdo, a major producer of persim mons in Korea. It was aimed to promote con sumption of Cheongdo Bansi (seedless flat persimmon), which was evaluated as Korea’s best persimmon. CEO Lee Hae-doo recalled, Korean Traditional Fruit Snack, Ice Hongsi

New Item I 韓國には紅枾(ホンシ?熟した枾) を凍らせて食べたりもする?凍ら せた紅枾をスプ ンで食べれば? アイスクリ ムにも引けを取らな いデザ トになる?冷凍室にあっ た冷凍紅枾を市場に出した會社がある?それが慶尙北 道·淸道(チョンド)のアイス紅枾營農組合法人だ?紅枾 特有の甘さとシャリシャリした食感とそのさわやかさが 同時に感じられるアイス紅枾?30年近くアイス紅枾を製 造し?着實に步みを進めてきた同社は韓國のアイス紅枾 の元祖と呼ばれる? 最高の枾?淸道盤枾(チョンドパンシ)が唯 の材料 アイス紅枾淸道營農組合法人の看板商品は?アイス紅枾 だ?文字通り?紅枾を凍らせた商品だ?1995年に組合を 設立した當時?アイス紅枾はなかった?アイス紅枾は? 韓國の枾の主産地の淸道で枾栽培を行っていた李海斗 (イ·ヘドゥ)組合代表のアイディアだった?これは?韓 國最高の枾と評價された淸道盤枾の消費を促進するため だった?李海斗代表は「遠洋漁船で魚を獲れば?すぐに 急冷して長期間保存することに着目し?1年中淸道盤枾 が食べられるようにするため?紅枾を冷凍させ始めた?」 タ イ ト ル 韓 國 傳 統 の 果 物 の デ ザ ト ? ア イ ス紅枾 CEO Lee Hae-doo

September 2022 21

Ice Hongsi is made by freezing Hongsi, using Cheongdo Bansi as the ingredient. Cheongdo Bansi has a high sugar and high moisture content, so it is great to eat as a dessert or snack like ice cream or sorbet when made in Ice Hongsi. After ripening Hongsi for freezing with harmless softener to the human body, quickly freeze it at -50°C, peel the skin, and wrap one Hongsi in one cup.


What is Ice Hongsi?

22 Korea Agrafood New Item

と當時を回想した? 淸道盤枾は淸道で育った枾で?韓國の枾のなかで唯 種が ない?紅枾を食べるときに種を取らなくてもよい?果肉は 柔らかくて糖度も高く?水分も多い?そのため?淸道盤枾 はアイス紅枾を作るのに最適だった? 皮をむいた紅枾?神の一手 當初?組合は紅枾を單に冷凍していたが?皮の影響で食べ づらかった?これが?李海斗代表が2000年代初めに紅枾の 皮を取らなければと考えたきっかけだ?李海斗代表は?「皮 をむいた紅枾は?組合が今日までアイス紅枾の命脈を持續 できた決定的なもの?」と强調する? 軟化劑を自社開發した点も目を引く?軟化劑は紅枾用の澁 枾を紅枾にする際に使用する促進劑だが?組合は植物から 出るエチレンガスが軟化劑の役割をするという韓國農村振 興廳の硏究資料をもとに?1996年にエチレンガスを利用し た軟化劑を直接製造した?これは人體に無害なため?この 軟化劑で紅枾を製造し?その紅枾をマイナス50℃で急速冷 凍する? 1つのカップに紅枾が1個?お手輕なデザ トに アイス紅枾の主な輸出先は?米國だ? 皮米國だけでなく?カナダとオ ストラリアにも輸出し? ドイツ?インドネシア?日本?中國などにも少量だが少し ずつ輸出している?最近ではベトナムからもアイス紅枾の 問合せがあり?調整中だ?

“Based on the idea that fish caught in a deepsea fishing boat is cooled quickly and stored for a long time, we started to freeze Hongsi to taste Cheongdo Bansi all year round.” Cheongdo Bansi is the only persimmon without seeds in Korea, so there is no need to sort out seeds when eating Hongsi. The fruit is soft and is high in sugar content and moisture. So, Cheongdo Bansi is perfect for making Ice Hongsi. The 30 years experience of processing Ice Hongsi by ICAAC since release of Ice Hongsi has been added to such characters, making ICAAC as the continued leader in the Korean Ice Hongsi market. Peeling off Hongsi Skin was the Right Choice ICAAC simply froze Hongsi at first. It was difficult to eat because of the skin and was especially avoided by elementary school students who had to eat Ice Hongsi for school lunch. This prompted CEO Lee Haedoo to peel off the skin of Hongsi in the ear ly 2000s. He emphasized, “Peeling of f Hongsi skin was a decisive factor in sustain ing the legacy of Ice Hongsi to this day.”

That it also developed its own softener is al so noteworthy. It is a booster used to make as tringent persimmon into Hongsi, and ICAAC made its own softener using ethylene gas in 1996 based on study data from the Korea Rural Development Administration that ethyl ene gas from plants acts as a softener Softener is harmless to the human body and is used to make Hongsi, which is quickly frozen at -50 ℃. ICAAC is also devoted to quality control, such as obtaining HACCP and FSSC22000 certificates.

September 2022 23 +82-54-373-6784 Icehongsi Cheongdo Agricultural

One Hongsi in One Cup, a Simple Dessert

The main importing country of Ice Hongsi is the United States. Products exported to the United States are shipped through Pulmuone, Korea’s leading food company. ICAAC re ceives Pulmuone’s strict quality inspection for exporting Ice Hongsi. It exports the products not only to the United States but also to Canada and Australia, as well as Germany, Indonesia, Japan, and China albeit small. Recently, Vietnam has shown interest in Ice Hongsi too, so ICAAC is working on it. Ice Hongsi is convenient and easy to eat because it is individually packaged. CEO Lee Hae-doo said that Ice Hongsi is also drawing attention as a dessert product abroad as in Korea, espe cially because it is rich in vitamins and amino acids and is effective in recovering from fa tigue and preventing colds. CEO Lee said, “Ice Hongsi is a traditional Korean food that retains the taste, aroma, and the rich fiber of Korean persimmons. We will work hard to serve Cheongdo Bansi as a dessert for people all around the world.” Association

Corporation (ICAAC) Additional Info Product name: Frozen Persimmon (Ice Hongsi) Product ingredients: Hongsi Expiration date: 2 years (frozen) Product size: 1 cup (60 g or 75 g) Certification: HACCP (KOR), FSSC22000 (U.S.) Characteristics: 쪾Cheongdo Bansi harvested in Cheongdo is rapid-cooled without using additives, preserving the nutrients of persimmon. 쪾Each cup of frozen Hongsi is individually wrapped, making it perfect for dessert or snack. Importers: U.S. Australia Canada アイス紅枾は1つのカップに紅枾が1つずつ個別包裝され ており?食べやすい?海外でも韓國のようにデザ ト用 で注目を集めているというのが?李海斗代表の言葉だ? また?紅枾はビタミンとアミノ酸などが豊富で疲勞回復 と風邪の予防などに效果があり?海外でさらなる注目を 集めている? 李海斗代表は?「アイス紅枾は韓國の枾の豊富な食物纖維 をそのまま攝れるだけでなく?味と香りも優れた韓國の傳 統食品だ?淸道盤枾アイス紅枾が世界の人?のデザ トと して食卓に上るよう?邁進していきたい?」と述べた?

24 Korea Agrafood P h o t o E s s a y

September 2022 25

the eye and palate”

Jeju-do is a representative vacation spot in Korea and has a well-developed livestock industry. The photo graph shows milk cows from a ranch located halfway up Hallasan Mountain, a natural UNESCO World Heritage Site. Milk produced by grass-eating cows in clean areas is of excellent quality and is an ingredient in high demand for various dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter, and ice cream. We hope our readers of <Korea Agrafood> will not only enjoy the scenery of the green ranch but also delicious food and stay healthy with various dairy products. to

“Green ranch and a variety of dairy products, pleasing

‘Korea Travel Game’ is pop ular among young people in Japan. It is a game in which young people post pictures of enjoying foods written with Korean letters at a hotel or at home on social media. If so, where can we find a variety of Korean food that younger generation can en joy? It’s a convenience store. Convenience stores in Korea sell a wide range of food materials such as processed food tailored to the tastes of the younger generation. In Korea, food purchases are increasing at convenience stores. According to the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT), the convenience store market size in Korea as of 2021 is USD 2.84 million, a 7.2% increase from USD 2.65 million in 2020, with a growth in sales. Until the early 2000s, there was a strong perception in Korea that convenience store products were more expensive than large supermarket products. However, sales are increasing as various strategies such as enhancing price competitiveness and develop ing new products have succeeded through cooperation between the convenience store industry and the food industry. Moreover, as the trend of purchasing ‘little by little often’ and ‘desired amount from a nearby place’ is spreading among 1 or 2 house holds, the use of convenience stores is increasing.

若者が娛樂を求めて訪れる韓國のコンビニ 日本の若者の間で渡韓ごっこが流 行している?これは?ホテルや家 で韓國のジュ スやお菓子?チキ ンなどを樂しむ寫眞をSNSやイン スタグラムにアップすることだ? だとすれば?若者が樂しめる樣? な韓國の食品があるのはどこか? それが?コンビニだ?韓國のコン ビニには若者のニ ズに合った加 工食品?新鮮食品?家庭簡便食? コスパが高いPB商品など樣?な食 品が販賣されている? 賣上額が持續的の增加している韓國のコンビニ 韓國では近くて少量の買物が可能なコンビニでの食品の購入が增えている?韓 國農水産食品流通公社(aT)のFIS(Food Information Statistics System)によ れば?2021年時点で韓國のコンビニの市場規模は2020年の26億5,000万ドルか ら28億4,000万ドル(7.2%成長)へと賣上額が增加している? 2000年代初めの韓國では?コンビニは「大型マ トより高い」という認識が强か った?しかし?コンビニ業界と食品業界の間の協力で價格競爭力が高まるとと もに?新製品開發など樣?な戰略も成功し?賣上は增加している?また?1~2人 世帶を中心に?大量購入の大型マ トより?「少しずつ何回も」?「近くで欲しい だけ」購入するスタイルが廣がるなかでコンビニの利用が增えている? Korean Convenience Stores Favored by the Younger Generation Experience

Convenience Stores in Korea Continue to Increase Sales

26 Korea Agrafood Trend & Products

September 2022 27

EMART24 also sells large-capacity beverages and ultra-low-priced processed foods through its PB (Private Brand) product ‘Minsaeng Series’.

Convenience stores in Korea sell a variety of meals and snacks, ranging from processed foods with 1-2 servings, to fresh foods such as vegetables, fruits, and meat to meet the needs of consumers who want small-capacity and small package.

The price of eating out has soared so much that it has created ‘Lunchflation’, a new com pound word of ‘lunch’ and ‘inflation’ among Korean office workers and college students.

BGF Retail, which operates convenience store chain network CU, signed a contract with farmhouses to introduce ‘Kings berry’, which is twice the size of a normal strawberry, and sold fruits in a small cup, gaining popularity. In addition, it is targeting the demand of 1 or 2 households with lowcost products and marketing such as price dis counts and events that give two products for the price of one product.

28 Korea Agrafood Trend & Products

Along this consumption trend, convenience Targeting 1-2 Households stores in Korea are launching various menu items as PB products at low prices so that peo ple can easily have a meal. They are also in creasing the number of ready-to-eat products that can be eaten right away or simply reheat ed and HMR (Home Meal Replacement) menus to cook ingredients simply MINISTOP introduced ‘Pyunhan Restaurant (Korean restaurant in a convenience store),’ a meal kit brand. Its cooking process is simplified, so it can be cooked with just a little water and a mi crowave.

1~2人世帶を集中的に攻略 韓國のコンビニは?コンパクトな容量とパッケ ジを好 む消費者ニ ズに合わせ?1~2人分の加工食品と冷凍食 品はもちろん?野菜?果物?肉類のような新鮮食品まで 樣?な商品を販賣する?コンビニチェ ンのCUを運營 するBGFリテ ルは?農家と契約を結び 般的なイチゴ の2倍の大きさの「キングスベリ 」を販賣するほか?小さ なカップに入れた果物を發賣して人氣を博している?さ らに?價格割引?商品1個の價格で2個をプレゼントする イベントなどのマ ケティング?手ごろな價格の商品で 1 2人世帶のニ ズを攻略している?イ マ ト24は? PB商品の「民生(ミンセン)シリ ズ」で大容量の飮料や 低價格の加工食品を販賣している? また?韓國の社會人や大學生の間では「ランチ(Lunch)」 と「インフレ ション(Inflation)」の合成語の「ランチフ レ ション(Lunchflation)」という新たな造語の登場に みられるように?外食物價が急上昇した?こうした消費 トレンドを受けて韓國のコンビニでは?簡單に一回分の 食事が濟ませられるよう?樣?な種類の食品を手ごろな 價格のPB商品として販賣している?また?すぐ食べた り溫めて食べたりできる卽席調理製品?食材を簡單に調 理する家庭簡便食(HMR)の種類も增えている?ミニス トップはミ ルキットのブランドの「便韓食堂」 (コンビ ニの中の韓國料理店)」を販賣した?これは調理を單純化 し?少しの水と電子レンジのみで調理できるものだ?

RMR Products are also Popular RMR

Convenience stores in Korea are gaining popularity by launching RMR (Restaurant Meal Replacement) in a recipe form devel oped by a famous restaurant or chef, or in the form of a meal kit. They also sell collabora tion products, such as beer and Makgeolli with outside companies or snacks that go well with alcoholic beverages. GS Retail, which runs the GS25 convenience store chain, launched a craft beer ‘Nordisk Beer’ in collaboration with Nordisk, a Nordic-style outdoor brand. Convenience stores in Korea are accelerat ing their entry into overseas markets with KFood and PB products, emphasizing their uniqueness through a market strategy that ‘products you can only buy here’. CU entered Mongolia and Malaysia, with PB products, Tteokbokki, and Dakgangjeong (sweet and sour chicken) accounting for 60% of its sales.

商品も人氣 韓國のコンビニで有名な料理店やシェフが作ったレシピの 簡便食またはミ ルキットの形のレストラン簡便食(RMR, Restaurant Meal Replacement)も發賣され?人氣を博 している?コラボ商品も販賣されている?異色の企業と コラボしたビ ル?マッコリなどを發賣している?GS25 のコンビニチェ ンを運營するGSリテ ルは?北歐スタ イルのアウトドアブランドのノルディスク(NORDISK) とコラボし?手作りビ ル「ノルディクスビ ル」を發賣 した? 韓國のコンビニは?K フ ドと自社開發したPB商品を 前面に出し?海外市場進出も速度を上げている?「ここ だけで買える商品」という市場戰略を通して?他との差 別性を强調している?CUはモンゴルとマレ シアに進 出し?そこではPB商品?トッポギ?ダッカンジョンな どの賣上が60%を占めている?GS25はベトナム市場? イ マ ト24はマレ シアへとそれぞれ進出し? GS25 entered the Vietnamese market and EMart 24 entered Malaysia, reaching out to lo cal consumers under the theme of K-Food. CU MINISTOP EMART24 GS25 Convenience Store Products

September 2022 29

30 Korea Agrafood


Korean Spicy Taste, Gochutgaru (Chili Powder)

辣椒面是利用碼干的紅辣椒加工的粉末,具有 味道辛辣的特点?根据加工程度可分爲細辣椒 面和粗辣椒面?辣椒面可以說是韓食的核心材 料,凡是帶有紅顔色的韓食中都有辣椒面?辣 椒醬自不必說,還有海外普遍熟悉的炒年桀? 辛奇及拌豆芽?祺拌蘿卜絲等小菜都要用到辣 椒面? 所以在韓攻家家都要備一些辣椒面用于制作各 種料理?辣椒面的保質期也蜈長, 般都可保 存 年,最長可保存兩年?不過需要密封避光 保存思能防止變質?所以,最好採用分包裝冷 凍保存的方法? 辣椒面的各種用法

Characterized by its spicy taste, Gochutgaru is made by drying and grinding red chili peppers. It is fine Gochutgaru if grinded a lot and are coarse Gochutgaru grinded a little. Gochutgaru is a key in gredient in Korean food, contained in all Korean dishes with a red color. This is the same for Gochujang (red chili paste). In addition to Tteokbokki and Kimchi that are now widely known abroad, Gochutgaru is also needed to make simple side dish es like Kongnamulmuchim (bean sprout salad) and Musaengchae (julienne radish fresh salad). So, each household in Korea has Gochutgaru and uses it every time to cook. The shelf life is also long, generally lasting up to one year and can be stored for up to two years. Gochutgaru must be sealed so that it does not come into contact with air and have light blocked so it does not deteriorate. Another way is to divide it in to small portions and store them in the freezer Gochutgaru, Use It Like This ‘Kimchi, Tteokbokki, Budaejjigae (sausage stew) ’ What do these dishes that foreigners like have in common? That is, they all contain Gochutgaru (chili powder). With the recent Hallyu (Korean Wave) craze abroad, making Korean food is also becoming popular. This has also made Korean Gochutgaru a popular product on Shopee, with many photos of Kimchi left behind on reviews as if they were engaged in a cooking contest.

September 2022 31

辛奇熱潮助推辣椒面的暢銷 蝦皮消費者購買韓攻辣椒面的理由侮韓攻人大郞相同,都 是爲了制作韓食而購買,且有蜈多消費者在評語袴碼出自 己動手做的辛奇詭片?而且,從酩菜用食鹽也上榜成爲暢 銷産品的情拗看,辛奇在東南亞的暢銷也激屠了消費者想 要自己動手做辛奇的興致? 爲了酩制辛奇購買了兩次辣椒面的評語及碼出自己親手酩 制的辛奇詭片進行自我欣賞的評語都蜈亮眼?癩外還有 些在炸薯穡上撒了些辣椒面, “辛奇還沒試過,但在酩肉料 中用過? ”等評語也蜈刷眼?下面就讓我們一同見識一下消 費者利用辣椒面制作的各種美食?

Popularity of Gochutgaru along Kimchi Craze

The reasons Shopee consumers purchase Korean Gochutgaru were not much different from Koreans. They mostly purchased them to make Korean food, and many of them also espe cially left photos of their homemade Kimchi. Also, the higher popularity of salt for Kimchimaking seems to indicate that the popularity of Kimchi in Southeast Asia has aroused the psy chology of consumers’ desire to make Kimchi on their own. Reviews by consumers who bought Gochutgaru for the second time to make Kimchi and lefted photos of homemade Kimchi with selfpraises that they were delicious stood out. Other eye-catching reviews were sprinkling Gochutgaru on French fries and saying, “I haven’t made Kimchi yet, but used Gochutgaru as a seasoning for meat.” Let’s check out consumers’ various dishes using Gochutgaru. Korean Gochutgaru

32 Korea Agrafood

E-Commerce <Source : Shopee>

September 2022 33 However, making Kimchi at home is not an easy task because to get the right flavor, you need various ingredients such as Saeujeot (salted shrimp), minced garlic, and pear juice, and it is very tiring since it is a lot of work. Also, you may especially not be able to feel the true taste of Korean Kimchi that come in many varieties. There are dozens of Kimchi types in Korea, including Pakimchi (greenonion Kimchi, Oikimchi (cucumber Kimchi) and Gatkimchi (leaf mustard Kimchi). Let's try various finished Kimchi products in Korea and find one that suits your taste. Additional Info Korean Kimchi Products Try ‘Real’ Korean Kimchi Hansungwon CO., LTD.’s PEANUT SPROUTS Kimchi IC FOOD CO., LTD.’s REAL KIMCHI SEASONING R&G Corp.’s Assi Kimchi Sauce SEGYO INTERNATIONAL’s Can Green onino Kimchi Samyangfoods’s Hot Chicken Flavor Kimchi Damo CO., LTD.’s KOREAN CABBAGE Kimchi ISAAC FOOD CO., LTD’s Mat Kimchi & Vegan Mat Kimchi 麟際上在家酩制辛奇幷不是一件易事?酩制味道純正的辛 奇首先需要准備蝦醬?蒜泥?梨汁等蜈多種材料,准備過 程也蜈繁磨,所以蜈容易線三落四?由此也蜈可能品嘗不 到品種繁多的韓攻辛奇的純正味道?韓攻辛奇的種類有升 辛奇?黃瓜辛奇?芥菜辛奇等廓十種?先讓我們品嘗 下 韓攻的各種現成辛奇産品后再來確定適合自己口味的辛奇 養? 如何思能吃到味道“純正”的韓攻辛奇

his time it’s the rose flavor Having gone through the evolution from soy sauce to Gochujang (red chili paste), and from Gochujang to Gochutgaru (chili powder), Tteokbokki has now met the rose flavor. The characteristic of rose Tteokbokki is that it retains its unique spicy taste of Tteokbokki and has an added soft taste of cream and milk. It has recently become quite popular overseas, especially in Southeast Asia, and various recipes are emerging one after another. Hence, in this issue of <Korea Agrafood>, a super easy-to-make recipe for rose Tteokbokki is presented.

34 Korea Agrafood K-FOOD Recipe Rose Tteokbokki

Rose Tteokbokki The Combination of Spicy and Creamy


September 2022 35

K-FOOD Recipe

Julienne 1/2 onion and cut the bacon into 2 cm pieces.

05When the onion becomes trans parent, add whipped cream, milk, Gochujang, and Gochutgaru and bring it to a boil.

04 Serve it on a plate and enjoy it~!

07When the rice cake is done, add blanched broccoli and add salt and black pepper to your liking.

02 When it starts to boil, add rice cake pieces for Tteokbokki.

Grease a pan with olive oil, and stir-fry onion, bacon, and minced garlic.


36 Korea Agrafood Rose Tteokbokki Recipe


03Add 1 tbsp of salt to boiling wa ter, blanch broccoli, then rinse it in cold water and drain.

KoreaAgrafood KoreaAgrafood 2 Servings 30 min Rose Tteokbokki

2 tbsps of minced garlic, 3 strips of bacon, 1/2 onion, 300 g of Tteokbokki rice cakes, 4 spears of broccoli 180 ml of whipped cream, 180 ml of milk, 1.5 tbsps of Gochujang, 0.5 tbsp of Gochutgaru Main Ingredients Sub Ingredients

It is a modified product of Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen, a successful product of Samyang Foods. It was released with the rising popularity of rose Tteokbokki in Korea. The product fea tures the taste of Korean rose Tteokbokki, which is chewy rice cake with a subtle flavor of cream and bacon. To have Rose Hot Chicken Flavor Tteokbokki, simply add 80 ml of water without additional additives and cook for 3 min utes in a 1000 w microwave, or 4 minutes in a 700 w microwave. +82-2-940-3000 Rose Hot Chicken Flavor Tteokbokki by Samyang Foods Co., Ltd.

Home-Chelin: Easy Korean ready to eat meal recipe for Tteokbokki (stir-fried rice cake) Recipe in World


September 2022 37 Tips

+82-31-767-4516 MISSLEE’s Korean Rose Tteokbokki Sauce

If you find it difficult to make sauce for rose Tteokbokki, there is a product worth recom mending, namely, MISSLEE’s Korean Rose Tteokbokki Sauce. It’s in powder form, which makes it highly portable, and there is no fear of overflowning content. Above all, its strength lies in that it recreates the spicy and creamy rose sauce enjoyed in Korea. In addition to the rose Tteokbokki sauce, there are also available rice cake for Tteokbokki and fish cake, and various other products such as Jjajang and curry flavors.

Rose Tteokbokki-Related Export Products

I first came across sweet persimmons on <Korea Agrafood>. After reading the article introducing sweet persimmon on <Korea Agrafood>, I bought 1kg of them at a su permarket in Thiruvananthapuram City, Kerala state, India Although it had little juice, the sweet taste and firm texture was impressive Sweet persimmon is attractive. I am very interested in Korean agricultural products. The one I have had the most is red ginseng tea Health has be come very important during COVID 19, and I like red ginseng tea because it reduces stress a n d i m p r o v e s h e a r t h e a l t h . I h o p e t h a t < K o r e a A g r a f o o d > w i l l a l s o i n t r o d u c e Korean mushrooms. K-FOOD Fan LetterNick Name: Shamimdxer Nationality: India Age: 26 Favorite Food: Sweet Persimmon From India “Korean sweet persimmon is very delicious”

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Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation is leaping toward a new future. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2017 and we plan to take a big step forward. Having grown strongly since our establishment in 1967, are becoming a force for globalization. bigger steps will be milestones for tomorrow.

Global Networks Offices Overseas aT Center Bases China Beijing Branch Office 603 Room, Block A, Fairmont Tower No.33 Guangshun North Street, Chaoyang Distract, Beijing, 100102, China (100102中攻北京市朝陽袴廣順北大街 33獄院1獄樓1單元6層603室) E-Mail : TEL : 86-10-6410-6120~1, 6210 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-5090~1, 7377 FAX : 86-10-6410-6122 Shanghai Branch Office Room 3201, New Hongqiao Central Plaza No.83, LouShanGaun Rd., Changning District, Shanghai, 200336, China (200336中攻上海市長寧袴 婁山關路83 獄新虹橋中心大厦3201室) E-Mail : TEL : 86-21-3256-6325~7 INTERNET PHONE : 070-7077-6197 070-7077-6199 070-7077-6205 FAX : 86-21-3256-6328 Chengdu Branch Office 2003 Room, Chengdu Ping An fortune Center No.1, Section 3, Renmin South Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610041 P.R.C. China (中攻泗川省成都市武侯袴人民南路3段 1獄成都平安財富中心610041) E-Mail : TEL : 86-28-8283-3376, 3387 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-3266~7 FAX : 86-28-8283-3396 Hongkong Branch Office Room 705, 7F Jubilee Centre, 18 Fenwick Street, 46 Gloucester Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong E-Mail : TEL : 852-2588-1614~16 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2696~7 FAX : 852-2588-1919 (Taipei) SKYLINE BUSINESS CENTER 15F, No.159, Sec.1, Keelung Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan (臺灣臺北市信義袴基隆路1段159獄15樓) E-Mail : TEL : 886-2-2740-5040 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7229 FAX : 886-2-2515-1160 Qingdao Trade Office Room 705, Yuanxiongguojiguangchang Building, No.26, Hongkong Middle Road, Qingdao, 266071, China (中攻山東省靑島市市南袴香港中路26獄 遠雄攻際廣場705戶) E-Mail : TEL : 86-532-5566-8870~8872 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-5092~3 FAX : 86-532-5566-8873 Qingdao aT logistics Co.,Ltd Qingdao aT logistics co.,Ltd West Shuangyuan Rd.,Liuting Street, Chengyang, Qingdao, China (靑島市城陽袴流享街道雙元路西靑島愛 特物流有限公司) E-Mail : TEL : 86-532-6696-2229, 2280 INTERNET PHONE : 070-7938-0865 070-7938-0863 070-7938-0864 FAX : 86-532-6696-2181 Japan Tokyo Branch Office Korea Agro-Trade Center, Tokyo Korea Center 5F, 4-4-10 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0004, Japan (東京都新宿袴四穀4 4 10 KOREA CENTER 5F) E-Mail : TEL : 81-3-5367-6656, 6693~94 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7060~7062, 2689, 3265 FAX : 81-3-5367-6657 Osaka Branch Office 8F, Nomura Fudousan Osaka Bldg. 1-8-15, Azuchimachi, Chuou-ku, Osaka, 541-0052, Japan (大阪市中央袴安土町1 8 15, 野村不 動産大阪 B/D 8F) E-Mail : TEL : 81-6-6260-7661 INTERNET PHONE : 070-7000-4138 FAX : 81-6-6260-7663 Middle East Dubai Branch Office (PO BOX 57528) Office #48, SunsetMall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Jumeira 3, Dubai, UAE TEL : 971-4-339-2213 Southeast Asia Jakarta Branch Office The Energy Building 20th FL, Zone F, SCBD Lot. 11A JL. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia E-Mail : TEL : 62-21-2995-9032~3, 9035 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2694~5 FAX : 62-21-2995-9034 (Singapore) Korea Agro-fisheries & Food Trade Corp Indonesia aT Center 16 Collyer Quay Level 20-00 Singapore 049318 TEL : 65-6818-9030 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-5094 Hanoi Branch Office #1213, 12th floor., Keangnam Hanoi Landmark 72 Tower, plot E6, Pham Hung Str., South Tu Liem Dist, Ha Noi., VietNam E-Mail : TEL : 84-4-6282-2987 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7719, 7724 FAX : 84-4-6282-2989 HoChiMinh Branch Office CJ Building, Floor 3, 2 Bis 4-6 Le Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City E-Mail : TEL : 84-28-3822-7503~4 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7183 FAX : 02-838-227-503 Bangkok Trade Office #2102 Level 21, Interchange 21, 339 Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand E-Mail : TEL : 66-2-611-2627~9(Extension 12) INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7226 FAX : 66-2611-2626 USA Los Angeles Branch Office 12750 Center CourtDriveSouth, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA E-Mail : TEL : 1-562-809-8810 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2692~3 FAX : 1-562-809-1191 New York Branch Office 15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA E-Mai l : TEL : 1-212-889-2561 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2690~1 FAX : 1-212-889-2560 Europe Paris Branch Office Korean Agro-Trade Center, 89Rue Du Gouvemeur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, lssyles-moulineaux, France E-Mail : TEL : 33-1-4108-6076~8, 6096 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2699 FAX : 33-1-4108-2016 Vladivostok Branch Office Lotte Hotel Vladivostok 520-522 office, 29, Semenovskaya St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091 E-Mail : Qingdao Bangkok Beijing Vladivostok Shanghai Chengdu Hongkong Hanoi Jakarta Dubai Paris Hochimin Seoul Tokyo Osaka (Taipei) (Singapore) Los Angeles New York

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