November 2021 (vol.313)

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Korean Infant Formula Recognized by Mothers Around the World Icheon, UNESCO Creative City Global FarmtasticTrend Variety VarietyKorea Korea Korean Sweet Persimmons Attention from All over the World November 2021 vol.313 Visit K-FOOD Trade & Enjoy the variety of Korean Food is also available via your mobile phone. Find your Korean Food Buyers Pause! K-FOOD Fans Pause!

Consider the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients.

Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one.

You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator.

1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives. Start WFP individual donation Donate on ‘Share the Meal’ ExpirationQuantityDate of Meals Donate

Let us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste.

If we reduce food waste,

Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.

Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day!

help people who are hungry by donating some of the savings.

Restaurants can save the costs for food waste disposal

Then, let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.

How close have you gotten to Zero Waste? Let’s donate together in everyday life.

01 Plan your diet and buy only the food you need.

Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses!

You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and

We can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas

03 Ground dry ingredients to cook.

02 Divide food ingredients into portions and store them in a transparent container.

Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign and ’s

If we reduce food waste,

Zero food waste with one finished meal!

Let’s reduce waste at home.

You can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website,, and clicking the button.

Individuals can take care of both diet and health

EDITORS Ahn Byeong-hee

CEO Kim Choon-jin

Choi Yeong-jin (


Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

Government Registration Number : Ra-7210

Cho Yeong-kyu (

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EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea


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TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Han Hyo-jin (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)

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Dated Apr. 26, 1995

VLADIVOSTOK Shin Jae-hun 070-4617-3277 (

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Oh Hyung-wan (Food Industry & Trade Division)

Cover Stor y 12 According to Ingredients and Regions, the Boundless World of Kimchi 06 Culture of Making and Sharing Kimchi, Kimjang 08 ‘Kimchi Day’, Spreading the Excellence of Kimchi to the World 10 Representative of K-FOOD, Kimchi CONTENTS

Tel +82-2-3434-9072 Fax +82-2-3434-9077


JAKARTA Lee Seoung-bok 070-4617-2695 (

Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved. can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website,


Korean Pancake, Kimchijeon K-FOOD


Korea is the birthplace of Kimchi. In 2001, CODEX, which is under the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, recognized Kimchi as an international standard, and Korea proudly pre sented itself as the origin of Kimchi as ‘Kimchi’ was decided as the official English name. Recently, as November 22 was enacted as ‘Kimchi Day’, Korea strengthened its position as the birthplace of Kimchi.


- The Best in Season: Oysters


Korean Infant Formula Recognized by Mothers Around the World



Exploration Trend & Culture

- The Best Product Online: Glass Noodles

26 40 26 HEALTH & WELLNESS Sandulhae CO., LTD., Opening New Horizons for Hangwa



November 2021 vol. 313

Photo by Dameulstudio



Paik Jong-won, the ‘Korean Food Master ’ RECIPE

Adding Flavor to Dishes with Korean Pastes 20 30 FOCUS ON PEOPLE Chef Eric Trochon, Master of Parisian Cuisine 24 PHOTO ESSAY

Attention from All over the World

Korean Sweet Persimmons



Korea is the birthplace of Kimchi. In 2001, CODEX, which is under the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, recog nized Kimchi as an international standard, and Korea proudly presented itself as the origin of Kimchi as ‘Kimchi’ was decided as the official English name. Recently, as November 22 was enacted as ‘Kimchi Day’, Korea strengthened its position as the birthplace of Kimchi. Korea held its first ‘Kimchi Day’ ceremony last year, and this year, the state of California in the United States designated November 22, the same day as Korea’s, as ‘California State Kimchi Day’. As such, Kimchi is elevating its status as the representative food of Korea and K-FOOD.

C over Story

Representative of K-FOOD,

4 Korea Agrafood

November 2021 5 K-FOODの代表食? キムチ 韓國はキムチの宗主國だ?2001年に國際連合食糧農業機關傘下の コ デックス委員會(CODEX)は?キムチを國際標準に認定した? これにより?韓國の「Kimchi」が公式の英語名として認められ?韓 國はキムチの宗主國としてその名を上げた?最近では?11月22日 が「キムチの日」に制定されたことでキムチ宗主國としての地位をよ り强固なものとした?韓國は?昨年初めて「キムチの日」の記念式典 を開催した?今年は?米國のカリフォルニア州が韓國と同日の11 月22日を「キムチの日」と定めた?このように?キムチは韓國の代 表食でありK FOODの代表走者としての地位を高めている?

6 Korea Agrafood

ow many types of Kimchi are there? It is said that the number of Kimchi recipes is the same as the number of Korean mothers. This means that there are many ways to make Kimchi and many types of Kimchi. Kimchi is made with vari ous ingredients such as Kimchi cabbage, leaf mus tard, radish, perilla leaves, leek, and green onion. There are also Kkakdugi (diced radish Kimchi), Oisobagi (cucumber Kimchi) as well as Kimchi with water, NabakKimchi (water Kimchi), and Dongchimi (radish water Kimchi). There is also Kimchi that represents each region. Gyeonggi-do

さて?キムチのどのくらいの種類があるのだろう か? 韓國には?キムチの製法の數は韓國の母親の 數と同じという言葉がある?キムチを漬ける方法が 數多くあるという意味で?それほどキムチの 種類 も多い?白菜?からし菜?ヨルム(大根の若菜)?エ ゴマの葉?ニラ?ネギなどの樣?な材料でキムチを 漬け?カクトゥギ(大根のキムチ)やオイソバギ(キ ュウリのキムチ)ははもちろん?ナバクキムチ(水キ H 材料と地域により?無限に廣がる キムチの世界 C over Story According to Ingredients and Regions, the Boundless World of Kimchi

has fresh and light BossamKimchi (wrapped Kimchi), Chung-cheongnam-do has GegukjiKimchi that has radish and Kimchi cabbage mixed with var ious seafood, Jeollanam-do has DolsangatKimchi made with fresh leaf mustard from Dolsan in Yeosu, and Gyeongsangbuk-do has KongnipKimchi, which is made by fermenting soybean leaves.

November 2021 7 ムチ)?トンチミ(大根の水キムチ)のように汁があ るキムチもある?地域ごとに代表的なキムチがあ る?京畿道はさっぱりとして淡泊な味のポッサムキ ムチ?忠淸南道は大根の葉·莖と白菜に樣?な海産 物を入れたケグッチキムチ?全羅南道は麗水(ヨス) の突山(トルサン)で栽培されるからし菜(韓國語で カッ)を漬けた突山カッキムチ?慶尙北道は黃色く なった大豆の葉(韓國語でコンニップ)を發酵させて 作るコンニップキムチなどがそうした例だ? キムチは旣に韓國を越えて全世界で人?の關心を集め ている食品だ?これは?輸出成果にも現れている? 2021年1月から9月のキムチの輸出實績は1億2,380 万ドルで?2020年の同期比で14 1%增加した?こ うした傾向が續けば?昨年歷代最高を記錄した1億 4,450万ドルを追い越すとの予測も出ている?

Korean Kimchi

Kimchi is a food that is already drawing attention not only in Korea but also around the world. This is also leading to export performance. Kimchi exports in the 3Q of 2021 (January to September) were USD 123.8 million, up 14.1% from the same period in 2020. If this trend continues, some predict that Kimchi exports could surpass the record high of USD 144.5 million last year.

8 Korea Agrafood C over Story Culture of Making and Sharing Kimchi, Kimjang キムチを漬けて分かち合う文化? キムジャン

In a Kimchi survey conducted by the Kimchi Association of Korea on 117 visitors during the 6th Seoul Kimjang Culture Festival from November 1 to 2, 2019, 75.2% answered ‘I will make Kimchi this year’. This shows that Kimjang is still an important yearly practice to be done once a year for Koreans, and it is only after completing this task that Koreans prepare for winter

November 2021 9 寒くなってくる11月の晩秋? 韓國人は奔走する? キムジャンのためだ?キムジャンは韓國人が寒い 冬を過ごすために?大量のキムチを 度に漬ける 食文化だ?廣?とした庭に家族全員が集まり?キ ムジャンの材料を準備した後?キムチの具材や藥 味を白菜の間にまんべんなく入れて混ぜ合わせて 甕のなかに重ね重ねに積み上げていく?この甕を 地中に埋めれば?キムジャンは終わりだ?このキ ムチは冬に始まり? 年の間?われわれの食卓に 美味しさといろどりを與えてくれる?キムジャン の時期にどこにでもあった甕の役割は?最近では キムチ冷藏庫が取って代わっているが?キムジャ ンの中身は今も昔も變わらない? 特に?家族だけでなく近所の人?が集まってキム ジャンを行うことから?キムジャンは共同體の分 かち合いを實踐する文化としても重要な意味を持 つ?こうした價値が認められ?「キムジャン?韓 國のキムチを漬け?分かち合う文化」は?2013年 にはユネスコの人類無形文化遺産に搭載された? つまり?キムジャン文化は世界全體でともに守り 傳える文化遺産として認められたのだ? 大韓民國キムチ協會が2019年11月1 2日に第6回 ソウルキムジャン文化祭の間?訪問客の117人を 對象に實施したキムチのアンケ トで「今年キム チを漬ける」との回答の割合は75 2%となっ た?キムジャンは未だに韓國人にと って年に 度必ず行わなければ ならない重要なイベントで? このイベントが終わったと きにはじめて?冬を迎える 準備をするのが韓國人だ?

Kimchi is also significant as a culture of sharing com munity given the act of gathering with not only family but also neighbors.

Recognized for this value, ‘Kimjang: Making and Sharing Kimchi in the Republic of Korea’ was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2013. The Kimjang culture was recognized as a cultural heritage that the whole world should preserve and pass down to the next generation.

oreans get busy in late autumn in November, when the weather gets chilly It is for Kimjang, a food culture in which Koreans make large amounts of Kimchi at once for the cold winter. The whole family gathers in the spacious yard to prepare the ingredients for Kimchi, make the seasonings, mix them evenly between the Kimchi cabbages, and stack finished Kimchi in the Jangdok (jar). If this jangdok is buried in the ground, Kimjang is finished. This Kimchi ensures a delicious meal on our table all year round from winter. This is a common scene during the Kimjang season. Although the role of Jangdok is recently replaced by a Kimchi refriger ator, the process of making Kimchi is the same as before.


C over Story 10 Korea Agrafood

ovember 22 is ‘Kimchi Day’. ‘Kimchi Day’ is a legal anniversary established in 2020 to inherit and develop the Kimchi cul ture and to promote the value and excellence of Kimchi. November 22nd was designated as ‘Kimchi Day’ to express 11 ingredients are used to achieve 22 efficacies of Kimchi.

November 22 is also ‘California’s Kimchi Day’. The California State Legislature adopted a resolution to enact ‘Kimchi Day’ (November 22), which stipulated that ‘Korea is the coun

11月22日は「キムチの日」だ?「キムチの日」は?キムチ文 化を繼承·發展することで?キムチの價値とすぐれた力 をアピ ルする目的で?2020年に制定された法定記念 日で?キムチの11種類(11月)の材料を使用して?22種 類(22日)の效能を表すという意味を腐め?11月22日を 「キムチの日」に定めた? 11月22日は「カリフォルニア州のキムチの日」でもある? 「 キ ム チ の 日 」? キ ム チ の す ぐ れ た 力を世界へアピ―ル Spreading the Excellence of Kimchi to the World ‘Kimchi Day’ N

Watch Korea’s Kimchi video

try of origin of Kimchi’, along with ‘the popu larity of Kimchi in the United States, increase in demand and exports, history of Kimchi and its excellence as a health food’. Kim Chun-jin, the President of the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT), attended the ceremony to commemorate the enactment of resolution after receiving the official invitation of Representative Steve Choi from the State of California in the United States, who proposed the resolution to enact the ‘Kimchi Day’.

November 2021 11 米國·カリフォルニア州の議會で「キムチの日(11月22 日)」制定の決議案を採擇した?決議文では「米國でのキ ムチの人氣?需要および輸出增加?キムチの歷史および 健康食品としてのすぐれた品質」に加えて?「韓國がキム チの宗主國」という点が明文化された?金チュンジン· 韓國農水産食品流通公社(aT)社長は?キムチの日制定の 決議案を代表發議したスティ ブ·チェ(韓國名:チ ェ·ソクホ)米國カリフォルニア州下院議員の公式の招 待を受け?決議文の制定記念イベントに出席した? このように?aTは海外にキムチをアピ ルするために樣 ?な力を注いでいる?aTは農林畜産食品部とともに?イ ギリスで7月から3ヶ月間キムチレシピチャレンジをオン ラインで開催した?チャレンジには?イギリスのミシュ ランスタ シェフの「マルコ·ピエ ル·ホワイト」と 1990年代の代表的な歌手「レイチェル·スティ ブン ス」が參加したなか?116名の參加者が116種類のキムチ のレシピを披露した?また?4~5月はロシアでキムチ100 万ドル輸出突破のために?モスクワでキムチをテ マと したロシアオン·オフライン統合マ ケティングの活動 を進めた 方?4 6月は米國で現地の將來の消費者のた めのアメリカキムチ消費者體驗のプロモ ション活動を 進め?7月は日本で地域キムチTV廣告事業も推進した?

As such, aT is making various efforts to promote Kimchi abroad. With the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, aT held an online Kimchi recipe challenge for three months starting from July in the UK. British Michelin star chef Marco Pierre White and Rachel Stevens, a pop singer representing the 1990s, participated in the challenge, and a to tal of 116 people presented 116 Kimchi recipes. Also, aT promoted online and offline integrated marketing activities with the Kimchi theme in Moscow in April-May to break through the USD 1 million export of Kimchi to Russia, promoted the American Kimchi consumer experience for future con sumers in the United States in April-June, and promoted Kimchi TV advertising business in Japan in July


12 Korea Agrafood Farmtastic

Attention from All over the World Sweet Persimmons

November 2021 13

hangwon, Gyeongsangnam-do, which cultivated first persimmon trees in Korea, is undeniably the home of sweet per simmons. Having good cultivation conditions with the largest area, Changwon produces 20% of all sweet persimmons produced in Korea. As such, you can expect high-quality sweet persimmons and stable quantities. Located in Changwon, Bukchangwon National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (BNACF) has been working with 200 farmers for over 10 years to expand the consumption base of Korean sweet persimmons abroad.

Pioneering the Overseas Market through Strict Selection

BNACF first exported sweet persimmons in 2010. Since its establishment in 1977, BNACF had only sold them to the Korean market, but as the demand for sweet persim mons decreased mainly among young people, BNACF sought to export abroad to maintain the unit price. As a consensus on the necessity of export was formed between the Agricultural Cooperative and the producers, BNACF set out to strictly select sweet persimmons to en hance export competitiveness. It classified the export volume based on small fruits preferred by Southeast Asian countries and improved the quality by dividing the selection process into three steps. In addition, if the sugar con tent did not reach 14 brix, BNACF boldly ex cluded from the export. All participating farms worked hard to be recognized for their quality, such as receiving Korean GAP certification.

嚴格な選別で海外開拓 北昌原農協が甘枾を最初に輸出したのは2010年だ?同農 協は1977年に設立された後?韓國市場のみで取扱ってき たが?甘枾に對する需要が若い層を中心に減少すると?單 價を支えるために輸出を模索し?輸出を行ったものだ?輸 出の必要性に對する合意が農協と生産農家の間で形成され るにつれ?輸出競爭力を高めるための嚴格な選別が行われ ることになった? 東南アジアの國?で好まれる小玉の枾を中心に輸出量を分 類し?選別過程を3段階に分けて品質を高めた?また?糖 度も14度以上にならなければ?容赦なく輸出から外され る?參加農家も全て韓國のGAP認證を受けるなど?品質 を認められるために努力している?

President Kim Taek-gon

C 韓國で初めて枾の木を栽培した慶尙南道昌原(チャンウォ ン)は?名實ともに甘枾のふるさとだ?良好な栽培條件を 備え?韓國産甘枾の生産量の20%を占めている?栽培面 積もまた韓國で最大だ?それほど?高品質の甘


Kim Taek-gon, President of BNACF, re called, “When we first looked into the export market, a huge consensus on overseas export was formed as the consumption of sweet per simmons in Korea was decreasing. We decid ed that we should export only high-quality 枾と安定的 な量を期待できるということだ?この場所に位置する北昌 原農協は10年以上にわたり?200戶余りの農家とともに海 外での韓國産甘枾の消費の可能性を擴大している?

Quality Improvement through High Cultivation Training

14 Korea Agrafood


sweet persimmons in the early stages of ex port to ensure steady consumption abroad. Thanks to all of the producers’ cooperation and hard work, we have been able to earn trust from overseas buyers and export our sweet persimmons stably for 11 years.”


費が減っており? 輸出に對する意識も高まった?輸出の初期に品質のよい甘 枾のみを輸出してこそ?海外でも繼

To improve the quality of sweet persim mons, BNACF is paying particular attention to its cultivation training. With the belief that excellent crops grow under great training, it divides cultivation training into regular and ir regular classes. Regular classes are subdivided into quarters, providing a total of 8 step-bystep trainings, including pruning in the first quarter and fruiting lectures in the second quarter. In addition, BNACF invites lectures from Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, concentrating to enhance the professionalism of growers. Although regular classes were held only twice this year due to COVID-19, BNACF plans to carry out the training as soon as COVID-19 昌原農協組合長は?「輸出販路を 初に模索した當時は?韓國で甘枾の消 續的な消費につながる と判斷した?皆で心を つにして取り組んだおかげで?海 外のバイヤ からの信賴を獲得し?11年間安定的に輸出 が行われた?」と回想した? 質向上を支えた質の高い栽培に關する敎育 枾の品質向上のために?北昌原農協で特に氣を付けてい 栽培に關する

敎育だ?質の高い敎育のもとで質の高 い農産物が生産されるという信念にもと?栽培敎育を正規の 授業と非正規の授業に分けて實施している?正規授業は段階 別に細分化し?第1段階は剪定?第2段階は着果數の講義な ど?全郞で8つの段階別に敎育を實施している?また?慶尙 南道農業技術院から講師を招くなど?栽培農家の專門性の 高めるために注力している?例えば?今年は新型コロナで 正規授業が2回のみ實施されたが?農家の敎育意欲は高く? 新型コロナの狀況改善により?順次進める計畵だ? 金樣坤組合長は?「質の良い農作物を生産するためには? 敎育が重要だ?北昌原農協で進めている栽培敎育は基礎ク ラスから應用發展クラスへと段階別に授業が進められるが? 農家の敎育に對する意欲は高く?午前と午後のクラスに分 けて實施している?農家の栽培能力の向上に對する意識が 高いことから?品質も繼續的に改善されてきており?專門 Farmtastic

ends given the fervor of farm households about the training.

Expanding to New Market Exports

President Kim said, “Training is important to produce good crops. Our training has stepby-step classes from beginner to advanced, di vided into morning and afternoon classes due to the strong enthusiasm of farmers. As they are very determined to improve their cultiva tion ability, their quality of sweet persimmons and professionality are also improving.”

President Kim Taek-gon of BNACF said, “If the export to China is opened following Vietnam, we highly expect to be able to export large fruits. BNACF is the largest producer of sweet persimmons nationwide, and we want to become the best exporter We will do our best to improve the quality of sweet persim mons and farm cultivation training so that we can add a premium image to Korean sweet persimmons, and export even more than be fore.”

Bukchangwon National Agricultural Cooperative Federation

BNACF mainly exports its sweet persim mons to 7 countries, including Hong Kong, Southeast Asia such as Singapore, and Canada. Exports have been steadily increas ing, amounting to about USD 1.1million in 2020 and exceeding the annual average export performance. Future performance is also antic ipated as exports to Vietnam have increased recently. Unlike other Southeast Asian coun tries, Vietnam is a country highly appreciated by farmers as they prefer large fruits. There is another thing to look forward to: exports to China will become possible in the future. Although China also grows sweet persim mons, it is expected that Korea will success fully export sweet persimmons to China as it has a demand for high-quality sweet persim mons as in Vietnam.

November 2021 15

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性も向上している?」と述べた? 新市場への輸出擴大に期待 北昌原農協の主力輸出先は香港を筆頭に?シンガポ ルを はじめとした東南アジア?カナダなど7つの國·地域だ? 輸出が繼續的に增加しており?2020年には110万ドルほ どの輸出額を記錄した?年間平均輸出實績を突破した?最 近では?ベトナムへの輸出量が增加するにつれ?今後の實 績についても期待されている?他の東南アジア諸國と異 なり?ベトナムは大玉が好まれるため?農家も喜ぶ輸出 國だ?そのほかに?期待する部分もある?今後可能となる 中國への輸出だ?中國でも甘枾を栽培しているが?ベトナ ムと同じく高品質の甘枾に對する需要があり?大玉の輸出 が順調に行われていくものと予想している? 金樣坤組合長は?「韓國で甘枾を取扱う業者としては?北 昌原農協の規模が最大だが?輸出においてもあらゆる面で トップになりたいと考えている?韓國産甘枾にプレミアム なイメ ジを加えられるよう?農家の栽培敎育と甘枾の品 質改善に努力し?輸出がさらに順調に行われるよう努力し ていきたい?」と述べた?

變化的調制球粉市場 隨着小家庭化帶來的人口出生率癎少已成爲全球性趨勢?也就是說,人口的死亡 率高于新生傅的出生率?這種變化不可避免地繇捲叛幼傅的主要食品調制球粉市 場産生影響? 但在中攻?東南亞?中東等攻家和地袴,調制球粉市場依然有屠展前景?如在世 界上人口最多的中攻,隨着近來開始麟施新的三胎政策,有望繇進 步促進叛幼 傅食品尤其是調制球粉市場的屠展?越南的人口也 直保持穩定的增長之勢,預 計到2024年突破 億大關,由此叛幼傅産品市場也繇進 步得到屠展?叛幼傅食 品市場的頑大必將繇進 步帶動叛幼傅的主要食品調制球粉市場的屠展? The Changing Infant Formula Market Korean Infant Formula Recognized by Mothers Around the World 全球綾綾們公認的韓攻調制球粉

絞殃自己吃得差 些,能讓孩子 吃到最好的是所有父母的共同心 愿?捲新生傅鉤球前所吃的球粉 更是如此?所以,葉便在蕭穡的 格上環境下調制球粉市場依然熱 度不癎?在這種狀拗下,優質安 全的韓攻産球粉已成爲全球綾綾 們的共同選楊?

Even if parents choose rel atively inexpensive prod ucts for themselves, every parent wants to feed only good things to their chil dren. Infant formula is es pecially important for new born babies before they can eat baby food. Therefore, even in the eco nomic recession, the baby infant formula market rarely cools down. In this situation, Korean infant for mulas are being chosen by mothers around the world for their safety and premi um quality

The decline in population growth due to nuclearization of family is a global trend. This indicates that the death rate is higher than the birth rate. Such a change is expected to affect the infant formula market, which is representative of food for infants and toddlers. However, it is predicted that the infant formula market will grow in countries such as China, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. This is because China, which has the world’s largest population, has recently announced the implementation of the three-child fami ly planning policy, and the infant formula market within the market for food for infants and toddlers is expected to grow Vietnam’s population is expected to pass 100 million by 2024 due to steady population growth, and it is analyzed that the marketability of in fant products will also increase. The growing market for food for infants and toddlers is gaining momentum from the growth forecast of the infant formula market.

16 Korea Agrafood Global Trend _ Korean Infant Formula

November 2021 17

Products made by diversifying raw milk used in infant formula are notable as well. For in fants and toddlers who are allergic to milk pro

18 Korea Agrafood Global Trend _ Korean Infant Formula

The Fierce Infant Formula Market

tein, infant formulas made with goat milk or sheep milk in place of the existing raw milk are being released. In addition, recently, there has been an appearance of infant formula that is free from the hassle of mixing the powder-type formula with water For example, products of various types and packaging such as sticks, cube types, or liquid types that are packaged in single portions are being launched. These prod ucts are receiving a lot of attention for their convenience since they do not require baby bot tles or thermos when going out.

<Source: Baidu>

The most crucial point for the infant formula market, which has grown steeply, is certainly safety Recently, adult formula is also in the limelight, but since most of the products are fo cused on children, selecting a safe product is essential. Further, the premium market, which stresses organic ingredients and immune ef fects, is drawing attention. Thus, companies around the world that produce infant formulas are targeting the market with such aspects at the forefront. There are, for example, products that use organic raw milk to tailor to children’s stage-by-stage growth and development or products that use raw milk without growth hor mones.

競爭激烈的調制球粉市場 捲于快速屠展的調制球粉市場來講,最熱門的話題就是産品 的安全性?盡管近來有不少蜈受消費者歡迎的成人用調制球 粉産品,但大部分調制球粉都是以叛幼傅爲捲象進行生産, 所以選楊安全的産品是必需的?同時,以有机産品?提高免 疫力産品等爲主的高圭産品市場也備受消費者關注,世界各 地的調制球粉生産商也都以這些爲招牌進行市場攻略?如, 以有机原球爲原料按叛幼傅各成長階段量身定制的産品,使 用不含成長荷爾蒙的原球生産的産品等等? 用于生産調制球粉的原球多樣化産品也値得關注?如,專門 爲患有乳蛋白過敏症的叛幼傅生産的以山羊球或綿羊球爲原 料的調制球粉産品在陸樓上市?最近還出現了 種可免去球 粉兌水麻煩的調制球粉,如按一次用量包裝的棒袋裝?方塊 形或液郞小包裝産品等?這些産品在出門在外時不需要球甁 或保溫甁等,方便麟用,所以蜈受消費者歡迎?

等新興攻 家的出口頑大是這種占有率變化的主要因素?事麟上,截 止今年8月,韓攻調制球粉捲柬璵寨的出口額同比前 年 增加了21%?同期,捲巴基斯坦的出口額也增加了27% 左右?調査結果顯示,韓攻調制球粉出口額一度受挫的捲 華出口,今年也比去年同期增長了17 6%? 韓攻調制球粉之所以能誥被海外市場所接受,是因爲具有 以先進設施爲基礎的産品安全保障及准確把握 的變化趨勢?推出有益于叛傅大腦屠 的含DHA成分的産品以及進入中攻特 種球粉市場的産品等都是其最具代憐性 的産品? 韓攻調制球粉行業負責人說道, “韓 攻産調制球粉的效能和安全性都是 流的,而且在持樓堅持開屠適應世界 市場變化趨勢的産品,所以出口 競爭力也十分高? ”

A Korean manufacturing industry said, “Korean infant formulas are ing in terms of product efficacy and are persistently developing products that meet global trends, so we have competitiveness in ex ports.”

November 2021 19

Korean infant formula products work in global markets. Particularly, exports of baby formula products, which have been concentrat ed within the Chinese market, are diversifying into the Southeast Asian market.

The reason why Korean infant formula is recognized overseas seems to be owing to product safety based on excellent production facilities and also because of properly identify ing market trends. Examples include products that are fortified with DHA, which is good for a baby’s brain development, and products that have entered China’s special infant formula milk powder market.

,其 間


Korean Infant Formulas Recognized Around the World 攻的 球粉産品在 界市場 也蜈受寵 尤其是 偏重 出口中攻市場的調制球粉 呈現出捲東南亞市場 出口等多仝化趨勢?加之,隨着部分産品進入中攻特種球 粉市場,出口攻家和産品多樣化愈加明顯? 据韓攻農水産食品流通公社(aT)統計,2020年調制球粉 的總出口額爲9090万美元,其中捲華出口爲6200万美 元,占總出口額的68%?而前 年韓攻調制球粉捲中攻 的出口占了77%?分析認爲,捲越南?柬璵寨


According to the Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT), exports of infant formula in 2020 amounted to USD 90.9 mil lion, of which China accounted for 68% of the total with USD 62 million. Exports of Korean infant formula to China accounted for 77% in the previous year. It is analyzed that this change in market share was incurred by expanding ex ports to emerging countries such as Vietnam and Cambodia. In fact, exports of Korean infant formula to Cambodia until August this year in creased by 21% compared to the same period last year. Exports to Pakistan also increased by 27% during the same period.

世人靑器的韓攻調制球粉 韓

20 Korea Agrafood Special K-FOOD _ Pastes

Adding Flavor to Dishes with Korean Pastes

The global popularity of Korean pastes such as Gochujang (red chili paste), Ganjang (soy sauce), and Doenjang (soybean paste) is truly amazing. This is because Korean pastes, the high light of slow food, are made by aging ingredients for as long as several years for a good taste. In line with health-conscious consumption trend in the COVID-19 era, Korean pastes are drawing more attention as they represent fermented food.

n Korea, there is a saying that pastes are the most important thing in food. Since each house used to make their own fermented pastes in the past, it was said that no matter how good ingredients are, food with not so good pastes can not be a good food. Gochujang, Ganjang, and Doenjang account for such a high proportion of Korean food that they are indispensable from Korean food. They also continue to lead their reputations abroad, which is evident in their ex port performance. According to the Korea AgroFisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT), ex ports of Korea’s representative pastes, Gochujang, Ganjang, and Doenjang, have grown sharply since COVID-19. In fact, exports of these 3 items increased 26% from USD 61.98 million in 2019 to USD 78.62 million in 2020. USD 48.86 million worth of the products were exported by this August, proving the soaring popularity of Korean fermented pastes.



國農水 産食品流通公社(aT)の調査によれば?韓國の代表的 なジャンのコチュジャン?カンジャン?テンジャン の輸出額はコロナ禍において急擴大した?實際に? これら3品目の輸出額は2019年の6,198万ドルから 2020年には7,862万ドルへ26%も伸びた?今年も8月 までで4,886万ドルほどが輸出された?未だに?韓國 のジャンの人氣は衰えてはいない? 目覺しい韓國のジャンの輸出實績 <Source: Instargram Account>

November 2021 21


Notable Export Performance of Korean Pastes がおいしくない家の料理はいくらよい 食材を使ったとしてもおいしくはならないといわれて それほどに 韓國料理ではコチュジャン?カン ジャン テンジャンが不可缺であり?これらのジャ ンが韓國料理に果たす役割は高いのだ? こうした韓國のジャンが海外でも名聲を保っている が?これは輸出實績にもよく表れている?韓

I 韓國では?ジャンは全ての味の源という言葉がある? 昔は家ごとにジャンを作り?料理に使っていた?そ のため?ジャン

A traditional way to make Doenjang is using left over Meju after making Ganjang, by mixing it with salt and fermenting it in the Jangdok (jar). In Korea, Doenjang is an essential ingredient to season food and add flavor and nutrition. ?コチュジャンのように獨特な味がする食材はな かなかお目にかかれない?どのような料理にも合うという神秘 的な魔法の調味料という表現が出るほどだ?カンジャンは大豆 を茹でて寢かせてメジュ(味粃玉麴)を作った後?このメジュを 鹽水につけて發酵させたものだ?カンジャンは特有の香ばしさ と鹽味?甘味が幻想的に調和したものだ?こうした味により? カンジャンは和え物や汁物をつくるときに缺かせない? テンジャンの傳統的な製法は?カンジャンを作る際に殘ったメ ジュで作るというものだ?このメジュに鹽を混ぜたものを甕に 入れて發酵させて作ったのがテンジャンだ?韓國でテンジャン は料理の鹽味を調整し?味と榮養を加えるうえで不可缺な調味 料だ?そのため?用途も樣?だ?テンジャンの效能のなかで最 たるものはがんの予防にすぐれている点だ?健康志向の食生活 というトレンドに合わせて?韓國のテンジャンが人氣を獲得し た理由もここにある?

Korean Pastes, Same but Different

Ganjang is made of fermented soybeans by boil ing and soaking them in salt water to ferment. Its unique savory, salty, and sweet taste blend well for an amazingly delicious taste. Thanks to this taste, Ganjang cannot be left out in seasoning herbal veg etables or boiling soup.

First, Gochujang is made of red pepper powder, Meju (fermented soybean lump) powder, grain starch, malt powder, and salt. There are similar pastes to Ganjang and Doenjang abroad, but it is hard to find ingredients that produce a unique taste like Gochujang. Gochujang is even called a myste rious magical paste that goes well with any dish.

Korean pastes look the same, but they are used differently depending on the recipe or food.

22 Korea Agrafood Special K-FOOD _ Pastes

Gochujang Doenjang Ganjang

同じようで違う韓國のジャン 韓國のジャンは同じもののように見えるが?製法や料理により 使用するジャンが異なる? まず?コチュジャンは粉唐辛子?味粃玉麴粉?穀物のデンプン? 麥芽粉?鹽で作る?海外でもカンジャン?テンジャンに似た調 味料はあるが

In the Southeast Asian market, Gochujang drew widespread love from local consumers as the Korean drama ‘Itaewon Class’ became popular last year

が自肅となり?外食が減少した?この 方で?家庭 內食を擴大するきっかけにもなった?發酵食品の代表で ある韓國のジャン製品がこうした消費トレンドにマッチ したのだ?また?韓國のジャン製品は樣?な料理に活用 できる点も?海外で人氣になった理由に付け加えておき たい? Secret to the Popularity of Korean Pastes? <Source:

There are many complex factors behind the pop ularity of Korean pastes, but first, the Hallyu (Korean Wave) is considered to have the biggest in fluence on it. According to Gulf News, Gochujang sold at Dubai Global Village Korean Pavilion has once been introduced as a “must-have paste in the kitchen”. Gochujang has become popular mainly because it has been used as seasoning for Korean dishes, such as Bibimbap and Tteokbokki, that were exposed on Korean dramas and movies.

Along with this, the special situation of COVID19 is also a secret to the popularity of Korean pastes. COVID-19 has refrained people from eating out due to restricted outdoor activities, but on the other hand, it has also created a healthy food culture of cooking at home. Korean pastes, which represent fermented foods, fit with this consumption trend. That Korean pastes can be used in various dishes also add to the secret to their overseas popularity. 韓 流の影響が大きいことがある? 實際に?Gulf Newsによれば?ドバイのグロ バル·ビ レッジの韓國館で販賣しているコチュジャンが?「臺所 に必要不可缺なヤンニョムジャン」として紹介されたこ とがある?その理由は?韓國ドラマと映畵に登場した韓 國料理のビビンバとトッポギなどのヤンニョムとしてコ チュジャンが使用され?コチュジャンへの好感度が高ま ったためだ?東南アジア市場では昨年?韓國ドラマの 「梨泰院クラス」が流行し?現地の消費者の間で大きな人 氣を博したことがある? これらに加え?コロナ禍という特殊な狀況も韓國のジ ャン類の人氣の秘密といえる?コロナ禍により?野外 活動 gulfnews>

韓國のジャンの人氣の秘密は? 韓國のジャンの人氣の秘密は樣?なものが?まずは

November 2021 23

“Korean Traditional Fermented Sauces are Maturing Deliciously”

P h o t o E s s a y

It’s approaching late autumn. All the grains and fruits are ripening, and leaves turn bright red. Just like profoundly abundant autumn, Korea’s representative fermented sauces such as Gochujang (red chili paste), Doenjang (soybean paste), and Ganjang (soy sauce) are deepening in taste. Eyes closed, it’s as if you can hear the sound of Jang (Korean fermented sauce) maturing on the Jangdokdae (an outside space used to store or ferment food). The Korean traditional sauces that the owner fermented with all his heart will hopefully meet not only Korean but foreign consumers as well. The photograph shows a process of fermenting Jang in a traditional Korean way at the Jangdokdae in a house in Noseong-myeon, Nonsan, Chungcheongnam-do.

24 Korea Agrafood

November 2021 25

angwa is traditional Korean confectionery Yugwa is a type of Hangwa, and to make it, you knead glutinous rice powder with added alcohol, steam and dry it, then fry it in oil, and coat it with grain syrup and powdered with soy bean flour There is a place where Yugwa is baked without frying in oil. As a result of efforts to popularize Yugwa, which has a strong image as a holiday gift for adults, Agricultural Corporation Sandulhae CO., LTD. in Damyang, Jeollanam-do produces baked Yugwa. Sandulhae

Opening New Horizons for Hangwa

H 韓果是 種韓攻的傳統餠干?而油果便是其中的 種,油果是用酒和構米粉和面,蒸熟基干后再進行 油煎,然后再棨糖稀后最后憬上 層豆粉的桀点? 現在,有 家捲這種油果採用勁制方法而不是用油 炸方式進行生産的企業,那就是位于全羅南道譚陽 的農業企業法人Sandulhae(株)?這也是他們爲使 這種贈送老年人的節日饑物色彩濃重的油果更加大 衆化而努力的結果?Sandulhae(株)捲其所生産的 勁制油果産品能誥麟現韓果的大衆化及引領韓果的 世界化充滿自信? 開啓韓果的新紀元,Sandulhae株式繇社

26 Korea Agrafood Health & Wellness

Sandulhae CO., LTD.


Sandulhae’s flagship product is ‘Baked Yugwa’. Due to the nature of using oil, the disad vantage of Yugwa was that the taste, aroma, and texture changed over time because of oil acidifi cation. Yugwa, which is made by processing glutinous rice without additional additives, was regrettably shunned by consumers despite its be ing a low-calorie health food. Kim Hyun-man, CEO of Sandulhae CO., LTD., resigned from a Hangwa company and devoted himself to devel oping a baked Yugwa instead of frying it in oil, and introduced the baked Yugwa around 2012.

is confident that baked Yugwa will be able to lead the popularization as well as the globaliza tion of Hangwa.


Kim Hyun-man, CEO

0% Oil, Bake Yugwa

Sandulhae’s ‘Onmidang Baked Yugwa’ is made by baking Korean glutinous rice in a selfdesigned three-stage oven, and is made to rise 以切面結構如蜂巢般松軟 吃時不繇損傷粘 是不錯的叛幼傅零食 Sandulhae的油果産品 6憾月齡的幼傅開始所有年齡段的人皆可享用 果進入美攻市場 制油果的保質期爲 年 這要比油炸的 般油果 6憾月左右 這也是Sandulhae能將勁制的油果推

? 油


November 2021 27

用油0%,勁制油果 Sandulhae(株)的主力産品是“勁制的油果” ?制作 油果需要用油,而油制食品都存在因油脂酸敗而出 現的味道?香味?口感等屠生變化的缺点?油果是 未添加其他東西用純構米加工的産品,婁低熱量健 康食品,但遺憾的是現麟中幷不被消費者所看好? 由此,Sandulhae(株)的金炫晩CEO藜掉韓果公司 的工作,着手開始了用勁制的方法替代油炸工藝制 作油果的開屠,幷于2012前后推出了勁制的油果? Sandulhae(株)生産的“溫美芎勁制油果”利用韓攻 産構米和自主開屠的3倦勁爐進行勁制,幷利用譚陽 特産竹炭使油果的內外都能得到均勻的膨脹?由于 勁 制 的 油 果 不 用 油 , 而 是 迲 純 自 然 屠 酵 過 程 屠 泡 的,所

向海外市場的主要原因?從2015年開始的出口,現 在以美攻市場爲主年出口額已達到7000万韓元,占 年銷魔總額的10%?Sandulhae判鉤,勁制油果已 被美攻消費者所接受,其産品已進入穩定圈?今年 的目標是麟現出口額1億韓元? 出口的産品有棒狀形及便于美攻人吃的球

evenly to the core by using bamboo charcoal, a local specialty of Damyang. Since baked Yugwa is risen with a natural fermentation process with out using oil, the cross-sectional structure is soft in the form of a beehive, so it is safe from oral mucosa and good as a snack for toddlers. Sandulhae’s products can be enjoyed by all ages from 6-month-old babies.

Yugwa Enters the U.S. Market

In addition to stick-type products, ball-shaped products are also being exported to make it easier

狀形,幷 正在開屠含有藍撻和綠茶等成分的出口新産品? 金炫晩CEO說明道, “我們正在用便于美攻人理潁的 ‘Baked crunchy rice snack yum yum Yugwa’ 進行促銷活動?韓攻傳統餠干韓果是眞正的韓攻 食品(K FOOD),所以我們想到了捲外出口,讓 世界消費者了潁韓果所糾具的香甛味道魅力? ” 韓果世界化,幷不遙遠 Sandulhae蜈自信在不遠的將來勁制油果 定繇成爲 韓果世界化的主角?因爲,盡管世界各地的槐候?風 土 及 土 質 各 異 , 但 各 攻 都 以 穀 物 爲 主 食 , 而 Sandulhae生産的勁制油果又是用構米加工出的不 含任何添加物的純穀物健康食品? Sandulhae正在謀琬進入中攻市場?他們認爲,要 麟現産品走向東南亞?中東乃至斛洲的宏偉藍詭, 起航之地在于中攻?盡管今年由于新冠肺炎疫情進 28 Korea Agrafood Health & Wellness

The shelf life of baked Yugwa is one year. It is about six months longer than the shelf life of reg ular deep fried Yugwa. This is why Sandulhae’s baked Yugwa can be competitive in overseas mar kets. Starting in 2015, it is currently exported worth KRW 70 million per year, mainly to the United States. It is about 10% of annual sales. Sandulhae believes that baked Yugwa has entered the stable zone as it has received attention from consumers. This year’s goal is KRW 100 million.

to eat for Americans. Also, new products con taining blueberries and green tea are being devel oped for export.

CEO Kim Hyun-man explained, “We are pro moting ‘Baked crunchy rice snack-yum yum Yugwa’ so that Americans can easily understand our products. We started exporting Hangwa with the idea that our traditional Korean confectionery is authentic K-FOOD. And they are finding out Hangwa’s unique savory and gently sweet taste.”

CEO Kim Hyun-man said, “I will strive for the globalization of Hangwa together with ‘The Well Food,’ which was established by my three daughters with the aim of promoting healthy baked Yugwa to a lot more people. I will contin ue to work towards my dream of traveling around the world following Sandulhae’s overseas stores as our baked Yugwa will be recognized as world-renowned K-FOOD.”

Sandulhae CO., LTD.

入中攻的大門被關閉,但他們正在爲重新敲開關閉 的大門竭盡努力,而且有望在明年開始捲中攻出口 勁制油果産品? 金炫晩CEO憐示, “三憾女傅爲了‘讓更多的人了潁 勁制韓果’成立了‘The Well Food’ ?我們將侮翡 們一道共同爲韓果的世界化而努力?我們的目標是 讓 勁 制 油 果 成 爲 世 人 關 心 的 韓 攻 食 品 , 讓 Sandulhae的海外店鋪遍布世界各地? ” November 2021 29

Sandulhae was confident that baked Yugwa could play a major role in the globalization of Hangwa. It is based on the fact that grain is a sta ple food in any country even though climate and soil quality are different throughout the world, and also that Sandulhae’s baked Yugwa is a health food made by processing one of the grains, rice, in the simplest way without additives.

Sandulhae is trying to enter the Chinese market. This is out of their confidence that China will be beginning of the blueprint to expand exports beyond Southeast Asia to the Middle East and Europe. This year, COVID-19 has closed the channels to China, but knocking on the door again. It is pre dicted that baked Yugwa will be exported to China next year

+82-61-381-0025 +82-61-381-0098

The Globalization of Hangwa is not Too Far Away

30 Korea Agrafood

Korean Agricultural Products that Goes Well with Overseas Local Food

Focus on People

Chef Eric Trochon, Master of Parisian Cuisine

This September, Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) held a K-FOOD Export Fair in Paris, France and drew attention by consulting on Korean agricultural products exports worth USD 12.4 million. aT especially captured the visitors’ attention with the participation of Chef Eric Trochon, a master chef in Paris, France who presented high-quality dishes using Korean ingredients in a cooking demonstration event held at a local restaurant in Paris. Through Chef Eric Trochon, we heard about the competitiveness of Korean Agricultural Products.

How would you like to introduce Korean food globally in the future?

I would like to hear if Korean Agricultural Products goes well with overseas local foods.


Korean cuisines are special because they use traditional ingredients. Korea’s food culture is the exact opposite of Korea’s “HurryHurry” culture because Koreans spend a lot of time getting ingredients that are both healthy and tasteful. Fermentation is the core of Korean cuisine and flavor as well. For ex ample, Korea is one of the few countries that wait years to get the perfect Ganjang (soy sauce).

November 2021 31

What do you think is the competitiveness of Korean Agricultural Products?



I am a head chef at a restaurant in Paris, France, and a globetrotter who travels around the world. My love for cooking and traveling since I was a child has led me to work extensively in Asia and thus I know Korea very well.

Could you give us a brief introduction about yourself?

Korean ingredients go well with local French food and French culture. When I try to make fusion food in a fancy, classy way, Korean ingredients are perfect for French food.

You hosted a pre-cooking event at the K-FOOD Fair in Paris, what kind of dishes did you present?


I think Korean cuisines are based a lot on seasonings and ingredients, so the ingredi ents should be introduced little by little fol lowed by the beef seasoning method as I said before. In my opinion, the beef mari nade sauce is very interesting. I will slowly make effort to get people familiar with Korean food ingredients. As people become familiar with the taste, we’ll be able to use more Korean recipes.


The dishes presented at this year ’s K-FOOD Fair are French cuisine that used Korean in gredients. For example, one of the main dishes is lobster raviole with Kimchi seafood sauce and it was one of the most popular dishes there. Another dish is roast beef ten derloin marinated in Korean pear juice and served with a sauce like Korean Bulgogi sauce. For this sauce, I used Gochujang (red chili paste) as a seasoning and modified it by adding apples and butter. These dishes were very well received on the event spot.

Milk from the Sea, Oysters

32 Korea Agrafood Monthly Pick The Best in Season 11 Nov.

Called “milk from the sea”, oysters are rich in various nutrients but are expensive due to low supply compared to demand. However, the situation is different in Korea. As the world’s second-largest pro ducer, Korea boasts inexpensive but excellent quality oysters. Thanks to this, many people in Korea eat oysters from October to December Oysters can be enjoyed in any way you eat them.


November 2021 33

Eat Healthy Oysters with Lemons

Zoom In

Tongyeong, Geoje, and Goseong in Gyeongsangnam-do are the main produc tion areas of oysters in Korea. Korean oysters produced here account for 75.3% of the total proportion. The southern coast, where Gyeongsangnam-do is locat ed, is warm in winter, does not have a large difference in the ebb and flow of tide, and has calm and mild waves be cause there are many islands on it. As a result, Tongyeong areas on the southern coast have become Korea’s major oyster farming area. Good oysters are firm and have clear black frames on the edges when the plump fat is pressed. These oys ters are not only good to be steamed or cooked but also can be tasted better when they are eaten raw. In Korea, Gochujang (red chili paste) or Doenjang (soybean paste) is added for seasoning. The Korean government manages and maintains the sea environment to ensure high-quality oysters are produced. Thanks to such ef forts, Korean oysters are exported to Japan, the United States, and Hong Kong with popularity

O y s t e r s

Oysters are even better to eat with lemons, because ascorbic acid, which is vitamin C contained in lemons, helps ab sorb iron into the intestines and treats ane mia. What’s most important is that lemons enhance the taste of oysters. When lemon juice is squeezed into oys ters, the fishy smell disappears, and the citric acid of lemons inhibits food poison ing and bacterial reproduction for a steril izing effect.

Nourish Your Health with Kor ean Oysters

Oysters are rich in essential amino acids and calcium among proteins. Abundant in oysters, iron is the main component of he moglobin in the blood and helps prevent anemia. As an excellent tonic food, oys ters are also effective in correcting the broken nutritional balance. This is why oysters are called “milk from the sea”.

It’s great to have, and it’s lacking to not have this is about glass noodles. Made of starch from sweet potatoes and potatoes, glass noodles have a good texture and thus they go well with any dish. As a re sult, glass noodles are used in various ways in Korean food. Recently, Korean glass noodles are gaining popularity in Southeast Asia, more as a ‘main ingredient’ rather than as a supplementary ingredient.

It Goes Well with All Kinds of Dishes, Glass Noodles

34 Korea Agrafood

Monthly Pick The Best Product Online

Best Seller

N o o d l e s

November 2021 35

Glass Noodle Purchases along Japchae’s Popularity

Why do Southeast Asian consumers pur chase Korean glass noodles? According to sales forms and consumer reviews, the num ber one reason for the purchase is to eat Japchae (stir-fried glass noodles and vegeta bles). Japchae is a traditional Korean dish made with glass noodles as the main ingre dient and with meat and various vegetables. As a proof, Ottogi’s Ready-to-Cook Yetnal Japchae has also risen to popularity on Shopee along with glass noodles. A con sumer who purchased glass noo dles said, “I always buy this to make Japchae, texture is great!” Let’s check out the purchase reviews of con sumers satisfied with the quality of Korean glass noodles. Shopee> Shopee>


G l

Korean glass noodles have recently been drawing exceptional attention at Shopee, Southeast Asia’s largest shopping mall. They have received a ‘Star ’ label, which means a popular product, in Indonesia’s Shopee, and a ‘Preferred’ label in the Philippines and Singapore. Such popularity is not limited to one or two product brands, as various Korean glass noodles such as BEKSUL, SAJO, and Chungjungone are also chosen by consumers.

Glass noodles are sold with convenient stor age so they can be used anywhere, and cut glass noodles and short glass noodles have al so been released for any cooking purpose. These noodles can be soaked in hot water for about 10 minutes to prepare for cooking.

Glass noodles may not taste that unique but have a pleasant ‘chewy taste’. Also, whatever ingredients cooked together with glass noo dles add to the flavor Some great examples are glass noodles in Jjimdak (braised chick en), Bulgogi, and Budaejjigae (sausage stew), which are popular Korean dishes even among foreigners. Glass noodles in here add to the texture and rich feeling of the dishes.

Popular Item on Shopee, ‘Korean Glass Noodles’

Zoom In a s s


<Source: The Born Korea>

Paik Jong-won the ‘Korean Food Master’

If there is Gordon Ramsay in the UK, there is Paik Jong-won in Korea. It is no exaggeration to say that the cooking programs on Korean TV start and end with Paik Jong-won. This means that he has such an unrivaled status. Recently, he has also appeared in TV shows on making Korean food with overseas ingredients, contributing to the globalization of Korean food. Amid the growing popularity of Hallyu (Korean Wave), <Korea Agrafood> has prepared Korean food that ‘Korean Food Master’ Paik Jong-won made with foreigners.

Issue in SNS 36 Korea Agrafood

Paik Jong-won, also called the ‘cooking CEO’, is a famous entrepreneur and broadcast er in Korea. On food-related TV programs, Paik instantly points out problems such as busi ness tips and mindset of other restaurant own ers and even provides solutions, showing the dignity as an expert. He is indeed a food expert who knows everything. In fact, Paik Jong-won runs a total of 21 franchise restaurants across almost all areas of the restaurant industry, from Korean barbeque to Chinese food, Korean food, snack stands, and cafes. Paik has been able to build such an unparalleled position thanks to his honest, candid image on the TV, capturing the audience’s heart by teaching how to easily cook dishes that anyone wants to make and can make with common ingredients.

Additional Info


Who is Paik Jong-won?

Photos of Paik Jong-won’s Bibimguksu (spicy noodles) and Doenjangjjigae (soybean paste stew), on the menu of a company’s employee cafeteria as well as homes, have also been post

Paik Jong-won’s recipes are so popular that they au tomatically pop-up on the search result of ‘NAVER’, Korea’s leading portal site. His recipes draw atten tion because they are simple and have many re placeable ingredients. As a result, Paik Jong-won’s recipes are always referred to by Korean students liv ing alone. Let’s follow the recipe of Korean food you want to cook at the link below.

ed social media.

Cooking Guidelines, Paik Jong won’s Secret Recipe Book Paik’ s Cuisine

However, it is a mistake to say that Paik has succeeded simply as a familiar chef and an en trepreneur. In one TV show, he even exerted a ‘positive influence’ by informing people of food ingredients that are not consumed because of unintended surplus harvests, natural disas ters, or little preference by consumers. By pro moting the consumption of neglected agricul tural products, Paik received a huge support from farmers and producers.

November 2021 37

Following K-pop, Korean movies, Korean dra now Korean popularity for Korean culture increas es, so does the interest in Korean food. However, some have few opportunities to experience Korean food and have difficul ties in tasting delicious Korean food with limited ingredients. However, there is a way to enjoy proper Korean food with various ingredients found anywhere in any country: refer to ‘Paik Jong-won Class’.

Issue in SNS 38 Korea Agrafood

In ‘Paik Jong-won Class’, which recently started airing on a Korean public broadcast, foreign panels participate in making and eat ing Korean food themselves, with Paik Jongwon in the center Panelists are from diverse countries, including Fabrizio from Italy, Amy from Canada, Mateusz from Poland, Ryan and Ashley from America, and Aideen from Iran. They enjoyed cooking Korean Janchiguksu (banquet noodles), summer health food Samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup), nation’s snack Ttoekbokki, and party food Bulgogi, which they evaluated together. For more information, see the infographic.

Leading the Globalization of Korean Food


Cooking video: list/736564





Gungjung (royal) Tteokbokki o nthat Captivated even

garnish must be fried over high heat for the best taste.”

“It tastes perfect for me.” Cooking video:

Jeonbokjuk (abalone porridge)

Aideen “I like that I can make Budae jjigae with halal ingredients.” Cooking video:

November 2021 39 <Source: Korean broadcasting system>

w o n Class

Ryan “Gungjung Tteokbokki is so delicious, smells good, and appetizing.” Cooking video: P a i k J


Budaejjigae (sausage stew)


40 Korea Agrafood K-FOOD Recipe Kimchijeon

eon is a traditional Korean snack baked yellow in a fry ing pan with any ingredients one wants to it. Cooked in a similar way as pancakes and has a simi lar shape to pizza, Jeon is made in various ways varies depending on the ingredients. Characterized by a spicy taste, Kimchijeon (Korean pancake made with Kimchi as the main ingredient) is a spicy major food eaten with Makgeolli on rainy days in Korea. Let’s spend 10 minutes to make Kimchijeon which tastes crispy and pungent.

Korean Pancake Kimchijeon

November 2021 41

Sub Ingredients: 2 tbsp of soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp of vinegar, 1 tb sp of oligosaccharide, and 1/3 tbsp of red pepper powder

Chop Kimchi into bite-size pieces and chop onions into tiny pieces. Prepare tuna by re moving oil from it.

Cook until the front and back are brown and crispy on the edge.

Put 2 tbsp of soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp of vinegar, 1 tbsp of oligosaccharide, and 1/3 tbsp of red pepper powder in a small bowl to make seasoning sauce.

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 KoreaAgrafood KoreaAgrafood 42 Korea Agrafood

Move it to a plate. Now Kimchijeon is ready to serve!

2 Servings 10 min 650 kcal

K-FOOD Recipe


Main Ingredients: 350g of Kimchi, 1/3 of onion, 1/3 cup of water, 195ml of pancake powder, 1 red pepper, 150g of tuna can

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and evenly.

When the dough thickens, take off an adequate size with a spoon and place it flat on a frying pan.

Pour 1 cup of pancake pow der, 1/3 cup of water, and pre pared ingredients into a large bowl.

November 2021 43

This product is a cooking kit to make Kimchijeon very easily All you need is just water It especially contains deli ciously aged Kimchi, so you can taste original Kimchijeon sold in Korean restaurants. If you want to enjoy a richer, fuller taste, just add onions, green onions, and red peppers together This product comes in two servings and has only 655 calories, so there is no burden of high calorie intake. OTTOGI also sells potato pancake mix as a sister product.

OTTOGI’s Kimchi Pancake Mix

The core ingredient of Jeon is pancake powder, because it is a must to make Jeon. SAJO Donga One is a major milling and feed manufacturer in Korea that exports pancake powder products overseas. The company uses high-quali ty wheat to make pancake powder, which has a soft and chewy taste, and received organic processing and halal certifications by the Malaysian govern ment certification agency (JAKIM). The volume of the product sold is 1kg.

Kimchijeon-Related Export Products 080-370-3377 080-433-8888 +82-31-426-5457 Korean Pancake Mix of SAJO Donga One


cheon, Gyeonggi-do, is the first city in Korea to be designated as UNESCO Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art. UNESCO Creative City refers to a city that uses creativity as its sustainable devel opment strategy, and Icheon’s enhanced reputation as a ‘creative’ city is largely owed to its ‘ceramics’. Through ceramics and by developing unique Korean traditional crafts, Icheon is not only holding its place as a Creative City, but also enhancing its reputation as a world-class city of ceramics.

I Icheon 京畿道利川市是韓攻第 憾在2010年7月列入聯合攻敎科文組 織手工藝及民間藝術領域的創意城市?聯合攻敎科文組織創意 城市指的是以創意格上作爲城市可持樓屠展戰略的城市?利川 獲得“創意”城市之譽“陶瓷”功不可沒?利川通過開屠陶瓷等 韓攻糾創的傳統手工藝,在轝麟創意城市根基的同時,不鉤 提高其世界陶瓷城的瀨譽?利川還是大米之鄕,在陶瓷碗勒 中盛滿米飯套餐的怜像也是只能在利川見到的特色風景? 聯合攻敎科文組織創意城市 利川

Creative City

Variety Korea 44 Korea Agrafood

利川是大韓民攻著名的陶瓷之都?早在16世紀初這裏 便是盛産利川白玉及陶器特産品的地方,由于這裏的 原料及燒柴酪富,所以吸引了全攻各地的陶藝師云集 于此形成了陶瓷的中心之地?目前,依然有大約420 多家作坊從事靑

T o u r i s m November 2021 45

Icheon is Korea’s leading city of ceramics. In the early 16th century, pottery production was quite prevalent in Icheon that its special ties were white jade and ceramics, and Icheon became the center of pottery as potters gath ered from all over the country owing to its wealth of raw materials and firewood. Currently, about 420 workshops are producing various products such as grayish-blue-pow dered celadon, pottery, and sculptural ceram ics, including celadon and white porcelain. Potters in Icheon value the traditional handi craft methods, which include pottery wheel throwing and firing ceramics in a wood-fired kiln. The creativity of potters, who make new creative works while sticking to the old, was decisive in being selected as a UNESCO Creative City

,藝S是由陶藝的“藝”字侮英語字母“S”的組合詞, 可讓人聯想起充滿藝術之地,這裏已開始成爲利川的 新地標? “雪峰公園”也是利川市民休閑的好去處,這 裏還是2001年“世界陶瓷博覽繇”的擧辦地公園?

The attractions of Icheon are inseparable from pottery. One of the attractions is Ye’s Park. ‘Ye’s’, a term derived by combining ‘Ye’ in ‘DoYe’ (pottery) and the English letter ‘s’, is suggestive of a place filled with art, and is emerging as a landmark of Icheon. Seolbong Park, a resting place for Icheon citizens, is where the World Ceramics Expo was held in 2001. 瓷?白瓷及粉靑瓷器?陶瓷器皿?陶 瓷工藝品等各種陶瓷産品的制作?利川的陶藝師們都 蜈看重使用陶車和柴火燒演等傳統手工藝方式?陶藝 師們的這種在堅守傳統工藝的同時不鉤創新新作品的 創意性,爲利川入選聯合攻敎科文組織創意城市起到 了主要作用? 利川的景点也牢不開陶瓷? “藝S公園”便是其中之

Seolbong Ye’sPark Park


The food that comes to mind when you think of Icheon is ‘Icheon Ssalbapjeongsik (Icheon rice table d’hote)’. It is the best set meal with Icheon rice, the spe cialty product of Icheon, of which you can fully experience the taste. The typical set meal with Icheon rice comprises freshly cooked steaming rice served with one or two main dishes such as Ganjangge-jang (soy sauce marinated crab) or Dwaejigalbigui (grilled spareribs) accompanied by a variety of side dishes made with seasoned vegetables. For the first bite, you should eat just the rice so that you can taste the sa vory flavor of Icheon rice.

Variety Korea 46 Korea Agrafood

Byeotseom Mandu (straw rice-bag dumpling) is a local food of Icheon. Byeotseom Mandu, whose name means a rice bag filled with grains, is a New Year’s holiday food of Icheon where people used to pray for a good harvest of five grains. It should be noted that five different colors, yellow, orange, purple, green, and white, of Byeotseom Mandu wrappers signify the five grains. Also, the fillings of Byeotseom Mandu are made with Gegeolmu radish leaves, the native radish grown only in Icheon, and the Mandu are then shaped in the form of square rice bags.

o o d

提到利川,讓人首先想起便是利川的大米飯?熱槐 騰騰的米飯再配上醬蟹或肆排等 兩樣主菜配上各 種小菜便是利川米飯套餐的基本形態,也是品嘗正 統利川米飯的最佳套餐?頭 口最好只吃 口米飯 細品利川大米香噴噴的風味? 稻袋餃子是利川的地方美食?這是 種意喩稻穀裝 滿草袋祈愿五穀酪登的利川過大年食物?用象征五 穀的黃色?朱黃色?紫色?草綠色?白色等五種顔 色餃子皮,利用利川本地種Gegeol蘿卜纓做的餃子 閻,把餃子包成稻穀草袋形狀的四角形等都是稻袋 餃子的特色? Byeotseom Mandu Icheon Rice Icheon Ssalbapjeongsik

November 2021 47 利川的特産芎婁大米?純淨的水?肥沃的土地?天 賜的槐候造就出的利川大米自古以來品質出衆,過 去還曾是進貢攻王的貢品?据朝鮮時代地理書記 載,利川土地遼闊?肥沃,盛産優品大米,是進貢 攻王的貢品大米生産之地?所以,利川的大米品牌 名稱叫“攻王牌利川” ? 利川長湖院的桃也蜈出名?名品水果“Hessare桃” 就是産自長湖院邑的産品?主要品種是質優味美的 黃桃?熟透的黃桃糖度達17%以上,長久以來深受 消費者的歡迎?每年的春暖花開季節,利川都要在 山茱萸環山路 帶擧辦山茱萸花節活動?初春 片 黃色的海洋,秋天紅色果麟点綴大地,這就是美麗 的利川,盛産優質山茱萸的産地?

Hessare Peach

Imgeumnimpyo Icheon Rice

The local specialty of Icheon is certainly rice. Icheon rice, created by clean water, fertile soil, and the blessed climate, has long been of superi or quality as it would be offered to the kings in the past. In the geography book of Joseon Dynasty, it is recorded that Icheon is a famous place for producing delicious rice, to be offered to the king, on its vast and fertile land. Therefore, the brand of Icheon rice is ‘Imgeum nimpyo Icheon Rice’.

The peaches of Janghowon in Icheon are also

L o c a l P r o d u c t s

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We launched a new e-Agrafood (online newsletter) service to provide our exisiting of fline magazine. If you are interested in K-Food or want to catch up latest food trend, don’t hesitate to join our e-Agrafood. in Korean

Korea Agrafood magazine is specialized in promoting Korean Agricultural products to buyers in abroad. We cover Korean promising Agricultural products, dietary culture and export companies.

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Qingdao aT logistics Co.,Ltd Qingdao aT logistics co.,Ltd West Shuangyuan Rd.,Liuting Street, Chengyang, Qingdao, China

TEL : 62-21-2995-9032~3, 9035

Korea Agro-fisheries & Food Trade Corp Indonesia aT Center 16 Collyer Quay Level 20-00 Singapore 049318

TEL : 65-6818-9030

Hanoi Branch Office #1213, 12th floor., Keangnam Hanoi Landmark 72 Tower, plot E6, Pham Hung Str., South Tu Liem Dist, Ha Noi., VietNam E-Mail :

FAX : 886-2-2515-1160

TEL : 84-4-6282-2987

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7719, 7724 FAX : 84-4-6282-2989

E-Mail :

China (中攻山東省靑島市市南袴香港中路26獄 遠雄攻際廣場705戶)

TEL : 86-532-5566-8870~8872

E-Mail : TEL : 81-6-6260-7661

Bangkok Trade Office #2102 Level 21, Interchange 21, 339 Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand E-Mail :

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2694~5 FAX : 62-21-2995-9034

TEL : 1-562-809-8810

中攻上海市長寧袴 婁山關路83 獄新虹橋中心大厦


TEL : 33-1-4108-6076~8, 6096

Qingdao Bangkok Beijing Vladivostok Shanghai Chengdu Hongkong Hanoi Jakarta Dubai Paris Hochimin Seoul Tokyo Osaka (Taipei) (Singapore)

INTERNET PHONE : 070-7938-0865 070-7938-0863 070-7938-0864 FAX : 86-532-6696-2181


Hongkong Branch Office Room 705, 7F Jubilee Centre, 18 Fenwick Street, 46 Gloucester Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong E-Mail :

TEL : 84-28-3822-7503~4

Korean Agro-Trade Center, 89Rue Du Gouvemeur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, lssyles-moulineaux, France E-Mail :

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-5090~1, 7377 FAX : 86-10-6410-6122

CJ Building, Floor 3, 2 Bis 4-6 Le Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City E-Mail :

TEL : 66-2-611-2627~9(Extension 12)


FAX : 33-1-4108-2016

FAX : 86-532-5566-8873


FAX : 86-21-3256-6328


INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7226 FAX : 66-2611-2626

Southeast Asia

中攻北京市朝陽袴廣順北大街 33獄院1獄樓1單元6層603室)

E-Mail : TEL : 86-532-6696-2229, 2280


INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2690~1

Having grown strongly since our establishment in 1967, we are becoming a force for globalization. Our bigger steps will be milestones for tomorrow.

Los Angeles New York

SKYLINE BUSINESS CENTER 15F, No.159, Sec.1, Keelung Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan

FAX : 86-28-8283-3396

TEL : 86-10-6410-6120~1, 6210

E-Mail :

Jakarta Branch Office

Global Networks Offices aT Center Bases

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7229

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-3266~7


Lotte Hotel Vladivostok 520-522 office, 29, Semenovskaya St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091 E-Mail :

TEL : 852-2588-1614~16

New York Branch Office 15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA E-Mai l : TEL : 1-212-889-2561

Middle East


(200336 3201室

( 159獄15

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7060~7062, 2689, 3265 FAX : 81-3-5367-6657

TEL : 86-28-8283-3376, 3387

The Energy Building 20th FL, Zone F, SCBD Lot. 11A JL. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia E-Mail :

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2699

Chengdu Branch Office

FAX : 1-212-889-2560

Shanghai Branch Office Room 3201, New Hongqiao Central Plaza No.83, LouShanGaun Rd., Changning District, Shanghai, 200336, China

INTERNET PHONE : 070-7000-4138 FAX : 81-6-6260-7663

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-5092~3

Tokyo Branch Office

Osaka Branch Office 8F, Nomura Fudousan Osaka Bldg. 1-8-15, Azuchimachi, Chuou-ku, Osaka, 541-0052, Japan (大阪市中央袴安土町1 8 15, 野村不 動産大阪 B/D 8F)

(靑島市城陽袴流享街道雙元路西靑島愛 特物流有限公司)

2003 Room, Chengdu Ping An fortune Center No.1, Section 3, Renmin South Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610041 P.R.C. China

E-Mail :

INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2696~7 FAX : 852-2588-1919

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