September 2021 (vol.311)

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September 2021 vol.311

K-M eal Kit


Global Trend

Variety Korea

Sweet and Fresh Sangju Peach

Red Ginseng, the Health Keeper of the World

Museum Without a Roof, Gyeongju

se! u e! a s P u s a r Buye D Fans P O K-FO

Find your Korean Food Visit K-FOOD Trade & Enjoy the variety of Korean Food is also available via your mobile phone.



Zero Waste Zero Hunger Campaign Let us introduce ‘Zero Waste, Zero Hunger’, a campaign to protect the environment and help hungry people by reducing food waste.

If we reduce food waste, can take care of both IfIndividuals we reduce diet and health food waste,

Let’s reduce waste at home. your diet and buy only 01 Plan the food you need.

Quantity of Meals

Consider the expiration date and quantity of meals when purchasing food ingredients.

Restaurants can save the costs for food waste disposal

Divide food ingredients into portions and 02 store them in a transparent container.

We can protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas

You can cook your meal easily based on the number of people and easily check where and what is in the refrigerator.

help people who are hungry by donating some of the savings.

Expiration Date

03 Ground dry ingredients to cook. Then, let’s find out how we can join the Zero Waste Zero Hunger campaign at home.

How close have you gotten to Zero Waste? Effort to reduce food waste can be practiced in daily life to overcome the climate crisis and hunger.

Ground dry ingredients such as anchovies, dried shrimp, and kelp to use to make broth easily and have a healthy meal, thereby having two benefits at one.

Let’s donate together in everyday life. Start WFP individual donation You can make an individual donation by accessing the WFP official website,, and clicking the Donate button.

Donate on ‘Share the Meal’ Zero food waste with one finished meal!

Saves 38,000 won (About USD 33) per year, more than 100 won (About USD 0.08) per day!

Share food to people who are suffering from hunger around the world with the saved expenses!

1/3 of the food on your table can save 1/10 of the world’s lives.

You can donate through the WFP donation app ‘Share the Meal’ and

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel +82-61-931-0963 Fax +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number : Ra-7210 Dated Apr. 26, 1995 Copyrightⓒ by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved. CEO Kim Choon-jin EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Oh Hyung-wan (Food Industry & Trade Division) EDITORS Ahn Byeong-hee REPORTERS Kim Young-min ( Cho Yeong-kyu ( Choi Yeong-jin ( GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jang Yeon-ho TRANSLATORS Jennifer Shin, Han Hyo-jin (ENGLISH) Tamura Yoshihiro (JAPANESE) Park Seo-ran (CHINESE)


EDITORIAL BOARD BEIJING Chung Yeon-su 070-4617-5090 ( SHANGHAI Sung Si-chan 070-7077-6197 ( CHENGDU Wang Sung 070-4617-3267 ( DALIAN Koh Jung-hee 070-4617-3266 ( HONGKONG Kim Suk-ju 070-4617-2696 (


HANOI Park Min-cheol 070-4617-7257 ( HOCHIMIN Park Il-Sang +84-28-3822-7504 ( BANGKOK Lee Ju-yong 070-4617-7226 ( JAKARTA Lee Seoung-bok 070-4617-2695 ( TOKYO Jang Seo-gyeong +81-3-5367-6656 (

Cover Story

OSAKA Kwon Tae-hwa +81-6-6260-7661 ( NEW YORK Shim Hwa-sop 1-212-889-2561 ( L.A Han Man-woo 1-562-809-8810 ( DUBAI Kim Hyuk +97-1-4339-2213 (

Instead of eating out, how about home-cooked ‘Meal Kit’?

PARIS Ha Jung-a 070-4617-7225 ( VLADIVOSTOK Shin Jae-hun 070-4617-3277 ( QINGDAO Lee Sun-woo ( KUALALUMPUR Jang Jae-hyung ( EDITED & DESIGNED BY The Korean Farmers & Fishermen’s News #60, Jungdaero 9-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel +82-2-3434-9072


Why the Meal Kit Craze


About Major Meal Kit Products


Notable company _ Fresheasy

Fax +82-2-3434-9077

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website,

September 2021 vol. 311 Exploration

Trend & Culture





Sweet and Fresh Sangju Peach

‘Red Ginseng’, the Health Keeper of the World



SPECIAL K-FOOD Korean Ramyeon Spreading throughout the World

MONTHLY PICK Photo by Dameulstudio

- The Best in Season: Korean Pear - The Best Product Online: Fish Sausage



‘Meal Kit’. A compound


word of Meal and Kit,

Influencer with Korean food

Meal Kit is a home cook-


ing product that contains


pre-prepared food ingre-


dients and sauces in one

Doenjangjjigae, Koreans’Home Cooked Meal

pack. By following the recipe written on the 26

product, you can make a


whole meal within 15 min-

‘Wando Abalone’, Becoming Known Overseas

utes. Meal Kit is emerging as a new trend these days due to prolonged COVID-19.

Extras 24




FOCUS ON PEOPLE Hwang Eui-chang, Representative Director, Korea Grape Export Association


VARIETY KOREA Museum Without a Roof, Gyeongju

C over Story

Instead of eating out, how about homecooked

Meal Kit? ‘Meal Kit’. A compound word of Meal and Kit, Meal Kit is a home cooking product that contains pre-prepared food ingredients and sauces in one pack. By following the recipe written on the product, you can make a whole meal within 15 minutes. Meal Kit is emerging as a new trend these days due to prolonged COVID-19. The size of Meal Kit market, which was KRW 10 billion in 2017, is expected to reach KRW 300 billion by 2021. In the contactless era, the increase in consumers who want a harmonious taste of home-cooked meals and dining out is accelerating the growth of the Meal Kit market.

4 Korea Agrafood

餐館味家裏吃, 吃“Meal Kit”如何? 是詞語Meal(一餐)和Kit(套裝)的合 成詞?指的是將收拾好的各種食材和醬料等 配套包裝在一起的半成品料理包?食用時只 需按産品所標注的食譜進行烹斐便可完成一 頓美餐?烹斐所需用時大約在15分鍾左右? 在新冠肺炎疫情進入長期化的今天,這種 Meal Kit料理包産品開始成爲芎下餐腋的熱 門新話題?2017年市場規模在100億韓元的 Meal Kit料理包市場,預計到2021年可達到 3000億韓元?在芎今的非面捲面時期,隨着 希望調芟一下家菜和餐館菜口味的消費者增 多,Meal Kit料理包市場也在加速屠展?

“Meal Kit”

September 2021 5

C over Story

Why the Meal Kit Craze


Meal Kit

ccording to the Korea Rural Economic Institute, the total A sales of Home Meal Replacements (HMR) in 2019 was about KRW 4.222 trillion. The HMR market grew at a CAGR of 16.1% over the nine years from 2010 to 2018. It is analyzed that the demand for HMR has increased due to the culture of non-face-to-face interactions and social distancing measures implemented since the outbreak of COVID-19. What has stood out among many HMRs was Meal Kit. Consumers grew tired of regular HMRs such as instant food and started to pay attention to “partially prepared food products, which allow them to add ingredients and cook them in a short time to feel the taste of eating out.” Seoul National University’s Food Biz Lab, a food culture business research institute, analyzed Meal Kit products over three periods including September 2019, May 2020, and October 2020. According to its results, there were 10 brands and 270 products in September 2019 before the COVID-19 outbreak, but with the extended COVID-19, the number increased to 42 brands and 673 products in May 2020 and increased explosively to 61 brands and 1,010 products in October.

6 Korea Agrafood

据韓攻農村格上硏究院統計,2019年家 庭便利食品的總銷魔額約爲4兆2220億韓 元,從2010年到2018年這九年期間,家 庭便利食品市場的年增長率爲16.1%?尤 其在COVID-19新冠疫情屠生以后,隨 着非面捲面文化的蔓延及限制社交距牢措 施的麟施,家庭便利食品的需求有了進一 步增加?而在各種家庭便利食品中最顯眼 的便是Meal Kit料理包?厭倦速食食品 等一般家庭便利食品的消費者們,開始關 注能誥在“短時間內現做有餐館味道料理 的産品”?由韓國的首爾大縯飮食文化商 業硏究所Food Biz Lab分別捲2019年9 月?2020年5月和2020年10月的Meal Kit料理包産品進行分析的結果,屠生新 冠疫情之前的2019年9月,有10憾品牌 270種産品?而在新冠疫情進入長期化的 2020年5月,已增加到42憾品牌673種産 品,到了10月則劇增到61憾品牌1010種 産品?

Meal Kit Spectrum Expands, Reflecting Trends ith the rapid growth of the Meal Kit W market, the Meal Kit trend is also changing. Meal Kit with a mixture of refrigeration and freezing has also appeared, consisting of refrigerated vegetables and frozen meats. It is also noteworthy that the price spectrum of Meal Kits has widened, from daily Meal Kits such a Doenjangjjigae or Aglio e olio pasta for busy modern people to high-end Meal Kits for special occasions such as royal beef ribs. There are also Meal Kit products reflecting local unique recipes. A professor at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development at Seoul National University said, “As products in collaborations with famous chefs or popular restaurants as well as for target audience such as single-person households, home parties, camping, etc. come out in the market, there are more Meal Kit products to choose from, and companies are differentiating their product strategies for each brand.”


Meal Kit

隨着Meal Kit料理包市場的迅速頑大,Meal Kit料理 包的屠展趨勢也在屠生變化?如冷凍Meal Kit料理包 産品的上市,這種産品比冷藏Meal Kit料理包具有消 費期限更長的優点?近來,還出現了一種捲蔬菜類進行 冷藏,捲肉類進行冷凍的冷藏冷凍混合Meal Kit料理 包産品?還有,專爲繁忙的現代人推出的大醬湯?蒜香 意大利面(Aglio e Oilo)等家常Meal Kit料理包及特 定日子用的宮廷牛排?長興菉慶三合等高圭Meal Kit 料理包,價位範圍變化明顯? 韓國的首爾大縯農村格上社繇係(Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Evelopment)

敎授說明道,“隨着侮熱門餐館及名善合作的産品,以 及針捲單人家庭用?家宴用?野餐用等定向目標層的産 品不鉤上市,消費者捲Meal Kit料理包産品的選楊範 圍越來越廣,由此也形成了各品牌戰略的差別化?” September 2021 7

Fresheasy Fresheasy’s signature menu is ‘Black Label Steak’ which you can enjoy a great meal on a special day, and ‘Beef Sundubujjigae’ which is good to eat as a daily homecooked meal. The former was designed so that consumers can easily enjoy high-quality steak at home like a specialty restaurant, while consumers who want a spicy and refreshing taste choose the latter. The sale of Sundubujjigae increased by 68% in 2020 compared to the previous year.

About Major Meal Kit Products

C over Story

MYCHEF MYCHEF is Korea’s first Meal Kit specialist company firm that has been in the business since 2011. It has more than 500 Meal Kit recipes, with ‘Mille-Feuille Nabe and Kalguksu’ as absolute signature products. This year, MYCHEF signed a contract to supply 9 kinds of Meal Kit products such as ‘Seoul-style Yukgaejang’ and ‘Traditional-style Tteokbokki’ to ‘Onion Market’, an online shopping mall for fresh food in Hong Kong.

的主要菜品有可在特殊日子享用精美 一餐的“黑牌(Black Label)牛排”和家常菜式“牛五 花肉嫩豆腐湯”?前者是專爲消費者在家也能方便 地烹制出專營店水平牛排而配制的産品,而喜歡 辣隣隣爽口味的消費者大都繇選購后者?2020年 的嫩豆腐湯産品銷量比前一年增加了68%?

是從2011年開始進入Meal Kit料理包行業 的韓攻首家Meal Kit料理包産品專業生産企業?擁 有500多種Meal Kit料理包食譜,其中最著名的産 品是Meal Kit料理包産品群的絶捲强者“日式千層 火鍋及刀切面”?今年,MYCHEF侮香港的生鮮食 品網購店“洋升商城”簽署“首爾式牛肉湯”?“老味 米桀湯”等9種Meal Kit料理包産品的供貨合同?

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8 Korea Agrafood


Eats On is a Meal Kit brand of hy (formerly Korea Yakult). A fresh manager called ‘yogurt deliveryperson’ directly delivers fresh products to customers by pulling a refrigerated storage cart. Among Eats On products, the most sold product is ‘Sagolbudaejjigae’ which accounts for nearly 20% of total Meal Kit sales. ‘Gambas Al Ajillo’ and ‘Mozzarella Cheese Dakgalbi’ are also popular products.

是 前韓攻益力多)的Meal Kit料理包 品牌?人稱“酸球大綾”的保鮮管理員(Fresh manager)繇親自用冷藏購物車將新鮮的産品直接 送到顧客手中?EATS ON銷量最大的産品是“牛 骨火腿腸鍋”,約占所有Meal Kit料理包産品總銷 量的20%左右?除此之外,“蒜香蝦仁”和“馬蘇裏 拉球酪鷄排”也都是暢銷産品? EATS ON hy(

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About Major Meal Kit Products

Eats On

Cookit CJ CheilJedang’s Meal Kit brand, Cookit, is also doing well in the Meal Kit market. Cookit has especially set out a goal of launching 100 new types of Meal Kits throughout this year, participated by a total of 100 professional chefs with cooking experience at hotels in and outside Korea. Cookit is releasing various themed Meal Kits such as ‘Family Restaurant’ for Children’s Day, ‘Makgeolli Pairing’ for Spring, and ‘National Holiday Food’ for the Lunar New Year.

第一制糖的Meal Kit料理包品牌Cookit也正在做 市場宣傳之中?他們提出的目標是要在今年內推 出100多種Meal Kit料理包新産品?目前,已有 100多在攻內外酒店有過善師格曆的大善們加入其 中,幷陸樓在推出專爲傅童節開屠的“家庭餐館” 及迎春用“馬格利搭圭”?過年過節用“節日美食”等 各種具有不同主題特色的Meal Kit料理包産品? CJ

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September 2021 9

C over Story Notable company _

A Leader of the Korean Meal Kit Market CEO Jung Joong-kyo

‘Fresheasy’ accounts for 60% of the Korean Meal Kit market. Founded in January 2016, Fresheasy produces 500 HMR products in total, including its flagship Meal Kit, under the corporate vision of ‘Freeing the world from cooking’. Fresheasy can produce more than 100,000 Meal Kit products a day, with over 90% of its ingredients made from Korean agricultural products. And the highest level of Meal Kit manufacturing capacity in Korea. Fresheasy has been able to take a lead in the Meal Kit market because its ‘HMR publishing business’ was effective. The HMR Publishing Business supports not only influencers but also eating-out companies and small business owners so that they can easily enter the market with just one recipe. Fresheasy analyzed, “If we had adhered to

10 Korea Agrafood

“Fresheasy”約占韓攻Meal Kit料理包市場的60%? 成立于2016年1月的Fresheasy,在“讓世界從菜肴中 潁放出來”的企業藍詭下,生産包括主要商品Meal Kit 料理包在內的500多種各類家庭方便食品(HMR)? Fresheasy一天最多可生産10万多憾由90%以上韓攻 攻産農産品食材構成的Meal Kit料理包産品,擁有韓 攻最高水平的Meal Kit料理包産品生産能力? Fresheasy之所以能誥走在市場的前列,主要得益于 “方便食品代理推廣業務”?“方便食品代理推廣業務”是 一種捲網紅?餐飮企業?小商戶等所有委托人,只要有 一憾菜品配方,就能爲其順利入市提供支援的項目? Fresheasy分析認爲,“如果,Fresheasy沒有做代理 推廣業務,只迲自主品牌是无法達到目前的市場占有率 的”,“得益于代理推廣項目思使得方便食品市場越做越 大,思能逐步麟現市場的細分化幷及時提供滿足消費者 不同口味需求的各種産品?” 典型的代理推廣商品有,利用由中小風險企業部選定的 30年以上老店“百年店鋪”小商戶菜品配方制作的Meal

our own brand without publishing, we would not have been able to secure the market share we have now. Through publishing, the HMR market has grown, and we’ve been able to supply a variety of products that meet increasingly segmented consumer tastes in a timely manner.” The major publishing products are: Meal Kit inspired by the menus of small business owners of the long-established ‘100 Years Store’ with over 30 years of experience, selected by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups; the Premium Meal Kit ‘63 Dining Kit’ with Hanwha Hotels & Resorts; and ‘Goraesa Fish Cake’ presented with Busan’s Goraesa Fish Cake. However, it is not easy to export Meal Kit abroad, which is growing in Korea, because each country has different import standards, and some ingredients are difficult to clear through customs due to religious and cultural reasons. But Fresheasy carefully checks various original ingredients and exports its products. It currently exports to 5 countries including the U.S., Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Vietnam and plans to expand exports to 10 countries throughout the year. Fresheasy is preparing a customized export strategy for each country; for example, snack menus such as Tteokbokki or corndogs among Korean food are popular in Southeast Asia. Fresheasy said, “By introducing a total of 236 new products to the market this year, including Fresheasy 100 Years Store products, we will enhance our position as a HMR food publishing company, continue to pioneer overseas markets, and expand our export to 10 countries this year.”

料理包,侮韓華酒店度假村合作推出的高圭Meal Kit料理包 “63 Dining Kit”,侮釜山GORAESA(古 來思)魚桀合作推出的“GORAESA(古來思)魚桀Meal Kit料理包” 等? 然而,在韓攻屠展迅猛的Meal Kit料理包捲外出口幷 不容易?原因在于各攻的進口標准各不一樣,還有因宗 敎及文化差異,産品中的一些食材難以通關?捲此, Fresheasy捲各種出口産品的原材料都要進行嚴格的檢 査?Fresheasy目前已捲美攻?澳大利亞?香港?新加 坡?越南等五憾攻家和地袴進行産品出口,幷計琬在年 內將出口攻頑大到10憾攻家?在出口戰略上將採取針捲 不同攻家出口不同商品的定制型出口方針,如捲東南亞 市場,根据面食類韓食菜品暢銷的特点,將以炒米桀? 熱狗等方便食品爲主進行商品出口? Fresheasy憐示,“今年將通過向市場推出包括百年店 鋪産品在內的236種新産品,以進一步提高方便食品推 廣企業的形象和作用?幷計琬通過大力開屠海外市場, 在年內將産品出口攻增加到10憾”? Kit

Fresheasy 1833-5836

September 2021 11


Sweet & Fresh Sangju Peach 12 Korea Agrafood

each is by far the best fruit in summer. P A bite of peach after sweating makes you feel as if heat is gone instantly. These sweet, refreshing peaches can also be found in Southeast Asia, thanks to the efforts of Peach Eco-Friendly Farming Cooperative. As a peach export complex located in Sangju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, the Farming Cooperative has been steadily knocking on the door of overseas markets since 2009, contributing to expanding the reputation of Korean peaches.

Korea’s Largest Peach Export Complex The Peach Eco-Friendly Farming Cooperative is the largest peach export complex in Korea. It started exporting peaches in earnest from 2010, the year after its establishment in 2009. It was registered as a frontier company for agricultural products export by Gyeongsangbuk-do in 2012, and it was designated as an export complex by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in 2013. That is why exporting is the cooperative’s top priority. Currently, the Peach Eco-Friendly Farming Cooperative exports peaches to Southeast Asia such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. Exports were 116 tons as of 2019, accounting for more than half of production. The Cooperative has been steadily increasing the export volume, which was 10 tons in 2010, day by day. However, it exported 55 tons which was less than last year due to the impact of COVID-19. The Sangju area receives enough sunlight, giving peaches a high sugar content and soft flesh. This is why they are very popular among consumers and why the Peach EcoFriendly Farming Cooperative can confidently present premium peaches. For overseas export, it produces peaches with excellent colors

甘甛淸香的尙州桃 桃絶捲可以說是夏季的水果之王?天熱出汗時吃一口桃 繇讓人頃刻間忘掉酷熱?這種甘甛淸香的桃在東南亞市 場也能品嘗到,這侮位于慶尙北道尙州的桃出口園袴桃 親環境營農組合法人的努力分不開,他們自2009年開 始一直堅持努力打開海外市場,致力于提高韓攻桃的知 名度?


桃親環境營農組合法人是韓攻最大桃出口園袴?桃親環 境營農組合法人自2009年成立以后,從2010年便開始 捲外出口桃産品,幷于2012年上榜慶尙北道指定農産 品出口前沿(Frontier)企業名單,2013年被農林畜産 食品部指定爲出口園袴?首要目標芎然就是“出口”,目 前,桃親環境營農組合法人的桃已出口馬來西亞?新加 坡?印度尼西亞等東南亞各攻?2019年的出口業績爲

Representative Woo Hee-gyun

September 2021 13


and shapes with a sugar content of 12 to 13 brix. Woo Hee-gyun, Representative of the Peach Eco-Friendly Farming Cooperative, said, “Since we were established in 2009, we have been focusing on exporting peaches. All 25 members pride themselves in the ability to introduce high-quality Sangju peaches to overseas consumers.”

Global GAP Certification and Customized Peach Selection Global GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) is the driving force that allowed the Peach Eco-Friendly Farming Cooperative to diversify the regions of peach export. Upon deciding to acquire the globally accepted safety criteria GAP for export expansion, the cooperative went through the certification process with the

14 Korea Agrafood

菫,占總産量的一半以上?出口量從2010年的10 菫持樓在增長?只是,去年因新冠疫情只出口了55菫? 尙州地袴日照量酪富,所以所生産的桃糖度高?果肉細 嫩,蜈受消費者歡迎?這也是桃親環境營農組合法人捲 推出“高圭”桃有自信的底槐,他們爲出口市場生産的桃 糖度均爲12~13Brix,且顔色和形狀都蜈出衆? 桃親環境營農組合法人的禹熙均董事長說道,“從2009 年成立桃親環境營農組合法人以來,我們一直在致力于 桃的捲外出口?我們所有25戶組合繇員都捲能誥將優質 尙州桃出口到世界各地感到自豪?” 116


“Global GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) 良好農業操作措施規範”是桃親環境營農組合法人麟現出 口地袴多仝化的原動力?禹熙均董事長 說明道,頑大出口必須要獲得世界 通用的安全標准GAP認嗇,所 以桃親環境營農組合法人通過侮 農村振興廳等部門一道進行了 GAP認嗇過程,幷成爲韓攻首 家獲得全球GAP認嗇的企業?由 此,桃親環境營農組合法人的出口市 場是頑大到了附近的東南亞市場?

Korea Rural Development Administration and became the first in Korea to receive it. With this as a starting point, the Peach EcoFriendly Agricultural Cooperative has been able to expand the export market beyond existing countries and Southeast Asia, explained Representative Woo. Moreover, the Cooperative also reflected overseas consumers’ trends, which also contributed to the increase in exports. While peach sold in sacks were the most common, the Cooperative diversified packaging standards to 2 kg and 4 kg. Also, Thailand wants mid-sized peaches, each country’s has different preferences. That the Cooperative chose peaches tailored to export regions has also allowed them to gain an edge in competition with Japan, which used to occupy the peach market in Southeast Asia.

Toward the Best Export Corporation The Peach Eco-Friendly Farming Cooperative has completed building of a new fruit packing house this year. By using state-of-theart facilities, it hopes to reduce pressure figure claims and further enhance quality competitiveness. Through this, the Cooperative has also setup a plan to steadily expand into overseas market such as Vietnam and other countries. Representative Woo said, “This year’s Malaysia Food Expo was canceled due to COVID-19, but we are exchanging information with overseas buyers, including Vietnam through online meetings.” He emphasized, “Our goal is to become the best peach export corporation in Korea through training in connection with the Rural Development Administration and Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services.”

還有,把握好海外消費者的消費趨勢也爲頑大出口助了 一臂之力?比如,將以往大部分採用袋裝銷魔的方式, 改爲2公斤和4公斤等多樣化包裝?此外還根据泰攻喜歡 中憾頭等不同攻家有不同愛好的特点,按市場需求進行 了桃的篩選,這也成爲在原本以日本桃爲主的東南亞市 場上形成競爭優勢的因素之一?


桃親環境營農組合法人今年竣工了一處新的選果場?他 們計琬通過引進最先進設備,以癎少忘傷等造成的索 賠,進一步提高産品的質量競爭力,幷計琬以此不鉤開 拓越南等海外市場? 禹熙均董事長憐示,“盡管今年的馬來西亞食品博覽繇 因新冠疫情取消,但我們通過網上營銷活動正在侮越南 等海外客商進行信息交流之中?我們的目標是,通過侮 農村振興廳及慶尙北道農業技術院等聯手開展培訓敎 育,成爲韓攻最强的出口法人?” Peach Eco-Friendly Farming Cooperative +82-54-532-9689 +82-54-532-9682

September 2021 15

Global Trend _ Red Ginseng

16 Korea Agrafood

Red Ginseng the Health Keeper of the World 世人的健康守護神“紅參” Korean Red Ginseng in the World Red ginseng is an item that shows outstanding growth among Korean agricultural products for export. This is owing to the worldwide growing interest in health-functional food due to COVID-19. The popularity of red ginseng continues this year. Particularly, it is showing a steep rise mainly in China, and demand for red ginseng is increasing significantly in Southeast Asia as well.

紅參是韓攻出口農食品中增長 速度最迅猛的品目?隨着新冠 疫情下全球捲健康功能性食品 的關心度提高,今年的紅參暢 銷勢頭依然保持蜈旺?尤其以 中攻爲中心呈現銷量劇增的勢 頭,幷在東南亞也出現了需求 量大增的趨勢?

According to the Korea Customs Service, about USD 158.25 million worth of Korean red ginseng were sold last year. The figure has increased by 4% compared to 2019. Particularly, cumulative exports in the first six months of this year surged 36.4% compared to the same period last year. Korean red ginseng is gaining popularity around the world as the demand for health-functional products has increased due to interest in health. It has been analyzed that saponin contained in red ginseng and the luxurious design are parts of the reason why overseas consumers chose Korean products. In addition, the growth of offline markets, as well as online distribution, is another factor that has caused the popularity of red ginseng overseas. As a range of options for formulations and products has widened, and the price range has become varied accordingly, red ginseng products are being chosen by overseas consumers.

世界之中的韓攻紅參 据韓攻的關稅廳統計,去年韓攻紅參的銷量達到約1億5825万美元,比2019 年增長4%左右?截止到今年6月,累計出口量比去年同期劇增36.4%?隨着 人們越來越關注健康及捲健康功能性産品需求的增加,韓攻紅參已成爲全球 暢銷産品?分析認爲,紅參所含有的牲曷成分和産品的高圭設計等都是海外 消費者選楊韓攻産紅參産品的理由?癩外,除了在陸銷魔,陸下市場的增長 也是紅參在海外暢銷的因素之一?芟型及産品的選楊面越來越寬,價位也蜈 多樣,這些也都爲海外消費者選楊韓攻紅參産品提供了方便? September 2021 17

Global Trend _ Red Ginseng

According to Korea Customs Service, the actual exports of red ginseng to China have grown every year, reaching about USD 58.925 million in 2020. The exports jumped 31% compared to 2018. Cumulative exports until June this year surged 40.6% over the same period last year, which demonstrates the popularity of red ginseng. Red ginseng is sold in various forms such as thin slices, concentrate, sticks, and beverage. The forms of red ginseng that had been consumed the most were thin slices, and the most preferred were stick types that you can carry around and eat.

Popular as a Health Trend, China Korean red ginseng products are especially very popular in China. As Chinese consumers’ idea of consumption has recently become “eat well and live well”, health functional products are the common interest for consumers in China. The health food market is growing significantly, and more and more consumers are looking for various health food products to meet their individual health needs. In fact, according to the ‘2020 China Health and Nutrition Survey’, 95 out of 100 respondents replied that they would buy health food. In detail, 27.1% responded they would buy health food for themselves, 21.7% for their parents or elders. Only 5.6% of respondents said they did not have any intention to buy health food. The figure is down 31.5% compared to the response in 2019 that ‘I have no intention of buying health food’. In line with this trend of food consumption, Korean red ginseng products are approaching consumers in China with more familiarity.

18 Korea Agrafood

健康趨勢促暢銷,中攻 韓攻的紅參産品尤其在中攻蜈 暢銷?近年來,隨着中攻人的 消費觀念開始轉向“吃好活 好”,健康功能性産品已成爲 中攻消費者共同關心的熱門話 題?所以,健康食品市場在不 鉤屠展壯大,幷且有越來越多 的消費者根据自己的健康需求 尋胥各種各樣的健康食品? 据2020中攻生命小康指瑠調 査報告,每100名應答者中有 95人憐示繇購買健康食品? 回答沒有購買健康食品意向 的應答者僅占5.6%?這比 2019年憐示“沒有購買健康食品意向”的應答結果癎少了 31.5%? 根据這種食品消費趨勢,韓攻的紅參産品也在不鉤被中攻 消費者所熟悉?從韓攻關稅廳的統計結果看,紅參捲中攻 的出口業績每年都在提高?2020年麟現出口額約5892.5 万美元,比2018年大幅增加31%,截止到今年6月的累 計出口額也比去年同期增長40.6%左右,暢銷勢頭蜈猛? 所銷魔的芟型也多種多樣,有切片?濃縮液?棒袋産品? 飮料等?消費者吃過最多的芟型是切片産品,最喜歡的是 旭帶和食用方便的棒袋型産品?

Gift & Consumption Increase, Southeast Asia Exports of red ginseng to Southeast Asia surged, mainly to Vietnam and Singapore. Cumulative exports to all of Southeast Asia until June of this year rose sharply to 109% over the same period last year. The secret to the popularity of Korean red ginseng in Vietnam, which led the growth, is that it is good to give as a gift. In fact, exports of Korean red ginseng during the period ahead of Vietnam’s biggest holiday, Tet, showed a good performance compared to a regular month. It’s the same case on Shopee as well. It’s not much different in Singapore, which has a high income level. Korean ginseng products have been chosen by many consumers in Singapore with the expansion of a range of options such as stick-type, beverage and candy products. The increased consumption of highend food products as consumption was restricted due to social distancing, and the fact that Korean red ginseng products were made only with red ginseng extract were considered as factors that influenced purchases. Park Min-chul, Head of the ASEAN Regional Headquarters Overseas Branch of the Korea

Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT), said, “Red ginseng products are going viral in Southeast Asia through social media. It’s also worth noting that the consumer base has expanded as products with price competitiveness, such as red ginseng candy, have diversified for popular consumption.”

饑品饋贈及消費能力提高,東南亞 紅參出口在東南亞市場是以越南和新加坡爲中心有了大幅 增加?截止到今年6月,整憾東南亞地袴的累計出口額比 去年同期直陸上升109%?在屠展迅猛的越南市場,韓攻 紅參暢銷的秘訣在于芎地消費者認爲紅參是一種蜈好的 “饋贈佳品”?如在越南最大節日農曆新年(Tet)到來之前 的時段裏,韓攻産紅參的出口額比正常月略呈現出顯著的 佳績? 在收入水平相捲較高的新加坡情拗也一樣?隨着食用方便 的棒袋型産品及飮料?糖果等産品選楊範圍的頑大,有越 來越多的消費者選楊韓攻産紅參産品?除此之外,社交距 牢的限制使高級食品的消費能力提高,以及産品完全用紅 參原液制作等也是消費者選楊購買紅參産品的主要因素? 韓攻農水産食品流通公社海外地袴本部東南亞地袴本部海 外分社長朴珉哲說道,“紅參産品正在通過SNS等途徑在東 南亞地袴廣泛傳開?幷隨着具有價格競爭力的紅參糖果等 各種大衆化産品上市,消費面也顯示出不鉤頑大的特点? September 2021 19

Special K-FOOD _ Ramyeon

Korean Ramyeon Spreading throughout the World If you’re hungry but don’t have time to cook, what will be the easiest way to get a meal? If you are Korean, the first thing that pops up in your mind is ramyeon. With your favorite ingredients prepared and ramyeon in boiling water, you will create a fantastic dish in just 3 minutes! As such, Korean ramyeon, a major convenience food, is captivating the taste buds of people all over the world.

20 Korea Agrafood

Korean Ramyeon Export Growing Rapidly orea’s ramyeon exports are growing exploK sively. Due to the spread of COVID-19, ramyeon has been drawing popularity across borders and nationalities since it is simple to cook and can be stored for a long time. In 2020, Korea exported USD 633 million of ramyeon. It exported USD 319 million of ramyeon in the first half of 2021, so if the current trend remains the same, it may be able to set the record for the highest export amount this year. The export amount of Korean ramyeon varied according to the situation of each country. Ramyeon exports to the United States and China have lowered somewhat as more people started outdoor activities with growing COVID-19 vaccination rates, but exports to Japan and Southeast Asia have increased significantly. In fact, compared to the same period last year, Korea’s ramyeon exports to Japan grown by 31%. Although Korea’s ramyeon exports vary across countries, they still boast an undying popularity.

急激な輸出增加を示す韓國のラ―メン 韓國のラ―メンの輸出量は?實に爆發的に伸び ている?新型コロナの擴大により?手輕に調理 でき?かつ長期間保存できるラ―メンが國·地域 を問わず?人氣になっている?2020年の韓國の ラ―メンの輸出額は?6億300万ドルだった? 2021年上半期には?3億1,900万ドルを輸出し? このような傾向が續けば?今年は歷代最高の輸出 額を記錄するのも?十分に可能だといえる? 韓國のラ―メンの輸出額は?國·地域別の狀況に より違いがあることがわかっている?米國?中國は 新型コロナワクチンの接種率が高まるとともに?屋 外での活動が增えたことでラ―メンの輸出は多少 落ち着いてきたが?日本?東南アジアなどでは輸 出額が大幅に增加した?實際に?日本は昨年同期 比で韓國のラ―メンの輸出額が31%も增加した? 韓國のラ―メンの輸出は?國·地域別に若干の違 いはあるが?依然として冷めやらぬ人氣を誇って いる? September 2021 21

Special K-FOOD _ Ramyeon

Ramyeon Booming through the Hallyu Wind 韓流ブ―ムに乘り?ぐいぐい上がるラ―メンの人氣

he Hallyu (Korean T Wave) cultural contents have had a great impact on Korean ramyeon exports. A main example is Chapaguri. Introduced as ‘ramdon’ in the movie ‘Parasite’, Chapaguri was a huge hit as the film swept four Academy Awards. As the movie drew favorable reviews, overseas consumers shared various recipes by uploading videos of Chapaguri they cooked on various social media sites. It is also true that more people are enjoying Korean culture, including Korean dramas, as they spend more time at home due to the spread of COVID-19. Frequent scenes of characters eating ramyeon in their favorite dramas have also increased the consumption of Korean ramyeon. Data from KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) analyzes PPL in Korean dramas is one of the factors attracting the popularity of Korean ramyeon in Indonesia, which boasts the world’s second largest consumption of ramyeon. As such, Hallyu Wave is playing an important role in the rise of ramyeon as a global taste beyond Korea.

22 Korea Agrafood

韓流という文化のコンテンツは?韓國のラ―メンの輸出に 大きな影響を及ぼしている?代表的なものが?チャパグリ だ?映畵「パラサイト」がアカデミ―賞の4部門にノミネ―ト されるとともに?映畵の中で「ラムドン(ramdon)(」譯注: チャパグリのニュアンスを傳えるために?英語字幕で使用 された用語?ラ―メンとうどんによる造語)と紹介されたチ ャパグリは?それこそ大ヒットした?映畵が好評を 博すようになるとともに?海外の消費者は自ら直 接作ったチャパグリの動畵を樣?なSNSにアッ プし?樣?なレシピをシェアしたりしている? また?新型コロナの感染擴大により?家で過ご す時間が增えるにつれ?韓國のドラマをはじめ とした韓國の文化を樂しむ人?が增えているのも事 實だ?そこから自然に自分が好きなドラマの主人公がラ― メンを食べる姿が頻繁に登場するともに?韓國のラ―メンの 消費もあわせて增加したということだ?實際に?大韓貿易投 資振興公社の資料によれば?世界第2位のラ―メン消費量を 誇るインドネシアでは?韓國ドラマに出てくるラ―メンの間 接廣告(PPL)が韓國のラ―メンの人氣をけん引する要因であ ると分析している? このような韓流ブ―ムは?ラ―メンが韓國のみならず?世界 の「味」として浮上するうえで重要な役割を果たしている? Korean Ramyeon Export Volume (Unit : USD million)








2021 (1~6)

Spicy is Not Everything for Korean


n the past, spicy flavor used to represent the taste of I Korean ramyeon. Spicy ramyeon released by a Korean company was exported to more than 100 countries around the world, creating a perception that “Korean ramyeon is spicy”. ‘Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen’, which even knocks out Koreans used to the spicy flavor, has been so popular with overseas consumers that a fire noodle eating challenge has gone viral on social media. These caused a perception that “Korean ramyeon is spicy”. However, such a perception has started to change. Various flavors such as kimchi and seasoned spicy chicken, new products such as halal, vegan, etc. are also released one after another. Korean ramyeon is diversifying tastes from the spicy flavor and is also adopting foreign local ingredients. Korean ramyeon, which was perceived as cheap instant food, is evolving along the consumption trend of eating a delicious and unique meal.

辛さが全てではない韓國のラ―メン 以前は?「辛さ」が韓國のラ―メンを代表するものだった? 韓國のある企業が發賣した辛いラ―メンは?世界の100余 りの國·地域へ輸出され?「韓國のラ―メンは辛い」という 認識を定着させるものとなった?しかし?韓國のラ―メン の味に地殼變動が起こりはじめている?特に?辛さに慣れ た韓國人も倒れるという「プルダクポックンミョン」は? SNSを通してチャレンジが流行るほどに?海外の消費者の 間で人氣商品になった?最近では?キムチのラ―メンやヤ ンニョムチキン味など?樣?な味をはじめとして?ハラ― ル?ヴィ―ガンなどでも?新製品も續?發賣されている? 韓國のラ―メンが辛さをはじめとして多樣化し?現地の食 材にも合うものになっているということだ? 手輕な價格のインスタント食品として認識された韓國のイ ンスタントラ―メンは?美味しさと個性を兼ね備えた食事 をとるという消費トレンドに合わせて變化している?

September 2021 23

Essay Photo 24 Korea Agrafood

In his novel ‘When the Buckwheat Flowers Bloom’, Lee Hyoseok, a representative Korean writer, depicts buckwheat flowers in full bloom in such a way as “The mountainside is blanketed with buckwheat fields, and the flowers about to bloom were suffocating as if sprinkled with salt.” As in his depiction, buckwheat flowers have bloomed white as if sprinkled with salt or snow. The hot summer seems to be greeted by the upcoming autumn with the clear sky and the cool wind blowing sparsely. The photograph shows buckwheat flowers in full blossom in a village called Seonhak-dong in Jangheung, Jeollanam-do in Korea.

“Buckwheat Flowers Bloomed as if Snow Has Fallen”

September 2021 25

Health & Wellness

Wando Abalone, Becoming Known Overseas ando in Jeollanam-do is one of the largest W abalone producing regions in Korea. About 13,000 tons of abalone are produced every year in Wando alone, which is approximately 70% of Korean abalone. The pristine environment of Wando has allowed it to grow into the perfect place for producing abalone. Particularly, since its establishment in 2009, WandoAbalone CO., LTD. has been taking the lead in expanding its overseas market by exporting Wando abalone.

Wando Abalone CO., LTD.’s Efforts to Raise Quality of Abalone In management of abalone, WandoAbalone CO., LTD. was especially concerned about maintenance of freshness. Due to a large amount of protein in abalone, its freshness is rapidly reduced unless it is kept alive. Also, because abalone is sensitive, it dies easily if packed immediately at the fishery. In order to solve such problems, WandoAbalone CO., LTD. manages 25 large water tanks according to the conditions of abalone (the fishery where purchased, and quality). Additionally, an environment was created where optimum water temperature and amount of oxygen can be maintained in spacious water tanks, providing optimal conditions for abalone to stay calm. In the summer, the company even operates a ‘low-temperature fresh packaging room’ to avoid high-temperature exposure which is fatal to abalone.

26 Korea Agrafood

海外へ飛び出す「莞島あわび」 全羅南道の莞島(ワンド)は?世界で最も大きなあ わびを生産する地域のうちの1つだ?每年?莞島 だけで約1万3,000トンのあわびが生産される?こ れは?韓國産あわびの約70%に達する量だ?莞島 のクリ―ンな環境があわび生産の最適地として? 成長することができたためだ?特に?莞島あわび 株式會社は?設立以來?莞島産あわびを輸出し? 海外市場の擴大をリ―ドしている?


莞島は?クリ―ンな海域で265の美しい島により 構成された韓國の海上國立公園に屬している?海 がきれいで?潮流もスム―ズで?海底の地形の大 部分が麥飯石で形成されており?あわびがスム― ズに成長できる地域に擧げられている?また?海 の野菜と呼ばれる海藻類の産地で?あわびの餌 が豊富な点も?あわび養殖の最適地になった背 景だ?ここにきて?2000年以後?養殖技術が發 達するにつれ?莞島は韓國で名實ともにあわびの 主産地の座につくことになったのだ?あわびの生 産量が增加するにつれ?臺頭したものが一括管理 だった?こうしたなか?1,200人あまりの漁業者 と莞島郡が共同で2009年に設立したのが?莞島 あわび株式會社だ? 李有星(イ·ユソン)莞島あわび株式會社代表は? 「あわびのみを專門的に流通する會社の必要性から 設立された?當時?莞島の漁業者の半分ほどが參 加した?そのおかげで?生産から成長し?流通に 至る一元的な體制を構築できた?品質管理もしっ September 2021 27

Health & Wellness

In addition to HACCP, the company has obtained food safety certifications such as ISO22000, Halal, and FDA, and has recently obtained ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council Certification), which is becoming more important. ASC is an international certification that verifies a company providing sustainable environment-friendly marine products. CEO Lee Yu-sung explained, “We acquired the certification because, as interest in environmental protection has recently increased overseas, consumers tend to prefer ASC-certified marine products. In order to publicize that abalone of WandoAbalone CO., LTD. is safe for anyone to consume, we are acquiring a number of international certifications as well as quality assurance.”

Processed Products, Well-Received Overseas WandoAbalone CO., LTD. has been devoted to developing processed abalone products in order to lessen the perception that abalone is a high-end food ingredient and to popular-

CEO Lee Yu-sung

28 Korea Agrafood

かり行われるようになり?每年の賣上額も成長した?」と 述べた?實際に?莞島あわび株式會社の賣上額は?設 立當時の110億ウオンから繼續的に增加し?昨年は500 億ウォンを達成するという快擧を成し遂げた?


莞島あわび株式會社であわびの管理において?特に力 を入れているのが鮮度維持だ?あわびはタンパク質が 大量に含まれており?死ぬと鮮度が急速に低下する? また?外部の環境に影響を受けやすいために?漁場に すぐに包裝すると容易に死ぬことになる?こうした問 題を解決するために?莞島あわび株式會社では25の大 型の水槽であわびの狀態(漁場?品質)に應じて管理し ている?また?水槽のスペ―スが廣く?適正な水溫と 酸素量を維持できる環境を造成し?あわびが快適に生 息できる最適な條件を備えた?夏季には?あわびに致 命的な高溫への露出を避けるために?「低溫新鮮包裝 室」を運營するなど?努力を惜しまない? ここにきて?HACCPはもちろん?ISO22000?ハラ― ル?FDAなど食品認證を取得し?最近では?重要度が 高まっているASC(Aquaculture Stewardship Council)認證も取得した?ASCは持續可能な親環境水 産物を提供している企業であることを證明する國際的 な認證だ? 李代表は?「近年?海外で環境保護に對する關心が高ま り?ASC認證を取得した水産物を消費者が求めている

ize it. Currently, the main processed product is the canned abalone. Considering the tastes of overseas consumers, Mara flavor and other various flavors have been developed. Also, it is highly regarded especially in Singapore because it can be ordered to meet the buyer’s request for a flavor. About USD 3 million in actual exports are produced every year, and this year, canned products made with abalone and ginseng have been exported. WandoAbalone CO., LTD. also produces a variety of products such as abalone rice porridge and marinated abalone. The abalone rice porridge is greatly favored in Southeast Asia and North America, and is sold on Amazon in the United States. Also, in Japan and North America, there has been an increase in exports of frozen abalone which is prepared and ready to use as a cooking ingredient. In Korea as well, frozen abalone, which is ready to use as a food ingredient, is sold in large markets, and changes in consumers’ propensity to consume are continuously being studied. Through such efforts, the company plans to actively develop products in the future. CEO Lee Yu-sung said, “The core value of the company is to satisfy consumers with honest products and the highest quality. All the products that we offer are synonymous with the face of a fisherman and with the face of Wando. We will live up to our reputation and continue to honestly produce the best products in terms of quality and hygiene.”

WandoAbalone CO., LTD. +82-61-555-3600

という傾向があったため? 取得した?莞島あわび株式會 社のあわびは?誰もが安心して食 べられるという点をアピ―ルするために?品質管理は もちろん?各種の國際認證を修得している?」と說明 した?


莞島あわび株式會社は?あわびの加工品にも心血を注 いでいる?あわびが高級食材だという認識を變えて大 衆化するためだ?現在の主力の加工品は?あわびの罐 詰製品だ?海外の消費者の味覺を考慮し?麻辣など樣 ?な味を開發し?バイヤ―が求める味の注文にも應じ ることができている?特に?シンガポ―ルで高い評價 を受けている?每年?300万ドルほどの輸出實績を上げ ており?今年はあわびと高麗人參を加えて作った罐詰 を輸出した?また?あわび粥?あわびの醬油漬など樣 ?な製品を生産しているが?あわび粥は東南アジア? 北米地域にて大好評で?米國ではアマゾンモ―ルでも 販賣されている? また?日本?北米地域では下ごしらえが不要な食材と して使用可能な冷凍あわびの輸出も增加している?韓 國でも量販店で下ごしらえが不要で?すぐに調理に使 用できる冷凍あわびを販賣しており?持續的に消費者 のトレンドの變化を把握している?これらを通して? 今後も製品開發に積極的に乘り出す計畵だ? 李代表は?「正直な製品と最高の品質で消費者を滿足さ せることが會社の核心價値だ?販賣する製品は?漁業者 の顔であり?莞島の顔とも同じだ?その名に少しも恥じ ることのないよう?品質?衛生管理の側面において實直 に最高の品質を作り續けていきたい?」と述べた? September 2021 29

Focus on People

Competitive Korean Grapes in the Global Market

+82-54-532-7277 +82-54-533-7477

Hwang Eui-chang, Representative Director, Korea Grape Export Association

Korean grapes have been showing remarkable export growth in recent years. In 2020, grape exports reached USD 31 million, the highest in history ever. Korean grapes worth USD 7.23 million were exported up to this April, a growth of 49.5% from the same period of last year. Accordingly, the Korean government is fostering grapes as a star item to reach USD 100 million of export. We met with Hwang Eui-chang, the Representative of the Korea Grape Export Association that plays a key role in exporting Korean grapes, and shared about the excellence of Korean grapes and future plans.

30 Korea Agrafood


Could you briefly explain the Korea Grape Export Association? The Korea Grape Export Association is an integrated export organization formed to strengthen the export competitiveness of Korean grapes. Founded in May 2019, it is currently participated by 71 producer groups and 65 exporters as members, enabling 2,700 grape producers to produce high-quality export grapes. We are the representative body for exporting Korean grapes, accounting for more than 90% of Korea’s grape exports.



The pilot project for establishing a cold chain implemented in 2020 aims to export fresh, high-quality Korean grapes from right after harvest to April of the following year. Before, Korean grapes could only be exported until February of the following year, but now the export period of high-quality Korean grapes is extended by two months through this project. In fact, the project received favorable reviews in an on-site evaluation held this March for exporting Korean grapes to Vietnam. If we expand the spread of this technology in the future, we expect to increase the total export volume of Korean grapes by 30%.

What do you think Korean grapes are recognized abroad for? Korean grapes are excellent in three ways. First, we guarantee safety. The producers participating in the Korea Grape Export Association pay special attention to safety by obtaining GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) certification. As a result, they thoroughly manage the risk factors that may occur in the entire process from production to export. Second, Korean grapes go through strict quality control to be exported. Quality control personnel are designated at producer corporations that export grapes, and they strictly separate the grapes shipped to the common sorting facility into premium, first grade, and second grade according to quality standards. The graded grapes are exported in compliance with the quarantine standards of export countries. Lastly, Korean grapes are grown eco-friendly in a naturally-blessed environment.

The Korean government and Korea Grape Export Association conducted a pilot project to develop a cold chain last year. What are the expected outcomes of this project?


What are the Association’s future plans for the Korean grape industry? I believe the Korean grape industry is competitive in terms of quality compared to its competitors. Based on this quality competitiveness, we plan to increase export volume by 200% every year. We will also strive to vary the exporting items other than Shine Muscat.

September 2021 31

Monthly Pick The Best in Season

9 Sep. SUN







Sweet and Refreshing

Korean Pear Korean pears have become immensely popular all over the world, including the Southeast Asian market. About 30 countries are importers of Korean pears, which boast a steady demand in the major importers, namely, the United States, Taiwan and Vietnam. In Korea, the pear season is from September to November, and this time of year is the best to enjoy Korean pears.

32 Korea Agrafood

a e P r




The Characteristics of Korean Pears


The biggest appeal with Korean pears is their unique refreshing and sweet taste. Korean pears have an average moisture content of 85 to 88% and a sugar content of 12 brix. These figures demonstrate the refreshing and sweet characteristics of Korean pears with their water and sugar contents that are comparable to watermelons. In Korea, pears are usually processed into juice, which is made by boiling for over 7 hours to secure various efficacies along with excellent taste. Korean pear juice is effective in relieving phlegm, cough, asthma, and hangover. For a severe case of coughing, take a boiled mixture of one pear and milk for a relief. Also, in Korea, people concoct various kinds of pear juice by adding several different medicinal herbs depending on personal preferences. A Korean pear is quite good to eat raw. According to the Korea Rural Development Administration, eating a pear after a meal will help to emit cancer-causing agents.


Best Raw, Best Processed


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Korean pears and Western pears have the same names and colors, but they are totally different in their shapes and tastes. European and American pears are gourdshaped, but Korean pears are round like apples. Also, Western pears have a soft texture like butter, whereas Korean pears are crunchy and much higher in sugar. For these reasons, Korean pears are becoming increasingly popular as gifts in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam. In fact, Korean pears are considered as a premium fruit and sold at large distribution stores and fruit specialty stores, and the difference in taste from Western pears is quite apparent. ‘Singo Pear’ is welcomed favorably by foreign consumers, and various varieties such as ‘Sinhwa Pear’ have recently begun to receive attention. The main production area of Korean pears include Naju in Jeollanamdo, Cheonan in Chungcheongnam-do, and Anseong in Gyeonggi-do.

September 2021 33

Monthly Pick The Best Product Online

Best Seller

Fish Sausage Highly Nutritious Children’s Snack All parents from all countries desire to give their children tasty and healthy food products. It is the case in China as well. With the rising interest in food products as in hygiene and nutrition, high-quality snacks for children are drawing attention. Particularly, Korean sausages have gained attention as ‘healthy snacks’ from online consumers of in China.

34 Korea Agrafood





Zoom In

a s



For the reason why Chinese consumers of chose Korean fish sausages, the evaluations were mostly to the effect that they are “delicious and hygienic”. Korean fish sausages are packaged individually, so you can carry them around and eat them one by one, and they are agreeable to the Chinese palate. In addition, many reviews recommended Korean fish sausage for such reasons as ‘baby’, ‘snacks’, ‘nutrients’, and ‘health’, followed by such key words as ‘texture’, ‘price’, and ‘calories’. One consumer remarked by saying, “I bought it many times because it’s so delicious. When I give it to my child, he doesn’t put it down until he finishes it. I tried it myself and it was very tasty.”


The sausage market in China has shown a steep growth. According to Statista, it has recorded a high growth rate of 17% annually since 2014, and its average annual growth rate is projected to reach 6% over the next three years. Among them, fish sausage is gaining immense popularity as a snack product for children. Fish sausages that contain ‘cheese’ and ‘corn’, and that have mild and not spicy flavor are in demand. Notably, Korean fish sausages are gaining immense popularity from Chinese consumers as high-quality and nutritious snacks. In fact, the sales volume of Korean fish sausage has been ranked among the top five Korean snacks along with Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen, which boasts a huge demand in China. Such a popularity can be found on, a representative online mall in China. ZEK fish sausage received 99% satisfaction in more than a million evaluations by actual buyers, and Haepyo’s fish sausage was also received favorably.


Korean Fish Sausage, Popular in China



Reasons for Buying Korean Fish Sausage


September 2021 35

Issue in Online

Influencer with Korean Food With the rapid change of agricultural products consumption environment due to COVID-19, online promotion is emerging as a mainstream worldwide. The trendiest ones are YouTube live with influencers, online large-scale fairs, and social media promotions. Singer Kevin Woo has recently sparked a sensation online with an agricultural products themed challenge. As Korean agricultural products are also evaluated online, including YouTube, online channels are becoming more important for agricultural products promotions.

36 Korea Agrafood

Online Trend, Korean Agricultural products

Kevin Woo, a U.S.-based singer, recently launched the ‘Awe-Ssam Challenge’ online. Aimed to promote understanding of and to live in harmony with various races and cultures, this challenge was attended by influencers Cathy and Ashely. ‘Awe-Ssam’ comes from the Korean ‘ssam’ culture, in which meat and garlic are wrapped in lettuce and sesame leaves, alluding to the pronunciation of ‘Awesome’. Kevin Woo said, “I hope that we can also live together just as the various ingredients harmonize in the wrap to maximize the taste and nutrition.”

Food YouTuber ‘Strictly Dumpling’ also made his followers feel closer to kimchi through a YouTube broadcast. He especially added more fun through ‘Finding the Best Combo’, which added kimchi to local food such as burgers and French fries. In fact, the full video posted thereafter recorded 160,000 views in just two days. One follower even commented, “Kimchi is seriously the best thing that a human being has ever created!” Fung Bros also presented a dish using mushrooms. After tasting, they highly praised Japchae (Stir-fried glass noodles and vegetables), Bulgogi, and hamburger made of Korean mushrooms and even suggested the viewers to try making them on their own.

Tip Visit the website below to check out more information about K-FOOD Weekend live.

September 2021 37

Issue in Online

Enjoy with #Influencers, Korean Food Live

Kevin Woo

Strictly Dumpling

Fung Bros

Korean Ssam Culture with Meat and Garlic!

Local Food that Goes Well with Kimchi!

A Dish Made with Korean Mushrooms!

“In Korea, we wrap meat with

“I want to show you how many

“We cooked fresh and clean

various ingredients such as kim-

different ingredients and kimchi

Korean mushrooms right away

chi, garlic, and ssamjang (Red

go together. We’ll try it with sal-

to eat enoki mushroom japchae,

chili and soybean paste) in veg-

ad, craft mac and cheese,

king oyster mushroom bulgogi,

etables such as sesame leaves

Wendy’s burgers, French fries,

and shiitake mushroom ham-

or lettuce and eat them at once.

and more. I had tacos and kim-

burger with gochujang. They

This combines and blends well

chi together and they were even

were all too delicious that we

the tastes of different ingredients

more delicious.”

even forgot that we were in the

together, allowing us to eat a

middle of a live broadcast. We

balanced diet with various nutri-

also want to know about other



menus using mushrooms.”



38 Korea Agrafood

Korean Food Tastes are Evaluated ‘Online’

Recently, a Korean food taste evaluation was held online for non-Koreans. 150 foreign nationals from 7 countries, including the Philippines, Russia, Australia, and Brazil, participated and evaluated the products of 30 exporting companies based on country-specific dietary information and preferences. This fair was held online due to COVID-19, which has prevented the promotion of Korean agricultural products abroad, under the supervision of the

Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT). The ‘K-Foodies’ evaluation teams of 150 foreigners in Korea who evaluated KFOOD online plan to participate in small-scale fairs held at export sites in the future. They will be playing an active role as global supporters of K-FOOD, such as promoting Korean food culture and products they have experienced on social media.

Check out one-line review of online fair Cambodia


Cup Tteokbokki


“It has the same texture as Cambodian traditional porridge. I like its instant cooking with warm water so much.”

“They will probably sell well in supermarkets and convenience stores as well as exercise places such as yoga studios, gyms, and sports centers.”

Tteokbokki “It is a popular dish among people in their 20s. The cheese flavor will especially be very popular with women.”

Kazakhstan Granola “May be popular among healthconscious people.”

September 2021 39

K-FOOD Recipe Doenjangjjigae

40 Korea Agrafood

Doenjangjjigae Koreans’ Home Cooked Meal

n Korean home cooking, there is a dish which is I Kimchijjigae’s eternal rival and second to none. It is none other than Doenjangjjigae (Soybean Paste Stew). Doenjang (Soybean paste), which is made by fermenting beans, is enough to make delicious doenjangjjigae with any ingredients added. Particularly, doenjang has excellent anti-cancer effects and contains all the essential amino acids needed for the body, which aids in a balanced diet. Another great advantage is that you don’t get tired of eating it anytime because of its unique and delicate earthy taste. Let’s make doenjangjjigae, a Korean home cooked meal, that even beginners can easily make in just 15 minutes.

September 2021 41

K-FOOD Recipe Doenjangjjigae


Main Ingredients: 10 dried anchovies, 2 potatoes, 2 chili peppers, 1 green onion, 1/2 zucchini, 1/2 onion, 1/2 block of dubu, 200g of mushrooms


Put 825ml of water and dried anchovies in a pot and boil over medium heat for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, cut potatoes, green onion, zucchini and onion into bite-size pieces.

Sub Ingredients: 2 tbsp of doenjang, 1/2 tbsp of red pepper powder, 825ml of water

2 Servings


Remove the anchovies from the pot, then add the prepared ingredients.

15 min

300 kcal



When the ingredients are cooked properly, add doenjang and mix well.


When doenjangjjigae boils up, reduce heat to very low and add dubu.

Add red pepper powder and sliced chili pepper to add a spicy flavor.


Serve with rice, and doenjangjjigae is ready~!


42 Korea Agrafood


Doenjangjjigae-Related Export Products

Soybean Paste from Doolrecooks CO., LTD.

Doenjangjjigae from Bibigo

It is a product sold by Doolrecooks. It is perfectly

Bibigo’s doenjangjjigae product contains all the

safe with no additives such as chemical additives

ingredients needed for cooking, so it can be

or preservatives added. It is safe to be con-

made simply by boiling it without additional ingre-

sumed not only by adults but also by children as

dients. With big sliced dubu, shiitake mush-

well. Best of all, you don’t need to make anchovy

rooms, potatoes, and onions, you can enjoy

stock. Doolrecooks’ soybean paste contains an-

doenjangjjigae with taste and texture of a home-

chovy stock. Another advantage is that it can be

made doenjangjjigae. Particularly, the solid ingre-

used not only to make doenjangjjigae but to

dients of soup and doenjang are packaged sep-

make various side dishes as well. All you have to

arately, so you can taste the fresh texture of veg-

do is mix this soybean paste with parboiled wild

etables. Microwave for 4 minutes and 30 sec-

greens or vegetables. Doolrecooks’ soybean

onds (700W), or leave it in boiling water for 2

paste products are available in 500g and in 1kg

minutes, and your Korean doenjangjjigae is done.

to choose from.

It can be stored at room temperature, and it’s reasonably priced at only KRW 3,980 with 1~2 servings (460g)



September 2021 43

Variety Korea


Bulguksa Temple

Museum Without a Roof yeongju was named as one of Time’s G “World’s Greatest Places 2021”. Along with a photo of Donggung Palace and the Woljeonggyo Bridge, Time introduced Gyeongju as the capital of ancient Korean kingdom of Silla with an abundance of archaeological sites. Since Gyeongju was the capital of Silla for 992 years, the history of Silla can be found everywhere. That is why Gyeongju is also known as a ‘museum without a roof’. Let’s travel to Gyeongju.

44 Korea Agrafood

屋根がない博物館?慶州 慶州(キョンジュ)は?今年?米國のタイム誌が選ぶ2021年の 「世界で最も素晴らしい場所100選」に名前が擧がった?タイ ム誌は?慶州を新羅の都で數多くの遺跡を保有しているとい う說明とともに?東宮(トングン)と月淨橋(ウォルジョンギ ョ)の寫眞を添付した?992年間新羅の首都だった慶州は?步 みを進めて訪れるところが新羅の歷史そのものといえる?慶 州へ向かい?千年の都である新羅の息吹を感じてみよう?

Donggung Palace and Wolji Pond


Wherever you go in Gyeongju is a tourist attraction. Then where should we go first? We recommend a visit to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Bulguksa Temple and Seokguram Grotto. Added to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1995, both of these cultural assets offer glimpse into the devotion of the Silla people who had deep faith in Buddhism. The tour around the Bulguksa Temple and Seokguram Grotto culminates in Donggung Palace and Wolji Pond, which present a spectacular night view. Daereungwon Tomb Complex is also a must-see historic site with ruins of 23 ancient tombs from the Shilla period on a scale of 126,500m2. Walking between tombs will make you experience the calmness of Gyeongju. Gyeongju is not only full of history but is also contemporary as it has a street called Hwangnidan-gil. Named as a compound word of ‘Hwangnam-dong’ in Gyeongju and ‘Gyeongridan-gil’ in Itaewon, Seoul, Hwangnidan-gil has unique shops such as cafes, restaurants, and photo studios lined up. Thus, it is a must-visit hot spot for young tourists.

Seokguram Grotto

慶州は步みを進めて訪れる場所の全てが觀光名所だ? では?どこから訪れればよいのか?ユネスコの世界 文化遺産探訪をお勸めする?ここでは?佛國寺と石 窟庵に出會うことができる?佛國寺と石窟庵は? 1995年にユネスコの世界文化遺産に搭載された文化 財で?佛敎を熱心に信仰した新羅の人?の心をうかが い知ることができる?佛國寺と石窟庵をまわった旅の 最終目的地は?東宮と月池に他ならないだろう?それ ほど?この場所の夜景は見ごたえがある?大陵苑(デ ルンウォン)も必ず訪れなければならない遺跡だ? 12万6,500㎡の規模に?23基の新羅時代の古墳が集 まっている遺跡だ?歷史が息づく慶州にも?「若い 通り」がある?それが?皇理團(ファンニダン)通り だ?慶州の「皇南(ファンナム)洞」とソウルの梨泰院 (イテウォン)の「經理團通り」を合わせた言葉で?カ フェ?飮食店?寫眞館など個性的な店孃が立ち竝ん でいる?若い觀光客ならば?必ず立ち寄らなければ ならない話題のスポットだ?

Daereungwon Tomb Complex

September 2021 45


Variety Korea

Barley bread

Hwangnam bread

A local food brand in Gyeongju is Byulchaeban. Its main menus are 6 Buchon Yukgaejang (Spicy Beef Soup) and Gondalbi Bibimbap. 6 Buchon Yukgaejang is a royalstyle Yukgaejang with combination of 6 blandly boiled ingredients, modeled on the history of Seorabeol’s 6 tribes, 6 villages united to establish the Silla Kingdom. The six ingredients are Gyeongju Millennium Hanwoo (Korean beef), Dangosari, Gondalbi, tripe, and green onion. Gondalbi Bibimbap is wild vegetable bibimbap made with gondalbi grown in Sannae-myeon, a clean area in Gyeongju, mixed with a seasoning made of deonjang (soybean paste) and anchovies. Hwangnam bread filled with red beans is also a must-try snack. It was named after the place that had been selling the bread since 1939, which was designated as a local traditional food in 1994 and is now the No. 2 brand in Gyeongsangbuk-do. Barley bread made of Gyeongju glutinous barley and whole oats is also spotlighted as a well-being food recently.

慶州の鄕土料理のブランドは?ビョルチェ バンだ?ビョルチェバンは6富村ユッケジ ャンとコンダルビビビンバなどが主なメニ ュ―だ?昔の徐羅伐(ソラボル?新羅の古い 國號)の6つの部族である6富村が1つに統合さ れ?新羅が建國されたことになぞらえ?6種 類の材料を1ヶ所に集め?あっさりと味付け た宮中式のユッケジャンが6富村ユッケジャ ンだ?6種類の材料は?慶州の千年韓牛とワ ラビ?コンダルビ?羊のホルモン?ネギなど だ?コンダルビビビンバは?淸淨地域である 慶州の山內(サンネ)面で栽培したコンダルビ などを入れた山菜ビビンバで?テンジャン (韓國味粃)とカタクチイワシで作ったヤンニ ョムジャンを使ったのが特徵だ? あんこがぎっしり詰まった皇南(ファンナ ム)パンも絶對に外せない食べ物だ?この 名前は?1939年から皇南洞で賣られたパン ということによるものだ?1994年に鄕土傳 統飮食に指定され?慶尙北道名品の第2號で ある?慶州の麥と燕麥で作ったチャルポリ (麥)パンも?最近浮上しているウェルビ―イ ング食品だ?


46 Korea Agrafood

Local Products Gyeongjukyodong-beobju

Gyeongjukyodong-beobju is a traditional alcoholic beverage of Gyeongju, brewed from generation to generation in the family of a very rich man named Choi in Gyodong, Gyeongju. It is a pure grain wine made from native glutinous rice. The secret of Gyeongjukyodong-beobju taste is in the water it uses. The water from Choi’s yard used to make Beobju has excellent taste as the volume and the temperature of the water are almost constant. Having a harmonious sweet and sour taste, Gyeongjukyodong-beobju has a relatively low alcohol content of 16-18 degrees, so it goes well with local indigenous food. Gyeongju Millennium Hanwoo is a Korean beef brand representing Gyeongju as well. It phased in the HACCP in the beef breeding stage for the first time in Korea, and above all, it is a premium Korean beef that won the grand prize in the Korean National Beef Competition. Not trying Hanwoo in Gyeongju is like not visiting Bulguksa Temple in Gyeongju.

慶州校洞法酒は?慶州の傳統酒だ?慶州の校洞(キョド ン)の大富豪の崔富者の家で代?釀造されてきた酒で? 在來種のもち米で釀造した純粹な穀酒だ?慶州校洞法 酒の秘密は?酒の味を左右する水にある?法酒を作る ときに使用する崔富者の家の庭の井戶水は?水の量と 溫度がほぼ一定で水の味もきわめてよい?甘味と酸味 が調和する慶州校洞法酒は?度數も16~18度で比較的低 い方であり?慶州の鄕土料理にもよく合う? 韓牛ブランドの「慶州千年韓牛」も?慶州を代表する特産 物だ?韓牛の飼育段階でHACCPを全國で最初に導入 し?何より韓牛能力評價大會で最優秀賞を受賞した名 品韓牛だ?慶州で韓牛を味わえないなら?慶州に來て も佛國寺を見ることができないのと同じだ?

September 2021 47


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Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation is leaping toward a new future. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2017 and we plan to take a big step forward. Having grown strongly since our establishment in 1967, we are becoming a force for globalization. Our bigger steps will be milestones for tomorrow.

China Beijing Branch Office 603 Room, Block A, Fairmont Tower No.33 Guangshun North Street, Chaoyang Distract, Beijing, 100102, China

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(100102 33

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Southeast Asia


Tokyo Branch Office Korea Agro-Trade Center, Tokyo Korea Center 5F, 4-4-10 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0004, Japan

Jakarta Branch Office The Energy Building 20th FL, Zone F, SCBD Lot. 11A JL. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia E-Mail : TEL : 62-21-2995-9032~3, 9035 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2694~5 FAX : 62-21-2995-9034

Los Angeles Branch Office 12750 Center CourtDriveSouth, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA E-Mail : TEL : 1-562-809-8810 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2692~3 FAX : 1-562-809-1191

(Singapore) Korea Agro-fisheries & Food Trade Corp Indonesia aT Center 16 Collyer Quay Level 20-00 Singapore 049318 TEL : 65-6818-9030 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-5094

New York Branch Office 15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA E-Mai l : TEL : 1-212-889-2561 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2690~1 FAX : 1-212-889-2560

東京都新宿袴四穀4-4-10 KOREA



E-Mail : TEL : 81-3-5367-6656, 6693~94 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7060~7062, 2689, 3265 FAX : 81-3-5367-6657


E-Mail : TEL : 886-2-2740-5040 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7229 FAX : 886-2-2515-1160

Osaka Branch Office 8F, Nomura Fudousan Osaka Bldg. 1-8-15, Azuchimachi, Chuou-ku, Osaka, 541-0052, Japan

Qingdao Trade Office Room 705, Yuanxiongguojiguangchang Building, No.26, Hongkong Middle Road, Qingdao, 266071, China

E-Mail : TEL : 81-6-6260-7661 INTERNET PHONE : 070-7000-4138 FAX : 81-6-6260-7663

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E-Mail : TEL : 86-532-5566-8870~8872 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-5092~3 FAX : 86-532-5566-8873 Qingdao aT logistics Co.,Ltd Qingdao aT logistics co.,Ltd West Shuangyuan Rd.,Liuting Street, Chengyang, Qingdao, China

靑島市城陽袴流享街道雙元路西靑島愛 特物流有限公司) (

E-Mail : TEL : 86-532-6696-2229, 2280 INTERNET PHONE : 070-7938-0865 070-7938-0863 070-7938-0864 FAX : 86-532-6696-2181

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Middle East Dubai Branch Office (PO BOX 57528) Office #48, SunsetMall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Jumeira 3, Dubai, UAE TEL : 971-4-339-2213

Hanoi Branch Office #1213, 12th floor., Keangnam Hanoi Landmark 72 Tower, plot E6, Pham Hung Str., South Tu Liem Dist, Ha Noi., VietNam E-Mail : TEL : 84-4-6282-2987 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7719, 7724 FAX : 84-4-6282-2989 HoChiMinh Branch Office CJ Building, Floor 3, 2 Bis 4-6 Le Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City E-Mail : TEL : 84-28-3822-7503~4 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7183 FAX : 02-838-227-503 Bangkok Trade Office #2102 Level 21, Interchange 21, 339 Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand E-Mail : TEL : 66-2-611-2627~9(Extension 12) INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-7226 FAX : 66-2611-2626

Europe Paris Branch Office Korean Agro-Trade Center, 89Rue Du Gouvemeur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, lssyles-moulineaux, France E-Mail : TEL : 33-1-4108-6076~8, 6096 INTERNET PHONE : 070-4617-2699 FAX : 33-1-4108-2016 Vladivostok Branch Office Lotte Hotel Vladivostok 520-522 office, 29, Semenovskaya St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091 E-Mail :

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