Oct 2023 (vol. 336)

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Fruits in Korea

Oct. 2023 | vol.336

Korea's Fruitful Tapestry:

From Culture to Consumption

Eden Farming, the Epitome of Premium Golden Apples

Fruit Trends and Statistics in South Korea

Discovering Korean Instant Rice on Amazon Korea's First Natural Sleep Aid Drink, Sleeping Bottle


Beef Brisket Soybean Paste Stew

Weather and Its Impact on Farming in October



Various Alcohol Trends Evolving Into Mixed Drink Culture

In this issue, we explore the production and consumption trends of six major fruits in Korea: apples, tangerines, grapes, peaches, pears, and persimmons. We also met with Eden Farm, known for producing Korea's high-quality golden apples, to understand the current dynamics in the domestic fruit market. Farmtastic Corner discusses the growing consumer interest in the immune-boosting effects of mushrooms, especially in light of the pandemic. We interview Byeonsan Mushroom Farm and share various mushroom recipes that promote immune health. We also introduce "Sleeping Bottle," a sleep-improving product condensed from 12 native ingredients. Plus, discover a healthy smoothie made with sweet persimmons. Our photo essay captures the scenic beauty of Shine Muscat grapes in season.

with Nature's Goodness
Boosting Your Wellness
Taste and Health in


Cover Story

8 Korea's Fruitful Tapestry: From Culture to Consumption

12 Eden Farming, the Epitome of Premium Golden Apples

14 Fruit Trends and Statistics in South Korea

In Focus

16 Farmtastic | Foods Rich in Beta-Glucan: Boosting Your Wellness with Nature's Goodness

20 Processed Food | Korea's First Natural Sleep Aid Drink, Sleeping Bottle

24 New Item | Taste and Health in Hongshi Smoothie

KAF Trends

28 Trend & Products | Various Alcohol Trends Evolving Into Mixed Drink Culture

32 e-Commerce | Discovering Korean Instant Rice on Amazon

34 COLUMN | Weather and Its Impact on Farming in October

On the Table

36 Photo Essay | Mungyeong Apple

38 K-FOOD Recipe | Chadoldoenjangjjigae (Beef Brisket Soybean Paste Stew)

Founded in August, 1995,

Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea

Tel: +82-61-931-0963 Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Kim Kwang-jin





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok (rhee@at.or.kr) 070-4617-3266, 3278

HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo (max@at.or.kr) 070-4617-2696, 7116

HOCHIMIN Cho Sung-bae (chobae@at.or.kr) 070-4617-3276

JAKARTA Lee Seung-hoon (afmchoon@at.or.kr) 070-4617-2694~5

TOKYO Yoon Sang-young (foodkorea@at.or.kr) 070-4617-7060~7062

OSAKA Kwon Hyun-joo (hyunjukun@at.or.kr) 070-7000-4138

PARIS Nam Sang-hui (mudpearl@at.or.kr) 070-4617-7225, 2424

QINGDAO Han Seung-hee (shhan@at.or.kr) 070-4617-5093, 7239

EDITED & DESIGNED BY DN 7-18, Mokdongjungangbuk-ro 10-gil, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

+82-70-4354-4207 / d-n@daum.net / www.d-n.kr

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, www.k-foodtrade.or.kr

Korea's Fruitful Tapestry:

From Culture to Consumption

In Korea, apples, pears, and persimmons are the most iconic fruits of the country. These fruits have significant cultural significance, are central to various traditional rituals and ceremonies observed throughout the year, and are deeply rooted in the Korean cultural fabric. In addition, peaches, grapes, and tangerines are commonly eaten as desserts and snacks in Korea. These six fruits are Korea's six major fruits. It's a common practice for people to buy these fruits in large quantities on a weekly basis and enjoy them as snacks throughout the week. In the past, obtaining and transporting fresh fruit in bulk was a challenge. Today, the convenience of texting, calling, or ordering online has made it easier than ever to purchase fresh fruit anytime, anywhere.

Sweetness and texture are priorities when it comes to fruit. Excessive rain or extreme heat can result in oversized or burst fruit due to excessive moisture. A warm climate with significant temperature fluctuations and a relatively high orchard elevation is essential to produce the finest fruit. Products such as Golden Apple Eden Farming in Hamyang, Pear Farming Cooperative in Jinju, and Shaiwang Agricultural Cooperative Corporation in Sangju are known for their superior quality. These farms share an altitude

韓国の自然環境と韓国人に似た 韓国の果物

韓国の代表的な果物はりんご、梨、柿である。伝統を重 視する韓国で、これらの果物は年に何度か行われる法 事などに使われるだけあって、大事で身近な果物であ る。このほかに桃、ブドウ、みかんはデザートやおやつ として韓国で人気の果物である。この6種類の果物が 韓国の6大果物である。週に1回ぐらいの頻度で大量に 購入し1週間ずっと食べ続ける。昔は購入するのも大変 で、買う時は比較的運搬と保存が容易な箱単位で買っ ていたが、今はいつ、どこでもメールや電話、ネットで新 鮮な果物を少量購入することができる。新鮮な果物を 手に入れるのが容易になったのである。

果物は糖度と硬度が重要である。降水量が多すぎたり暑 すぎたりすると、成長し過ぎたり果肉が柔らかくなり過ぎ たり傷みやすくなる。暖かい気候で朝晩の寒暖差が大き い、標高の高い地域の果物が基本的に美味しい。咸陽(ハ ミャン)郡の黄金りんご農家のエデンドンサン、晋州(ジン ジュ)市文山(ムンサン)の梨農家の韓国梨営農組合、慶尚 北道尚州(サンジュ)市のシャイワン営農組合のシャインマ スカットが最高レベルと言われている。これらの共通点 は標高が5メートルくらいで適度な風が吹き、気温差が大き いということである。果物は樹齢が若いほど、味がよい。よ り品質のよい果物を収穫するために収穫量を犠牲にしてま で4年周期でりんごの木全体を植え替えることもある。 りんごの場合、ふじは変動がなく、紅露と津軽、陽光、早 熟系ふじなどは4〜6%減少する見込みであ る。カムホンは対前年比7%、人気の 高い黄金りんごのシナノゴールド は対前年比23%も増加する見通 しである。梨はシングァとウォンフ ァンはそれぞれ3%と2%、シンフ ァ、ファサン、ファングムはそれぞれ 1〜6%増える見通しである。みかんは 晩柑類は対前年比6%、チョンヘヒャン

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Cover Story

of about 5 meters, which ensures excellent wind circulation and remarkable temperature fluctuations. As for the fruit, the younger the tree, the better the taste. Some farmers are willing to sacrifice yield to ensure the highest quality fruit, opting to replace all their apple trees every four years.

As for the apple crop, Fuji is expected to remain stable. However, Hongro, Sugaaru, Yangkwang and Fuji apples are expected to decrease by 4-6%. Gamhong apples are estimated to increase by 7% over last year, and the famous golden apples, known as Sinano Gold, are expected to increase by a remarkable 23%. For pears, Singo and Wonhwang are expected to grow by 3% and 2% respectively, while Shinwha, Hwasan and Golden pear varieties are forecast to grow by 1-6%. Tangerines are projected to increase by 6%, and Cheonhyehyang and Redhyang are expected to increase by 3% and 2%, respectively. For peaches, Yumogye is expected to decline by 1% and Cheondogyehae is expected to increase by 2%, mainly due to new varieties such as Sinbi and Yerodream. Grapes including Campbell Early, Kyohong and MBA are expected to decline by 2-9%. However, Delaware grapes are expected to increase by 3%, and Shine

Representative Korean Fruits

Muscat, Rubyroman, Hongjoo Seedless, and other table grape varieties are projected to increase by 11%. For persimmon, Woonmi and Olnuri are projected to increase by 11%, while the main variety Buyu is projected to decrease by 4%, and Charang and Early Seochon are projected to decrease by 1% and 8%, respectively. Taechu is expected to increase by 5%.

Korean fruit consumers have slightly different preferences depending on the type of fruit. For apples, they prefer medium-sized apples weighing 150-250g with a rich red color and a balance of sweetness and tartness. For pears, they choose medium-sized pears weighing 550-700g with an intense sweetness and abundant juice. For peaches, they prefer the 300g size with a sweet and juicy texture. Consumers prefer grapes with high sugar content, thin skin and tiny seeds. Tangerines are preferred to have a harmonious blend of sweetness and acidity and should generally have a deep color along with thin skins. For persimmons, medium-sized fruit weighing 250-280g with a firm, crunchy texture are highly prized. For pears in particular, they prefer larger and well-shaped fruits for traditional rituals. For eating, however, they prefer the crisp texture and juiciness of the flesh, with the unique aroma of pears being especially appreciated.

とレッドヒャンは前年よりそれぞれ3%、2%増加すると 見込まれている。桃は有毛品種が対前年比1%減少し、 ネクタリン品種はシンビ、イエロードリームなどの新しい 品種を中心に2%増加する見通しである。ブドウはキャン ベル・アーリー(Campbell early)と巨峰類のMBAが2〜 9%減少する一方で、デラウェアは3%、シャインマスカッ トは8%、ルビーロマンやホンジュシードレスなどの赤ブ

ドウ品種は11%増加すると予想されている。柿はウォン ミ、オルヌリは11%増加する反面、主品種の富有は4%、 次郎と西村早生は対前年比それぞれ1%と8%減少し、



ごは深紅色で150〜250g、甘味が酸味より強いものを好 む。梨は黄色く、550〜700gの中型で、甘みが強いものを 好む。桃の場合は、300g程度の甘くて果汁の多いものが 好まれる。ブドウは糖度が高く、皮ごと食べられる種なし 品種で粒の大きさが中小型のものを、みかんは甘味と酸 味のバランスが良くて、全体的に色は濃いけど皮は薄い ものが好まれる。柿は250〜280gの中型で、果肉が硬く てシャキッとした食感が好まれる。このうち梨は特に、法 事で使う場合は大きくて形のよいものが好まれる傾向が あり、自分で食べるために購入するときは、形や大きさよ

り梨特有のシャキシャキした食感と豊富な果汁、そして何 よりも梨らしい香りがするものが好まれる。

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Cover Story
Pear Apple Peach Persimmon

Eden Farming, the Epitome of Premium Golden Apples

品格のある黄金りんご農園  エデンドンサン

In the 2022 South Korea Representative Fruit Selection Contest, Eden Farming's Golden Apples won the prestigious title for the first time. These Golden Apples, a Fuji variety known as "Sinano Gold," are celebrated for their abundant juiciness and exquisite balance of sweetness and tartness, with a sugar content of 14-15 Brix. These apples are yellow on the outside and the same color as regular apples on the inside. They are typically harvested from early October to around the 25th. As they age, the acidity decreases while the sugar content increases, enhancing the delightfully sweet and tangy flavor. The annual yield of Golden Apples varies from 20,800 to 1,000 boxes, with prices ranging from KRW 35,000 to KRW 85,000 per 3.4 kg, and the quantity per box can range from 7 to 17 pieces. In 2019, a related apple variety, Hooberks, took the top spot among nationally certified environmentally friendly products.

Apple flavor is significantly influenced by plant origin and environmental conditions, with the highest quality apples typically coming from young plants. Primary harvesting begins in the second year. The farm recently planted 200 Embu apple trees and has successfully harvested 20 containers, each equivalent to a 20kg box, this year. All of Eden Farming's apple trees are between 2 and 4 years old and yield approximately 15 apples for 2 year old trees, 30 for 3 year old trees and approximately 50 for 4 year old trees. Adequate sunlight, a wide range of temperatures, and good

air circulation and ventilation are essential for the production of delicious apples. A good apple must first be firm and have a good sugar content. While most apples typically have a sugar content of 12-13 Brix, Eden Farming's apples typically measure 14-15 Brix. From next year, a new apple variety, Gamhong, is expected to reach 16-17 Brix, while Embu apples are already measuring 18-19 Brix. Embu apples are peach red inside and out. It has a blackish-red color and a nice taste. Since 2009, the second CEO, Oh Seong-seob, has been in charge of the farm, replacing it with a new variety every four years.

Eden Farming's apple orchard consists of approximately 8,000 trees, including 3,000 Sinano Gold apples, 1,000 Fuji apples, 1,000 Starkrimson apples, 1,400 Embu apples, 700 Arisoo apples, 500 Gamhong apples, 200 Chohong apples, 100 Peachy apples, and more. Arisoo, Dahong, Chohong and Gamhong apples are local varieties. They also plan to plant 300 Peachy apple trees next year. Eden Farming's annual harvest is about 40 tons, with a cultivation area of 3.3 hectares. Although the harvest has dropped to 20 tons due to the transition to new varieties, it is expected to recover to 40 tons soon and exceed this level from 2025. Remarkably, their income has increased despite halving production while focusing on growing the finest apples. On January 1, 2010, eleven members formed Eden Farming and established the Eden Farming Association Corporation under the leadership of CEO Oh Ki-joo. Under his leadership, his wife, Kim Weul-soon, served as CEO, and since 2017, their daughter-in-law, Yoon Sun-ok, has been in charge.

2022年韓国代表果物選抜大会で、エデンドンサンの黄 金りんごが初めて優秀賞を受賞した。黄金りんごはふじ の一種であるシナノゴールドで、果汁が多く、酸味がい い。糖度は14〜15ブリックスで、甘味と酸味のバランス が素晴らしい甘酸っぱい味が絶品である。外は黄色く、 中身は一般のりんごと同じ色をしている。収穫は10月上 旬から25日の間に行われる。黄金りんごは時間が経つ につれて酸味は薄くなり糖度は高くなる。年間収穫量は 20kg入りの箱を基準に800〜1000箱で、3kgまたは4kg あたりの値段は35,000ウォンから85,000ウォンまで幅 広い。入り数も一箱当たり7個から17個まで様々であ る。2019年にはふじの一種であるフブラックスが国家 認証エコ製品の中でトップとなった。

りんごの味は苗木と環境に左右されるが、若い苗木か ら実るりんごの品質が最高といわれる。本格的に収穫 するのは2年目からである。エデンドンサンは去年新た に「炎舞」200本を植え、今年20kgコンテナ20箱分を収 穫した。エデンドンサンのりんごの木は全て2〜4年生で ある。2年目の木に15個、3年目の木に30個、4年目の木 に50個くらいが実る。日射量が多く、気温差が大きく、 風通しがいいと美味しいりんごになる。美味しいりんご はまず硬くなければならず、その次に糖度が重要であ る。一般的なりんごは12〜13ブリックスだが、エデンド ンサンのりんごはほとんど14〜15ブリックスである。来 年から本格的に生産される「カムホン」は16〜17ブリッ クスに達する。「炎舞」の糖度は18〜19ブリックス。外 と中身がいずれも桃のように赤い。外は黒く見えるくら い赤く、香りもいい。2009年から2代目のオ・ソンソプ (吳聖燮:OH,SEONG SEOB)さんが農場を運営してお り、4年ごとに新しい品種に変えている。


金リンゴ3,000本、ふじ1,000本、タホン1,000本、炎舞 1,400本、アリス700本、カムホン500本、チョホン200 本、ムーンルージュ100本などである。アリスとタホン、 チョホン、カムホンは韓国品種のりんごである。来年「 ムーンルージュ」という、外は黄色く、中身は赤いりんご を300本追加で植える予定だという。エデンドンサンの 年間収穫量は40トン規模で、栽培面積は3.3ha。収穫 量は新しい品種に変えたことで20トンに減少したが、

間もなく40トンに回復し、2025年からは40トンを超え ると見込んでいる。最高品質のりんごを栽培しているた め、収穫量が半分に減少しても売上はむしろ増えてい る。2010年1月1日、エデンドンサンが中心となって11人 の組合員がエデン営農法人を設立した。オ・キジュ(吳基 周:OH,KI JOO)代表が1代目で、妻のキム・ウォルスン( 金月順:KIM,WEUL SOON)さんに続き、嫁のユン・ソン オク(尹善玉:YOON,SUN OK)さんが2017年から代表を 務めている。

Eden Farming Association Corporation

CEO: Oh Seong-seop

TEL: +82-10-2777-4657

EMAIL: holy888@hanmail.net

ADDRESS: 3700-4, Hamyangnamseo-ro, Seoha-myeon, Hamyang-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea

Eden Farming Association Corporation is a sustainable agriculture initiative that focuses on regenerative farming practices to promote environmental conservation and food security. Through the use of innovative techniques like permaculture and agroforestry, Eden Farming aims to restore ecosystems, enhance soil health, and produce nutritious crops while minimizing the ecological footprint. エデンドンサンは、環境保全と食糧安全保障を促進するため に持続可能な農業を重点に置いた取り組みです。パーマカ ルチャーや森林農業などの革新的な技術を活用して、エコ システムの回復、土壌の健康の向上、生態系への影響を最 小限に抑えつつ、栄養価の高い作物を生産します。

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Cover Story

Fruit Trends and Statistics in South Korea

The "six major fruits of South Korea" are apples, tangerines, peaches, grapes, pears, and persimmons. In terms of fruit production by item in 2021, these six major fruits accounted for 89.6% of the total production. Apples took the top spot at 24.8%, followed by tangerines at 19.2%, grapes at 15.5%, peaches at 13.5%, pears at 11.3%, and persimmons at 5.3%. Other fruits account for 10.4% of the total.

The total fruit production value in 2021 was KRW 5,553 billion, with the six major fruits contributing KRW 4,976.6 billion. The production value of these six major fruits was KRW 1,377.7 billion in 2021, while it was KRW 2,410 billion in 2000.

Apple production grew from KRW 497.7 billion in 2000 to KRW 820 billion in 2010, KRW 1,448 billion in 2015, KRW 1,100 billion in 2020, and KRW 1,377.7 billion in 2021. Apples have held the top position since 2015. In contrast, the production value of tangerines increased from KRW 634 billion in 2000 to KRW 931 billion in 2010, KRW 637 billion in 2015, KRW 900 billion in 2020, and KRW 1,650 billion in 2021. The area under apple cultivation increased from 29,000 hectares in 2000 to 31,000 hectares in 2010, 31,600 hectares in 2020, and 34,000 hectares in 2022. On the other hand, tangerine farms decreased from 26,868 hectares in 2000 to 21,100 hectares in 2010, 21,100 hectares in 2020, and 22,100 hectares in 2022. Peaches also experienced an increase in production value. In 2000, its production value was KRW 185 billion, which increased to KRW 200 billion in 2005, KRW 410 billion in 2010, KRW 456 billion in 2015, KRW 610 billion in 2020, and KRW 752 billion in 2021.

The total area planted with the six major fruits decreased rapidly by about 66% between 2015 and 2019. This decrease was due to the fact that the area planted with other fruits increased by an average of 2% per year after 2010 and accounted for 34% of the total area in 2019. In the medium to long term, the fruit area is expected to decrease by an average of 7% per year, reaching about 96,000 hectares in 2030.

In terms of fruit exports, apples were exported 1,536 tons in 2021 and 2,542 tons in 2022, while grapes were exported 2,108 tons in 2020 and 2,315 tons in 2021, and persimmons were exported 5,609 tons in 2020, 2,098 tons in 2021, and 4,259 tons in 2022.

Pears were exported in quantities of 23,566 tons in 2020, 21,841 tons in 2021, and 26,274 tons in 2022.

Export destinations include the United States, China, Canada, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Russia.

In 2023, production of the six major fruits shows a declining trend, except for tangerines which show a modest increase of 0.5%. Apples decreased by 23.2%, pears by 19.7%, grapes by 1.7%, and persimmons by 13.5%. In 2022, apples were produced on 34,603 hectares, yielding approximately 556,000 tons. In 2023, it is estimated that apples will be produced on 33,911 hectares, yielding about 434,900 tons. Pears are expected to be grown on about 9,607 hectares this year, producing about 202,000 tons. This is a slight decrease from the previous year when they were grown on 9,680 hectares and produced 251,100 tons.

For tangerines, the area planted in 2022 covered 14,405 hectares and produced 429,000 tons. This year, however, the area is estimated to be about 14,199 hectares, yielding about 431,200 tons. In 2022, 196,000 tons of grapes were produced from 14,655 hectares. In 2023, it is expected to produce 192,700 tons from 14,722 hectares. Persimmons produced 115,600 tons in 2022 from an area of 9,477 hectares. This year, they are expected to produce about 99,900 tons from 9,207 hectares.


「韓国の6大果物」といえば、りんご、みかん、桃、ぶど う、梨、柿である。2021年果物の品目別生産額ベースで 見ると、全体のうち6大果物が89.6%を占めている。1位 はりんごで24.8%、2位はみかんで19.2%、3位はぶどうで 15.5%、4位は桃で13.5%、5位は梨で11.3%、6位は柿で 5.3%。その他の果物は10.4%を占めている。2021年果

物全体の生産額は5兆5,530億ウォンで、このうち6大果 物の割合は4兆9,760億ウォン。2000年の6大果物の生産 額は、2兆4,010億ウォンであった。

りんごの生産額は2000年4,970億ウォンから2010年 8,020億ウォン、2015年1兆4,480億ウォン、2020年1兆 1,000億ウォン、2021年には1兆3,770億ウォンとなっ


みかんは2000年6,340億ウォンから2010年9,310億ウ ォン、2015年6,370億ウォン、2020年9,000億ウォン、 2021年1兆650億ウォンを記録している。栽培面積も、

りんごが2000年に29,000haから2010年31,000ha、 2020年31,600ha、2022年34,000haに増加した反面、

みかんは2000年26,800haから2010年と2020年に 21,100ha、2022年に22,100haと減少した。桃も生産 額が増加した果物である。2000年1,850億ウォン、 2005年2,000億ウォン、2010年4,100億 ウォン、2015年4,560億ウォン、 2020年6,010億ウォン、 2021年7,520億ウォン と増え続けている。

果物全体の栽培面 積で6大果物が占め る割合は、2015年か ら2019年にかけて66% になるぐらい急速に減った。

その他の果物の栽培面積が2010 年以降年平均2%ずつ増加し、2019年に は全体の34%を占めるようになったからである。中

長期的には、果物の栽培面積は年平均7%ずつ減少し、 2030年には96,000ha水準にまで減少するとみられる。

輸出はりんごが2021年1,536トン、2022年には2,542トン を、ぶどうは2020年2,108トン、2021年2,315トンを、柿は 2020年5,609トン、2021年2,098トン、2022年には4,259 トンを輸出した。梨は2020年23,566トン、2021年には 21,841トン、2022年には26,274トンを輸出した。輸出先 はアメリカ、中国、カナダ、台湾、マレーシア、インドネシ ア、ベトナム、香港、シンガポール、ロシアなどである。 2023年の6大果物の生産量は、0.5%増のみかんを 除き、前年より減少している。りんごは-23.2%、梨は -19.7%、ぶどうは-1.7%、柿が-13.5%。りんごは2022 年、34,603haで55万6,000トンを生産した。2023年に は33,911haで43万4,900トンの生産が見込まれてい る。梨は今年9,607haで20万2,000トンくらいと予想さ れる。昨年は9,680haで25万1,100トンを生産した。み かんの場合、露地栽培の温州みかんを2022年14,405ha で42万9,000トン生産したが、今年は14,199haで43万 1,200トン程度になると予想される。ぶどうは2022年 14,655haで19万6,100トンを生産した。2023年には 14,722haで19万2,700トンを生産する見通しである。柿 は2022年9,477haで11万5,600トンを生産した。今年は 9,207haで9万9,900トンの生産量が見込まれている。

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Cover Story


Boosting Your Wellness with Nature's Goodness

Beta-glucan is a common nutrient found in a variety of grains, such as oats, barley, wheat, and rice, as well as in most types of mushrooms. Certain mushrooms, including Cauliflower, Meshima, Chaga, and Reishi, contain exceptionally high levels of beta-glucan. With the increased awareness of the importance of immune health following the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a growing interest in betaglucan. Beta-glucan is a type of dietary fiber found abundantly in the cell walls of yeast and fungi. It's a complex carbohydrate formed by the linkage of sugar molecules. Beta-glucan aids in the activation and proliferation of immune cells. It is also beneficial for reducing cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels.

In addition, beta-glucan inhibits fat absorption in the intestine and helps regulate blood lipid levels, making it beneficial for weight management. Its long-term effect in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, stroke and fatty liver is attributed to its cholesterol-lowering properties. Betaglucan also promotes active intestinal peristalsis, ensuring smooth bowel movements. Due to its potent antioxidant properties, it is effective in preventing the onset of diseases such as cancer, hypertension, and diabetes.

那么,我们如何在日常生活中摄取有益于健康的β-葡聚 β-葡聚糖的宝库—— “蘑菇”的食用方法

β-葡聚糖是一种对人体健康非常有益的营养成分,主要 存在于燕麦、大麦、小麦、糙米和大多数菌菇类中。特别是 银耳、桑黄、白桦茸和灵芝中的含量较高。随着新冠疫情 后人们愈发认识到免疫力的重要性,该成分开始被人们 关注。它富含于酵母和蘑菇细胞壁,是一种人体难以消化 的膳食纤维。它们是由β-糖苷键结合形成的多糖类,有 助于提高免疫细胞的活力和数量。它能降低胆固醇、中性 脂肪和低密度脂蛋白。还能够抑制肠道对脂肪的吸收,调 节血脂,有助于减肥。因其具有降低胆固醇的功效,从长 远的角度,还能有效预防动脉硬化、中风、脂肪肝等疾病 的发生,同时有助于增加大便量,促进肠道活动,使排便 更加顺畅。β-葡聚糖具有强大的抗氧化功能,可有效预防 癌症、高血压和糖尿病等疾病。

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Now, let's explore how we can incorporate this health-promoting beta-glucan into our daily lives. First, let's identify foods that are naturally rich in betaglucan. These foods include oats, barley, rice, wheat, legumes, mushrooms, mung beans, and various fruits and vegetables. Oats are readily available and can be consumed by chewing or prepared as oatmeal in broth or milk. In Korea, barley was traditionally eaten as porridge or bread. While barley rice was once commonly eaten, it is now less common. Brown rice, rich in beta-glucan, is consumed in modern households as part of a health-conscious diet. Wheat, which is rich in beta-glucan, can be found in a variety of foods, including pasta. Legume dishes often include bean flour in several recipes. Mung beans make foods such as mung bean rice cakes or fermented mung bean paste. Beta-glucan is also found in small amounts in fruits and vegetables.

Known for their high beta-glucan content, mushrooms can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes or as a stand-alone ingredient. To make a chilled enoki mushroom salad, you'll need 150g of mushrooms, half a cucumber, 5cm of green onion and dressing. For enoki mushroom soup, use chili peppers, green onions, and carrots. For each 150 grams of enoki mushrooms, add one chili pepper, 5 centimeters of green onion, and 1/5 of a carrot. For Matsutake mushroom rolls, use 15 chives and a quarter of a carrot for two Matsutake mushrooms. Pumpkin leaf soup calls for 60 grams of pumpkin leaves and 50 grams of shiitake mushrooms.

Mushrooms can also be combined with other vegetables to create new dishes. For a chilled eggplant salad, use one eggplant, 1/2 each green and red pepper, two shiitake mushrooms, and 20 grams of carrots. For stir-fried bok choy mushrooms, use 100 grams of bok choy and three shiitake mushrooms. For stir-fried shiitake asparagus, use 5-6 shiitake mushrooms, five asparagus stems, and 1/4 green, red, and yellow bell peppers. For the Eggplant Mushroom Miso Rice Bowl, add one eggplant and two medium mushrooms. For the Grilled Tofu Mushroom Rice Bowl, add 1/2 head of tofu and 80 grams of maitake mushrooms. For the Vegetable Seasoned Tofu Pockets Rice Bowl, add 1/3 carrot, eight garlic cloves, 60 grams lotus root and two stalks of green onion.

One of the leading agricultural companies in Korea, Byeonsan Mushroom Farm, has been cultivating Meshima mushrooms, Ganoderma ludicum, shiitake mushrooms, and other functional mushrooms since 2019. They grow high-quality Meshima mushrooms through consistent cultivation, including inoculation, sterilization, and cultivation. With mushroom substrate production facilities, including mixing equipment, inoculation rooms, and sterilization rooms, all processes from substrate production to inoculation are carried out on the farm. Initially focused on the sale of raw mushrooms, the company expanded to meet customer demand for various products such as mushroom tea bags and Meshima mushroom juice.

糖呢?首先,我们要知道哪些食物富含β-葡聚糖成分。燕 麦、大麦、糙米、小麦、豆类、菌菇类、黄豆(绿豆)、果蔬类 都是富含β-葡聚糖成分的食物。日常生活中最常见的就 是燕麦。燕麦的食用方法多种多样,可直接食用,或泡在 汤或牛奶中加热后食用。大麦可以制成大麦粥或大麦面 包食用。以前,韩国人经常吃大麦饭,还与大米混合做成 杂粮饭食用。现在,偶尔也会吃大麦饭,但不常吃,只会在 一些特别的情况下食用。近年来,许多家庭为了制作健康 餐,选择用糙米代替米饭或制作糙米糕点来吃。有很多面 食都使用小麦制成。人们最常吃的就是面条等面食。豆

粉会用于制作年糕,或用于其他食物的烹饪。蘑菇本身 就可以用于多种菜肴,也会被用作其他菜肴的配料。黄豆 (绿豆)除了用来做年糕,还可以制成发酵食品。此外,蔬 菜和水果中也含有少量的β-葡聚糖。

蘑菇是富含β-葡聚糖的代表性食物之一,蘑菇可以与其 他蔬菜搭配,烹饪出多种不同口味的菜肴。例如:制作凉 拌金针菇需要150克的金针菇、半根黄瓜和5厘米左右的 大葱。制作金针菇煎饼需要150克的金针菇和1根尖椒、5 厘米左右的大葱、1/5根胡萝卜。制作杏鲍菇卷需要2个 杏鲍菇、15根小葱、1/4根胡萝卜。南瓜叶汤饭需要60克 南瓜叶和50克香菇。蘑菇还可以与其他蔬菜搭配,制成 新的菜肴。比如凉拌茄子,需要1个茄子、青椒和红辣椒 各半根、2个香菇和20克胡萝卜。蘑菇炒油菜需要100克 油菜和3个香菇。香菇炒芦笋需要5到6个香菇、5根芦笋 和青色、红色、黄色甜椒各1/4个。茄子杏鲍菇大酱汁盖 饭需要1个茄子、2个中等大小的杏鲍菇。豆腐烤蘑菇盖

饭需要1/2块豆腐和80克海鲜菇。蔬菜油豆腐石锅饭需 要1/3个胡萝卜、8瓣大蒜、60克莲藕和2根葱。

蘑菇乐园边山农场是韩国蘑菇种植领域的代表性农业企 业之一,自2019年起,在韩国全罗北道扶安郡边山半岛 种植并加工销售桑黄、鹿角灵芝、香菇等菌菇类产品。主 要种植功能性桑黄、鹿角灵芝和香菇。桑黄使用了木材 基质菌种,从接种、消毒到培养,均采用流水线种植方法, 品质值得信赖。农场内设有菌种培养设施(混合机、封口 机、无菌接种室、消毒室),所有的步骤,包括培养基质、 消毒、接种等都在农场内完成。农场种植多种产品,包括 香菇、桑黄、鹿角灵芝等,此前主要直接销售蘑菇产品,现 在根据顾客的需求,还生产供应桑黄茶、桑黄浓缩液等多 种产品,以满足顾客对桑黄袋茶、桑黄浓缩液茶等各类产 品的需求。

Byeonsan Mushroom Farm

CEO: Lee Hyeon-mi

TEL: +82-10-4723-5030

EMAIL: fre060@naver.com

ADDRESS: 60-6, Champpong-ro, Jinseo-myeon, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea

Byeonsan Mushroom Farm in Korea is known for cultivating high-quality Meshima, Ganoderma Ludicum, and Shiitake mushrooms. They offer a variety of mushroom products, including tea bags and Meshima mushroom juice, with a focus on quality and meticulous cultivation.

蘑菇乐园边山农场是韩国蘑菇种植领域的代表性农业企业 之一,自2019年起,在韩国全罗北道扶安郡边山半岛种植 并加工销售桑黄、鹿角灵芝、香菇等菌菇类产品。

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NaturalKorea'sFirstSleepAidDrink, SleepingBottle

"One Bottle For Better Sleep," "Sleep Drink, Sleep Natural," and "Good night, Sleep tight" are the catchy slogans for the Sleeping Bottle, a product designed to help you sleep better when you're having trouble falling asleep and to regulate your sleep patterns. This beverage has become popular as South Korea's first sleep aid drink. Since its launch in July 2021, it has sold 600,000 bottles, with 100,000 bottles exported to the United States in October 2022. In May this year, it debuted on the world's largest e-commerce platform, Amazon, enabling shipments to Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi (UAE), Canada and other countries through Amazon. This milestone is a critical step for the emerging South Korean sleep specialist to enter the global market. In October this month, a distribution agreement was signed in Australia and exports have already begun, with further expansion expected next year. Since its initial launch in August last year, it is available in 250 locations across South Korea through the country's largest pharmacy chain, 'Onnuri Pharmacy.' In addition, a U.S. subsidiary was established in November of the same year.


"One Bolle For Better Sleep", "Sleep Drink, Sleep Natural", "Good night, Sleet tight"は、眠れないときよ く眠れるようにしてくれる飲料、睡眠リズムを取り戻して くれる「Sleeping Bottle」のキャッチコピーである。韓国 初の睡眠飲料としてブームといってもよい人気を集めてい る。2021年7月の発売以来、60万本が売れ、このうち10万 本は2022年10月アメリカに輸出された。今年5月、世界最 大の電子商取引サイトであるアマゾンに出店し、ここから 注文するとサウジアラビア、アブダビ(UAE)、カナダなど に配送される。韓国の新しい睡眠専門企業がグローバル 市場に進出するための橋頭保となっている。10月にはオー ストラリアでも総代理店契約を締結するなど、輸出に向 けた準備が進んでおり、来年から本格化するとされてい る。また、昨年8月、韓国最大規模の薬局チェーン「オンヌ リ薬局」で販売を開始し、現在全国250支店で販売してい る。昨年11月にはアメリカ法人も設立した。

20 21 Processed Food

Processed Food

The Sleeping Bottle is designed to induce sleep and improve sleep quality. It is made with jujube, schisandra, red ginseng, ecklonia extract and tart cherry juice. The inclusion of tart cherry juice successfully addresses the taste issue of the herbal extract 'SB Concentrate.' Ecklonia is known for its ability to improve sleep quality due to its polyphenolic components, including flavonoids and deoxycholic acid. Siberian ginseng is known to reduce stress by suppressing the stress hormone cortisol. The combination of these ingredients forms the core of the Sleeping Bottle product. As a result, they were granted a Korean patent for "Natural Material Sleep Induction and Sleep Quality Improvement" on July 5 this year. Because it uses components derived from natural materials as active ingredients, it doesn't have the side effects associated with synthetic drugs. They have also filed a PCT application in the United States, Europe, Southeast Asia and other regions.

A one-month study of 20 men and women with sleep disorders was conducted at a research institute in November 2021. The goal of the study was to evaluate the actual effectiveness of the product using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, a globally recognized sleep assessment scale. Over the course of three weeks, the study examined various aspects including reduced sleep latency, increased sleep duration, daytime functional impairment, and sleep disturbance on seven scales. The results showed a remarkable improvement, with the index dropping from 12.29 before consumption to 6.25 after consumption, an improvement of nearly 197%. A lower index score indicates better sleep quality, with "zero (0)" being the ideal score. Careful attention was paid to the design of the product, resulting in a compact 100ml size suitable for inflight consumption. This design was tailored for consumers who struggle to adjust to time differences during flights, or who have difficulty sleeping on board. In June 2022, they achieved global certification

registration from the Korean Vegan Certification Institute, in line with the growing demand from vegan consumers.

In August 2022, the company established a subsidiary in Los Angeles, California, and successfully acquired warehouses and distribution networks, following its debut at the ASD Market Week trade show in the United States. The U.S. trademark registration process, which began with the 2021 product launch, was completed in October 2022. Official sales in the U.S. market began on March 31 of this year. Recently, the company participated in the World Korean Business Expo held in Orange County, California from October 11-14. They also participated in the "2023 SleepTech" event held at COEX from July 7-9 and have completed their entry into the top three major online duty-free shops in South Korea. The product is readily available through various online and offline retail channels, including GS Shop, Coupang, Shinsegae Mall, Kakao Talk Store, Hyundai Department Store and Lotte Department Store. The company is also actively engaged in the development of related products. The future of MUSKA, a venture company that was registered as a sleep-focused company in May 2019, is promising.


る飲料(Sleep-including and sleep quality enhancing drinks)である。ナツメ、クチナシ、紅参、エゾウコギなど のほか、カジメ抽出物とタルトチェリーの原液を入れて作 る。ハーブ抽出物の「SB濃縮液」に不足している味はタル トチェリーの原液で補っている。カジメに含まれているフ ロロタンニンやジエコールというポリフェノール成分は睡 眠の質をよくする効果があり、エゾウコギはストレス性分 泌物質であるコルチゾールを抑制して神経を落ち着かせる 効果があると知られている。このような原料成分の配合レ シピがスリーピングボトルのポイントである。これで今年7 月5日「天然物の睡眠誘導及び睡眠の質向上用途」に関す

る韓国国内の特許登録を終えた。天然由来の有効成分を 含むこの物質は、睡眠を誘導したり睡眠障害を改善したり する組成物である。有効成分が天然由来の成分なので合 成医薬品で発生する副作用を誘発しない。また、アメリカ やヨーロッパ、東南アジアなどにPCT出願をしている。

2021年11月には1か月間、科学技術院研究チームととも に、睡眠に関する悩みを持っている男女20人を対象に、 グローバルな睡眠指標であるピッツバーグ睡眠質問票 (pittsburgh sleep quality index:PSQI)を使って分析 を行い、製品の実質的な効果を評価した。睡眠時間、日 中の機能障害、睡眠妨害など7項目において、3週間にわ たり入眠時間(sleep latency)の縮小と睡眠時間(sleep duration)の増加効果があるか確認した。その結果、製 品摂取前に12.29点だった指数が摂取後には6.25点と、 約半分の値となった。この指数は「ゼロ」に近いほどよい とされる。製品のデザインにおいても細かいところまで 工夫し、航空機内に持ち込める100mlの大きさにした。 これは飛行によって時差ボケが生じる人や、機内でうまく 眠れない消費者を考慮してのことである。2022年6月韓 国ヴィーガン認証院でグローバル認証を受け、ヴィーガン 人口の増加に合わせて消費者のニーズに応えている。

2022年8月にアメリカの消費財博覧会ASDマーケット ウィークで初めて披露したのち、カリフォルニア州ロサ ンゼルスに法人を設立し、倉庫と流通網も確保した。 2021年の製品発売時に始まったアメリカの商標権登 録は、2022年10月完了した。アメリカ市場では今年3月

Sleeping Bottle

The "Sleeping Bottle" is a South Korean sleep aid drink designed to improve sleep quality and help with falling asleep. It contains natural ingredients like jujube, Schisandra, red ginseng, and Ecklonia extract. It has gained popularity both in South Korea and internationally, with exports to the United States and expansion into global markets.

スリーピングボトルは、睡眠の質を向上させ、眠りにつ きやすくするために設計された、韓国の睡眠補助飲料で す。これは、酒酸、五味子、紅参、エクロニアエキス、お よびタートチェリージュースなど、天然成分を含んでいま す。韓国国内および国際市場で人気を集め、アメリカへ の輸出や国際市場への拡大を果たしています。

DIRECTOR: Lim Se-woong

TEL: +82-2-796-0508

EMAIL: sleepingbottle@muska.kr

ADDRESS: 413, Seobinggo-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

31日から本格的に販売に取り組んでいる。直近の10月 11日から14日まで、アメリカカルフォルニア州オレンジ カウンティで開催された世界韓人ビジネス大会(World Korean Business Convention)に出品した。また、7月 7日から9日までCOEXで開催された「2023年スリープ テク」にも参加し、韓国のオンライン免税店主要3社へ の出店も完了した。GSショップ、クーパン、新世界モー ル、カカオトークストア、現代百貨店、ロッテ百貨店な ど、様々なオンライン・オフラインチャンネルで製品を 販売している。そして関連製品の開発にも取り組んで いる。2019年5月睡眠事業のベンチャー企業に登録さ れた(株)ムスカ(Muska)の将来が期待される。2019年5 月睡眠事業のベンチャー企業に登録された(株)ムスカ (Muska)の将来が期待される。


Taste and Health in

Hongshi Smoothie

In response to consumers' growing interest in desserts, health foods, and convenience products, Aejuwon ventured into the Hongshi (sweet persimmon) smoothie business. Hongshi Smoothie is a delicious and nutritious dessert that meets consumer preferences. It's a natural food product made from sweet persimmon that preserves the authentic taste of the original ingredient without any added sugar or preservatives. Hongshi Smoothie is a wellnessoriented product, ideal for children's growth nutrition and to alleviate the effects of hangovers, with a vitamin C content ten times that of apples. In addition, it comes at an affordable price, ensuring accessibility for all, and its frozen format simplifies storage and consumption.

Sangju, located in North Gyeongsang Province, is known as South Korea's premier persimmon producer. For centuries, native persimmon trees have been cultivated in this area, producing persimmons and dried persimmons since well before the 15th century. Dried persimmons from Sangju have graced the tables of the royal court since the Joseon Dynasty. Every household in Sangju grows persimmon trees, and Aejuwon specializes in dried persimmons and Hongshi Smoothie. In August 2010, they established a dried persimmon factory, and in February 2016, they completed the construction of their Hongshi Smoothie factory. This factory, which covers an area of 200 square


随着消费者们对甜品、健康饮食和简餐的关注度不断提 高,(株)爱珠园推出了柿子思慕雪饮品。柿子思慕雪作 为一种健康又美味的甜品,十分符合消费者们对美味健 康食品的需求。它是由软柿子加工而成的天然食品,未 经浓缩且未添加任何糖分和防腐剂,保留了柿子原有的 味道。柿子思慕雪不仅有助于孩子们的成长,还有助于 瘦身和醒酒,而且维生素C含量比苹果多出10倍。产品 价格也实惠,任何人都可以轻松购买,是一种易于储存 和食用的冷冻甜点。

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New Item

meters, can produce up to 700,000 units. The HACCP-certified Hongshi Smoothie factory has two freezing rooms with a total area of approximately 120 square meters, firmly establishing Aejuwon as a reliable producer in the heart of Sangju, the top persimmon producing region.

Aejuwon's Hongshi Smoothie is an ideal choice because it is deliciously sweet, nutritious, and low in calories. With no added sugar or preservatives, it can be enjoyed as a smoothie when thawed or as ice cream when frozen. For a twist, it can be enjoyed as a Hongshi Latte by simply adding milk. It is also a versatile ingredient, making it an excellent jam substitute in various dishes, or even an ingredient in red pepper paste, using Hongshi instead of artificial sugar. Made entirely from domestically grown sweet persimmons, it contains 100kcal per 150ml, has no preservatives and must be stored at or below -18°C. It is safe to consume for up to 24 months from the date of manufacture. It contains 7% carbohydrates, 20% sugar and 1% protein, with zero fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and sodium. Aejuwon's unique patented process ensures convenient packaging in a pouch containing pure sweet persimmon. Packaging options include 20, 30, 50 and 60 units.

The production process of Hongshi Smoothie involves thawing washed and peeled frozen sweet persimmons, a meticulous process that takes about 2-3 days. The sweet persimmon harvest season typically falls between late October and early November and lasts about 20 days each year. Actual production begins in early November with a daily

capacity of 6,000 units. Operating for 20 days per month, Aejuwon can produce 12,000 units per month, or 144,000 units per year. The raw sweet persimmons and the finished smoothies are carefully stored at or below -20°C to maintain their quality. As Hongshi Smoothie is a product made entirely from persimmons, its production cost fluctuates based on the yield of persimmons. In June 2020, Aejuwon received HACCP certification for its persimmon washing and metal detection processes, underscoring its commitment to food safety. In addition, in April of the same year, they secured a patent for the "manufacturing method of frozen Hongshi smoothie." Notably, they also export their products to the Netherlands via Sangju City.

庆尚北道尚州是韩国著名的柿饼产地。尚州因拥有适 合生产柿子的良好土壤和气候条件,自15世纪以来,一 直盛产柿子和柿饼,尚州柿子自朝鲜时期就是进贡给 王室的贡品。尚州全域都在种植柿子树,几乎家家户户 都有柿子树。(株)爱珠园位于柿饼之城尚州,专门生产 柿饼和柿子思慕雪。(株)爱珠园于2010年8月成立柿饼 工厂,六年后的2016年2月,柿子思慕雪工厂竣工并正 式投入生产。工厂的柿饼干燥场占地200坪(约660平 方米),最高生产量可达70万个。柿子思慕雪工厂占地约 120坪(约397平方米),已获得HACCP认证,拥有两个冷 冻仓库。通过专门生产柿子思慕雪的工厂,(株)爱珠园在 柿饼主要产地尚州建立了稳定的产品生产和供应基础。

(株)爱珠园的柿子思慕雪味道香甜,营养丰富,热量低, 未添加任何糖分和防腐剂,是一款无负担的低卡甜品。

该产品融化后可作为思慕雪,冷冻后可作为冰淇淋食 用。可以根据口味添加牛奶制作柿子拿铁,可代替果酱 涂抹在面包上食用,也可以代替糖,或添加到辣椒酱中 食用。该产品采用100%韩国产柿子,重量为150ml,热 量为100kcal。由于未添加任何防腐剂,因此必须在零 下18度以下环境冷冻保存。保存期限为自生产日起24 个月。产品主要由碳水化合物(7%)、糖类(20%)、蛋白 质(1%)成分构成,脂肪、饱和脂肪、反式脂肪、胆固醇和 钠含量均为零。通过独家专利工艺制造,采用简易包装 袋包装,易于保管和食用。包装单位有20个装、30个装、 50个装和60个装。

柿子思慕雪的制作过程为,首先将冷冻的软柿子洗净, 去皮去蒂后在常温下放置约二到三天自然解冻,再将柿 子籽分离出来。软柿子的采收期通常在10月下旬至11月 上旬,约20天。11月初开始正式投入生产,日产量为6千 个。如果以每月20天的生产时间为准,月产量为12万个, 年产量可达144万个。目前,柿子思慕雪的年产量为25万 个。原材料软柿子和成品思慕雪均冷冻保存在零下20度 的环境下。由于该产品以100%的柿子为原料制成,因此 根据柿子的收成,制造成本会发生变动。2020年6月,清 洗工序和金属检测工序等均通过了食品安全管理认证标 准(HACCP)企业认证。同年4月还获得了“冷冻软柿子 思慕雪制造方法”专利。目前,该企业通过尚州市向荷兰 出口产品。


Aejuwon is a South Korean company specializing in sweet persimmon-based products, notably their Hongshi Smoothie. They are located in the prime persimmon-producing region of Sangju and have a HACCP-certified facility with the capacity to produce up to 700,000 units.

爱珠园是一家韩国公司,专门从甜柿子制作产品,尤其是 他们的红柿冰沙。他们位于韩国主要的柿子产区,尤以尚 州而闻名,并拥有HACCP认证的生产设施,能够生产多达 70万个单位。

CEO : Lee Oh-yun

TEL: +82-10-8538-2815

EMAIL: aejuwon@hotmail.com

ADDRESS: 51, Siksan-ro, Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea

26 27 New Item

Various Alcohol Trends Evolving Into Mixed Drink Culture

The COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on the food service industry and consumer gatherings have reshaped South Korea's drinking culture. The rise of the "Honsul" (drinking alone) and "Homesul" (drinking at home) trends has created a diverse alcohol culture. With a newfound positive perception of Homesul across all age groups, there is a growing demand for light and easy-to-enjoy alcoholic beverages. In the fourth quarter of 2020, sales of small (330 ml) beer at CU convenience stores increased by 60.9%, outpacing the overall beer sales growth rate (18.9%) in the same period. Homesul culture has led to a shift in the perception of alcohol, emphasizing the enjoyment of flavors rather than simply drinking to get drunk. As a result, Millennials and Gen-Z, known for their curiosity and penchant for exploring drinking experiences, increasingly prefer higher-priced alcoholic beverages such as whiskey and wine. These consumers actively seek out and purchase drinks that match their preferences, including famous whiskey brands, often going to great lengths such as "open running" (lining up before the store opens to secure in-demand products).

ひとり飲み文化によって発展する 様々なお酒のトレンド

新型コロナウィルス感染症により外食業界の営業制限、 消費者の集合禁止などの要因が重なって、韓国の飲酒 文化に変化が生じた。ひとり飲みや家飲みがトレンドと なり、様々な飲酒文化が形成されている。家でお酒を飲 むことへの認識が年齢を問わずポジティブなものに変わ り、気軽に飲めるお酒の需要が伸びている。2020年第4 四半期、コンビニのCUで販売された小容量(330ml)ビー ルは対前年比60.9%増加し、同期間のビール全体の販売 増加率(18.9%)より高かった。

29 KAF Trends Trend & Products

Traditional Korean liquors have become a new trend with a younger consumer base, especially gaining traction among Millennials and Gen-Z. In 2021, the traditional liquor market increased by 49% year-on-year, more than doubling since 2016. Korea's liquor laws allow for online sales of traditional liquors approved by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, leading to the expansion of same-day delivery and subscription services.

South Korea's evolving drinking culture, which focuses on enjoying the taste of alcoholic beverages, has fueled a growing demand for drinks tailored to individual preferences. This has given rise to the "mixology" trend, with various products combining different types of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, such as mixing sparkling water with alcohol

or infusing tea with alcohol. Lotte Chilsung Beverage introduced fruit-flavored sparkling waters such as Sunhari Lemon Gin and Cloud Hard Seltzer. At the same time, BGF Retail (CU) launched RTD Highballs with Scotch whisky and lemon or black tea. The whiskey-based RTD Highball products available in CU convenience stores recorded a remarkable growth rate of 159.9%, gaining popularity among diverse consumers. In addition to these products, there is a growing demand for low-alcohol options, healthy alcoholic beverages, zero alcohol and non-alcoholic products. Hite Jinro Beverage introduced "Hite Zero 0.00," OB Beer launched "Cass 0.0" non-alcoholic beer in 2020, offering consumers a non-alcoholic beer option while maintaining the original taste of beer.



酒への好奇心が旺盛で、飲酒経験の拡大に前向きな MZ世代(1985年以降生まれた世代)を中心に、ウィス

キーやワインのような高価なお酒を好む現象が発生し た。有名ブランドのウィスキーを購入するか、または韓 国産ウィスキーを購入するために複数の店舗を回り、 時にはオープンラン(希少性の高い商品を購入するため に開店前から並び、開店すると真っ先に売り場に走る行 為)をするなど、自分の好みに合うお酒を積極的に探索 して購入する消費傾向が、若い世代にまで拡大した。


が新しいトレンドとなり、MZ世代の間で人気が高まっ ている。2021年伝統酒の市場規模は対前年比49%増


韓国の酒税法によると、農林畜産食品長官の承認を得 た伝統酒はオンライン販売が可能であるため、伝統酒


韓国でお酒自体の味を楽しむ飲酒文化が定着したこ とにより、好みに合わせて良いものを飲みたいという ニーズが増え、「ミクソロジー」がトレンドになった。お


々な酒類と飲み物を混ぜた製品が発売されている。ロ ッテ七星飲料は果物炭酸水「スンハリ・レモンジン」と 「クラウド・ハードセルツァー」を発売し、BGFリテール (CU)ではスコッチにレモンや紅茶を加えたRTDハイボ ールを発売した。韓国のコンビニCUで販売するウィス キーベースのRTDハイボール製品は、発売初期に比べ て159.9%の高い伸び率を記録するなど、様々な消費 者から人気を得ている。このような製品の他にも、アル コール度数の低いお酒を気軽に楽しみたがる消費者が 増加したことで、健康なお酒、ゼロアルコール、ノンア ルコール製品などラインナップも豊富になった。ハイト 眞露飲料は「ハイトゼロ0.00」を発売しており、OBビー ルでも2020年ノンアルコールビールの「カス0.0」を発 売し、ビール本来の味を維持しながらもアルコールが入 っていないノンアルコールビールを販売している。

Traditional Liquor

30 31
KAF Trends Trend & Products
HWAYO KwangJuYo Sunhari Lemon Gin Lotte Chilsung Beverage Seoul Night The Han Earp Highball BGF Retail (CU) Korean

Discovering Korean Instant Rice on Amazon


韩国饮食文化频繁出现在各种媒体中,越来越受到人们 的关注和喜爱,这些文化内容进一步带动了年糕、速冻 紫菜饭卷、速食饭等大米加工产品的消费。这些大米加 工食品渐渐在韩国食品出口市场上崭露头角,继韩国方 便面之后,再次呈现出高达10.1%的增长率,出口额连 续三年创历史新高。随着家庭代餐(HMR)需求的增加, 消费者们对韩国食品的关注度也不断提升,适合搭配辛 奇(韩式泡菜)和烤牛肉一起食用的速食饭产品大受欢 迎。目前,在以美洲地区为主要销售地区的亚马逊网上 商城上,韩国速食饭品牌奥多吉、清净园、CJ第一制糖、 易买得NoBrand正在展开激烈竞争。在速食饭产品中, CJ第一制糖的速食饭产品Hetbahn是最受欢迎的韩国

产品。许多在网上商城购买速食饭的消费者纷纷留下好 评:“可以快速轻松制作寿司或紫菜卷饭”;“只需加热几 分钟,就能吃到美味的米饭,非常不错”;“很好地保留了 大米的口感和味道”;“价格实惠,每份的分量适当,刚好 够吃一顿”。

As interest in South Korea's food culture continues to grow across various content platforms, consumption of processed rice products such as tteok (rice cakes), frozen kimbap and instant rice is on the rise. These processed rice products have emerged as new major export items contributing to the growth of the Korean food (K-food) export industry, following the success of ramen, with an impressive growth rate of 10.1%, the highest export revenue for three consecutive years. Instant rice has gained popularity due to the increasing demand for Home Meal Replacement (HMR) options and growing interest in K-food. People enjoy instant rice as a convenient accompaniment to traditional Korean dishes such as kimchi and bulgogi. Several brands, including Ottogi, Chung Jung One, CJ CheilJedang and E-Mart No Brand, are competing to sell Korean instant rice on Amazon for the North American market.

CJ CheilJedang's Hetbahn is the most popular Korean product in the instant rice category. Notable reviews from consumers who have purchased the products on Amazon include comments such as: "It's convenient for making sushi or kimbap quickly and easily." "It's easy to prepare a delicious meal in just a few minutes, with praise for the authentic texture and taste of the rice." "The affordability and appropriately portioned packaging for each meal make it a standout choice."

In addition to plain rice, there are several other instant rice options available on Amazon. CJ Food's "Bibigo Multi-Grain" offers a blend of two grains seasoned with salt, oil, and flavors tailored to local tastes. This product comes in four varieties: brown rice/jasmine rice, brown rice/quinoa, brown rice/wild rice, and more. "Bibigo Multi-Grain" has received high scores in blind taste tests, averaging 4.2 out of 5 for texture, taste and purchase intent among American consumers. These scores are highly competitive, even when compared to "SEED of CHANGE," a leading brand in the premium instant rice market in the United States. Chong Kun Dang Health has launched "Tastyn," a brand offering protein konjac rice with tofu, brown rice and barley, making it a healthy instant rice option. In addition, CJ CheilJedang's Hetbahn brand includes various ready-to-eat cup rice products such as curry rice, stir-fried kimchi rice, black bean sauce bibimbap, soybean paste bibimbap, and more, providing consumers with convenient and diverse choices.

亚马逊出售的速食饭除了大米速食饭之外,还有许多不 同种类。CJ食品旗下的必品阁“Multigrain”混合了两种 谷物,同时还根据当地人的口味添加了盐、油等成分。目 前,入驻亚马逊的产品有糙米/香米、糙米/藜麦、糙米/菰 米等四种口味。该产品面向美国消费者进行了盲测。测 试结果显示,该产品在口感、风味、购买意愿等评估项目 中获得了平均4.2分的高分。这个分数与主导美国高端 速食饭市场的SeedsofChange相比也属于高分。韩国 钟根堂健康公司推出的Tastyn蛋白质魔芋饭是一款含 有豆腐、糙米、燕麦的健康型速食饭,也在出口海外。CJ 第一制糖旗下品牌Hetbahn还在出售速食杯饭以及咖 喱盖饭、炒辛奇盖饭、炸酱盖饭、调味大酱大麦拌饭等速 食饭产品。

32 33 KAF Trends e-Commerce

Weather and Its Impact on Farming in October

How does the weather affect agriculture during the October harvest season? After a hot summer, fall affects crops in several ways. First, temperature changes are noticeable. In early October, the weather remains warm, which helps summer crops like corn and tomatoes grow. However, as October progresses, there's a significant temperature fluctuation between day and night, slowing the growth of summer crops as they approach harvest time. Fall crops such as carrots, potatoes, and radishes gradually stop growing as they approach harvest time. Sweet potatoes, which are susceptible to cold, find October weather - with temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius - to be the optimal time to harvest before temperatures drop. For rice, a temperature range above 22 degrees and a daily temperature difference of at least 10 degrees helps the seed accumulate nutrients for a bountiful harvest.

During the fall, increased wind and pressure changes also affect crops. Farmers take steps to protect crops on windy days and carefully manage changes in plant growth due to pressure changes. As the scorching summer sunlight fades in the fall, maintaining adequate sunlight and light exposure becomes critical for plants to flower well.

Changes in rainfall during the fall play a crucial role in agriculture. Too little or too much rain isn't good for crop growth. Adequate rainfall provides the necessary moisture for crop growth and harvest. Rainfall in the fall significantly affects rice growth and harvest. Rice needs ample moisture, and appropriate fall rains help maintain the right moisture level in rice fields, which promotes growth and quality. Adequate moisture increases yield and improves rice quality. Autumn rains also have a significant impact on the yield and quality of sweet potatoes. Adequate fall rains help maintain the size and shape of sweet potatoes, increase their storage capacity, and maintain their condition during storage. Fall rains provide moisture to apples

and pears, contributing to their size and sweetness.

Because these fruits require significant moisture, adequate fall rain improves their flavor and quality.

The average October temperature in South Korea has risen from 13.9 degrees to 14.7 degrees, with an overall average of 14.3 degrees, over the past 30 years. This October is expected to be similar or even warmer. Over the past three decades, the average rainfall in October has ranged from 37.0 mm to 64.3 mm, with an average of 53.5 mm. This October's rainfall is predicted to be similar or higher. Mobile high-pressure systems will have a significant influence, leading to greater temperature fluctuations between day and night. Ideally, October weather should be characterized by a clear, moderately warm climate with a balanced temperature variation between day and night - not excessively cold or hot. I wish you a fruitful October with warm sunshine, moderate temperatures and not too much rain.

34 35 KAF Trends


Nestled in the picturesque landscape of Mungyeong, the apple orchards are breathtaking.

Known for their intense sweetness and vibrant colors, Mungyeong's apples thrive in the warm sunshine amidst the hills and verdant fields.

In autumn, the region is filled with the sweet aroma of apples, and the red and green blossoms of the fruit-bearing trees contrast vividly against the blue sky.

It's the best canvas nature has to offer.

On the Table | Photo Essay | 36 37


Beef Brisket Soybean Paste Stew

Chadoldoenjangjjigae is a Korean dish made with doenjang (soybean paste) and tenderly cooked brisket. This dish is known for its rich flavors, combining the chewy texture of the brisket with the deep flavor of the doenjang. As you savor a warm spoonful of Chadoldoenjangjjigae, its unique flavor and aroma offer a delightful immersion into the flavors and culture of Korea.

38 39 K-FOOD Recipe On the Table


Beef Brisket Soybean Paste Stew

Ingredients (4 servings)

Beef brisket (150g), Tofu (300g), Potatoes (200g), 3 shiitake mushrooms (or any mushrooms) (90g), 1 onion (200g), 4 green chili peppers (60g), 1 Tbsp chopped green onions, 1 Tbsp chopped garlic, 1 Tbsp red pepper powder


Cut the tofu, potatoes, and mushrooms into 1 cm cubes, and slice the onion and green chili peppers into 1x1 cm squares.


In a heated saucepan, add the brisket and minced garlic, then stir-fry over medium heat.

Soup Tips

2 cups water (500ml), 4 Tbsp Doenjang (soybean paste)

For a richer flavor, it's advisable to prepare a broth with ingredients such as anchovy or clam broth before dissolving the soybean paste.

6. Finally, add the tofu, mushrooms, green chili peppers, chopped green onions, minced garlic, and additional red pepper powder. Simmer for a little while longer.

Add the cubed potatoes and sliced onion to the boiling soup and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

add 2½ cups water to the pot along with the soybean paste and red pepper powder. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. bean soup.

K-FOOD Recipe On the Table
Enjoy your meal!

Korea Agrafood magazine is specialized in promoting Korean Agricultural products to buyers in abroad. We cover Korean promising Agricultural products, dietary culture and export companies.

If you are interested in K-Food or want to catch up latest food trend, don’t hesitate to join our e-Agrafood, and provide us with your comments on how to improve the magazine.

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Seng, Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala


E-Mail: atcenterkl@at.or.kr

TEL: 60-3-2706-4299

070-5223-4901, 070-4617-7238

FAX: 60-3-2706-4301

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TEL: 65-6403-4041

FAX: 65-6403-3801

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E-Mail: dubai@at.or.kr

TEL: 971-4-339-2213

FAX: 971-4-456-1155

Pan America

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E-Mail: newyork@at.or.kr

TEL: 1-212-889-2561

FAX: 1-212-889-2560

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E-Mail: losangeles@at.or.kr

TEL: 1-562-809-8810

FAX: 1-562-809-1191

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São Paulo CEP 01310-000

E-Mail: saopaulo@at.or.kr

TEL: 55-11-91045-4577


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E-Mail: paris@at.or.kr

TEL: 33-1-4108-6076, 6078, 6096 070-4617-7225, 2424

FAX: 33-1-4108-2016

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E-Mail: atmoscow@at.or.kr

TEL: 070-4617-3277

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