Nov 2023 (vol.337)

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Nov. 2023 | vol.337

A New Era of Health Functional Foods in Korea

Hamyang Wild


Pioneer in Processing and Exporting Cultivated Wild Ginseng in Korea

Korean Health Functional Food Industry Trends and Statistics

Open Sauce Lab Co., Ltd.

Expands Global Presence with Innovative Processed Kimchi Products

a Health Food

Home and Abroad

Market for Alternative Foods Using Various Ingredients

Break Into an Unfamiliar Middle Eastern Market With Halal-Certified Tteokbokki


Kimch on Rakuten

Loved at Boeun Jujube, Hobakjuk Pumpkin Porridge


Cover Story

8 A New Era of Health Functional Foods in Korea

12 Hamyang Wild Ginseng: Pioneer in Processing and Exporting Cultivated Wild Ginseng in Korea

14 Korean Health Functional Food Industry Trends and Statistics

In Focus

16 Farmtastic | Boeun Jujube, a Health Food Loved at Home and Abroad

20 Processed Food | Break Into an Unfamiliar Middle Eastern Market With Halal-Certified Tteokbokki

24 New Item | Open Sauce Lab Co., Ltd. Expands Global Presence with Innovative Processed Kimchi Products

KAF Trends

28 Trend & Products | Market for Alternative Foods Using Various Ingredients

32 e-Commerce | Favorite Kimch on Rakuten

34 COLUMN | Agriculture Driven by Climate Change and the Low-Carbon Eating Movement

On the Table

36 Photo Essay | Kimchi

38 K-FOOD Recipe | Hobakjuk (Pumpkin Porridge)

Founded in August, 1995,

Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea

Tel: +82-61-931-0963 Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Kim Kwang-jin





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok ( 070-4617-3266, 3278

HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo ( 070-4617-2696, 7116

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A New Era of Health Functional Foods in Korea

Health functional foods include products that are manufactured and processed into tablets, capsules, powders, granules, liquids, etc., using raw materials or ingredients with functional benefits for the human body. Korea's famous "red ginseng extract" is a representative product in this category, which is traditionally recognized as a flagship health food. Despite the continued dominance of red ginseng in the domestic functional health food market, shifts are evident due to rising national income, an aging population, and the emergence of the 2030 generation.

Increased consumer interest, especially among the 2030 generation, is notable in new health functional foods such as vitamins and probiotics. The positive perception and active consumption atti -


健康機能食品は、人体に有効な原料や成分を使用して錠 剤、カプセル、粉末、顆粒、液体などの形に製造加工した 食品をいう。韓国の「紅参精」が代表的な製品である。長 い間、韓国を代表する健康食品として高麗人参が国内外 に広く知られてきた。高麗人参を加工した健康機能食品で ある紅参は、依然として韓国国内の健康機能食品市場で 不動の1位を守っている。しかし、国民所得の向上や高齢 人口の増加、20代・30代消費者の新たな登場などにより、 国内の健康機能食品市場に様々な変化が起きている。 近年、ビタミンや乳酸菌など新しい健康機能食品に対す る韓国の消費者の関心が高まっている。その上20代・30 代が新しい消費者世代として登場している。彼らが健康 機能食品の摂取にポジティブな認識を持ち、積極的な消 費態度を見せはじめたことで、国内の健康機能食品市場 の変化はさらに大きくなっている。若い世代に合わせて 人気製品をリニューアルし、また新しい製品を積極的に 開発している。健康と美容を同時に保つインナービューテ ィー製品群も急速に成長しており、これに伴って伸びてい るのが、ザクロを製品化したコラーゲン製品である。そし て若者がよく利用するコンビニを中心に、摂取し易くて持 ち運びも便利な健康食品も相次いで発売されている。

2022年、韓国国内の健康機能食品上位5品目のうち1位 は紅参である。しかし、過去5年間、紅参の売上は売上高 と割合いずれも減少傾向を示している。その減少分をプ ロバイオティクス、ビタミンおよびミネラル、EPAおよび DHA含有油脂、タンパク質などが埋め始めた。2位は「プ ロバイオティクス」。「ビタミンおよびミネラル」が3位で、 4位は「EPAおよびDHA含有油脂」、5位は「マリアアザミ 抽出物」である。機能性の面では「血行改善」が1位で、2 位は記憶力改善、3位は免疫機能の改善である。4位は抗 酸化機能、5位は疲労改善である。これら5つの機能を目 的として生産された製品が全体の59.6%を占めている。 健康増進の代表作として、長く人気を博している代表的

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Cover Story

tude of this generation is reshaping the domestic market, prompting the renewal of popular products and the dynamic development of new ones tailored to younger preferences. Inner beauty product lines that address both health and beauty are gaining momentum, with pomegranate-derived collagen products gaining prominence. Convenient, easyto-consume healthy foods are being introduced in convenience stores frequented by young people. Red ginseng retains its number one ranking among the top five domestic health functional foods in 2022, but sales have steadily declined over the past five years. Probiotics, vitamins and minerals, oils that contain EPA and DHA, and proteins have risen in importance. Functional categories show "improving circulation" as the leading function, followed by memory enhancement, immune function, antioxidant function, and fatigue relief. Products that address these five key functions account for 59.6% of the total.

Representative red ginseng products that have long been popular for health promotion include Korean Ginseng Corporation's Hongsamjung and Red Ginseng Extract Everytime. LactoFit Lactobacillus and EyeClear Lutein from Chong Kun Dang are also popular. HY's JangCare Project MPRO3 and Coopers, and Kolmar BNH Co.'s SQ Live Probiotics and Petit N Forvita+ multivitamins. Cosmax Bio's Prebiotics FOS Fructo-oligosaccharides Plus and AlphaProject Vascular Health. There are also Ever Collagen Time biotin and Today's Cut Diet Jelly from Cosmax NBT. Primary motivations for consumption of health functional foods include strengthening immunity with red ginseng, supplementing nutrition with vitamins, and improving gut health with lactic acid bacteria. Consumers also use these products for fatigue relief, general health improvement and disease prevention. Beauty effects have emerged as a growing consideration. Concerns about physical strength and immunity drive most household purchases of health functional foods, followed by concerns about future health. Women prioritize strength and immunity, while men consume these products primarily for future health.

な紅参製品には、(株)韓国人参公社の紅参精と紅参精 エブリタイムがある。また、ジョングンダン(鍾根堂)健康 (株)のラクトフィット乳酸菌やアイクリア・ヌンサラン・ル テインなどもあり、(株)韓国ヤクルトの腸ケアプロジェク ト・MPRO3とクパス、コルマービーエヌエイチ(株)のエス キュー・プロバイオティクス・生乳酸菌とプチエヌフォービ タ+マルチビタミンもある。プレバイオティクス・FOS・フラ クトオリゴ糖プラスとアルファプロジェクト・血行健康は コスマックスバイオ(株)の製品である。そしてコスマック スエヌビーティー(株)のエバーコラーゲン・タイムビオチ ン、オヌルカットダイエット・ツヤゼリーなどもある。

免疫力強化には紅参、栄養補給にはビタミン、腸の健康 改善には乳酸菌を主に摂取する。健康機能食品を摂取す

る理由は、疲労回復や健康増進、疾病予防にある。美容 効果を期待する人も最近増えている。韓国の消費者は、 体力と免疫力の低下を案じて健康機能食品を購入すると

いう割合が最も高く、その次は将来の健康のために摂取 するというケースである。女性の場合、体力と免疫力を高 めるために健康食品を摂取するという人の割合が多く、 男性は将来の健康のために摂取するという人の割合が最 も高い。

Korean Health Functional Foods

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EyeClear Lutein Chong Kun Dang LactoFit Chong Kun Dang MPRO3 HY
Cover Story
Red Ginseng Extract Everytime Korean Ginseng Corporation

Hamyang Wild Ginseng: Pioneer in Processing and Exporting Cultivated Wild Ginseng in Korea



Hamyang Wild Ginseng Co, Ltd, an agricultural corporation established in 2011 at the foot of pristine Mt. Jiri, 800 meters above sea level, has been consistently increasing both domestic sales and exports since its inception. Its first foray into exports was in 2016, resulting in total sales of KRW 231 million, with KRW 159 million from exports and KRW 72 million from domestic sales. Exports continued to grow steadily. In 2017, domestic sales increased to KRW 250 million, while exports reached KRW 150 million. The positive momentum continued in 2018, with exports reaching KRW 300 million and domestic sales increasing to KRW 370 million. Export figures continued to grow steadily, culminating in total sales of KRW 1 billion in 2019, with exports contributing KRW 350 million and domestic sales reaching KRW 650 million. This trend continued in 2020, with exports reaching KRW 400 million and domestic sales skyrocketing to KRW 1.6 billion, an impressive 100% year-on-year growth. In 2021, exports reached KRW 450 million and domestic sales jumped to KRW 2.6 billion. This momentum continued in 2022, with exports and domestic sales totaling KRW 550 million and domestic sales increasing to KRW 5.5 billion. This represents continuous growth in both export activities and domestic sales.

Export destinations expanded to include the United States, Nigeria, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

The flagship product, Korean Wild Ginseng Anytime Liquid Stick, is a highly concentrated, pure liquid with no additives, conveniently packaged in liquid stick form. The Korean Wild Ginseng Drink also offers a highly functional, additive-free, highly concentrated pure juice. The product range also includes Korean Wild Ginseng Jelly Stick and Korean Wild Ginseng Pills, which can be chewed or swallowed. Sansansunbaek, made from 100% pure 7-year-old wild ginseng, is available in a box of 30 20ml bottles. Korean Wild Ginseng Slices offer a chewy texture while retaining the original bitter taste and aroma.

In addition, there are Korean Wild Ginseng and Plum products made with 100% organic plums, Wild Ginseng Cabbage Juice, and Wild Ginseng Red Onion Juice. These products serve as excellent healthy functional foods, enhancing immunity, fatigue recovery, and detoxification. The company's primary export products include "Prometabiotics" and "Postbiotics," premium lactic acid bacteria products that promote intestinal health. Other offerings include a tea set of peppermint tea, pomegranate kombucha, and sweet lemon tea. In addition, three types of Korean Wild Ginseng rice cakes are designed as a convenient breakfast snack, including Korean Wild Ginseng Lotus Leaf Cake, Korean Wild Ginseng Bar Rice Cake, and Korean Wild Ginseng Omija Cake. By pursuing HACCP certification, FDA certification, and certification for pesticide-free agricultural products, the company is preparing to take a giant leap forward.

(株)咸陽山養参は、2011年に清浄なチリ(智異)山のふ もと、海抜800メートルの地点に設立された農業法人 で、設立以来国内販売と輸出を着実に拡大してきた。

同社が輸出を開始したのは2016年。この年の輸出は1 億5900万ウォン、国内売上は7200万ウォンで、合計2 億3100万ウォンの売上を記録した。2017年度は輸出2 億5000万ウォン、国内1億5000万ウォン、2018年には 輸出3億ウォン、国内3億7000万ウォンと、国内売上は 急増し輸出も堅調な増加傾向を示した。そして2019年

には輸出3億5000万ウォン、国内6億5000万ウォンで 合計売上10億ウォンを達成。2020年には輸出4億ウォ ン、国内16億ウォンと対前年比100%の成長を果たし

た。2021年には輸出4億5000万ウォン、国内売上26億 ウォン、2022年には輸出5億5000万ウォン、国内売上 55億ウォンで、輸出、国内ともに成長し続けている。輸

出先はアメリカ、ナイジェリア、中国、香港、日本、そして ベトナム、マレーシアなどに拡大している。

主力商品は「サンヤンサンサム・ハンプリグデロ((山養山 参を1本そのまま)」である。液状のスティックタイプで飲 みやすく、添加物が含まれていない高濃度のエキスであ る。ピュアな原料をそのまま配合しており、粘性が高く、 固形分を多く含んでいる。栄養ドリンクである「山養山参 ソグロ(の中に)」も無添加で高機能性、高濃縮のエキス 製品である。ゼリースティックタイプの「山養山参モグムコ (をほおばる)」、4.5g×30本入りの箱製品「山養山参沈 香丸」もある。ゆっくり噛んで食べることもでき、そのまま 飲み込むこともできる。7年産山養山参の100%原液を飲 む「山参純百」は、1箱に20mlの製品が30本入っている。 「山養山参切片」は歯ごたえがあって、山参本来の苦味と 香りが感じられる。100%有機栽培された梅で作った「山

養山参&梅」、山養山参70%にキキョウと紅参を配合した 「山参時代」、「山養山参キャベツ汁」、「山養山参玉ねぎ 汁」、「RED ONION」もある。免疫増進、疲労回復、解毒な どの作用にすぐれた健康機能食品である。輸出の主力商 品は「プロメタバイオティックス」と「ポストバイオティック ス」で、腸の健康に効くプレミアム乳酸菌製品である。「ペ パーミントティー」と「ザクロコンブ茶」、「甘いゆず茶」の お茶3種セットもある。朝ごはんの代わりに気軽に食べら

れる山養山参トック(韓国の餅)3種もあり、「山参ヨンニプ トック(蓮葉餅)」、「山参カレトック」、「山参オミジャトッ ク(五味子餅)」である。(株)咸陽山養参は、HACCP認証と FDA認証及び無農薬農産物の認証も獲得するなど、さらな る飛躍に向けて準備を進めている。

Hamyang Wild Ginseng Co.,Ltd

CEO: Lee Jong-sang

TEL: +82-55-964-0582-3


ADDRESS: 44, Dangbonmaam-gil, Anui-myeon Hamyang-gun Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea

Hamyang Wild Ginseng Co., Ltd., established in 2011, has consistently amplified both domestic sales and exports, showcasing continuous growth in their product range, including a variety of ginseng-based health products. The company aims for further advancement by pursuing certifications such as HACCP, FDA, and pesticide-free product certifications to bolster its quality and credibility.

(株)咸陽山養参は、2011年に設立され、国内外での販売を 着実に拡大し、さまざまなジンセンをベースにした健康製品 の品揃えも継続的に拡大しています。同社はHACCP、FDA、 農薬不使用製品の認証などの取得を目指し、品質と信頼性 を強化することでさらなる成長を目指しています。

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Cover Story

Korean Health Functional Food Industry Trends and Statistics

In 2022, total sales of health functional foods in Korea reached KRW 4.1695 trillion, an increase of 3.4% over the previous year. Domestic demand accounted for KRW 3,891.4 billion, while exports contributed KRW 278.1 billion. Over the past five years, there has been a steady upward trend in total sales, domestic sales and exports. The number of manufacturers also increased by 5.0%, reaching 566 locations. The average annual growth rate from 2014 to 2022 is 2.1% for professional manufacturers and 6.7% for venture manufacturers, resulting in an overall growth rate of 2.6%. The number of professional manufacturers increased from 439 in 2018 to 489 in 2022, while venture manufacturers increased from 61 in 2018 to 77 in 2021 and 2022.

The top five products in terms of sales in 2022 accounted for 78.6% of the total market. Red ginseng secured the top spot, accounting for 23.6% of total sales with KRW 984.8 billion. Probiotics took second place with sales of KRW 697.7 billion, followed by vitamins and minerals at KRW 460.6 billion, oil containing EPA and DHA at KRW 281.9 billion, and protein at KRW 170.1 billion. The share of these top five products' sales has declined moderately to 81.5% in 2021, 82.8% in 2019, 80.6% in 2020, 80.2% in 2021, and 78.6% in 2022. In terms of exports, probiotics accounted for KRW 63.8 billion, followed by red ginseng at KRW 55.1 billion, vitamins and minerals at KRW 36.6 billion, oil containing EPA and DHA at KRW 20.8 billion, and milk thistle extract at KRW 9.7 billion. Ginseng ranked sixth with KRW 6.5 billion.

Sales categorized by function showed that prod -

ucts aimed at improving blood circulation, memory, antioxidant properties, immune function and reducing fatigue accounted for 59.6% of the total. The highest sales were in the category of improving blood circulation, which accounted for 13.1% and was valued at KRW 1.3124 trillion. Memory improvement came in second with 12.9% or KRW 1.2811 trillion, followed by immune function improvement with 11.7% or KRW 1.16 trillion. Fourth place is antioxidant function at KRW 1.143 trillion and 11.1%. Fifth place is fatigue improvement at KRW 1.708 trillion or 10.8%.

In terms of sales by type, red ginseng ranked first with 11,925 tons worth USD 929.7 billion and exports of 519 tons worth USD 42.67 million. Probiotics topped the export category, with domestic sales second only to red ginseng at 57,863 tons valued at KRW 634 billion. Vitamins and minerals accounted for 12,397 tons worth KRW 424 billion, with exports reaching 852 tons worth USD 28.35 million. Oil containing EPA and DHA recorded sales of 2,872 tons, generating revenue of KRW 261 billion, and exports of 436 tons worth USD 16.13 million. Milk thistle extract was 836 tons worth KRW 52.2 billion, with exports of 91 tons worth USD 750,000.

In terms of sales, the leader is Korea Ginseng Corporation with KRW 770.8 billion. HY Co., Ltd. follows closely in second place with KRW 447 billion, Kolmar BNH Co., Ltd. is third with KRW 309.3 billion, and Novarex Co., Ltd. is fourth with KRW 267.6 billion. Chong Kun Dang Health Co., Ltd. ranks 5th with KRW 257.8 billion, followed by Seoheung Co., Ltd. (6th, KRW 202.9 billion), Ildong Foodis Co., Ltd. (7th, KRW 133.3 billion), Cosmax Bio Co., Ltd. (8th, KRW 123.5 billion), Cosmax NBT Co., Ltd. (9th, KRW 112.6 billion) and RP Bio Co., Ltd. (10th, KRW 75.9 billion). The average revenue per company decreased slightly by 1.3% yearon-year to KRW 7.4 billion. In 2018, the 500 companies achieved an average of KRW 5 billion, growing to KRW 5.8 billion in 2019, KRW 6.4 billion in 2020, and KRW 7.5 billion in 2021, reflecting a compound annual growth rate of 2.5% from 2018 to 2021. The growth rate of health functional foods over the past five years is 13.4%, and small companies with annual sales of less than KRW 1 billion account for 65.9% of the market over the same period.


2022年の韓国の健康機能食品の売上高は4兆1,695億ウ ォンで、対前年比3.4%増となった。国内3兆8,914億ウォ ン、輸出2,781億ウォンである。この5年間、全体の売上高 と国内販売、輸出いずれも持続的な増加傾向にある。メ ーカーは566社で、前年より5.0%増加した。2014年から 2022年までの年平均成長率は専門メーカーが2.1%、ベ ンチャーメーカーが6.7%で、全体では2.6%である。専門 メーカー数は2018年439社、2019年443社、2020年454 社、2021年462社、2022年489社となっている。ベンチャ ーメーカー数は2018年61社、2019年65社、2020年67社、 2021年と2022年は77社となっている。両方とも5年間増 加し続けている。

2022年の上位5品目の売上高は、全体の78.6%を占め ている。1位は紅参で9,848億ウォンの売上高で全体の 23.6%を占めている。2位はプロバイオティクスで6,977億 ウォン、3位はビタミンおよびミネラルで4,606億ウォン、4 位はEPAおよびDHA含有油脂で2,819億ウォン、5位はタン パク質で1,701億ウォン。上位5位までの製品の売上高は、 2021年81.5%、2019年82.8%、2020年80.6%、2021年 80.2%、2022年78.6%と、全体的に緩やかな減少傾向を 示している。輸出はプロバイオティクスが1位で638億ウォ ン、2位は紅参で551億ウォン、3位はビタミンおよびミネラ ルで366億ウォン、4位はEPAおよびDHA含有油脂で208億 ウォン、5位はマリアアザミ抽出物で97億ウォンである。


機能性の面から見た売上高は、血行改善、記憶力改善、 抗酸化、免疫機能改善、疲労改善の5つの機能を目的 に生産された製品が全体の59.6%を占めている。この




る。そして3位は1兆1,600億ウォン、11.7%の免疫機能 改善。続いて4位は1兆1,043億ウォン、11.1%の抗 酸化機能で、5位は1兆708億ウォン、 10.8%の疲労改善である。

タイプ別の売上高は紅参 が1位で、内需11,925ト


519トン、4,267万ドルとなっている。しかし輸出において はプロバイオティクスが1位である。国内における売上 高は57,863トン、6,340億ウォンで、紅参に次いで2位と なっているが、輸出においては733トン、4,940万ドルで 輸出品目の中で1位を占めている。「ビタミンおよびミネ ラル」は内需12,397トン、4,240億ウォン、輸出852トン、 2,835万ドルである。EPAおよびDHA含有油脂は国内で 2,872トンを販売して2,610億ウォンの売上と、436トン、 1,613万ドルの輸出額を記録している。マリアアザミエキ スは内需は836トン、522億ウォン、輸出は91トン、75万 ドルである。

売上高トップ企業は(株)韓国人参公社で7,708億ウォン である。2位は(株)エチワイ(hy)で4,470億ウォン、3位は コルマービーエヌエイチ(株)で3,093億ウォン、4位は(株) ノバレックスで2,676億ウォン、5位は鍾根堂健康(株)で 2,578億ウォン、6位は(株)ソフンで2,029億ウォン、7位は イルドン(日東)フーディス(株)で1,333億ウォン、8位はコ スマックスバイオ(株)で1,235億ウォン、9位はコスマック スエヌビーティー(株)で1,126億ウォン、10位は(株)アルフ ァバイオで759億ウォンである。1社当たりの平均売上高 は74億ウォンで、前年より1.3%減少している。2018年に は500社が平均50億ウォンの売上高を達成し、2019年に は58億ウォン、2020年には64億ウォン、2021年には75億 ウォンと、2018年から2021年まで年平均2.5%成長した。

健康機能食品のここ5年間の成長率は13.4%となってい る。年間売上高10億ウォン未満の小規模企業の割合は、 過去5年間で65.9%となっている。

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Cover Story

Boeun Jujube,

a Health Food Loved at Home and Abroad

Jujubes are used extensively in Korean cuisine, especially in healthy dishes such as samgyetang. They are also used in galbitang (short rib soup), herbal medicine, and brewed into tea to relieve cold symptoms. Jujube, known for relieving cold and rhinitis symptoms, is also effective for fatigue recovery, promoting sodium excretion, and preventing vascular disease. It is beneficial in managing edema and weight, contributes to skin radiance and elasticity, strengthens capillaries, and eliminates free radicals. Boeun jujubes

thrive in the abundant sunlight and fertile soil of Mt. Songnisan, historically recognized as a premium fruit presented to kings for its energizing and soothing properties. Kim Hong-bok Boeun Samga Jujube Farm, located at the foot of Mt. Songnisan in Boeun, North Chungcheong Province, is a specialized company that processes jujubes, a popular health food in Korea, into various forms and exports them worldwide.

保健食品“报恩三街红枣” 畅销韩国国内外

红枣是韩国料理的常用材料,尤其广泛用于保健食品,最 典型的料理就是参鸡汤。红枣还常用于牛排骨汤或韩方 药材。感冒时也可以直接煮红枣茶喝,以缓解感冒症状。 红枣有助于缓解感冒和鼻炎症状,对恢复疲劳也有益,还 能促进钠的排出,预防血管疾病。此外,红枣还有助于消 肿和保持体重。多吃红枣,可以使皮肤有光泽,增加弹性, 使毛细血管更加坚固,并清除活性氧。俗离山日照充足, 土壤肥沃,报恩红枣就出自这里。报恩红枣有增添身体活 力和安神之效,古时曾是献给君王的贡品。作为一种保健 食品,报恩红枣一直深受韩国消费者的喜爱。近期,有一 家专业红枣生产商在各种加工的基础上将报恩红枣产品

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North Chungcheong Province is home to the second largest number of health food companies in Korea after Gyeonggi Province, and is rich in healthy food resources and has an excellent natural environment. Kim Hong-bok's Boeun Samga Jujube is produced using the clear water and air of the beautiful Songnisan area in Boeun, North Chungcheong Province. CEO Kim Hong-bok returned to the area in 1999. After planting 1,800 jujube trees in 2002, the farm produces 20 tons annually. Thanks to its unwavering commitment to environmentally friendly farming methods, the farm's quality has been recognized, and in 2015, it was awarded the Certificate for Excellence in Agricultural Product Management. They offer raw jujubes, dried jujubes, processed jujube snacks and jujube juice. In 2012, the farm received GAP certification. In 2016, it was awarded the Excellence Award at the Korea Fruit Industry Exhibition. In the same year, the Korea Boeun Jujube Cooperative was established. The jujubes were first exported to Japan's Takachio Corporation in 2015, followed by exports to Vietnam in 2017 and Taiwan in 2019. They are shipped to Vietnam, the United States, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore.

Products include raw jujube, dried jujube, jujube jelly, jujube caramel, jujube slices, jujube snacks, naturally fermented jujube vinegar, and jujube juice. Raw jujubes, which are rich in minerals, have abundant flesh, a distinct flavor, and a sugar content of over 30 brix. Jujube caramel and jujube jelly, made from highly concentrated jujube extract, offer a subtly sweet flavor. Naturally fermented

jujube vinegar is made by natural fermentation of red jujubes and is recommended with ginger, plum and omija enzyme. Jujube juice, cooked at low temperatures using an extraction technique, presents a deep and rich flavor. Jujube, considered a natural vitamin, contains about 100 times more vitamin C than apples or peaches. Jujube snacks, made from thinly sliced, crunchy dried jujubes, offer an easyto-prepare snack with a one-year shelf life, and are free of additives such as flavors and colorings.

Raw jujubes, known for their sweetness and high mineral content, are available exclusively in October. They are packaged in a 2kg set with four 500g packets and a 1kg set with two 500g packets. Dried jujubes are used in jujube herbal medicine, stew, vinegar, hangwa, yakgwa (honey cookie), medicinal rice, soybean paste and red pepper paste. They are available in 250g and 500g plastic packaging and 1kg box packaging. Jujube snacks are offered in 40g single bags and boxes of ten bags. Jujube vinegar is packaged in a box with two 250ml bottles, and jujube juice is available in small boxes with ten 100ml bags and large boxes with thirty bags. Jujube Jeonggwa (stewed jujube in sweet sauce) is packaged in four 500g pieces, while jujube red pepper paste and jujube syrup are packaged in 1kg glass bottles. Boeun Samga Jujube Farm places great emphasis on safety management during cultivation, transportation and processing to produce healthy products. They have obtained ISO22000 certification and offer three free products: no sugar, no additives and no preservatives.

出口至海外。这家企业就是位于忠清北道报恩俗离山下的 “金洪復报恩三街红枣农园”。

忠清北道是继京畿道之后,韩国保健食品企业第二多的 地区。这里资源丰富,自然环境优越。忠清北道报恩的俗 离山一带风光秀丽,清澈纯净的空气和水孕育了金洪復 报恩三街红枣。金洪復代表于1999年“返乡”创业,2002 年种植了1800棵大枣树,现在每年的红枣产量达20吨。

该公司坚持采用环保农业种植方法,于2015年获得了农 产品优秀管理认证。公司主要生产和销售鲜枣、红枣、加 工红枣干和红枣茶。于2012年获得GAP认证,2016年在

韩国水果产业大展中获得优秀奖。同年,该公司成立了韩 国报恩红枣合作社。自2015年首次向日本高千穗物产出 口产品后,2017年和2019年还分别出口越南和中国台湾。


产品有鲜枣、红枣、红枣羊羹、红枣焦糖、红枣蜜饯、红枣 干、天然发酵红枣醋、红枣汁等。鲜枣富含矿物质,果肉丰

富,具有独特的香气,甜度超过30 brix。红枣焦糖和红枣

羊羹以高浓缩的红枣浓缩液制成,有一股淡淡的甜味。天 然发酵红枣醋是将红枣天然发酵后制成的食醋。与生姜、 青梅、五味子酵素搭配食用,味道更佳。红枣汁采用真空 低温萃取方式,在低温环境下长时间熬煮而成,味道十分 浓郁。红枣被誉为天然维生素,其维生素C含量比苹果或 桃子高出约100倍。红枣干是将晒干的红枣切成薄片的 零食,男女老少皆宜。红枣干保质期为一年,所有产品均 未添加香料、着色剂等一切食品添加剂。


2KG装(500g*4包)和1KG装(500g*2包)。红枣可广泛用 于制作红枣韩式八宝饭、红枣蒸糕、红枣醋、红枣韩果、 红枣油蜜酥、红枣大酱、红枣辣椒酱等。红枣有250g和 500g的塑料包装和1KG盒装。红枣干有40g装(1包)和 盒装(40g*10包)产品。红枣醋有盒装(250ml*2瓶)。红 枣汁有小盒装(100ml*10包)和大盒装(100ml*30包)。 红枣蜜饯有500g*4件装,红枣辣椒酱和红枣果酱有1KG 玻璃瓶装产品。报恩三街红枣农园对红枣的种植、出库、 加工等所有环节进行安全管理,致力于生产健康产品。 公司已获得ISO22000质量管理认证,正在生产无糖、无 添加剂、无防腐剂的“三无”安全食品。

Kim Hong Bok Boeun Jujube

CEO: Kim Hong-bok

TEL: +82-43-544-4548


ADDRESS: 927, Biryongdonggwan-ro, Songnisan-myeon, Boeun-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea

Kim Hong-bok Boeun Jujube Farm, nestled at the base of Mt. Songnisan in Boeun, specializes in processing Korean jujubes, a renowned health food. Established in 1999, the environmentally conscious farm annually produces 20 tons of jujubes, earning awards for agricultural excellence.

福报恩三街红枣农场位于保恩市松尼山脚,专门从事韩国 红枣的加工,是韩国著名的保健食品。成立于1999年,这个 注重环保的农场每年生产20吨红枣,并因卓越的农业成就 而获奖。

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Break Into an Unfamiliar Middle Eastern Market

With Halal-Certified Tteokbokki

UNIONE Co., Ltd. was established in 2016, initially focusing on exports to Singapore. Driven by the goal of introducing Korea's unique and delicious food to the world, the company actively promotes representative Korean street foods, including instant tteokbokki, kimchi, and red pepper paste, to overseas countries. All products have received Halal certification, and the company currently exports Korean food products to 10 countries, including Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Korean food' has been selected as the main export product. Although Korean ramens, drinks, and snacks are well received by overseas consumers, diversifying the product line was a major challenge. However, the company consistently thought about how to make Korean food easy to introduce. Among the menu items preferred by travelers visiting Korea, the focus was on spicy products that represent the distinctive taste of Korea. After conducting surveys and tests, the company decided to develop the product.

In particular, the company found that tteokbokki, kimchi, and gochujang (red chili paste) were quin -

ハラール認証トッポッキで 未知の中東市場を開拓する

(株)ユーエヌアイワンは、2016年の設立と同時にシンガ ポールへの輸出を開始した。「韓国固有のおいしい食べ 物を世界中に紹介したい」という思いから、韓国の屋台 で普通に食べられる食べ物の中で最も一般的な即席ト ッポッキとキムチ、コチュジャンなどを海外に紹介してい る。全ての製品がハラール認証を取得しており、現在、ベ トナム、フィリピン、マレーシア、インドネシアをはじめと する10か国に韓国食品を専門的に輸出している。(株)ユ ーエヌアイワンは、輸出の主力商品として「韓食」を選ん だ。海外の消費者にとって韓国産ラーメンや飲料、スナ ック菓子には馴染みがあるものの、これら以外の製品を 開発することは容易ならぬ課題であった。しかし、「どう すれば韓国料理を簡単に紹介できるか」を常に考え、韓

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tessentially Korean products that could not be easily imitated, thus eliminating overseas competitors. The strategic markets were Malaysia and Singapore, known for their preference for halal products among Southeast Asian regions familiar with Korean Wave culture. Although halal product certification presented a high technical barrier to entry, the company believed there was an obvious demand, so it focused on it. The company found a manufacturer with halal specifications, set common goals, and after extensive research and development, obtained halal certification for all major product groups. Product exposure was maximized by participating in halal trade exhibitions at home and abroad, and by entering duty-free shops at Incheon Airport. Currently, the company exports its products to Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi and Bangladesh.

UNIONE's main product is a cup tteokbokki that is easy to cook. Made from rice, it is gluten-free and GMO-free, which sets it apart from other products.

The "Miga" brand includes Original, Pink Rosé, Fiery Hot and Fiery Rosé. While tteokbokki is well known in Southeast Asia, it faced a lack of awareness in the Middle East. To address this, the company participated in various trade shows and introduced the ingredients to buyers by comparing them to spicy sauces from each country. By showcasing the gochujang sauce for tteokbokki, which is versatile for steamed or stewed dishes, and positioning it as a "Korean version of noodles" made with spicy rice cakes, the company made the concept of tteokbokki more familiar. Despite

challenges in the distribution market and a decline in exports after the pandemic, participation in various overseas fairs led to long-term exports with Kuwaiti companies in 2020, resulting in a remarkable increase in sales from USD 13,722 in 2020 to USD 197,654 in 2021 - an increase of about 14 times. UNIONE continues its commitment to promote K-FOOD on the world stage by offering halal-certified rabokki (instant stirfried noodles) and tteokbokki in small, single-serving packages.

国を訪れる旅行客が好む様々なメニューの中で、韓国を 代表する味といえる辛い商品を作ると決め、アンケート やテストなどを経て商品を開発した。 特にトッポッキとキムチ、コチュジャンは、極めて韓国的 な商品でありながら、類似する製品もなく、模倣できな い製品であるため、海外では競争相手がいない点に目を 付けた。ターゲット市場は、韓流文化に馴染みのある東 南アジア地域の中でも、ハラール製品への需要がある マレーシアとシンガポールであった。ハラール製品認証 は技術的なハードルは高いが、確実な需要があると判断 し、開発に乗り出した。ハラール製品を生産できるメー


究開発を行った結果、主力商品全体に対してハラール認 証を取得した。国内外で開催するハラール専門博覧会へ の参加はもちろん、仁川空港の免税店にも出店すること で製品の露出を最大化し、現在はマレーシア、シンガポ ール、ブルネイ、クウェート、アブダビ、バングラデシュな どに輸出をしている。

(株)ユーエヌアイワンの主力商品は、カップタイプで調理 の簡単なトッポッキである。米で作られたグルテンフリー 食品であり、GMOの問題がない製品ということで、他製品 との差別化を図った。「ミガ」というブランド名でオリジナ ル、ピンクロゼ、唐辛子トッポッキ・ファイアリーホット、 唐辛子トッポッキ・ファイアリーロゼなどの製品を生産して いる。東南アジアではトッポッキという食べ物に対する認 知度があった反面、中東地域では馴染みのないバイヤーが 多かったため、様々な博覧会に参加し、まずはバイヤーに 各国のスパイシーソースと比較しながら、食材そのものを 紹介した。トッポッキのコチュジャンソースを紹介する際、 煮物やシチュー料理にも使用でき、辛い餅で作った「韓国 風パスタ」であると説明することで、トッポッキに対する親 近感を持たせた。パンデミック以降、流通市場と輸出が縮 小して苦しい時期もあったが、様々な海外博覧会への参加 により2020年にはクウェート企業と長期輸出契約を結び、 2020年の13,722ドルから2021年には197,654ドルに拡大 し、約14倍の売上増加という成果を達成した。(株)ユーエ ヌアイワンは、ハラール認証のラポキ(ラーメン入りトッポッ キ)、一人分の小容量トッポッキ商品などを掲げ、世界中に K-FOODを広げるための挑戦を続けている。

UNIONE Co., Ltd.

UNIONE Co., Ltd., founded in 2016, focuses on exporting Korean street foods like instant tteokbokki and kimchi, obtaining Halal certification for all products. They target markets in Southeast Asia and the Middle East, strategically leveraging the distinctiveness of Korean cuisine, resulting in significant export growth despite market challenges, expanding offerings to include single-serving Halalcertified products for global promotion.

(株)ユーエヌアイワンは2016年に設立され、即席のト ッポッキやキムチなど韓国の代表的なストリートフード の輸出に焦点を当て、全製品にハラル認証を取得してい ます。彼らは東南アジアと中東の市場をターゲットにし、 韓国料理の独特さを戦略的に活かし、市場の課題にも かかわらず著しい輸出増につながりました。また、世界 的なプロモーションのための単一用途のハラル認証製品 を拡充しています。

CEO: Shin Hee-jun

TEL: +82-70-4435-8114


ADDRESS: 504, 20-38, Mugunghwa-ro, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

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Open Sauce Lab Co., Ltd.

Expands Global Presence with Innovative Processed Kimchi Products

A new company is making waves at home and abroad with "Kimchi V," a freeze-dried block that allows Korean kimchi to be incorporated into various dishes. CEO Park Jin-soo, who ventured into the business in his mid-40s, spent 20 years studying hotel cuisine, food nutrition and chemical engineering before founding the company. With extensive experience as a chef, researcher, and consultant at a renowned Italian restaurant and a global food company, Park, a graduate of the 4th class of the Export Master Course at the aT Distribution Training Center, founded Open Source Lab on September 1, 2021. Kimchi V' undergoes a unique preparation process in which kimchi is stirfried with extra virgin olive oil, apples, tomatoes and onions at 120 degrees

(株)Open Sauce Lab


有一家新兴企业采用冷冻干燥技术推出了名为 “KIMCHI V”的辛奇加工产品,可用于各种菜肴,已 在国内外市场掀起热潮。该企业代表朴振秀(音译) 于45岁左右开始创业,在创业前的20多年间学习 了酒店烹饪学、食品营养学、化工学等,还曾就职于 著名的意大利餐厅和跨国食品企业,做过烹饪师、 研究员、顾问等工作,积累了各种关于食品业务的 经验和知识。他还是aT流通教育园出口Master课 程第四期毕业生。他于2021年9月1日创立了(株) Open Sauce Lab。“KIMCHI V”是将辛奇与特级初 榨橄榄油、苹果、番茄、洋葱等食材一起放入锅中, 在120度的高温下翻炒而成,口感鲜脆,香味扑鼻。 并采用零下40度真空冷冻干燥技术,即使在冷水中 也能轻松还原成炒辛奇。该产品采用块状、片状、调 料等形态,便于使用。

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New Item

in an open-flame pot to achieve a crunchy texture and enhance the umami flavor. Using vacuum freezedrying technology at -40 degrees, Kimchi V can be quickly restored to stir-fried kimchi, even in cold water. This versatile product can be used in block, flake and seasoning forms.

Creating a variety of kimchi dishes is a breeze with Kimchi V. Combine two blocks of Kimchi V with 160ml of water, then mix in 80g of flour. Fry the mixture in a pan with plenty of oil until crispy on both sides to make kimchi pancakes. Enjoy them with soy sauce, or customize the flavor by mixing in red pepper powder, vinegar, sugar, and sesame seeds. Kimchibap is another simple treat. Thoroughly wash 320 g of rice, soak in water for an hour, and marinate 150 g of beef, chicken, or pork with a dash of pepper, garlic, and 5 ml of sesame oil. Cook the rice with two blocks of Kimchi V, the meat, and about 550-600 ml of water. Kimchi V' can be used in a variety of ricebased dishes such as kimchi fried rice, risotto, bibimbap, onigiri, paella, and nasi goreng.

Making kimchi stew (Kimchi Jjigae) with Kimchi V is easy. Combine three blocks of Kimchi V with 350 ml of water, 200 g of pork or Spam, tofu, and green onions to taste. Marinate the meat with pepper, garlic and sesame oil before adding to the pot. Cook until the meat is tender, then add the tofu and green onions. Kimchi V' can also be melted and used in broths, soups and sauces such as cup ramen, pasta, rice noodles, minestrone, ramen, udon, goulash and tom yang kung. It is also an excellent ingredient in baking, as a curry or corn dog topping, and in salads. You can add it to sausage, dumplings, ravioli, and hamburger patty mixes.

Sprinkle Kimchi V on grilled and fried foods or mix with tomato sauce, curry ketchup, hot sauce and spreads to create flavorful sauces. When used as an ingredient in condiments such as rubs, cumin and pickles, it imparts a unique umami and spicy flavor. Kimchi V can also be used as a topping or sauce for kimchi spread, bibimbap, tacos, quesadillas, bruschetta, hummus, kimbap, California rolls, hamburgers, pizza, tortillas, rice paper rolls, ratatouille, and more. All 13 ingredients in the kimchi block, including cabbage, radish, apple, kelp glutinous rice, and red

pepper powder, are domestically sourced. The core technology is protected internationally with an international PCT application, and patent registration in Germany, the United Kingdom and Canada has been completed. Patent registration in Japan and the United States is in progress. In Korea, trademark and technology patent registration has been completed in 2021. The "Kimchi Block" won the "Grocery Savory Products Award" for delicious food at the world's largest food exhibition, the "2022 Sial Paris Innovation Gran Prix". Kimchi Block has been exported to Germany, Japan, the United States, Russia, etc., and 'Vegan Seasoning', 'Ginseng Pepe' and 'Kimchi Tteokbokki' will be released soon.

可以用“KIMCHI V”轻松制作各种辛奇菜肴。将两块 “KIMCHI V”放入160毫升的水中,加入80克面粉搅拌均 匀。然后在平底锅中倒入食用油,再放入搅拌好的面糊,煎 至两面金黄,即可做出美味的辛奇饼。辛奇饼可以蘸酱油 食用,也可以按照个人口味蘸辣椒粉、醋、白糖或芝麻食 用。除此之外,还可烹制辛奇饭。首先,将320克的大米洗 净,在水中泡上一个小时。准备150克牛肉(鸡肉或猪肉亦 可),加入适量花椒粉、大蒜和5毫升的香油,腌制一段时

间,然后放入两块“KIMCHI V”、大米和牛肉,并倒入550至 600毫升的水,煮饭即可。“KIMCHI V”可以用于制作辛奇 炒饭、烩饭、拌饭、饭团、西班牙海鲜饭、印尼炒饭等各种米 饭菜肴。

利用“KIMCHI V”还可以轻松制作辛奇汤。准备三块“KIMCHI V”、350毫升的清水、200克猪肉或午餐肉、少许豆腐和葱。准 备好食材后,首先在猪肉中加入少许胡椒粉、大蒜和香油,腌 制一段时间。可以用饭勺挖取适量午餐肉,放入锅中。然后 倒入水、“KIMCHI V“、猪肉煮开,煮至猪肉变软即可。最后, 按照口味加入适量的豆腐和葱花增添风味。“KIMCHI V”还 可以直接放进高汤、浓汤、酱汁里溶解使用,比如杯面、意面、 米粉、意大利杂菜汤、日本拉面、乌冬面、匈牙利炖牛肉、冬阴 功汤等。在100毫升的温水中放入一块“KIMCHI V”,搅拌均 匀,等待三分钟,就能做出一份辛奇浓汤。“KIMCHI V”还非常 适合用作面包原料、咖喱、玉米热狗配料、沙拉配料等,也可 用作香肠、饺子、意大利饺、汉堡排等的馅料。

“KIMCHI V“可以撒在各种烧烤和油炸食品上,或与番茄 酱、咖喱番茄酱、辣酱、抹酱混合制成各种酱料。在烧烤调料 (rub)、孜然、腌制料等调味料的原料中混合“KIMCHI V”, 可以增添独有的风味和辛辣味。“KIMCHI V”还可以作为辛 奇酱、拌饭、塔可、墨西哥馅饼、普切塔、鹰嘴豆泥、紫菜卷饭、

加州卷、汉堡、披萨、墨西哥薄饼、越南春卷、普罗旺斯炖菜 等的配料或酱料使用。“KIMCHI V”中的白菜、萝卜、苹果、 昆布、糯米、辣椒粉等13种原料全部产自韩国。该公司正在 为核心技术申请PCT国际专利,且已在德国、英国、加拿大 完成了专利注册。目前也在申请日本和美国的专利。在韩 国国内,已于2021年完成了商标和技术专利注册。“KIMCHI V”还在全球最大的食品展“2022 SIAL PARIS INNOVATION GRAN PRIX”(SIAL西雅展)上荣获美味食品奖“GROCERY SAVOURY PRODUCTS”。“KIMCHI V”正在出口到德国、日 本、美国、俄罗斯等地,“纯素昆布”、“人参胡椒粉”、“辛奇炒 年糕”等新产品也即将上市。

Open Sauce Lab Co., Ltd.

Open Source Lab Co., Ltd., founded by CEO Park Jinsoo, revolutionizes cuisine with 'Kimchi V,' a freeze-dried block made from traditional Korean kimchi, offering versatile applications in dishes worldwide. Their innovative process combines traditional ingredients and cutting-edge technology, earning international acclaim, patents, and awards for its culinary excellence.

Open Source Lab Co., Ltd.是由CEO朴进秀领导的公司, 通过使用传统韩国泡菜制作的“泡菜V”,开发了一种冷冻 干燥块,可用于世界各地的多种菜肴。他们的创新工艺将 传统原料与先进技术结合,因其卓越的烹饪品质赢得了 国际赞誉、专利和奖项。

CEO : Park Jin-soo

TEL: +82-10-8987-4016


ADDRESS: 3F, 47, Hwagok-ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

26 27 New Item

Market for Using Various Ingredients Alternative Foods

Alternative foods include products made with plant-based ingredients, microorganisms, edible insects, and cell-cultured materials as primary components that serve as substitutes for animal-derived elements. These alternatives are intended to mirror traditional foods in form, taste, and texture. Typically, "alternative foods" focus primarily on replacing animal proteins and can be categorized as plant-based alternatives, cell-cultured foods, microbe-fermented foods, and insect-based foods.

Plant-based alternatives use proteins extracted from plants or seaweed to make products such as plant-based meat and seafood. Cell-cultured foods involve the cultivation of animal stem cells to produce products such as cultured meat, seafood, and dairy products. Microbe-fermented foods use bacterial cultures, microorganisms, and yeast to replicate the taste of meat or fats and replace proteins and fats. Insect-based foods use edible insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, and mealworms, available in various forms such as tablets, powders, or snacks.

According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, the domestic market for alternative foods consist of 239 companies in 2022, comprising 178 (74.5%) domestic producers and 61 (25.5%) importers. The dominant types of alternative foods in the domestic market include processed tofu products, miscellaneous processed products (such as plantbased meat patties), ready-to-eat foods, and mixed beverages. Major

companies in South Korea are actively involved in the development of plant-based meat products, such as Shinsegae Food's Better MEAT, Lotte's Nature Zero MEAT, Pulmuone's PLANT SPIRED, and CJ CheilJedang's PLANTABLE.

Local companies such as Seawith, CellMEAT, Tissen Bio Farm and others are involved in the cell-cultured food sector. Recently, large corporations have been in partnership with cell culture meat companies in an effort to intensify their business ventures. Seawith, which focuses on cultivating seaweed-based meat, has introduced its "Welldone" brand and plans to commercialize cultured meat products. CellMEAT, a startup focused on cell-cultured seafood, has developed alternative foods using stem cells derived from Dokdo shrimp. Companies such as SK and INTAKE are close to commercializing microbe-fermented foods. In the insect-based food segment, startups and major players in the food industry are gradually expanding. For example, Hanmi Pharm has developed a meat substitute using protein extracted from edible insects for spaghetti sauce, while Edible Bug offers snacks and shakes made from edible insect ingredients.

The alternative food market is expected to experience continued growth worldwide, driven by increased attention on sustainable food sources due to the soy food crisis, escalating health concerns, and advancements in food technology.

28 29 KAF Trends Trend & Products

様々な原料を活用した 代替食品市場

代替食品とは、動物性原料の代わりに 植物性原料、微生物、食用昆虫、細胞 培養物などを主な原料として使い、従

来の食品に類似した形、味、食感などを 出せるように製造したものと定義するこ とができる。代替食品は通常「動物性タ ンパク質を代替した食品」を意味する。

代替食品は原料によって植物性代替食 品、細胞培養食品、微生物発酵食品、 昆虫食品に分けられる。

植物性代替食品は、植物や海藻類から 抽出したタンパク質を使って食品を作 ったもので、植物性肉、植物性海産物な どがある。細胞培養食品は、動物の幹 細胞を培養して作った代替食品で、培養 肉、培養海産物、培養乳製品などがあ る。微生物発酵食品は、微生物の発酵 により肉や乳脂肪の風味を再現した食 品で、バクテリア、微生物、酵母を材料 にしてタンパク質や脂肪を代替する。昆 虫食品は、食用可能な昆虫で作った代 替食品で、コオロギ、バッタ、食用カイ コなどを錠剤、粉末、菓子などにして活 用する。

韓国の食品医薬品安全処によると、 2022年時点で韓国国内にある代替食品

会社は全部で239社で、生産会社が178 社(74.5%)、輸入会社が61社(25.5%)と なっている。国内で流通される代替食 品のタイプとしては、豆類加工品、その 他の加工品(植物性肉類(パテ))、インス タント食品、混合飲料の順に多かった。

国内の代替食品業界では、大手企業を 筆頭に植物性肉類食品の独自開発が

行われている。新世界フードのベターミ ート(Better MEAT)、ロッテウェルフー ドの「エンネイチャー・ゼロミート」、プ ルムウォンの「プラント・ スパイアード (PLANT SPIRED)」、CJ第一製糖の「プ ランテーブル(PLANTABLE)」が植物性 代替食品業界をリードしている。

細胞培養食品メーカーには、シーウィ ード、セルミート、ティセンバイオファー ムなどがあり、最近大手企業でも培養 肉専門企業との協力体制を構築して事 業に拍車をかけている。シーウィード は海藻類基盤の培養肉開発企業で、オ リジナルの培養肉ブランド、ウェルダン (Welldone)をローンチし、培養肉の商 品化を計画している。セルミートは海産 物培養肉を開発するスタートアップ企業 で、ボタンえびから採取した幹細胞を培 養して代替食品を開発した。微生物発 酵食品においては、SKとインテイクが 製品の商用化を控えている。昆虫食品 は、スタートアップ企業と大手食品企業 が事業を拡大している。ハンミ・ニュー トリションは食用昆虫から抽出したタン パク質でパスタソースに使う肉代替品を 開発しており、エディブルバグは食用昆 虫を原料とする菓子やセーキを開発し て販売している。

世界的に台頭している食糧危機、持続 可能性を重視する傾向、健康への関心 の高まり、そしてフードテックの発展な どの要因から、代替食品市場は今後も 成長し続けることが見込まれる。

Korean Alternative Foods

31 30
KAF Trends Trend & Products
Zero Meat
Spired Pulmuone Nature

Favorite Kimch on


Kimchi, a widely known Korean dish, is experiencing rapid growth due to the recent surge in global interest in K-food. Companies such as Daesang, CJ CheilJedang and Pulmuone are stepping up their efforts to tap foreign markets by establishing local factories and developing new technologies. In 2022, Daesang completed the construction of a largescale kimchi factory in the United States, while CJ CheilJedang introduced "Bibigo Sliced Kimchi," a product designed for export that can be stored and distributed at room temperature for up to 12 months.

The global kimchi market was estimated at $3.4 billion last year, highlighting the immense global popularity of kimchi.

In particular, kimchi is the only pickled food product that is showing growth trends in the Japanese market. According to a recent survey in a Japanese food newspaper, kimchi was reported as the most frequently purchased pickled food across generations, showing the highest figures. Among the younger generations, the preference was 78% (an increase of 6.7% year-on-year), while the preference among the older population was 69.3% (an increase of 6% yearon-year). Last year, umeboshi (pickled plums) had the highest rate among the elderly, but this year kimchi has taken the lead. Various types of kimchi are available on the Japanese shopping platform Rakuten, making it easily accessible to Japanese consumers.

Rakuten offers a variety of kimchi types, including cabbage kimchi, cucumber kimchi, radish kimchi, green onion kimchi, and white kimchi. Popular kimchi brands in Rakuten's kimchi category include Jongga Whole Cabbage Kimchi, CJ Bibigo, and NongHyup Pungsan Kimchi.

Notable reviews from Japanese consumers who have purchased kimchi on Rakuten include: "It has a good fresh taste and is delicious," "Korean kimchi has a cooler and spicier taste compared to the sweeter Japanese kimchi," "It's great to eat as is or use in various dishes," "I learned from my Korean friend that stir-frying kimchi and rice with sesame oil tastes amazing," and "With proper fermentation, it tastes fresh at first, but storing it enhances its deeper flavor."

Rakuten Mall offers a variety of fresh Korean kimchi as well as processed products such as sauces, frozen foods, snacks and more. Products available include Ottogi's 3-Minute Kimchi Tuna Rice Sauce, Paldo's Tofu Kimchi Snack, Bibigo's Kimchi Dumplings, and NC Nature's Seoul Seasoning.


韩国传统食品“辛奇”在全世界广为人知。近来,随着 K-Food在海外掀起热潮,辛奇的销量呈快速增长趋势。


海外建厂、开发新技术等方式,不断加快进军海外市场 的步伐。大象集团在美国当地的大规模辛奇工厂已于 2022年3月竣工,CJ第一制糖则推出了可以在常温下保 存和流通12个月的出口专用产品“必品阁切片辛奇”并 出口海外。据推测,去年全球辛奇市场规模达到了34亿 美元,可见辛奇在全世界的受欢迎程度。

特别是在日本,辛奇在当地腌制品市场上是唯一实现销 量增长的产品。日本粮食新闻社最新问卷调查结果显 示,辛奇是所有年龄段消费者重复购买率最高的腌制类 产品。年轻群体的辛奇复购率为78%(同比上升6.7%), 老龄群体的辛奇复购率为69.3%(同比上升6%)。去年, 老龄群体的梅干的复购率最高,而今年辛奇取代梅干占 据了首位。日本电商平台“乐天市场”正在出售各种各样

的辛奇产品,日本消费者可轻松购买到辛奇。乐天市场 商城在售的辛奇种类繁多,包括白菜辛奇、黄瓜辛奇、萝 卜辛奇、葱辛奇、白辛奇等。其中最受欢迎的辛奇品牌包 括宗家府整颗辛奇、CJ必品阁辛奇、农协丰山辛奇等。 在乐天市场商城购买辛奇的消费者纷纷对韩国正宗辛奇 的味道给予好评,比如“酸度适宜,新鲜美味”、“相比甜甜 的日本辛奇,韩国的辛奇吃起来更加酸爽辛辣”、“可以直 接食用,也可以用来制作各种料理”、“学韩国朋友在辛奇 里放香油,做了辛奇炒饭,非常好吃”、“熟成度正好,刚买 的时候吃着新鲜,放一段时间再吃,味道会更加浓郁”等。 乐天市场商城不仅出售各种新鲜的韩国产辛奇,还有用 辛奇加工制成的酱料、冷冻食品、快餐小吃等各类产品,包 括奥多吉的“三分钟辛奇金枪鱼盖饭酱料”、Paldo“豆腐 辛奇饼干”、必品阁“辛奇王饺子”和NC nature辛奇调味料 “seoulseason”等。

32 33 KAF Trends e-Commerce

Agriculture Driven by Climate Change and the Low-Carbon Eating Movement

Due to global warming, the cultivation area for subtropical fruits and vegetables in Korea is rapidly expanding. There are now more than ten types of fruits, including mango, banana, kiwi, olive, dragon fruit, papaya and pineapple. As of the end of 2022, kiwi stands out as the leading fruit, grown on 1,119 hectares by 2,015 farms. Figs come in second, grown by 1,777 farmers on 725 hectares. Pomegranates are in third place, with 240 farmers cultivating 89.13 hectares, followed by mango in fourth place with 228 farmers cultivating 92.66 hectares. Loquat ranks fifth (161 farmers, 86.7 ha), followed by passion fruit in sixth place (136 farmers, 30.17 ha), banana in seventh place (56 farmers, 20.62 ha), papaya in eighth place (48 farmers), guava in ninth place (28 farmers), and dragon fruit in tenth place (25 farmers).

In North Chungcheon Province, 63 farms cultivated 18 tropical crops on 24.2 hectares at the end of last year. These crops include vegetables such as okra and turmeric, and fruits such as papaya, persimmon, and mango. Over the past five years, the area planted to tropical fruits such as red and cheonhyechang, coffee, mango, and cassava has increased.

In North Jeolla Province, 122 hectares are dedicated to ten types of fruits and 11.8 hectares to eight types of vegetables, including hallabong, mangoes, coffee and papaya. Notably, in 2021, Yeongdeok-gun in North Gyeongsang Province shifted from growing tomatoes to cultivating tropical crops such as mangosteens and lemons. Cheongdo-gun began cultivating bananas, papayas, and coffee in 2019, and last year, 158 farms in North Gyeongsang Province cultivated these tropical fruits on 39 hectares.

The "2023 Global Subtropi Farm Fair" was held in Geoje-si, South Gyeongsang Province, on November 10 and 11, 2023. The theme of the event was "Promoting Tropical Agriculture in Response to Climate Change and Changes in Domestic Agricultural Environment". Participants had the opportunity to explore pineapple, sugarcane, and aloe vera farms in Geoje, with a special focus on showcasing locally grown sugarcane. A market for the purchase and sale of tropical agricultural products was also set up. This surge in research and development for subtropical fruit and crop cultivation is a nationwide phenomenon and marks a significant trend in the expansion of commodity markets. It is no longer considered a novelty. South Jeolla Province leads the country in the cultivation of subtropical crops with 2,453 hectares, accounting for 59% of the national total of 4,128 hectares in 2023. It is closely followed by South Gyeongsang Province with 1,091 hectares, Jeju with 399 hectares, North Jeolla Province with 84 hectares, Ulsan with 22 hectares and Gyeonggi Province with 20 hectares.

Apples, once the hallmark fruit of North Gyeongsang Province, are expected to be grown only in the Yeongyang and Bonghwa regions by 2030. This shift is a direct result of global warming and climate change, which is having a pronounced and early impact on agriculture. The traditional apple-growing areas of Mungyeong and Geochang are undergoing a transition, with apple cultivation moving to Gangwon Province. At the same time, the areas under subtropical crops such as coffee, bananas, and pineapple sugarcane, which were not previously grown in Korea, are expanding. These agricultural changes induced by climate change are extensive, rapid, and diverse.

The "Low-Carbon Diet" campaign launched by the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation is a commendable response to the prevailing changes. This initiative aims to reduce carbon emissions across the entire spectrum, from production to consumption. As of October, more than 540 organizations from 30 countries have joined this global movement. Active participation includes consciously consuming low-carbon foods, using environmentally friendly packaging, embracing online transactions, and incorporating low-carbon logistics into distribution processes to reduce carbon footprints. In addition, reducing carbon emissions in the production phase can be achieved by minimizing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and adopting GAP-certified management. If we buy as much seasonal produce as we need and make low-carbon consumption a habit of leaving nothing behind, nature and human health can be protected despite climate change.

34 35 KAF Trends


Kimchi is undoubtedly South Korea’s most iconic dish.

Cabbage is a key ingredient, and between October and November, when kimchi season is in full swing, cabbage farms become very busy. Kimjang (making and sharing of Kimchi) is a family and community event where large quantities of cabbage are tossed together and left to ferment.

Once finished, the Kimchi is shared amongst the community.

Kimchi is more than just an ingredient; it is a cultural symbol that brings people together.

Did You Know?

Korea designated November 22nd as ‘Kimchi Day,’ a legal anniversary (Article 20-2 of the Kimchi Industry Promotion Act), in 2020. The date means that each kimchi ingredient (11: one by one) gathers to show the 22 (22nd) efficacy.

aT is spearheading the global promotion of Kimchi Day to showcase the worth and high quality of Kimchi, reinforce the country’s standing as a kimchi producer, and expand its international reach. The US, UK, Argentina, and Brazil have designated Kimchi Day.

Please stay updated on aT’s efforts towards the globalization of Kimchi.

On the Table | Photo Essay |

Pumpkin Porridge


Hobakjuk (pumpkin porridge) is one of the most important traditional foods in Korea, and is especially popular during the fall and winter seasons. Known for its sweet taste and nutty aroma, this dish has the power to warm the body and soul of those who enjoy it. It's commonly shared among family and friends and is often prepared as a healthy meal in Korean households. It is a symbol of Korea's warm culture and family love. Pumpkin porridge is a cherished part of Korean culinary tradition.

38 39 K-FOOD Recipe On the Table


Pumpkin Porridge

Ingredients (4 servings)

Sweet pumpkin (1kg), ½ cup (60g) of glutinous rice flour or 2 Tbsp starch, 5 cups of water (1.25L), ½ Tbsp salt, 2 Tbsp sugar

Prepare 1.

Cut the pumpkin in half, seed and remove the thick outer skin. Slice into flat pieces about 1 cm thick.


Place the sliced pumpkin in a saucepan and add 5 cups of water. Cover and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes, or until the pumpkin is cooked and tender.


Coarsely mash the cooked pumpkin in the saucepan and bring to a medium heat.


Use sweet pumpkin instead of regular pumpkin for a richer color and sweeter flavor. Some people also like to cook it with red beans, beans, corn, or chestnuts.

Related Product

Prepare 2.

Soak 1 cup of water with the glutinous rice flour and set it aside to dissolve.


Once the mashed pumpkin is boiling, add the dissolved glutinous rice flour-water mixture and stir with a spatula.


Stir well to prevent lumps and add salt and sugar to taste. Simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring continuously.

40 41
K-FOOD Recipe On the Table Enjoy your meal!

Korea Agrafood magazine is specialized in promoting Korean Agricultural products to buyers in abroad. We cover Korean promising Agricultural products, dietary culture and export companies.

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CJ Building, Floor 3, 2 Bis 4-6 Le

Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City


TEL: 84-28-3822-7504

070-4617-3276, 070-8098-6514

FAX: 02-838-227-503

Bangkok Branch Office #2102 Level 21, Interchange 21, 399

Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand


TEL: 66-2-611-2627


FAX: 66-2611-2626

Jakarta Branch Office

The Energy Building 20th FL, Zone F, SCBD Lot.11A

JL.Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia


TEL: 62-21-2995-9032~4


FAX: 62-21-2995-9034

Kuala Lumpur Branch Office

Suite 6-04, 6th Floor, Menara Hap

Seng, Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur


TEL: 60-3-2706-4299

070-5223-4901, 070-4617-7238

FAX: 60-3-2706-4301

Singapore Branch Office

1 Wallich Street #14-01 Guoco Tower, Singapore 078881

TEL: 65-6403-4041

FAX: 65-6403-3801

Dubai Branch Office

57528 Office #48, Sunset Mall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Jumeira 3, Dubai, UAE


TEL: 971-4-339-2213

FAX: 971-4-456-1155

Pan America

New York Branch Office

15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA


TEL: 1-212-889-2561

FAX: 1-212-889-2560

Los Angeles Branch Office

12750 Center Court Drive South, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA


TEL: 1-562-809-8810

FAX: 1-562-809-1191

São Paulo Branch Office

Av Paulista 1636, 10andar, #1008 –

São Paulo CEP 01310-000


TEL: 55-11-91045-4577


Paris Branch Office

Korea Agro-Trade Center, 89 Rue du Gouverneur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, Issy-les-moulineaux, France


TEL: 33-1-4108-6076, 6078, 6096 070-4617-7225, 2424

FAX: 33-1-4108-2016

Moscow Branch Office

123610, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya 12, 6th floor, 608 office


TEL: 070-4617-3277

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