Feb 2023 (vol.328)

Page 1


Omija Valley Farming Corporation

One of the representative product of the Korean wave

The Rise of K-Wine

Overseas interest in K-Fruit and K-Culture Leads to Increase in K-Wine Exports

Processed Food

‘Ukisaem’Eco-friendly Nuts e-Commerce

HBAF Almonds

the Table
Makes Everybody Go Nuts KAF Trends K-FOOD


Eco-friendly Nuts

The Rise of K-Wine

Enjoy world's highest level of sweetness and juiciness

Munkyeong Omij

One of the representative product of the Korean wave

HBAF Almonds

Korean Vegan Food Continues to Grow

at a Glance

King Oyster Mushrooms in Kimcheon city

This issue we chose K-wine as a cover story. Korea is geographically 80 percent of the mountains and three sides surrounded by the sea. There are four distinct seasons - spring, summer, fall, and winter. It is land to grow fruits such as apples, pears, persimmons, grapes, strawberries, and omija, all high in sugar. Wines made of such fruits will now enrich the lives of people around the world who pursue health and flavor.



KAF Trends

28 Trend & Products | Korean Vegan Food Continues to Grow

32 e-Commerce | HBAF Almonds Makes Everybody Go Nuts

34 COLUMN | Rapid Increase in Export of Strawberries from Sancheong, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea to Vietnam

On the Table

36 Photo Essay | Minari

38 K-FOOD Recipe | Bibimbap

Cover Story

8 The Rise of K-Wine

12 Sudosan Winery, Winner of the Grand Prize in the Fruit Wine Category at the 2022 Korea Liquors Contest

14 Overseas Interest in K-Fruit and K-Culture Leads to Increase in K-Wine Exports

In Focus

16 Farmastic | CEO Kwon of ‘Cheon Hye Nongsan,’ Exporter of King Oyster Mushrooms in Gimcheon city

20 Processed Food | ‘Ukisaem’ Eco-friendly Nuts

24 New Item | Munkyeong Omija Valley Farming Corporation

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the 227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea

Tel: +82-61-931-0963 Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Ki No-sun (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Kim Kwang-jin





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima(JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok (rhee@at.or.kr)

070-4617-3266, 3278

HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo (max@at.or.kr)

070-4617-2696, 7116

HOCHIMIN Cho Sung-bae (chobae@at.or.kr)


JAKARTA Lee Seung-hoon (afmchoon@at.or.kr)


TOKYO Yoon Sang-young (foodkorea@at.or.kr)


OSAKA Kwon Hyun-joo (hyunjukun@at.or.kr)


PARIS Nam Sang-hui (mudpearl@at.or.kr)

070-4617-7225, 2424

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You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, www.k-foodtrade.or.kr

2023 vol.327

The Rise of K-Wine

Most of the fruits in Korea boast the world's highest level of sweetness and juiciness. This makes Korea suitable for producing various wines. K-Wine is defined as a wine made from the fruits grown in Korea. It’s a drink made from various fruits, unlike traditional Korean drinks such as rice wine or soju. Korean wine is developed by combing various fruits and grapes suitable for the Korean climate. The 9th Korean Wine Appreciation Festival was held at the Yeongdeong Wine Tunnel in Yeongdong County, Chungbuk Province on September 30, 2022. A total of 179 types of wine produced in Korea were exhibited here. There were various fruit wines such as grapes, peaches, plums, blueberries, apricots, apples, persimmons, and kiwis. The first place was won by “Château MiSo Peach 2019” made by Doranwon in Yeongdong. It received perfect evaluations in all aspects such as aroma, taste, and aftertaste. The white wine has a well-balanced taste, and a unique dry personality that can be tasted from the peach seed.

多くの韓国の果物は、世界で最高の水準の甘さとコクを 誇ります。そのため、韓国の環境はワイン造りに適して います。「K-Wine」とは、韓国で栽培された果物から作 られたワインを指します。韓国の伝統的な米酒や焼酎 とは異なり、様々な果物から作られた飲み物です。韓国 のワインは、韓国の気候に適した様々な果物や葡萄を 組み合わせて開発されたものです。

2022年9月30日に、忠北道嶺東郡の嶺東ワイントンネル で、第9回韓国ワイン評論会が開催されました。この会 場では、韓国産の179種類のワインが展示されました。

ブドウ、桃、プラム、ブルーベリー、アプリコット、リン ゴ、柿、キウイなど、多様な果実酒が並びました。その 中で最も高評価を得たのは、嶺東のDoranwonによる 「Château MiSo Peach 2019」でした。香り、味、後味 など、すべての面で満点の評価を獲得しました。バラン スの良い味わいと、桃の実から発する独特な辛味が特 徴の白ワインです。

8 9
Cover Story

Cover Story

In Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, the “Cheongsu White Wine” made at the Grand Coteau Winery on Daebu Island is said to have upgraded the level of Korean wine. Its representative work, “Grand Coteau,” won the best award at the “Korea Liquors Contest” in 2016 and received recognition again in 2019.

The Yeongdong Blue Wine winery in Yeongdong, Chungbuk Province produces blueberry wine by using yeast imported from overseas and undergoing a two-year fermentation and aging process. It won the Korea Wine & Spirits Award in 2020. The SAINT HOUSE winery in Seosan, Chungnam Province produces wine using strawberries that are directly grown. They produce 20 tons of strawberries annually and export about half of their sales of about 800 million won per year.

At the official dinner table of last year’s summit between President Yoon Seok-yeol of South Korea and President Joe Biden of the United States, the sparkling wine made from omija(schizandra berries) in Mungyeong, Gyeongsangbuk Province was served. While it takes 3-4 weeks for grapes to ferment, omija(schizandra berries) take about a year, making the fermentation process difficult. The omija wine, which took five years of product development, has a unique blend of sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and spicy flavors. The wine was awarded “Best of 2022” in the Korean wine category at the 2022 Korea Wine & Spirits Award and started exporting to Europe after exhibiting at the SIAL Paris 2012 Food Fair, a year after its first product launch on November 11, 2011. In addition to the omija wine, there are also other Korean-made wines made from various fruits, known as K-Wine.

As K-Wine is part of the K-Culture along with K-Food, K-Language, and K-Pop, its popularity is increasing. Last year, Korean traditional liquor participated in the California Wine Festival held in Santa Barbara, California, and received a warm response. The interest in K-Wine, a Korean alcohol in the US, is increasing, particularly among the MZ generation who enjoy watching Korean drama series.

また、安山市の大布島のGrand Coteauワイナリーが 生産する「Cheongsu白ワイン」は、韓国ワインの評価


ある「Grand Coteau」は、2016年に「韓国酒類コンテ スト」で優秀賞を獲得し、2019年にも高い評価を受け






「SAINT HOUSE」は忠清南道瑞山市にあるワイナリー


年20トンのイチゴを生産し、年間の売上約8億ウォンの うち約半分を海外に輸出しています。

去年の韓国・尹 錫悦大統領と米国・バイデン大統領と の首脳会談での晩餐会で、慶尚北道・聞慶のオミジャの 実でつくったスパークリングワインが振舞われました。















に韓国の伝統酒が出展され、好評を得ました。特に、韓 国ドラマを楽しむMZ世代を中心に、米国でも韓国のお



10 11
Grand Coteau Cheongsu White Wine Omynara Sparkling Wine Yeon Yeongdong Blue Wine Blueberry Wine Doranwon Château MiSo Peach 2019

Sudosan Winery, Winner of the Grand Prize in the Fruit Wine Category at the 2022 Korea Liquors Contest


果実酒部門大賞を受賞した 「Sudosanワイナリー」

The “Sudosan” Winery won consecutive awards at the Korea Liquors Contest in 2021 for “Krate Sweet” and “Krate Medium Dry” in 2022. Although this wine is made from 100% Sanmeoru(wild grape), it has a balance of sweet and sour flavors with the highest level of full-bodied texture. The topography of the winery resembles crater, so the brand ‘Krate’ was created by combining Korea’s K.

The size of a Sanmeoru(wild grape) is one-third that the size of the fruit of a regular grape. It has high sugar and acidity levels. Compared to regular grapes, Sanmeoru contains two to ten times more beneficial minerals for our body, such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. It is a variety that can be matured for a long time. The Sanmeoru field is 5000 square meters in size, and is located at the food of Sudo mountain, 1500 meters above sea level, in Gimcheon, Gyeongsangbuk Province. In 60% of the fields of Sanmeoru(wild grape) and 40% of the remaining fields, test-cultivation of rose, white, and new varieties is carried out. The daily temperature difference is more than ten degrees. All the water used comes from the sky, which is sufficient.


、2022年に「Kraté中辛口」というワインで韓国酒類コ ンテストを連続受賞しています。サンマル「wild grape」

グレープを100%使用したワインで、甘みと酸味のバラン スが良く、コクのある口当たりを実現しています。ワイナ リーは、その地形が「Crater(クレーター)」の形状をし ており、「K」を組み合わせて「Kraté」というブランドを 立ち上げました。

サンマル「wild grape」の果実はブドウの約3分の1の大 きさで、また糖度や酸度も高いです。ブドウに比べて、カ ルシウムや鉄分などの有益なミネラルを2〜10倍も含ん


慶北・金泉のスド山脈に位置する5000平方メートルの桑 園です。ここは一日の気温差が10度以上あり、また十分




アのアマローネ方式を採用しています。また、糖度を高 めるために、1本のブドウから収穫する量を2キログラム



The ripe Sanmeoru(wild grape) around September is harvested after October 10th after a couple of frosts. As a result, sugar content increases and moisture decrease. To make a good wine without adding sugar, the Amarone technique from Italy was applied.

Thick characteristics of wild grapes are maximized. In order to increase the sugar content further, the yield per vine was reduced to 2 kg. The number of trees per area has also been reduced by half. Before harvesting, the sugar content is checked and the harvest is carried out only when it exceeds 20 brix. The most desirable time to harvest is when the sugar content is 22 brix.

Krate Dry is a wine that has minimized sweetness while Semi-Sweet is a kind of medium-dry wine with a slight sweetness remaining.

It is best to drink it one to two hours after opening the cork. At this time, a spicy, black plum, and rose scents come up. The balance of the taste is very good, without a thick aftertaste. To make SemiSweet, the wine is stopped during the fermentation process to keep some sugar, otherwise it will become Dry. The alcohol degree of Dry is 12, and SemiSweet is 11.5. Semi-Sweet takes five to seven days to ferment, and Dry takes about ten days. After aging in an oak barrel for about three years, it is transferred to a steel barrel for stabilization and further aged for about three months. Then it is bottled. It is released after being aged in the bottle for another six months.

The wine is made with the thought of creating one bottle of wine per Sanmeoru(wild grape) tree. Sudosan produces 3000-4000 bottles per year, which is similar to the total number of Sanmeoru(Korean grapes) bunches. The rosé uses a grape variety developed by itself. It is a mutant red wine variety. The grape skin is thick, so it has a good balance of acidity and body. The color is light, so it was made into rosé. The white wine is made by blending 60-70% of the Japanese White Wine René School grape variety, 20-30% of the Shine Muskat grapes, and 10% of the German Riesling grape variety.

なったときに収穫を行います。収穫時の最適なBrix糖度 は22°です。

「Kratéドライ」は、甘さを最小限に抑えたワインです。 コルクを開けてから1〜2時間後に飲むのがベストです。 味のバランスが非常に良く、ブラックチェリーやバラの 風味があり、後味も爽やかです。セミスイートにするに は、ワインの発酵を途中で止めて糖分を少し残ししま す。発酵を止めなければドライになります。アルコール度 数はドライが12、セミスイートが11.5です。発酵させる日 数はセミスイートが5〜7日、ドライが10日を目途にしてい ます。オーク樽で約3年熟成させた後、スチール樽に移し て約3ヶ月間さらに熟成させて安定させます。その後、瓶 に入れて約6ヶ月熟成させた後、出荷します。 サンマル「wild grape」のワインは、1本の木から1本の ワインを造ることを目指しています。Sudosanの年間生 産量は3000〜4000本で、ぶどうの房の総数とほぼ同じ 数量です。ロゼは、独自に品種改良したブドウ品種で、 赤ワインの突然変異種です。ブドウの皮が厚いため酸味 のバランスが良く、また色が淡いため、ロゼにしました。 白ワインは日本の白ワインルネ派のぶどう品種を60〜70 %、ドイツのムスカットを20〜30%、ドイツのリースリン グを10%ブレンドして造られています。

Sudosan Winery

Wine made of fruits grown the clean natural environment of Sudosan Mountain, 1317 m above sea level.

CEO: Seung-hyeon, Baek

TEL: +82-54-439-1518

EMAIL: hyen1518@hanmail.net

ADDRESS: 29, 3-gil, Geumgok-ri, Jeungsan-myeon, Gimcheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea

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Cover Story

Overseas Interest in K-Fruit and K-Culture Leads to Increase in K-Wine Exports

海外で「K-Fruit」や「K-Culture」に対する関心 が高まり、「K-Wine」の輸出が増加

According to the classification system of domestic alcohol, K-wine, which is produced in most regions using fruits, belongs to traditional liquor. aT’s 2021 beverage market trend report mentions that traditional liquor is gradually increasing its market share overseas. The total amount of traditional liquor exported in 2021 was 17,704 tons and the export value was 23 million dollars. This increased by 29.1% compared to 18.22 million dollars in 2020. The main types of alcohol exported are still Soju(Korean distilled spirits), liquor, beer, and Makgeolli(Rice Wine). Export of K-wine increased by 45.2% to 2687 tons compared to the previous year. K-Wine is exported mostly to the United States, China, Thailand, Australia, and Singapore. The export value is 1.8 million dollars in the United States, 220,000 dollars in China, 160,000 dollars in Singapore, 80,000 dollars in Hong Kong, and 200,000 dollars in Japan. In 2018, fruit wine was the top seller among traditional liquor with 31.1% of total sales, worth 14.1 billion won. The consumer recognition of Korean wine, K-wine, has also increased from 59.2% in 2018 to 74% in 2021.

Makgeolli(Rice Wine) is the top traditional liquor preferred by Koreans from 2017 to 2021 with a range of 54-60%, taking first place, while fruit wine takes second place with 20-23%.

The exports of Korean fruits, which are ingredients of K-wine, are also increasing. As of the end of November 2022, 60.6 million dollars’ worth of exports have been recorded, an increase of 3.7% compared to the same period the previous year. In terms of volume, exports have increased by 17.7% to 28,000 tons.

K-wine’s overseas exports are still modest, but the size of traditional liquor is steadily increasing, and K-Fruit, the ingredient of K-wine, is increasing at a faster pace. The continued increase in exports of K-Fruit and diversification of exporting countries will directly expand the opportunity for K-wine exports. The quality and level of K-wine is also improving dramatically. There are also positive changes visible regarding domestic consumption trends of K-Wine. Economically active and relatively young and stable women and men in their 30s and 40s, who value their health and personal taste rather than traditional Korean drinking culture, are driving the growth of K-wine.


り、国内の酒分類においては伝統酒になります。aTによ る2021年の飲料市場動向レポートでは、伝統酒が海外で 徐々にシェアを伸ばしていることが報告されています。の


ルでした。2020年の1822万ドルと比べ、29.1%増加して います。輸出された主な品目は、焼酎、酒、ビール、マッコ リなどです。

「K-Wine」の輸出量は前年比45.2%増の2687トで、主に 米国、中国、タイ、オーストラリア、シンガポールに輸出さ れてます。輸出額は、米国180万ドル、中国22万ドル、シ ンガポール16万ドル、香港8万ドル、日本20万ドルです。

2018年には果実酒が全体の31.1%(141億ウォン)を占 め、伝統酒の中でトップの売上高を記録しました。韓 国産ワイン「K-Wine」の認知度は2018年の59.2%から 2021年には74%に上昇しました。

また、2017年から2021年に行われた調査では、韓国人 が好む伝統酒の1位がマッコリで54〜60%、2位が果実 酒で20〜23%となっています。

「K-Wine」の原料となる韓国産果実の輸出も増加してい ます。2022年11月末時点で、前年同期比3.7%増の6060 万ドルの輸出を記録しています。数量ベースでは、輸出量 は17.7%増の2万8,000トンとなりました。 「K-Wine」の輸出はまだ小規模ですが、伝統酒は着実 に輸出量を伸ばしており、原料であるK-Fruitの輸出ペ ースも急速な増加を続けています。今後も「K-Fruit」の 輸出が増加し、輸出先が多様化することで、「K-Wine」 の輸出機会も拡大することが期待されています。また、 「K-Wine」の品質とレベルも飛躍的に向上しており、国 内では伝統的な果実酒の消費傾向も前向きな変化を続 けています。30代から40代の経済的に活動的で安定的 な若い層の人たちは、従来の飲み会文化よりも健康や味 を重視しており、Kワインの成長を後押ししています。

Cover Story

CEO Kwon of ‘Cheon Hye Nongsan,’ Exporter of King Oyster Mushrooms in Gimcheon city

Since 2002, king oyster mushrooms from Gimcheon have become a popular item in the Korean agricultural and fishery wholesale market and at supermarkets.

Gimcheon has grown into a city known for producing king oyster mushrooms. As a result,

Gimcheon was selected as the top agricultural and livestock export agency among cities in Gyeongsangbuk-do last year in 2022. They exported king oyster mushrooms, strawberries and peaches to 17 countries worth 17.5 billion won.

Chan-Hyuk Kwon, the CEO of Cheon Hye Nongsan (Agriculture), was born in Gimcheon, Gyeongbuk in 1983. He visited Australia in 2006 through the Working Holiday program. During that time, he periodically sent money back to Korea and prepared a farm in his hometown, Gimcheon. He transferred around 200 million won. His father had already started a king oyster mushroom farm in Gimcheon in 2007. The end of his precious youth‘s 12-year life in Australia became the decisive factor for him to return home.

The production scale of the farm is 13 king oyster mushroom cultivation facilities, producing about 1 ton per facility. The shipment amount is 5 tons per week.

On average, they exported 4 to 5 billion won a year. Now, due to causes such as the coronavirus, exports have declined significantly. In the case of representative Kwon, he exported 4 billion won to the Netherlands last year. Up until last year, the export volume to the UK was about 2 to 3 billion won a year, with a total volume of 6 billion won.

自2002年以来,金泉市出产的杏鲍菇在韩国农渔业批发 市场和超市广受欢迎。该市如今以盛产杏鲍菇而闻名,并 于去年入选2022年庆尚北道最佳农畜产品出口城市。这 些农畜产品出口城市主要向17个国家出口杏鲍菇、草莓 和桃子等农产品,产值175亿韩元。

权灿赫于1983年出生于庆尚北道的金泉市,现为天惠农 山首席执行官。他在2006年通过一项工作假期计划来到 澳大利亚。在澳大利亚期间,他定期往韩国寄钱,总计寄出 约2亿韩元,并在家乡金泉市预备了一处种植园。他父亲 早在2007年就在金泉市开设了一处杏鲍菇种植园。在澳 大利亚度过了12年的青春岁月后,他毅然决定回到家乡。 回到韩国后,他获得了一笔1.5亿韩元的贷款,并对现有 种植园进行了扩建。虽然从外面看,父子二人的种植园好 似一个整体,但如果往里看,你会看到其中有父亲的旧种 植园和儿子的新种植园。在出口业务方面,父子二人也是 各自为营,但二者之间有非常好的合作关系。权灿赫先生 可谓是一路追随父亲的脚步。种植园设有13座杏鲍菇栽 培设施,每座设施产量约1吨,每周发货量为5吨。 权灿赫先生从2020年正式开始种植杏鲍菇。他现在只是 一位拥有3年种植经验的新手,但他父亲长期从事杏鲍 菇的种植和出口,所以他从开始就能够在杏鲍菇出口方 面轻车熟路。父子二人平均每年的出口产值为40到50亿 韩元,但由于新冠疫情等原因,现在出口额大幅下降。权 先生去年向荷兰的出口额为40亿韩元。到去年为止,每 年向英国的出口额约为20到30亿韩元,总计出口额为60 亿韩元。

16 17
金泉市杏鲍菇出口商"天惠农山 首席执行官权灿赫

Cheon Hye Nongsan has received global GAP certification and Tesco Nurture certification. Additionally, they have sent mushroom samples to the official testing and certification institution, OATC, to test for the presence of listeria bacteria. Cheon Hye Nongsan has established a smart farm system that automatically controls the farming facilities, maintaining a consistent temperature and humidity to prevent disease and providing optimal farming conditions with a temperature of 13℃, humidity of 85-90%, and carbon dioxide concentration of 10001100ppm.

Most exports are done in bulk. The market is currently supplied under the name of local companies rather than the brand of Cheon Hye Nongsan. King oyster mushrooms are also grown in other countries. Ultimately, the distinctive factor is the excellent quality. The fate of the product is determined by factors such as a more unique shape, firmness, and long lasting qualities. In that sense, the competitiveness of Gimcheon king oyster mushroom production farmers, including Cheon Hye Nongsan, is higher than that of other countries.

CEO Kwon is soon preparing for a new start as an agricultural corporation. The company will have a consistent system and scale to perform mushroom cultivation, production, and exports. The export ratio is expected to increase to 70-80% of the production volume. The production cost will also be dramatically reduced. This is also a strategy for survival in the face of the declining number of farms and increasing domestic and international competition.

CEO Kwon says that raising mushrooms gives him a sense of peace and happiness. It is even more satisfying that the mushrooms he carefully raised are exported to various countries in Europe and Asia. Breaking away from the complicated environment of a foreign metropolis where he once lived makes his life even more relaxed. This is sure to be reflected in the increasingly refined and high-quality mushrooms that will be produced from his hands in the future.

Cheon Hye Nongsan


CEO: Kwon Chan-hyuk

TEL: +82-10-3500-1177

EMAIL: duble2989@naver.com

ADDRESS: 62-87, Ui 1-gil, Apo-eup, Gimcheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea

“Cheon Hye Nongsan has received global GAP certification and Tesco Nurture certification. Additionally, they have sent mushroom samples to the official testing and certification institution, OATC, to test for the presence of listeria bacteria. ”




天惠农山已获得全球良好农业规范(GAP)认证和Tesco Nurture认证。此外,公司还将其蘑菇样本送至官方检测 和认证机构,检测其中是否存在李斯特菌。天惠农山建立 了一套智能农场系统,可自动控制种植园中的设施,保持 恒温恒湿,从而预防疾病,并可提供温度13℃、湿度8590%、二氧化碳浓度1000-1100ppm的最佳种植环境。 大多数杏鲍菇出口都是成批进行,产品目前是以多家当 地公司的名义供应,而非以天惠农山品牌供货。杏鲍菇在 其他国家也有种植,产品最终能否脱颖而出主要取决于 质量是否一流。影响杏鲍菇质量的因素有形状独特性、紧 致性和耐久性等。在这方面,金泉市的种植户(包括天惠 农山)所种植的杏鲍菇较其他国家更具竞争力。 权灿赫先生准备在不久的将来成立一家农业公司,公司 将建立成熟完善的体系开展蘑菇种植、生产和出口。出口 比例预计将占产量的70-80%,生产成本也将大幅降低。 面对种植园数量减少和国际国内竞争加剧等情况,这可 谓是一种很好的生存战略。

权灿赫先生说,种植蘑菇能给他带来平静和幸福感。看到 自己精心培育的蘑菇远销欧亚各国,让他感到格外满足。 离开曾经生活过多年的异国都会的复杂环境,让他的生 活变得更加放松。这一份怡然自得,势必会体现在今后出 自他手的愈发精致的高品质蘑菇上。

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Ukisaem, a Korean agricultural company, is committed to producing high-quality, domestically sourced and eco-friendly nuts, grains, and fruits. Ukisaem supplies Korean nuts, grains, and fruits grown in Korea, and aims to become a friendly nut processing company that is at the forefront of healthy and safe K-Food. Ukisaem's total export value in 2022 amounted to about $55,000 USD.

Ukisaem recognizes the potential for demand for organic, eco-friendly products instead of massproduced nuts. By pursuing small-scale, high-quality nut production, the company aims to differentiate itself from larger foreign competitors and create a unique place in the market.

The establishment of Ukisaem was a risky endeavor. The CEO of Ukisaem, Im Ui-soo, obtained a 60 million won Jeonse(lump-sum housing lease), and saw it as a challenge to enter the nuts and fried fruit market, which consistently mostly of domestic products. Apart from some hard-to-grow almonds, Brazilian nuts, and other nuts which are hard to grow in Korea, all products use Korean ingredients. Chestnuts come from Boeun, Chungcheongnam-do, walnuts from Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-do, apples and dates from Chungju, and acorns from Gimcheon, Gyeongsangnam-do. Signature products, such as the Almond Crisp Jujube and Brazil Nut Crisp Jujube are all made by CEO Im. Ukisaem is now known as a leading nut brand in Korea. Ukisaem ensures its high quality products by contracting excellent quality farmers directly (without intermediaries), X-ray screening, and short-term small-scale production.

Im’s approach to short-term small-scale production is driven by the scarcity of available farmland in Korea, where mountainous terrain limits agricultural opportunities. With increased competition in the export market where larger foreign companies can produce more, Im is betting on the growing demand for high-quality, organically produced Korean products. This approach comes with risks, as the limited workforce in rural areas makes it difficult to increase productivity. The Korean population is heavily concentrated in Seoul due to urbanization, further exacerbating the challenges in the agriculture sector. 25% of the farmers working at Ukisaem are village inhabitants. Im is also investing in a school in the local village to help foster future working talent and to create a win-win situation for the village inhabints.

Ukisaem almonds are currently exported to the United States, Japan, and Hong Kong and are expected to expand to Europe and the Middle East. The almonds are hand-sliced and marketed

韓国の農業法人「Ukisaem」は、高品質の地元産で環 境に優しいナッツ、穀物、果物の生産に取り組んでいま す。韓国産のナッツ、穀物、果物を供給し、健康で安全 な「K-Food」のリーディングカンパニーになることを目 指しています。2022年には総輸出額は約55,000ドルに 達しました。

国際的なナッツ市場は、豊富な農地を持つ国の大規模 農園が中心ですが、「Ukisaem」は、環境に優しい製品 やオーガニックなもの需要があると考えています。その ため、小規模かつ高品質なナッツの生産に注力するこ とで大規模な競合他社との差別化を図り、市場で独自 のポジションを確立することを目指しています。 「Ukisaem」の設立は大胆な試みでした。社長である イム・ウイス氏は、60,000,000ウォンのチョンセ融資を 受け、国産品が中心だったナッツやドライフルーツの競 争市場に参入しました。アーモンドやブラジル産のナッ ツ以外、「Ukisaem」の製品はすべて韓国産の原料を 使用しています。材料としては、忠清北道・報恩の栗、 京畿道・加平のクルミ、春秋のリンゴやナツメ、慶尚北 道・金泉のドングリなど、地元で調達されたものばかり です。「Ukisaem」が生み出した代表的な商品、例えば アーモンドナツメやブラジルナツメは、イム・ウイス氏自 身が考案しました。「Ukisaem」は6000万ウォンの投 資からスタートし、2015年には34億ウォンまでに急成 長しましたが、主要取引先が自社でナツメ生産の設備 投資をしたため、困難な状況に直面しました。しかし、 イム・ウイス氏は諦めずにユニークな商品を作り出すこ とで乗り越えてきました。現在、「Ukisaem」は韓国を 代表するナツメブランドとして多くの人々に知られてい ます。「Ukisaem」は高品質の製品を提供するために優 良な農家と直接契約したり、X線検査を実施して、短期 ・少量生産にこだわっています。

イム・ウンス氏が考案した方式は、韓国では農地が不足 を対応するために短期・少量生産です。韓国は山が多 いので農業には大きな課題があります。イム氏は、高品 質な有機栽培の韓国製品を提供することで海外の大手 企業と差別化を図り、需要を上げようと考えました。し かし、農村部では労働力不足があり、生産性向上が困 難な状況です。また、都市化が進み、人口がソウルに集

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‘Ukisaem’ Eco-friendly Nuts

as a high-end snack, appealing to the taste buds of people worldwide. The Almond Crisp Jujube product is the leading product in the domestic market, ranking #1 on the high-end Korean grocery shopping website Market Curly in the category nuts. The product is available at Wooltari Mall and Kim'C Market in the United States. Other products include the Brazil Nut Crisp Jujube and the Apple Chip with Health.

Last year a new product, an almond snack made from palm dates instead of jujube dates, was introduced. The Palm Date Almond snack was selected as a gift for the President during Chuseok, and for the Prime Minister during the Korean national holiday ‘Seollal’. While the product currently being exported is the Almond Crisp Jujube product, the new product which they are set to export will be the Almond Palm Date snack.

In conclusion, Ukisaem is a trailblazer in the nut industry, with its focus on domestically sourced, ecofriendly products, and its commitment to healthy and safe K-Food. With a history of overcoming challenges and a passion for creating unique products, Ukisaem has become a leading nut brand in Korea. With exports to the United States, Japan, and Hong Kong, and plans to expand to Europe and the Middle East, Ukisaem‘s high-end, hand-sliced almonds are sure to please nut lovers everywhere.

Whether you‘re munching on Almond Crisp Jujube, savoring the Brazil Nut Crisp Jujube, or trying the new Palm Date Almond snack, you‘re sure to find a tasty, healthy treat from Ukisaem.



CEO: Im Ui-soo

TEL: +82-43-857-0854

EMAIL: 62sem@naver.com

ADDRESS: 307, Sotae-ro, Sotae-myeon, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea

中することも農業の環境をさらに悪化させています。こ れらの課題に対処するため、イム氏は地元の村農民を 25%雇用したり、将来の労働力を育成するとともに、地 域の学校を整備するなどの投資を行い、村の住民たち と相互に有益な関係を構築するように努力しています。 「Ukisaem」は、国産にこだわり、環境に優しい製品を 提供し、健康で安全なK-Foodを追求するナッツ業界の 先駆者です。困難を乗り越えた歴史と、ユニークな製品 を生み出し続ける情熱で、「Ukisaem」は韓国を代表す るナッツブランドとなっています。アメリカ、日本、香港 に輸出されており、今後は、ヨーロッパや中東にも進出 する予定です。「Ukisaem」の高級な手打ちアーモンド は、世界中のナッツ好きに喜ばれることでしょう。アー モンドクリスプやブラジルナッツのクリスプ、新作のパ ームデーツアーモンドなど、「Ukisaem」なら美味しくて ヘルシーなおやつが見つかること間違いありません!

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Processed Food
domestically sourced and ecofriendly nuts, grains, and fruits.

Munkyeong Omija Valley Farming Corporation

Omija as the representative product of the Korean wave

Korean history holds that the omija(schizandra berries) presented to Korean kings was produced in Dongro-myeon, Munkyeong City, where omija originated. Munkyeong City was the first to create a farming environment that could cultivate the wild omija mentioned in the historical records. This secured the possibility of cultivation. In 2004, Munkyeong City’s omija production became the first in Korea with 45% of the national production. In 2006, Munkyeong City was designated as the omija special zone of South Korea.

The efforts of Munkyeong City are led by the progressive CEO of Munkyeong Omija Valley Farming Corporation Park Jong-rak. In 1990, he purchased around 66,000 m 2 of land around his hometown in Dongromyeon. In 2007, he established an omija experience village to promote omija in his hometown land, which was on an unprecedented scale, even with an outdoor swimming pool. The Munkyeong Omija Experience Village is the origin of today’s Munkyeong Omija Valley. In 2009, 9 neighboring farmers gathered around Park with the intention of commercializing omija, establishing the Munkyeong Omija Valley Farming Cooperative.

Omija is not poisonous. Its efficacy helps improve lung health, reduces coughing, and replenishes the body’s energy. It also enhances the functions of the lungs and kidneys. It is also good for thirst caused by diabetes due to its effect in regulating blood sugar.

Its ingredients include schizandrin, which improves the inflammatory state of the lung’s respiratory system, gomisin, good for the cardiovascular system, and citrulin, among others. It is rich in phytosterols such as lignans.

根据韩国历史记载,产自东鲁面(五味子的发源地)的五 味子质量最佳,一个世纪前曾用来供奉国王。闻庆市是首 个采取行动,创造适合栽培野生五味子环境的城市,这为 成功栽培奠定了基础。2004年,闻庆市的五味子产量韩国 第一,占全国总产量的45%。2006年,闻庆市被指定为五 味子韩国生产特区。

闻庆市五味子山谷农业公司的首席执行官朴钟乐( Park Jong-rak )注重可持续发展,他在闻庆市实施的一系列

举措中扮演着领导性作用。1990年,他在 家乡东罗面周围购买了大约2万坪土地。 2007年,他打造了一个五味子体验村,以前 所未有的规模在家乡的土地上推广五味子,体 验村中甚至还建有一个室外游泳池。闻庆五味子体 验村便是闻庆五味子山谷农业公司的前身。2009年,9位 附近的村民找到朴钟乐先生,商讨推行五味子的商业化, 闻庆五味子山谷农业合作社应运而生。

五味子温和无毒,有助于改善肺部健康,缓解咳嗽症状,能 够补充身体能量,还能增强肺功能和肾功能。由于其血糖 调节作用,五味子能够缓解糖尿病引起的口渴。其成分包 括五味子素(可改善肺部呼吸系统炎症)、戈米辛(对心血 管系统有益)和瓜氨酸等。它还富含木酚素等植物甾醇。 闻庆五味子山谷农业公司是韩国最大的单体工厂。基于 长期的研发积累,通过使用最好的原材料,工厂能够生 产出最佳质量的产品。公司的产品有三种:五味子绿色 产品(Omija green)、五味子醋和在五味子醋基础上进 一步加工而成的五味子红辣椒酱。2010年,公司的"Omi Jayeon Jiae"被指定为当年在韩国举行的G20财长会议 的官方饮品。此外,公司还曾为前美国第一夫人梅拉尼 娅·特朗普提供五味子果汁。虽然并非闻庆五味子山谷农 业公司的产品,但在2018年1月的平昌冬奥会上,五味子 马格利酒被指定为官方祝酒用酒。去年,在尹锡悦总统与 美国总统拜登举行的峰会正式晚宴上,来自"OmyNara" 的"OmyRosé Yeon"气泡酒也被作为席间用酒。所有这些

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Munkyeong Omija Valley is the largest single factory in Korea. It produces the highest quality products using the best raw materials and long-term research and development knowledge. There are three types of omija products: Omija green, omija vinegar, and omija red chili sauce based on omija vinegar. In 2010, Munkyeong Omija Valley’s “Omija Yeonji-ae” was selected as the official drink at the G20 finance minister's meeting held in Korea that year. It also provided omija juice to Melania Trump. Although not Munkyeong Omija Valley’s product, omija makgeolli was used as the official toast at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in January 2018. Last year, the sparkling wine “OmyRosé Kyol” from ‘OmyNara’ was also on the table at the official dinner of the summit between President Yoon Seok-yeol, and President Biden of the United States. All of these were made from Munkyeong omija.

The omija has taken its place as one of the best in South Korea. However, it continues to be researched and developed without rest. The company has carried out over ten medical and food specialized research projects such as “Prevention of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases and clarification of the mechanism of action of new substances in the exploration and discovery of new substances.”















朴钟乐先生的不懈坚持和努力,在成功参展中国上海食 品博览会后,闻庆五味子山谷农业公司于2011年开始向

加拿大和新加坡等五个国家出口五味子。2022年,出口范 围进一步扩展至瑞士、香港、日本、德国和法国。


闻庆五味子山谷农业公司排名第二。不过,个人要直接从 海外购买公司的产品并不容易,但可以通过中国的阿里 巴巴和美国、日本的亚马逊在线平台购买。

The same efforts have received praise and maintained its reputation in various places domestically and abroad. In 2012, the omija received the world's top 10 innovation award at “SIAL Abu Dhabi,” and in 2013, it received the SIAL Canada Innovation Award and Dubai Gulfood Highly Commended Award consecutively. In 2022, it won the Excellent Award in the Health Juice/Fruit Juice category and the Korean Consumer Best Brand Award at “KOREA CUSTOMER INDUSTRY APPRAISAL.”

Domestic success and international quality certification have laid the foundation for Korean omija to enter the global stage. With Mr. Park’s persistence and perseverance, Munkyeong Omija Valley began exporting to five countries, including Canada and Singapore, in 2011, after a successful exhibition at the Shanghai Food Expo in China. In 2022, exports were made to Switzerland, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany, and France.

The aT reverse trading site indicated Munkyeong Omija Valley as the second highest selling product from October to December in 2022. It is possible to purchase through Alibaba in China and Amazon in the United States and Japan.

Munkyeong Omija Valley

CEO: Park Jong-rak

TEL: +82-54-552-9000

EMAIL: prookwin@naver.com

ADDRESS: 2371-5, Yeoumok-ro, Dongno-myeon, Mungyeong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea

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Korean Vegan Food Continues to Grow

The domestic vegan population is growing as more and more people become conscious of the impact of their consumption choices on health, the environment, and animal welfare. Plant-based diets have been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, as well as certain types of cancer. Many people also choose veganism for ethical reasons, believing that harming animals for food is wrong. The coronavirus pandemic has also played a role in accelerating the vegan trend. As the meat supply chain disintegrated and fears of contamination grew, many people turned to plant-based foods as a safer and more sustainable alternative. The pandemic-induced economic downturn also pushed many people to look for more affordable food options, and plant-based foods are often less expensive than meat. In the last four years (2018-2022), the vegan population in Europe has grown from 1.3 million to 2.6 million, representing 3.2% of the global population. This trend is accelerating, especially in Europe. According to Veganz, Europe's first vegan supermarket chain, 22.9% of the European population are flexitarians (flexible vegetarians who eat meat). The European plant-based food market was valued at $5.931 billion in 2019, growing by $627 million in 2020 to reach $6.558 billion. Europe was the world’s largest food market in both 2019 and 2020, and is expected to reach $11.89 billion in 2026, outpacing all other regions.


におけるビーガン人口の増加は、健康や環境、動物福 祉に対する意識の向上の結果です。植物由来の食生活 は、心臓病や肥満、2型糖尿病、癌などのリスクを軽減 すると言われています。また、動物に害を与えることが 倫理的に不適切と考えられる人もいます。コロナウィル スの大流行もビーガン人気の要因の一つです。食肉のサ プライチェーンの汚染に対する懸念から、植物由来の 食品が安全で、将来的にも継続できる選択肢として求 められるようになりました。さらに、経済不況が進む中 で人々はより手頃な価格の食品を求めるようになり、植 物性食品は食肉よりも安価なため、人気が高まってい ます。過去4年間(2018年から2022年)で、ビーガン人 口は2倍になり、130万人から260万人に増加し、世界人 口の3.2%を占めるようになりました。 ヨーロッパを中心に、植物由来の食生活の求心力が 高まっています。ヨーロッパで最初のビーガンスーパー マーケットチェーン、Veganzによると、ヨーロッパ人の 22.9%が食肉と植物性食品の両方を摂取するフレキシ タリアンです。2019年にヨーロッパの植物性食品産業 は59億3100万ドルと評価され、2020年には6億2700万 ドルの成長し、65億5800万ドルに達しました。ヨーロッ パは2019年から2020年まで世界最大の食品市場を占 め、2026年には118億9000万ドルに達すると予測され ています。

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KAF Trends Trend & Products

Korean food culture is characterized by a wide variety of vegetarian-based recipes and related products. Fermented foods, gluten-free grains, and dairy-free ingredients, which have recently become popular among vegans and vegetarians, are already very popular in Korean cuisine, and many of the main ingredients are vegan and gluten-free. There are many foods that utilize plant-based alternatives to animal protein (mushrooms, bean curd, etc.), and in line with the health trend, there are health drinks, herbal teas that help strengthen immunity, and traditional drinks such as misutgaru(roasted grain powder) mixed with milk or water, and plum tea. Korean kimchi, gochujang, and doenjang, which are traditional fermented foods, have become popular in the UK.

Veganism in Korea is still in its infancy compared to Europe, but it continues to grow, especially among young people, and interest is increasing, with the recent 6th Vegan Festa held at the aT Center from August 19-21, 2022, attracting more than 90 vegan brands and 18,000 visitors from all over the country.

Korean Vegan Products

フレキシタリアン韓国料理の特長は、ベジタリアン向け のレシピや商品が充実していることです。近年、菜食主 義者やベジタリアンの間で人気が集まっている発酵食 品、グルテンフリーの穀物、乳製品を含まない食材は、 すでに韓国料理に不可欠なものとなっています。韓国の 伝統的な料理には、茸や豆腐など動物性タンパク質の 代わりに植物性タンパク質を使ったものが多いので、健 康志向は健康飲料や免疫力を高めるハーブティー、ミス カルや梅茶などの伝統飲料にも表れています。また、キ ムチやコチュジャン、ドエンジャンといった韓国の発酵 食品もイギリスで人気があります。韓国ではビーガンは ヨーロッパに比べるとまだ始ったばかりですが、若者を 中心に広がりを見せ、関心も高まっています。2022年8 月19日から21日にaTセンターで開催された「第6回ビー ガンフェスタ」には、90店舗以上のビーガンブランドと 全国から1万8000人の来場者が集まったことからも、そ れが分かります。

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KAF Trends Trend & Products
Chaesig Plan Bean Curd Noodle www.tomorrowmeal.com Viomix Plant-based Meat Cutlet www.viomix.co.kr Veggie Garden Plant-based Meat Steak www.nongshimtk.com Seowondang All Natural Perilla Oil www.seowondang.kr

HBAF Almonds

HBAF almonds stands for Healthy But Awesome Flavors and is a product of the Korean almond importer Gilim. HBAF almonds are available in various tastes, such as Honey Butter Almond, Wasabi-flavored Almond, Roasted Corn-flavored Almond, Caramel Almond & Pretzel, and many more. The almonds gained popularity during the honey butter trend in South Korea in 2015 when the company launched their Honey Butter Almonds brand. At the time, convenience stores were sold out on Honey Butter products due to the craze behind this interesting taste.

Since then, HBAF has grown and is now exported to over 16 countries. The total export value of HBAF almonds amounts to a yearly 140 million won. The operating margin of HBAF is over 10%, that is a rare feat in the food industry. HBAF is delicious as a snack, and a good snack companion with alcoholic drinks.

Nowadays, HBAF has become a steady selling among foreigners looking for souvenirs from their trip to Korea. The unique and colorful packaging of HBAF allows it to compete with other products effectively. Before HBAF, it was very common to see almonds packaged in transparent bags without playful branding characteristics. But not only that, the zipper bags used by HBAF ensure a sturdy packaging of the product. The branding and product design of HBAF has therefore contributed to its success as a popular food item from Korea not only domestically but also worldwide. In fact, HBAF was listed in Saveur Magazine’s Top 100 Favorites From the World of Food.

With HBAF almonds, you can have all the delicious and fun flavors of a treat, with the health benefits of a nutritious snack! Whether you’re in the mood for a savory crunch with the Wasabi Almond, or a sweet kick from the Caramel Almond & Pretzel, there’s an HBAF almond for every taste bud.


HBAF意为健康又美味,HBAF杏仁果是韩国杏仁进口商Gilim公司 的旗下产品。HBAF杏仁果拥有各种口味,如蜂蜜黄油味、芥末味、烤 玉米味、焦糖味和椒盐脆饼等。Gilim公司在2015年首次推出蜂蜜黄 油味杏仁果,一经推出便在韩国国内引领风潮,深受消费者的喜爱。 当时,由于这款新产品口味独特,前来购买的人络绎不绝,各大便利 店的杏仁果产品一度售罄。自那时起,HBAF不断发展,目前已出口 到全球34个国家。HBAF杏仁果的年出口额达1.4亿韩元,营业利润 率超过10%,这在食品行业极为罕见。HBAF不仅是一款美味零食, 也是不可多得的下酒小菜。

如今,前来韩国旅游的外国人都愿意买上一份HBAF杏仁果作为纪 念品,这成为产品销售的一种稳定渠道。HBAF独特而多彩的包装使 其能够在竞争中脱颖而出。在HBAF之前,杏仁果通常包装在透明袋 子里,缺乏品牌个性。HBAF不仅品牌个性鲜明,其包装袋还采用拉 链设计,可确保包装坚固。HBAF的品牌形象及其产品设计使其成为 广受韩国国内乃至全世界消费者喜爱的流行食品。事实上,HBAF已 入选《美味》杂志全球最受欢迎食品100强。

HBAF杏仁果不仅口味独特、美味好吃,还营养丰富、益处多多!无论 您是想品尝芥末味杏仁果的酥脆鲜美,还是焦糖味杏仁果和椒盐脆 饼的甜蜜,总有一款产品能满足您的味蕾。

KAF Trends e-Commerce

Rapid Increase in Export of Strawberries from Sancheong, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea to Vietnam

Exports of Sancheong’s specialty strawberries, known for their highest quality in the country, have been steadily increasing.

In 2018, strawberry exports to Vietnam totaled 4,000 kg, with an export value of 56,000 dollars. This was the first year that Hang-seo Park, the coach of Vietnam national football team from Sancheong, caused a sensation in Vietnam.

The following year, in 2019, 54,000 kg of strawberries were exported to Vietnam, which is equivalent to 63,000 dollars.

Along with strawberries, Sancheong’s specialty dried persimmons were also exported to Vietnam for the first time in 2019. This was due to the influence of the visiting Vietnamese players and tourists visiting the hometown of Coach Park.

Strawberry exports have grown four times in just a few years, from 84,000 dollars in 2020 to 138,000 dollars in 2021, and 230,000 dollars in 2022. The representative crop of Sancheong, strawberries, boasts high sugar content, aroma, and firm cultivation.

The cool summer breeze and winter breeze that come from the beautiful mountains of Sancheong also contribute to the optimal environment.

About 800 farms produce 16,000 tons of strawberries annually in 430ha. and generate sales of 110 billion won. Most of them have received Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification.

Since first exporting to Canada in 2015, they have widely exported to Southeast Asian markets such as Cambodia.

Hang-seo Park is from Eoseo-ri, Saengcho-myeon, Sancheong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do. After finishing middle school in his hometown, he played football as a midfielder at Hanyang University and Gyeongsin High School. In his playing days, he was a member of the U-20 national team in 1977-78. Then he played for Jeil Bank and the army team before joining Lucky-Goldstar in 1984. From 1989 to 1996, he was a coach at Lucky-Goldstar. In 1994, he was a trainer for Korea’s World Cup team, and from 2000 to 2002, he was the head coach of the World Cup team. At that time, he left an impressive record by leading the South Korean football team to the World Cup semi-finals with coach Hiddink. In 2017, he became the coach of the Vietnam national football team. He has brought historic success to the Vietnamese football team, which had been weak in Asia. In 2018, Vietnam finished as runners-up in the AFC U-23 Asian Cup, 4th place in the Jakarta-Palembang 2018 Asian Games, and won the Suzuki Cup for the first time in 10 years. In 2019, they finished as runners-up in the King’s Cup, reached the quarterfinals of the AFC Asian Cup and won the SEA Games for the first time in 60 years. He has led

The representative crop of Sancheong-gun, strawberries, boasts high sugar content, aroma, and firm cultivation.

the team to an impressive ascent in FIFA rankings, from 121st to 94th, and has become a national hero in Vietnam. In 2018, he received a special contribution award from the National League Awards and in 2020, he received the Government Labor Medal from the Vietnamese government. In December 2019, the Vietnamese national football team, who won the Southeast Asian Games for the first time in 60 years, visited Coach Park’s hometown of Sancheong County in Gyeongsangnam-do under the guidance of Coach Park. Sancheong County is the largest strawberry producing area in South Korea. The number of Vietnamese visitors to Coach Park’s hometown of Sancheong has been increasing.

In February 2019, a Vietnamese buyer opened the export path for Sancheong strawberries and in October of that year, Sancheong County started offering tour packages for Vietnamese tourists. This is for the increasing number of Vietnamese tourists since Coach Park’s appointment as coach of the Vietnamese national team. The popularity of Coach Hang-seo Park, a Vietnamese football hero, has also contributed to the increasing exports of Sancheong strawberries to Vietnam. Sancheong strawberries, which used to be in the hands of local Vietnamese visitors, have now become one of the important export products from South Korea to Vietnam. Coach Park, who deeply loves his hometown, was appointed as a promotional ambassador for Sancheong County in February 2019.

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Kim, Eil Chul Chief Reorter

MINARI Scent of Spring

Minari, referred to as Oenanthe Javanica in scientific terms, is a perennial herbaceous plant found in East Asia. Its leaves resemble those of parsley or coriander, while its stems are reminiscent of watercress. Widely utilized in Korean cuisine, minari is prized for its unique flavor profile, combining elements of carrot tops and celery with a slightly bitter, peppery taste. The herb is commonly featured in minari-muchim(Wild Parsley Salad), and can be found in various dishes such as bibimbap and maeuntang(Spicy Stew). In addition to its culinary uses, minari is believed to have a detoxifying effect and has a rich history in traditional folk medicine. Cultivated in countries such as Korea, Japan, India, Thailand, and Vietnam.

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On the Table | Photo Essay |


Bibimbap, a traditional Korean dish, is a flavorful and visually explosion of tastes and textures. With a name that literally translates to “mixed rice,” bibimbap is a bowl of warm, steaming rice topped with an array of colorful ingredients, including slices of tender beef, crisp vegetables such as carrots, bean sprouts, and mushrooms, a sunny-side up egg, and a healthy drizzle of spicy gochujang sauce.

38 39
K-FOOD Recipe On the Table


Follow these simple steps with

SallyCook Cup Greens


(serving for 3-4):

100g / 3.5 ounces minced beef

250g sliced onion

350g boiled bean sprouts

100g sliced shiitake mushroom

120g sliced carrots

120g sliced zucchini

1 fried egg (per serving)

For Meat Sauce:

1 Tbsp soy sauce

1 Tbsp sesame oil

1 tsp brown sugar

1/4 tsp minced garlic

For Bibim (mix) Sauce:

2 Tbsp gochujang

1 Tbsp sesame oil

1 Tbsp sugar

1 Tbsp water

1 tsp vinegar

1 tsp minced garlic


SallyCook is a nutritious and convenient food solution that enhances the eating experience. Developed by a former dietitian from a cancer rehabilitation hospital, the company uses freeze-drying technology in a self-owned HACCP-certified factory to create balanced meals made from high-quality Korean ingredients that can be stored for extended periods.

The SallyCook Cup Greens is a prime example of their offerings, featuring a delectable blend of 10 vegetables commonly found in bibimbap, such as cucumber, mushrooms, and carrots. Simply pour hot water over the ingredients, let it soak, and savor the nourishing and delicious taste of the veggies.

Embrace a tasty way to maintain your health by trying SallyCook Cup Greens today.

CEO: Chung Eun-hee

Email: sallycook@naver.com

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40 41 K-FOOD Recipe
1. Slice the vegetables (boil the bean sprouts) 2. Prepare meat sauce and Bibim (mix) sauce 3. Cook vegetables first, then add and cook the meat with the meat sauce
On the Table OR
4. Place cooked ingredients over steamed rice Open the package Pour hot water and wait for 2-3 minutes, or until greens are softened. Pour dried greens into a bowl Drain and place over the rice Pour Bibim sauce and mix the ingredients. Bon appétit!

Korea Agrafood magazine is specialized in promoting Korean Agricultural products to buyers in abroad. We cover Korean promising Agricultural products, dietary culture and export companies.

If you are interested in K-Food or want to catch up latest food trend, don’t hesitate to join our e-Agrafood, and provide us with your comments on how to improve the magazine.

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