Mar 2023 (vol.329)

Page 1

South Korea Goes All-Out on Pet Humanization With Premium



The Premium Granola Brand That Is Winning Hearts Around the World

KAF Trends


Seoul Sisters

Kimchi Seasoning

On the Table

K-FOOD Recipe


Korean Syrup- lled Pancakes

Mar. 2023 vol.329

10Reasons Why Foreigners Love Korean Food

5 -Day Market

From Honey to Global Success

In this issue, we delve into the exciting and rapidly evolving world of K-Pet food. With the growing trend of pet humanization, the pet food industry is undergoing significant changes. We explore the emergence of functional pet foods that cater to the cognitive health of pets based on cutting-edge research findings from neuroimmunology. In addition, we highlight the rising popularity of K-Pet food in overseas markets and its synergy with K-culture. Furthermore, we examine how the perception of traditional Korean products such as the traditional drink sikhye is shifting and gaining popularity both domestically and abroad. We delve into the fascinating story of Baekya Farm, which is the largest cultivator of Korean grafted cacti, accounting for 80% of the global market. Join us as we take a serious and informative journey into the world of K-Pet food and beyond.

Vol.329 ‘Granology’ The Premium Granola Brand That is Winning Hearts Around the World Meet the Cactus Farmer Who Dominates the Global Market with Unique Techniques
The Sweet Story of Korea's Flower-Scented Liquid Tea South Korea Goes All-Out on Pet Humanization With Premium
Analyzing K-Pet Food Trends Through Statistics Bringing the Delicious and Healthy Flavors of K-Food to Your Kitchen
The Sweet Success of Korea's Traditional Drink, Sikhye


In Focus

16 Farmtastic | Meet the Cactus Farmer Who Dominates the Global Market With Unique Techniques

20 Processed Food | ‘Granology’

The Premium Granola Brand That Is Winning Hearts Around the World

24 New Item | From Honey to Global Success

The Sweet Story of Korea's Flower-Scented Liquid Tea

KAF Trends

28 Trend & Products | The Sweet Success of Korea's Traditional Drink, Sikhye

32 e-Commerce | Seoul Sisters Kimchi Seasoning: Bringing the Delicious and Healthy Flavors of K-Food to Your Kitchen

34 COLUMN | 10 Reasons Why Foreigners Love Korean Food

On the Table

36 Photo Essay | 5-Day Market

Cover Story

8 South Korea Goes All-Out on Pet Humanization With Premium K-Pet Food

12 BetterPet, The Korean Company Which Revolutionize Pet Health With Innovative Functional Food

14 Analyzing K-Pet Food Trends Through Statistics

38 K-FOOD Recipe | Hotteok

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the 227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea

Tel: +82-61-931-0963 Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Kim Kwang-jin





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok (

070-4617-3266, 3278

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070-4617-2696, 7116

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OSAKA Kwon Hyun-joo (


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EDITED & DESIGNED BY DN 7-18, Mokdongjungangbuk-ro 10-gil, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

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You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website,

South Korea Goes All-Out on Pet Humanization With Premium


韓国、高級なKペットフードを用いて、ペットの ヒューマニズム化を全面的に推進

The phenomenon of thinking of pets as family and treating them like humans is now widespread in South Korea. As of the earlier of march, 2021, the number of pet owners in South Korea was 14.48 million, with over one in four Koreans living with pets.

In September 2021, the Italian restaurant "Odette" in Haeundae, became famous for its "dog steak." Guests who come to this restaurant with their dogs sit at the table and have a meal together, as if they were meeting friends or family members.

Consumers who want to feed their pets with 100% human-grade ingredients are also increasing. As a result, the K-Pet Food industry has diversified into premium products. Customized products with different nutritional compositions for pets of different ages and types are on the rise.

Moreover, traditional health food companies are entering the K-Pet Food market based on their existing manufacturing and research capabilities. The number of companies in the animal feed and functional food manufacturing industry increased by over 12% from 1,633 in 2020 to 1,831 in 2021.

ペットを家族のように考え、人間と同じように扱う現象 が、いま韓国で広がっています。2021年3月上旬で、ペッ トを飼育している人の数は1448万人で、韓国人の4人に1 人がペットと一緒に暮らしています。

2021年9月、海雲台のイタリアンレストラン「Odette」 は、「犬用のステーキ」で一躍有名になりました。愛犬と 一緒にレストランを訪れた客は、友人や家族と食事をす るように、ペットと一緒にテーブルに座り一緒に食事をす るのです。

また、ペットに100%人間用の原材料を与えたいと考える 消費者も増えています。Kペットフード業界ではプレミア ム製品の多様化が進んでおり、年齢や種類のペットに対 してカスタマイズされた栄養成分を持つ製品の開発が進 んでいます。

さらに、従来の健康食品企業が、その製造力・研究能力 を生かし、Kペットフード市場に参入しています。動物用 飼料・調理食品製造業の企業数は、2020年の1,633社か ら2021年には1,831社と12%以上増加しました。

Cover Story

Cover Story

Wooriwa company was launched as a pet specialty company in 2018. In 2014, they developed organic prescription pet food, including Probest, Iskhan, and Wealtz. In 2014, Korea's largest seafood company, Dongwon F&B, launched the pet food brand "Nutriplan." Last year, they released two types of premium wet canned food for dogs, "Holic" (white tuna & vegetables/fruits, and chicken breast & vegetables/fruits). Korean Yakult also launched a pet brand called "Petkult" last month, and Pulmuone Health Life, Goobne, Genesis BBQ, and others are entering the pet food market. "BetterPet" is a pet food brand of Procell Company, a small and medium-sized R&D-centered company that has been researching human dementia. In 2021, they launched a pet food brand, "BetterPet." This company, which has developed natural materials for dementia treatments, has launched the first-ever functional pet food for dogs with cognitive dysfunction. "Getdog" for dogs and "Catyum" for cats, both are wet foods. Many small and medium-sized companies are competing to release their own specialized products. As a result of the growth of K-Pet Food, driven by the pet culture and pet-humanization trend in South Korea, the market size, product diversity, and quality level are developing at a rapid pace.



どのオーガニックのペットフードを開発しました。韓国最 大の水産会社である「Dongwon F&B」は、2014年にペ

ットフードブランド「Nutriplan」を立ち上げた。昨年は 犬用のプレミアムウェット缶詰 「Holic」を2種類(ホワイ


しました。「Korean Yakult」も先月「Petkult」というペ

ットブランドを立ち上げました。その他にも「Pulmuone Health Life」「Goobne」「Genesis BBQ」などがペット



業のProcell Company社のペットフードブランドです。



は、世界で初めて認知機能障害を持つ犬のための機能性 ペットフード「Getdog」と、猫のための「Catyum」を発 売しました。


Kペットフードの成長は、韓国のペット文化やペットヒュー マニズムの流れに後押しされており、市場規模や製品の 多様性、品質水準が急速に発展しています。

The number of companies in the animal feed and prepared food manufacturing industry increased by over 12% from 1,633 in 2020 to 1,831 in 2021.

Kwangdong Puppy Nutrition Supplement Harim The Real Grain Free Korea Ginseong Corporation GINIPET

BetterPet, The Korean Company Which Revolutionize Pet Health With

Innovative Functional Food

BetterPet、革新的な機能性フードでペットの 健康に革命を起こす韓国企業

BetterPet extracts the cognitive improvement ingredient from the Korean bellflower, with the main component which is Platycodon D, a saponin compound with anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, and cholesterol-lowering effects.

Other than Swiss-based Purina, BetterPet is the only company in the world to produce pet food for cognitive dysfunction syndrome. Unlike Purina, which uses chemical ingredients and produces dry food, BetterPet produces wet food made with natural ingredients. After the first product was well-received in the domestic market, the company expanded to exports. BetterPet was able to export to Vietnam and Japan following its initial export to Hong Kong. The company also exported samples to Malaysia and the United States and is set to expand exports to Russia after completing certification this year and beginning full-scale exports next year. The company sees great potential in the future. BetterPet plans to release a new product in the second half of the year that will strengthen kidney function and prevent disease.

国のキキョウから認知機能向上の成分を抽出していま す。主成分はサポニン化合物であるプラチコドンDを使 用しています。この成分には、抗炎症効果、抗肥満効果、 コレステロール低下効果があります。

Dogs and cats between the ages of 7-8 are highly susceptible to cognitive dysfunction syndrome. Dogs are more likely to develop the syndrome than cats and tend to experience it a year or two earlier. Unlike cats, which tend to be able to maintain themselves within their own territory, dogs tend to experience a lot of stress when their environment changes or they are separated from their owner.

BetterPet has developed functional food for the prevention and treatment of pet dementia. This includes Getdog for dogs and Catyum for cats.

犬や猫は、7~8歳になると認知機能障害症候群に非常 にかかりやすくなります。犬は猫よりもこの症候群を発 症する可能性が高く、1~2年早く発症する傾向がありま

す。猫は自己維持能力が高く、自分たちが定めた領域内 で生活する傾向があります。それに対して犬は環境が変

わったり、飼い主と離れ離れになったりするとストレスを 感じる傾向があります。


めの機能性フードを開発しました。これには、犬用の 「Getdog」と猫用の「Catyum」が含まれています。韓

Dr. Kim Jwa-jin, the founder of BetterPet, majored in clinical pathology in college, and worked as a specialist in brain research at the National Defense Science Research Institute and the National Dementia Research Center. During his doctoral program, he devoted himself to researching materials for the development of drugs to treat dementia. He has been developing drugs that regulate innate immunity to prevent and treat dementia. In 2018, he founded the R&D company Procell Company and began to focus on the pet food business in 2019. Due to an increase in sales, the company established its own production facilities in 2021 and now produces 70% of its own products, while fulfilling 30% of orders as an OEM.

BetterPet社は、スイスのPurina社以外で認知症症 候群のペットフードを製造する世界で唯一の企業で す。Purina社は化学成分を使用したドライフードを製造 していますが、BetterPet社は天然成分で作られたウェ ットフードを製造しています。最初の製品が国内で好評 を得たのを受けて、国外に進出しました。初めての輸出 先となった香港に続いて、ベトナムおよび日本にも輸出し ています。マレーシアとアメリカにもサンプルを輸出して おり、今年中に認証されれば、来年には本格的な輸出を 開始する予定です。さらに、ロシアへの輸出拡大も視野 に入れています。同社は将来に大きな可能性を見出して います。また、腎機能を強化し病気を予防する新製品を 今年の後半にリリースする予定です。 BetterPet社の創設者であるキム・ジェジン博士は、大 学で臨床病理学を専攻し、国防科学研究所および国立 認知症研究センターで脳研究の専門家として勤務してい ました。博士課程の時には、認知症の治療薬を開発する ための材料の研究に打ち込みました。現在は先天免疫 を調節して認知症を予防・治療する薬の開発を行ってい ます。2018年に研究開発会社「Procell Company」を設 立し、2019年からペットフード事業に注力するようにな りました。売上の増加に伴い、同社は2021年に自社の生 産施設を設立し、現在は自社製品の70%を生産し、30 %をOEMとして受託生産しています。

Functional food for the prevention and treatment of pet dementia.

BetterPet社は、スイスのPurina社以 外で認知症症候群のペットフードを製造 する世界で唯一の企業です。

CEO: Kim Jwa-jin

TEL: +82-42-624-4827


ADDRESS: 4105, 21, Chungjeong-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

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Cover Story

Analyzing K-Pet Food Trends Through Statistics

統計で読み解く K ペットフードトレンド

According to data from FIS, the size of the domestic pet food market in 2019 decreased by 1.3% compared to the previous year to $765.44 million. In 2019, dog food and snacks decreased by 1.4% from the previous year to $563.34 million. This represents a 12.8% increase since 2015. Cat food and snacks decreased by 0.5% from the previous year to $160.99 million but increased by 18.0% in the four years since 2015. The market share is 73.6% for dogs and 21.0% for cats. The domestic pet food market is expected to continue to grow from 2020 to 2023. The production of mixed feed is increasing. In 2019, the production of pet (excluding ornamental fish) mixed feed was 109,781 tons, a 16.4% increase from the previous year. Of this, 58.3% was for dog food and 41.7% was for cat food.

As of 2019, an estimated 5.91 million households, or 26.4% of all households in South Korea, are believed to own pets. The number of pet dogs increased by 29.7% from 4.61 million in 2010 to 5.98 million in 2019, while the number of pet cats increased more than fourfold from 630,000 to 2.58 million during the same

period. In terms of pet food purchasing, for pet dogs, the purchase rate for dry food was 60.2%, snacks were 13.8%, wet food was 13.3%, and semi-moist food was 12.7%, with a preference rate of 58.1%, 13.5%, 13.2%, and 11.7%, respectively. For pet cats, the purchase rate for dry food was 57.1%, wet food was 17.8%, snacks were 15.8%, and semi-moist food was 9.3%, with a preference rate of 52.6%, 19.8%, 14.6%, and 10.9%, respectively.

The total export volume of pet food in 2020 increased by 83.5% compared to the previous year. The total export amount of formulated pet food for both dogs and cats was $67.49 million, an 83.5% increase from the previous year. The main countries for pet food exports in 2020 were Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Japan accounted for 36.4% of the total pet food export value, with $24.55 million, followed by Thailand at 26.4%, Australia at 10.6%, Vietnam at 8.4%, and Hong Kong at 7.5%. The number of pet food manufacturers increased from 1,633 in 2020 to 1,831 in 2021, a 12% increase from the previous year.

FIS社の調査によると、2019年の国内ペットフード市場 規模は前年比1.3%減の7億6544万ドルでした。2019年

のドッグフード・おやつは前年比1.4%減の5億6,334万円 でした。これは2015年以降12.8%増加しています。猫用 フード・おやつは前年比0.5%減の1億6099万ドルでした

が、2015年以降の4年間で18.0%増加しました。市場シ ェアは犬用が73.6%、猫用が21.0%です。国内のペット

フード市場は、2020年から2023年まで引き続き成長する と予想されています。混合飼料の生産が増加しています。

2019年、観賞用魚以外のペットの混合飼料の生産量は 109,781トンで、前年比16.4%増加しました。このうち、 犬用が58.3%、猫用が41.7%でした。

韓国では 2019 年時点で、全世帯の 26.4%に当たる 591 万世帯がペットを飼って いると推定さ れています。ペ


万頭と29.7%増加し、ペットの猫の数は同期間に63万 頭から258万頭と4倍以上増加しました。ペットフード


が60.2%、スナックが13.8%、湿潤フードが13.3%、半 湿潤フードが12.7%で、好みの割合はそれぞれ58.1%、 13.5%、13.2%、11.7%です。ペット猫の場合、乾燥フー ドの購入率が57.1%、湿潤フードが17.8%、スナックが 15.8%、半湿潤フードが9.3%で、好みの割合はそれぞれ 52.6%、19.8%、14.6%、10.9%です。

また、2020年のペットフードの総輸出額は前年比で 83.5%増加しました。犬用、猫用ともに調合されたペット フードの輸出総額は6749万ドルで、前年比83.5%増とな りました。2020年のペットフード輸出の主な国は、日本、 タイ、ベトナムでした。ペットフード輸出額全体の36.4% を占めるのが日本で2,455万ドル、以下、タイ26.4%、オ ーストラリア10.6%、ベトナム8.4%、香港7.5%となってい ます。ペットフードメーカー数は、2020年の1,633社から 2021年には1,831社となり、前年比で12%増加しました。

Cover Story

Meet the Cactus Farmer Who Dominates the Global Market With Unique Techniques

Grafted cacti are consumables. They can easily survive for 3-6 months without watering. In addition, they are excellent plants for air purification, making them popular due to their attractive appearance and easy maintenance. South Korea is the world's leading producer and exporter of grafted cacti, controlling 70-80% of the export market. Grafted cacti are the top export item in the South Korean floral export market. Baekya Farm is the largest exporter of grafted cacti in South Korea. They make special efforts to create a healthy growth environment for grafted cacti by blending soil and fertilizer properly and modernizing facilities to ensure a stable supply of products to overseas export markets. They have more than 10 types of products, with 6-7 main products, including cacti varieties such as Bi-moran, Red, Yellow, Pink, and Black. Currently, they export 100% of their products, at a price of 470 won per 9 cm. Last year, they produced about one million units and exported them all, earning about 470 million won, or $300,000-400,000 depending on the exchange rate. They primarily export to the United States, the Netherlands, Australia, Central and South America, and Southeast Asia, with the United States being the main market.

走近以独特技术主导全球市场的 仙人掌种植商

嫁接仙人掌市场需求广阔,易于维护,不浇水也能生存3 到6个月。它能净化空气,外观讨喜,广受欢迎。韩国是全 球最大的嫁接仙人掌生产国和出口国,占70-80%的出口 市场份额。嫁接仙人掌是韩国花卉出口市场的头号产品。 Baekya Farm是韩国最大的嫁接仙人掌出口商,致力于 通过合理调配土壤肥料和采用现代化的设施,为嫁接仙 人掌创造健康的生长环境,确保产品稳定供应海外出口 市场。公司现有产品十多种,其中主打产品6-7款,包括 Bi-moran、红色、黄色、粉色和黑色等仙人掌品种。目前, 公司的产品100%出口,定价每9厘米470韩元。去年,公 司产量约100万,全部用于出口,产值约4700万韩元或 300,000-400,000美元,具体取决于汇率。产品主要出口到 美国、荷兰、澳大利亚、中南美洲和东南亚,其中美国是主要 市场。

在对种植仙人掌的一位友人的一次拜访中,Baekya Farm的首席执行官Baek对仙人掌种植产生了浓厚的兴 趣。他当初从韩国农业重镇镇安郡搬到首尔,在首尔居住

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The CEO of Baekya Farm became interested in the cactus business when he visited a friend who was farming. It has been 37 years since he began growing grafted cacti. He settled in Goyang City since he started the grafted cactus business, after living in Seoul for 15 years, moving from Jinan-gun (Jeollabuk Province), to the forefront of South Korean agriculture. The first farming operation started in an 800 m2 wooden house, just large enough to hold the bamboo sticks on which the grafted cacti were hung. After selling in the domestic market for about three years, they began exporting. Now their farm has grown to 10.000 m2, and they employ eight people, including four family members. The first-year revenue was about 5 million won in cash at the time, but it is now worth about 50 million won. Spring is the busiest season for the cultivation of grafted cacti. Last year's harvest needs to be collected, and new seeds need to be sown. The farm receives new plant varieties developed by National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science and Rural Development Administration. They then propagate and cultivate them on their own farm. The farm also distributes the new plants to 13 other farms in Goyang City. Baekya Farm is undoubtedly the largest and most long-standing grafted cactus cultivation farm in Korea and is the base for exports. The CEO Baek, who tirelessly works to develop products that meet the demands of new consumers, is already preparing several candidate products for new market opportunities. These products are expected to be released in 1-2 years. Generally, it takes a year to graft and sow new products and another year for them to become marketable.

了15年。后来开始从事仙人掌种植,并在高阳市定居。到 现在,他已经种植嫁接仙人掌37个年头了。最初,他在一

座800平米的木屋里种植仙人掌,木屋里仅仅能容下悬 挂仙人掌的竹竿。在国内市场销售了三年后,他开始将产 品出口。如今,他的种植园已经扩大到10000平米,拥有

8名员工,包括4名家庭成员。他们第一年的收入约为500 万韩元,现在则达到约5000万韩元。

春季是仙人掌栽培最繁忙的季节,上一年的收成要收,新 的种子也要播下。公司会收到由园艺科学研究所和韩国

农林渔牧科技规划及评估研究所开发的新品种,并在种 植园进行繁殖和培育。种植园还会将新品种分发给高阳 市的其他13座种植园。Baekya Farm无疑是韩国规模最 大、历史最悠久的嫁接仙人掌种植园和出口基地。公司首 席执行官Baek孜孜以求,不断开发满足消费者需求的新 产品。针对新晋出现的市场机遇,他计划推出多款候选产 品,这些产品预计将在1-2年内推出。一般而言,嫁接和播 种新产品需要一年时间,产品上市也需要一年时间。

Baekya Farm (Agriculture)

CEO: Baek Byeong-yeol

TEL: +82-31-977-8443


ADDRESS: 1080 Seolmun-dong, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Baekya Farm is the largest exporter of grafted cacti in South Korea. They primarily export to the United States, the Netherlands, Australia, Central and South America, and Southeast Asia, with the United States being the main market.

Baekya Farm是韩国最大的嫁接仙人掌出口商, 产品主要出口到美国、荷兰、澳大利亚、中南美洲 和东南亚,其中美国是主要市场。

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The Premium Granola Brand That Is Winning Hearts Around the World

Granola has become an increasingly popular breakfast option for people around the world, thanks to its delicious taste and health benefits. In Korea, the sales of cereal have been overtaken by granola due to the increasing number of consumers who are paying more attention to nutritional content. This has led to a restructuring of the market with a focus on whole-grain cereal products. Post and Kellogg, two major players in the cereal industry, have engaged in competition over releasing new products. Orion, a smaller company, has also been nurturing growth through product diversification, leading to a 43% increase in sales. It seems that consumers are no longer just looking for taste and convenience when it comes to cereal products, but also the nutritional value and variety of options available. This shift in consumer behavior has caused companies to adapt and innovate to remain competitive in the market.

Among the many granola brands available in the market, one name that stands out is Granology.

Established in 2015, Granology is a premium granola wellness brand from CEO Son, Won-ik, that has won the hearts of customers in Korea and beyond. In an interview with Korean grocery shopping website Market Kurly, Son says that during his time studying abroad in the United States, he became particularly interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As a result, he often enjoyed quick and nutritious breakfasts consisting of granola and Greek yogurt. However, upon returning to Korea, Son found it difficult to find easily accessible and healthy options. This led him to open his own granola business,

グラノーラは、美味しさと健康的な栄養価の高さから、 世界中の人々の朝食として、ますます人気を博していま す。韓国では、栄養価に関心を持つ消費者が増えてお り、シリアルの売り上げを上回るほどの人気になってい ます。そのため、全粒穀物のシリアル製品を中心とした 市場の再編が進んでいます。シリアル業界の2大メーカ ー、Post社およびKellogg社は、新製品の発売で鎬を削 っています。一方、中小企業のOrion社は、製品多様化に より成長し、売上高を43%もしています。消費者は、シリ アル製品に味や利便性だけでなく、栄養価や多様な選 択肢を求めるようになりました。この消費者行動の変化 により、企業は市場で競争力を維持するために適応し、 革新する必要がありました。

数あるグラノーラブランドの中で、ひときわ異彩を 放つのがGranology社です。2015年に設立された Granology社は、CEOのソン・ウォンイクが手がけるプレ ミアムグラノーラ・ウェルネスブランドで、韓国の国内だ けでなく、世界中顧客の心を掴んでいます。ソン氏は、韓 国の食料品通販サイト「Market Kurly」の取材に応じ、 次のように述べています。ソン氏はアメリカでの留学中 に健康的なライフスタイルに関心を持ち、グラノーラや ギリシャヨーグルトを使った栄養価の高い朝食をよく食 べていました。その後、韓国に帰国したソン氏は、韓国 では健康的な食材を見つけることが困難であることに気 が付きました。そこでグラノーラのビジネス、Granology 社を始めることにしました。Granology社の社名は、 「Grain(穀物)」と「Ology(特定のテーマの科学的研 究という意味)」の組み合わせた造語です。これは、科学 と天然素材を利用して、美味しくて健康的な製品を提供

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Processed Food

combination of the words "grain" and "ology" (meaning the scientific study of a particular subject). This reflects the brand's commitment to using science and natural ingredients to create a delicious and healthy product.

One of the unique features of Granology is its packaging design, which resembles the periodic table. This design reflects the brand's commitment to science and makes it stand out on store shelves.

Granology offers multiple granola tastes, including Cacaology, Berry Bang Theory, and Cinnamonster. Customers can choose from B2B packages, monthly subscriptions for individuals that include Greek Yogurt, and singular purchase in the online store. The recipe for Granology granola involves roasting the ingredients three times in the oven, using an eco-friendly air roasting method. This ensures that the granola is crispy and crunchy, while also preserving the natural flavors and nutrients of the ingredients. The brand uses 100% natural plantbased ingredients, making it an ideal choice for vegans and health-conscious customers.

One of the key selling points of Granology is that it contains no additives and is 100% plantbased, gluten-free, dairy-free, ISO 22000, and Halal certified. This makes it an ideal choice for customers with dietary restrictions or preferences.

Granology is available on Amazon and has become a favorite purchase of American customers. It is also available on the premium Korean grocery shopping website Market Kurly as well as Coupang and Naver Store. The brand has also won first place in Korea’s First Brand Design in the granola category for two years in a row, further cementing its status as a premium granola brand.

In conclusion, Granology is a premium granola wellness brand that's winning hearts around the world. With its unique packaging design, multiple granola tastes, and commitment to natural ingredients and science, it's no wonder that customers are flocking to this brand. The consumer choice of Granology is part of a wider movement where consumers in Korea choose nutritional content over whole-grain cereal products, it is therefore to be expected that the sales of granola products will continue to rise.

ケージデザインです。このデザインは、ブランドの科学 へのこだわりを反映し、店頭でひときわ目立つ存在と なっています。

Granology社は、「Cacaology」、「 Berry Bang Theory」、「Cinnamonster」など、複数の味のグラノ ーラを提供しています。B2Bパッケージ、ギリシャヨー グルトを含む個人向け月極めプランからお選びいただ

けます。また、オンラインストアから単品購入することも できます。


アロースト方式で、原材料をオーブンで3回ローストして います。この方法により、グラノーラは香ばしく、サクサ

クした食感になり、素材の持つ自然の風味や栄養素を 保ちます。このブランドは100%天然の植物性原料を使 用しており、ビーガンや健康志向のお客様にも理想的 な選択肢です。



ISO 22000認証、ハラール認証取得しているため、食事

に制限のあるお客様や嗜好性の高いお客様にとって理 想的な選択肢となります。



ム食料品通販サイト「Market Kurly」、「Coupang」、 「Naver Store」でも販売されています。韓国初のブラ


しており、プレミアムグラノーラブランドとしての地位を 確立しています。





様が殺到するのも当然と言えるでしょう。また、韓国の 消費者が全粒粉シリアル製品よりも栄養価の高いもの を選ぶ傾向が強くなっており、今後もグラノーラ製品の 売り上げが伸びることが期待されています。


Granology is a premium granola wellness brand that is winning hearts around the world.

Granology社は、世界中の人々から愛されているプレミアム グラノーラ・ウェルネスブランドです。

CEO: Son Won-ik

TEL: +82-2-6052-8837


ADDRESS: 11, Dosan-daero 99-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

22 23 Processed Food

From Honey to Global Success

The Sweet Story of Korea's Flower-Scented Liquid Tea

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, various liquid teas are gaining popularity, targeting the "home cafe" trend of making and drinking beverages at home. In addition, sales of liquid teas such as yuja tea (citrus tea), mogwa (quince) tea, and grapefruit tea are said to increase as the weather gets colder. Liquid teas are popular among consumers as they are easy to store and can be used in a variety of dishes. Among them, there is a certain company that has captured the world's attention, including the United States, with their sweet honey liquid tea made through locally tailored product development.

Kkohshaem Food, which started the honey business in 1965, is a company that directly produces over 40 kinds of liquid teas and 250 kinds of fruit juice products by blending yuja with Korean honey, ginger, and other ingredients. As a company that has preserved the history and value of beekeeping for a long time, "Kkohshaem" is a pure Korean semantical expression that represents honey and flowers. Yuja tea, also known as citron tea, has several benefits, especially during the winter season. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps to boost the immune system and fight off common colds and flu. Its natural antioxidants also help to reduce inflammation and promote overall health. Additionally, yuja tea is a natural decongestant and helps to relieve coughs and sore throats. Its warm and citrusy flavor can also provide a comforting sensation, especially on cold winter days.



瓜茶和葡萄柚茶等液体茶的销量还会不断增加。液体茶 易于储存,可搭配各色菜肴,广受消费者欢迎。在众多液 体茶产品中,一款主要面向当地的蜂蜜液体茶吸引了包 括美国在内的全世界消费者的目光。

Kkohshaem Food公司自1965年开始涉足蜂蜜制品





黄金柚子茶又名柚子茶,具有诸多好处,在冬季效果尤为 明显。它富含维生素C,有助于增强免疫力,可预防普通感









了FSSC 22000认证、清真认证以及物流安全相关认证。

New Item

Kkohshaem Food continues to research and develop products that meet the taste of global customers and consumers, maintaining strict quality control from raw materials to finished products, and exports them to more than 30 countries around the world. It has a global price competitiveness through direct trade with overseas global distribution companies and has obtained global certifications such as FSSC 22000, Halal, and certifications related to logistics security to export its products.

Kkohshaem Food's representative export product, honey yuja ginger tea, is made using yuja purchased from Goheung, Southern Jeolla Province, which is known for its yuja, and 100% domestic honey. The excellent taste and aroma of domestic ginger make the taste of the spicy ginger less stimulating, making it easy for various overseas consumers to drink. The company has also released a product in a portion form that can be carried and enjoyed easily.

While in Korea and other Asian cultures, tea is often consumed as a warm beverage during the winter, Kkohshaem Food has captured consumers in North America as well by carefully considering the versatility of liquid teas as they are used in cool drinks, jams, and salad dressings. The honey

yuja ginger tea has achieved the highest export revenue for a single product and entered over 500 difficult-to-enter Costco Wholesale stores in the United States. The product is also being exported to Canada, Australia, the UK, and other regions. After entering Costco Wholesale, Kkohshaem Food has received numerous inquiries from franchises, HORECA (Hotel, Restaurant and Cafe), specialized distribution companies from other countries, and is continuing to expand its worldwide exports. As a result of these efforts, Kkohshaem Food won the "Ten Million Dollar Exports" prize on the 57th Trade Day in 2019 by achieving exports worth $10 million. Kkohshaem Food is currently the world's leading company in the yuja tea market share. Its signature product, the sweet honey liquid tea, is now a favorite drink of many people across the globe. By continuing to adapt to the changing preferences of consumers and the ever-evolving market, Kkohshaem Food is poised to maintain its leadership in the global food industry.


在韩国和亚洲其他国家的文化中,茶通常在冬天作为热 饮饮用。然而,利用液体茶适用范围广的特点,公司将其







经过不懈的努力,公司凭借其出口产值达1000万美元 的骄人业绩,在2019年举办的第57届贸易日活动中荣获 “千万美元出口奖”。公司目前在全球柚子茶市场占据领 先地位,其招牌产品蜂蜜液体茶深受全球众多消费者的 喜爱。通过不断适应消费者的口味偏好,并针对不断变化 的市场做出调整,公司将继续保持其在全球食品行业的 领先地位。

Kkohshaem Food

Kkohshaem Food, which started the honey business in 1965, is a company that directly produces over 40 kinds of liquid teas and 250 kinds of fruit juice products by blending yuja with Korean honey, ginger, and other ingredients.

CEO: Lee Sang-gap

TEL: +82-31-541-9921


ADDRESS: 82, Jukyeopsan-ro 35beon-gil, Soheuleup, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

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公司的招牌产品蜂蜜柚子姜茶采用购自全罗南道高兴郡 (以生产黄金柚子而闻名)的黄金柚子与100%国产蜂蜜 制成。国产生姜的优良口感和风味有效降低了辣姜的刺 激性,便于各类海外消费者饮用。公司还推出了一款分装
Kkohshaem Food公司自1965年开始涉足蜂蜜制品的生 产。通过将黄金柚子与韩国蜂蜜、生姜和其他成分调配,公 司目前可生产40多种液体茶和250多种果汁产品。

The Sweet Success of Korea's Traditional Drink,


Korean food consists of carefully selected high quality, and unprocessed natural ingredients obtained from nature. Korean food is tasty, good for health, and has a rich taste with various layers despite its simplicity. This is why foreigners love Korean food, and the popularity of traditional Korean drinks has also spread beyond Korea to other countries. In Korea, the MZ generation is enthusiastic about their grandmother's era foods, and a new buzzword "grandma's food" has emerged. Sikhye (sweet rice punch), sujeonggwa (cinnamon punch), omija (schizandra) tea, and heugimja (black sesame) tea are representative traditional Korean drinks. Recently, sales of these drinks such as sikhye and sujeonggwa have increased while product offerings have become more diverse.

In the case of Choroc Maeul, sales of sikhye made with domestically produced organic malt oil and rice, and sujeonggwa made with domestically produced ginger, dried persimmons, and organic sugar increased by 17% last year. Paldo Food's "rice punch sikhye", first released in 1993, surpassed cumulative sales of 1.8 billion products at the end of last year. Ediya Coffee sold a combined 250,000 cups of "sweet rice drink sikhye", which was one of the two types of limited-edition seasonal products released in August 2022, in just three weeks. The sikhye, which was released by Ediya, is the third traditional drink released after 'Ssanghwa-cha (medicinal herb tea)' and 'Ginger Tea', which were introduced in 2020, and 'Bokbunja vin chaud (Korean raspberry wine mulled wine)', which was released in 2021. Dongwon F&B's "yangban omija" transformed into a new taste that is acceptable to young MZ generations and foreigners by eliminating the unique sour and pungent taste of omija. They added apples instead of sugar to make the drink seeter. In January of this year, Homeplus, a

韓国の伝統的な飲み物、 シッケの素晴らしい成功例。

韓国料理は、自然から得た良質で加工されていない天 然素材を厳選して調理します。韓国料理は美味しくて 健康にも良く、シンプルでありながら様々な味を楽しめ る豊かな味わいを持っています。だからこそ、海外では 韓国料理が愛されているし、韓国の伝統酒は国内のみ ならず、海外でも人気が広がっています。韓国国内で も、MZ世代の若者が祖母の代の食べ物にはまり、「お ばあちゃんの味」という新しい流行語が生まれました。 シッケ、スジョングァ、オミジャ、黒ゴマ茶などは韓国を 代表する伝統的な飲み物であり、近年、売り上げが伸 びており、商品も多様化しています。

Choroc Maeulの場合、国内産の有機麦芽油と米を原 料としたシッケと、国内産の生姜、干し柿、有機砂糖 を原料としたスジョングァが昨年17%増加しました。 1993年に発売されたパルド食品の「ライスパンチ シッ ケ」は、昨年末に累計販売数18億個を突破しました。 Ediya Coffeeは、2022年8月に発売した2種類の季節 限定商品「甘酒シッケ」の25万杯が、わずか3週間で完 売しました。2020年発売の "生姜茶"「双花茶」、2021 年発売の "ポッポンジャパンショー "は、伝統飲料の第 3弾として発売されました。Dongwon F&Bの「ヤンバン オミジャ」は、オミジャ独特の酸味と辛味をなくし、若 いMZ世代や外国人にも受け入れやすい新しい味に改 良しました。砂糖の代わりにリンゴを使って甘みを出し たのです。Homeplusでは、今年1月の1ヶ月間のシクミ の売上が前年比47%増となりました。 シッケは間違いなく韓国内外で最も人気のある伝統的 な飲み物である。甘さと強さが絶妙なバランスでブレン ドされている。シッケは麦芽油と通常より少ない水で 作られ、少し焦がした米と一緒に炊かれる。ほとんどの 家庭で、祖母から母、そして嫁へと代々受け継がれてき た独特の味があります。セSejun Foodは、この伝統的

KAF Trends Trend & Products

Korean discount store retail chain, saw a 47% year-onyear increase in sikhye sales for a month.

Sikhye is undoubtedly the most popular traditional drink in Korea and abroad. It has a subtle and balanced blend of sweet and strong flavors. Sikhye is made with malt oil, and less water than usual, and cooked with slightly scorched rice. In most households, it has a unique taste that has been passed down for generations from grandmother to mother, and to daughter-in-law. Sejun Food is a fermented food company that has commercialized this traditional drink. They began making traditional sikhye from 1991. To preserve tradition, they followed the "Somunsaseol," a practical encyclopedia of the Joseon Dynasty. They established standards for each process, such as how to rinse rice and at what temperature to simmer the rice and malt oil extract. During the mass production process, they found that traditional methods produced the traditional taste better than modern methods.

After numerous failures, Sejun Food succeeded in creating the traditional Korean drink sikhye that can be stored at room temperature for a year without preservatives, using modern technology such as high temperature and high-pressure sterilization at 121°C. They achieved this by inflating rice grains to create a soft texture and adding the unique aroma of barley malt and ginger. They also obtained patents for their concentrated beverage production technology and hold numerous patents for the production of traditional beverages such as sikhye, sujeonggwa, and bokbunja. They use only the finest ingredients, such as the highest-grade rice from Yeoju in Gyeonggi Province and barley malt from Andong in North Gyeongsang Province. They even developed a version of sikhye without rice grains. The founder and CEO of the company was named the firstever "the No. 1 Korean food master of sikhye" in 2018 and the company's product was designated as an excellent cultural product by the South Korean government in 2019 (K-Ribbon Selection). They have also been recognized for their contributions to the global expansion of traditional Korean beverages, exporting sikhye and sujeonggwa to eight countries, including the United States. Sejun Food obtained halal certification in Singapore in 2015 and was awarded the commendation for contributions to the development of the food service industry in 2022.

な飲み物を商品化した発酵食品専門店です。1991年か ら伝統的なシッケ作りを始めました。伝統を守るため、 朝鮮時代の実用百科事典「Somun Sasul」にもとづい て研究を重ねました。米のとぎ方、米と麦芽油のエキス を煮る温度など、それぞれの工程に基準を設けました。 大量生産の過程で、現代の製法よりも伝統的な製法の 方が、伝統的な味になることを発見しました。 Sejun Foodは、幾多の失敗を乗り越え、121℃の高温 高圧殺菌などの現代技術を活用し、防腐剤なしで1年間 常温保存できる韓国の伝統飲料「シッケ」を作ること に成功しました。米粒を膨らませて柔らかい食感にし、 麦芽と生姜の独特の香りを加えることで、これを実現し ました。また、濃縮飲料の製造技術で特許を取得し、a の製造でも多くの特許を取得しています。原料は京畿 道驪州市の最高級米、慶尚北道安東市の大麦麦芽な ど、厳選されたものだけを使用しています。米粒を使わ ないシッケも開発しました。2018年には同社の創業者 であるCEOが史上初の「韓国シッケNo.1」に選ばれ、 2019年には同社の製品が韓国政府の優秀文化製品に 指定さ れました(K-Ribbon Selection)。また、米国 を含む8カ国にシッケとスジョングァを輸出するなど、 韓国の伝統飲料の世界展開に貢献したことが評価され ています。Sejun Foodは2015年にシンガポールでハラ ル認証を取得し、2022年には外食産業発展への貢献 で表彰を受けました。

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Paldo Food Vilac sikhye Sejun Food Haneulcheong
KAF Trends Trend & Products
Veggie Garden Traditional Sikhye made with organic rice Sikhye Products

Seoul Sisters Kimchi Seasoning:

Bringing the Delicious and Healthy Flavors of K-Food to Your Kitchen

Korean food, or K-Food, is becoming increasingly popular overseas similar to hot sauces like Tabasco and Sriracha. Kimchi has been making waves due to its delicious taste and numerous health benefits. Made from fermented vegetables and spices, kimchi is known to contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can provide important health benefits.

In 2010, Sun An and Kimberly An founded Seoul Sisters, a company dedicated to bringing healthy Korean cuisine to all corners of the world. Their main product is the Seoul Sisters Kimchi Seasoning, a seasoning mix that introduces the taste of kimchi into your cooking recipes. Sun An started the seasoning business in 2019 when she came back to Korea after working at a Korean food franchise in the Philippines. In April, the product was launched on Amazon and sold out within several weeks. The product has become the #1 seller on Amazon in the chili pepper seasoning category.

The Seoul Sisters Kimchi Seasoning has also won awards, such as the Sial India 2019, where it was selected out of hundreds of new products from 175 companies in 26 countries. This seasoning is 100% vegan, plant-based, non-GMO, and glutenfree. It is also rich in probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can improve gut health. Additionally, this seasoning has less sodium than regular kimchi, making it a healthier alternative.

What sets the Seoul Sisters Kimchi Seasoning



同塔巴斯哥辣酱和是拉差辣椒酱一样,韩国食品 (K-Food)在海外也越来越受欢迎。辛奇通过将发酵的


化剂,健康好处多。由于味道鲜美且拥有诸多健康益处, 辛奇名噪一时。

2010年,Sun An和Kimberly An创立了首尔姐妹,致力


apart from other kimchi products is the fact that it contains Lactobacillus Plantarum Probio 090. This strain has been shown to improve digestion, boost the immune system, and even lower cholesterol levels. This kimchi Lactobacillus has been patented and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

If you are looking to add some delicious and healthy Korean flavors to your cooking, the Seoul Sisters Kimchi Seasoning is an excellent choice. It is versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes, such as stir-fries, marinades, and even as a seasoning for popcorn. Plus, with its numerous health benefits and awards, you can feel good about using this product in your meals. Moreover, the Seoul Sisters are contributing 1% of their gross sales each year to the environment as a member of 1% For the Planet. So why don't you try the Seoul Sisters Kimchi Seasoning today and discover the amazing taste and health benefits of kimchi?



作过一段时间后,Sun An于2019年回到韩国,开始打造

调味粉产品。同年4月,该产品在亚马逊上推出,几周内 便销售一空,成为亚马逊平台上辣椒调味品类商品的头 号卖家。

首尔姐妹辛奇料理粉现已荣获多项大奖。在2019年举 办的印度国际食品饮料展上,它从来自26个国家的175 家公司的上百款产品中脱颖而出,拔得头筹。该产品是 100%的素食,以植物为基础、不含麸质、非转基因,富含 益生菌,可改善肠道健康。此外,与普通辛奇相比,其钠


与其他辛奇产品相比,首尔姐妹辛奇料理粉的不同之处 在于含有植物乳酸菌Probio 090。研究表明,此菌株可


经对这种乳酸菌申请了专利,并已获得美国食品和药物 管理局的批准。









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KAF Trends e-Commerce


Cold noodles, dubu (bean curd), mandu (dumplings), jeon (pan-fried rice cake), laver snack, bingsu (shaved ice dessert), tteok (rice cakes), tteokbokki (stir-fried rice cake), makgeolli (Korean unrefined rice wine), soju (Korean distilled spirit), dried anchovies, and hot chicken flavor noodles also came up a few times.


Why Foreigners Love

Korean Food

I asked 32 friends from 23 countries if they liked Korean food for the purpose of this article. I was surprised by their unexpected and enthusiastic responses, which contained heartfelt essays that showed not only their love for Korean food, but also their affection for Korea. Opinions were gathered through social media. Gary Hall from the UK began his essay by saying, “Korean food is a gift from the gods.” Joel Levin from the United States, who worked in Korea for over ten years, said, “Korean food is an adventure! It’s communal. It’s connected to family and tradition. It’s delicious, diverse, and gives energy to life.” Dennis Berdugo Z from Nicaragua replied, “Korean food is not just about eating, it’s culture and experience.”

Erica Linthorst, who lived in Korea from 1990 to 1996, said, “I like the process of people gathering together and carefully selecting even the smallest details in local food. Hasitz Marta from Hungary, who practiced Taekwondo for 30 years, said, through Taekwondo, I learned about the unique features of Korean food that reflect Korean culture.” Pradipta Kumar Roy from India stated, “Food is culture. I have held several successful Korean food festivals in my country.”

Yuliana from Russia called Korean Bungeoppang(Cake filled with read-bean paste having the shape of a carp) an incredibly interesting street food dessert

and said that “one can distinguish human personality types based on how they eat it.” Amin Namjou from Iran said, “Korean makgeolli (unrefined rice wine) is similar to the traditional food from south Iran.” Roy from India said, “Korean curry is very similar to the traditional food from West Bengal in India.” Dmitriy Kim from Uzbekistan said, “I like Korean food because my ancestors were Korean.”

Everyone said they liked spicy Korean food. Kimchi was the first thing that came to mind. Some also enjoyed Bibimbap (Korean mixed rice with meat and assorted vegetables) and japchae (stir-fried glass noodles and vegetables) galbitang (short rib soup), beef-bulgogi (Korean BBQ Beef) and grilled meat, samgyeopsal (grilled pork belly), jeyuk-bokkeum (stir-fried pork), and ssam (lettuce wrap). Various side dishes, cheonggukjang (rich soybean paste stew), sundubu jjigae (soft bean curd stew), doenjang-jjigae (soybean paste stew), fish stew, hwangtae-jjigae (dried pollack stew), and yukgaejang (spicy beef soup) were also popular. Seafood dishes, raw fish, samgyetang (chicken soup with ginseng), yangnyeom tongdak (spicy fried chicken), dak galbi (spicy stir-fried chicken), and Chuncheon dak galbi were also on the list. Sanchae (wild vegetable Bibimbap), rice, and kimchi stew were also mentioned.

Based on the responses from participants, ten reasons why people like Korean food were summarized as follows: 1. Korean food is healthy food made from healthy ingredients. 2. It is spicy and delicious. 3. It has an excellent flavor. 4. Korean food uses natural ingredients and seasonal ingredients that reflect regional characteristics. 5. Korean food is a unique combination of harmonious ingredients and unique flavors. 6. The process of preparing the food is delicate and attentive. 7. It is a traditional cuisine. 8. It is a diverse and adaptable cuisine with a variety of dishes. 9. Korean food also includes fermented foods. 10. Korean cuisine has many side dishes. Korean food is healthy, and made with a variety of fermented kimchi and sauces such as soybean paste and red chili paste, which keep you from gaining weight while making you feel full.

Gary Hall from the UK, Dalibor Krpan from Croatia, Jocelyn Clark, Oojin Mudgett, Joel Levin, Perez Herbert, and Erica Linthorst from the United States, Romee Giri from Nepal, Tou Feng Ming and Chaoching Chen from Taiwan, Pradipta Kumar Roy from India, Amin Namjou and Mahdavi Hafez from Iran, Dmitriy Kim and Sarvar Shamusarov from Uzbekistan, Mabo Martial Zouzouko from Ivory Coast, Mustapha Moutarazak from the Netherlands, Leslie Hutchison from Scotland, Yuliana from Russia, Szarka Tunde and Hasitz Marta from Hungary, Slavi Binev from Bulgaria, Jean Feller from Finland, Mirsaid from Tajikistan, D.G Roger from France, Gladys Njoroge from Botswana, Luc Sougné from Belgium, Sandra Magaly Pena from Colombia, Dennis Berdugo Z from Nicaragua, Søren Homgård Knudsen from Denmark, and Amine Khalifa from Tunisia.

34 35

5-Day Market

5-Day Market (open with the interval of five days) has been a hub for exchanging not only local specialties but also various information. Although the role of the five-day market has been greatly reduced with the development of distribution systems, it is still an attractive cultural center where unique products of small traders and various foods such as "gukbap (rice soup)" and "jeon (pancake)" exist, and where one can vividly feel the lives of Korean common people.

36 37 On the Table | Photo Essay |


Hotteok is one of the most popular street snack in Korea, especially in winter.

It is a flour dough pancake filled with sugar syrup. Brown sugar mixed with cinnamon powder is a common filling, but seeds, nuts, or vegetables mixed with glass noodles are popular as well. It is crispy outside, and chewy inside.

As long as you’re careful not to be surprised by hot syrup popping out of dough, it could very well be your favorite snack.

You can easily spot Hotteok in some corner of 5-Day Market (open with the interval of five days)
K-FOOD Recipe On the Table 39


Ingredients (4 servings per container. 8 pieces)

Mix: wheat flour, modified food starch, glutinous rice flour, soybean oil, puffed rice flour, sugar, salt, skim milk preparation, blended butter, baking powder, glucose, roasted bean flavour, dry yeast, annatto extract

Filling: brown sugar, roasted peanut powder, glucose, wheat flour, soybean oil, cinnamon powder, molasses powder, caramel

Instant Dry Yeast: dry yeast, sorbitan monostearate

Add 180ml/6 fl oz of warm (40-45℃ /104-113℉) water and Instant dry yeast in the mixing bowl.

Let it rest for 5 minutes for dough to rise.

Coat your palm with cooking oil. Take 1/8 of the dough and spread it on your palm. Place a spoonful of Jam mix in the center and fold into a ball.

Fry the dough until golden brown. Flip and flatten with the spatula.

Beksul was No. 1 pancake mix brand in Korea for the past 12 years

Glutinous Rice Hotteok Mix Q1 Chal hotteok Mix


Add vanilla icecream, maple syrup, and nuts of your choice for more flavor. Enjoy!

40 41 K-FOOD Recipe On the Table
summary Calories 390 Sodium 430mg Dietary Fiber 1g Sugars 28g Protein 8g
Other Products Nutrition

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