March 2024 (vol.341)

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Food Tech

South Korea's Food Tech Landscape So

KAF Trends


Healthy Drink Made From Fermented Vinegar

On the Table

K-Food Recipe

Bossam (Kimchi Pork Wraps)

March 2024 | vol.341
ut h K o r e a ' s S u s t a i n a b l e F oo d R ev o l u t i o n :
va nce me nts i n
D iet
Ca rbon

Low Carbon Diet

31% Production

Increase production of Eco-friendly agricultural and marine products


Reduce distribution steps and use green fuels


Prepare only the necessary amount of food and consume it without any leftover


Minimize waste in processing and handling

for Low Carbon Diet

As a response to climate change, we support the declaration of a Global Low Carbon Diet Day to reduce carbon emissions from food, which accounts for 31% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and the formation of the Low Carbon Diet Forum, a movement for action that promises a healthy humanity, a healthy planet, and a sustainable future.

One. We recognize that a low carbon diet is essential for a healthy global environment, which is directly related to the future of humanity.

One. We will solidarise and cooperate in all projects and activities promoted by the international community to achieve food carbon neutrality.

One. We will work together to minimize carbon emissions at all stages of food production and consumption.

One. We will designate every Wednesday as Low Carbon Diet Day to promote and practice the importance of food carbon neutrality.

Join us on Declaration of Support
Please scan the QR below, and show your support
from the
carbon emissions come
Let’s work together to minimize carbon emissions at all stages of
As a public institution in charge of food industry, aT has established a network of cooperation with more than 600 companies, institutions, and organizations at home and abroad to spread low-carbon diet movement.

South Korea's Sustainable Food Revolution:

Advancements in Low Carbon Diet


Pioneering Plant-Based Chicken and Convenient Meal Options

Trends in Low Carbon Diets and Changes in Agricultural Production in South Korea




Cultivated with Jeju Samdasoo by Seongsan Sunrise Peak NH

South Korea's Food Tech Landscape


A Frozen Rice Specialist


The cover story of our March issue explores the concept of low-carbon diets in response to the growing demand for environmentally friendly practices. We highlight the reality of carbon emissions in the food system and introduce WEMEET, a company that has developed a plantbased chicken alternative to conventional meat. Also featured are Hallabong from Seongsan Sunrise Peak NH, a fruit grown in its natural environment, and a variety of frozen rice options from "Hanwoomul," known for their expertise in frozen rice products. This issue introduces two new sections: "Food Tech," which highlights emerging food technology, and "Your K-Food Partner," which provides various exhibition information. The e-commerce section introduces a range of Hongcho flavors, a fermented vinegar beverage. In the recipe section, we spotlight bossam (kimchi wraps with pork), a popular Korean dish. Finally, our photo essay captures the evolving trends in Korean convenience stores, offering a visual journey into their recent transformation.

Kim, Eil Chul Chief Reporter KOREAN SNACK MARKET TRENDS Gulfood 2024: Largest Food Exhibition Dubai (Kimchi Pork Wraps)


Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea

Tel: +82-61-931-0963 Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

KAF Trends

28 Trend & Products | Korean Snack Market Trends

32 E-Commerce | Healthy Drink Made From Fermented Vinegar

Cover Story

8 South Korea's Sustainable Food Revolution: Advancements in Low Carbon Diet

12 WEMEET: Pioneering Plant-Based Chicken and Convenient Meal Options

14 Trends in Low Carbon Diets and Changes in Agricultural Production in South Korea

In Focus

16 Farmtastic | Hallabong Cultivated with Jeju Samdasoo by Seongsan Sunrise Peak NH

20 Food Tech | South Korea's Food Tech Landscape

24 New Item | Hanwoomul, A Frozen Rice Specialist

34 Your K-Food Partner, aT | Gulfood 2024: Largest Food Exhibition Dubai

On the Table

36 Photo Essay | Korea's Convenience Store Culture and Trendy Food

38 K-Food Recipe | Bossam (Kimchi Pork Wraps)

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Hwang Doyoun





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


BEIJING John Dae-young ( 070-4617-5090

SHANGHAI Lee Jong-geun ( 070-7077-6197

DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok ( 070-4617-3278

HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo ( 070-4617-2696

QINGDAO Lee Sun-Woo ( +86-532-5566-8873

QINGDAO aT LOGISTICS Han Seung-hee ( 070-7939-0863

HANOI Kim Kyoung-chul ( +84-24-6282-2987

HOCHIMIN Cho Sung-bae ( 070-8098-6514

BANGKOK Byun Kyung-yong ( 070-4617-7227

JAKARTA Lee Seung-hoon ( +62-21-2995-9094

KUALALUMPUR Jang Jung-ho ( 070-5223-4901

TOKYO Yoon Sang-young ( +81-3-5367-6656

OSAKA Kwon Hyun-ju ( 070-7000-4138

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LA Kim Min-Ho ( +1-562-809-8810

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MOSCOW Shin Jae-hun ( 070-4617-3277

EDITED & DESIGNED BY DN 7-18, Mokdongjungangbuk-ro 10-gil, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea +82-70-4354-4207 / /

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website,

South Korea's Sustainable Food Revolution: Advancements in Low Carbon Diet

In South Korea, several initiatives are underway to promote low-carbon diets. In farming communities, there is a push to adopt environmentally friendly techniques that reduce carbon emissions, while efforts are being made to promote locally sourced food in distribution channels to reduce food miles. In addition, there is a growing number of low carbon-certified agricultural and livestock products, with more and more farmers joining the movement. Initiatives, policies and businesses aimed at reducing food waste, promoting vegetarianism and increasing consumption of plantbased protein alternatives and dairy products are gaining traction, led primarily by local governments, public institutions and large corporations.

In 2012, the government launched a pilot project for low carbon certification of agricultural and livestock products, initially focusing on five items: rice, sesame leaves, lettuce, apples, and pears. This initiative was then expanded in 2014. The low carbon certification is awarded to environmentally friendly farms that emit fewer greenhouse gases from their agricultural production by using low carbon agricultural practices such as optimizing fertilizer use, implementing crop rotation, using homemade agricultural materials, practicing intercropping, using hydroponics, and using biological resources for weed and pest control. A total of 24 agricultural and livestock products produced using such low-carbon agricultural technologies have been awarded low carbon certification marks. Currently,


韓国国内では、低炭素食生活を拡大させるための様々 な取組みが展開されている。生産農家に対しては、低 炭素エコ農法の導入や流通過程におけるフードマイレ ージ減少に向けたローカルフードの使用を奨励してい る。消費過程においては、世界で初めて低炭素認証の 対象となる農畜産物の品目を増やし、これを生産・栽培 する農家も増え続けている。生ごみを減らし、菜食を増 やし、植物性タンパク質の代替肉や植物性乳製品の消 費拡大に向けた制度や政策、事業が地方政府と公共機 関、大手企業を中心に始まっている。

2012年に韓国政府は米、ゴマの葉、チシャ(サンチュ)、 リンゴ、ナシなどの5品目を対象に低炭素農畜産物認証 のパイロットプロジェクトを始め、2014年から本格化し た。低炭素農業技術を適用し、農産物の生産過程にお いて温室効果ガスの排出を減らしたエコ農家に認証を 与える。認証獲得に向けた営農法としては、最適肥料 の使用、耕畜循環農法、独自で製造した農資材を使用 する農法、緑肥を使った作物栽培、循環型水耕栽培、 生物的資源を利用した除草・防除などがある。このよう な低炭素農業技術を適用して生産した24品目の農畜産 物に対して低炭素認証マークを与えている。農業関連 の973団体が食糧作物、野菜、果樹、特用作物などにつ いて低炭素農畜産物認証獲得している。昨年時点で、 9,086の農家が認証を獲得している。


Cover Story 9 8

973 agricultural organizations have low carbon certification for staple crops, vegetables, fruits and specialty crops. As of last year, there were 9,086 certified farms.

Local food refers to agricultural products produced within 50 km of the consumer. Purchasing agricultural products with low food miles from farm to table reduces transportation distances, thereby reducing energy use and carbon emissions from transportation. By eliminating long-distance transportation, there is no need for preservation treatment. Another benefit is the accessibility of fresh ingredients due to the proximity of production sites. By 2050, 1,800 direct local food sales outlets will be established nationwide. As an alternative to minimizing food waste at the distribution and consumption stages, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety announced food labeling standards in 2022, changing the existing “best before” dates to “use by” dates starting in January 2023.

In April 2022, Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation launched "Green Food Day" as part of an ESG management strategy to reduce carbon emissions in the food sector, focusing on aT company cafeterias. The nationwide adoption of a low carbon diet was officially announced during the "Korea Green Food Day" proclamation ceremony on September 14 of the same year. In addition, KB Financial Group initiated the "K-BAB Project" to address food waste at the corporate level. At the same time, Seoul introduced the "Zero Dining" system as part of the "Seoul Without Disposables" initiative. In addition, the Jeonbuk Provincial Office of Education implemented "Low Carbon Vegetarian School Meals," which provides pescetarian meals once a week and twice a month.

The quality and nutritional value of alternative meats that replace high carbon animal products has improved significantly, stimulating markets and products in this sector. Recently, a domestic alternative meat company, WEMEAT, launched an alternative meat made from mushrooms. It is competitive in taste, texture and nutrition. The choice of these plant-based protein products and vegetarian lifestyles is now becoming a common

preference among the entire population, not limited to specific groups. E-Mart, an SSG Group company, signed an agreement with Zikooin Company to sell an alternative meat product, "UNLIMEAT", and CU sells its "Vegetarianism" and "UNLIMEAT" brands from Earth Company. Seven-Eleven also introduced the vegetarian convenience food brand “GrainGreat”. E-Mart24 also entered the market with a new product line, “Home Party”, which includes vegetarian ham, sandwiches and kimbap under the vegetarian brand.

作られた農産物を指す。フードマイレージ(食 材生産地から消費者までの移動距離)の少な い農産物を購入することによって輸送距離 を縮め、エネルギー使用や輸送に伴う炭素排 出を削減することができる。長時間輸送しない ため防腐処理も必要ない。生産地が近く新鮮な 食材が手に入るのもメリットである。韓国では 2050年までローカルフード直売店1,800か所が 設置される予定だ。また、流通と消費の段階に おける食品廃棄を最小化するための対策とし て、食品医薬品安全処では2022年に食品な どの表示基準を告示し、2023年1月から従 来の流通期限を消費期限に変更して表示 するようにした。

韓国農水産食品流通公社は2022年4 月、食における炭素削減をするESGマ ネージメントの一環として、aTの社内 食堂を中心に、低炭素食生活「グリ ーンフードデー」を開始した。また9 月14日には、低炭素食生活「コリア グリーンフードデー」宣布式を行 い、一般市民を対象にしたキャン ペーンに拡大させた。さらに同年

11月、KB金融グループは、捨てられる食材を減らすた めの「K-BABプロジェクト」を開始した。ソウル市は「使 い捨て用品のないソウル」プロジェクトを行い、「ゼロ食 堂」制度を導入した。全羅北道教育庁は「低炭素菜食 給食重点学校」を選定し、週に1回、月に2回、ペスコベ ジタリアン基準の給食を提供している。

炭素排出量の多い畜産物に代わる代替肉の品質や栄養 も改善し、製品や市場も活性化している。韓国の代替肉 生産企業(株)WEMEETは、最近キノコを使った代替肉 を発売した。味や肉質、栄養などあらゆる面で一般の肉 に劣らない品質を持っている。植物性タンパク質の食材 を選択し、菜食中心の食事を実践することは、今や特定 の階層や集団だけでなく、全国民の一般的な嗜好にな りつつある。SSGグループのイーマートは植物性代替肉 を販売する「チグインカンパニー」とコラボした代替肉 製品「アンリミート(UNLIMEAT)」を、CUはオリジナルブ ランドの「菜食主義」とチグインカンパニーの「アンリミ ート(UNLIMEAT)」を販売している。セブンイレブンも菜 食用のインスタント・レトルトブランド「グレイングレー ト(Grain Great)」を発売した。イーマート24も「ホーム パーティー」という菜食ブランドを立ち上げ、代替肉の ハム、サンドイッチ、キンパ(韓国式海苔巻き)など新製 品の発売に乗り出している。

Korean Health Functional Foods

10 11
Cover Story UNLIMEAT Emart Inc. x Zikooin Company
CU x Zikooin Company GrainGreat Seven-Eleven


Pioneering Plant-Based Chicken and Convenient Meal Options

Chicken emits about a quarter of the greenhouse gases produced by the same amount of beef, but 11 times more than beans. In addition, the process of raising chickens can pollute water and soil and lead to outbreaks of infectious diseases. To address these issues, "plant-based chicken" has emerged. WEMEET cultivates mushroom mycelium and produces plant-based chicken meat and processed products through tissue structuring. It is the first mushroom-based chicken made with domestically grown shiitake mushrooms.

WEMEET produces raw meat which is as versatile as beef. It can be used in a variety of cooking methods such as deep frying, steaming, pan frying and grilling, preserving the unique taste and texture of the mushrooms. WEMEET products provide balanced plant-based proteins using mushrooms, wheat, potatoes and natural ingredients such as onion and garlic, without chemical additives.

Founded in April 2021, WEMEET has emerged as a notable player in the alternative chicken market, particularly known for its focus on nugget-based products. Using advanced high-moisture alternative meat production techniques, the company has successfully developed a range of 100% plantbased chicken alternatives. In addition to its core offerings, WEMEET also produces a variety of convenient, ready-to-eat options. Expanding their reach globally, WEMEET began exporting their products to Australia and Hong Kong in February 2023. Their achievements were underscored by their impressive 2nd place ranking among more than 500 global alternative food companies in the prestigious Big Idea Food Competition APAC held in September last year. WEMEET's key products include Fried Chicken, which debuted in May 2021, as well as offerings such

as Guobaorou (sweet and sour pork), Mushroom Fillets, and Chicken Rice Bowl. These products, available in microwaveable chicken form, feature a dense texture and tender consistency without the typical bean-like aroma or digestive discomfort often associated with soy protein. In January 2022, WEMEET expanded its product line to include wraps, patties, Chinese chili chicken and masala chicken. In January 2023, they introduced WEMEET Kebab kits, followed by three varieties of Cupbap (cup rice) in July that year.

As of 2024, WEMEET supplies 112 F&B outlets, catering services and institutions. With its proprietary tissue structuring technology, WEMEET's products have a texture similar to meat muscle tissue, providing a taste and feel similar to real meat. Their products are high in protein and fiber content, cholesterol-free and low in fat. This makes them an ideal choice for consumers looking for diverse food alternatives. With features such as a high protein content comparable to chicken breast, which meets the adult recommended daily intake standards, and an average fat content of less than 15% compared to traditional chicken products, along with zero cholesterol characteristics, WEMEET effectively meets the varying needs of health-conscious consumers.

植物性鶏肉の原料肉とチキン簡便食の開発・ 販売企業、WEMEET

鶏肉が排出する温室効果ガスの量は、同量の牛肉に比 べると1/4だが、大豆に比べると11倍に達する。また、鶏 を飼育する過程で水と土壌が汚染され、人獣共通感染 症が発生することもある。こうした問題を解決するために 「植物性チキン」が登場した。WEMEETはキノコ菌糸を 培養して組織を構造化することにより、植物性チキンの 原料肉とそれを利用した加工製品を生産している。韓国 産エリンギで作られた初のキノコ肉チキンである。

WEMEETは、精肉のように様々な料理で自由に使用でき る原料肉を生産している。揚げ物、煮物、フライパンやグ リルを使った料理など様々な調理に活用できる。キノコ 固有の旨味と食感を活かすことで、植物性肉の新たな可 能性を開いている。WEMEETの製品はキノコ、小麦、ジャ ガイモなどを活用してバランスの取れた植物性タンパク 質を提供し、化学的添加物は使わず玉ねぎ、にんにくな ど天然食材で味を出している。

2021年4月に設立されたWEMEET社は、植物性チキン の開発に成功し、ナゲットを中心とする鶏肉市場でブー ムを巻き起こした。水分を多く含む代替肉製造方式で 独自開発した原料肉を使用し、チキンに代わる100%植 物性食品を開発したのである。これを活用した完成品も 生産しており、2023年2月には初の海外輸出商品として WEMEETフライド、鍋包肉(ゴウバオロウ)をオーストラリ アに輸出し、香港にはWEMEETフライドHMR製品を輸出 した。2023年9月に開かれたグローバルコンペティショ ン、Big Idea Food Competition APACでは世界中から 出場した500社あまりの代替食品企業のうち、2位に選ば れ注目を浴びた。

WEMEETの主な製品には、2021年5月に初めて発売され たWEMEETフライドをはじめ、鍋包肉、キノコのトンサル (まるごとの肉)、チキンどんぶりなどがある。豆肉独特の 生臭さと食物繊維による消化への負担がなく、まるで肉 のような食感を特徴とする。製品は電子レンジ用チキン 料理で、即席で食べられるHMRの形となっている。2022 年1月にはWEMEETラップ、パテ、カンプン、マサラなどを 発売した。2023年1月にはWEMEETケバブセットを、7月 にはカップライス3種を発売した。

2024年現在、WEMEETは112か所のF&B店舗、ケータリ ング業者、給食業者などに納品している。独自開発の組 織構造化技術によって肉類の筋肉組織と同じ緻密な組 織感があり、実際の肉に非常に近い味と食感が味わえ る。WEMEETの製品は高タンパク・高食物繊維の製品と してコレステロールがなく脂肪が少ないため、ヘルシーで バランスの取れた味と栄養を提供している。鶏の胸肉と 同じぐらい高いタンパク質含有量と成人の一日推奨摂取 量基準の充足、従来のチキン製品に比べて平均15%以 下の脂肪とコレステロールゼロを特徴として、多様な代替 食品を求める消費者のニーズに応えている。


CEO: Ahn Hyeon-seok

TEL: +82-2-2039-0407, +82-10-9371-8944


ADDRESS: 6F, 545, Dunchon-daero, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

WEMEET, founded in 2021, specializes in plant-based chicken products using mushroom mycelium. Their diverse offerings, including dishes and ready-to-eat options, feature proprietary tissue structuring for a meat-like texture with high protein and low-fat content. Recognized globally for sustainability, WEMEET appeals to health-conscious consumers seeking environmentally friendly alternatives.

WEMEETは2021年に設立され、マッシュルーム菌糸を使用し た植物ベースのチキン製品に特化しています。肉のような食 感を提供するために独自の組織構築技術を使用した、様々な 料理や即席の選択肢が含まれています。持続可能性に対する グローバルな認識を受け、健康志向の消費者に環境にやさし い代替品を提供しています。

12 13
Cover Story

Trends in Low Carbon Diets and Changes in Agricultural Production in South Korea

The food consumption pattern in South Korea is changing, driven by the continuous growth of the alternative meat market, increasing consumer preferences, the spread of positive perceptions about vegetarianism and the growing number of vegetarians, as well as the introduction of the certification system for low-carbon agricultural and livestock products. The domestic market size of plant-based meat alternatives was USD 17.4 million in 2020, an increase of 23.7% from USD 14.1 million in 2016. Legumes accounted for USD 10.8 million, which is 62.0% of the total market. It is expected to grow to USD 22.6 million by 2025. If consumption of meat alternatives increases by 30% by 2050, it can achieve a greenhouse gas reduction of 18.4% of the agricultural sector's reduction target.

The domestic vegetarian community is estimated to be 1.5 million people. According to the Korea Rural Economic Institute's 2021 Food Consumption Behavior Survey, 3.6% of respondents identified themselves as vegetarians, consuming only plantbased foods, while 12.9% identified themselves as semi-vegetarians who eat eggs, dairy products, and seafood. Among the primary motivations for adopting a vegetarian lifestyle, 53.2% cited "health reasons," while 29.5% cited "reduced environmental impact compared to meat consumption. In addition, 49.3% expressed an interest in temporarily adopting a vegan lifestyle, and 68.1% of respondents expressed a positive attitude toward veganism.

In South Korea, the number of certified vegan food products surged to 612 in 2021, a 44% increase from the previous year. These products span a varie -

ty of categories, including sauces, pastries, beverages, desserts, and instant noodles. From 2018 to 2021, a total of 612 food products obtained certification from the Korea Vegan Certification Institute. Notably, 286 new products received vegan certification in 2021 alone, representing a 44% increase from 2020 and a remarkable 151% increase from 2019.

Some 71.2% of restaurants are considering adding vegetarian menu items, driven by a desire for menu diversification (43.9%) and a growing demand for vegetarian options among customers (42.9%).

Among consumers who have tried plant-based meat products, 46.0% report satisfaction, with the highest satisfaction rate (50.7%) among those in their 20s. In addition, consumers' intention to purchase plantbased meat products increased to 50.1%.

In South Korea, 60.4% of farms use low-carbon agriculture technologies. The most widely accepted practices include "optimal fertilizer use" at 30.2%, followed by "use of farm-made agricultural materials" at 13.9%, "using biological resources for weed and pest control" at 10.4%, and "mulching" at 10.3%.

Other notable techniques include "efficient irrigation management" at 5.2%, "use of multi-layer isolation curtains and automatic tunnel opening devices" at 5.6%, and "no-till or reduced-till farming" at 6.8%.

Regarding the adoption of future low-carbon agricultural technologies, a significant majority of respondents (73.5%) expressed willingness. As of 2022, 19 agricultural and livestock products, covering 61 items, have been certified as low-carbon.

韓国の低炭素食生活と 農業生産の変化動向

代替肉市場の持続的な成長と消費者の好みの多様化、 菜食に対するポジティブな認識の拡大、菜食主義者の 増加、低炭素農畜産物認証制度の定着などによって、韓 国の食品消費のパターンが変化している。韓国の植物性 代替肉の市場規模は2020年時点で1,740万ドルである。

2016年の1,410万ドルに比べ23.7%増である。そのうち、 豆類が1,080万ドルで全体市場の62.0%を占めている。



場合、農業分野における温室効果ガス削減目標の18.4% を達成できる。


年に韓国農村経済研究院で行った食品消費行動調査 では、肉類は全く食べず植物性材料のみ摂取する菜食 主義者(ヴィーガン)は3.6%、卵・牛乳・魚介類は摂取す るという準菜食主義者(ベジタリアン)は12.9%という結 果になっている。菜食生活を続ける主な理由のう ちもっとも高い割合を占めたのは、「健康上の 理由(53.2%)」があげられた。「肉食に比べ 地球環境への負担が少ないから」も29.5% を占めた。「ヴィーガンライフ」について も、49.3%は一時的にビーガンを試みたい という意向を示した。回答者の68.1%がヴ ィーガンライフに前向きな姿勢を取っている という結果が出た。

韓国のヴィーガン認証食品の数は2021年時点で累計 612を数え、前年より44%増加した。ヴィーガン認証食 品は醤類、製菓、酒類、デザート、ラーメンなど様々で ある。2018年から2021年まで(株)韓国ヴィーガン認証 院のヴィーガン認証を獲得した食品は累計612である。 2021年には286の製品が新しくヴィーガン認証を獲得 し、ヴィーガン認証食品の数は2020年に比べて44%、 2019年に比べては151%増となっている。菜食メニュー の提供を考慮していると答えた飲食店は71.2%という 非常に高い割合を示した。また、メニューの多様化を計 画している割合は43.9%で、菜食メニューを求める顧客 が増えたと答えた割合も42.9%に達している。植物性 肉製品を購入した経験がある消費者の46.0%は植物性 肉製品に満足しており、主な消費層は20代で、消費者 全体の50.7%を占めた。植物性肉製品の購入意向が高 くなった消費者は50.1%であった。

韓国の60.4%の農家が低炭素農業技術を営農に適用 している。適用技術は、「最適肥料の使用」が30.2% ともっとも高く、「自家製造の農資材を使用する農法」 が13.9%、「生物的資源を利用する除草及び防除」が 10.4%、「緑肥による作物栽培」が10.3%。続いて「水 田の水管理技術」が5.2%、「多重保温カーテン及び保 温トンネル自動開閉装置」が5.6%、「不耕起栽培及び 部分耕起栽培」が6.8%となっている。将来新たな低炭 素農業技術が開発された場合、受け入れるかどうかを 聞いた質問には、回答者の73.5%が受け入れると答え た。2022年時点では、19の低炭素農業技術が適用され た61品目が低炭素農畜産物認証を獲得した。

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Cover Story


Cultivated with Jeju Samdasoo by Seongsan Sunrise Peak NH

Seongsan Sunrise Peak NH, boasting over 3,200 members, was founded in 1957 and renamed in 2014. In November 2021, they were honored as the nation's premier export organization of Jeju winter radishes and received the prestigious KRW 500 billion Financial Asset Achievement Tower Award.

Seongsan Sunrise Peak NH was ranked the 3rd best agricultural cooperative in the country in the rural type 1 group based on last year's comprehensive business evaluation. In September 2023, Korea Radish Export Co., Ltd. was established as a comprehensive export organization. Besides the famous winter radish, Hallabong (Jeju Orange) joined exports in 2019, with the United States and Canada as main export destinations.

Hallabong, cultivated in Seongsanpo, Jeju Island, stands out for its exceptional quality, thanks to the pristine natural environment of Jeju. Samdasoo, sourced from groundwater on Jeju Island, represents Korea's quintessential water, boasting purity and deliciousness due to its origin in the volcanic lava fields. The fruits of Jeju Island thrive on this water, and Seongsan Sunrise Peak NH's Hallabong is the epitome of excellence. Hallabong is a natural product nourished by groundwater,

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Farmtastic HALLABONG

the finest living water, and the island winds surrounding the sea. The subtropical climate, ranging from 1535 degrees, is ideal for its cultivation.

Seongsan Sunrise Peak NH's domestic shipments of Hallabong in 2019 were 55,631 units, 66,718 kilograms, with a sales value of approximately KRW 260 million. The 2020 harvest was 58,986 units, 65,136 kilograms in weight, with a sales value of KRW 300 million. The 2021 crop was 112,384 units, weighing 120,304 kg, with a sales value of KRW 630 million. In 2022, 73,056 units were shipped with a weight of 85,499 kg and a sales value of KRW 350 million. In 2019, 24,216 units were exported with a value of KRW 99 million. In 2020, 50,790 units were exported for KRW 190 million. The harvest was the best recently, but domestic prices were favorable. In 2022, 30,600 units were exported for KRW 120 million.

Seongsan Sunrise Peak NH consists of a group of 10 farmers who collectively produce Hallabong under the cooperative. Oh Won-young, who served as a director of the cooperative at its inception, now holds the position of chairman. The member farms have an average Hallabong cultivation area of 1,000 square meters. Chairman Oh earns about KRW 200 million annually from both Cheonhyehyang and Hallabong. He cultivates approximately 25,000 kilograms of Hallabong on approximately 1,500 square meters of land, with Cheonhyehyang cultivated on a similar scale. Chairman Oh switched to growing Hallabong

20 years ago after more than three decades of citrus farming. A native of Jeju, he lives on the island and works with his wife on the farm. Hallabong is typically harvested from late December to February. With an average of 47 Calories per 100 grams, Hallabong has fewer calories than apples, pears and kiwis. Its high sugar content, juiciness and tender flesh make it a delicious treat. Rich in vitamin C, it helps fight fatigue and prevent colds, and is primarily grown on Jeju Island. The inner bark is rich in hesperidin, which may help prevent arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. The outer bark, on the other hand, is rich in limonene, known for its soothing and anticancer properties. The peel can be dried, boiled, and brewed for additional health benefits.

城山日出峰农协用济州 三多水种植的丑橘

城山日出峰农协成立于1957年,合作社成员达3200多 名,2014年改为现在的名字。2021年11月被评选为韩 国首家济州越冬萝卜出口领先组织,同年获得了"金融 资产5000亿韩元成就塔”荣誉。去年在综合业绩评估中

被评为农村型第一组织全国第三名的优秀农协。2023 年9月成立了出口合作组织——韩国萝卜出口株式会社。

除了出口主力产品越冬萝卜外,自2019年起丑橘也正式 加入出口队伍。产品的主要出口国是美国和加拿大。

济州岛城山浦生产的丑橘以品质上乘著称,乃济州清洁 自然环境孕育出的水果。韩国矿泉水品牌“三多水”是用 济州地下水生产的韩国知名矿泉水。该地下水是火山爆 发后形成的熔岩地带地下水资源,水质干净、无污染且 味道好。济州岛的水果就是用这种水种植而成。因此, 城山日出峰农协的丑橘品质最好,是最好的矿泉水—— 地下水和环济州岛海风孕育的天然水果。亚热带气候 15-35度的气温也非常适合种植丑橘。

城山日出峰农协丑橘的韩国内销业绩为2019年出货 量55,631个、重量66,718公斤、销售额约2.6亿韩元, 2020年出货量58,986个、重量65,136公斤、销售额3亿 韩元,2021年出货量112,384个、重量120,304公斤、销 售额6.3亿韩元,2022年出货量73,056个、重量85,499 公斤、销售额3.5亿韩元。丑橘的出口业绩为2019年出 口量24,216个、出口金额9,900万韩元,2020年出口量 50,790个、出口金额1.9亿韩元,2021年零出口。虽然 近几年收成最好,但内需价格也很好。2022年出口量为 30,600个,出口金额为1.2亿韩元。

农协旗下的10家丑橘种植户一起运营共同筛选会。该组 织成立于六七年前,当时由提议创立组织的吴元英(音) 担任会长,会员农户平均拥有1000坪(约合3.3平方米) 左右的丑橘种植地。吴会长凭借天惠香、丑橘两个品种 每年收入增长约达2亿韩元。1500坪左右的土地产出丑 橘2.5万公斤,天惠香也是同样的规模。吴会长从三四十 年前就开始从事柑橘种植,二十年前开始种植丑橘。济

州土生土长的吴先生与妻子两个人一起从事种植。丑橘 的收获期为每年12月末到次年2月。

丑橘的平均热量为47kcal/100g。和苹果57kcal、梨 51kcal、猕猴桃54kcal相比,丑橘的热量相对较低。丑橘 的特点是糖度高、多汁、果肉软。丑橘富含维生素C,对恢 复疲劳和预防感冒的效果卓越。丑橘主要在济州岛种 植。食用丑橘时最好先将皮洗干净,连皮一起吃。因为丑 橘的内皮中富含“橙皮苷”成分,外皮中富含“柠檬烯”成 分。橙皮苷有助于预防动脉硬化、高血压、中风和哮喘, 柠檬烯拥有镇静和抗癌效果。另外,还可以把果皮单独 收集起来,晾干后煮茶饮用。

Seongsan Sunrise Peak NH

MANAGER: Yang Yu-mi

TEL: +82-64-780-3151


ADDRESS: 4282 Iljudong-ro, Seongsan-eup, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do

Seongsan Sunrise Peak NH, founded in 1957 and renamed in 2014, is a leading agricultural cooperative in South Korea. Specializing in Jeju winter radishes and Hallabong (Jeju Orange), the cooperative received prestigious awards, excelling in both domestic and international markets. Led by Chairman Oh Won-young, the cooperative of 10 farmers emphasizes quality, sustainability, and innovation in cultivating Hallabong on Jeju Island.

成山日出峰NH成立于1957年,2014年更名,是韩国领先 的农业合作社。专注于济州冬萝卜和Hallabong(济州橙), 该合作社在国内和国际市场上屡获殊荣。在主席吴元永 的领导下,由10名农民组成的合作社强调在济州岛种植 Hallabong的质量、可持续性和创新。

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Food technology has become a game-changing innovation that is reshaping the landscape of the food industry. Beginning with the April issue, we are refocusing our attention on innovation and ad vancement in the food sector. Replacing Processed Food, we are introducing a new section called Food Tech. Our goal is to delve deeper into food tech, highlighting updates from key industry players and providing valuable insights into cutting-edge products.

South Korea's Food Tech Landscape

The food tech market, which combines food and cutting-edge technology to innovate new food products and services while improving efficiency in production and distribution, is growing rapidly. It encompasses various sectors such as alternative foods, convenience foods, food printing, smart factories, delivery apps, unmanned ordering machines, and delivery/serving/ cooking robots. In 2020, Korea's domestic food tech market was valued at approximately KRW 61 trillion, accounting for 10.7% of the total food, restaurant, and distribution industry valued at KRW 570 trillion. Between 2017 and 2020, the market has shown an annual growth rate of 31.4%. By sector, online food

retailing dominates with 73% (KRW 43 trillion), fol lowed by care food with 20% (KRW 12 trillion), con venience food with 7% (KRW 4 trillion), and alterna tive food with only 0.03% (KRW 20.9 billion).

Online food transactions dominate the domestic food tech market, accounting for the highest share of 36%. Since 2017, food delivery service transac tions have seen an average annual growth rate of 75.1%, skyrocketing from KRW 2.7326 trillion to KRW 25.6783 trillion in 2021. Mobile shopping has expe rienced an annual growth rate of 80.5% during the same period, jumping from KRW 2.3543 trillion to KRW 24.9828 trillion. The major players in the deliv ery market include "Baemin", "Yogiyo" and "Coupang

最近、食品産業のパラダイムを変える新たな技術としてフードテ ックが脚光を浴びています。「アグラフード」の4月号からは、既存 のProcessed Foodコーナーに代え、Food Techという新規コー ナーで、食品産業の革新と発展についてお話ししたいと思いま す。Food Techの技術を紹介し、現在のトップ企業のニュースや革 新的な製品について、お役立ち情報を提供していく予定です。


食品と先端技術との融合により、新しい食品やサー ビスを開発し、生産工程の効率化、流通時間の短縮 など農食品産業の付加価値を高めるフードテック市 場が急成長している。代替食品、レトルト・インスタ ント食品、フードプリント、スマートファクトリー、デ リバリーアプリおよびセルフオーダーキオスク、配達 ・配膳・調理ロボットなど幅広い分野が含まれる。 韓国国内のフードテック市場の規模は2020年ベース 約61兆ウォンで、これは食品・外食・流通の合計570 兆ウォンの10.7%を占める数値となっている。2017~ 2020年の間に、年平均31.4%の成長を遂げた。分野 別市場の規模はオンライン食品取引(43兆、73%)、ケ アフード(12兆、20%)、レトルト・インスタント食品(4 兆、7%)、代替食品(209億、0.03%)の順だ。 韓国国内のフードテック市場においては、オンライ ン食品取引の割合が36%と最も高い。フードデリバ リーサービスの取引額は、2017年以降年平均75.1% 増加し、2021年には25兆6,783億ウォンに達してい る。2017年の2兆7,326億ウォンから2021年の25兆 6,783億ウォンへ、年平均75.1%増加している。特に モバイルショッピングでは、同じ期間に2兆3,543億 ウォンから24兆9,828億ウォンへと、年平均80.5%増 加している。韓国のフードデリバリー市場を代表す る企業は「ペダレミンジョク(配達の民族)」「ヨギヨ (Yogiyo)」、「coupang eats」で、現在フードデリ バッリーアプリの市場シェアは「ペダレミンジョク」

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Eats", with "Baemin" holding a dominant market share of 57.7%, followed by "Yogiyo" with 24.7% and "Coupang Eats" with 17.5%.

Companies that harness the power of IT technology-based systems to streamline operations and improve customer service in restaurants, such as "Catch Table," "Pass Order," and "Pay Here," are experiencing rapid growth. FoodLens, developed by Doing Lab, uses AI food recognition technology to provide nutritional information analysis services through food photos. Top Table integrates AI and food printing technology to create personalized food. At the same time, Beyond Honeycomb has developed an AI-based solution for analyzing the cooking state of food and reproducing it in large quantities. "KT" has introduced a blockchain-based solution for product traceability, and "GS Retail" has launched "Be-Link," a data service that verifies product information using blockchain technology.

(57.7%)、「ヨギヨ」(24.7%)、「coupang eats」(17.5%)の 順になっている。

「CATCH TABLE」、「PASSORDER」、「payhere」など、 外食業界においてはIT技術基盤システムによって、労働 力の削減と顧客対応サービスの革新をサポートする企業 が急速に成長している。「Doinglab」が開発した「フード レンズ(FoodLens)」は、食べ物の写真から栄養情報を分 析するサービスを提供するAI基盤の認識技術だ。また、

「toptable」はAIとフードプリント技術を融合してカスタ マイズフードした料理を作る。さらに、AIを活用して料理 の調理状態を分析し、大量に再現するソリューションを 開発した「BEYOND HONEYCOMB」もある。「KT」はブロ ックチェーンを基盤として、スーパーの品のQRコーを通じ

て生産者や中間業者などを確認できるソリューションを 開発した。「GSリテール」もブロックチェーン技術を通じ て商品情報を確認するデータサービスである「ビーリン ク」(b-link)」を2022年7月28日にリリースした。

The domestic alternative food market is expected to grow to KRW 280 billion by 2026. Tteuran launched Meatmalism, an alternative food brand using plantbased protein from domestic soybeans. Armored Fresh developed a 100% vegan cheese by combining almond milk with fermentation. Zikooin Company exports plant-based hamburger patties made from edamame. MetaTexture produces plant-based eggs, and WEMEET produces eco-friendly meat substitutes made from mushrooms and soybeans. In addition, "Cellmate," "DaNAgreen," "Seawith," "Nowon Biotech," "Daesang," "CJ CheilJedang" and "Pulmuone" are actively researching and developing technologies related to cultured meat. Seawith is notable for developing "C MEAT", a cultured meat production technology using seaweed, while "Foodyworm" produces natural high-molecular-weight amino polysaccharides derived from insects.

In 2021, approximately 3,500 serving robots were introduced in Korea, with the market size reaching around KRW 90 billion. By 2023, the number of trained units is estimated to exceed 11,000, with the market size expanding to approximately KRW 300 billion. Major companies such as "Samsung Electronics", "LG Electronics", and "Doosan Robotics" are actively participating in the cooking and serving robot market. As of 2021, 4.5% of domestic restaurants are using kiosks, and 'E-Mart 24' is expanding its unmanned convenience stores with the introduction of 'Just Pick and Out,' an unmanned payment service. Farm8 operates an indoor farm called Metro Farm, where agricultural products can be purchased through vending machines in subway stations.

韓国の代替食品市場は2026年まで2800億ウォン規模 に成長すると予想されている。「トゥラン」は韓国産大 豆を使った植物性の代替たんぱく質を利用した代替食 品ブランド「meatmalism」を立ち上げた。「ARMORED FRESH」はアーモンド牛乳に発酵工法を適用した、 100%ビーガンチーズを開発した。「チグインカンパニ ー」はえんどう豆を活用した植物性代替肉のハンバーガ ーパテを輸出している。植物性卵を作る「メタテクスチ ャー」、キノコと豆などを活用して環境への負担を減ら した代替肉を生産する「WEMEET」も注目されている。 加えて、「cellmeat」、「タナグリーン」、「SeaWith」、 「ノウォンバイオテック」、「テサン」、「CJ第一製糖」、 「プルムウォン」などが培養肉に関する研究・開発を進 めている。「SeaWith」は海藻類を原料とした培養肉の 「C MEAT」を生産する源泉技術の開発と商用化を進め ている。昆虫由来の天然高分子アミノ多糖類を生産する 「FOODYWORM」もある。

2021年現在、韓国の「配膳ロボット」の導入台数は約 3,500台、市場規模は約900億ウォンである。2023年に は3倍以上に増加し、導入台数は約11,000台、市場規模 は約3,000億ウォンに達するとみられている。「サムスン 電子」、「LG電子」、「斗山ロボティクス」など主要大手 企業が、調理・配膳ロボット市場に参入している。また、 2021年現在、韓国国内の飲食店の4.5%がセルフオーダ ーシステムを導入している。「イーマート24」は無人決済 システムの「Just pick and out」を導入した無人コンビ ニを拡大している。「Farm8」の屋内農場「メトロファー ム」は、地下鉄駅の構内に自動販売機を設置し、農産物 を購入できるようにしている。

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Food Tech


A Frozen Rice Specialist

Hanwoomul is a food manufacturing company that specializes in a variety of frozen rice products that are developed and produced for both domestic and international markets. Their product line includes five types of rice balls such as "Cheese Chicken Rice Ball" and "Tuna Kimchi Rice Ball", as well as a selection of rice dishes such as "Gimbap," "Chadol Doenjang Rice," "Chadol Jjamppong Rice," "Beef Seaweed Soup Rice" and "Hanwoomul Yukgaejang Soup Rice." They also offer "Rice Cheese Balls Tomato" and "Rice Cheese Balls Original" as well as a variety of 27 fried rice products such as "Charcoal Grilled Chicken Fried Rice", "Kimchi Fried Rice" and "Japchae Fried Rice". These products are frozen for convenience and quick preparation. Charcoal Grilled Chicken Fried Rice is made with 47.12% rice and 20.13% chargrilled chicken thigh meat (92.29% chicken thigh meat), giving it a rich flavor from the charcoal grilling process. This dish can be conveniently reheated on a stove or in a microwave for as little as 4 minutes. As for the "Hawaiian Musubi Gimbap," it delicately combines savory thick

代餐食品速冻饭生产企业 (株)Hanwoomul

(株)Hanwoomul是一家专门开发和生产各种速冻饭产品 的食品生产企业,产品不仅在韩国国内销售,还出口海外。

主要产品有“芝士铁板鸡饭团”、“金枪鱼辛奇饭团”等五种 饭团,以及“紫菜卷饭”、“牛胸肉大酱饭”和“牛胸肉海鲜辣 汤饭”、“辣牛肉汤饭”“牛肉海带汤饭”、“Hanwoomul辣牛 肉汤饭”等汤饭系列,此外还有“米饭芝士球(番茄味)”和 “米饭芝士球(原味)”、“牛肉宫廷什锦杂菜”以及“炭烤鸡 肉炒饭”、“辛奇炒饭”、“什锦杂菜炒饭”等27种炒饭产品。


“炭烤鸡肉炒饭”采用47.12%的大米、20.13%的炭烤鸡肉 (92.29%鸡腿肉),鸡腿肉是用炭火直接烤制而成,风味 十足。用平底锅或微波炉加热4分钟即可食用。“夏威夷饭 团紫菜卷饭”是咸香厚实的午餐肉和香软鸡蛋的美味组 合,主要食材有鸡蛋丝(33.43%)、午餐肉(32.99%)、大米 (26.51%)和调味海苔(22%),放入微波炉中解冻5分钟

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New Item

ham with tender scrambled eggs. Containing 33.43% scrambled eggs, 32.99% pressed ham, 26.51% rice, and 22% seasoned seaweed, it can be easily thawed in the microwave for 5 minutes. In addition, newly released products such as "Beef Seaweed Soup Rice," "Chadol Doenjang Rice," and "Chadol Jjamppong Rice" are designed for quick heating directly in the microwave for instant consumption.

Founded in 2006 as Hanwoomul Farming Cooperative Corporation, the company was renamed as Hanwoomul Co., Ltd., an agricultural corporation, in November 2018. They shifted from agricultural processing to food processing. They began their frozen fried rice business in earnest in 2009, and launched frozen fried rice in July that year. In May 2016, they obtained organic processed food certification for "Gondeurenamul Rice". They received SQF (LEVEL3) certification in October 2016 and BRC FOOD certification in July 2017. They achieved sales of over KRW 100 billion last year and are targeting KRW 130 billion in 2024. They operate two factories with a total area of 13,000 square feet with over 450 employees and plan to complete the construction of a third factory in May next year.

On April 6, 2016, Hanwoomul Farming Cooperative Corporation became the first in Korea to export 5 tons of "Gondeurenamul Rice" to Taiwan. The rice variety, developed by Hanwoomul Farming Cooperative Corporation through in-house research and development in 2013, quickly gained popularity in the domestic market and secured the top spot in sales as a single product at Costco in Korea. Their export journey began with modest exports of USD 50,000 in 2016, steadily increasing to USD 1.97 million in 2020, USD 2.26 million in 2021, USD 4.1 million in 2022, and USD 5.6 million in 2023, with projections to reach USD 10 million this year. They have expanded their reach beyond Taiwan, entering markets in Australia, China, the UK, and other countries following their initial exports. In July 2017, they made their debut in the United States, further expanding their export footprint. In addition to their export ventures, Hanwoomul supplies OEM products to major domestic companies such as CJ, Pulmuone, and Samyang. In 2019, they developed the first frozen gimbap in Korea, and after being sold at Costco in Korea, they became the only frozen gimbap brand sold at Costco in the US. Recently, they have been featured on various social networks such as YouTube and Instagram, which has led to a rapid increase in sales both domestically and internationally. By 2030, Hanwoomul aims to expand to 40 countries and become the number-one frozen rice company in the world.


热后即可直接食用的“辣牛肉汤饭”、“牛胸肉大酱饭”、“牛 胸肉海鲜辣汤饭”等新品。

公司的前身是于2006年成立的Hanwoomul营农组合法 人,2018年11月变更为农业公司法人(株)Hanwoomul。

最早从事农产品加工业务,后来调整业务方向,主攻食 品生产加工业。2009年正式踏上速冻炒饭生产企业的发 展之路,同年7月推出速冻炒饭产品,2016年5月凭借“山 蓟菜饭”取得了有机加工食品认证。2016年10月取得

SQF(LEVEL3)认证之后,2017年7月又取得BRC FOOD 认证。去年是公司成立第18年,销售额突破了1000亿韩 元,2024年的销售目标是1,300亿韩元。公司总占地面积 13000坪,拥有2个工厂,员工人数达450余名。明年5月份 第三工厂也将竣工。

2016年4月6日,Hanwoomul营农组合法人生产的五吨 “山蓟菜饭”产品首次出口到中国台湾。“山蓟菜饭”是 Hanwoomul营农法人在2013年自主研发推出的产品, 创下了韩国开市客单一产品销售额排名第一的佳绩,深 受韩国消费者的喜爱。2016年第一年出口额达5万美元,

2020年包括间接出口在内,总出口额为197万美元,2021 年达到226万美元,2022年为410万美元,2023年为560万 美元。今年销售额有望突破1000万美元。自2016年出口 中国台湾市场后,2017年7月出口美国市场,后又相继出 口澳大利亚、中国、英国等地。在韩国国内还为CJ、圃美 多、三养等韩国主要大企业OEM代加工产品。2019年于 韩国首次开发了速冻紫菜卷饭,通过TRADERS、线上等 渠道销售,继入驻韩国开市客之后,还成为唯一成功入驻 美国开市客的速冻紫菜卷饭品牌。最近因在YouTube和 Instagram等多种社交网络(SNS)平台上种草介绍,在韩 国及海外的销量急剧增长。到2030年,(株)Hanwoomul 有望将出口业务拓展至全世界40个国家和地区,致力于 成为“速冻饭全球龙头企业”。


Hanwoomul Co., Ltd., a leader in frozen rice products since 2006, has a diverse range including rice balls and innovative dishes, achieving over KRW 100 billion in sales. With two operational factories, certifications, and successful global exports, the company aims for KRW 130 billion in 2024 and projects USD 10 million in exports.

(株)Hanwoomul,自2006年创立以来一直是冷冻米制 品的先驱,产品线包括米团和创新菜品,在销售额方面已 超过1000亿韩元。拥有两家运营工厂、认证以及成功的 全球出口,公司目标在2024年实现1300亿韩元销售,并 预计出口额达到1000万美元。

MANAGER : Jeong Eun-bee

TEL: +82-63-547-8200, +82-10-2817-1267


ADDRESS: 112, Baekja 1-gil, Yongji-myeon, Gimje-si, Jeonbuk-do, Republic of Korea

26 27
New Item


Snacks are convenient treats that satisfy our taste buds with a variety of flavors. They are quick and easy to enjoy in everyday life. In addition to being a quick bite, they serve multiple purposes such as stress relief and energy replenishment. According to At Food Information Statistics System (FIS) statistics, the global snack market size reached USD 507.5 billion in 2022, an increase of 7.5% over the previous year. It is expected to reach USD 539.3 billion in 2023, indicating a continuous growth trend. This rapid growth is attributed to factors such as the convenience of snacking, the launch of diverse products tailored to consumer tastes and preferences, and the emergence of healthier snack options.

The introduction of products that offer unique flavors, textures and indulgence has become a trend in the snack market. Collaborations between renowned restaurants or food companies have led to the creation of snacks with specific menu items or flavors, and products with unconventional textures to relieve stress and boredom. In particular, Nongshim, a leading snack company in Korea, introduced "Muktaekkang," which sold over 6 million units within just three months of its release, proving its popularity. In addition, Lotte Mart collaborated with HBAF (nut processing company) and seafood processing specialist 'Sunhae Marine' to launch three varieties of HBAF Alaska Fish Snacks. Crown's potato snack "Awesome" capitalized on its unique texture, presenting a distinctive taste with its geometrically shaped triangles and showcasing the crispy texture of potatoes in a new and differentiated way.

With the growing interest in health and wellness, consumers are increasingly choosing snacks that align with their healthy lifestyles. As a result, a new trend known as "healthy pleasure" has emerged, leading

to the release of various health snacks that offer high protein, low calorie and sugar-free options. High-protein snacks include Pulmuone's Tofu Chips, Haitai's Snapea Chips made from peas, and Chong Kun Dang's Tastyn Protein Chips. For those who want to maintain a healthy diet while on a diet, products such as Orion's "Oat Digestive" oat cookies and Daesang's "O'food Seaweed Chips" are made from seaweed.

Many snacks are being developed to satisfy consumers' tastes, enjoyment, health, and unique characteristics. Therefore, consumers need to make informed choices, consider nutrition, and consume healthy snacks in moderation.

As the trend toward healthier eating habits continues, snacks that emphasize nutrition and healthy ingredients are gaining popularity. Embracing the concept of "healthy pleasure," snacks that feature quality protein sources are making their debut. High- protein snacks include Pulmuone's Tofu Chips, Haitai's Snapea Chips made from chickpeas, and Jonggaegnang's Tastyn Protein Chips. The snack market is evolving to meet the tastes of diverse consumers by satisfying their desires for taste and enjoyment while taking into account health, consumer trends, and the use of high-quality ingredients.

Korean Snack Products



CU partnered with Lotteria

Netflix Popcorn infused with truffles


28 29 KAF Trends Trend & Products
Lotteria Seasoned Potatoes
1. 2. 3. 2 3


スナックは日常生活の中で手軽に楽しめるおやつとして、様々な種類や味で人々に 満足感を与える食べ物である。おやつとしての役割だけでなく、ストレス解消やエネ ルギーの補充など様々な用途に活用されている。韓国農水産食品流通公社FISの 統計資料によると、2022年の世界スナック市場の規模は5,075億ドルで対前年比 7.5%増となり、2023年にも5,393億ドルに上ると予想されるなど増加傾向が続い ている。このような著しい増加傾向の背景には、スナック消費の利便性、消費者の 好みに合わせた多彩な製品の発売、健康に配慮したスナックの登場など様々な要 因が働き、成長につながっている。

スナック市場のトレンドとして、一風変わった味と質感、楽しさを同時に満たしてく れる製品が発売されている。有名レストランや食品企業とのコラボによって特定の メニューや味をスナックに取り入れた製品、一風変わった食感でストレスや退屈さ を解消できる製品など、感覚を刺激するスナックも発売されている。韓国のスナック 代表企業である農心(ノンシム)で発売された「モクテカン」は、発売から3か月で600 万袋以上販売されるほど人気商品となり、ロッテマートはHBAF(堅果類企業)及び 水産物加工専門企業「ソンヘ水産」とのコラボで、HBAFアラスカフィッシュスナック 3種類を発売した。今までにない食感が売りのクラウンのジャガイモスナック「オー サム(Awesome)」は、幾何学的な三角形にジャガイモのサクサクした食感を活か し、従来のジャガイモスナックと差別化している。

健康志向への関心が高まるにつれて、スナックを食べる消費者の健康なライフスタ イルを考えての製品消費傾向が強まっている。こうした傾向によりヘルシープレジャ ー(healthy pleasure、健康管理の楽しさ)が新たなトレンドとなり、高タンパク、低カ ロリー、シュガーフリーなど健康スナックにも選択肢が増えている。高タンパクを強 調するスナックには、「プルムウォン」の豆腐チップ(soy snack)、「ヘテ」のえんどう豆 で作られたスナピークリスプス(Snapea crisps)、「鍾根堂(チョングンダン)健康」の テイスティンタンパク質チップ(tastyn protein chips)がある。ダイエット中にも安心 して食べられる健康な製品としては、オーツ麦で作った「オリオン」のオーツダイジ ェ、海苔を活用した「テサン」のO’food Seaweed Chipsなどがある。 味や楽しさを求める消費者のニーズを満足させながらも、健康と消費者の特性な どを考慮したスナックが多く開発されている。栄養を考え健康なスナックを選び、適 切な量を摂取することが重要である。

30 KAF Trends Trend & Products
Snapea Crisps Haitai SOYA SNACK Pulmuone Tastyn Protein Chips Chong Kun Dang 4. 5.
4 5 6

Healthy Drink

Made From Fermented Vinegar

Korean beverage exports have been steadily on the rise thanks to products that are tailored to the tastes of major export markets such as the United States, China, and Russia. Aloe vera drinks are popular in the Americas, while Japanese customers prefer red vinegar and corn silk tea, and banana milk is a hit in China. Among these, red vinegar drinks have gained significant popularity overseas since 2010, particularly in the health-conscious Japanese market.

Red vinegar drink, characterized by its crimson hue, has about 30% acidity level of regular vinegar. Red vinegar drinks naturally contain various organic and inorganic acids, minerals, vitamins, and nutrients, allowing for easy absorption when consumed. Red vinegar products sold in Korea are available in various fruit flavors and in a more convenient beverage form. Combining flavors such as black raspberry, blueberry, and green apple, these products serve as health supplements and satisfy consumers' tastebuds at home and abroad.

The popularity of red vinegar in Japan is noteworthy, as various red vinegar products can be found on Japan's largest online marketplace, Rakuten. Searching for "red vinegar" on Rakuten easily brings up various Korean products. Brands like Cheongjeongwon's O'food offer an array of flavors, including pomegranate, blueberry, black raspberry, strawberry, grapefruit, and tart cherry. CJ CheilJedang's Petizel vinegar drink, crafted from 100% fruit fermentation, and Samyang's brown rice fermented black vinegar are also available to satisfy different tastes.

Consumers who have tried Korean red vinegar purchased from Rakuten have left positive reviews such as, "It's easy to drink and tastes good even though it's not very sweet. It seems to help with dieting," "I sometimes dissolve it in hot water and drink it like tea," "I like that there are many different flavors to choose from. It's refreshing and delicious to drink with carbonated water in hot summers", "It's pleasant to drink because it's fermented vinegar and it's good for your health because it doesn't contain sugar or artificial flavors."


韩国的饮料主要销往美国、中国、俄罗斯等国,且出口量 不断增加。不同国家所偏好的产品也有所不同。芦荟饮 料在美洲地区很受欢迎,红醋和玉米须茶在日本深受消 费者的喜爱,而在中国比较受欢迎的则是香蕉牛奶。其 中,红醋产品自2010年以来在海外广受欢迎,特别是在 注重健康的日本市场备受青睐。

红醋是一种红色的果醋,酸度为普通食醋的30%。红醋 饮料基本上包含了食醋所含的氨基酸、柠檬酸、乙酸等 各种有机酸和矿物质,以及各种维生素和营养素。在韩 国销售的红醋产品通常混合了各种水果口味,更便于饮 用。其中包括覆盆子味、蓝莓味、青苹果味等,不仅拥有 保健功能,还兼具口感,深受国内外消费者的喜爱。红醋 在日本非常受欢迎,在日本最大的电商平台乐天市场热 销。在乐天市场搜索“红醋”,就可以轻松找到各种韩国 产品。清净园O’food红醋拥有石榴味、蓝莓味、覆盆子 味、草莓味、柚子味、酸樱桃等多种口味。此外,该平台还 出售CJ第一制糖的果醋、以100%水果发酵醋为原料的 Petitzel果醋,以及Sempio的糙米发酵黑醋等产品。

在乐天市场购买韩国红醋的消费者纷纷留下了好评, 比如“不算很甜,适合饮用,感觉有助于减肥”、“添加热 水,可以当作茶饮用”、“有多种口味可供选择,夏天可以 搭配碳酸水喝,很解渴,很美味”、“发酵醋有助于肠胃消 化,不含果糖和香料,有益健康”等。

32 33 KAF Trends E-Commerce

We're pleased to introduce a new section titled "Your K-Food Partner, aT" where we will feature various export support programs run by aT, starting with the March 2024 issue. This new section will provide you with updates on our export support programs, K-Food trade shows, exhibitions and much more. We look forward to your interest and participation.

Gulfood 2024: Largest Food Exhibition Dubai

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation participated in Gulfood 2024, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from February 19 to 23. We are proud to announce that we achieved a significant export performance of USD 65.5 million during the event. In cooperation with local governments such as Jinju, Hadong, and Hongseong, aT established the "Integrated Korea Pavilion," which showcased products from 26 prominent K-Food exporters. The exhibits included a wide range of products, including healthy foods such as red ginseng and ginseng, and popular items such as frozen kimbap and cup tteokbokki.

Started in 1987, the annual Gulfood International Food Exhibition is the largest food exhibition in the Middle East and Africa region. It is recognized as the premier event for food companies seeking to expand their presence in the Middle East, Africa, and

Exhibition Name GULFOOD

Duration February 19-23, 2024


Location Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE Size 113,398m2

Number of

Participating Companies

About 5,000 exhibitors

Exhibition Categories Food, Food Technology, Equipment

* Please visit the aT International Food Exhibition website for more information on international trade shows.


South Asia. This internationally acclaimed exhibition serves as a platform that unites businesses in the food industry, food service, tourism, restaurants, cafes and related sectors. With participation from over 130 countries and 5,000 companies, Gulfood is a prominent international exhibition of unparalleled importance.

During the exhibition, participants sampled various Korean dishes through K-food cooking shows and on-site tasting events. In addition, a "pre-online consultation" was held a week before the exhibition to facilitate discussions between exporters and buyers. These initiatives culminated in successful onsite consultations, resulting in export consultation results totaling USD 65.5 million.

A representative from a distributor in the UAE who attended the consultations said, "I was intrigued by K-food that is often featured in movies and dramas, which prompted me to visit the Korean Pavilion. In markets such as the UAE and the Middle East at large, local consumers' interest is growing not only in popular K-food items such as tteokbokki, ramen, and kimbap but also in easy-to-take health supplements."

34 35 KAF Trends Your K-Food Partner, aT

Korea's Convenience Store Culture and Trendy Food

Korean convenience stores are known for their unique culture and wide variety of delicious snacks and treats. More than just a place to buy groceries, they offer a wide range of goods and services that are essential to our daily lives. Recently, convenience stores have become hubs for trendy foods, including locally sourced specialties, innovative collaborations, store-exclusive items and vegan options. With the growing popularity of veganism, driven by health and environmental concerns, there are an increasing number of diet-friendly options such as vegan lunch boxes, dairy-free ice cream, protein bars, sugar-free snacks and salad products. Convenience stores continue to expand their offerings and are often first to market with trendy foods and new products that capture consumer interest. Designed for today's lifestyle, convenience stores offer a wide variety of meal and snack options to meet consumers' needs.

36 37 On the Table | Photo Essay |


(Kimchi Pork Wraps)

Bossam (kimchi pork wraps) is a traditional Korean dish that has gained popularity both locally and internationally for its suitability for gatherings with family and friends. This popular delicacy involves the careful boiling and gentle cooking of pork, served with accompaniments such as lettuce, ssamjang (red chili and soybean paste), and garlic. In particular, the combination of bossam and kimchi is celebrated for its exceptional flavor profile. When you enjoy this culinary duo, the tender texture of the bossam meat blends seamlessly with the piquant, salty flavor of kimchi, resulting in a sumptuous and satisfying taste experience. Enjoying this harmonious blend of bossam and kimchi is a great way to appreciate the diverse tapestry of Korea's culinary traditions.

38 39 K-Food Recipe On the Table


1 kg pork (belly or neck), 6 cups (1.5 L) water, 2 tbsp rice wine, 4 tbsp soybean paste, 1 green onion (30 g), 3 garlic cloves (15 g)


Related Products

Pork Handon Sunjin

Shrimp Ocheon Nonghyup

100g salted shrimp, 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tbsp red pepper powder, ½ tbsp sesame salt Sauce

Baekhwasubok Lotte Chilsung Beverage

Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce 501 Sempio

1. 3.

Combine 5 cups of water and rice wine in a saucepan. Dissolve the soybean paste in the mixture. Add green onion and garlic and bring to a boil. When it boils, add the pork and cook for about 30 minutes. To check if the pork is fully cooked, poke it with chopsticks; if no blood comes out, it is done.


Cut the cooked pork into slices about 0.6 cm thick.

Mix ingredients to make shrimp sauce. Serve with kimchi.

Apple Vinegar CJ Cheiljedang

Roasted Sesame Ottogi

40 41
Sunjin Salted Chili Powder Gomgom Soybean Paste Chungjungone
K-FOOD Recipe On the Table Enjoy

The Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation is sending market development teams to five countries - Mexico, Kazakhstan, Australia, United Kingdom and Philippines - to diversify the export market for K-foods. The market development agents sent to these strategic countries conduct various activities to expand Korea's agri-food export market and lay the groundwork for exporters' local operations. In this section, we will introduce subscriber newsletters and highlight the achievements and activities of each country's market development office every other month! We ask for your continued interest and support.

Subscriber Fan Letter Event

We are pleased to announce the Subscriber Letter Event! Your opinions and stories are important to us. Please let us know what you think. Whether it's questions, suggestions, experiences or personal stories related to Korea Agrafood Magazine, we would love to hear from you.

How to Participate

1. Access the QR code below or send us an email(

2. In the letter, please include your name, email, and nationality along with what you want to tell us.


The event will end on April 15, 2024

Global Networks

20 Office


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TEL: 86-21-3256-6325

070-7077-6197, 6199, 6205

FAX: 86-21-3256-6328

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TEL: 86-411-3960-3361~3


FAX: 86-411-3960-3362

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TEL: 86-532-5566-8870~3, 5

FAX: 86-532-5566-8873

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TEL: 84-24-6282-2987

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FAX: 84-4-6282-2989

Ho Chi Minh Branch Office

CJ Building, Floor 3, 2 Bis 4-6 Le

Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City


TEL: 84-28-3822-7504

070-4617-3276, 070-8098-6514

FAX: 02-838-227-503

Bangkok Branch Office

#2102 Level 21, Interchange 21, 399 Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand


TEL: 66-2-611-2627


FAX: 66-2611-2626

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FAX: 62-21-2995-9034

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FAX: 60-3-2706-4301

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TEL: 65-9855-8277

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Korea Agro-Trade Center, Tokyo

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TEL: 81-3-5367-6656

070-4617-7061~2, 070-8287-3060

FAX: 81-3-5367-6657

Osaka Branch Office

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1-8-15, Azuchimachi, Chuou-Ku, Osaka, 541-0052, Japan

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産大阪B/D 8F)


TEL: 81-6-6260-7661


FAX: 81-6-6260-7663

Dubai Branch Office

57528 Office #48, Sunset Mall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Jumeira 3, Dubai, UAE


TEL: 971-4-339-2213

FAX: 971-4-456-1155

Pan America

New York Branch Office

15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA


TEL: 1-212-889-2561

FAX: 1-212-889-2560

Los Angeles Branch Office

12750 Center Court Drive South, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA


TEL: 1-562-809-8810

FAX: 1-562-809-1191

São Paulo Branch Office

Av Paulista 1636, 10andar, #1008 –

São Paulo CEP 01310-000


TEL: 55-11-3283-0089, 55-11-3286-0059


Paris Branch Office

Korea Agro-Trade Center, 89 Rue du Gouverneur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, Issy-les-moulineaux, France


TEL: 33-1-4108-6076~8, 6095~6

FAX: 33-1-4108-2016

Moscow Branch Office

123610, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya 12, 6th floor, 608 office


TEL: 7-924-007-1528


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