May 2023 (vol.331)

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May 2023 vol.331
Stir-fried Glass Noodles and Vegetables
On the Table e-Commerce
Korean Ramyeon, the Leader in K-food Popularity KAF Trends
Wolhang Nonghyup
Leads Seongju Chamoe
and Export Farmtastic



Cheong Maesil Farm


Exports of Fresh and Processed Green Plums


KoreanRamyeon, theLeaderinK-foodPopularity

Leads Seongju Chamoe Production and Export


Korean fruits such as plums, chamoe (oriental melon) and pears are the focus of stories in May. Gwangyang is Korea's largest producer of plums. Green plums are processed into various products. In this issue, we introduce "Cheongmaesil Nongwon", a plum specialty company, and companies that are producing new plum products. We also feature the story of Seongju-gun Chamoe Farm, which produces the signature summer fruit, and the Korean Pear Agricultural Cooperative of Jinju pear farmers. In the photo essay, we capture the scenery of rapeseed flowers blooming at the height of spring. Other highlights include Korean ramen gaining popularity on Shopee, the largest online platform in Southeast Asia. We interviewed Ediya Coffee, the top coffee franchise in Korea. We also spoke to Bebefood Korea, which specializes in natural fermented baby food. In the recipe corner, we introduce a very special dish called

Wolhang CooperativeNonghyup Bebefood Korea, a Company Specializing in Naturally Fermented Baby Food Korean Pears Cooperative Union Takes on Direct Export Challenge Korea's No. 1 Coffee Franchisee Expands Overseas, Ediya Coffee
Supermarkets and Korean Food in the U.S.
and Vegetables
Favorite Korean
Stir-fried Glass Noodles


Cover Story

8 Evolution of the Korean Plum Industry

12 Gwangyang Cheong Maesil Farm: The Heart of Korea’s Plum Industry

14 Increasing Exports of Fresh and Processed Green Plums

Founded in August, 1995,

Published monthly by the

In Focus

16 Farmtastic | Wolhang Nonghyup Cooperative Leads Seongju Chamoe Production and Export

20 Processed Food | Bebefood Korea, a Company Specializing in Naturally Fermented Baby Food

24 New Item | Korean Pears Cooperative Union Takes on Direct Export Challenge

KAF Trends

28 Trend & Products | Korea's No. 1 Coffee Franchisee Expands Overseas, Ediya Coffee

32 e-Commerce | Korean Ramyeon, the Leader in K-food Popularity

34 COLUMN | Everyone's Favorite Korean Supermarkets and Korean Food in the U.S.

On the Table

36 Photo Essay | Yuchae Flower (Rapeseed Flowers)

38 K-FOOD Recipe | Japchae (Stir-fried Glass Noodles and Vegetables)

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea

Tel: +82-61-931-0963 Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Kim Kwang-jin





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok ( 070-4617-3266, 3278

HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo ( 070-4617-2696, 7116

HOCHIMIN Cho Sung-bae ( 070-4617-3276

JAKARTA Lee Seung-hoon ( 070-4617-2694~5

TOKYO Yoon Sang-young ( 070-4617-7060~7062

OSAKA Kwon Hyun-joo ( 070-7000-4138

PARIS Nam Sang-hui ( 070-4617-7225, 2424

QINGDAO Han Seung-hee ( 070-4617-5093, 7239

EDITED & DESIGNED BY DN 7-18, Mokdongjungangbuk-ro 10-gil, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

+82-70-4354-4207 / /

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website,



The Korean plum is the fruit of the plum tree. An average annual temperature of 12-15 degrees Celsius is the optimum temperature for plum cultivation. Flowering begins in late February to early March, when the average temperature is around 7-8 degrees Celsius, and the flowers bloom in mid-March. The fruit ripens from late May to mid-June and weighs 1215 grams, similar in size to an apricot, but can vary from 16-35 grams depending on the variety. There are more than 80 varieties of plum grown in the southern regions such as South Gyeongsang Province and Jeolla Province. Major producers include Gwangyang City, Suncheon City and Hadong County. Last year, Gwangyang City produced 7,294 tons, Suncheon City 4,600 tons and Hadong County 2,205 tons. In 2020, these three major cities accounted for 38% of the nation's production.

Plum is widely known for its medicinal properties that eliminate toxicity. It helps to relieve thirst and diarrhea and restores vitality to the muscles and heart. It's also effective in reducing fatigue, anti-aging, and relieving constipation and hematuria. One of its main components is picric acid, which breaks down toxic substances in blood, water and food. It is rich in organic acids such as catechin, which has a powerful detoxifying and sterilizing effect and inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria in the body, and citric and malic acids, which are excellent for fatigue relief. Plums are also rich in polyphenols, which boost the immune system, and contain 2.3 times more calcium, 1.3 times more phosphorus, 2.4 times more potassium, 1.5 times more vitamin C and 6.5 times more vitamin A than apples.

Gwangyang City is the best place to grow plums in Korea because it lies near Mt. Baekun and the Seomjin River, and enjoys favorable winds and abundant sunlight. Gwangyang City accounts for 23% of the nation's plum production and 27% of the nation's cultivated area. In 1931, collective plum cultivation for industrialization began in Daap-myeon, Gwangyang City. The mass cultivation of plums in the city began in Daap-myeon in 1931. After receiving the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) registration mark in 2007, Daap-myeon was designated as a special plum

梅の栽培に最も適した温度は年平均気温12~15度程 度である。開花している期間は20日前後で、平均気温が 7~8度くらいの2月末~3月初旬に花が咲き、中旬ごろに 満開になる。梅は5月末から6月中旬までの間に結実す る。果実の重さは12~15gで、あんずとサイズはほぼ同 じだが、大きさや品種により16~35gまで様々で、品種 は80種以上ある。慶尚南道や全羅南道など韓国南部地 域が栽培最適地で、クァンヤン(光陽)市、スンチョン(順 天)市、ハドン(河東)郡エリアで主に栽培されている。昨 年は光陽市で7294トン、順天市で4600トン、河東郡で 2205トンが生産された。2020年の場合、全国における 梅生産量のうち、これら主要3地域の生産量は全国の 38%を占めている。

成分にはまず血液や水、食べ物の毒性物質を分解する 「ピクリン酸」がある。この成分は解毒作用と殺菌効果 が大きく、他に体内の有害菌の繁殖を抑える「カテキン 酸」、疲労回復に優れているクエン酸やリンゴ酸などの 有機酸が豊富である。また、梅には免疫力を上げる抗 酸化物質のポリフェノールも多く含まれており、リンゴ に比べてカルシウムは2.3倍、リンは1.3倍、カリウムは 2.4倍、ビタミンCは1.5倍、ビタミンAは6.5倍も多い。

クァンヤン(光陽)市はペグンサン(白雲山)とソムジン ガン(蟾津江)に面しており、風が適度に吹き、日照量が 豊富で、韓国で梅栽培に最も適した土地である。全国 梅生産量の23%、栽培面積の27%を占めている。1931 年、クァンヤン(光陽)市ダアプ(多鴨)面で梅の産業 化のための集団栽培が始まった。2007年地理的表示 に登録され、2008年には梅産業特区に指定された。光 陽市初の最大の梅企業「光陽青梅農園営農組合法人」 は1965年から本格的な梅産業を開始し、2021年には 51億4千万ウォン、2022年には52億ウォンの売り上げを 記録した。これは国内最大規模である。2003年に約4 万8千6百キロ、40万ドルから始まった輸出も昨年時点 で累積5百万ドルとなった。ダアプ(多鴨)面梅村で毎 年3月に行われ、毎年祭りの期間だけで100万人を超え る人々が集まる光陽「梅まつり」も、1997年青梅農園か ら始まった。

Cover Story

industrial zone in 2008.

The first and largest plum company in Gwangyang, Gwangyang Cheong Maesil Farm, started in the plum business in 1965 and recorded sales of 5.14 billion won in 2021 and 5.2 billion won in 2022. It is the largest plum farm in Korea. Their cumulative value of overseas exports, which began in 2003 with about 48,600 kg worth $400,000, reached $5 million last year. The Gwangyang Plum Festival in Daap-myeon Plum Village takes place in March and attracts more than one million people every year. This festival was also started by Gwangyang Cheong Maesil Farm in 1997.

POCOTERRA, the leading plum processing company in Suncheon City, exported plum jelly to China and Japan in 2019. The company expanded its export products and export destinations to the US, Thailand, Canada and Australia with 'Plum King Seed Korean Pancake' and 'Pure Plum Extract'. Another processing company, Bohae Brewery, is a leading traditional fruit liquor producer that launched its first plum wine, 'Maechwisoon', in 1982. Maechwisoon is a plum wine made from aged plum juice and was served as the official drink at the 2009 ASEAN-Korea Special Summit in Jeju. In 1979, Bohae Brewery established a plum orchard in Haenam-gun, covering 140,000 square meters and planting 14,000 plum trees. They now harvest around 500 tons of green plums every year.


ingredients, so the product retains its unique sour flavour. The product has been well received by consumers who want to enjoy a healthy plum flavor without added sugar. SLOWFOOD Co, Ltd, located in Hadong County, neighbouring Sancheong County, buys about 200 tons of plums from the region every year and processes them into plums or plum juice, which are exported not only to Korea but also to the U.S., Australia and Southeast Asia.

100%原液の商品である。他の材料を一切加えず純粋な 梅だけで作り、梅特有の酸っぱさを生かしている。砂糖 が入っていないヘルシーな梅の味を楽しみたいという消 費者から好評を得ている。サンチョン(山清)郡の隣に あるハドン(河東)郡のスローフード(株)農業会社法人 は、毎年地元で生産される梅を約200トン購入して梅や 梅原液に加工し、韓国国内のみならず、アメリカやオース トラリア、東南アジアなどに輸出している。

In July, 95 tons of Suncheon plums were exported to Stragen Pharma SA, a Swiss pharmaceutical company, as a health supplement to improve liver function. In March, Coffee Bean Korea launched Sparkling Gwangyang Golden Plum Blossom Tea with golden plums from Gwangyang City.

In 2019, Chamdeurae Biofood, an agricultural cooperative in Sancheong County, South Gyeongsang Province, launched sugar-free plum products 'Jiri Mountain Plum Extract' and 'Sugar-free Pure Plum Concentrate'. Jiri Mountain Plum Extract is a 21g stick-type product made from 90% local plums and sweetened with 10% jocheong, traditional Korean brown rice syrup. Sugar-free Pure Plum Concentrate is a 100% plum juice product in 500ml and 1,000ml bottles. It is made from plums only, with no other

チョンエンメシル」は、2019年「梅ゼリー」を中国と日本 に輸出した。「梅王種ホットク」、「純梅シロップ」へと輸 出品目を拡大し、輸出対象国もアメリカ、タイ、カナダ、 オーストラリアにまで拡大した。同じく梅加工会社であ るボヘ(宝海)醸造(株)は伝統果実酒を製造する代表的 な企業で、1982年初の梅酒「梅翠」を発売した。梅翠は 梅の原液を熟成させて作る果実酒で、2009年済州で開 かれた韓国・アセアン特別首脳会談では公式の乾杯酒と して選ばれた。1979年14万坪にわたるへナム(海南)郡 梅農園を作り、1万4千本の梅の木を植え、毎年約500トン 規模の青梅を収穫している。

2021年7月にはスンチョン(順天) 市の梅95トンが、肝 臓の機能を向上させる健康機能食品を製造するスイス

の製薬会社、ストラジェン(STRAGEN)に輸出され、今 年3月にはコーヒービーンコリアがクァンヤン(光陽) 市の黄梅を使った「スパークリング光陽黄梅ティー」を 発売した。

慶尚南道サンチョン(山清)郡営農組合法人「チャムドゥ レバイオフード」は、砂糖を入れない梅製品「チリサン (智異山)梅シロップ」と「無砂糖純粋梅原液」を2019年 発売した。「チリサン(智異山)梅シロップ」は21gのステ ィックタイプで、韓国産梅に韓国の伝統的な糖である チョチョン(水飴)を10%配合し、甘味を出した。「無砂


The range of products made from Korean plums, including concentrate, pickled plums, doenjang (soybean paste), gochujang (red chili paste), ice cream and cookies, chocolate, jelly, tea and health functional foods, is becoming increasingly diverse. Even within the same product, changes are being made to include healthier ingredients, such as the replacement of sugar with corn syrup and oligosaccharides, or the use of only 100% Korean plums in the production of the product. Plum exports were mainly to the United States in the past, but have now expanded to Japan, China, Australia, Switzerland, Southeast Asia and Europe. As the market for processed products expands and diversifies, the Korean plum industry is also developing in new ways. With thousands of years of history and tradition, plums are constantly evolving to be combined with various foods.

梅を用いた製品は、濃縮液、漬物、テンジャン、コチュジ ャン、アイスクリームやクッキー、チョコレート、ゼリー、 お茶や飲料、健康機能食品など、益々多様化している。 同じ製品でもより体にいい成分を使う方向に変わってい る。砂糖の代わりにチョチョンやオリゴ糖を入れたり、 100%梅だけで作った製品が出はじめている。輸出にお いても以前はアメリカへの輸出がほとんどであったが、 現在は日本や中国、オーストラリア、スイスなど欧米や東 南アジアにまで広がっている。梅専門加工会社も増加し ている。加工品市場の拡大や多様化により、韓国の梅 産業もさらに発展している。数千年の歴史と伝統を継承 し、様々なものと組み合わせながら進化し続けている。


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Bohae Brewery Co., Ltd. Maechwisun
Cover Story
Slowfood Cheoeum Maesil Suncheon & Maesil Bom and Hyang Hwangmaesil Chamdeulae Bio Food Mt. Jiri Maesil Cheong

Gwangyang Cheong Maesil Farm:

The Heart of Korea’s Plum Industry


In 1994, Gwangyang Cheong Maesil Farm launched the first plum concentrate product in Korea. This concentrate was made by selecting green unripe plums (cheongmae) grown using 100% organic farming methods and heating the plum juice for 72 hours. This product is sugar-free, additive-free and made only from plums. The company produces 30 kinds of products including this concentrate, plum juice, plum jangajji (pickled plum), plum gochujang (red chili paste) and doenjang (soybean paste). Cheongmae concentrate accounts for 10%, cheongmaewon (liquid extract) for 60%, plum jangajji for 20%, and plum gochujang and doenjang for 5% each. "Cheongmaewon liquid extract consists of 70% plum, 3% plum concentrate, 25% oligosaccharide and 2% (sugar) dextrose. Minimal sugar is used to extract the ingredients in the plum.

Gwangyang Cheong Maesil Farm, which received the Agricultural Product Power Brand Award in October 2007, cultivates 60,000 square meters (6 hectares) of land and produces an average of 50-60 tons of plums per year. In 2021, the farm produced 52 tons of plums and bought 397 tons from neighboring plum farms. In 2022, they produced 55 tons of plums and bought 354 tons. The farm had sales of 5.14 billion won in

1994年、光陽青梅農園は韓国で初めて「梅濃縮液」を 発売した。100%環境にやさしい農法により育てた純粋 な「青梅」を選別し、梅汁を作ってこれを72時間加熱す る。梅だけを用いて作った無砂糖、無添加製品である。

この濃縮液のほかに「梅原液」、「梅の漬物」、梅コチュ ジャンと梅テンジャンなど、約30種類の製品を生産して いる。青梅濃縮液が10%、青梅原液(液状)が60%、梅の 漬物が20%、梅コチュジャンと梅テンジャンがそれぞれ 5%を占めている。「青梅原液」の構成は梅70%、梅濃 縮液3%、オリゴ糖25%、白砂糖2%である。梅の成分を 抽出するための最小限の砂糖だけを使っている。

2007年10月に農食品パワーブランド賞を受賞した光陽青 梅農園は、6万平方メートル(6ha)に梅を栽培し、平均50 ~60トンの梅を生産している。2021年には52トンを自主 生産し、397トンを近くの梅農家から買い入れ。2022年に は55トンを生産し、354トンを買い入れた。2021年の売

り上げは51億4千万ウォンで、2022年には52億ウォンの 売り上げを記録した。2003年に48,588㎏、397,572ドル

で始まった輸出は、アメリカやオーストラリアなどにおい て、約500万ドル相当の輸出累積額を達成している。


2021 and 5.2 billion won in 2022. Its export business, which started in 2003 with 48,588 kg and $397,572, has reached a cumulative export value of around $5 million to countries such as the United States and Australia. Over the years, the 3,000 traditional jars used to age the plums at Gangyang Cheong Maesil Farm have gradually deteriorated over time, and now only about 1,500 remain. Despite the decline in the number of jars, the popularity of the Plum Village Festival has continued to grow. In March, when the plum blossoms are in full bloom, up to two million people flock to the small village in southern Korea. During the 10-day festival, when the plum blossoms are at their peak, over a million tourists gather to experience various plum-related cultural events. Gwangyang Cheong Maesil Farm is also the birthplace of this festival. Traditional clay jars are so effective at naturally fermenting food that they are often referred to as 'breathable' containers. These jars have been used for thousands of years to make Korean kimchi, doenjang (soybean paste), gochujang (red chili paste) and other local foods. Gwangyang Cheong Maesil Farm still uses these traditional jars to ferment some of its gochujang, doenjang and plum extract. Each jar holds about 200kg of plums, and about 30 tons of plums are produced each year by ripening them in these jars. This is about 10% of the total annual production, 300 tons of processed plums. The remaining 80-90% is ripened in modern tanks. The finished product is made by mixing plums ripened in jars for six months with those ripened in tanks for 1-2 years.

Gwangyang Cheong Maesil Farm

Gwangyang Cheongmaesil Farm, located in Gwangyang City, South Korea, is a leading manufacturer specializing in various processed plum products.

光陽青梅農園は、韓国の梅産業の中心地である光陽市に位 置する企業であり、さまざまな加工された梅製品の製造を専 門としています。

壺は、年月の経過とともに減り2,500個となったのち、現 在は約1,500個だけが残っている。しかし壺の数は減っ ているものの、梅村祭りに訪れる人々は増える一方であ る。梅の花が満開する3月には、毎年200万人にのぼる人 々で韓国南部の小さな村が混み合う。花が最もきれいな 10日間開かれる祭りの時期だけで100万人を超える観光 客が押し寄せ、様々な梅の文化を体験する。この祭りも 光陽青梅農園から始まったのである。

土で作った伝統の壺は、「呼吸する」器と呼ばれるくら い、天然食品の発酵に非常に適している。伝統の壺は韓 国のキムチやテンジャン、コチュジャンなどの伝統食品を 発酵させる器で、数千年間使われ続けている。光陽青梅 農園はコチュジャンやテンジャン、梅原液の一部を今も 伝統の壺を使って熟成させている。壺1個あたり200㎏ の梅を熟成し、毎年約30トンを生産する。1年に加工され る梅300トンのうち、約10%を占める。残りの80~90% は現代化されたタンクで熟成させる。壺の中で6か月熟 成したものと、タンクの中で1~2年熟成したものを混ぜ て完成品を作る。

CEO: Hong Ssang-ri

TEL: +82-61-772-4066


ADDRESS: 414, Dosa-ri, Daap-myeon, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea

12 13
Cover Story

Increasing Exports of Fresh and Processed Green Plums


In 2021, South Korea's total plum cultivation area was 6,256 hectares, producing a total of 30,191 tons.

Gwangyang City produced 8,423 tons on 1,358 hectares and Suncheon City produced 6,600 tons on 1,209 hectares. In 2021, Gwangyang City was the largest producer in the country with 22% of the nation's cultivation area and 28% of production. In 2020, the nation's total plum cultivation area was 8,487 hectares and total production was 40,122 tons.

Gwangyang produced 6,400 tons on 1,493 hectares and Suncheon 5,500 tons on 1,209 hectares. Hadong County produced 3,274 tons in 2020 and 3,021 tons in 2021.

Gwangyang City ranks first in Korea in terms of area, production volume, number of participating farms and income in all sectors of plum production.

Last year, Gwangyang City ranked first in the country for plum cultivation area, production volume, participating farms and income. 7,294 tons of plums were produced on 1,325 hectares of land by 3,577 farms that earned 164 billion won.

Green plum exports started with 300 kg, worth $1,000, of plums exported to Singapore in 2018, followed by 8 tons, worth $23,000, to Singapore in 2019, 2.5 tons, worth $11,000, to Taiwan and Singapore in 2020, 59.1 tons, worth $108,000, to Belgium and France in 2021, and 54.7 tons, worth $99,000, to Belgium and France in 2022. In these five years, 124,728.4 kilograms were exported for $241,932. Gwangyang City based Bitgreen Maesil Co.,

Ltd. exported 8 tons of plum by-products to France for $10,000 in 2019; in 2020, Hyeopsung Agriculture exported 1.8 tons of plums and by-products to Hong Kong and France for $25,000; and in 2021, 7 tons of processed plums were exported to France for $12,000.

Gwangyang Cheong Maesil Farm has launched more than 30 types of processed products, including plum beverages, plum doenjang, and gochujang. Its annual sales recently exceeded 5 billion won, and the farm has exported processed products since 2003. In 2015, it exported 36 tons worth $185,000 to the US and 6.4 tons worth $70,000 to the United States and Australia in 2017. By the end of last year, the farm reached a cumulative export value of $5 million.

Suncheon City's POCOTERRA exported plum jelly, plum king seed Korea pancake, and pure plum extract to the US, China, Japan, Thailand, and Australia from 2019 to 2022, amounting to $230,000. In Hadong County, exports amounted to $150,000 over the three-year period from 2020 to 2022. SLOWFOOD Co., Ltd. exported products worth $70,000 in 2020, $14,000 in 2021, and $50,000 in 2022. Individual farms also exported about 2-3 tons, worth $50,000, to US supermarkets annually.

2021年韓国の梅栽培面積は6,256ha、生産量は30,191 トンである。このうち光陽市は1,358haで8,423トン、順

天市は1,209haで6,600トンを生産した。2021年時点で 光陽市は栽培面積においては全国の22%、生産量にお いては28%を占めるなど、全国最大規模となっている。

2020年は、全国における栽培面積は8,487ha、生産量 は40,122トンであった。光陽市は1,493haで6,400トン、 順天市は1,209haで5,500トンを生産。河東郡は2020 年3,274トン、2021年3,021トンを生産した。光陽市が梅

の栽培面積や生産量、参加農家数、所得まですべての 部門において韓国国内トップとなる。昨年は3,577農家 の1,325haに至る栽培面積で7,294トンの梅を生産し、 164億ウォンの所得を達成した。

梅の輸出を見てみると、生鮮梅の場合、最初の輸出は 2018年で、シンガポールに300㎏、1千ドルを輸出した。

2019年には同じくシンガポールに8トン、2万3千ドルを 輸出。2020年には台湾とシンガポールに2.5トン、1万1

千ドル、2021年には59.1トン、10万8千ドルをベルギー とフランスに、さらに2022年には54.7トン、9万 9千ドルをベルギーとフランスに輸出した。

ここ5年間で124,728.4㎏、241,932ドル を輸出したことになる。光陽市では、

2019年(農)ビッグリン梅株式会社 がフランスに梅の副産物を8ト ン、1万ドル、2020年にはヒョプ ソン農産(営)が梅と副産物を 香港とフランスに1.8トン、2万 5千ドル、2021年には梅の加 工品をフランスに7トン、1万2 千ドル輸出した。

梅で作られた飲料や梅テンジャン、梅コチュジャンなど 約30種類の加工製品を発売し、最近年間売上額が50 億ウォンを上回った光陽青梅農園は、2003年から加工 品の輸出に取り組んだ。2015年に36トン、約18万5千ド ル規模をアメリカに、2017年にはアメリカとオーストラ リアに6.4トン、約7万ドルを輸出した。昨年末までで累 積輸出額約500万ドルを達成している。順天市の「スン チョンエンメシル」が2019年から2022年まで「梅ゼリ ー」、「梅王種ホットク」、「純梅シロップ」などをアメリ カや中国、日本、タイ、オーストラリアに輸出し、累積金 額約23万ドルを達成した。河東郡からは、2020~2022 年まで3年間、約15万ドル規模を輸出した。スローフー ド(株)農業会社法人が2020年7万ドル、2021年1万4千 ドル、2022年5万ドル規模を輸出した。個人農家などに おいても、年2~3トン、5万ドル程度をアメリカのスーパ ーに輸出している。

Cover Story

Wolhang Nonghyup Cooperative

Leads Seongju Chamoe Production and Export

Chamoe (Korean melon) is a thermophilic crop that thrives at 25-30 degrees Celsius. In English, chamoe is also called oriental melon. It is an annual plant belonging to the gourd family, and is believed to have originated in Africa, India, and China. From its origin, the fruit spread across Asia to become chamoe and melon in Europe. It is known that chamoe was introduced from the Chinese region of Hwabuk during the Three Kingdoms period or earlier, and chamoe cultivation became common during the Unified Silla period in Korea.

Seongju County, which has been cultivating chamoe since the 1940s, is the leading chamoe producer in Korea. Located at the meeting point of Mt. Gayasan, standing at 1,433 meters above the sea level, and the Nakdong River, one of the four major rivers in South Korea, the area boasts fertile soil and excellent drainage, making it ideal for growing chamoe. Seongju chamoe boasts the highest quality in terms of shape, color, and many other qualities. It is rich in vitamin C, 10-200mg, and has 89.8% water content and 7.3 g carbohydrate content. It has 32 calories and contains 14mg of calcium and 12mg of phosphorus. The sweetness level is 15-17 Brix.

Regarding chamoe cultivation in Seongju County, in 2019, 3,896 farms produced 188,384 tons of chamoe on 3,457.7 hectares, generating 505 billion won in revenue.

月恒面农协合作社引领星州郡韩 国甜瓜的生产和出口

韩国甜瓜是一种嗜热性作物,适合在25-30℃的环境 中生长。在英语中,韩国甜瓜(chamoe)又叫东方香瓜 (oriental melon),是一种葫芦科一年生植物,据说起 源于非洲、印度和中国。这种水果从原产地传遍东方,最 初叫韩国甜瓜,传到欧洲后称香瓜(melon)。据了解,韩 国至少在三国时期就从中国华北地区引进甜瓜,新罗统 一时期开始广泛种植。星州郡自20世纪40年代以来一直 种植韩国甜瓜,是韩国具有代表性的甜瓜产区。该地区位 于海拔1443米的加耶山和韩国四大河流之一洛东江的 交汇点,土壤肥沃、排水通畅,是种植韩国甜瓜的理想之 地。星州郡的韩国甜瓜在形状、颜色等方面品质最佳,富 含维生素C(10-200毫克),含水量89.8%,碳水化合物含 量7.3克。此外,还含有32卡路里、14毫克钙和12毫克磷, 甜度为15-17 Brix。

2019年,星州郡有3,896座种植园种植韩国甜瓜,种植 面积3,457.7公顷,产量188,384吨,产值5,050亿韩元。 2020年,有3,848座种植园种植韩国甜瓜,种植面积 3,433.2公顷,产量186,501吨,产值5,019亿韩元。星州 郡的韩国甜瓜还远销日本、香港、台湾、马来西亚和新加

Chamoe (Korean melon) Melon


Korean chamoe is known for its sweet and refreshing taste, with a slightly tangy flavor. It has a unique aroma and juicy flesh that is highly prized by many Koreans.

Size and Origin

Korean chamoe is typically smaller in size compared to most melons. It is also predominantly grown in Korea, with some varieties cultivated in neighboring countries such as Japan and China.

Melon has a milder, sweeter taste with a more subtle flavor profile. The flesh of melons is also less juicy compared to chamoe.

Melon is come in a variety of sizes, with some species like watermelon growing to enormous proportions. Melons are grown in many countries around the world, including the United States, Japan, Spain, and Brazil. How

Both chamoe and melon are typically eaten fresh and raw, with the seeds removed before consumption. The specific method of cutting and serving can vary depending on personal preference and the type of fruit.

16 17
to Eat

In 2020, 3,848 farms produced 186,501 tons of chamoe on 3,433.2 hectares, generating 501.9 billion won in revenue. The export volume is also not small. Two hundred and sixty-three tons worth 870 million won in 2017, 215 tonnes worth 700 million won in 2018, 436 tons worth 1.4 billion won in 2019 and 415 tons worth 1.39 billion won in 2020 were exported to Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. More than 70% of chamoe are sold from late March to late June. This period accounts for about 90% of the total sales revenue. The main selling season is from the Lunar New Year in February to the Chuseok holiday in September. Rarely, chamoe is sold in the middle of winter, in December. As greenhouse cultivation has become more common, it is possible to find chamoe, a typical summer fruit, all year round now.

The Agricultural Products Distribution Center (APC) of National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (Nonghyup) in Wolhang-myeon, Seongju County, has been leading the distribution and export of the largest amount of chamoe in the region. This year's sales performance from January to March is similar to last year's, with 1,389 tons worth 10 billion won. In 2022, the center shipped 6,497 tons and earned 31.5 billion won. In 2021, it shipped 7,292 tons and earned 33.2 billion won. In 2020, it shipped 7,199 tons and earned 27.9 billion won, and in 2019, it shipped 7,664 tons and earned 29.2 billion won. Of the 300 chamoe farms in Wolhang-myeon, 130 member farms contributed to this amount. There are 10 agricultural cooperatives in Seongju County. Of the 300 chamoe farms in Wolhangmyeon, 130 farms participated in the APC. Of Wolhang Nonghyup's total business income of 48.47 billion won, 31.5 billion won came from the distribution and sale of chamoe.

Wolhang Nonghyup exported 248 tons of chamoe worth 1.33 billion won to Japan, Hong Kong, Russia and Mongolia in 2021 and 240 tons in 2022 (1 USD = 1,300 KRW). In 2020, 265 tons worth 1.1 billion won were exported to Singapore and other countries. Wolhang Nonghyup is the No. 1 agricultural cooperative in the area, accounting for most of Seongju County's chamoe exports. Vladivostok in Russia, Mongolia and Japan are the main destinations for chamoe exports. Chamoe is transported to

Mongolia and Japan by ship, while Hong Kong can also be reached by ship, but air transport is more common. The first export deal with Singapore was concluded in 2013, under which chamoe worth 260 million won were delivered by air. Chamoe is best stored in the fridge or at temperatures around 4-6°C. If there is a temperature difference of more than 10°C from the production environment, condensation may occur, leading to a deterioration in quality. Once harvested and graded, the shelf life depends on the storage method. It is possible to transport Chamoe in refrigerated containers from the point of sale to Singapore within approximately 10 days.

坡等国家和地区,出口量相当可观。2017年,星州郡出口 韩国甜瓜263吨,出口额8.7亿韩元;2018年,出口量215

吨,出口额7亿韩元;2019年,出口量436吨,出口额14亿 韩元;2020年,出口量415吨,出口额13.9亿韩元。超过

70%的韩国甜瓜在3月下旬至6月下旬出售,约占销售收 入的90%。主要销售季为农历2月到9月的韩国中秋节假 期,寒冬腊月很少安排销售。然而,随着温室技术的普及, 种植户现在可以全年销售韩国甜瓜。

星州郡月恒面(全国农业合作社联合会)的农产品分销 中心(APC)一直是该地区最大的韩国甜瓜分销和出口中 心。今年1月到3月的销售业绩与去年相当,销售量1,389 吨,销售额约100亿韩元。2022年,该中心出货量6,497 吨,销售额315亿韩元;2021年,出货量7292吨,销售额 332亿韩元;2020年,销售量7,199吨,销售额279亿韩元; 2019年,销售量7664吨,销售额292亿韩元。星州郡有10

个农业合作社,仅月恒面就有300座韩国甜瓜种植园,其 中有130座种植园是APC成员。月恒面农协的总营业收入


月恒面农协向日本、香港、俄罗斯和蒙古等国出口韩国 甜瓜,2021年出口248吨,出口额13.3亿韩元;2022年出 口240吨,出口额13亿韩元(汇率按1美元兑换1,300韩元 计算)。2020年,农协向新加坡和其他国家和地区出口韩 国甜瓜265吨,出口额11亿韩元。月恒面农协是该地区排 名第一的农业合作社,占星州郡韩国甜瓜出口市场的大

部分份额,产品主要出口俄罗斯的海参崴、蒙古和日本。 韩国甜瓜通过海运方式运往蒙古和日本,也可以通过海 运抵达香港,但航空运输更为常用。2013年前后,农协首 次通过空运方式向新加坡出口韩国甜瓜,出口额2.6亿韩 元。韩国甜瓜最好储存在冷库或4-6℃的温度下。如果与 生产环境的温差超过10℃,则会发生冷凝,导致质量下 降。在收获并分拣后,保质期取决于储存方法。如果采用冷 藏集装箱运输,从销售地运往新加坡大约需要10天时间。

Wolhang Nonghyup Cooperative

CEO: Yoo Sang-cheon

TEL: +82-54-932-9191,2


ADDRESS: 392, Jusan-ro, Wolhang-myeon, Seongju-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea

Wolhang Nonghyup Cooperative has been leading the distribution and export of the largest amount of chamoe in the region.


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Bebefood Korea,

a Company Specializing in Naturally Fermented Baby Food

Bebefood Korea Co. Ltd. is a company specializing in infant and toddler nutrition. It was established in 2009 as Hanyang F&D and changed to its current name in 2018. Bebefood Korea is a company that exports naturally fermented foods using Korean ingredients. The company exported to China for the first time in 2014, and the following year entered 300 stores specializing in baby food in China. In 2016, it exported to Taiwan, Thailand, the United States, Hong Kong and Macau. In 2017, the company expanded its exports to Malaysia, and in 2018 to Mongolia and Indonesia. That year, the company reached the ambitious level of $1 million in exports. Exports were also be made to Cambodia in 2020 and Singapore and Vietnam in 2021. Bebefood is currently preparing to export to Canada and Australia. Bebefood Korea achieved an export value of $1.2 million in 2018, $1.1 million in 2019 and 2020, $800,000 in 2021 and

$600,000 in 2022. The company received ISO 22000 certification (food safety management system) in 2016 and ISO9001 certification (quality management system) in 2017. The company also received KMF HALAL certification in 2021.

Bebefood Korea's main products are Korean fermented products, including ganjang (soy sauce) and doenjang (soybean paste), which have a unique nutritional value and taste, and a total of 34 types of processed foods for infants. Under the slogan "Easy for moms, healthy for kids", all products are

自然発酵の幼児向け食品専門企業 (株)べべフードコリア


2009年(株)ハンヤンエフアンドディーを設立後、2018 年今の社名に変わった。(株)べべフードコリアは韓国

産材料を使った自然発酵食品などを輸出する企業とし て2014年初めて中国に輸出を開始し、翌年中国の乳 幼児専門店300店舗に納品した。2016年には台湾、タ イ、アメリカ、香港、マカオにも輸出をした。2017年には マレーシア、2018年にはモンゴルとインドネシアへ進出 し、同年100万ドル輸出の塔を受賞した。2020年には カンボジア、2021年にはシンガポールとベトナムに輸出 をし、現在はカナダとオーストラリアへの輸出を準備し ている。2018年120万ドル(USD)、2019年と2020年に 110万ドル、2021年80万ドル、2022年60万ドル規模の 輸出を達成した。2016年ISO22000(食品安全マネジメ ントシステム)認証、2017年ISO9001(品質マネジメント システム)認証を取得し、2021年にはKMFのハラール認 証も取得した。

(株)べべフードコリアの主な製品は、韓国の発酵食品 で、固有の味と栄養を兼ね備えた醤油やテンジャンな ど幼児向けの加工食品を34種生産している。「母親に は簡単で、子供には健康な食卓」というスローガンのも と、すべての製品に95%以上韓国産の原材料を使って いる。100%韓国産原材料を目指しているが、有機農 砂糖のような材料はやむを得ず輸入したものを使って いる。また子供が食べる食品なので、遺伝子組み換え (GMO)原料、合成添加物などは使わないことにしてい る。乳幼児向けのレシピを使って、子供が食べやすいサ イズと食感を工夫して開発した。「ベベフードマイルド のりゼロ」、「ベベフードパパが作った醤油」、乳幼児向 け菓子の「有機農米菓子トックポン」、砂糖の代わりに

Processed Food

Processed Food

made with more than 95% domestic ingredients. The company aims to use 100% domestic ingredients, but some ingredients, such as organic sugar, are inevitably be imported. Because the foods are for infants, the company does not use genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or synthetic additives. They have been developed in sizes and textures suitable for babies, with recipes tailored for them. The products have been developed with customized recipes for babies to ensure that the sizes and textures are suitable for them. Products include Bebefood Zero Seasoning Laver, Bebefood Soy Sauce, Bebefood Rice Rusk and Bebefood Elderberry Juice, which contains healthy sweet flavors from Korean apple concentrate instead of sugar. Bebefood Korea has also developed Easy Baby Meals. They have launched low-salt soy sauce made from 100% Korean beans and baby salt made by blending Korean vegetables with finely ground Korean sea salt.

As babies reach the end of weaning, they also crave strong tastes, so they need ingredients with enhanced taste. That's why Bebefood's main export product category is seasonings. These include ganjang, doenjang and sesame oil. These products are made with healthier ingredients and contain less sodium than their adult counterparts. This allows children to get used to healthy flavors from an early age. The sodium content of all products is minimized and the natural sweetness of the ingredients is

too salty nor too sweet. The company has pursued simple recipes, focusing on making healthy food with a minimum of unnecessary ingredients rather than adding more. The company has also set up an R&D department to develop its own recipes, and all employees are involved in evaluating new products.

Bebefood products are available at major department stores and shopping malls in Korea, including Hyundai, Lotte, Shinsegae Department Store, E-Mart, the Ministry of National Defense Welfare Agency, and Incheon Airport Duty Free. Bebefood soy sauce was once imported into Thailand by a Thai tourist who visited Hong Kong and found the Bebefood soy sauce from a major department store by chance. This importation lasted for the past five years. Bebefood is available at local department stores, major online shopping malls and franchise stores specializing in baby food. Each country has different preferences; seaweed is popular in China, soy sauce in Taiwan and beverages in Malaysia. In response, Bebefood is constantly researching to improve the quality of existing export products to meet local needs and tastes, develop new products and diversify export countries. Most importantly, they strive to produce products with natural ingredients. While there are global players focusing on baby products such as Heinz and Gerber, in Korea Bebefood Korea is growing as a global company offering Korean-style baby and infant products.

韓国産リンゴ濃縮液で健康な甘さを実現した飲料「べ べフード飲むエルダーベリー」などがある。「ベベフー ド簡単離乳食」もある。そして100%韓国産大豆で作っ た韓国醤油ベースの低塩醤油や国産天日塩を細かく粉


離乳食完了期の子供たちもある程度濃い味を好むの で、うま味を出す食材が必要である。(株)ベベフードコ リアが輸出している目玉商品に醤油、テンジャン、ごま 油のような調味料が多いのもそうした理由からである。

大人向け商品より健康な材料、低塩成分で作られてい るので、幼い頃から健康な味に慣れる一石二鳥の効果 がある。塩味や甘味の少ない安全な食品を生産するた め、すべての製品でナトリウム含量を最小限にし、原材 料固有の甘さを最大化する。簡単な調理方法(Simple Recipe)を追求してきたベベフードは、何かを追加する よりも、不要な成分を最小限にした体にやさしい食品の 製造に注力している。レシピを独自開発するための研究 開発部署も立ち上げた。また新製品を開発する際には 全社員が評価に参加している。

これらの製品は韓国の現代百貨店、ロッテ百貨店、新 世界百貨店、イーマート、国軍福祉団、仁川空港免税店 など、国内の主な百貨店やショッピングモールなどに卸 している。香港を訪れたタイの観光客が偶然香港の百 貨店で(株)ベベフードの「醤油」を購入したのをきっか

けに、タイにベベフード製品を輸入し、それ以来5年間 輸入を続けている。このようにベベフードは現地の百貨 店、オンラインモール、乳幼児用品チェーン店などで販 売されている。国によって好みも分かれるが、中国では のりが人気で、台湾では醤油、マレーシアでは飲料など が人気を博している。これに合わせて既存の輸出品目 の品質を現地のニーズや好みにあわせて改良し、新製 品を開発して輸出先を多角化するために、何より自然な 原材料そのままを製品化するために研究を繰り返してき た。世界的にハインツ、ガーバーのような乳幼児向けの グローバル企業があるように、韓国には韓国式の乳幼 児製品でグローバル企業に成長している(株)ベベフード コリアがある。


Bebefood Korea Co., Ltd. specializes in nutritious food for infants and young children, using locally sourced Korean ingredients.

(株)べべフードコリアは、韓国国産原料を使用し、栄養と味を兼ね 備えた乳幼児食品の専門会社です。

CEO: Yang Chang-sik

TEL: +82-70-4910-6924


ADDRESS: 25, Sagimakgol-ro 105beon-gil, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Korean Pears Cooperative Union Takes on Direct Export Challenge

韩国梨合作社联合会迎 接直接出口挑战

Pears grown by the Korean Pears Cooperative Union are harvested at exactly the right time, without using growing aids. No herbicides are used either. The principles remain the same even when typhoons hit the farms and the season comes early. The method they use to grow healthy pears is the same as that required to become Halal certified. The Korean Pears Cooperative Union's pears were halal certified in 2017. They only supply pears with a Brix level of 13 or higher, and the pears undergo a rigorous selection process in line with ISO 22000 quality management standards. This process ensures that only the highest quality pears with high sugar content are selected for premium export. The unit price of these pears is maintained at 150% of the domestic price. The cooperative aims to provide the highest quality for the consumer and the highest selling price for the producer. They export their high quality, sweet pears to countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Switzerland, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Kuwait, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore and India, with direct trade to Hong Kong, Australia and Canada.

This year's production target is 400 tons on 2.9 hectares from 24 farms. Last year, the 24 farms produced 400 tons on 2.9 hectares. In 2021 and 2020 they produced 350 tons on 2.9 hectares. This year they are expected to export 400 tons, worth about $1.5 million. Last year they exported 347 tons, worth $1.26 million, 290 tonnes worth $1.12 million in 2021, and 292 tons worth $910,000 in 2020. In the past, up to 20-40% of pears were rejected during the selection process and a significant amount of pears that had been carefully grown throughout the year were buried in the pear fields, known as "pear graves". The pears rejected during the sorting process were then processed into pear extract, pear syrup, and preserved pear and bellflower root. By doing so, the cooperative farmers were able to sell all the pears they produced. In October this year,

韩国梨合作社联合会遵循作物生长规律,待梨自然成熟 后方进行收获,不使用任何生长促进剂和除草剂。即使 台风来袭,收获季节提前,他们也依然遵循同样的原则。 通过这种方式生产的梨绿色健康,满足清真认证要求, 2017年获得清真认证。联合会严选糖度不低于13的梨, 根据ISO 22000质量管理标准实施严格管理,确保只有 含糖量高的优质梨才用于出口。出口梨的单价是韩国国 内价格的150%。合作社联合会的目标是为消费者提供 最优质的产品,帮助生产者获得最高的销售价格。产品 现已出口至阿拉伯联合酋长国、澳大利亚、文莱、加拿 大、瑞士、危地马拉、香港、印度尼西亚、科威特、蒙古、荷 兰、泰国、越南、新加坡、印度等国家,并与香港、澳大利 亚和加拿大开展直接贸易。

今年,24座梨园的种植面积为2.9公顷,产量预计达400 吨;去年,24座梨园的种植面积为2.9公顷,产量为400 吨;2021年和2020年,梨园种植面积2.9公顷,产量均为 350吨。今年出口预计达400吨,产值约150万美元;去年 出口347吨,产值126万美元;2021年出口290吨,产值 112万美元;2020年出口292吨,产值91万美元。过去,

New Item

they plan to export pear products worth around $100,000 to the United States, Canada and Australia, as well as to the Middle East.

In 2012, six neighboring pear farmers in Munsanmyeon, Jinju City, South Gyeongsang Province, joined forces. They invested 2 billion won in cash to establish what is now the Korean Pears Cooperative Union. A sorting center and a cold storage warehouse were built. They opted for direct export to save on export fees, and the head of the cooperative union did not receive a salary. All members work on a voluntary basis, contributing to the cooperative and receiving an income based on their harvests. The head of the cooperative travelled to exhibitions in Hong Kong and Singapore at the end of April, and went straight back to his field on May 1 to check his orchard. There are 24 pear growers in the union. At first they started exporting on their own, without any facilities or equipment, in front of a small container box. There was no paper to label the boxes, so they wrote and attached the labels themselves. Through their sweat and hard work, they were able to overcome the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. They believed that the only way to survive in the export market was through the quality of their products, and so far they have succeeded.

The union's principle is direct export, and they also work with domestic trade specialists. They work with companies that specialize in domestic trade. They mostly rely on direct contact with buyers to conclude contracts, and they participate in overseas exhibitions to promote their products. The union participated in the first exhibition of the year at the 2023 GULFOOD, exhibiting at the aT booth. At the Q1Q2 BKF Export Consultation Meeting held at the aT Center in Yangjae-dong, Seoul, they signed an MOU worth $700,000 with a company from Singapore and $900,000 with three companies from Dubai. ESMA HALAL and KMF HALAL certification made these results possible. The cooperative's pears are supplied annually to the Korean Day event at the UAE Embassy, and they also export directly to Korean supermarkets in Dubai. The cooperative recently participated in exhibitions in Hong Kong and Singapore at the end of April. In the second half of the year, the union will take part in a sales roadshow in Germany. There is also a lot of interest in its products from various countries such as South Africa and the Dominican Republic. Next destinations are the Middle East and Europe.

多达20-40%的梨会在分拣过程中被筛出,辛苦一整年 所产的梨有很大一部分会被埋入梨园,形成“梨坟”。筛

出来的梨会被加工成梨提取物、梨糖浆和桔梗水梨汁, 这使得合作社的梨农能够将所产的梨悉数售出。今年10

月,合作社联合会计划首次向美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和 中东出口价值约10万美元的梨。

2012年,庆尚南道晋州市文山面相互毗邻的6座梨园共 同出资20亿韩元,成立了今天的韩国梨合作社联合会, 并建成了一座分拣中心和冷藏仓库。联合会主要从事直 接出口,以节省出口费用。联合会负责人不领取工资,所 有成员也都是自愿参与,共同致力于合作社的发展,并根 据各自的收成获得收入。联合会负责人曾在4月底前往 香港和新加坡参加展会,5月1日就来到他的梨园开展防 治工作。联合会由24位梨农组成。起初,他们自己负责出 口,除了一个小型集装箱之外,没有任何设施设备。他们 没有标签,就自己动手制作,并亲手贴在箱子上。通过辛


的挑战。他们认为,要在出口市场上生存,就必须提供高 质量的产品,他们到目前为止做得很成功。

联合会奉行直接出口原则,同时又与韩国专业贸易公司 合作。他们主要通过直接联系买家获取订单,并通过参 加海外展会推广产品。联合会参加了2023年迪拜海湾食 品展(GULFOOD)的首场展会,产品在韩国农水产食品 流通公社(aT)的展台展出。在首尔良才洞aT中心举行的 Q1-Q2 BKF出口咨询会上,他们与新加坡一家公司签署 了价值70万美元的谅解备忘录,并与迪拜的三家公司签 署了价值90万美元的谅解备忘录。联合会之所以能取得 如此骄人的业绩,得益于其产品获得的ESMA HALAL和 KMF HALAL清真认证。此外,产品每年还供应阿联酋大 使馆的“韩国日”活动,并直接出口到迪拜的韩国超市。 联合会最近参加了4月底在香港和新加坡举行的展会。

下半年,联合会还将参加在德国举行的销售路演。南非和 多米尼加共和国等国家也对他们的产品表现出浓厚的兴 趣。他们的下一站是中东和欧洲。

Korean Pears Cooperative Union

The Korean Pears Coorperative Union is established by pear farmers in Jinju City, South Gyeongsang, Korea and exports top-quality pears without using growth promoters.

韩国梨农合作社联盟由韩国庆尚南道晋州市的梨农成立, 出口优质梨,不使用生长促进剂。

CEO: Kim Gun-soo

TEL: +82-55-761-9921


ADDRESS: 218, Dusan-gil, Munsan-eup, Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea

26 27 New Item


Korea's No. 1 Coffee Franchisee

Expands Overseas, Ediya Coffee

In 2021, sales of coffee products in South Korea totaled 3.168 trillion won. Roasted coffee topped the list with a market share of 35.3% at 1.987 trillion won, liquid coffee was second with 34.9% at 1.883 trillion won, filtered coffee was third with 22.8% at 796 billion won, and instant coffee was fourth with 7.1% at 221 billion won. Since 2018, liquid coffee held the top spot for three years with a market share of 38%, but it lost ground to roasted coffee in 2021. Roasted coffee accounted for 21.2% in 2018. It remained in third place until 2020, when its market share increased to 26.2% in 2019 and 26.9% in 2020, reaching the top spot in 2021. This is due to the increasing sophistication of consumers' tastes and the rise of home cafes due to the COVID pandemic. The proportion of people enjoying coffee at home with a coffee machine jumped from 35% in 2014 to 57.7% in 2022, while coffee premix products, which accounted for 73.7%, fell to 49.7% and instant coffee fell from 43.6% to 29.8%.

South Korea exported around 164 tons of non-

decaffeinated green coffee beans worth $939,000 from January to March 2023. It exported 201 tons worth $1.4 million in 2022 and 283 tons worth $1.25 million in 2021. Around 2 tons of decaffeinated green coffee beans, worth, $26,000 were exported in 2022, 0.2 ton worth $2,000 in 2021, and 0.7 ton worth $8,000 in 2020. From Janauary to March 2023, around 132 tons of decaffeinated coffee beans, worth $1.1 million, were exported, compared to 679 tons worth $4.2 million in 2022 and 609 tons worth $3.45 million in 2021. Needless to say, much more is imported. In 2022 alone, South Korea imported more than 200,000 tons of green and roasted coffee beans worth $1.3 billion. Around 47,000 tons, or 23%, came from Brazil, followed by 32,000 tons from Vietnam, Colombia, Ethiopia and the United States. Of the 168,000 tons worth $640 million in 2018, 152,000 tons were green beans, and 16,000 tons were roasted beans, up from 180,000 tons of green beans and 20,000 tons of roasted beans last year. Of the total exports, 2,000

韓国国内トップのコーヒーチェーン 店で、海外展開を拡大している


2021年韓国でのコーヒー類の売り上げは3兆1,168億ウ ォン。レギュラーコーヒーが約1兆987億ウォンで35.3% と1位、液状コーヒーが1兆883億ウォンで34.9%と2位、 調製コーヒーは7,096億ウォンで22.8%と3位、インスタ ントコーヒーは2,201億ウォンで7.1%と4位である。2018 年以降液状コーヒーは3年間38%台を維持しトップの座 を守っていたが、2021年レギュラーコーヒーにその座を 譲った。レギュラーコーヒーは2018年には21.2%で2020 年までは3位だったが、2019年26.2%、2020年26.9% と増加し続け、2021年にトップとなった。消費者の好み が高級化されたこと、コロナ禍でおうちカフェが流行し たことによる結果である。コーヒー用品を揃えて家でコ ーヒーを楽しむ割合が、2014年の35%から2022年には 57.7%と急増した。一方、73.7%を占めていたミックスコ ーヒー(調製コーヒー)は49.7%に、インスタントコーヒー は43.6%から29.8%に減少した。

韓国はカフェインを除去していない生豆を、2023年3月 時点で約164トン、93万9千ドル輸出した。輸出量と金額 は2022年が201トン140万ドル、2021年が283トン125万 ドルであった。カフェインを除去した生豆は2022年に2 トン2万6千ドル、2021年に0.2トン2千ドル、2020年には 0.7トン8千ドルを輸出。カフェインを除去していないコー ヒー豆の輸出量と金額は、2023年3月時点で約132トン 100万ドル、2022年は679トン420万ドル、2021年は609

28 29
KAF Trends Trend & Products

tons of green beans and 1,000 tons of roasted beans were decaffeinated beans in 2018, and 6,000 tons of green beans and 1,000 tons of roasted beans were decaffeinated beans in 2021.

Increased consumption of coffee at home and the trend toward habitual coffee consumption (56.1% in 2023) and health-conscious consumers have sparked interest in decaffeinated coffee. Imports of decaffeinated beans increased from 3,712 tons in 2020 to 4,737 tons in 2021. The number of cafes serving decaffeinated coffee is also growing. Ediya Coffee, which was the second in Korea to launch decaffeinated coffee in March 2020, is leading the way with 2,828 stores in Korea as of May 2022, followed by Starbucks Coffee, which launched the first decaffeinated coffee in Korea in August 2017, with 1,633 stores. In April 2020, Ediya Coffee, the largest coffee franchise in Korea, opened its roasting plant, the Ediya Dream Factory, with a capacity of up to 6,000 tons of beans per year. In addition to beans, the Dream Factory also produces coffee sticks, coffee premix products, and powdered products. As of April 2023, the company operates more than 3,800 franchise stores. In addition to launching new products such as coffee premix products and coffee capsules, the company is also increasing the number of distribution channels through hypermarket and convenience store campaigns.

Ediya Coffee is capitalizing on this trend and expanding its overseas business. In August 2020, the company launched two new flavors of Ediya Coffee Mix, which generated sales of 3.3 billion won in eight months. In April 2021, the company also exported its products to Mongolia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the United States. Ediya Coffee even opened a brand store on the global store of Tmall, an online shopping mall operated by China's Alibaba Group. Currently, Ediya exports various products to a total of 19 countries, including Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. Last year, they expanded their "Coffee Mix" product line to local grocery stores in Mongolia, selling it not only in retail stores but also in supermarkets They also plan to open the first Ediya Coffee store in Guam, a U.S. territory, this year, and expand their range of products by opening more stores in Southeast Asia and North America.

トン345万ドルである。輸入量は当然ながらこれより規 模が大きい。2022年1年間で約20万トン、13億ドルの生 豆と焙煎豆を輸入した。ブラジルからの輸入は4万7千ト

ンで全輸入量の約23%を占め、次いでベトナムから3万 2千トンを輸入し、以下コロンビア、エチオピア、アメリカ の順となっている。2018年に輸入した16万8千トン、6億 4千万ドルのうち、生豆は15万2千トン、焙煎豆は1万6千 トンであったが、昨年は生豆約18万トン、焙煎豆約2万ト ンに増加した。またカフェインレスは、2018年には生豆 2千トン、焙煎豆1千トンであったが、2021年には生豆6千 トン、焙煎豆1千トンとなっている。

家庭内コーヒー消費量の増加と習慣的にコーヒーを飲 む人の割合(2023年56.1%)、そして健康を考慮する消費 者の増加は、カフェインレスへの関心が高まる要因とな った。カフェインレス豆の輸入量が2020年の3712トンか ら2021年には4737トンに急増したのである。カフェイン レスコーヒーを提供するカフェも増え続けている。2020

年3月に韓国で2番目にカフェインレスコーヒーを発売し た「イディヤコーヒー」が、2022年5月には韓国国内に 2,828店舗を展開して店舗数トップとなり、2017年8月に 韓国で初めてカフェインレスコーヒーを発売したスター バックスコーヒーは、1633店舗と2位になっている。韓


2020年4月、自家焙煎工場「イディヤドリームファクトリ ー」の稼働を始め、年間最大6千トンのコーヒー豆を生 産。ドリームファクトリーではコーヒー豆だけでなく、ス ティックコーヒー、インスタントコーヒー、パウダー製品 も同時に製造している。2023年4月現在、3,800店を運 営している。インスタントコーヒー、カプセルコーヒーな どの新商品を発売し、大手スーパー、コンビニなど販売 先も拡大しているところである。

(株)イディヤコーヒーはこの勢いに乗って海外事業も積 極的に拡大している。2020年8月に新発売した「イディ ヤコーヒーミックス」2種類は、8か月で約33億ウォンの 売り上げをあげた。モンゴル、台湾、香港など海外への 輸出にもつながり、2021年4月にはアメリカにも輸出。ま た中国のアリババグループが運営するオンラインモール 「Tmall」のグローバルストアにブランド館もオープンし

た。現在イディヤはオーストラリアやニュージーランドな どオセアニアを含めて19か国に様々なイディヤ商品を輸 出している。昨年は「コーヒーミックス2種」をモンゴル 現地の食料品店で発売し、ウランバートルの小売・卸売 店はもちろん、スーパーでも販売している。海外オフラ イン店舗であるグアム1号店の年内オープンも予定して いる。これを皮切りに東南アジアや北米にも店舗を開設 し、様々な製品の供給を拡大する予定である。

Ediya Coffee Products

30 31
Ediya Coffee Mix
& Products
Stick Coffee
KAF Trends Trend

虾皮购物是东南亚最大的在线平台,也是新加坡使用率 最高的移动电子商务平台,许多韩国产品纷纷入驻其 中,备受瞩目。虾皮购物平台上出售辛奇、方便面、饺子、 红参、零食、保健品等各种韩国食品。韩国方便面在虾 皮上很受欢迎,其中农心拉面和辛奇汤最受欢迎。在东 南亚,65至85克的迷你面条通常是首选,网上销售的韩 国方便面重量则在72至117克之间。农心的韩国辛奇汤 奶酪风味拉面加入了奶酪,以中和辛奇的辛辣味道,广 受不习惯吃辣的海外消费者喜爱。农心的香辣牛肉汤大 碗面也是韩国最畅销的产品,在网上收获了众多积极评 价。新加坡人偏爱易于烹制的方便食品,这推动了杯装 方便面销量增加,其网购份额也持续上升。


Everyone's Favorite Korean Supermarkets and Korean Food in the U.S.

rean food I bought at the Korean specialty store, and he often found Korean ingredients at H Mart without my help. Before I knew it, ramyeon, gim (laver) and other Korean foods were appearing in local American supermarkets.

In the early 2000's, I lived for a few years in a small American city where there were few Korean people. I mostly shopped at the STOP SHOP, CVS and Walmart within walking distance. As I got used to living there, I discovered H MART, which sells Korean food and ingredients. After that, it became a regular stop. It was cheaper than other American stores and I could always get food that suited my taste. They sold tteok (rice cake), bread, sweets, kimchi, gochujang (red chili paste), ssamjang (red chili and soybean paste), and more. Sometimes my Italian-American friend, who taught me English and learned Korean from me, would come along. By the time I returned to Korea, he was already familiar with many different types of Ko -

During my time in the US, I often traveled to Manhattan to eat at the 32nd Street Korean Restaurant Village. Closer to home, I often traveled to Fort Lee for Korean food. It has the largest Korean community in New Jersey. There was no substitute for the feeling of nostalgia for my hometown and the memories of my homeland that came back to me.

My son, who was in primary school at the time, would tell everyone around him that he had "been to Korea" whenever he visited Fort Lee. For my son, who left Korea when he turned seven, "Korea" would simply mean Korean shops where Korean is spoken and Korean restaurants where Korean food is served. Of course, I always relaxed in places where Koreans gathered, ate Korean food and spoke Korean. Even when I hung out with my American friends, we always went to a Korean restaurant.

The day after my arrival in the US, I went to the local Hannam (franchise) supermarket for Korean food. I bought Nongshim Shin Ramyun, Crown's Jolly Pong, Orion's Choco Pie, and Seaweed Rice Noodles, a ready-to-eat cup dish exported from Wando County's "Bada Gadeukhi". I filled my shopping cart with Sahmyook Food's Black Bean Calcium Soy Milk, CJ brand rice "Cheonha Ilmi", and freshly made tteok and dakgangjeong (fried and braised chicken). I could

find almost any Korean product in the market. In just ten days in the US, I ate yukgaejang (spicy beef soup), seolleongtang (ox bone soup), sogalbi (grilled beef ribs) and kimchi sundubujjigae (kimchi and soft bean curd stew) at nearby Korean restaurants, and none of them were bad, nor were the prices expensive. Every Korean restaurant I visited was packed with people of different ethnicities.

Compared to the early 2000s, the number of native-born Americans visiting Korean restaurants and markets has increased significantly in recent years. It's no exaggeration to say that there are no longer any Korean restaurants or "Korean markets" that are exclusively used by Koreans and Korean immigrants. Even shops that don't specialize in Korean food often sell ramyeon, gim (laver) and kimchi. In any city where Koreans congregate, there are always shops specializing in Korean food. Those seeking Korean products are no longer limited to Korean immigrants or Korean international students. While they may have first heard of these stores through Korean friends, consumers from all backgrounds are now seeking them out on their own. Territorial distances cannot overcome cultural distances. Food is a key language for sharing history and culture. In cities across the US, Korean food and ingredients are being localized beyond Korean culture.


Yuchae Flower (Rapeseed Flowers)

In Korea, rapeseed flowers are a common sight in fields and along roadsides, their bright yellow color creating a beautiful spectacle. As well as being a beautiful sight to behold, rapeseed flowers have practical uses in various fields. They are used as a natural dye for fabrics, producing a bright and vivid yellow color. In particular, the oil extracted from rapeseed has a lower saturated fat content than olive oil, making it a healthier choice. Its unique nutty flavor also adds a springlike fragrance to various Korean vegetable dishes that are always on the Korean table.


On the Table | Photo Essay |


Stir-fried Glass Noodles and Vegetables

Have you ever tried Japchae (stir-fried glass noodles and vegetables)? It's a popular Korean dish that's not only delicious but also healthy! Japchae is made by mixing glass noodles, vegetables and meat, and you can add your own twist with different ingredients. It's loved by people all over the world and the best part is that it's super easy to make. Why not try it for dinner tonight?

K-FOOD Recipe On the Table 39


Stir-fried Glass Noodles and Vegetables


Beef (rump, 200g)

Onions (100g)

Carrots (60g)

3 Dried Shiitake Mushrooms (15g or 45g soaked)

Glass Noodles (250g soaked)

Spinach (40g)

Cooking Oil

Meat Sauce

Soy Sauce 2 tbsp

Sugar 1 tbsp

Minced Green Onions 4 tsp

Minced Garlic 2 tsp

Sesame Seeds 2 tsp

Sesame Oil 1 tsp

Black Pepper

Soy Sauce 1 tbsp

Sugar ½ tbsp

Sesame Oil 1 tbsp

Other Products

Glass Noodles Seasoning Ottogi Ottogi Japchae

in a large bowl, mix them well, place them on a plate.

for 5 minutes, take them out, and drain. Add the cooking oil to the pan and stir-fry the boiled glass noodles and glass noodles seasoning for 5 minutes.

Tear the spinach leaves into bite-sized pieces, and marinate the beef with the beef marinade.

40 41 K-FOOD Recipe On the Table
sesame oil.
Add a little cooking oil to the pan, stir-fry the marinated beef so that it does not stick together, and quickly take it out. in order.
mushrooms before slicing them.
Enjoy your meal!

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TEL: 60-3-2706-4299

070-5223-4901, 070-4617-7238

FAX: 60-3-2706-4301

Singapore Branch Office

1 Wallich Street #14-01 Guoco Tower, Singapore 078881

TEL: 65-6403-4041

FAX: 65-6403-3801

Dubai Branch Office

57528 Office #48, Sunset Mall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Jumeira 3, Dubai, UAE


TEL: 971-4-339-2213

FAX: 971-4-456-1155

Pan America

New York Branch Office

15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA


TEL: 1-212-889-2561

FAX: 1-212-889-2560

Los Angeles Branch Office

12750 Center Court Drive South, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA


TEL: 1-562-809-8810

FAX: 1-562-809-1191

São Paulo Branch Office

Av Paulista 1636, 10andar, #1008 –

São Paulo CEP 01310-000


TEL: 55-11-91045-4577


Paris Branch Office

Korea Agro-Trade Center, 89 Rue du Gouverneur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, Issy-les-moulineaux, France


TEL: 33-1-4108-6076, 6078, 6096 070-4617-7225, 2424

FAX: 33-1-4108-2016

Moscow Branch Office

123610, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya 12, 6th floor, 608 office


TEL: 070-4617-3277

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