June 2023 (vol.332)

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Driving the Spread of Awareness and Advancing Industrial Base

June 2023 vol.332

I Love Jeong Food

Opens New Market for Potatoes Through Processing Innovation


an Eco-Friendly Food Upcycling Company

In this issue, we delve into vegan food, sustainability, and health. Key high lights include an egg-free mayonnaise company, fermented hangover drinks, and a brand that creates snacks using barley and rice byproducts. We also explore the cultural significance of food, take a glimpse into chamoe farms, and share the popular cup tteokbokki from a Thai online shopping mall. In our recipe corner, we feature a season al dish—braised potatoes made with fresh potatoes.


Braised Potatoes

Lee Hyun-koo's Fermentation Lab

Opens New Markets for Fermented Foods


A Specialty Crop From Yangbo-Myeon, Hadong County, South Gyeongsang Province

Food Itself Is a Representation of Culture


Driving the spread of awareness and advancing industrial base

The PlantEat,

A Company Specializing in Pure Plant-Based K-Vegan Food

K-Vegan Industry Statistics and Trends

CHAMOE Korean Melon
yopokki, A Popular Tteokbokki (Stir-Fried Rice Cake) Cup at Lazada Shopping Mall in Thailand


Cover Story

8 K-Vegan: Driving the Spread of Awareness and Advancing Industrial Base

12 The PlantEat, A Company Specializing in Pure Plant-Based K-Vegan Food

14 K-Vegan Industry Statistics and Trends

In Focus

16 Farmtastic | I Love Jeong Food Opens New Market for Potatoes Through Processing Innovation

20 Processed Food | Lee Hyun-koo's Fermentation Lab: Opens New Markets for Fermented Foods

24 New Item | Kiwi, a Specialty Crop From Yangbo-Myeon, Hadong County, South Gyeongsang Povince

KAF Trends

28 Trend & Products | RE:harvest, an Eco-Friendly Food Upcycling Company

32 e-Commerce | YOPOKKI, a Popular Tteokbokki (Stir-Fried Rice Cake) Cup at Lazada Shopping Mall in Thailand

34 COLUMN | Food Itself Is a Representation of Culture

Founded in August, 1995,

Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea

Tel: +82-61-931-0963

Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Kim Kwang-jin





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok (rhee@at.or.kr) 070-4617-3266, 3278

HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo (max@at.or.kr) 070-4617-2696, 7116

HOCHIMIN Cho Sung-bae (chobae@at.or.kr) 070-4617-3276

JAKARTA Lee Seung-hoon (afmchoon@at.or.kr) 070-4617-2694~5

TOKYO Yoon Sang-young (foodkorea@at.or.kr) 070-4617-7060~7062

OSAKA Kwon Hyun-joo (hyunjukun@at.or.kr) 070-7000-4138

PARIS Nam Sang-hui (mudpearl@at.or.kr) 070-4617-7225, 2424

36 Photo Essay | Chamoe (Korean Melon)

38 K-FOOD Recipe | Gamjajorim (Braised Potatoes)

QINGDAO Han Seung-hee (shhan@at.or.kr) 070-4617-5093, 7239

EDITED & DESIGNED BY DN 7-18, Mokdongjungangbuk-ro 10-gil, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

+82-70-4354-4207 / d-n@daum.net / www.d-n.kr

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, www.k-foodtrade.or.kr

On the Table


Driving the spread of awareness and advancing industrial base

Kim, a woman in her 40s living in Seoul, has been married for 15 years. She has lived with her husband and three cats for the past six years without children. While raising her cats, she experienced that animals have feelings and share friendship in their own way. She came to realize that animals are "living beings" just like human beings. Seven years ago, she met an American who doesn't eat meat, but got along well with her meat-eating partner. Kim became convinced that a plant-based lifestyle was nutritionally beneficial. Three years ago, she decided to "no longer agree with the way animals are raised for meat" and became a vegan. Her husband then decided to follow in her footsteps. Sometimes Kim chooses a pesco diet when dining with others. Her husband followed her lead and became a pescovegetarian for a while, eating no poultry or meat, but now he is primarily a flexitarian, eating mostly vegetarian and occasionally meat.

K-Vegan、認識の拡大と 産業基盤構築の本格化

Due to growing concern for the environment and health, the number of people following vegetarian and vegan diets, like this couple, is increasing in Korea. Moreover, veganism has become a new food trend. The result is a wide variety of vegan food products and a growth market. About 75% of adults in Korea have lactose intolerance. Therefore, vegan food, which does 結婚15年目を迎えるソウルに住む40代女性のキムさん。

子供はおらず、この6年間3匹の猫と夫と暮らしてきた。 猫を飼っているうちに、動物にも感情があって、彼らな りのやり方で友情を交わすということがわかってきた。

彼女は動物も『(人間と)同じ命』であることに気づい た。7年前、肉を食べないアメリカ人と出会い、そんな 彼女が肉を食べる恋人ともうまく付き合っているのを 間近で経験した。菜食だけの食生活が栄養面でも問題 がないという確信も持てるようになった。『動物を肉と して飼育することにこれ以上同意しない』と決心し、3 年前ヴィーガンになった。たまに人と食事をするときは 「ペスコベジタリアン」のメニューにすることもある。

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Cover Story

not contain animal ingredients, is becoming popular not only among vegetarians, but also among nonvegetarians who are interested in healthy eating. The number of vegans in South Korea was around 150,000 in early to mid-2008. By 2018, however, the number had risen to over 1.5 million. Including those who prefer a vegetarian diet, the estimated total could exceed 10 million people.

As a result of the development of various processed foods for vegans, restaurants and franchise coffee shops across the country have begun to offer a variety of vegan foods and beverages. Specialized websites have also sprung up to guide people to these places and introduce them to vegetarianism. One leading company, Chaesik Hankki (One Vegetarian Meal), has created a map of vegetarian restaurants in Korea. Vegetarian options have also been part of the school lunch program. The North Jeolla Province Office of Education, which has been serving vegetarian meals once a week since 2011, has published and distributed a vegetarian guide. In June 2020, the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education selected pilot schools to introduce vegetarian options in school meals. In addition, the Korea Agency of Vegan Certification and Services Inc. was established in March 2018 to specialize in the certification of vegan foods. From 2018 to 2021, the number of certified vegan foods in Korea was 612. In 2021, there was a 44% increase, with 286 foods certified compared to the previous year. The vegan industry, which is dominated by small and medium-sized businesses and start-ups, is also seeing more participation from large enterprises. New products are being launched in food categories such as frozen meals, ready-to-eat meals, and desserts with


環境保護や健康に対する関心が高まるにつれて、韓 国でも菜食が流行し、この夫婦のようにベジタリアン (vegetarian)やヴィーガン(vegan)になる人口が増えて いる。また、「ヴィーガン(vegan)」が新しい食品市場の トレンドとして広がり、一つのライフスタイルとして定 着し始めた。これにより、様々なヴィーガン食品が登場 し、市場も拡大傾向にある。韓国では成人のうち75% が乳糖不耐症を患っていると言われている。このよう

な事実も、動物性原料を使わないヴィーガンフードが ベジタリアンだけでなく、健康な食生活に関心の高い 非ベジタリアンにまで人気を得ている理由となってい る。 2008年前半・半ばまで15万人程度であった韓国 のヴィーガン人口は、2018年には150万人を超えてい る。菜食を好む人まで含むとその数は1千万人を超える ものと推定されている。

ヴィーガン向けの加工食品と共に、全国各地のレストラ ンやコーヒーチェーンなどでも各種ヴィーガン料理や 飲み物を提供するようになった。このようなお店を紹 介し、菜食初心者をサポートする専用のサイトやアプ リも登場した。代表的な企業の「チェシクハンキ(菜食 一食)」社は、全国の菜食可能なお店の地図を製作し、 提供している。学校の給食にも本格的に菜食が導入さ れている。2011年から週1回菜食の給食を導入したチ ョンラブクト(全羅北道)教育庁は「菜食健康献立資料 集」を発行・配布している。ソウル市教育庁は2020年 6月、学校の給食に菜食を選択できる仕組みを試験運

a mix of ingredients. As the target audience for vegan products expands, active technology development to improve the taste and texture of meat substitutes is also becoming increasingly common. The growth of the domestic market is also leading to a stronger foundation for overseas expansion. Biomix Tech launched "Better Than Meat", an alternative meat product using plantbased proteins, and obtained U.S. vegan certification and halal certification in 2021. Zikooin Company launched "Unlimeat" in Australia in 2020. Even Korea's iconic processed food, ramyeon, is no exception. Nongshim's "Soon Ramyeon" is a 100% vegetable-based ramyeon that contains no meat ingredients and has been certified by the Vegan Society UK. Ottogi has also developed a vegetarian version of "Jin Ramyun" made entirely from plant-based ingredients.

用した。ヴィーガン認証専門機関の(株)韓国ヴィーガン 認証院(Korea Agency of Vegan Certification and Services Inc.)も2018年3月に設立。2018年から2021 年までの間に、韓国でヴィーガン認証を得た食品の 数は612である。2021年には286の食品が認証され、 2020年に比べ44%増加した。

中小企業とスタートアップ企業が中心のヴィーガン産 業界への大手企業の参入も活発になっている。冷凍調 理食品、インスタント食品、デザート類などいろんな 食品のカテゴリーにおいて、製品も日々新しくなってい る。ヴィーガン製品の多様化に伴い、代替肉の味や食 感を向上させるための、積極的な技術開発も盛んに行 われている。国内市場の活性化は、海外展開の基盤強 化につながっている。バイオミックステック社は植物性 タンパク質を利用した代替肉商品「肉の代わり」を発 売、2021年にアメリカのヴィーガン認証とハラール認 証を取得した。ジグインカンパニーは2020年、アンラ イトスライスをオーストラリアで発売した。韓国の代表 的な加工食品であるインスタントラーメンも例外では ない。ノンシム(農心)スン(純)ラーメンは肉の成分 を使わない100%野菜ラーメンで、イギリスのヴィーガ ン協会から認証を獲得した。また、オットギ社も、肉の 成分を完全排除し、植物性材料のみ使用したベジタリ アン向けの「ジンラーメン」を開発した。

Korean Vegan Products

Vegan Kimchi Pulmuone Co., Ltd Vegan Kimchi CJ Cheiljedang Co., Ltd Vegan Soup Stock CJ Cheiljedang Co., Ltd Tofu Noodles Pulmuone Co., Ltd

The PlantEat,

A Company Specializing in Pure Plant-Based K-Vegan Food

100%植物性KVegan食品専門企業  (株)ザ・プラントイート

The PlantEat is a leading vegan company in Korea. It is a food tech company leading the way in pure plant-based products. The company was founded in 2017, and was selected to join the Tech Incubator program for startups in its first year of operation. In 2020, the company was recognized as one of the ASIA ALT 100: Asia's top protein disruptors. Also in 2020, the company was selected as one of the "A Venture" startups in the agri-food sector by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. At Future Food Asia 2022, The PlantEat won the Cargill Food for Good Award. The company was also a finalist in the XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion 2023. It was recognized as one of three finalists in the Best Plant-Based Condiments category at the World Plant-Based Awards 2022 with its Eat's Better Chipotle Mayo.

The company's key competitive advantage is its proprietary data-driven plant-based food development system called PAMS (Plant-based Alternatives Making System). This system is based on a database created by refining and processing food data using AI. It is

(株)ザ・プラントイート(The PlantEat)はK-Veganを代 表する企業の一つで、100%植物性製品を先導するフー ドテック企業である。2017年設立の同社は、創業1年目 に「Tech Incubator Program for Startup」支援企業に 選ばれた。そして2020年には「2020 Asia’s Top Protein Disruptors」100大企業の仲間入りを果たしている。また

同年、韓国農林畜産食品部が選定する優秀農食品分野 スタートアップの「エー(A)ベンチャーズ」に選定され、「 フューチャーフードアジア2022」では、Cargill Food For Goodに選定された。さらに2023年、「XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion」の決勝に進出した。World Plant-Based Awards2022では「イーツベターチポレマヨ」が、ベスト 植物性調味料(Best Plant-based condiment)部門で3点 の最終候補の一つに選ばれるなど、技術力を証明した。

PAMS(Plant-based Alternatives Making System)と呼ば れる、独自のデータを基盤とする植物性食品開発システ

ムは、同社の競争力の源である。同システムは、AIをもと に構築した食品データを精製・加工したデータベースに

the world's largest database, containing more than 1.1 million food ingredients. The database contains nutritional information on approximately 800,000 food products, such as mayonnaise. For ingredients like eggs, there are millions of data points. The idea is to look at milk as a combination of nutrients and experiment with finding substitutes for milk using the ingredient data. Using PAMS, they were able to match the size, nutrient macros and texture of real chicken breast to plantbased alternatives with over 90% accuracy.

Eat's Better Mayo, a plant-based mayonnaise, has sold 540,000 units in just over four years. This product uses homegrown soybeans and black soybeans grown by The PlantEat in place of eggs. It is vegan certified by the Vegetarian Society. Another hit for the company is the plant-based milk alternative 'xilk', a product that contains only NON-GMO ingredients. Like their mayonnaise, this product is certified vegan. It is a 0% cholesterol product made from oats, rice, soy, coconut oil, olive oil, brown rice oil and natural sugars. It can be stored and distributed for up to 8 months at room temperature between 1-35 degrees. The product contains 13% vegetable fat, 5% protein, zero trans fat and 29% saturated fat from plant sources. People with lactose intolerance can now enjoy the taste and nutrition of milk with ease. It comes in a 950 ml bottle, contains 470 calories and is available in more than 200 cafes nationwide.

The PlantEat

The PlantEat is a leading K-Vegan company specializing in pure plant-based products. They have gained recognition for their innovative PAMS system.

(株)ザ・プラントイートは、純粋な植物ベースの製品に 特化したトップクラスのK-Vegan企業です。彼らは革新 的なPAMSシステムによって認知を得ています。

CEO: Yang Jae-sik

TEL: +82-70-4139-4181

EMAIL: business@theplanteat.com

ADDRESS: 29, Simin-daero 109beon-gil, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

基づくもので、食品成分基準で110万個以上という世界最 大規模のデータを保有している。マヨネーズのような食品 の栄養データが約80万個あり、これに使われる卵などの 材料データは数千万個に及ぶ。牛乳の栄養成分の組み合 わせを見て、材料データから牛乳成分の代替となるもの を見つけて実験を行うのである。このように自社のPAMS を利用し、植物性原料を用いて実際の鶏むね肉と大き さ、栄養、食感を90%以上一致させた。

植物性マヨネーズ「イーツベター(Eat’s Better)マヨ」は、 発売から約4年で54万個が売れた。同製品は、卵の代 わりに(株)ザ・プラントイートが自主栽培した韓国産大 豆とタンキリマメを使用し、ベジタリアンソサイエティの ヴィーガン認証を取得している。植物性代替牛乳のシル ク(xilk)も同社のもう一つのヒット作である。原料はすべ てNON-GMO。マヨと同じくヴィーガン認証も獲得した。 オーツ麦、米、豆、ココナッツオイル、オリーブオイル、玄 米油、天然糖で作ったコレステロールゼロ製品である。1 ~35度の室温で8ヵ月間保存・流通できる。植物性脂肪 が13%、タンパク質が5%、トランス脂肪はゼロで、植物 性飽和脂肪は29%である。乳糖不耐症の人も牛乳の味と 栄養を気楽に楽しむことができる。容量は950mlで470カ ロリー。200店舗を超える全国のカフェで使われている。

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Cover Story

K-Vegan Industry Statistics and Trends


In 2021, the number of vegetarians in South Korea was estimated to be between 1 million and 1.5 million, including 500,000 vegans.

In North Jeolla Province, the number of schools that have introduced vegetarian meals has increased from 20 in 2011 to 132 in 2021. Seoul, Incheon and Ulsan have also introduced optional vegetarian meals.

South Korea's long tradition as an agrarian nation and its Buddhist vegetarian culture have led to the development of a wide variety of plant-based foods. The popularization and industrialization of K-Vegan is in full swing, with a wide range of choices and interest from the public seeking a healthy life.

According to the 2021 Consumer Trends Survey conducted by the Food Industry Statistics (FIS) of aT Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation, 72.5% of the 542 people surveyed already know about veganism. Of these, 56% have tried veganism (eating) and 6.4% are vegan. Health is the most important reason for going vegan, with 36.7% of respondents citing dieting and 35.3% citing deteriorating health. For people in their 20s and 30s, 54.5% and 42.7%, respectively, cited dietary reasons. For those in their 40s and 60s, reversing poor physical health topped the list at 37.2% and 34.5%, respectively. When it comes to vegan foods, meat

and dairy alternatives are the most popular. 41.9% of consumers have purchased meat alternatives and 40.7% have purchased dairy alternatives, while 61.8% are aware of the existence of meat alternatives and 61.3% are aware of the existence of dairy alternatives. 38.8%, 31.1% and 55.4% are partially vegetarian, vegetarian and vegan respectively. It can be seen that vegetarianism has become a topic of conversation in everyday life.

In 2025, the domestic market for plant-based "meat alternatives" is expected to reach $22.6 million, an increase of 29.7% from 2020. In 2020, it was valued at $17.4 million, up 23.7% from 2016, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6% over the period. By ingredient type, legumes such as tofu account for the largest share of the plant-based "meat substitutes" market at 62% of the total market. Vegetable/vegetable proteins such as peas and sweet potatoes account for 29.3% of the market, followed by cereals such as wheat protein at 8.7%. In 2021, there were 66 manufacturers: 7 large companies, 3 medium companies, 37 small companies, 13 startups, and 3 other schools. SMEs and startups account for 75.8% of the total. From 2018 to 2021, 612 vegan products were certified, and in 2021, 286 new products were certified, an increase of 44% from 2020 and 151% from 2019.

2021年、韓国のベジタリアン人口は100万~150万人、ヴ ィーガンは50万人と推定される。チョンラブクト(全羅北 道)の場合、給食に菜食を導入する学校が2011年の20校 から2021年には132校に拡大した。ソウル市、インチョン (仁川)市、ウルサン(蔚山)市でも菜食給食を選択できるよ うになった。長年にわたる農耕国家の伝統と仏教の菜食 文化に馴染んでいる韓国では、植物をベースにした様々 な料理が発達してきた。国民が健康な暮らしに関心をも つトレンドの中、K-Veganの大衆化と産業化が本格化し ている。

At農水産食品流通公社の食品産業統計情報(FIS)、2021 年消費者動向およびトレンド調査によると、ヴィーガンに ついて知っていると回答した人は542人のうち、72.5% に達した。このうち56%はヴィーガンの食生活を経験し ていて、6.4%はヴィーガンの人だった。菜食をする理由

は健康が最重要要素で、「ダイエット」が36.7%、「健康 悪化に対応するため」が35.3%だった。年齢代別に見て みると、20代と30代では、それぞれ54.5%と42.7%がダ イエットと回答しており、一位を占めている。40代と60 代では「悪化している健康を回復させるため」がそれぞ れ37.2%、34.5%と最多だった。ヴィーガン食品としては 代替肉と代替牛乳がもっともよく知られている。消費者 は「代替肉」(41.9%)、「代替牛乳」(40.7%)を購入した ことがあり、「代替肉」(61.8%)、「代替牛乳」(61.3%)を 知っていることが分かった。セミベジタリアン、ベジタリ アン、ベジタリアンに興味がある人はそれぞれ38.8%、 31.1%、55.4%で、少なくとも、菜食はもはや日常的なテ ーマの一つになっているといえよう。

2025年には、韓国国内の植物性「代替肉」市場の規模 が2020年より29.7%増加し、2260万ドルになると見込 まれている。2020年は2016年比23.7%増の1740万ドル で、同期間で年平均5.6%成長した。植物性「代替肉」の 原料別市場規模は、豆腐などの豆類が全体市場の62% で最も大きい。エンドウ豆類やサツマイモ類などの野菜/ 植物性タンパク質類が29.3%、小麦タンパク質などの穀 物類は8.7%となっている。製造会社の数は2021年時点 で66社ある。大手企業が7社、中堅企業が3社、中小企業 が37社、スタートアップ企業が13社、その他学校などが 3校である。中小企業とスタートアップ企業が全体のうち 75.8%を占めている。2018年から2021年までのヴィーガ ン認証食品の数は612で、2021年286の食品が新規認証 を取得したが、これは2020年比44%増、2019年比151% 増である。

Cover Story

I Love Jeong Food

Opens New Market for Potatoes Through Processing Innovation

There is a company that has successfully developed the business of potatoes, which have long been used as food ingredients or meal substitutes, through processing innovation. I Love Jeong Food supplies 100% domestic potatoes in a variety of shapes and combinations with other foods to create processed potato products like never before. The company's main product is the "whirlwind potato," which is made by processing fresh potatoes into a spiral shape, then coating it with a special frying powder and frying it in oil. The whirlwind potato is also known as the "Doldol Potato" because it is made in the shape of a rolled potato. In 2023, it was selected as a souvenir of

Okcheon County, where the company is located. It has helped domestic potato farmers and increased the popularity of K-Food.

The 'Pine Whirlwind Potato' is made with a mixture of pineapple juice and special frying powder, while the Crispy Whirlwind Potato is breaded for a crispier taste. There's also a 'Snowflake Hurricane Potato' topped with snowflake rice balls and a 'Sweet Soboro Potato' topped with soboro powder. Other typical potato products include 'Tteok Hweori Potato' (potato stuffed with rice cake) made with rice cake, 'Sausage Hweori Potato' (potato stuffed with smoked sausage), 'Woori Potato Stick' made in the shape of a stick,

I Love Jeong Food通过加工创新 开辟马铃薯新市场

长期以来,马铃薯一直被用作食品原料和餐食替代品。通 过创新的加工方法,韩国公司I Love Jeong Food成功开 展了马铃薯生产加工业务。公司100%采用韩国产马铃 薯,将其加工成不同形状,并与其他食品相结合,打造出 了前所未有的马铃薯加工制品。公司的主要产品是“旋风 薯塔”。该产品采用新鲜马铃薯,加工成旋风形状,并涂 上一种特殊油炸粉,放在油中炸制而成。这种螺旋状的马 铃薯制品也被称为炸薯卷,因采用卷起来的马铃薯片而 得名。2023年,旋风薯塔正式获选为公司所在地沃川郡 的官方纪念品。这为韩国国内的马铃薯种植户打开了销 路,同时也提高了韩国食品的知名度。

“菠萝旋风薯塔”是用菠萝汁和特殊油炸粉混合炸制而 成。“松脆旋风薯塔”表面裹有面包屑,口感更加酥脆。公 司还生产裹有雪花米团的“雪花旋风薯塔”和裹有松糖 粉的“甜蜜松糖薯塔”。其他典型的马铃薯产品包括使用 年糕制成的“年糕旋风薯塔”、带有熏火腿的“火腿旋风 薯塔”、做成条状的“友利薯条”、切成波浪形状的“友利 条纹薯条”、做成蜂窝状的“友利拔丝土豆”和切成大块的 “韩式半月形薯片”。此外,公司还生产土豆粉制品,例如 “友利小麦土豆手工拉面汤”和“土豆丸子汤”。

除了生产作为公司招牌产品的各种马铃薯制品外,公司 现已发展成为一家综合食品公司,不仅供应校园餐饮,还

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'Woori Striped Potato' cut into waves, 'Woori Beoljip Potato' made in the shape of a honeycomb, and 'Hanip Bndal Potato' (bite-sized crescent potato) cut into large pieces. They also have some products made with potato flour, such as 'Woori Wheat Potato Sujebi' (hand-pulled dough soup) and 'Potato Ongsimi' (potato ball soup).

In addition to various potato products, which are the company's signature products, the company has developed into a general food company that supplies school meals and online sales. In terms of sales, the company grew rapidly to KRW 700 million in 2013, KRW 2.7 billion in 2014, KRW 5.24 billion in 2015, KRW 5.14 billion in 2016, KRW 12.23 billion in 2017, KRW 18.29 billion in 2018, and KRW 20.41 billion in 2019. After dropping to KRW 13.05 billion in 2020 due to COVID-19, the company's sales recovered to KRW 19.5 billion in 2021 and KRW 24.22 billion in 2022. In terms of the distribution of product sales, 90% of sales came from school lunches, 8% from online sales, and 2% from military payments. The company also participated in overseas promotions and exhibitions before the pandemic. It is now preparing to export to the United States.

I Love Jeong Food started as a sole proprietorship called 'Easy Food'. In 2002, it was the first to supply sliced fruit for school lunches, and in 2003, it developed the world's first whirlwind potato. On February 1, 2013, the company officially launched as Whirlwind Corporation, an agricultural company with capital of KRW 300 million. In 2014, the company received HACCP certification, and in 2015, it registered a patent for the production of whirlwind potatoes and completed the construction of an automated production line for the pretreatment of agricultural products. That year, the company registered three patents for automated cutting machines and seven trademark registrations. In November 2019, the company established a research center and was designated as a technologically innovative small and medium-sized enterprise. In 2020, the company changed its name to I Love Jeong Food. It holds patents for food cutting machines, spiralized and honeycomb processed potatoes, and wavy potato sticks.

Consumer response has been overwhelmingly

positive. Approximately 84% of online customers have given them a five-star rating with 96% satisfied with the taste and 99% with the ease of eating. It has become one of the most famous foods representing Korea at home and abroad as it has been featured in major TV programs and soap operas. The company provides nationwide service with agents in 335 locations nationwide, including 146 in the Chungcheong region and 94 in the Yeongnam region. The company is in talks with a U.S. food trading company to sell whirlwind potatoes in supermarkets, which will soon pave the way for export. In 2021, the company began selling whirlwind potatoes to GS convenience stores. The potatoes are available on various online markets such as G Market, Coupang, 11th Avenue, Walmart, Post Office Shopping, Auction, Naver and Naver Shopping.


年为27亿韩元,2015年为52.4亿韩元,2016年为51.4亿 韩元,2017年为122.3亿韩元,2018年为182.9亿韩元, 2019年为204.1亿韩元。由于新冠疫情影响,公司2020 年的销售额暴跌至130.5亿韩元,2021年销售额恢复至 195亿韩元,2022年达到242.2亿韩元。从产品销售的分 布来看,学校午餐占销售额的90%,线上销售占8%,军 需供应占2%。公司还在疫情前参与了海外推广和展会, 目前正准备将产品出口至美国。

I Love Jeong Food最初是一家名为Easy Food的独 资企业。2002年,公司率先为学校午餐提供切片水果。

2003年,公司开发了全球首款旋风薯塔产品。2013年2 月1日,公司正式更名为Whirlwind Corporation,成为 一家注册资本达3亿韩元的农业公司。2014年,公司获 得HACCP认证。2015年,公司为旋风薯塔的生产注册了 专利,并建成了一条农产品预处理自动化生产线。同年, 公司注册了三项自动化切割机专利,并完成了七项商标 注册。2019年11月,公司成立研究中心,并被认定为科 技创新型中小企业。2020年,公司更名为I Love Jeong Food。公司现在持有食品切割装置、螺旋状和蜂窝状薯 制品以及波浪状薯条等相关专利。

消费者对公司产品给出了非常正面的反馈。大约84%的 线上客户给出了五星好评,96%的人对产品口味感到满 意,99%的人对食用方便性感到满意。公司产品现已成

为国内外最著名的韩国食品之一,经常出现在各大电视 节目和肥皂剧中。公司的服务范围遍及整个韩国,在全 国335个地方设有代理商,其中忠清地区有146家,岭南 地区有94家。公司目前正与一家美国食品贸易公司进 行谈判,计划在超市销售旋风薯塔,这将很快为出口开 辟道路。2021年,公司开始向GS便利店销售旋风薯塔。 公司的薯制品在G Market、Coupang、11th Avenue、沃 尔玛、Post Office Shopping、Auction、Naver和Naver Shopping等各大在线市场均有销售。

I Love Jeong Food

DIRECTOR: Yang Nam-ho

TEL: +82-43-733-9031

EMAIL: twist2013@hanmail.net

ADDRESS: 19, Yangsu-ro 6-gil, Okcheon-eup, Okcheongun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea

I Love Jeong Food is a Korean company that specializes in innovative potato products, such as the popular whirlwind potato.

爱情食品是一家韩国公司,专注于创新的土豆产 品,特别是备受欢迎的“旋风土豆”。

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Lee Hyun-koo's Fermentation Lab

Opens New Markets for Fermented Foods

The Asteraceae family of plants, which includes dandelion, toothed ixeridium, thistles, and godeulppaegi (bitter lettuce), can be found in many countries, including China, Russia, Japan, and Korea. Among them, godeulppaegi is widely used in Korea for kimchi and gochujang jangajji (pickled vegetables with chili peppers). This healthy plant is traditionally used in Korean cuisine. Godeulpaegi is an excellent plant for restoring impaired liver function. Several scientific studies have shown that the components found in Milk Thistle, such as saponins and polysaccharides, help restore liver function. "Sokpuri" (hangover relief drink) is Korea's first fermented hangover relief product made from igodeulppaegi (teeth-margin crepidiastrum, bitter lettuce), which grows naturally in Korea.

This plant is called igodeulppaegi (teeth-margin crepidiastrum) in Korea, named for its resemblance to teeth ("I" means teeth in Korean). It has superior functionality compared to regular godeulppaegi, and through experiments, it has been proven that igodeulppaegi is the most effective for relieving hangovers. The product, called "Sokpuri," whose patent registration was completed in 2018, boasts

発酵食品で新しい市場を切り開く イヒョング発酵研究所

タンポポ、ニガナ、アザミ、イヌヤクシ草などキク科の植 物は、中国やロシア、日本、韓国などいろんな国に広く分 布する植物である。その中でもイヌヤクシ草は、韓国で キムチやコチュジャンチャンアチとしても広く食べられて いる。健康によい韓国固有の伝統食材である。韓国産イ ヌヤクシ草は、損傷を受けた肝臓機能の回復にとてもよ い植物である。イヌヤクシ草に含まれているサポニン、多 糖類成分が肝臓機能を回復させるということは、複数の 論文でその効能が明らかにされている。「ソクプリ」は 韓国に自生する「ヤクシソウ」で作った韓国初の発酵二 日酔い解消製品である。

イヌヤクシ草のうち、形が歯に似ているものを「ヤクシソ ウ」という。普通のイヌヤクシ草より機能が優れており、 二日酔いに最もよく効くということが実験で分かった。

Processed Food

superior quality compared to other well-known products on the market. It was found that the time it takes for alcohol levels in the body to reach zero after drinking "Sokpuri" is an hour faster, at 5 hours, compared to 6 hours for competing products. This product is not only effective, but also delicious. Godeulppaegi has a naturally bitter taste. To reduce this bitterness, sour and sweet flavors were added. Malic acid and oligosaccharides were used to remove the bitter taste and make "Sokpuri" refreshing and delicious.

The product has been very popular at both domestic and international exhibitions, especially in neighboring China. A notable showcase was at the 2019 Import Expo in Shanghai, organized by aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation). The booth was crowded, and the local media was also eager to cover the event. As a result, the company exported 95% of its products to China. 5% were sold to domestic pharmacies. The export volume amounted to about 400 million won in a single year from 2017 to 2019, totalling around KRW 1 billion in three years. The export volume was 85,000 bottles each time, with 200,000 bottles exported each year, totaling about 800,000 bottles. The ingredient, igodeulppaegi, was grown and supplied by two farms in Suncheon, South Jeolla Province. In 2018, about 50 tons were

CEO Lee Hyun-koo was born in 1953. He majored in biology at the university. After working at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) for two years, he joined Doosan Group as a career employee in 1981. This was in the 1990s, when OB Beer, Coca-Cola, Windsor (whiskey) and Dannon drinkable yogurt were the main products. He devoted himself to research and development in the field of food fermentation. Brewing beer at home as a hobby, he built a brewery in 2014 to share with his friends. During this time, his attention was drawn to discarded soybean hulls. As a result, he invented "Soy Fiber", a fermented dietary product. In 2016, he won the gold medal at the Korea Invention Competition. It was unprecedented for a food product to win a gold medal. After his retirement, he started a new company specializing in fermentation. He founded his company in 2015, starting with a fermented product called "Soy Fiber." Soy hulls are rich in fiber. When the hulls are fermented with special edible mushrooms, they produce substances that are good for nutrition. The hulls are usually considered waste from soy milk factories, but he bought these hulls at a low cost and made a highquality product. More than a ton of soybean hulls were used in the process. Both "Sokpuri" and "Soy Fiber" won gold medals at the World International Invention Expo in Foshan, Guangdong Province, China. In response to demand from the Chinese market, the business was expanded to include fermented ginseng. After the successful development of "Sokpuri" and then fermented red ginseng, Lee delved into the development of fermented coffee products. He has applied for patents in Europe, the United States and

2018年に特許登録を済ませた「ソクプリ」は、既存の代 表的な有名製品と比べた時、その優れた品質を誇る。飲 酒後体内に残ったアルコールが血液内で完全になくなる 時間が、競合製品が6時間なのに対し、「ソクプリ」は5 時間で、1時間も早いことが分かった。効能の高さに加え 味もよい。元々イヌヤクシ草はとても苦い味がする。この 苦みを抑えるため酸味と甘味を追加した。リンゴ酸、オリ ゴ糖を用いて苦みをなくし、「ソクプリ」を爽やかな味に 仕上げている。

韓国や海外の展示会で「ソクプリ」は毎回高い人気を博 した。特に隣国中国から高い関心が寄せられた。上海で 開かれた2019輸入博覧会にaT主管で出品したのが、そ

の代表例である。ブースには抜きんでて多くの人が押し 寄せ、現地マスコミの取材も集中した。そのお陰で「ソク プリ」製品は全体の95%を中国に輸出し、5%は韓国の 薬局に販売した。輸出規模は2017年から2019年までの3 年間で約10億ウォンを記録した。数量は8万5千本ずつ、 毎年20万本、合わせて約80万本を輸出。材料となった

「ヤクシソウ」はチョンラナムド(全羅南道)スンチョン(順 天)地域の2ヶ所の農家で栽培し、供給された。2018年 には50トンを約3億ウォンで購入するなど、累積数量80ト ン、金額では5億ウォン程度になる。

イヒョング代表は1953年生まれで、大学で生物学を専 攻した。KISTで約2年間勤務し、1981年斗山グループに 中途採用で入社した。OBビール、コカ・コーラ、ウィンザ ー(ウィスキー)、ダノン(ヨーグルト)などを主力としていた 1990年代であった。彼は食品発酵分野のR&Dに邁進し た。普段家でビールを作るのが趣味だった彼は、2014年 に友達と一緒に飲むビールを作るために工場を建てた。

そこで偶然、捨てられる豆殻に着目した。その結果、発 酵ダイエット製品「ソイファイバー」を発明し、これが、

2016年大韓民国発明大展で金賞を受賞した。食品が金 賞を受賞したのは前例のないことであった。このことが 退職後、発酵専門企業を起業するきっかけになった。

2015年、彼は「ソイファイバー」で事業を始めた。豆殻に はファイバー、つまり繊維質が豊富である。これを特殊な 食用カビで発酵させると、ダイエット効果のある物質が 出る。豆乳工場で副産物としてほとんど捨てられていた 食品用廃棄物の豆殻をただ同然で買い取り、高付加価値 の製品を作ったのである。製品を作る際には1トン以上の

豆殻を使う。「ソクプリ」と「ソイファイバー」は、中国仏 山(広東省)世界発明展で金賞を受賞した。中国市場のニ ーズに合わせて発酵紅参へと事業を拡大した。「ソクプ リ」開発の成功と「発酵紅参」に続き、イ代表は発酵コー ヒー製品の開発に取り組んでいる。すでにヨーロッパ、ア メリカ、中国で特許登録出願を終え、次の挑戦に向かっ て進もうとしている。

LHK Fermentation Lab

Lee Hyun-koo's Fermentation Lab specializes in developing innovative fermented products using ingredients like soybean husks and ginseng.

イヒョング発酵研究所は、大豆の皮や人参などの材料を使用して 革新的な発酵製品の開発に特化しています。

CEO: Lee Hyun-koo

TEL: +82-10-3746-9366

EMAIL: hgnine@naver.com

ADDRESS: 1F, 6-5 Jangjinam-gil 3beon-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

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A Specialty Crop From Yangbo-Myeon, Hadong County, South Gyeongsang Povince

Hadong County has been exporting mainly green kiwis to Japan since 2005. It continued for more than 10 years until COVID-19 interrupted the exports. On March 14, Yangbo-myeon, Hadong County, Gyeongsangnam-do, held the first shipment event for the export of the specialty crop "kiwi" to Japan in 2023. At the center of the event was CEO Ahn Hogon, who has been growing Hadong kiwis for 17 years while leading the kiwi crop group in Yangbomyeon. He also served as the CEO of the Hadong County Kiwi Association from 2018 until last year. He cultivates an area of 0.53 hectares. Ahn harvests golden kiwis around October 20 and green kiwis in early November. The main variety of kiwi in Hadong County is green kiwi. Golden kiwis account for about 30% of the total production.

In 2022, 41 farms in Hadong County, mainly in Yangbo-myeon, Geumnam-myeon and Jingyomyeon, which are the main counties for kiwi production, produced about 300 tons of kiwi on 37 hectares of land. The export volume accounted for about 10% of the total production, amounting to about 10 tons. Overseas exports, which expanded to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia in 2018, have recently resumed after being almost cut off by COVID-19 in 2020. Hadong kiwis are produced using environmentally friendly farming methods with

庆尚南道河东郡良甫面特产作物 猕猴桃

河东郡自2005年开始向日本出口猕猴桃(主要是绿色猕 猴桃),一直持续了十多年,直到新冠疫情导致出口中断。

3月14日,庆尚南道河东郡良甫面举行了2023年对日出 口特产作物“猕猴桃”的首次发货活动。活动上最受人瞩 目的当属CEO安浩刚。他种植河东猕猴桃已经17年,是 良甫面猕猴桃合作社的带头人,并在2018年至去年期间 担任河东郡猕猴桃协会的CEO。他拥有0.53公顷的猕猴 桃种植园,每年10月20号前后收获金色猕猴桃,每年11 月初收获绿色猕猴桃。河东郡猕猴桃的主要品种是绿色 猕猴桃,金色猕猴桃约占总产量的30%。

2022年,河东郡41座种植园(主要来自猕猴桃主产地良 甫面、金南面和辰桥面)的猕猴桃种植面积为37公顷, 产量约300吨。出口量约占总产量的10%,达10吨左右。

河东郡从2018年开始向香港、新加坡和马来西亚出口猕 猴桃,2020年出口因新冠疫情中断,最近又再次恢复。

河东猕猴桃采用清洁的空气和水生产,绿色环保无公 害。此外,猕猴桃生长在高海拔地区,由于昼夜温差大, 含糖量很高。河东猕猴桃拥有一股独特而浓郁的果香, 品质极佳。

25 New Item

clean air and water. It is of high quality, grows at high altitudes, and has a high sugar content due to large diurnal variations. The kiwi also has a distinctive and rich aroma.

Hadong kiwis contain 20 times more vitamin C than apples and 5 times more than tangerines, so they have a great effect on preventing freckles and sunspots, preventing aging of blood vessels, and relieving stress. There are several varieties of Hadong Kiwi, including "Sunple," a golden kiwi that can be harvested early; "Daegwa Gold Kiwi," which has a high sweetness; "Goldwon," a large and tangy golden kiwi; "Nokheung," a green kiwi that is a natural source of vitamin C; and "Gamrok," a green kiwi with a mild and less sour taste. Even the same variety of kiwi can have a slightly different flavor and appearance depending on the environment in which it was grown.

A subtropical fruit, kiwi is divided into red, green and gold according to flesh color. The golden kiwi is an indigenous variety. More than 95% of kiwis are grown in the coastal areas of South Jeolla Province, South Gyeongsang Province and Jeju Island. Jeju Island, where kiwi cultivation began in 1978, is an ideal location due to its warm maritime climate. Jeju is also the largest producer in Korea. In 2020, Jeju Island produced 8,807 tons of kiwis from 600 farms covering 327.8 hectares. South Jeolla Province ranks second, with 984 farms covering 536 hectares and producing 6,365.3 tons. Southern Gyeongsang Province ranks third with 859 farms covering 99 hectares and producing 4,407.7 tons of kiwis.

Domestic varieties such as Golden Kiwi still account for less than 30% of the total kiwi cultivation area in Korea, but 88% of these domestic varieties are

Golden Kiwi. Golden Kiwis have excellent flavor and are gradually becoming the main variety of kiwi in Korea. They have yellow or greenish-yellow flesh. It weighs between 80 and 120 grams and has a sweetness level of 16.3° Brix. The Golden Kiwi, which is 2-3 Brix sweeter than the green kiwi, was developed by the Rural Development Administration of Korea in 2014. It is currently grown on 40 hectares on Jeju Island. In 2015, for the first time in Korea, 171 tons of golden and red kiwis were exported to five countries, including Singapore. Southeast Asia prefers red kiwis, while Japan prefers green kiwis. In 2020, South Korea exported 142.3 tons of kiwis. In order of export volume, green kiwi topped the list with 80.5 tons. Golden kiwi ranked second with 34.2 tons exported to Hong Kong (21 tons), Myanmar (4.7 tons), Malaysia (4.3 tons), Singapore (2.5 tons), Taiwan (0.9 tons), and Mongolia (0.8 tons).

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an Eco-Friendly Food Upcycling Company

RE:harvest Ltd. is an eco-friendly food upcycling company that creates new products from food byproducts that would otherwise be discarded or used as compost or feed. The company has introduced a variety of consumer-friendly, easy-to-use alternative food products, such as energy bars and granola, and has received positive consumer response for its products that not only help protect the environment, but also provide good taste and nutrition.

RE:harvest incorporates semiconductor process technology in its production process, where the raw materials are pre-treated with ultraviolet and far-infrared light and the byproducts are sterilized with a special cleaning solution. The material is then dried under feedback control. After cleaning and drying, the raw materials are ground as finely as possible to remove foreign materials, and once the grinding is complete, the raw materials are divided into small portions. RE:harvest has filed four patents for this raw materialization process.

In the domestic food industry, nearly 70% of food ingredients are discarded after production. The food upcycling industry, which uses food waste or byproducts, protects the environment and reduces associated processing costs. It also saves food resources by using waste to produce new, healthy food. RE:harvest Ltd. is the first company in Korea to specialize in food upcycling. In February 2023, it was selected by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food

環境にやさしいアップサイクル 食品専門企業リハーベスト

(株)リハーベスト(RE:harvest Ltd.)は捨てられたり、肥料 や飼料などに使われる食品副産物を用いて新しい製品 を作る環境にやさしい食品アップサイクル専門企業で ある。エナジーバー、グラノーラなど様々な消費者のた めのインスタント代替食品を次々と発売し、環境保護 に貢献するだけでなく、味や栄養を兼ね備えた製品で 消費者から好評を得た。リハーベストは、生産工程に 半導体工程で使われる技術を適用している。この工程 では、紫外線と遠赤外線を使って原料を事前処理し、 専用の洗浄溶液で副産物を殺菌する。その後、フィード バック制御方式でモニタリングしながら乾燥。洗浄と 乾燥が終わったらできるだけ細かく砕いて異物を分離 する粉砕工程が行われる。粉砕が完了すると、小分けし て原料化する。リハーベストはこれら原料化の工程で4 件の特許を出願した。

韓国の食品業界では、製品製造後、その原料の約7割近 くが廃棄されている。これら食品廃棄物や副産物を利 用した食品アップサイクル産業は、環境を保護し、処理 費用削減に貢献している。また、これらを利用して新し い健康食品などを生産し、食料資源を節減することも できる。(株)リハーベストは韓国第1号の食品アップサイ クル専門企業である。2023年2月に韓国農林畜産食品 部の「A-ベンチャーズ」企業に選ばれ、UFA(Upcycled Food Association)から韓国だけでなくアジアで初め て「フードアップサイクル企業」認証も取得した。2021

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KAF Trends Trend & Products

Trend & Products

and Rural Affairs, and was the first company in Korea and Asia to be certified as a food upcycling company by the Upcycled Food Association (UFA). In June 2021, the company received the Thai Wah Award at Future Food Asia 2021. The company has raised KRW 8 billion in investment from STIC Ventures, BNK Ventures, CJ CheilJedang, and Hanwha Investment & Securities.

The byproduct of barley left over from the pre-fermentation stage of beer is called brewer's spent grain. The malt left over from the production of beer and sikhye (sweet rice punch) is used to make ''RE:nergy flour'', an alternative raw material. It contains about 30% fewer calories than wheat flour, 2.4 times more protein and 20 times more fiber. For every kilogram of RE:nergy flour produced, 11 kilograms of carbon emissions are saved. It also saves 3.7 tons of water. The resulting flour is then used to make snacks and baked goods such as RE:nergy Bars, RE:nergy Granola and RE:nergy Shakes. The Korean beer company OB Beer alone produces about 60 tons of spent grain per year. This used to cost the company billions of won per year, including environmental costs, but the company has now significantly reduced these costs by upcycling byproducts.

年6月には「Future Food Asia 2021」でThai Wah Awardを受賞した。スティックベンチャーズとBNKベン チャーズ、CJ第一製糖、ハンファ投資証券などから80 億ウォン規模の投資を誘致した。

ビール発酵の前段階で発生する麦滓の副産物を「ビー ル粕」という。ビールやシッケを製造した後残りの麦芽 を原料に代替原料である「リナジー(re+energy)」粉を 作っている。小麦粉に比べてカロリーが約30%低く、

タンパク質は2.4倍、食物繊維は20倍も多い。リナジー 粉1キロ当たり11キロの炭素排出量が削減でき、水の使 用量も3.7トン節約できる。こうして作られたリナジー粉 は、リナジーバー、リナジーグラノーラ、リナジーシェ イクなどスナック類やパン類の製造に活用される。

RE:harvest Products

RE:harvest Ltd. is working with OB Beer in Korea, Hai Phong Beer Group in Vietnam and Bintang Beer in Indonesia to supply brewer's spent grain and develop eco-friendly foods. In cooperation with OB Beer, the company has launched RE:nergy Bars and RE:nergy Crackers. It also sources Sikhye spent grain from Seojung Cooking. The company has started to develop eco-friendly food products with RE:nergy flour in cooperation with Tour Les Jours

(CJ Foodville), Mister Pizza, Bronx and The Bread Blue. It has launched Tour Les Jours Good Bread whole wheat bread, pizza dough with Bronx and a bakery in collaboration with The Bread Blue. The company plans to expand its products to include upcycling of various byproducts in addition to Sikhye spent grain and brewer's spent grain. The company is preparing to export to Indonesia, Vietnam, Canada and the United States. Export contracts to Southeast Asia and the United States are expected to be finalized by the end of this year.

ビール粕は韓国のビール会社OBビール1社だけでも年 間約60トン排出される。同社は環境関連費用などに年 間数十億ウォンを費やしていたが、今は副産物を利用し たアップサイクルによりこの費用を大幅に削減した。 (株)リハーベストは韓国のOBビール、ベトナムのハイフォ ンビールグループ、インドネシアのビンタンビールと協力 し、ビール粕の供給や環境にやさしい食品の開発事業を 展開している。「OBビール」とのコラボでリナジーバー、 リナジークラッカーを発売し、「ソジョンクッキング」か らシッケ粕の提供を受けている。さらにトゥレジュール (CJフードビル)、ミスターピザ、ブロンクス、ザブレッドブ ルーと提携して「リナジー粉」を活用した環境にやさし い食品の開発に取り組んでいる。「トゥレジュール」と共 同開発した「優しいパン全粒粉食パン」、ブロンクスとと もに手掛けたリナジー粉で作ったピザ生地、ザブレッド ブルーとのコラボで生産したベーカリーを発売した。シ ッケとビール粕のほかにも、様々な副産物をアップサイ クルできるよう製品を拡大する予定である。インドネシ ア、ベトナム、カナダとアメリカへの輸出も本格的に準備 を進めており、今年末から東南アジア、アメリカへの輸出 が行われる見通しである。

RE:harvest Ltd.

RE:harvest Ltd. is a pioneering Korean company that specializes in eco-friendly food upcycling, transforming food byproducts into consumer-friendly alternative products.

RE:harvest株式会社は、食品副産物を消費者に優しい代替製品に 変換するエコフレンドリーなフードアップサイクリングに特化した、 韓国の先駆的な企業です。

MANAGER : Jane Kee

TEL: +82-10-7227-0696

EMAIL: kee@reharvest.net

ADDRESS: 3rd floor, 171, Nonhyeon-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

30 31 RE:harvest Protein Ball KAF Trends
RE:harvest Granola


A Popular Tteokbokki (Stir-Fried Rice Cake) Cup at Lazada Shopping Mall in Thailand

Thailand is the second-largest economy in ASEAN and the most important market in Indochina. With most Thai consumers owning mobile phones, the online market is well developed. Out of a population of 69 million, 18.7 million are millennials (Generation Y), who are the main customers for e-commerce. E-commerce companies focusing on food include Lazada, Shopee and JD Central.

The Lazada shopping mall in Thailand has been called the "Amazon of Southeast Asia" and is the largest open marketplace in the region. Within the Lazada online ecosystem, there is a site called "LazMall" that sells various food and beverages. If you go to the site and search for Korean food, you will find a variety of Korean ramyeon noodles, sauces, and condiments. Since Thai food is often

Yopokki杯装辣炒年糕火遍泰国来赞 达购物中心





司有来赞达、虾皮购物和JD Central。

泰国来赞达购物中心被称为“东南亚的亚马逊”,是该地 区最大的开放式市场。在来赞达的在线生态系统中,有 一个名为“LazMall”的商城,专门销售各种食品和饮料。

如果在商城上搜索韩国食品,你会发现各种韩国拉面、酱 汁和调味品。泰国食物通常酸中带甜、咸中带辣,因而有

sweet, sour, spicy and salty, there is a lot of interest in Korean sauces and condiments. In addition, due to the Korean Wave and the resulting increased interest in Korea, there is also a growing demand for gochujang, tteokbokki (stir-fried rice cake), and galbi yangnyeom (marinated grilled beef rib) sauce for home cooks.

Korean tteokbokki is popular among Thai consumers who are used to spicy flavors. Yopokki, a tteokbokki cup sold at Lazada's LazMall, is popular with many consumers because it is easy to make and can be stored at room temperature. Consumers who have tried Yopokki said, "The sauce is delicious with a good combination of sweet and spicy flavors," and "The rice cakes are chewy and delicious, and they are easy to make. Lazada sells tteokbokki in easy-to-make cups and meal kits, and offers regular tteokbokki, cheese flavor, jajang (black bean sauce) flavor, and golden onion butter flavor.

In the first half of 2020, Thailand experienced a surge in demand for convenience foods as people were restricted from going out due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which banned eating in restaurants. The Thai ready-to-eat food market has been growing at an average annual rate of 3-4%. As the demand for convenience food continues to grow, the expansion of Korean convenience food is expected to increase even more.

很多人对韩国酱汁和调味品感兴趣。此外,随着人们对 韩流的兴趣显著增加,泰国人对辣椒酱、辣炒年糕和腌制 烤牛肋的需求也在增长。

韩国辣炒年糕在喜欢吃辣的泰国消费者中很受欢迎。来 赞达LazMall商城销售的Yopokki杯装辣炒年糕制作简 单,可在室温下保存,深受消费者喜爱。尝过Yopokki的

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KAF Trends e-Commerce

Food Itself Is a Representation of Culture

When I visited Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, for the 2010 Taekwondo Poomsae World Championships, I had the opportunity to try lamb at a local restaurant. Along with the meat, a dish called "Alsatian Salad" was served, a salad full of flavors from many different vegetables. There were at least half a dozen kinds of vegetables, ranging from one that looked like what is called coriander in Korea to a thin scallion-like green. Most of the people in our group from Korea seemed to barely touch these vegetables. It was unfamiliar to me as well, but I made an effort to take a bite. I managed it. The locals were happy and surprised to see me. They were much nicer to me than to others.

In the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, around 20072008, I also ate roast lamb at a famous traditional restaurant. It was served with coarse salt, raw lamb chops and raw potatoes, and the same salad was served, filling the table with its vibrant colors and aroma. Needless to say, I ate eagerly, and the food was delicious. In Korea, Vietnamese rice noodles known as "pho" are famous. If you go to a Vietnamese restaurant, you will always see a garnish called "cilantro," which is an essential part of the dish. Many people use chopsticks to pick out every last leaf. Nowadays, however, most Koreans can easily appreciate the cilantro in Vietnamese restaurants. That's because they've gotten used to it over time. Similarly, if you are exposed to other cultures and cuisines often enough, you will develop a taste for them.

It is a custom and etiquette in Korea to pay the utmost respect to the food of the place you are visiting.

Especially in Korea, where there are four distinct seasons and 70-80% of the country is mountainous, different food cultures have developed over the years. Since they do not understand the local language well, it is common for other local foods to be unfamiliar and not to their taste. The problem lies in the attitude towards it. The result can be very different if you try to reach out to them, understand them, and become familiar with them than if you don't. This is especially true when young people who have been raised on different cuisines for decades, such as in marriages, suddenly find themselves living together and sitting at the same table.

Advances in online platforms and transportation have made it possible to taste different cuisines from around the country and even the world. However, despite this accessibility, there are still cultural differences when it comes to food. In South Korea, when a prospective son-in-law comes to ask permission to marry, the first thing he is judged on is his attitude at the table. If he appreciates and enjoys the food served, he passes the preliminary screening, but if he hesitates at the table and cannot eat properly, acceptance may be difficult. When you grow up for many years with different foods and cultures, it is understandable that you may have different tastes. However, I have come to believe that if there is a genuine willingness to overcome this hurdle, it can be overcome.

In the winter of 2021, I had an experience with COVID in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. I was admitted to the National Infectious Diseases Hospital by emer-

gency ambulance in the middle of the night while in hotel quarantine. The hardest part of my four-day hospital stay was eating the hospital meals. I even decided to starve myself after the second day. The more sick and tired I was, the more I craved Korean kimchi and gochujang (red chili paste). I started eating microwaved white rice, which I don't usually eat. My salvation was a tin of kimchi and rice from the Korean Embassy. Since that day, no matter what country I visit, I look for Korean restaurants in the city. Even on short trips, as soon as I return home, I run to the nearest restaurant and eat kimchijjigae (kimchi stew) with rice. Through several challenging experiences and as I have gotten older, I have let go of the effort to force myself to eat unfamiliar foods. Food itself is a representation of culture.

34 KAF Trends COLUMN


Korean Melon

Chamoe (Cucumis melo L.), also known as Korean Melon is one of the most popular fruit during the summer in Korea. However, it’s still new to the rest of the world, and for a while, Korea was the only country that consumed it, hence the name Korean melon.

But you’d be doing yourself a disservice not to know. They’re juicy, cool, and have an appealing combination of sour and sweet flavors, and are packed with vitamins.

It is mainly grown in Seongju Country, South Korea, and in recent years, it has been actively exported to Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and other countries.

If you happen to see this yellow and cute fruit in your local supermarket, you should definitely try it. The crisp white color of the flesh will give you a cooling sensation.

On the Table | Photo Essay |


Braised Potatoes

Gamjajorim (braised potatoes) is a dish known for its rich and sweet taste. By slicing fresh potatoes and stir-frying them with a thick seasoning sauce, you can experience a delightful combination of tenderness and crispiness. The sauce, made with ingredients like gochujang, soy sauce, sugar, and minced garlic, adds a deep and savory flavor to the potatoes. Pair it with Korean-style rice for perfect culinary harmony. With simple ingredients and an easy cooking method, this dish is beloved by many and can be effortlessly prepared at home.

K-FOOD Recipe On the Table 39

G mjajorim


4 green chili peppers (60g)

2 Tbsp cooking oil

3 Tbsp soy sauce

2 Tbsp sugar

½ cup of water

1 Tbsp sesame seeds

1 Tbsp sesame oil

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K-FOOD Recipe On the Table

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