July 2023 (vol.333)

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Industry Is at Its Peak in the Domestic Market

Processed Food Exports Unique Korean Apple Wine “Chateul Soorok”

KAF Trends


Amazon's Favorite Portable Protein Shake: A Meal in a Jar

On the Table

K-FOOD Recipe

Yukjeon (Pan-fried Battered Beef)

July 2023 | vol.333

Farmers in the Field

K-meal Kit Market Trends

Leading K-Smart Farm Company

Senior Living Food Market Trends

The era of premium meal kits that can substitute dining out has arrived, with more diverse companies and products emerging. This issue introduces a new concept of freeze-dried meal kits that can be stored at room temperature, catered for cancer patients and seniors who are vulnerable to health and immunity. And also introduce ‘Tomango’ which is natural stevia tomatoes in farmtastic corner. I also interviewed Applease, a company that exports its high-quality apple wine brand overseas. ‘Sigolssal Ramyeon’, is made with organic rice flour from Ganghwa Island and 100% domestically grown vegetables. I wrote about the inspiration from the farmers I met while traveling around the country in the column. “Hanjang's Diet” is a K-food craze on Amazon. The recipe section features ‘yukjeon’, one of Korea's signature dishes. There's no fruit quite as perfect for the sweltering heat of July as watermelon. You can explore watermelon farms in our photo essay.

Kim, Eil Chul Chief Reporter THE K-MEAL KIT Industry Is at Its Peak in the Domestic Market
Sally Cook’s Meal Kit for Cancer and Diabetes Patients
"Chateul Soorok" Exports of Unique Korean Apple Wine Sigolssal Ramyeon Made with Organic Rice Grown on Ganghwa Island
Woodeumgee Farm’s ‘Tomango’
A Meal in a Jar Amazon’s Favorite Portable Protein Shake:
Battered Beef


Cover Story

8 The K-Meal Kit Industry Is at Its Peak in the Domestic Market

12 Sally Cook’s Meal Kit for Cancer and Diabetes Patients

14 K-Meal Kit Market Trends

In Focus

16 Farmtastic | Leading K-smart Farm Company Woodeumgee Farm’s Tomango

20 Processed Food | Export of Unique Korean Apple Wine "Chateul Soorok"

24 New Item | Sigolssal Ramyeon Made With Organic Rice Grown on Ganghwa Island

KAF Trends

28 Trend & Products | Senior Living Food Market Trends

32 e-Commerce | Amazon's Favorite Portable Protein Shake: A Meal in a Jar

34 COLUMN | Farmers in the Field

On the Table

36 Photo Essay | Gochang Watermelon

38 K-FOOD Recipe | Yukjeon (Pan-fried Battered Beef)

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea

Tel: +82-61-931-0963 Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Kim Kwang-jin





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok (rhee@at.or.kr) 070-4617-3266, 3278

HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo (max@at.or.kr) 070-4617-2696, 7116

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JAKARTA Lee Seung-hoon (afmchoon@at.or.kr) 070-4617-2694~5

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+82-70-4354-4207 / d-n@daum.net / www.d-n.kr

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, www.k-foodtrade.or.kr


Industry Is at Its Peak in the Domestic Market

Ready-to-cook (RTC) food products that contain premeasured and prepared ingredients, sauces, and recipes are called "meal kits" or "cooking boxes". Between 2017 and 2019, the meal kit market and companies in South Korea grew rapidly. Their growth did not stop even during the COVID-19 pandemic period from 2020 to early 2023. The trend of consumers cooking at home has continued into the endemic period. However, the meal kit market is no longer dominated by certain companies. It has become an open marketplace for anyone with a new and delicious recipe. Popular restaurants, hotels, and department stores with wellknown restaurants and chefs with their own recipes have begun to compete in various ways. Some food tech companies have evolved into new meal kit concepts, such as frozen and freeze-dried meals, and have shifted to targeting overseas markets.

FarmJoA Co., Ltd. of Iksan, North Jeolla Province, recently exported frozen vege -

韓国市場で全盛期を迎えた K-Meal Kit産業

一定分量の下ごしらえを施した食材とソー ス、レシピなどをセットで提供する(RTC: Ready To Cook)形態の製品をミールキ ット(Meal Kit)またはクッキングボックス (Cooking Box)と呼ぶ。韓国では2017年から 2019年にかけてミールキット市場が急成長 するにつれて企業もともに成長した。そして 2020年から2023年初のコロナ禍でもその成 長は続いた。手料理への消費は、コロナが収 束してからも続いている。しかし、もはやミー ルキット市場は特定企業が独占するもので はなく、オープンマーケットになった。おいし い料理、今までにない料理のレシピを知って いる人であれば誰でも参加できるようになっ た。おいしいと噂の店、有名レストランが入 店しているホテルやデパート、自分だけのレ シピを持つ料理人などが様々な形で勝負を かけている。一部のフードテック企業を中心 に、冷凍食や凍結乾燥食など、新たな概念の ミールキットに進化し、海外市場の攻略に乗 り出している。

全羅北道イクサン(益山) の㈱FARMJOAは、最近冷 凍野菜と「Meal Kit」を香 港、オーストラリアに続き アメリカに輸出した。それ ぞれ80万ドル、40万ドル、 30万ドルの規模である。独 自開発した特許技術の急 速冷凍法(IQF:Individual quick-freezing)を基盤とし ている。2016年にIQF食品 製造工場を設立した同社

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Cover Story

tables and "meal kits" to the U.S. following exports to Hong Kong and Australia, worth $800,000, $400,000, and $300,000, respectively. This was based on the company's patented Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) technology. The company entered the meal kit market with its experience as a leading company in the domestic frozen vegetable market, after establishing an IQF food production factory in 2016. The company has supplied Lotte Mart, E-mart, Market Kurly, Coupang, Samsung Welstory, Pulmuone, Harim, and others. Sallycook realized that eating right helps cancer patients and the elderly get through difficult treatments. They produce and deliver healthy, therapeutic meal kits from their data-driven smart farms to provide balanced nutrition to those with compromised immune systems. They introduced a new concept of freeze-dried meal kits that can be stored at room temperature for cancer patients and the elderly and began to enter the U.S. market.

A popular Vietnamese pho restaurant in Itaewon, Seoul, survived the COVID-19 crisis in 2020 by turning its product into a meal kit. After about six



までにロッテマート、emart、Market kurly、Coupang、 サムスン・ウェルストーリー、プルムウォン、ハリムなどに

製品を納めてきた。㈱SallyCookは、がん患者や病弱な 高齢者にとって、きちんと食事を取ることが治療の苦しみ に耐える基本になるところに注目した。免疫力が弱くな


う、健康治療食ミールキットを、スマートファームでデー タに基づいて生産・供給している。がん患者や高齢者の ための凍結乾燥室温保存ミールキットという新たな概念 を導入し、本格的にアメリカに進出し始めた。

ソウル・イテウォン(梨泰院)の有名ベトナムフォーレス トランは、2020年コロナ禍で売上が急減したとき、既存 の製品をミールキットとして販売し、またたく間に危機 から脱した。約6か月間の準備を経て、だし汁を冷凍して 作ったフォーのミールキットをメディアプラットフォーム に紹介したのが功を奏した。最初の月には2,600食、次 の月には3,000食の注文が来た。韓国トップのミールキ ット専門会社であるfresheasyは、パートナ会社のミー ルキット商品の企画から販売までの全過程を支援する 事業に力を入れている。その代 表的な成果の一つが「パク・ マンネビビングクス(ビビン素 麺)」である。ライブ配信開始か

ら1分後には用意した2万食が全部 売り切れた。このようにミールキット を主導してきた大手食品企業と、専門ス タートアップ企業の一部に限られていた韓 国のミールキット市場は、今や生産も供給 も、また製品の種類とも関係なく、ほとん どの人が参加できるコンテンツ競争の時代 を迎えている。

Fresheasy、CJ第一製糖、韓国ヨーグルト(イ ッツオン)、東遠ホームフード(マムズキット)、GSリ

テール(Simply Cook)、ロッテマート(料理ハダ)などが 初期に参入し、現代百貨店(シェフボックス)、ギャラリ ア百貨店(Gourmet494)など大型流通会社もその後を 追った。emartやGS25、ロッテマートなどのコンビニも

months of preparation, the restaurant introduced a pho meal kit, which involves freezing their broth, on a media platform. They received orders for 2,600 servings in the first month and 3,000 servings the following month. Launching the rice noodle meal kit, which takes about six months to prepare and involves freezing the broth, on media platforms had a big impact. They received orders for 2,600 servings in the first month and 3,000 servings the following month. Fresheasy, the country's No. 1 meal kit specialist, is focused on a business which supports the entire process from planning to selling the meal kit products of its affiliates. One of its most representative successes is the "Park Mak Rye Bibim Noodles". More than 20,000 units prepared for a live broadcast sold out in just one minute. The domestic meal kit market, which has been limited to large food companies and specialized startups leading the way, has now entered a period of content competition in which almost everyone can participate, regardless of production, supply and product type.

Fresheasy, CJ CheilJedang, Korean Yakult (It's On), Dongwon Home Food (Mom's Kit), GS Retail (Simply Cook) and Lotte Mart (Cook) were among the early movers. Large retailers such as Hyundai Department Store (Chef Box) and Galleria Department Store (Gourmet 494) followed suit, and convenience stores such as E-mart, GS25 and Lotte Mart also joined the competition. In the hotel industry, Lotte Hotel released "Lotte Hotel 1979," a meal kit featuring recipes from the hotel's restaurant. Chosun Hotel launched meal kits featuring recipes from Korean, Chinese, and Japanese chefs. Hotel Shilla released a "Premium Tteokgalbi Meal Kit". Samsung Electronics is also indirectly involved in the meal kit industry. They released the Bespoke Cooker, a cooking appliance that combines a microwave, air fryer and grill, all necessary for cooking meal kits, and introduced three exclusive meal kits, 'Shilla Dining At Home'. They are also developing exclusive meal kit menus with Fresheasy, Ottogi, Tastynine, Hotel Shilla, and CJ CheilJedang.

加わった。ホテル業界では、ロッテホテルがホテルレス トランのレシピを取り入れたミールキット「ロッテホテル 1979」を、朝鮮ホテルが韓国料理、中華料理、日本料理 それぞれのシェフの料理を盛り込んだ製品を、ホテル新 羅が「プレミアムトッカルビミールキット」を発売した。 サムスン電子もミールキット産業に間接的に関わってい る。ミールキットの調理に必要な電子レンジ、エアフラ イヤー、グリルなどが一つになった「調理機器BESPOKE Qooker」を発売し、これに合わせた専用ミールキット 「新羅ダイニング・アット・ホーム」3種を発売した。 fresheasy、オットギ、Tasty9、ホテル新羅、CJ第一製糖 とともに、ミールキットのメニューも共同開発している。

Korean Meal Kit Products

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Cover Story
Cheiljedang Co.,
Park Mark Rye Spicy Noodles Budaejjigae (Sausage Stew) Spicy Mushroom Dumpling Hotpot Fresheasy GS Retail Simply Cook

Sally Cook’s

Meal Kit for Cancer and Diabetes Patients


㈱Sally Cookの室温保存 ミールキット

Sally Cook produces a variety of products including 'Cup Greens', low-sugar bibimbap for diabetics, black sesame porridge, berry cereal and a 2-week pack of five foods for cancer patients. All products are made with lowsugar, high-protein ingredients. They can be stored at room temperature for 12-18 months without preservatives, thanks to freeze-drying technology. These lightweight meal kits are portable and can be consumed instantly by simply adding water. This is an entirely new concept from previous meal kits and reflects the unique needs of patients who are immunocompromised or fragile. These are the first meal kits in Korea that can be stored at room temperature.

Fresh and frozen foods are highly susceptible to contamination by bacteria that cause food poisoning, which can occur even with small temperature differences when delivered, hence not recommend as a healthy diet for cancer patients with weak immune systems. For this reason, the company developed a freeze-dried, room-temperature meal kit. The "Halal Chicken Vegetable Bibimbap" is a dietary food for

㈱Sally Cookは、カップナムル、低糖ビビンバ4種、黒ゴ マ粥、ベリー・ガドゥク(ベリーいっぱい)禅食など6種類

の糖尿病患者向け食品や、がん患者向け献立型食品5 種類の2週間パッケージ製品などを生産している。製品 はすべて糖類を減らし、タンパク質を増やした材料で作 られる。凍結乾燥型であるため、防腐剤を使わずに12 ~18か月間室温で長期保存できる。軽くて携帯しやす く、水分を加えてすぐ食べられるという長所もある。従 来のミールキットとはまったく異なる完全に新たな概念 の製品である。免疫力の弱い患者や健康がすぐれない 患者向け食事の特性が、きちんと反映されている。これ


生鮮食品や冷凍食品は、配送中のちょっとした温度差 にも食中毒をもたらす細菌に感染するリスクが非常に 高い。当然免疫力の弱いがん患者の健康食としてはあ まり推奨できない。こうした背景から、凍結乾燥型の室 温保存ミールキットの製造に至った。同社が供給して

いる「ハラル鶏肉ナムルビビンバ」は、糖尿病患者向け の献立型食品。キョウオウ玄米60%に、うるち米、アマ


diabetics, which contains ingredients such as turmeric brown rice (60%), plain rice, brown rice nurungji (scorched rice) with Solomon's seal, halal chicken, spinach, carrots, oyster mushrooms, onions, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, shiitake mushrooms, garlic, apples, radish, whole pepper and green onions, all sourced from Korea. It is designed for people with diabetes, muscle wasting, post-surgery, and chemotherapy. Simply add hot water to the paper container, mix well, close the lid, and after 15 minutes, add sesame oil and soy sauce to taste. The "Berry Goodness Meal" with milk, soy milk and yogurt is for consumers with poor teeth, swallowing difficulties, anemia, and bone health issues.

Sally Cook's flagship product, Cup Namul, which was the first to be exported to the USA, is a low-sugar, low-sodium, high-fiber product. It contains 2g of sugar (2%), 28mg of sodium (1%) and 8g of dietary fiber (31%) for 20g and 60 kcal. The Red Pepper Spiced Dried Pollack Bibimbap is a dietary food made with dried pollack and vegetables and mushrooms seasoned with red pepper. It is a high-protein, high-fiber diabetic meal. Add hot water, mix well, close the lid and consume after 15 minutes with sesame oil. Other products include the White Aged Kimchi Chicken Bibimbap, the Plantain Radish Vegetable Bibimbap, and the Soybean Paste White Aged Kimchi Stir-fry.

Sally Cook Co., Ltd.

Sally Cook Co., Ltd. is a company founded by Sally Jeong in January 2018, specializing in freeze-dried therapeutic meal kits for patients and health-conscious individuals.

㈱Sally Cookは、2018年1月にSally Jeongによっ て設立された企業で、患者と健康意識のある個人向 けに凍結乾燥の治療食キットを専門としています。

DIRECTOR: Won Ji-young

TEL: +82-10-7390-0227

EMAIL: eunheelovely@naver.com

ADDRESS: 983, 4F, 1139 Cheonho-daero, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

参、ヒラタケ、玉ねぎ、白菜、ズッキーニ、エホバク(韓 国かぼちゃ)、シイタケ、にんにく、リンゴとダイコン、粒 こしょうとネギ、カバノアナタケなどが原材料である。 すべて韓国産である。高たんぱく糖尿食として、糖尿病 患者、筋肉不足の人、手術後の人、抗ガン治療中の患者 向けである。紙容器の表示線までお湯を入れてよく混 ぜ、蓋をした状態で15分経過後、ごま油や醬油を好み に合わせて混ぜて食べる。牛乳や豆乳、ヨーグルトと一 緒に食べる「ベリー・ガドゥク禅食」は、歯の悪い人や 嚥下障害のある人、貧血、骨に異常がある消費者向け の製品である。

㈱Sally Cookの代表作としてアメリカに初めて輸出され た「カップナムル」は、低糖、低ナトリウム、高食物繊維 の製品である。糖類2g(2%)、ナトリウム28mg(1%)、食 物繊維8g(31%)で、内容量は20g、60kcalである。「唐 辛子味付け焼きスケトウダラナムルビビンバ」は、糖尿 患者用献立の食品で、スケトウダラの干物と唐辛子で 味付けした各種野菜やキノコが原材料であるだ。高たん ぱく・高食物繊維の糖尿食である。お湯を入れてよく混 ぜ、蓋をした状態で15分経過後、ごま油を混ぜて食べる。 「白熟成キムチ鶏肉ビビンバ」、「オオバコ大根ナムルビ ビンバ」、「味噌白熟成キムチ炒め」などの製品もある。

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Cover Story

K-meal Kit Market Trends

K-Meal Kitの市場動向

Leading Korean meal kit companies such as Fresheasy, Cookat, Mychef, and Wingeat have begun to focus on improving their business structure through additional investment. Fresheasy, the No. 1 in the industry, achieved sales of KRW 529.7 billion last year. In 2021, it secured an investment of KRW 200 billion and went on to acquire companies such as Tasty9, HEO Dak, and Line Logistics System, among others. As the COVID-19 era came to an end, demand for dining out increased, and reliance on meal kits decreased, the company reorganized its business units and focused on efficiency. The company has strengthened its convenience food publishing business, a core competency. Cookat's revenue last year was KRW 37.2 billion, down nearly KRW 10 billion from the previous year. In early 2022, the company closed all of its offline stores, Cookat Market, and switched to operating stores in 104 GS25 stores. The company has moved to strengthen its cooperation with its parent company, GS25.

MyChef was acquired by Korean Air C&D, a company that provides in-flight meals for Korean Air. The company plans to expand its business through its private brand (PB) and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) production. MyChef has also built an 11,927.5 square meters smart factory in Seongnam, establishing a system capable of producing 100,000 meal kits per day. They plan to enter the in-flight meal kit market to strengthen the synergy with the parent

company. Wingeat is looking to break through by expanding overseas. Its "Wingeat Biz" service, which provides convenience food to small businesses, has successfully taken off with 1,400 subscribers just two months after launch. The company has formed a dedicated overseas business team and exports to 11 countries, including Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong, the U.S., and Costa Rica.

According to a survey conducted by Statistics Korea and Euromonitor in 2019, the size of the Korean ready-to-eat meals market reached KRW 2.19 trillion in 2018, almost double the size in 2011. It is estimated to reach KRW 4 trillion in 2023. Meanwhile, the size of the domestic meal kit market increased from KRW 101.7 billion in 2019 to KRW 376.6 billion last year. It is expected to reach KRW 526 billion by 2025. However, the total size of the meal kit market, which includes everything from individuals who have already entered the market to hotels and department stores, large food companies and related platform companies, and famous restaurants, is expected to be larger.

Fresheasy、cookat、マイシェフ、WingEatなど、韓国のミ ールキット産業を主導してきた専門企業は、追加投資を誘 致することで体質改善に集中し始めた。市場が変わってい るからである。韓国の家庭向け簡便食品市場は、1990年 代と2000年代前半は、3分料理や即席ご飯など簡便性を 中心とするものが主流であった。2000年代前半から2013 年までは、冷蔵食品や冷凍餃子など利便性においしさを 加えた製品が登場した。これらに続き、カップライスや汁 もの、おかずなど、味も栄養も考慮した簡便食品が本格的 に発売された。2015年からは、韓国の家庭向け簡便食市 場をミールキットが主導するようになった。今や独自のブ ランドと一緒に有名レストランやシェフのレシピによりプレ ミアム化のレベルに至り、市場は拡大し、競争は激しくな っている。

2021年9月、韓国外食産業経営研究院が1,050人の消費者 を対象に行った調査結果、簡便食品が外食を完全に、もし くはほとんど代替できるという意見は44%、半分ぐらい代 替できるという意見は約33%であった。77%に達する回 答者が簡便食品が外食を代替できると答えたのである。

ミールキットが大衆化し、近年有名な人気店のメニューと 料理人のレシピを用いてミールキットを作る飲食店と企業 が増えたのも、このような家庭向け簡便食品、特にミール キット産業の急成長に大きく貢献していると推定される。

業界トップのfresheasyは昨年5,297億ウォンの売上を達 成した。2021年に2,000億ウォンの投資を誘致し、業界2 位のTasty9に続きHEODAK、ライン物流システムなどを相 次いで買収した。コロナの終息によって外食の需要が増加 し、ミールキットへの依存度は減少したため、事業部を再 編し事業の効率化に取り掛かった。中核となる簡便食品

パブリッシング事業の強化を始めている。Cookatの昨年 の売上は372億ウォンで、前年度に比べ約100億ウォン減 少している。オフライン店舗「CookatMarket」も2022年 初に整理し、GS25の104か所の店舗に納品するという形 に転換している。親企業であるGS25との協業をさらに強 化している。

マイシェフは大韓航空CNDに買収された。大韓航空の機 内食を提供する企業である。プライベートブランド(PB)と OEMによる事業を拡大する予定である。ソンナム(城南) に1万1927.5㎡(3306坪)のスマートファクトリーを作り、1 日に10万食のミールキットを生産できるシステムも構築し ている。親企業とのシナジーを強化すべく、機内食用のミー ルキットに進出する計画である。WingEatは海外進出を突 破口にしようとしている。零細事業者の事業所に簡便食品 を納品する「WingEatBiz」サービスの開始から2か月で1400 か所の加入者を確保し、安定したスタートを見せている。海 外事業専任チームを立ち上げ、シンガポール、ベトナム、香 港、アメリカ、コスタリカなど11か国に輸出している。 2019年の統計庁とユーロモニターの調査によると、韓国 の家庭向け簡便食品市場は2018年に2兆1900億ウォンに 達した。2011年に比べてほぼ倍増した規模である。2023 年には4兆ウォン台に至ると推定されている。一方、韓国 のミールキット市場の規模は2019年の1,017億ウォンから 昨年は3,766億ウォンに拡大した。2025年には5,260億ウ ォンに達する見込みである。しかし、すでに市場に進出し ている個人ブランドからホテルやデパート、大手食品企業 と関連するプラットフォーム企業、有名レストランに至るま で、ミールキット市場の全体規模をすべて反映すれば、さ らに大きくなると思われる。

14 15
Cover Story

Leading K-Smart Farm Company

Woodeumgee Farm’s


Woodeumgee Farm Corporation has successfully mass-produced Korea's first stevia tomato, "Tomango", and established a smart farming system to produce the tomato. The company produces and distributes tomatoes grown in its self-developed semi-enclosed glass greenhouse. In 2021, the company exported about 300 tons of smart farm tomatoes to Japan, and supplied samples to Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates. The area used for cultivation is 11 hectares, the size of 13 soccer fields. In 2020, the company's sales amounted to KRW 23 billion, and in 2021, sales doubled to KRW 48 billion, while operating income amounted to KRW 10 billion. The company focused on expanding and investing in its facilities in 2022, and the sales reached KRW 45 billion with a slightly decreased operating income of KRW 4 billion. This year, the company expects sales of KRW 60 billion and operating income of KRW 9.5 billion. Recently, the


Woodeumgee Farm(株) Tomango

Woodeumgee Farm(株)在韩国率先成功量产甜菊 糖番茄“Tomango”,并为此建立了智慧农场体系。 Woodeumgee Farm(株)利用自主研发的“韩国特色半封 闭式玻璃温室”种植番茄并进行加工和分销。2021年,向 日本出口约300吨产自智慧农场的番茄,还向香港、新加 坡、阿联酋(UAE)供应样品。番茄的总种植面积为11公顷, 相当于13个足球场。2020年 ,Woodeumgee Farm (株)的 销售额达230亿韩元,2021年的销售额达480亿韩元,较前 一年增长了两倍,营业利润为100亿韩元。2022年,公司通 过设施扩建和投资,实现了450亿韩元的销售额,营业利润 达40亿韩元,略有下降。今年预计可实现销售额600亿韩 元,营业利润95亿韩元。近期,公司正准备以特别并购上市

16 17

for their health, but they did not eat them often because they were not as sweet as they'd expect. Woodeumgee Farm introduced a technology using stevia, a natural sweetener approved by the U.S. FDA and used to increase the sugar content of apples. Introducing the technology was not easy. They had to throw away 500 kilograms of tomatoes every day during the trial. Despite these failures, the company continued to research and work to develop the original technology. A new way to evenly diffuse stevia in tomatoes using ultrasonic waves for post-harvest processing and immersion was invented, which led to three patents. They named the product "Tomango" because it is as sweet as mangoes. All of the stevia added for sweetness is excreted through urine. The production process of Tomango involves the sorting of the grown tomatoes by size and ripeness, followed by a primary cleaning. The quality is determined by this step. Of course, the right recipe is just as important. After the primary cleaning, the raw material is treated with stevia and then dried after a second cleaning. The product is then packed and wrapped before shipping. The sweetness of this product is around 20 Brix, but the actual sugar content is very low, around 5 Brix, making it ideal for health and diet. Tomango has been the main product of Woodeumgee Farm's growth, accounting for more than 80% of the company's total sales. The company processes and produces Tomango from its own tomatoes and tomatoes sourced from more than 200 cooperating farms, and the prod-

Tomango的质量在全球市场上独占鳌头。公司还为开 拓国内外市场奠了定基础。在韩国国内,Tomango正 在NC百货商店、ELAND Kim's Club、乐天超市、EMART 24、MINISTOP、Coupang等平台上销售。今年1月,公司 还参加了韩国-阿联酋(UAE)经济代表团。当地市场对 Woodeumgee Farm(株)、主打产品Tomango和智慧农 场建设表现出了极大的兴趣。目前,公司已经开始商讨 将产品出口至中东国家、东南亚、塞班岛、香港、新加坡等 地,还与阿联酋(UAE)签订了有关出口自主开发半封闭 式玻璃温室的谅解备忘录。 uct is sold nationwide. Tomango is so popular that the demand for it outruns the supply.

Woodeumgee Farm successfully built Korea's first 1.9-hectare state-of-the-art semi-enclosed greenhouse in 2019. Currently, the company produces jujube cherry tomatoes, ripe tomatoes, etc. throughout the year in a smart farm facility of about 3.5 hectares. In 2022, the company invested in HACCP facilities and built an automated sorting facility at the second factory to grow European vegetables on about 3.6 hectares. Woodeumgee invested KRW 2 billion to install LED lighting in the greenhouse. It is now possible to grow vegetables in all four seasons without worrying about lack of sunlight, even in cloudy days, rainy seasons and winter. Thanks to information technology, it is easy to control the temperature, humidity and amount of light to provide the best conditions for the plants to grow. This has increased the plant's growth capacity by 25% and doubled the Tomango production from 40 tons to over 80 tons per day.

Tomango boasts world-class quality. The company has laid the foundation for market development both at home and abroad. In Korea, Tomango is distributed through NC Department Store, Kim's Club in Eland, Lotte Mart, E-Mart 24, Mini Stop, Coupang, etc. In January, the company participated in the Korea-UAE business mission. The local response to Woodeumgee Farm and its flagship product Tomango and the construction of smart farms has been positive. Discussions have begun to export to countries in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, as well as Saipan, Hong Kong and Singapore. The company also signed an MOU with the United Arab Emirates to export its proprietary semi-enclosed glass greenhouse.

一直以来,人们虽然知道番茄对健康有益,但因其含糖量 低,所以不受欢迎。Woodeumgee Farm(株)着眼于此, 利用获得美国FDA认证的天然甜味剂甜菊糖(Stevia),将 用于提高苹果含糖量的技术引入番茄种植。然而,结果并 不尽如人意。有时,实验结束后要白白扔掉500公斤的番 茄。面对失败,Woodeumgee Farm(株)没有退缩,通过 不懈的研究和努力,最终开发出了核心技术。公司开发出 一种新的方法,收获加工番茄后,在浸渍过程中采用超声 波技术,使甜菊糖成分均匀地分布到番茄中,并由此获得 了三项相关专利。由于这种甜菊糖番茄就像芒果一样甜, 因此被命名为“Tomango”。甜菊糖(Stevia)是一种天然


Tomango的生产过程如下。首先,按照番茄的大小和成 熟度进行筛选,然后进行第一次清洗。番茄的质量几乎取 决于该阶段。当然,适当的配方也同样重要。经过第一次 清洗后,再用甜菊糖对番茄原料进行加工,然后进行第二 次清洗并干燥。接着,进行产品内包装和外包装后出货。

通过这种方式生产出来的Tomango甜度约为20 Brix。但 实际含糖量只有5 Brix,有助于健康和瘦身。Tomango产 品对Woodeumgee Farm(株)公司的成长起到了决定性 作用,Tomango产品的销售额占公司销售总额的80%以

上。目前,公司正在对自主种植的番茄和200多家合作农 户生产的番茄进行加工,将生产出的Tomango销往韩国 各地。据悉,由于Tomango人气火爆,很多地方都出现了 供不应求的现象。

Woodeumgee Farm(株)于2019年成功建立了韩国首座 高科技韩国特色半封闭式玻璃温室,规模为1.9公顷。目

前,公司拥有约3.5公顷的智慧农场设施,全年生产大枣 圣女果、熟透番茄等产品。2022年,为了在约3.6公顷的 菜园里种植欧式蔬菜,公司对第二工厂的HACCP设备进

行了投资,并新建了自动分拣设施,还投入20亿韩元,在 温室里安装了LED补光灯。如此一来,不管是阴天、梅雨 季,还是冬天,都无需担心光照不足,一年四季都可以种 植番茄。得益于IT技术的应用,温度、湿度、光照等的调节 变得更加容易,为农作物的生长提供了最佳的环境。通过 这些努力,农作物的生长能力提高了25%,Tomango产 量也翻了两倍,从原来的日均40吨增加到80吨。

Woodeumgee Farm

CEO: Kim Hong-keun

TEL: +82-10-2252-1905

EMAIL: harry.kim@wdgfarm.com

ADDRESS: 9-9 Hapsong-ri, Gyuam-myeon, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea

Woodeumgee Farm Corporation is a successful South Korean company that specializes in massproducing 'Tomango,' Korea's first stevia tomato, using a smart farm system and self-developed semi-enclosed glass greenhouses.

Woodeumgee Farm (株)是一家成功的韩国公司,专 门利用智能农场系统和自主研发的半封闭玻璃温室 大规模生产“Tomango”,这是韩国第一个采用甜菊 糖的番茄品种。

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Export of Unique Korean Apple Wine

"Chateul Soorok"

The Applease Korea Brewery Co., Ltd, located in Uiseong, North Gyeongsang Province, South Korea, is enhancing the reputation of K-Wine by producing globally recognized apple wine with top-quality ingredients and 30+ years of expertise in production. They source all of the apples they use, more than 230 tons a year, exclusively locally. Uiseong is the best apple growing area in Korea, known for its large daily temperature differences and abundant sunlight, with harvest typically beginning in September to October. Han Lim-seop, CEO of Applease, which was founded in 1996 as a farmer's cooperative and became an agricultural company in 1998, has been running apple orchards in Uiseong County for generations. While working as an engineer in France in the 1970s, he fell in love with the taste and aroma of calvados made from apples. Upon his return to Korea, he pursued the highest level of apple wine, and after researching and experimenting, he eventually produced and supplied apple wine that was recognized both domestically and internationally.

特有の韓国産リンゴワイン、「チャ ズル」を輸出する韓国APPLEASE

上等な原材料と約30年間蓄積してきた製造ノウハウをも とに、世界的な品質のリンゴワインを作ってK-Wineの名 声を高めている農業会社法人、韓国APPLEASEは、慶尚 北道ウィソン(義城)を拠点としている。毎年消費される 約230トンのリンゴをすべて地元から買い入れている。義 城は一日の気温差が大きく日照量が豊富な地域として、 韓国で最もリンゴ栽培に適した土地であり、通常9月か ら10月頃収穫を始める。同社は1996年に営農組合法人 として設立され、その後1998年に農業会社法人に転じ た。創業者兼代表取締役のハン・イムソプ氏は、家族が 義城郡で代々リンゴ果樹園を営んできた。1970年代にフ ランスでエンジニアとして働いていた彼は、フランスで飲 んだリンゴ酒カルヴァドスの味と香りに魅了された。帰 国後、最高レベルのリンゴワインを作りたいという一念 で様々な研究や試みを重ねた末、韓国と海外で認められ るリンゴワインを生産・供給するようになった。

Processed Food

Their products include Geumgwamyeongju, a brandy product distilled from 100% apple wine aged for 15 years (40% abv); Han's Orchard, which boasts a soft and sweet flavor and aroma from fermenting apples (11% abv); Hebe', a traditional carbonated cider made from 100% apple juice through the natural fermentation process (9% abv); 'Episode', a cider with an ideal blend of additives using apple wine and grape wine as a base and with medium intensity carbonation (3.5% abv); and 'Chateul Soorok', which allows you to enjoy the taste of the fruits by blending apple wine with various kinds of fruit concentrates (14-16% abv). Among these, 'Chateul Soorok' is the flagship product. Unlike mass-produced products that are made by blending alcohol, fragrances, and additives, it is made from apple wine. There are a total of 17 flavors with an alcohol content ranging from 14% to 16% and a bottle size of 360ml. The flavor and mouthfeel are much smoother than other products.

The company's K-Wine is exported to approximately 30 countries worldwide. The export amount is estimated to be KRW 2.84 billion in 2020, KRW 4.95 billion in 2022, and KRW 7.86 billion in 2023. The major importers are the United States, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and China. For 'Chateul Soorok', which accounts for the majority of exports, sales (including exports) amounted to KRW 2.7 billion in 2020, KRW 4.7 billion in 2021, and KRW 7.5 billion in 2022. They were awarded the Three Hundred Million Dollar Export Tower last year. Next is Korea's widely known apple sparkling wine. Hebe, which is made by the natural fermentation of apple juice without filtration, and Episode, which is made by

enhancing the sweetness of apple wine and injecting medium-strength carbonation, are available. The expansion of the domestic traditional liquor market and the boom in K-culture and K-food have greatly increased overseas interest.

They are continuously working on developing future export products and expanding export markets. They are strengthening the carbonated production line and plan to expand the export product line with "Episode" and RTD products. They also plan to enter the spirits market by launching new spirits products. The number of export countries is also increasing. This year they have entered the Canadian, Indian and Mexican markets. They are also negotiating to export to countries such as Mongolia, Spain and the United Kingdom. In the beginning, despite the high quality of the product, there were many difficulties in securing a distribution network because apple wine itself was not well known. In 2007, it won the silver medal at the Indiana Wine Review in the U.S., the silver medal at the Los Angeles Wine Review in the U.S. in 2010, and was selected as the official sponsor product of the 2012 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. The company has the Food Safety Certification System FSSC22000 certification and patents for the production method of pomegranate wine (in 2007) and the production method of distilled spirit and soju flavored wine (in 2017).

15年間熟成したリンゴワインの原酒100%を蒸留した ブランデー製品の「金果銘酒」(アルコール40%)、ま ろやかで甘い味と香りを誇るリンゴ発酵酒の「Han’s ORCHARD」(同11%)、リンゴ果汁100%でリンゴ繊維質 と自然発酵による炭酸が自慢の正統サイダー「HEBE」 (同9%)、リンゴワインとブドウワインをベースに添加物 を適切にブレンドし、中強度の炭酸を配合したサイダー 「APISODE」(同3.5%)、リンゴワインと多種多様な果 物濃縮液がブレンドされ果物の風味が楽しめる「チャズ ル」(同14~16%)などを発売している。中でも主力製品 となっているのが「チャズル」である。酒精や香料、添 加物などを配合して作る大手の製品とは異なり、リンゴ ワインをベースにしている。計17のフレーバーで構成さ れており、度数は14%~16%、容量は360ml。風味やの ど越しが他の製品に比べ圧倒的に柔らかい。

これまでの成果を引き継ぐ将来の輸出製品の開発と、 輸出国の拡大にも力を入れている。炭酸生産ラインを 補強し、「APISODE」やRTD製品のラインナップの拡充 により輸出製品の拡大を進めている。蒸留酒市場にも 参入する計画を持っている。輸出国も引き続き増加して いる。今年はカナダ、インド、メキシコの新規市場に進 出した。モンゴル、スペイン、イギリスなどとも輸出に向 けた協議を続けている。初期は優秀な品質のわりにリ ンゴワインそのものがあまり知られておらず、販路確保 に相当苦戦した。2007年にアメリカのインディアナ州 ワイン品評会で銀賞を、2010年にアメリカのロサンゼ ルス・ワイン品評会で銀賞を受賞し、2012年ピョンチャ ン(平昌)冬季オリンピックのホストタウン公式スポン サー製品に選定された。食品安全システム認証制度の FSSC22000認証を保有しており、ザクロワインの製造 方法(2007年登録)、蒸留酒や焼酎類の香味を持つワイ ンの製造方法(2017年登録)などの特許を持っている。

韓国APPLEASEのK-Wineは世界の約30か国に輸出さ れている。輸出額は2020年28億4千万ウォン、2022年 49億5千万ウォン、2023年78億6千万ウォンと推定され る。主な輸出国はアメリカ、フィリピン、タイ、ベトナム、 オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、日本、中国である。


に27億、2021年に47億、2022年に75億ウォンに達す る売上(輸出を含む)を達成した。昨年には輸出300万 ドルの塔を受賞している。ほかにも、韓国で広く知ら れているリンゴを使ったスパークリングワインがある。


「HEBE」と、リンゴワインの糖度を強め中強度の炭酸 を注入した「APISODE APPLE CIDER」がある。韓国伝 統酒市場の拡大やK-Culture、K-Foodブームによる海


Applease Korea

Applease Korea Brewery Co., Ltd. is a South Korean company based in Uiseong, North Gyeongsang Province, known for producing globally recognized apple wine using superior ingredients sourced from the best apple-growing area in Korea.

Applease Korea Brewery Co., Ltd.は、韓国南部の慶尚北道義 城に拠点を置く企業で、韓国最高のりんご栽培地域からの優れ た原材料を使用して、世界的に認知されるりんごワインを生産す ることで知られています。

DIRECTER: Cho Ye-sol

TEL: +82-2-792-7801

EMAIL: sales4@applewine.co.kr

ADDRESS: 31, Ttukseom-ro 1-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

22 23 Processed Food

Sigolssal Ramyeon

Made with Organic Rice Grown on Ganghwa Island

Sigolssal Ramyeon is a 100% plant-based ramyeon made from rice grown on Ganghwa Island. It is made with 40.49% organic rice flour and Korean potato starch. The soup is made with locally grown vegetables. It consists of 35% dried shiitake mushrooms, 35% dried scallions, 20% dried carrots, and 10% dried seaweed. The 104g noodle has 466kcal. It contains 1873mg of sodium, which is 94% of the Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI), 66g of carbohydrates (20% of RDI), 5g of sugars (5% of RDI), 17g of fat (31% of RDI), 7g of saturated fat (47% of RDI), and 13g of protein (24% of RDI). There are no trans-fats or cholesterol. Made from local rice, the noodles are chewy and soft, making them easy to digest. It's made with plant-based ingredients, so it's not greasy and has a clean taste. To cook, put one ramyeon in about 550 ml of boiling water, add

用江华岛产有机大米制成的 “乡村大米方便面”

“乡村大米方便面”是以江华岛产大米为原料的纯植物方 便面,使用40.49%的有机大米粉和韩国产土豆淀粉制作 而成。调味包全部使用韩国产蔬菜,含干香菇(35%)、干 大葱(35%)、干胡萝卜(20%)和干海带(10%)。该产品为 油炸方便面,净含量104克,热量466kcal。钠含量1873毫 克,占人体每日标准摄入量的94%;碳水化合物含量66 克,占20%;糖含量5克,占5%;脂肪含量17克,占31%,其 中,饱和脂肪含量7克,占47%;蛋白质含量13克,占24%; 反式脂肪和胆固醇含量均为零。该产品以韩国产大米为 原料,面条筋道柔软,易消化,而且均为植物性食材,口感 清淡不油腻。在550毫升的沸水中放入一块面饼,再加入

New Item

the soup and dehydrated soup mix, then boil for another 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Adding a variety of vegetables can make it more delicious. This product is popular with consumers who are intolerant to wheat flour. Many reviewers report good digestion and indigestion. It is often purchased to feed young children or as a gift for parents. The plant-based soup also distinguishes itself from existing animal product-based ramyeons. The two types of soup are made with locally grown chili powder and vegetables and do not contain any animal products. It has been certified by a domestic vegan certification organization, making it a healthy ramyeon suitable for vegetarians. The vegetable soup offers a clean taste and is perfect for snacking. It's delicious even when eaten raw, and you can taste the savory flavor when lightly toasted in a frying pan or air fryer. To reduce the oil you consume from the ramyeon, you can use two pots to cook the noodles first and then cook them a little longer in the soup.

Launched in 2019, this ramyeon is produced by the Incheon Localfood Producers Cooperative, which was established on February 14, 2014 by farmers and food processors in the Incheon area. The cooperative aims to support the self-reliance of small farmers and provide healthy and reliable food to citizens through a local food direct trade business. The cooperative's 43 members include social enterprises and agricultural cooperatives such as "Ganghwa Dream," "Kongseal," "Handmade Food," "Ganghwa Green Food," "Dabo Farm," "Walsun Ajimae," and members who farm by hand.

After the supply of organic rice for school meals was cut off, they started making ramyeon with rice to promote the consumption of organic rice and support local farms. The rice is produced through eco-friendly organic farming on Boreum Island, Dojang-ri and Gyo-dong in Ganghwa County. In 2020, 2.4 tons of local organic rice were used for Sigolssal Ramyeon, 3.2 tons in 2021, and 4 tons in 2022. So far this year, about 3 tons have been consumed in the first half of the year. In the second half of the year, the total rice consumption will be about 5.5 tons, which is the equivalent of about 60,000 servings.

The production cycle of the ramyeon, which was once every six months in the early stages, has been shortened to once every 2.5 months. They produce about 13,000 units each time. Now they produce once every 2.5 months, and the production cycle continues to shorten. The ramyeon weighs 104g and is shipped from the factory in boxes of 20. They sell for KRW 32,000 through online sellers on Naver and delivery specialist Coupang. Shipping costs are KRW 3,000. The shelf life for export is 12 months. In 2020, sales were about KRW 60 million, about KRW 80 million in 2021, and about KRW 100 million in 2022. In 2021, they exported about KRW 1.5 million worth of ramyeon to India, and in 2022, they exported about KRW 1.6 million worth to the UK and about KRW 2 million worth to the U.S., which is about 4,000 ramyeons. In 2023, they have exported 10 boxes to the Organic One food market in the U.S. Last year, they outsourced their operations to Amazon and entered Shopee. They are pushing forward a plan to expand online and offline sales channels in the U.S., and are preparing for certification to enter China.

调味包和干蔬菜包,约煮2分30秒即可。根据自身喜好加 入各类蔬菜,味道更佳。




在市面上的方便面主要以动物性配料为主,而 这款产品以纯素方便面突出了产品的差异化。


未添加任何动物源性成分,已获得韩国素食认证 院的认证,非常适合素食主义者食用。虽然采用纯素 调味包,但汤鲜味美,也可以当作零食,不仅可以干吃,

还可以用煎锅或空气炸锅煎烤一小会儿,吃起来更香更 脆。如果想减少油分的摄入,可以使用两个煮锅,等面煮 开后,把面条放入另一个加入调味包的锅里再煮一会儿, 就可以大大减少油分的摄入。


仁川市本地食品生活合作社成立于2014年2月14日, 由仁川地区的农户和农产品加工商共同成立,旨在通 过地区食品直销业务,帮助小规模农户实现自立,为市 民提供健康安全的食品。合作社内共有43家成员,包括 “Ganghwadream”、“三颗豆”、“手艺食品”、“江华绿色 食品”、“DABOPHARM”、“Walsunajimae”等社会型企 业、农业合作法人以及从事农业的成员。原先面向学校食 堂的有机大米供应中断后,为了帮助地区农户,促进有机 大米的消费,该合作社开始生产大米方便面。制作方便面 的大米采用环保有机种植方式,在江华岛内的乶音岛、道 场里、乔桐等地生产。用于生产乡村大米方便面的地区有 机大米消费量分别为2020年2.4吨、2021年3.2吨、2022年 4吨,今年上半年约消费3吨,如果算上下半年的消费量, 预计今年总共消费5.5吨左右,可生产6万包方便面。

韩元;2022年对英国出口额160万韩元、对美国的出口额 为200万韩元,共出口约4000包产品。2023年,还向美国 Organicone出口了十箱产品。去年,该产品以代运营方式 入驻亚马逊商城,除了亚马逊之外,还入驻了Shopee电 商平台。目前,正计划扩大美国境内的线上和线下销售渠 道,同时推进进军中国市场的认证准备工作。

Incheon Localfood Producers Cooperative

The Incheon Localfood Producers Cooperative is established on February 14, 2014, consisting of local farmers and food processing companies in the Incheon area.

初期,生产周期为六个月,现在每两个半月就要生产一 次,生产周期大幅缩短。每次的产量为1.3万包,每包产品 的净含量为104克,发货时每箱装20包。在韩国门户网站 Naver和快递公司coupang网上商城的售价为32000韩 元,运费另算(3000韩元)。出口专用产品的保质期为12 个月。2020年的销售额为6000万韩元,2021年为8000万 韩元,2022年约为1亿韩元。2021年对印度出口额150万

仁川本地食品生产者合作社是一家合作社,成立于2014年2 月14日,由仁川地区的农民和食品加工公司组成。

MANAGER : Kwon Soon-sil

TEL: +82-32-469-3005

EMAIL: iclocalfood@naver.com

ADDRESS: 117-16, Juan-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea

26 New Item

Senior Living Food Market Trends

Korean society is on the verge of becoming a super-aged society with a rapidly increasing number of seniors. According to Statistics Korea, the proportion of the population aged 65 and older has more than doubled from 7.2% in 2000 to 17.5% (9.018 million) in 2022 and is expected to reach 20.3% by 2025. Typically, society is considered to be super-aged when more than 20% of the population is elderly. With this impending transition to a super-aged society, the food industry is actively targeting the senior generation as key consumers.

The term "senior generation" refers to those in their 50s and 60s who, as they enter the age of centenarians, have become a significant consumer group alongside the primary MZ generation, supported by their financial stability. In particular, the rise of 'YOLD' (Young Old) and 'Active Seniors', which refer to 50-60 year olds who retain the tastes of the young, embrace new trends

「シニア世代」のための食品市 場のトレンド

韓国社会は超高齢化社会を目の前にしてい る。統計庁によると、2000年に7.2%を記録 した65歳人口の割合は、2022年に2倍を超え る17.5%(901万8000人)に増え、2025年には 20.3%になると予想されている。20%以上は 通常、超高齢社会に分類される。このような超 高齢社会への進入を目前に控えて、食品業界は 「シニア」世代を主な消費層として確保するた めの活発な動きを見せている。 シニア世代は50代と60代を指す言葉で、人生 100歳時代にあたり50~60代は経済的な余裕 により、MZ世代とともにもう一つの主要消費 層となった。特に、能動的に消費し、若者の趣 向を維持し、新たなトレンドを受け入れる、オ ープンマインドの50~60代を意味するヨール

28 29
KAF Trends Trend & Products

and exhibit active consumption patterns, has made it necessary for the food industry to develop tailored marketing strategies for them.

Nowadays, thanks to advances in medical technology and consistent self-care, the senior generation wants to enjoy their favorite foods from their youth and various menus such as pasta and steak even as they age. Given the declines in their chewing ability, a focus in the development of foods for the elderly is improved texture and nutrition while maintaining the appearance and taste of food. The government operates the "Senior-friendly Food Designation System" to promote foods for the elderly, and has designed foods that take into account dental condition, digestion level, etc. Based on the condition of the prepared food, the products are classified as Level 1 (tooth consumption), Level 2 (gum consumption), or Level 3 (tongue consumption). As of December 2022, 113 foods have been designated under this system.

Pulmuone expanded its senior-oriented business by launching a high-protein nutritional

ド族(挑戦する若い高齢者、YOLD/Young old)や、アク ティブシニア(Active Senior)などが増加するにつれて、

彼らに特化したマーケティング戦略が食品界にも必要 となっている。




傾向にあると言われている。ただし、そしゃく機能の低 下から、食べ物の形と味を保ちながら食感と栄養を向 上させた食品が開発されている。政府では高齢者にや


い優秀食品指定制度」を設け、高齢者の歯の状態、消 化能力などを考慮して作られた食品を指定している。こ

の制度は調理された食べ物を性質によって1段階(歯で 摂取)、2段階(歯茎で摂取)、3段階(舌で摂取)に区分して


プルムウォンはシニア向けの高たんぱく栄養補充飲料 「タンパクな一日」を発売し、粉末食、バランス栄養 食、軟化食などシニアのニーズを満たす事業を拡大して

Products For Seniors


supplement drink called 'Protein Day', including powdered food, balanced nutritional food, and soft food. CJ Freshway introduced a care food specialist brand called "Healthynuri" and released various room-temperature convenience foods in the form of curry rice with lotus leaves. Hyundai Green Food also operates a care food brand called "Greeting," offering various products and services such as the Longevity Village Meals based on the diet of the world's longevity villages, Mediterranean Diet reflecting the Mediterranean eating habits, and meal subscription services. Daesang WellLife launched balanced nutritional food for elderly cancer patients and diabetics under its patient food brand 'Newcare'.

According to the Food Industry Statistics System, the Korean care food market is expected to be about 2.5 trillion won in 2022 and grow to KRW 3 trillion by 2025. As the care food market is expected to grow even larger in the future, with more varieties and intense competition.

いる。CJフレッシュウェイは「ヘルシーヌリ」というケア 専門ブランドを立ち上げ、蓮の葉豆カレー丼などどんぶ



を展開し、世界の長寿村の食事法を研究した長寿村メ ニュー、地中海の食事法を取り入れた地中海食メニュ ー、定期配送型メニューなど様々な製品やサービスを 提供している。テサンウェルライフは患者用食品ブラン

ド「ニューケア」を通して、高齢のがん患者や糖尿患者 などのためのバランス栄養食を発表した。

食品産業統計情報によると、韓国のケアフード市場の 規模は2022年に2兆5000億ウォン、2025年には3兆ウ ォンになると見込まれている。ケアフード市場は今後さ らなる拡大が見込まれている中で、種類も増え、競争も 激化することが予想される。

30 31 KAF Trends
Pulscare Pulmuone Daesang Wellife Lotus Leaf Bean Curry Healthynuri
Trend & Products

Amazon’s Favorite Portable Protein Shake

A Meal in a Jar

亚马逊热销产品便携式蛋白奶昔: 一份食谱

in January 2021, causing a K-food craze. In 2018, it launched Korea's first easy-to-carry diet management shake, Hanjang's Diet, and in 2022, it became the first Korean brand to sell 7 flavors of diet management shakes. Hanjang's Diet received the HACCP certification in 2020, and consumers are highly satisfied with its convenience, taste, and nutrition. Capturing the taste of consumers who have become health-conscious due to COVID-19, Hanjang's Diet is a high-protein, low-calorie meal replacement product with five flavors, including green tea and cocoa flavors, that can be easily consumed by adding water. Consisting of 27% protein, 7% carbohydrates and 150 calories, about 1/5 of a regular meal, Hanjang's Diet is a good meal replacement product for consumers with unbalanced eating habits.

现今社会,因日常生活忙碌和饮食搭配不合理,许多人难 以摄取正确的营养素。因此,蛋白奶昔和代餐食品变得 越来越受欢迎,很多人用此类产品管理食谱,维护健康。

亚马孙是全球知名的线上购物平台,拥有各种产品和品 牌,其中一款韩国的便携式食谱管理产品颇受欢迎。

In today's world, many people find it difficult to get the right nutrients due to busy schedules and the difficulty of controlling their diets. As a result, protein shakes and meal replacements have become increasingly popular, with many people turning to them to help them stay healthy and manage their diets. Amazon is a world-renowned online retailer that offers a wide variety of products and brands, and a recently introduced Korean portable diet management product has attracted attention.

Hanjang's Diet is a product developed by a small business in North Gyeongsang Province, South Korea, and is now available on Amazon, ranking 58th in Amazon's convenience food and beverage category

The shakes are filling but relatively low in calories and contain balanced nutrients. The manufacturer, Protein Korea, has been producing products for official Olympic partners for 13 years. They have a patent for the fermented whey protein technology and produce high-quality products with proprietary technology and continuous research and development.

Notable reviews by consumers who purchased the product on Amazon are: "It's a good meal replacement, and it is delicious, so I’d buy it again," "It's good to have a variety of flavors to choose from," and "It's easy to make, and perfect for outdoor activities." More than 50% of consumers have left five-star reviews.

“一份食谱”由韩国庆尚北道的一家中小企业开发,入驻 亚马逊后,在2021年1月的亚马逊简餐饮料类销售排名 中占据第58位,掀起了K-Food热潮。韩国品牌“一份食 谱”于2018年上市,是韩国首款便携式食谱管理奶昔产 品,截至2022年,该奶昔产品已推出七种口味。2020年, “一份食谱”获得了HACCP认证,消费者在食用方便性、 口味、营养素方面的满意度也很高。“一份食谱”是高蛋 白、低热量的代餐食品,有绿茶、可可等五种口味,加水后 即可食用,十分方便,受到了在新冠疫情下更加注重健康 的消费者的青睐。“一份食谱”的蛋白质含量为27%,碳 水化合物含量为7%,热量大约在普通餐食的五分之一左 右,只有150kcal,饱腹感高且热量低,营养素均衡,对饮 食不均衡的消费者来说,是理想的代餐食品。生产商(株) PROTEIN KOREA有着13年的发展历史,是奥运选手产品 的赞助生产合作伙伴,拥有发酵乳清蛋白技术专利,凭借 自主技术和不断的研发致力于生产优质产品。

在亚马逊购买该产品的消费者纷纷留下“很棒的代餐产 品,味道也不错,会再次购买”、“有多种口味,选择范围较 广”、“只需加水即可食用,很方便,适合在户外活动时携带” 等评论,超过50%的消费者给予了五星好评,反响颇好。

32 33 KAF Trends e-Commerce

Farmers in the Field

Irecently placed two large and six small pots on my veranda. I put gravel under the pots, added soil and compost before planting tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, and watered them carefully every morning. I carefully removed the yellowed, diseased leaves and fed them with a mixture of fresh soil and compost. A month and a half later, some of the plants wilted. Even the ones that were still alive did not seem to be growing or bearing fruits. I wondered why. Now that I think about it, I traveled around the country with these seedlings in the trunk of my car. When I saw the abandoned seedlings at a nursery run by a company in Changnyeong, I felt sorry for them and decided to take them home in a ramen box. The problem was that I had left the roots to dry out.

Since the beginning of this year, I've made several three-day trips by car from Seoul to South Gyeongsang Province. Recently, I visited a pear farm in Jinju, a nursery in Changnyeong, a winery in Gimcheon, North Gyeongsang Province, and a rice farm in South Chungcheong Province. Regardless of the crops they grew, the local farmers were remarkably similar. Despite different regional and individual backgrounds and ages, there didn't seem to be much difference in their way of life as farmers.

First, they were not particularly talkative.

Second, they weren't interested in trends.

Third, they were very diligent, following the rhythm of nature. They treated their crops as if they were their own children. Above all, they lacked the leisure to care for their well-being. They lived by the order led by nature, not by human-driven space and time.

The trip was not easy. The owner of the Sudosan vineyard in Gimcheon worked long hours and had to go to the fields at dawn. Even though it was a time when the cities were full of people, it was already dark around the vineyard. The vineyard is located on a hillside at an altitude of 1,300 meters, surrounded by mountains. After wandering around for a while in search of a place to eat, I hastily had dinner. Then I navigated the mountain roads in the pitch black night, where even the car lights had faded, and barely arrived at the lodge on the other side

conditions and government policies, and sometimes wisely resist them. Most farmers have majored in agriculture in college, and some farmers have pursued graduate degrees to further study specific topics. Some have studied abroad for short or long periods.

of the valley. The owner of the lodge, who mainly grows apples, was not there. When I woke up, both the farmer and the lodge owner had gone to work and were not available for a meeting. The head of a large agricultural corporation was also at the pear farm site. The farmers went out to their fields before sunrise and tended to their crops until the sunlight became unbearable. It was their duty. Today's agricultural field is fierce. Environmental and scientific farming methods have become essential, and it is difficult to survive without continuous learning and research. Farmers adapt to natural

But for all of them, the weight and responsibilities of being a farmer in the high-tech 21st century and amid climate change have not been easy. Instead of following the trends of the times, they focused more on the communion with nature they had learned. The awe they felt for the inevitable natural order and environment was the same for all.

After a breathless journey of nearly 1,500 kilometers, I returned home. The crops planted on my veranda are still slow to grow and bear fruit. Of course, the urban environment, which is desperately lacking in wind and sunlight, cannot be ignored. But after meeting the farmers in the field, I finally realized that my ignorance and laziness were to blame. I missed the crucial time of watering them, which is the basis of farming, when I moved them from the nursery!

34 35 KAF Trends

It's a bit of a cliché, but watermelon is the ultimate summer treat. There's nothing better than a big slice of watermelon in a cooler on the beach or a valley.


Sweetest Watermelon in UNESCO World Heritage Site

I'd like to introduce you to Gochang-gun, North Jeolla Province, Korea, famous for its sweet watermelon. It was only 50 years ago that Gochang was known for watermelons, but with the active support of the government and the geographical characteristics of the region suitable for watermelon cultivation, Gochang has positioned itself as Korea's leading watermelon producer. The mineral-rich loess in the Gochang area is conducive to healthy crops, and the average temperature in Gochang from July to September is 28 to 32 degrees, perfect for growing hundreds of watermelons with a sugar content of 13 Brix, higher than watermelons in other regions. But Gochang is more than just watermelons. It's a picturesque region of mountains and sea, and home to the world's highest concentration of dolmens, 1,665, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. So if you find yourself in South Korea during the summer, be sure to stop in Gochang. You won't want to miss the breathtaking scenery and, of course, the incomparable sweetness of their watermelons.

On the Table | Photo Essay |


Pan-fried Battered Beef

Yukjeon, one of Korea's national dishes, is famous for its crispy and savory taste. It is made by frying thinly sliced meat coated in flour batter with beaten eggs, resulting in a deliciously crispy dish. Yukjeon has been passed down through generations, preserving traditional recipes and cooking techniques, making it a true gem of Korean cuisine.

38 39
K-FOOD Recipe On the Table

Pan-fried Battered Beef


Pan-fried Battered Beef

Ingredients (4 servings)

eye-of-round cut beef (300g)

1 cup of flour (120ml)

2 eggs pepper salt

For the Sauce:

3 Tbsp soy sauce

1 Tbsp rice wine

0.7 Tbsp vinegar sesame and chopped red pepper


■ To eliminate the smell of beef, try using turmeric powder!

■ Use glutinous rice flour instead of wheat flour for a better texture.

■ It tastes even better when dipped in a sauce of green onions, red pepper flakes, sesame oil, and sesame salt.

Related Product Ottogi Korean Pancake Mix


Place the beef on a paper towel to remove moisture. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper, then rub with a little sesame oil to season.

Dredge seasoned beef in flour and gently shake off. Dip in the beaten egg mixture, making sure it is well coated.

40 41 On the Table
K-FOOD Recipe

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Ha Noi Branch Office #1213, 12th floor., Keangnam Hanoi Landmark 72 Tower, Plot E6, Pham Hung Str., South Tu Liem Dist., Ha Noi., Viet Nam

E-Mail: hanoi@at.or.kr

TEL: 84-24-6282-2987 070-4617-7101~2, 7256~7258

FAX: 84-4-6282-2989

HoChiMinh Branch Office

CJ Building, Floor 3, 2 Bis 4-6 Le

Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

E-Mail: atcenterhcmc@at.or.kr

TEL: 84-28-3822-7504

070-4617-3276, 070-8098-6514

FAX: 02-838-227-503

Bangkok Branch Office #2102 Level 21, Interchange 21, 399

Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand

E-Mail: bangkok@at.or.kr

TEL: 66-2-611-2627


FAX: 66-2611-2626

Jakarta Branch Office

The Energy Building 20th FL, Zone F, SCBD Lot.11A

JL.Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

E-Mail: jakarta@at.or.kr

TEL: 62-21-2995-9032~4


FAX: 62-21-2995-9034

Kuala Lumpur Branch Office

Suite 6-04, 6th Floor, Menara Hap

Seng, Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala


E-Mail: atcenterkl@at.or.kr

TEL: 60-3-2706-4299

070-5223-4901, 070-4617-7238

FAX: 60-3-2706-4301

Singapore Branch Office

1 Wallich Street #14-01 Guoco Tower, Singapore 078881

TEL: 65-6403-4041

FAX: 65-6403-3801

Dubai Branch Office

57528 Office #48, Sunset Mall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Jumeira 3, Dubai, UAE

E-Mail: dubai@at.or.kr

TEL: 971-4-339-2213

FAX: 971-4-456-1155

Pan America

New York Branch Office

15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA

E-Mail: newyork@at.or.kr

TEL: 1-212-889-2561

FAX: 1-212-889-2560

Los Angeles Branch Office

12750 Center Court Drive South, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA

E-Mail: losangeles@at.or.kr

TEL: 1-562-809-8810

FAX: 1-562-809-1191

São Paulo Branch Office

Av Paulista 1636, 10andar, #1008 –

São Paulo CEP 01310-000

E-Mail: saopaulo@at.or.kr

TEL: 55-11-91045-4577


Paris Branch Office

Korea Agro-Trade Center, 89 Rue du Gouverneur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, Issy-les-moulineaux, France

E-Mail: paris@at.or.kr

TEL: 33-1-4108-6076, 6078, 6096 070-4617-7225, 2424

FAX: 33-1-4108-2016

Moscow Branch Office

123610, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya 12, 6th floor, 608 office

E-Mail: atmoscow@at.or.kr

TEL: 070-4617-3277

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