August 2023 (vol.334)

Page 1

The Ever-Evolving and Advancing of


KAF Trends

Processed Food

Innohas: Revolutionizing the Global Plant-Based Meat Market with Authentic Korean Flavors


Popular Instant Porridge Products at Singapore's Lazada Mall

On the Table

K-FOOD Recipe

Oinaengguk (Chilled Cucumber Soup)

August 2023 | vol.334

The Ever-Evolving and Advancing of KOREAN NOODLES

Achievements and Challenges of 30 Years of Noodle

Production and Export Statistics and Trends

Apple Mango

South Korea’s Leading Sweet Potato Producer Hatton

Korean Shine Muscat Grapes

Expand Exports to the U.S. and Southeast Asia

In this issue, we introduce you to Korean noodles that are loved by consumers around the world. The very first Korean instant noodle, Samyang Ramyeon, made its debut on September 15, 1963. Korean Ramyeon, with its unique spicy kick, has enchanted taste buds around the world. Nongshim's Shin Ramen has become a global favorite, especially in Japan. Meanwhile, Samyang's Buldak Ramyeon is the top seller in China. We also spotlight Inohasu Inc, a pioneer in alternative meat products; Noodle Lovers, a noodle specialist with a rich 30-year history; and farmers dedicated to growing sweet potatoes and the world-famous Shine Muscat. In addition, the photo essay journey will take you on a journey to taste Jeju Island's Apple Mango, the premium mango shaved ice that is a summer favorite in Korea.

Meteoric Rise of K-Ice Cream in a Global Heatwave
Innohas: Revolutionizing the Global Plant-Based Meat Market with Authentic Korean Flavors
at Singapore's
Mall Popular Instant Porridge Products
Unveiling the Future


Cover Story

8 The Ever-Evolving and Advancing of Korean Noodles

12 Achievements and Challenges of 30 Years of Noodle Lovers Inc.

14 K-Noodle's Production and Export Statistics and Trends

In Focus

16 Farmtastic | Korean Shine Muscat Grapes Expand Exports to the U.S. and Southeast Asia

20 Processed Food | Innohas: Revolutionizing the Global Plant-Based Meat Market with Authentic Korean Flavors

24 New Item | Hatton: South Korea’s Leading Sweet Potato Producer

KAF Trends

28 Trend & Products | The Meteoric Rise of K-Ice Cream in a Global Heatwave

32 e-Commerce | Popular Instant Porridge Products at Singapore's Lazada Mall

34 COLUMN | Unveiling the Future of the Agri-food Industry with FoodTech Companies

On the Table

36 Photo Essay | Apple Mango

38 K-FOOD Recipe | Oinaengguk (Chilled Cucumber Soup)

Founded in August, 1995,

Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea

Tel: +82-61-931-0963

Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Kim Kwang-jin





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok ( 070-4617-3266, 3278

HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo ( 070-4617-2696, 7116

HOCHIMIN Cho Sung-bae ( 070-4617-3276

JAKARTA Lee Seung-hoon ( 070-4617-2694~5

TOKYO Yoon Sang-young ( 070-4617-7060~7062

OSAKA Kwon Hyun-joo ( 070-7000-4138

PARIS Nam Sang-hui ( 070-4617-7225, 2424

QINGDAO Han Seung-hee ( 070-4617-5093, 7239

EDITED & DESIGNED BY DN 7-18, Mokdongjungangbuk-ro 10-gil, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

+82-70-4354-4207 / /

You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website,

The Ever-Evolving and Advancing of


Korean ramyeon made its debut with “Samyang Ramyeon,” introduced by Samyang Foods Co., Ltd. on September 15, 1963. The company continued to dominate for some time. In the 1970s, however, the competition heated up as Nongshim, another food giant, began to make its mark. Nongshim launched “Beef Ramyeon” in 1970 and “Nongshim Ramyeon” in 1975. In 1981, they expanded their portfolio to include a cup noodle named “Sabalmyeon”. In 1982, Nongshim launched “Neoguri,” “Bowl Noodle Soup,” and “Ansung Noole Soup” in 1983, and the popular “Chapaghetti” in 1984. Nongshim rose to the top of the industry in 1985 and solidified its position with the release of Shin Ramyeon in 1986. By 1988, Nongshim's market share had reached 50.6%, marking the beginning of the “Nongshim Era”. The company's strategy to lead the way in spicy ramyeon eventually led to the worldwide popularity of Nongshim's ramyeon to this day. By eliminating the bland taste of conventional ramyeon


韓国ラーメンの始まりは、1963年9月15日に発売された(株)三 養食品の「三養ラーメン」。その後、一時期は三養食品の独壇

場が続いた。しかし、1970年代には2位の(株)農心が後を追い 始めた。農心は1970年に「牛肉ラーメン」、1975年に「農心ラー メン」を発売した。1981年にはカップ麺の「サバルミョン」を発 売した。1982年には「ノグリ」と「ユッケジャンサバルミョン」、 1983年には「安城湯麺」、1984年には「チャパゲティ」など数多 くのヒット商品が発売されている。そして1985年に農心は業界1 位の座を占め、1986年の「辛ラーメン」の発売でその地位を確 固たるものとした。1988年には市場シェアが50.6%を占め、名 実ともに「農心の時代」となった。辛いラーメンを積極的にアピ ールした農心のこの時期の戦略は、今日まで農心のラーメンが 世界的な人気を博す転機となった。従来のラーメンの脂っこさ

を取り除き、辛い味を好む韓国人の性向を積極的に狙って「辛ラ ーメン」を発売したが、この製品は「チャパゲティ」とともにニュ ーヨークマガジンの「最高のラーメン」に選定された。

韓国の消費者はラーメンに対し、手軽でありながら食事として不 足がなく、健康な食品であることを期待する。ラーメンはもはや 食事を適当に済ますためだけの手段ではない。材料の組み合わ せで新しいレシピを作るラーメン文化が定着した。こうしたトレ ンドに合わせ、農心のノンフライ「辛ラーメン乾麺」と「チッパプ

8 9
Cover Story

and actively reviving the Korean preference for spicy flavors, the company launched Shin Ramyeon, which was named one of New York Magazine's “Best Ramen”along with Chapagetti.

Korean consumers expect ramyeon to be convenient, filling and healthy. Ramyeon is no longer just a quick meal. Combining ingredients to create new recipes has become part of ramyeon culture. In line with this, Nongshim's non-fried Shin Ramyeon dry noodles, home-style Gochujangjjigae (red chili paste stew) noodles and Ottogi's Bugeoguk Ramyeon were launched. Ottogi launched Chaehwang, a vegan ramen made with ten kinds of vegetables. Many consumers believe that ramyeon should be spicy, and

relieves stress and makes me want more and more intense flavors. It is addictive because the sensation is more about the feeling of pain than the taste.”

In 2001, Nongshim's premium Mupama Tang Myun was launched, and summer products such as Samyang's Young Radish Spicy Noodles, Nongshim's Buckwheat Soybean Noodles, and Hankook Yakult's Spicy Sour Cool Noodles were introduced. In March 2003, Ottogi launched 14 new frozen fresh noodles from Noodle Lover's, a noodle manufacturing company. It was the first case of producing ODM products. The company is the seventh-largest noodle producer as of 2021. It specializes in noodle production with a 2.2% share of the total noodle market with sales of

(家のご飯)感性コチュジャンチゲミョン」、オットギの「プ ゴックク(干しスケトウダラスープ)ラーメン」などを発売。

また、オットギは10種の野菜を使ったビーガン製品野菜ラ ーメン「チェファン」を発売した。ラーメンは辛くあるべき


うなニーズに応え、「熱ラーメン」や「プルダック炒め麺」 「エンマ大王麺」「トゥムセ(隙間)ラーメン極限体験」など

が発売され、大人気である。料理専門家の30代女性Aさ んは、「なぜか食べたくなる。ずっと頭に浮かぶ。辛い物を 食べたらストレスが解消され、だんだんと刺激的なものを 求めるようになる。味覚ではなく痛覚で感じるから中毒性 がある」と辛いラーメンを求める理由を語る。

2001年に農心のプレミアム製品「ムパマタンミョン」が発 売された。三養の「ヨルム(間引き大根)ビビン麺」や農心の 「そばコングクス(粉豆乳素麺)ラーメン」、韓国ヤクルトの 「メコムセコムシウォン麺(辛くて甘くてさっぱりした麺)」 など夏の製品も登場した。2003年3月、オットギは麵製造

の専門企業「(株)ミョンサラン(NOODLE LOVERS)」で冷 凍生麺14種を新しく発売した。ODM形態がラーメン業界 に初めて進出した例だ。同社は2021年時点で麺類メーカ ー7位となっている。麺類の売上は600億ウォン台で、麺類 市場全体で2.2%のシェアをもつ麺類専門メーカーだ。プ

ルムウォンは2011年、「自然は美味しい」でラーメン市場 にウェルビーイングブームを起こした。このラーメンは打 ち立ての生麵を高温・短時間で乾燥させ、化学添加物を使 わずニンニクや大根、玉ねぎ、シイタケなどで味付けをし ている。常温で150日間保存可能だ。2015年には太麺が 麺市場を主導、2019年ごろからは焼き麺、米麺、ジャガイ モ麺、麦麺、太さ1mmの細麺が登場した。こんにゃく麺 や豆腐麺などの代替麺、ワカメや昆布などの海藻類で作 られた麺への関心も高まっている。

このように成熟期に入った韓国ラーメンに向けられる消費 者の高級かつ多様な期待や要求は、ラーメンメーカーの差 別化戦略を促し、持続的な製品開発につながっている。

消費者の要求によって差別化されたラーメンが登場し、市 場を拡大している。コールドチェーンや冷凍法の発達によ って常温から冷蔵・冷凍まで流通方式が発展したことも、 新たなラーメン製品の登場を促している。韓国ラーメンの 進化は止まらない。

Korean Noodle Products

10 11
Cover Story
Nongshim Samyang Foods Paldo Ottogi Chapaghetti Hot Chicken Flavor Ramyeon Teumsae Ramyeon Chaehwang Veggie Soup Ramyeon

Achievements and Challenges of 30 Years of Noodle Lovers Inc.

30年の麺専門企業 (株)ミョンサランの成果と挑戦

Noodle Lovers Inc. is a noodle specialty company that produces the widest variety of noodles in Korea. The company produces and supplies frozen to refrigerated, dried to fresh noodles, and even includes specialties such as cold noodles and jjolmyeon (spicy chewy noodles), and has an integrated product line that includes garnishes and sauces. Beyond the boundaries of traditional Korean noodles, they are also introducing iconic noodles from around the world to Korea. Last year, the company's total revenue was approximately KRW 140 billion, including KRW 117.3 billion in 2021, KRW 101.6 billion in 2020, and KRW 111.4 billion in 2019. The company was founded in 1993 and started producing dried noodles, accounting for about 10% of the domestic dried noodle market. Its flagship product, frozen noodles, dominates about 35% of the domestic market, while its other noodles have shares ranging from 10% to 30%.

Recently, the company has developed a variety of frozen home convenience products, including frozen meal kits, HMR freezer pack noodles, and frozen container noodles, to promote the export of “noodles loved by Koreans” beyond the domestic market. Some of its signature products include “Pollok Roe Oil Pasta”with spaghetti and sauce, “Bacon Toowoomba”with fresh pasta and sauce, and “Handmade Dongchimi (radish water kimchi) Cold Noodles”, which comes with cold noodles, radish water kimchi, mustard sauce, and pickled radish among a variety of 10 frozen packaged noodles. There are 14 types of frozen packaged noodles, including “Traditional Korean Japchae (stir-fried glass

noodles and vegetables)” that can be thawed in the microwave for 4 minutes and cooked in a pan for 2 minutes, “Seafood Jjamppong (hot spicy noodles)” that can be eaten immediately after 3 minutes of pot cooking, and “Banquet Noodles” that can be cooked in a pot for 2 minutes.

The company's competitive edge is its pulling and pressing technology, which produces noodles with a tender and chewy texture. The multiple aging method, in which the noodles are aged several times in pure water, is a unique method of noodle production that combines the rolling pin-pressed method, in which the noodles are kneaded and stretched to soften them, and the hand-pulled method, in which the dough is repeatedly stretched and pulled by hand to produce elastic noodles. The noodles produced by this method are excellent in “chewiness and softness”.

The company is present in the B2B noodle ingredient supply market and is available through various distribution channels such as online shopping malls, discount stores, convenience stores, and major supermarkets. They are available in offline stores such as Emart, Homeplus and also in online marketplaces such as Coupang, Market Kurly and 11st Street. Naver Mall is directly operated by the company. By establishing a “cold chain system”, the company maintains the best taste and quality by consistently operating frozen and refrigerated conditions from production to delivery and has HACCP and ISO certification. The company is planning to attend the global PB product fair ‘PLMA’ in Chicago, USA this coming November.

(株)ミョンサラン(NOODLE LOVERS)は、冷凍麵、冷蔵麺、


り、薬味やソースなどと一体化した製品ラインナップを備 えている 麺専門企業である。韓国伝統の麵だけでなく、

世界各国の伝統麺を韓国に紹介することもある。昨年の 全体売り上げの規模は約1400億ウォンで、2021年は1173 億ウォン、2020年1016億ウォン、2019年1114億ウォンだっ

た。1993年の会社設立と同時に乾麺類の生産を始め、今 も韓国の乾麺市場の約10%を占めている。中核となる製 品は冷凍麺で、韓国市場の約35%を占めており、その他の 麺類のシェア率も10%-30%だ。


麺など様々な冷凍家庭用インスタント食品を開発し、韓国 の市場を越えて世界市場を舞台に「韓国人が愛する世界 の麺」の輸出を計っている。代表製品としてスパゲッティ 麺とソースの入った「明太子オイルパスタ」、生麺パスタと ソース入りの「ベーコントゥーンバ」、冷麺と大根の水キム


手作り大根の水キムチ水冷麺」など10種の冷凍容器麺が ある。冷凍パック麺としては、電子レンジで4分間解凍して フライパンで2分間炒める「伝統韓食チャプチェ」や、鍋で 3分ゆでるだけですぐに食べられる「海鮮チャンポン」、鍋 を使えば2分で調理できる「いりこダシにゅうめん」など合 わせて14種類ある。

ミョンサランの麺の競争力は、柔らかくコシのある麺を作る 「延打」にある。澄んだ岩盤水で何度も熟成過程を経る「 多加水熟成方式」は、手で十分にこねてから伸ばし柔らか くする手延べ製麺方式と、棒でたたきコシのある麵を作る 手打ち製麺方式を組み合わせたミョンサラン独自の製麺方 式だ。「コシのある柔らかさ」が生まれる点が優れている。

同社は麺食材供給B2B市場やオンライン通販、割引店、コ ンビニ、大型スーパーなどの様々な流通チャネルに進出し ている。eマート、ホームプラスなどオフラインの売り場の ほか、Coupang、マーケットカーリー、11番街などのオープ ンマーケットもあり、NAVERミョンサランモールは自社で 運営している。さらに、HACCP認証とISO認証も獲得して いる。今年11月には米国シカゴで開かれる世界PB商品博 覧会「PLMA(Private Label Manufacturers Association)」 にも参加する予定てある。

Noodle Lovers's Products

Noodle Lovers Inc.

Noodle Lovers Inc. is a leading Korean noodle specialty company founded in 1993. With a wide range of products spanning frozen, dried, and fresh noodles, they dominate the domestic market with a 35% share in frozen noodles.

(株)ミョンサランは、1993年に創業された韓国の主 要な麺専門会社です。冷凍、乾燥、生麺を幅広く取り揃 え、冷凍麺では国内市場の35%のシェアを誇ります。


TEL: +82-2-527-8529


ADDRESS: 624, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

12 13
Cover Story
Jjajang (Black Bean Noodle) Bacon Toowoomba Pasta Carbonara Cream Udong

K-Noodle's Production and Export Statistics and Trends

In the 1960s, the ramyeon market in Korea was largely dominated by Samyang Foods Co., Ltd. Their introduction of Samyang Ramyeon on September 15, 1963, laid the foundation for the popularity of instant noodles in Korea. By 1976, Samyang controlled a significant 66.5% market share, leaving Lotte with 33.5%. However, the dynamics changed with Nongshim's entry into the market. After launching Jappaghetti in 1984 and Shin Ramyun in 1986, Nongshim quickly became the leading ramen producer in Korea by 1985. By 1988, Nongshim dominated with a 50.6% market share. By 1988, Nongshim dominated the market with a 50.6% share. Their success was due to the removal of bland flavors and the addition of spicy Korean flavors to ramyeon which were popular with domestic and international consumers.

The leading noodle manufacturer in 2021 was Nongshim Co., Ltd. with sales of KRW 973.9 billion, accounting for 35.5% of the total market share. It was followed by Ottogi with 15.6% (KRW 427.5 billion), Samyang Foods with 11.2% (KRW 307.8 billion), Paldo with 7.7% (KRW 211 billion), CJ CheilJedang with 2.9% (KRW 78.6 billion), Pulmuone with 2.3% (KRW 62.1 billion), and Noodle Lovers with 2.2% (KRW 60 billion). These noodle companies produce a variety of products, including fried noodles (ramyeon), dry noodles, fresh noodles, frozen noodles, and

refrigerated noodles. However, the top companies, which account for 70% of the noodle market, specialize in ramyeon. Ramyeon is the centerpiece of the noodle market.

In 2020, Korea's ramyeon exports reached USD 600 million, and this figure surged to a record USD 670 million in 2021, an increase of 11.7% year-on-year. Remarkably, ramyeon export revenue has been on the rise for seven consecutive years since 2015. In 2017, exports were valued at USD 381 million. The following year, there was an increase of 8.4%, reaching USD 413.09 million. By 2019, the figure had climbed further to USD 467 million, representing a 13.0% growth from the previous year. 2020 saw a significant boost with a 29.2% year-over-year increase to USD 635.7 million. Then, in 2021, there was an increase of 11.7% from 2020 to reach USD 674.4 million.

K-Noodleの生産及び輸出の統計や トレンド


1963年9月15日に発売された「三養ラーメン」は韓国初 のラーメンである。1976年のラーメン市場は三養食品が 66.5%、ロッテが33.5%を占めていた。1984年に「チャ パゲティ」、1986年に「辛ラーメン」を発売した農心は、

1985年に韓国ラーメン業界で1位になった。1988年には 50.6%を占めている。脂っこい味を取り除き、韓国人が好 む辛い味を積極的に取り込んだのが、韓国や海外の消費 者に効果があったのだ。

2021年の麺類メーカー1位は(株)農心である。売上高は 9739億ウォンで、全体の市場シェアは35.5%であった。

続いてオットギラーメン(株)が4,275億ウォン(15.6%)、 3位の三養食品(株)が3078億ウォン(11.2%)、4位が(株) パルト(Paldo)2110億ウォン(7.7%)、5位にCJ第一製糖 (株)の786億ウォン(2.9%)、6位(株)PPEC陰城生麺621

億ウォン(2.3%)、7位は(株)ミョンサランで600億ウォン と、シェアは2.2%となっている。全体生産額は2兆7459 億ウォン。これら麺類企業が生産する製品は油揚げめ ん(ラーメン)や乾麵、生麺、冷凍麺や冷蔵麺など様々 だ。しかし、麺類市場の70%を占めている上位4社はラ ーメン専門企業である。ラーメンが麺類市場の中心にな っているのだ。

2020年に6億ドルに上っていた韓国ラーメンの輸出額 は、2021年に6億7000万ドルと前年比で11.7%増加し、 記録を更新した。2015年以降、7年連続でラーメンの輸 出額が増加している。2017年に3億8100万ドル、2018 年には前年比8.4%増の4億1309万ドル、2019年には 13.0%増の4億6700万ドルである。2020年には前年比 29.2%も増加して6億357万ドル、2021年には2020年比 11.7%増の6億7440万ドルとなった。

Cover Story

Korean Shine Muscat

Grapes Expand Exports to the U.S. and Southeast Asia

Boasting a distinctive mango-like aroma and flavor, the Shine Muscat grape has earned the nickname “Mango Grape”. The city of Sangju in North Gyeongsang Province is recognized as the primary production area for these grapes in South Korea. Cultivation began in earnest around 2015, and by 2020, 900 hectares have been planted, accounting for 70% of the country's total area. Located between the Charyeong and Soryeong mountain ranges, the area has a high altitude and a wide range of weather conditions. The area's fertile soil provides an optimal environment for growing delicious grapes. Known for its large grape yields and large berries, the city has successfully expanded its export market to Southeast Asia and the U.S. In 2020, twelve farmers who have been growing grapes in Sangju City for a long time established the Shaiwang Agricultural Cooperative Corporation. Despite increasing production, there was a shortage of high-quality grapes for export, which led to the establishment of the organization. The quality of Shine Muscat grapes is determined by their sweetness and aroma. In order to produce the best grapes, the Shaiwang Agricultural Coopera -

韩国产阳光玫瑰进 一步远销美国和东南亚

阳光玫瑰葡萄(SHINEMUSCATGRAPE)自带芒果味道 和香气,因此也被称为“芒果葡萄”。庆尚北道尚州市是 韩国阳光玫瑰葡萄的主要产地,自2015年开始种植阳 光玫瑰葡萄。截至2020年,阳光玫瑰葡萄的种植面积已 达到900公顷,占全韩国种植面积的70%。该地区位于 车岭和小岭山脉之间,海拔高,昼夜温差大,而且土壤肥 沃,具备种植葡萄的最佳条件。这里生产的阳光玫瑰葡 萄粒大,具备量产能力,现已经远销东南亚和美国市场。 2020年,长期从事葡萄种植的尚州市12家农户共同成立 了“Shiwang农业合作法人”。成立该法人的原因是为了 解决虽然产量不断提高,但葡萄质量无法达到出口要求 的问题。

阳光玫瑰葡萄的质量取决于硬度和香气。为了生产上乘 的葡萄,Shiwang农业合作法人会在葡萄完全成熟的十 月末进行采收。葡萄成熟期正值尚州地区昼夜温差较 大的时期,因此与其他地区的葡萄相比,这里生产的葡


tive Corporation only harvests in late October when the grapes are fully ripe. Due to the extreme weather conditions in the region, the grapes are harder and firmer than grapes from other regions when they are ripe. As a result, grapes from the region have a more harmonious texture and aroma. They also produce premium Shine Muscat grapes with 50 berries per cluster, over 15 grams per bunch and 20 Brix sugar. In addition, the cooperative developed a new variety of seedless red grapes that are edible whole, including the skin. These grapes were introduced to the domestic market in 2022, with international exports starting next year. The grapes, which taste and smell like apples, come in five varieties, including Hongju Seedless and My Heart. They are the next generation of grapes to succeed Shine Muscat.

The Corporation cultivated 10 hectares and shipped 300 tons. In 2021, they expanded to 11 acres and produced 330 tons, and in 2022, they expanded to 12 acres and produced 360 tons. 90% is their flagship product, the Shine Muscat, and they also grow a few red varieties and some Campbell grapes. The grapes are grown at high altitudes,

specifically 350 meters. 32% of the vines are five years old, while 36% are between three and four years old, ensuring that the quality requirement of having vines that are at least three years old covers 68% of their cultivation. In 2020, they exported 45 tons, followed by 30 tons in 2021 and an impressive 70 tons in 2022 to countries such as China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. They have been actively participating in food fairs in Beijing, Shanghai, Thailand and Dubai for the promotion of their products. In the future, they plan to expand their export to countries such as Indonesia, USA and Thailand. In 2020, 1,866 tons of Korean grapes worth $22.89 million were exported. Of these, Shine Muscat alone accounted for 49% of the total export volume and 72% of the total export revenue.

There is still a shortage of the best quality Shine Muscat grapes for the export market. The only competitive advantage is quality. Compared to other grapes, Shine Muscat is more susceptible to pests and diseases. Therefore, it requires meticulous care, such as wrapping in protective bags and maintaining proper water flow. Proper aeration and light penetration are essential. Basic environmental factors such as deep plowing of the soil and acidity balancing are also important. These grapes also require a higher nutrient input. In order to produce the highest quality Shine Muscat, the Shaiwang Agricultural Cooperative Corporation is constantly striving to improve its growing techniques. Compared to traditional grapes such as Campbell, this variety has a lower adaptability to external factors and requires more facilities and a more delicate growing environment. To this end, they have obtained G.A.P certification and are preparing for GLOVEL. G.A.P and Halal certifications.

Shine Muscat is cold hardy and late ripening and can be stored at low temperatures for up to three months. Shaiwang Agricultural Cooperative has 1,322 square meters of cold storage for raw materials and 198 square meters of cold storage for products to strategically coordinate supply timing. It exports under two brands, Shaiwang and Shyarem.


供应的葡萄均为高质量阳光玫瑰葡萄,每串葡萄有50 粒,每粒葡萄的重量在15克以上,甜度为20°Brix。此外, 还在研发无籽、无需去皮的红葡萄品种。这里的葡萄从 2022年开始在韩国国内出售。明年将有望销往国外。品 种主要包括自带苹果味和香气的“无籽红葡萄”和“My Heart”葡萄等五个。这些葡萄是继阳光玫瑰葡萄之后的 新一代葡萄品种。

Shiwang农业合作法人于2020年在10公顷种植基地上 采收了300吨葡萄。2021年,在11公顷基地上栽种了330 吨;2022年,在12公顷基地上栽种了360吨。其中,90% 为主打产品“阳光玫瑰葡萄”,其余为红葡萄和坎贝尔葡 萄等。这些葡萄均种植在海拔350米的高寒地区,其中,5 年生占32%;3-4年生占36%,满足高质量葡萄的基本生长 期——3年生以上的葡萄占68%以上。2020年的出口量为 45吨、2021年为30吨、2022年为70吨,主要销往中国、越 南、中国台湾、中国香港、马来西亚、新加坡等国家和地区。

为此,该法人还参加了中国北京和上海、泰国、迪拜等地举 办的食品博览会。今后,还计划销往印度尼西亚、美国、泰 国等地,进一步拓展出口对象国。2020年,韩国葡萄的出 口总额为2280.9万美元,出口量共计1866吨。其中,阳光 玫瑰葡萄的出口量占出口总量的49%、出口总额的72%。

用于出口的上乘品质阳光玫瑰葡萄产量依旧处于供不应 求的状态。它唯一的竞争力就是“质量”。与其他葡萄相 比,阳光玫瑰葡萄极易发生病虫害。因此,对使用葡萄套 袋、整顿灌溉水渠等管理及技术要求较高。葡萄栽培必


土壤酸碱度,营造基本的栽种环境,这些都十分重要。此 外还要提供充足的养分。为了生产上乘的阳光玫瑰葡萄, Shiwang农业合作法人正不断致力于提高栽种技术。与现 有的坎贝尔葡萄等品种相比,阳光玫瑰葡萄对外部环境 的适应能力较弱,因此在设施和栽种环境上需要投入更 多的精力。为此,Shiwang农业合作法人还获得了G.A.P 认证,同时还在准备获得GLOBALG.A.P认证和清真认证。 阳光玫瑰葡萄耐寒能力强,所以成熟较晚,在低温条件下 最长可以储存三个月。Shiwang农业合作法人现有专门 储存新鲜葡萄的低温储存库(1,322㎡)和专门储存产品 的低温储存库(198㎡),以备战略性调整供货时间。出口 品牌为“Shiwang”和“Shyarem”两个品牌。

Shaiwang Agricultural Cooperative Corporation

CEO: Lee Jong-heon

TEL: +82-54-535-4205


ADDRESS: Yangi-ri, Hwadong-myeon, Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea

The Shaiwang Agricultural Cooperative Corporation in Sangju city, South Korea, specializes in cultivating the premium Shine Muscat grape, known for its mangolike aroma and flavor.

韩国尚州市的Shiwang农业合作法人门种植高品质的Shine Muscat葡萄,以其类似芒果的香气和口味而闻名。

18 19

Innohas: Revolutionizing the Global Plant-Based Meat Market with Authentic Korean Flavors

Innohas Co., Ltd. was established in November 2021, and started to supply its own developed plant-based meat private brand products to major distribution channels in the U.S. Within just 2 months of its establishment, the company achieved nearly 300 million in sales. In 2022, its revenue reached approximately KRW 5.6 billion, and by July 2023, cumulative sales for 7 months approached KRW 6 billion. This year, sales are expected to exceed KRW 10 billion. About 80% of these sales come from exports, with the U.S. accounting for more than 90%. The company plans to strengthen its cold chain distribution this year. After the first factory in Jeongseon, Gangwon Province, the second factory in Jecheon, North Chungcheong Province will be completed in September. This second factory, designed as a “Greener Food Factory”, has separate production lines for plant-based beef, chicken and pork and is equipped with automated mass production facilities. With the completion of the second factory, production capacity will increase sixfold. Innohas has also obtained Halal certification and plans to enter the Halal market in 2024, aiming for an IPO in 2025.

代替肉の限界を超え、 海外でまず認められた(株)イノハス

(株)イノハス(innohas)は2021年11月に設立され、米国の主な流通チャネルに自社開発の代替肉 PB製品の供給を始めた。設立後わずか2か月で3億ウォン近く売り上げた。2022年は約56億ウォ ン、2023年は7月までの時点で60億ウォン近くに達している。今年末には100億ウォンを超えると予 想される。売上のおよそ80%が輸出で、うち米国が90%以上を占めている。今年中にコールドチェー ンを構築し、流通も強化する予定だ。江原道旌善の第1工場に続き、忠清北道堤川の第2工場が9月 に完成する。第2工場は炭素が削減されるGreeener Food Factoryで、植物性牛肉と鶏肉、豚肉ラ インを別々に設置し、自動化された大量生産設備を備えている。第2工場が完成すれば、生産能力 は現在の6倍に強化される。同社は2024年にはハラール市場にも進出する予定で、すでにハラール 認証も取得している。また、2025年にはIPOを行うのが目標だ。

米国の有名な食料品専門誌の編集長は、「イノハスの代替肉製品は本物の肉と見分けがつかない」 として注目した。実際、同社の代替肉には豆の生臭さがない。従来の代替肉製品では、生臭さと弾 力の少なさを添加物でカバーすることが多いが、同社の製品はその物質の匂いを堅炭で取り除い ている。豆たんぱく質の配列を動物性タンパク質と類似するように作り、一般肉類の食感も再現 している。また、海藻類で作られた天然植物性の材料を使って繊維組織の結合を強め、本物の肉 と97%以上同じレベルを実現している。このように開発された代替肉を韓国料理と組み合わせ、

Processed Food

A renowned editor-in-chief of a popular U.S. food magazine once pointed out, “Innohas plant-based meat products” are indistinguishable from real meat. Their plant-based meat doesn't have the typical beany odor of other products. While many alternative meats mask their off-flavors and mushy textures with additives, Innohas uses charcoal to eliminate the odor and has restructured soy protein to closely resemble the texture of animal meat. They also used seaweed-derived natural plant ingredients to improve the texture, achieving over 97% similarity to real meat. They integrated this meat alternative into Korean recipes to create products such as bulgogi and jeyukbokkeum (stir-fried pork). They also shortened the time to market for new products to 45 days, allowing them to expand to markets in the U.S., Australia, Canada, Vietnam, the Philippines, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia. They exported 1,692,308 units of “plant-based beef bulgogi” to the U.S. market in 2022, and 281,432 units of “plant-based beef bulgogi mandu” to Vietnam in the first half of 2023. The company's “Plant-Based Charcoal-grilled Galbi” was adapted to the domestic market by adding spicy flavors, and two types of "Charcoal-grilled Jeyuk" were launched. The main ingredients of these flagship products are soy protein, rice flour, wheat gluten, cocoa powder, soy sauce, sugar, pear puree, onion, garlic, and soybean oil, and no artificial additives are used. They are available on online platforms such as Naver, Coupang, 11st, and Tomorrow's Meal, and have also started selling at E-land's Kims Club. In January 2023, they launched two products using their plant-based meat: “Charcoal-grilled Galbi Dumplings” and “Kimchi Jeyuk Dumplings”, followed by “Charcoal-grilled Hamburger Steak” in July, which comes with a 100% plantbased steak sauce. The Charcoal Grilled Galbi Dumplings are made with six fresh vegetables, tofu, glass noodles and other dumpling fillings, and the Charcoal Grilled Galbi meat is cut into large pieces for a rich flavor and texture. The Kimchi Jeyuk Dumplings are made with 100% plant-based vegan kimchi and charcoal-grilled galbi for a unique texture and spicy flavor. All of their products are non-GMO, cholesterol-free and trans-fat-free, catering to the general public, flexitarians and vegans alike.

They will soon introduce 7 retail products such as Kimchi Jeyuk Fried Rice and Charcoal Grill Bulgogi Fried Rice, and a total of 18 food ingredient products such as BBQ Pulled Pork. Cranberry Chicken Salad, which perfectly replicates the taste, aroma and texture of chicken breast, will be launched in November in the independent markets of New York City under Innohas' exclusive U.S. brand, Sunrit Foods. Chicken breasts, tenderloins, nuggets and slices of pork belly, stir-fried pork and bacon have also been developed. They are expected to be exported to the U.S. in the first half of next year, and a plant-based K-Gondeure (thistle salad) pasta made with Gangwon Province gondeure will be launched in the second half of the year.


かる期間も45日に短縮し、米国や豪州、カナダ、ベト ナム、フィリピン、南アフリカ共和国、サウジアラビア に進出。2022年には米国市場に「Plant based beef Bulgogi」1,692,308個を、ベトナムには2023年上半期 に「Plant based beef Bulgogi mandu」281,432個を 輸出した。

従来の「Plant-Based炭火直火カルビ肉」に、韓国市 場に合わせて少し辛くした「炭火直火豚肉」2種類を 韓国で発売した。これはイノハスの代表製品で、原材 料は大豆たんぱく、米粉、小麦グルテン、ココア粉末、 醸造醤油、砂糖、梨ピューレ、玉ねぎ、にんにく、豆乳 を使い、人工添加物は一切使用していない。NAVER、 Coopang、11番街、ネイルシクサなどのオンラインショ ップで販売しており、ELAND、KIM’S CLUBでも販売が 始まった。2023年1月にはこれら植物代替肉製品を使用

した「炭火カルビ餃子」「キムチ豚肉餃子」の2種類を発 売し、7月には「炭火直火ハンバーグステーキ」も発売。

100%植物性材料で作られたステーキソースもついてい る。「炭火カルビ餃子」は新鮮な6種の野菜に豆腐、春雨 などで餃子の具を作り、「炭火直火カルビ肉」を大きめ に刻んで入れ、豊富な味や食感を出している。「キムチ 豚肉餃子」は塩辛を使わず100%植物性原料で作られ たヴィーガンキムチと「炭火直火豚肉」で作り、歯ごたえ のある食感としっかりした辛味が感じられる。全製品は Non-GMO食品であると同時にコレステロールやトラン ス脂肪フリーで、一般消費者のみならずフレキシタリア

ン、ヴィーガンなど誰もがおいしく食べられる。 近日発売されるものに、キムチ豚肉炒飯、網焼きプルゴ ギ炒飯など7種類のリテール製品や、BBQプルドポー クなどの食材用製品計18種類がある。タンパク質の質 感や味、香味、食感まで完璧な鶏胸肉を再現した「ク ランベリーチキンサラダ」は、11月にニューヨーク市の independent marketにイノハスの米国専用ブランド Sunrit foodsとして発売される。鶏胸肉、鶏ささみ、ナゲ ット類や薄切りサムギョプサル、豚肉、ベーコンも開発 を終えている。来年上半期に米国に輸出される予定で、 江原道のコンドゥレで作られたPlant-based K-Gondre pastaも今年下半期に発売される予定だ。

Innohas Co., Ltd.

Innohas Co., Ltd. is a rapidly growing plant-based meat company established in November 2021. They've achieved remarkable success with nearly 300 million in sales within two months and continued growth, reaching around 6 billion KRW by July 2023.

CEO: Park Ji-su

TEL: +82-70-8853-0501


ADDRESS: 542, Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (株)イノハスは、2021年11月に設立された急成長のプラ ントベースドミート企業です。わずか2か月で3億近い売上 を達成し、2023年7月までに約60億KRWの売上を達成す るなど、驚異的な成功を収めています。

22 23 Processed Food


South Korea’s Leading Sweet Potato Producer

Keosan Co., Ltd. is Korea's No. 1 sweet potato specialty company that is developing the domestic sweet potato market by producing, processing, distributing and exporting sweet potatoes. The company is an integrated marketing organization of farmer cooperatives in major sweet potato producing regions of the country, of which its contract farms are the largest. The company supplies healthy and flavorful sweet potato seedlings, integrates quality control and marketing of sweet potatoes, and manages farmers' equipment, house facilities for growing sweet potato plants, and soil suitability. The company also evaluates the condition of sweet potatoes at harvest (skin, shape, and presence of pests) and actively participates in the production of disease-free seedlings with excellent seeds and distributes them to its affiliated farmers. The company supplied 10,000 to 50,000 shares of sterile sweet potato seedlings to farmers producing Danjami in 2022 and Ho Pungmi in 2023. The representative brand is "Hatton" and the representative product is “Sweet potato jerky 3 types”, which are handmade nutritious snacks made from 3 varieties of sweet potato.

韩国最大红薯生产商 (株)巨山的 HATTON红薯

农业法人(株)巨山通过红薯的生产、加工、流通和出口,开 启了韩国红薯市场的新篇章,是韩国名副其实的第一红 薯生产商。巨山是韩国主要红薯产地农业合作法人的综 合营销企业,拥有规模最大的签约种植基地。该企业致力 于供应健康美味的红薯苗,综合管理红薯的质量和营销 活动,同时管理产地农户的农具、用于栽培红薯苗的大棚 和土壤适宜性。采收时,还会对红薯的状态(表皮、形状、 病虫害情况)进行评估,积极使用优良品种的无病毒苗,并 将其推广给旗下农户。在2022年和2023年将1万株到1万 5千株的“甜紫美”(2022年)和“好风味”(2023年)无菌红 薯苗供应给了红薯农户。公司的代表品牌有“HATTON”, 代表产品有“红薯干三种”,这是以三个不同品种红薯制作 的手工营养零食。

New Item

Hatton's products include raw sweet potato, pumpkin sweet potato, pungwonmi sweet potato, purple sweet potato, yellow sweet potato, and hopungmi sweet potato, and processed products such as honey mungun sweet potato, iced honey flavored sweet potato, iced mugwort sweet potato, iced mini sweet potato, iced sweet potato, carrot honey flavored sweet potato jerky, sticky honey flavored sweet potato jerky, and pumpkin honey flavored sweet potato jerky. They are available in 10kg, 5kg, 3kg, 2kg and 1.5kg cartons and 700g, 800g, 900g, 1kg and 1.5kg bags. There are also frozen sweet potatoes in 500g, 400g, 120g and 80g, and three kinds of sweet potato jerky in 80g, 60g and 45g. In 2020, the company exported USD 11,308 to Australia, Dubai and Hong Kong; USD 67,300 to Australia and Dubai in 2021; and USD 20,355 to Dubai, Hong Kong and Australia in 2022. In Australia, “Ice Gun Sweet Potato” is popular as a snack, and in Dubai, the original “Honey Sweet Potato” is a steady seller, especially in Korean supermarkets.

As of June 2022, 66 farms nationwide shipped KRW 174.39 billion worth of sweet potatoes on 617 hectares. Seju Agricultural Corporation in Yeoju, Gyeonggi Province, shipped KRW 3.78 billion on 126 hectares from 24 farmers, Taean Agricultural Cooperative Corporation in Chungnam Province shipped KRW 1.27 billion on 37 hectares from 13 farmers, and Solbit Agricultural Cooperative Corporation in Naju, Jeolla Province shipped KRW 1.17 billion on 57 hectares from five farmers. Five farmers from Insan, Sweet Potato Sarang that is an agricultural corporative in North Jeolla Province, shipped KRW 1.67 billion on 58 hectares, and 18 contract farmers of the company shipped KRW 9.49 billion on 338 hectares. The company has a sorting capacity of 30 tons per day and 9,000 tons per year, and a storage capacity of 15,600 tons per year, including three 8,560-ton curing and low-temperature aging facilities and four cold storage facilities owned by participating farmers. There is also a research and development laboratory for sweet potato processed foods and quality improvement.

Keosan Co., Ltd. has the best post-harvest quality control of sweet potatoes. The company has an optimal operating system with a thermostat-controlled

“HATTON”品牌产品包括甜板栗红薯、南瓜红薯、风原美红 薯、紫色红薯、黄板栗红薯、好风味红薯等未加工红薯,以及

蜂蜜红薯、冷冻甜味红薯、一口冷冻烤红薯、冷冻迷你红薯、 冷冻烤红薯、甜味胡萝卜红薯干、美味甜味红薯干、甜味南 瓜红薯干等红薯加工产品,包装分为10kg、5kg、3kg、2kg、 1.5kg等箱装产品,以及700g、800g、900g、1kg、1.5kg袋装 产品。冷冻红薯产品有500g装、400g装、120g装、80g装,红 薯干产品共有三种,分别为80g装、60g装、45g装。2020年

公司向澳洲、迪拜、中国香港出口了11308美元的红薯产品, 2021年向澳洲和迪拜出口了67300美元的红薯产品,2022 年向迪拜、澳洲和中国香港出口了20355美元的红薯产品。

在澳洲,冷冻烤红薯产品是颇受欢迎的零食;在迪拜,红薯 产品“甜板栗红薯”主要在韩国超市出售,销量稳定。

截至2022年6月,韩国共66家农户在617公顷基地上出产了价 值174.39亿韩元的红薯。京畿道骊州的SEJU农业公司法人的 24家农户在126公顷基地上出产了价值38.78亿万韩元的红 薯;忠清南道泰安的泰安农产农业合作法人的14家农户在37 公顷基地上出产了价值12.72亿韩元的红薯;全罗南道罗州的 Solbit农业合作法人的5家农户在57公顷基地上出产了价值 11.17亿韩元的红薯。全罗北道益山的农业公司法人(有)红 薯之爱的5家农户在58公顷基地上出产了价值16.74亿韩元 的红薯。我公司18个签约种植基地共338公顷的基地上出产 了价值94.96亿韩元的红薯。公司的总贮藏能力达到了每年 15600吨,包括支持每日30吨、每年9000吨分选能力和养护处 理(curing)的三座自有低温熟成贮藏室(8560吨规模),以及 参与农业法人拥有的四座低温贮藏室等。除此之外,还拥有 研究开发红薯加工食品和提升红薯品质的研究所。

warehouse to maintain the proper storage temperature and humidity for sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are susceptible to spoilage if they have wounds, as these wounds allow bacteria to enter. Treating the wounds on the epidermis under high temperature and humidity conditions and allowing the wounds to heal promotes saccharification, which increases sweetness and extends shelf life. In order to achieve this, disinfection of the warehouse is essential. The curing temperature is 30-33 degrees and humidity is 90-95%. Optimal storage conditions are 12-15 degrees and 85-90% humidity. Maintaining ventilation and breathability is also important, so we use web-based temperature and humidity loggers for real-time monitoring. For pest control and hygiene management, the warehouses are disinfected after storage and mold is removed. SESCO, a company specializing in pest control, helps with this. The company has received ISO9001, HAPPC, MAIN-BIZ, Inno-BIZ and pesticide-free certifications for its efforts. It also has patented technologies such as “Distinctive Texture Sweet Potato Jerky Technology,” and was named “2018 Shipping King” by the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation.

(株)巨山采收红薯后会实施最高级别的质量管理。通过自动 温控贮藏室启动最佳运营系统,维持和管理最适合保管红薯 的贮藏温度和湿度。因为红薯一旦出现破损,就会在病原菌 入侵下腐烂。此时,在高温潮湿的条件下处理表皮破损,使其 得到复原,就可以促进糖化,从而提高甜度和贮藏能力。为 此,贮藏室的消毒必不可少。养护温度要维持在30至33度,湿 度在90%到95%之间为最佳。贮藏室的最佳温度应维持在12 度到15度之间,湿度应在85%到90%之间。保持通风和透气 也很重要。因此,公司正在采用基于互联网的温湿度收集设 备,进行实时监测。同时,为了预防害虫和管理卫生,贮藏结 束后会进行消毒,也十分重视对贮藏室内霉菌的清理。相关工 作由害虫防治专业机构(株)CESCO负责。凭借这些努力,公 司获得了ISO9001认证、HAPPC认证、MAIN-BIZ、Inno-BIZ、无 农药认证。此外,公司还持有“优质口感红薯干技术”等专利 技术,还被韩国农协合作社中央会评选为“2018年出货王”。

Keosan Co., Ltd.

Keosan Co., Ltd. is Korea's leading sweet potato specialty company, integrating farming, processing, and distribution. They offer a variety of sweet potato products and focus on quality control, using innovative storage techniques for sweetness enhancement.

CEO : Choe Gyu-chun

TEL: +82-31-884-9457


ADDRESS: 54, Saemjae-ro 73beon-gil, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea KeosanCo.,Ltd.是韩国领先的红薯特色公司,整合了种 植、加工和分销。他们提供各种红薯产品,注重质量控制,使 用创新的储存技术增强甜度。凭借认证和专利技术,他们在 行业内获得了认可。

26 27 New Item

The Meteoric Rise of K-Ice Cream in a Global Heatwave

The scorching sun of summer 2023 shows no sign of letting up. Daytime temperatures in Korea have been hovering between 30 and 35 degrees Celsius, with persistent heat waves and sweltering tropical nights making for persistently hot conditions. The intense heat is not just limited to Korea, however. According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the global average temperature reached 16.95°C from July 1 to 23, surpassing the previous July record of 16.63°C observed in 2019. The WMO predicts that this July could be the hottest on record since 1940, and the sizzling conditions are expected to continue into August.

The global market for ice cream, a temporary respite from the heat, is valued at USD 83.47 billion. This represents an increase of 7.3% from the previous year, and from its value of USD 69.35 billion in 2018, it is growing at an average annual rate of 4.7%. The growth of ice cream is driven by the increasing preference of the MZ generation, rising consumer income, improvement and development of cold chain infrastructure, and advances in rapid freezing technology. With the global heat wave and the popularity of Korean culture through movies and dramas, Korean ice cream exports are increasing. Last year, Korea's annual ice cream exports totaled USD 77.61 million, the largest ever for a single year. By country, the United States (USD 19 million), China (USD 7 mil-

暑さを和らげてくれる K-アイスクリーム

猛暑が続く2023年の夏。韓国では連日日中は最高気温 が30~35度を記録し、夜は熱帯夜が続くという厳しい暑 さが続いている。猛暑は韓国だけの話ではない。世界気 象機関(WMO)によると、7月1~23日の世界の平均気温 は16.95度で、これまでの月間最高気温であった16.63度 (2019年7月)を大きく上回っている。WMOは今年7月が 1940年の観測以来もっとも暑い月となり、8月も猛暑は続 くと予想している。

このような猛暑下でほんのしばらくでも暑さをしのぐこと ができるアイスクリームの世界市場規模は、前年比7.3%増 の834億7,400万ドルとなり、2018年の693億5,100万ドル から年平均4.7%増加している。アイスクリーム市場の成長 要因には、「MZ世代」に好まれるようになった点や消費者 の所得増加、コールドチェーンインフラの改善、急速冷凍 技術の発展などがある。世界的な猛暑に加え、映画やドラ

マなど韓国文化の人気もあいまって、韓国産アイスクリー ムの輸出も増えている。昨年の年間アイスクリーム輸出額


た。国別の輸出額は米国(1,900万ドル)、中国(700万ドル)、 フィリピン(600万ドル)、カナダ(500万ドル)の順であった。

lion), the Philippines (USD 6 million) and Canada (USD 5 million) accounted for the largest exports.

The main distribution channel for ice cream in Korea is convenience stores at 36.4%, reflecting consumers' convenience-oriented shopping patterns. The recent increase in the number of unmanned ice cream shops in South Korea seems to have affected ice cream sales in regular channels. Ice cream trends in the convenience store industry include the introduction of various PB ice cream products to strengthen the brand identity of convenience stores and the introduction of differentiated products to increase customer traffic. GS Retail is targeting consumers with differentiated products and exotic flavors such as “Knotted Soft Cone”, BGF Retail (CU)'s “Larasweet Ice Cream”, and E-Mart 24's "Seongju Chamoe Cone" and "Busan Ssiat Hotteok Cone".

韓国におけるアイスクリームの主な流通チャネルはコン ビニが36.4%で最も多く、利便性を重視する消費者の購 入パターンを反映したものと思われる。最近韓国では無 人アイスクリーム販売店が増え、一般的な流通チャネル でのアイスクリーム販売に影響を与えていると推測され る。コンビニ業界のアイスクリームのトレンドは、様々な プライベートブランド(PB)アイスクリームを発売してコン ビニのブランドアイデンティティーを確固たるものにす るとともに、消費者の流入を高める独自商品を発売する

ことである。GSリテールはノーティッドコラボソフトコ ーン、BGFリテール(CU)はララスイートアイスクリーム、 emart24はソンジュ(星州)マクワウリコーンとプサン (釜山)種ホットクコーンを販売するなど、差別化した 商品とユニークな味で消費者を攻略している。


KAF Trends Trend & Products 29

South Korea's ice cream exports have been growing every year, reaching KRW 77,605 billion in 2022. With Korean convenience store brands such as CU and GS25 expanding overseas, local consumers now have easier access to Korean ice cream. GS25 in Vietnam sells Korean ice creams such as “Samanco”, “Melona”, and “Screw Bar”, which are popular with local consumers for their competitive prices and variety of flavors. Ice cream has evolved beyond just taste and refreshment, adapting to consumer preferences. From plantbased options to ice cream with unique flavors and intriguing textures to zero-sugar treats, the industry continues to introduce innovative offerings to meet consumer demands.

36.4%と最も多く、利便性を重視する消費者の購入パタ ーンを反映していると思われる。最近韓国では無人アイ スクリーム販売店が増えており、一般的な流通チャネル でのアイスクリーム販売に影響を与えていると推測され る。コンビニ業界のアイスクリームのトレンドは、様々な プライベートブランド(PB)アイスクリームを発売してコン ビニブランドの個性を確保するとともに、消費者の流入 を高めるべく独自商品を発売することである。GSリテー ルはノーティッドコラボソフトコーン、BGFリテール(CU) はララスイートアイスクリーム、emart24は星州マクワウ リコーンと釜山種ホットクコーンを販売するなど、商品の 味の差別化を図って消費者を攻略している。

韓国のアイスクリーム輸出は毎年増加し、2022年には 77,605億ウォンを記録した。海外に進出している韓国の コンビニ(CU, GS25)により、現地でも韓国のアイスクリ ームに触れることができる機会が増えている。ベトナム に進出したGS25ではプンオサマンコ、メロナ、スクリュ ーバーなど、韓国のアイスクリームが競争力のある価格 と多彩な味で現地の消費者に愛されている。

アイスクリームは美味しさや食感の追求にとどまらず、 消費者のニーズに応じて様々な形に変化している。植

物性アイスクリーム、独特の味や変わった質感のアイス クリーム、ゼロシュガーアイスクリームなど、多彩な進 化を遂げている。

30 31
KAF Trends Trend & Products
Knotted Soft Cone GS
x Knotted korean Ice cream Products
Seongju Chamoe Cone E-Mart 24 Busan Ssiat Hotteok Cone E-Mart 24 Larasweet Ice Cream Melona Binggrae

Popular Instant Porridge Products

新加坡来赞达人气商品:速食粥 at Singapore's Lazada Mall

The modern people interest in health and their busy lifestyles, they are looking for easy meal replacements. The culture of consuming porridge is no longer just food for seniors or patients but is becoming a culture that combines health and convenience with the Home Meal Replacement (HMR) trend. Typical Korean porridge includes pumpkin porridge, red bean porridge, shrimp porridge, seafood porridge, and pine nut porridge, and this variety of products shows that Korean porridge culture has a high degree of diversity. A variety of Korean instant porridge products are available at Lazada Mall in Singapore. Porridge culture in particular is recognized as a staple in Asian cultures and Singaporeans enjoy a hot porridge called "congee" for breakfast. Singapore consumers who have a rich cultural background, are interested in Korean porridge, and it has received positive feedback from online stores. CJ CheilJedang, which has a presence in Singapore's Lazada Mall, has rebranded from "Bibigo Porridge" to "Hetbahn Soft Meal," focusing on the intrinsic value of rice and optimizing the texture of rice grains ideal for porridge. Particularly, the company thoroghly manages the harvesting, drying, and storage, and processing of rice in Korea, to ensure the best quality. Another beloved porridge brand, Bonjuk, managed by BONiF, reported an impressive annual revenue surpassing KRW 200 billion in 2019. Moving beyond the traditional perception that porridge is merely for the sick, the brand has broadened its appeal both domestically and abroad by introducing a range of flavors. Bonjuk satisfies many consumers with new flavors such as bulnak (fire spicy octopus) porridge, jjamppong (spicy seafood noodle) porridge, nakji (octopus) kimchi porridge, and yukgaejang (spicy beef soup) porridge. Notable reviews by consumers who have purchased these products on Lazada mall are: "It's fresh and tasty, and I would love to repurchase," "It's incredibly convenient to prepare and I want to try other flavors," and "It's filling and delicious, making it perfect for breakfast or a light dinner."

随着人们的健康意识增强以及忙碌的日常生活,越来越 多的人们开始寻找简便的代餐食品。粥不再是老年人或 患者的专属饮食,它已成为一种家庭替代餐(HMR),同 时满足健康需求和便利需求,引领着饮食文化趋势。韩国 的代表粥品有南瓜粥、红豆粥、虾仁粥、海鲜粥、松仁粥 等。由此可见,韩国的粥文化具有相当高的多样性。

在新加坡来赞达(Lazada)网上商城上可以看到各种韩 国速食粥产品。尤其,在亚洲“粥”是十分普遍的饮食。在 新加坡,人们习惯在早上吃一碗热乎的“粥(congee)”。

拥有多样性和多元文化背景的新加坡消费者十分关注韩 国的粥产品,因此网上商城上出售的韩国粥产品也获得 了消费者的好评。入驻新加坡来赞达的CJ第一制糖将原 来的“bibigo粥”更名为“HetbahnSoftMeal”,专注于 大米的天然价值,打造了最适合粥的大米口感。尤其,为 了保障最优品质,在韩国国内严格管理采购、干燥、保管 等一系列流程,还会确认采购前的收割、管理、碾米等环 节。另一个人气粥品是由Bonif推出的“本粥”品牌。截 至2019年,该品牌的年销量突破了2000亿韩元。本粥摒 弃了韩国国内“粥是患者饮食”的固有思维,凭借多种口 味受到了国内外消费者的青睐。本粥推出烤牛肉章鱼粥、 炒码粥、章鱼辛奇粥、香辣牛肉汤粥等全新口味,满足了 许多消费者的味蕾。

许多在来赞达购买韩国粥产品的消费者也给出了“新鲜 又好吃,会回购”,“吃起来很方便,还想品尝其他的口 味”,“量多、好吃,很适合做早餐或晚餐的代餐食品”等 好评。

KAF Trends e-Commerce

Unveiling the Future of the Agri-food Industry with FoodTech Companies

Woodeumgee Farm is preparing to list on the KOSDAQ next month with its unique smart farming technology. The company, which is the first successful listing through the Agri-food Seed Fund, is expected to return more than 12 times its investment, and its main product is tomatoes. Another example is Cheon Hye Nongsan, which specializes in the cultivation of king oyster mushrooms and exports its products to leading agricultural nations such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. They operate 13 smart farms and produce 5 tons of king oyster mushrooms every week. RE:harvest, Korea's first food recycling company, raised KRW 5 billion in its Series A funding round and another KRW 3 billion from domestic venture capitalists and major securities companies. Innohas, which produces a variety of vegan products such as soy protein-based "alternative meat" stir-fry pork and dumplings, also successfully raised KRW 7 billion and an additional KRW 3.5 billion from major banks in March last year.

Health and environmental values are very important to most consumers, especially the millennials. As a result, more than ever before, food companies are giving priority to well-being and to protecting the environment. There's a growing demand to redefine

on carbon dioxide levels, temperature and humidity. The ideal conditions for growth are maintained at 13℃, with a humidity of 85-90% and a carbon dioxide concentration of 1000-1100ppm. RE:harvest, incorporates semiconductor process technology into the raw materialization process to maintain nutrition and quality. They employ a pre-treatment technique using ultraviolet and far infrared light, and have implemented a feedback control method that continuously monitors the nutritional status of the raw materials. This innovative approach led them to file four patents during the development phase. Innohas has developed a patented technology that combines the soy protein production technology acquired from 23 years of experience in food manufacturing with the traditional method of grilling directly on charcoal.

the value of food. In response, we are in an era where technological innovations must meet these changing consumer values. With the advancement of IoT, the internet, big data and IT, and these changing demands around food, FoodTech companies like these are attracting significant attention. The companies mentioned above are all actively pursuing this shift. The food tech industry is a fast-growing industry globally. Woodeumgee Farm built the first "semi-enclosed glass greenhouse" in Korea. With a dual air-conditioning and heating system, they have fine-tuned cultivation and production throughout the year. Similarly, Cheon Hye Nongsan operates a smart farm that automatically controls the environment for growing mushrooms, the quality of which varies depending

The products of Woodeumgee Farm and Cheon Hye Nongsan are healthy agricultural products produced in the most optimal growing environments. They've significantly reduced not only their carbon footprint and water consumption, but also the waste of production resources. Both RE:harvest, which sought to address the "vicious cycle of resource imbalance that results in more waste than food consumed," and Innohas, which addressed the off-putting aroma and texture of alternative meats by using traditional charcoal grilling, have a common thread. They are new concept food production and supply companies with a research and development base that realistically addresses the concerns of food waste and environmental pollution caused by the increase in meat consumption that our society is facing. In addition, their products do not compromise on taste and nutrition compared to other products. Supporting these companies means actively participating in a meaningful effort to protect the environment, with the added benefit of ensuring personal health. A rapid transformation is taking place in the agriculture and food industry. With the integration of IT technology and the results of scientific research and development in both crop and food production, many FoodTech companies are emerging. These pioneers are actively adapting to these innovations and paving the way for the future of the agriculture and food sector.

34 35 KAF Trends

Apple Mango

The Most Sought-after Premium Dessert in Korea

Apple mango is the hottest fruit in Korea right now. Apple mangoes from Jeju Island average 9 to 11 centimeters in diameter and have a round to oval shape with curved ends. They are known for their vibrant color, savory aroma, and unmatched sweetness that can reach up to 20 Brix. The succulent flesh combines the juiciness of a traditional mango with the crispness of an apple, giving it an unforgettable and enjoyable texture. Jeju Apple Mango became famous through Bingsu (Shaved Ice), a premium dessert created by Shilla Hotel that has become a social media sensation. It is so popular that lines form every year, despite the wicked price. On a scorching summer day, indulging in this exquisite fruity shaved ice in the luxurious ambiance of a hotel is an experience that many are eager to splurge on.

On the Table | Photo Essay |


Chilled Cucumber Soup

Oinaengguk (chilled cucumber soup) is a refreshing traditional Korean dish often enjoyed during the hot summer months. The main ingredient, cucumber, is known for its hydrating properties and high water content, making it an ideal ingredient for a cooling, light soup.

38 39
K-FOOD Recipe On the Table

Oinaengguk illedCucumbe

Clean and slice the cucumber into 0.3 cm thick slices, then finely chop the slices.

Pour cold water into a large bowl and make a sour broth with vinegar, sugar, and salt.


1 cucumber (150g)


1 Tbs soy sauce

1 Tbs minced green onion

1 Tbs powdered red pepper

Cold soup Tips

6 cups (1.5 L) cold water (bottled)

4 Tbs vinegar

½ Tbs sugar

salt to taste

■ Oinaengguk tastes better when cold, so refrigerate before serving!

■ In place of the cucumber, you can use dried wakame seaweed or steamed eggplant strips.


40 41
K-FOOD Recipe On the Table

Korea Agrafood magazine is specialized in promoting Korean Agricultural products to buyers in abroad. We cover Korean promising Agricultural products, dietary culture and export companies.

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57528 Office #48, Sunset Mall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Jumeira 3, Dubai, UAE


TEL: 971-4-339-2213

FAX: 971-4-456-1155

Pan America

New York Branch Office

15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA


TEL: 1-212-889-2561

FAX: 1-212-889-2560

Los Angeles Branch Office

12750 Center Court Drive South, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA


TEL: 1-562-809-8810

FAX: 1-562-809-1191

São Paulo Branch Office

Av Paulista 1636, 10andar, #1008 –

São Paulo CEP 01310-000


TEL: 55-11-91045-4577


Paris Branch Office

Korea Agro-Trade Center, 89 Rue du Gouverneur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, Issy-les-moulineaux, France


TEL: 33-1-4108-6076, 6078, 6096 070-4617-7225, 2424

FAX: 33-1-4108-2016

Moscow Branch Office

123610, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya 12, 6th floor, 608 office


TEL: 070-4617-3277

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