Sept 2023 (vol. 335)

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Sept. 2023 | vol.335

A Spicy Sensation on Amazon




To Expand the Domestic Market Based on Its Popularity Overseas

In this issue, we spotlight Damyang Hangwa, a prominent South Korean traditional dessert company with over 50 years of heritage. We explore trends in the K-dessert industry and highlight the global popularity of rice cakes and Hangwa. September 29 marks Chuseok, a major South Korean festival where families gather to thank their ancestors with ancestral rites and feast on rare Korean delicacies. We also feature Ispoon, a brand specializing in convenient porridge, Kkokkoma Cabbage for those seeking a more manageable cabbage, and Damwoo, an export-oriented company that supplies natural Chwinamul year-round. We also feature the popular Korean fermented red pepper paste on Amazon and the traditional Korean dish Saesongisanjeok, celebrated for its savory flavors complemented by king oyster mushrooms. Our September issue captures the bountiful essence of fall.

Enjoying the Sweet Taste
a Healthy Way: The Rise of Zero-Sugar Foods
Korean Grape
Kim, Eil Chul Chief Reporter
From Goheung to the World: The Rise of Damwoo's Twelve Months Salad Pioneers in Organic Baby HMR (Home Meal Replacement) Porridge
Chuseok: The Celebration of Korean Cuisine Saesongisanjeok King Oyster Mushroom Skewers K-dessert Trends and Consumer Trends K-dessert: Gaining
and Domestic Attention
Korean Fermented Gochujang:
Through a
Food: A Revival of Traditional Korean Hangwa


Cover Story

8 K-dessert: Gaining International and Domestic Attention Through a New Transformation

12 Damyang Hangwa Myungjin Food: A Revival of Traditional Korean Hangwa

14 K-dessert Trends and Consumer Trends

In Focus

16 Farmtastic | Gunsan Small Cabbage To Expand the Domestic Market Based on Its Popularity Overseas

20 Processed Food | From Goheung to the World: The Rise of Damwoo's Twelve Months Salad

24 New Item | Pioneers in Organic Baby HMR (Home Meal Replacement) Porridge

KAF Trends

28 Trend & Products | Enjoying the Sweet Taste in a Healthy Way: The Rise of Zero-Sugar Foods

32 e-Commerce | Korean Fermented Gochujang: A Spicy Sensation on Amazon

34 COLUMN | Chuseok: The Celebration of Korean Cuisine

On the Table

36 Photo Essay | PODO (Korean Grape)

38 K-FOOD Recipe | Saesongisanjeok (King Oyster Mushroom Skewers)

Founded in August, 1995,

Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea

Tel: +82-61-931-0963 Fax: +82-61-804-4521

Government Registration Number: Ra-7210

Dated April 26, 1995

Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

CEO Kim Choon-jin

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division)

EDITOR Kim Kwang-jin





TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE)


DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok ( 070-4617-3266, 3278

HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo ( 070-4617-2696, 7116

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EDITED & DESIGNED BY DN 7-18, Mokdongjungangbuk-ro 10-gil, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

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Gaining International and Domestic Attention Through a New Transformation

K-dessert is a hybrid of rice cake and hangwa (traditional Korean sweets), processed foods from rice. These desserts are easily digestible, nutritious, healthy and gluten-free, and are gaining new attention at home and abroad along with Korean culture. Rice cakes are mainly made from rice flour, glutinous rice flour, potato starch, or other cereal flours. They are classified according to whether they are pounded or steamed, like Sirutteok, or chewy and sticky, like Injeolmi, or crispy, like Jeonbyeong.

Hangwa is made by fermentation. They add honey, malt syrup, sugar, or other sweeteners to grains, fruits, nuts, and more. Varieties include Yugwa, Yakgwa, and Jeonggwa. Among the world's fermentation desserts, hangwa stands out as a unique example.

As of November 1, 2022, a total of 59 government-certified companies are dedicated to the production of traditional K-desserts. Of these, 40 are rice cake manufacturers and 19 specialize in traditional hangwa. Masters often lead these companies in their respective fields. Sixty-eight food masters have dedicated more than 20 years to their specific food categories or have preserved and implemented traditional methods in their production.

新たな変身で韓国や海外から注目され ているK-dessert

In the rice cake industry, Kim Wang-ja of Kim Wangja Hongik Rice Cake Shop, Lee Yeon-soon of Food Masters Mall, Kim Young-sook of Bokryeong Johwago, and Ku Gyeong-suk of Sapyeong Rice Cake are 餅類と韓菓は米を使う加工食品で、K Dessertを代表 する食べ物でもある。このようなデザートは消化しや すく、栄養も豊富である。健康な食品、グルテンフリ ー(Gluten-free)食品として、K Cultureとともに国内 外で新しく注目されている。餅は米粉、もち米粉、ジ

ャガイモ粉や澱粉、その他の穀物の粉などを主な原 材料とする。シルトクのように煮るものと、きな粉餅 のように煮たあと搗くもの、チョンビョンのように焼 くものなどがある。韓菓は発酵させて作る韓国の伝 統菓子である。穀物と果物、堅果類などに蜂蜜、飴、 砂糖などをからめたもので、油菓、薬菓、正果などが

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Cover Story

among those who have received the Traditional Food Quality Certification. In the hangwa industry, distinguished figures include Choi Bong-seok of Gapgol Hangwa Myeongjin Agricultural Corporation, Kim Gyu-heon of Shingung Distribution, Park Sun-ae of Damyang Hangwa Myeongjin Food, Kim Hyeon-ui of Uiryung Jocheong Hangwa, and Shim Young-suk of Gyodong C&M.

Recently, there has been a surge in the popularity of traditional Korean desserts, driven by millennials and Gen Z, along with the retro trend. Over the past decade, South Korea has seen a notable increase in the number of consumers enjoying post-meal desserts, which has developed into a significant culinary culture. As a result, the number of establishments serving rice cakes and hangwa as desserts has increased, and new products are being introduced to meet the demands of the younger generations.

Recent offerings include ‘sticky rice cake muffins’, ‘petite rice cakes', 'strawberry cream cheese rice cakes', 'milk rice cakes’, ‘coffee cookie rice cakes’ and ‘corn cream cheese rice cakes’. Damyang Hangwa Myungjin Food, led by malted sweet rice puff master Park Sun-ae, has introduced 'chocolate covered hangwa' and 'stick

bars' made with nuts. You can even enjoy rice cakes and hangwa desserts with new ingredients and flavors in specialty coffee shops. Sales of these products have soared on online retail platforms, and K-dessert innovations are expanding beyond domestic sales to international exports.

Traditionally, Korean households took pride in making their desserts by hand, each with its unique regional characteristics. These desserts were reserved for special occasions such as holidays or ancestral rituals and were not typically part of everyday meals. However, the artisanal production of rice cakes and hangwa, often carried out by individuals or family-run cottage industries, has now evolved into specialized enterprises with modern facilities and on a larger scale. In addition, significant changes in research and development, self-packaging and processing technologies through patents, standardization and premiumization of products have boldly adapted to the demands of the modern era. These changes have gained popularity at home and abroad, driven by the preferences of domestic and international consumers who seek safe and high-quality food and express their disappointment with convenience snack products. This continuous evolution reflects the new transformation of K-desserts.

ある。発酵過程を経て作られるデザートは、世界で韓菓 が唯一といってもいい。

このようなK Dessertを伝統的な方法によって専門的に 生産・供給する政府認証企業は、2022年11月1日現在合 計59社ある。餅メーカーが40社、韓菓メーカーが19社で ある。主に各分野の職人が製造を手がけており、68人の 食品の名人が20年以上一つの分野の食品作りに邁進し てきたか、または伝統的な方法を守りながら実現し続け ている。餅分野の名人として伝統食品品質認証を受けて いる企業には、<キム・ワンジャ・ホンイク餅店>の「ノティ 餅とシングァビョン」のキム・ワンジャ、<食品名人モール >の「スンゴムチョダンジャ」のイ・ヨンスン、<ポンニョン チョファゴ>の「珍島(ジンド)伝統食品」のキム・ヨンスク、 <農業会社法人(株)サピョンキジョントク>の「キジョント ク」のク・ギョンスクなどがいる。韓菓では<(株)甲骨韓菓 名人食品農業会社法人>の「甲骨四角油菓」のチェ・ボン ソク、<シングン流通>の「油菓と薬菓」のキム・ギュフ ン、<(株)タミャン韓菓ミョンジン食品>の「飴おこし」の パク・スネ、<(株)宜寧(ウリョン)伝統水飴韓菓>の「もち 米油菓」のキム・ヒョニ、<(株)キョドンCM>の「油菓」の シム・ヨンスクなどがいる。

近年はミレニアム世代とZ世代を中心とするニュートロ (newとretroの合成語)ブームの影響でこれら韓国伝統デ ザート製品の人気が高い。韓国の場合、ここ10年ほどで 食後にデザートを楽しむ消費者が急増し、一つの食文化 として定着している傾向が窺える。これによって、餅や韓

菓をデザートとして取り扱う店舗も増え、若い世代のニー ズに合わせた新たな製品も次々と発売されている。「も ち米マフィン」、「キューティー白ソルギ(蒸し餅)」、「イチ ゴクリームチーズ餅」、「牛乳ソルギ」、「コーヒー菓子ソ ルギ」、「トウモロコシクリームチーズ餅」などが登場し た。飴おこしの名人パク・スネが代表を務める(株)タミャ ン韓菓ミョンジン食品は、チョコレートを韓菓につけた チョコレート韓菓と、堅果類で作る「スティックバー」を 発売した。今やコーヒー専門店でも新しい材料、新しい 味の餅や韓菓デザートが食べられる。オンライン販売サ イトでもこれらの製品の販売は急増しており、新しい方 法で作られたK dessertは、韓国での販売に留まらず、海 外輸出に繋がっている。

これまでの長い間、韓国の伝統的なおやつは家庭での手作 りによるものであった。それぞれの家や地域による特色が

あった。日常の食べ物ではなく、祝日や祭祀のとき膳に乗せ る食べ物と認識されがちだった。個人または家内制手工業 の形で生産・販売していた餅や韓菓は、ある程度の規模と 施設を揃えた専門企業によって作られるようになった。こ れに合わせて、研究開発や特許による独自の包装・加工技 術の変化と製品の規格化、高級化が行われ、新たな時代の ニーズも大胆に反映されている。このような変化は、韓国だ けでなく海外でも引き続き人気を集めるきっかけとなった。 安全な食べ物への関心、従来のおやつ製品の味や栄養な どに飽きた韓国および海外の消費者のニーズに合わせた韓 国伝統おやつ、K dessertは変身を続けている。

11 Cover Story

Damyang Hangwa Myungjin Food: A Revival of Traditional Korean Hangwa

伝統韓菓を新しく再現した (株)タミャン韓菓ミョンジン食品

“Aruhwa” symbolizes “our traditional sweets as beautiful as flowers.” It is the signature brand of Damyang Hanwha Myungjin Food, an agricultural corporation with a rich heritage of three generations and over 50 years dedicated to the production of traditional Korean hangwa (sweets). With a focus on naturalness, the company eschews additives, chemical flavorings or artificial syrups, relying instead on homemade rice malt and syrup for sweetness.

Rooted in methods handed down by palace maids from the early Joseon Dynasty, these traditional sweets have become ceremonial staples that link Korea's past and present.

Their accolades include organic food certifications, smart farm designation, traditional food quality recognition, and FDA approval. They are also proud to hold three patents related to innovative food production methods such as snacks, lotus root processing, and seaweed jelly production. Their flagship product is an extensive set of traditional Korean sweets. For Chuseok in 2023, they launched Damyang Traditional Sweets Cheonrihyang, which includes wheat-based sweets, deep-fried sweet rice cakes, puffed rice-covered fried rice snacks, tea cakes, candied sweets, dried fruit sweets, sliced candies, malted sweet rice puffs, and various malt candies. The composition of sets such as Seolhyang, Mihyang,

Jukhyang, Yehyang and Baekrihyang varies according to the price range.

They created Choco-Hangwa by mixing chocolate with malt syrup to cater to the tastes of the younger generation, and it's selling with great popularity.

After Choco-Hangwa and Choco-Gangjeong, products such as “Daily Nutrition Bar” with nuts were successively launched and gained popularity. They released a variety of new Korean-style snacks that are light and convenient, such as Prickly Pear Bangul Yugwa (70g), Sticky Rice Honey Yakgwa (Honey Cookie) (1kg), Wheat Yakgwa (1kg), Korean Bean Cham Tofu Snack, Korean Wheat Hardtack and Injeolmi Snacks. These were developed to suit the tastes of the MZ generation, transforming traditional sweets into everyday snacks. Their product line includes more than 15 types of traditional sweet gift sets, Yakgwa, Yugwa (deep-fried sweet rice cakes), and more than 30 other snack varieties.

They were consecutively selected as the Agricultural Food Power Brand in 2012 and 2013. The government recognized them as one of the "Top 10 Rice Processed Products that Shined in 2019". Damyang Traditional Sweets has a farm of 2 hectares, including rice paddies and fields, and is also supplied through cooperation with local agricultural cooperatives. In 2021, the company purchased a total of 55.5 tons of glutinous rice and regular rice. They were the first in the traditional confectionery indus try to introduce individual packaging, paving the way for mass distribution through standardized packaging specifications. This innovation resulted in longer shelf life by maintaining freshness. It enabled the preservation of the unique taste and aroma of traditional sweets, facilitating their entry into the global market. They've expanded into major department stores such as Lotte, Shinsegae, and Galleria, as well as the Incheon International Airport Duty-Free Shop.

「アルファ」とは、「花のように美しい私たちの韓菓」とい う意味である。3代、50年にわたり、韓国伝統菓子の技を 受け継いできた農業法人(株)タミャン韓菓ミョンジン食 品のブランドである。自然から採取した材料だけを使用 し、添加物や化学調味料、水飴などは一切使わない製品 を生産している。甘味を出す時は、砂糖や通常の水飴で はなく手作りの米飴や伝統水飴を使う。朝鮮初期の宮女


この地域の伝統韓菓は、祭礼に欠かせない伝統の食べ物 である。韓菓は韓国の伝統と歴史を継ぐ食べ物である。



の指定、FDA認証を受けている企業である。海苔の パリパリ揚げの製造やれんこんの加工処理、海藻類

を使ったゼリーの製造などに関する3種の特許も取 得している。主力製品は伝統韓菓総合セット。2023 年のチュソク(秋夕:韓国の中秋節)に合わせて発売し

た「タミャン韓菓チョンリヒャン」には、油蜜菓類、油 菓類、四角油菓類、落雁類、正果類、熟実果類、果片 類、ヨッカンジョン(おこしに飴をからめたもの)類、 飴類などが盛り込まれている。「ソルヒャン」、「ミヒャ ン」、「ジュクZイェヒャン」、「イェヒャン」、「ペンニヒ ャン」など価格帯によって構成も異なる。

タミャン韓菓は2012年と2013年の2年連続農食品パワ ーブランドに選定された。政府からは「2019年を輝かせ た米加工品Top10」に選定された。タミャン韓菓は田畑 を含め2haの自社農場を保有しており、地域農協との協 業による供給も受けている。2021年の1年間に合計55.5 トンのもち米とうるち米を仕入れている。韓菓初の個別 包装を導入し、包装規格の標準化による大量流通の道 を開いた。この仕組みを開発したことにより鮮度が維持 されて流通期限が伸び、韓菓独特の味や香りの維持を 実現し、グローバル市場への進出につながった。製品は ロッテ、新世界、ギャラリアなどの大手デパートや仁川 国際空港免税店で販売されている。

伝統的な韓菓のほかにも、若者の好みに合わせて伝統 水飴にチョコレートを混ぜて作った「チョコ韓菓」が発 売され、好評を得ている。「チョコ韓菓」、「チョコおこ し」に続き、堅果類が使われた「一日栄養バー」などが 相次いで人気製品となった。「ウチワサボテンバンウル 油菓70g」、「ウリもち米蜂蜜薬菓1kg」、「ウリ小麦薬 菓1kg」、「油菓大容量1200g」、「もち米ウチワサボテ ン油菓80g」、「もち米バンウル油菓70g」、ウリ豆チャム 豆腐菓子、ウリ小麦乾パン、きな粉餅菓子など、手軽に 楽しめる新たな形の韓国スタイルのおやつを発売した。 ミレニアル世代とZ世代の好みに合わせて、韓菓を日常 的に食べられるおやつに開発したのである。栄養バー、 穀物バー、蜂蜜乾パン、ソソハンバー、ホワイトスティッ クバー、チョコスティックバーや紅参を添加した韓菓も ある。韓菓ギフトセット15種、薬菓、油菓、菓子類など 30種類以上の製品がある。

Damyang Hangwa Myungjin Food

CEO: Park Sun-ae

TEL: +82-61-383-8283


ADDRESS: 714-36, Changpyeonghyeon-ro, Changpyeongmyeon, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea

Damyang Hangwa Myungjin Food is the flagship brand of traditional Korean sweets under Damyang Hanwha Myungjin Food, a leading agricultural corporation in Korea. These sweets, crafted using age-old techniques passed down through generations, have evolved into ceremonial essentials, seamlessly connecting Korea's historical roots with the contemporary era.

韓国の農業企業であるタミャン韓菓ミョンジン食品は、伝統 的な韓国のお菓子の代表的ブランドです。これらのお菓子 は、朝鮮時代初期の宮廷侍女から受け継がれた古代の手法 に基づいて作られ、韓国の歴史的なルーツと現代をつなぐ儀 式用のお菓子となっています。

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Cover Story

K-dessert Trends and Consumer Trends

In 2021, rice cake production reached 430,000 tons, representing a significant increase of 36% compared to the 310,000 tons produced in 2020. This growth is even more remarkable when compared to the 230,000 tons produced in 2017, representing an increase of about 87%. Hangwa also reported a 25.8% increase in production to 58,988 tons in 2021, up from 46,901 tons in 2020. The production value was KRW 81.8 billion, up 5.7% from KRW 77.4 billion in the previous year. Hangwa production status is 12,944 tons for KRW 82.4 billion in 2017, 15,048 tons for KRW 91.6 billion in 2018, 44,249 tons for KRW 86.3 billion in 2019, and 46,901 tons for KRW 77.4 billion in 2020.

In 2021, the export volume of rice cakes and hangwa reached 20,551 tons, with a total export value of USD 71.82 million. Among them, rice cakes accounted for USD 65.85 million, accounting for 91.7% of the total, while traditional Korean sweets accounted for USD 5.97 million, accounting for 8.3%. Exports increased by 14.9% in volume and 20.1% in value compared to the previous year. Rice cakes accounted for 96.8% of total exports, while hangwa accounted for 3.2%. Both the volume and value of exports have been steadily increasing every year, with rice cakes experiencing the most significant growth. The share of rice cake exports increased by 10.4%, from 86.4% in 2017 to 96.8% in 2021, while the share of export value increased by 21.4%, from 70.3% in 2017 to 91.7% in 2021. It's noteworthy that the exports of rice cakes and hangwa have increased more than three times compared to 2017. The export value of hangwa in 2021 was USD 5.97 million, with an export volume of 648 tons.

In 2021, the revenue share among rice cake manufacturers was as follows: Pulmuone 26.9%, Stoa Brand 16.1%, Mijung 12.8%, Chilgap Nongsan 10.7%, and Songhak Food 5.6%. Among rice cakes, Tteokbokki rice cakes accounted for 71.6% with sales of KRW 1,121 billion, Tteokguk rice cakes accounted for 23.3% with sales of KRW 365 billion, and other varieties accounted for 5.0% with sales of KRW 79 billion in 2021. As for hangwa, three prominent companies stand out: Shinung Hangwa, Damyang Hangwa and Gyodong Hangwa. All three have received quality certification as traditional Korean food manufacturers that focus on master craftsmanship.

In terms of rice cake preferences, respondents favored Injeolmi (bean powder coated rice cake) at 48%, followed by Songpyeon (half-moon rice cake) at 35.5%, Sirutteok (steamed rice cake) at 33.2%, Baeksulgi (snow white rice cake) at 25.8%, and Jeolpyeon (patterned rice cake) at 24%. Hangwa preferences leaned toward yumilgwa at 11.4%, gangjeong (sweet rice puffs) at 10%, and jeonggwa (root in sweet sauce) at 3%. Products with high future purchase intentions included Injeolmi at 41.8%, Sirutteok at 31.4%, Songpyeon at 27.4%, Baeksulgi at 25.8% and yakshik at 22.2%. Hangwa preferences were Gangjeong at 13%, Yumilgwa at 12.2% and Jeonggwa at 6%.

K-dessert、餅と韓菓の動向及び消 費者トレンド

2021年時点で餅類の生産量は43万トンで、2020年の31 万トンに比べて36%増加した。2017年の生産量、23万ト ンに比べると約87%増えた。生産額も毎年増加し、2017 年の4,635億ウォンから2021年の6,494億ウォンへと40% 以上増えた。餅の生産量と生産額は、2017年に23万ト

ンで4,636億ウォン、2018年には25万トンで4,855億ウォ ン、2019年には29万トンで5,320億ウォン、2020年には 32万トンで6,176億ウォンを記録した。韓菓の生産量も 2021年時点で5万8,988トンとなり、2020年の4万6,901ト ンに比べて25.8%増加した。生産額も818億ウォン規模 で、前年度の774億ウォンに比べて5.7%増えた。韓菓の 生産状況は2017年に12,944トンで824億ウォン、2018年 に15,048トンで916億ウォン、2019年に44,249トンで863 億ウォン、2020年に46,901トンで774億を記録した。

餅と韓菓の輸出規模は2021年に20,551トンで7,182万 ドルになり、このうち餅は6,585万ドルで91.7%、韓菓 は597万ドルで8.3%を占めている。輸出量は対前年比 14.9%増加し、輸出額は20.1%増加した。餅の割合は 96.8%、韓菓の割合は3.2%である。輸出量と輸出額は 年々増加している。中でも餅の輸出量が大幅に増えて いる。輸出量における餅の割合は2017年の86.4%から 2021年の96.8%へと10.4%増加し、輸出額の割合は 2017年の70.3%から2021年の91.7%へと21.4%増加し

た。餅と韓菓の輸出量および輸出額は、両方とも2017年 に比べ約3倍以上の成長を見せている。2021年の国別 輸出規模はアメリカが1,847万ドル、6,050トンで1位であ り、日本、インドネシア、ベトナムがその後を次ぐ。これら 上位4か国が60.8%を占めている。2021年の韓菓(米菓) の輸出額は597万ドルで、輸出量は648トンである。

2021年の餅の製造会社別売上高は、プルムウォン 26.9%、ストアブランド16.1%、ミジョン12.8%、チルガプ 農産10.7%、ソンハク食品5.6%の順となっている。トッポ ッキ餅が1,121億ウォンで71.6%、トックク餅が365億ウ ォンで23.3%、その他が79億ウォンで5.0%である。2021 年の餅の小売市場売上高は、ディスカウントストアが452 億ウォンで28.9%、スーパーマーケットのチェーン店が 429億ウォンで27.4%、独立系スーパーマーケットが315 億ウォンで20.2%、コンビニが269億ウォンで17.2%。 2020年にはスーパーマーケットのチェーン店の割合が 27.4%で1位だったが、2021年にはディスカウントストア が28.9%を占め1位になった。これはコロナ禍での社会距 離拡大戦略の影響である。購入頻度は1か月に1.2回で、 50代以上の購入頻度が1.3回ともっとも高い。韓菓の場 合、シングン伝統韓菓、タミャン韓菓、キョドンCMの3社 が代表企業で、どちらも職人を中心に運営されており、韓 国伝統食品メーカーとしての品質認証を受けている。 餅と韓菓の主な購入チャンネルは、市場や町の餅店、精 米所など小規模店が46.4%、大型スーパーが15.4%、ネ ットショッピングモールが10.6%の順である。オフライ ン売場で主に購入する割合は80.5%で、全体として餅と 韓菓はオンラインよりオフラインで購入するケースが多 い。もっとも優先して考慮する事項としては味のよさが 24.8%、自分と家族が好きな味であることが18.4%で、味 が43.2%を占め1位になっている。原材料や製品および 販売者への信頼は37.8%で2位に続く。好きな餅の種類 は、きな粉餅48%、ソンピョン35.5%、シルトク33.2%、 蒸し餅25.8%、型押し餅24%の順である。好きな韓菓の 種類は油蜜菓類11.4%、おこし10%、正果3%の順とな っている。今後購入したい餅はきな粉餅が41.8%、シル トクが31.4%、ソンピョン27.4%、蒸し餅25.8%、おこわ 22.2%の順で、韓菓ではおこし13%、油蜜12.2%、正果 6%の順となっている。

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Cover Story


To Expand the Domestic Market Based on Its Popularity Overseas

The “Kkokkoma Cabbage” from Gunsan, North Jeolla Province, is taking the market by storm. Each mature cabbage weighs 800 g to 1.2 kg, which makes it remarkably small. Its leaves are not too thick, hence ideal to eat raw. This petite cabbage has been internationally branded as “Tamanakomachi” in Japan, which translates as “Beauty Cabbage,” and as “Yangkun” in Taiwan. The Gunsan Miniature Cabbage Research Association has taken the lead in exporting this product in recent years, mainly to Japan and Taiwan, both of which have huge cabbage markets. The first export in 2018 reached 40 tons. In 2019, exports reached 140 tons: 130 tons to Taiwan and 10 tons to Japan. In 2020, exports reached 70.1 tons, split between Taiwan (48.8 tons) and Japan (21.3 tons). In 2021, 11 tons were exported to Japan, and in 2022, 43 tons to Taiwan. According to the Korea Rural Economic Institute, as of 2019, the average person in Japan and Taiwan consumes between 15-20 kg of cabbage annually, nearly three times the 6.5 kg consumed in Korea.

“海外爆火后回流到韩国市场的 群山迷你卷心菜”

近期,韩国全罗北道群山市的“迷你卷心菜”掀起了一股 热潮。完全成熟后的迷你卷心菜,每一颗重量最轻的只 有800克,最重的也不过1.2公斤左右,叶子软嫩,可以直 接生吃,口感爽脆。日本的“美人卷心菜”、台湾的“洋君” 迷你卷心菜都是出自群山市的海外品牌。迷你卷心菜是 群山市“群山迷你卷心菜研究会”重点培养的出口农作 物。主要出口国家地区是卷心菜消费市场较大的日本和 台湾。继2018年首次出口40吨后,2019年出口量直接飙 升至140吨,其中台湾和日本的出口量分别达到130吨和 10吨。2020年台湾出口量为48.8吨,日本为21.3吨,共计 70.1吨。2021年出口日本11吨,2022年出口台湾43吨。据 韩国农村经济研究院统计,2019年日本和台湾的卷心菜 消费量为15-20公斤。韩国的卷心菜人均消费量是6.5公 斤。可见日本和台湾的卷心菜消费量约等于韩国的3倍。 迷你卷心菜是民间育种公司——亚洲种苗于2000年研发 的小型卷心菜,是纯韩国品种。现在被称为“群山迷你卷

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Asia Seed Company, a private breeding company, developed the Kkokkoma Cabbage in 2000. Now known as “Gunsan Miniature Cabbage,” it's a domestic variety. Although it was once overshadowed by larger cabbages, its resurgence in popularity coincides with the growth of single-person households.

In its first year, it was grown on 7.9 hectares by seven farms, yielding 40 tons. As demand grew, by 2020, 66 farms were producing 700 tons, accounting for 60% of the domestic Kkokkoma Cabbage yield. In 2019, it won the top prize at the National Horticultural Special Science Institute's “New Horticultural Technology Promotion Comprehensive Evaluation.” Unlike regular cabbage, which takes about 100 days from planting to harvesting, this variety needs only 45-60 days, allowing for two harvests per year.

In the fall of 2022, the producers formed a joint selection organization. All participating farms secured GAP certification, ensuring that they provide safe and high-quality cabbage. From 2018 to September 2023, there has been a fluctuation in farm participation and cultivation area, with domestic supply peaking at 278.7 tons in 2021. After a successful pilot sale at four Lotte Mart stores in North Jeolla Province in 2019, the cabbage was fully launched at 120 Lotte Mart stores nationwide in November that year. As of the end of May this year, 21.1 tons have been delivered to stores including Lotte Mart, Market Kurly, and Hanaro Mart.

The flavor of Kkokkoma Cabbage strikes a balance between cabbage and lettuce: it's crunchy with a sweetness that registers at ten brix. Its small size and

soft texture make it a hit with children and seniors, and it's a perfect salad ingredient for smaller households. The cabbage can be enjoyed without the addition of sauces and is completely edible with no waste. Rich in vitamin U, it's especially beneficial for those with sensitive digestive systems, and it's also a good source of vitamin K, known for its osteoporosis-preventing properties. Cabbage can be used in a variety of recipes. In 2021, the "Gunsan Miniature Cabbage Research Association" will be recognized as the "Premier Agricultural Product Production Site. Gunsan City aims to triple its production by 2025, positioning it as a hallmark regional agricultural product. As of 2020, these miniature cabbages accounted for approximately 30% of Lotte Mart's cabbage sales, and with a repurchase intention rate of over 75%, their market share is expected to increase.

心菜”。起初,这种卷心菜的光芒完全被普通的大卷心菜 掩盖。但随着独居人数的增加,消费趋势也发生了改变, 迷你卷心菜成为了市场“新宠”。培育初年只有7家农户参 与种植,7.9公顷土地总产量40吨。后来随着需求量的增 加,越来越多的农户参与到迷你卷心菜的种植之中。2020 年66家农户创下了总产量700吨的记录。这相当于韩国 迷你卷心菜生产量的60%。在2019年韩国国立园艺特作 科学院的“园艺特作新技术普及项目综合评价”中,迷你 卷心菜横扫最优秀奖等三大奖项。从种植到收获,普通卷 心菜需要100天左右的时间,而迷你卷心菜只要45天到 60天,成熟快,一年可以种植两次。


全体会员农户通过GAP认证供应安全优质的迷你卷心 菜。2018年参与种植的农户只有7家,种植面积是7.9公 顷。2019年是8家16.1公顷,2020年是66家31.4公顷, 2022年是30家16.4公顷。2023年春季共有32家农户参

与种植,种植面积是6.2公顷,2023年秋季是15家2.5公 顷。截至2023年9月末,有47家农户参与种植,种植面积 是8.7公顷。2020年至2022年三年期间的韩国国内市场


以全罗北道辖区内的4家乐天玛特为试点进行销售,销 量可观。同年11月初开始,在全韩国120家乐天玛特上

市,正式进军韩国市场。截至2023年5月末,为乐天玛特、 Market Kurly、Hanaro Mart等供货21.1吨。

迷你卷心菜的味道介于普通卷心菜和生菜之间,清脆又 香甜,糖度高达10 Brix。与传统卷心菜相比,不仅个头小,

口感还很软嫩,适合儿童和老人食用。如果是独居或二人 家庭,用来做沙拉再合适不过了。无需添加特别酱汁,直 接生食就能吃出甜味,香甜爽脆,一整颗都能吃完,不会 造成浪费。另外,迷你卷心菜富含维生素U,适合肠胃功能 较弱的人群食用。而丰富的维生素K还可以有效预防骨质 疏松。迷你卷心菜的做法可以说是“千变万化”。2021年, 群山迷你卷心菜研究会被评为最高品质农产品生产园 区。群山市的目标是在2025年实现产量翻3倍,把迷你卷 心菜打造为当地代表性农产品。据统计,2020年乐天玛特 迷你卷心菜的销量占卷心菜整体销量的30%左右。而消 费者的回购意向高达75%以上,可见销量比重还将进一 步提升。

Gunsan Miniature Cabbage Research Association

DIRECTOR: Won Yeong-geum

TEL: +82-10-2684-8191


Gunsan Miniature Cabbage Research Association plays a pivotal role in promoting and advancing the cultivation of the small-sized “Gunsan Miniature Cabbage” in South Korea. Established to support research and development, it ensures quality, safety, and increased production, contributing to the cabbage's growing popularity both domestically and internationally.

群山迷你卷心菜研究会致力于推进和发展韩国小型“ 迷你 卷心菜”的种植,发挥了关键作用。该协会成立以支持研究 和发展,确保质量、安全和增加产量,为该卷心菜的国内外 日益普及做出贡献。

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From Goheung to the World:

The Rise of Damwoo's Twelve Months Salad

Goheung chwinamul (aster leaf salad) is a regional specialty registered as a geographical indication. Established as an agricultural company in 2018, Damwoo Inc. launched this chwinamul, which is distributed as a raw material without indication of origin under the brand “Twelve Months” in domestic and international markets. The company uses only pesticide-free certified ingredients that are supplied directly through contract farming with producers. No pesticides, no preservatives and no additives distinguish this product. After curing at room temperature, it undergoes 100 days of low temperature fermentation maturation, followed by a rigorous selection process before packaging. It is also subjected to ultrasonic bubble washing to remove any residual harmful substances. It has obtained certifications such as FSSC22000, ISO22000, U.S. FDA, HACCP, HALAL, VEGAN, and pesticide-free agricultural product certification.

The company's flagship product is an environmentally friendly, pesticide-free salad vegetable grown in Goheung County, surrounded by the sea on three sides. They produce dried salads, low-salt

韓国産ナムル輸出企業農業会社 法人(株)タム

高興(ゴフン)チナムルは、地理的表示団体表章に登録さ れている地域特産物である。2018年農業会社法人とし てスタートした(株)タムは、原産地を表記せず流通して きたこのチナムルを、「ヨルトゥダル:12か月」というブ ランドで韓国と海外の市場で販売し始めた。契約栽培に より農家から直接仕入れた無農薬認証の原材料だけを 使用している。この製品は無農薬、無防腐剤、無添加剤 の3無が特徴である。常温熟成後100日間低温発酵熟成を 行い、厳しい選別過程を経て包装される。その上、残留有 害物質を取り除くための超音波バブル洗浄も行っている。 FSSC22000、ISO22000、アメリカFDA、HACCP、HALAL、 VEGAN認証と無農薬農産物認証を取得している。 同社の代表製品は、三方を海に囲まれている高興郡で 海風に当たりながら育った環境に優しい無農薬ナムルで ある。干しナムルや低塩食ナムルピクルス漬物、発芽9穀

20 21 Processed Food

pickled salad side dishes, and nutritious meals with nine sprouted grains added to chwinamul. The main products include “Twelve Months Salad Pickle,” “Twelve Months Dried Salad,” “Rice Mixed with Salads,” “YumYum Salad,” and “Baby-Friendly Minced Pickle.” Sales began on GS SHOP in 2019, and in 2020 and 2021, the products were introduced to K-Shopping, public broadcasting shopping, and exported to Fence Mall in LA, U.S., and Amazon. In addition, they are sold domestically through platforms such as NS Home Shopping, Naver Store, Lotte Ding Shop, Blooming Morning Village, NongHyup Mall, Nando Market, Goheung Mall, Coexistence & Co., Happy Bean, Kakao Makers, Wadiz and more. Internationally, they are sold through online malls such as Qoo10 and Alibaba, and outlets such as TVCONTINEW in Vietnam and Miltons and Mealtones in the U.S. The Salad Pickle, made without being overly salty, is a low sodium pickled vegetable made with 12 natural ingredients and a proprietary patented technology. The pickles are cured at low temperature for over 100 days; the product is mixed with apple vinegar to enhance its sweet and sour flavor while preserving the original aroma and flavor. It's perfect as a side dish with plain white rice and is also great when added to mixed noodles. Paired with the Korean favorite samgyeopsal (grilled pork belly), it cuts through the richness perfectly. It is available in two sizes: a serving for 1-2 people at 100g and 3-4 people at 250g. It has a shelf life of 12 months from the date of production.

“Rice Mixed with Salads” is a convenient breakfast option that can be added to the rice during cooking without soaking or boiling. It comes in three varieties:

“Rice Mixed with Gondeure Salad,” “Rice Mixed with bujikkaengi (Amur wallflower),” and “Rice Mixed with Wild Vegetable.” Each package weighs 10.5g. Filled with a variety of mushrooms, these products offer deep flavor and are packed with nutrients.

Twelve Months Dried Salads is a dried vegetable product made from gondeurenamul (thistle salad), bujikkaengi, and chwinamul. The tenderest shoots, which are the most delicious in early spring, are selected for this product. You can easily make herbal rice by soaking them in water and cooking them with rice. In addition, this product can be used in

にチナムルを加えた栄養食などを生産している。「ヨル トゥダル・ナムルピクルス漬物」、「ヨルトゥダル・干しナ ムル」、「ナムレビビョバプ」、「ナムルヤムヤム」、「うち の赤ちゃんも食べるみじん切りピクルス漬物」などが主 な製品である。2019年GS SHOPで販売を始め、2020年 から2021年にかけてKショッピングと公営ショッピング モールに進出し、アメリカLAウルタリモールとアマゾン でも販売している。ほかにも韓国ではNSホームショッピ

ング、NAVERストアー、ロッテティングショップ、花咲く朝 の村、農協モール、南道ジャント、高興モール、相生商会、 Happy Bean、Kakao Makers、Wadizなどでも販売され ている。海外ではキューテン(Qoo 10)、アリババなどのオ ンラインショッピングモール、ベトナムのTVCONTINEW、 アメリカのmealtonesなどで販売されている。

「ヨルトゥダル干しナムル」はコンドゥレ、エゾスズシロ モドキ、チナムルを干した乾物である。早春のもっともお いしい若い芽で作っている。水でふやかしてからご飯を 炊くときに米と一緒に入れて炊くとナムルご飯が出来上 がる。この製品はビビンバ、ナムル炒めにも応用できる。 製品は最大24か月保存できる。「家族みんなで楽しむナ ムルヤムヤム」は簡単調理セットである。みじん切りの漬 物、ふりかけ海苔、ごま油で構成されており、簡単に調理 できるようにビニール手袋や使い捨てのフォークも一緒 に入っている。ほかにも「うちの赤ちゃんも食べるみじん 切りピクルス漬物―エゾスズシロモドキ・チナムル」のよ うな漬物も販売しており、この製品は生後12か月から健 康によいナムルを離乳食と一緒に自然に食べられるよう に開発されたみじん切りの漬物である。

Damwoo Inc.

dishes such as bibimbap and stir-fried vegetables. This product has a shelf life of 24 months. “Salads YumYum for the Whole Family” is a convenient cooking set. It consists of minced pickles, roasted seaweed and sesame oil. For added convenience, it's packaged with sanitary gloves and a portable fork, making preparation a breeze. There's also “Minced Pickled Chwinamul and Bujikkaengi for Babies.” This pickled product is designed for babies as young as 12 months, allowing them to naturally enjoy healthy salads with their baby food. It's a finely minced pickle designed to introduce babies to the taste of these salads at an early age.

塩辛くない「ナムルピクルス」は、12種の天然材料と独 自の特許技術で作られた低ナトリウムのナムル漬物であ る。100日以上低温で熟成させた製品で、リンゴ酢を配合 して甘酸っぱさを加えており、材料そのものの香りと味 が生きている。白ご飯にぴったりのおかずで、ピビン麺に 乗せてもおいしい。韓国人が好きなサムギョプサルと一 緒に食べると、脂っこさを抑えることができる。1-2人前 100g、3-4人前250gの2種類があり、流通期限は製造日 から12か月である。「ナムレビビョバプ」はふやかしたり 煮たりする必要がなく、ご飯を炊くときに米の上に乗せる だけで朝も簡単に美味しいご飯が作れる。「コンドゥレ ナムレビビョバプ」、「エゾスズシロモドキのナムレビビョ バプ」、「山菜ナムレビビョバプ」の3種類がある。容量は 10.5g。色んな種類のキノコが入っていて、風味と栄養た っぷりの商品である。

Damwoo Inc. is an agricultural company established in 2018, renowned for its regional specialty, Goheung chwinamul, and other crisp vegetables. They emphasize eco-friendliness by utilizing pesticidefree, locally sourced ingredients to produce highquality products, obtaining various certifications for both domestic and international markets.

タムは、2018年に設立された農業企業で、高興チナムル など地域特産品で知られています。無農薬の原材料を使 用して環境に優しく、高品質な製品を生産し、様々な認証 を取得して国内外の市場に供給しています。

DIRECTOR: Lee Gyeong-ho

TEL: +82-61-835-7375


ADDRESS: 15-6, Bongsan-ro, Dohwa-myeon, Goheung-gun, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea

22 23 Processed Food

Pioneers in Organic Baby HMR


HS F&D Co. stands out in the market for its specialization in processing rice products. The company focuses primarily on the development and sale of baby food and snacks. As a testament to their commitment to quality, all of their products not only meet HACCP standards, but are also certified organic. In 2022, the company processed a significant 14,000 kg of organic rice, all of which was sourced from the Iksan region of North Jeolla Province. Their acclaimed brand “Ispoon” is known for its innovative, baby-friendly HMR porridge. Some of their flagship products include Chicken

Breast Rice Porridge (91g), Mushroom Rice Porridge (91g), and Potato & Carrot Rice Porridge (91g). These products are exported to Vietnam. Designed as quick meal solutions for babies - especially during travel or outings - these porridges are made from 100% organic white rice, steamed, pressurized and then blended with a variety of ingredients. A warm water mix brings out their flavor, and each is conveniently packaged for individual servings.

Nutritionally, each variety of Ispoon Porridge weighs 91g and consists of seven 13g packets. They have a shelf life of one year and about 80% of their

HS F&D开拓家庭代餐(HMR) 幼儿专用粥市场

(株)HS F&D是一家大米加工食品公司,主要开发销售 以辅食为代表的幼儿零食。该企业的所有产品均已取得 HACCP和有机加工食品认证。原料中的大米100%在韩 国全罗北道益山市辖区内种植,2022年用于产品生产的 有机大米总量为14吨。公司的代表品牌是“Ispoon”。目 前正在积极开拓幼儿专用家庭代餐(HMR:Home Meal Replacement)市场,也因此得到了业界的广泛关注。

这一系列主要包括三款产品,分别是“宝宝最爱鸡胸肉 健康米粥91g”、“宝宝最爱双孢菇健康米粥91g”和“宝 宝最爱土豆胡萝卜健康米粥91g”。这些产品已经出口 至越南。在与宝宝一起长途旅行或外出时,简单方便的 代餐轻轻松松就能让宝宝美餐一顿。产品原料为100% 有机大米,利用加热和高压对大米进行膨化处理,然后 粉碎,再混入蘑菇、蔬菜等粉末。简单来说,这是一款集

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composition is domestic organic rice. Mushroom Porridge ingredients include 100% domestic potato starch, mushroom powder and pumpkin powder. It has 50 Calories, 25 mg sodium, 11 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram each of sugar and protein, and it is fat- and cholesterol-free. The Potato & Carrot Porridge contains potato starch, carrot powder, and scallion powder. It has 50 Calories, 30 mg sodium, 11 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram each of sugar and protein, and it is fat- and cholesterol-free. The Chicken Breast Porridge contains organic rice, ground chicken breast, paprika, and carrot powder. It has 50 Calories, 40 mg sodium, 10 grams carbohydrates, 1 gram sugar, 2 grams protein, zero trans or saturated fat, and 2 mg cholesterol.

In addition to porridge, HS F&D Co. also offers a range of rice-based snacks. Their organic Baby Rice Snack - available in both plain and pumpkin flavorsis a delight. Ispoon Rice Pop is made with rice, brown rice, onion, pumpkin, beet, spinach, shiitake mushrooms and sesame seeds, and comes in two flavors: onion and pumpkin. Ispoon Sommi Pop comes in two flavors, red and yellow, and is a rice cracker with a soft, cotton-like texture. There are also rice pasta and rice flour products. Ispoon Organic Rice Pasta is gluten free and has the chewy texture and mild flavor of organic rice. Ispoon Powder Step makes baby food easy to prepare. The grain size of the powder varies so



美味的辅食就完成啦。不仅便于携带和制作,而且还很 贴心地按照宝宝的食量采用独立包装。


91克。保质期是12个月。含量最高的原料是韩国产有机 大米,含量高达80%。“双孢菇粥”添加有以100%韩国土 豆为原料制成的土豆淀粉、韩国产双孢菇蘑菇粉和甜南 瓜粉等。热量是50千卡,钠含量25毫克,碳水化合物为 11克,糖和蛋白质各1克,不含脂肪和胆固醇。“土豆胡萝 卜粥”添加有土豆淀粉、胡萝卜粉和葱粉。热量是50千 卡,钠含量30毫克,碳水化合物为11克,糖和蛋白质各 1克,不含脂肪和胆固醇。“鸡胸肉粥”除了有机大米外, 还添加有鸡胸肉粉、灯笼椒粉和胡萝卜粉。热量也是50 千卡,钠含量40毫克、碳水化合物10克、糖1克、蛋白质2 克,不含反式脂肪酸和饱和脂肪酸,胆固醇含量2毫克。


有两款,一款是白米,一款是甜南瓜。使用有机大米和谷 物制成。“宝宝最爱的乐米”含有大米、糙米、洋葱、甜南 瓜、甜菜、菠菜、香菇、咸草等原料,同样有两款口味,一

款是洋葱味,另一款是甜南瓜味。“宝宝最爱的棉花米” 分为红色和黄色两款,是口感像棉花一样松软的米饼。

此外,还有大米意面、米粉产品。“宝宝最爱的有机大米 意面”是无麸质产品,保留了有 机大米特有的嚼劲和清淡口味。

同一品牌除了大米加工产品外,还有酱油和盐。如“宝 宝最爱的酱油汁”使用以大豆为原料进行发酵的酿造酱 油,干净又安全,分为汤用和凉拌用两款。酱油中添加 有海带浓汁、蔬菜提取浓缩液、洋葱浓缩液,口感更温和。 “宝宝最爱的初盐”是一款加工盐,以100%韩国产FDA 认证无污染地区的牡蛎壳为原料,使用天然发酵方法制 成,不会造成过敏,安全放心。同时添加有兼具口感和营 养的香菇,以及富含钙和矿物质成分的天日盐。

“宝宝最爱的有机米粉”是家长 制作辅食的好帮手。米粉颗粒 大小不同,按宝宝月龄分为早 期、中期和后期,根据宝宝实际 情况选择购买即可。2023年8

月开始出口美国的米棒以有机 糙米(99%)为原料,采用非油 炸的加热和高压加工方式,美味 又健康。这一系列产品共有三种 口味,分别是“宝宝最爱的香蕉 米棒”、“宝宝最爱的苹果米棒”和 “宝宝最爱的草莓米棒”。

that it can be divided into early, middle and late stages according to the number of months of the child. In a significant move in August, the company began exporting rice sticks to the U.S. These are made using only heat and pressure, with tempting varieties such as Ispoon Banana Rice Stick, Ispoon Apple Rice Stick, Ispoon Strawberry Rice Stick, and more.

In addition to rice products, the brand also offers soy sauce and salt. Their Ispoon Soy Sauce uses clean and safe brewed soy sauce made from fermented soybeans. It comes in two varieties: one for broth and one for mixing. The soy sauce is softened with the addition of kelp extract, concentrated vegetable extract, and concentrated onion extract. Ispoon Sea Salt is a processed salt product. It's made from 100% domestic oyster shells from FDA-certified clean regions and is naturally fermented to ensure allergy safety. This salt is enriched with the flavor and nutrients of shiitake mushrooms and combined with mineral-rich sea salt known for its high calcium content.

HS F&D Co.

HS F&D Co. specializes in processing organic rice products, focusing primarily on the development and sale of baby food and snacks. Their acclaimed brand, “Ispoon,” is known for innovative HMR porridge designed for babies, crafted from 100% organic white rice and various ingredients.

HS F&D Co. 是一家专门加工有机大米产品的公司,主 要专注于婴儿食品和零食的开发和销售。他们的知名品 牌“Ispoon”以创新的婴儿友好HMR粥而闻名,由100%有 机白米制成,并混合多种成分。

CEO : Yu Tae-ho

TEL: +82-63-722-3355


ADDRESS: 902ho, At Center27, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

26 27 New Item

Enjoying the Sweet Taste in a Healthy Way:

The Rise of Zero-Sugar Foods

As health awareness has increased in recent years, zero-sugar products have gained popularity around the world, including Korea. As more consumers seek to reduce their sugar intake, a wide range of zero-sugar products - from beverages and foods to traditional dishes - are available in the market.

This is due to the new consumption trend of Healthy Treasure, where consumers want to enjoy their favorite foods and beverages in a healthier way.

In addition to Coke, the leader in the zero-sugar craze, soju, coffee, sweets, sugar and jam are using alternative sweeteners to boost sales. Korea's domestic zero-sugar soft drink market has grown more than 2.4 times in five years, from KRW 90.3 billion in 2016 to KRW 218.9 billion in 2021, according to market research firm Euromonitor. To address health concerns such as obesity and diabetes caused by excessive sugar consumption, zero-sugar products use alternative sweeteners such as sucralose, stevia, xylose and erythritol.

甘味も健康に楽しめる ゼロシュガー食品

この数年間健康意識の高まりにより、ゼロシュガー(Zero Sugar)製品が韓国をはじめとする全世界で大きな人気を 博している。多くの消費者が糖分の摂取を減らそうとして おり、飲料、食品、伝統的な食べ物など様々な範囲のゼロ シュガー製品が市場に登場している。普段好んで食べてい る食品をより健康的な食べ方で摂取しようとするヘルシー トレジャー(Healthy Treasure、楽しい健康管理)が新たな 消費トレンドとなっているためである。 ゼロシュガーブームの先頭走者であるコーラをはじめ、焼 酎、コーヒー、お菓子、砂糖、ジャムも代替甘味料を使うよ うになり、売上をけん引している。市場調査会社ユーロモ ニターによると、韓国のゼロシュガー炭酸飲料市場の規模 は2016年の903億ウォンから2021年には2189億ウォンへ と、5年間で2.4倍以上成長している。ゼロシュガーは甘み を出す砂糖の代わりに代替甘味料のスクラロース、ステビ ア、キシロース、エリトリトールなどを入れて、肥満、糖尿な

28 29 KAF Trends Trend & Products

Zero-Sugar Products

In Korea, allulose sweeteners are preferred over stevia, which often has a bitter aftertaste. Several alternative sweetener products suitable for home use are becoming available, such as Cheiljedang's allulose, Samyang's oligosaccharide, and NUTRICOMEON's Good Sugar Stevia.

Products using these alternative sweeteners can be found in various product categories. For example, in the soft drinks category, Lotte Wellfoods launched a sugar-free product, “ZERO,” and achieved sales of KRW 30 billion in 6 months. The zero-sugar craze led to the launch of zero-sugar soju. Andong Soju Ilpoom launched 25-degree “Ilpoom Zero Sugar” in response to the demand for zero sugar among young consumers, and Lotte Chilsung Beverage's zero soju “Chum Churum Saero” is gaining popularity among young consumers for its refreshing taste and low calorie content by adding sweeteners instead of fructose, unlike the existing product. “Saero” has achieved sales of more than KRW 10 billion since its launch, realizing the popularity of zero sugar in the alcoholic beverage sector.

The range of zero-sugar products is also expanding. From May 2022 to April this year, the total sales volume of Lotte Wellfood's six major products, including “Zero” brand snacks and ice cream, exceeded 20 million. The company has introduced zero-sugar ice creams such as “Zero Milk Monaca,” “Zero Milk Soft Corn,” and “Zero Mini Bite Milk & Chocolate.” They underwent rigorous consumer research and taste testing to ensure that the products maintained their delicious taste and flavor without sugar. As a result, the zero-sugar trend is expected to expand into more product categories through advances in food technology, with the market size projected to grow rapidly.

ど砂糖の摂りすぎから生じる健康問題を解決している。 韓国では、後味の苦いステビアよりアルロースを利用し た代替甘味料がメインとなっている。第一製糖のアルロ ース、三養(サムヤン)のオリゴ糖、NUTRICOMEONのチャ ッカンダン(「やさしい糖」という意味)ステビアなど、家 庭で砂糖の代わりに使える甘味料製品がたくさん発売さ れている。このような代替甘味料を使った製品は、多様 な製品群で見られる。その代表として、ロッテウェルフー ドは炭酸飲料分野の無砂糖製品「ゼロ(ZERO)」を市場 に出してから6か月で300億ウォンの売上を達成し、ゼロ シュガーブームに合わせてゼロシュガー焼酎も発売して いる。安東(アンドン)焼酎一品(イルプム)は若い消費者層 のゼロシュガー需要に合わせて25度の「一品ゼロシュガ ー」を発売し、ロッテ七星飲料のゼロ焼酎「チョウムチョ ロムセロ」は従来の焼酎製品とは異なり、果糖の代わり に甘味料を添加して、爽やかな味と低カロリーで若い消 費者から高い人気を得ている。「セロ」は発売以来100億 以上の売上を達成し、酒類分野でのゼロシュガーの人気 が実感できる。

飲料品目のほかにも、ゼロシュガーを取り入れた製品ラ インナップは拡大されつつある。ロッテウェルフードでは 「ゼロ」ブランドのお菓子や氷菓など6種の主要製品にお ける2022年5月から今年4月までの累積販売量が2000万 個を突破した。また、無砂糖アイスクリームの「ゼロミル クモナカ」、「ゼロミルクソフトコーン」、「ゼロミニバイト ミルク&チョコ」などを発売している。砂糖や糖類を減ら しながらもアイスクリーム本来のおいしさや風味を損な わないために、消費者への事前調査や味のテストを徹底 的に行い、検証段階を経た。このようにゼロシュガーブー ムはフードテックと結びつくことにより一層多彩な製品 群の登場と共に、市場規模の急速な拡 大も見込まれている。

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KAF Trends Trend & Products
inro Soju Lotte Wellfoods Zero Milk Monaca Lotte Wellfoods Zero Mini Bite Milk & Chocolate

Korean Fermented Gochujang: A Spicy Sensation on Amazon

With the global rise of K-pop and Korean culture, interest in Korean cuisine has been on the rise. This has made traditional Korean foods such as kimchi, doenjang (soybean paste) and gochujang (red chili paste) more popular than ever. Gochujang has gained popularity alongside kimchi, especially as people become more health-conscious after the coronavirus outbreak. It is a spicy sauce with a distinctive sweet flavor, similar to Sriracha and Tabasco, that is familiar to Koreans but somewhat exotic to foreigners. Gochujang's blend of spicy and sweet flavors makes it versatile in a variety of dishes that appeal to both adults and children. Recently, there have been many mentions of gochujang in K-food articles in overseas media, emphasizing that it is a healthy ingredient in addition to its spicy flavor.

Amazon offers a range of gochujang products from Korea. On the platform, gochujang is described as “Korean Chili Sauce” and promoted for its unique spiciness and versatility in cooking. The best-selling gochujang on Amazon is Chung Jung One's “Sunchang” gochujang, the top-selling product in the chili sauce category. Notable reviews from American consumers who have purchased the product

on Amazon include: “It's not too spicy and allows for adjustable heat levels, making it great for various dishes,” “It's a tasty and healthy option, not loaded with MSG or excess salt like other hot sauces,” and “It complements all kinds of foods and is great for creating fusion dishes.”

After Chung Jung One's gochujang, other popular brands include CJ Cheiljedang's “Bibigo Gochujang”and “Haechandle Gochujang.” Sempio also offers a vegan-friendly gochujang called "Taeyangcho Gochujang. Sempio has even introduced a gluten-free gochujang with lemon for added flavor, expanding the sauce's applications beyond traditional Korean dishes to various world cuisines.


K-POP和韩流文化的发展带动了大众对韩餐的热情,关 于辛奇(韩式泡菜)、大酱、辣椒酱等各种韩国传统美食 的话题也比任何时候都要火热。特别是新冠疫情后,人 们更加注重健康,与辛奇一同进入大众视野的还有辣椒 酱。韩国人对辣椒酱再熟悉不过,但对于外国人来说,里 面多多少少掺杂了一些异国风味,刚入口感觉和“是拉 差辣椒酱(SRIRACHA)”“塔巴斯科辣椒酱(TABASCO)” 差不多,但细品之下,辣中又多了一种特别的香甜口感。


丝的口感可谓是老少皆宜。在关于K-FOOD的最新海外 媒体报道中,“辣椒酱”的出现频率明显增加,经常与其 一同出现的关键词有“辣”和“健康成分”。


逊把辣椒酱标记为韩国辣酱(Korean Chili Sauce),产 品说明中提到韩国辣酱带有韩国特有的辣味,可用于多

种料理。亚马逊商城销量最高的辣椒酱是清净园的“淳 昌”辣椒酱,这也是辣酱类的销量冠军,可见其人气之 高。购买辣椒酱的美国消费者们对辣椒酱赞不绝口,评 论道:“不是很辣,吃的时候可以根据个人喜好调整辣 味,适合各种美食,非常好。”“不是那种添加有很多味精 或盐的辣酱,味道好又健康。”“可以搭配任何食物,味道 非常浓郁,不只是韩餐,还可以用于其它菜肴。”

排在清净园辣椒酱后面的是希杰第一制糖的必品阁辣 椒酱和好餐得辣椒酱。泉牌的太阳草辣椒酱是一款素食 辣椒酱,深受素食主义消费者们的喜爱。泉牌还推出了 一款添加有柠檬的酸味辣椒酱,这款辣椒酱采用无麸质 配方,打破了传统韩餐的限制,应用范围更广,让韩国辣 椒酱成功融入世界餐饮市场。

32 33 KAF Trends e-Commerce


Chuseok: The Celebration of Korean Cuisine

Chuseok is one of the most important traditional holidays in Korea. It's a time to thank the ancestors for the year's bounty, and features unique foods not often seen on normal days. Chuseok staples include new-crop rice, japchae (stir-fried glass noodles and vegetables), songpyeon (half moon-shaped rice cake), tangguk and galbijjim (braised short ribs), large domigui (grilled sea bream), steamed dried fish, and sanjeok (beef and vegetable skewers). Desserts such as sirutteok (steamed rice cake), jeolpyeon (patterned rice cake), sikhye (sweet rice punch), sujeonggwa (cinnamon punch) and all kinds of jeons (pancakes), gosarinamul (bracken salad) and spinachnamul, and so many other foods it's hard to count. Almost every type of fruit is represented, from in-season apples and pears to peaches and citrus fruits to late season watermelons and chamoe (Korean melon). Chestnuts, jujubes, and the rarely seen traditional Korean sweets and yakgwa (honey cookies) are also included. Chuseok is an excellent feast of traditional food. Long ago, when neighborhood butchers were uncommon, families would gather to slaughter a pig or cow and share the meat.

On the morning of Chuseok, everyone from siblings to cousins and their children would gather to perform a respectful ceremony to honor their ancestors. The various foods prepared overnight by mothers, aunts, and sisters were placed on the ceremonial table. After the offerings were made, the adults, mostly men, would make their way to the grave. After visiting all the mausoleums scattered around my hometown, the lunch we had was

delicious, and I especially liked the “tangguk” soup. I ate the soup, a combination of cool radish and various seafood, with rice topped with various namul (salad) and gochujang. Even when I was full and couldn't eat any more, it was hard to put my cutlery down. The seafood tangguk that I could only see once a year when I went home for Chuseok is now available at restaurants in my hometown of Geoje and Tongyeong.

As the number of single-person households has increased and nuclear families have become more common, it has become difficult to prepare the food you want to eat at home. Making large amounts of food during the holidays are laborious and time-consuming, and even if you make them, you can only eat part of them. However, Chuseok - the Korean harvest festival - is a time for extended families to come together, a culinary mosaic where daughters-in-law from different regions share dishes emblematic of their native food cultures. There are many dishes to share. Family “specialties” prepared throughout the year for the day also get their moment in the spotlight. The tradition of Korean food continues through Chuseok. Since family culture and hospitality are not the same as they once were, Chuseok has lost much of its uniqueness. Nevertheless, our Chuseok tradition is alive and well in many places and is recreated every year.

In the past, the natural isolation of mountainous regions gave rise to unique and specialized local culinary traditions. Chuseok was a unique melting pot where these different food cultures could come together. Not only did the festival expose me to a variety of dishes I wouldn't normally encounter, but it also facilitated the blending of recipes from different generations and regions. That's how each house developed its own food culture. Some became masters of the traditional sweet drink sikhye, others specialized in sujeonggwa, while others perfected rice cakes and traditional sweets like hangwa. This collective culinary wisdom has catapulted traditional Korean desserts such as hangwa, sujeonggwa, and sikhye onto the international culinary stage, even ushering in an era where exports of Korean rice cakes have surpassed $100 million. In recognition of this cultural significance, the government recently announced a temporary holiday on October 2 during a cabinet meeting on September 5. Starting on September 28, this year's Chuseok will be a six-day celebration. As is customary, this holiday will trigger mass migrations across the country, setting the stage for another vibrant food festival. In essence, Chuseok is the launching pad for K-Food to make its mark globally.

34 35 KAF Trends

PODO Korean Grape

Grapes, known as “podo” in Korean, are a popular fruit in Korea and around the world. Their large size and exceptional sweetness can be attributed to Korea's mild climate, which is characterized by four distinct seasons and abundant sunlight. While these attributes aren't ideal for winemaking, and the grapes are typically consumed raw, there has been a notable shift in recent years. Korean winemakers have pioneered techniques to overcome the limitations of these edible grapes, and as a result, Korean wines have begun to gain recognition in international competitions. For example, Sudosan Winery's Krate Medium Dry 2018 won a gold medal at the Berlin Wine Trophy in 2022. Wine Consumer Reports has given positive reviews to several Korean wineries. For an indepth look at Korean grapes and wines, see “The Rise of K-Wine” in the February issue of Korea Agrafood.

On the Table | Photo Essay | 36 37


King Oyster Mushroom Skewers

Saesongisanjeok is a traditional Korean dish that showcases the delicious and meaty texture of king oyster mushrooms. It is a type of skewered dish which ingredients such as vegetables, mushrooms, and sometimes meat are marinated, threaded onto skewers, and then grilled or pan-fried to perfection. King oyster mushrooms, known for their robust, umami flavor, are often the star of this dish, making it a favorite not only among mushroom lovers but also those exploring Korean cuisine.

38 39 K-FOOD Recipe On the Table


King Oyster Mushroom Skewers


4 king oyster mushrooms (180g), beef sirloin (180g), 1 teaspoon ground pine nuts, cooking oil

Oyster mushroom seasoning

1 3 Tbsp salt, 1 Tbsp sesame oil

Beef seasoning Tips

2 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 Tbsp sugar, 4 Tbsp minced green onion, 2 Tbsp minced garlic,

2 Tbsp sesame salt,

2 Tbsp sesame oil, and a pinch of black pepper

Depending on the season, ingredients are varied along with meat to create different types of skewers such as mushroom skewers, green onion skewers, rice cake skewers, and octopus skewers.

1. Select large, unripe king oyster mushrooms, remove the soil from the roots, cut into long strips, and gently mix with the mushroom seasoning.


Slice the beef into 0.6 cm thick slices, shred, and then cut into 5 cm long slices and marinate in the meat seasoning.

3. Thread the skewers alternately with the marinated beef and king oyster mushrooms.


Grill on a grill or cook on both sides in a heated pan with cooking oil.

5. Plate and sprinkle with pine nuts.

40 41
K-FOOD Recipe On the Table Enjoy your meal!

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Tokyo Branch Office

Korea Agro-Trade Center, Tokyo

Korea Center 5F, 4-4-10 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0004, Japan (東京都新宿区四谷4-4-10 KOREA CENTER5F)


TEL: 81-3-5367-6656 070-4617-7061~2, 070-8287-3060

FAX: 81-3-5367-6657

Osaka Branch Office 8F, Nomura Fudousan Osaka Bldg. 1-8-15, Azuchimachi, Chuou-Ku, Osaka, 541-0052, Japan (大阪市 中央區 安土町 1-8-15, 野村不動 産大阪B/D 8F)


TEL: 81-6-6260-7661

FAX: 81-6-6260-7663

Ha Noi Branch Office #1213, 12th floor., Keangnam Hanoi Landmark 72 Tower, Plot E6, Pham Hung Str., South Tu Liem Dist., Ha Noi., Viet Nam


TEL: 84-24-6282-2987 070-4617-7101~2, 7256~7258

FAX: 84-4-6282-2989

HoChiMinh Branch Office

CJ Building, Floor 3, 2 Bis 4-6 Le

Thanh Ton Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City


TEL: 84-28-3822-7504

070-4617-3276, 070-8098-6514

FAX: 02-838-227-503

Bangkok Branch Office #2102 Level 21, Interchange 21, 399

Sukhumvit Road, North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand


TEL: 66-2-611-2627


FAX: 66-2611-2626

Jakarta Branch Office

The Energy Building 20th FL, Zone F, SCBD Lot.11A

JL.Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia


TEL: 62-21-2995-9032~4


FAX: 62-21-2995-9034

Kuala Lumpur Branch Office

Suite 6-04, 6th Floor, Menara Hap

Seng, Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala



TEL: 60-3-2706-4299

070-5223-4901, 070-4617-7238

FAX: 60-3-2706-4301

Singapore Branch Office

1 Wallich Street #14-01 Guoco Tower, Singapore 078881

TEL: 65-6403-4041

FAX: 65-6403-3801

Dubai Branch Office

57528 Office #48, Sunset Mall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Jumeira 3, Dubai, UAE


TEL: 971-4-339-2213

FAX: 971-4-456-1155

Pan America

New York Branch Office

15 East 40th Street Suite 701 New york NY 10016, USA


TEL: 1-212-889-2561

FAX: 1-212-889-2560

Los Angeles Branch Office

12750 Center Court Drive South, #255, Cerritos, CA 90703, USA


TEL: 1-562-809-8810

FAX: 1-562-809-1191

São Paulo Branch Office

Av Paulista 1636, 10andar, #1008 –

São Paulo CEP 01310-000


TEL: 55-11-91045-4577


Paris Branch Office

Korea Agro-Trade Center, 89 Rue du Gouverneur Général Eboué (1er etage), 92130, Issy-les-moulineaux, France


TEL: 33-1-4108-6076, 6078, 6096 070-4617-7225, 2424

FAX: 33-1-4108-2016

Moscow Branch Office

123610, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya 12, 6th floor, 608 office


TEL: 070-4617-3277

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