Feb 2024 (vol.340)

Page 1

Feb. 2024 | vol.340

A Korean Smart Farm Leading Agricultural Innovation

Processed Food

Multi-Beverage Producer, OKF

KAF Trends

e-Commerce Korean Glass Noodles, a Popular Gluten-free Healthy food

On the Table K-FOOD Recipe

Ginseng Honey Latte

Low Carbon Diet


of annual carbon emissions come from the food sector! Let’s work together to minimize carbon emissions at all stages of food system


Increase production of Eco-friendly agricultural and marine products


Prepare only the necessary amount of food and consume it without any leftover


Reduce distribution steps and use green fuels

Processing Minimize waste in processing and handling

Join us on

Declaration of Support for Low Carbon Diet As a response to climate change, we support the declaration of a Global Low Carbon Diet Day to reduce carbon emissions from food, which accounts for 31% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and the formation of the Low Carbon Diet Forum, a movement for action that promises a healthy humanity, a healthy planet, and a sustainable future. One. We recognize that a low carbon diet is essential for a healthy global environment, which is directly related to the future of humanity. One. We will solidarise and cooperate in all projects and activities promoted by the international community to achieve food carbon neutrality. One. We will work together to minimize carbon emissions at all stages of food production and consumption. One. We will designate every Wednesday as Low Carbon Diet Day to promote and practice the importance of food carbon neutrality. As a public institution in charge of food industry, aT has established a network of cooperation with more than 600 companies, institutions, and organizations at home and abroad to spread low-carbon diet movement.

Please scan the QR below, and show your support


A Korean Smart Farm

Leading Agricultural Innovation

The Legend of Dangun and the Origin of Korean Food


Plan T Farm Co., Ltd.: A Leading Smart Farm in Korea

Korean Smart Farm Market Trends

Korea's Premier Strawberry Farm

Bong Farm


Multi-Beverage Producer,

Ginseng Honey Latte

Korean Glass Noodles, a Popular Gluten-free Healthy food Neo Cremar Co., Ltd., a Company Specializing in the Development of Healthy Functional Food Ingredients

February marks the Lunar New Year, a cherished Korean tradition. In this issue's column, we explored the roots of Korea's remarkable 5,000-year food culture, telling the story of "the bear that became human after eating garlic and mugwort in the Dangun legend." The cover story focuses on the status of smart farms in Korea, which are attracting global attention, and their development in Korea, which is known for its expertise in information technology. It introduces Plen T Farm, a prominent smart farm company. In the Farmtastic section, we delve into the story of a strawberry master from Bong Farm in Geochang. In the New Item section, we meet Neo Cremar, a global leader in the research and development of health functional food ingredients. The issue also features an interview with OKF, the world's largest aloe beverage company. We've summarized the fast-growing trend of frozen foods, including Korean glass noodles and frozen dumplings popular on platforms such as Amazon, based on industry statistics. The recipe in this issue features a fresh ginseng honey latte to strengthen the immune system. The photo essay showcases the ambiance of highway rest areas in Korea, inviting travelers to enjoy and purchase unique products from local vendors. Kim, Eil Chul Chief Reporter

Founded in August, 1995, Published monthly by the

227, Munhwa-ro, Naju City, South Jeolla Province, Korea Tel: +82-61-931-0963 Fax: +82-61-804-4521 Government Registration Number: Ra-7210 Dated April 26, 1995 Copyright by the aT (Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.) All rights reserved.

KAF Trends 28 Trend & Products | Frozen Food Trends 32 E-Commerce | Korean Glass Noodles, a Popular Gluten-free Healthy food

Cover Story


8 A Korean Smart Farm Leading Agricultural Innovation

34 COLUMN | The Legend of Dangun and the Origin of Korean Food

On the Table

12 Plan T Farm Co., Ltd.: A Leading Smart Farm in Korea

36 Photo Essay | Discovering Traveler's Tranquil Rest Areas and Culinary Delights

14 Korean Smart Farm Market Trends

38 K-FOOD Recipe | Ginseng Honey Latte

In Focus 16 Farmtastic | Korea's Premier Strawberry Farm, Bong Farm 20 Processed Food | Multi-Beverage Producer, OKF 24 New Item | Neo NeoCremar Co., Ltd., a Company Specializing in the Development of Healthy Functional Food Ingredients

CEO Kim Choon-jin EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Kwon O-yub (Food Industry & Trade Division) EDITOR Hwang Doyoun CHEIF REPORTER Kim Eil Chul COORDINATOR Yoon Hyun-joo CREATIVE DIRECTOR Chang Soobum PHOTOGRAPHY DIRECTOR Hwang Donggun TRANSLATORS Kivit Adrianus (ENGLISH), Shin Nakajima (JAPANESE), Bart Wu (CHINESE) EDITORIAL BOARD BEIJING John Dae-young (redsun@at.or.kr) 070-4617-5090 SHANGHAI Lee Jong-geun (jglee@at.or.kr) 070-7077-6197 DALIAN Lee Jeong-seok (rhee@at.or.kr) 070-4617-3278 HONGKONG Kim Hyun-hoo (max@at.or.kr) 070-4617-2696 QINGDAO Lee Sun-Woo (bird@at.or.kr) +86-532-5566-8873 QINGDAO aT LOGISTICS Han Seung-hee (shhan@at.or.kr) 070-7939-0863 HANOI Kim Kyoung-chul (yohang@at.or.kr) +84-24-6282-2987 HOCHIMIN Cho Sung-bae (chobae@at.or.kr) 070-8098-6514 BANGKOK Byun Kyung-yong (yong7619@at.or.kr) 070-4617-7227 JAKARTA Lee Seung-hoon (afmchoon@at.or.kr) +62-21-2995-9094 KUALALUMPUR Jang Jung-ho (lastjang@at.or.kr) 070-5223-4901 TOKYO Yoon Sang-young (foodkorea@at.or.kr) +81-3-5367-6656 OSAKA Kwon Hyun-ju (hyunjukun@at.or.kr) 070-7000-4138 NEW YORK Shim Hwa-Sop (sirshim@at.or.kr) +1-212-889-2561 LA Kim Min-Ho (mhkim@at.or.kr) +1-562-809-8810 SAO PAULO Jung You-sun (usuni@at.or.kr) +55-11-3283-0089 DUBAI Jeon Yong-pil (pioneer@at.or.kr) +971-4339-2213 PARIS Nam Sang-hui (mudpearl@at.or.kr) +33-1-4108-6095 MOSCOW Shin Jae-hun (chekov@at.or.kr) 070-4617-3277 EDITED & DESIGNED BY DN 7-18, Mokdongjungangbuk-ro 10-gil, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea +82-70-4354-4207 / d-n@daum.net / www.d-n.kr You can see all the contents on Korea Agrafood at the website, www.k-foodtrade.or.kr


Cover Story


A Korean Smart Farm Leading Agricultural Innovation


limate change, an aging farm population, difficulties in recruiting farm workers, and escalating labor costs are major challenges facing today's domestic agriculture. On the positive side, Korea possesses worldclass enabling technologies that are critical to building smart farms, including IT, semiconductors, LED and solar power. Drawing on its extensive experience as a traditional agricultural nation and the diverse regional characteristics shaped by mountainous terrain, Korean agriculture is adeptly turning challenges into opportunities by adopting smart farming practices. Translating experience and environmental characteristics into data has facilitated the development of scientific farming. Following the global success of K-Food, the expertise and facilities associated with smart farming in K-Food production are now reaching international markets. Dawon Agricultural Farming Association Corporation in North Jeolla Province grows ripe tomatoes hydroponically on its 17,000-squaremeter farm. In 2019, they implemented a smart farm system with various sensors for temperature, humidity, CO2 solar radiation, wind direction, wind speed, and rainfall. The system includes controls for ventilation windows, shading, insulating curtains, and heating and cooling. It includes a nutrient

農業の革新をリードする韓国型ス マートファーム 気候変動と農業従事者の高齢化、農業現場における

働き手不足や人件費の上昇は、今日の韓国農業にとっ てもっとも大きな課題である。一方、韓国はITや半導

体、LED、太陽光など、スマートファームの構築に必要 なインフラ技術は世界的なレベルに達している。伝統


ため地域ごとに多様な特性を持つ韓国の農業は、スマ ートファームによって危機から大きなチャンスへと進ん



き、今やそのK―Foodを生産するスマートファームの 設備と経験も世界へ輸出するようになった。

全羅北道のタウォン農業営農組合法人は、1万7000平 方メートル余りの土地に完熟トマトを水耕栽培してい

る。2019年にはスマートファームのシステムを構築し た。温湿度センサーやCO2センサー、土壌水分センサ ー、照度センサー、日射量センサー、風向・風速・降雨

センサーを揃えており、換気窓制御、遮光と保温カー テン制御、冷暖房制御システムが完備されている。ほ かにも、養液供給機、養液センサー、含水量測定器、



Cover Story solution dispenser, solution sensor, water content meter, drainage information meter and CCTV web camera. An integrated control system autonomously manages these components and monitors crop conditions. Precise control of the factors that determine tomato growth, such as temperature, humidity, light intensity and irrigation, has resulted in a remarkable increase in production from 16 kg to 42.4 kg per unit area. Sales per unit area also increased by 165% from KRW 22,830 to KRW 60,500. Since 2022, CJ Freshway has been using openfield smart farming technology. They collect data by growing high-demand crops such as garlic, onions, and potatoes with local farmers. They source and distribute all harvested produce to restaurant and catering customers. In 2019, Plan T Farm Co. Ltd.


pioneered the world's first metro farm operation in five Seoul subway stations. They established a vertical smart farm specifically designed for the direct cultivation of medical cannabis, lowtemperature shiitake mushrooms, ginseng sprouts, chives, and angelica root. In addition, starting with the installation of a container-type indoor vertical farm at Sejong Station in Antarctica in 2021, smart farms were exported to Kuwait and Mongolia in 2022 and to Vietnam and the United Arab Emirates in 2023. Smart farms can deliver nutrients or CO₂ at the right time and in the right amount, allowing for yearround growing. Ten to 20 years of climate data for the area where the greenhouse will be built can be considered in the design phase, taking into account elements such as snowfall and wind speed. Over time, the accumulation of data leads to more accurate and diverse insights. The closed nature of smart farms simplifies pest and disease prevention, minimizing the risk of germs or pests. Smart farms produce a variety of crops, including eggplant, banana, hallabong, ivy, shine musket, red hyang mandarin, grape, cherry tomato, cucumber, strawberry, paprika, tomato, and apple mango. Costs vary from tens of millions to billions of won, depending on the size and differences in interlocking equipment and facilities. In addition to the integration of robots and intelligent agricultural machinery, Korea's smart farms use intelligent agricultural practices by efficiently managing complex energy through material technology and new energy sources. This system meticulously analyzes and prescribes the growing environment and biometric information of crops in real time through a cloud artificial intelligence system. The Korean smart farm is a system in which a cloud artificial intelligence system analyzes and prescribes the growing environment and biometric information of crops in real time. Decisions are made by analyzing the growing environment and biometric data through real-time AI. Now, we are in an era where most tasks can be performed remotely through a smartphone from anywhere outside the agricultural field. The domestic smart farm market is expected to grow from USD 240 million in 2020 to USD 490 million in 2025.






装置で精密にコントロールした結果、単位面積あたり 生産量は16kgから42.4kgに、単位面積あたり売上高は

22,830ウォンから60,500ウォンになり、どちらも165% 増加した。

CJ Freshwayは2022年から露地スマートファーム技術

を採用し、韓国産の需要が高いニンニク、玉ねぎ、ジャ ガイモなどの作物を地域農家とともに栽培しながらデ

ータを構築してきた。また、収穫した農産物を全量買い 入れ、外食・給食企業に供給している。(株)プランティ




麻、低温シイタケ、高麗人参、ニラ、トウキなどを自社栽 培している。それだけでなく、2021年には南極世宗基 地にコンテナ型室内垂直農場の設置を完了し、2022年 にクウェートとモンゴル、2023年にはベトナムとアラブ 首長国連邦にスマートファームを輸出した。

スマートファームでは栄養やCO2が必要となるとき、適 時に適量を供給することができ、年中栽培も可能であ


ことができる。時間が経てば経つほどデータが蓄積さ の防止も容易である。基本的に密閉空間なので、菌や 害虫が流入する確率は低い。ナスやバナナ、ハンラボン (デコポン)、アイビー、シャインマスカット、レッドヒャン

(甘平)、ブドウ、チェリートマト、キュウリ、イチゴ、パプ リカ、トマト、アップルマンゴーなど様々な品種がスマー トファームで生産されている。その規模と設備、施設な

どの差によって、数千万ウォンから数十億ウォンのコス トがかかる。

韓国型スマートファームは、素材技術に加え、再生可能 エネルギーを活用する複合エネルギー最適管理技術、

ロボット、知能型農業機械を活用して実現している。作 物の栽培環境と生体情報のデータをクラウド人工知能 システムがリアルタイムで分析・処理し、意思決定を行


ートフォンで行うことができ、農業現場にいなくてもリ モートシステムを使ってどこからでも農作業ができる時


2憶4,000万ドルから2025年には4億9,000万ドルに成長 すると予想される。


Cover Story



Plan T Farm Co., Ltd.:



A Leading Smart Farm in Korea


プランティファーム(株)のスマートファームシステムは海 外実績も多く、南極世宗(セジョン)基地のコンテナ型室内

垂直農場と、200坪のKUWAIT K8プロジェクトを構築して いる。室内垂直農場はアジア各国で建設が進んでいて、モ

Plan T Farm Co., Ltd. is a leading Korean company specializing in the construction of indoor vertical smart farms. The company has been involved in various research and development projects, including "Autonomous Robot Smart Farm Platform," "Remote Monitoring Polar Container Artificial Light Indoor Farm," "Indoor Smart Cultivation System," "Growth Environment Platform for Plant Factories Based on Optimal Light Recipe," and "Healing Farm Activities for People with Developmental and Physical Disabilities. These projects aim to develop a smart support system, a smart farm mass production cultivation method to increase the content of sulforaphane, an effective ingredient for reducing body fat derived from radish sprouts, and research on the development of high value-added food and pharmaceutical raw materials using hemp sprouts. Based on these initiatives, Plan T Farm has established various smart farming systems domestically and internationally. In addition, the company actively participates in the construction and operation of its own smart farms. The company completed Korea's first sprouted vegetable production facility in 2005 and currently operates a smart greenhouse for paprika and another for baby leaf vegetables in Hwaseong City. The company has also developed a plant factory cultivation system and is researching the cultivation of 50 types of European-style leafy vegetables for salads in a newly established research plant factory - an enclosed indoor farm. The company also has a fresh-cut lettuce processing plant in Pyeongtaek. In 2019, the world's first metro farm was built in five subway stations in Seoul. A 5,000-square-meter smart farm connected to a hydro-

韓国のスマートファーム代表企業、 農業会社法人プランティファーム(株)



gen fuel power plant is currently under construction in Naju City and is scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2025. The company's smart farm system has achieved considerable success around the world. A container-type indoor vertical farm and the 200-square-meter KUWAIT K8 project have been established at Sejong Station in Antarctica. The company is preparing to build a 1,600 square meter indoor vertical farm, the largest in Asia, with the Mongolian Premium Group. At the same time, a 300-square-meter indoor vertical farm is under construction with Ju Young Company in Vietnam. In addition to a 1,500-square-meter facility being built in partnership with Pure Harvest in the UAE, a contract has been signed to build a 2,340-square-meter indoor vertical farm in Al-Ain, UAE, with construction expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2024. Plan T Farm's smart farm system excels in efficiency, saving approximately 30% on electricity bills compared to other smart farm systems. Maximizing crop density increases space efficiency by 25% and cleaning efficiency by 60%. Compared to traditional farming, which produces 3.9 kg using 250 liters of water, smart greenhouses produce 41 kg using 20 liters. The company's vertical farms achieve an impressive yield of 80-120 kg from just 1 liter of water, resulting in a productivity increase of approximately 20% compared to other companies.


遠隔自動制御方式によって作物の生育環境を制御・管理す る。各地域の気候特性の変化に左右される従来の栽培作物

および生産方式とは異なり、気候変動や病虫害のリスクを 管理し、最適の生育状態を確保する先端科学農法である。

プランティファーム(株)は、韓国を代表する室内垂直型ス マートファーム(Indoor Vertical Farm)構築企業である。

「自律型ロボットスマートファーム・プラットフォーム」 「遠 隔モニタリング極地型コンテナ人工人口光室内農場」 「室

内用スマート栽培システム」 「最適な光のレシピにもとづく 植物工場用生育環境プラットフォーム」 「発達および身体

障がい者を治癒するための農場活動を支援するスマートシ ステム」 「カイワレ由来の体脂肪減少有効成分スルフォラフ

ァンの含有量を増やすためのスマートファーム大量生産栽培 法」 「大麻の芽を活用した高付加価値食品・医薬品原料の

開発研究」などの研究開発を行ってきた。これに基づき、世 界で様々なスマートファームシステムを構築してきた。また、 自社でのスマートファームの構築・運営も行っている。



マート温室と若葉野菜専用スマート温室を独自に構築して 運用してきており、植物工場栽培システムも開発した。完


50種余りのヨーロッパ型サラダ用葉物野菜に関する栽培 の研究も行っており、同時にサラダ用野菜を加工する450


ンゴルではPremium Groupと1600坪規模の建設契約を 結び、完成すればアジア最大となる見通しである。また、ベ トナムでは300坪をJu Young社と、アラブ首長国連邦では

1,500坪をPure Harvest社とそれぞれ契約し、現在建設を

進めている。後者とはアラブ首長国連邦アル・アインでも 2,340㎡の農場建設に合意しており、2024年第3四半期に 完成する予定となっている。

プランティファーム(株)のシステムはほかのスマートファー ムシステムに比べ、電気料金を約30%軽減できる。作物を 可能な限り密集して植えることによって空間効率は25%、



の水で41kgを、同社の垂直農場では1リットルで80-120kg を収穫する。他社に比べて生産性がおよそ20%高い。

Plan T Farm Co., Ltd. MANAGER: Lee Dae-ho TEL: +82-10-5437-0724 EMAIL: daeho.lee@tfarm.co.kr ADDRESS: 5F, 347, Hyoryeong-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Plan T Farm Co., Ltd. is a leading Korean company specializing in indoor vertical smart farms, utilizing ICT to remotely control and optimize crop growth environments. With a focus on innovation, they have developed diverse smart farm systems, completed Korea's first sprout vegetable production plant, and undertaken international projects, including container-type farms in Antarctica and large-scale collaborations in Asia and the UAE.

プランティファーム(株)は、韓国の主要企業であり、室内垂直 型のスマートファームに特化しており、ICTを活用して作物の 成長環境をリモートで制御し最適化しています。革新に焦点 を当て、韓国初のスプラウト野菜生産プラントを完成させ、南 極のコンテナ型ファームやアジアおよびUAEでの大規模なプ ロジェクトを含む国際的な取り組みを行っています。


Cover Story


Korean Smart Farm Market Trends The smart farm market in Korea is experiencing sustained growth. The market size is expected to grow at an impressive compound annual growth rate of 23.44%, from KRW 1.2755 trillion in 2018 to KRW 3.6508 trillion in 2023. The market value has grown significantly over the years, increasing from KRW 1.568 trillion in 2019 to KRW 2.9605 trillion in 2022. Notably, as of 2020, the equipment supply sector related to smart farm production had the highest share of 45.5%, followed closely by the smart agricultural machinery sector with 23.56%. As of December 2021, the smart farm industry comprises 1,012 companies, including 821 core companies and 191 related companies. Most of these companies operate in the facility horticulture sector, with a notable concentration in plant factories and open-field fruit trees. Among these, the plant factory and open field fruit tree segment has a particularly robust presence. Last year, Korean smart farm systems showed remarkable growth in exports and orders, reaching a total value of USD 260 million. This figure represents a significant threefold increase over the previous year. An analysis of the export trend reveals key milestones: USD 2.41 million for three companies in 2018, USD 2.23 million for seven companies in 2019, USD 6.29 million for seven companies in 2020, and USD 5.5 million for eight companies in 2021, eventually reaching USD 171,000. As of January 2024, the smart farming sector in Korea has experienced significant growth, with 893 domestic smart farms focusing on facility horticulture and 492 focusing on open field crops. Facility horticulture stands out, with strawberries leading with 465 locations, tomatoes with 184 locations, paprikas with 70 locations, and cucumbers with 59 locations. Among open field crops, grapes lead with 119 locations, followed by 65 onion farms, 48 each of green onion and apple farms, 21 cabbage farms, 16 peach and blueberry farms, 14 garlic farms, and 10 tangerine farms. A survey conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food

and Rural Affairs in 2021 showed that approximately 56.7% of farms with smart farm facilities actively collect ICT data. Among these, facility horticulture farms (858) are the most common, followed by open field vegetable farms (157) and open field fruit farms (116). On average, 25.6% of the farms using data are involved in analyzing and applying the information collected. In particular, open field orchards lead in implementation with an impressive rate of 41.5%. As a result, most smart farms have demonstrated higher production efficiency compared to the period before the system was implemented. In 2021, the first year of implementation, the facility horticulture sector saw an impressive increase of over 33% in production and shipments per unit area compared to the previous year. At the same time, there has been a reduction in labor hours of approximately 12%. In addition, there was a remarkable increase of more than 34% in the production of high-value products. The use of smart systems also reduced production costs by reducing the use of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. As a result, agricultural income per unit area increased by more than 40%. In terms of energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions decreased by an average of about 2%. A similar positive trend was observed in fruit trees, where production and shipments per unit area increased by more than 5-6% in the first year of system implementation, and the production of high-quality products also increased by more than 2.7%. In field vegetables, production and shipments per unit area increased by more than 3.5% year-onyear in the first year of implementation. In addition, the production of quality products in this sector increased by more than 10.2%.

韓国型スマートファーム市場の動向 韓 国のスマートファーム関 連 市 場は成長を続けてい




る。市場規模は2018年の1兆2,755億ウォンから年平均 推定される。2019年1兆5,680億ウォン、2020年1兆9,424


ォンとなっている。2020年のスマートファーム生産装置供 給産業は2018年から年平均45.5%成長しており、スマート ファーム関連産業の中でもっとも高くなっている。それに 次ぐのが知能型農機械分野で、年平均23.56%である。



ービスを行っている。企業数がもっとも多いのは施設園 芸分野で、中でも植物工場と露地果樹分野の企業が絶対

数では多い。昨年の韓国産スマートファームシステムの輸 出・受注額は、対前年比約3倍の2憶6,000万ドルを記録

した。輸出規模の推移を見ると、2018年に3社24万1,000 ドル、2019年に7社202万3,000ドル、2020年に7社620万 9,000ドル、2021年に8社557万1,000ドルとなっている。


893か所、露地作物が492か所である。施設園芸はイチゴ が465か所でもっとも多い。これに続き、トマト184か所、

パプリカは70か所、キュウリは59か所となっている。露地 作物ではブドウが119か所でもっとも多い。続いてタマネ


ミカンは10か所である。2021年の農林畜産食品部の調 の約56.7%がICTデータを収集している。施設園芸858農

家、露地野菜157農家、露地果樹116農家の順となってい る。データを導入している農家のうち平均25.6%がそのデ

ータを分析し活用している。露地果樹農家での施行率は 41.5%ともっとも高い。


導入後の生産効率が高くなったことが明らかになってい る。2021年、導入から1年経った施設園芸部門では、単 位面積あたり生産量と出荷量が対前年比33%以上増加 し、労働時間は約12%削減され、高品質商品の生産量は



果、単位面積あたり農業所得は40%以上増加している。 エネルギー効率の面でも、温室効果ガスの排出量が平 均約2%減少し、これは露地果樹分野も同じである。シス

テム導入1年目で、単位面積あたり生産量と出荷量が5~ 6%、高品質商品の生産も2.7%以上増加した。露地野菜

分野では導入1年目に対前年比単位面積あたり生産量と 出荷量が3.5%増加し、高品質商品の生産も10.2%以上 増加した。




Korea's Premier Strawberry Farm

Bong Farm

Last November, 7-Eleven's Strawberry Ade won the grand prize in the general food and beverage category at the 2023 Korea Food & Food Tech Awards. The award-winning product, '7-SELECT Master Strawberry Ade', features strawberries grown by Master Ryu Ji-bong of Bong Farm in Geochang. The leading domestic strawberry variety is Seolhyang, and these strawberries were recently grown under the seasoned expertise of Bong Farm, dedicated to strawberry farming for 27 years. The products include Seolhyang and Jukhyang varieties. In addition, Bong Farm produces strawberry jam using only homegrown strawberries and organic sugar, including a variety of fermented strawberry jam. These strawberries are grown in the Geochang region of South Gyeongsang Province, near Mt. Jiri, using environmentally friendly methods to ensure high quality in both sweetness and firmness. Ryu is recognized as a "New Intellectual Farmer," a strawberry master, and Korea's leading agricultural technology expert. The Ryu Ji-bong Master Strawberry Crispy Roll is a strawberry snack made with master strawberries and 21 kinds of grains. Bong Farm Strawberry Jam, made exclusively with Bong Farm strawberries and organic sugar, has a spot-on sweetness level suitable for all ages. Another product, Bong Farm Fermented Strawberry Jam, has a reduced sugar content, making it appealing to children while retaining its sweetness. The fermentation process imparts antioxidant benefits, promotes beauty, and aids in weight loss by adding



品与食品技术大奖”中荣获普通食品饮料单元的大奖。 获奖产品“7-SELECT名人草莓汽水”使用了居昌“Bong 农场”的Ryu Ji-bong名人种植的草莓,即韩国的主要

草莓品种“雪香” ,采用Bong农场种技术种植而成。Ryu Jibong名人在过去27年间一直致力于草莓种植,最具


主种植的草莓和有机白糖制成“Bong农场草莓酱”,以 及发酵草莓酱。草莓种植地位于山清水秀的庆尚南道居

昌地区,且均采用环保方法种植,甜度和硬度都属上乘。 Ryu Jibong 代表是一名“新知识农业人” ,也是草莓大 师和韩国顶级农业技术名人。

“Ryu Ji-bong名人草莓香脆卷”是用名人的草莓和21种

谷物制成的草莓饼干。使用Bong农场草莓和有机白糖制 成的“Bong农场草莓酱”甜度适中,老少皆可食用。 “Bong 农场发酵草莓酱”是一款低糖果酱产品,但保留了甜度,非

常适合儿童食用。发酵产生的抗氧化效果还具有美容功 效。 而且,果酱中添加了具有减肥功效的糖化剂,有助于瘦 身。为此,Bong农场专门申请了“包含莓果的低糖果酱及 其制作方法”的专利。该产品有助于身体摄入复合糖,可

提高热量消耗、 减轻体重,还因添加了糖化剂,可在保持风

味的同时降低糖分含量,属于低糖型果酱。 通过降低糖分 含量,促进了莓果中富含的抗氧化物质花青素的摄取。



saccharified liquid with anti-obesity effects. The farm has filed a patent application for a "low-sugar berry jam and its production method." The method makes it possible to consume complex sugars that increase calorie burning and help people lose weight. The addition of a saccharifying liquid lowers the sugar content while maintaining the flavor. The reduced sugar content allows for a higher intake of anthocyanins, a sulfur oxide found in berries.. In 1988, at the age of 20, Ryu Ji-bong took the plunge into farming, as he foresaw the future value of strawberry farming, which is prized by children and women. Starting with a modest 300 square meters in 1997, he faced repeated setbacks. Challenges arose primarily due to unsuitable sunlight and soil conditions in his parents' mountain valley apple orchard. Despite a decade of dedication to strawberry farming, he saw no significant harvest. The decision to lease land presented similar challenges. Ryu Ji-bong became a pioneer in Geochang by adopting hydroponics, a factory-like production method. He then developed his unique cultivation techniques, which included seedlings, culture medium, and nutrient solution composition. To achieve this, he actively visited domestic strawberry farmers and drew inspiration from strawberry farmers using advanced technology in the Netherlands, Japan and Taiwan. His commitment to improvement is


evident in the fact that he has devoted an average of 500 hours a year to training. In 2007, he delivered the first strawberries to a U.S. military base in Korea, and in 2008, he distributed strawberry farming technology to North Korea. He used waste wood from three years of shiitake mushroom cultivation to make compost enriched with beneficial bacteria to manage the soil on the strawberry farm. Finely chopped rice straw, known for its soil-enriching properties, was also incorporated. Various bacteria were cultured and applied directly to the soil using a microbial incubator. Ryu implemented a unique technique by mixing mano maple tree water and periodically feeding it to the strawberry roots to facilitate optimal nutrient absorption. He also introduced electrical conductivity (EC) and moisture control methods to increase sugar content. Technological advances made it possible to analyze the composition of groundwater, which allowed the electrical conductivity to be adjusted below average when formulating nutrient solutions. The incorporation of rice bran into the strawberry medium proved beneficial, improving root establishment and physical properties. To increase the sugar content, he ends hydration 1-2 hours earlier than other growers, around 2 pm. In winter, he reduces hydration by 5070% compared to fall. In this way he increases the sugar content of his strawberries.






到草莓培养基中,改善了根部的成活率和物理性状。不 仅如此,Ryu Ji-bong还通常在下午2点左右结束营养液

等水分供应,这比其他农户提前了1至2个小时。冬季, 1988年,年仅20岁的青年Ryu Ji-bong开始了务农生


水分供应比秋季减少了50-70%,而这就是提高草莓甜 度的秘诀。

业具有未来价值。1997年,他在300坪的土地上开始种 植草莓,但经历了一系列的失败。最初是在父母位山谷

间的苹果果园种植草莓,因此日照量和土壤条件均不充 分。他在其中种植了十年的草莓,但没有取得成功。后

来,他又租赁土地种植草莓,但结果还是一样。于是,他 转战居昌地区,首次尝试了工厂化生产方式,即无土栽


养液配制等。为此,他走访了韩国国内的草莓农场以及 荷兰、日本、中国台湾等地拥有先进技术的草莓农场,亲

身学习了草莓种植技术。他平均每年接受了约500小时 的培训。2007年,他成为韩国国内首家向美军基地供货 的草莓供应商。2008年,他还向朝鲜传授了草莓技术。

为了管理草莓温室的土壤,他利用养殖了三年的香菇 废木制作肥料。栎树废木含有丰富的土壤有益菌。他还


Bong Farm CEO: Ryu Ji-bong TEL: +82-10-9828-3080 EMAIL: gibong0824@hanmail.net ADDRESS: 312-16, Jugok-ro, Geochang-eup, Geochang-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea

Bong Farm, led by agricultural expert Ryu Ji-bong, is renowned for its award-winning strawberries, particularly the '7-SELECT Master Strawberry Aid.' Established in 1988, the farm employs innovative cultivation techniques, including hydroponics and unique soil-enriching practices, resulting in high-quality strawberries with enhanced sweetness and nutritional value. Ryu Jibong's dedication and continuous improvement efforts have positioned Bong Farm as a pioneer in strawberry cultivation in Geochang, South Korea. 邦农场由农业专家柳智峰领导,以其屡获殊荣的草莓产品 而闻名,特别是“7-SELECT大师草莓饮料”。该农场成立于 1988年,采用创新的种植技术,包括水培和独特的土壤改 良实践,生产出口感甜美、营养丰富的草莓。柳智峰的奉献 精神和持续改进工作将邦农场确立为韩国巨昌草莓种植业 的先驱。


Processed Food


Multi-Beverage Producer,



O K Fは 米 国、欧 州、中南米、中東、アフリカを含 む世界約180か国に約750種のドリンクを輸出す

る、マルチドリンク製 造を専門とする中堅企業で ある。南極を除くすべての大陸に製品を輸出して おり、アロエドリンク市場シェアも76%に上る。 1990年に設立された同社は、現在世界のアロエド


位を占めている。アロエが入っている製品の種 類 も500種に上る。中でももっとも人気の高い製品

OKF is a mid-sized company specializing in the production of a wide variety of beverages. Approximately 750 types of beverages are exported to more than 180 countries worldwide, including the United States, Europe, Central and South America, the Middle East and Africa. The company has a 76% aloe beverage market share, making it a major player in the global beverage market. Established in 1990, the company currently holds a significant position, capturing 76% of the global aloe beverage market with a product portfolio of up to 500 aloe-infused products. Among these, the flagship product, Aloe Vera King, is the most popular. In the early stages of product development, aloe was primarily known for its cosmetic applications, and a prevailing perception suggested that it might introduce a bitter taste, limiting its inclusion in beverages. To counter this perception, the company spent three years experimenting with 18 different raw material combinations. They successfully devel-

は「アロエベラキング」である。一般 人にとってア

ロエがあまりなじみのなかった時代に製品を開発 し、異色の健康果菜ドリンクとして根を下ろした。


Processed Food



た。最近は、韓国食品業界では初めてウォルマートファ クトリーIDも発行された。競争力を持つ韓国製品を海

外に披露するために、アミノドリンク、ビューティード リンク、イオンドリンク、スペシャルウォーター、スパー

クリングジュースなど、アロエが含まれていない製品も 積極的に開発し、人気を集めている。

OKFは「Overseas Korean Food」という社名が表す ように、多様なドリンク製品などを通じ韓国製品に対

する認識を高め、韓国製品の世界進出をけん引する役 割を果たすべく努力している。

oped a product that met the public's taste while preserving the health benefits of aloe. At the same time, the company earned global certifications such as ITQI, Beverage Innovation and American Masters. This commitment culminated in 12 awards at the prestigious "Monde Selection" food awards in 2009, 2013, 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2020, underscoring the exceptional quality of the product. The company's success in securing a large number of partners and distributors around the world can be attributed to its active participation in more than 50 overseas trade shows each year since the early 2000s. These initiatives have facilitated the introduction of aloe beverages to global consumers, creating awareness of unique and healthy fruit and vegetable beverages. A key success factor has been the customization of products for each region and market, coupled with the adaptation of beverage packaging according to income levels to match local market preferences. In addition, obtaining Halal food certification facilitated entry into the Middle East market. As the popularity of the aloe drink grew, diversification efforts were made by incorporating aloe into various fruit blends such as mango and blueberry, which differentiated the products in the market. Notably, the company achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first in the Korean food industry to receive a Walmart Factory ID. To further promote

competitive Korean products overseas, the company is developing and popularizing non-aloe products, including amino, beauty, ion, specialty water and sparkling juice. In line with the mission of "Overseas Korean Food", OKF is dedicated to raising awareness of Korean products through a variety of beverage offerings - the company strives to be a driving force in showcasing and promoting Korean products worldwide.

製品開発当初、アロエの効能は広く知られており主に 化 粧品の原料として活用されていたものの、苦そうな ので口にしたくはないという認識があり、飲料として作 られた製品は殆どなかったという。

このような 認 識を払 拭 するために、3 年 間に1 8 回も

原 料 配 合を見 直 す など あらゆる努 力 を重 ね た 末 、 大 衆に好まれる味で、健 康によいアロエ 製 品の開 発 に成 功した 。製 品の開 発とともにI TQ I 、B e v e r a g e Innovation、American Mastersなど世界的な認証を

獲得し、世界最高の権威を持つ食品アワード「Monde Selection」で12冠王(2009、2013、2016、2018、2019、 2020)を達成し、その味と品質を客観的に証明した。

世界中で多くの販売パートナーと流通会社を確保でき た理由は、2000年代前半から1年に50回以上海外展

示会に出展し、世界の消費者になじみのなかったアロ エドリンクを紹介したためである。数多くの海外バイ

ヤーが異色の健康果菜ドリンクに大きな関心を示した ことに加え、それぞれの地域や市場に合わせた製品を 開発したのが大きな成功要因となった。所得水準に合


市場に受け入れられるレベルまで単価を抑えることが できた。また、製品のハラル認証獲得によって中東市

場も攻略した。アロエドリンクが成功すると、マンゴー やブルーベリーなど様々な果物にアロエを混ぜた新し

OKF OKF is a mid-sized company dominating the global beverage market with a 76% aloe beverage market share, specializing in over 750 types of drinks exported to 180 countries. Established in 1990, its success is rooted in overcoming taste perceptions of aloe, earning certifications, and actively participating in overseas exhibitions, with a commitment to promoting Korean products globally.

OKFコーポレーションは、世界的な飲料市場で76%の アロエドリンクシェアを持ち、180カ国に750種類以 上の飲み物を輸出している中規模企業です。1990年

に設立され、アロエの味に関する認識を克服し、認証 を受け、海外展示会に積極的に参加し、韓国製品の グローバルなプロモーションに取り組んでいます。

MANAGER: Lee Sang-shin TEL: +82-2-491-1877 EMAIL: okf@okfcorp.co.kr ADDRESS: 54, Hakdong-ro 21-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


New Item

Neo Cremar Co., Ltd., a Company Specializing in the Development of Healthy Functional Food Ingredients



eo Crema Co., Ltd. is a developer and manufacturer of functional food ingredients. Specializing in functional sugars, the company is pioneering the development of essential nutrients, including proteins and fats, and various health-promoting functional food ingredients. Neo Cremar's efforts extend to the development of senior-friendly foods, such as alternative and cultured meat, to assist the elderly and patients with food intake, nutritional supplementation, digestion and absorption. Most notably, the company has been successful in the development and global export of a high content, high purity galacto-oligosaccharide, which is a healthy functional food ingredient. Neo Cremar is a KOSDAQ-listed company that has entered the healthcare industry and is conducting diverse research on various diseases, including the development of biologics, natural products and medicinal supplements. Having achieved global competitiveness in health functional materials, Neo Cremar recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with three domestic health functional food

保健食品原料开发企业 (株)Neo-Cremar


公司。 公司基于功能糖的开发,研发了包括蛋白质、 脂肪在

内的三大营养素,以及多种有益健康的功能性食品原料。 包括有助于老年人和患者食用、营养补充、消化吸收的老

年人友好型食品,以及植物肉和试管肉等替代食品。 他们

成功开发了高含量、高纯度的低聚半乳糖等保健功能食 品原料,除了在韩国销售以外,还出口到世界各地。

(株)Neo-Cremar还涉足医疗保健行业,正积极对各种疾 病开展各种研究,包括生物制药、天然药物、医疗辅助剂


功开发了具有全球竞争力的多种保健功能食品原料,并 与韩国三大保健食品公司以及台湾的益生菌研发生产公 司——丰华生物科技股份有限公司(Glac Biotech Co.,

Ltd. )签署了谅解备忘录,开始全面进军国际保健食品 市场。


New Item

companies and Glac Biotech, a Taiwanese lactic acid bacteria specialist, which marked its transition into a full-fledged global health functional food company. In its groundbreaking achievement, Neo Cremar has received prebiotic skin health functionality certification in Korea, Japan, and Canada. Consumption of galacto-oligosaccharides shows benefits such as skin improvement and microbiome changes. In 2018, the company filed a patent for "skin care food composition and cosmetic composition comprising a sugar solution containing a high percentage of galacto-oligosaccharides," and in 2021, the company filed a patent for "functional food composition and cosmetic composition for improving immune function and skin condition comprising galacto-oligosaccharides or galacto-oligosaccharides and collagen tripeptides." Neo Cremar has successfully developed the world's first high-content, high-purity galacto-oligosaccharide. The company has validated its effectiveness in moisturizing, wrinkle reduction and skin whitening through human application tests. With a total of 20 domestic patents, these include a "Method for Manufacturing Galactooligosaccharide Enriched with Galactosylactose, a Breast Milk Component" and "Food Composition and Cosmetic Composition for Skin Beautification Comprising a Sugar Solution Containing a High Percentage of Galacto-oligosaccharide." In addition, they hold 11 international patents, with registrations in Germany, the United Kingdom, and France for "Yeast hydrolysate with anti-obesity and antioxidant activities."


Neo Cremar recently received FDA approval for its Eatless (DNF-10) diet ingredient. This peptide is hydrolyzed from the company's proprietary natural yeast and serves as a functional food ingredient that helps reduce body fat by inhibiting fat synthesis. It is also effective in lowering cholesterol and controlling blood sugar. Whey protein hydrolysate was found to increase muscle strength, leading to a patent application in July 2023. In addition, galactooligosaccharides were found to promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria and moisturize the skin. Neo Cremar also launched Nutrimate, a senior-friendly food brand. For people with swallowing difficulties and the elderly, Neo Cremar launched the "Yonharak Series," a product that is also suitable for people with certain medical conditions or the elderly that need help eating due to chewing and swallowing difficulties. It is a dietary supplement that can be processed like cooked food while retaining the original flavor and aroma, and has high deformability, condensability, and low adhesion for easy consumption.



乳糖的摄入有助于改善皮肤状态,还能改变微生物组。 公


国家获得益生元皮肤健康功能效果认证的公司。低聚半 司于2018年注册了“含有高比例低聚半乳糖的糖浆的美

容护肤食品配方和化妆品配方”专利。 然后在2021年完成


醇和调节血糖的功效,是保健功能食品原料。 他们还明确 月完成了专利注册。 同时,他们也证明了低聚半乳糖有助 于有益菌增殖和皮肤保湿。

此 外 ,他 们 还 推 出 了 老 年 人 友 好 型 食 品 品 牌






半乳糖。 通过人体应用试验验证了保湿、祛皱、美白效果。 不仅提升了母乳成分半乳糖基乳糖的含量,而且相比其 他公司产品,具有优秀的益生元效果,可抑制血糖上升。 公


出了“吞咽乐系列” ,不仅适用于患有特定疾病的患者或老

辅助进食的人群。这种保健食品保留了食物本身的味道 和香味,可以加工成熟食形态,具有高度的可变性、 浓缩性 和低附着性,提高了食用便利性。

糖基乳糖的低聚半乳糖制备方法” “含有高比例低聚半乳 糖的糖浆的美容护肤食品配方和化妆品配方”等专利。 此 外,还拥有11项海外专利,包括在德国、 英国和法国注册的


最近,他们的减肥原料Eatless(DNF-10)成功获得美国 FDA认证。 这是一种将自主开发的天然酵母进行水解的肽

Neo Cremar Co., Ltd. Neo Cremar Co., Ltd. is a KOSDAQ-listed company specializing in functional food ingredients, notably high-content galacto-oligosaccharides. With global competitiveness in health functional materials, the company focuses on senior-friendly foods and has achieved prebiotic skin health functionality certification. (株)Neo Cremar Co., Ltd.是一家在KOSDAQ上市的公 司,专注于功能性食品成分,特别是高含量的半乳寡糖。 凭借在健康功能材料方面的全球竞争力,该公司专注于 老年人友好型食品,并获得了益生元皮肤健康功能认证。 MANAGER: Peter Park TEL: +82-2-401-4088(303) EMAIL: peter912@cremar.co.kr ADDRESS: 211, Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


KAF Trends

Trend & Products



rozen foods are processed, prepared, or cooked before being preserved for an extended period of time by freezing and storage in containers or packages. This definition includes items that are consumed without heating and those that require heating prior to consumption. Non-heated frozen foods include frozen rice cakes, fish cakes and garlic, while heated options include dumplings and pizza. Growing demand for convenience foods and advances in rapid freezing and thawing technologies have led to the introduction of a variety of frozen food products, resulting in continuous market growth. As of 2021, the scale of frozen food production in Korea reached KRW 3.449 trillion, reflecting a compound annual growth rate of 8.1% since 2017. In the frozen dumpling market, an important segment of frozen food, the market share among manufacturers was led by CJ CheilJedang (47.5%), Haitai Confectionery & Foods (15.2%), and Pulmuone Foods (12.7%) based on retail sales in 2022. CJ CheilJedang maintains its top position by promptly releasing food products in line with market trends.







類が販売されている。非加熱摂取冷凍食品には冷凍 餅、冷凍おでん、冷凍にんにくなどがあり、加熱摂取冷 凍食品には冷凍餃子、冷凍ピザなどがある。

簡便食の需要増加、急速凍結冷凍および解凍技術の 発達により様々な冷凍食品が発売され、市場は成長



KAF Trends

Trend & Products

The trend in the frozen dumpling market revolves around products that reflect the preferences of leading consumer groups, Millennials and Gen Z, emphasizing fun and distinctive features. GS25 collaborated with Cookat to launch frozen dumplings (ㅋㅋ Dumplings) with 25% more pork content, improving succulence and affordability. It became the top-selling product in the frozen dumpling category (as of February 2023) within a month of its launch. Seven Eleven introduced premium handmade dumplings (Seoul Dumplings), which gained immense popularity after being launched in frozen form in June 2021, selling approximately 250,000 units by May 2022. In addition to frozen dumplings, frozen desserts have diversified into side dishes and snacks, offering various frozen products. Products such as Pulmuone's Sweet Cinnamon Hotteok, CJ CheilJedang's Gourmet Potato Cheese Corndog and Daerim's Traditional Fish Shaped Bun cater to the tastes of different generations and provide convenient snacks that can be quickly heated. In 2022, frozen food exports totaled USD 48.848 million, an increase of 7.8% over the previous year. This was driven by improved quality and growing interest in Korean-style frozen food. In particular, exports of Korean corn dogs increased by 162.7% year on year after their introduction in the United States, Europe, Asia, and other regions sparked consumer curiosity. With the diversification of taste, packaging and ingredients, the frozen food market is expected to witness various product innovations.





第一製糖(47.5%)、ヘテ製菓食品(15.2%)、 プルムウォン


Korean Frozen Foods Products

レンドをすばやく反映した食品を発売し、市場シェア1位 を維持している。


ニアル+Z)世代の好みを反映して、楽しさと自社独自の 特徴を売りにしている製品が人気を博している。GS25は

「cookat」とのコラボにより、豚肉の含有量を25%高め た肉汁たっぷりで、 コストパフォーマンスにも優れる冷凍

ㅋㅋmandu Cookat


ーの中で1位(2023年2月時点)の売上を記録した。 セブン


い人気を得たプレミアム手作り餃子(ソウル餃子)を、冷凍 食品の形で発売し、2021年6月の商品導入から2022年

5月までの間に約25万個を販売した。冷凍餃子の他に、 冷凍デザート類も様々な製品が発売されている。冷凍食


Seoul Mandu Seven Eleven


ンの「種入りホットク」(Sweet Cinnamon Hotteok)、CJ


Potato Cheese Corndog)、 テリムソンの「昔ながらのた

い焼き」(Korean Traditional Fish Shaped Bun)など、

Sweet Cinnamon Hotteok



2022年の冷凍食品輸出は、品質向上と韓国スタイルの 冷凍食品への関心が高まったことにより、対前年比7.8%


アなどにコリアンコーンドッグ(Korean Corndog、韓国


ことが特に功を奏し、輸出は前年より162.7%増加した。 味の多様化、パッケージングの多様化、原料の多様化な

どを通じ、冷凍食品市場では今後も様々な製品の革新が 起きることが予想されている。

Gourmet Potato Cheese Corn Dog CJ CheilJedang


KAF Trends


Korean Glass Noodles, a Popular Gluten-free Healthy food Korean noodles are loved by many people around the world. Among noodle dishes, glass noodles, which are incredibly transparent and have a clean taste, are popular with many people in the United States. It is trendy on Amazon, and many people are looking for alternative products when they want to eat noodles for health reasons. Glass noodles are mainly made from sweet potato starch and have a unique texture and variety. It has the characteristic of being transparent and springy when cooked, so it is used in various dishes. Aside from the unique shape and texture, many people look to glass noodles for health reasons. Gluten-free noodles are a good substitute for people who cannot eat grains. Glass noodles are gluten-free, vegan, and contain no sugar or salt, making them a good product for those managing their eating habits for health reasons. It is also popular with consumers as a diet product due to its low calories. Amazon sells a variety of glass noodles, and if you search for "glass noodles", you will be able to buy a variety of Korean glass noodles. Cheongjung One's O'Food Glass Noodles, Sempio's Glass Noodles, Fusion's Sweet Potato Glass Noodles, and Chung Jung One's Organic Sura Vermicelli Sweet Potato Glass Noodles are available on Amazon. "No matter what food you put it in, it absorbs the flavor and aroma of the food well and mixes well, making it easy to eat," said a customer who purchased Korean glass noodles on Amazon. "It has a unique texture, an excellent product for me, a Paleo consumer. If you want to eat pasta, it's perfect to add glass noodles instead," "It's convenient because it's divided into easy-to-cook sizes, and it can be cooked quickly and easily, so it's a convenient product," "I don't eat grains often, but the gluten-free glass noodles are perfect for me," "When I eat Pho, it's used as a replacement for rice noodles. It goes well with any food and is easily absorbed.


韩国粉条, 深受欢迎的无麸质健康餐 韩国的面食深受世界各地人们的喜爱。其中颜色透明、 味道爽口的粉条在美国非常受欢迎。亚马逊网上商城 的粉条产品尤其颇具人气,是很多消费者想吃面条又顾


独特的口感和多样性。粉条在煮熟后会变透明且富有弹 性,广泛用于各种料理。


对健康的考虑。对于不易消化谷物的人来说,无麸质的 粉条是很好的替代品。粉条是一种无麸质、纯素、不含


人。此外,由于粉条的热量较低,也是不错的减肥食品。 亚马逊网上商城出售多种多样的粉条产品,在搜索栏中

输入“Glass Noodles” ,即可找到韩国的各种粉条产品。 包括清净园O’ood粉条、Sempio黏粉条、fusion红薯粉

条、清净园(Chung Jung On)有机Sura粉条(Organic Sura vermicelli Sweet Potato Glass Noodle)等等。

在亚马逊网上商城购买韩国粉条的消费者们纷纷留下 了好评,比如“无论搭配哪种食物,都能很好地吸收食物

的味道和香味,非常方便”、 “口感独特,对于只吃原始食 物的我来说,这是一款非常好的产品”、 “ 想吃意面的时

候,我就用粉条代替,味道非常棒”、 “ 采用独立小包装, 做起来非常方便,可以方便快捷地享用美食”、 “ 对不易

消化谷物的我来说,无麸质粉条是最佳选择”、 “ 做越南 米线时,我会用粉条代替。粉条可以搭配任何其他食 物,也容易吸收料汁”等。


KAF Trends


The Legend of Dangun and the Origin of Korean Food Kim, Eil Chul Chief Reporter Hwanung, the son of Hwanin, King of Heaven, descended to the summit of Mt. Taebaek under Sindansu, accompanied by 3,000 gods, to rule the human world. He founded the City of God and ruled over humanity. One day, a bear and a tiger approached Hwanung and expressed their desire to become human. Hwanung gave them twenty cloves of garlic and a handful of mugwort and instructed them to pray for one hundred days in a dark cave, isolated from sunlight, eating only garlic and mugwort. The tiger succumbed to the challenge and left the cave after a few days, but the bear endured three times for seven days, eventually transforming into a human. Shedding her bear skin, the creature became a woman, married Hwanung, and gave birth to their son, Dangun Wanggeom. The origin and essence of our culinary traditions are embodied in the foundation of Korean food culture, the "legend of Dangun." In the Dangun story, eating mugwort and garlic would give them humanity. This myth implies that food defines human existence, and mugwort and garlic, known for their pungency and medicinal properties, play a transformative role. This concept embodies the "mobilization of consciousness" that represents the food philosophy of our people. What we eat daily is perceived as medicine and treatment, ensuring physical and mental well-being and addressing factors that can disrupt health. In the myth, the essence of consciousness mobilization is emphasized by the bear's journey to humanity, which involved eating only mugwort and garlic during cave prayers.


To understand the value and spirit of contemporary Korean food, it is essential to explore the bear's dietary habits during this transformation. Over the generations, Koreans have added mugwort to various dishes because of its supposed longevity benefits. In particular, mugwort rice cake is believed to be a contributor to longevity. Mugwort is also used in soybean paste soup, which combines the richness of soybean paste with the refreshing essence of young mugwort. Another dish incorporates mugwort directly into a soup, creating a unique and flavorful culinary experience. Blanched mugwort is ingeniously mixed with meat, wrapped in eggs, formed into balls, and added to boiling soup. Mugwort rice cakes, steamed rice cakes mixed with mugwort, mugwort pancakes, mugwort danja, and mugwort porridge are a staple of a meal, demonstrating the versatility of mugwort in various culinary forms. Mugwort and soybean paste soup is an excellent springtime dish to revive lost appetites. Garlic plays a central role in Korean cuisine, and there is virtually no Korean dish that omits this essential ingredient. Garlic's indispensability extends to everyday life, where it serves as a basic condiment. It is widely used in vegetarian and meat dishes, and is an integral part of preparing vegetables and making kimchi. Korea's unique garlic food culture encourages the consumption of raw or grilled garlic pieces, making it a distinctive aspect of our culinary heritage.

Kimchi plays a prominent role in Korean cuisine, which is deeply rooted in fermentation. This iconic dish is made by fermenting whole leaves, stems, and roots of various plants found in mountains and fields, including godeulpaegi (bitter lettuce), sancho, and mumallaengi (dried radish salad). The origin of kimchi can be traced back to the mythological consumption of fermented mugwort and garlic by the bear. The bear's transformation involved consuming the aged and fermented food for 21 days in a shaded cave with a constant temperature, an ideal environment for fermentation. This 21-day fermentation period has cultural significance, resonating with the traditions of mothers who traditionally rest for 21 days after childbirth to recuperate. During this time, both mother and child prepare to reenter the world. Similarly, the bear in mythology waited for this period to transition from bear to woman. The fermentation period of Cheongmyeongju, a beverage consumed with mugwort rice cake in Korean cuisine, follows this symbolic 21-day cycle, emphasizing the cultural importance of fermentation in our culinary heritage. Combining different ingredients, such as rice and salads, to create flavorful concoctions is a hallmark of Korean cuisine. Herbs from a variety of plants are skillfully blended to create dishes such as japchae. The original incarnation of japchae, rooted in the Dangun myth, was a fusion of mugwort and garlic consumed by the bear during its transformation into a human. This early version, known as "mugwort and garlic japchae," symbolizes the essence of mixing in Korean culinary traditions. Japchae itself is a mixed vegetable dish that has evolved over the centuries. In the 16th century, japchae was made by mixing about ten different vegetables. The modern version of japchae emerged around 1920 with the introduction of glass noodles to Korea. This culinary evolution underscores the dynamic relationship between food, history, and culture. The roots of Korean cuisine are inextricably linked to the myth of the Dangun, which underscores the cultural significance and historical depth embedded in our culinary heritage.


On the Table | Photo Essay |

Discovering Traveler's

Tranquil Rest Areas and Culinary Delights

Korea's extensive highway network is more than just an efficient means of transportation. Along these highways are strategically located rest areas designed to provide travelers with comfort, relaxation and delicious food options to take their journey to another level. Referred to as "huge" in Korea, these facilities have become an integral part of the travel experience, providing a respite for weary travelers while showcasing diverse Korean culinary options. The distinctive feature of rest areas in Korea is their multifunctional nature. In addition to serving as a place to rest, these facilities offer a variety of cuisines, making them a favorite destination for many travelers. It's not just a rest stop, but an opportunity to embark on a culinary adventure. When traveling in Korea, I highly recommend visiting rest areas where you can taste specialty products and signature dishes made with local ingredients from each region.



On the Table

K-FOOD Recipe

Ginseng Honey Latte Ginseng, a quintessential functional food in Korea, has many health benefits. Used primarily as a natural supplement, it helps recover from fatigue, boost immunity, and relieve stress. Made with famous Korean ginseng, Korean Ginseng Honey Latte is a unique beverage that blends healthful ingredients with rich flavor, allowing you to enjoy the aroma and health benefits of ginseng. An exceptional drink that allows you to enjoy both health and taste at the same time, it is highly recommended for those who care about their well-being.



On the Table

K-FOOD Recipe



1. Clean the ginseng root by washing it thoroughly under running water. Make sure to remove the soil between the roots.

Honey Latte

2. Once the ginseng is cleaned, cut it into bite-sized pieces.

Ingredients 1 ginseng root 200 ml milk 2 tbsp honey Ice 3. In a blender, combine 200 ml of milk, chopped ginseng and honey.

4. Add ice and blend to desired consistency for a refreshing drink.

Enjoy your meal!

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