1/2010 June - July € 8,00
Spedizione in A.P.
Sommario 12
Marina di Pietrasanta XIª edizione de L’arte del Cavallo
Intervista Arabian Show Training Centre Luca Oberti
Naxos Il cavallo arabo nel mondo Dialogo tra culture e allevatori
Las Vegas World Breeders Cup Show 2010
Travagliato Travagliato Cavalli
Intervista Judge Franco Grotteria
Endurance V Raid Kaliber Andalusia 2010
n° 1/2010 June/July Pubb. bimestrale iscr. trib. Milano n° 306 del 03-06-2010 - spedizione in A:P: 70% Milano MIKA Editrice S.R.L. corso Garibaldi, 7 20030 Seveso (MB) - Italy tel. 0362 541804 e-mail: Direttore Editoriale/Editors Direttore Responsabile/Publisher Francesca Messina Ufficio contabilità/Accounting office Dott. sa. Paola Baraldi Grafica e Impaginazione/Digital Artwork Marco Redaelli Francesco Campagna Stampa Jona S.R.L. 20037 Paderno Dugnano (MI) Traduzioni/Traslations dr. Pompeo Lattanzi Foto/Photo by Nicoletta Abelli + 39 348 4509164 Joanna Jonientz Gregor Aymar Francesca Torazza Lisa Abraham Kristian Fenaux Testi/Staff Writers Francesca Messina Elizabeth Salmon Norah Laney Kristian Fenaux Pubblicità/Advertising MIKA Editrice - Francesca Messina MIKA Editrice S.r.l. non risponde della veridicità e dei contenuti dei testi pubblicati. MIKA Editrice S.r.l. is not responsible for truthfulness or the content of advertisement text.
welcome Nel salutarvi, in questa occasione, provo una strana emozione, ci conosciamo da anni oramai eppure mi sembra un esordio a tutti gli effetti. Per alcuni aspetti lo è, anche se in realtà io sono a “casa”, una casa che non ho mai - ne mai potrei – abbandonare; il cavallo arabo è la mia vita. Quindi eccoci qui, ad un primo numero che non è altro che il continuus di un meraviglioso viaggio intrapreso molti anni fa’ e del quale non posso più fare a meno. Ho sempre creduto che la pluralità di informazione non possa che far bene in tutti i settori, credo che vedere le stesse cose da più punti di vista porti a maggiori riflessioni e quindi a scelte più consone, credo che dare spazio a tutti faccia il bene di tutti, credo che più si è e meglio si è spinti a fare. E poi voglio considerare l’aspetto più rilevante, la passione, che cozza contro qualsiasi logica di mercato. Per me la passione ha sempre avuto il sopravvento, l’amore per il cavallo arabo fa’ sembrare un gioco qualsiasi difficoltà, il tributo verso un meraviglioso amico che sa’ volare senza ali vale più di qualsiasi stanchezza, senza passione non c’è emozione, senza emozione non c’è amore, senza amore non si vive una vita piena ne si può davvero apprezzare il cavallo arabo. Questo è lo spirito con cui nasce l’Arabian Horse Journal, ritrovare l’emozione di guardare il cavallo arabo per quello che è il suo vero ruolo e ricordare che non è il premio o il trofeo il centro gravitazionale, ma chi ha deciso di regalarcelo in quell’occasione; no, non parlo delle giurie, ma di quel meraviglioso essere che quando entra nella tua vita non ne esce più.Tutto passa e cambia, lui rimane per sempre, come il vero grande amore. In questo primo numero troverete interviste, reportage delle competizioni che si son tenute sin’ora, informazione, endurance, tutto quello che gravita attorno al mondo del p.s.a. e poi è il periodo in cui si entra nel vivo della stagione agonistica e delle nascite, quale miglior periodo per iniziare questa nuova avventura; insieme! Buona lettura a tutti
In greetingYou this time I am feeling a special emotion, we have known each other for so many years, yet it feels like the first time. Under certain respects in fact it is, even if in reality I am “at home”, a home I never did – nor could – relinquish: the Arabian Horse is my Life.And so here we are, with a first issue which is nothing else than a continuation of a wonderful journey I began many years ago, a journey I cannot any more do without. I have always been convinced that plurality of information can only be beneficial in any sector, I believe that looking at reality from many points of view favours better reasoning and therefore better choices, I think that giving space to everybody will be to everybody’s benefit, it’s my opinion that the more voices we have, the better the result of our efforts will be.And in any case I want to consider the most important aspect, passion, which will happily collide against any market logic and considerations. For me Passion has always been first and foremost, love for the Arabian Horse makes a joke of any difficulty, a tribute to that marvellous Friend who can fly without wings is always stronger than any fatigue, if there is no emotion there is no love, and without love one cannot live a full life, nor really appreciate the Arabian Horse.This is the spirit that has spawned this Arabian Horse Journal (I do hope Friends will call it AHJ), looking at the Arabian horse in its true role and remembering that the true centre of gravity is not the prize or the trophy, but the person who decided to make a gift of it for us ; and no, I’m not talking about judges and juries, I’m talking about that marvellous being that once inside your life never leaves it.“Panta rei” as the Greeks used to say,“Everything passes” and changes, he stays forever, as true love does. In this first issue you will find interviews, reports of the competitions held so far, information, endurance, anything and everything gravitating around the purebred Arabian and after all it is the period during which we enter the heart of agonistic (and births) season, what better period to start a new adventure such as this? Together, of course! Enjoy the reading!
Francesca Messina -
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AH Ma r i n a
Pi e t r a s a n t a
edizione de
By Francesca Messina - photos by N. Abelli F. Messina
Nel fine settimana tra il 17 e 18 aprile scorsi, si è tenuto, nella
The Class C Event was held on April 17th and 18th in the
celebre ed oramai storica sede del Parco delle Versiliana a Marina di
renowned and historic place in Parco della Versiliana in Ma
Pietrasanta, il concorso di classe “C”, quest’anno divenuto Interna
rina di Pietrasanta, where Comune di Pietrasanta, Assesso
zionale, di morfologia oltre ad altri eventi agonistici, sempre legati
rato allo Sport e al Turismo with the patronage of Regione
al cavallo, promossi dal Comune di Pietrasanta, dall’Assessorato
Toscana and Provincia di Lucca sponsored it. The Event is
allo Sport ed al Turismo con il patrocinio della Regione Toscana e
classified as an International Show since this year and houses
della provincia di Lucca. Molteplici e di spessore le iniziative che
Morphology and other agonistic disciplines. Many important
hanno animato questa bella due giorni e prestigiosi gli ospiti che
initiatives enlivened the amazing show and prestigious guests
hanno partecipato a conferenze, esposizioni, premiazioni.
joined the conferences, exhibitions and prizes giving.
Ben organizzato dal simpatico e disponibile Luciano Borzonasca
The Event was organized by Mr Luciano Borzonasca, who
che non si è risparmiato per rendere piacevole una manifestazione
was nice and helpful as usual and made the pleasant event a
davvero ben riuscita, nonostante la pioggia copiosa del sabato che
real success, despite hard rains on Saturday that didn’t di
non ha, comunque, fermato cavalli, handlers ed appassionati, dispo-
scourage horses and handlers, as a matter of fact many afi
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Siluen by Justice Gold Medal Fillies
sti a patirne le conseguenze pur di ammirare il sempre affascinante
cionados bore the inclement weather to admire the beautiful
spettacolo che il cavallo arabo sa offrire come nessun altro. Buona
show that only the amazing Arabian Horses are able to offer.
l’affluenza, quindi, di operatori del settore e pubblico e buona la
The event had a good flow of people and operators, and the
qualità dei cavalli presentati in concorso. Al termine della gara, il
quality of the horses presented was really good. On Saturday,
sabato, è stata organizzata una serata di gala nel famoso locale Twiga
at the end of the show, a gala evening was organized at the
a testimonianza di quanto la vocazione per la tradizione e quella più
famous Twiga nightclub, proving that Marina di Pietrasanta
modaiola delle serate in riviera trovino il giusto connubio a Marina
merged well tradition and fashion, thanks to its amazing cul
di Pietrasanta, cittadina che offre più spunti e che sa’ unire cultura
tural sites and fashionable places.
a mondanità. I giudici designati per l’occasione erano la sig.ra Titti Gagliani,
Mrs Titti Gagliani, International Judge, Mr Cristian Mo schini and Mr Ferdinand Schwestermann, from Switzerland,
giudice internazionale, il sig. Cristian Moschini ed il sig. Ferdinand
were the judges appointed for this show. The judgements we
Schwestermann dalla Svizzera. Non sempre i loro giudizi sono stati
ren’t always in accordance but, in the end, the best horses
in linea ma alla fine hanno vinto i cavalli che meglio si sono espressi,
won in every category. The feeling was good, more similar to
12 13
AH Ma r i n a
Pi e t r a s a n t a
Colours Gold Medal Colts
anche se la pioggia del sabato pomeriggio non ha certo avvantaggia
the shows of some years ago: the less controversies and the
to alcune categorie. Questo ha reso l’atmosfera dell’intera manife
great spirit of cooperation between the competitors were a
stazione quella di un po’ di anni fa’, tutti sostanzialmente contenti,
real panacea for equestrian world and especially for Arabian
poche polemiche, spirito di collaborazione tra i vari concorrenti,
Horse Shows. Despite the global crisis, this feeling encoura
davvero un toccasana per manifestazioni agonistiche quali quelle
ged the operators who dedicate their lives and their efforts
del p.s.a., che motiva gli operatori del settore che, nonostante la
to this sport. Certainly, this is the right behaviour for our
crisi, ci mettono l’anima affinché la loro passione ed il loro lavoro
sector and it could help neophytes to approach our world.
vengano premiati come si deve. Questo atteggiamento non potrà
Anica Staff, represented by Mr Pierluigi Rota, Mrs Mirjian
far che bene al nostro settore, a quanti lo osservano dall’esterno,
Boschini, who also made the speaker at the Show, and the
a quanti gli si accostano per la prima volta. Ottimo, come sempre,
Press Office Massimiliano Moser all did a great job.
il lavoro svolto dallo staff ANICA, rappresentato dal sig. Pierluigi
The show began on Saturday morning with Foals Catego
Rota, sempre disponibile, dalla sig.ra Mirjam Boschini che si è as
ries and ended in the afternoon with Mare category. As pre
sunta l’onere di fare anche da speaker della manifestazione e dal sig.
viously said, the good quality and quantity of competitors
Massimiliano Moser, in qualità di addetto stampa.
was the main feature of this show. No Colts foals but four
Lo show ha avuto inizio il sabato mattina con le categorie dei
beautiful fillies were enrolled in Futurity category. *Etiopia
puledri terminando con le fattrici. La caratteristica comune era la
El Aziz (FS Eternal Flame x Eritrea El Aziz), bred and owned
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Omniet Al Ayun Gold Medal Mares
buona qualità ed il buon numero di partecipanti, come dicevamo.
by Mr Giampaolo Gubbiotti and presented by Paolo Capecci
Per i futurity è stata disputata solo quella delle femmine che ha
gained the first place, whilst the second position went to
messo in campo quattro belle esponenti. Tra tutte ha primeggiato
*Free Franca (Mundher Al Shaqab x Basma), bred and owned
*Etiopia El Aziz (FS Eternal Flame x Eritrea El Aziz) allevata e di
by GE.MAR and presented by Giacomo Capacci.
proprietà del sig. Giampaolo Gubbiotti e presentata da Paolo Ca
On Sunday, the sun rose in the sky and the waiting for
pecci mentre al secondo posto si è attestata *Free Franca (Mundher
stallion classes and for Championship thrilled everyone. The
Al Shaqab x Basma) allevata e di proprietà della GE.MAR. srl e
Show ring resisted the rains, Barrel Racing and Team Pen
presentata da Giacomo Capacci.
ning contests on Saturday and was in good condition. The
La giornata di domenica si è accesa di un caldo sole e tanta adre
Show kept a high level of interest throughout both days. In
nalina per la disputa in campo degli stalloni e, dopo la pausa pran
the afternoon, operators and aficionados were really excited
zo, lo svolgimento del Campionato che ha preso inizio nel primo
about the Final Championship, that kept some surprises, but,
pomeriggio. Malgrado l’intensa pioggia e le gare di Barrel Racing
in the end, everybody agreed with the judgements. For it,
e Penning svolte il giorno prima, il campo era in buone condizioni
we have to thank the experience of the judges that made all
e la gara si è resa subito interessante. Nel pomeriggio la tensio
the difference.
ne ha anticipato di poco la grande emozione data dall’inizio del
As usual, the Final Championship gives three medals to
campionato finale che ha riservato qualche sorpresa ma che, alla
the first three positions. For fillies, the gold medal went to
14 15
AH Ma r i n a
Pi e t r a s a n t a fine, ha messo tutti d’accordo.
the wonderful yearling grey
Per questo dobbiamo ricordare
filly *Siluen By Justice (WH
il buon lavoro fatto dalla terna
Justice x Amira El Nefous),
arbitrale, per usare un termine
bred and owned by Mr Gian
più prettamente calcistico, e
Enrico Scaroni and presen
dalla grande esperienza di alcu
ted by Stefano Sandrini. The
ni dei giudici che poi ha fatto la
silver medal went to the be
autiful two-years-old grey
La premiazione prevedeva
Titty Gagliani Int. Judge A
Willy Luder President of ECAHO
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
filly, which took the highest
l’assegnazione delle tre meda
score in her category, *Na
glie. Per le bellissime puledre
jaa Ashiraf (Amir Ashiraf x
in campo la bella grigia *Siluen
Espiria), owned by Arabite
By Justice (WH Justice x Amira
CTE and presented by Gia
El Nefous) di un anno, allevata e
como Boscarino. The bronze
di proprietà del sig. Gian Enrico
medal went to another nice
Scaroni e presentata da Stefano
filly sired by Amir Ashiraf,
Sandrini, si è aggiudicata la me
that is *Anthasia Ashiraf (x
daglia d’Oro. La medaglia d’Ar
CO Pashmira), owned by
gento è andata ad un’altra bella
Mr Francesco Aprile and
grigia che in categoria aveva ot
presented by Roberto Zani
tenuto il punteggio più alto per
boni. For colts, the gold me-
le femmine, parliamo della bella
dal went to *Colours (True
*Najaa Ashiraf (Amir Ashiraf x
Colours x Hadiba), bred and
Espiria) di due anni, di proprietà
owned by Mrs Marinella
dell’Arabite C.T.E. e presentata
Abagnale and presented by
da Giacomo Boscarino ed a se
Roberto Zaniboni. The sil
guire, sul terzo gradino del po
ver medal went to the sorrel
dio, medaglia di Bronzo per un
*Safeer (Ajman Moniscione
altro ottimo prodotto di Amir
x Sajfa), owned and presen
Ashiraf, parliamo di *Anthasia
ted by Luca Oberti, owner of
Ashiraf (X CO Pashmira) del
the same name Stud, whilst
sig. Francesco Aprile, presentata
the bronze medal went to
da Roberto Zaniboni che con
the typical *Versus Magic
quista, per i puledri, la meda
(Vervaldee x Magic Lauret),
glia d’Oro con *Colours (True
bred and owned by Fon
Colours x Hadiba), allevato e di
tanella Magic Arabian and
proprietà della sig.ra Marinella
presented by Paolo Capec
Abagnale. Medaglia d’Argento
ci. The mare Championship
per il sauro *Safeer (Ajman Mo
enchanted the public on the
niscione x MO Saifa) presentato
stands: deservedly, the gold
dallo stesso proprietario, Luca
medal went to the typical
Oberti dell’omonimo training
*Omniet Al Ayun (Laheeb x
Mial Gold Medal Stallions
Najaa Ashiraf Silver Medal Fillies
Safeer Silver Medal Colts
16 17
AH Ma r i n a
Pi e t r a s a n t a
Anthasia Ashiraf Bronze Medal Fillies
Versus Magic Bronze Medal Colts
Magic El Pashli Bronze Medal Mares
Alakazam B Bronze Medal Stallion
center mentre la medaglia di Bronzo è stata conquistata dal tipico
W.Warda), which offered an astonishing show, also thanked
*Versus Magic (Vervaldee x Magic Lauret), allevato e di proprietà di
to the handler Giacomo Capacci who made a good presen
Fontanella Magic Arabians e presentato da Paolo Capecci. Davvero
tation with her. This beautiful grey mare is owned by Amjad
affascinante la categoria delle fattrici che ha regalato la meritata me
Hilany from Israel. The silver medal went to the powerful
daglia d’Oro alla tipica grigia *Omniet Al Ayun (Laheeb x W.Warda),
sorrel *Asra Moniscione (Padron Ghibli x Armonia), ow
autrice di uno show strepitoso ben presentata da Giacomo Capacci e
ned by Mr Moreno Radicchi and well presented by Cristian
di proprietà del sig.Amjad Hilany da Israele. Medaglia d’Argento per
Franceschina. The bronze medal went to *Magic El Pashli
la possente saura *Asra Moniscione (Padron Ghibli x Armonia) di
(Windsprees Mirage x Magic Lilian Sabahat), presented by
proprietà del sig. Moreno Radicchi, ben presentata da Cristian Fran
Paolo Capecci and owned by Fontanella Magic Arabians. The
ceschina. Medaglia di Bronzo per *Magic El Pashli (Windsprees Mira
stallion championship was gained by *Mial, sired by Al Lahab
ge x Magic Lilian Sabahat) presentata da Paolo Capecci e di proprietà
and foaled by the silver medal mare in this show, Asra Moni
di Fontanella Magic Arabians. Si aggiudica la medaglia d’Oro per la
scione, which won the gold medal and stroke favourably the
categoria stalloni un prodotto dell’appena laureata medaglia d’Ar
public and the judges with a good show, making his owner Mr
gento fattrici Asra Moniscione, l’ottimo *Mial da Al Lahab, autore di
Marco Nardini proud, and unquestionably well presented by
un show convincente, ben presentato da Cristian Franceschina per la
Cristian Franceschina. *Wares, sired by the multi-champion
gioia del proprietario, il sig. Marco Nardini. Medaglia d’Argento per
Piruet and foaled by Wernera, gained the silver medal flying
il grigio figlio del pluricampione Piruet, parliamo di *Wares (x Wer
in the ring and deeply moving the bystanders. This stallion is
nera) che è sembrato volare nel ring e che ha emozionato gli astanti.
owned by Scuderia Groane of Mr Marco Franchini and was
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Asra Moniscione Silver Medal Mares
Wares Silver Medal Stallions
Questo stallone è di proprietà di
presented by Roberto Zani
Scuderia Groane del sig. Marco
boni.The bronze medal went
Franchini ed è stato presentato
to *Alakazam B (Padrons
da Roberto Zaniboni. Medaglia
Immage x MA Evita), bred
di Bronzo per *Alakazam B (Pa
and owned by Mrs Elisabet
drons Immage x MA Evita) al
ta Calderai and presented by
levato e di proprietà della sig.ra
Luca Oberti.
Elisabetta Calderai e presentato da Luca Oberti. Speriamo di avervi dato
Judges and Organizers
We wish to have conveyed to you the pleasant expe rience we had in this show,
un’idea di quanto sia stato pia
and we hope that the next
cevole partecipare a questo
edition will be even more
show e ci auguriamo che per
crowded because this show
la prossima edizione l’affluenza
in Marina di Pietrasanta re
ed il seguito siano ancora mag
ally deserves a big success.
giori, così come merita un con corso come questo di Marina di Pietrasanta.
The Judges
18 19
AH Ma r i n a
Pi e t r a s a n t a
C hampionship Filli Filliee s
CAVA GOLD MEDAL • Siluen by Justice
• Ver us
BRONZ MED L • Mag c El
C hampionship Stallion Stallionss
BR NZ MEDA • Alakazam B
22 23
Arabian S AH I n te r v i ew
Arabian Show Training Centre
Nel panorama internazionale il nome “Oberti” è ora
In the international panorama, the “Oberti” name has
mai una realtà consolidata da tempo, quanti frequentano,
already been a concrete reality for many years, so much
ed amano, il mondo dell’arabo da morfologia, associano
so that all those who move in, and love, the world of
questo nome con gli aggettivi “esperienza”, “professiona
Arabian show horses, do associate this name with the
lità”, “disponibilità”, e non potrebbe che essere così visto
words “experience”, “professionality” and “helpfulness”.
che prima papà Gilberto e dopo il figlio Luca, hanno dato
It could not be otherwise, in view of how Dad Gilberto
vita e fatto diventare una realtà di spicco il loro centro
first and son Luca later have created and given excellent
di addestramento, il rinomato Arabian Show Training, in
body to their Training Centre, the renowned Arabian
quel di Dalmine. La storia di questo centro è cosa nota,
Show Training, in the Dalmine neighborhood. The hi
prima la grande passione di Gilberto che instrada il figlio,
story of this Centre is widely known, starting with the
Luca, in questo mondo fatto di grandi soddisfazioni ma
great passion which moved Gilberto, who in turn gui
anche di lavoro, fatica, impegno, oneri che si riesce a
ded Luca on the same path, in this world of ours rich of
sopportare negli anni solo se mossi da grande passione.
satisfaction, but also of hard work, labour and personal
Questa è una delle peculiarità di questo Centro, ma altri
involvement, a price one can endure at length only if
sono gli aspetti che ti fanno apprezzare Luca Oberti, la
moved by real passion. This is just one of this Centre
sua semplicità, la grande disponibilità, il sorriso perenne
distinctive characteristics, many more are Luca Oberti’s
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Show Tra Luca Oberti anche nelle “giornate no”, doti non sempre riscontrabile
endearing traits, his down-to-earth attitude, his readi
in generale nelle persone.
ness to help, his perennial smile even on “no-no days”,
Le tante esperienze professionali e gli importanti ri
qualities not often traceable in just anybody.
sultati ottenuti negli anni, non hanno scalfito, in Luca,
His extensive professional experience and all the po
queste sue caratteristiche, ed è anche per questo che è
sitive achievements collected in the course of time, have
sempre un piacere incontrarlo:
not in the least affected Luca’s personality traits, and this
Arabian S AH I n te r v i ew
AHJ: A distanza di tempo facciamo visita al tuo nuovo centro qui a Dalmine, e siamo colpiti
is one more reason why it is always such a pleasure to meet him:
dalla serenità dei cavalli anche quelli prossimi agli show e quindi sottoposti alla preparazione di routine, hai un segreto?
AHJ: After quite some time we are visiting your new Centre in Dalmine and we are ama
L.O.: non si tratta di un vero e proprio segreto, è sempli
zed at how serene and untroubled the horses
cemente un’alternanza di tipologie di lavoro che permette
appear, even on the eve of a show, when they
all’animale, anche dopo l’allenamento quotidiano, di potersi
are certainly undergoing routine preparation,
rilassare senza essere sottoposto a ulteriori stress, il modo mi
what is your secret?
gliore per poterlo fare è semplicemente lasciare che il resto della giornata il cavallo faccia” il cavallo” ….
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
L.O.: It isn’t a real secret, we simply alternate several types of work to allow the animal, even after the daily routine, to relax
Show Tra Luca Oberti
AHJ: Non “tedieremo” i nostri lettori con le tue esperienze passate, gli anni a stretto con
without being submitted to further stress; the best way to achieve this is to let the horse just “be a horse” for the rest of the day…
tatto con Michael Byatt, la collaborazione con
AHJ: We don’t want to bore readers with a
Frank Sponle, l’esperienza con l’Al Shaqab
detailed account of your past experience, the
Stud, con l’allevamento Ses Planes di Marieta
years you spent working closely with Micha
Salas, con allevatori del Kuwait, dell’Egitto e
el Byatt, your cooperation with Frank Spon
via discorrendo, non perché poco importanti
le, your stint with Al Shaqab Stud or with the
ma piuttosto perché già note ai più; piuttosto
breeder Marieta Salas’s Ses Planes, or the many
parliamo di futuro, quali sono i tuoi program
Kuwaiti and Egyptian breeders and so on, and
mi per quel che verrà?
not because they are not important, but becau
L.O.: come tu ben sai nel mio lavoro è molto difficile pro
se most readers already will know them. Let’s
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Arabian S AH I n te r v i ew
grammare, comunque, potendo scegliere, mi piacerebbe avere
talk about the future, what are your plans for
la possibilità di ampliare il giro di clientela nel Middle East
the coming period?
potendo così visitare meglio gli Stati simbolo del cavallo arabo,
L.O.: As you know, in my job it is rather difficult to make
riuscendo tuttavia a mantenere il giusto numero e la buona
programmes, but if I could choose I’d like to enlarge my clientele
qualità di cavalli che attualmente gestisco nella mia scuderia.
in the Middle East, so as to better be able to visit the States that
Dimenticavo una cosa molto importante: il mio, e non solo
constitute a veritable symbol of the Arabian horse, while at the
mio, più grande augurio è che gli show possano tornare ad es
same time keeping the correct number and the right quality
sere occasioni, oltre che di prestigio, anche di corretto diverti
level of the horses present in my stables.
mento per tutti!!!!
One more thing, and an important one: my most ardent wish (and also many others’) is that shows return to be occasions not just
AHJ: Parlaci un po’ della tua struttura, come
of prestige, but also of correct and fair enjoyment for everyone!
è organizzato il tuo centro? L.O.: l’Arabian Show Training offre quaranta box, comprese due ampie sala parto, un campo da lavoro in sabbia, una gio stra di sgambatura coperta, due lavaggi e circa 15 mila mq di paddock in erba.
AHJ:Tell us about your infrastructure, how is your Centre organized? L.O.:Arabian Show Training offers fourty stalls, including two large foaling boxes, a sand working ring, a covered walker, two
Oltre a ciò un travaglio e un manichino a disposizione del
washers and about 15 thousand square metres of grass paddocks.
dr. Dolci che ci assiste da più di venti anni per le fecondazioni,
In addition to all that, we have stocks to handle the mares
i prelievi, gli embrio transfert e da quest’anno anche per il
and a dummy for the stallions, for the use of Dr. Dolci, our
congelamento del seme.
Veterinarian, who for over twenty years has taken care for us of semen collection, A.I. with fresh and frozen semen, embryo
AHJ: Quanti e quali stalloni operano nel tuo
transfer and, as from this year, also freezing of semen
centro? L.O.: in scuderia al momento ospito: *Alakazam B, *Bashir Al Gaug, *Ebshak Asmir, *Ajmal Sinan, *OR Walmar e ulti
AHJ: How many stallions do you have in your Centre? What are their names?
mo arrivato *Safir Al Rayyan.Vorrei però sottolineare anche
L.O.: In our stables at the moment we have: ALAKAZAM
*Frasera Ramses Shah, *Shahil, *Laheeb Al Nasser, *TS Apolo,
*RFI Farid e *Ajman Moniscione che, pur non essendo al mo
WALMAR and the last-arrived SAFIR AL RAYYAN. I would like
mento ospiti in scuderia, mi sento di nominare non solo per
dovere, ma soprattutto per piacere!
EB AL NASSER,TS APOLO, RFI FARID and AJMAN MONI SCIONE, even though they are not with us at the moment, not
AHJ: I tuoi ultimi risultati parlano chiaro in
out of duty, but for the immense pleasure they gave me.
merito all’impegno che metti nella preparazio ne dei soggetti che porti in campo, hai vinto il
AHJ: Your latest achievements speak volu
Campionato Italiano prima con *Frasera Ram
mes about your commitment to preparing the
ses Shah dell’allevamento La Frasera, poi con
exhibits you take to the show ring. As an exam
*TS Apolo e con *RFI Farid con il quale hai
ple you won the Italian Championships, first
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Show Tra
fatto anche primo di categoria allo show or
with *Frasera Ramses Shah from the breeders
ganizzato in Arabia Saudita dall’Al Khalediah,
La Frasera, then with *TS Apolo and *RFI Fa
entrambi soggetti dell’Aretusa Arabians, hai
rid.This last was also first in his category at the
vinto in Sicilia innumerevoli titoli tra cui Cam
show Al Khalediah organized in Saudi Arabia.
pionato e Best in Show con *Alima Moniscione
Both *Frasera Ramses Shah and *RFI Farid are
sempre dell’Aretusa Arabians, hai fatto Riserva
from Aretusa Arabians, and you have also won
a Boario con la bella *Ardesia Moniscione del
several titles in Sicily, like the Championship
sig. Moretti, come gestisci la preparazione di
and Best in Show with *Alima Moniscione, also
un soggetto da show e, soprattutto, stabilisci
from Aretusa Arabians, and you were Reserve
metodi diversi in base ai differenti cavalli o il
Champion in Boario with Mr. Moretti’s splen
metodo è, bene o male, simile?
did *Ardesia Moniscione. How do you set up
L.O.:Avendo ogni cavallo una sua definita personalità, i me
preparing a show exhibit and, above all, do you
todi devono differenziarsi a seconda del soggetto, nonostante la
utilize different methods for different horses or
base del lavoro sia bene o male simile, nozione fondamentale
all methods are more or less similar?
per un buon trainer sta proprio nel riuscire a creare un piano
L.O.: Each horse has its own individual personality. Methods
38 39
Arabian S AH I n te r v i ew
di lavoro personalizzato. Ho comunque potuto sperimentare che
therefore have to differentiate for each subject, although the basis
un cavallo, pur nelle migliori condizioni fisiche, ha soprattutto
for our work is always quite similar, the fundamental principle for
bisogno di un buon equilibrio psichico per poter fare un ottimo
a good trainer is in fact creating a custom training schedule.
show e quindi vincerlo;
From my experience however I learned that a horse, even one in best physical conditions, needs above all good psycological
AHJ: Ti piace ancora andare in show? Non
equilibrium to do an excellent show and therefor win it.
è una domanda casuale, sappiamo quanto sia difficile in molti frangenti gestire le proprie e
AHJ: Do you still like participating to shows?
le altrui tensioni che, ultimamente, sembrano
This is not a random question, we all know how
difficult it can be at times managing both one’s
L.O.: la risposta è: sì! Non ne potrei fare a meno, l’adrenalina che provo prima di ogni gara è qualcosa di meravigliosamente sti molante che sovrasta qualsiasi tensione, soprattutto quella altrui! Se poi i risultati sono ottimi, lascio a te la giusta deduzione!
own and others’ psychological tension and this last appears to have increased lately… L.O.:The answer is a definite and resounding YES! Yes! I couldn’t live without it, the adrenaline rush I feel just before every show is a marvellous stimulus that overcomes any tension,
AHJ: Se potessi, cosa cambieresti nelle com petizioni? L.O.: Avrei moltissime idee che mi frullano per la testa, ma forse questo non è lo spazio più adatto, rischierei di essere trop po prolisso!
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
including other people’s. And if the results are extraordinary, I leave all deductions to you! AHJ: If you could, what would you change in competitions? L.O.: I have no shortage of ideas, but I’m afraid this is not
Show Tra Una cosa te la dico però, ci sarebbe un cambiamento attua
the best place to advance them, I would risk becoming to long
bile, e cioè che gli show non durassero giusto il tempo necessario
winded! One suggestion I will mention however, it is something
per giudicare i cavalli, ma che ci si ritagliasse del tempo per
quite practicable, that is our shows should not last just the time
stimolare la gente ad avvicinarsi al mondo del cavallo arabo per
necessary to rank the horses, I would like to see some time set
incrementare la passione ed il nostro business.
aside to entice the general public to take an interest in our world, to increase both the passion and the business revolving
AHJ: Se potessi tornare indietro, rifaresti tut
about the Arabian horse.
to allo stesso modo? L.O.:Amo troppo il mio lavoro e la possibilità’ che ho avuto di lavorare con i cavalli.Assolutamente si!
AHJ: Assuming you could go back in time, would you do everything the same way? L.O.: I love my job and the chance it gave me to work with
AHJ: A tuo giudizio, cosa deve avere un
horses, far too much… Absolutely yes!
“buon handler” per essere definito tale? La grinta quanto incide nei risultati? L.O.: Caratteristica fondamentale per me e’ quella di ave re l’opportunità di lavorare e presentare degli ottimi cavalli
AHJ: What characteristics in your opinion should a “good” handler have? How much does competitive spirit condition results?
che ti portino alla vittoria, poi logicamente buoni clienti e
L.O.:The fundamental characteristics is, in my opinion, ha
un’ottima sensibilità nei confronti dei nostri amici animali
ving and using the opportunity to work with and present good
40 41
AH I n te r v i ew st
non umani. Grinta e soprattutto spirito di competizione sono
horses which will bring you to victory,then quite logically good
trasmessi come ben sai al nostro cavallo che di conseguenza
customers and finally good sensitivity with respect to our frien
farà il resto;
ds, non-human animals. Competitive spirit and will to win are felt by the horse, as you know, and he will do the rest.
Come avevamo detto in apertura la simpatia e la di
As we mentioned in the opening lines, Luca’s charm
sponibilità di Luca sono proverbiali ma, nel suo caso,
and generosity are very well known, but in his case we
possiamo anche dire che “migliora con gli anni”.
can say that, like wine, he improves with time.
Molte sono le realtà di spicco nel panorama italiano
Among the many peaks of exellence in the Italian lan
in termini di centri di addestramento, l’Arabian Show
dscape of training centres, one has certainly to count
Training di Luca Oberti non fa eccezione. Ringraziamo
Luca Oberti’s Arabian Show Training.We wish to thank
Luca per le ore che ci ha dedicato, dandoci appuntamen
Luca for the time he has devoted to us and look eagerly
to a presto.
forward to our next meeting.
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Ofw Marmalade Marwan Al Shaqabx Ofw Sophia by Rsd Dark Victory T +442077341114
AH N a xo s
Il cavallo arabo nel mondo
ialogo tra
allevatori 9 Aprile 2010: conferenza internazionale sotto il patrocinio della WAHO e del Senato della Repubblica. UfďŹ cio Stampa Children-of-the-wind-Naxos - Photos N. Abelli - Joanna Jonientz April, 9th 2010: International Conference under the patronage of WAHO and the Senate of the Italian Republic took place. Children-of-the-wind-Naxos Press OfďŹ ce
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Castel San Marco - Calatabiano
Più di 100 delegati e relatori provenienti da Medio Oriente,
More than one hundred delegates and speakers from many
Europa, Stati Uniti e paesi del bacino mediterraneo si sono in
countries including the Middle East, Europe, the US and the
contrati a Naxos, sulla costa orientale siciliana, per partecipare
Mediterranean countries were gathered in Naxos, the east cost
alla prima conferenza nel suo genere; “Il cavallo arabo: dialogo
of Sicily, to take part in the first conference of its kind on ‘The
tra culture ed allevatori”. La location della conferenza non po
Arabian Horse in the World: The Dialogue of Cultures and
teva offrire di meglio. Il seicentesco Castel San Marco, con la
Breeding’.The setting for the conference in Naxos Sicily could
sua fitta macchia mediterranea a ridosso delle bianche spiagge
not have been more fitting. The three hundred year old Castel
di Calatabiano avvolta nella splendida cornice del Monte Etna,
San Marco, set in a fine parkland location with Mount Etna
hanno offerto ai partecipanti un ambiente storico senza pari.
splendid in the background, and looking down onto the white
Qui approdò infatti la cavalleria islamica seguendo le orme di
beaches of Calatabiano, provided a historic environment. Here
50 51
AH N a xo s Teocolo, il greco, che nel 735 A.C. aveva
the Islamic Cavalry reached the bay of
raggiunto la baia ben protetta di Naxos
Naxos, by ship – just like Teocles the
per poi partire alla conquista dell’isola.
Greek before them, using the well-pro
Questa meravigliosa baia ha oggi invece
tected bay of Naxos in 735 BC to anchor
prestato la sua cornice per l’incontro a
there, and conquer Sicily. This wonder
cui hanno partecipato imminenti figure
ful location in Sicily (which drew the at
del governo locale siciliano con un’am
tention of national press and media and
pia copertura della stampa nazionale.
attracted the presence of leading figures
Questa baia è stata la culla della prima
from the Sicily local government) was
civiltà mediterranea svolgendo un ruolo
a remarkable setting for the meetings.
chiave nel l’incontro tra mondo arabo ed
Indeed this Sicilian location, which was
europeo. Ancora oggi la Sicilia presenta
an original centre of the early Mediter
forti segni di influenza araba; ad iniziare
ranean civilisation, played a key role in
dai suoi siti archeologici e dalla ricchez
the past, connecting Arab and European
za delle forme e degli stili architettonici
worlds. There remains today many signs
che si offrono numerosi all’occhio del
of the Arab migration to Sicily . This can
be seen in the archaeological sites and in
Per quanto attiene la storia del cavallo
the wide range of architectural patterns
arabo in Sicilia, è ormai noto che intorno
and forms which can be seen across the
al 840 gli invasori arabi conquistarono
l’isola scacciando i Bizantini ed insedian
As to the history of Arabian horses in
dosi fino alla fine del 13° secolo. I famosi
Sicily, it is well established that around
e veloci destrieri che li aveva visti domi
840 AC, Arabian invaders spread throu
nare su queste terre furono incrementati
ghout Sicily, expelled the Byzantines, and
da una notevole importazione di cavalli
settled here almost until the end of the
dalle terre natie.
13th century– and they imported a great
Non ci meraviglia che I siciliani abbia
number of Arabian horses as replacements
no poi utilizzato questa “arma miracolo-
for their own fast-footed and substantial
sa” per migliorare i propri cavalli. Tale
cavalry units. Not surprisingly Sicily’s po
pratica è infatti alla base di ogni forma
pulation subsequently used this “miracle
di allevamento equino, ossia ricorrere
weapon” in their breeding, improving the
all’ibridazione per migliorare sia la pre
indigenous stock of horses that way – after
stazione che la bellezza. In Sicilia si pos
all, this idea underpins the globe-spanning
sono trovare ancora oggi “arabi orien
idea in horse breeding, which is to use hy
tali” che testimoniano queste antiche
bridization in order to achieve more per
pratiche. Si tratta, in poche parole, di
formance and beauty, and there are “orien
una sorta di codice genetico iscritto nel
tal Arabians” in Sicily up to this day who
sangue siciliano che sembra poter spie
date back to those mating in ancient times.
gare l’enorme interesse e passione per la
Who knows – maybe this idea is still alive
1°Conferenza sul cavallo arabo in Sicilia
in the genetic code of Sicily’s people to
e per gli eventi dei due giorni successivi
day – since there was such an enormous
(10 e 11 aprile) in cui si sono tenuti lo
interest in and fascination with this first
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Show Internazionale C- se
Arabian Conference in Sicily,
condo le regole ECAHO- e
in particular to see the changes
and also the similarities with
riservato agli “straight Egyp
the Sicilian horses.
tian” di cui potrete trovare i risultati nelle tabelle finali.
In the famous bay of Naxos, on the days following the con
Sebbene ogni anno si orga
ference (10th and 11th April)
nizzino molti show che vedo
two further events have been
no una fitta presenza di pub
hosted, an international C
blico ed allevatori, vi sono in
show run according to ECA
realtà poche opportunità di
HO rules and an EGYPTIAN
scambio di opinioni e rifles
EVENT, a show for straight
sioni sulle strategie allevato
Egyptian horses only.
riali e sui cambiamenti che
Although there are many
avvengono in questo mondo.
shows each year bringing bre
Questa conferenza a Naxos
eders and others together for
ha dimostrato tutta la valenza
show purposes, rarely is the
di un tale evento permetten
re a chance to exchange opi
do ad allevatori, proprietari e
nions, and reflect widely on
sponsor di cavalli arabi di av-
breeding strategies and also
Judges and organizers
Judith Forbis e Monika Savier
52 53
Cayenne T Gold Medal Colts Egyptian Event
viare un dialogo costruttivo su così tanti argomenti e questioni
on the changes which are occurring in the world of horses.
che in una prima fase ci si è visti costretti a selezionare.. L’alle
This conference in Naxos demonstrated the value of such an
vamento di cavalli arabi ha oramai acquisito una natura globale
event allowing breeders, owners, and patrons of Arabian hor
e per questo motivo l’obiettivo principale della conferenza è
ses to enter into constructive dialogue with each other. Indeed
stato quello di incoraggiare un nuovo dialogo tra gli allevatori
there were so many issues, concerns and topics to be discussed
provenienti sia da oriente che occidente sottolineando il pro
that the initial planning stage inevitably required pre-selection
prio comun denominatore tra passato e presente.
and narrowing down of the scope. Given that the breeding of
La rapida globalizzazione dell’allevamento, con cavalli arabi
Arabian horses now exists in a global frame, the primary aim
allevati un po’ in tutto il mondo, ha creato una nuova dinami
of the conference had to be one of encouraging collaboration
ca: meno romanticismo e maggiore presenza di mass media,
and creating new dialogues between breeders from Orient and
mercato e denaro con il risultato di un cambiamento di sta
Occident as well as to highlight the common denominators,
tus e di fortuna dei migliori allevamenti al mondo. Si aprono
past and present.
però anche molte nuove opportunità ed alcuni si oppongono
The rapid globalisation of breeding, with Arabians bred all
alla iper-industrializzazione ed ai meri aspetti commerciali
over the world has given rise to new dynamics, there is less
enfatizzando invece - con nuovo fervore - la speciale qualità
romanticism, there is a greater presence of media, markets and
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
PSE Rasheekah Gold Medal Fillies Egyptian Event
della “relazione con il cavallo”. Si delinea una chiara tenden
money, and as a result there is change in the status and fortu
za a sostenere la valenza “della piccola dimensione” (small is
nes of the best known studs across the world. There are also
beautiful). Ed infine, in tempi di crisi e di conflitti globali,
many new opportunities for fresh perspectives, some oppose
il dialogo di collaborazione “transfrontaliera” nel mondo del
the over-industrialisation and presence of commercial factors,
cavallo arabo mostra la possibilità di nuove forme di parteci
emphasising instead with new fervour the special quality of the
pazione e di relazione.
‘relationship with the horse’. Likewise there is a visible move to
Con questi fattori in mente la conferenza ha aperto I batten
maintaining a ‘small is beautiful’ approach. Finally in times of
ti con gli interventi di due “allevatori di fama mondiale” Judith
global crises and conflicts the ‘cross-border’ collaborative dia
Forbes (US/Qatar) giudice e fondatrice della ANSATA STUD e
logues within this Arabian horse world shows the possibilities
Hans Joachim Nagel (Brema, Germania) fondatore dell’alleva
for forms of participation and new relationships.
mento Katharinenhof e Presidente della WAHO.
With these factors in mind the conference opened with kick
Il piu’ famoso allevamento di cavalli “Straight Egyptian” è sta
off statements from two ‘breeders of the century’ Judith Forbes
to presentato dal suo direttore Ahmed Hamza (Cairo, Egitto)
(US/Qatar) who is judge and founder of the ANSATA STUD
Presidente della “Egyptian Agricultural Organisation”, Ministe
and Hans Joachim Nagel (Bremen, Germany) founder of the
ro dell’Agricoltura, Allevamento di Stato EL ZAHRAA, Cairo,
Katharinenhof – stud and President of the WAHO.
54 55
AH N a xo s
Hals Moonshadow Gold Medal Stallions Egyptian Event
che nella sua allocuzione ha tracciato la storia delle strategie
Presenting the most famous breeding stable of straight Egyp
allevatoriali di El Zahraa dal passato sino ai giorni nostri così
tian horses, was his director Ahmed Hamza (Cairo, Egypt)
come la passione per la cultura del cavallo arabo sviluppatasi
President of the Egyptian Agricultural Organisation, Ministry
attraverso I vari continenti. Dopo una breve pausa, Basil Jadaan
of Agriculture State Stud, EL ZAHRAA, Cairo, who followed
(Damasco, Siria) giudice, allevatore e membro del Comitato
with his key speech about the breeding strategies in history and
Esecutivo della WAHO ha descritto il ruolo del cavallo arabo
today of El Zahraa and the passions around horse culture which
come razza del deserto, ruolo ancora oggi molto forte e sentito
developed from across many continents. After a short break,
in Siria. Durante il 18° ed il 19° secolo molte spedizioni euro
Basil Jadaan (Damascus, Syria) horse judge, breeder and mem
pee sono partite alla ricerca dei beduini siriani per la compra
ber of the executive board of the WAHO described the role of
vendita di questi arabi assai richiesti dalle principali casate reali
Arabians as desert-breeds, which is still the case today in Syria.
europee. Oltre ai nobili siciliani , tra gli acquirenti anche il Re
Many European expeditions during the 18th and 19th C were
d’Italia Emanuele II.
already looking for Syrian Bedouins to purchase and then sell
Lo storico siciliano Giuseppe Pucci Maiorano (Catania) ha
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
these Arabians to European royal households. Alongside this
presentato una carrellata ric
the Sicilian nobility and the
ca e dettagliata di ben 5000
Italian King Emanuele II also
anni di storia analizzando il
came into possession of these
ruolo svolto da questi cavalli
nello sviluppo multiculturale del Mare Nostrum. Nel pomeriggio due tavole
The Sicilian historian Giu seppe Pucci Maiorano (Cata nia) provided the conference
rotonde hanno dato ai parte
with a full introduction to the
cipanti la possibilità di entrare
place of horses such as these
più nel vivo della materia.
in the history of civilisation
La prima ha considerato ‘Il
and the role they played in the
ruolo del passato per costrui
re il futuro. La storia ed il ri
of the last 5000 years in the
nascimento del cavallo arabo
Mediterranean region.
tra Oriente ed Occidente’. La prima relatrice sarebbe
roundtables/ workshops allo
dovuta essere Sharzad Amir
wed the opportunity to focus
Aslani (Tehran/Iran), giudice
in more detail.
ed allevatrice di cavalla arabi,
The first workshop considered
che purtroppo non ha otte
Judith Forbis e Pietro Giannetto International C. Show Organizer
‘The Role of the Past to
nuto il visto. La sua relazione
Build the Future. The Histo
sull’allevamento tradizionale
ry and Re-naissance of the
oggi in Iran è stata letta da
Arabian Horse between the
una delegata. Alla sessione
Orient and the Occident’.
era presente Amedeo Cultre
The first speaker should
ri (Italia), segretario dell’as
have been Sharzad Amir Aslani
sociazione nazionale ANICO
(Tehran/Iran), judge and bree
responsabile dello studbook
der of Iranian Arabians, but she
degli Arabi Orientali, la razza
did not receive her Visa in time
originale siciliana, che ha par
and her prepared paper about
lato delle prime importazioni
traditional horse breeding in
ed esportazioni di arabi del
Iran today was read by a de
deserto tra Sicilia ed Egitto.
legate. This session also heard
Poi la parola è passata a Georg
from Amedeo Cultreri (Italy),
Olms (Germania), allevatore
secretary of the national asso
e presidente dell’ Asil Club.
ciation ANICO who leads the
Nella sua presentazione Olms
studbook of the “Arabi Orien
ha illustrato l’eredità delle
tali”, the original race of Sicily,
razze beduine ed il ruolo del
and who talked about the ear
purosangue arabo (asil) sotto
ly imports and exports of the
lineandone la grande valenza
desert Arabians between Sicily
e forza come cavallo di alta
and Egypt. Next came Georg
The Judges
56 57
AH N a xo s
MS Bint Maalima Silver Medal Mares Egyptian Event
prestazione. Judith Forbis, Basil Jadaan e Ahmed Hamza hanno
Olms (Germany), breeder and President of the Asil Clubs. In his
discusso insieme ai partecipanti la necessità di vedere il cavallo
presentation he discussed the heritage of the Bedouin breeds and
arabo nel suo contesto storico onde poter guardare al futuro
the role of the pure (asil) Arabian breeds, stressing their value and
con maggiore possibilità di successo. Nella discussione è emer
not forgetting their strength as performance horses. Judith For
sa la preoccupazione per la purezza della razza e l’importanza
bis , Basil Jadaan and Ahmed Hamza discussed, in this workshop,
del suo patrimonio genetico.
with the audience and delegates, the necessity of seeing the Ara
La tavola rotonda è stata moderata da Ida Arsenault (Canada/ Italia) e Tarek Hamza (Egitto). La seconda tavola rotonda dal titolo ‘La globalizzazione del cavallo arabo. Un comun denominatore per promuovere il dia logo tra le culture oppure una show star senza patria ’ è stata presieduta da Hans Nagel. Hanno preso la parola Deirdre Hyde, allevatore e giudice
bian Horse in a historical context so as to better understand, and be able to plan for a successful future for the breed. Following from this discussion was a concern with the purity of the breed and the importance of this for the gene pool for the future. The workshop was moderated by Ida Arsenault (Canada/ Italy) and Tarek Hamza (Egypt). The second workshop with the title
(Abu Dhabi - UAE), Francesco Santoro, Allevamento La Frase
‘The globalisation of the Arabian Horse. A common denomi
ra, giudice e presidente ANICA e della Show Commission Eca
nator to promote the dialogue between the cultures, or ‘home
ho, dall’Italia, Inge Friedman, Allevamento Friedman, allevatri
less show star’ ’, was chaired by Hans Nagel.
ce e membro del comitato VZAP, dalla Germania, Nasr Marei, Allevamento Al Badeia, allevatore e giudice, Cairo, Egitto.
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Speakers here were Deirdre Hyde, stud manager and horse judge, Abu Dhabi, United Emirates of Arabia, Francesco Santo
Si è discusso a lungo sul
ro, La Frasera stud, horse jud
ruolo del cavallo arabo oggi
ge and President of ANICA,
nel mondo degli show e la
Rome, Italy, Inge Friedman,
loro grande visibilità, la fun
Friedman-Stud, breeder and
zione dei mass media, del
member of the board of the
denaro, della bellezza e della
VZAP, Germany, Nasr Marei,
legge del mercato. E su come
Al Badeia Stables, breeder and
tutto ciò incida su come ci
horse judge, Cairo, Egypt.
si guadagna da vivere in que
The topics included debate
sto mondo e l’opportunità
on the role of the Arabian horse
di allargare il dialogo
today in the high visibility ‘show
una maggiore platea. Come
world’, the function of media,
promuovere l’importanza di
beauty, money and markets, the
questa attività agro-cultura
impact of these on how peo
le, come presentare la sua
ple make a living in the horse
forte valenza nei dibattiti di
world, and the possibility of
ecologia e di mondo equestre
bringing more of the people
in genere e come dimostrare
involved in this horse economy
che le buone prassi nel mon
into dialogue and discussion.
do dei cavalli possono avere
Finally how to promote the imAretusa Qatara Silver Medal Fillies Egyptian Event
Nedel Del Guado Silver Medal Colts Egyptian Event
58 59
AH N a xo s un impatto duraturo. La tavola rotonda si è conclusa con un
portance of this field of agri-cultural activity to the wider world,
invito ad esperti ed allevatori del cavallo arabo ad assume
how to show its value in current debates on horse environment and
re un ruolo guida su questioni sociali connesse alla propria
ecology, how to show how good practice in the horse world can
have lasting impact.The workshop concluded with calls for experts
Dopo la discussione generale e la presentazione in plenaria dei risultati delle tavole rotonde, Monika Savier, l’ideatrice del la conferenza, giornalista equestre ed allevatrice, (Italia) ha in
and breeders from the Arab horse world to take a new lead on the social issues connecting to their daily practice. After the common discussion and following the plenary report
vitato i partecipanti a continuare il dialogo culturale avviato in
back from the workshops Monika Savier, the originator of the con
questa sede raccomandando l’adozione di strategie concrete per
ference, equestrian journalist and breeder, (Italy) invited all par
promuovere la formazione continua a livello internazionale vol
ticipants to continue the dialogue between the cultures. She also
ta anche ad allargare la partecipazione sociale al settore. Ahmed
made the recommendation that concrete strategies be developed
Hamza ha affermato ‘Questa conferenza è stata la prima nel suo
with the overall aim of extending further training and education
EE Bella Lucia Gold Medal Mares Egyptian Event
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
genere ad offrire agli allevato
in this field at an international
ri del cavallo arabo l’opportu
level, also with a view to widen
nità di incontrarsi e discutere
social participation in this area
apertamente sui problemi e
of breeding.
gli ostacoli che si incontrano
said ‘ The conference was the
nel quotidiano! Mentre Basil
first of its kind in which Arabian
Jadaan ci ha ricordato che ‘il
Horse Breeders had the chance
cavallo arabo rappresenta un
to meet and discuss in an open
ponte tra le nazioni e le cul
forum the problems and obsta
ture ed è un fattore unificante
cles they face today’ and Basil
tra persone di diversa etnia e
Jadaan reminded us how ‘the
cultura. Il risultato può solo
Arabian horse forms a bridge
considerarsi positivo’.
between nations and their cul
Ahmed Hamza
tures and is a unifying factor between humans with different ethnic backgrounds and cultures.The outcome of this for the future can only be positive’. Whayla Del Guado Bronze Medal Fillies Egyptian Event
Aretusa Malik Shah Silver Medal Stallions Egyptian Event
60 61
BRONZ MEDAL • Jumanci Os
VER MEDAL • Ag Sheikhoman
62 63
C hampionship Stallion Stallionss
lt a
li’ Monisci sytadel x Alianna Moniscione)
2007 Leising da
Medody Malorny Germania T +491751686742 T +492161571793
AH L a s V e ga s
World Breeders
By Elizabeth Salmon - photos by Lisa Abraham
Il quarto appuntamento di questo Show, che sta diventando ogni
This was the fourth year for this increasingly prestigious
anno sempre più prestigioso, si è tenuto dal 15 al 18 Aprile presso
show held on April 15th to the 18th at South Point Equestrian
il South Point Equestrian Centre a Las Vegas, e fin dall’inizio è ap
Centre in Las Vegas, and looked like it was going to be one of
parso chiaro che sarebbe stato tra i migliori Show. Ci si dovrebbe
the very best.The organisers should be congratulated for their
congratulare con gli organizzatori per le loro idee innovative e per i
innovative ideas and yearly improvements.
miglioramenti che apportano di anno in anno. Per la prima volta, un
For the first time a consignment of horses had come in
gruppo di cavalli è arrivato da oltreoceano e il Re del Marocco ha ge
from overseas and the King of Morocco had generously pre
nerosamente regalato il bellissimo e tradizionale corredo composto
sented the beautiful, traditional Moroccan saddles and bri
da sella e finimenti tipici del Marocco per i vincitori della medaglia
dles for the Gold winners and gold stirrups for the Silver
d’Oro, mentre i vincitori dell’Argento sono stati omaggiati con delle
winners. This made it look even more like the World Cham
staffe d’oro. Ciò ha reso l’evento ancora più simile al Campionato del
pionships in Paris where these saddles have been presented
Mondo che si tiene a Parigi, dove queste selle sono date in premio da
for many years. The horses were competing for over $80,000
molti anni. I cavalli concorrevano per oltre 80.000 dollari in denaro
in prize money and for the first time Yearling Championships
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Escape Ibn Navarrone - Gold Medal Senior Stallion
e per la prima volta è stata aggiunta la categoria “Yearling Champion
for colts and fillies were added. This year there were many
ship”, per puledri e puledre di un anno.
more spectators coming from numerous countries all over
Quest’anno ci sono stati molti più spettatori provenienti dalle nazioni di tutto il mondo. Sicuramente Las Vegas è un favoloso luo
the world. Of course Las Vegas is a great venue as there is so much to
go di ritrovo, che offre tanto da fare e da vedere, in particolar modo
do and see, particularly for the non horsey husbands or wives.
per i mariti e le mogli delle persone coinvolte nello Show. L’atmo
The atmosphere was one of excitement and expectation for
sfera che si respirava era euforica e piena di aspettative sia per gli
exhibitors and observers alike. Having the show complex and
addetti ai lavori che per gli osservatori.Avere la struttura che ospita
hotel attached is another great advantage, so with the casino
lo show adiacente all’albergo è un altro grande vantaggio, come
and many great restaurants in situ there is never a dull mo
avere vicini casinò e molti meravigliosi ristoranti, insomma, non
ment. A shuttle bus is also on hand to take guests to the ‘Strip’
c’è mai un attimo per annoiarsi. C’era inoltre a disposizione una
or the airport.
navetta per prelevare gli ospiti dall’aeroporto. Anche i giudici erano tutti di spessore internazionale. Quest’an
The Judges too were all very international. This year we had Debby Cain (US), Murilo Bueno Kammer (Brazil), Pe
68 69
AH L a s V e ga s no sono stati chiamati Debby Cain (USA), Murilo Bueno Kammer
ter Pond (Australia), Corky Sutton (US), Marianne Tengstedt
(Brasile), Peter Pond (Australia), Corky Sutton (USA), Marianne
(Denmark) and Marie-Louise van Wyk (South Africa).The sco
Tengstedt (Danimarca) e Marie-Louise Van Wyk (Sud Africa). Il
ring was out of 20 with half points and the highest and lowest
punteggio partiva da 20, con i mezzi punti, ed il punteggio più alto
scores are removed for each of the six categories for fairness
e più basso era scartato da ognuna delle sei categorie, per fornire
and any chance of political scoring. The categories were, Type,
più imparzialità e per evitare punteggi politici. Le categorie erano
Head, Neck and Shoulder, Body and Topline, Legs and Feet
Tipo,Testa, Collo e Spalle, Dorso e Armonia, Arti e Piedi e Movi
and Movement.
mento. Il primo giorno sono state disputate le classi per Handlers
The first day were the classes for Amateur handlers and for
Amateur e per i Castroni e devo ammettere che molti di questi non
Geldings, and I have to say many of those amateurs did an
professionisti hanno presentato in maniera eccellente, sebbene fos
excellent job as it was a bit intimidating for those showing for
sero un poco intimiditi dal debutto nella cornice di Las Vegas.
the first time in Las Vegas.
Venerdì mattina alle 9.00 un gran numero di appassionati ha affol
Friday morning at 9 am found enthusiasts wending their way
lato l’area dello show per l’inizio delle classi di puledre e fattrici. Le
towards the area for the start of the days classes, which were
puledre di un anno sono state divise in quattro sezioni a seconda della
for fillies and mares. The yearling fillies had to be divided into
Faconnable - Silver MedalYearling Colt
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
data di nascita per via del gran numero di iscritte. Queste classi erano
four sections by birthdate due to the large numbers entered.
zeppe di puledre meravigliosamente belle e tipiche. La Sezione A, una
These classes were filled with some stunningly beautiful and
bellissima classe, è stata vinta dalla tipica puledra grigia Bettina MP
typey fillies. Section A was a great class won by the very typey
(WH Justice x Om El Belinda Estopa), con l’alto punteggio di 330,
grey filly Bettina MP (WH Justice x Om El Belinda Estopa)
allevata e di proprietà di Jon e Mindy Peters in USA.
with a high score of 330 and owned and bred by Jon & Mindy
La Sezione B era ancora più impressionante ed è stata vinta da
Peters in the USA.
Saadiya CA (Justify x Lady Zoe Hadidi), una graziosa puledra saura
Section B was an even more impressive class won by Saadiya
allevata e di proprietà di Daneisha Brazzle in USA.Anche la sezione
CA (Justify x Lady Zoe Hadidi) a very pretty chestnut owned
successiva era impressionante ed è stata vinta dalla meravigliosa pu
and bred Daneisha Brazzle in the USA. The next section was
ledra, di proprietà di Luciano Cury dal Brasile, RD Marciena (QR
equally impressive and won by a very stunning filly owned by
Marc x NW Siena Psyche) che, con dei genitori tanto famosi, non
Luciano Cury from Brazil RD Marciena (QR Marc x NW Sie
stupisce abbia ottenuto 330,5. L’ultima sezione per le puledre di
na Psyche) with such famous parents, it’s not surprising she
un anno è stata vinta col punteggio di 328 dalla puledra dall’otti
scored 330.5.
mo movimento Kharalisa BPA (Khadraj NA x Rhapsody In Gold),
The final yearling section was won by the good moving
Eagleridge Passionata - Gold Medal Senior Mare 70 71
AH L a s V e ga s di proprietà di Timestone Ara
Kharalisa BPA (Khadraj NA
bians LLC.
x Rhapsody in Gold) ow
A seguire, le due sezioni delle
ned by Timestone Arabians
puledre di due anni. La prima,
LLC from the USA with 328
onestamente molto buona, è
stata vinta dall’affascinante RD
Ever After NA - Bronz Medal Senior Stallion
Bettina MP- Bronz MedalYearling Filly
Challs Angel (Magnum Chall
old fillies were up next.Win
HVP x Bey Angel TGS) di pro
ning the first fairly good sec
prietà di Pegasus Arabians in
tion was the very attractive
America. La Sezione B, ancor più
RD Challs Angel (Magnum
bella della A, ha visto la vittoria
Chall HVP x Bey Angel TGS)
della favolosa Felicia RLC (Sha
owned by Pegasus Arabians
el Dream Desert x Camelia K),
from the USA. Section B was
di proprietà di Ajman Stud negli
the better section and the fa
Emirati Arabi Uniti, che vinse
bulous winner here, who also
anche la sua classe a Scottsdale,
won her class in Scottsdale
con lo strameritato punteggio
was Felicia RLC (Shael Dre
di 334. A seguire le dieci iscrit
am Desert x Camelia K) ow
te alla categoria di tre anni che
ned by Ajman Stud from the
viene vinta, in virtù del 327 otte
UAE with a good, well deser
nuto, da Abilene PCF, una bella
ved score of 334. Ten three
baia figlia di Legacy Of Fame per
year old fillies were up next.
Breath Of Spring, di proprietà di
This was a fairly mixed sec
Sam Peacemaker dagli USA.
tion of fillies, and was won
Da sempre amo le categorie
by Abilene PCF a pretty bay
delle fattrici, vista la presenza
daughter of Legacy of Fame
assidua di alcune meravigliose
out of Breath of Spring sco
cavalle. La vincitrice di questa
ring 327 owned by Sam Pea
non affollata classe di quattro
cemaker from the USA.
anni è stata Om El Beladeena
I always love the mare clas
(Al Lahab x Om El Benedict)
ses, as there are frequently
dal famoso allevamento ame
some wonderful horses in
ricano Om El Arab Stud con il
these classes.
punteggio di 326,5 punti. An
Gloria Apal - Bronz Medal Senior Mare
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Two sections of two year
Not to disappoint the win
che la categoria delle fattrici di
ner of the small class for ma
cinque anni aveva poche iscrit
res of four years old was Om
te, molte di esse, infatti, erano
El Beladeena (Al Lahab x Om
ancora a casa a fare da fattrici.A
El Benedict)owned by the fa
vincere con 329,5 è stata la tipi
mous Om El Arab Stud of the
ca e camusa Maraysia (Marwan
USA with 326.5 points. Also
Al Shaqab x Aysia), di proprietà
rather small was the class for
di Joseph Weller dall’America.
five year old mares. I guess
Negma Al Shaqab - Silver Medal Senior Mare
La classe successiva era quella delle fattrici dai sei agli otto anni.
that many of these horses are still in the breeding department
Le prime quattro fattrici erano sicuramente impressionanti e la ca
at home. Winning the blue with 329.5 was the very typey, be
tegoria è stata vinta dall’eterea grigia Gloria Apal (Psytadel x SA
autiful headed Maraysia (Marwan Al Shaqab x Aysia) owned by
Misha Apal) allevata in Belgio, acquistata di recente in America da
Joseph Weller for the USA.
DST Arabians. Ritengo che una delle migliori classi di fattrici, con
The next class was for mares of six to eight years old. The
tutte le concorrenti grigie, era la classe dai nove anni in su. C’è
top four mares were certainly impressive and it was won by
un fascino particolare nelle cavalle grigie che le rende quasi eteree
the ethereal grey Gloria Apal (Psytadel x SA Misha Apal) bred
ed è un tripudio per gli occhi, così inusuale in America, ma mol
in Belgium, but now owned by DST Arabians from the USA.
to presenti in Europa. A vincere la categoria con 329,5 punti una
In my opinion one of the best mare classes with all grey
fattrice che ha vinto praticamente in tutto il mondo, la splendida
exhibits was the class for those of nine years and over. There is
ed estremamente tipica Eagleridge Passionata (Sanadik E Shaklan x
just something about grey mares that appear as such an ethe
Piver Oak Dimity). È stata inizialmente allevata in Australia e poi
real sight and feast for the eyes-unusual in the USA, but often
acquistata da Ajamn Stud negli Emirati Arabi Uniti.
seen in Europe. The wonderful, extremely typey winner-who
72 73
AH L a s V e ga s
Art Dekko TT - Silver Medal Senior Stallion
L’ultima classe della giornata era quella delle Brood Mares di
has won all over the world was Eagleridge Passionata (Sanadik
ogni età che dovevano aver già prodotto un puledro. La vincitrice,
El Shaklan x River Oak Dimity). She was bred in Australia, but
con 325,5 punti, veniva dal Qatar, la bellissima e davvero tipica
is now from the Ajman Stud in the UAE with 329.5 points.
*Negma Al Shaqab (Safir x Kajora), di proprietà di Al Shaqab Mem ber Qatar Foundation. Il tardo pomeriggio è stato utilizzato per prepararsi alla serata di gala, diventata molto popolare negli ultimi Shows. Quest’anno si è tenuto all’Encore-Wynn Night Club, ed è stato divertente per i partecipanti. La mattina successiva era il turno di tutti i “Ragazzi”, a partire dalle tre sezioni dei puledri di un anno. Erano presenti alcuni sog getti davvero strabilianti, di grande tipicità e movimento, insomma ottimi stalloni in prospettiva. La Sezione A è stata vinta da Cavalli, un affascinante figlio dell’US National Champion DA Valentino per Aspyn, di proprietà dell’americano Pegasus Arabians, con 327,5
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
The final mare class was for Brood mares of any age who had have to had given birth to a live foal. Winning for Al Shaqab Member Qatar Foundation from Qatar was *Negma Al Shaqab (Safir x Kajora) a lovely type of mare indeed scoring 325.5. Following these classes in the late afternoon, everyone di spersed to get ready for the Gala which has been so popular at the last shows.This year it was held at the Encore-Wynn Night Club, and was a fun time for everyone who attended. The next morning was the turn of all the ‘Boys’, starting with three sections of yearling colts. There were some impressive entries with great type, move ment and good stallion prospects.
RD Challs Angel - Silver Medal Junior Mare
punti. A vincere con un punteggio di 328 nella Sezione B è stato
Section A was won by Cavalli a very attractive son of the
SW Abraxas (Ever After NA x Midnight Pashahn), un puledro di
US National Champion DA Valentino out of Aspyn for Pega
grande tipicità e presenza, allevato e di proprietà di Veronica e Greg
sus Arabians of the USA. with 327.5 points. Winning the blue
Cowdrey dall’America.A concludere la categoria di un anno, il vin
with 328 points in Section B was SW Abraxas (Ever After NA x
citore della Sezione C è stato un altro bel puledro, molto simile al
Midnight Pashahn) a colt with great type and presence owned
padre, Faconnable (Marwan Al Shaqab x Francescaa) col punteggio
and bred by Veronica & Greg Cowdrey of the USA.
di 329,5, di proprietà di Mystica Arabians dall’Australia.
Completing the yearling classes, the winner in Section C
La prima delle due sezioni dei puledri di due anni non era mol
was another lovely colt closely resembling his sire Faconnable
to impressionante, ma il vincitore Troubadour PA (Magnum Chall
( Marwan Al Shaqab x Francescaa) scoring 329.5 for Mystica
HVP x Psyches Secret), di proprietà di Pegasus Arabians, si è me
Arabians of Australia.
ritato i 323 punti assegnatigli. La Sezione B era qualitativamente
The first of the two sections of two year old colts was not
più alta e il vincitore El Chall WR (Magnum Chall HVP x Major
too impressive, but the winner Troubadour PA (Magnum Chall
Love Affair), di proprietà di Robert e Dixie North Family Trust
HVP x Psyches Secret) was nice enough to score 323 points
dall’America, ha meritatamente portato a casa la vittoria con l’alto
for Pegasus Arabians of the USA. Section B was a much better
punteggio di 334,5, sicuramente un affascinante puledro dal grande
class and the winner El Chall WR (Magnum Chall HVP x Ma
74 75
AH L a s V e ga s futuro. La categoria dei puledri di tre anni era una gran bella classe
jor Love Affair) deservedly scored a very high 334.5 to win for
con alcuni iscritti davvero meravigliosi. In testa a tutti si è posizio
Robert & Dixie North Family Trust of the USA, a lovely colt
nato un puledro che avevo già visto in precedenza e l’avevo trovato
with a great future.
strabiliante. Parlo di OFW Magic Wan (Marwan Al Shaqab x Magna
The three year old colts was a very good class with some
Prelude), allevato e di proprietà di Harold e Dolly Orr dall’Ameri
outstanding entries. Topping this one was a colt that I had seen
ca, che ha vinto col punteggio di 331.
before and found very impressive. This was OFW Magic Wan
Il tifo sugli spalti è aumentato con l’avvicinarsi delle classi degli stalloni maturi, il pubblico aspettava con trepidazione di vedere al
(Marwan Al Shaqab x Magna Prelude) he scored 331 owned and bred by Harold & Dolly Orr for the USA.
cuni dei migliori stalloni presenti. Nella categoria dei quattro anni
The audience grew bigger for the mature stallion classes
erano sette gli iscritti. A vincere col punteggio di 329, è stato Om
with much anticipation to see some of the top stallions that
El Al Azeem (Al Lahab x Om El Beneera), un affascinante e tipico
were entered. The four year olds had seven horses forward.
stallone con un eccellente movimento, allevato e di proprietà di
Winning with 329 points owned and bred by Om El Arab for
Om El Arab in America. Il vincitore della classe dei cinque anni è
the USA was Om El Al Azeem (Al Lahab x Om El Beneera) a
stato un altro stallone dalla bellissima testa e dalla grande presenza
lovely, typey stallion with excellent movement.
scenica, che ha emozionato con la sua esibizione. Stiamo parlando
The winner of the class for five year old stallions was ano
dello stallone allevato e di proprietà di Robert e Dixie North, Ever
ther lovely exhibit with a beautiful head and great presence.
After NA (Sir Fames HBV x Entaicyng NA), che ha vinto la catego
This was Ever After NA (Sir Fames HBV x Entaicying NA)
ria col punteggio di 327.
scoring 327 for owner/breeders Robert and Dixie North of
La classe dai sei agli otto era una buona classe con alcuni stalloni
the USA. The class for six to eight year olds was a good class
davvero eccellenti. Meritando il punteggio più alto per Tipo, e con un
with some excellent stallions. Scoring high marks for type,
futuro garantito come riproduttore, lo stallone di proprietà dell’ame
the winner was Art Dekko TT (Audacious PS x HC Amareea)
ricano Noel K Bosse, Art Dekko TT (Audacious PS x HC Amareea),
owned by Noel K Bosse for the USA his score was 330.5, he
ha vinto la categoria in virtù del punteggio totale di 330,5.
has a great future as a breeding stallion.
La classe successiva degli stalloni dai nove agli undici anni è sem
The next class for stallions of nine to eleven years old
brata fin dalle prime battute ciò che tutti aspettavano, dal momento
was the one that everyone seemed to be waiting for, since
che molti americani non avevano mai visto il Campione del Mondo
many Americans had never seen the World Champion Escape
Escape Ibn Navarrone (AS Sinans Pacha x Navarrone P), di proprie
Ibn Navarrone (AS Sinans Pacha x Navarrone P). This very
tà di Ajman Stud dagli Emirati Arabi Uniti. Questo etereo e davvero
ethereal, typey stallion with enormous presence scored the
tipico stallone, dall’enorme presenza scenica, ha meritato il più alto
highest score of the show for the Ajman Stud of the UAE
punteggio dello Show, ovvero 337 punti, con alcuni 20 sia per Tipo
with 337 points including some 20s for type and head. This
che per Testa. Oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio, questo stallone è un
certainly is an example of an Arabian who can win and has
chiaro esempio di cavallo Arabo che ha vinto e vince ancora in tutto
won all over the world.
il mondo. Solo due i partecipanti alla categoria successiva, quella
Only two entries were forward for the stallions aged twelve
dai 12 anni in su. La categoria è stata vinta da Rushan (El Saleem
years old. It was won by Rushan (El Saleem x Rullante) for
x Rullante) di Gary Dill Marlow dall’America, uno stallone che
Gari Dill Marlow of the USA-a very correct Crabbet looking
rappresenta bene la linea Crabbet, che è stato Supreme British Na
stallion, whose dam I had judged as Foal Champion at the Bri
tional Champion come puledro di un anno come lo fu la madre nel
tish Nationals in 1980 and he himself had been Supreme Bri
1980 per le puledre che io stessa ho giudicato.
tish National Champion as a yearling.
La domenica è stata dedicata al campionato. Prendendo ad
On Sunday the day was filled with the Championships. Ta
esempio l’Europa, è stato deciso di premiare con medaglie d’oro,
king an example from Europe, it was decided to award, Gold,
d’argento e di bronzo i vincitori, piuttosto che premiare solo il
Silver and Bronze, rather than Champion & Reserve. I like this
Campione e la Riserva. Mi piace questa idea e sia le medaglie che
idea and the garlands and awards were wonderful. During the
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Felicia RLC - Gold Medal Junior Mare
i premi sono stati meravigliosi. Durante la presentazione dei pre
awards presentation, a glamorous Las Vegas girl in costume
mi, un’elegante ragazza di Las Vegas è stata immortalata in ogni
was in all the photos.
foto. Tutti i campionati per non professionisti si sono tenuti nella
All the Amateur Championships were held during the mor
mattinata, così come il Campionato Liberty. Dopo la pausa pranzo,
ning as well as the Liberty Championship. Following a lunch
abbiamo assistito alla cerimonia d’apertura con le bandiere delle
break there was the opening ceremonies with the flags of Na
nazioni presenti.
tions presented.
76 77
AH L a s V e ga s Il Supreme Championship per le Puledre di un anno era un colpo
The Yearling filly Supreme Championship was an eyeful with
d’occhio stupendo, con così tanti soggetti tra cui poter scegliere da
so many to choose from, each one getting great applause. Fi
lasciare senza fiato, ognuna accolta da grandi applausi. Alla fine, la
nally the Gold went to RD Marciena, the Silver to Kharalisa
medaglia d’Oro se l’è aggiudicata RD Marciena, quella d’Argento
BPA and the Bronze to Bettina MP.
Kharalisa BPA e quella di Bronzo Bettina MP. È stata quindi la volta
Next were the yearling colts, many still with plenty of ener
dei puledri di un anno, molti con ancora in corpo tantissima energia
gy to show off to the judges. The Gold went to Cavalli, the
per impressionare i giudici. La medaglia d’oro va a Cavalli, quella
Silver to Faconnable and the Bronze to SW Abraxas.
d’Argento a Faconnable e quella di Bronzo a SW Abraxas.
The Junior mares were a stunning collection of beautiful
Le fattrici giovani apparivano come una strabiliante collezione di
fillies and it was almost a unanimous decision to give the Gold
bellissime puledre e la decisione di premiare con la medaglia d’oro
to Felicia RLC and the Silver to RD Challs Angel. The Bronze
Felicia RLC è stata più che unanime, mentre la medaglia d’Argento
went to Om El Excella (Al Lahab x Om El Shaina).
se l’è aggiudicata RD Challs Angel. Il Bronzo è stato invece conqui stato Om El Excella (Al Lahab x Om El Shaina).
The Junior Stallions were in next with very close calls for two of these outstanding colts.
A seguire gli stalloni giovani, con una lotta davvero serrata per due
However, El Chall WR was awarded the Gold with OFW Ma
di questi stalloni fuori dal comune. A spuntarla alla fine è El Chall
gic Wan getting the Silver. The Bronze went to Troubadour PA.
WR, che è stato premiato con l’Oro, mentre OFW Magic Wan vince
The Senior mares were wonderful-a great collection of be
l’Argento. Il Bronzo è invece appannaggio di Troubador PA. Le fattrici anziane erano semplicemente meravigliose, una splen
autiful, typey ladies from which it was very difficult to choose. Finally, the Australian bred mare Eagleridge Passionata was an
dida collezione di bellezza e tipicità tra le quali è stato davvero diffi
nounced the Gold winner, with *Negma Al Shaqab the Silver
cile scegliere. Alla fine, Eagleridge Passionata, la fattrice allevata in
and the Bronze to Gloria Apal.
Australia, è stata insignita della medaglia d’Oro, *Negma Al Shaqab
I think that most observers thought that the Senior Stal
di quella d’Argento e Gloria Apal di quella di Bronzo. Credo che
lion Gold winner would be a foregone conclusion and it was.
OFW MagicWan - Silver Medal Junior Stallion
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
molti tra il pubblico abbiano pensato che la gara per l’Oro per lo
Escape Ibn Navaronne swept all before him to gain the top
Stallone Anziano sarebbe finita come la precedente, ed infatti così
title. Art Dekko TT was a worthy Silver winner and so was the
è stato. Escape Ibn Navarrone ha spazzato via tutti i concorrenti
Bronze winner Ever After NA.
ed è andato dritto all’Oro, conquistando il titolo. Giustamente, ad
The Breeders Cup was awarded to the very well deserved
Art Dekko TT è stata assegnata la medaglia d’Argento, mentre Ever
Om El Arab for Sigi and Janina. They do breed very special
After NA ha vinto il Bronzo,.
horses who excelled at this show.
La Breeders Cup è meritatamente andata all’allevamento Om El Arab di Sigi e Janina, che hanno allevato cavalli davvero speciali,
This show goes from strength to strength and I was told to expect even greater things next year. It is the closest show to any in Europe or the Middle East
alcuni dei quali hanno eccelso in questo Show. Lo Show è più bello di anno in anno e credo di potermi aspettare
and I think that it has started to take away the hard stand up
cose ancora migliori l’anno prossimo. Questo è lo show più simile
as the ‘show’ and replace it with showing great movement at
a quelli che si disputano in Europa e in Medio Oriente e penso che
US shows.
abbia iniziato a cambiare pelle, da semplice “spettacolo” ad evento
The US trainers seem to have more fun, are learning to run with the horses and not restrict the movement by constantly
che mostra il gran fermento degli show dei cavalli arabi in USA. I trainers americani sembrano divertirsi di più, stanno imparan
jerking on them. Although no system is perfect I do think that
do a correre coi cavalli e non a costringerli a compiere movimenti
the scoring system with the highest and lowest scores being
strattonandoli costantemente. Sebbene nessun sistema sia perfetto,
removed is as fair as you can get.
penso che il metodo di assegnazione dei punteggi con l’eliminazio
I hope to see many more overseas and American visitors
ne del punteggio più alto e più basso sia davvero ottimale. Spero di
next year to watch some of the best Arabians on display. What
vedere molti visitatori, americani e non il prossimo anno per poter
can be more fun than a horse show in Las Vegas ?
apprezzare il meglio dei cavalli arabi. Cosa potrebbe essere più di vertente che uno show di cavalli arabi a Las Vegas?
Troubadour PA - Bronz Medal Junior Stallion and TS Enspired
Om El Excella HR - Bronz Medal Junior Mare
78 79
AH L a s V e ga s
Yearling filli llies es final championship
GOLD MEDAL • RD Marciena
BRONZ MEDAL • Bettina Mp
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Yearling colts final championship
GOLD MEDAL • Cavalli
SILVER MEDAL • Faconnable
80 81
AH L a s V e ga s
Junior ma mare res final championship
BRONZ MEDAL • Om El Excella
SILVER MEDAL • RD Challs Angel
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Senior ma mare res final championship
GOLD MEDAL • Eagleridge Passionata
BRONZ MEDAL • Gloria Apal
SILVER MEDAL • Negma Al Shaqab
82 83
AH L a s V e ga s
Junior stallion stallionss final championship
BRONZ MEDAL • Troubadour PA
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Senior stallion stallionss final championship
GOLD MEDAL • Escape Ibn Navarrone
AH T r a va g l i a to
Cavalli By Norah Laney - photos by Nicoletta Abelli
La trentunesima edizione di “Travagliato Cavalli” non pote
This 31st edition of the “Travagliato Cavalli” show couldn’t have
va avere un riscontro migliore, i numeri di questa manifesta
had a better welcome in terms of attendance; the figures regar
zione, che accoglie in se spettacoli differenti e le più disparate
ding the show, which houses diverse spectacles and the full gamut
discipline equestri, anche in questa occasione non ha deluso le
of equestrian disciplines, in this occasion too didn’t disappoint
aspettative malgrado il tempo non sia stato clemente, molto
expectations, as in spite of the poor weather a numerous public
pubblico ha affollato ogni padiglione, bancarella, arena, tribuna.
crowded every pavillion, stall and stand. Excellent performance
Davvero un’ottima risposta da operatori e pubblico, come pre
indeed, as it had been forecast, even as far as “our” sector is con
visto, anche per quel che riguarda il “nostro” ambito, Arabita
cerned, Arabitalia, the international Class “B” Concourse, and the
lia, il concorso internazionale di classe “B” e la settima edizione
seventh edition of the Egyptian Event.
dell’Egyptian Event.
The organization was taken care of by Messrs Fausto Scanzi and
L’organizzazione è stata appannaggio del sig. Fausto Scanzi
Mario Fermi, while the Organizing Committee was constituted
e dal sig. Mario Fermi, il comitato organizzativo era costituito
of the company Azienda Servizi Territoriali Spa.The indefatiguable
dall’Azienda Servizi Territoriali spa. Nel ruolo di ring Master
ring-master was Ivo Ludi, whilst the Disciplinary Committee was
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
The Judge
l’instancabile Ivo Ludi, mentre la commissione disciplinare era
formed by Dr. Vet. Laura Mascagna and Dr. Vet. Flavio Manbrito,
composta dalla dr. Vet. Laura Mascagna, dal dr. vet. Flavio Man
with the assistance of Mr. Sparapan. Precise and efficient as al
brito, assistiti dal sig. Sparapan. Come sempre puntuale ed effi
ways the ANICA Secretariat, in the person of Mrs. Marzia Alinovi,
ciente la segreteria ANICA, con la sig.ra Marzia Alinovi, in veste
who also served as speaker and had to single-handedly face three
anche di speaker, che ha dovuto sobbarcarsi da sola l’onere di tre
competitions, helped by Mr. Pierluigi Rota, ready to help at every
competizioni aiutata dalla presenza del sig. Pierluigi Rota che ha
cercato di aiutare in ogni ambito. Per quel che concerne la giuria dell’internazionale, quattro le presenze che si sono alternate in campo, la sig.ra Renate Schibler (CH), il dr. Abdelouahed Magoul (MAR), l’ing. Marco Pittaluga (IT) ed il sig.Willy Poth (F).
The International Jury was composed of Mrs. Renate Schibler (CH), Dr. Abdelouahed Magoul (MA), Dr. Ing. Marco Pittaluga (IT) and Mr.Willy Poth (F), who alternated on the Ring. We have certainly appreciated the prize-giving method fol lowing the Olympic Games pattern, with the three medals honou
Se per quel che riguarda la tipologia di premiazione abbiamo
ring the champions, but we would have liked that all four judges
apprezzato che sia stata adottata quella dei giochi olimpici, con
would be in the Ring at the same time, preventing thereby some
88 89
Althea 1 pl. Fillies 1 y.o. - Int. B Show
Turchiya Mpe 1 pl. Fillies 2 y.o. - Int. B Show
Magic Magnifique 1 pl. Colts 1 y.o. - Int. B Show
le tre medaglie a dare ono
unhappy feelings that were voi
re ai campioni, ci saremmo
ced every time a horse score
auspicati che si prendesse la
was announced, with opinions
decisione di utilizzare tutti e
that we hardly can define as
quattro i giudici in campo, evi
harmonious. A score of 15, 16
tando così quei malumori che
and 17 for Legs and Feet or 17,
si sono manifestati ogni qual
18 and 19 for Head and Neck
volta venivano letti i punteggi
can leave onlookers puzzled,
dei cavalli in gara, con giudi
and one can hardly blame those
zi che definire disarmonici è
who dissented on this line, the
puro eufemismo. Un 15, 16,
distance between a 15 and a 17
17 in arti o un 17, 18, 19 in
is as much as there exists from
testa e collo possono lascia
a lame horse to a healthy one.
re disorientati, e come dare
In a moment when the finan
torto a quanti hanno espresso
cial crisis is paramount in eve
pareri negativi in tal senso, la
rybody’s mind, having a good
distanza tra un 15 ed un 17 in
numer of enrolments is a fun
arti è la stessa che passa tra un
damental parameter; nobody
cavallo zoppo ed uno con arti
can afford to have everything
sani, non è poco.
put in jeopardy by an inexpe
In un momento in cui si
Fluke 1 pl. Colts 2 y.o. - Int. B Show
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
rienced judge or simply by di
parla di crisi finanziaria, avere
verging tastes. If this happens,
iscrizioni importanti agli show
as it is bound to happen at ti
è un indice fondamentale, non
mes, it is an obligation for the
ci si può permettere che il tut
organizer to seek remedy to the
to venga vanificato dalla poca
situation among the possible
esperienza di un giudice piut
alternatives, but these last will
tosto che da gusti differenti e
be available only by preventing
qualora questo avvenga, come è normale che sia, è d’obbligo, per
such situations from developing in the first place.We also don’t like
l’organizzatore, porre rimedio con i mezzi che si hanno, e si han
to mention the fact that “our” ring was next to the one for riding
no, prevenendo queste situazioni. Per non parlare poi del fatto
competitions, with classes of adults and youngsters, which were
che, quest’anno, il “nostro” ring era adiacente a quello delle gare
disrupted by the noise of sand bags we use to excite the Arabians;
di montato con classi di ragazzi e adulti che male si conciliavano
in short, they risked getting hurt, and we risked dying of boredom
con i rumori dei sacchetti per far muovere i cavalli arabi; in breve
and silence in order to avoid any problems. It was a really inconsi
loro hanno rischiato di farsi del male, noi di morire di noia e si
derate choice, to be remembered (and avoided) for next editions.
lenzio per evitare problemi. Davvero una scelta assurda da tenere
Another problem area was the Country music that would usually
in conto per le prossime edizioni. Per non parlare della musica
overcome both the musical accompanyment of our show (but in
Western che si sovrapponeva alla musica prevista per il nostro
this case it was perhaps a blessing in disguise) and the scoring, that
show, ma in questo caso forse è stata quasi una salvezza, ed i giudi
the high volume from our “neighbours” made practically impossible
zi che si faceva fatica a sentire per l’alto volume dei “nostri vicini”.
to perceive. On top of all this the (quite correct) rule piled up of
A questo si è aggiunta la problematica della regola, corretta, di
avoiding extreme clipping of the horses, especially at the eyes, as
90 91
AH T r a va g l i a to evitare di tosare all’estremo i
from the First of May.The com
cavalli, soprattutto sugli occhi,
petition started on April 30th,
a decorrere dal primo di mag
so one can easily imagine the
gio. La competizione ha avuto
sort of arguments heard at the
inizio il trenta di aprile e quin
preliminary DC and Handlers
di vi lasciamo immaginare cosa
meeting. Rules are at their best
non si è potuto sentire durante
when applied with logic and fai
la riunione pre-gare tra i DC e
rness.This kind of things in Italy
gli handler. Le regole sono bel
tends to acquire a life of their
le quando sono fatte rispettare
own and in this occasion too we
con raziocinio ed imparzialità.
weren’t left wanting, with hor
Spesso in Italia le cose prendo
ses participating on Friday but
no pieghe strane e anche que
excluded from the Champion
sta occasione non ce la siamo
ship on later days, harsh words
fatta scappare, cavalli che nelle
exchanged among owners and
categorie del venerdì poi non
judges, or among handlers and
sono rientrati nel campionato,
owners, scenes in other words
paroloni tra proprietari e com
we would have never wanted to
missari, tra handler e proprie
see. The most annoying aspect
Shakira DWA 1 pl. Futurity Female - O. Pellegrino Patrizia
Extreme El Aziz 2 pl. Futurity Male - O. Gubbiotti Gianpaolo Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Avatar By Bri 1 pl. Futurity Male - O. Brigitte Greimel
tari, insomma delle scene che non vorremmo mai vedere. Quello
is that the wrong criteria were used to try and apply a correct rule,
che fa’ più specie è che si è cercato di applicare una regola giusta
with the result that some horses clipped in the old fashion, such as
con criteri sbagliati e quindi alcuni esemplari tosati vecchia ma
the wonderful *Ali Moniscione, European Champion and Reserve
niera sono poi stati esclusi, vedi l’ottimo *Ali Moniscione, cam
Champion in Aachen 2008, were disqualified whilst other horses,
pione europeo e riserva campione ad Aachen 2008, mentre altri,
clipped in the same way, were included in the Final Championship.
tosati allo stesso modo, hanno comunque preso parte alla gara.
Once again competitive spirit and fair battling have been replaced
Ancora una volta lo spirito della competizione, del sano agonismo
by approximation, with not many spectators understanding much
ha lasciato il posto all’approssimazione, dagli spalti non si è dav
of what was going on. This makes us especially sorry, because the
vero capito molto di quello che stava avvenendo. Questo ci spiace
Arabian horse is the very symbol of passion and harmony, something
anche perché il cavallo arabo è passione ed armonia, quello che
we humans often forget.
noi umani spesso dimentichiamo.
Coming back to the competition, in the Filly Championship the
Tornando alla gara, il campionato delle puledre ha laureato
Gold medal went unanimously to the splendid *Turchiya MPE
all’unanimità Oro la splendida *Turchiya MPE (WH Justice x
(WH Justice x Thee Rahiba), former Italian Champion, presented
Thee Rahiba), già campionessa italiana, presentata da Frank
by Frank Sponle and owned by Mr.Antonio Manzi.The silver went
Sponle e di proprietà del sig. Antonio Manzi. Argento per un’al
to another excellent grey, *SA Minerva (Royal Colours x Cicilla)
tra ottima grigia, *SA Minerva (Royal Colours x Cicilla) Allevata
bred and owned by Mr. Angelo Scipioni, beautifully presented by
e di proprietà del sig. Angelo Scipioni, ottimamente presentata
Diego Zoppellaro, while the Bronze medal was won by *Amyra
da Diego Zoppellaro mentre la medaglia di bronzo è stata appan
Bint Khidar (Khidar x Al Amrya), bred and owned by Sax Arabians
naggio di *Amyra Bint Khidar (Khidar x Al Amrya) Allevata e di
(DE), presented by Simon Kelly.
SGWanessa 2 pl. Futurity Female - O. Scuderia Groane 92 93
AH T r a va g l i a to
SA Minerva 1 pl. Fillies 3 y.o. - Int. B Show
Grisendra Chandra 1 pl. Mares 4-6 y.o. - Int. B Show
Ali Moniscione 1 pl. Colts 3 y.o. - Int. B Show
Al Milan 1 pl. Stallions 4-6 y.o. - Int. B Show
proprietà da Sax Arabians (DE) e presentata da Simon Kelly.
For the Colts, after the disqualification of *Ali Moniscione,
Per la categoria puledri medaglia d’Oro, fuori dai giochi *Alì
which had won its category with the score of 279, the Gold medal
Moniscione con i suoi 279 punti conquistati in categoria, vince la
went to *Magic Magnifique (True Colours x Magic Mon Amour),
medaglia d’Oro *Magic Magnifique (True Colours x Magic Mon
owned by Mrs. Clementina Fontanella and presented by Paolo Ca
Amour) di Fontanella Clementina e presentato da Paolo Capecci.
pecci.The Silver medal went to the excellent *Fluke (WH Justice
Medaglia d’Argento per l’ottimo *Fluke (Wh Justice x Guenda
x Guendalina), owned by Azienda Agricola Roncaccio and pre
lina) dell’Az. Agr. Roncaccio e presentato da Giacomo Boscari
sented by Giacomo Boscarino. The Bronze medal went to *Lance
no. Medaglia di Bronzo per *Lance Lord (WH Justice x Swana)
Lord (WH Justice x Swana), owned by Stockle Gestut Osterhof
di Stockle Gestut Osterhof e presentato da Luca Oberti).
and presented by Luca Oberti.
Per la categoria delle fattrici medaglia d’Oro per la splendida
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
For the Mares, the Gold medal went to the gorgeous grey *Gri
grigia *Grisenda Chandra (WH Justice x Garidah) dell’az. Agr.
senda Chandra (WH Justice x Garidah), owned by Azienda Agri
Montecucco della sig.ra Gloria Gatti, ottimamente presentata da
cola Montecucco of Mrs. Gloria Gatti, extremely well presented
Diego Zoppellaro, medaglia d’Argento per *Abha La Luna (El
by Diego Zoppellaro, the Silver medal went to *Abha La Luna (El
Perfecto x Gual Alba) del sig. Moreno Radicchi e presentata da
Perfecto x Gual Alba), owned by Mr. Moreno Radicchi and pre
Cristian Franceschina mentre la medaglia di Bronzo è stata ap
sented by Cristian Franceschina, whilst the Bronze medal went to
pannaggio di *Mouhannas Malikah (Maysoun x Monisa Mahiba)
*Mouhannas Malikah (Maysoun x Monisa Mahiba), owned by Mrs.
della sig. Marinella Abagnale.
Marinella Abagnale.
Per gli stalloni medaglia d’oro per l’ottimo *Al Milan (Al
In the Stallions category, the Gold medal went to the wonderful
Lahab x Milena), autore di uno show convincente, allevato e di
*Al Milan (Al Lahab x Milena), that executed an excellent perfor
proprietà di Sax Arabians (DE) e ben presentato da Simon Kelly.
mance, bred and owned by Sax Arabians (DE) and well presented
La medaglia d’Argento è stata assegnata a *Sandhiran (Sanadik
by Simon Kelly The Silver medal went to *Sandhiran (Sanadik El
El Shaklan x China Moon) presentato da Paolo Capecci e di pro
Shaklan x China Moon), presented by Paolo Capecci and owned
Abha La Luna 1 pl. Mares 8 y.o. - Int. B Show
Sandhiran 1 pl. Stallions 8 y.o. - Int. B Show
prietà di Selman Arabians. Medaglia di Bronzo per *Authentic
by Selman Arabians.The Bronze medal was assigned to *Authentic
Dahman (Maysoun x Classic Dahra) di proprietà della sig. Rose
Dahman (Maysoun x Classic Dahra), owned by Mrs. Rosemarie
marie Kolster (DE) e presentato da Frank Sponle.
Kolster (DE) and presented by Frank Sponle.
Nella categoria Futurity Femmine ha vinto all’unanimità
In the Filly Futurity, the winner was unanimously *Shakira DVA
*Shakira DVA (Ajman Moniscione x Samara al tiglio) della sig.ra
(Ajman Moniscione x Samara Al Tiglio), owned by Mrs. Patrizia
Patrizia Pellegrino, al secondo posto si è attestata *SG Wanessa
Pellegrino, while *SG Wanessa (Psyrasic x Wanity), owned by Scu
(Psyrasic x Wanity) della Scuderia Groane.
deria Groane, gained the second position.
Per i Futurity Maschi primo classificato è stato il tipico *Avatar
In Colts Futurity, the winner was the typey *Avatar By Bri (Ver
By Bri (Vergil x Athena El Emmers) della sig.ra Brigitte Greimel
gil x Athena El Emmers), owned by Mrs. Brigitte Greimel, and
mentre si è aggiudicato il secondo posto *Extreme El Aziz (HDB
*Extreme El Aziz (HDB Sirh Ibn Massai x M Eos), owned by Mr.
94 95
AH T r a va g l i a to Giampaolo Gubbiotti, earned second place.
Sihr Ibn Massai x M Eos) del sig. Giampaolo Gubbiotti. Per quel che riguarda l’Egyptian Event e Arabitalia la giuria
To judge Egyptian Event and Arabitalia, we had Mr. Khalifa Al
era composta dal sig. Khalifa Al Foorah (UAE), dal dr. Gianmarco
Foorah from United Arab Emirates, Dr. Gianmarco Aragno from
Aragno (IT) e dal sig. Manfred Hain (DE), stoici visto l’acquaz
Italy and Mr. Manfred Hain from Germany, who all stoically did
zone che li ha colpiti a metà del loro impegno e buono il loro
a good job, even when they were caught in a shower smack in the
lavoro nel complesso.
middle of their task.
Tutti i risultati, nel dettaglio potete trovarli nelle tabelle finali,
Detailed results are listed in the charts at the bottom, for the
per adesso preferiamo dare spazio alle immagini che valgono,
moment we prefer giving room to the photos, which are always
sempre, più di mille parole.
worth more than a thousand words.
Buon divertimento.
PSE Rasheekah 1 pl. Fillies 1-3 y.o. - Egyptian Event
Cayenne T 1 pl. Colts 1-3 y.o. - Egyptian Event
Tarnimah Albadeia 1 pl. Mares 4 y.o. - Egyptian Event
Frasera Mashar 1 pl. Stallions 4 y.o. - Egyptian Event
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
AH T r ava g l i a t o I n te r n a t i o n a l B S h o w
C hampionship Filli Filliee s
BRONZ MEDAL • Amyra Bint Khidar
96 97
AH T r a va g l i a t o I n te r n a t i o n a l B S h o w
C hampionship Colts
GOLD MEDAL • Magic Magnifique
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
C hampionship Ma Mare res
GOLD MEDAL • Grisenda Chandra
BRONZ MEDAL • Mouhannas Malikah
98 99
AH T r a va g l i a t o I n te r n a t i o n a l B S h o w
C hampionship Stallion Stallionss
BRONZ MEDAL • Authentic Dahman
SILVER MEDAL • Sandhiran
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
AH T r ava g l i a t o
Arabitalia Filli Filliee s
(Ajman Moniscione x Naama Della Vigna)
BRONZ MEDAL • Naisma (Ajman Moniscione x Elvissa)
SILVER MEDAL • SA Minerva (Royal Colours x Cicilla)
100 101
AH T r a va g l i a to
Arabitalia Colts
GOLD MEDAL • Fluke (Wh Justice x Guendalina)
BRONZ MEDAL • AV Dhaki Ibn Royal (Royal Colours x Av Dolimha)
SILVER MEDAL• Lakabe El Chandra (Im Icare Cathare x Av Dolimha)
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Arabitalia Ma Mare res
GOLD MEDAL • Grisenda Chandra (Wh Justice x Garidah)
BRONZ MEDAL • Kenja (Kir Gala x Zahda)
(Padrons Ghibli x Valenka Lip)
102 103
AH T r a va g l i a to
Arabitalia Stallion Stallionss
GOLD MEDAL • Ek Dehor (Psytadel x April Carol)
BRONZ MEDAL • Argo Lip (Sf Valentino x Ra Allorene)
SILVER MEDAL•Alakazam B (Padrons Immage x Ma Evita)
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
AH T r ava g l i a t o E g y p t i a n E ve n t
C hampionship Filli Filliee s
GOLD MEDAL • PSE Rasheekah (Royal Colours x Imperial Baarezah)
BRONZ MEDAL • FA Jalila (Arridaios Al Qusar x Jabilah El Chamsin) O. and B Sabato Florio
SILVER MEDAL • Marloo (OR Wal kir x Inaara) O. and B Lorandi Gigliola 104 105
AH T r a va g l i a t o E g y p t i a n E ve n t
C hampionship Colts
GOLD MEDAL • Cayenne T (Royal Colours x Aisa B)
BRONZ MEDAL • Nedel Del Guado (Ansata
SILVER MEDAL• Colours (True Colours x Hadiba) O. and B Abagnale Marinella
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Shaamis x FR Egyptian Princess) O. Lobello Danie le - B Betti Walter
C hampionship Ma Mare res
GOLD MEDAL • Tarnimah Albadeia (Simenon Sharav x Tamima Albadeia)
BRONZ MEDAL • Italae Albadeia (Simeon Sharav x Sandos Albadeia) O. Albadeia Stud - B Nasr Marei
SILVER MEDAL•Alfabia Mameluka (ZT Fai’q x Taghira B) O. and B Az. Agr. Damilano 106 107
AH T r a va g l i a t o E g y p t i a n E ve n t
C hampionship Stallion Stallionss
GOLD MEDAL • Frasera Mashar (Majd Al Rayyan x Frasera Mashara)
BRONZ MEDAL • Grea Labib (Ansata El Sala am x Cristal) O. and B Tizzani Elisabetta
SILVER MEDAL•Simeon Sharaw (Asfour x Simeon Seuala) - O.Albadeia Stud B Nasr Marei
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
AH T r ava g l i a t o
Ma Mare res with foal by side
II° CL.• Mo Saifa
(Neshan x Mamura)
I° CL. • M Eos
Futurity Male
Futurity Female
(Wh Justice x Elgiria)
Shakira DVA (Ajman Moniscione x Samara AlTiglio) O. Patrizia Pellegrino
SGWanessa (Psyrasic xWanity) O. Scuderia Groane
Extreme El Aziz (HDB Sihr Ibn Massai x M Eos) O. Gubbiotti Giampaolo
Avatar By Bri (Vergil x Athena El Emmers) O. Greimel Brigitte 108 109
udge Fra AH I n te r v i s t a
Judge Franco Grotteria L’abbiamo conosciuto come allevatore, come
Over the years we have come to know him as a ca
handler, da molti anni abbiamo imparato ad apprez
pable breeder and handler, but in this interview we
zarne le competenze, oggi lo incontriamo nella ve
meet him in his role as judge. The man we are spe
ste di giudice, parliamo di un vero uomo di cavalli,
aking of is a true horseman, full of experience and
dalla grande esperienza e poliedricità, il sig. Franco
talent. His name is Mr. Franco Grotteria, a legend
Grotteria, nome storico nell’ambiente del P.S.A.
in the Purebred Arabian horse industry.Given his
Non potevamo farci sfuggire l’occasione di inter
charismatic and cordial nature, along with his open
vistarlo, anche perché, oltre al suo ruolo, Franco
ness to discussion, we could not let this opportunity
è anche una persona carismatico, cordiale, sempre
to interview our friend Franco slip by.
disposto al dialogo, oltre ad essere un amico. AHJ: Franco, over the years, we have ap AHJ: Franco, ti abbiamo apprezzato ne
preciated your horse breeding capabilities
gli anni per le tue conoscenze allevatoriali,
as owner of AG Nobel Arabians, together
proprietario di AG Nobel Arabians insieme a
with your wife Ida Arsenault and for your
tua moglie Ida Arsenault, per le tue presenta
talented halter presentations in the ring in
zioni, molti anni fa, nei ring come presenta
the past. Today we see you in the ring once
tore, oggi ti ritroviamo sempre in campo ma
again, but on the other side of the fence, this
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
anco Gro Franco Grotteria dall’altra parte della barricata, in qualità di
time as judge. Could you explain to us what
giudice. Ci racconti com’è questa nuova espe
this new experience is like?
rienza? FG: Mi viene molto naturale giudicare, in quanto, in
FG: I find it very natural, and in a way it is as if I have been doing it all my life. I have always tried to
qualche modo, è qualcosa che ho sempre fatto. Ho sem
choose horses for myself and for my friends which possess
pre provato di scegliere scrupolosamente con razionalità, i
the necessary qualities to win in the ring. Having lived
miei cavalli e quelli dei miei amici, con il criterio di essere
the experience of seeing our own horses receive highest
qualitativamente all’altezza di poter vincere negli show.
honors under the spot light many times and feeling goose
Avendo vissuto l’esperienza di vedere i propri cavalli inco
bumps and a sense of pride at hearing my national anthem
ronati sotto i riflettori varie volte e di sentire la pelle d’oca
played, I can understand the incredible sense of joy, sati
per il senso di orgoglio quando suona il proprio inno nazio
sfaction and the rush of adrenaline that a winner feels. As
nale, posso capire l’incredibile sensazione di gioia e soddi
a judge on the other side of the barricade I am honored to
sfazione, moltiplicato dal rush di adrenalina, che un vinci
be able to allow other worthy winners to experience this
tore possa sentire. Dunque dall’altra parte dalla barricata,
type of emotion.
come giudice , sono onorato di poter contribuire a donare questo tipo di emozioni agl’altri vincitori meritevoli.
AHJ: We are all aware of the immense pas sion that enabled you to participate in the
AHJ: Inutile rimarcare la tua immensa
various roles of halter competitions, but
passione che ti ha portato a ricoprire ora
what convinced you to take on the role of
mai tutti i ruoli nell’ambito delle competi
judge as well?
zioni morfologiche, cosa ti ha spinto a rive stire anche il ruolo di giudice?
FG: I was encouraged by other breeders to take on this responsibility. My thirty years of experience as a breeder
FG: Sono stato incoraggiato da altri allevatori ad in
and trainer have qualified me to express my opinion of
traprendere questa strada, in quanto è proprio questa
horses in an objective way. My judgment is usually highly
lunga esperienza , di circa 30 anni di allevamento e
regarded, but sometimes I can be a little bit too frank (my
show , che mi hanno qualificato, con un occhio obbiet
name isn’t Franco for nothing). Overall it’s important
tivo di esprimere la mia opinione sui loro cavalli. Il
for serious breeders to accept reality, regardless of their
mio giudizio è di solito molto apprezzato, ma a volte
affection and emotions in judging the quality of their own
sono un po’ troppo “franco” (non per niente mi chiamo
horses, which can cause them to be “barn blind”.
Franco). Alla fine, è importante per un serio allevatore accettare la realtà, al di là dell’affetto o dell’emozioni
AHJ: Going into detail about the difficult
che possono creare la cecità nel giudicare la qualità del
role of judging, how is your judging influen
proprio allevamento.
ced? As a long-time breeder, how does your experience help you or affect your judging
AHJ: Entrando nello specifico del diffici le ruolo di giudice, come sono influenzati i tuoi giudizi? Sappiamo che sei un allevatore
in the ring? FG: My breeding experience permits me to view horses with a critical eye to identify good possible breeding pro
112 113
udge Fra AH I n te r v i s t a
da vecchia data, quanto ti aiuta o ti condi
spects. We have always bred with the aim of producing hor
ziona nel giudizio in campo?
ses apt for the show ring, therefore seeking the ideal “model”
FG: La mia esperienza allevatoriale mi porta a vedere i
or image of the Arabian horse. We have concentrated mostly
soggetti con un occhio critico per individuare possibile buoni
on the phenotype rather than the genotype of the Arabian
riproduttori.Abbiamo sempre allevato con lo scopo di produrre
horse. We haven’t limited our breeding program to only
soggetti adatti per concorsi di morfologia, quindi ad ottenere il
one bloodline or stain, but rather we have tried to obtain
“modello” ideale. Ci siamo concentrati maggiormente sul feno
the best attributes from various lines; the Straight Egyptian
tipo che sul genotipo del cavallo arabo. Non abbiamo canaliz
type, the long neck and athletic versatility of the Polish, the
zato il nostro allevamento in una sola linea di sangue, ma ben
power and movement of the Russian. Consequently, as a
sì abbiamo tentato di accogliere i migliori attributi di tutte le
judge I look for the ideal “model”, regardless of the blood
linee; la tipicità dei Puri Egiziani, il collo lungo e l’atleticità
line. I appreciate a good presentation and I can recogni
dei Polacchi, la potenza e il movimento dei Russi ecc. Quindi
ze excellent conditioning and preparation. Nevertheless, I
in veste di giudice, cerco il modello ideale, a prescindere dalla
encourage amateur handlers and owners to have fun in the
linea di sangue di appartenenza.Apprezzo una buona presen
ring, but they must be at least able to control the horse, for
tazione e riconosco un ottimo condizionamento e preparazio
every one’s safety.
ne. Ma allo stesso tempo incoraggio i presentatori amatoriali e proprietari che si dilettano e si divertano nel show ring, purché sappiano controllare bene il cavallo, per la sicurezza di tutti.
AHJ: What do you think of the judging method which eliminates the highest and lowest marks from the total score? Do you
AHJ: Come consideri il metodo di giudizio
find it better than the traditional method of
sulla base del quale il punteggio più alto e
judging? Do you like the three medal cham
quello più basso vengono eliminati dal com
puto finale? Trovi che sia migliorativo rispetto
FG: The method of eliminating the highest and lowest
al metodo di giudizio tradizionale? Ti piace il
marks could be a good one if the judges are not psycho
tipo di premiazione con le tre medaglie?
logically influenced in their judging by this method. It
FG: Il metodo di eliminare i punteggi più alti e quelli
takes courage to give an extremely high or low mark, but
più bassi potrebbe essere buono se non condizionasse i
if the judge thinks that it will only be eliminated, then it
giudici nei loro giudizi. Ci vuole coraggio ad esprimere
is futile. I think the best method of judging is by compa
un punteggio estremo, ma se viene sminuito essendo can
rison, especially in the larger classes. I believe that it is
cellato, allora è futile.Trovo che il metodo di giudizio a
important that judges take responsibility for their choices.
comparazione sia il migliore, soprattutto per le categorie
The three medal championship of gold, silver and bronze is
più numerose. Credo che sia importante che i giudici
an excellent way to have more winners in the ring, hence
prendano le proprie responsabilità per le loro scelte.
more satisfied breeders and a wider market of acknowledged
Credo che le tre medaglie: oro, argento e bronzo, sia
prize-winning horses.
no un ottimo metodo per premiare più cavalli nel campo, quindi più allevatori soddisfatti e più ampio il mercato di cavalli riconosciuti.
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
AHJ: The shows are becoming ever-more competitive and there is so much pressure
anco Gro Franco Grotteria
AHJ: Gli appuntamenti sono sempre più
on stage at the events with the actors beco
pressanti ed i soggetti che calcano le arene
ming more and more refined. What do you
sempre più raffinati, cosa premi maggior
prize the most, your ideal “ type” of an Ara
mente, il “tuo tipo” di cavallo ideale o ti lasci
bian horse, or do you let yourself be carri-
travolgere dall’emozione che un singolo sog
ed away by emotions that a single horse can
getto riesce a trasmetterti?
FG: Certamente cerco il mio tipo di cavallo ideale,
FG:Although I definitely look for my ideal type of horse,
quello che inserirei in un mio eventuale programma al
one which I could possibly add to my breeding program, a
levatoriale, comunque il cavallo carismatico domina il
charismatic horse dominates the ring. Both conditions are
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udge Fra AH I n te r v i s t a
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
anco Gro Franco Grotteria ring. Entrambi le condizioni sono importanti: un cavallo
important: a horse can be morphologically correct, but if it
può essere morfologicamente corretto, ma se non trasmette
doesn’t touch you emotionally, then it loses charm. On the
emozioni, perde il fascino. Dall’altra onda, non può essere
other hand, it cannot only be charming.
soltanto carismatico. AHJ: How do you vision the future of hal AHJ: Come vedi il futuro delle competi zioni morfologiche in Europa? FG: Si chiuderà sempre di più il cerchio, predominerà
ter competitions in Europe? FG:With the elite predominating, the winner’s circle will become even more elusive. This will be to the disad
l’elite a discapito del piccolo allevatore se non sarà data
vantage of small breeders if other categories like youth,
maggiore importanza nel creare categorie per i minorenni,
amateur and owner classes aren’t added to the shows. Only
amatori e proprietari. In concomitanza degli show di
approximately 6% of Arabians today are halter show hor
morfologia si potrebbe promuovere la partecipazione di
ses, with the remaining 94% in need of expanding mar
nuove categorie in Europa, come per esempio il “Native
kets. In order to promote greater participation at the
Costume”, che fa divertire e fa scena; come le categorie di
halter shows, a few ridden classes could be added to the
varie discipline montate dai bambini, che crea tutto un
programs, for example; Native Costume, which is fun for
nuovo mercato di vendite di cavalli già addestrati, semi
both spectators and riders; various youth ridden classes,
nari e lezioni di monta inglese, western, dressage ecc. Sol
which would create a whole new market for the training
tanto circa il 6% dei cavalli arabi oggi sono presente nei
and sales of performance horses, seminars and lessons for
concorsi di morfologia, con la rimanente 94% in cerco di
young riders; English, western, dressage, etc. However it’s
(che necessitano) nuovi mercati. Comunque è importante
important not to lose sight of the main objective of the
non perdere di vista l’obbiettivo principale: “divertirsi”.
shows, which is to have fun. Even though at times the
Anche se a monte per lo più delle volte ci sono coinvolti
stakes are high, I believe that the true spirit is that of
ingenti capitali, io credo che lo spirito giusto debba sem
enjoying each other’s company with a common interest…
pre essere quello di divertirsi insieme e di avere un hobby
the passion for the Arabian horse.
in comune…la passione per il cavallo arabo. AHJ: You were a judge at the first show of AHJ: Sei stato giudice nel concorso apri
the Italian circuit, at MalpensaFiere in Mi
pista della stagione italiana, A MalpensaFie
lan, will your judging appointments be nu
re, saranno molti i tuoi impegni da giudice
merous in this year’s show season?
in questo anno agonistico?
FG: In this phase of my career as judge, I can judge at
FG: In questo fase della mia carriera da giudice, posso
any Regional show, or Class C National and International
giudicare qualsiasi show Regionale, o Classe C Nazionale
show in any country governed by ECAHO. I’ve just returned
e Internazionale in qualunque nazione governata dall’
from judging at the West Coast Cup in Belgium and I must
ECAHO. Sono appena tornato da Belgio, dove ho giudi
say that it was a very good show, apart from the weather.
cato al West Coast Cup. E’ stato un bel show, nonostante
It was very well-organized and the quality of the horses
il tempo non è stato clemente. L’organizzazione è stato
was quite high. I have been invited to judge in Salerno in
ottimo e la qualità dei cavalli piuttosto alto. Fino ad ora
June and in Palermo in October, but unfortunately I’ve had
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udge Fra AH I n te r v i s t a
sono stato invitato e Salerno a giugno , per poi essere
to refuse the invitation to judge at the National show in
presente anche a giudicare a Palermo ad ottobre, ma sfor
Teheran in June.
tunatamente ho dovuto rifiutare un invito da giudicare a Teheran a giugno, per altri impegni. Parlare con una persona di così grande esperienza è
Speaking to a person with such a wealth of experience is always an opportunity to not be missed. We thank Franco for kindly sharing with us his views and for his cordiality
sempre una occasione da non lasciarsi sfuggire, ringrazia
which distinguish him, with the hope that we will be able
mo Franco per la disponibilità e la cordialità che lo con
to chat with him again soon.
traddistinguono sperando di fare “due chiacchiere” ancora prima possibile.
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
JOANNA JONIENTZ Mobile phone +49.173.7254612
AH E n d u r a n c e
V Raid
Kaliber Andalusia 2010 Photos article by Kristian Fenaux
La coppia francese Paulette e Daniel Maldera si è aggiudicata la com
French couple Paulette and Daniel Maldera won the
petizione spagnola di endurance Kaliber Andalusia, corsa sui 500 chilo
spanish 500 kilometers Kaliber Andalusia endurance ride
metri tra Siviglia e Cazorla, con i loro mezzo-sangue Arabi LOUNA
between Seville and Cazorla, riding their part-bred arabians
DE-RIVOIRON e OTELLO-DE-RIVOIRON. La vittoria nella categoria
“Solo” è andata allo spagnolo Eduardo Sanchez su HERMES, vincitori
Solo riders victory went to spanish Eduardo Sanchez and
nella stessa categoria anche lo scorso anno. La Kaliber Andalusia è un
HERMES, past years winners in the same category.
evento unico nel mondo dello sport equestre di fondo, non solo perché
Kaliber Andalusia ride is a unique event in the world of the
si tratta probabilmente della gara di endurance più lunga, ma soprattutto
equestrian endurance sport, not only because it is probably
perché il percorso si snoda attraverso l’eccezionale scenario dell’Anda
the longest endurance ride, but even more so because the
lusia. La quinta edizione del Kaliber Andalusia ha avuto luogo dal 9 al 18
ride travels through the outstanding scenery of the spanish
di Aprile, con andamento da Ovest verso Est, partendo da Siviglia e fi
region of Andalusia. The fifth running of the Kaliber Anda
nendo a Cazorla, dopo aver toccato El Rocio, Sanlucar de Barrameda,
lusia ride took place from 9th to 18th of april, going from
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Ronda, Antequera, Granada e Baza. Quest’anno la cavalcata era lunga
west to east, starting in Seville and finishing in Cazorla after
472 km ed ha avuto luogo su otto tappe con un piccolo prologo di 4
visiting El Rocio, Sanlucar de Barrameda, Ronda, Anteque
chilometri all’apertura ufficiale nel pomeriggio di venerdi 9 Aprile
ra, Granada and Baza. This year the ride was 472 kilometers
all’ippodromo Dos Hermanas, vicino Siviglia.Trentotto cavalli, prove
long and took place over eight stages with a little 4 kilo
nienti da Francia, Germania, Svizzera, Italia e Spagna, erano schierati alla
meters official opening prologue stage on friday afternoon
partenza delle due gare. Quattordici cavalli con i rispettivi cavalieri era
9th of april at the racetrack of Dos Hermanas, near Seville.
no iscritti alla gara “Solo” (Individuale), dove un cavallo ed un cavaliere
Thirty eight horses lined up at the start for the two com
coprono l’intera distanza, mentre ben ventiquattro cavalli erano iscritti
petitions, coming from France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy
alla gara a squadre. Ciascuna squadra ha due cavalli con uno o due cava
and Spain. Fourteen horses and their riders entered the solo
lieri, ed erano quindi presenti dodici squadre, tre delle quali con due
riders competition where one horse and one rider compete
cavalli ed un cavaliere, mentre le altre nove squadre avevano due cavalli
over the total distance, while twenty four horses competed
e due cavalieri ciascuna. Le regole della gara stabiliscono che se un caval
in the teams class. Each team has two horses with either
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AH E n d u r a n c e
lo è fermato ad uno qualsiasi dei controlli veterinari, gli sarà assegnata
one or two riders, representing twelve teams, three of them
una penalizzazione di tempo.Tuttavia al cavallo sarà permesso di conti
with two horses and one rider and nine more teams with
nuare la gara nella giornata seguente se il veterinario ritiene che esso sia
two horses and two riders. The competition rules state that
in grado di riprendere, il che dona migliori possibilità ad una squadra,
if a horse is pulled at any vet-gate, then it gets a time penal
rispetto ad un cavaliere individuale. Se un cavallo ha bisogno di una gior
ty, but can still compete during the following days if the vets
nata intera di riposo, gli sarà permesso di non partecipare alla corsa per
think the horse is again fit to go, which is a better option for
quella giornata, ma gli verrà assegnato il tempo equivalente alla velocità
teams rather than for solo riders. If a horse needs a rest day,
minima di percorrenza più una penalizzazione temporale. La classifica
it may be allowed not to start but get assigned the minimum
finale mostra che tutte le squadre hanno ufficialmente completato la
speed time plus a time penalty. The final standings show that
gara, alcune di esse con notevole penalizzazione, mentre solo sette dei
all of the teams did officially finish the ride, some of them
quattordici partenti individuali sono riusciti a raggiungere il traguardo
with lots of penalty time, while only seven of the fourteen
finale di Cazorla. Quest’anno il Raid Kaliber Andalusia, giunto alla sua
solo riders managed to reach the finish line in Cazorla. This
quinta edizione, ha attraversato i Parchi Nazionali di Doñana, Grazale
year the fifth edition of the Raid Kaliber Andalusia crossed
ma, Sierra Nevada, Sierra de Baza e Sierra de Cazorla, visitando inoltre
the National Parks of Doñana, Grazalema, Sierra Nevada,
le città di Siviglia, Ronda, Antequera, Granada e Baza, oltre a, natural
Sierra de Baza and Sierra de Cazorla and visited the cities
mente, numerosi tipici borghi e cittadine andaluse, splendenti nel loro
of Seville, Ronda, Antequera, Granada and Baza as well as
caratteristico colore bianco. Il tempo è stato clemente, anche se meno
several smaller and typical andalusian white towns and bo
soleggiato che nelle precedenti edizioni, con qualche scroscio di pioggia.
roughs. The weather was kind although less sunny than pre
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
AH E n d u r a n c e La variabilità meteo ha portato la gara dal tempo primaverile delle spiag
vious editions, with a few rainy moments. It went from true
gie di El Rocio, Sanlucar de Barrameda e Matalascañas, all’aria frizzante
springtime weather at the beach in El Rocio, Sanlucar de
di montagna della Sierra de Baza, con della neve ancora presente lungo
Barrameda and Matalascañas, to more frisky in the mountai
il percorso, e sulla Sierra de Cazorla. Quest’anno i cavalieri francesi
nous parts of the Sierra de Baza, with some snow still close
hanno partecipato con ogni intenzione di vincere, anche più delle altre
to the trail, as well as in the Sierra de Cazorla. This year the
volte, con ben cinque squadre capaci ciascuna di vincere la classifica fina
french riders came to win, more than ever before, with five
le, come effettivamente è poi successo, anche se solo due delle squadre
teams good enough to win the final standings, and so it hap
sono riuscite a completare il percorso senza penalizzazioni. Le prime tre
pened at the end, although only two of their teams managed
tappe erano piuttosto pianeggianti, dalla partenza di Siviglia fino a El
to finish without penalty time. The first three stages were
Rocio e poi Sanlucar de Barrameda. Le cinque tappe seguenti erano tre
rather flat, starting in Seville and going to El Rocio and then
di puro percorso montagnoso, con arrivo a Ronda, Baza e Cazorla, e due
Sanlucar de Barrameda. The next five stages included three
tappe miste, quelle con arrivo a Antequera e Granada. Il venerdi 16 la
mountains days, arriving in Ronda, Baza and Cazorla, and
corsa ha osservato un giorno di riposo a Granada, per permettere una
two semi-mountain days with arrivals in Antequera and Gra
visita alla famosa Alahambra ed agli altri famosi monumenti di quella
nada. On friday 16th there was a rest day in Granada to al
città. La velocità media è rimasta sostenuta per tutte le otto tappe, toc
low for a visit to the famous Alhambra and the monuments.
cando quasi i 16 chilometri/ora per i vincitori a squadre Paulette e Da
The average speed was rather fast all over the 8 stages, with
niel Maldera, i quali hanno impiegato meno di 30 ore per coprire la di
almost 16 kph average for the teams winners Paulette and
stanza totale di 472 chilometri. I cavalieri individuali sono stati
Daniel Maldera, totaling less than 30 hours for the 472
sensibilmente pi첫 lenti, con il vincitore Eduardo Sanchez che ha impie-
kilometers. Solo riders were definitely slower, as winner
gato pi첫 di 36 ore per completare la sua prestazione vincente. Le squa-
Eduardo Sanchez needed more than 36 hours to complete
dre francesi hanno cercato la vittoria sin dalla prima tappa, con i compa-
his winning performance. From the first stage the french
gni di squadra Edouard Wach e Anne Diemert Wach, su rispettivamente
teams went for victory, with teammates Edouard Wach and
AH E n d u r a n c e MARQUIS-DE-KARESI e MA
Anne Diemert Wach, riding
MOUR-DU-GUIDE, che si ag
giudicavano le prime due tappe.
L’individuale Eduardo Vazquez ha
respectively, winning the
fatto lo stesso con il suo SHAG
first two stages. Solo rider
YA-ZOZO. Il terzo giorno, il ca
Eduardo Vazquez did the
valiere locale Eduardo Sanchez,
same with his SHAGYA
su HERMES, gareggiava in dire
ZOZO. The third day local
zione della sua città Sanlucar de
rider Eduardo Sanchez, ri
Barrameda. Naturalmente San
ding HERMES, was riding
chez ha utilizzato la propria cono
to his hometown of Sanlucar
scenza del percorso per guada
de Barrameda. He used his
gnare un grosso vantaggio sugli
knowledge of the trail to
inseguitori, seguito dall’abile Jose
take a huge advantage, fol
Gundin su SOPENILLA che ha
lowed by a clever Jose Gun
vinto la tappa a squadre. Entrambi
din riding SOPENILLA who
i cavalieri hanno così conquistato
won the teams stage. Both
il rispettivo primo posto in classi
took the lead at the general
fica. Il quarto circuito era un sen
standings. The fourth loop,
tiero montagnoso fra Villamartin
a mountainous trail between
e Ronda, dove i francesi hanno
Villamartin and Ronda, and
riguadagnato la prima posizione,
here the french regained
mentre Sanchez è riuscito a con
the first position for teams
servare il suo primato in classifica
while Sanchez managed to
individuale. Da quel momento la
preserve his solo rider class
gara è stata una questione esclusi
leadership. From then on
vamente francese, dato che iTran
the teams competition was a
salpini avevano tre squadre nelle
french business, as they had
prime tre posizioni, con meno di
three teams in the three first
tre minuti tra i primi ed i terzi in
positions, with less than 10
classifica. Una squadra spagnola
minutes between the first
della Regione Basca occupava la
and the third team, and
quarta posizione, quasi un’ora in
with a spanish team from
ritardo rispetto ai terzi. Jose Gun
the Basque Country (north
din, su SOPENILLA, ha vinto la
of Spain) in fourth position
quinta tappa per il team basco, ma
almost one hour behind.
i francesi sono riusciti a stargli a
Jose Gundin, riding SOPE
ridosso, in modo tale che non fa
NILLA, won the fifth stage
cesse quasi nessuna differenza agli
for the basque team, but the
effetti della classifica generale a
french stayed close to him so
squadre. Il giorno seguente il suo
it made almost no difference
compagno nella squadra basca,
for the general teams stan
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Imanol Boveda, su MOKY, è arrivato al con
ding. The next day his teammate Ima
trollo veterinario della sesta tappa insieme ai
nol Boveda, riding MOKY, arrived at
francesi leader della classifica, ma ha perso al
the vet-gate of the sixth stage together
cuni minuti e non è riuscito poi a raggiungerli
with the french leaders but they lost
durante il secondo giro, lasciando quindi che il
several minutes and could not catch
team francese accumulasse ulteriore vantag
them during the second loop of the
gio. Dopo la giornata di riposo a Granada, Jose
sixth stage, so the french grew their
Gundin ha aumentato a 19 km/ora la velocità
advantage even more. After the rest
nella settima tappa, arrivando a Baza con ben
day in Granada, Jose Gundin pushed
13 minuti di vantaggio sugli inseguitori, ma
the speed up to 19 kph on the seventh
poi la sua cavalcatura SOPENILLA non ha ef
stage to arrive in Baza with 13 minu
fettuato il trotto finale ed è stata quindi pena
tes advantage to his followers, but then
lizzata. Dopo sette tappe ed una percorrenza
his mount SOPENILLA failed the final
di 420 chilometri, c’erano ancora tre squadre
trot and was penalized. After seven
francesi nelle prime tre posizioni all’avvio del
stages and more than 420 kilometers
la ottava ed ultima tappa; l’abbuono previsto
there were still three french teams in
per il vincitore dell’ultima tappa poteva quindi
the top three positions with one stage
sovvertire totalmente i piazzamenti, visto che
to go and with the bonus allowance to
il distacco fra le tre squadre era meno di 10
the last stage winner enough to chan
minuti.Tra i cavalieri individuali, Eduardo San
ge it all as there was still less than 10
chez era in testa con ampio margine, ma la
minutes difference between them. For
lotta per il secondo posto vedeva la tedesca
the solo riders Eduardo Sanchez was
Heike Blümel e la svizzera Elsbeth Brunner a
leading with a save margin, but for the
meno di un minuto l’una dall’altra, per cui an
second position german Heike Blümel
che questo prometteva di essere un finale in
and swiss Elsbeth Brunner were less
candescente. La tappa finale, che si snodava fra
than 1 minute apart so this promised
gli scenari incantevoli del Parco Nazionale del
also a hot final. The final stage, throu
la Sierra de Cazorla, ha avuto inizio con le
gh the outstanding scenery of the Sier
squadre francesi ancora alla testa della corsa
ra de Cazorla National Park, started
insieme al compagno di squadra di Gundin,
with the french teams again riding in
Imanol Boveda, che cercava di aggiudicarsi il
front in company of Gundin’s team-
traguardo di tappa. Al controllo veterinario a
mate Imanol Boveda going for a stage
metà percorso, il primo arrivato Daniel Mal
win. At the vet-gate halfway leader
dera ha perso ben 6 minuti, ma gli sono bastati
Daniel Maldera lost 6 minutes, but he
8 chilometri per riprendere i cavalieri di testa.
only needed 8 kilometers to catch the
Lungo la discesa verso Cazorla le squadre fran
frontrunners. Downhill to Cazorla the
cesi si tenevano d’occhio a vicenda ed il basco
french were watching each other so ba
Imanol Boveda ne ha approfittato per portarsi
sque Imanol Boveda left them alone and
in testa, a caccia della vittoria di tappa. All’ar
went for the stage victory. When the
rivo del gruppo francese Maldera l’ha spuntata
french arrived Maldera won the sprint
nella volata finale confermando la sua vittoria.
confirming his final ride win. For the
Tra i cavalieri individuali, la svizzera Elsbeth
solo riders swiss Elsbeth Brunner won
132 133
AH E n d u r a n c e
Brunner ha vinto lo sprint per il secondo posto in classifica generale. Il
the sprint for the second place in the final standings. The
Premio per le Migliori Condizioni è andato al p.s.a. MOURAD-DEL
Best Condition Award went to Pierre Chambost’s purebred
SOL di Pierre Chambost ed il Premio Speciale per Spirito Combattivo
arabian MOURAD-DEL-SOL and the special prize for the
è stato assegnato al cavaliere basco Jose Gundin, che era stato l’unico ad
Combative Spirit was given to basque rider Jose Gundin as
effettivamente sfidare lo strapotere francese giorno dopo giorno. Oltre
he was the only one who really challenged the french day
che per l’opportunità di cavalcare tra i meravigliosi scenari e per l’evi
after day. On top of the opportunity of riding in such a be
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
dente competitività fino agli ultimi metri dei 472 chilometri della Kali
autiful scenery and the obvious competition until the very
ber Andalusia 2010, tutti i cavalieri ed i loro assistenti hanno lodato gli
last meters of the 472 kilometers long Kaliber Andalusia
organizzatori per il loro grande lavoro. Questa gara è evidentemente
2010 ride, all riders and assistants prized the organizers for
speciale, svolgendosi su di una distanza così lunga, con una logistica piut
their great job. This is a very special competition over a long
tosto complessa da trasferire di città in città, e tutti hanno apprezzato
distance with very complex logistics moving on from town
molto la proverbiale ospitalità andalusa, che è riuscita a far sentire ognu
to town, and all valued the andalusian hospitality who allows
no a casa propria anche se così lontani geograficamente.
everyone to feel home even when far from home.
134 135
AH R i s u l t a t i MARINA DI PIETRASANTA Giudici/Judges
G1 - Gagliani Maria Assunta
G2 - Moschini Cristian
G3 - Schwestermann Ferdinand
G1 10,0 10,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 41,0
G2 9,0 10,0 7,0 5,0 8,0 39,0
G3 8,0 10,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
Total 27,0 30,0 21,0 17,0 24,0 119,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
9,0 9,0 9,0 6,0 8,0 41,0
9,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
27,0 25,0 24,0 18,0 24,0 118,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
8,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
8,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
25,0 27,0 22,0 18,0 24,0 116,0
G1 9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 42,0
G2 9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
G3 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
Total 27,0 27,0 23,0 19,0 27,0 123,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Siluen By Justice (Grey) Wh Justice Amira El Nefous Scaroni Gian Enrico Scaroni Gian Enrico
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Meteora Moniscione (Chestnut) Ajman Moniscione Masaida Al Tiglio Colombelli Verusca Az. Agr. Buzzi Giancarlo
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Jassara (Grey) Al Whaid El Dine True Barressa Cracchiolo Santo Cracchiolo Santo
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Najaa Ashiraf (Grey) Amir Ashiraf Espiria L’arabite C.T.E Conti Crocifissa
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Abbiatt El Shams (Grey) Ajman Moniscione Naima El Shams Andrioli Dr.Giorgio Andrioli Dr.Giorgio
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
9,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 42,0
9,0 9,0 7,0 5,0 8,0 38,0
27,0 28,0 23,0 17,0 26,0 121,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Pschalla (Chestnut) Magnum Chall Hvp Sweet Psyrrender Allevamento El Precioso Arabians Cowdrey Greg And Veronica (Usa)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 8,0 9,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 8,0 39,0
27,0 26,0 25,0 17,0 25,0 120,0
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
G1 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
G2 9,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 39,0
G3 9,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
Total 27,0 25,0 22,0 18,0 26,0 118,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
10,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 43,0
8,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 37,0
26,0 26,0 22,0 19,0 25,0 118,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 40,0
8,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
25,0 26,0 24,0 17,0 25,0 117,0
G1 9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
G2 9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 40,0
G3 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
Total 27,0 27,0 23,0 17,0 26,0 120,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Laraza Mb (Chestnut) Im Icare Cathare Fantastika Ellori Bassi Andrea Gianni Boldini Marco
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Anthasia Ashiraf (Grey) Amir Ashiraf Co Pashmira Aprile Francesco Boscarino Giacomo
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Magic Monella (Bay) Magic Event Temptress Msc Societa’ Agricola Le Quercette SLR Fontanella Magic Arabians SRL
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Safeer (Chestnut) Ajman Moniscione Mo Sajfa Az. Agr. Oberti Gianluca Fiorini Loris
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Kalos (Grey) Wh Justice Lady Padrona Barazzetta Milena Barazzetta Milena
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 8,0 39,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 5,0 8,0 37,0
26,0 26,0 24,0 16,0 24,0 116,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Hammer By Ashiraf (Grey) Amir Ashiraf Waraia Gorni Andrea Gorni Andrea
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
8,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
25,0 25,0 24,0 18,0 24,0 116,0 138 139
AH R i s u l t a t i
G1 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
G2 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
G3 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
Total 27,0 25,0 24,0 18,0 24,0 118,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 7,0 38,0
9,0 9,0 6,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 7,0 36,0
26,0 26,0 20,0 18,0 22,0 112,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
8,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 7,0 36,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 7,0 36,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 37,0
24,0 24,0 21,0 19,0 21,0 109,0
G1 10,0 10,0 7,0 6,0 7,0 40,0
G2 9,0 10,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
G3 8,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
Total 27,0 29,0 22,0 18,0 23,0 119,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Colours (Chestnut) True Colours Hadiba Abagnale Marinella Abagnale Marinella
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Magic Mon Ami (Bay) Fs Bengali Magic Mon Amour Fontanella Magic Arabians Srl Fontanella Magic Arabians Srl
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Anadir By Ashiraf (Grey) Amir Ashiraf Wesia Pace Ivana Az. Agricola Gammella Andrea
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Versus Magic (Bay) Vervaldee Magic Lauret Fontanella Magic Arabians Srl Fontanella Magic Arabians Srl
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Elisir By Wh Justice (Chestnut) Wh Justice Muscataria Caruso Elisa Sparapan Amadio
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 8,0 7,0 7,0 9,0 40,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 39,0
8,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 8,0 37,0
26,0 23,0 22,0 19,0 26,0 116,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Shazirlr (Grey) Ashal El Asil Sharifa Lr Lo Russo Elisabetta Lo Russo Elisabetta
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 8,0 7,0 7,0 8,0 39,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 37,0
8,0 9,0 7,0 7,0 8,0 39,0
25,0 25,0 21,0 20,0 24,0 115,0
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
G1 9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 43,0
G2 9,0 8,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 39,0
G3 9,0 10,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 44,0
Total 27,0 27,0 24,0 19,0 29,0 126,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 9,0 6,0 9,0 42,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
27,0 26,0 25,0 18,0 26,0 122,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
8,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 40,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 37,0
24,0 24,0 23,0 19,0 25,0 115,0
G1 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
G2 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
G3 9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 10,0 41,0
Total 27,0 26,0 23,0 18,0 28,0 122,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Omniet Al Ayun Laheeb W. Warda Amjad Hilany Asali Yusuf (Israel)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Magic El Pashli (Grey) Windsprees Mirage Magic Lilian Sabahat Fontanella Magic Arabians Srl Aversa Vincenzo
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Exeena (Bay) Psytadel Exotic Pure Amicucci Antonio Stoeckle Family (De)
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Asra Moniscione (Bay) Padrons Ghibli Armonia Radicchi Moreno Buzzi Giancarlo
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Kenja (Chestnut) Kir Galaa Zahda Catellani Stefano Bondi Silvia
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 43,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 39,0
9,0 7,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 39,0
26,0 24,0 24,0 19,0 28,0 121,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Korsyka Lip (Chestnut) Esperanto ‘Pasb’ Kenya Oliverio Vito Allevamento L’ippocastano
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
8,0 8,0 7,0 7,0 8,0 38,0
8,0 7,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 37,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 40,0
24,0 23,0 23,0 20,0 25,0 115,0 140 141
AH R i s u l t a t i
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder 2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Etiopia El Aziz (Chestnut) Fs Eternal Flame Eritrea El Aziz Gubbiotti Gianpaolo Gubbiotti Gianpaolo Free Franca (Grey) Mundher Al Shaqab Basma ‘Pasb’ Ge.Mar. Srl Ge.Mar. Srl
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
6,0 10,0
4,0 4,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Soraya By Ashiraf (Grey) Amir Ashiraf Tihanj Rizzo Francesco Rizzo Francesco
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
Siluen By Justice Najaa Ashiraf Anthasia Ashiraf
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Colours Safeer Versus Magic
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Omniet Al Ayun Asra Moniscione Magic El Pashli
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Mial Wares Alakazam B
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Total 10,0 12,0
10,0 6,0 4,0
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
G3 10,0
10,0 4,0
NAXOS Giudici/Judges
G1 - Dr. Aragno Gianmarco G4 - Hyde Deirdre
G2 - Dr. Marei Nasr
G3 - Stigler Irina
G5 - Eberhardt Sylvie
G1 9,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 7,0 39,0
G2 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
G3 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
G4 9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 8,0 39,0
Total 36,0 34,0 32,0 24,0 32,0 158,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
8,0 8,0 8,0 5,0 8,0 37,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
8,0 8,0 9,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
7,0 7,0 7,0 6,0 7,0 34,0
32,0 31,0 32,0 23,0 32,0 150,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
8,0 7,0 7,0 6,0 7,0 35,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 7,0 8,0 38,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 5,0 8,0 36,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 7,0 8,0 38,0
32,0 31,0 28,0 25,0 31,0 147,0
G2 10,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 44,0
G3 9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 10,0 41,0
G4 9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 43,0
G5 10,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 10,0 43,0
Total 38,0 36,0 32,0 25,0 40,0 171,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Gs Wahda (Grey) Wahid Im Vanda Cathare Graffato Salvatore Graffato Salvatore
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Lady Jade Chantal (Bay) M G Jafar Fahira Calamia Antonino Calamia Antonino
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Shamirajinada (Bay) Ps Perye Indian Agiba Terlati Costantino Salvatore Ingala Alessandro
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Marriana (Grey) Marwan Al Shaqab G Silver Rain Guarino Caterina Ray And Nora Tatum An Morning Star (Usa)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Siham (Grey) Windsprees Mirage Al Safaa Laddea Francesco Scattareggia Dott.Vincenzo
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
36,0 35,0 31,0 24,0 35,0 161,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
L Farahdiba (Grey) Wh Justice Feemi Stefano Antonio Az. Agr. Lonhult Arabstuteri (Swe)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 8,0 41,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 40,0
36,0 36,0 32,0 23,0 34,0 161,0 142 143
AH R i s u l t a t i
G1 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
G3 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
G4 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
G5 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
Total 36,0 36,0 32,0 24,0 35,0 163,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 42,0
36,0 36,0 32,0 25,0 33,0 162,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
8,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 38,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 10,0 41,0
9,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
8,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
34,0 33,0 29,0 24,0 35,0 155,0
G1 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
G2 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
G3 10,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 42,0
G4 9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
Total 37,0 36,0 31,0 24,0 35,0 163,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Pse Rasheekah Royal Colours Imperial Baarezah Prestige Bvba Prestige Bvba (B)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Tf Lady Royal (Bay) Royal Colours Baleena Eb Tripodi Francesco Az. Agr. Tripodi Francesco Az. Agr.
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Nuvola (Bay) E.L. Ninjo Makira El Aziz Giangrosso Gioacchino Santangelo Vincenzo
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Ag Sheikhoman (Bay) Ajman Moniscione Ag Excquisit Ag Nobel Arabians Di Arsenault Ida L. Ag Nobel Arabians Di Arsenault Ida L.
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
DA Cairo (Grey) Massai Ibn Marenga Da Cervia Stefano Antonio Az. Agr. Darius Franz Joseph (DE)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 8,0 41,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 8,0 39,0
36,0 36,0 32,0 24,0 32,0 160,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Tf Andrea Padron (Grey) Psequel Andrea Maddalena Tripodi Francesco Az. Agr. Tripodi Francesco Az. Agr.
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 7,0 5,0 9,0 39,0
8,0 9,0 7,0 5,0 8,0 37,0
9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
35,0 36,0 28,0 22,0 35,0 156,0
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
G1 9,0 9,0 9,0 6,0 9,0 42,0
G2 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
G3 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
G5 9,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 41,0
Total 36,0 33,0 33,0 25,0 36,0 163,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
35,0 33,0 32,0 24,0 35,0 159,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
35,0 35,0 31,0 24,0 33,0 158,0
G2 10,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 43,0
G4 9,0 10,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 41,0
G5 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 10,0 42,0
Total 38,0 38,0 32,0 23,0 38,0 169,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Lance Lord Os (Grey) Wh Justice Swana Fam. Heinz Stockle (De) Fam. Heinz Stockle (De)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Gs Dahab (Grey) Wahid Im Vanda Cathare Graffato Salvatore Graffato Salvatore
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Royal El Aziz (Grey) Royal Colours Cza-Cza Castellani Federico Gubbiotti Giampaolo
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
RFI Farid (Bay) RFI Maktub RFI Fayara El Shiraz Aretusa Arabians Team Di Palumbo Lucia Foz Forte Rodrigo (Bra)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
G1 10,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 10,0 43,0
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Jumanci Os (Chestnut) Ajman Moniscione Praetoria Gestut Osterhof (De) Gestut Osterhof Fam. (De)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 41,0
9,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 42,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
36,0 36,0 32,0 25,0 36,0 165,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Versus Magic (Bay) Vervaldee Magic Lauret Fontanella Magic Arabians Srl Fontanella Magic Arabians Srl
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 10,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 10,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 7,0 38,0
9,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 41,0
36,0 39,0 29,0 24,0 31,0 159,0
144 145
AH R i s u l t a t i
G2 10,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 44,0
G3 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 10,0 42,0
G4 9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 43,0
G5 9,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 42,0
Total 37,0 35,0 32,0 27,0 40,0 171,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 8,0 41,0
9,0 9,0 9,0 6,0 9,0 42,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
36,0 36,0 33,0 25,0 34,0 164,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 41,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 39,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 7,0 9,0 39,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 39,0
34,0 32,0 31,0 25,0 36,0 158,0
G1 10,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 42,0
G3 9,0 9,0 9,0 6,0 9,0 42,0
G4 9,0 9,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
G5 9,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 42,0
Total 37,0 37,0 32,0 24,0 36,0 166,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Adonia Bpa (Bay) Meridien Atl Lc Mon Amie Lobello Daniele Bp Arabians Llc (Usa)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
EE Bella Lucia (Chestnut) Hawkeye Cc Ls Thee Desiree Peppoloni Cristina Az. Agraria Marlis E Amato (Usa)
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Free Arsha (Grey) Ekstern Basma ‘Pasb’ Ge.Mar. Srl Janow Podlaski (Pl)
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Mistic Dream Hc (Chestnut) Dartanhan Hbr Lou Fascinacion Hc Tripodi Francesco Az. Agr. Haras Camboriu Agropec Ltda (Bra)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Ma Nina El Bri (Bay) Ch El Brillo Calyenna El Jamaal M G Arabians Snc Allevamento Mystik Arabians
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 42,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
36,0 35,0 32,0 25,0 34,0 162,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Sa Moresca (Grey) Classic Mansour ‘Fr’ Chanon Scipioni Angelo Scipioni Angelo
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
8,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 40,0
8,0 8,0 9,0 7,0 9,0 41,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
33,0 32,0 33,0 26,0 35,0 159,0
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
G1 10,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 44,0
G2 10,0 10,0 9,0 7,0 9,0 45,0
G3 9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 42,0
G5 10,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 10,0 44,0
Total 39,0 37,0 33,0 28,0 38,0 175,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 39,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 41,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 8,0 39,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 39,0
33,0 32,0 32,0 26,0 35,0 158,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
8,0 7,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 36,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
33,0 31,0 31,0 24,0 32,0 151,0
G1 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
G2 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
G3 9,0 9,0 7,0 5,0 9,0 39,0
G5 9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 40,0
Total 36,0 36,0 31,0 22,0 36,0 161,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Millennia (Grey) Thefinaljudgement Madeira Gubbiotti Gianpaolo Boeckle Ute (De)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Elicja (Bay) Wachlarz Elia Ge.Mar. Srl Michalow State Stud (PL)
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Zt Shaklie (Grey) El Shaklan Zt Ludmelie Fortugno Gaetano Federico Augusto Zichy Thyssen (Arg)
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Aja Santana (Bay) Fs Bengali Bey Santeyna Fontanella Magic Arabians Srl Mr & Mrs M. Hickfod (Uk)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Hals Moonshadow (Bay) Halameer Brumarba Moonlady Counts Arabians Counts Arabians
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Ab Corsico La Piana (Grey) Wh Justice Zt Shaklie Fortugno Gaetano Az. Agr. A.B. La Piana Di Barbieri A.L.
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
146 147
AH R i s u l t a t i
G1 10,0 10,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 44,0
G2 9,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 41,0
G3 10,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 43,0
G4 9,0 10,0 7,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
Total 38,0 40,0 31,0 25,0 34,0 168,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 7,0 5,0 9,0 39,0
9,0 10,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
36,0 37,0 30,0 23,0 35,0 161,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
9,0 9,0 8,0 7,0 9,0 42,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 39,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 39,0
35,0 33,0 32,0 25,0 35,0 160,0
G2 9,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 40,0
G3 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 10,0 42,0
G4 9,0 9,0 8,0 5,0 9,0 40,0
G5 9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 9,0 41,0
Total 36,0 35,0 32,0 23,0 37,0 163,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Ts Apolo (Grey) Ts Don Brave Fairness Fhp Aretusa Arabians Team Di Palumbo Lucia Toni Salloum (Bra)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Psequel (Chestnut) Padrons Psyche Ynazia Hcf Tripodi Francesco Az. Agr. North Arabians (Usa)
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Hannibal By Gioia (Grey) Sdp Taylor Gioia ‘Aps’ Arabian Stars Di Massimiliano Rocchino Norcini Claudio
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Om El Bendigo (Grey) Sanadik El Shaklan Om El Beneera Arabian Stars Di Massimiliano Rocchino Om El Arab International (Usa)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Wahid (Grey) Echscaliber Al Batalah Graffato Salvatore Thomas Karonitsch (A)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 9,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 40,0
9,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 9,0 39,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 5,0 8,0 36,0
9,0 8,0 8,0 5,0 8,0 38,0
35,0 33,0 30,0 22,0 33,0 153,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Lg Aton (Grey) Shahil Karisma Lobello Daniele Ali Rocco
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
9,0 8,0 9,0 7,0 8,0 41,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
8,0 8,0 8,0 6,0 8,0 38,0
8,0 8,0 7,0 5,0 7,0 35,0
33,0 32,0 32,0 24,0 31,0 152,0
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder 2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Ahb Aysha (Bay) Khal El Mp Errabyi Desert Balastro Eugenia Eleonora Balastro Eugenia Eleonora Sakalya Im Icare Cathare Bm Yamira Capizzi Francesco Paolo Chinnici Antonino
1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point) 1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point)
G1 10,0
G2 10,0
Fc Lady (Chestnut) Magic Sultan Midka Ruc Messina Calogero Caruso Vincenzo
1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point)
G5 6,0
Total 30,0 12,0
10,0 4,0
2,0 2,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
G4 10,0
1,0 1,0
4,0 10,0
10,0 6,0 4,0 2,0 1,0 23,0 10,0 6,0 4,0
1,0 1,0
1,0 1,0
2,0 22,0
G3 10,0
G4 10,0
Total 20,0 6,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder 2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Tf Rayan M.M. Fabrizio Andrea Maddalena Tripodi Francesco Az. Agr. Tripodi Francesco Az. Agr. The Star Of Bendigo Om El Bendigo Menarra Arabians Stars Di Massimiliano Rocchino Arabians Stars Di Massimiliano Rocchino
1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point) 1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point)
6,0 2,0 6,0
Mg Price Of Lazaal Lazaal Ma Nina El Bri M G Arabians Snc M G Arabians Snc
1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point)
4,0 4,0
20,0 4,0
10,0 3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
2,0 2,0
1,0 1,0
4,0 2,0 1,0 27,0
6,0 8,0
14,0 148 149
AH R i s u l t a t i
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Marriana Pse Rasheekah Siham
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
RFI Farid Ag Sheikhoman Jumanci Os
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Millennia Mistic Dream Hc Adonia Bpa
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Ts Apolo Psequel Om El Bendigo
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Pse Rasheekah Aretusa Qatara Wahyla Del Guado
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Cayenne T Nedel Del Guado Gr Armani
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
EE Bella Lucia Ms Bint Maalima Siriad
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Hals Moonshadow Aretusa Malik Shah El Thay Majdi
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
LAS VEGAS Giudici/Judges
Debby Cain (Usa)
Murilo Bueno Kammer (Brazil)
Marianne Tengstedt (Denmark)
Peter Pond (Australia)
Corky Sutton (Usa)
Marie-Louise Van Wyk (South Africa)
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Rd Marciena Kharalisa Bpa Bettina Mp
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Cavalli Faconnable Sw Abraxas
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Felicia Rlc Rd Challs Angel Om El Excella
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Eagleridge Passionata Negma Al Shaqab Gloria Apal
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
El Chall Wr Ofw Magic Wan Troubadour Pa
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Escape Ibn Navarrone Art Dekko Tt Ever After Na
150 151
AH R i s u l t a t i TRAVAGLIATO Giudici/Judges G1 - Schibler Renate G2 - Abdelouahed Maagoul G3 - Pittaluga Ing Marco G4 - Poth Willy - Int. B Show G5 - Khalifa Al Foorah (Uae) G6 - Dr.Aragno Gianmarco G7 - Hain Manfred (De) - Egyptian Event PULEDRE DI 1 ANNO - YEARLING FILLIES
G2 19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
G3 18,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 90,0
G4 19,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 92,0
Total 56,0 58,0 54,0 48,0 57,0 273,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 18,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 90,0
18,0 18,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 88,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 92,0
56,0 55,0 54,0 48,0 57,0 270,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
18,0 18,0 18,0 15,0 18,0 87,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
56,0 56,0 54,0 47,0 56,0 269,0
G1 20,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 93,0
G2 20,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 93,0
G3 19,0 19,0 19,0 16,0 20,0 93,0
Total 59,0 59,0 55,0 48,0 58,0 279,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Althea (Chestnut) Ajman Moniscione Naama Della Vigna Infusino Pietro Infusino Pietro
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Creola Lc (Grey) Ajman Moniscione Cleopatra Lc Soc Agr. La Campagnola F.lli Motta Soc.Agr. La Campagnola F.lli Motta
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Armonia Moniscione (Chestnut) Ajman Moniscione Armonia Az.Agr. Buzzi Giancarlo Az.Agr. Buzzi Giancarlo
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Turchiya Mpe (Grey) Wh Justice Thee Rahiba Manzi Antonio Manzi Antonio
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Amyra Bint Khidar (Grey) Khidar Al Amrya Sax Arabians (De) Sax Reinhard (De)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 91,0
20,0 19,0 19,0 16,0 18,0 92,0
20,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 93,0
59,0 59,0 55,0 48,0 55,0 276,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
MM Eloise (Grey) Wh Justice Esfera Mario Matt Arabians (A) Mario Matt Arabians (A)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 90,0
19,0 18,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 90,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 90,0
57,0 56,0 54,0 48,0 55,0 270,0
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
G1 20,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 92,0
G2 20,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 92,0
G4 20,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 93,0
Total 60,0 58,0 54,0 48,0 57,0 277,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
20,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 93,0
58,0 57,0 54,0 48,0 58,0 275,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 90,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 90,0
19,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 91,0
57,0 58,0 54,0 48,0 54,0 271,0
G1 20,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 92,0
G2 20,0 20,0 19,0 16,0 18,0 93,0
G3 19,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 91,0
Total 59,0 59,0 55,0 48,0 55,0 276,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Sa Minerva (Grey) Royal Colours Cicilla Scipioni Angelo Scipioni Angelo
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Pse Rasheekah (Bay) Royal Colours Imperial Baarezah Prestige Straight Egyptian Prestige Bvba (B)
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Aaliyana Psy (Bay) Psytadel Aaliyah Bey Rongits Franz (A) Rongits Franz (A)
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Magic Magnifique (Black) True Colours Magic Mon Amour Fontanella Clementina Fontanella Magic Arabians
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Prince Michael Mpe (Grey) Wh Justice Thee Rahiba Manzi Antonio Manzi Antonio
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
20,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 93,0
19,0 19,0 19,0 16,0 18,0 91,0
19,0 19,0 17,0 16,0 18,0 89,0
58,0 58,0 54,0 48,0 55,0 273,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Al Maraan (Chestnut) Al Milan Marena Sax Arabians (De) Sax Reinhard
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 18,0 18,0 17,0 19,0 91,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 17,0 89,0
18,0 18,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 88,0
56,0 55,0 54,0 49,0 54,0 268,0 152 153
AH R i s u l t a t i
G1 20,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 93,0
G2 20,0 20,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 97,0
G4 19,0 19,0 17,0 16,0 19,0 90,0
Total 59,0 59,0 54,0 51,0 57,0 280,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
20,0 19,0 19,0 16,0 19,0 93,0
19,0 19,0 19,0 16,0 18,0 91,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
58,0 57,0 56,0 48,0 56,0 275,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
20,0 19,0 19,0 17,0 19,0 94,0
19,0 18,0 17,0 16,0 19,0 89,0
58,0 56,0 54,0 49,0 57,0 274,0
G1 20,0 19,0 19,0 17,0 19,0 94,0
G3 19,0 20,0 18,0 17,0 19,0 93,0
G4 19,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 92,0
Total 58,0 59,0 55,0 50,0 57,0 279,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Fluke (Grey) Wh Justice Guendalina Az. Roncaccio Societa’ Agricola Semplice Az. Agr. Roncaccio
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Lance Lord Os (Grey) Wh Justice Swana Stockle Gestut Osterhof (De) Stockle Gestut Osterhof (De)
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Av Dhaki Ibn Royal (Grey) Royal Colours Av Dolimha Arabian Valley Stud S.S. F.lli Sanchi Arabian Valley Stud S.S. F.lli Sanchi
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Ali Moniscione (Chestnut) Psytadel Alianna Moniscione Malorny Melanie Az. Agr. Buzzi Giancarlo
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Jumanci Os (Chestnut) Ajman Moniscione Praetoria Gestut Osterhof (De) Gestut Osterhof Fam. (De)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
57,0 57,0 54,0 48,0 57,0 273,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
MM Fernando (Grey) Lorenzo El Bri Mfa Forgetmenot Mario Matt Arabians (A) Mario Matt Arabians (A)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 19,0 18,0 17,0 19,0 92,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 90,0
19,0 18,0 17,0 16,0 18,0 88,0
57,0 56,0 53,0 49,0 55,0 270,0
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
G1 20,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 94,0
G3 20,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 94,0
G4 20,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 94,0
Total 60,0 60,0 54,0 48,0 60,0 282,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
20,0 19,0 19,0 16,0 19,0 93,0
19,0 19,0 19,0 16,0 19,0 92,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
58,0 57,0 56,0 48,0 57,0 276,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 90,0
19,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 92,0
20,0 19,0 17,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
58,0 58,0 53,0 48,0 56,0 273,0
G1 20,0 20,0 19,0 17,0 20,0 96,0
G2 20,0 20,0 18,0 17,0 20,0 95,0
G4 20,0 19,0 19,0 16,0 20,0 94,0
Total 60,0 59,0 56,0 50,0 60,0 285,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Grisenda Chandra (Grey) Wh Justice Garidah Az. Agr. Montecucco Di Gatti Gloria Gatti Gloria
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Kali Mal (Chestnut) Padrons Ghibli Valenka Lip Malacarne Luca Malacarne Luca
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
EE Bella Lucia (Chestnut) Hawkeye Cc Ls Thee Desiree Peppoloni Cristina Az. Agraria Marlis E Amato (Usa)
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Abha La Luna (Grey) El Perfecto Gual Alba E Radicchi Moreno Marieta Salas - Ses Planes (Es)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Mouhannas Malikah (Bay) Maysoun Monisa Mahiba Abagnale Marinella Birgit Schmauch (De)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 92,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 15,0 19,0 90,0
57,0 57,0 54,0 47,0 58,0 273,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Kenja (Chestnut) Kir Galaa Zahda Catellani Stefano Bondi Silvia
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 18,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 90,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
57,0 56,0 54,0 48,0 57,0 272,0 154 155
AH R i s u l t a t i
G2 20,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 93,0
G3 19,0 20,0 19,0 17,0 20,0 95,0
G4 20,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 93,0
Total 59,0 58,0 55,0 49,0 60,0 281,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
20,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 93,0
19,0 20,0 18,0 17,0 20,0 94,0
19,0 18,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 91,0
58,0 57,0 54,0 49,0 60,0 278,0
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
19,0 20,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 93,0
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
57,0 58,0 54,0 48,0 58,0 275,0
G1 19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 92,0
G2 19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
G3 19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 92,0
Total 57,0 57,0 54,0 48,0 59,0 275,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Al Milan (Grey) Al Lahab Milena Sax Arabians (De) Sax Reinhard (De)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Ek Dehor (Grey) Psytadel April Carol My Arabians Di Manfredi Massimo Az. Agr. S. Pietro
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
MM Fabrizio (Grey) Ch El Brillo Mfa Forgetmenot Tripodi Francesco Az. Agr. Mario Matt (A)
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Sandhiran (Grey) Sanadik El Shaklan China Moon Selman Arabians Dahmen (Usa)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Authentic Dahman (Grey) Maysoun Classic Dahra Rosemarie Kolster Rosemarie Kolster (De)
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 19,0 18,0 15,0 20,0 91,0
19,0 18,0 18,0 16,0 20,0 91,0
19,0 20,0 18,0 15,0 19,0 91,0
57,0 57,0 54,0 46,0 59,0 273,0
3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Wares (Grey) Piruet Wernera Scuderia Groane Srl Scuderia Groane Srl
Type Head & Neck Body & Topline Legs Movement
19,0 19,0 18,0 16,0 19,0 91,0
19,0 18,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 89,0
19,0 18,0 18,0 16,0 18,0 89,0
57,0 55,0 54,0 48,0 55,0 269,0
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder 2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder 3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Shakira Dva (Chestnut) Ajman Moniscione Samara Al Tiglio Pellegrino Patrizia Az. Agr. Buzzi Giancarlo Sg Wanessa (Bay) Psyrasic Wanity Scuderia Groane Srl Scuderia Groane Srl Etiopia El Aziz (Chestnut) Fs Eternal Flame Eritrea El Aziz Gubbiotti Gianpaolo Gubbiotti Gianpaolo
1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point) 1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point) 1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point)
Total 30,0
Total 20 12,0
10,0 12,0
1 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Avatar By Bri (Grey) Vergil Athena El Emmers Greimel Brigitte Greimel Brigitte
1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point)
10,0 2 Sire Dam Owner Breeder 3 Sire Dam Owner Breeder
Extreme El Aziz (Grey) Hdb Sihr Ibn Massai M Eos Gubbiotti Gianpaolo Gubbiotti Gianpaolo Baikal By Ajman (Bay) Ajman Moniscione Baranesse Bonomi Mario Alessandro Bonomi Mario Alessandro
1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point) 1° (10 points) 2° (6 points) 3° (4 points) 4° (2 points) 5° (1 point)
6,0 10,0
12,0 156 157
AH R i s u l t a t i
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Turchiya Mpe Sa Minerva Amyra Bint Khidar
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Magic Magnifique Fluke Lance Lord Os
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Grisenda Chandra Abha La Luna Mouhannas Malikah
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Al Milan Sandhiran Authentic Dahman
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Althea (Ajman Moniscione x Naama Della Vigna) Sa Minerva (Royal Colours x Cicilla) Naisma (Ajman Moniscione x Elvissa)
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Fluke (WH Justice x Guendalina) Lakabel El Chandra (Im Icare Cathare x Airhina) Av Dhaki Ibn Royal (Royal Colours x Av Dolimha)
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Grisenda Chandra (Wh Justice x Garidah) Kali Mal (Padrons Ghibli x Valenka Lip) Kenja (Kir Gala x Zahda)
Arabian Horse JOURNAL Giugno
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Ek Dehor (Psytadel x April Carol) Alakazam B (Padrons Immage x Ma Evita) Argo Lip (SF Valentino x Ra Allorene)
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Pse Rasheekah (Royal Colours x Imperial Baarezah) Marloo (OR Walkir x Inaara) Fa Jalila (Arridaios Al Qusar x Jabilah El Chamsin)
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Cayenne T (Royal Colours x Aisa B) Colours (True Colours x Hadiba) Nedel Del Guado (Ansata Shaamis x FR Egyptian Princess)
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Tarnimah Albadeia (Simenon Sharav x Tamima Albadeia) Alfabia Mameluka (ZT Fai’iq x Taghira B) Italae Albadeia (Simeon Sharav x Sandos Albadeia)
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal
Frasera Mashar (Majd Al Rayyan x Frasera Mashara) Simeon Sharav (Afour x Simeon Seuala) Grea Labib (Ansata El Salaam x Cristal)
Champion Reserve Champion
M Eos (Wh Justice X Elgiria) Mo Saifa (Neshan X Mamura)
158 159
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