HEMISPHERES PLUS: CARRIE FISHER, PRO FOOTBALL AND THE BESTWORLD’SGIN THREE PERFECT DAYS: LAS VEGAS FUTURE PERFECT Smartphones, smart houses and six more tech wonders WILD AND WOOLLY Author Sloane Crosley joins the underground knitting movement THE HEMI Q&A Twitter cofounder Evan Williams in more than 140 characters

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Festivalgoers at Austin City Limits saw Magda rainbow-coloredSayeg’spolesoflightinthemiddleofZilkerPark. WILD AND WOOLLY | P. 74 Jan. contents UNITED.COM | HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM EDINGERJACKOFCOURTESYPHOTOGRAPH YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY WILD AND WOOLLY Artist Magda Sayeg leads a warm and fuzzy band of guerrilla knitters. BY SLOANE CROSLEY 74 THREE PERFECT DAYS: LAS VEGAS The desert oasis makes a run for the title of “City that Never Sleeps.” BY MICHAEL PHOTOGRAPHSKAPLANBYBRADSWONETZ 80 FUTURE PERFECT With the Consumer Electronics Show unveiling new technologies this month, we take a look at what’s to come. BY ALYSSA GIACOBBE 62 THE HEMI Q&A: EVAN WILLIAMS The Twitter cofounder causes a tweet sensation by stepping down as CEO. BY DAVID CARR 70

UNITED.COM | HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM 40 8 Comments 11 CEO Letter A word from Jeff Smisek. 12 Voices A message to flyers. 14 Connections What’s new at United. 16 Wish You Were Here DISPATCHES 19 Notes From All Over A B&B in dispensesWall;karaokeonRushmorefacePennsylvania,Warminster,goeshog-wild;timewithanoriginalMountcarver;skeletonsparadeinOklahomaCity;singersflocktotheBerlinandaFrenchsupermarketwithwinebottles. DIRECTIONS 25 News Where to stay, what to see, when to go. 31 Goods 48 Sports To prevent injury, the NFL could stand to be more cerebral. BY JOSH DEAN 53 Industry The latest design trend is going au naturel BY TIFFANY MEYERS 57 Food & Drink A family of distillers in a tiny coastal Scottish town touts its award-winning…gin? BY KIRSTEN MATTHEW 61 Artifact A souvenir from the field. PLAY 101 Movies and Television 108 Route Maps and Terminal Diagrams 120 Audio programming 124 Crossword and Sudoku 138 Beverages & Food 142 In Transit Who’s sitting next to you? WEWOODOFCOURTESYAND(LEFT)MUSEUMARTDENVEROFCOURTESYPHOTOGRAPHS A jar from Denver Art Museum’s new American Indian Galleries. 25 The WeWOOD Dial watch. 39 COVER IMAGE Stuart Kolakovic //stuartkolakovic.co.uk WRITE TO US: Editorial@hemispheresmagazine.com HEMISPHERES MAGAZINE 68 Jay St., Suite 315, Brooklyn, NY 11201 SUBSCRIBE TO HEMISPHERES For a free subscription to our monthly eMag and to access recent issues, go to HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COMFACEBOOK.COM/UNITEDHEMISPHERES 35 Hero Chef Bill Telepan gives school lunch a healthy makeover. BY KIRSTEN MATTHEW 36 Whirlwind Five hours in Copenhagen. BY ERIN GIUNTA CULTURE 39 Style WeWOOD watches branch out from traditional timepieces. BY LAYLA SCHLACK 41 Arts Gregg Allman, The Obamas and what else to watch, read and listen to this month. 44 Whereabouts Carrie Fisher indulges her inner tourist in Amsterdam. BY JACQUELINE DETWILER 46 Wheels The future of automotive technology is downright chatty. BY JULIE HALPERT

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JANUARY 2011 | UNITED.COM comments EDITOR IN CHIEF Mike Guy EXECUTIVE EDITOR Joe Keohane SENIOR EDITOR Layla Schlack ASSOCIATE EDITOR Jacqueline Detwiler EDITORIAL INTERN Reena Roy ART DIRECTOR Christine Bower-Wright DESIGNER Ellie Clayman PHOTO EDITOR Erin Giunta CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jane Black, Jason Gay, Alyssa Giacobbe, Sarah Horne, Edward Lewine, Grant Stoddard, Matthew Thompson CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Claire Benoist, Sasha Nialla, Graham Roumieu, Oliver Jeffers EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Michael Keating U.S. EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Orion Ray-Jones INK PUBLISHING, 68 Jay Street, Suite 315, Brooklyn, NY 11201 TEL: +1 347-294-1220 FAX: +1 editorial@hemispheresmagazine.com917-591-6247 hemispheresmagazine.com WEBMASTER Salah Lababidi ADVERTISING U.S. GROUP PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Stephen Andrews ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Cindy Taylor ADVERTISING SALES MANAGERS Danny Litton, David Low, John Patterson, Caryn Tanis, Marco Fernandez NORTHEAST ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Brian McLaughlin ACCOUNT MANAGERS Scott Stone, Stu Opfer WESTERN U.S. ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Robyn Davies ACCOUNT MANAGERS Dorie Leo, Jack Miller, Jeff Miller, Robert Wiegand, Dawn Sanders EUROPEAN Angus Urqhart ASIA Jacqueline Ho HAWAII TERRITORY MANAGER Robert Wiegand LATIN AMERICA SALES MANAGER Alejandro Salas PRODUCTION MANAGER Joe Massey TEL: +1 PRODUCTION678-553-8091CONTROLLERS Grace Dinwiddie, Stacy Willis MARKETING AND EVENTS MANAGER Nikkole Wyrick Ink Publishing (sales), Capital Building, 255 East Paces Ferry Road, Suite 400, Atlanta, GA 30305 TEL: +1 888-864-1733 FAX: +1 917-591-6247 INK PUBLISHING CEO Jeffrey O’Rourke COO Hugh Godsal PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Simon Leslie HEMISPHERES is produced monthly by Ink Publishing. All material is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. All prices and data are correct at the time of publication. Opinions expressed in Hemispheres are not necessarily those of the Publisher or United Airlines, and United Airlines does not accept any responsibility for advertising content. Neither United, its subsidiaries nor affiliates guarantees the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of, or otherwise endorses these facts, views, opinions or recommendations, gives investment advice, or advocates the purchase or sale of any security or investment. You should always seek the assistance of a professional for tax and investment advice. Any images are supplied at the owner’s risk. Any mention of United Airlines or the use of United Airlines logo by any advertiser in this publication does not imply endorsement of that company or its products or services by United Airlines. HEMISPHERES
KATE JENKINS The Brighton, England–based illustrator (“Wild and Woolly,” page 74) says, “I have been knitting and crocheting since I was fifteen. I became so addicted to it that I went on to do a degree in fashion textiles. I changed to art a few years ago to stretch my legs.”
JOSH DEAN A contributor to Outside, Rolling Stone and GQ, Dean is currently working on a book about show dogs. When it comes to football (“Head Game,” page 48), he says his first love is West Virginia University, “but I’m considering also becoming a New York Jets fan.”
“Perhaps I can talk guerrilla knitter Magda Sayeg into knitting my guitar for me,” she says. Walking Buddies
SLOANE CROSLEY The author of How Did You Get This Number, a collection of humor essays, Crosley lives in New York City. Although she has no plans to take up knitting (“Wild and Woolly,” page 74), she is learning to play guitar.
Our November story “The Long Walk” blew the minds of all the editors here at Hemispheres. We couldn’t believe that Karl Bushby was going to walk around the world, and we really couldn’t believe that his story wasn’t more well known. Judging by the comments at HemispheresMagazine.com, readers were similarly impressed. Linda Bella-Ruiz wrote “How interesting! I live in Barra de Navidad, next to Melaque, and would love to meet him and hear his stories!” Nathan says, “I hung out for a few days with Karl in Ecuador in 2000. Great guy. Surprised to see how far he’s made it; sorry to hear he’s having problems going forward. Good luck!” If you’re reading, Karl, we second that. We also got a lovely endorsement of our October story “Sole Survivors,” about London’s bespoke shoemaker George Cleverley. “Mr. Glasgow runs a wonderful business. I have bought shoes from him for more than 20 years and have always found the company to offer a great service and an amazing product,” commented Jon. Sure, but are they good enough to walk around the world in?

30-DAYFREETRIALgotomeeting.com ONLINE MEETINGS MADE EASY I love how GoToMeetingeasyis. Melany, GoToMeeting Customer Vericon Resources, Global Background Solutions

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Thanks again for flying with us today, and we hope to welcome you onboard another of our flights soon. I hope you have a safe, happy and prosperous new year.
New Year, New United ceo letter
WELCOME ABOARD. On behalf of my more than 80,000 coworkers, thank you for choosing United Airlines for your flight today. We will work hard to provide you with great service on this and every flight you take with us in 2011. This year will be one of transition as we bring United Airlines and Continental Airlines together. We started the process of integrating our two carriers on the day we closed our legal merger last October, although we continue to operate as two separate airlines. We will continue to do so until we obtain a single operating certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration. We currently expect to obtain that certificate by the end of this year. In the meantime, we continue to integrate our products and services to bring you benefits as quickly as we can. No matter what product decisions we make and what services we offer, the biggest impact we can have on your travel experience is the customer service we provide. In fact, one of my most important New Year’s resolutions for the new United for 2011 is to make sure our employees have the tools and support they need to do a great job for you every day.

To do this, Towle and the HR team have developed an innovative plan to create a better workplace for United’s coworkers. It begins with the open lines of communication. Working with Smisek, she created an Employee Advisory Group composed of 24 frontline employees from across all departments of the combined company (half from United, half from Continental). As the leaders organize and execute the integration of the two airlines, they are consulting with the employee advisory group to make sure the airline is listening to the experts—the frontline employees.
Towle remembers that “one of the first things Gordon said was, ‘You gotta listen to the frontline employees.’ And so we did, and the employees told us what customers needed, and what tools our coworkers needed to do their jobs. At the time we had the worst employee attendance in the industry. People simply didn’t want to come to work.” So the team decided to figure out why attendance was so low. They discovered that there was a disconnect between management and the front lines. “We immediately started a dialogue with the employees, and it paid off right away,” saysWithTowle.the new United, CEO Smisek, Towle and the entire United leadership team are committed to keeping lines of communication open. It begins with expanding the organization’s focus. “All companies use metrics and analyses to measure and manage what gets done,” Towle says, “and that’s obviously important. But the truly successful companies also focus on how things get done. In the merger, we want to place as much emphasis on the how as on the what.”
“At the end of the day, we want our coworkers to be proud to tell others that they work at the new United. We want this to be a fun place to work.”
“We can’t make this great merger successful without our coworkers,” Towle says. “If they aren’t engaged in
FOR DONNA TOWLE, United’s Vice President for HR-Employee Relations, success in business boils down to three simple concepts: trust, pride and camaraderie. If you make these your overarching goals for how coworkers relate to one another, Towle says, great customer service falls into “Employeesplace. need to feel they’re part of the process, and they need to be part of the process,” Towle says. “To make this happen, we need to listen to them. Companies that listen to their coworkers fare well in the long run and are great places to work. If you provide a good employee experience, your coworkers will in turn provide great customer service— that’s the lynchpin of success in any service-oriented business.”
Towle joined Continental 26 years ago and can remember a time when things weren’t going too well. “Fifteen years ago, Continental was a terrible place to work, and our employees had little pride in their jobs or in the carrier,” Towle says. “Continental had a bad reputation, largely based on how our coworkers delivered the product and service. Back then, it felt like managers never listened to our frontline employees.”
Bethune became CEO of Continental. Jeff Smisek, now United’s CEO, was part of the senior leadership team brought in to turn around the company. He and other senior leaders set about overhauling the lines of communication between management and the coworkers on the front lines.
All of that changed when Gordon

Beyond the advisory group, Towle is dispatching teams to act as impartial liaisons between the leadership and frontline coworkers, the “boots on the“Ourground.”coworkers need to have someone in management they can speak to who is neutral and unbiased,” Towle says. “We’re going to provide venues where employees can feel comfortable sharing ideas and getting feedback from leadership.”
Donna Towle, United’s Vice President for HR-Employee Relations, second from right, speaks with, from left, Tom Neuman, Marlene Hawkinson, David Lynch and Paola Gomez.
“At the end of the day,” Towle says, “we want our coworkers to be proud to tell others that they work at the new United. We want this to be a great place to work.” And it’s not just coworkers who can reap the rewards of a great place to work. These initiatives have a great payoff for the customer, who in turn will receive great service and be able to ask any question and get a straight answer from a United representative, who will appreciate the customer’s business and respond appropriately to the customer’s suggestions and ideas.
HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM | JANUARY 2011 13 and supportive of the process, we won’t get the benefits we all want to achieve.”
The goal, Towle says, is to make coworkers confident that they can ask any question of management and get a straight answer; that management delivers on promises; shows appreciation for good work and for extra effort; seeks and responds to suggestions and ideas; and shows interest in coworkers as human beings, not just employees.

ON NOVEMBER 4, UNITED UNVEILED The Oprah Winfrey Show Farewell Season Plane at Chicago O’Hare International Airport. As the leading global carrier and Chicago’s Hometown Airline®, United is proud to celebrate The Oprah Winfrey Show’s farewell season. The domestic Boeing 757 aircraft is decorated inside and out with imagery from The Oprah Winfrey Show. Special touches include a signature tail and a special welcome video from Oprah.
United Teams Up with Oprah
Customers on the inaugural flight of The Oprah Winfrey Show Farewell Season Plane were surprised to be greeted in the gate area by a special video message from Oprah and personal organization expert Peter Walsh, both fresh from an Oprah show taping. Onboard, each customer received special gifts including a monogrammed “Oprah 25” fleece blanket and a special inaugural flight certificate. One lucky winner also received the vacation of his dreams when United awarded him enough United Mileage Plus® miles for a trip around the world. To share the excitement with all of our customers, we invite you to participate in the “United Million Mile Giveaway”—a sweepstakes that will give one million United Mileage Plus miles to one lucky winner each month through May 2011, and Oprah Store e-cards to many others. For more sweepstakes details, go to unitedmillionmiles.com.TheOprahWinfreyShow Farewell Season Plane flies to and from cities in United’s domestic network through May 2011. Be on the lookout at airports throughout the United States—your next trip just might be onboard this special aircraft! Book, manage and check in all on united.com.
JANUARY 2011 | UNITED.COM 14 connections

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FEATHERED DO // Upland geese in Patagonia’s Torres del Paine National Park. REGIÓN DE MAGALLANES, CHILE PHOTOLIBRARYBYPHOTOGRAPH

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“If you respect the pig,” she says, “the pig will respect you.”—BLYTHE COPELAND WARMINSTER, PENNSYLVANIA
In between feeding, trawling for belly scratches and napping on heaps of soft blankets, the pigs can avail themselves of the farm’s spa for massages, pedicures and facials. “We put on quiet, relaxing music, and we have essential oils,” says Armstrong-Magidson. “We massage the oil in to loosen dirt on their backs. They love it.” The nonprofit farm also offers behavior modification therapies and a diet program for its more piggish long-term boarders. Though they can get quite big, Armstrong-Magidson says, potbellies make great pets. They’re undemanding, easily trained and often completely devoted. This makes the rules of the relationship simple.
IF THERE’S ONE THING the guests of the posh Ross Mill Farm resort in Bucks County have in common, it’s this: They’re all pigs. Owners Susan Armstrong-Magidson and her husband, Richard, have spent the last two decades rescuing and placing potbellied pigs—more than 1,000 of them in all—at what she claims is the only place in the world that emphasizes the care and well-being of the pet potbelly.
When Armstrong-Magidson bought Ross Mill Farm in the 1980s, it was a bucolic, swine-free escape from her marketing career in New York City. But in 1992, she and her husband gave up city life to pursue what had become their unusual calling. Now she has short-term regulars—like, on a recent visit, the unfortunately named Pork Chop—who check in when their owners are on vacation, and long-term residents she hopes to find homes for through her Pig Placement Network. As many as 150 pigs can stay at one time either indoors or outdoors, depending on how they were raised. (Outdoor pigs are paired because they “like to have a friend,” she says.)

Wave upon wave of torch-wielding skeletons are marching through the darkened streets of Oklahoma City, their glow visible from a mile away. Sinister music blares from speakers mounted on small wagons pulled along by members of the playfully macabre procession. Following close behind is their leader, a lanky, suited figure with a wild shock of gray hair, rolling along inside a giant clear plastic ball, waving and grinning wickedly at the awestruck bystanders.Thatman is 49-year-old Wayne Coyne, lead singer of the world-renowned rock band The Flaming Lips, and his highly regimented Armageddon procession is just one of dozens of entries in The Oklahoma Gazette’s annual “Ghouls Gone Wild Halloween Parade” in downtown Oklahoma City. Coyne has been leading his “March of 1,000 Flaming Skeletons” since the inaugural parade in 2007, and in that time it’s become both a pilgrimage site for Flaming Lips fanatics from across the country and a glorious display of local pride by a band that got its start in the Sooner State. Since they formed in O.K.C. in 1983, the Lips, in all their exuberant weirdness, have helped soften their state’s no-nonsense cowboy reputation. The state, for its part, has responded with affection.
“The Lips have been one of Oklahoma’s greatest artistic ambassadors,” says Nathan Poppe, clutching his torch; it’s his third parade. “They’ve traveled the world, collected all these pieces of weirdness from everywhere they’ve been, and decided to plant it all here.”—JOSHUA BOYDSTON Lips Service OKLAHOMA CITY
Don “Nick” Clifford, the last living carver of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Keystone, South Dakota, arrives at work around 8 a.m. and takes his seat in the gift shop. There the 90-yearold remains for the next 12 hours, until every last visitor’s question is answered and every autograph is signed. It would be a long day even for a young man—which he was when he started working here back in 1938. Clifford was one of the last men hired to help create the Rushmore sculpture, which turns 70 this October. A Keystone native, he was 17 when he started on the mountain, though he had been trying to land a job there since he was 15. His break came when the son of Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor behind Rushmore, decided to organize some of the workers into a baseball team. Clifford, an ace pitcher and outfielder, signed on as a ringer for the Mount Rushmore Memorial Drillers. Then he pestered his teammates until they finally hired him. Clifford started out being paid 50 cents an hour cutting logs for Borglum’s studio and cranking the winches in the winch house to raise and lower cables. He was promoted to driller, which earned him an extra dollar a day. He worked there for three years. “We knew that it was important when we were working on it,” he says, “but we had no idea howSittingimportant.”inthegift shop, Clifford shares his tales, which he wrote about in his memoir, Mount Rushmore Q and A. So what Q does he get the most? “They always ask, ‘Was it scary?’ I always tell them it wasn’t scary for me, but we did have men who couldn’t stand the height,” he says. “After one day of work they’d never come back.” HURT

“People who buy this wine drink it immediately.”
grinning.—DEBORAH JIAN LEE Pump It Up CLERMONT-FERRAND, FRANCE BERLIN WALL BALL Strolling through Mauer Park, a stretch of green space built in the footprint of the Berlin Wall, there are many things you expect to see: graffiti artists practicing their trade on a remaining stretch of Communist-era concrete, for instance, or tourists quietly contemplating the weight of history. What you don’t expect is a mob of thousands of karaoke enthusiasts cheering and singing along to Ronan Keating’s “When You Say Nothing At All.” And yet, there they are. Welcome to the Bearpit, a stone amphitheater set along a once-dangerous strip of the wall that now hosts the city’s massively popular Sunday afternoon karaoke party. Every week, up to 2,000 people of all ages come together here to perform rowdy renditions of everything from Elvis Presley to Puccini. When Chris from Stuttgart finishes his take on the Keating tune, the MC, an Irish expat who goes by the name of Joe Hatchiban, whose mobile karaoke rig consists of a laptop and two speakers transported via bicycle, takes the mic. “Beautiful,” he opines, over the raucous applause. “Sung from the heart!”
22 JANUARY 2011 | UNITED.COMdispatchesInadiscount
“It’s an everyday wine,” Terzian says, noting that her target consumer is not looking for an exquisite vintage to store in a cellar.
The machine is called “La Cuve,” which harks back to the old days of France when people lugged empty bottles to purchase wine from a cuve à vin, or wine vat. It’s the brainchild of Astrid Terzian, a businesswoman who a few years back enlisted the help of automotive engineers to devise a way to provide cheap, tasty wine with a smaller carbon footprint. Eliminating the cost of bottling allows her to sell for less, she explains. Customers fill up reusable bottles for as little as $2 per liter.
supermarket in central France, a machine about the size of an industrial refrigerator with protruding pumps and tubes draws a crowd of puzzled shoppers. Standing before it, a middle-aged woman fills a plastic jug with a dark liquid. Numbers climb on a digital display. A bar code prints on a sticker. The onlookers whisper. Then they nod approvingly when they realize what it is they’re seeing. It’s a wine dispenser.
In 2010, eight stores across France bought or rented one of these 500- or 1,000-liter vending pumps, which dispense red, white and rosé wines from multiple regions. Terzian is now in talks with investors interested in bringing La Cuve to Russia, Israel and the U.S.—the latter arguably the global epicenter of bulk buying.
As for the woman filling up her jug at the supermarket, it’s her first time using La Cuve, but she’s sold. Apart from the convenience and low cost, she says, it’s easy to use. “Like a gasoline pump,” she says,
In early 2009, Lennon started bringing karaoke to the people, biking around the city and setting up his equipment at different monuments. One day, a curious crowd formed in Mauer Park, and his act was on its way to becoming a Berlin institution. “It beats working in a call center,” Lennon says, waving a donation tin among the revelers. “And it’s a lot of Lauren,fun.”an Australian, is sitting on one of the Bearpit’s granite seats. “It was moving to see the wall for the first time, and kind of weird to see this huge celebration next to it,” she says. “It shows how the people and the city have moved on.”

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Chef Hernán Gipponi labored for years in kitchens in Spain’s Basque Country before returning to his native Argentina. His efforts paid off: The chef now has his own restaurant at a hot new boutique property, the Fierro Hotel in the Palermo Hollywood neighborhood of Buenos Aires. Hernán Gipponi Restaurante uses local ingredients and adds a molecular gastronomic twist, yielding dishes such as foamy yogurt with caramelized pumpkin seeds. To wash it down, select a local vino from the Fierro’s generous cellar. Fuego

At work I don’t have a choice of where I sit But with Star Alliance Upgrade Awards Across 20 of our member airlines worldwide Now I do. I’ve earned it. Takuma InternationalSato racing driver and Star Alliance Gold Status staralliance.com

The Denver Art Museum’s 18,000 pieces of Native American art get a home of their own this month with the opening of the American Indian Galleries. A museum’spiecesincludeworkartistsonfoot23,000-square-newwingwillfocuscontemporaryandtheirbutwillalsoprehistoricfromthecollection. denverartmuseum.org
news 9-23 TOKYO // Sumo season hits its stride at the January Basho, one of six annual sumo tournaments. sumo.or.jp 21-22 SAN FRANCISCO // Wax your handlebar mustache and brush up on your croquet skills for the Edwardian Faire and Ball, an art expo and party in tribute to artist/writer Edward Gorey. edwardianball.com 21-22 SEWARD, ALASKA // Possibly the only polar bear swim where you might actually see polar bears, the Seward Polar Bear Jump is followed by an ugly-fish toss and ice bowling. sewardak.org 8-30 SYDNEY// Sydney Festival is a serious warm-weather celebration with three weeks of outdoor concerts, film screenings and art exhibitions. Sure beats the cold. sydneyfestival.org
CHILL OUT // If your idea of winter survival is finding a richer moisturizer, you might want to invest in Linkum Tours’ Women’s Winter Survival Course. This three-day class, running this month through March in Newfoundland’s Gros Morne National Park, includes snowshoeing, backcountry skiing, building a snow shelter and, most importantly, impressing everyone back home. linkumtours.com
The Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, New York, is ready for its closeup after a $67 million renovation that doubled its size. There will be a weekend of festivities—such as a late-night three-ring circus and a visit from Gus Van Sant to screen his new film, Restless—to celebrate the new space’s opening on January 15. movingimage.us sumo tourn 27

FEBRUARY 4-6 KOH PHANGAN, THAILAND // The Phangan Film Festival is by and for travelers, who will flock to its farflung Koh Samui locale. phanganfilmfestival.com 28-30 EUGENE, OREGON // Forage and feast at the Oregon Truffle Festival, the only U.S. celebration of the gourmet fungus. oregontrufflefestival.com news
A list of the architects at the PGA National in Palm Beach, Florida, is a Who’s Who of golf greats: Arnold Palmer, Tom and George Fazio and Jack Nicklaus each had a hand in this beauty. It’s no wonder the course hosts PGA Championships, Ryder Cups and—if you can hack it—you. pgaresort.com
PERFECT HARMONY Frank Gehry, like many people his age, has made his way to Florida. The octogenarian is doing his part to enrich Miami’s culture scene with a New World Symphony performance hall that opens this month. It will host 30-minute miniconcerts, full symphonies and multimedia displays on a 7,000-square-foot exterior projection wall. Welcome to the Sunshine State, Frank. nws.edu 5-27 CHICAGO // Learn how to cut a rug in ice skates all month long in Millennium Park during the Chicago Winter Dance Festival. cityofchicago.org
The St. Regis Bangkok opens February 1, bringing with it signature St. Regis touches like butler service, a custom bloody mary (the Siam Mary), champagne sabering and an Elemis Spa. Guests can step out right onto Rajadrimi Road, the city’s main shopping street. We think the chain’s founder, John Jacob Astor, would approve. starwoodhotels.com/stregis

OAHU: Ala Moana Center Outrigger Waikiki on the Beach Waikiki Beachwalk Hilton Hawaiian Village MAUI: Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center Lahaina Cannery The Shops at Wailea Whalers Village Front Street (2 locations) Hyatt Regency Maui Grand Wailea Resort KAUAI: Poipu Shopping Village Grand Hyatt Kauai BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII: Kona Marketplace Kings’ Shops Hilton Waikoloa Village NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINES: Pride of America BOSTON: Natick Collection Northshore Mall CHICAGO: Oakbrook Center Woodfield Mall DALLAS: NorthPark Center DENVER: Cherry Creek Shopping Center LOS ANGELES: Glendale Galleria Northridge Fashion Center NEW YORK: Roosevelt Field ORLANDO: The Mall at Millenia PHILADELPHIA: The Plaza at King of Prussia PLEASANTON: Stoneridge Mall PORTLAND: Washington Square SAN DIEGO: Fashion Valley Horton Plaza SAN FRANCISCO: Pier 39 SAN JOSE: Valley Fair SEATTLE: Bellevue Square WASHINGTON, D.C.: Tysons Corner Center MatchingavailableEarrings Palm Tree Pendant with Diamonds Various sizes available starting from $279 for our Petite Palm Tree Pendant with AvailableChainDiamondsadditionalinKYellow,WhiteorRoseGold

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With the exclusive Y1 iperEspresso system, simply insert a capsule, press the button, and the pleasure of savoring a smooth, full-bodied espresso with rich, long-lasting crema is all yours — in seconds. What’s more, its aluminum body, tempered glass cup warmer and compact silhouette make the Y1 a perfect fit in any kitchen. 30-day risk-free trial Special: Cappuccino and latte lovers can add a hot milk frother for only $50.

Hungarian sculptor Ernö Rubik was almost certainly not the devil, but that’s hardly comforting to the millions of people who have been flummoxed by his diabolical cube since it was released as a toy in 1980. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the new Rubik’s Mirror Blocks Cube—an asymmetrical, single-color brain-boggler you (attempt to) solve by returning it to its original cubic shape—promises at least another three decades of befuddlement. Thankfully, it’s still small enough not to damage your wall when you resort to throwing it.

4 1 2 3 1. MADE IN THE SHADE Nobody had cool like Steve McQueen. Wear Persol’s replica of his maybesunglassesfoldingandyou’llcatchit. $360 / sunglasshut.com 2. BOLSHE-CLICK Stick it RussianphotorealismtowithLomography’sLubitel166+camera,whichtakeswhimsicalphotos. $350 / lomography.com 3. THE OLD SONG AND DANCE Despite the 1960s-era exterior, the Crosley iSolo is young at heart: It has capabilitysurround-soundandaniPoddockontop. $150 / crosleyradio.com 4. HOLD THE PHONES The wood finish isn’t the only nostalgic touch on Ultrasone’s Edition 10 headphones. They’re also as hi-fi as it gets. $2,700 / edition-10.com 32 JANUARY 2011 | UNITED.COM 4 goods

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MOTIVATION: Telepan didn’t realize just how bad the school meals were until he took a look inside a cafeteria. “I knew it was kind of gross, and I always made my daughter lunches so I could control what she was eating, but I didn’t really understand. There’s sodium, fillers and sugar in everything.” Now kids enrolled in the participating schools are feasting on pesto made from scratch and salads with freshly made dressings instead of chicken fingers and chocolate milk. “The kids give you instant feedback,” Telepan says. “‘Oh man,’ they say, ‘that’s the best chili ever. I can’t wait to tell my mom.’”
Telepan has recruited fellow chefs Zak Pelachio, Jonathon Waxman and others to sponsor individual schools. Since October the cooks have hosted café days (when they show up and cook a new menu for teachers and students), started school vegetable gardens and auctioned off their culinary skills to raise funds for the program. “The goal is to hit fifty schools next year, and all of them in the next few,” explains Telepan. “You gotta go big!” For more information go to wellnessintheschools.org.
BY KIRSTEN MATTHEW // PHOTOGRAPH BY ERIN GIUNTA WHO: BILL TELEPAN, 44 MISSION: To replace processed foods with healthy, hearty options in all 1,700 New York City public schools. Telepan, chef and owner of an eponymous eatery on the Upper West Side, became the executive chef of Wellness in the Schools—a nonprofit dedicated to improving conditions in public schools—in 2008, after a visit to his daughter’s school. The organization has installed salad bars in 19 schools and recruited 60 culinary school graduates and chefs to help Telepan teach cafeteria employees and students how to cook well and eat right. “There’ve been a lot of obstacles for us,” he says. “But the end result is fabulous.”
LunchThe Man

Get familiar with the Scandinavian sensibility by swinging through the Danish Design Center (HC Andersens Blvd. 27; en.ddc.dk), where you’ll learn about the evolution of the ubiquitous contemporary style and shop the center’s supersleek “Travel Light” line. (0:30)
south to the Rundetaarn (Købmagergade 52A; rundetaarn.dk), or Round Tower, and walk up a 685-foot spiral ramp to the top of Europe’s oldest functioning observatory, built in 1642. Peek through the powerful telescope and channel your inner Ole Christensen Rømer. (2:30)
You’ve worked up an appetite riding around, so grab a “smushi”—a Japanese take on the traditional open-face Danish sandwich, the smørrebrød—at The Royal Café (Amagertorv 6; theroyalcafe.dk). The café is on Strøget, the longest pedestrian shopping street in the world, so after you eat, peer into the windows at Magasin du Nord, Gucci and Royal Copenhagen porcelain factory. (3:15) Park the bike and hop into a heated, glass-covered boat. DFDS Canal Tours (canaltours.com/dct/en) depart from Gammel Strand and pass the Opera House, the Royal Danish Playhouse and the iconic Little Mermaid statue (yes, that Little Mermaid). (4:15)
You have just enough time to return the bike before walking to the hotel district of Vesterbro. Duck down a few steps into Mikkeller Bar (Viktoriagade 8BC; mikkeller.dk), a two-year winner of Danish brewery of the year. Treat yourself to one of its creations on tap. You’ve earned it. (5:00)
Do as the Danes do and practice pedal power. Even in winter, Copenhagen is very bicycle-friendly. Baisikeli (Turesensgade 10; baisikeli.dk) rents out second-hand cycles and helps finance bike donations in Tanzania, Sierra Leone and Ghana. (1:00) Hop on your bike and go back in time at Rosenborg Castle (dkks.dk/English), home of the crown jewels. King Christian IV spent almost his entire life at the castle; you’ll spend about 45 minutes. (2:00 Cruise)

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THE WEWOOD WOODEN WATCH doesn’t come with a lot of bells and whistles. There’s the Crono model, on the left, with its two tiny digital screens that display stopwatch, alarm and date functions, and there’s the Date, right, which has just a plain old analog face. But you don’t buy the WeWOOD for the advanced technology. You buy it because it’s singularly beautiful. In fact, since debuting in the U.S. this past fall, the one-year-old Florence, Italy–based maker of wooden watches has received raves from style blogs, fashion mags and, most important, watch shoppers. It’s fairly obvious why: With ebony or maple and often duotone bands and bodies, they look really cool. “At first they were perceived as men’s watches,” says marketing manager Emma Bogren. “But now about forty-five percent of our customers are women going for that chunky, oversize look. We have some more feminine styles, like a bangle, on the way.”
WeWOOD works with American Forests to plant a tree for every watch sold, and most of its material comes from a mishmash of industrial companies that might otherwise discard the odds and ends used to make the watches. The system is imperfect, but WeWOOD is still trying to find reliable suppliers so they can use reclaimed wood exclusively. It’s only a matter of time.

JANUARY 25 A REFLECTION Based on the novel by Mordecai Richler, Barney’s Version tells the story of Barney Panofsky (Paul Giamatti), who has only a few regrets as he looks back on his life as a crude TV producer. After 12 years in development, the film benefits from cult hero Giamatti’s even hand.
4OUT OF AFRICA • BBC journalist Peter Firstbrook’s newest tome, The Obamas: The Untold Story of An African Family, is a fascinating and carefully researched geneaology of the 44th president’s Kenyan roots. The story is complicated, much like Kenya’s history. JANUARY 11
The Big
JANUARY 14 1 5
GREEN LIGHT • Seth Rogen plays an average guy better than most: He’s schlubby, goofy and not exactly Hollywood handsome. These anti-hero traits serve him well as he takes the unlikely lead in The Green Hornet, where he stars as a newspaper heir who becomes a superhero by only pretending to be a bad guy. JANUARY 14
41 CULTURE | JANUARY 2011 arts
THE GIRL WHO PRESSED PLAY Stieg Larsson’s Millennium trilogy— The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest, and the films based on them—have a cultlike following. Now the three movies will be released as a set, so devotees can watch them in one sitting.
WHAT TO WATCH, READ AND LISTEN TO THIS MONTH. STILL GOING STRONG • For the latest installment in a career that began when she recorded her first rock ’n’ roll single in 1958, Wanda Jackson chose Jack White to produce The Party Ain’t Over, a collection of covers handpicked by Jackson and White, including Amy Winehouse’s “You Know I’m No Good.”

“I feel good,” Allman says. “We just hit it off in the studio. The Bone has to be different, like me. I can’t wear the same shirt twice.”
7 JANUARY 201 42
FEW PEOPLE SUMMON country-fried Southern American rock like Gregg Allman. The grizzled singer and organist of The Allman Brothers Band has toured the U.S. for more than 40 long, hard years. They’ve taken their toll—his brother, guitarist Duane, died on the road in the ’70s, and this past summer 63-year-old Gregg had a liver transplant.Thismonth, Allman releases Low Country Blues, his first solo album in 14 years, with superproducer T-Bone Burnett.
The Dalai Lama occupies such a lofty space in world culture, it’s easy to forget that he was once a small-town teenager expected to decide the fate of his country. Stephan Talty gets to know the boy who would be Lama in Escape from the Land of Snows: The Young Dalai Lama’s Harrowing Flight to Freedom and the Making of a Spiritual Hero
• Social distortion is often lumped in with other ’80s punk bands, but over the last two decades the seminal combo has honed a sound of its own. It’s seventh effort, Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes, combines punk energy with catchy melodies and poingant storytelling. JANUARY 18
With a production history as dramatic as its plot, The Bright Stream (banished under Josef Stalin; Bolshoi director Alexei Ratmansky re-created it in 2003) tells the stories of Soviet farmers. American Ballet Theatre restages the classic at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. 21-23
The result is a gritty, uptempo collection of semi-obscure blues tunes executed by a powerhouse band—including Dr. John on piano, Burnett on guitar and Allman playing the Hammond B-3 organ. Allman and Burnett together selected covers by Muddy Waters (the driving “I Can’t Be Satisfied”), BB King (“Please Accept My Love”) and Junior Wells (“Little By Little”). Allman’s dixie growl is stronger than it’s been in a decade.
9 VISUAL HISTORY Remember when TVs had antennae that needed adjusting? Tribune Broadcasting does. That’s why it’s launching Antenna TV, which will give fans of classic shows a new place to watch old favorites like Three’s Company, The Monkees and All in the Family 1 arts
“At the end of the Allman Brothers tour last year, my manager said to me, “Man, it’s been fourteen years since your last record,’” a surprisingly chipper Allman says from a hotel in Philadelphia. “That’s a long time, so he said ‘Dig it, I got somebody I want you to meet.’” Allman stopped by The Peabody hotel in Memphis to meet Burnett, and the two hit it off right away. “Once we got into it, I thought, This is too good to be true,” Allman says. “We were on the exact same page.”
• After winning the BAFTA award for best drama series, British black comedy Shameless is being remade by Showtime, starring two-time Emmy winner William H. Macy. Macy plays the alcohol-abusing father of a workingclass family, and Emmy Rossum steps up as his capable daughter. 9
10 8 9

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“For my daughter’s eighteenth birthday last summer we went to Amsterdam. Billie had flown over with her boyfriend, Max, and rented an apartment. We stayed at the Hotel Pulitzer, which was very quaint and right around the corner from where the kids were. They had no air conditioning in the apartment, so they were always in our room. “I’m a straight-up tourist when I travel. I always hire whatever goofy cars you can ride around in. In Amsterdam, we took horse-and-buggy rides through the city. The kids borrowed bicycles. We rented wooden canal boats to tour the canals. In the boats, after we toured around, they set out tablecloths and food and champagne and we had a picnic. We were there in the height of summer, which is when you’d think it would be crazy there—but it was very mellow. It’s a very friendly city. I don’t think you can really be overwhelmed by Amsterdam.”
Fisher’s one-woman show, Wishful Drinking, will air on HBO this month.

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ORDER TICKETS NOW! Presents the 22nd Annual 911 Porsche Raffle Win a 2011 Porsche 911 Carrera Drawing on Saturday, June 18th, 2011 at 12:00 Noon at Jack Daniels Porsche 335 Route 17 South, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07650 (Presence not required to win. Drawing results posted on www.diabetesfoundationinc.org) The 2011 Porsche 911 Carrera will be on display at the New York International Auto Show April 22-May 1, 2011 North Concourse Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.
I’M DRIVING DOWN HIGHWAY I-94 in Michigan, trying to get as close to the car in front of me as I possibly can. My every instinct screams Slow down! Instead, I hit the gas. Seconds from a collision, a bright red line lights up on my windshield and a loud chime sounds, warning me to hit my brakes. Terrifying though it is, this is my real-world introduction to cars that pay attention, even when youSomedon’t.cars already communicate with drivers, telling you if someone is lingering in your blind spot, or automatically slowing down if you’re getting too close to the car in front of you. But Ford is part of a consortium of automakers that is upping the ante. In collaboration with Mercedes, GM, Toyota, Volkswagen and others, THE AUTOMOBILE OF THE FUTURE WILL COMMUNICATE WITH TRAFFIC LIGHTS, STOP SIGNS AND OTHER CARS. A (SLIGHTLY ALARMED) DRIVER TAKES ONE FOR A SPIN. BY JULIE HALPERT // ILLUSTRATION BY HARRY CAMPBELL Car Talk No substitution or cash in lieu of prize. Void where prohibited. All taxes, fees, etc. are the responsibility of the winner. ID No. 420-4-31229 RL#2866 Dedicated to improving the care and quality of life for people with diabetes through medical assistance, public education and camp scholarships for children.pp Tickets available via: Phone at 1-800-633-3160 or Mail to Address Below Online at diabetesfoundationinc.com or at Jack Daniels Porsche Mastercard, Visa, Amex, Discover and checks payable to Diabetes Foundation, Inc. accepted. Diabetes Foundation, Inc. 13 Sunflower Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652 info@diabetesfoundationinc.org

HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM | JANUARY 2011 47wheels it’s developing what is known as “vehicle-to-vehicle” and “vehicleto-infrastructure” communication, in which cars talk to each other and to traffic signals to anticipate dangerous situations. And they’re getting a little help from the Department of Transportation, which contributed about $11.5 million to the effort in 2010. With this technology, messages are sent wirelessly from one car to another and from cars to traffic signals using dedicated short-range radios that can see 360 degrees around the car. Over time, radios will likewise be installed in traffic signal equipment, along with dedicated short-range communication antennas that will provide GPS information to cars so they can better navigate the road.
I’m able to see all this in action in an Escape Hybrid at Ford’s product development campus. Shawn Brovold, a young product design engineer, is piloting a Ford Flex. First, I drive toward an intersection to try out the “stop sign violation warning.” As I approach the sign without slowing down, lights flash on my windshield, and a female voice calmly says “Stop sign.” Approaching the next intersection, I speed up, but so does Brovold in his Flex, which is coming at me from the left. Moments before a collision, another warning tells me to brake. I do what it tells me. Out on the highway, we test a more advanced Wi-Fi-enabled blind spot warning system. While current blind spot technologies tell you when a car is already in your blind spot, the next generation can tell you when a car is going to be in your blind spot. When I try to make a lane change with the Flex gaining on my right, an orange icon appears in my right-hand mirror telling me to stay put. Brovold then pulls two cars ahead of me and hits his brakes. I immediately get a warning to slow down, demonstrating the Escape’s ability to see through obstacles in the car’s path.
Located at 9573 Harding Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida, The Center For Regenerative Medicine includes a team of professionals that are dedicated to improve your quality of life, paving the way to enhance the science of non-surgical orthopedic medicine. World champions, sports legends, professional and amateur athletes, dancers, and people with just plain pain and arthritis go to The Center For Regenerative Medicine for non-surgical orthopedic care. Using the facility to improve their condition, thousands of successful cases have been treated over the past nine years.
The U.S. Department of Transportation plans to issue a ruling by 2013 on whether the program holds enough promise to move forward. If it green-lights the technology, the soonest it would appear in cars in a significant way would be 2018. The next step after that—autonomous, Jetsons-style cars— is even farther off. This leaves us plenty of time to get used to the unsettling idea of cars, once submissive, doing the driving for us.
As I hurtle heedlessly toward an intersection, the car warns me to brake. I do what it says.
The Knee Diaries: SJ is a 60-year-old male with bone on bone osteoarthritis of the left knee. An X-ray showed arthritis of the knee (X-ray on the left). Patient started receiving treatments at The Center For Regenerative Medicine. Today he is feeling better (X-ray on the right). This is how it works: The physician introduces Cell Therapy into damaged, arthritic cells by means of a precise injection. This process is followed by infrared laser as well as several other modalities including Collateral Artery Flow Exercises (C.A.F.E.), in order to accelerate the process. Depending on tissue damage, severity of the condition and the size of the joint that needs to be injected, people usually need a series of 1 to 6 treatments to improve. There is usually no down time, and people can go back to their usual activities or work immediately. The treatments can help most musculoskeletal problems such as low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, whiplash, sciatica, tendinitis, sprain, strains, torn ligaments and cartilage damage.
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Automotive journalist JULIE HALPERT has thus far avoided any serious collisions— without help from her car.

AS I WRITE THIS, it is the thick of football season and everyone around me is yelling—about concussions. (Or, as the cover of Sports Illustrated put it, concussions!) This chronically misunderstood head injury has been of increasing interest to football players, coaches and, especially, frothymouthed, do-gooding journalists for the past few seasons as the growing body of research shows in clearer and clearer terms that concussions are a plague upon the NFL (and the sport at large). It’s pretty clear now: Play football at your brain’s peril. The shouting was cranked to 11 after one particularly brutal October weekend in which University of Arkansas quarterback Ryan Mallet, Philadelphia Eagles receiver DeSean Jackson, Baltimore Ravens tight end Todd Heap and Cleveland Browns wide receivers Joshua Cribbs and Mohamed Massaquoi all left the field with concussions. Jackson’s concussion was labeled “severe” and was a result of a dangerous—and illegal—headfirst tackle/javelin impersonation by Atlanta Falcons cornerback Dunta Robinson, who also managed to give himself a concussion on the play (the rare double whammy). And that wasn’t all. Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison, a human wrecking ball, knocked out two players in the same game, and Zach Follett of the AS THE NFL AND ITS CRITICS FRET OVER A RASH OF PLAYER CONCUSSIONS, ONE FAN DISCOVERS A RADICAL SOLUTION TO SAVE HIS BELOVED GAME. JOSH DEAN Head Game
// BY

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The Colts defensive line takes down the Patriots’ David Thomas.
When the NFL announced more strict policing on tackles, one top player threatened to retire. He said he doesn’t know how else to play this game.
JANUARY 2011 | UNITED.COM 50 Detroit Lions was carted off the field at Giants Stadium on a stretcher with a head injury. Worst of all, a Rutgers University defensive tackle named Eric LeGrand was paralyzed from the neck down in a game against Army. He may never walk again. As of mid-October there had been at least 41 concussions suffered by NFL players this season, 14 of which were edited into a horrifying video compilation by the website Deadspin that should run on a loop as a precautionary tale in every locker room. Of course, it’s not that different from any number of sequences that have been aired, in celebratory fashion, on ESPN SportsCenter over the years, and an audience of linebackers and safeties—not to say fans—would likely greet it with chest bumps. So the league is trying to do the only thing it can do: officiate its way around the problem.
On the Monday following that bloody weekend, Ray Anderson, the NFL’s executive vice president of football operations, said that the league, which already ejected and fined players for illegal hits, would ratchet up suspensions. He issued the following blast of legalese: “There’s strong testimonial for looking readily at evaluating discipline, especially in the areas of egregious and elevated dangerous hits.” At which point smoke began to emanate from Harrison’s ears. The helmet industry also quickly came under fire after New York Times reporter Alan Schwarz wrote a scathing indictment of the state of head protectors, which included the terrifying fact that the organization that established the safety guidelines for helmets is partly made up of and financed by representatives employed by the helmet industry. Oh,Evenbrother.former safety Rodney Harrison—the same player who, on the field, was widely considered one of the dirtiest in the game—was up in arms. “Thank God I retired,” he said to a Sports Illustrated reporter. Here’s the thing: According to a recent study on concussions in football, it’s not these horrific, high-profile hits that are most dangerous to players. It’s the recurrent, low-impact collisions that take place at practice. It turns out the brain doesn’t need to be jarred all that hard to be damaged; jostle it repeatedly and you get similar effects. And since eliminating contact at practice isn’t an option, and considering a player who takes part in minor collisions over 16 games anyway is certainly at risk of retiring a vegetable, there’s really only one solution to this mess. If we’re really serious about solving the problem, we’re going to have to take the advice of Chicago Bears safety Chris Harris, who tweeted: “If it’s too dangerous, then ban the sport n [sic] make it illegal.” Harris was being facetious—he was angry with the league for lashing out at defenders. But he was also right. If we’re being honest with ourselves the only way to save football players is to ban football.

New York–based writer JOSH DEAN wears a helmet when he plays Madden NFL. from 85,000+ titles Works with iPod®, & 500+ mp3 players Learn more at audible.com/united
LET ME MAKE ONE THING CLEAR: I am not advocating the end of football. I love the sport, and, like any football fan, I’ve celebrated big hits. I have, at least once per game for my entire life, upon witnessing a brutal tackle, doubled over in mock pain, and then yelled to whoever was close, “You gotta come see this!”
Football wears its machismo as cologne and has historically applauded the guy who gets crushed, stumbles off and then returns to game once the ground stops spinning. That is changing. In most cases, players with concussions or even concussion-like symptoms are pulled from games, thanks to trainers who are more aware of head injuries. Usually. Early in the season, two Philadelphia Eagles—QB Kevin Kolb and linebacker Stewart Bradley— suffered concussions and reentered the game before being pulled for their injuries. That borders on negligence, because the brain is far more susceptible to a second concussion when it’s still recovering from the first. The facts alone should be scary to players. Concussions ended the careers of Troy Aikman and Al Toon. Retired players Andre Waters and Terry Long committed suicide after long bouts of depression suspected to have resulted from concussions. Add to this a litany of chronic back, knee, hip, shoulder and neck problems, and it makes for tough postretirement years. And yet the NFL is seriously considering expanding the regular season from 16 to 18 games. Maybe a complete ban makes sense after all.
Violent tackles are inarguably an exciting part of the game, for fans and players. NFL VP Anderson acknowledged as much, saying, essentially, that part of the enjoyment of football is that some of the violence is appealing. When Anderson and the NFL announced its stricter policing in part because of the two Cleveland Browns he KO’d, James Harrison threatened to retire, essentially saying he doesn’t know how else to play this game. Harrison very much represents a longstanding way of thinking about hits among players, a thinking embodied best in recent years by Ray Lewis, who once said he didn’t feel he had hit a player hard enough unless it hurt Lewis too. Harrison is hardly alone in being annoyed with the NFL’s harder line. New England Patriot Tom Brady, the man with the golden jaw, perhaps said it best: “I think we all signed up for this game knowing that it’s dangerous.”
It’s always easy to sermonize from the sidelines. Certainly, there are tackles that are intentionally dirty, but often a defender is sprinting full speed at a runner who is also sprinting full speed and trying not to be tackled. If the defender throws his body at the player— leading with his shoulder, which is the proper technique—and that player moves or ducks, it’s very easy for their helmets to collide unintentionally. Which is not to say that nothing can be done. Equipment can be improved. Better helmet technology in the 1970s ended the risk of fractured skulls, and there’s reason to think that new designs could lessen the risk of concussions.There’salsoeducation.

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ONE AFTERNOON IN Grand Rapids, Michigan, Dayna Baumeister stands in a room full of Herman Miller employees, next to a trunk filled with seashells, feathers and other natural miscellany, and hands a sea cucumber to Carolyn Maalouf, a blindfolded R&D engineer. Don’t guess what the object is, Baumeister says. Guess what it does. Maalouf takes a shot. Well, it’s spiky, she says. Maybe it needs those spikes to ward off predators? Another blindfolded colleague, meanwhile, is holding a swatch of sharkskin. With some guidance, he eventually deduces, correctly, from the smooth surface that his object is designed to move fast. That they stumble through the exercise is pretty much the point. By eliminating sight—the sense that would instantly provide the “right” answer—the exercise succeeds in what Baumeister calls “quieting our cleverness.” This is crucial. Baumeister is the cofounder of The Biomimicry Guild, a group that promotes the increasingly popular notion that many of the best solutions to problems facing humanity can already be found in nature. “Biomimicry represents a THE FAST-GROWING FIELD OF BIOMIMICRY ENCOURAGES INNOVATORS TO LOOK TO NATURE—IN ALL ITS WONDER AND WEIRDNESS—FOR SOLUTIONS TO OUR TRICKIEST PROBLEMS. BY TIFFANY MEYERS // ILLUSTRATION BY ALEX EBEN MEYER
Consider the Tardigrade HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM | JANUARY 2011 5in d ust r y

Three universities—Arizona State, Ontario College of Art & Design and Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City—now offer a biomimicry minor, and the guild has begun offering a master’s-level certificate program and soon, online classes through a new “Professional Pathways” program. Biomimicry success stories abound. When German botanist Wilhelm Barthlott set out to find out how nature cleans itself, he came upon the “superhydrophobic” lotus leaf, on whose surface water beads up and carries away dirt. Partnering with Barthlott to mimic that molecular structure, Sto Corp, manufacturer of specialty construction products, developed its patent-protected StoCoat Lotusan, an exterior coating that effectively makes buildings self-cleaning. Here’s another: When Kaichang Li, a science professor at Oregon State University, discovered that the blue mussel’s sticky fibers resemble soy flour’s proteins, he developed a nontoxic, soy-flourbased adhesive, called PureBond Technology. For Columbia Forest Products, manufacturer of hardwood plywood and veneer, it was the end of a competitive scramble to find an alternative to the pricey, carcinogenic industry standard: ureaformaldehyde-based glue. Nature-inspired design might even correct our overindulgences. The intemperate use of antibiotics has given rise to drug-resistant bacteria like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a “superbug” that causes difficult-to-treat, drug-resistant infections and beleaguers hospitals. In 2005, MRSA killed more than 19,000 people in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control. The cure? Sharks. When scientist Anthony Brennan was researching alternatives to toxic antifouling paints that discourage the growth of barnacles and other crusty life forms on ships, a Galapagos shark swam by. Its skin was squeaky clean. Brennan investigated and discovered that the microscopic pattern on the creature’s naturally bacteria-resistant scales can be replicated. Harnessing that discovery, Sharklet Technologies launched
FEELING PECKISH A CAMP Woodpecker Ax and its natural model.
At the core of biomimicry is the idea that nature has already solved many of the problems that stump us humans, and that innovators who cheat off biology’s crib sheet stand to gain an edge, since its solutions have been optimized over 3.8 billion years of focus group testing (otherwise known as evolution). “It’s a way to create breakthrough technologies,” says biomimicry mastermind Janine Benyus, who wrote the seminal 1997 book, Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature, before cofounding The Biomimicry Guild with Baumeister in 1998. (Since then, the group has worked with clients like Boeing, InterfaceFLOR, The Coca-Cola Company and Colgate-Palmolive, recently launching an alliance with global architecture firm HOK.)
Of course, nature-inspired innovation isn’t exactly new. Leonardo DaVinci’s flying machines were informed by bird studies, and the idea for Velcro came in the ’40s when engineer George De Mestral noticed the burrs that clung to his dog’s fur after a walk in the woods. But what Benyus and Baumeister have done with the guild is establish biomimicry as a formal science, creating processes and tools that allow the ideas to be widely adopted. Innovators the world over, and not just clients of the guild, are using nature’s ingenuity to devise game-changing solutions: efficient wind turbines that mimick whale fins, a Japanese bullet train that passes quietly through tunnels at super speeds by emulating the kingfisher’s beak, self-cooling buildings that imitate termite mounds.
Nature—unlike humankind—never does anything unless it’s conducive to life.
54 paradigm shift away from the belief that we humans are the cleverest and most perfectly evolved,” says Baumeister. “When people believe that humans are the cleverest species, they might say, Why would I bother trying to learn from nature?”

TIFFANY MEYERS, who writes about design, advertising and business, is presently shopping around for a pet tardigrade. The Strength of a Diamond. The Durability of Titanium. And the Warmth of Wood. Custom made men’s and ladies rings exclusively at Sheldon Gate Jewelry Designs. info@sheldongate.com
55industry SafeTouch skins last year. Bacteria growth is reduced by 80 percent on these adhesive-backed surface coverings—which can be placed on everything from hospital countertops to bathroom doors—than it does on other surfaces.
“Rather than trying to conquer nature, we’re learning from it,” says Sarah Eder, a vice president at Sharklet. Even nature’s freakier features can serve as inspiration. Take the case of the tardigrade. The microscopic animal enters a state of anhydrobiosis when dehydrated, suspended in a seemingly dead state for years. When exposed to water, however, it revives and walks away. Scientists Judy Müller-Cohn and Rolf Müller founded biostability company Biomatrica in 2006, offering a suite of products that, mimicking anhydrobiosis, stabilize biological lab samples at room temperature. Why is this important? Scientists customarily preserve DNA and RNA samples in freezers, which can malfunction, wreaking havoc on research. This new approach will preserve them far more effectively—and at less cost. Stanford University estimates that conversion to room-temperature sample stability could save the university $16 million over 10 Practitionersyears. of biomimicry stress that nature, unlike humankind, never does anything unless it’s conducive to life. Nature runs on sunlight, it turns waste into food, its systems include built-in backup plans, and it uses local, nontoxic materials to self-assemble useful things. These principles act as a sustainability filter for biomimetic ideas. In other words, if the factory in which you produce your biomimetic widget discharges carcinogenic slurry, you’ve missed the point. So while biomimicry can drive innovations that prove beneficial to the bottom line, Baumeister says, “the ultimate return on investment is the survival of the human species.”

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Still Life IN
GIRVAN, SOUTH AYRESHIRE, is a tiny fishing port in southwest Scotland with rolling, bright green bluffs stretching back from a quaint harbor. There’s a castle visible in the distance, tempting visitors to fancy themselves barons sitting in that rambling gray structure sipping scotch by the fireplace, watching the ships roll in through the fog. It’s such a quintessentially Scottish scene that you may be surprised to learn that the drink of choice in Girvan isn’t scotch but gin. And a local gin at that, one made with…cucumbers. That’s not all. Unlike most gins, this one is served in a corked squat black bottle meant to resemble an apothecary jar, hearkening back to when gin’s botanicals were used medicinally. The Victorian flourishes don’t end there. The label announces, “EST. 1886,” suggesting to the uninitiated that this drink had been wrung from the very turf of Scotland, when in fact it was created in 1999 by a former pharmaceutical chemist. This is Hendrick’s Gin, and it’s arguably the most interesting liquor success story in recent memory. Hendrick’s is produced by William Grant & Sons, a family business in South Ayreshire since 1887 best known for Glenfiddich, Balvenie and Grant’s Scotch Whisky. Since it hit the shelves in 1999, Hendrick’s has won the hearts of gin drinkers, non-gin-drinkers, THE DEWY SCOTTISH HILLS, TWO ANTIQUE STILLS AND ONE VERY COOL VEGETABLE YIELD THE WORLD’S BEST GIN. BY KIRSTEN MATTHEW food & drink

Of course, the hands-on approach would all be for naught if no one were enticed to try the product. This most unusual drink needed a most unusual marketing scheme, which U.S. marketing director Caspar McRae calls “madcap Victoriana.”
1 1/2 oz. Hendrick’s Gin 1 1/8 oz. Lillet Rouge 1 1/8 oz. dark simple syrup 4 leaves mint 4 blackberries 3 dashes yuzu concentrate 2 oz. brut champagne In a mixing glass, muddle mint, berries, yuzu and simple syrup. Add Hendrick’s and Lillet and stir. Add ice, shake well. Strain into an iced rocks glass. Add champagne and garnish with a sprig of mint and a blackberry. notes are now inherent in the still,” she says. “It gives us control over the product.” Xavier Padovani, the brand’s global ambassador, says that’s typical of Gracie’s style. “She’s a bit different,” he says. “She doesn’t work on a computer much; she keeps everything in her head. She’s rock ’n’ roll.”
Augmenting the marketing effort are food & drink was a totally different set of rules, but really interesting.”
A trip to HendricksGin.com reveals illustrations of men and women in 19th century garb, chess pieces, butterflies, clocks, trumpets and subtle roses and cucumbers, all under a banner welcoming you to “Hendrick’s Curiositorium.” Hendrick’s print ads sport the same Victorian-style illustrations and come emblazoned with such messages as “Somewhere between ‘Oh’ and ‘My,’ he realized he’d never drink any other gin again.”
In 1999, the company decided to create what the industry calls an “ultra-premium” gin, one that retails for $30 a bottle. Gracie went into the lab and emerged once she had created a delicate blend of standard gin ingredients like juniper berry, aged Angelica root, coriander and orris root, along with more idiosyncratic additions such as chamomile and an infusion of cucumber and rose, meant to evoke eating a cucumber sandwich in a rose garden. (Rumor has it that the gin gets its name from the gardener who tended the Grant family’s rose garden for 30 years.) That only about 200,000 cases are produced a year has put the stuff in short supply (Beefeater, the leading premium gin, exports more than a million cases a year to Spain alone), but Gracie won’t budge from her distillation method—one born of a 1966 auction purchase by Charles Gordon, William Grant’s great-grandson. Gordon bought a Bennet copper-pot still made in 1860, and a 1948 CarterHead still and restored them. Today, they’re integral to Gracie’s process. She steeps grain alcohol, local spring water and botanicals in the Bennet still for 24 to 36 hours, then gradually heats the mixture to create distillate. Meanwhile, in the Carter-Head, alcohol vapors wash over a mix of raw botanicals. The distillates are combined, and then the cucumber and rose flavors are infused. This complex process—most gin makers use only one still—gives Hendrick’s its distinctive taste; Gracie tests each 120-gallon batch by nose to make sure the balance is just right. She admits she might be able get the same result with an automated still, “but the old stills have worked so well and the gin bartenders and the press. In 2003, it was named “The Best Gin in the World” by The Wall Street Journal Hendrick’s is the brainchild of Lesley Gracie, one of only three people on the planet who know the recipe (it’s closely guarded so that no one can duplicate the unusual taste). The 54-year-old master distiller received a degree in chemistry from the University of Hull in Yorkshire and worked in pharmaceuticals for 12 years before relocating to South Ayreshire in 1988 to marry her Scottish beau. The big business in town was the local distillery, so she applied for a job as a chemist there. “Alcohol was a different medium,” Gracie says. “It Master distiller Lesley Gracie tests each 120-gallon batch of Hendrick’s Gin by nose.

Like a cucumber, KIRSTEN MATTHEW always makes her surroundings cooler.
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Nextornament.year,Hendrick’s will be launched in Argentina, Colombia and Brazil, with Gracie on hand at Girvan to oversee production in her beloved antique stills. It’s a busy life, and that extends to her hours away from work, when she tends to her four grandchildren, her golden retriever, Anya, and about 50 orchids; she has also been known to enjoy a Hendrick’s served with soda and a splash of elderflower cordial on occasion. “That fetches out the flower notes,” she says with a smile. “I like gin.”
The Hendrick’s plant in Girvan, Scotland, above; left, the copper Bennet still. the company’s “brand ambassadors,” a band of men and women dispatched to all 60 markets where the gin is sold. They host dinners and cocktail classes with chefs, mixologists, members of the media and historians. They even host croquet matches between bartenders. A select few get to drive the “Cucumbermobile,” a 1961 Rover P4 80 sedan painted cucumberrind-green, with a winged cucumber hood

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HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM | JANUARY 2011 artifact “Hit Charleston Antique Mall, a homey repository of old-school Vegas ephemera, and load up on vintage casino matchbooks.” 62 FUTURE PERFECT A look at technologywhereisheaded. By Alyssa Giacobbe 70 THE HEMI Q&A Twitter cofounder Evan Williams’ tweet dreams. By David Carr 74 WILD AND WOOLLY Guerrilla knitter Magda Sayeg is a real stitch. By Sloane Crosley 80 THREE PERFECT DAYS: LAS VEGAS The Entertainment Capital of the World earns its title. By Michael Kaplan FEATURES 61 80P. PHOTOGRAPH BY CLAIRE BENOIST



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Made from materials.
“With so many baby boomers approaching their elderly years, the U.S. is facing a shortage of nursing homes. But we’re rapidly approaching a time when our houses can take care of us. We’re seeing glimpses of this through experiments like Georgia Tech’s Aware Home, which records energy consumption, and the Drexel University Smart House, where a solar chimney and indoor daylight simulation provide a more sustainable living space. In twenty years, our homes will be able to control their environments by tracking everything from our habits and preferences to weather conditions. Our buildings will know what we’re capable of and what we need, whether it’s more light, less heat or a visit from a friend or doctor. Right now, innovations like Roomba and auto-mowers help people manage their houses. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon’s Quality of Life Technology Center are improving on this with prototypes of robots that can put dishes away and recycle. Homes will be equipped with video screens that offer a view inside a relative’s house. This will help provide older people with continuous human interaction, which is key to living longer. Oh, and we’ll be talking to our appliances; I have a five-month-old daughter, and I’m convinced she’ll never know what a remote control is.”
FUTURE EXPERT // Daniel H. Wilson, Ph.D., roboticist and author of the forthcoming Robopocalypse
64 OUT NOW //
Rendering obsolete the age-old marital spat over who forgot to turn off the coffeemaker, Wi-Fipowered home automation technology enables us to control nearly everything in a house remotely (from the bedroom, the turnpike, a distant campground). Most systems call on a combination of hardwired and wireless technologies to coordinate with household devices. Start slowly with Insteon’s RemoteLinc, which can open the garage, unlock the door, disable the alarm and power up the DVR from a few blocks away. Or use the company’s more advanced automation software to, say, reprogram the central air or water the lawn from Bangkok—just because you can.
STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY Inside Drexel University’s house of the future.

FUTURE EXPERT // John Biggs, editor in chief of Crunchgear.com
OUT NOW // FACETIME FOR MAC Apple’s FaceTime videoconferencing for Mac one-ups AIM video chat and Skype by taking free from the shackles of the traditional home office, or it can present a frightening leap for the late-night phone call you’ll regret the next day.
“Up next for the office is holographic communication, or telepresencing. A computer scans your body and transmits that information to another system in the location you want to be. On your screen, you see yourself in that room, looking through the ‘eyes’ of something on the other end—a robot or a holographic image—which communicates back to you what it’s like to be in the room. In that room, the robot would have your mannerisms; he sounds like you, moves like you. The question, of course, is whether, psychologically, we’re ready to have humans walking around with nonhumans. All of a sudden, you’ll have another person with you who doesn’t actually exist. That’s kind of weird.”
“Right now, beauty is largely a one-size-fits-all business. But we’re moving toward a fundamentally different approach based on customization based on genetics, which will play a huge role in skincare in the future, specifically the very hot arena of anti-agers. Skin ages differently based on a person’s genetic makeup. If you’re blond and pale, what works for your brown-haired, olivecomplected friend likely won’t work for you. Researchers are just starting to experiment with cosmetic fillers made from your own cells. The reason filler goes away and patients have to come back at regular intervals is that the body has an immune response to it and works to break it down. So what we do is take a sample from a patch of skin behind the ear and send it off to a lab. The lab then creates a very specific and highly customized filler material made from your own cells. Your body’s not going to break down your own tissue. In 20 years, that same idea will be applied to every product you’ll use for skin, hair—everything.”
FUTURE EXPERT // Ranella Hirsch, MD, past president of the American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Surgery
OUT NOW // LIVING PROOF. FULL HAIR PRODUCT Designed by renowned MIT biotech engineer Robert Langer (who improved cancer drug delivery and invented artificial vocal cords), Living Proof makes revolutionary hair products—ones that actually work. Since the debut of its first product, No Frizz—which use a Langer-developed molecule called PolyfluoroEster in place of industry-standard silicone—Living Proof. has been one of Sephora’s best sellers. For the brand’s latest line, Full (whose volumizing mousse hits shelves this month), Living Proof.’s research and development team spent two years creating Poly Beta Amino Ester-1 (PBAE-1), a hydrophobic molecule that works by placing a “space pattern” between hair fibers. Flat hair looks, feels, and behaves like naturally thick hair. Now back to the cancer research.

“In twenty years, the cable monopoly will be broken, and entertainment will be a more efficient à la carte experience: what you want, when you want it. In fact, TV shows may no longer be presented in season formats—networks might just film the entire season and say, ‘Here you go.’ And we’ll have fewer devices. The DVD, DVR—gone. Why save your shows on some potentially faulty piece of hardware when you can stream content? Movie theaters aren’t in danger; every time there’s new technology, people predict the end of the theater, but the appeal of the shared experience isn’t over yet. After all, live theater might not be as popular as it was fifty years ago, but people still go. We may see movies dual-released for theater and home. In place of various entertainment middlemen like Netflix, Hulu and iTunes, what might emerge is a single middleman with a much broader footprint. I call it the super-Netflix.”
Subscription services like Netflix and Hulu Plus will enhance the Boxee, which is available as a standalone device or, better yet, a free download.
THE FUTURE EXPERT // Joshua Topolsky, editor in chief of Engadget.com
The age of the cable monopolies is coming to an end, and, frankly, it’s about time. Who among us hasn’t spent 45 minutes on hold only to be told it’s an “easy” fix—only to miss True Blood or Mike & Molly anyway? Unlike AppleTV, which streams curated video content from the web to your living room, the long-awaited Boxee Box doesn’t play favorites, accessing pretty much any live or prerecorded video content that’s available online. (If you can watch it on your laptop, you can watch it through your Boxee.)

“The two key words for the future of sports innovation are social and smart. Social is about being able to share your successes with friends. If you’re skiing in New England, you’ll be able to share your progress and prowess with your friend in Colorado in real time. You’ll do this via sensors built into your goggles or skis, which link to social media applications. Smart means we’re looking at a continuation of personalization used to help players improve their performances, or to help spectators improve their experience. In large part, that will mean a real advance in adaptable equipment. Right now, a serious skier might have a few sets of skis that he changes depending on the weather conditions.
A golfer can have three of the same club. But in twenty years, as we continue to improve smart and variable-strength materials, that same guy can have one pair of skis that’ll be able to change shape or surface texture depending on the trail conditions or where he is on the run. A mountain bike will automatically adjust tire pressure from mud to swamp to dry land.”
THE FUTURE EXPERT // Kim B. Blair, Ph.D., Vice President of Massachusetts-based product-design consulting firm Cooper Perkins Inc., and founding director of MIT’s Center for Sports Innovation
A device attached to the club reads and records data on such factors as grip, swing and stance; at home, players connect the device to their computers for feedback and advice. This spring, the next-generation iClub’s has software embedded directly in your clubs, with the capability to email or text real-time feedback to your iPhone or iPad. TWENTY YEARS, SMART SKIS
First introduced in 2005, iClub’s motion-sensing technology was designed to help golfers, a most obsessive bunch, improve their game.

68 OUT NOW // IMMERSIVE 3-D Like a scene out of Avatar, Siemens Healthcare and graphics manufacturer Nvidia have teamed up to create a virtual reality–based ultrasound for use in prenatal care. Using stereoscopic glasses, parents and doctors can peer into the uterus to view the fetus in all its 3-D glory. Siemens’ fourSight Workplace image management software creates clear digital images—or a 3-D model—of the baby. Though the technology was inspired by 3-D movies, fourSight’s immersive 3-D has legitimate applications in cases where babies might need prenatal care.
THE FUTURE EXPERT// Troy Whitsett, VP of Design and Innovation at Travelocity
New radiofrequency identification (RFID)–equipped safes from Elsafe, the hospitality industry’s most popular maker of hotel room security, work in tandem with RFID-enabled contactless electronic door locks—which include keycards, wristbands and smartphones encrypted with barcodes that open guest room doors, now in use at select InterContinental hotels. You’ll need a room “key” and a safe “key” to retrieve your cash, jewelry or whatever else you decided should be kept under lock and (keyless) key. involving you. Say you’ll be arriving somewhere late at night. Your digital assistant will alert your hotel to confirm a late check-in. Or negotiate with airport car rental agencies at for the best price and car based on where you’re going next and whether you’re there for business or pleasure. At the airport, your assistant will let you know when your bag’s on the carousel. Then it’ll make dinner reservations at a place it knows you’ll love, because your best friend—who has similar tastes—loved it too. We’re looking at a future of fully automated and hands-off travel.”
THE FUTURE EXPERT // Barbara del Prince, worldwide segment manager for obstetrics and gynecology at Siemens Healthcare “OB-GYN, cardiac and other ultrasound imaging will look vastly different. Transducers— the wands doctors use against the skin—will look more like belts or blankets. They’ll lie against a patient to provide a full volume of the entire uterus or chest cavity. This data will then be displayed in 4-D, or real time motion, on a touch panel screen or as a floating holographic image— imagine being able to feel as if you’re touching your baby. In addition to the bonding moment it will create for parents-to-be, 4-D imaging will provide doctors a level of information they’ve never before been able to access: They will be able to see not just the possibility of abnormality but the extent of abnormality with no additional patient risk. It brings a little bit of sci-fi to the medical experience.”
“In the next ten years, travel will get so much easier. And that’s because it’ll get more personal. All those mobile innovations that are coming out now promising to make your experience better are about to get turbocharged, as smartphones and travel companies— airlines, airports, car rental agencies, hotels, restaurants— integrate software systems that can almost read your mind. They will solve complex tasks without ever

senior car tech editor of CNET
“In terms of electrics and hybrids—which will definitely take center stage in the future of autos—we’ll see some battery breakthroughs We’ll have to. Current electric cars can’t go especially far on a single charge, and there aren’t enough charging stations yet. Companies are playing around with refillable batteries. It’ll work like a gas tank, where a battery’s electrolytic fluid can be drained and refilled. Aesthetically speaking, I think we’ll lose the idea of the status car by 2030—or at least as we know it. Premium manufacturers are already starting to introduce hatchback designs that have eyepleasing curved rooflines. There’s also some bad news for vandals: Manufacturers are experimenting with self-repairing paint, a viscous fluid that’ll flow back together if chipped or keyed. And Google’s been developing self-driving cars, but for that to take off we’ll need some consistent roadway infrastructure.” it 100 miles on a single charge (compared to 30 to 40 for the Chevy Volt) and a 107-horsepower electric drive motor eliminates any golf cart feel. Interior features include readouts that tell you whether you’ve got enough juice to make it home and how many miles that blast of AC will cost you. Just don’t call it a hybrid. Unlike the Volt, the Leaf is fully electric.
THE FUTURE // Wayne Cunningham, senior car terms of electrics and hybrids—which will definitely take center stage in the future of autos—we’ll see some We’ll have to. Current especially a and there aren’t stations yet.
No matter what side of the electric vehicle movement you’re on, Nissan’s cute new five-seat plug-in hatchback, the first fully electric car for sale in the U.S., makes sense. A 90-kilowatt battery pack can take THAT REPAIRS ITSELF ”

70 The cofounder of Twitter recently demoted himself from CEO to help his company grow—a lesson in thinking big in 140 characters or less. THE HEMI Q&A: EVAN WILLIAMS BY DAVID CARR ILLUSTRATION BY THOMAS FUCHS JANUARY2011

After growing up on a farm and attending the University of Nebraska, Williams started an unsuccessful CD-ROM (remember those?) company with his father, then moved on to found Pyra Labs. Pyra specialized in project management tools, but the Williamses had a side business called Blogger, which, of course, wound up completely revolutionizing the web. Google took notice and bought the company in 2003. Williams stayed there for two years and then left to start Odeo, a podcasting company, which had a little side project called—you guessed it—Twitter.
WILLIAMS: It depends on who I’m talking to.
HEMISPHERES: When social media companies redesign, as yours did recently, users usually take to the streets in protest. But Twitter changed in fundamental ways and people barely said a word.
HEMISPHERES: You decided to quit being CEO in September and go back to overseeing product strategy. What kind of nut gives up the chief executive job? WILLIAMS: I’ve always been more of a product guy, and with the introduction of the new user experience in September, I thought the timing was right. For me it’s always about asking, “How I can be most valuable right now?” I think I can add the most value by focusing on products. Plus, in this case, the job happens to be more enjoyable.
IF EVAN WILLIAMS, WHO IS CREDITED WITH INVENTING BLOGGING, and who cofounded Twitter, were to tweet about what he thought of college, he’d write something like this: “@ev Left college after 18 mos. Didn’t really see the point.” Which is to say, his great success in the fastmoving world of the web is not owed, even in part, to a knack for rhetorical flight. He keeps it brief.
HEMISPHERES: So if somebody asks you what Twitter is, what do you tell them?
WILLIAMS: In that case I would describe it as a personalized news service. It gives up-to-date information on whatever you care about that’s happening in the world.
HEMISPHERES: Let’s assume that they are sitting in an airplane seat, and they have heard about the service but haven’t used it.
Twitter was conceived by Odeo software engineer Jack Dorsey and developed into its present
HEMISPHERES: So it’s a way to track what is going on, in addition to being a way to tell people what you’re doing or thinking about?
HEMISPHERES: What did that teach you, besides the fact that maybe you didn’t want to be a farmer the rest of your life?
form by Dorsey, Williams and Biz Stone. Since gaining exposure at the South by Southwest Interactive conference in 2007, it has experienced almost geometric growth and shows no sign of slowing down. It’s now the one of the largest social networks in the world, with a membership expected to hit 200 million by the end of 2010. It handles about 95 million 140-characters-or-less “tweets” per day and has become the go-to source for instant news about disasters, elections and far-flung conflicts from around the globe, as well as information on more quotidian matters, like what kind of sandwich your cousin is planning on having for lunch. In September of last year, the previously alltext Twitter launched a major redesign, incorporating maps, images and videos for the first time, and expanding its hold on the Williams,web. 38, has spent the last decade and a half bouncing from one lucrative unintended consequence to another, and the pattern isn’t lost on him. He describes his career thus far as a series of “wellorchestrated accidents,” powered, in part, by his own “hallucinogenic optimism.”
WILLIAMS: When people come to Twitter, they’re often thinking, “What do I have to say to the world?” But there’s information on Twitter for everybody. We want people to understand that you don’t have to tweet to use Twitter, any more than you have to create a web page to use the web.
WILLIAMS: That surprised us, to tell you the truth. I think it was two things. One was that we managed to strike the right balance between keeping the core of Twitter, the parts people liked, and improving upon them. So it wasn’t a disruptive change. Two: We were very, very careful not to force it on people. We rolled it out slowly out of technical necessity, but that also happened to create a bunch of anticipation.
HEMISPHERES: Before you became a web mogul, you used to work on irrigation systems. WILLIAMS: That was on the farm I grew up on in Nebraska. My summer job was to go out and close and open gates. The pipes were at the end of the cornfield rows; you pumped water down them 24/7. You’d have to go out and close some of the gates and open others.

WILLIAMS: Everyone tells me they use them very differently. We’re trying to deliver on this idea that Twitter has information about what’s going on in the world that you care about, and that’s different from Facebook’s value proposition, which is a way to stay in touch with people you know.
WILLIAMS: The open exchange of information can have a positive impact on the world. I worked on Blogger for a long time, and I learned that giving people the ability to express themselves is really powerful. It can be something as seemingly trivial as people sharing a recipe, or something more profound like getting information out under an oppressive regime. Having information from more than one source is incredibly powerful, and we haven’t yet seen the full implications of it.
WILLIAMS: Well, not on purpose. The people most engaged on Twitter are getting information from a combination
There aren’t many things on the internet or anywhere else that I can think of that have died of popularity.
“There aren’t many things on the internet or anywhere else that have died of popularity.”
WILLIAMS: Well, that was the main thing. The other thing was to be thorough, because if you changed the gates before you let the water get all the way down to the end, you could dehydrate the end of that row. You had to keep careful notes.
ALL ATWITTER // Above, Williams at a Tweetup; right, on his family’s farm; far right with wife Sarah Morishige Williams and their son; opposite, with his Twitter crew at South by Southwest in 2007.
HEMISPHERES: Some people have assigned enormous civic value to Twitter, saying for instance that it helped enable dissent in Iran, while on the other hand you’ve got Malcolm Gladwell arguing that there is no real civic value because the connections it fosters are too distant to create change. Which is it?
HEMISPHERES: Ah, ever the scientist, tracking data. You used to work for Google. What did you learn at the Googleplex?
HEMISPHERES: Not that long ago, you predicted that Twitter would reach a billion users sometime in the future. That’s like a Carl Sagan number. You really think you’ll be able to hit it?
of people they know and from media or celebrities or companies. We think that the one complements the other. If my sister sends out a video of my niece, that’s supercompelling media to me, but at the same time so is the major news story of the day.
HEMISPHERES: Still, people are always nagging you about your business model, about how Twitter has always been more focused on amassing users than finding a way to make money. But here you are on your way to 200 million, or maybe a billion, users. It doesn’t seem like money’s going to be a problem.
HEMISPHERES: One of the nice things about Twitter is you can put a question out there to the hive mind and get back really good information. Do you think in that sense you’re replacing some functions of, gulp, professional media?
WILLIAMS: When I got to Google, I was still a farm boy from Nebraska. What really impressed me was their ability to think very big. For instance, they weren’t satisfied with just keeping track of all the information on the web, so they decided to scan in every book that’s ever been in print. That was inspiring to me.
DAVID CARR (@Carr2n), who covers media for The New York Times, just posted his 10,000th tweet and has more than 280,000 followers. Other than that, he has no idea what all the fuss is about. 73 THE HEMI Q&A
WILLIAMS: We think Twitter can provide value to everybody on the planet who can get access. So we don’t think that’s an unreasonable number, even if it is sort of an arbitrary one.
WILLIAMS: It’s always been sort of a silly question in my mind about whether or not we could make Twitter into a business. We think there’s a great business here potentially.
HEMISPHERES: But people already use Facebook to do that stuff. What’s the difference between Facebook and Twitter?


by Sloane Crosley OneTexasartiststartsa cozy revolution, inspiring knittersworldwide to take to the streets. knitted illustration by Kate Jenkinsste Jenkins

The finished product has to be functional, Sayeg says. “That’s the point, to build on what’s already there. Like when I did a whole bus in Mexico City, I refused to do the tires. I get frustrated if I see a bicycle so knitted over that it couldn’t possibly be ridden.” She owns an old Vespa on which she can often be seen riding around Austin. Every inch is covered in a blue, green, white, purple, black and red chevron pattern—except, of course, for the tires.
WHEN WE MEET AT GUERO’S TACO Bar, a local favorite with a legitimately
From left, Magda Sayeg reclines on some knitted and crocheted pieces; a 2009 project in Canberra, Australia; and a 2010 Smart Car in Rome.
In 2005, Magda Sayeg was sitting in her Houston clothing boutique when the then-31-year-old found herself overcome with an unfamiliar sensation: boredom • “I was just staring at the doorknob and I thought, I think I’m going to knit that today. That doorknob changed the course of my life.”
ou couldn’t ask for better symbolism.
To meet Sayeg is to have great difficulty picturing her bored anytime, ever. The stylish mother of three had already founded Brasil restaurant in 1991 and a clothing shop called Raye in 2004—both back in her native Houston—when the doorknob beckoned. After she finished knitting it a tiny sweater, she walked through that door to found Knitta Please, a collective of crafters frustrated with all their unfinished projects and looking to make unexpected corners of their city a little warmer. Growing from Sayeg’s imagination into a small army of volunteers and impassioned local knitters, the group’s mission was to “take yarn out of the home and onto the streets,” knitting colorful sleeves for lampposts, stop signs, benches, fire hydrants, parking meters, bicycles and buses—oh my. “I wanted to make these things more beautiful. But I didn’t have a spray can. I had yarn.” Think of it as graffiti with a heart of spool. And so, armed with her yarn, Sayeg (then known only by her nom de needle, PolyCotN) would sneak around in the night, leading teams wielding knitting needles and knapsacks of colorful yarn. Gradually, Knitta’s work evolved from madcap parking meter decor to an organized effort to beautify the city. She knit the tree trunks on Houston’s Allen Parkway in time for the city’s annual Art Car Parade. That turned out to be a turning point for the collective. After the parade, Knitta Please was commissioned to do public projects in Seattle and Los Angeles. Around that time Sayeg outed herself as the leader of the group (which has since dwindled just to her) and joined the ranks of renowned street artists. What she does might technically stretch the letter of the law, but who needs to arrest someone who knits a cozy for a citySelf-describedbus? “guerrilla knitters” or “yarn bombers” around the country have taken on this peculiar mission of beautification. Pockets thrive throughout the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Australia. According to Vancouver-based Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain, who coauthored Yarn Bombing: The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti, the handmade movement began to grow as the economy slowed. “Some people are doing this just because they think it’s delightful, to add cheer to their landscape,” Moore says. “But there’s definitely a message about counterconsumption in it.”

77 faded Anthropologie look, Sayeg is dressed like a haute hippie mother: crinkled loose white dress, brown suede shoes, aviator glasses and a long, bright scarf sleeping around her neck.
“I got this in Bali,” she says, touching the scarf. “I think I’m still dressing like I’m there. Bali was mind-blowingly awesome. I have to say travel has been the biggest perk of Knitta. I’ve seen the whole wide world.” Indeed, Sayeg has done public knitting installations across the United States and in such far-flung locales as Australia, Italy, Indonesia, Mexico and China, where she created a kind of loose-knit cable muff for a randomly chosen rock on the Great Wall of China.
LuckyThat’srock.not to say that Austin, Sayeg’s home since early 2009, is hurting for knit pieces. Her work is on view throughout the city—if you know where to look. There’s the lightpost just outside of the art bookstore she co-owns, Domy. Or the five-foot-tall letters at Jo’s Café next to the chic San Jose hotel, a gift for the café’s owner, Liz Lambert. The loveliness of Sayeg’s work is undeniable, but the lasting impact is how simultaneously distinctive and natural it seems. When you stroll past a telephone pole adorned in cream-colored yarn, there’s a double-take and an unavoidable smile—because there is a delightfully anthropomorphic effect when it comes to yarn graffiti. This otherwise unremarkable pole seems to be saying: Yeah, I’m wearing a doily. What of it? I take in the authentically rundown decor as Sayeg and I munch on chips and guacamole. Knit graffiti doesn’t have the permanence of sculpture or even regular graffiti. It’s not weatherproof and isn’t immune to unraveling or even the occasional vandal. Sayeg doesn’t mind. “I’m not so concerned about the everlasting quality of my work,” she says. “It’s more about myself and the people who see what I’ve done having an interaction with an inanimate piece of steel.” She’s careful not to describe her work as folk art, though. “I think folk art is making things pretty without a required explanation,” Sayeg says. “What I do is something different. Which isn’t to say I wasn’t influenced by folk art. Especially growing up in Houston, being exposed at a young age to houses made of beer cans. I was truly charmed by it. How can you not be?” But Sayeg thinks of her art as something evolving in step with the larger scene. Last year, she collaborated with local artist and architect Carl Trominski. His Moments, a series of plain blue reflector signs installed under the Lamar overpass, were not so popular among Austin residents. So Sayeg called the artist directly and suggested she might be able to help. “I got his blessing to knit his work. I wouldn’t have done anything without his permission,” she says. “A lamppost is one thing, but this was someone else’s art. He was great, and the city shut down the road for us. I put a ladder in the back of a truck to reach. I had help but as it got later it kind of diminished to one person—me, just knitting throughout the night. And it worked. This cold streetscape became softer andThiswarmer.”quasi-collaboration was part of the reason Knitta was selected as the Austin Chronicle’s 2010 “Reader’s Choice for Best Public Art.” Now Sayeg’s work has become so popular, she has spent the last year knitting five or six massive commissioned pieces and corporate installations. Crafts site Etsy. com recently hired her to come to their

AFTER LUNCH, SAYEG TAKES me on a driving tour of her work. There’s the striped drainpipe at the Alamo Drafthouse cinema in an unassuming shopping center; the multicolor striped light post outside Domy, across the street from a dark mural of a cityscape; and the cheerfully striped Jo’s Café sign on trendy South Congress, with each letter done in two different colors. We pull into the driveway of Sayeg’s modern ranch-style home, and I accidentally open the car door into a wall of cacti, breaking some of the branches. Sayeg doesn’t mind. In fact, she says, the house suffers from a form-over-function design. “The builders put the driveway so that you have to pull into this exact spot but then they put a wall of plants along the entire right side. It looks cool but it makes no sense.”
Clockwise from above, Magda Sayeg’s coverings of Carl Trominski’s Moments on Lamar Boulevard in Austin; her installation at Austin City Limits in 2010; a 2007 pole cozy in Paris; and a legwarmer on a muse at Le Trocadero in Paris in 2007.
New York–based writer SLOANE CROSLEY is the author of essay collections I Was Told There’d Be Cake and How Did You Get This Number
Inside we are greeted by an English bulldog named Stella and piles upon piles of yarn, some vintage and some new. Her kitchen and garage are a combination of Santa’s workshop and Rainbow Brite’s closet. She talks about where she wants to go next with Knitta Please. “I want to make the actual yarn,” she says, and pulls out a ’60s-style swatch of canary yellow and light brown. “There are beautiful afghans in these old colors you can’t find anymore. Where are they in the aisles of craft stores? There are amazing patterns, a lot that can be done, and knitting is no longer just a cute craftsSomething.”ofthose guerrilla knitters who do still think of their art as “a cute crafts thing” are flocking to stores to buy Prain and Moore’s book, looking for inspiration from people with tags such as Captain Plaknit and Lady Loop, trying to fill some need to “do happy things that don’t cost money,” as Prain puts it. This cheery army of friendly graffiti artists is slowly besweatering the world’s most unassumingMeanwhile,streetscapes.Sayegisin talks with the Standard Hotel, a company she’s worked with several times before, about doing a stairwell in their New York location. On my way out, she shows me a sketch of the plans. It looks a bit like a Cray-Pas Rothko on a white piece of paper—blocks of orange and red stacked unevenly atop one another. If I had seen the drawing before meeting Sayeg, I wouldn’t have known I was looking at the blueprint for something massive and striking. It’s doubtful my brain would have even registeredExamining“staircase.”theblueprint, I think of that bare doorknob in Houston years ago and what a sketch for its life-altering sweater might have looked like. Probably like a big blob of primary colors. So in Magda Sayeg’s hands, there’s no telling where those carefully sketched stairs will lead.
78 offices and complete what Sayeg refers to as “an air duct cozy extravaganza,” where she covered the exposed ducts with granny squares. She designed a line of iPhone cases and covered hotel lobbies, and anyone who attended the Austin City Limits festival saw the rainbow-colored poles of light and freestanding letters spelling “ART” in the middle of Zilker Park. As if there was any doubt.


ROCK ’N’ ROLL CityCenter, opposite; and Red Rock Canyon Drive. VEGASLAS Three Perfect Days 83 DAY ONE oldVisitingVegas 88 DAY THREE allGoingin 84 DAY TWO Cruising Speedwaythe HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM | JANUARY 2011 81 What happens in Vegas? Packed clubs, glitzy shows and gambling still reign on the Strip, but today’s Sin City offers a whole lot more than just sin. BY MICHAEL KAPLAN // PHOTOGRAPHS BY BRAD SWONETZ

VIVA LAS VEGAS Clockwise from opposite, the pool at Reliquary Spa; blackjack at the Hard Rock Casino; La Caille, or quail stuffed with foie gras, at L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon; Bartolotta Ristorante di Mare; inside L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon.
Next, you make a quick stop at the Charleston Antique Mall (5), a homey repository of old83
IT IS 2 A.M. in Las Vegas, but you wouldn’t know it from the crowd at Mr. Lucky’s 24-7. Inside the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino’s always-open coffee shop, excited-looking twentysomethings chow down on pancakes and omelets on one side, a poker fiend dines on steak fajitas on the other, and a Japanese crowd that just decamped from the Hard Rock’s nightclub of the moment, Vanity, tucks into a round of turkey clubs in the back. Many cities claim to be ’round-the-clock. Vegas truly is. But its appeal is broader than that. Yes, L.A.’s glitterati fly in for sleepless weekends of clubbing, but nature-lovers also come to marvel at desert sunrises and luxurious retreats. Gamblers from around the globe enjoy blackjack with their morning coffee, but foodies flock here too, to sample dishes prepared by some of the planet’s top chefs. You finish off the last of your Mr. Lucky’s Secret Special (an eightounce steak and three shrimp, available for $7.77, ordered off-menu) and head to your room to bank some of the sleep that you’ll surely be missing over the next three days.
ANTONIO “THE MAGICIAN” ESFANDIARI // PROFESSIONAL POKER PLAYER // “Lolita’s Cantina & Tequila Bar in Town Square is a hip Mexican restaurant. It’s very chill, with great food and a great bar. After dinner, go downstairs and check out New Sanctuary lounge, a hookah bar, where you can listen to terrific Middle Eastern house music.” BY PETER JAMES FIELD
DAY ONE The bed is big, the sheets are a zillion thread count, and there’s a dock for your iPod built right into the wall. HRH (1), the new luxury hotel tower at the Hard Rock, exudes just the right mix of posh and edge. Your room service breakfast arrives right on time, as the iPod shuffles from the Rolling Stones to Jay-Z. In Vegas, getting up before 10 a.m. is unheard of. But don’t let that stop you from paying an early visit to the Gambler’s Book Club (2), a store stacked with tomes that can teach you to count cards and bet sports with the best of ’em. Remember to visit when retired former owner Howard Schwartz is around. He knows as much Vegas lore as anyone. Having boned up a bit on Sin City’s bad old days—thanks to Book Club perennial The Green Felt Jungle—you venture out to the edge of town and pay your respects at the Neon Museum’s Boneyard (3). It’s an outdoor lot loaded with multistory signs that once twinkled in front of joints like the Silver Slipper, Stardust and El Cortez. The famous dancing waters in the fountain at the Bellagio may be stately, but a giant horseshoe made from thousands of gold-colored light bulbs—well, that’ll stick in your mind. Keeping it classic, you lunch at Peppermill Coffee Shop (4), situated between the Riviera and the spot where the late, great Stardust used to be. You take in the 1970s space-age décor, dig the fireplace and order a delectable burger from a waitress who calls you “hon.”

After dinner, hand the valet your ticket for the flashy red 2011 Porsche Boxster Spyder you rented (a convertible, naturally) and cruise down to Forum Shops at Caesars. That’s where Casa Fuente (8), a Cuban-themed lounge, offers more than 100 different fine cigars. You opt for a $40 Opus X, accompanied by a 40-year-old Glenfiddich single malt. The scotch is the perfect accompaniment to this smoothsmoking stogie and a winning wind-down to your first day in Las Vegas.
DAY TWO On the 32nd floor of the Monte Carlo Resort and Casino, there’s a little-known gem of a hideaway called Hotel 32 (1). Lofts here feature remotecontrolled drapes, TVs and mood lighting. Concierges are at the ready to snag hardto-get show tickets, and the private buffet is the sort of thing usually open only to high rollers: free, all-you-can-eat food from dawn till dusk. After enjoying a seven-jet shower, you take a 10-minute walk to CityCenter. This is Vegas’ recently opened city-within-a-city, packed with sleek hotels, casinos, shops and condos. It’s also the site of Silk Road (2), a pan-Asian restaurant that serves mind-blowingly good blueberry ricotta pancakes slathered in honeycomb butter. You order a big plate of them and savor the unusual and highly addictive blend of light, rich and fruity. After a last sip of French-press coffee, you take a stroll around CityCenter, where $40 million worth of art adorns the complex. You see a sculptural pile of kayaks by Nancy Rubin, a Julian Schnabel painting that dominates most of an interior wall, and, best of all, a text-oriented installation from Jenny Holzer. Its pithy slogans— “Boredom makes you do crazy things,” for one—play off of the dreams and schemes of most everyone who passes through this town, where simple restlessness can inspire you to, say, wager your entire 401k on a spin of the roulette wheel. You hop in the Boxster and drive 20 minutes to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, the wind whipping through your hair. Here you find the Exotics Racing School (3). You plunk down $299 to enjoy the kinds of risks that casinos don’t offer. It starts with a brief but detailed training session. Then you get behind the wheel of a formidable Ferrari F430 F1 and jack the racer up to 130 mph (with an instructor in the passenger seat). By the time you spin around that final lap, you may regret that last ricotta pancake, but the charge is undeniable.
Joël Robuchon ranks among the world’s great chefs, so opting to dine at one of his two restaurants in the MGM Grand is an easy decision. L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon (7) is the cooler and more casual of the pair, with dim lighting, ruby red furniture and spectacular food. As you savor your quail stuffed with foie gras, the noisy, clanging slot machines near the entrance may as well be on the other side of town.
3PD LAS VEGAS timey Vegas ephemera. The vintage casino postcards and matchbooks beckon, and you leave with a pocketful. Appetite sated and Golden Age revisited, you go back to HRH and hit the Reliquary Spa (6) for a quick massage and circuit of steam, cold shower and jacuzzi.
In a town notorious for gussiedup spas, the Reliquary feels straightforward and happily free of new-age flourishes. You leave the spa relaxed and limber, and your mind turns to dinner. With all the good restaurants in Vegas, settling on one can be harder than winning at roulette.

WAGES OF SIN CITY Clockwise from top left, Claes Oldenburg’s “Typewriter Eraser” in CityCenter; Versace in Crystals; Silk Road’s blueberry ricotta pancakes; Red Rock Canyon; opposite, Gambler’s Book Club.

Back in town, take a stroll through Crystals (4), a shopping mecca with swooping architecture by starchitect Daniel Libeskind. Check out Cartier, Christian Dior and the largest Louis Vuitton store in North America, then hit the Todd English P.U.B. (5), a Vegas-scale sports bar, for pastrami sliders and a flight of brews (they have 30 on tap). You finish just in time to get to the Mirage for Cirque du Soleil’s The Beatles LOVE (6), where classics like “Help!” are a backdrop for the troupe’s world-renowned acrobatics. Clever juxtapositions of Fab Four footage with live action put a new shine on songs you’ve heard a million times before. Still humming “All You Need Is Love” and shaking confetti out of your hair, you head to Wynn Las Vegas for dinner at Bartolotta
Ristorante di Mare (7). Chef Paul Bartolotta puts the focus on the fish, which, considering it was pulled from the Mediterranean just 48 hours earlier, is wise. Seafood that fresh is best enjoyed without too much tinkering. Sautéed tiny clams, grilled sweet slipperlobsters and Sicilian amberjack in an anchovy sauce add up to an excellent meal— particularly if you dine alfresco alongside the manmade lagoon behind the restaurant. You’re full, you’re tired, you think you want to sleep. But you muster one last blast of energy and proceed to XS (8), currently the hottest club in Vegas. Sip a cocktail, take in the gold finishes and keep an eye out for the NBA stars who’ve been known to spend big
LISA MARCHESE // SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT FOR THE COSMOPOLITAN OF LAS VEGAS // “Fruition is a really well-curated boutique with clothing that ranges from Comme des Garçons to great designers you’ve never heard of to vintage. You can buy jewelry, belts, foreign magazines, scarves. They play good music, and the place has a really cool vibe.”
LIGHTS OUT From top, the Neon Museum’s Boneyard; snacks at Hotel 32; opposite, pastrami sliders from Todd English P.U.B.


VICTOR DRAI // OWNER OF DRAI’S AFTERHOURS NIGHTCLUB // “Simon, inside Palms Place, is very nice for breakfast. They have a cool brunch on Sunday. The food there is excellent and people come down in sleepwear. It’s a lot of fun, with a great view of the pool.”
FORK ON THE ROAD CASINO RESTAURANTS ARE GREAT, BUT THESE INDIES ARE WORTH A SHORT DRIVE. Lotus of Siam Adventurous eaters go for northern Thai specialties such as Issan sausage, though the restaurant also delivers excellent green papaya salad and charbroiled prawn curry. 953 E. SAHARA AVE., 702-7353033. SAIPINCHUTIMA.COM
Rosemary’s Long before casinos were hyping haute cuisine, Rosemary’s (below) was serving excellent New American offerings like ham and crawfish risotto and salmon.cashew-crusted8125W.SAHARAAVE.,702-869-2251.
on bottle service here. You forgo the Cristal for the dance floor, and soon all thoughts of going to bed disappear. You make it home before dawn, but only just.
You, however, are up. Today you’re going to do what made Vegas famous. But first, to clear your head, you drive out to the Red Rock Canyon scenic drive (1), a 13-mile loop of road that affords picturesque views of scrubby desert and the Spring Mountains. Desert willows, gnarly Joshua trees and scrub oak line this stretch of blacktop, but don’t let them distract you from the roadrunners known to dart across the road. You wonder what it feels like to go all in at the poker table, but you want an edge. So you take a ride over to the Panorama Towers (2), a luxury high-rise near the Strip, where David “The Maven” Chicotsky lives and teaches poker. Named online player of the year by Bluff magazine in 2008, Chicotsky spends two hours (at $300 an hour, which poker players will tell you is a bargain) helping you hone Texas Hold ’Em strategies, find edges and correct mistakes. He’ll get you primed for the daily 1 p.m. tournament in the sleek poker room at the modern Aria Hotel & Casino. Following a fortifying paella at the gleaming lunch counter of the whimsically designed Julian Serrano (3), right near Aria’s entrance, you head to the poker room, find a comfy swivel chair at the table and fork over the $125 entry fee. With 50 players competing, first place pays around $2,000, and the bottom prize money for finishing fourth is $200 or so. Once cards are in the air, you follow The Maven’s advice, choosing spots for splashy plays and trying to sneak in cheap with small pairs. But even the legendary Doyle Brunson can’t fault you for getting excited, shoving all your chips forward and announcing “All in!” with a pair of kings. And being called by a pair of aces. Game over, wallet a bit lighter, morale laid a bit low, you make your way back to the Hard Rock’s Rare 120 (4) for dinner. But before you finish your New York strip you start itching anew. Maybe just a shoe or two of blackjack. You skip dessert and wander out onto the floor. Remembering to always split eights, you’re back in the black in no time. As your winnings mount, you consider a return trip to Crystals. Hey, it could happen. After all, nothing says Vegas like blowing your spoils in style.
DAY THREE Late nights at the club are always easier when you’re staying right upstairs. Such is the case this morning at Encore Las Vegas, Steve Wynn’s newest tower. The room is all white, cream and chocolate brown. Floor-to-ceiling windows afford a seductive view of the early-morning Strip, which, in the half light, is barely stirring after the evening’s festivities.
MICHAEL KAPLAN once beat Howard Lederer in a heads-up game of poker. He received a bottle of bourbon for his trouble.
The Bootlegger Bistro Loungey entertainment is on offer most nights at this Rat Pack era–inspired haunt. The big platters of Southern Italian cuisine are reasonably priced, and the seafood del diavolo is unreasonably tasty. 7700 S. LAS VEGAS BLVD., 702-736-4939.
SEEING RED On track at the Exotics Racing School. 88

Las Vegas THOSE THREE PERFECT DAYS DAY ONE (1) HRH 4455 Paradise Rd.; Tel: 702-693-5000 (2) Gambler’s Book Club 5473 S. Eastern Ave.; Tel: 800-522-1777 (3) Neon Museum’s Boneyard 821 Las Vegas Blvd. N.; Tel: 702-387-6366 (4) Peppermill Coffee Shop 2985 Las Vegas Blvd.; Tel: 702-735-4177 (5) Charleston Antique Mall 307 W. Charleston Blvd.; Tel: 702-228-4783 (6) Reliquary Spa 4455 Paradise Rd.; Tel: 702-693-5000 (7) L’Atelier Joël Robuchon 3799 Las Vegas Blvd. S.; Tel: 702-891-7358 (8) Casa Fuente 3500 S. Las Vegas Blvd.; Tel: 702-731-5051 DAY TWO (1) Hotel 32 3770 Las Vegas Blvd. S.; Tel: 877-576-3232 (2) Silk Road 2600 W. Harmon Ave.; Tel: 866-745-7111 (3) Exotics Racing School 7000 Las Vegas Blvd. N.; Tel: 702-405-7223 (4) Crystals 3720 S. Las Vegas Blvd.; Tel: 702-590-9299 (5) Todd English P.U.B. 3720 Las Vegas Blvd. S.; Tel: 702489-8080 (6) The Beatles LOVE 3400 S. Las Vegas Blvd.; Tel: 702-791-7111 (7) Bartolotta Ristorante di Mare 3131 Las Vegas Blvd. S.; Tel: 702-770-3305 (8) XS 3131 Las Vegas Blvd. S.; Tel: 702-770-0097 DAY THREE (1) Red Rock Canyon Scenic Drive Red Rock Canyon near Charleston Boulevard (2) Panorama Towers 4471 Dean Martin Dr.; Tel: 702-739-3002 (3) Julian Serrano 3730 Las Vegas Blvd. S.; Tel: 877-2302742 (4) Rare 120 4455 Paradise Rd.; Tel: 702-693-5000 89 95 93 515 15 0 1 mile W. Sahara Ave. E. Sahara Ave. Ave.EasternS. Pkwy.MarylandS. Blvd.ViewValleyS. E. Charleston Blvd. W. Washington Ave. W. Charleston Blvd. E. Desert Inn Rd. Rd.Paradise E. Flamingo Rd. E. Tropicana Ave.VeteransMemorial Hwy LasVegasFwy. 2 3 4 5 7 8 2 12 64 3 5 1 3 614 87

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WITH INVENTIONS like the iPad and cars that parallel park for you, it really feels as if we’re living in the future. Sometimes you might even wonder what else could possibly be invented? The answer is plenty. Just check out what we have in store for you— we’ve rounded up even more futuristic gadgets for you. Don’t worry, we know the endless number of tech products can be overwhelming, so we’re only giving you the best of the best. Whether you’re a globetrotting businessperson or more of a home entertainment fanatic, you’re sure to find a match made in techie heaven. Flip through the following pages, find the gadget of your dreams and say goodbye to your primitive products at home. You didn’t know you were such a techie, did you?

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HEMISPHERES PROMOTION | JANUARY 2011 SHOWCASE Weighing less then 4lbs and packing a powerful punch, the Lenovo ThinkPad T410s is the first business class notebook to offer NVIDIA Optimus Technology. Until now you had to choose between superior graphics and longer battery life when buying a notebook. With the new Optimus Technology, you get the best of both world’s – extended battery life and intense graphics. Optimus technology automatically switches to the builtin NVIDIA graphics card only when it’s needed, so you can extend your work session but still get the graphics power you need whenever you need it. www.lenovo.com/optimizedforbusiness LENOVO T410S WITH NVIDIA OPTIMUS TECHNOLOGY

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HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM | JANUARY 2011 099 ONLY AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE THROUGH HIDEF LIFESTYLE The top reviewed, nearfield desktop speaker & the latest UK tube amplified desktop solution. To learn more, call us today, visit us online or stop by our newly expanded showroom in Harrisburg, PA. You’ll find out why we’re one of the fastest growing home theater companies in the U.S. www.HiDefLifestyle.com | 1 800 663 4133 | Harrisburg, PA The Dali Mentor Menuet Wi-Tube Hybrid Valve Amplifier with FatDock A small, yet powerful speaker that reveals great musicality that will set new standards for sound and performance from a compact speaker. The Wi-Tube is compact and sexy, but still packs a solid punch by delivering 28 watts per channel of pure listening pleasure. "There are no other solutions we would recommend more – these units stand head and shoulders above the rest in their price range and higher!"
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JANUARY 2011 ENTERTAINMENT 126124120102 INFORMATIONUnitedDestinationsTerminalDiagramsAlliances&PartnershipsCustoms&ImmigrationFood&Beverages Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) comes face to face with his creation. J AN U ARY 2 0 1 1 102 Films & Television 120 Audio Programming 124 Crossword 126 Sudoku INFORMATION 111082 Terminal Diagrams 117 Alliances & Partnerships 119 Customs & Immigration 138 Food & Beverages

TELEVISION FILM TELEVISION FILM TELEVISION FILM TELEVISION FILM TELEVISION JANUARY 1-15 The Social Network [T] JANUARY 16-31 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps [T] JANUARY 1-15 $#*! My Dad Says Chuck [T] Sports Jobs with Junior Seau JANUARY 16-31 30 Rock [T] Friday Night Lights [T] How I Met Your Mother JANUARY 1-15 Life as We Know It [T] JANUARY 16-31 You Again [T] Both films available on flights between Denver/Chicago and Hawaii JANUARY 1-15 Better With You ThePsychMiddle JANUARY 16-31 The Office [T] House [T] The Simpsons [T] JANUARY 1-15 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps [T] JANUARY 16-31 The Social Network [T] Both films available on flights between Denver/Chicago and Hawaii JANUARY 1-15 30 Rock [T] Friday Night Lights [T] How I Met Your Mother JANUARY 16-31 $#*! My Dad Says Chuck [T] Sports Jobs JANUARY 1-15 The Social Network [T] JANUARY 16-31 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps [T] JANUARY 1-15 30 Rock [T] HouseMonk[T] JANUARY 16-31 The Simpsons [T] The Good Guys [T] Arrested Development [T] Friends JANUARY 1-15 You Again [T] JANUARY 16-31 Life as We Know It [T] JANUARY 1-15 The Big Bang Theory [T] SportsPsychJobsFrasier JANUARY 16-31 The Office [T] Eureka [T] Mega Factories &MEXICOHAWAIIAMERICANORTHCARIBBEAN JANUARY 1-15 You Again [T] JANUARY 16-31 Life as We Know It [T] JANUARY 1-15 The Office [T] House [T] The Simpsons [T] JANUARY 16-31 Better With You ThePsychMiddle &FILMTELEVISION FILMS ARE SHOWN ONLY on flights of three hours or longer. Movies available on most 747, 757, 767, 777, A319 and A320 aircraft flights. Schedules and selections are subject to change. International Language Tracks / (S) Películas están disponsibles en Español en todas las rutas domesticas en el canal 10. FILM TELEVISION FILM TELEVISIONSOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND GET IN TOUCH What do you think of our programming? We’re open to suggestions. Please send them to play@united.com or visit united.com/play.

The film focuses on the evolution of Facebook, the online social network created in 2004 on the Harvard campus, and how overnight success and wealth changed the lives of the classmates who created it.
FEATURING Jesse Eisenberg, Rooney Mara, Bryan Barter DIRECTED BY David Fincher LIFE AS WE KNOW IT [T]
1 hr. 45 min.
FEATURING Kristen Bell, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sigourney Weaver DIRECTED BY Andy Fickman
FEATURING Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas DIRECTED BY Greg Berlanti 1 hr. 53 min.
CUSTOMERS ARE WELCOME TO VIEW their own video entertainment aboard a United aircraft as long as they are able to show the programming has an MPAA rating of “R” or less.
Successful PR pro Marni heads home for her older brother’s wedding and discovers that he’s marrying her high school archnemesis. Naturally, this nefarious fiancée has conveniently forgotten all the rotten things she did to make Marni’s teen life a misery.
“This account of Facebook’s founder, and of the website’s explosive growth, quickly lifts you to a state of exhilaration, and pretty much keeps you there for two hours.”—Wall Street Journal
“Moving as fast and recklessly as a trillion-dollar fat-finger stock-market transaction, the film has the drive, luxe and sarcastic wit of the snazziest Hollywood movies”—Time Emerging from a lengthy prison stint, Gekko finds himself on the outside of a world he once dominated. Looking to repair his damaged relationship with his daughter Winnie, Gekko forms an alliance with her fiancé, Jacob.
MOST FILMS HAVE BEEN EDITED FOR AIRLINE USE. However, customer discretion is still advised. Content guidelines are provided as a courtesy to our customers in choosing whether to view a film.
FEATURING Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf, Josh Brolin DIRECTED BY Oliver Stone 2 hrs. 12 min. 2 hrs.
“[Josh] Duhamel turns out to be a very good sparring partner for [Katherine] Heigl, whose lush, soft exterior conceals a very spiky interior that tends to wilt her costars.”—L.A. Times After a disastrous first date, the only thing Holly and Eric have in common is their dislike for each other. But when they suddenly become all their goddaughter Sophie has in the world, they’re forced to put their differences aside.
(S) Spanish (G) German (C) Chinese (J) Japanese [V] Violence [S] Sexual Situations [T] Adult Themes
“It has a tendency towards lurid kitsch freakout, which makes it not just relentlessly entertaining, but borderline subversive.”— Time Out

$#*! MY DAD SAYS [T] After losing his job in Chicago, Henry struggles to find a way to ask his estranged father Ed for rent money to start anew. When Henry finally reveals he has lost his job, they have a falling out.
United Airlines strives to make its customer experience safe and comfortable and accordingly has issued the following in regard to the use of electronic equipment/personal devices onboard its aircraft. However, the following is not a contract and does not create any legal rights or obligations. Certain electronic devices may not be used on our planes for safety reasons. Such devices may cause electromagnetic interference with cockpit navigation or communications systems during ground operations and while the aircraft is flying below 10,000 feet. However, when an aircraft is traveling above 10,000 feet (normally about 10 minutes after takeoff), passengers can use many of the devices listed. Hearing aids, heart pacemakers and watches are acceptable at all times. These electronic devices can be used in the cabin, but may not be used during takeoff and landing: Calculators; handheld computer games; shavers; portable CD and tape players; laptop computers/ accessory printers/tape drives; portable VCRs/video players These electronic devices cannot be used on the airplane at any time: Cellular phones (cellular phones maybe used on the plane at the gate before the aircraft door is closed or at captain’s discretion when the plane is away from the gate and on the ground); televisions; AM/FM transmitters-receivers; remote-controlled toys
30 ROCK [T] As season fi ve of TGS begins, Liz and Carol are forced to confront their relationship, Jack and Avery battle over home decorating, and Tracy struggles with life at 30 Rock without Kenneth.
PSYCH [T] Shawn must communicate with the spirit world in order to recover a dead bank robber’s stolen cash and save his widow’s life.
In addition, United Airlines has an onboard photography and video policy. Customers who bring personal audio and video equipment onboard may only use these items with headsets. Noise-canceling headsets may be activated. The use of still and video cameras, film or digital, including any cellular or other devices that have this capability, is permitted only for recording of personal events. However, photography, audio or video recording of other customers without their express prior consent is strictly prohibited. Also, unauthorized photography, audio or video recording of airline personnel, aircraft equipment or procedures is always prohibited. Any voice, audio, video or other photography (motion or still), recording or transmission while on any United Airlines aircraft is strictly prohibited, except to the extent specifically permitted by United Airlines.
Coach Taylor mulls over his quarterback controversy while his wife worries about Buddy schmoozing up to the school district’s superintendent. Tyra shakes things up with Landry when an old friend of Billy’s starts giving her attention.
THE OFFICE [T] Michael hires a new office assistant and causes outrage in the office. Andy plays it cool after Erin shows interest in another man. Meanwhile, Pam tries to impress Jim by pulling an office prank of her own. HOUSE [T] House is taken by helicopter to help diagnose a dying CIA agent, leaving Foreman in charge of a team trying to find out why a young woman passed out after a drag car race.
UAL Corporation October 2009.
The views contained in the video content are not necessarily those of United.

Standard Awards guarantee any United seat that’s for sale + Saver Awards + new One-Way Awards + Hotel & Car Awards + Miles & Money Awards + 35 airlines worldwide + easy redemption at the all-new mileageplus.com The mileage program that wants you to use your miles. ©2010 United Air Lines, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Miles with the clout to book any open United seat. Guaranteed.

&FILMTELEVISION B747 MAINSCREEN PROGRAMMING INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE TRACKS (G) Synchronisierte Versionen finden Sie auf Kanal 2 und 3 (wenn verfügbar). (J) 日本語の吹き替えは チャンネル2番および3番でお聴きいただけます。(一部英語音声のみとなります。) (C) 如果可用,在第2频道和第3频道将提供语言录音 (K) 채널 2,3에서 더빙버전이 제공됩니다 &THAILANDHONGCHINAKOREA&JAPANSOUTH&KONGTAIWANGERMANYAUSTRALIA *Thailand flights only *Japan flights only You Again [T] 1 hr. 45 min. TV 2 hrs. Life as We Know It [T] 1 hr. 53 min. Eat Pray Love [T] 2 hrs. TV 2 hrs. Charlie St. Cloud [T] 1 hr. 39 min. TV 2 hrs. The Social Network [T] (G) 2 hrs Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps [T] (G) 2 hr. 12 min. TV 2 hrs. Get Low [T] (G) 1 hr. 42 min. The Switch [T] (G) 1 hr. 42 min. TV 2 hrs. You Again [T] (J)(K) 1 hr. 45 min. Life as We Know It [T] (J)(K) 1 hr. 53 min. TV 2 hrs. Eat Pray Love [T] (J)(K) 2 hrs. TV* 2 hrs. Charlie St. Cloud [T] (J)(K) 1 hr. 39 min. TV 2 hrs. You Again [T] (C) 1 hr. 45 min. Life as We Know It [T] (C) 1 hr. 53 min. TV 2 hrs. Eat Pray Love [T] (C) 2 hrs. Charlie St. Cloud [T] (C) 1 hr. 39 min. TV 2 hrs. Ramona and Beezus (J)(C) 1 hr. 43 min. Despicable Me* (J)(C) 1 hr. 35 min. TV 4 hrs. You Again [T] (G) 1 hr. 45 min. Life as We Know It [T] (G) 1 hr. 53 min. TV 2 hrs. Eat Pray Love [T] (G) 2 hrs. Charlie St. Cloud [T] (G) 1 hr. 39 min. TV 2 hrs. The Social Network [T] 2 hrs. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps [T] 2 hr. 12 min. Get Low [T] 1 hr. 42 min. TV 2 hrs. The Switch [T] 1 hr. 42 min. TV 4 hrs. The Social Network [T] (J)(K) 2 hrs. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps [T] (J)(K) 2 hr. 12 min. TV 2 hrs. Get Low [T] (J) 1 hr. 42 min. The Switch [T] (J) 1 hr. 42 min. TV 2 hrs. TV* 2 hrs. The Social Network [T] (C) 2 hrs. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps [T] (C) 2 hr. 12 min. TV 2 hrs. Get Low [T] (C) 1 hr. 42 min. The Switch [T] (C) 1 hr. 42 min. TV 4 hrs. Flipped [T] (J)(C) 1 hr. 30 min. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice* (J)(C) [T] 1 hr. 49 min. TV 4 hrs. Ramona and Beezus (C) 1 hr. 35 min. TV 4 hrs. Flipped (C) 1 hr. 30 min. TV 4 hrs.VIETNAMSINGAPORE TV 4 hrs. TV 4 hrs. TO U.S. TO U.S. TO U.S. TO U.S. TO JAPAN TO HONG KONG FROM U.S. FROM U.S. FROM U.S. FROM U.S. FROM JAPAN FROM HONG KONG

FEATURING Julia Roberts, Javier Bardem DIRECTED BY Ryan Murphy 2 hrs.
Jessie Eisenberg plays The Social Network ABOUTFACE Th So al N rk IF YOUR AIRCRAFT IS EQUIPPED with in-seat video, refer to the separate Play guide located in your seat pocket.
FEATURING Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman DIRECTED BY Josh Gordon, Will Speck 1 hr. 42 min.
(S) Spanish (G) German (C) Chinese (J) Japanese [V] Violence Sexual Situations [T] Adult Themes
FEATURING Robert Duvall, Bill Murray, Sissy Spacek DIRECTED BY Aaron Schneider
EAT PRAY LOVE [T] At a crossroads after a divorce, Liz Gilbert takes a yearlong sabbatical from her job and risks everything to travel to Italy, India and Bali.
CHARLIE ST. CLOUD [T] After a tragedy, Charlie is torn between honoring a promise he made four years earlier and moving forward with newfound love. FEATURING Zac Efron, Kim Basinger DIRECTED BY Burr Steers 1 hr. 39 min. 1 hr. 42 min.
VOICES BY Madeline Carroll, Callan McAuliffe DIRECTED BY Rob Reiner 1 hr. 30 min.
FEBRUARY MOVIES Morning SecretariatMegamindUnstoppableGlory PLAY
DECEMBER MOVIES Get Low The Switch Eat Pray Love Charlie St. Cloud
The adventures of young Ramona Quimby come to life in this all-new film based on the best-selling books by Beverly Cleary. FEATURING Joey King, Selena Gomez DIRECTED BY Elizabeth Allen 1 hr. 43 min.
This film is based on the true story of Felix Breazeale, a Tennessee recluse who planned his own funeral while he was still alive so he could enjoy it.
A single woman decides it’s time to have a baby, But, unbeknownst to her, her neurotic best friend Wally made a last-minute switch.
FLIPPED Girl-phobic Bryce does everything he can to keep Juli away from the day they meet. But if Juli finally looks away, will it be Bryce’s turn to be dazzled?
Digital media loading occurs between the 25th and 5th of each month. As a result, please understand if your flight features a different lineup before and after the start of each month.

050100150 Miles 050100150200 Kilometers 0 100200300400 Miles 0100200300400500600 Kilometers Sand PrinceSpit Rupert Terrace Smithers Fort St. John Fort McMurrayPrince KamloopsGeorgeKelownaNanaimo PentictonCastlegarCranbrookLethbridgeMedicine Hat Grande Prairie Vancouver Edmonton Calgary Winnipeg Victoria SaskatoonRegina Cullaton Lake Ennadai Lake PortlandSeattle Boise San Jose Las Vegas LOS ANGELES San Diego SAN FRANCISCO Oakland DENVER Sacramento Salt Lake Phoenix/ScottsdaleTucsonCity Albuquerque Colorado Springs (INTERCONTINENTAL)HOUSTONSan AntonioDallas/FortWorth Kansas City Omaha OklahomaAustinCity Bozeman Orange County Tulsa El Paso Honolulu Kahului MinneapolisCedarRapids/IowaMoinesDes Springfield Spokane WichitaLincoln Missoula Rapid City Reno/Tahoe Jackson Hole Kona Burbank MontroseSpringsSteamboatHayden/ButteCrestedGunnison/Vail/Eagle Fargo Gillette Rock Springs Crescent City Eureka AspenCarlsbadBakersfieldChico YellowstoneCody/ CasperFresnoEugene FallsSioux JunctionGrand Medford Pasco Palm Springs Santa Barbara InyokernImperialSanMontereyLuisObispoSantaMaria Yuma Modesto Redmond Redding Bismarck ArkansasNorthwest Great Falls RockLittle Billings Helena FallsKlamath North Bend OdessaMidland/ Durango HarlingenBrownsvilleCorpusChristiMcAllenLaredo LubbockAmarillo Dallas (Love) Waco College Station AlexandriaLafayette VictoriaTylerPt.Beaumont/CharlesLakeShreveportArthur LiberalDodge CityGreat BendGarden City Hays Prescott Hilo Long Beach FlagstaffOntario Idaho Falls Kalispell DuluthAlamosaLaramieScottsbluffChadronAllianceMcAllenLaredoMinotPierreKearneyHuronMcCookPuebloFarmingtonCortezTellurideLakePage/Powell Show Low Moab WorlandSheridan DickinsonMilesGlasgowSidneyCityWillistonLewistown HiloVisaliaKapalua IslandGrand Vernal North Platte Cheyenne Riverton to Anchorage Killeen Del Rio Mammoth Lakes Hobbs ROUTE MAPS NORTH AMERICAN CITIES United/United Express ContinentalContinental/ContinentalRouteExpress/ConnectionRoute Route lines do not reflect actual flight path Continental Seasonal Service United Hub (Red All Caps) Continental Hub (Blue All Caps)CITYCITY Cities served Cities served by select airline partners Time zone boundary

Mont Tremblant MonctonPresque Isle Thunder Bay Sault MarieSte. North BayTimminsSudburySarniaRouyn-Noranda Kingston Baie-ComeauWabush Mont-Joli Gaspe CharlottetownBathurstFredericton Saint John Sydney Goose Bay Deer Lake Gander Îles de la Madeliene WindsorToronto Halifax Ottawa London City Saguenay Bangor OrlandoMiamiWest Palm BeachCharlestonSpartanburgGreenville/Savannah Baltimore LouisvilleBirminghamMemphisMilwaukee Philadelphia St. Louis Tampa/St. Petersburg Charlotte CLEVELAND Detroit Jacksonville OrleansNew New York (La Guardia) (J.F. Norfolk/VirginiaKennedy)BeachAlbany Atlanta Boston ColumbusColumbiaNashville RichmondRaleigh/Durham WASHINGTON, DC (DULLES) SpringfieldHartford/ Cincinnati ProvidencePortland NEW YORK (NEWARK) Greensboro/High Point/Winston-Salem LexingtonGrandRapids Ft.SyracuseLauderdale/HollywoodKnoxvilleNiagaraBuffalo/Falls Manchester Ft. Myers Indianapolis Minneapolis Dayton Allentown Madison Pittsburgh FoxAppleton/Cities Burlington IowaRapids/CedarCity Wausau WayneFt. Green Bay PlainsWhite Lansing Moline Rochester MishawakaBend/Elkhart/South Springfield Charleston Traverse CityAkron/Canton CollegeStateWilkesScrantonBarre/Charlottesville Roanoke Springfield (Reagan National) Peoria AshevilleAugusta Pensacola Myrtle Fayetteville/Ft.Beach Bragg GainesvilleHilton Head Island DecaturHuntsville/ Jacksonville Long Island/Islip New Bern Tri-Cities Regional WilmingtonNewport News/Williamsburg Greenville RockLittle Altoona MorgantownBeckleyJohnstownShenandoahValleyClarksburg Hamilton Chattanooga BiloxiGulfport/ Huntington New Haven Williamsport JacksonMobileMontgomery NewburghSalisbury Ft. BeachWalton Florence Paducah RougeBaton DaytonaeveportexandriaafayetteMonroe Erie SaginawMidland/FlintParkersburg LynchburgElmira HyannisBarHarbor Nassau Tallahassee TreasureCatCayIslandAndros Town NantucketBinghamtonHarrisburgIthaca Duluth Muskegon Eau Claire Houghton Key West BiminiFreeport George MarshNorthTownEleutheraGovernorsHarbourHarbour Sarasota/BradentonLewisburgFranklinJamestownDuboisBradfordClearfieldMelbournePlattsburgh Providenciales New York (Penn BostonStation)(Liberty)Newark New HavenTrainWashington,PhiladelphiaDCStamfordWilmingtonRoutes Codeshare / OnePass Service OnePass Eligible Service 109HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM | JANUARY 2011

Okayama Kota QingdaoDalianKinabaluHarbinChangchunShenyangZhengzhou Nanning Okinawa Kuala Lumpur UlaanbataarTianjin ChongqingGuangzhouChangshaXiamenHangzhouFuzhouNanjingChengdu Wuhan Wenzhou KunmingGuiyang ShenzhenMacau HanoiVientianeChiang YangonMaiPhuketPhnom Penh Penang Jakarta Denpasar Bali Luzon Island Miyazaki KumamotoPusanKagoshimaNagasaki Matsuyama OitaIshigakiPyongyang Kochi Cheju Baotou Rarotonga Rotorua Brisbane ChristchurchAucklandWellington Perth DarwinAdelaide Tamworth Palmerstown BlenheimNapier-HastingsNorthNoumeaNelsonNorfolkIslandPortVila Nuku’ Alofa Apia PagoNiuePago Komatsu Bandar Seri BegawanCebu Chiang Rai Haikou Hat Yai Hefei Hamilton Krabi Khabarovsk KhonGuilinKaen Ningbo Gold Coast Papeete Hiroshima Fukuoka SendaiNagoyaSapporoNiigataOsaka Saipan Majuro GUAM Yap Palau Chuuk (Truk) Pohnpei KosraeKwajalein Manilla Nadi Kahului Anchorage (INTERCONTINENHOUSTONCountyOrange ChihuahuaTorreonDurangoSaltillo MonterreyTampicoAguascalientes Ixtapa/ZihuatanejoManzanilloTolucaAcapulcoOaxacaPueblaHuatulcoVillahermosaVeracruzQueretaroGuatemalaCitySanSalvadorManaguaMorelia Seattle HongBeijingShanghaiKong Cairns Honolulu Puerto Vallarta Mexico City Los Cabos TOKYO Seoul Ho Chi Minh City(Saigon) Bangkok Singapore Taipei SAN FRANCISCOLOSANGELES (O’HARE)CHICAGO DENVER LosVallartaCabos Sydney Melbourne GutiérrezTuxtlaGuadalajara Austin San Antonio Portland GrenadaTobagoBarbadosSt.LuciaPointeaPitreSt. KittsHavanaIslandSanKingstonProvidencialesPort-au-PrinceAndres GuaymasHermosillo Santiago PrincePort-au-Kingston Aruba Belize Guatemala City San SalvadorManaguaSanTegucigalpaPedroSulaLiberia Panama City Roatan GrandBayMontegoCayman Punta Cana AguadillaSt.ThomasAntiguaSt.Maarten CaracasBonaire Port-of-Spain NassauPlataPuerto NewtoYork(Newark)Clevelandto NewtoWashingtonto(LaNewtoYorkGuardia)(Dulles)York(Newark)Denvertoto San Francisco to Los Angeles (INTERCONTINENTAL)HOUSTON QueretaroVeracruz Ixtapa/ZihuatanejoManzanillo Monterrey Puerto Vallarta Los CabosGuadalajaraChihuahua Cozumel Torreon AcapulcoOaxacaTampicoAguascalientesDurango TolucaSaltillo Puebla Morelia Ciudad Carmendel MexicoVillahermosaCity HuatulcoOaxacaTampicoAguascalientesMexicoCity Santo SantiagoSanBermudaDomingoJuanSamanaSt.LuciaMartinique Raliegh/Durham AustinSan Antonio ROUTE MAPS INTERNATIONAL CITIES Route lines do not reflect actual flight path United/United Express Route United Future Continental/ContinentalService Express/ Continental Connection Route Cities served Cities served by select airline partners Time zone boundary Continental Future Service Continental Seasonal Service United Hub (Red All Caps) Continental Hub (Blue All Caps)CITYCITY

MangaloreKozhikodeTrivandrumBangaloreColomboChennai(Madras)CochinCoimbatoreAbidjanAccra Malabo LibrevilleDoualaYaoundeSao Tome Luanda Mahé Harare LubumbashiLusakaKigaliBujumbura NairobiDarEs SalaamKinshasa Lilongwe CotonouOuagadougouConakry LagosAbujaFreetownMonroviaBissau KhartoumDakar Sal Banjul Asmara Addis SanaaAbaba NagpurPuneLucknowKathmanduKolkataDhakaGuwahatiRaipurMuscatKarachiPeshawarAhmedabadIndoreIslamabadLahoreJaipurChandigarhGoa Tbilisi BakuAshgabatKrasnodarYerevanErbil DushanbeTashkentBishkekAlma-Ata Amman LuxorCairo Jeddah Riyadh DohaAbu BagdadTehranDhabiIzmirIstanbulLarnacaBeirutDamascusAnkaraTromsoTiranaKristiansundTrondheim Oulu TurkuVaasaGdanskHelsinkiTallinnMalmo KrakowWarsaw St. Petersburg KosiceVilniusMinskKievChisinauBucharestSofia Naples Skopje TripoliMaltaGranadaAlgiersCasablancaFaro Funchal Tunis Ekaterinburg Reykjavik Ponce Cartagena GuayaquilMedellin Bucaramanga Cali MaracaiboSantaValenciaCruz GrandeCampo Cordoba Iguassu Falls Cuzco Brasilia FortalezaSalvadorRecife Belo CuritibaHorizonte Santiago Porto Alegre ManausMontevideoFlorianopolis LasTenerifePalmas Riga Belgrade Marseille BahrainKuwait Alta Lome Lulea Molde Ostersund Rhodes Umea Alexandria Jammu Antalya Benghazi DonetzkBatumi Ercan Goiania Horta Agartala Amritsar Juba Kano Keflavik MashadNador Odessa Oran Patna Port Harcourt Pointe Noire NEW YORK (NEWARK)(INTERCONTINENTAL)HOUSTONCLEVELAND Nassau illahermosaAguascalientes Belize SalvadorCitySan Pedro Sula ManaguaLiberiaRoatanCiudaddelCarmenTegucigalpaMontego Bay Grand Cayman Bermuda Punta CanaSantoBonaireCaracasAguadillaDomingoSanJuanSt.ThomasAntiguaSt.MaartenPort-of-SpainPlataPuertoAruba CityPanamaLimaQuito Copenhagen Madrid Stockholm ShannonLisbonDublinBelfast Manchester BirminghamBristol EdinburghBarcelonaGlasgow OsloHamburgMilanBerlin Athens MumbaiDelhi New York (La Guardia) Tel Aviv Rio de Janeiro Buenos Aires Frankfurt Paris Munich Amsterdam London Brussels Rome Geneva Cozumel (O’HARE)CHICAGOWASHINGTON, DC (DULLES) Kuwait DubaiBahrain MoscowDammamRaleigh/Durham Faro GranadaToulouseSevilla La Coruna Malmo IbizaPalma (Gatwick)LondonNewcastleLuxembourgGroningenBillundAalborgAarhus LjubljanaZagreb BilbaoValenciaLisbonPorto Turin Lyon LondonParis Oslo HamburgCopenhagen Brussels MilanFrankfurtHannoverNurembergVenicePisaRomeNaplesTrieste BucharestIstanbul Vienna MunichPrague Warsaw Helsinki BerlinLuga Bremen Klagenfurt LinzSalzburg Sofia Sarajevo Cologne Dresden Verona Vilnius Katowice MarseilleStuttgartNice Riga Stavanger Ancona Dublin BolognaFlorenceGenoa Stockholm Amsterdam Basel EdinburghAberdeen Belfast Birmingham Bergen Glasgow Manchester BelgradeSkopje ShannonCork Izmir Leipzig BudapestMuensterFriedrichshafenGdansk Heraklion Leeds Palanga Rhodes Thessaloniki Alicante Alexandroupolis Bristol Cluj-Napoca Esbjerg KaliningradMikonosLa Romana Palermo 111HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM | JANUARY 2011

Your safety and satisfaction are important. We appreciate your business and apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Inversion: With foot on floor, gently roll the sole of the foot outward. Repeat with other foot. FLEXIBILITY
the Star
Knee Extension: Straighten knee, increasing the amount of joint space at the back of the knee to its full range. Repeat with other leg.
Eversion: With foot on floor, gently roll the sole of the foot inward. Repeat with other foot.
At United Airlines, our priority is safety and keeping an on-time schedule. On occasion, canceling or delaying a flight is the only option to assure we maintain the highest safety standards. canceled? We automatically confirm you on the next United flight with available seats. EasyCheck-in® units located in the concourse will assist you with information and a boarding pass—it will also help you standby for an earlier United flight if one is scheduled. If you want to travel standby and aren’t boarded, we will transfer your name to the next United flight to your destination until you are onboard. What about my bag? Baggage is boarded on the next flight if space is available. This means your bags may arrive before you. United will secure the bag until you claim it. See a baggage claim representative. What if I have to stay overnight? If a flight is canceled to address a mechanical issue or another similar reason within our control, we YOUR CONNECTING FLIGHT. Whether your next flight is on or one of Alliance partners around the world, use the diagrams 113-116 plan your connection. In addition to gate locations, these maps show Red Carpet Clubs and interterminal transportation. expenses in this event. If we can not retrieve your checked bag, overnight kits containing toiletries are available. Please see an agent. What if the reason for my travel no longer exists? If as a result of the delay or cancelation you decide not to travel, call United reservations (1-800 UNITED-1) to get information on your options. Help us help you keep informed. Sign up for EasyUpdate®, our messaging service. If your flight is canceled or delayed, EasyUpdate® will inform you. Enroll at united.com/easyupdate. At home? Go to united. com for information or to check-in and print your boarding pass.
Dorsiflexion: With heel on floor, point toes upward, decreasing the angle between the foot and front of the leg. Repeat with other foot.
Knee Flexion: Lift knee toward chest, decreasing the amount of joint space at back of the knee. Repeat with other leg.
Plantar Flexion: Lift the heel and keep toes pointed toward the floor, increasing the angle between the top of the foot and front of the leg. Repeat with other foot.
ticket counters, United
on pages
Reservations 800-UNITED-1united.com (800-864-8331) Automated Flight Information 800-UNITED-1 (800-864-8331) Mileage Plus 24-Hour Account Information & Award 800-UNITED-1united.com/mileageplusTravel(800-864-8331) Mileage Plus Visa Customer Service 800-537-7783united.com/chase Baggage Services 800-UNITED-1united.com/baggage(800-864-8331) Refunds 800-UNITED-1united.com/refunds(800-864-8331) TRAVEL ASSISTANCE FOR DELAYED OR CANCELED FLIGHTS
CONTACT INFORMATION Customer Relations 800-UNITED-1united.comEmail:united.com/customerrelationscustomerrelations@(800-864-8331) Red Carpet Club™ 520-881-0500866-UA-CLUBSunited.com/redcarpetclub(toll-free)(outsidethe U.S.) Hearing Impaired (TDD) 800-323-0170 Reservaciones en Español 800-426-5561 United Cargo 800-UA-CARGOunitedcargo.com(800-822-2746) United Services unitedsvcs.com Meetings Plus 800-MEET-UAL (800-633-8825) Duty Free World 6095 NW 167th St. Suite D-4 Miami, FL 33015 USA 800-668-6182 United Vacations 800-32-TOURSunitedvacations.com(800-328-6877) Charter an Airplane united.com/charter Small Package Same Day Shipping Small Package Dispatch (SPD)— Airport-to-airport service: 800-722-5243 Employment Opportunities 888-UAL-JOBSunited.com/jobs(888-825-5627) EasyCheck-in kiosks are located on the concourse to assist customers who have experienced a misconnection or canceled flight. Customers who have e-tickets and are traveling domestically may use the kiosk to: 1. Rebook on another flight 2. Obtain a boarding pass 3. Standby for the next flight to their destination will provide you with a hotel and meal voucher. For uncontrollable events—such as weather—we may be able to help you locate a local hotel at a discounted rate; however United does not cover hotel or meal

113HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM | JANUARY 2011 WASHINGTON / DULLES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT EasyCheck-in is available at this airport. Concourse D MAIN TERMINAL C2 C12 C18 C Connector Tunnel Train Shuttle Bus C24 C1A2A4A6 A14 A32 B37 B79A1A3A5C9 C17 C27 D1D3D2 D8 D30 Shuttle Bus Concourse A South African Airways Concourse C Air Canada Concourse B AustrianANAAirlinesContinentalLufthansaSASZ GATES US Airways CHICAGO / O’HARE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT EasyCheck-in is available at this airport.ORD TERMINALONE TERMINALTWO TERMINALTHREE Elevated Airport Transit System (ATS) PedestrianTunnel TERMINALFIVE InternationalArrivals Concourse F US Airways Concourse M Concourse E Air Canada Concourse B ContinentalLufthansa Concourse C ANA C1 B1 F1 F4 F11 F14 F10F6 E1 B6 B9 B18B14 B22 C17 C19 C18C24C32 C16 C8 Shuttle runs between Gates C9 and E3. E3 C9Shuttle Bus United Gate Area Continental Gate Area United Red Carpet Club United First International Lounge United Arrivals Suite United Premier Check-In Interterminal Shuttle Bus Stop / Train Stop United Easy Check-In / Customer Service Center Medical Center United Gate Area United Red Carpet Club United First International Lounge International Arrivals Suite United Premier Check-In United Easy Check-In / Customer Service Center IAD

TERMINAL DIAGRAMS DOMESTIC & OVERSEAS DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT EasyCheck-in is available at this airport. 57 ★ TERMINALWEST TERMINALEAST Concourse C US Airways Concourse B Continental Concourse A AirLufthansaCanada 2528261516 3736 35 41 3938 4950 60 80 919281 57 77 SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT EasyCheck-in is available at this airport.SFO 72 Concourse G United Air New LufthansaANAZealandSingapore Concourse A Asiana Concourse B ContinentalUSAirways Concourse E Air CanadaConcourse F TERMINAL 1 TERMINAL 3 80798988 81 73International Terminal Secure Connector 76A78A 71 Roundtrip Shuttle service between Terminal G and Terminal 1. MAKING YOUR CONNECTING FLIGHT. Whether your next flight is on United or one of the Star Alliance partners around the world, use the terminal diagrams on pages 113-116 to plan your connection. In addition to gate locations, these maps show ticket counters, United Red Carpet Clubs and interterminal transportation. TOM INTERNATIONALBRADLEYTERMINAL ThaiLufthansaAirwaysANASingaporeAsianaSwiss TERMINAL 3TERMINAL 2 Air Canada Air New Zealand TERMINAL 1 US Airways TERMINAL 4TERMINAL 5TERMINAL 6 Continental TERMINAL 7TERMINAL 8 67A69A 68B64 75A71A 7672 888070A 124B Shuttle Bus LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT EasyCheck-in is available at this airport. United Gate Area United Red Carpet Club United First International Lounge United Premier Check-In Interterminal Shuttle Bus Stop Continental Presidents Club United Easy Check-In / Customer Service Center United Gate Area United Red Carpet Club United First International Lounge United Arrivals Suite International Arrivals Suite United Premier Check-In Continental Presidents Club United Easy Check-In / Customer Service Center Medical Center United Gate Area Continental Gate Area United Red Carpet Club International Arrivals Suite United Premier Check-In Interterminal Train Stop United Easy Check-In / Customer Service Center LAXDEN

TERMINAL 4 Continental TERMINAL 5 TERMINAL 3 TERMINAL 1 TERMINAL 2 37 39 49 48 4756 50 54 42 44 36 Shuttle Bus Shuttle Bus LONDON / HEATHROW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 115HEMISPHERESMAGAZINE.COM | JANUARY 2011 FRANKFURT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTFRA B300-B303 B332-B340 TERMINAL ONE Continental Pier A, Level 3 Gates A51-A65 Pier B Pier C C5 B20 B24 B26 B28 B48 B46 B44 C1 C7 C8 Pedestrian Transfer Tunnel Train to Terminal 2 Lufthansa Tower Lounge Level 5 TOKYO / NARITA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTNRT Satellite 3 Continental Satellite Satellite2 1 Satellite 5 Satellite 4 TERMINAL 1 313743 47 38 32 North Wing South WingPedestrianTunnel Third Floor Zone A ZoneFourthD Floor United Gate Area United Arrivals Suite United Premier Check-In Interterminal Shuttle Bus Stop United Gate InterterminalAreaTrain Stop Medical Center United Gate Area United Red Carpet Club United First International Lounge United Premier Check-In Medical Center LHR

TERMINAL DIAGRAMS STAR ALLIANCE United Gate Area Continental Gate Area United Red Carpet Club United First International Lounge United Arrivals Suite International Arrivals Suite United Premier Check-In Continental Presidents Club Interterminal Shuttle Bus Stop / Train Stop United Easy Check-In / Customer Service Center Medical Center CLEVELAND HOPKINS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTCLE C2 D2 D6 D10 D14 D17 D21 D25 D28 C7C14 C16C19 C21C22C23 C25 C29 C10 C4 Concourse C ContinentalUnited Concourse B Concourse A Concourse D Continental Pedestrian Tunnel NEWARK LIBERTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTEWR AirTrain 130127136 102101115 72 887571 B3 B2 B1 A1A2 A380 98 92 TERMINAL A ContinentalUnited TERMINAL B TERMINAL C Continental Shuttle Bus HOUSTON GEORGE BUSH INTERCONTINENTAL AIRPORTIAH TerminaLink connects B, C, D and E. It is above ground transportation between terminals while inside security. TerminaLink Shuttle Bus TERMINAL A TERMINAL B TERMINALS A-E Continental TERMINAL C United TERMINAL E TERMINAL D A25-30A3-15A17-24 B76-83 B84-91 C14C20C23C21C34-42C17 E1-9 E10-14E15-24B68-75B60-67 CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTCLT PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTPHX PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTPHL Concourse A United Concourse BConcourse C Concourse D ConcourseConcoursesE B-E US Airways 24 Continuous shuttle bus pickup and drop-off between Gates F10 and C16. Concourse A West Concourse A East Concourse BConcourse C Concourse D ContinentalUnited Concourses A, B, C & F US Airways Concourse E Concourse F 1 7 13 To transfer between terminals, catch the interterminal bus curbside. Concourse AConcourse B Concourse B International TERMINAL 4 US Airways TERMINAL 2 ContinentalUnited 71 GUAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTGUM 4 8 106 12 18 21 15 11 MAIN TERMINAL Continental

STAR ALLIANCE Established in 1997 as the first truly global airline alliance to offer customers a worldwide travel network that aims to provide customers a seamless travel experience across multiple airlines. Today the Star Alliance network offers more than 21,200 daily flights to 1,172 destinations in 181 countries.
ENJOY A WORLD OF STAR ALLIANCE CONNECTIONS AND PRIVILEGES. Earn or redeem Mileage Plus miles when you fly on any Star Alliance member carrier. The flight miles you earn qualify toward elite status for next year. As a Mileage Plus elite member, your status is recognized on all the Star Alliance carriers. For more information, go to united.com/staralliance.
Aer ContinentalLingus Connection
Island Air Jet TACAQatarAirwaysAirwaysGroup You can earn and redeem miles on several other airline partners. See united.com/airpartners for specific information about each of our other airline partners.
EARN MILEAGE PLUS® MILES AND ELITE STATUS FASTER With the largest airline alliance, you can earn miles almost anywhere in the world you fly. Miles can be earned on most fares on almost every Star Alliance flight and can be credited to your Mileage Plus account. Plus the flight miles you earn will count toward elite status in Mileage Plus. See united.com/airpartners for details.
EARN RECOGNITION AROUND THE WORLD The more miles you fly with United and the Star Alliance airlines, the higher your Mileage Plus elite status can be: Premier®, Premier Executive® or 1K®. Mileage Plus elite status is recognized across the alliance as either Star Alliance Silver or Star Alliance Gold, with travel benefits worldwide. See united.com/staralliance for the Star Silver and Star Gold benefits you can receive.
AWARD TRAVEL IS NOW EASIER With Star Alliance Awards, you can use your Mileage Plus miles for award travel on any Star Alliance carrier worldwide. Or use them for Star Alliance Upgrade Awards—upgrade to a premium cabin and travel in comfort (available on most Star Alliance airlines).

We do more than connect people and places. We take serving our communities to new heights. united.com/responsibility ©2010 United Air Lines, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

It is United policy on all to in ticketed cabin. This policy complies with the U.S. Transportation Security Administration directive that passengers international to the may their
2 liters) of medicinal and toilet articles carried in your luggage. For further information, check with any airline representative. IMPORT RESTRICTIONS Please
ask you to use only the lavatories
restrictions. If you possess
of these items,
plants and their products
SPANISH/ESPAÑOL Todos los pasajeros (o uno por cada familia) tienen que llenar los formularios de Declaración de Aduanas antes de llegar a los EE.UU. Los formularios se distribuirán durante el veulo y deben incluir todos sus datos personales en inglés y con letras mayúsculas. No olvide firmar en el reverso del formulario.
1. Apellido, Nombre, Segundo nombre 2. Fecha de nacimiento (Día/Mes/Año) Cuántos familiares viajan con usted 4. (a) Dirección en los EE.UU. (nombre del hotel/lugar) (b) Ciudad, (c) Estado 5. Pasaporte expedido en (páis) 6. Número del pasaporte 7. País de residencia 8. Países que visitó durante este viaje antes de su llegada a los EE.UU. 9. Línea aérea/número de vuelo o nombre del barco 10. El propósito principal de este viaje es de negocios: Sí / No 11. Traigo (Traemos) (a) frutas, plantas, alimentos, insectos:Sí/No (b) carnes, animales, productos de animales o silvestres: Sí / No (c) agentes de enfermedades, cultivos celulares, caracoles:Sí / No (d) tierra o he (hemos) estado en finca/ granja/pastizales: Sí / No 12. He (Hemos) estado en cercanías de ganado (tocando o manipulándolo): Sí / No 13. Llevo (Llevamos) divisas o instrumentos monetarios por valor superior a $10,000 o su equivalente en moneda extranjera (Véase la definición de instrumentos monetarios alSídorso):/No 14. Tengo (Tenemos) mercancías comerciales (artículos para la venta, muestras para solicitar pedidos o bienes que no constituyen efectos personales):Sí/No 15. Residentes—el valor total de todos los bienes, incluidas las mercancías comerciales que he (hemos) comprado en el extranjero, (incluyendo regalos para otras personas, pero sin incluir los artículos enviados por correo a los EE.UU.) y que estoy (estamos) introduciendo en los EE.UU. es de: Visitantes—el$___ valor total de todos los artículos que permanecerán en los EE.UU., incluidas las mercancías comerciales, es de: $___ ENGLISH Prior to arrival in the U.S., all foreign nationals (except Canadian citizens and U.S. permanent residents or nationals of countries entitled to the Visa Waiver Program) are required to complete an I-94 form. One form is required for each family member. Customers should complete all personal and travel-related information included on the front side of the form. Please do not write on the back side of the form. All information should be written in capital letters and in English. You are required to keep this form until your departure from the U.S. SPANISH / ESPAÑOL Antes de su llegada a los Estados Unidos, todos los ciudadanos extranjeros (excepto los ciudadanos de Canadá y los residentes permanentes en los Estados Unidos o ciudadanos de los países que tienen el Programa “Visa Waiver”) tienen que llenar un formulario I-94. Hay que rellenar un formulario por cada miembro de la familia. Los pasajeros llenarán toda la información personal y relativa al viaje que se incluye en el anverso del formulario. Le rogamos que no escriba en el reverso del formulario. Toda la información debe estar escrita con letras mayúsculas y en inglés. Le rogamos que guarde este formulario hasta que salga de los Estados Unidos. 1. Apellido 2. Nombre 3. Fecha de (Día/Mes/Año)nacimiento País de ciudadanía Sexo (masculino o femenino) Fecha de emisión del pasaporte 7. Fecha de vencimiento del pasaporte Número de pasaporte 9. Aerolínea y número de vuelo País donde vives 11. País en el que abordaron 12. Ciudad donde obtuvo el visado Fecha del visado (Día/Mes/Año) Direccion donde se quedará en los EE.UU (Número, calle) Ciudad y Estado 16. Teléfono de contacto en EE.UU. or in transit. Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form. This form is in two parts. Please complete both the Arrival Record (Items 1 through 17) and the Departure Record (Items 18 through 21). When all items are completed, present this form to the CBP Officer. Item 9 If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND in this space. If you are entering the United States by ship, enter SEA in this space. 5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(3) Privacy Act Notice: Information collected on this form is required by Title of the U.S. Code, including the INA (8 U.S.C. 1103, 1187), and CFR 235.1, 264, and 1235.1. The purposes for this collection are to give the terms of admission and document the arrival and departure of nonimmigrant aliens to the U.S. The information solicited on this form may be made available to other government agencies for law enforcement purposes or to assist DHS in determining your admissibility. All nonimmigrant aliens seeking admission to the U.S., unless otherwise exempted, must provide this information. Failure to provide this information may deny you entry to the United States and result in your removal.
A partir del 12 de enero de 2009, todos los pasajeros que quieran viajar a los EE.UU. (entre los terminos del programa de no tener que usar la Visa) tendran que obtener una preautorización electronica o ESTA antes de viajar. Cuando estés coordinando viajes internacionales, este seguro que tenga todos los documentos requerídos. No se olvide de dejar tiempo suficiente para adquirir los documentos oficiales de viaje. Para información completa sobre todos los requisitos, y para aplicar para ESTA, por favor visite www.cbp.gov/esta.
use only the lavatories in
ticketed cabin.
17. Dirección de correo electrónico 18. Apellido 19. Nombre 20. Fecha de nacimiento (Día/Mes/Año) 21. Pais de ciudadanía DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. Customs and Border Protection OMB No. 1651-0111 OMB No. 1651-0111 CBP Form I-94 (05/08) CBP Form I-94 (05/08) CBP Form I-94 (05/08) STAPLE HERESee Other Side Admission Number Arrival Record 000000000 00 Admission Number Departure Record 000000000 00 1. Family Name 2. First (Given) Name 3. Birth Date (DD/MM/YY) 4. Country of Citizenship 5. Sex (Male or Female) 8. Passport Number 9. Airline and Flight Number 10. Country Where You Live 11. Country Where You Boarded 12. City Where Visa Was Issued 13. Date Issued (DD/MM/YY) 14. Address While in the United States (Number and Street) 16. Telephone Number in the U.S. Where You Can be Reached 18. Family Name 19. First (Given) Name 20. Birth Date (DD/MM/YY) 21. Country of Citizenship DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. Customs and Border Protection 15. City and State 6. Passport Issue Date (DD/MM/YY) 7. Passport Expiration Date (DD/MM/YY) Welcome to the United States I-94 Arrival/Departure Record Instructions This form must be completed by all persons except U.S. Citizens, returning resident aliens, aliens with immigrant visas, and Canadian Citizens visiting
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The following items are considered hazardous materials. Do not pack in checked or carry-on luggage. FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS OR SOLIDS Fuel, paints, solvents, lighter fluid, matches WEAPONS Loaded firearms, ammunition, gunpowder, Mace, tear gas, pepper spray HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Drain cleaners and solvents COMPRESSED GASES Spray can, butane fuel, oxygen bottles FIREWORKS Firecrackers, sparklers or explosives OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Dry ice, gasoline-powered tools, camping equipment with fuel, wet cell batteries, oxidizers, corrosives, radioactive materials, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NOTICE & IMPORT RESTRICTIONSELECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION poisons, infectious substances NOTE There are special exceptions for small quantities of up
ENGLISH All passengers (or one per family) are required to complete the Customs Declaration forms prior to arrival in the U.S. The forms will be distributed inflight and should include all personal data in English and in capital letters. Please ensure you sign your name.
Effective January 12, 2009, all passengers who intend to travel to the United States without a U.S. Visa under the terms of the Visa Waiver Program must obtain an electronic preauthorization or ESTA in advance of travel. When planning international travel, please be sure that you are in possession of all required documents. Remember to allow ample time for acquiring official travel documents. For complete information on the requirements, and to apply for ESTA, please visit www. cbp.gov/esta. to 70 (2 kg or note new controls on the import fish, into the United Kingdom and European Union. Check the notices displayed in the baggage hall detailed explanation of these any please declare them to customs in the red channel avoid legal consequences.
of meat,
for a

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Zune Pass is a monthly music subscription service; some Marketplace content may not be available via Zune Pass and may vary over time. On Xbox, Zune Pass allows for music streaming only and requires Xbox LIVE Gold subscription (your 10 monthly song credits are still available for download on your PC, Windows Phone, or Zune media player). On Windows Phone, streaming feature requires wireless network access; carrier fees may apply *** Some Marketplace content may not be available for download on multiple devices and may vary over time. Availability of content and video resolution will vary by device.
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CROSSWORD 1.ACROSSWaterless 5. Be an accessory to 9. Hot pot 13. Heelless shoes 18. Chess ending 19. Desperate 20. Fabled racer 21. Corporate department 22. Support beam 23. Grimm beast 24. Like some vaccines 25. Visibly astonished 26. Ump’s call 27. ’60s hairdo 29. Triton 31. Restrained 33. A slope or incline 35. 51, Nevada 36. Discourage 37. Solitary 38. Outpost group 41. Home in Montreal 44. Sunglasses 48. Stringed instrument 53. Queen’s residence 54. “Give it !” 55. Artist’s stand 58. Watch word? 59. Outrage 60. Eyeglasses 62. Police raid 63. Annoyance 64. Breakfast grain 67. Ready and willing’s partner 69. Opposing 72. Pigswill 74. Underway 75. In the paper, online or on 76.TVTaste tester 79. Knock out 80. Microwave option 84. Make lower or quieter 85. Islamic leader 87. A woman of refinement 91. One of the five W’s 92. Bit of high jinks 94. Conclusion 96. Sprinted 97. Retain 98. Stay dry 100. Sorority letter 103. A family coat 104. Lord 107. Nonexistent 109. Gorge 112. Admiral Halsey’s concern 113. Talk radio calls 118. Road work vehicle 120. Throw off 121. We the Living author 122. Meet with 123. Gossipmonger 124. Flu symptom 126. Clothes presser 128. Miniature map 130. Start 131. Know-it-all 132. Make, as a putt 133. Cheap showy jewelry 134. Vote into office 135. Part of a process 136. Nervously irritable 137. Do as directed 1.DOWNFrench romance 2. An Indian side dish 3. “ show time!” 4. Confine 5. Beautify 6. A prejudiced person 7. Miss the mark 8. Adolescent 9. Bathroom fixture 10. An incrustation that forms on the teeth 11. Tide competitor 12. Healthy 13. A style of dancing 14. Honest and truthful 15. Quartz variety 16. Become narrower 17. Husky burden 22. Morning run 28. Charges 30. Clear the boards 32. Hollywood favorite 34. Take a nap 39. Middle of March 40. Ottoman ruler 41. Very smart 42. Put on the payroll 43. Eternally 45. Chance 46. Bronze 47. MD 49. Mischievous 50. Nasty 51. Breastplate 52. Sound off 56. Flowering 57. It’s for the birds 60. Gin flavoring 61. Wildlife expedition 65. Sparkle 66. Everyone 68. Young lad 70. Disease cause 71. Amazement 73. Home built in a day? 74. Related (to) 76. Thin strip 77. Tip-top 78. TV remote option 81. Porcelain piece 82. “Excuse me” 83. Spinners 86. Grinder 88. Branch 89. Pinch 90. “Go on…” 93. Everlasting 95. Hard worker 97. Mustard family member 99. Hefty volume 101. In any way whatever 102. Any day now 105. Safeguard 106. Facial application BRUCEGREGBYCROSSWORDPUZZLESPUZPUZ©108. Part of a rainbow 109. Angler’s basket 110. Door part 111. Room at the top 113. A pointed projection 114. Suit accessorypocket 115. Topic for discussion 116. Poor 117. Congeal 118. Suddenly change direction 119. Small pieces of cloth 125. Kind of instinct 127. Clear 129. Catch in the act 124 | JANUARY 2011 | UNITED.COM JUST ANOTHER MORNING ALL THEME CLUES ARE IN BOLD IF YOU FILL IN THE CROSSWORD PLEASE TAKE THE MAGAZINE WITH YOU SO IT’S REPLACED. // ANSWERS FOUND ON P. 51

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Pommery Brut Royal nv Champagne – There’s something about bubbles in wine that tickle the nose and palate. Virtually any region that produces wine can create sparkling wine: Instead of letting the carbon dioxide bubbles of fermentation drift away into the air, the winemaker retains them in the bottle. But Champagne is more than mere bubbles; it’s a region in northern France where sparkling wine production reaches giddy heights. The sparkling wines there are a marriage of aromas from the yeasts that create those happy bubbles and the chalky soils that provide sustenance for the vines. One of the region’s most reliable producers, Pommery shows pear and lemon flavors, along with toast, biscuit and earthiness.
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United does not serve peanuts as snacks or use peanuts or peanut oils in foods served on our flights. However, we do serve vendor products manufactured in facilities that also produce items containing peanuts or peanut oils, and we do have snack mixes that contain other tree nuts, such as almonds and pistachios.
Your feedback is welcomed via within seven days of your flight. United, Choice Menu, and EasyPurchase are trademarks of United. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. We apologize if your selection is not available on today’s flight.
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Grilled chicken, red and yellow bell pepper strips, parmesan cheese, romaine lettuce, caesar dressing and croutons.
breakfast ON

beverages AVAILABLE ON MOST UNITED FLIGHTS. SELECTIONS MAY VARY ACCORDING TO AVAILABILITY, CLASS OF SERVICE OR DESTINATION. NON-ALCOHOLIC Complimentary on all United flights. • Soft Drinks • Milk • Tonic Water • Tea • Seltzer Water• Assorted Fruit Juices • Spring Water• Bloody Mary Mix • Starbucks Regular & Decaffeinated Coffees ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Complimentary in United Business ® and United First.® Priced as shown in United Economy.® HOUSE WINES $ 7 • Redwood Creek California Cabernet Sauvignon Hayes Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 California • Redwood Creek California Chardonnay Hayes Ranch Chardonnay 2009 California PREMIUM WINES $ 8 Domestic flights only: • Cheviot Bridge 2008 Australian Shiraz • Cheviot Bridge 2008 Australian Chardonnay Domestic United Business and United First may also choose: • Canyon Road Merlot 2009 California Stanza Petite Sirah 2007 California • Bridlewood Chardonnay 2008 Monterey Cheviot Bridge Chardonnay 2008 Adelaide Hills Australia Refer to printed menus for additional selections where applicable. BEER $ 6 • Miller ® Lite • Miller ® Genuine Draft • Heineken ® PREMIUM COCKTAIL $ 9 • Trader Vic’s ® Mai Tai (to/from Hawaii only) SPIRITS $ 7 • Absolut ® Vodka (international flights only) • Bacardi ® Rum • Canadian Club ® Reserve Whisky • Chivas Regal Scotch (international flights only) • Dewar’s ® White Label Scotch (domestic flights only) • Finlandia ® Vodka (domestic flights only) • Jack Daniel’s ® Tennessee Whiskey • Jim Beam Black ® Bourbon Whiskey • Tanqueray ® Gin LIQUEURS $ 7 • Baileys ® Irish Cream • Courvoisier ® VSOP Cognac • Disaronno ® Amaretto (international flights only) • Kahlúa ® Alcohol may be served to customers over 21 only. By FAA rule, we may not serve alcohol to customers who appear intoxicated. Customers are limited to one alcoholic beverage at a time during service. Only alcohol provided by United and served by flight attendants may be consumed onboard. signaturecocktail $ 7 Looking for something different? Try our Sunrise Sunset cocktail, created for you by United Flight Attendant Tita Martin. With cranberry apple juice, a splash of orange juice, a squeeze of lime and Vodka, it’s a great way to relax and enjoy your flight. Cheers! snack boxes $ 8.49 • Oloves Marinated Olives • Milas ® Artichoke and Red Pepper Spread • Wild Garden™ Hummus • Rondele ® Peppercorn Parmesan Cheese Spread • Fratelli Laurieri Scrocchi Al Rosmarino Crackers • Jacobs ® Cream Crackers • Partners ® Olive Oil and Sea Salt Crackers • Emerald ® Natural Almonds • Fantis ® Ouzo Candy Mint $ 7.49 • Snyder’s ® of Hanover Mini Pretzels • Keebler Townhouse ® Crackers • Nabisco™ Oreo Cookie • Jelly Belly ® Assorted Flavors • Del Monte ® Vanilla Yogurt Raisin Fruit Snack • Austin ® Zoo Animal Crackers • Pepperidge Farm ® Goldfish • Dairyfoods Cheddar Spread $ 6.99 • Bumble Bee Sensations ® Lemon Pepper Tuna 2.9 oz • Stacy’s ® “Simply Naked” Bagel Chips • Asher’s ® Dark Chocolate Covered Pretzel • Musselman’s ® Unsweetened Apple Sauce A portion of the profits from the sale of the snack boxes will benefit United-sponsored breast cancer support and research charities. ALL DAY ON MOST FLIGHTS OVER 2 HOURS


142 JANUARY 2011 | UNITED.COM “I want to see temples.”andGreecethe HENRY WOODWARD / 8 WHY I’M TRAVELING / I’m going home to San Francisco. I was on vacation in New York with my mom. WHAT I DID / We went to the Statue of Liberty and Central Park. My favorite thing was The Lion King musical. I really liked the monkey. WHERE TO NEXT? / Hawaii. Oh, and I want to see Greece and the temples and the other god and goddess stuff. BY ADAM K. RAYMOND PHOTOGRAPH BY SASHA NIALLA GETTING TO KNOW YOU in transit

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