Problems In Society By Avani Loganathan, Chloe Mazloum, Marek Olewski, Rashid Waly, Reece Armagost, Evangelia Filippidi CjYQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=803&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=BZvaiOwgSil4GM :
Table of Contents
Racial Discrimination, by Avani Loganathan Why black and white people should have the same rights.
Disabled People’s Rights, by Chloe Mazloum
Why disabled people aren’t accepted into society and what you can do to help them.
Problems of Child Slavery, by Rashid Waly So people don’t know that child slavery is not a thing but actually there are millions of kids still in child slavery
People with Disabilities, by Rhys Armagost People have disabilities, and it is not their fault, we should support them.
It Still Exists, by Evangelia Filippidi Why slavery is not good for the society, and that all people should have the same rights.
Communities should help rangers with kids, by Marek Olewski All Rangers should get the same rights. Rangers with kids should get the same rights as Rangers without kids.
Racial Discrimination By Avani Loganathan
Martin Luther King Jr (an American Baptist minister and activist) once said that ‘’I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.’’Though Martin Luther King Jr said this quote on August 28, 1963 in his I have a dream speech we still face racial discrimination even if we don’t know it. This world again differentiates color also though it doesn’t mean anything. Black and White people should be treated the same as they are no different. Affirmative action is an example where black and white people are not treated the same. Abigail Fisher sued the Texas university because they accepted a black student who had lower grades and qualifications than Abigail.According to Newsela ‘’Abigail says that affirmative action should be against the law’’. What she said is real universities should not be accepting students that have lower qualifications than students that have higher requirements. Race shouldn’t be the one putting someone in a university it should be the qualifications that do. Preschool is an example where black and white people are treated the same. “Black children are punished differently if they get in trouble they get suspended four times more than white and are twice as likely to get expelled” which is stated in newsela article. “Scientists from Yale University say that teachers have the racial bias and don’t know that they are.” The idea that children have to face racial bias at such a young age bothers me so much as Martin Luther King Jr said black and white children should be treated the same having a different race shouldn’t mean to lose access from education and jobs as it shouldn’t and doesn’t mean
Another example of where black and aren’t treated the same as when black college athletes are left behind at college. Shaun Harper, the director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Race and Equity, ran a study of the graduation rates in the united states. He found out that there is a significant problem in the standards and that most of the black families are tricked. Harper says that “The families have false hopes about how well the student‐athletes will do in life. They also do not realize that there is little chance they will play on professional teams.“ This is telling us that black children don’t get graduated and that there also is a really big gap on how many people go to professional teams and how many athletes don’t. This proves that black and white people are not treated same and they need to be, as Martin Luther King Jr said in his speech. This shouldn’t happen anymore black athletes should say if “you don’t graduate me I won’t play for you” which Harry Swayne said, a NFL player.
Disabled people’s rights By Chloe Mazloum Let's say that you’re on your way to a job interview. You’re feeling nervous, your palms are sweaty, all you can think about is how they’re going to judge you. You keep telling yourself they’ll find you weird looking, they’ll think the way you talk is funny. You repeat to yourself “There’s no way I’m going to get this job”. But still a part of you hopes that they’ll overlook all your flaws, the things that make people stare for just a little too long when they pass by you on the street, the things that make you “abnormal”. You walk into the waiting room and your heart sinks, there’s another man there too and he’s got everything you don’t. He’s good looking, he’s tall, he looks...normal. Your name gets called and they ask you way too many questions. You find yourself stumbling over your words. You leave the room and the other man gets called in. A couple of days later you get a call saying you didn’t get the job. Just what you expected. You start to think about the other guy and you say to yourself, I could have probably done just as great of a job. You really needed this, you’ve been unemployed for months and you’re in debt because of how expensive all your medications are. You have nothing to do because most of the activities in your town aren’t made for people like you. You feel let down, disappointed and discouraged. This is how most people with disabilities feel living in our society. Children with disabilities struggle to find schools that will accept them, adults with disabilities have the highest rates of unemployment, those with disability are the most rejected by society. This is a huge problem, our society is not inclusive of people that are differently abled. Being disabled does not make you useless or “abnormal” it just means you are different, and it’s not fair that society does not provide these people with the same opportunity it gives everyone else. “ I have cerebral palsy. I didn’t ask for it. Because of my disability I’ve got little choice about where I go to school, where I live, and how I live,” a student said to the The Guardian.
Education for All Children and adults with disabilities struggle to get the education that they need. One of the reasons for this is a lack of tutors that cater to disabled children, when these are often the kids with the greatest need for help. In addition to this, tutors for children with special needs tend to be very expensive. Schools for differently‐abled children also charge very high tuition fees: according to the National Education Association (NEA) the average cost for schools in the United States is $7,500 but for special education it can cost from $9,300 to $17,000 per student. This makes education only accessible for families with a high income, leaving disabled children who are not wealthy without access to high quality education. I believe that no matter what your ability is, it is important that we all have access to the same standards of education and that there is a significant problem with such high fees for disabled students.
Activities for All I’m really excited for the new basketball club I’m joining in my neighborhood. I usually play by myself in my backyard but I want to make new friends. I even bought new basketball clothes and shoes! I walk into the gym for the first day of practice and I find everybody staring at me, the basketball coach asks for my name and I take a while to respond, I’m concentrating very hard to try not to stutter but when the words finally come out, everybody bursts out laughing at the way I speak. I tried to stop myself from crying and played as well as I could during that practice, but the whole time I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable and unwelcome.
This is how many disabled people feel when they enter an activity or a club. They struggle to find places in their community where people will be fully accepting. This is especially true when being around children as kids tend to be mean and parents don’t always bother educating their children so that they are more understanding of disabilities. All people should have access to some form of physical activity if they choose to participate because exercise is very important for your health and helps you feel good about yourself. It’s not only exercise clubs that should be made accessible but also activities such as crocheting and book clubs which allow you to share your hobbies with other people. To sum it up everybody deserves to participate in fun activities whether it is crafts, basketball, or a bookclub and so it’s important that participants at these events are aware of the importance of being accepting as well as accommodating for any members with special needs.
Jobs for All Being unemployed affects people very negatively as spending many hours alone at home can make you feel unproductive and isolated from society. According to The Independent, disabled people have to apply for 60% more jobs than non‐disabled people before finding one. People with disabilities have much higher medical costs than other people do, so not having a steady income is even a greater problem. “I had to apply for over 250 jobs before I was offered one. The interviewer would go cold when I said I was visually impaired,” 24‐year‐old Lauren Pitt tells the British newspaper The Independent. Finding work is very important for many reasons. The first is that jobs provide you with money and money allows you to buy necessities, pay rent, pay your bills and participate in the activities you want to do. Without money, you can’t do much! Another reason disabled people should be able to get jobs is that they can develop new skills which makes them more productive and raise their self esteem. The final reason why having a job is important is that it has a positive impact on how you view yourself as it makes you feel responsible and that you are able of taking care of yourself. It is unacceptable
that most workplaces don’t help disabled people and make it very difficult for them to be employed. Someone using a wheelchair can be just as capable of working at a desk job as someone who isn’t physically disabled. We all deserve access to the same work opportunities and it is important that we make our society flexible and understanding enough to allow disabled people to live their best lives. In conclusion disabled people should have access to the right education in affordable prices, should be able to join activities and clubs, and adults should be able to get jobs. It is unfair that people with special needs don’t have access to the same opportunities other people do. The time has come for us all to make adjustments to our schools and workplaces. So what are you waiting for? Have that conversation with your teacher, your students, your parents or children. Tell them how important it is that disabled voices are recognized and listened to, and that their needs are taken into account. The changes we need to make to create a more inclusive society are very small compared to the effects they can have on someone’s life. Life with Disabilities . search?q=Disabled+people&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwinici4htfZAhXDPY8KH XcGDvwQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=706&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=2tdsnoVKMF8CXM:.
Disabled People . search?q=Disabled+people&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwinici4htfZAhXDPY8KH XcGDvwQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=706&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=duGaIUO6I3uNAM:. Public Schools . search?biw=1440&bih=706&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=lDKeWoOeIInvvAS8upP4Dw&q=Disabled+people +in+school&oq=Disabled+people+in+school&gs_l=psyab.3...1127266.1129310.0.1129762 . ScZN1kuw&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=AlpfT_8o7N5P4M:.
Problems of Child Slavery By Rashid Waly
73 million children around the world under the age 10 are working without getting paid. They are also 200 million are forced to be working worldwide, and they are not provided enough food and water to keep them healthy. This is not fair for these children to work and other the kids have a happy life. Child slavery is something that should be banned, and we should take action to try to stop making children work for other people. So we should start helping these kids to have a better life than just working all day. Just because these children are poor it doesn't mean that they could be treated badly, and they already don’t have a really good life before they started to be a slave. So why do people that let them work want to make these children’s life even worse? So that’s why we should help these children have a better life and should ban child slavery.
Trouble with Child Slavery Child slavery should not happen around the world, and people should not let children work without getting paid. People around the world are making children work for them and doing stuff they ask them and all they are returning to them is something bad. That’s why we should do something about it and stop child slavery. The in child slavery kids can’t do anything when they are in child slavery, they can’t be like normal kids, and they can’t go and play outdoors and play games and all they do is just work and barley sleep. So this evidence shows that people should not make people work for them. So that means that we should ban child slavery and stop people from doing bad things to poor children.
Suffering With Child Slavery Child slavery is a huge problem around the world and we should do something about it. A lot of children are suffering
from child slavery. They are working in hazardous places and could be badly harmed. So people should not do this anymore to children to let them work in places that they can get badly injured or even death without getting anything in return. Two brothers were slaves at a young age and they didn’t have the things that other children had. This is what they said about child slavery, “We weren’t allowed to eat the same food as the rest of the family, sleep in the same rooms or wear the same clothes. They would beat us for any reason at all, and sometimes we didn’t even know the reason.” So this shows that they are not getting the same amount of needs as the other children and other people around the world. So that means that we should not be letting children work without getting paid, and we should try to help them to get out of child slavery. So you should learn about child slavery and try to spread the message about child slavery, and also tell people that child slavery is something that we have to try should stop. Other people should also try to make organizations and try to help ban child slavery. So this why we should stop child slavery because it is harming the children, it is giving them bad opportunities and it is giving them a bad life. So that means that we should try and stop children from having these bad things. So if you see something bad about child slavery just don’t feel bad for these children, try to do something that could help them get the freedom they need, but if you can’t do anything about it you can try to learn more about so can have a better idea of how much these children work and how bad they are treated. STOP CHILD SLAVERY!
People with Disabilities By: Rhys Armagost You may think that most people with disabilities have a much harder and different life than people without disabilities, but they actually don’t. This might be a surprise to you, but most people with disabilities have perfectly normal lives. We should support people who are disabled because they are still capable of doing anything nondisabled people can do. A Life of Wrestling Hasaan Hawthorne is an extremely good wrestler that never let his disability get in his way.. At a wrestling championship, 19 year old Hasaan Hawthorne had 37 wins and 0 losses. That is a the best you can get. You are probably thinking, “That's a lot better than I can do,” and most people would be surprised when I tell them that he is disabled. Hasaan has what he calls “nubs” for legs, which means that his legs were cut off just above the knee, but has no trouble wrestling. His parents supported him by treating him like a normal person and letting him figure things out on his own. This shows an example of what I said earlier about disabled people having normal lives. Life of a Blind Football Player Jake Olson is a fantastic football player. He plays the position of long snapper, where you do not have to see the ball or any of the other players, you just have to pass the ball backward to the person behind you. One game that he played against Servite High, his team was losing by a lot, but they caught up to make the score 2225, they had an outstanding play and scored a field goal, tying the score to 2525. You might be flabbergasted when
you learn that he is blind, and has been from when he was 12. His teammates supported him and thought of him only as another football player instead of thinking of him as incapable. We must start now, you can explain to people through words and articles like this one that disabled people should have exactly the same amount of opportunities as nondisabled people. We can support them in doing anything they want, and if they think they can’t, tell them about Hassan Hawthorne or Jake O lson pushing to do what they wanted, even if it was hard.
It Still Exists By: Evangelia Filippidi Slavery is when another person owns someone. This person can take control of where the slaves will live and what they will do. You might think that slavery was abolished from the 19th century but you are wrong. Slavery still exists today. People have been taken from their families, and are now slaves. There are about 45.8 million slaves in the world. MODERN SLAVERY Today, slavery is still growing. The United Nations have made an estimate that 21 million people are forced to work as slaves. This is jawdropping! Imagine all these people having to leave their families to become a slave! Lola, she was 18 years old when Alex Tizon’s grandfather gave her to his mother as a gift, then she was taken to the U.S and lived at their house as a slave for 56 years. Just imagine waking up one day and you are taken away from your family to become a slave. A 50yearold woman from the Philippines, named Elvira migrated to another country in Asia for a job, since her husband got very sick, and couldn’t work anymore. When Elvira came to the Asian country, she was paid very little and she wasn’t allowed to get a day off. She was taken to work for one of their sisters in England. Elvira had to work all the time and slept on the floor! She felt as if she was in prison or a slave. One morning she ran away and hid inside a nearby church, hoping to go home soon. Someone who is very poor should be treated equally like everyone else. Just because someone is less fortunate than you, doesn’t mean that they are less important than you! CHILD SLAVERY Child slavery is also a great evil in our world. You're walking down the street when suddenly someone grabs your arm, and now you are a slave. Saied and Yarg are brothers born in a country in Africa. They work every day from a young age. While their masters’ children go to school, Saied and Yarg were working. This is not fair at all because every child deserves an education. “We weren’t allowed to eat the same food as the rest of the family, sleep in the same rooms or wear the same clothes. They would beat us for any reason at all, and sometimes we didn’t even know the reason,” the brothers explained. Children should be going to school and getting their education, and not being forced to work day and night ceaselessly! FORCED MARRIAGE When you are a kid you might wonder that when growing up you will get married to someone you actually love and that will be really nice to you. But for some others,
marriage is not a happy dream, it’s a nightmare! Imagine that you are forced to be married at 15 years old! Ana, a 15yearold girl who got married to a 30yearold man. Her mother and Motherinlaw told her that abuse is “normal”. This is wrong! Children or teens should not be married at such a young age, children should be getting the education instead of being forced to get married. Slavery is something we all wish was abolished, but unfortunately, it is still going on in many places. Nowadays there are more than 30 million slaves in the world. Instead of wishing for slavery to be gone, why don’t we make a small act that can be spread all over the world? You could try to donate clothes or food to poor people, or try to treat everyone the same, and not make them feel like they are your slave. Some people think that others with more fortune deserve the most expensive things and the best life, while the ones with less fortune should be working all day, treated like they are nothing, and feeling like they are in jail, or a slave. Everyone has the same rights and must be treated equally. No one has the right to purloin someone's freedom.
Communities should help rangers with kids By: Marek Olewski
It is not fair 58 soldiers, 53 men, and five women finished the twoweek ranger course on January 30. A ranger course is a complex military course for soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines that are in the U.S. armed forces. A total of 122 soldiers started the course. 26 women started the course and five successfully completed it. Among the men, 96 which the course and 53 successfully completed it. The amount of woman rangers to men rangers is very different. This shows how hard it is for a woman to complete Ranger school; not only because most women don’t want to be in the army but also because they might have other jobs or kids to take care of. It is not fair that women have more trouble completing the course because of kids and their jobs. Communities should help female rangers because it is very hard to take care of kids, jobs, and be a soldier at the same time.
It is hard to raise kids Rangers with children have more tasks that they have to do which makes it harder to finish the course. According to Newsela “Jaster, A female soldier, had graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in New York. She works as an engineer in Houston and serves in an Army Corps Reserve unit. She is married to Marine Lieutenant Colonel Allan Jaster," and she has two kids, a 3yearold girl, and a 7yearold boy. As you can see, it is hard to take care of all these things and finishing the Ranger course as well.
Communities should help To make it easier for them, communities should provide some sort of care for the kids. Becoming a Ranger is very hard but it doesn't make it easier when you have kids to take care of. Jaster had completed the course after 180 days, whereas, the course overall is supposed to
end after 62 days. Jaster took almost 3 times as long as the course was supposed to be because of kids. It is not only the physical act of taking care of kids it is also the mental fact. According to Newsela, "Her son turned 7 in August, but Jaster missed his birthday." This could make her very stressed since and probably sad. Being a mother and trying to be a ranger can be varied stressful.
They are just making it harder Communities should think about helping rangers, not making it harder. Throughout these thousands of years, it was usually the woman who took care of kids and the man to work and protect the house, but now we don’t need to protect the house and sometimes men also take care of children. According to Newsela Communities don’t allow children in the army base which makes it a lot harder for the parent(s) to help the kids. In my opinion, this doesn't help the kids and it would be very difficult to finish the course for women and men.
What can we do Army Rangers with kids shouldn’t have to repeat the course multiple times just because they have more stuff to take care of. Communities like soldier & Family services should help soldiers with children because this would make the life of the parent(s) and kid(s) easier. On the other side, some people might think that if they have kids this Job is not for them and communities shouldn’t take their time with kids and concentrate on more important stuff. Still I think that all Rangers should get the same rights.