Problems and Solutions of the World, by Azhad, Orion, Ruba, Sophie, and Devon

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Problems and Solutions of the World By: Azhad, Orion, Ruba, Sophie and Devon

Table of Contents Crisis of Child Slavery-By Orion LaBonte Stop the crisis of Child Slavery Pg 3-4 Azhad goffor-Technology is Evolving Pg 5 Devon sullivan -womens voice It's about how women face inequality and silencing in western culture Pg 6-8 Ruba Khedher- The Differences It's about the differences between people Pg 9-10 Sophie Kasky- True to Yourself This is about being your own person and individuality Pg 11-13

Crisis of Child Slavery By Orion LaBonte 168 million kids are children is slavery and half of that are forced to work in hazardous conditions. 168 million is near 11% of all kids in the world, and that is far too much. Around 150 billion dollars worth of goods is manufactured from child slavery in a year. If child slavery makes so much money why are all the kids forced to live in such poor conditions? Guess how many countries have children working to the bone in poor conditions? 76 out of 197 (38.5 percent) nations have child labourers, so imagine almost half of the world, marked in red with slavery written all over it. I believed more of it was green. Children should all have the same way of life, a good happy one to smile back on and not one where they are worked to death. Child slavery should be stopped!

Pain of Child Labour How difficult do children in slavery have it you may ask? Well, around 22,000 children die due to child slavery in a year. There could be in an explosion while mining for gold, children could be exposed to pesticides while harvesting cotton, they could cut themselves with a machete while cutting sugar cane, they could absorb 54 milligrams of nicotine the equivalent to about 50 cigarettes while collecting tobacco. Children in child slavery are also used to being abused, attacked, and hurt. Kids in child labour have low health care standards if at all, so kids could get many different diseases, germs or infections, that would bring us home one day then we are back on our feet but for them, yet it could bring them to there death bed. Other than that... They have it pretty good. What can we do to stop child slavery, you wonder? Well, you can stop buying products that are made from child slavery. When you are buying things like chocolate you can look for the fair trade sticker.

Another thing that could have a huge difference is by speaking out and getting other people to care about eliminating child labour. Words can do a lot. Or, you can give money to families in poverty, so parents don't have to send their kids to work instead of school to gain money. "Children should have pens in their hands, not tools," Iqbal Masih a Reebok Human Rights Award winner and a former child in slavery. Kids are not happy in slavery, school is much better. Also, people should become educated about companies that have a history of child slavery, for example, Nestle, H&M, Philip Morris, Walmart, Victoria’s Secret, GAP, Apple, Forever 21, Hershey’s, and Disney, as well as others. In conclusion, child slavery is not an easy issue to tackle because it has been around for such a long time, but if we become educated and make people more aware then we can hold companies accountable and help eliminate the ongoing crisis towards children. We can a should all give a helping hand towards this crisis. For people that actually have money, you can give money to charities that give to the poor in countries that have child slavery. Also, you can stop funding companies that have child labour. Or you can hold a bake sale, for example, you can sell cookies and a pamphlet to raise awareness as well as collecting money and giving it to organizations that stop child slavery. Which every way you can help the world, the world needs you.

Technology is Evolving

During 1886 the first car was created by a man named Karl Benz. The vehicle had no safety features and it only had space for two people, now 132 years later we already have cars that can drive by themselves and technology in the vehicles that are so complex that you can speak to the car and make the car talk back to you. Self Driving Cars Can Change The World Self driving cars can help disabled people move around to different places easily. Google designed a car called Waymo, plus it drives completely by itself. Google invited a blind man called Steve Mahan to test Waymo all by himself. The car had no steering wheel or no pedals and didn’t need any assistance to drive. Steve Mahan declared he felt safe in the car and it was his first time alone in a vehicle. Google is planning to bring Waymo to everyday life and make Waymo cars for families. This is how I know that technology is evolving really quick. Prosthetic Limbs Are Becoming Robotic There are many types of prosthetic limbs that can help disabled people do what they normally can’t do. There is a company called Bebionic and they make prosthetic limbs that know what your arm wants to do. Sensors in the prosthetic arm can read what your muscles want to do and the arm does it. Bebionic is planning to make more prosthetic arms because there aren't that many. There are also many other companies that make prosthetics for sports. There is a company that makes prosthetics only for sports. For example, there is an athlete named Oscar Pistorius and he uses specific prosthetics for running. Prosthetics are helping many people around the world and they are becoming more common. One prosthetic can change a person's life and that is all because of technology. In conclusion Technology has evolved really quickly and is still evolving. There are many companies that are creating new things almost every month to help people around the world. Not only are they helping disabled people that are also improving safety in cars and helping elderly people move around easier. For example there are many companies that are making wheelchairs that can drive by themselves and there is also a company that makes wheelchairs that know what you want to say and the wheelchair says it for you. As you can see technology is evolving really quickly and it is helping people around the world

Women's Voice By devon

“You cannot easily fit women into a structure that is already coded as male; you have to change the structure.” Mary Beard, is an English teacher and classics teacher. In this quote, she is explaining the structure of separation that keeps women silenced and marginalised in the realm of public a airs and political speech. Beard’s proposition is that women’s voices have been suppressed since the dawn of Western civilisation. In this text I follow Beard’s focus on western culture, which I define as culture that emanates from ancient Roman/Greek origins. This includes contemporary European, American and Asian Pacific societies. The problem of inequality and unequal access to power between genders will never be “solved” unless we fix every system that the western world’s culture is embedded in. Western culture is the tool to silencing woman; woman are cut o from having a voice in public discourse. Women can’t take public positions on issues of importance. When they do, they are disciplined and shut down. They are put in the category of a “thing”. Take Marilyn Monroe for example. She is the ideal type of woman as an object. She is a role model and she takes up the image and behaviour that makes her attractive to men. She has a kind of power, fake power, but it is completely granted and can be taken away by men. Marilyn is admired by other women and women want to be like her, but when she comes up against the walls of her role, she is “not good anymore”. For example, some people think her depression and unhappiness at the end of her life was to do with her aging and slipping away from her idealised but unsustainable position. Marilyn demonstrates that the idealised woman is silenced and subject to men’s desire and rejection. Women are a tool that strengthens male power and competition. The whole idea of “woman” is created by men. Women gain fake power in the male system by becoming this female object to men. An object, not an equal. To be equal is to have a voice.

Women In Power

Women who do attempt to take public roles are abused and discouraged in ways that are extremely gender specific ways. For instance Julia Gillard,who was the first and only Australian, woman Prime minister and Hillary Clinton who recently lost the US election to an alleged sexual abuser, Donald Trump. These women political figures were successful when they were faithful followers of men. When they served as hard working, humble servants of male leaders, they were tolerated. But when they sought power in their own right, they were swept away in waves of sexual harassment and abuse. Men are intimidated by women’s independence and freedom. Mary Beard herself is an interesting example of how tight and constraining the public role and expectations of women as spokespeople. Beard is a highly qualified academic and classical scholar. On the strength of her accomplishments, she was given her own TV show about classical stories. which was popular with an educated audience. But Beard does not look like a typical TV presenter. She is 60 years old and has long gray messy hair and does not dress up in fancy clothes. Because she rejects the mainstream expectations of how women are supposed to look - young, pretty, and feminine - she was violently and passionately ‘trolled’ online. An example of the abusive online commentary directed at Beard is set out below. The abuse was completely out of proportion to anything she said and did. It was as if Beard had triggered some powerful crazy opinion about what could happen if women stopped behaving and caring about how men wanted them to be.

There is a divide created by the male position but I don’t see a real divide in genders, The division I see are the people who want to divide us and the ones who don't. I see it in our jobs where women get paid less even if they have the exact same capacity. I see it in my society where they teach us where di erent because there to scared of what makes us one. I see it my self where im to scared to do something unique because I am crushed under western worlds idealization. They told us we were di erent because we were girls but stripped us from all the things that made us human.

Photos­troll­oliver­eric­rawlings­apologises­mary­beard­after­user­thre atens­tell­legacy­of­ancient­rome­with­mary­beard/

The Differences By: Ruba Khedher There once was a boy named Malachi. Malachi was not like any other boy his age, instead of Malachi playing with toy cars and action figures and boy things like that, Malachi preferred playing with Barbie’s and dress up and girly stuff. Malachi did not really like being a boy; he liked being a girl instead. Now Malachi is an 11­year­old, and Malachi now is a girl. Malachi even changed her name to Mazy. Mazy followed her future dreams, and it came true. There is more than just Mazys dreams coming true. In the beginning, some people didn't like Mazy just because she was different than any other boy. Mazy was discriminated because the people thought boys should be boys and girls should be girls. Mazy would get bullied because of this. About 0.7 percent of the world is bullied because they are transgender and act a different way. This also goes for people with facial deformities and people who have different skin color. People should be treated equally. We are all the same. I also think that people with rare conditions should also be accepted too. Lexie Diskin is a 15­year­old girl born with a rare condition called Goldenhar.This syndrome would affect how she looked on her face. Lexie was born with a divided lip, and her left ear is missing, so as her jaw and cheekbone. When Lexie was in the third grade, her classmates were scared of her because of how she looks on the outside. "I'm just like everyone else. I just may look different on the outside." ­ Lexie Diskin. Other people in the world to have the same condition as Lexie, they get bullied, and they are mistreated because of how they look. I believe people with conditions like Lexie has should be cared for and should be treated for their personality and not their looks.

I also think that people with different skin color should be accepted and treated equally too. If a person was treated differently than you because that person had a different colored skin then you, what would you do? Also, people with a different skin color should at least have some education. Some black student all over the world is treated differently than other white students. According to NEWSELA, Black students are more likely to be punished than white students in schools in all grades. Since black students are more likely to be punished then white students, black students would start thinking negative, and if they are assuming the contrary, it will affect their innocent lives. Black lives matter. In conclusion, people deserve to be treated equally, no matter if they are black, or if they have conditions and even if they are transgender. People should love others and themselves for who they indeed are. If you see someone being mistreated just because they are different then you, you immediately take action. Do not just stand there and watch someone is abused, say something to that person to stop what they are doing. Other people need to accept people who are different than themselves. PICS­columns­blogs/jenee­osterheldt/article185147838.html­trans­identity/id/22286/

True to Yourself By: Sophie Kasky

“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, don’t go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” Bruce Lee was a famous actor and director from Hong Kong and America. He was also a martial artist, philosopher, and he founded the Jeet Kune Do, which is now a famous type of martial art. Bruce lived thirty­three successful years before dying from a brain edema. If you want to take advice from anyone, take it from him. He obviously had a very filled life, before his tragic young death. This quote is saying that you are your own person. You can’t look at someone and take their personality because you think it is a good one. Maybe, if you express yourself, you’ll be surprised at how great of a person you really are. You don’t need a camp with the motto, “Find your true self!” Or a book on how to let your true colors come out. You need a brain and a body. With these two things, you can do anything. People like you and me should get more opportunities to express ourselves as who we are.

Let’s say you wake up very late one morning, you have slept through your alarm and you have already been late once this week. You get dressed and rush to work. You get to your department and a colleague says, “Why are your socks different?” You look down and realize she is right. You are unmatched and get called “Mrs. Two Socks” for the rest of the year. This is how some people feel. They wake up every day feeling mismatched. They were born in a male/female body, but their head and heart don’t match with that. They carry around this guilt. Many people with this issue feel like they are a mistake, they of course and this can often end up in suicidal thoughts, depression, and much more. These people feel like a burden. These people should get the opportunity to put the right socks on. They might even choose to wear flip­flops with the same socks just to show the world who they are. Many children are born into the “wrong body.” Newsela says that researchers have studied transgender students in high school. They recognized that about, “3 in 100” teenagers or children are transgender or a “they.” These children are usually young or pre­teenage when they show signs of being transgender. They might have a strong preference for toys that may be considered as “boy toys” or “girl toys.” They may also like to wear clothes that aren’t generally for that gender. Another statement that Newsela made was, “The study focuses on a 2016 statewide survey in Minnesota. It included almost 81,000 teens. Nearly 2,200 identified as transgender or gender nonconforming.” This is showing when being educated about what transgender is and what gender nonconforming is, and a whole new door was opened to these teenagers. Just think about what would happen if you had to grow up and live your life as the wrong gender! Young people should also, indefinitely, get a chance to express themselves.

Imagine you have an upcoming science fair. You have your plan done and your supplies picked out. Your whole poster is almost done when you realize you forgot the yellow highlighter. You run back to your room and pick up the highlighter and rush back to your project. Taking off your cap you push the marker into the paper and see the color blue come out. This is not what you wanted, now your whole project is ruined. The blue will stain the board. You accidentally put the wrong cap on the wrong marker. When you put it away you make sure that the right markers have the right caps. If you never needed the yellow highlighter you would never know what color the marker really was. Everyone in this world has felt this way before. We have all felt that what we are like in school/work doesn’t match who we are at home. We have also felt the need to shrink down and wear the wrong cap for other people. I know I have! Some people might love to sing, but they keep their head down and say nothing. People all over the world have something unique to them, but probably most of the world’s population hide it for fear of being different. Some people put on a happy cap at school and hide in their closet at home while their parents yell. People don’t get enough opportunities to show who they really are inside. People all over the world feel like they have to hide from who they really are. Down in Minnesota, there is a 15­year­old girl named Amaiya Zafar. She has grown a sudden interest in boxing. She is a religious Muslim woman. You would think that I am going to say she went on to be a famous boxer, but no. Maybe one day, but for now she is faced with the problem that she can’t wear her Hijab while boxing. Eventually, Amaiya started to have the rules changed, but she is still faced with the issue of people’s opinions. But she won’t let that get to her! She will box because that is who she really wants to be. Her father gave her those opportunities. Amaiya is lucky. She was given an opportunity from her father. Many women, underprivileged people, and many more people do not get opportunities to achieve what they want to. These people are being forced to do something and not being able to strive for who they want to be as a person and citizen. If people got the opportunities to be who they wanted to be, the world would be a very different place, with many different professions.

Some of you out there might be saying, “Yeah, I know what you’re getting at, but I am happy who I am.” But if you really sit and think, “am I being the best me I can be?” Then maybe you will start to realize that you could be a little better. People are picked on for being different physically and mentally. Transgender teens and children have finally gotten some rights to be who they are, and Amaiya is not letting anyone or anything get in the way of her self­expression. If you really are thinking that you are really happy as you are and you think that your future looks really bright, then maybe think about others. What about those girls in India that are working to make their brothers dinner while they get to go to school and she doesn’t. Maybe think about that kid in school who looks a little different. Maybe you are thinking about the nice man who always says hello from the seat of his wheelchair. You can think of all these people, but I am not even asking you to do that in your own time. Say “hello!” To them, but really I want you to when you pick out your clothes for school or go for a haircut, or when you are signing up for sports to think, “am I being me?” And maybe then you will start to understand what it is really like to be you. Not the you that everyone else sees, but the you that you want to be.

Image Citations ●­transgender­definition.html ●­rights­slogans/

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