People Should Have Rights By: Loaie, Linnea, Estee, Luthfi and Maya
Everyone's the Same
Everyone Is Equal By: Maya Zarka Everyone should have the right to be treated the same. Muslim’s Rights By: Loaie Hassan All people should be Treated the same Including Muslim. Women's Rights BY: Linnea Reinsmoen All women have to be treated the same. Forced to be hurt By: Luthfi Child slavery is a really big problem.
Job Rights for Disabled People: By Estée D’Hooghe Disabled People should have equal chances to get into jobs
Everyone Is Equal By: Maya Zarka
“There are a lot of idiots in this country, and they deserve representation as much as the next man,” said Jasper Fforde, a British novelist. It doesn’t matter who you are, you still deserve to be represented. Everyone does have the right to be represented, if you are then other people should, everyone weighs the same, they are equal. Muslim women have the right to be represented in sports. Amaiya Zafar is a Muslim boxer she started boxing 3 years ago. She enjoys boxing a lot. If she is mad she goes to the gym to box and release her energy. Once they did not let her box in the ring with her hijab.This matters because she is a Muslim woman, and they are not letting her box with her hijab on. Muslim women are not allowed to take their hijabs o in front of men. Muslim women should be comfortable representing their religion even when participating in sports. African Americans have the right to be represented in ballet. Misty Copeland is an amazing and successful black woman in ballet. According to newsela “Misty felt alone because most dancers were white.” That is how I would feel too. I wonder if people were picking white people on purpose. This matters because she was the first African American ballet dancer to be named top dancer in a ballet group. Everyone wants to be represented because everyone weighs the same. Amaiya Zafar spoke up for herself and now she is allowed to box with sleeves and her hijab on. Misty Copeland was a very successful woman. Speak up, don’t stay quiet. Be the one to make a change and speak up for yourself and for others.
Muslim’s Rights By: Loaie Hassan Did you know that around the 16th and 17th century, an Islamic kingdom was the most influential and most respected kingdom? But due to a couple of stereotypes, Islam now is considered hazardous according to society, in places like America and Europe. The stereotypes that are ruining Islam’s name are killers, robbers, terrorists, and many more terrible stereotypes. Many people around the world now and before are making moves to get all these stereotypes down to an end. Muslims like Muhammad Ali, Shaquille O'Neal, Zayn Malik, Mike Tyson, Ice cube, Snoop Dogg, and hundred more Muslim citizens should have the same power as others; they should have the equal opportunities as any other person.
How Did these Stereotypes Start? As any other stereotypes when somebody wants to damage something they start saying these stuff, and it goes on for centuries from generation to generations. We usually learn these stereotypes from our parents as they learned it from theirs. A significant factor of stereotypes is the media because the media is sometimes biased. In this case, A long time ago many prominent Leaders of religions started to hate Islam because lots of people began converting to it, so they tried to deter its image. As you all know Islam was most hated when 9/11 happened because they thought all Muslims were killers and terrorists. The people who believe Muslims are killers are ignorant because they don’t know what the real religion stands for. In the Qur’an 6:151, it says, “and do not kill a soul that God has made sacrosanct, saves lawfully. Also, Terrorism or hirabah which means War in English is forbidden in Islamic law. Many Factors made all the stereotypes strong, but the biggest ones are your parents. As a young kid, you listen to everything your parents tell you an obey it. So if your parents said you Muslim is terrible, you would just have that in your mind. Now it’s not only the parents that blame because they heard this from their parents too. It goes up for generation and generation until that one person who is ignorant and who thinks that Islam is a violent religion, because of an event that is wrong. One event creates a blaming pattern, where all Muslims are evil, because of the mistake of extremist.
How are these stereotypes affecting lives? These stereotypes might look unharmful, but actually, they could be ruining people's lives. For example, according to Muslims men were found to be 76 percent less likely to get a job offer than their Christian counterparts! That's not fair because they're both human and have the same abilities. Since I am a Muslim, I’ve heard lots of times that Muslim girls were getting harassed because they were wearing Hijab. These stereotypes are not just affecting Muslims socially but even mentally, Around hundreds of people just in my area in Canada take of their hijabs because they don't want to be decremented, harassed, made fun of, or the biggest one for teens is to be “cool” in school. As you can see, being a Muslim in America or Europe isn’t that great, but as any Muslim knows they will be rewarded in this life or their afterlive.
What Big and Small Stars are Doing?
As any problem in the world, big and small stars get involved and say their opinion about what’s happening. In this case, many big Muslim and nonmuslim have fought to get this problem to an end. Such as Muhammad Ali, Shaquille O'Neal, Zayn Malik, Mike Tyson, Ice cube, Snoop Dogg, Zakir Naik, and Ahmed Deedat and many more, but It’s not only big stars that a fighting there just the ones we see but there other people that fight for it in their everyday life for example if they see some Muslim people getting treated unfairly then they would help him. When big stars raise awareness to a problem in this world, it helps because if millions of people heard about a problem, they would do something if they saw it. The reason most of these people feel empathetic or sympathetic towards this difficult situation is that they must have experienced someone harassing for multiple reasons or seen people get harassed because you usually care about something that involves you or someone you care about. Here a list of quotes from people: Muhammed Ali I'm just hoping that people understand that Islam is peace and not violence. Abu Bakar Bashir: Islam is perfect, there is nothing to be added or changed. Malcolm X: America needs to understand Islam because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem. Throughout my travels in the Muslim world, I have met, talked to, even eaten with people who in America would have been considered 'white,' but the 'white' attitude had been removed from their minds by the religion of Islam. Lastly, Muhammad Ali once said: Terrorists are not following Islam. Killing people and blowing up people and dropping bombs in places and all this is not the way to spread the word of Islam. So people realize now that all Muslims are not terrorists.
Action: What can you do about this? As to any problem, there is always a solution. Of course, the answer can’t be right away, but it will still eventually happen. One big thing you can do is: try to help the people getting harassed, for example, if you see a Muslim kid getting bullied, try to help as you would with an average person. If you see a Muslim feeling sad because someone did something terrible to them, make sure to talk to them with an adult. Remember when you support them, it helps them a lot. Overall make sure to help when you see because you would have needed it too.!
Conclusion: In conclusion, now that you know these stereotypes are wrong and how they are affecting lives and lastly what to do if you something happening. Make sure to spread good, correct info about Islam and honestly for anything else, And when you grow up, tell your kids the proper truth and not what you hear of the media but actually what you see or what you studied. This is all rounding up to the fact that Muslims should be treated the same as any other regular citizen.
Women's Rights BY: Linnea Reinsmoen
Even though women do ⅔ of the work worldwide some are treated as if they could do none of the work that any man could do. Things like how no women has ever been the president of the USA and how they are paid 16% less than men according to Pew Research Center. Lots of people think that this inequality is wrong but there are still some people that do not care. The thought that some people do not care about something this important is upsetting because it is ongoing and wrong. Business Insider states that women are better bosses/managers than men because they understand more body language and emotions. A woman has the same capabilities as a man, so women should not be told what they can and cannot do. A woman who really shows that both genders can do the same things is Lisa Jaster. According to Newsela a woman named Lisa Jaster is only the third woman to complete the ranger school test which is a test that tests not only your strength but your mind as well. A ranger is a person who protects nature they are kind of like a police for wildlife. She stayed for 180 days to do this even though it usually only takes 62 days. She had to repeat some of the levels again but even though she did take longer than others, maybe she needs more time to learn. Some men may be faster than women at some tasks but she did complete it in the end. By completing this it showed not only that she was strong and smart but while she did this she also showed lots of people that she could do the same things that a man could do. Newsela tells us that Malala was a girl fighting for women's and girls’ rights since she was 11. She kept on fighting for rights she was receiving many medals, and by the time she was 12 she was writing for BBC telling them about the inequalities of the girls in her town. Some people did not like the idea of her making equal rights for girls. This is not okay. One day when she was on the bus she was shot in the head, she was sent to the hospital she went to Birmingham, England for more care. Girls trying to make changes are being mistreated when they are trying to fix things! This is showing us that it is hard to help but even though Malala was told she was wrong she kept on doing what she knew was right. She had to recover but she became well soon. This is showing that women have that same capabilities as men because how many men take a bullet to the head and still survive and Malala, instead of sitting around doing nothing did something and made a difference. Sometime during 2015 she wrote on her website that, “People should buy books instead of bullets," meaning that people should give girls the same education instead of violence. Women have the same rights as men, and we can do the same things. Education should be the same for girls as it is for boys. Our mindset about women's rights has to change. Think about talking to others about this so that more people know about it. We have to take action now the more we wait the worse this gets. All you have to do to is express your thoughts and don’t forget what you know is right. We have to support females in our community, especially if they are being mistreated. PICTURES
Forced to be hurt By: Lutfi
Kids in slavery As you may not know, 168 million children are trapped in horrid conditions in child labor. at is 2.2% of our world population. Out of 7 billion, that is HUGE amount of people. e 168 million kids working are producing $150 billion dollars every year. A ter all these years and knowing what they go through, we are still not doing enough to stop child labor. Imagine seeing all the kids with ripped clothes, working in gross and disgusting conditions, and they are folding clothes, making shoes and creating rugs. We should be ashamed of ourselves that we cannot stop child labor and the fact that they are working at their hardest just to live!
Pains of slavery Child labor is a huge problem around the world, since children have to work in terrible conditions and are getting paid very little. A boy named Iqbal in Pakistan was being forced into labor, to hurt his hands; and is getting paid one rupee everyday. We need to stop children from hurting themselves, just to help the owner get money. It is not fair. Normal kids have a good education and good lives, and they always get their needs and wants. Kids in child slavery are not getting enough money for their NEEDS, not WANTS, and have a high risk of getting injured. is evidence shows that kids in child labor are very less fortunate, and us kids in the best school in Qatar get all our needs and wants with ease.
Ways to end child slavery Kids in child labor are hopeless. e only way they would get out is by working and working, until their time is over. But if you didn’t know, there's many ways you can free them early, or just by giving them a hand. One way is to donate your time and money. is would help because the money might feed the kids or help them get released early. Another thing you can do is to help educate other people about slavery. You would want to make a presentation, infographic or anything that could spread your message, and teach them how they can help too. Encourage them to do positive actions in the future. is man named Sohaib Sohail may not be famous, but he created a presentation about how to stop child slavery, hoping that he would help change the other people to do good actions to prevent child slavery.
Conclusion Child slavery is horrible and is just a bad way to live your life. Why can't we stop these kids from having a god-awful future, and stop their misery? But the time to take action is now. We can make presentations, or an opinion writing about why child labor is bad and how we can stop it. Don’t just feel sorry for them, but imagine how it would be like if you were trapped in child slavery, never to see the light of sun again. e sad truth is, kids are in these situations, and it’s horrible how we still can’t stop child slavery. Kids like this are praying for you to do something, and that’s why you should start NOW.
Job Rights for Disabled People By Estée D’Hooghe
“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things.” Quoted Mother Teresa, A Catholic nun who spent her life helping the poor and great people in need. Disabled people should have the same rights as regular people. Over 100 million disabled people are children, and over 1 billion people have some sort of disability. Many people find disabled people abnormal even though they are regular people but with special needs. They might have some sort of issue with their body but they have feelings and a brain, just like us. The rights are not only a problem but also education and jobs. This is an issue. People with disabilities should be able to get into jobs easily. Disabled people have fewer chances of getting into a job. Global data show that hiring rates are lower for disabled men and women than for non‐disabled men and women. Disabled men have an approximate rate of 53% chance to get into jobs. A disabled woman has an estimate of only 20% chance. In my opinion, it is already unfair that these disabled men and women have low rates but especially the women have a very low rate. The rates for non‐disabled people are higher than disabled people. For men, the rates to get into jobs are 65% and the woman rate is about 30%. This is unfair. People with disabilities have a very low rate than people without disabilities. This should change because pretend that your only sister wants to join your business and be part of your staff, the only problem is that your sister has a disability. Would you tell her that you don't want her because she has a disability or would you tell her that she can join? In OECD (Stands for Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development countries) the hiring rate for people with disabilities goes up to 44% and for people without disabilities, the rate goes to 77%. Overall this is Shameful. People with disabilities should have the chance of getting jobs. It should be the same rate as people without disabilities. We should stop this. People with disabilities might have the dream of joining your company. How would you feel if you signed up and interviewed the manager of your dream job but you don’t get in because of something physical you have on the outside of your body. This is why disabled adults are not getting into jobs as easily, even though they should. Kids should get an education As reported by World Report on Disability about 1 billion people living in the world have a type of disability. With about 1 in 10 living, a type of disability is children. People with disabilities always face challenges such as poorer health, fewer economic opportunities, But mainly lower education achievements, especially for children. In behalf of their daily life struggles. Many children don’t go into schools because they are scared they will get bullied. This other reason is embarrassing. It is because teachers don’t want
a disabled kid in their class. This is basically teacher bullying. If you are thinking that this author is insane because this could not be true that a teacher would do such thing, then you are wrong. All this evidence relates back to my point that should get an education, just pretend you have a form of disability. Let’s say autism. You want to get into school because of your autism. But you are not accepted because you have a mental or physical issue and your brain doesn’t work as fast. Wouldn't you feel sad?So overall we should be giving kids a chance to get into school. Overall disabled adults, and children should all be able to get into jobs and schools. We should all just get an education. Disabled adults should be able to get into jobs even though they are disabled, it's just so they get paid and they can buy their medicine and food. It is probably a dream for a kid to be in a school. They might be talented in math or la bust still be disabled. But no, we are not giving kids an education nor are we giving adults jobs to pay their medicine or food because of how they look or a mental disability. We are not giving them a chance. To make a change, we have to act now. World Vision is giving you a chance to donate money; one time, monthly, or yearly. We should give a chance to these students or even adults. They need the money. You will give these kids an awesome chance. It’s now or never. Your choice
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Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai wrote an anonymous diary about life under Taliban rule in northwest Pakistan. She was shot in the head by militants for daring to go to school. In 2014 she became the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize.