The Struggles of Everyday Life by Eve, Sante, Sameer, Umaymah, Keane, Emaan

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The Struggles of Everyday Life ​

Table of contents: - Technology helping with disabilities - ​Sante Williams You can still help with technology

- Religion Discrimination Should End - ​Emaan Chaudhry True stories about how people are treated because of their religion

- Disabled people should have the same experiences then Non-disabled people -​ Keane Daley This disabled person might work harder than YOU!

- It Doesn’t Matter What People Believe in or What They Look Like Umaymah Syed Harassment towards Muslims women wearing hijabs and how to stop it

- The Battle against Islam - ​Sameer Chowdhury ​ ow Muslims have to put up with discrimination everyday H

- Disabilities should not stop you from following your dreams -​ Eve Garvey Disabled people should not be discriminated from the outside world

Technology & Helping with Disabilities By: Sante Williams

BEEP BEEP. Everyday Nathan wakes up and has to wait for his driver to pick him up. This has been Nathan’s life since he was 19 years old, he got into an accident and a piece of metal struck both of his eyes causing him to lose his eyesight. Nathan can’t drive himself to work because he is unable to see. This is a depressing event because he can't even drive himself or perform chores people take for granted. Nathan does not get to do that much in his everyday life because of his disability, but if he had something that could help him with it, his life could be much better and he would feel more independent. This is the reason why people with disabilities should get some sort of technology to help them with their everyday lives. ​Driverless


If every blind person had a driverless car they would not have to wait for their driver to pick them up every morning. According to Newsela Steve Mahan, who is legally blind, was the first non-Google employee to ride alone in the Google gum-dropped-shaped driverless car. When blind people wake up they can’t do anything especially driving their car. If they had driverless car they could get to work and return home without worry. The driverless car has just been developed, so they still could have some problems. The car could accidentally drive into traffic. Even though the driverless car could still be improved, I think that every person that is blind should get a driverless car so their life can be a lot better.

Prosthetic People that have been in serious accidents and have lost one of their limbs should be given prosthetics for free. Newsela states “7-year-old Shah Bibi Tarakhail lost her arm in an explosion, but the doctor gave her a new

prosthetic arm so she can pursue her new talent of art�. It was generous of the doctor for giving her the arm. Also, I think it is amazing that she could still paint even though she had one arm. This is why I think that people that have lost a limb should get a new prosthetic one for free.

Life Saving Pill There is an electronic pill that scientist have made that can track your temperature and tell if you have certain diseases. When people go to the doctors they should all be able to take this pill. According to Newsela, It is a really big deal that this pill can measure body temperature. Thermometers can take people's temperatures. But they are not that accurate. This is important because inaccurate temperatures can lead to risks for patients during treatments or surgery. If a person takes this pill before going into surgery it could prevent them from being disabled (This disability is being limited to do things) but only if it’s a serious surgery. This pill could save lives so you should have the choice to take it when going into surgery.

Conclusion Now you know why people with disabilities should get some sort of technology to help them with their everyday requirements. The first reason is that blind people should have driverless cars, people that have been in serious accidents and have lost one of their limbs should be given prosthetics for free, and you should have a choice to have to take the electronic pill so it can help prevent disabilities. Everyone in this world aren't the same, some people have disabilities. Even though these pieces of technology might not be able to cure them, technology could still help them with their daily requirements. Next time you have a chance, try to donate to this cause or try to help people with disabilities in general.

Religion Discrimination Should End By: Emaan In June 2009 at the Sheraton hotel in Phoenix, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued the Sheraton Hotel for creating a hostile work environment for an Iraqi immigrant. The staff made fun of him and shouted rude things at him in arabic. I was very surprised at how some people act around others and how the staff taunted him just because he was different and he wasn’t the same r as them. The staff also called him rude names like “camel jockey”, they also taunted him with the news, and how many Iraqis were captured and how they were kept as refugees, I think that the staff just took it too far and that the man should have stood up for himself, because when they started taunting him about the news it wasn’t just about him anymore it was about his whole country and he needed to stand up for everyone. When the E.E.O.C (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) questioned the manager he denied most of these claims and stated that they were “untrue.” To me this seemed like the manager just didn’t want the company he worked for sued because of his staff, even though he knew that what they were doing was wrong. Religion discrimination should end because it is unfair how people are treated. Religious discrimination should end because everyone has different religions and they all deserve to be treated equally. Newsela states that in 2008 Samantha Elauf, a 17 year old Muslim girl, applied for a job at an Abercrombie & Fitch clothing store in Oklahoma. Samantha went into the store to talk to the bosses. That day she wore a black headscarf, Samantha got turned down for the job because of one reason, she got turned down because she wore a headscarf. The bosses claimed that her headscarf “didn’t match the look of the company.” I thought that this was unfair, because the bosses didn’t want to give her the job just because of her clothing/ hijab. To me it sounded like she had a passion, and she enjoyed it, but she had been discouraged because someone told her something from their point of view. They should have given her the job and if she still didn’t “match” the look of the company they could have made accommodations for her.The New York Times also states that Abercrombie & Fitch refused to hire Samantha Elauf because she wore a headscarf and she “ didn’t match the look of the company.” Audre Lorde once said “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” I think this means that it doesn’t matter that people are different, like if one person wears a hijab or another person wears an abaya; what actually does divide us is that we don’t accept those differences and we make a big deal out of them.

Muslim workers working for Ariens, which manufactures snow blowers and lawn tractors, filed a complaint because their supervisor no longer provided prayer time breaks for them even though they complained to the manager several times. They sent a letter to C.A.I.R reporting that their manager no longer gave them time to pray. In the letter they sent they also said that they felt that they were being discriminated, Dozens of somalian muslims at the company have protested for prayer breaks, 7 of the workers were “Let go” from the company and 14 other workers resigned because of this situation. I thought that this wasn’t really fiar for the muslim workers because for them praying is very important and it’s not fair when someone takes away something from you ( in this case time) especially if it’s something that you do for you religion of for something that you believe in . That is another reason why I think Religion discrimination should end because it is unfair how people are treated. Religious discrimination should end even if it is not always against the rules/law. Gad Saad held meetings with schools that were interested in hiring him. Some of the schools were religiously founded, and some of them even had bad cases of discrimination. One school even told him that he would never get a job at their university because he wasn’t a “Seventh-Day Adventist.” I found this unfair, because I didn’t think that a teacher's religion would matter because i think that what's important is that the teacher is good and he treats students well. Another university told him that “ his hiring rested on having to pass in front of a God Squad” that would see to check if he had been active in a church recently. Gad Saad said that “I found it ironic that a religious school would effectively condone lies as a means of getting me to pass through the final interview.” I think that this was ironic too, because most of the schools were religious schools and they were accepting such unacceptable behavior. In conclusion, everyone should feel comfortable with their religion/race , and they should feel safe. If you see someone struggling, or someone being harassed don’t just stand there and feel bad, don’t be the person who waits for someone to do something, step in and be the person to do something I assure you 100% if you do, you’ll make someone's day much much better.

Disabled people should have the same experiences then non-disabled people By: Keane Daley 80% of all people with disabilities live in a poor country, mostly in Africa and a little in central Asia. Many of them also don’t have any or close to any good healthcare. Some people might take advantage of them having a disability and start to bully them or cyberbully them. Children with disabilities are four times as likely to experience violence than children who are not disabled. This is not fair; I think everyone should be treated equally. Disabled people need to have equal experiences to non-disabled people in regards to sports. “Alan Brint was born blind and he loves to swim.” Said by Newsela A High school in Illinois allow disabled people to join there swimming team. But he had to work to get into the team. His teammates are really supportive of Alan so if he gets bullied in a way his teammates have his back. Socially, Disabled people are treated differently. A boy named Bo Paske has autism. One day Bo was sitting alone and a football player was visiting from Florida state university called Travis Rudolph. Travis noticed that Bo was sitting alone. Travis grabbed a couple of pizzas and sat next to Bo. In conclusion, everyone should be equally treated. Even if there disabled. If you ever see someone alone change that. Go talk to them or at least invite them to do something with you. It doesn’t matter if someone is disabled or not. Picture

It Doesn’t Matter What People Believe in or What They Look Like By: Umaymah Syed One day, a women wearing a headscarf (hijab) was walking out to get ice cream all by herself. When she went to the ice cream shop, she noticed a guy staring at her. He asked why she was wearing a headscarf. She told him that it was apart of her religion. As soon as she said “religion” he said with a weird face, “Oh! you’re a Muslim!” The way he said “Muslim” made her really uncomfortable. He made her feel weird, but she didn’t think much of it because it happened many times before. This can, and has happened multiple times to a lot of Muslim women, it especially happens a lot in non-Muslim countries. After she got her ice cream, she walked back home. While she was walking she noticed that the whole way from the ice cream shop the same man was following her. She turned and before she could ask him anything, he started to question her. “Why are you a Muslim? Are you a terrorist? Are you going to shoot me?” Then out of nowhere, he said, “why are you wearing a headscarf? It’s so hot outside! You should take it off!” He then reached for her head and tried to take her headscarf off. This happened because of how she looked and what she believed in. This is happening around the world and it is so bad and horrific. People make assumptions to others too quickly before they even get to know them. This is why I think that people should not be aggressive towards someone based on what they believe in and what they look like. People often times get judged too quickly based on what they believe in. According to Newsela a kid named Ahmed Mohamed almost got arrested because he made a clock and he wanted to show it to his teacher. Except when he went into the school and he showed it to his him, multiple teachers thought it was a bomb. How did people think a clock is a bomb. Usually, teachers would ask about what it is, they would not just jump to conclusion, that it is a bomb. The teacher ended up quickly bringing the security and the police. Then he ended up getting into handcuffs and walking out of the school with the police. But that wasn’t it, he even got bullied. He got bullied by some students and some staff members. That is really rude and it sickens me. The staff is supposed to help prevent bullying, not cause the bullying. They thought all of this because of what he believed in. Race and belief shouldn’t matter to anybody. It doesn’t matter whether your white, black, Muslim, Jewish or even Christian, what matters is how you treat others and what you believe in. Muslim women are scared to go out the house while wearing a hijab. According to Newsela. a woman named ​Leilah Abdennabi had gone to meet her friend at a cafe. When she arrived there, she saw her friend crying. Sirat Al-Nahi (her friend) told her that she got harassed by an elderly white man. He first started to say rude things to Leilah Abdennabi while she was parking, he started to say that she did not know how to drive and that she “should go back to Saudi Arabia.” Sirat Al-Nahi asked the man to say that again, so he asked her “Do you have a gun? You should just shoot me.” Why is he so mad? He is so mad just because this random woman is defending her friend. Plus he is being super rude to her and her friend. Why would

you just randomly comment on this random lady’s parking skills? She didn’t even do anything to you. The restaurant staff seated the man. Sirat Al-Nahi got really scared and started to cry. This is why women are scared to go out of the house while wearing their hijab. They are scared and worried that they might get harassed. Nobody should get harassed or judged based on what they look like. People are often terrified because of the news and what they say, which leads to violence. According to Newsela when Donald Trump became president he made a ban on Muslims and refugees. Trump talked about this and when he made the ban he said he wanted to “make America safe again”. This is so bad. He thinks all of this because of some terrorist attacks that were done by Muslims. According to Vox in America, there are actually more terrorist attacks done by American men then Muslim terrorists. Which is why Trump’s ban makes no sense. If he is going to ban somebody, he should ban American men. Trump’s ban has encouraged people and leads them to act violently against Muslims. There are a lot of people who have vandalized or burned mosques. According to ACLU in January 2017 there was an unknown man in Victoria, Texas who burned down an Islamic Center (mosque). It was a massive fire. But also previously people have vandalized and broken into mosques. I feel that people are acting way too harsh. They shouldn’t act this harsh about it. They should not show their anger and hatred towards people. People often have hatred towards people based on what they look like and what they believe in. According to Newsela Donald Trump banned 6 countries which involve Chad, Libya, and Somalia, they are in Africa. He also banned Syria, Yemen, and Iran. All of these countries population is mostly Muslims. This shocked me because there are a lot of Muslims that live and are very important in America. Why would Donald Trump ban so many people? Muslims build up the population of America. In 2015 (before Trump was president) there were 3.3 million Muslims living in America. Most people are call it the Muslim ban. Trump is doing this because there have been a lot of terrorist attacks that people say to be done by ISIS. ISIS people think is a terrorist group of Muslims. So Trump says he wants to “Make America safe again”. So he made a Muslim ban. So this is leading to hatred towards Muslims from others. This has lead to many violent actions towards Muslims. This is really bad. People should not just turn against somebody because of what they heard from someone else. The information might even be false. This is why people should not be aggressive towards someone based on what people believe in and what they look like. There are a lot of people can go outside with no worries, but have you ever wondered about some people who go outside and have a lot of negative thoughts. They worry about what might happen to them, just because of what they look like and what they believe in. This is what a lot of Muslim women wearing hijabs think. They all think that there is a possibility of them being harassed or hurt because of what they look like and what they believe in. This is true because there are so many people who have been threw this. This is why people should help and stand by women who have been threw this. If you see a Muslim woman or any woman getting hurt or verbally abused, you should go and stop them and help

them even if you are not Muslim. It shouldn’t matter what you or what somebody else believes in, what should matter is how you treat others.

The battle against Islam By: Sameer Chowdhury

​ Islam has a growth rate of more than double that of Christians in a year. That is a lot, considering the Christian population is more than Muslims. Currently in the world there are about 1.8 billion Muslims and about 2.3 billion Christians. It is good that Christians have that many people in their religion. What is not good is that Muslims are treated very poorly in the Western regions. For example, Muslims are treated as terrorists just because they did an attack on the twin towers in America. This is just discriminating people just because of their beliefs and race. Muslims should be treated just as equally as other people in the world. Muslims should have the same chances at jobs as other people. Other people get some rights that Muslims don’t. For example, Americans have a priority to get jobs over Muslims just because they are American. Newsela states that the Supreme Court, “Companies cannot refuse to hire someone just because of his or her religion. Companies must allow different religious practices in the workplace.” The Supreme Court is right, Muslims should not be discriminated just because of what religion they practice. This is also being bias too, because Americans are competing against Muslims for jobs. In other places in the world, where Islam is a majority, Americans get accepted there unlike Muslims do in America. They should be accepted everywhere in the world. Muslims should not have to stop their religious beliefs. They are discouraged by racist people, just because they are practicing their religion or doing religious things. Newsela states that a Muslim woman said, ‘Just so you guys know, we were told some very racist things at this restaurant and no one did anything because who cares about us?’ And someone shouted ‘Nobody.’ This is going way too far. Someone should care about Muslims, because they are just another religion. This is a huge act of discrimination, saying “Nobody.” Muslims should be cared about in other countries, just as every other religion is respected in Muslim countries. In many schools in America, many Muslim children are treated poorly. They very often get bullied by other kids. Their teachers and peers also think that they are not good at anything that is academic. They get treated like very “stupid” kids. Newsela states that, “Last month, Ahmed Mohamed became famous after he took a homemade clock to his high school. Police led him out of the school in handcuffs after some teachers thought it looked like a bomb.” This proves how much people think that Muslims are bombers or terrorists. That just assuming what they are. I believe that no one should be led out of school especially in handcuffs just because they made something and worked so hard on it, which they probably made for a good cause. Muslims should not be treated poorly, because they are refugees. They should not have to feel afraid to stand up for themselves just because they are refugees. They should be treated fairly and have equal access to healthcare and other needs. Newsela states that, “The family says that the terrorists that are hurting people are not Muslims. They are outlaws.” I believe that the Kashak family is right. Muslims are not the ones who are

keeping this war going, they are people who are not following the countries rules. This is why a war has started in Syria and Iraq. Muslim refugees should not be treated this way just because they are from a country in war. This is not the fault of Muslims, it is someone else. Muslims should not be treated as outsiders, they are equal to everyone else. They are treated very poorly in America. Only in Muslim neighborhoods will they be treated equally and fairly. Muslims should not stop their religious beliefs. They should also be treated fairly, like normal children in school. Muslims should not be singled out as refugees, they should be treated fairly. When you see any of this happening near you, STOP IT. TAKE ACTION NOW!

Disabilities should not stop you from following your dreams By : Eve Garvey

10% of the world's population live with some sort of a disability, making it the world's largest minority group. Easter Seals is a society that helps disabled people build self-confidence by meeting with other people online. Easter Seals once said, “The worst thing about a disability is that people see it, before they see you.” And I find that very true, making it sad because judging a book by its cover is wrong. Every time a disabled person signs up for sports and/or jobs, they generally either get turned down, because of how they look or talk, or they get the job out of pity (but this rarely ever happens). This can, and almost always, ruins the self-confidence that they try to set up for themselves. Autistic people aren't treated the same way as others, which is undermining their self-esteem. People with disabilities should be given the same opportunities in life as other people are given.

Sports are one of the many areas in which disabled people experience discrimination. Newsela revealed this in an article called “Swimming club gives hope to Bosnian children who are disabled.” This article states that some disabled kids went to a special swim club during their free time to learn how to swim, so they could be able to take part in classes with other students. Although they are still being picked last, they continued to practice and become stronger. Kids that want to be on a team would always be questioned of “their capability” and have to be as good as the other kids, otherwise they wouldn’t be allowed to participate. This is a prejudice to all disabled kids that want to pursue their dreams, but can’t, because of their crippled body. It gives them fewer chances in life and more fears of what they can accomplish.

Those with disabilities have a harder time finding a job that they like and will get accepted in. In fact, disabled people have to apply for 60% more jobs than non-disabled people have to. 24-year-old Lauren Pitt tells ​The Independent​, “I had to apply for over 250 jobs before I was offered one. The interviewer would go cold when I said I was visually impaired.” Disability charity Scope states that disabled people are being cut off from the job market. The aforementioned is horrible because disabled people are already out of the run when they never even got the chance to start. The hope of a job is slim because of their disability, proving that disabled people don’t get the same opportunities and chances of getting a job. Another girl applied for the same number of jobs before she got accepted 9 months later, and after many applications, she got 3 face to face interview and 4 phone calls. In every application, she addresses her disability knowing it would give her an automatic disadvantage. After the long wait, she only appealed to one job. It is wrong to turn down someone just because of how they look, speak, and think.

With all the struggles handicapped people go through, one of the main problems about those with disabilities is getting fewer opportunities when they reach for higher goals and plummet back to their starting point. This crushes their self-confidence and ruins their self-image. The latest findings show that more than a third (37%) of disabled people who don’t feel confident about getting a job, believe employers won’t hire them because of their impairment or condition. Two in five unemployed disabled people who are looking for a job don’t feel confident about their chances of finding one in the next six months. It's heartbreaking to hear, that employment is not the only area where the confidence of those with disabilities is being destroyed. Autistic children try to overcome the challenge of living a normal life by pretending to be someone they're not. ​Quora​ commented on this saying that "No one is perfect and we all have things we excel at, and things that we struggle with." Another article told a story about ​a group of kids, two boys and a girl, who were running around together having fun. But a few moments later a little boy, maybe six, was standing with his parents. They were waiting in line and chatting, his back was pressed up against his mother's leg, facing the opposite direction than the kids. He looked terrified. The kids had stopped in their tracks and were staring at him. They talked as they stared. They wondered what was wrong with him. They thought and clearly stated that it must be awful to be him. He had a facial difference. He knew the stares. And he knew the ignorant comments.​ This story made me want the kids to go over to the little boy and ask him to play, instead of burning a hole through his head with their stares. I know the little boy must have felt awful... anyone would, disabled or not. But no disabled person should be ashamed of themselves because everyone is unique and special. The true colors of a person should be celebrated, and not hidden. When people want to stand out in a crowd by changing their appearances or being more creative with their style, no one feels sorry for them. But when they see an autistic person show their true colors, they stare and pity that person. Those with physical and mental disabilities should be given the same rights in order to achieve their goals. If all disabled people went through life following everyone's expectations, except their own, they would never be able to live a life being true to themselves. It’s hard to know what it feels like to live with a disability, or to parent a child with special needs, unless you’ve walked in their shoes. But as Matthew Jeffers, an autistic person, once said, “the only disability in life, is a bad attitude.”


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