Making a Difference, by Hamad, AJ, Seoyeong, Lulu, Maya B.

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Making A Difference

By AJ, Hamad, Lulu, Seoyeong, and Maya B

Title of Contents

Disabled People in a Modern World,​ ​By AJ Reilly-------------------------------------------pg 3 Just because someone is different doesn't mean they should be treated differently. Everyone Deserves an Education, ​By Maya Braunstein-----------------------------------pg 5 Girls in different countries are not getting an education, and we need to stop that. Students Should be Treated Equally Without Discrimination, ​By Seoyeong Lee pg 7 Teachers are treating their students differently by their race, and that changes their students’ future. Don’t Dis my Ability ​By Hamad Al-Kawari-------------------------------------------------- pg 10 Disabled people need to have the same rights as everyone else. People of various races should be treated equally, ​By Lolwa Al-Derbasti ------ pg 11 People of various races should be treated equally;... this is not only a challenge for children with various races but for adults as well.

Disabled people in a modern world By AJ Reilly Once upon a time, there was a child that couldn't walk. He had been in a wheelchair ever since was a little kid, and because of that, no one wanted to hang out with him, play with him or be friends with him. Some days he just looked out the window at kids playing soccer or basketball wishing that he could be one of them. I don't think anyone, young or old, should have to go through what he is going through too. I believe that all kids should be treated differently just because they act different, and modern technology might just help do that, I many different ways like diverges bikes, cars and even prosthetic limbs.

Self driving bikes If someone is blind than they are left dependent and need other people to help them get places but with modern tech, they may be able to do that alone. According to Newzela, Google is making a self-driving bike that you don't even need to steer allowing disabled or blind people get around this could help blind people or people disabilities get around without help. Another thing is that if someone has a broken leg or arm and they usually ride a bike than they can just use the bike to get around without hurting their leg or arm. Some people need to get somewhere faster and further because maybe there could be a flight they need to catch or a party they need to get to, and it could help them get there faster.

Self driving cars According to newzela; Google had also invented the driverless car; the car just needs to be told where to go, and it will take itself and the passengers there. It can also help people who can't drive because of a disability and can't find someone to take them anywhere they can just hop in googles car and go by themselves. These self-driving vehicles can help people be more independent than they were.

Prosthetic limbs

Prosthetics can also help disabled people be more independent than they were before. Someone can have a broken leg, but with the prosthetic leg, they can keep walking without someone assisting them to get around and making them less dependent on other people.

In Conclusion I don't think that anyone should be treated any differently than other people just because they have a disability and modern technology might help. If someone is blind or cant hear and need to get somewhere, driverless bikes and cars can all help with that, and if someone has a disability involving walking or has an arm that doesn't work, they can get a prosthetic limb to help them. One way you can help or take action is to make sure that you treat anyone with a disability the same as anyone else and make sure that all of your friends and family do too. If someone that has a disability is being bullied or mistreated, you should stand up for them. If you are talking to someone with a disability, then you should talk to them like you're talking to anyone else. No one should be treated any different than anyone just because they are different than you. Photos: ● &vet=1&docid=AYSA5TZHAEy2aM &imgrefurl= Nre2fD-C3LW6k%3D&vet=1&docid=lbmRW5JU6ip9nM %3Dtrue%26jpgq%3D90%26sp%3D67%26sigh%3DHbFgrTj4rJOXCUpKeQNZ_VRC82A&imgrefurl= w=480&tbnid=q8zwD-ejBkW7JM:&tbnh=194&tbnw=259&usg=__ymNDfXs3vYDb_YBU2xW6M8CPwg4%3D&vet=1&docid=SIKKiCy8e46UOM s/technology-35131538&h=371&w=660&tbnid=wK6AIyTdTfgoqM:&tbnh=168&tbnw=300&usg=__fOlQ-zzGfZLCimKWWLemUBP1z_A%3D&vet=1&docid=oBPiuRr LeTAgUM

E​veryone ​D​eserves ​A​n ​E​ducation By Maya Braunstein

Everyone has the possibility to a good education if they want it, right? If that is what you think, you are wrong. In most developing countries, girls don’t have the same rights as boys. That includes education. Even though girls may want an education, most of the time, they don’t get that. There are 39 million girls in the world, from ages 11 to 15, that don’t have an education. They do not have the same chance to have a wonderful future. Everyone, no matter what gender, should have a chance at a positive future, and that starts with a valuable education. What is Really Happening? In poor and developing countries, girls are not able to be in school even when they would love to get the experience. Malala Yousafzai is a 20 year old woman from Pakistan. As a child she was refused an education because she was a girl living in a poorer country. Malala once described, “We have to change this idea that women are only supposed to work in the house… Women should go out and be what they want.” Most girls don’t have an education because people are expecting them to do house work. Those people have to look past what ​they​ want and think about what the girls want to do. Young ladies are stuck in houses cleaning and making dinner while they should be getting an education and thinking about a future without staying in a house. Malala also explained, “I tell my story not because it is unique, but because it is not. It is the story of many girls.” This is very important because it is saying that she is not the only girl that was denied an education. This was not just Malala’s life, but nearly 65 million girls of all ages. Now these girls have a different perspective on life. Some may think that they are supposed to marry young and work all their life, while they should be living up to their dreams. We Need Help

Without an education, you will not get the future that you deserve. Luckily, people are trying and fighting women so they can have an education, but just a few people won’t help. We need to help too. Not building schools or paying for them, but teaching people about this. If we tell people what is happening and how they can help, those people can spread the word. Even if we tell one other class about what is going on. They can tell their parents. The parents can tell the community that they work with. Now at least 50 people know and that is just from one kid. Imagine what would happen if we told 50 kids. And just like everything, the more people that know, the better. Some change-makers have made organisations and others now speak in public about it. When more people know, more things are going to happen. Some people can teach these families in poor countries why their girls need an education. If we teach parents who kept their girls out of school, they might change their mind. We could teach them that there are a few problems with going to school, like bullying, but they need to look past those small problems and think about the possibilities. If you were asked would rather keep your daughters in the house or help them pursue their dreams, what would you say? “No? My daughter is supposed to work in the house and get married soon,” or would you say, “I want my daughter to have the future she deserves. I will put her in school?” If we raise awareness and teach people about the lack of education, we can change the world.

Everyone has dreams. Everyone has goals in life. To follow these dreams and achieve your goals, you need an education. Some people think that girls are just meant to do house work while boys can do what they want and be who they want, but we need these thoughts to stop. Many girls have achieved their goal and followed their dreams, but they had an education. In developing countries, millions of girls are not getting a chance at following their dreams because they don’t have access to an education. We need to teach people about what is happening in the world. We need to raise awareness and help these girls get an education and the future they’ve always wanted. Girls have accomplished a lot. With one girl, we can change the world. If we find a way to help girls get an education, we will be making a change, not just for one person, but for the world. Just imagine, your dreams were to be a doctor, but your education was just out of reach. How would you feel?

Students Should be Treated Equally Without Discrimination By Seoyeong Lee


Do you think teachers treat students differently based on their skin color? Studies say yes. Professor Walter Gilliam led a study. He showed 135 educators videos of a black boy and girl, and a white boy and girl in a classroom setting. Teachers were asked to detect challenging behavior, no such behavior existed in any of the videos. However, 42% of teachers identified the black boy as displaying challenging behaviours. Professor Gilliam’s study shows that without even knowing it, these teachers have a racial bias. Teachers that have racial bias are likely to often have low expectations of certain children based on skin color. If students perceive that their teachers have low expectations of them, they will have lower educational achievement. Racial discrimination of teachers decides the future of students.

Teachers’ Expectations of Students Teachers’ expectations of students decide their future. A website called Edweek stated that, “researchers found that compared to black teachers, white teachers were about 30 percent less likely to predict the same student will attain a four-year college degree and 40 percent less likely to expect their black students will even graduate high school.” This is significant because the white teachers have low expectations of black students and that is definitely going to affect these students. The teachers should lead the students to have higher educational achievement but if teachers have a low expectation of the students, the students will think they will not be able to achieve higher education and give up easily. Another website called, Brookings states that, “teacher expectations have a causal impact on student outcomes, functioning like self-fulfilling prophecies. Teachers could have negatively biased expectations about a given student, which could lead to fewer resources being devoted to the student and the student internalizing these low expectations and exerting less effort, with the ultimate outcome of lower educational achievement.” This is important because it tells us it is a fact that teachers’ expectations affect the students. The students that have low expectations from their teacher, which evidently is mostly black students, won’t achieve higher achievement in education than the white students.

Bullying Breeds Bullying Students that are used to being discriminated against because of their race might begin to feel that discriminating based on race is acceptable. As claimed by a website called Teaching Tolerance, "when students are targeted by teachers, they often feel shamed and powerless. In many cases, they become unable to establish positive relationships within school.” Based on this idea, we know that students who are bullied by teachers find making positive relationships difficult. This could decide the future of students because if they find difficulty in making positive relationship at school, they may not be able to make a positive relationship with people when they are grown ups. Teaching Tolerance added, “Teacher bullying can also have a contagion effect, indicating to students that the bullying of a particular individual is acceptable and making the individual vulnerable to more abuse." This is valuable because if teachers display bullying behaviours to a given student, the other students will think it is okay to bully the student as well. Also, if a given student gets bullied, then they might bully another child because they were bullied. Bullying breeds bullying.

In conclusion, teachers are likely to often have a racial bias without even knowing it and that will change their students’ futures. If teachers are treating the students differently because of their race, what will the other students think? Teachers should be good role models for students, but if teachers are treating the students differently because of their skin color, the students will definitely think that it is okay to treat the other students differently as well. Therefore, teachers should look back at themselves and think if they treat students differently because of their race and have low expectations of them because of their race. Students need to stop their teachers who are treating them or others differently. If students feel like their teachers are treating them differently, they should stand up for themselves and others. Students cannot let this behaviour continue. It is their responsibility to make teachers own up to their inappropriate behaviour. Both teachers and students need to think before they act. Teachers need to realize how their behaviour is affecting the students in the class and students need to make sure teachers are accountable for their actions. All students should be treated equally without discrimination.

Don’t Dis my Ability By Hamad Al-Kawari Sports have always been fun in my life. I can’t imagine being told that I couldn’t play sports. Sadly, disabled people are sometimes stopped from playing sports. This should not happen. Disabled people should be able to do sports because all humans should be treated the same. Disabled people should be able to do wrestling at competition level. Hassan Hawthorne is a disabled young man who loves wrestling and people say that he is not allowed to compete. However, I think he should be allowed to compete in wrestling because he loves it, he’s good at it, and he should be allowed to follow his dreams.This matters because people should be treated the same and not discriminated against. Blind people should be able to play football. The article about Jake Olson, who is a blind senior football player, showed how much he loves american football. Unfortunately, people say that he can’t play football, but I think he should. I think this because he loves it, he is good at it, and it is his dream sport. This matters because even if you are blind you should be allowed to still enjoy the things you like.

I strongly believe that disabled people should be allowed to compete in any sports. I have given examples from wrestling and football that show how disabled people have been discriminated against. All people should be treated the same and it is up to everyone to make sure that disabled people are allowed to compete in sports. sabled+person&gs_l=psy-ab.3...26527.57972.0.58157. on#imgrc=qSscAq-Yvk2l_M:

People of various races should be treated equally By: Lolwa Al-Derbasti

People of various races should be treated equally; in fact, black students are often sent home or kicked out of school, they are also punished more harshly than white students. This is not only a challenge for children with various races but for adults as well. Children with different races have been affected by bias Children with different races have been affected by bias. According to Newsela, a scientist named Walter Gilliam has shown approximately 135 teachers videos of four preschools. Newsela states that “There was a black boy and girl, and a white boy and girl.The teachers were told to press a button when they saw a student acting badly.The videos did not really show any kids acting badly. Still, scientists asked which children acted the worst. Almost half of the teachers said it was the black boy.” According to Newsela, scientists tried using a computer to see the teachers’ eyes, they figured out that most teachers were looking at the black boy rather than the other students. Many people can have a bias about something, meaning that they might think that some things are better than others. Biases can also allow people to make unfair decisions. The article states that most white teachers expect less from black students and it’s because of the student’s race. Although in this case most of the teachers probably had unfair or false thoughts about the student’s race. Equal access matters Adults with very dark skin tones don’t have access to many of the things people with lighter skin tones have access to. The famous singer, songwriter, and rapper. Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Released her first makeup line which included 40 different shades of matte foundations. According to InStyle Rihanna stated that “As a woman of color, I’m most impressed by the range of foundation shades. So often, makeup brands leave us brown girls hanging. That was very important to me. I wanted everyone to feel included.” There had been some reviews from YouTubers who tried Rihanna’s products and they were really impressed by her contribution. This piece of evidence proves that some people don’t have access to many things such as makeup that depend on their skin tone. Equal access is really important because we are all humans, and that we should always feel equal. People who don’t have access to certain things might feel left

out and less than others because of some product that they can’t use. Equal access matters. In conclusion, people of various races should be respected and treated equally. This is a really important concept because adults with very dark skin tones didn’t have access to many of the things people with lighter skin tones have access to, such as makeup, until a celebrity released her first makeup line. This is not only a problem for adults but for children as well. Children of various races are having difficulties at school because of bias. If you happen to see someone who is mistreated or has been told that they couldn’t have something based on their skin tone, you should do something about it. For instance, you can stand up for the person who is mistreated or you can just be standing by the person just to make them feel like they are not alone. Sometimes in life, you don’t need to use words to express your feelings, your actions can say it all.

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