Your Rights are Human Rights, by Lina, Ben, Rajit, Amaan, Jae Lyila, Tia

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Your Rights are Human Rights

Table of Contents Equality Within the World , Amaan Siddiqui Understanding that no one in the world should be mistreated, whether you are a different skin color, race or religion we all bleed the same blood. Take action, don’t ignore. Fight for rights to stop this war. A Man is Not His Disability , Ben Clawson One man is the same disabled or not. This article goes in depth about disabled people's rights. The Power of Woman , Jae Lyila Pascua There are many woman who can give inspiration to the next generation, these women are the groundbreaking humans of the world. Racism Problems , By Lina van Thiel Have you ever felt left out because of your race or because you were the first person to do something special? Technology for the Disabled , by Rajit Sahu Technology is letting more disabled people every day, become defined Recognizing the Disabled , by Tia Soussou Many of the disabled around the world don’t have the same rights of people that are not disabled and this shouldn’t be the case.

Equality Within the World Amaan Siddiqui

There are 7.6 Billion people sharing the same earth, and we don’t treat each other the same? Being of a different religion/race shouldn’t affect how you are treated. “I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people” Rosa Parks mentioned when she was fed up with the system at her time. Sometimes you could be negative to other people’s race/religion and you wouldn’t realize at all. Connecting to that, Ahmed Mohamed brought a homemade clock to school, but the teacher assumed that that it was a bomb, and contacted the authorities without a thought. He stated, “ I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her," "It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it." an article on CNN re­states his words. Ahmed must’ve been just as furious as Rosa Parks. People are being “exposed” for how they act. Understanding that they’re different races or cultures is crucial in the world we live in now because hate spreads us apart like anything. To take action, you could simply stand up for those who are being troubles because of race/religion. Mexico is not having any of it, Donald Trump is criticizing Mexico repeatedly, and is now building a wall only a billionaire could afford to “protect” America and make it "Great Again.” His actions are taking serious hand, and he is pushing Mexico to pay for the wall, to supposedly stop illegal immigrants, which somehow only come from Mexico. Although taking a side is not the best way to stop something, Donald Trump is making a bit of a right choice by not letting illegal immigrants in, in his eyes, but it could be saving some people from making a bad decision. It would be an alright deal as long as he wasn’t racist to Mexico. Everyone bleeds the same blood. On the other hand, Donald Trump’s decision of declining mexican visitors, it could stop negative forces from coming to the U.S.A. and setting hate and cruelty. But it could also get people to start forces against America’s choice. Angry visitors isn’t the only thing America is scared of. Studies say that people who elected Donald J. Trump for the Presidential Elections, regret it. This election might cause chaos and negativity.

Billions of people in the world, yet we don’t think alike. People get criticized for their race, or their religion they follow. Freedom should be equal for everyone. We are having war everyday for our actions, and we don’t realize it. We bleed the same blood, but why can’t we just be who we are? Everyone should have the same equality whether black or white, whether you practice Islam Christianity, Judaism or any religion we should think the same with each other. Take action, don’t ignore. Fight for rights to stop this war. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Photos: Front photo→ __________________________________________________________________________________


A Man is Not His Disability By:Ben Clawson

36% of people that have a disability are unemployed. This is a massive amount of people saying that over one billion people have a disability. This is incredibly unfair. In the US an untrained 16 year old with no disability can get a job at a fast food restaurant with ease, and millions of disabled people can't get any job whatsoever. This is horrible just to think about. We need to widen our views and not judge others based on people's disabilities. This must end! Disabled people are not always at a disadvantage. According to Newsela Hasaan Hawthorne had his legs amputated when he was only 4 months old due them been born without the bone in your lower leg called a tibias. He learned to live without them. Hasaan Hawthorne thought wrestling “just looked cool. ” He would play wrestle with a family friend who used to babysit for them. He started seriously wrestling in 6th grade. He got very good at it. When he was 18 years old he beat everyone that versed him. That night he scored a perfect win on the leaderboard. No one would have expected this just by looking at him. My first thought about this story when I was reading it was it was about him trying to get through everyday life. This is bad that most of us if not all of us may have assumed that just because this man has a disability he can't do as much as anyone else. If this were a job interview for a pro wrestling match and the coach hadn't heard of him he would have lost a job just because he didn't look like he could wrestle. There are people that are just as good and are not getting what they should have because of a disability. This is not okay, We are narrowing our view instead of widening them. I cannot express with how important this is to stop. Why don't we hire disabled people they can be just as good or more effective than that of any other person. Another story by newsela goes a little like this. There was a bakery next to a place called Have Dreams, A place that tries to help people with autism. A worker from Have Dreams asked Mr. Kroll, The bakery owner, if he could give job training to the autistic people. He gave them the job of packaging cakes. They went there once a week for year and a half. The worker from have dreams asked if he could give the men another position but Mr. Kroll said no. Later when he actually saw them working he saw that they worked just as fast as anyone else so them the job. In the long run he decided that not only was this a good moral decision but a good business one to. In this scenario not only could the disabled people do their job but they did just as well as anyone else. This man widened his view and in turn he got a great team of workers as well. When we look at anyone we need give them a shot at everything from sports to a desk job. We can't go any further with us denying others jobs and money for their looks. Not only do disabled workers work just as well as anyone else but sometimes even better. We can help these people just by giving them a fair shot and helping them out when they need it. If you see someone who has disabilities don't make fun of them instead ask if they need help with something. Its as simple as that.


2018, a year for change and improvement. This year I, Jae Pascua, want to change the perspective of people in our world. In this article, I want to convince people to change their ways, and let women have a label in the world of change. Malala Yousafzai is a 20 year old woman who convinced the world to give an education to females. Malala has been fighting for girls’ education since she was just 11. A group called Taliban refuses to let woman be equal to men. Although there is a disagreement between the young girl and the violent group, she still continues to speak for the rights of girl’s going to school. Malala and her groundbreaking work inspires young woman to make a difference in the world. In her story she shows that any girl no matter what age, is able to take the courage to fight for what they believe is right. There are many other groundbreaking women of all ages, race, and color, who have made an impact and positive change in the world. Because of these women, I have been inspired to tell their stories to other girls around me who are afraid and quiet to have a say about their privileges and responsibilities as females. These women have served as inspirations to young girls, including myself, to create changes in large or small ways.

Mother Teresa ­ One of the Best Nuns in the world Someone that has inspired young women in church is Mother Teresa. This article from Newsela called, “Women Leaders: Mother Teresa,” explains how one nun from a church becomes a saint to the world by creating centers for the elderly and the disabled. Mother Teresa was a wise and very kind woman, her task she assigned herself was to help people who don’t have the same rights as everyone else. In 1937, she took her final vows dedicating her life to the lord. It was then that she took on the title "Mother," as this was the custom name for Loreto nuns. In 1946, Mother Teresa experienced her second calling from god, which would forever change her life. She was riding in a train when she told the community that Christ told her to stop teaching and work in the ghetto of Calcutta with the city's poorest and sickest people. She obeyed the command and asked for permission to leave her convent before she could follow the path she was given. Mother Teresa represents the people of the world should help and try to provide to the unprivileged.

Oprah Winfrey ­ The Woman Who Made Her Own Career Another woman who has inspired the world is none other than Oprah Winfrey. Oprah has inspired woman from every race and age to build up their own fame and success from hard work and determination. Oprah was born in a isolated farm home in Kosciusko Mississippi with her mother and father. Although there was complications with her parents and them getting divorced, she was able to conquer her feelings when she was living with her grandmother. When she was six years old, she moved to where her mother was and her two half-brothers in Milwaukee Ghetto. This was a extremely dangerous because they lived in a poor and broken neighborhood. When she turned twelve, she moved to Nashville, Tennessee where her father lived. Oprah had a happy and secure feeling for a brief moment. She then began creating speeches at social gatherings and churches; she once earned five hundred dollars for one of her speeches. This was her turning point, and she knew she wanted to become a paid speaker. Oprah was once again called back by her mother, and she had to leave the safety of her father's home. The poor lifestyle had its negative effect on Winfrey as a young teenager, and her problems were intensified by repeated abuse. This started at the age of nine by men that her family trusted. Her mother worked odd jobs and did not have much time to supervise. After many years of bad behavior, her mother sent her back to her father’s home in Nashville. Oprah said her father has saved her life from the terrible future with her mother. He was very strict and provided her with rules, books, guidance, and structure. He made his daughter complete weekly book reports, and she went without dinner until she learned five new vocabulary words each day. Winfrey became an excellent student, participating as well in the drama club, debate club, and student council. In an Elks Club speaking contest, she won a full scholarship to Tennessee State University. The following year she was invited to a White House Conference about Youth. Oprah was crowned Miss Fire Prevention by WVOL (a local Nashville radio station) and was hired by the station to read afternoon newscasts. After she graduated, WJZ-TV in Baltimore Maryland scheduled

her to do the local news updates and called cut-ins during Good Morning America and soon she was moved to the morning talk show Baltimore Is Talking with co-host star Richard Sher. After seven years Oprah was on the show, the general manager of WLS-TV American boarding company's (ABC) Chicago saw Oprah in an audition tape sent in by her producer, Debra DiMaio. She was then hired with her producer Debra DiMaio. The popularity of Oprah’s shows skyrocketed after the success of The Color Purple, and in September 1985 the distributor King World bought the syndication rights (the rights to distribute a television program) to air the program in one hundred thirty-eight cities, a record for first-time association. That year, although Donahue was being aired on two hundred stations, she won her time slot by 31 percent, drew twice the Chicago audience as Donahue, and carried the top ten markets in the United States. In 1986 this asstonishing woman received a special award from the Chicago Academy because she was showing the Arts of unique contributions to the city's artistic community and was named Woman of Achievement by the National Organization of Women. The Oprah Winfrey Show won several Emmy awards for Best Talk Show, and she was honored as Best Talk Show Host. Oprah then formed her own production company Harpo Inc. in August 1986 to produce the topics that she wanted to see produced on television. In September 1996 Winfrey started an on-air reading club. On September 17 Winfrey stood up and announced she wanted "to get the country reading," she told her adoring fans to hasten to the stores to buy the book she had chosen. They would then discuss it together on the air the following month. The initial reaction was astonishing. The Deep End of the Ocean had generated significant sales for a first novel. Sixty-eight thousand copies had gone into the stores since June. But between the last week in August, when Oprah told her plans to the publisher, and the September on-air announcement, viking printed ninety thousand more. By the time the discussion was broadcast on October 18, there were seven hundred fifty thousand copies in print. The book became a number one bestseller, and another one hundred thousand were printed before February 1997. The club ensured Oprah as the most powerful book marketer in the United States. Although she is one of the wealthiest woman in America and the highest paid entertainer in the world, Oprah Winfrey has made generous contributions to charitable organizations and institutions such as Morehouse College, the Harold Washington Library, the United Negro College Fund, and Tennessee State University. Oprah encourages woman to creat big and amazing changes and create history for the next generation.

Woman and young children should follow these women so they would be successful and live a great life when time has come. There are also other woman who encourages you to create a change. In example, Ellen degeneres, Bessie Coleman, Louise Boyd, Michelle Obama, and many more. A way you can become one of these women is to think about your actions. Think how and what you do to the people around you and how it might affect them. Try to become the better person and the unlabeled how to live in a better society. Although that doesn't mean to give them everything, but try to teach them what they should do to improve. The next generation should see how people from different ages and race can change the world. These woman has served the world as inspirations to all young woman. Because of these woman, the world of females are slowly conquering their goals. Because of these woman, the young children have someone to look up to and become successful and hardworking. Anyone can make a change, it depends on what you want to do. It depends if you want to do it and work hard for that dram. Try to become the best version of yourself, a person who can conquer what they believe in. I believe woman of the future can change the ruined world we live in.

Racism Problems By Lina van Thiel Have you ever felt lonely or left out because you were not able to do something? Have you ever felt left out because of your race or because you were the first person to do something special? People now and in the past have experienced this. This is terrible to think about and should be stopped for good. I think people should be treated fairly regardless of different races. It is not acceptable to disrespect people. All citizens should be respected in life; people should not feel left out because of their race .

Misty Copeland Have you ever felt discriminated or left out? Well, Misty Copeland sure has felt this way. “Misty is the first African American woman to have a big part”, as Newsela stated. She is the top dancer of a very famous group in the world. Do you think it is comforting to be the first black ballerina? Of course not! You may feel left out and all alone. From the article on Newsela called “Woman is first African­American named top dancer in ballet group”, I got this important information. She did not feel well at all. She felt like it was a hard thing to do. She had trouble going on stage, and performing an act about a girl turning into a bird. Also, she was hurt. This made it even harder to perform acts. As well as all of this, Misty had felt alone for most of this time. She was uncomfortable because most other members were white skinned. “People think Misty cares about her skin color too much, Misty says it is important.” However, Misty should care about her skin color. Because everybody is unique and special. Whether you are black skinned or white skinned, you should feel the same. It is very important for people to be treated the same. This is relevant, because people should not feel left out or discriminated due to race. I think people should be treated equally kind, and should not get discriminated by others in life. People should feel the same.

Martin Luther King Jr It is very important to be respected. People should be treated equally. Martin Luther King JR wanted the same thing. His kids wanted to have speeches about his father's work. They spoke for him after he died. They accused Donald Trump for doing something bad. They just want their dad to be the best. Even though this happened you should still not do that. By this, I mean they wanted their fathers speeches to stay alive. “The King's children focused on disrespectful remarks. The president may have made about African countries, and immigrants from the small country of Haiti”. I think this is good because they are just protecting their culture. Still you should not find ways to accuse people. Immigrants came to the United States from Haiti because of a large earthquake. Millions of people died, and lots of people needed a safe place to be for that time. Why not let them be part of America? Communities in need should be respected and helped in these situations. People should be treated respectfully in different communities, cultures, race. People need to be this way to make the world a better place. It is important that people all over the world should be respected and not feel outside of a group. Communities need to be comfortable in life. They should feel important to others around the

world. They should be loved. No one in this big world wants to be mistreated or discriminated against race.

Washington DC Not one person likes feeling left out or badly treated because of race or religion. Do not treat someone differently or bad because of skin color or race. Well, as Newsela stated children in schools in WASHINGTON DC feel left out because of the holidays they get off. There are different cultures and religions. But the schools or most of the schools only get a break for Christian holidays. They do not get a break for Muslim or Jewish holidays. This is not acceptable because it is just a fact that everybody should be treated equally. How would a Muslim child feel if he does not get a break for his celebrations. Just because of the country does not mean you should only celebrate that countries celebrations.It is not fair if you can not celebrate your holidays in peace, because of your school breaks. The children that are affected by this have to think about a tricky question. Either should they go to school or should they celebrate with their families. This is a hard question and not fair to be faced all year long. Here are a few examples of kids that need to face these two hard decisions each year. Nusaybah and Sumayyah face this every year, as Newsela stated in a very important article. This is not fair and should stop for good. These two sisters need to think about going to school or celebrating Eid. They choose to stay home most years. This is not fair though because they still get bad attendance grades. A Jewish boy called Eli Sporn faced the same decision. This is not fair at all especially because he still needs to do school work while the holiday is on. This needs to stop it will cause many more problems. All these reasons stated above show that this is not respectful at all. People should be accepted and they should be able to celebrate their holidays without out problems. To conclude, all people of this world we live in should be treated equally. No one should feel alone or disliked because of race. Everybody deserves to be treated well and fairly. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Being treated fairly will make people feel equal they will feel powerful and loved. They will feel happy and accepted just like all the others. If you See people being mistreated because of race act now. Act like they were your old high school friend and defend them from not getting hurt with feelings. Picture­mission/the­formula­that­leads­to­wild­success­part­5­misty­copeland­7 7d3f4ebf409

Technology for the Disabled By Rajit Sahu “Don't be disabled in spirit as well as physically.” Stephen Hawking, an English theoretical physicist, said this quote when interviewed about living with a rare disease called ALS, which disabled him to speak; but it didn’t stop him from becoming a successful physicist. Technology helped Stephen Hawking to speak with a computer. About ⅕ of all Americans, or 49.7 million Americans, are disabled and aren’t able to be mobile on their own. This is a huge amount in just the U.S.A. Disabled people are not only not able to be mobile on their own, but they also can’t do many things alone that we do every

day, like doing sports, live independently, vote, and have social protection. Technology will provide hope of mobility, more opportunities to work and a social life to those with disabilities. Driverless cars will allow blind and disabled people have their own freedom to be mobile. In Newsela article, there was a quote by Steve Mahan, Steve Mahan was the first blind or disabled person who drove around in, Google’s pet project, Waymo driverless car. The quote is "There are millions of people like me, both blind or having other disabilities, or the situation of age, that would prevent me from driving," Mahan said. "This is a hope of independence. These cars will change the life prospects of people such as myself. I want very much to become a member of the driving public again.” This is really going to give disabled people a feeling of happiness because it means they can go out to meet somebody or go to work and not have to worry about how they were going to get there. Prosthetics or bionic eyes will let the people who are blind or have lost a body part have a fully working body again, which would lead to them being able to be accepted as “normal” person in the community that they live in. This is really important so that they can drive, or draw as shown in a Newsela article about how a Syrian refugee, who lost her arm in the war, found a new passion in drawing with a prosthetic arm. This article really shows how the Technology of prosthetics helped a woman have a label which shows who they really are, not just that they are “disabled.” Technology has let disabled people be identified as “ordinary” again. This might not affect you, but if you see a disabled person anywhere treat them like a normal person even if they might not be seen a “normal” person by others. Don’t stare or laugh, because would you laugh it if it was a normal person? It really affects them to think they are not disabled, but that they are humans among us and we must accept that. They will begin to stop feeling like they don’t belong to us, but that they are among us, and part of the 7.6 billion people on Earth.

Recognizing the Disabled By: Tia Soussou “Being disabled should not mean being disqualified from having access to every aspect of life.” Emma Thompson, a British actress, said this famous quote when discussing her history of depression . Disabled people are a main part of the modern day world and they should be treated equally in everyday situations. As stated by the site NPR , “Countries should guarantee the right to quality education at all levels for people with disabilities. That right is constitutionally guaranteed in only 28 percent of the 193 countries surveyed.” This is unreasonable for disabled people as we are all humans. Education is not the only area disabled people are not being able to live their life to the fullest, there is many other ways, such as sports, technology and arts that disabled people are usually discriminated in. Which is why we should help change their way of living to improve it.

Working to Improve the Education of the Disabled The education of disabled people is as important as the education of people without disabilities. Many governments such as governments in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK are failing to educate kids with disabilities, they are not providing the necessary educational support that these disabled kids need. As stated by the site The Conversation , “Schools are deliberately disregarding disability standards through rejecting school places, denying the opportunity of access to activities and offering minimal, if any, support to children with disabilities.” This piece of evidence states that in these three countries kids with disabilities aren’t getting as equal learning as kids that don’t have disabilities, and this is immoral because when they grow up they won’t have as many opportunities for work and their other desires. Together as a community the world should encourage these young teenagers who are taking action to help improve people with special needs lives, to keep taking action and do what they are doing right. As the Australian Human Rights Commission site states, “People with disabilities are more likely to experience poverty, live in poor quality or insecure housing and have low levels of education. They are often socially isolated, with fewer opportunities to take part in community life.” The quote states how many struggles disabled people have to suffer through as they get older such as poverty, insecure housing, low levels of education, being isolated, and much more. This shouldn’t be the case as it should be illegal, and special needs people should get educated the same way normal people do. “Disability only becomes a tragedy when society fails to lead one’s daily life.” Judith Heumann, is an American disability rights activist and an internationally recognized leader in

the disability community, and she is trying to take action to help these disabled people around the world. So we have to make a change and the people of the modern day world should have equality when it comes to education and everyone should have the same equal way of learning.

Treated Differently in Sports The disabled should be able to join in with sports without feeling left out, or put to the side. According to Newsela, Ismail Zulfic is a young kid born without arms that loves to learn to swim; however, it is super hard for his father, a steel factory worker, and his unemployed mother to help him do his favourite thing which is to swim. Ismail lives in Bosnia and the only swimming classes are 70 kilometers (43 miles) away from his house. It is very expensive for him and his family to get there. This is sad to hear that parents are having to go to the extreme to have their kids enjoy doing sports. These parents shouldn’t have to do this. The fact that there is a limited amount of sports activities for kids with disabilities is very discriminatory. Also most of the people that are trying to take action around the world are kids or teenagers and they should not be the only people trying to take action. This is because for some reason kids don’t have as equal voices as adults do, and maybe if adults spoke up too, and tried to take more action the world could change, to make it better for the disabled people. The article ‘Bosnian swim club acknowledges the needs of kids who are disabled’ states, “However, the trips have allowed Ismail to become a proud member of Spid. It is the only swimming club in the country for children with disabilities. ” With a population of 3.517 million and an area of 51,197 km², Bosnia is a large country and should have more opportunities for kids with special needs to do sports. They shouldn’t just have one swimming camp for the disabled because it is shameful. It is a shame to hear that a country with a great population have a very limited amount of sports for the disabled, and of course we shouldn’t blame it on the disabled. Think of it this way when a baby is born, they don't choose what they want to look like on the outside so it is kind of like the body of a car. This does not mean because on the outside they might look weird and funny, their insides are not friendly. According to the ‘Paralyzed driver back behind wheel’ article, Sam Schmidt, a former Indy Racing League driver, was paralyzed in an accident 16 years back, but he hasn’t given up, since then he now co­owns a racing team and runs a charity for people who are paralyzed. Using his chin to drive he also raced

a sailboat. As you can see his journey was tough, but he helped out at the end and these are the type of people in which we should encourage to keep going, as they give hope to those who are disabled around the world. The hope Sam Schmidt and of course others in the world give helps the disabled feel less excluded when participating in sports.

Dreams Predict Your Future People with disabilities should be able to follow their dreams without getting judged by the outside world. According to Newsela, as a child Vanessa, a 15 year old, birth mother's struggles to help her with her disabilities, when she was born in Guatemala, a country in Central America. She told them how much better her life became once she was adopted and brought to the U.S. You might think things such as adopting a kid mean nothing to them, although they actually really care about it, as it predicts a good future for them. Although Vanessa is disabled, her story won over the judges several months ago at the Miss Amazing National pageant in Chicago. Pageants are often beauty and talent contests. However, this pageant is different. The Miss Amazing is a pageant for girls and young women with learning disabilities. This is a good decision made by the founder Jordan Somer, a teenage girl who had a high aim that the pageant would help girls with disabilities develop life skills and build friendships. As you can see these teenagers and kids should keep taking action to change people's lives and their opinion on the disabled. As Vanessa, now the pageant queen said, "I want everyone to have the experience I had, It was really fun, I really enjoyed it." It is not just the fact that these girls get to go to a pageant that they like, it is the fact that they have fun and get to experience an experience they might never have in their life again. Vanessa is one of the few kids that would get the chance as a disabled to follow her dreams. Unfortunately the disabled are not able to dream of these jobs or careers because of discrimination. All they are able to dream about is getting their legs back, or their hands, or whatever they are in need of. Dreams are just what you predict your future to be as a child and what you wish to follow, but unfortunately the disabled are getting segregated and being told they wouldn’t be able to follow their dreams.

Disabled People Hope For a Change In conclusion, the whole world is made up of about 7.5 billion people and 15% of them are disabled. Of those 2­4% experience significant difficulties in functioning. This means

people without special needs, should help the disabled feel comfortable in everyday situations. While getting educated the disabled should feel fairly treated also they should be encouraged to do sports without feeling different from everyone else. Although generations were not very fair with disabled people and always thought if you were born disabled, you wouldn’t have a pleasant future, the modern day world is out to change their way of living to make it so they are equally treated, and so that there disability would not differentiate them from any other normal human being. They must be respected and if you see a disabled person being left out include them or if not help them out. When you see something you don’t like, do something about it. Works Cited Bosnian Swim Coach Amel Kapo . Newsela ,­swim­club/id/24818. “Children with Disability Are Being Excluded from Education.” The Conversation , 30 May 2016,­with­disability­are­being­excluded­from­education­59825. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018. “Face the Facts: Disability Rights.” Australian Human Rights Commission ,­facts­disability­rights#fn5. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018. “How Is the World Treating People with Disabilities?” NPR , 18 Dec. 2016,­is­the­world­treating­people­w ith­disabilities. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018. More Support Needed for Disabled Children .­support­needed­disabled­children. Quadriplegic Races Mario Andretti in Semi­Autonomous Corvette at ... The Drive ,­racer­sam­schmidt­faces­off­with­mario­andr etti­at­indy. Vanessa Miss Amazing Pageant .­amazing­pageant/id/34979. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018.

Author Biographies

My name is Amaan Siddiqui, and i’m 11 years old. I made my article to show people that I care about religion and other people’s race, and that they should too. In my opinion I think that people deserve the same rights, no matter how they look or what the believe. My thoughts are straight, we all bleed the same blood. My name is Ben clawson I am 12 years old and I wrote this because it is not a very well known topic and thought it would be useful to let the world know. My name is Jae Lyila Antoneta Pascua and I am 12 years old. The reason I wanted to do this article is that I want to inspire people to do great things in the world. I want to show people how strong woman are and to not look down on them. These groundbreaking women have been helping people around the world for a long time. These women have made a great impact. My name is Lina van Thiel. I am 12 years old at the moment. The reason why I wrote about this was because it is a very important topic. I feel powerful writing about this topic as well as the reasons stated above. I really hope that you enjoyed reading my article. Hi, I’m Rajit and I wrote this article because I wanted people to recognize how people are using technology to help the disabled. Hello, my name is Tia and I wrote this article because I wanted to recognize the disabled and make people more aware of the struggles they go through. I am 12 years old and my birthday is on November 17, 2005. I love playing tennis and doing all sports. Writing is one of my favourite subjects at school. Hope you enjoyed reading my article and I hope you make a difference for the disabled’s lives’s.

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