Sports and Realistic Fictions Table of Contents
Story 1. The Game you Will Never Forget By: Fahad Al-Thani Chelsea against FCB the Champions League final who will win. Story 2. Lost, By Ameer Johnny and James village got destroyed and they are now looking for their families but now they‛re lost. Story 3. Curve shot clyde,by Ahmed Alsulaiti Clyde has the opportunity to make his team win but misses his shot but has another chance to redeem himself Story 4. Lost in the Jungle of Doom By: Kadin Maynard Imagine waking up to the sound of pounding water, James heard that.
The Game you Will Never Forget
By: Fahad Al-Thani
“Goallll Hazard scored with an amazing shot that went in the top right corner no keeper would save that shoot Chelsea are ahead by 1 goal,” screamed Gus Johnson. “Today is the final of the champions league who will win FCB or Chelsea,” said Eric. The the referee gave john terry a red card because he touched Messi and FCB get a penalty. I don‛t think “that should have been a penalty that is terrible referee but I don‛t maybe he pushed him.” “ Goallllllllll for Barca 1-1 by an amazing power shot by Messi!!”
“ It is the end of the match. Barca win 2-1 at Chelsea, but Barca cheated because they brought someone who likes Barca a lot and not an official referee. “Conte noticed that he is not an official referee because he does not have a badge in his t- shirt saying UEFA” said Gus. Eirc added to Gus, “ He even showed them a picture too but I think Chelsea will get a Head Start next match. “ So the match is going to start again and Chelsea have a 1-0 head start of Barca will never play in the Champions league anymore. It is the 90th minute Barca have a penalty if they score it will go on to penalty shootout. “Neymar scores and it is 1-1 they are going to penalty shootout because the referee just said game over” said Gus. “It is an amazing match but who will win Chelsea or Barca what do you say Eric.” “I say Chelsea will win because they have an amazing goalie” said Eric. Gus replied, “ well I say Barca have some amazing players.” Hazard says to messi “ good luck” Messi replied rudely ,“ I am the best player in the world you are going to lose noob.” Hazard says, “ we will see.” Hazard asked his manager conte, “Am going up first?” Conte replied “ No you are going up when it is the last shot and we will win but if we miss it we will lose the game that‛s when you will go up.” Hazard questioned Conte,” I will maybe score the winning goal right?. “Yes” said Conte. Hazard was worried that Diego Costa will not score but he scored. Now it was Messi‛s turn to shoot and he misses it is 1-0 to chelsea in
penalties. Now it is David Luiz‛s turn for Chelsea. Gus screamed, “ David Luiz goallll no goalie on earth could have saved that.” “It is Barca‛s turn Suarez comes up and he scored of course he will.” said Gus. Eric said ” It is the last shot for Chelsea if Hazard scores he will win Chelsea the Champions league.” Eric said “And he shoots he misses Chelsea have to save Barca‛s penalty if they want it to be the last shoot to win.” said Gus Hazard said to Conte, “I am so so so so sorry that I missed that penalty.” Conte replied,” It is ok.” Gus said, “ Iniesta is up he shots and he missed no way, now it is Pedro‛s turn he shoots goalllllllll Chelsea win the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE AGAIN!” Hazard said to Pedro,” You are the best player, you are our hero” Pedro replied, “ Thanks.” Gus said,” Chelsea takes another champions league home!” “ All the Chelsea fans are happy now they won two Champions League Cups they are going to have to say something to Arsenal” Said Eric “Oh ya they will.”
Lost By Ameer Almeshagbeh
Photo Credit
Boom! I have no idea where I am and what happened? Where is my family and how did I get here? I got up and looked around and what I saw will haunt me for the rest of my life. There was so much debris everywhere. I walked around to see if anyone was around, but there was no one, I was alone, abandoned and scared. I was walking around the debris of his village when he heard someone yelling, “Help! Help! Anyone there!” a voice called somewhere close. I ran over to where I heard the voice. I saw a man stuck under a big rock. “Hey you can you get me out of here,” the man asked. “Sure,” I answered.
I went over to the man and tried to help him, but it was too heavy to pick up alone so we both tried to pick it up and eventually after a couple of attempts we managed to get him out. “What happened here?” the man asked as he was looking around. “I don‛t know,” I answered. We both slowly walked around looking at all the debris that were around them not knowing what happened and where everyone else went. They continued to look until we both got very thirsty because it‛s very hot outside. Likely the man knew where a lake was, but it was inside the forest and it‛s very dangerous. But we were both so thirsty that we decided to go to it. We walked a couple of miles and it was all silent until James said something. “I didn‛t really introduce myself, my name is Johnny,” I said as we were walking. “Well nice to meet you Johnny I am James,” the man replied. We finally made it to the lake after a couple of hours and then it turned night so both of them camped right next to the lake for the night. When I woke up I smelled something delicious and when I got up I saw James cooking something and it smelled so good. “What are you cooking?” I asked. “It‛s rabbit,” James replied. “Can I have some?” I asked. “Sure,” he replied.
When I ate that rabbit it was like heaven, I took tiny nibbles from that rabbit because I wanted it to last as long as possible. On the other hand James has already finished his and he probably regrets eating too fast after seeing me eat. After both of us were ready we both wanted to try to find where did all our families have gone. They traveled for hours until it turned night. We made a campfire and went to sleep. I woke up after hearing something moving through the the bushes. I woke up James and told him “There‛s something in the bushes.” “It‛s probably just a racoon,” James replied. Then suddenly a lion came out of the bushes and chased us when we ran. We kept on running until we made it out of the forest and onto a plain and as for the lion, he went back into the forest. After days of walking through that plain we saw a building made out of redwood and there were a lot of animals. “It kind of looks like a farm,” James said “Hey you two, what are you doing on my property?” a man said as he was walking straight to us. “We are lost and we are trying to find our families because our village got destroyed,” I said. “Well it‛s getting late now, why don‛t you guys stay here for the night,” the man said. In the morning the man and his wife made us some breakfast and it was delicious. I took my time eating those delicious pancakes. I slowly took a bit
trying to make it last as long as possible. After we finished breakfast we left. As we walked through the plain James asked me, “Do you think we will ever find our families?” “Of course we will,” I answered. After days of walking James started to lose hope because it‛s been about 2 months now since he seen his family, but I didn‛t lose hope because after weeks of walking we saw a village being built. We ran to the village in hopes of finding our families. We looked around trying to find them, but there is no sit of them so then I started to lose hope until someone was calling my name. “Johnny! Over here!” somebody yelled. I turned around To see my father. I ran over to him to give him a hug, but James couldn‛t find his family so my family decided to adopt him and we lived has a big happy family.
Sprinting as hard as he can, and wearing his soccer outfit, the short and light boy Clyde , who was an orphan brought to life by broke parents but got adopted by rich parents, was heading to school. DING DING DING DING! The school bell rang “Woof I made it in on time.”said Clyde but he didn't realise it was the second bell. When he walked into the class thinking that he was on time but was frighted by the angry look on Mr. Simmons face. The match started, the score was equal 5 to 5,it was all up to clyde if he scored his team would win and if he missed they would lose. when Clyde was running up for his shot he felt nervous because in the background the crowd and his teammates were cheering him when he was near the ball he felt like he was pushing all of the power in his body was flowing towards his foot. When his foot finally made contact with the ball he hit to hard and it flew out of the stadium, all the people that were watching were disappointed.
The winning team started rubbing it in clydes and his team mates faces ‘We won we won we won!!!!‛shouted the winning team. Clyde felt so upset he can now feel his eyes starting to water slowly tears started dripping down his eyes one fell then the other but a short time later clyde felt like hundreds of tears were falling down his face ,clothes and the rest of his body. ‘It's ok Clyde we can do it next year said couch mo. Clyde spotted his driver pulling in with clyde's rolls royce. He got in and the door automatically shut. when they finally reached Clyde house clyde opened the door and heard happy 9th birthday He was so focused the match that he totally forgot that it was his birthday.
12 YEARS LATER Clyde was now a professional soccer player ,that plays at the manchester city team,which is one of the the best in the world and just qualified for the champions league final. He also made a lot of new friends on the way. It was the day the champions league final was about to start,the ref blew the whistle clyde ran took the ball from a real madrid player and shot it in the goal the crowd exploded. The match ended at the score of 5 to 5 which meant penalties. In his head clyde thought ‘it's my time it's my time‛ as he was running towards the ball he felt his muscles tightening,he hit the ball with all the power that he has and fell back. After a second of shooting he heard a ding and thought oh no but when he opened
his eyes and turned around he saw the whole team running towards him. THEY WON THE CUP!!!
THE NEXT DAY Clyde was playing fifa 17(which he is in) until his agent burst into the apartment and said turn on the tv‛ and the announcer said ‘players nominated for the fifa ballon d'or are Lionel messi luis suarez and curve shot Clyde Andy.
Lost in the Jungle of Doom By: Kadin Maynard
Imagine waking up to the sound of pounding water and nature calling him, James heard that. Title Photo
When it ran away he was thinking, “Pressure the wound, pressure the wound, nd water nd people.” He was sure he James was now ying through Peru all the way to Suriname. It was beautiful looking down in the day sky seeing all the trees and wildlife of the Amazon Rainforest. It looked so beautiful from above as his dad ew with him by his side was the best experience anyone could ask for, “Hey son, I know you love the look of the Amazon, but how would you like to live down there or stay down there for a 1 to 2 days perhaps?” James stared at his dad as he said that sentence he was confused, he always hated jokes that have to do with living in the forest all James liked to do was look at the rainforests never go in them, “I don’t know but I think I can outlive you any day,”
James knew that wasn’t true but he tried to act as cool as he can around his father, but then BOOM! He heard a stop like he stopped in mid-air he felt as the engine just turned o and they did. He was plummeting right into the Amazon Rainforest and was holding on for dear life, he wish he can die he thinks to himself that “it would be the worst thing to be stuck in the rainforest especially at the age 16 and never stepped foot in the wild,” his heart was pounding and suddenly everything stopped moving…
******* James got up heavily gasping for air like he was in a nightmare, James got up and looked around and there was endless amount of trees. He knew he was lying stuck in the Amazon. James looked for his dad searching the wreckage he found him lying there with a sharp piece of metal stuck through his heart, “No,no,no,no,no” he couldn’t believe his dad has died but he had to move or else he would die too. He walked through the rain and tried to nd some shelter he couldn’t he was exhausted he lay against a tree and sleep… James woke up the next day and he kept on walking, he was starving he saw just a couple meters away some berries. But he was cautious and looked for any signs if it were poisonous. He was lucky in Peru they taught him how to check if something would be dangerous. He ate it though it was just some peaches. He trekked and soon found a lake full of water, he knew it was safe every single lake in the Amazon is clean. He drank then kept on going he was so tired he didn’t know what to do, he took a rest then thought that he can just make a raft and oat down the river or he could keep on walking. He chose to build a raft but on his way to nd some twigs he stumbled across a leopard! He didn’t know what to do he wanted to soil himself. He wanted to run what he was petri ed with fear. He bolted moments later as fast as he could he didn't care what was behind him a dying squirrel he did not care he went weaving through the trees trying to lose the leopard but as he sprinted he got more and more tired he was trying to lose it fast so he wouldn’t slow down he was considering jumping into the river as he ran but he didn’t want to take the risk nding more things that would bring him trouble, sooner or later the leopard caught up to him and scratched him dangerously into the side he was on the oor kicking it away for dear life. The leopard was starting to bleed but nothing changed, it was still furious for whatever reason. More or less James was slowly bleeding out he could feel him getting more dizzy the higher the blood pressure as the blood owed faster he lost more and more blood. He was kicking furiously and vigorously and soon it gave up James thought he was dead. was dead until the best thing he ever saw... Boats, he never felt so happy in his life 2 days felt like 2 years it felt as
though he had survived the worst thing of his life, he couldn’t believe it he waked just a little bit farther as he saw just a tribe and minutes later the people saw him of course they didn’t speak english but James’s condition told the whole story, he was sent to the hospital in Suriname. James made it to Suriname but not in the way he thought he would he felt sad because of the tragic death of his dad but he moved on he said, “Hey dad, look I did outlive you.”