4 in 1 Horror Stories By Yasmina Kalash, Nada El-Mestkawy, Justin Brooks, Yazima Pineda-Williams
Table of Contents 1. The New House, By Yasmina Kalash Lily moved to a new house that was peaceful because almost no one lived there, but she figured out that it’s not that peaceful... 2. The Dark Hall, By Justin Brooks A Man named David Who lived in an empty neighborhood then he traveled to the dark hall where terror awaits. 3. The Truth Can Kill You, By Nada El-Mestkawy Join really Petunia on her journey to discover what to her Great-Aunt Bethany.
4. The Unwanted Doll, By Yazima Pineda-Williams Accompany Ella as she learns to be grateful for all her gifts.
Yasmina Kalash Mrs.hogan Block 5 Nov.13, 2016 http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/9Tz/7Gz/9Tz7GzrTE.jpeg
New House
“Finally what took us so long!” Lily rolled her eyes as she opened the door and jumped out of the car with a Thud! Lili was moving to a new compound because it’s closer to her dad’s work but it’s not close to pretty or big. As her parents went out carefully, her mom smiled, “I'm sure you’ll love it here why wouldn’t you?” But Lili gave out a disgusted face. She is a girl that is picky about things and doesn’t like anything. As Lili examined the boring house she still had a frowny disgusted face plastered on. “Mom, Dad can i go outside and look for something fun around here?” Lily frowned annoyingly. “Of Cour-!” Her dad tried to smile but Lili rushed out the door and slammed it, not letting him complete. Lili looked around not believing what she's seeing, then she angrily shouted, “All the playground’s are broken and there's holes everywhere? Could this get any worse!” Lili wanted to take that back because in most movies when someone says “could this get and worse!” something worse would happen. As the night sky began to fall Lili thought, Wow looks like it did get worse, it's night already aghhh!! when Lily started walking she said to herself Wow there is really nothing here
but holes and rattlesnakes wait… rattlesnakes!!! She ran as fast as she can trying to get to her house which is close but she forgot her villa number, on the bright side she did remember that it had a red bench on the front porch, so she looked for a red bench and thought that she found it but, it turns out there are two houses that have a red bench ssssssss! the snakes came, so she just went inside a random house… “Hi Lili what took you so long?” her mom smiled not knowing what happened “Sn-sn-sn- outside snakes!” Lily said trying to catch her breath her parents looked at her confused and told her that she must be tired, but Lili opened the door and snakes were covering the whole compound her parents didn't even stop to think they just ran screaming ,while Lily was left alone in the house. It has been a while, Lili has food and she has everything she needs to survive. She sat upstairs in her bedroom so the snakes couldn't reach her if they came in. she was hugging her legs so tight, she was extremely scared, drops of water came tumbling from her eyes, the roof made cracking noises, her clock went tick tock tick tock until her blue eyes started to fade, her eyelids laid on them softly, her shiny blond hair flowed on the pillow. “Aaaaaaaahhh don't hurt me i'm too young to die!” Lily screamed as she sat forward on her bed “oh just a dream hahaha” she laughed sarcastically. She ran down stairs, just about to call for her parents, but remembered everything that has happened…
It has been 1 week Lili has been “borrowing” food from other houses, she still can't stop thinking about her parents where are they?, are they dead?, do they have food like me? Lily’s thoughts kept coming never stopping… ***** It's currently christmas and this is the time when Lily started to miss her parents more than anything, she misses her mom's sweet and lovely voice, and her dad's bedtime stories. It's christmas the time of the year where her family gets to come together and have family time, it's the only time where her parents can do something with Lily that she would not hate and make disgusted faces. Lili had enough she wore a garbage bag over her clothes and put on her dad's bee mask with gloves and boots to protect herself . She walked around the compound but no sign of snakes the sun shined bright into her eyes the streets were clean and these group of men left with cages filled with snakes. “Yes i can finally find my parents and we can spend christmas eve with each other” she went to every house asking if they saw her parents the answer kept bugging her the whole time no im sorry...who/ never heard of them...until oh yeah david and maya I saw them in that small shed they asked for some food Lili was confused why didn't they come back home if they saw that there were no snakes. “Mom, dad!” Lili smiled “Lili we thought you where um... Uhh never mind we’re glad you're here!” Her parents hugged her tightly and they helped each other up and decided, “We’ll go back to the old compound we were comfortable there that's what matters!” they packed up and hit the road they were never happier especially Lili.
Justin Brooks Ms. Hogan Block 5 Due Today
The Dark Hall “I am so bored!” David Thought to himself so he decided to look around the neighborhood and meet new people since it's his first time exploring the place it was very cold not much color in the houses, but his house had color unlike the rest. For some reason no one seemed to be here David even rang the doorbell of the houses but one person responded. When david rang the bell on one of the houses someone screamed “Please don’t take me!” so he walked home but still bored. He opened his door and walked to his comfortable bed in his red bedroom and went to sleep. David woke up to the sound of his door bell he slowly walked to the door as he
slowly dozed off when he finally got to the door he opened the door someone with a deep voice and a face of the shadows and said, “If you want to cure your boredom please come with me.” “Should I go? I don't know I am very bored.” David thought “No thank you.” David said as he closed the door and looked out the window at the man “Wait!” David yelled as the man went into the hall. David followed him but there was no hall it was just a wall “I sworn I seen him go through the wall.” David wondered. David slowly put one step in front of the other as he walked to the wall. Then he raised his hand up to touch the wall then his hand was on the other side He continued to go through but he felt the wall grasping him. “Who are you!” David said. But nobody responded. “Help!” David yelled as his legs were slowly going through. But nobody came. His whole body was in the wall. David looked around the place it looked the same as his old rundown but big neighborhood but there was a lot a people there. They all looked scared. “What is this place?” david wondered. “It's your new home” someone said deeply behind his ear.
David walked to a very pale person. David was nervous and said,“Something seems strange since the neighborhood looks older.” The pale man said,
“Get away from this pla.” Before he could finish his sentence a dark hole was created below him and he fell down and yelled’ “Sorry!” David felt bad for the man’s fate. More holes started to form David Yelled, “Run!” he ran as fast as he can but the holes got faster and caught up to him he saw the wall from the other side was a hall so he ran to it he jumped and he fell into the deep dark hole. Everything went black then David woke up and someone rang the doorbell He felt tired so he slowly walked to the door and opened it a man who looked familier with the face of the shadows and said “Do You want to come again to your worst nightmare!”
By: Nada El-Mestkawy Ms. Hogan Block 5 Nov 13 2016
The Truth Can Kill You
“I think I’m gonna be sick!” said Petunia’s friend Michele, with long black hair and red cheeks, she usually looked like Snow White, but now her cheeks were turning a pale green. “Fine, we’ll go to one of the tents to play for a ticket or something.” said Petunia. With short brown hair and tanned skin, she herself had gotten sick the first few times she rode the rollercoaster, but this was only Michele’s first time! They headed off to a little black and white tent, with a little sign that said “Get your fortune through these folds,”
.So they walked through the folds, and almost as though she appeared by magic there was a pale lady right at their side. To Petunia, the lady’s face looked disturbingly familiar “Would you like a fortune girls?” the lady asked. As they nodded, the lady led them to the table in the center of the tent. “Sit down please, and put out your hand.” said the lady as she kicked a stool out with her feet from under the table. “How much is this gonna cost?” asked Petunia. “Three dollars,” responded the lady dryly. Petunia and Michelle gave each other a look that clearly said, Why not? “Great, now have a seat.” replied the lady as if she could read their minds. Petunia slid out her hand palm up, as she sat down on the stool. Suddenly, the lady’s eyeballs stand strangely still, as if a sheet of glass is sliding over them. “Um… Excuse me.” said Petunia in confusion to what was happening. “You are done,” said the lady as if she escaped some kind of trance. “But you still have not told me my fortune.” retorted Petunia. “I will pay you back, now move it.” replied the lady harshly. “Fine, then tell me your name,” insisted Petunia, still not getting off the stool. “Bethany.” answered the lady bluntly. “Huh? My late great aunt’s name was Bethany,” muttered Petunia as she slid out of the stool. __________________________________________
After Michelle got her fortune, Petunia hopped into her mother’s car and drove home as Michelle got into her older sister’s car. _________________________________________
Later the next day Petunia remembered the lady’s name from last night and asked her mother about her great aunt Bethany. “Oh, she died a couple years ago after a fortune teller told her to stay safe, she died the very next day.” her mother said. “Last night there was a fortune teller named Bethany, so I was just remembering her…” explained Petunia. “Well finish your homework and then you can go exploring, but come to think of it aunt Bethany did used to be a fortune teller…” “Exploring” was what Petunia’s mother called “Go do what you want, and if you buy candy buy for your sister too.” After Petunia finished her math homework she headed out the door quickly before her dog could get out. She decided to go to the library to look at fortune tellers, as the automatic doors swished open she could immediately tell something was wrong. The library was cold not at all warm and cozy like it usually was. Petunia headed straight to the desk to ask about the A.C., though Ms. Buonarroti had given her the option to operate the A.C something told her that Ms. Buonarroti was not in today.
As she arrived she heard a familiar voice whisper, “You again!”. When Petunia looked up she saw Bethany standing behind the helpdesk. “What do you want?” asked Bethany not bothering to whisper anymore. “Oh, um, nothing,” answered Petunia. Petunia quickly headed to the back of the library to where she thought the legends were. _____________________________________________________ After looking at a couple of books she decided to interview Bethany no matter what. ______________________________________________________ “Do you have any relatives?” asked Petunia, all through the interview Bethany had denied everything. “None of your business.” answered Bethany. “Do you know anyone named Bethany Petrova?” Slowly Bethany’s face lost all its color, not that it had all that much in the first place. Suddenly all the pieces added up in Petunia’s head. “Your my great aunt!?” yelled Petunia. “I was,” whispered Bethany. “But, how?” asked Petunia. “I have said too much for your own good.” answered Bethany. Suddenly Petunia started to fall back and had the sensation of being sucked through a tube, and then everything went black…
(The end)
The Unwanted Doll By: Yazima Pineda-Williams Teacher: Ms. Hogan Block: 5
Due: Nov 13 2016
h​ttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwj4g76ehKXQAhVF5xoKHRkXCrY QjBwIBA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fd2ydh70d4b5xgv.cloudfront.net%2Fimages%2F6%2F8%2Fvintage-1960s-susie-sad-eyes-doll -big-brown-eyes-black-hair-original-blue-dress-8714ff792e4e8cde17d70e2082faa477.jpg&psig=AFQjCNEgzZnm0WmHE30D5 RJvMMsHIuLYhA&ust=1479102464344643
Ella smelled the delicious food in the air, she could not wait to eat. As she sat gleefully at the large dinner table Ella noticed the sparkling Christmas lights on the Christmas tree and gazed at the presents. While she was daydreaming about what gifts she got her grandma had already brought the food to the table. “Dig in!” she exclaimed. Everyone started reaching for the food and in what seemed like a second all of the food was gone. As Ella took her last bites of food her taste buds thanked her for the delicious food. Soonly everyone started gathering around the Christmas tree to open presents. “We are going to open the presents from youngest child to oldest,” announced Ella’s uncle. Ella sighed “Of course I had to be the second oldest child here,” she thought. She waited for what felt like ages and finally came her turn to open her gifts. “This is for you,” said her mom as she handed the gift to her, It’s a very special gift from the whole family.” Ella’s mom gave her a box wrapped with a bow on top of it. The box felt light and somewhat fragile. As she slowly and carefully unwrapped it she saw a doll in a box with messy straight black hair. The doll was wearing a blue checkered dress and a red bow in her hair. “Does it look like I’m twelve,” Ella thought to herself. Ella walked over to her mom with anger in her eyes as she thought about why her mom had done this to her. “Mom why did you give me this gift,” she said bitterly. “Well I thought you would like it it’s very special gift,” said her mom. “This is the worst Christmas gift in the entire world!” she shouted.
As soon as she said that, everyone stopped what they were doing to look at Ella. Ella did not know what to do, her brain went into fight or flight mode and she quickly decided she was going to escape. Ella dashed past the whole family trying to get away she darted to the door she bursted through it and ran. Ella ran as fast as she could still with the doll in her hand she kept running farther and farther away from her house to the point where she didn’t know where she was anymore. Ella looked around and she noticed she was on top of a hill. Ella was so furious about the fact that her mom got her the doll that she threw it down the hill. “I never want to see that doll ever again!” she screamed. Still heated from the fiasco Ella calmed herself down and started walking back home. So, Ella made her way back home and but little did she know the doll was slowly following her from far behind. But by the time she got home it was already dark outside. Ella snuck into her house trying not to make a single noise so that her mom wouldn’t wake up. Ella creeped up the stairs and into her room. It was so quiet in her room she could hear her own heartbeat. The bed looked so comfortable that Ella fell fast asleep without even thinking about what just happened. But while Ella was in deep sleep the doll was making its way up the stairs. It opened Ella’s bedroom door as the door made a loud creak. Walking into Ella’s the doll’s feet made a click noise every time it took a step. The doll plodded over to the bed and it saw Ella sleeping. The doll made an effort to try to climb on the bed slowly and carefully getting up it. Finally the doll made it on the bed and so delicately reached out it’s fragile hand and said,
“You deserve this.” As soon as the doll touched Ella she was covered in dirt at the very bottom of a hill the same hill she was on top of before. As for the doll it was sound asleep in Ella’s bed.
The end