Get ready to get ​HORRIFIED!
Table of Content Attack of the Dolls By Marwan Mahdi A twin party gone all wrong because of dolls The Doll Mall, Sultan Abu Issa. Don’t mess in this mall. The Shadows, by Leonardo Medda Mysterious creature that kills kids. The Combing by Yousef Al-Rumaihi: The girl in the night gown
Attack of the Dolls photo credit Marwan a party planner went out to get dolls and knives for a twin party, a party with knives for the boy and dolls for the girl party. 30 minutes before the party starts some dolls and knives go missing, so they go to the store and get more dolls and knives. Marwan and the parents come back and hear crying and see blood on some kids skin. the kids are ten years old. Marwan and the parents ask them how it happened. and they say they don’t know. Some more dolls go missing. The parents and the kids start to look for them. Later on more knives go missing so parents and kids start to look for them. The cake comes and all the kids leave the dolls and knives for cake. All the dolls and knives went missing but there was something the dolls could do, it was hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling our five senses but know no knew this until the dolls slowly attacked them the kids were held as hostage all cut up and messed up. Later on some parent found blood on the floor they looked in all the rooms and found nothing, then the parents find out that there are no kids the kids went missing then the dolls gave one kid to the parents the kid that the dolls gave the kid had come five minutes before all the kids were gone. The kid didn’t know were the other kids were. Ten minutes after the dolls moved one
by one hiding in the kitchen the living room the bedrooms the bathrooms and one by one the parents got hurt or taken the dolls needed space to put the parents that were taken so they tried to make space but that didn't work so their only choice was to kill them but they waited till they had no space at all then they started to kill the kids because the parents took more space they had killed all the kids. After they got all the parents the dolls needed the bones and other parts from the parents to have ceremony and bring back their king back so they killed the parents and took the things they needed. Minute by minute the dolls made a human like thing it was a person but bigger stronger faster it took three days to build, the doll needed to give their king something to eat when he is alive but all the have is water and cake leftovers which was not good so they started to make a plan they made so many plans but they all had a catch until they made a plan that was so good they were going to take one of the human body's and ask for a spirit to come in the body they would give the spirit anything it wanted if he went to the store to get food he went to get food he got cake and more water and the spirit got what he wanted to stay in the human body, now the doll could bring their king to life. “Amm amm amm amm” said the dolls, BOOM the dolls slowly stop the ground shaking hard each doll scared in fear. “Is it the king” the dolls ask themselves they start to see the figures face one by one they see a familiar face but don’t really know who it is or what it is. “It is me my little helpers you have done a good job of bringing me back you will all be rewarded for your work” said the king in a deep voice. “It is the king yes” all the dolls said at the same time. And that's when the dolls and the king started to take over the world the even made a queen .
The Doll Mall By:Sultan Abu Issa
“Let’s go to the mall already!” shouted Tiffany. She has been waiting to buy a doll for so long at least it felt like it. Tiffany had her birthday a week ago but her mom and dad didn’t have time to get her a gift so they went today since their job was canceled for the day due to the weather. But Tiffany’s mom and dad could handle it so they left the house to go to the mall 2 blocks away. As they go to the mall they hear the thunder boom, the air’s whisper and they can feel the cold snow under their brown boots. They hear the snow and their boots meet. But what really caught their attention was the scream from a large distance.
The elderly man they assumed, screamed “Don’t go in there! Don’t go in there!” Tiffany’s parents weren’t scared. After a while of walking in the steep, half a foot of snow they finally reached the mall. As they walk to the shop they hear the thunder boom like they never heard before, the econess of the mall as they talk, the mall being really empty, it looks abandoned, half of the shops have no employees. “I will go to this shop I want to check something you two just go to the shop I will follow,” said Tiffany’s mom “Okay, but why is the mall really empty?” asked Tiffany, no one replies all she heard was wa squeak, so she looks around and sees no one. All she sees is one little doll creeping around her as slow as a turtle but as creepy as a monster. She starts running, screaming, crying, “Oh no! Oh no!” she thought over and over again. She was running faster than she ever has. It felt like two days for her but it was only thirty seconds. Suddenly she hears a loud boom and all the electricity went off that means it was all dark. All she can see is a tiny piece of light from the stars and the eyes of dolls, many dolls. She runs even faster than last time she ran across the mall but before she reached the wall she turned to the left but then found another group of dolls so she tried going back but then she got cornered by three groups of dolls and a wall then she tried kicking doll but it didn’t work so she ran but tripped over the tallest doll. She tried standing up but as she got on one foot the other couldn’t stand and she barely had space considering there are so many dolls. She tried pushing, punching, kicking, and also slapping. One after the other they fall from all she did. Hundreds were falling one by one but by the time she got up the suddenly one by one stand up. Tiffany ran to the other side and started running faster than before her boots flew of like an eagle then her jacket then her
hat, but she couldn’t care less. She finally found a door, she immediately felt the coldness of the handle she shivered she tried opening it but it wouldn’t open. Luckily she is really smart and the door was glass. She found the dolls zooming to her like she never seen before they attacked her and started hitting at her but she moved out of the way quickly so they smashed the door open so she bursted out but the dolls did too. She quickly found a random stranger and asked to call the police. The stranger said yes so she quickly dialed 9-1-1. “How may I help you,” said the officer. “Can you please come to the mall on the corner of horse riding avenue?” asked Tiffany quickly, faster than she ever spoke. It’s called horse riding avenue because it used to be where they would race while riding horses. “Okay we will be on our way,” said the officer. Tiffany heard the siren from where she was she thanked the stranger and waited for the officer. When the officers arrived they asked “What is the problem?” Tiffany replied, “There are moving dolls here they were hitting me, um… and they also broke this door and I can’t find my parents, they disappeared suddenly when we went in.” “Okay we will check out what is happening,” said the officer. The officers went inside the mall and found the dolls, they all quickly looked around the whole mall to find Tiffany’s parents kidnapped and put in a room and with them is a 23 year old boy controlling the dolls with his humongous remote and a bunch of cameras. He put little chips in the dolls so he can control them.All he wanted was attention so he did that to gain attention. They put him in jail and Tiffany was called a hero.
The Shadows by Leonardo Medda
CRACK! A boy heard as he was walking through a dark alley during nighttime. The boy froze and looked around, but nothing was there except fear and darkness. The boy continued walking as the darkness gulped him up. CRACK! The boy heard again, and he quickly grabbed a flashlight barely holding it. He looked around again as his As he began to have goosebumps. The flashlight began to flicker. The darkness invaded the alley as the boy smelled something Dreadful. The boy couldn’t see anything as he uselessly turned on his flashlight each attempt a failure that brought more and more fear. “Hello little boy,” said a dark voice bringing fear to the boy. The boy’s eyes were growing as he saw two tiny white eyes. “Come with me, I’ll help you,” said the voice again. The boy flew off with his legs on the opposite direction. “Oh, no you don’t boy,” hissed the dark voice as he followed him. The boy suddenly tripped over, and threw his flashlight at the thing. The Creature grabbed the flashlight and threw it behind it’s back. He jumped on the boy as he opened a huge red mouth. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! Went Mark’s alarm as he lazily stood up.
“It’s time for school!” yelled his mother. It was sunday and Mark had to go to school. “The bus comes in 10 minutes, hurry!,” Mark’s mother shouted. Suddenly Mark snapped awake. He put his clothes on, and dashed downstairs. He quickly took a sip of milk with some chocolate chip cookies. He grabbed his bag with his mouth filled with chocolate chip cookies and milk. HONK! HONK! The bus horn went. Mark ran as fast as he could as the bus doors closed, and luckily made it inside. He walked slowly panting to the seat near his friend, Tom. “You’re lucky you made it on time with this bus driver,” whispered Tom. “It’s impossible to get in the bus with this driver, he only waits for 10 seconds then goes,” Mark replied. Tom was Mark's friend, they were friends since second grade. “ I wonder where-” Mark was interrupted by a fast stop. Everyone looked outside to see what happened. There were police all over the place, and cones blocking the road. “Get out everyone!” said the bus driver as the bus door opened. Everyone got down and asked the police what happened. “A kid was killed in this alley,” said a police cop. Everyone gasped and ran to see. “Don’t get too close,” yelled the police cop. There were people in white suits in the alley, and cops guarding the entrance. Mark looked at the gap that the cops made, and saw his friend, Steve, lying there dead. There was a weird thing with Steve’s death. He wasn’t bleeding, but you could see black dust around him. His body was dry, and there wasn’t any sign to show that he had been murdered. That night Mark heard a dark voice talk to him. “Come to the alley now if you want your friend back!” hissed the voice. Mark stood up from his bed and grabbed his flashlight as he ran downstairs. He snuck outside as his mom prepared supper. When he arrived at the alley everything turned dark. “I didn’t think you would have been so foolish,” a voice hissed. To Be Continued
The Combining By: Yousef Al-Rumaihi The girl in the night gown
It was a dark night in Illinois, 18 year old Hank, was playing soccer with his two friends, Will and Tommy. They were having a very fun game of whoever scores is goalie, until they saw figures running through the thick grass! Max and Justin popped out. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck a tree about 300 meters away. Hank jumped and then sighed, “We have to go. That was way too close.”They started to walk, but the storm began to get stronger and stronger. The freezing rain felt like rocks hitting their skin, the thunder was as loud as a bomb, and the wind was howling through the air. Tommy shouted, “Quick! We have to jump that brick wall over there! We have no choice!” Without much effort, Hank, Tommy, and Will jumped and climbed the 8 foot wall. They had to help Max and Justin to the top of the wall. Hank noticed that his surroundings were pretty empty. There was a field in the middle of the thick grass and an empty road. Max was the first to look behind the wall and he noticed a huge brick mansion! Justin went to say something until his shoe fell off in the mansion's
courtyard. He was on top of the wall, everyone was silent, he tried to hang on the wall and grab the shoe. He thought to himself “I got this,” stretching as far as he could, he felt the shoe tickling his foot. “Woah!” Something pulled him off the wall and he slammed into the ground. “AAAGH! MY ANKLE!” Justin shouted. Will was a very loyal friend and he dove off the wall. Everyone else followed Will. “Are you ok?” They all asked him at the same time “my ankle is throbbing with pain!” Max carried him and leaned him against a tree. He brought a first aid kit so he said, “Guys. I brought a first aid kit and it is still on the wall in my backpack!” Hank got the first aid kit and the rest of their backpacks, and then wrapped Justin’s ankle. Suddenly two girls screamed. One was from inside the mansion while the other was from behind the wall. Tommy peaked over the wall and saw a girl running. He roared, “Over here!” She gazed at him then jogged to him. He helped her up, and then brought her down. The girl announced, “I saw something over there! I.. I don’t know what it was.” Tommy told her that he would keep an eye out for her. Suddenly, a huge storm that was bigger than before appeared. “We have to get to shelter the storm is…” Then Tommy interrupted by asking the girl “what is your name? You look familiar.” She responded, “You also look familiar. I’m Morgan Sanders… Wait you’re Tommy Vascardo?!” They immediately hugged “I missed y...” Hank interrupted, “Sorry to interrupt your love story, but we are in a huge storm!” They agreed. When they looked at the door, it randomly opened, but who opened it? Morgan creeped into the room with everyone following her wondering what they were going to stumble upon. “Is anyone home!?” Will boasted. No reply. Morgan thought to herself “That is strange. Who opened the door? Maybe it was the figure!” Morgan told them that she thought it was the figure
and she had a bad feeling about this. Tommy said it would be alright. Hank turned around to put something in front of the door, but the door instantly slammed. BOOM!!! They all screamed. “This is not funny!” Will shouted, but then they heard glass shattering. CRASH! They all looked at Morgan “guys… That wasn’t me.” There hearts were running, they were breathing heavily like bricks were pushing on their chests. They all opened their backpacks hoping they they brought something to protect them if someone had a glass shard. They only had snacks, water, a soccer ball each, a pen, and a notebook. Except Max had a pocket knife. He took it out and slid it into his side pocket. They looked at Justin who was screaming. He had cuts and bruises from. Then he ran. They all stopped him. He said, “It’s the girl. She is wearing a white nightgown with her hair covering her face.” They looked at Morgan, but she wasn’t wearing the same clothes as the description. Morgan started crying. They heard a door open, and someone came running out. It was a girl that fit the description, but her nightgown was dirty and bloody. Suddenly she got pulled back into the room. They heard her scream one last time as they ran. “Guys, we have to go!” Max said. Tommy, Hank, Will, Max, Morgan, Then Justin all broke through a window as they ran to the street as a taxi pulled up. They all hopped into the taxi and the driver drove them to Morgan’s house.
The End!