A Collection of Horror Stories (Block 2)

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SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories

Parallel, by Sydney Loría Cole and his friends on The Day of The Dead find what could be the rest of their lives.

Americas Dead Day, by Vera Andino The wrath if zombies take over Elizabeth's town.

When The Dead Come Calling, by Aleeza Azeem Tobias and Peter were dared to stay overnight at an abandoned house by bullies, will they finally get the freedom they deserve?

Just Borrowing You, by Roha Ahmed Brenda Felix just moved to Creeper Street in Pennsylvania from San Francisco. She already hates her house when the giant accident happens, but things seem to get worst.

The Shadow, by Anyssa Palomino Maddie and David are trying to escape from a mysterious shadow.

SOUL BOY, by Linnea Nunoo Elinor is a normal highschool girl, with a job of babysitting, but she may have come to her hardest ​BABYSITTING ​doll yet.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories


Sydney Loría I woke up with a with a rush of excitement. It was the Day of the Dead ,this is the day that we all celebrate the loved ones that have passed. It was always so much fun because we have a big celebration at the graveyard with friends. I looked out my window I just felt deflated, it was cold and misty day, it was sprinkling, and there was no sign of the sun coming out anytime soon. ​Crack. ​Oh no! The sound that I never wanted to here the loud crack of thunder outside my window. There was

always so much to get done. When I got to the kitchen they my family were already there making all of the food. I sat down at the kitchen table looking out at the rain pouring down on the streets of our nice little house out in the suburbs. All of the sudanI felt a nudge on my shoulder ,“Ugh” it was my annoying sister complaining that she is working when I was sitting there. My family really bothered me sometimes they acted like they loved my sister so much more than they loved me, but I always did what my sister said. So I stood up and got some of my dead grandfather’s stuff to put on his grave tonight at our graveyard celebration. I walked around the house looking for things that could be his. The petals of the plant stretched out long to smack me in the face. . . . It stopped raining it was just foggy. As I stepped into the car I noticed that I forgot my grandpa's old pipe so I ran into my room to get it. I could hear the engine of my car revving in the background, I was still trying to remember where I put the pipe of my grandpa after he died. . . .

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories We were at the graveyard it was dark and I was having so much with my friends that were with us to celebrate the day of the dead. We could hear the music and the parade in the background, I could tell that it was getting late because it was very dark and the graveyard was getting less crowded by the minute. My parents said that we had to go, I am a normal kid so I begged for 10 minutes more and I got it. My friends and I were looking in the abandoned side of the graveyard. I knew it was a bad idea to walk over by the other side because no one knew where we were and we could get lost I knew that we were getting farther because I could not see or hear my parents anymore. I thought that I had to go back because it had already been 10 minutes but I just blew it of. My friends were walking and we noticed that right in front of us was a large staircase leading down to some place. We walked closer with the faint sound of all the music from the party that was going on behind us. We were so quiet that we could hear ourselves breathing. I was thinking to myself that, “ ​

I knew that my parents must be looking for me

because it felt like it had been a half an hour since they said 10 minutes. As I stood at the top of the stairs looking down at the wall, the wall glowing with the moonlight. As dumb as we were we walked down the stairs I stopped I was very puzzled to find that there was sunlight that was making the wall glimmer from the other side. I kept walking and the wall went down and we all saw the exact same thing that we just came from. We were standing at the bottom of the staircase that we just walk down but we were on the other side of the wall. All of the sudden we heard this loud creaking sound which was the sound of the wall coming up behind us. We walked up the stairs so in shock that we were all shaking so much that we could not talk.. Everything was the same, but I could tell that one thing was different. My family loved me it was the best feeling that I had had in a very long time. My friends and I were having the time of our lives here, but one thing was wrong this was a land with great threats that could heart at any moment. On our world back at home we had no threats except for the usual that everybody had. I

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories knew that my family really loved me hear but I needed a way to get out. All of the sudden I had no idea where I was I was in the middle of nowhere and I was standing on something that felt very odd and all of the sudden I noticed that me and my friends were standing on burning hot quicksand. I could tell that we were still in the graveyard I could tell where we were so I got hold of a long stick and pulled myself out of the quicksand as well as all of my friends. Once we were out we walked and walked each block someone finding their house and seeing that it was all the same except for their families. Once I got to my house I was very surprised to see my sister sitting at home on the couch reading which was nothing that I had ever seen before. I had figured out that my sister was grounded because she told on me. I knew that I had to get out of here before I got to attached, but it was too nice here. . . . When I was here I noticed that my family had a weird sort of vibe to them like they were all waiting to hurt me. It was really weird because they acted like they loved me so much, but they also acted as if they wanted to kill me or something. One night I was sitting in my bed that felt just like my bed at home and I heard some really suspicious sounds coming from the attic and I knew that I heard all 3 sounds of my mom my dad and my sister. I was surprised that they were up there because they never went up there, well on my world at least. The next day me and my friends noticed that all of our families must have been setting something up because they were acting really weird. . . . It had been a really long time since we got here and we were ready to get out. My friends and I went back to the graveyard and we found the staircase. We were walking down when all of the sudden we see all of our families stepping out of there cars they took off their clothes and we saw that they were pure skeletons we were still like 5 meters from the staircase and we ran as fast as we could and the skeletons were still coming after us we. We were close to the door and . . .

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories

​Americas Dead Day By: Vera Andino I was deep asleep, nice and warmly wrapped up in my blanket. My alarm went on I groaned and slapped it so hard I think I broke it, there was a banging sound coming from outside “Is it Alex and his dumb friends kicking the ball at the garage door?” I thought to myself. I went to check outside the window,it wasn’t my brother and his friends, it was our neighbor Barney. He looked sick, pupils looked white as a snowy day and he had blood dripping from his bottom lips. I immediately went running down the stairs to tell my mom. “Mom, mom why is Mr.Barney banging on our garage door?” I asked my mom. “We called his wife and she said that he has been acting weird all day, we don’t know what to do.”She replied “Mom his eyes are white, he has blood on his shirt and dripping down his bottom lips.” I shouted like it was my last breath. “Are you sure?” asked my mom “Yes, if you want go take a look” I replied. “Ok I will take a look” my mom said “Ahhhhh” my mom shouted as hard as she could. “What’s going on?” my dad asked my mom. Mr. Barney was attacking my mom,my dad rushed to her with a baseball bat and started to warn Mr.Barney to back off, but it was too late Mr. Barney bit my mom. “I don’t feel good” my mom said while sitting down she looked away and then her face was scary looking after that she ran away. My dad told us all to stay inside because no one knew what was going on.They called the police but they did not know what was going on either. We thought it was a disease but it turns out it’s not; it’s Zombies. I did not think it was possible.I thought zombies were only in stories but it turns out they are in

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories my neighborhood streets. The government said to stay away from them, we all had to be very quiet because they can’t see but they can hear anything and if they hear you well; you know what happens. My brother as dumb as he is; he went outside and said this is all fake, I bet they are just tricking us. “See” my brother said “no one is coming near me” argued my brother. Waiting quietly we could hear ourselves breathing, “boom” a zombie pops up right behind him and puts an arm on him, the zombie yanks my brother and starts dragging him. My brother screaming but then we hear total silence. After my mom leaving and my brother my dad was not taking any chances and is so strict that he is covering every single window with anything he can find “so it’s just us now” I said with a face of disappointment “I know sweetie but we just have live like this don’t worry we will be fine” my dad said very calmly. After we waited in silence for the siren to go on - telling us that we are safe, in the background we could hear zombies groaning and some of them banging on the doors and windows,as they were trying to get in.

Me and my dad camped downstairs overnight just in case. We were both deep asleep. I felt like all the zombie thing was a dream, I was actually hoping it was a dream. I was opening my eyes hoping it was a dream but I saw that we were sleeping downstairs and all the windows were covered. I was quite disappointed. After a few hours we heard the siren, I was so happy that I started to tear up, but when I looked through the peephole in the covered up window, I saw that they were still there.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories

When the Dead Come Calling By: Aleeza Azeem “Gotcha,” Tobias yelled at Peter. They were having a water gun fight in his front yard. He ran and hid behind a tree. A hand grabbed his water gun and and threw it to the ground, smashing it with a foot into little pieces. He looked up and saw Todd and his group of friends. They were the neighborhood bullies, and they were always seeking trouble. “Hey! You better clean that up!” Tobias shouted into Todd’s face. “Make me,” he said in a low, calm tone that always scared him. Peter rushed over to Tobias’s side. Tobias thought. “Too scared to fight, huh?” Todd said mocking him with a grin. “We can take you on any day. Give us something terrifying and we can do it easily, “ Peter said in his most vicious tone. “You know that haunted house on Timberbrook Lane? You gotta spend the night there tomorrow. Meet us there in front of the house at 6 o’clock,” Todd says thinking they won’t do it. They were so desperate, they just had to do it. This was a choice that might mean life or death to them. The sun was blaring down at them, casting shadows through the maple tree. Tobias looked at Peter seeing if they will agree. Tobias did not want to go at all. Todd and his friends will never stop bugging them. Todd stuck out his hand, and Peter reached for it, but Tobias quickly shot him a death stare, he did not want to die so soon. Peter obviously did. Peter was willing to make that sacrifice just so that Todd would leave them alone. He guessed he is willing to make that sacrifice too, Tobias thought. Peter reached for Todd’s hand slowly, and Tobias gave him an approving look. He quickly shook it. ____________________________ Tobias and Peter were almost at Timberbrook Lane, Tobias didn’t feel so good about doing this. ​

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories “Peter, do you think what we are doing is just a big mistake?” Tobias asked Peter, hoping he will say yes. “Yeah, I do. Sometimes we just gotta stand up for ourselves,” Peter replied confidently. They walked up to the driveway of the house. Standing there was Todd and his band of friends. “Hey, you’re late!” Todd shouted to them. “Actually we are right on time,” Peter shouted back with a wild grin. “Now get in there. Bet you they couldn’t even step in one foot in there,” Todd says with a smirk. Before Todd could push them again, Tobias already set foot in the spooky house and Peter followed. It seemed like the floor would swallow them up any second. Before they could even take a look around this place, Todd and his band of friends boarded up the door with wooden boards. Peter looked at Tobias with a worried look, and Tobias returned that look back. It was moldy and dark, almost too dark for eyes to get adjusted. The air was thick and heavy with dread. There were cobwebs everywhere. A huge bug crawled out of a piece of furniture. ​

Tobias slowly put one foot in front of the other on the

creaky floor to the living room. ​

He slid his backpack off

the shoulder, and the backpack landed onto the ground with a loud thud. Tobias slowly dragged himself to the corner one step at a time, and noticed that books were sprawled everywhere. ​ There were two outlines of humans made of chalk laid on the ground. The kind that police make in an investigation on a crime scene. A chill went through Tobias, he wondered if Peter could feel it too. Peter shivered. Tobias stepped back, and heard a clatter behind him. He looked to see a sharp kitchen knife splattered with blood all over it. He stepped back again, terrified more than ever and heard a splash behind him. There was something in the corner, a pool of blood. The blood was as red as a ruby. That gave him a heart attack! They ran as fast as the flash to the kitchen. A note was on the ground. It was older than expired milk. ​

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories

Tobias heard moaning on the second floor of the house. It was a loud, horrible sound that hurt his ears. They looked at each other with faces full of fear, as white as sheet. They wouldn’t dare say a word. Tobias and Peter bolted up the stairs out of curiosity. They stepped into a small bedroom. There were pink satin curtains and an old ragged bed, nothing else. Suddenly, the door shut close and locked itself, making a little clicking sound. Tobias dashed to the door and started pounding on it, it was no use, they were trapped. Tobias heard an awful screech behind him. He spun around and saw a dead girl with no life in her eyes. She had black hair and a white nightgown on. She had finally finished muggling Peter into a large sack. Tobias was too scared to do or say anything. She started making way towards him, slowly. Just as she was a couple feet away, the door made another clicking sound. Tobias ran out as fast as he could and went to another room on the same level. Inside was a moaning woman. Better get outta of here! He ran down the steps and found his best friend laying in one of the chalk outlines. His best friend. Dead. Forever. He had blood pouring out of his chest. A heart wrenching scream came out of Tobias’s mouth. He couldn't bare looking at Peter so he turned around. There was the moaning woman and the dead girl, here to kill him too. He noticed an open window. He made a jump for it. Tobias escaped his death call.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories

Just Borrowing You By: Roha Ahmed I got out of our red Honda, and stepped onto the crunchy stones to our new house by the graveyard. I know right! A graveyard where dead people are buried. Dad’s mom was buried here, and he says we need to visit her grave more often, so we moved here from san francisco. “Brenda honey, would you be a dear and open the door while we bring in the luggage?” said Mrs. Felix. “Ok Mom,” I called back. I opened the door to our new house, and gagged at the amount of dust I took in as soon as I stepped in through the front door. I looked at the staircase, and was almost at the top. That’s when it happened. My feet were on the second last step, when cracks started to break into holes where I could see the downstairs floor. I stopped, the cracks and holes began to form on the step I was on, big enough for me to fall through. Before I could do anything, I became imbalanced and fell through the second last step. My head fell first on the wooden ground, hitting the side of my face hard. Suddenly, I felt a thick liquid run down the side of my head onto my cheek. It was blood red and wouldn’t stop rushing out. Mom came rushing in, and that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out. Pain was the first thing I felt. I opened one of my eyes using all my energy. I felt the flaky crusty eye boogers tumble down my cheek. I was placed on a rickety old bed that went “squeal” whenever I did little movement. “Where am I?” I thought to myself as I tried to remember anything that I could. Finally I remembered the fall, I remembered when I was taken to the hospital and had my stitches done. Oh, the pain! I tried to call for mom, but the only response I got was the creak of the bed. Mom was nowhere to be found. I needed a rest. I lie down, on bed trying to rest, but just couldn’t, and thought I just needed a walk since I always do that back in San Francisco when I was so bored, I thought I was going to die. So steadily went to the graveyard on my own, trying not to move it to much.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories I came to a stopping point at the gates. They were rusted, and flakes of smooth black paint were peeling them selves off, as if they were trying to run away. I open the gate wide enough for me to come in. I took a walk around the dull gray graveyard. “Berrenda!” said the most tiniest, faintest voice. I turned around, not noticing the pain that jiggled in my head. I was silent, and so was the earth around me, the only noise that came from me was my heart banging against my chest, pleading me to let it out. It went thump, thump, thump. Just then, the corner of my eyes caught a little girl smiling. But it seemed that she was covered in flour, and she somewhat looked like mist. Ghost, was the first thing that ran up to my injured brain. I let out a shrill scream and ran off as fast as I could. I heard thunder rise above my head as the lightning started striking the earth beneath my feat. Stinging droplets of water came aiming for me, but I didn’t care, the only thing that was on my mind, was getting back to my new home. I felt the smooth and slippery mud under my feet . I was trying to keep my balance, but I didn’t have time to realize that a huge puddle of muddy water was right in front of me. Not noticing, I slipped and landed in front of a grave stone. I tried to get up quickly to make a run for the gate, but head hurt too bad. I lifted my head high enough to read the gravestone. My eyes followed with every letter, then I gasped and couldn’t believe what I was reading. “Brenda Felix, 2014, April 5,” read the gravestone. Was my dad already thinking about when I die? Then suddenly, out of the muddy ground, came a thick green vine, and slowly made it’s way around my wrist, and started to tighten. I started screaming, as more vines strangled my legs and body. The vines were as thick as rope! I looked at the mud ground, but then appeared 2 little shoes. I looked up, and saw the girl who looked like a ghost. “Please! Help me!” I pleaded. The girl didn’t reply, she just smiled. Then out of her dress, she held a huge knife. “ I am sorry, I didn’t want to do this to you, but I just long for a body to rest my spirit in, and I just really need a family. I really have no choice….” The little girl trailed off. Before she could say anything, Brenda felt a cold cool metal, slice down through my delicate skin, and found blood streaming down my skin. A choker, just what I wanted back in san francisco, not when I die. The last thing I saw was the girl. Her sweet smile. What a sweet evil smile.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories

“C’mon, hurry!” David yelled to Maddie. As they were rushing to a house that seemed empty and dark. There was a shadow in the distance that was chasing David and Maddie. Maddie pointing to the house said,“This looks like a good place to hide.” They could only find a little light, there was a little hole in the ceiling. The light from the moon was peeking in through the hole. Maddie and David were just sitting there hoping the shadow would not find them. “David how long should we stay here?” Maddie asked. As the door slowly walked to close. “What was that?!” David whispered. Maddie did not respond as if she thought someone might hear her. It was like David and Maddie could read eachothers minds about what to do. They both began getting up from the floor trying not to make a sound just in case someone might be there or hear them. With Sweat running down their faces their necks slowly extended around the corner to see if there was anybody. Nobody was there, Maddie and David looked at each other in relief. Suddenly they hear scratching against the walls and the door. The sound of the scratching gets louder and louder. “Whats going on David!” Maddie yelled. “Are you crazy you are going to get as killed from yelling!” David yelled The scratching was getting quieter as they talked. “Shouldn’t we call someone.” Maddie said

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories “I already tried there is no service out here.” David said in a surprisingly calm voice. “So what do we do, just stay here until we die?” Maddie said in a sarcastic voice. David did not save in anything and Maddie did not really care that he did not, they just sat there. It was quit, you could hear the wind outside. It was relaxing at that moment for them but just not knowing what was going to happen made it not as relaxing. “Should we just run out of here and hope we don't die.” David whispered. “I guess this might be are only chance to escape.” Maddie responded. “We need to find somewhere to get out besides the door just in case that weird shadow might be there.” David said as he started looking around “Good idea but we are in a small room so we might have to be a little loud and break the wood to get out.” Maddie responded “How about over here?” David said as he pointed to wood that was unstable. “Perfect, we could break that wood easily.” Maddie said as she walked to wear David was. Maddie and David got the wood out by one pull. They finally could try to escape. Maddie and David bent down and had to crawl to get out. Now they were outside of the house Maddie looked one way and david looked the other. They both looked in at each other in fear to run without getting caught or attacked. But they both new this could be there only chance.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories “Ready 3….2….1” Maddie said with different thoughts going through her head and sweat dripping down her face. They both ran so fast like a bullet. Maddie and David could feel gushes of wind go past them. They ran and ran till they knew for sure they were safe. Whenever they stopped they did not even know where they came in from. There is a woods behind Maddies house but it was big. For hours they were trying to find clues from where they came in from. Finally they saw something, they walked closer to it.It was Maddies house, whenever she saw it tears came down from her face and she felt reiliefed. David did not cry but yet he felt a big relief. You would think they would be tired from running, they were but it was like like got a burst of energy. David and Maddie ran to her house as happy as they ever been. They finally got to the they knocked but no one answered the door. “Thats strange.” Maddie said as she knocked on the door again. “Maybe there at the police station since we were gone.” David suggested. “Maybe we can just wait for a little bit.” Maddie said as she said down on the bench outside her house. An hour passed by and her parents were still not there. Maddie called her parents they did not answer and the same thing happened for David. “This is so strange.” Maddie said looking at David. “I know maybe we should try knocking on the door again.” David said as he walked back to the door.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories They knocked again the door opened but no one was there. They slowly walked in the house step by step. “I don't think anyone is here.” David said while looking around. “Lets just look around and see if anyone is here.” Maddie said while she started looking. Maddie and David looked around in different rooms all around the house they did not see anyone. They started going to the attic because they might be moving or having a surprise. They looked everywhere in the attic and still couldn't find her parents. When Maddie and David turned around to turned around to leave the attic, there it was the shadow. David and Maddie did not know what to do so they just stood there. The shadow walked closer and closer to them. The shadow finally stopped and stood there looking at them. Maddie and David had sweat dripping down there face and they were in shock. “Hello children.” The shadow said. “What did you do with my parents.” Maddie said in a confident and clear voice. The shadow suddenly disappeared into the air, leaving Maddie and David screaming at it for both of their parents……...

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories



Linea Nunoo I arrived home, and as soon as I did I heard the phone ring. Something brushed my shoulder and I whipped around to see what it was. Nothing. I inched forward, towards the ringing phone, swinging my phone flashlight around defensively. Wow Elinor, smart thinking, if some thief came to attack me from behind or something, the only weapon I have is a 15% charged iphone 6. I willed myself to move forward, inch, by inch, by inch. The phone smiled greedily like a cat, ready to kill. Sweat poured down my head. What if it was a bad guy calling? What would I do? Relax. I told myself. It was probably just a prank call, or the water delivery man or whatever. I had no reason to panic about anything or anyone! “SLAM!” The door shut behind me, making me jump high enough to touch the stars. I whipped around in a circle, making sure there was nobody there. I breathed deeply and scrambled to get the phone. “H-Hello?” I whispered quietly, not sure what to expect. “Babysit the boy. Take this seriously. I have left a list next to him on what to do. FOLLOW IT,” The phone cut. I didn’t know what to say. This had to be a joke right, it’s 2007, people still do prank calls. But the person on the other side of the phone line sounded so serious. I shivered and slammed the phone down. This is crazy. It must be a dream. But even with myself trying to stay put, I turned around and screamed. The boy. The lady on the phone had said I should babysit a boy, and here he was. Sitting in front of me. Just. As. Promised.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories There was even the list, next to it and everythi-. Wait this is not even a boy, it’s, it’s a WOODEN DOLL. It’s eyes were so realistic as if there were a real PERSON trapped inside. It’s eyes stared right into my soul and for a minute I was trapped in a trance. I shock it off and scampered over to it and snatched the paper next to the horrifically creepy doll. I raised my eyebrows. The paper was black, the ink ghost white. I shuddered again but read it anyways. 1: Do not cover him 2:Feed him 3:Tuck him into bed 4: DO NOT LEAVE HIM ALONE.EVER!!!! Oh gosh. This must be a dream. No, a nightmare. And nightmares always go away when you follow the rules. I groaned because the rules said I had to feed him. Feeding a doll. Definitely NOT on my bucket list. I held my breath and bit my lip, fighting to burst into tears, for what I had to do to get over this is to Follow. The. Rules. I turned around to get him and bring him to the kitchen but he was gone. I yelped in fright when I heard a loud “CLANK!” come from the kitchen. My heart pounded so hard in my chest, wanting to climb it’s way out of me and escape the horror that am yet to see. I quietly tiptoed over to the kitchen and peeked around the corner. I couldn’t help it. A extremely loud scream erupted from my throat and I raced into the kitchen to examine the thriller. The boy. The doll. It was sitting there. On the counter. It’s greedy eyes flashing mischievously. But that was not the horrific part. Behind the boy, doll, whatever it was, there was a big white wall. However, this wall was no longer just white, so instead, on the wall, in red, were the words ‘FEED ME’. I gulped and neither breathed, nor blinked as I inched slowly over to the wall were the second rule on the paper was written in red. I reached my finger up to the wall, leaning closer and closer to touch the bright red mess of letters on the wall. My fingers finally touched the red and I brought my hand to my face to smell the sticky substance. Blood.It Was Blood. I know my smells and this was definitely blood. I gagged in disgust. So let me clarify this for you. A doll. Had written FEED ME in BLOOD. I hurried to the kitchen cupboard to get the baby food. I know you must think I am crazy now, feeding a baby DOLL. But hey, when a doll tells you to do something in BLOOD, you do it. I reached up to the cupboard to grab the can of baby food, and when I got it, I turned around to set the dolls plate and put the freakish doll on the table, but the doll had switched places again! Now it was sitting in the baby high-chair with a spoon in one hand and a knife in the other, a scarlet red plate set in front of it. I slowly walked over to him, avoiding him the best I could, and leaned over to slide the food into the plate. As soon as the food hit the plate, I zipped to the corner farthest away from the doll, ready to watch the doll eat in action. I waited. I waited and waited. I waited and waited and waited. I waited for what seemed to be a million years, but the doll did nothing. I sighed, closing my eyes. If this nightmare was real, I would still get over it if my parents were still alive.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories “SCREECH, CRASH!” I could still hear the sound of the car, when it got hit by a bomb. “RUN!” My mother screamed. I ran not knowing where I was going, the tears flying wildly. I ran away from the car that was in flames, I ran away from mom, my only family. I bit my lip as a big and watery tear clashed down my face. I clenched my eyes tighter together. Maybe this was a dream, maybe I will open my eyes and this would all have been a dream! I crossed my fingers praying with everything I got that I would open my eyes, and this would all have been a dream! But when I opened my eyes, it was still nighttime and this was NOT a dream. It was a real life nightmare. “CRRREEEEAAAKKKK!” went the sound of the door being opened. I covered my mouth so I didn’t scream, and then I silently tiptoed over to the door. The door was closed. I hadn’t even heard it shut. “Hey,” said a voice from behind me. I spun around and smacked the voice in the face. It was Elias. Oh, did I mention, he is by best friend in high school, and he lives next door. Ok…. so maybe that is not true. He is my ONLY friend in high school. Don’t blame me. I am not so good with…. other people. I shrugged and gave him a goofy smile, not knowing to say after that awkward moment. I realized his cheek was red so I ran to the kitchen to get an ice pack. The doll sat there, as if it was waiting. It’s plate was empty. That means it a ​ te its food. I shuddered and grabbed an ice pack from the fridge. I turned around. “You’re feeding a DOLL?” Elias asked. He walked over to the doll and picked it up. “BE CAREFUL!” I said. I don’t know WHAT will happen if he kills that doll, but it definitely won’t be good. Elias ignored me and flipped the doll around. Elias went pale and he dropped the doll back into the baby seat. I was about to ask him what was wrong but before I could, he answered. “Um… So my grandmother sorta had this doll, and she was trying to get rid of it, so she gave it to someone random, and it kinda looks like that person is… um …… well….. it’s you,” He said, shuffling his feet. Oh, No. When HE shuffles his feet that means something is up, and right now, it probably means I have to get rid of the doll. Fast. “What do I have to do to get rid of it. It has written things in blood, and I am through, WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO?!?!?!” I screamed waving my arms wildly at him. If he has a grandma that collects living dolls or whatever, it has to have something to do with him, so I am putting this all on him.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories “OK,Ok calm down, I know what we have to do. But it won’t be easy. Ok. So we have to dress up as dolls and act like we obey him, only then can we kill him by throwing him into the bottomless well.” Elias explained. “Yeah, but WHERE are we supposed to find 2 doll costumes in the middle of nowhere!” I exclaimed. This is torture. I was supposed to die when I am like 100 but now my life will probably come to an end in a doll costume. I groaned. “I have a few spare because I had the same problem, but mine was worse... it killed my cat,” He said softly, like he did not want the doll to hear our plottings. “Wait, he killed your cat? I have a house cat! What happens if he-” I did not finish. A ear piercing cat yowl came from outside. We raced out of the house and down the street. “MIMU!!!!!!” I screamed. I know I have not introduced you to Mimu the housecat yet, so let me explain. When my parents died, Mimu was all I had left, she was the sweetest cat of all. When I cried for my parents, she would come to my lap and bat at my hair, until I had to stop crying to stop her from ripping all my hair out. She was all I had left of my family and now she was dead. Thunder crackled in the clear sky and it started to rain. I turned around to run home crying and the doll was there. It’s head was tilted sideways and it was holding a knife. A flash of red and Elias was on the ground, screaming in pain. “NOO! You can’t take my family and you can’t take my friend!” I yelled. I raced back home and drew a quick doll face on with face makeup. This ends now. I can’t take it. You take my cat, you take my friend, now I will take Y​ OU​. I raced downstairs, tears stinging my eyes and snatched the sharpest knife I could find. I raced out side, running at an imaginable speed and when I reached the doll, I pounced and stabbed it. I twisted the knife deeper into the dolls skull, and as I did, I also twisted all the pain I had into anger. This doll has destroyed my, and other's lives, IT DESERVED THIS. I looked up and saw a bright light. “No!” I screamed. But wait, I was in bed. I searched around for the doll, but it was nowhere to be found. The I realized. Daylight. It is morning. The house filled with light and it washed away all my fears. Wait, Ellias, Mimu. “Meow,” Said a purring figure that brushed my side sweetly. MIMU, she is alive! So then Ellias must be too! I ran to the closet and in minutes I was changed into jeans and a green crop-top. I raced downstairs and didn’t stop for the door. “BANG” I hit the door hard. I know, I am stupid, but if this whole doll mess was just a dream, I am soo glad I woke up. The doorbell rang and I stood up to open the door I opened it and Ellios greeted me with a huge hug. I gasped.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories “Not a dream?”I asked. “Not a dream, but everything is ok, because you killed the doll boy, and once you do, all your problems go away. Including….”He grinned. I was about to ask him what was with his weird smile but before I could, I heard someone say “Breakfast is ready, don’t wanna be late for the last day of 10th grade!” Mother! She was alive! “I could kiss you i’m so happy!” I squealed. Elias laughed and said “Please don’t, I wouldn’t wanna kiss a girl who just killed a doll!” I laughed and hugged Ellias so tight he could have broke a bone. I went into the kitchen with Elias and we all laughed and hugged. Me and mom went outside to the park and Elias left to go home. We sat and enjoyed life as we had it. “You seem so happy to see me Elinor, why?” My mom laughed. “Trust me mom, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” I said laughing along with her.Maybe that doll wasn’t so bad, because for once in my o ​ nce miserable life, I​ SMILED.

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories

CREDITS: http://www.pmslweb.com/the-blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/48-creepy-shado w.jpg

http://rumandmonkey.com/sites/default/files/styles/main_image/public/testgenimg s/zombie-643461_1280main.png?itok=tdvRLavc

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/L6Z2hkd4uhQ/maxresdefault.jpg https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81hZAyp8-fL._SY445_.jpg

SHORT STORY GROUP :Sydney, Linnea, Vera, Roha, Aleeza, Anyssa A Collection Of Horror Stories

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