A Collection Mysteries (Block 2)

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Believe in the Unbelieveable goo.gl/QGTsT

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The Fight


The Dog Mystery


Table of Content Believe in the Unbelievable, By Jemima Hodgson

The Game, Abdulrahman Al Ansari The Question why went through Renees head repeatedly

The Fight, Travis Gully It is about a kid that is having a hard time in school.

The Dog Mystery, Luigi Solis Hernandez What will this Apollo do when he finds a dead dog out of nowhere?

Believe in the Unbelievable…

https://www.google.com/search?q=abandoned+climbing+set&espv=2&biw=1171&bih=523&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwifgL_P3qfQ AhWIC8AKHaDqCf0Q_AUIBigB&safe=active&ssui=on#safe=active&tbm=isch&q=abandoned+playground+at+night&imgrc=otqsW7ZIU7_qdM%3A

“Ok honey, I’ll be back at nine,” exclaimed Mum as she trod through the house, ”Make sure you finish your Homework!” She slammed the front door shut. “Ahhh, finally, peace and quiet!” sighed Rebecca. She slumped to the sofa to lie down. Rebecca was fourteen years old. She liked to be on her own, but she also liked to go hang- out with her friends. Her long, dark hair fell down over her face, as she closed her eyes. Normally, by four o’clock each night, she had done all the boring things that had to, unfortunately, be done. Although, at home, Rebecca looked like a lazy teenage girl, at school she always tried her best top be top of the class. Just then, her phone rang. She swung her arm behind her head to get her phone off the table. “Hello?” she said into the phone. “Oh hey, Rebecca, want to sneak out to the abandoned park tonight?” answered a soft voice. Rebecca looked around her, as if to check that no one was listening to her, even though she was just talking to her friend. “Ummm, but my mum is out and I’m home alone!” There was an impatient sigh at the other end of the call, “Ok fine… I’ll meet you there in half an hour,” she exclaimed, annoyed,

“And do NOT be late!” She whistled and put the phone down. It was now 5:30pm and Rebecca still had Physics Homework to do. Physics was her least favourite subject, so she wasn’t bothered about the unfinished homework. Rebecca looked around her, as the street lights started to flicker on. Her heart was thumping, as she stealthly moved forward down the empty streets.It appeared as if she was about to rob a house. This was the first time she went out without her mum’s permission. The sky was darkening, swallowing what was left of any daylight. The worried teenager wished she had brought a torch. The abandoned park loomed up as Rebecca turned a corner. “Why did I have to come here, I wish I just stayed at home!” she muttered annoyed at herself. No one who lived in Southward, didn’t know why the park was still there. There was a legend… A legend no one ever dared to repeat… She could hear everything, every little sound. Rebecca walked towards the entrance, the gravel crunched under her feet, her footsteps echoed in her ears. The rusty gate screamed as Rebecca pushed it softly open. She stopped and held her breath, hoping that no one had heard the painful noise of the gate. Rebecca twisted round, checking if her friends had already arrived. Looking at her watch, she moved slowly towards a bench that sat under a grand oak tree. “ They’re late!” she sighed. It was now 6:01pm. What once was a beautiful park with plentiful colours, was now dim and lonely. All the colours had now faded over the years of being underused. Rebecca went over to the main structure of the playground. She remembered when her grandma had told her stories of how all the children in Southward would go to the park after school. She sat underneath the structure at a small, round tea table that circled a thick pole, holding up the tunnel- leading to a slide. She no longer felt scared, as she wondered how long she would have to wait for her friend. For just a moment she relaxed. “ Ahhh, this isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be,” she sighed. Rebecca looked back at the gate, to check if her friends had arrived. She raised an eyebrow. “ I wonder where those men came from and why are they at a park so late?” she whispered to herself in suspicion. She crouched down under the tea table. It wasn’t the most comfortable place, but know one could see her under it. “We can talk in privacy here, know ever comes to this old dump… and I don’t see why they would want to either,” came the voice of one of the men. The voice was rough and hoarse with a slight American accent. His voice seemed to match his clothes. Both men wore old, baggy ripped jeans with loose T-shirts. “So…” the first man said when they had moved closer to the main structure.

They were now a meter away from Rebecca. “ Let's keep this short, the robbery is happening in the next hour, correct?” grumbled the man in charge. The second man nodded his head, “All arrangements have been made, Sir.” “Good, now it’s 6.15 and I have to get the pick-up truck,” confirmed the other man. He nodded then turned around then left. The second man looked around then followed. Rebecca had been holding her breath the whole time and now breathed out. She rolled out from under the table and stretched. Rebecca had heard everything that had been said. She now looked up at the slide. A gasp of shock came out of her mouth… Above her stood a man, but this man was glowing a strange gold-ish colour. The man was looking straight at her and seemed to be pretending to make a phone call on his imaginary mobile phone. Rebecca was holding her breath. No movement came from her body. She was glued to the ground. Suddenly, the man, walking up the slide, had vanished. The bewildered girl sat up and screamed, but no sound came out of her mouth. She just lay there, helpless and frightened. “Rebecca!” whispered a calm voice, through the darkness. Rebecca had never been so glad to hear her friend's voice. She suddenly felt normal and jumped up, racing to her friend. The relieved girl couldn’t wait. She blurted out everything that she had seen and heard in the last 20 minutes. Chloe, Rebecca’s friend, shook her head, “I’m sorry Rebecca but it can’t be true.” Chloe didn’t believe in anything to do with the unexplained so she thought her friend was lying. “You know what I think of liars,” stated Chloe. Without an explanation, she turned around and left. Rebecca didn’t know what to say… “Mum, please I’m sorry. Just please come and pick me up from the abandoned park, NOW!” Rebecca yelled into the phone. The call ended. Fifteen minutes later a car pulled up. Rebecca ran out from her hiding spot and jumped into her mum’s car. After a minute of silence, Rebecca told her frightening story to her Mum. “So, I’m sorry,” Rebecca ended because she was sorry that she had gone to the park without permission. Just then she turned to look out the window, as they past the bank. “Mum, those are the people I saw at the park!” Rebecca screamed at her mum. “Are you sure, maybe you were just imagining them” replied her mum. “No!”

“Ok, then. Get your phone now! Ring the Police. I believe you,” her mum answered with resignation. Rebecca picked up her phone and dialled 999. “Hello”...

The Game “Can I buy a game”, Renee said. The game is a game that every kid wants it's a game where you can make your own game and play or, challenge your friends to play but the problem is the game isn’t for her age she too young to play. “NO! This is the fifth time I told you”, said the mother, Martha Why she said. “BECAUSE I SAID SO!” Said the mother, Martha “ Ok” Renee said. They went back home and Renee and started to think about a plan to get the game. She asked her friend to give it to her as a birthday present but her mom would just throw it away. She thought maybe she will ask dad but mom would tell him not to buy it. She was mad everybody had the game and was playing it right now she thought of an idea her friend has it she could play it with him but her mom would probably tell my mom.

She fell looking to the wall time went slow lying thinking of why her mother didn't want her to have the game the sound of her brothers fighting make loud noises. It just made her think more their noise made her think what would they do if i got the game would they fight with me to play. She was thinking but it stretched her mind to think that her mother would do that for fun. Time went slow every minute felt like an hour to her still thinking why she repeatedly asked herself why. She reflected on what she did bad to her mother to get this the more she thought made her feel time was going even slower the question went through her head again why? She thought so much that she felt sleepy she gave up and closed her eyes to sleep but the question why still haunts her. She woke up in the middle of the night tired and hungry she went to the kitchen thinking of food which made her more hungry and open the fridge to see lots of food but she tried not to eat everything her urge was strong but she took one thing to eat then she ate everything else later. Renee was almost full but she went to bed but couldn’t sleep she thought about sheeps . 1 sheeps 2 sheeps 3 sheep 4she zzzzz. She fell asleep quickly without a sound. She woke up again to go to school not

thinking it was the weekend at all. She brushed her teeth changed her clothes seeing that no one is awake she checked the clock didn’t have the strength to become angry and went to bed without changing her cloths. She slept the question why still haunted her but she thought of food and that made it go away. She woke up again everybody was still asleep. She got in her bike and drove to her friends house. No one was there. She asked herself why are the not there. When she asked herself why she went mad. She went to her her other and just kept going. When she focused with what was around her she thought where are the cars there were no for miles or kilometers. She just sat on the middle of the road thinking of time it just went slower she gave up questions started popping up in her head why is no one here why am i alone why why. She went crazy shouting and shouting just to see she was gonna faint. All of these question made her think of her mother and she thought and thought of the question why didn’t her mother buy the game for her. Renee thought of her family and she thought about her birthday and it was tomorrow. She was thinking is her mom buying it because i was under age for it and i was about to get old enough. Was she gonna buy it for my birthday. Renee got up and walked thinking

about what happened this past week just thinking the question why didn't come to her head she was just thinking. She got home and walked to her bedroom and fell on she was weirded out. Time went faster then she slept. She woke up from singing from her family and friends there were present she was so happy a present was shaped as a game she went to it and opened it and saw it was the game. She was so happy that she got the game and for the rest of the day she played with her friends and she forget everything that happened the past one week.

The End

The fight Zion was an average height boy from Kenya with dyed hair. He enjoyed playing soccer and he was a top player on his local team. Though he was good player he was still bullied by one guy. ​Tyler​ had always picked on ​Zion​ since he was in pre k. Tyler would do everything to pick on him at school but at soccer practice it was a whole lot different coach always kept an eye on ​Tyler​ because he new what kind of things ​Tyler​ did to him. Zion loved soccer ever since he was a little baby that why he has interest in soccer. When ​Zion​ was 10 his parents split up on him so he spend more time alone and . Then game day came they were in the play off that means if you lose you don't get to play any more everybody was hyped up and ready to play everybody was hyped up and ready to play. Zion huffed as he ran down the field. Even though he was a fit guy, the hot Egyptian weather would take a toll on even the fittest runner. “Hey, Zion! Gimme the ball, retard!”, yelled Tyler. Zion rolled his eyes and continued running towards his opponents goal. Tyler was on his team, but not only was he fat and stupid, he was really mean. Zion brushed these thoughts out of his mind as he ran the last five meters and hammered the ball to the top left corner of the goal. Time seemed to slow down as the bright ball sped towards the goalie. It went in every body seems to freeze then the crowd exploded in cheers they won nobody was keeping track of the time because. the game was so tense because in little luggage usually kids don’t score and the score was 0 - 1 the game was the play offs to the championships and they. won the next day at school always the first

thing he does when he gets to the six grade comments is he visits his green locker with a creek when he opens it with a blue lock on it he loved. middle school every single day he plays foosball with the huge line and then when the bell rings every body is moving everywhere and then you go into the classroom it gets really quiet when you're in your classroom today he has L.A it short for language arts and ​Tyler​ is in his L.A class. “ hey ​Zion​ why didn't you pass the ball you retarded ” ​Tyler​ said “ i had the shot ” ​Zion​ said “ i was wide open ” “ yeah but you would have gotten the ball stolen away from you from you like always ” ​Zion said “ okay we get it ​Zion​ didn't pass to you in a little soccer game but you now what else we can talk about trump winning president ow why did you punch me in the arm ” ​Travis​ said “ because that's all you talk about you never talk about anything else ” ​Zion​ said “ well i do talk about football to well american ” ​Travis said ​Travis​ is a texan who likes trump he can be really funny and he loves baseball and he is really athletic and strong it seemed l​ike hours when the teacher said stop all your conversations. “ Allright your homework for today is read and jot ” ms, hogan said everybody moans as travis said “ that's all we get ” he moaned then we started to write are short story i sit write next to tyler and i smell him just from here he never seems to put on deodorant and he fat and travis always makes fun of him travis has never gotten into a fight but if he keeps making fun of him he might have his first one if he keeps it up but the only reason he hasn't is they both like trump “HEY y'all were talking about me “ tyler said in his texan accent “ no we weren't” Zion said “ well i think you were ” tyler said “ that's it with you were having a fight no matter what “ tyler said

angrily “ but ” zion said “ no buts ” tyler said “ meet me at the tennis court at 3:40 pm today you got it ” tyler said calls ended and Zion went on with his day and then it was the end of the day and he was walking to the tennis courts and then travis came up to him and they didn't say anything when they opened the doors to the tennis court there was a loud roar of kids even some high schoolers and tyler was standing in the middle of them” well look who showed up” tyler said zion didn't say anything and then Zion ran to tyler and it seemed like everything slowed down his fist flying towards tyler he hits him straight in the gut and then travis comes over and hops on tyler and starts punching on him and then travis and Zion run away and yell “ THAT’S WHAT YOU GET ” .

The Dog Mystery


“OH GOD NO THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!!” Someone said. I went to my window. I saw an old lady with a It was a dog lying down, it was a beagle, it was young a young pup. I crouched slowly and saw no blood, I thought that its neck was broken. I asked, “This is your dog, right? She responded with a weird accent “Yes, I found him lying on the ground this morning. I heard barks from him so, I put him outside. then this happened.” I said, “Oh, what was the dog’s name?” “Jesus.” She said. Since I had nothing to do, I decided I would find out more about the mystery and attempt to solve it. I went home and tried to figure more about it, from my window, I saw a policeman from my window talking to her, I heard “How did this happen Ma’am?” I went closer to the conversation and I heard more information about the case. He said some about “a fingerprint”. I went closer to the conversation and I heard more information about the case. He said some about, “a fingerprint.” I followed the policeman for a while until I gave up but. Soon enough it was night, but I was lost. I used my flashlight to try to find a map. Out loud I said, “Dang it!” After I said

that, I heard footsteps. I took my foot forward, then my other. I did it again but faster. then again, then again. Until I hid in this wall. I took breaths. Little breaths. I took a little peak, it was that same person who talked to the Old lady! He grabbed my hand and took me to the police station. I decided to explore the station while I waited to some time, I took little step every single time. I looked at a door… I found something, a plant. I looked inside, they were pictures of people. One caught my eye, it was a picture of a dog. It looked a lot like the one that was killed. I turned around but a red x appeared. I then realized that one of the policemen was the killer. I grabbed my phone, took a picture and ran to the door to try and tell the chief. I heard someone coming so I stood hidden, I grabbed my phone to take a picture. I saw slowly that he was the man who came when the dog died! CLICK!! My phone’s flash said. “Who’s there?!” the man said I ran quickly to tell the chief and I could see the man chasing me. I went to this room, it was a room where all of the police gear is. I grabbed a big vest which I assumed to be a bulletproof vest or maybe it was just a normal vest. I grabbed a taser and a baton too. I saw the man searching for me from a vent. I decided to call the police but I had no credit. I went and tried to escape through the vent. I searched for a while and I finally found the door. I went outside. I went to a payphone and called my dad to pick me up. At night, I told my dad that this Policeman was trying to kill me. He reported it then I never saw him again

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