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Table of contents Wings of Fire. A clash between two creatures By: Ammar Dimachkie A Journey to the End By, Zain Mosallam My story is about a bow named Sam that is willing to make history by going to Mars, but trouble comes. Baseball Hero By: Zion Kimura Travis has to travel through time to not only save his dad’s house but his whole b
Because of You By: Noor al-mesned Because of tragic incident, she might lose her sister.
The Swap By: Hannah Wene My story is about a girl who gets transported to her bunny's body, and the bunny is in her body. Wings of fire (william is the griffin Magnus is the dragon)
A long time ago there was a dragon named Magnus. He always terrorized a little town named Diamond Rose Valley but, there was a heroic griffin named William. The people loved him because he protects them from danger. Conflict felt like it never stopped between the two creatures it would always end in both overexerting themselves and having a draw. One day Magnus caugh William by surprise and Struck him down. William was so stunned by Magnus attacking him he lost control and fell victim to his attack. Magnus said growling ,”Leave and never come back or else you and this town will go into flames.” William left the town furious and;i he didn’t know what to do. William was so frustrated that he wanted revenge but he thought to himself that “what would this lead to am I going to put the town through more suffering I want the best for Diamond Rose Valley.” William started to train so that if anything tried to hurt him he would be ready. 2 months later William in the forest set out to look for food but, a he heard a
“ROAR”. William thought “could this be Magnus?” he heard more distress coming from Diamond Rose Valley he charged in the towns direction . Magnus burning houses and shops with his
scorching hot breath was not aware of William’s presence. William lunged to fight but deep down he felt so enraged that the moment that he charged for Magnus felt like he has been waiting forever for this moment. His wings brushed past the wind he saw the everything going on around him . William scouring flew more and more to Magnus he felt more courage to fight . William wanted to take back his place in Diamond Rose Valley, so he takes a strike at Magnus like his life depended on it. William gets a severe blow from Magnus that wounds him to the point of blacking out. He thought to himself “I can’t give up I have to save the town” but, William felt like he got a rush of strength and courage. One last shot of taking Magnus, William tried to retaliate against . William shot off like a bullet for Magnus William felt his blood coursing through his body. He was so anxious to end the fight he started inching for point blank range to end it. William struck down Magnus with a crushing blow. W illiam said to Magnus, “I don’t know how many people do you have to harm but it ends here. If you can’t stop this you leave now, until once you find peace in yourself and humanity you aren’t welcome here. ” Magnus left being violent, but one day he came back wise and friendly. William and Magnus finally were in harmony, and peace was created.They found a way to live together. When something tried to harm Diamond Rose Valley William and Magnus was there to help and protect.The
Sam dashed through the school hallways, on a journey to the end of the hallways. “Almost there”, Sam thought. “Just a few more steps.” DING DANG DONG!!!! The bell rang the whole school. Sam was late…. again. As Sam walked into class at 8:05, handing the tardy pass to his teacher Mr. Doofus, he raced to his desk and started to do the class work. “Sam, why were you late today, again,” asked Mr Doofus “Traffic Jam,” Sam replied panting That wasn't true, Sam was way too busy working on a teleportation device so that he can go to the Mars. Slowly bending down to pick up his bag, he realized that his teacher was wearing a red shoe, on the right foot, and a orange shoe on the left foot. “Um, Mr. Doofus, why do you have a red shoe on your right foot, and a orange shoe on your left foot”, Sam asked. “I don’t know, why are you always late”, Mr. Doofus jammed back.
When Sam got home from school, he raced to the garage, and started working on his teleportation device. Sam was really close to being finished. All he need was a screw driver to put the coordinates in on where he wants to go (Mars). Slowly tip toeing into the house, lifting up his eyeballs noticing that, it was 7:00 pm. He has been working on his project for 4 hours. Sam forgot about that. As he got closer, closer, until he was finally was at the tool box. Opening it was the hard part, it made so much noise. “SQUEAK!” Sam opened the toolbox taking the screw driver and tip toed towards the door, opened it, and walked into the garage. After all this time working on his project, it would all pay of in three, two, one…. “Dinner time”, Sam’s mom yelled. “No!”, Sam cried out. “I was so close to be making history!” “Now Sam!”, Dad called. When Sam got inside, his mom, and dad were already eating. “Sit down Sam, we need to talk”, his dad said. “You’ve been late to school 8 days in a row now.” But Da-”, Sam stammered “No Sam, there is absolutely no excuse why you have been late all these days” After dinner, Sam went strait up to his room wondering, “What should I add to my devise, that would make me go to Mars?” Sam thought, and thought, and thought until a few minutes later, when he fell into a great, sleepy dream.
The next morning, Sam went straight to his garage, to keep on working on his device. Thankfully it was Saturday, because today Sam did not have any school, nor tomorrow on sunday. Sam thought about Mars, then he thought about he’s teachers shoe. Sam’s teacher had a shoe that was red, and another shoe that was orange. “That’s it!”, Sam cried out. “The color of Mars is orange, and red.” So Sam ran all the way down to the garage, got red, and orange paint. Painted the coordinates, and finally screwed them in. This was the moment. The time Sam would finally visit Mars, but then Sam thought about his family, does he want to leave them without them knowing. With that thought, Sam wrote a note to his parents.
Dear Mom, and Dad, I am going to be in Mars, observing the ground the have, and the energy per second they have. I’ll be back before dark. Sincerely, Sam P.S. if you want to know what I have been working on all this time, go in the garage and see.
As Sam walked down stairs, he tried not to think about leaving them for a couple of hours. Sam walked into the garage, putting his suit, he’s had for a very long time. Sam turned on the device, that formed a worm hole. After all this time working on his project,
it would finally pay off in 3, 2, 1……., and he jumped in. That instant, he landed in Mars, Just thinking, “How the heck will I get back,” Sam thought.
The End
Zion Kimura Mrs. Hogan L.A Block 2 14 November, 2016
Time Travel Hero
“I can’t believe it, did I just travel through time?!” exclaimed Travis. Travis was a average height boy from houston texas with dirty blond hair. He enjoyed playing baseball and was a top player for his local team. Though he was good player he was still bullied by one guy, Tyler. Tyler had always picked on Travis since their t-ball days. Tyler would do everything to pick on him at school, but at baseball practice it was different. Coach always kept an eye on Tyler because he knew what kind of things he did to Travis. “Watch yourself today” coach would say everyday at the beginning of practice. Ever since Travis was a baby he had a love for baseball. He had a huge collection of baseball cards as well. That’s how he discovered his unique ability. When Travis turned ten his mom and dad split up so he would spend a lot of time on his own. He started collecting baseball cards and discovered he could travel back in time based on the year written on the baseball card, but that meant he also needed a pack of cards from his time to get back.
The story begins at a baseball game, Travis’s team is down 3 points and need four to win it. “C’mon guys,” coach shouted, “huddle up, this is our last chance to win this and if we don’t then it’s bye bye to meeting the L.A Dodgers. Okay, now I don’t wanna put pressure on you but if we don’t win this then our team will have to be taken out of the league and you guys will all have to find new teams.” Coach said sadly. “Wait, so this team won’t exist anymore!” Travis remarked looking taken aback. “Yep I’m sorry guys we don’t have enough money to keep us going and even this grand prize will barely be able hold us for a couple more months, so enjoy it while you can.” Said coach trying to sound upbeat. “Now get out there and show em what you got! It was Travis’s turn to bat, and he was ready, as he was walking up to the batting plate Tyler tripped him, Ahg that hurts so much, Travis thought. “Time out,” coach yelled, “You okay Travis, you should let someone else bat.” “No I have to do this I know I can.” “ Okay I’ll leave you for a minute, be ready to get up there!” “TYLER WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!” Travis yelled when coach was out of earshot “ Look,” Tyler said “ I’m already on the all stars team so I might as well get rid of this team know so we don’t have to deal with you later, and it would be pretty funny to watch you guys lose”
“JERK” Travis screamed as he went up to bat. Travis got focused. This pitcher looks ready I have to give this all I got. I think that this is going to be a curve ball, no a fastball? No definitely a curve ball. “Hey” Tyler yelled distracting Travis momentarily Next thing Travis knew the ball was whizzing past and he didn’t even get a chance to swing. “Strike” the umpire bellowed” “That’s not fair he distracted me,” Travis yelled angrily “Sorry son, rules are rules.” Travis was angry, pumped and ready to hit. The first and second bases were loaded one strike two chances left. The pitcher threw Travis swung as hard as he could, … ball. Once more, a smile crossed the pitcher's face he knew that this was an easy win he threw a fastball but Travis hit it it was going to go out the park but then it fell to the ground. A Player scooped it up and threw it back to home base just as Travis was running in for the tie, he slid in he closed his eyes praying he made it, “OUT” the umpire yelled “No I was in” Travis protested his eyes tearing up “I said OUT” the umpire bellowed Travis burst into tears as he grabbed his gear and rode his bike home. As he was riding away a smug look crossed Tyler’s face. “Travis come back” coach yelled But Travis didn’t care his only thought was, This is all tyler’s fault I HATE him. The next week Travis came home from school
“Mom” he yelled out No answer she was working a late night again. Travis’s mom worked as a nurse at a hospital. Travis’s dad used to work for an oil company but he got in a car accident and now he was in a wheelchair. It was Travis’s birthday this weekend and he was going to go visit him at his apartment. Travis pedaled fast to his dad’s house. When he got there his dad was waiting at the door with a brand new PS4 pro, “Dad you shouldn’t have” Travis yelled excitedly “It’s from both your mom and I” He said happily He set it aside and sat Travis down. “Son I have to talk to you”, the rent here is being raised and I’m going to have to move out, probably to the countryside where it’s cheaper” Dad said sadly “But you can move in with mom and I” Travis said sadly “Your mom and I haven’t worked things out yet and it’s best I don’t get in the way” Dad said glumly “But I have a way we can stop this” He said determinedly.
Because of You Because of You By: Noor j al- Mesned
I looked down at the cheap tiles coming of easily while the patient’s walk, to their rooms . The hallways were empty know just nurses ran back and forth carrying on their pressure . My head ached from watching them but I had nothing else to do. It got worse like someone kept banging it in the wall. Even if was fighting it still was winning . I don’t think the wall was it , my head was filled with questions that I couldn't answer. That took over me slowly as if I was drowning in them. Like does she hate me . I know I can’t forgive myself for what I did, so why would she. “ Ruby, she’s ready” The doctor grinned . He looked at me with his cold hideous eyes. The narrow hallway to her was long endless of walking. My legs were about fall out , but something kept me walking faster. The sweet sound of her loud mumbles voice kept me walking . I can still hear pain that hurt her voice and left a scar in me. Suddenly the voice was so close . A door was smack in front of my face smelt like burnt wood.I took peek inside the slightly cracked door. The door had a awfully screech like there was cats in a blender screaming for escape .Of course she woke up I thought. The room was lifeless , it had a small window where you can see the beautiful fragile snowflakes falling slowly laying in pillow of white snow. Then next to that I saw my mom eyes wide open terrified to keep her eyes off her while she sleeps . “Mom you should go back home,” I whispered to her while walking step by step to not wake my sister up. “ I can’t leave her” she whimpered. “ Don’t worry ,I will stay here” I said. I could see her face slighting turning pale. “ if anything happens call me” she gave me a look that wasn’t pleasant. “ I swear ” I told her regretting my experience in the past.
She left the door, running to the parkalot calling a taxi. It's been too long that when I try to speak I could see the fire of the horrible memory and voices screaming . Even if she didn’t talk to me I could see the shadow behind the curtain that separated us. The room was small we couldn't afford the fancy hospital when the paint is not peeling of. Suddenly she said more like a mumble, “ Where's mom,’’ Joy filled my face that she spoke, I answered quickly .“ Mom is going home to rest, if you need anything tell me,” She angrily responded, “ Didn’t you cause enough damage.’’ after she said there was no speaking or any whispers of her. For once I was glad I just need more time to get my brain straight. Lights flickered and I quickly looked at my hand hoping it would stop . I rested my hot hand it in the cold chair next to me then finally the lights stopped. “Ruby, can I talk to you outside,” The doctor. “ Sure,” I walked out of the door . We were in hallway that I dreaded. He closed the door tightly making sure no sound waves could not leave the dull room . He went on and on like a machine that couldn't stop talking. I felt like alice falling into the rabbit hole ,and went down down… Slowing waking up to reality. “ Your sister is going to die ,” Docter ed told me . I was quiet, no words came out of my mouth. He left with nurses I sat at the hallway crumbling myself into a ball. Looking at my hands angrily . They got her here. I cried , a tear dropped in my hands living a sizzle sound. “Do want to save your sister,” a sound echoed. “ of course,” suddenly I opened my eyes , no one was there. “ Only special kids like you can hear me,” The voice mocked in laughter . “ What I have is a curse,” I said in hate. “ Every curse comes with blessing ,” The man voice assured. ‘’ How ?” I asked . “ Get up , ” He yelled .
“ Follow every word I say , and you will save your sister” I got up and went back to the lifeless room. “Use your powers,” he told me. “ How ? “ I hesitated . The reason why she was in the hospital was because of it I thought. Step by step I came closer to her bed. I placed my hand on her it begin to heat her up and slowly her cold pale face became warm. Every breath she took was easier to breath in and out . I could hear her heartbeat normal. “ Yo cured here,” he hissed. “ Yeah , thank you,” I said in tears of joy. “ You won’t be thanking me for long ,” he hissed again . The voice was to close that I could hear slithering on the creaky wood floor. I turned my head afraid to look back , but something was appealing me to look back . I turned my head and a snake was in front of me. His big eyes in front of me . I fell hitting my head on the floor. Cold blood trickled on my face. making me dizzy. “ Sleep ,we must arrive to camp ,” the words hummed to me while I was dead asleep. “ Chosen one …..” he said softly.
Before Emma even opened her eyes, she knew something was wrong. The air smelled like rotten eggs, as hard as stone. Emma’s first thought was that she was dreaming, but deep inside, she knew that it couldn’t be true… She sat up, and shrieked, but no noise came out.. She wasn’t even in her own room, but on the floor. Emma took her first step, but her legs forced her to jump in the air, and land on suspiciously furry feet. Emma looked down. Two white and brown furry paws. She rubbed the top of her head, and felt two huge long ears. Emma’s mind raced with millions of questions, and plenty of panic. “This can’t be happening,” She said out loud, but there was no trace of sound. “ Oh no! Tilly’s party! I’ll miss it. Today was the worst day for this to happen.” Confusion and bewilderment brought tears to her eyes, just trying to piece together what exactly was happening. *
While all of that was going on with her, let's talk about me, the one in real trouble. I didn’t even know where I was, until I recognized the scent of Emma’s room. It always smells like flowers. I had a huge panic attack, because I was inside of a huge sack. But then I realized that it was just her covers, but they had shrunk, massively. And even worse, I was naked, with no fur, at all. The only
place where hair grew on me was my head, but it was really, really long hair. My feet had hard, transparent caps on each toe, and the same with my front paws, but their toes were much longer, and the caps were pink and purple. My whiskers were missing, and my tail was gone. *
As Emma tried to understand just what was happening, and why she wasn’t in her own cozy bed, being woken up her annoying alarm, a rush of horror ran through her. “Every morning, mom always comes to wake me up.”Just then, she heard the sound of creaking wood and footsteps getting louder, and louder. This wasn’t good. As the footsteps got louder and louder, she finally reached the landing. There she stood, with her blue and white robe on, and a cup of coffee in her right hand. “Well good morning Mr. Fluffy pants,” she greeted Emma, an arm ready to scratch the top of her forehead. But before she could get to it, she jumped out of her reach and landed the water bowl. SPlASH, now covered in in water. “Silly bunny,” Mom complained. She picked Emma up, and out of the water bowl. Then she headed straight for her bedroom door. *
Pacing around my new human habitat, I tried to figure out just what was going on, and why I wasn’t in my own little bunny land. But before I could even think, I heard someone coming up the stairs the sound of feet, finally reaching the third floor landing, as the soles of her feet brushed the tile. SWISH, SWISH, SWISH I scanned the room for the perfect hiding place. “Behind the door,” a little voice in my head whispered. I darted behind the door, trying to figure out just how to work my new long legs. As Emma’s mom entered the room, she stopped, midway into to room. “She must have noticed I’m gone,” I told myself. As she headed for the bathroom to continue searching for me, I creeped toward the door, and made it out of the room, unheard apparently. With a sigh of relief. I turned around to see my very own bunny body, looking at me with a very odd expression. Before I could even react, a black screen shot over my eyes and I dropped to the ground. *
The last thing Emma could remember from that scene was that she was licking her legs, attempting to get all of the water clean and off of them, but as soon as she saw her very own self come out of her room, everything went black. A split second later, Emma was in her own bed again with her alarm ringing annoyingly. She dashed out of her room to see if her pet bunny still lay there. And there he was, sleeping in front
of the window, as if nothing had happened at all.