A Collection Of Short Stories Bailey, Antoine, Daniyal
Table of Contents The Aftermath, by Antoine
urvive a task that’s impossible will they die or survive!!
Even Though You’re Different, by Bailey Ricker
ge, Olly has to protect his friend from
Infected, by Daniyal Bengali
roblem, will he escape? Or will he die!!!
BOOM! POW! Simon ran so quick on his tippy toes so the other
teams couldn’t shoot his feet, but he couldn’t duck because there was nothing to protect him. At one point he finally reached the house that his teammates were in, but to make sure he tipped toed in to check if anyone else was inside. Simon’s feet were so quiet that you could only hear the floor cracking Simon put his AK-47 up to his shoulder to protect himself, CREEEEEEEK! CRAAAAAACK! The floor made too much noise so he heard another person walking, Simon checked if his gun had a magazine full of bullets and it did then there was a corner coming up he had to check. Slowly tip toeing he turns and BRRRRRR! Simon shoots but luckily misses because it was his teammate and long time friend JJ. “Hey JJ sup fam where are the others?” Simon asked. “Hey Simon, Josh and the others went to loot the other houses, wait a sec let me tell them on the walkie talkie. Oye Simon is back I repeat the
co leader is back!!” Right after JJ said that you could hear footsteps and the door cracking then BOOM! Josh,Vikk,Harry,Ethan,and Tobi berst in and the floor was burning and because there were many of them they all bent down and crashed with a big POW!! Onto Simon without noticing. Because of their big bodies they all crushed him so he broke his right leg. He gently walked while in pain up the stairs. Then layed on the floor and slowly moved one arm then one leg another arm and another leg, Simon did that routine all the way to a far room in the corner and slightly bent his knees then used the wall to stand up and quickly pressed the button on the remote and fell back down. That was bad though because now there co leader was hurt and in two days they had to move to a different location. What’s crazy is 13 years ago each one of these teenagers were taken away from their parents so from then on they grew up together and became a group called the SDMN. “Harry you know Simon’s injured and if he doesn’t recover in two days we would have to carry him which would slow us down and we might lose him.” Tobi said. “How did that happen though because no enemies came in because if they did gunshots would be everywhere.” Harry cried. “What happened was that Simon came back and JJ told everyone on the walkie talkie so apparently when we all ran super fast to the door, Simon got sunburnt when we bursted in because of our speed?!” Ethan interrupted. Two days later. Simon is still injured so now the rest of the group has to help him by carrying him, will they lose a teammate or will they be fine?
“Helmet boy is back so what are we going to do about Simon since he can barely walk?” Vik questioned. “I personally think we should leave him because he’ll die anyway we all will but for now we can’t let Simon drag us down. So when he sleeps we leave.” Josh demanded. “NOOOOOOOO!!!!!” Vik,Tobi,Harry,Ethan, and JJ yelled. Since Josh said that the rest of the group watched him 24/7 because if he leaves they don’t know whose leader. Josh wakes up.
Josh slowly put one leg out of the sheets, then another leg, then one arm then another one. Then finally he slowly went on his knees and quickly but carefully to the closet and then he took all his stuff, then pushed it outside. Sooner or later he crawled outside and ran as fast as he could. 3 miles later he was a washing machine just without soup he was so wet it was like he just came out the shower.
1 day later. “OMG the gas is here run!!” Josh yelled.. Josh ran and ran but the rest were asleep and he leaped and he suffocates and dies in the TOXIC GAS!!!!!!
Even Though You’re Different Bailey Ricker
A slashing pain quickly entered Oliver’s body, ripping through his
back and spreading quickly like a virus. The pain burned hotter than swallowing tons of bees all at once, causing him to curl his back; stretching his stomach tall. The flaming burn was not alone. It was accompanied by thousands of liquids falling from his back, leaving cold red stains where they had traveled. His mouth was wide, stretching the chapped corners of his lips. The usual round eyes were no longer there. They were replaced by one main line on either side, with a few smaller ones that were squeezed tight. No sound came out of his dry throat, that was rock hard, needing moisture. The rope quickly raced it’s way out of Oliver’s ripped back, leaving holes where it had placed. The squigly wrinkles on his back slowly faded,
like flattening out a scroll of paper, that had been rolled up up for millions of years and is finally being brought to life. Olly’s fingers were black. His nails were cracked. But his mind, was hopeful. Hope that someday he will find a family. A caring, loving, welcoming family. Hope that someday he will live his life. Go through danger, church, school, and love. Olly was only 16, but was brought to this torturous place long ago. The irritating sound of a dinging bell loudly in his ears. In fact, it rang so loud he couldn’t even hear. Hear the axes swinging at the broken walls anymore. In some way this was peaceful; no one yelling, wrestling even. No axes bursting walls. It made him almost forget he was even here. But after three seconds, the comfort would be gone. He would be back at the never ending mine. Back standing in front of a plain gray wall which it’s ridges gave cuts, moist brang mouthwatering, and height brang endless fear and moping. But there was something about this place that was gold, happy, and welcoming. The torches. The gold was the flaming fire which rose with power and ash. The happiness was the flames, flowing and dancing wildly with joy. And lastly, the welcoming was the warmth; the assurance that there is good in this world. The assurance that the future is alive and will come. Although the torches were just hangings on a wall, something about them was alive. The camp was only full with men. Men that worked all day and night. Men that fought with grief and selfishness. Oliver’s footsteps left wet gray tracks where he stepped, and so did all of them. The doorway was doorless, leaving no privacy given. The bed were crooked, and the
mattresses were hard. The pillows were almost empty, and the floor, was pure cement. This, was where, he lived. Waking up the next morning as usual, he moaned with exhaustion. Olly threw his legs over the steel hard bed. Rubbing his eyes, he slowly moped across the small square room to the other bed inside. His roommate, Dylan, was still asleep. Snoring and squirming with a dream inside only his head. This was the usual wake up routine, Olly waking up Dylan with a sigh, and heading out the always open door, never moving forward in life. Pulling on his dirty jeans, he kicked the other bed until he heard a yawn of disappointment. “C’mon Dylan,” he pleaded as he buttoned up his jeans. “Why? I wanna sleep!” Dylan ducked his head under his pillow, but only the back of his head was covered because of how small the pillow was. Dylan suffers from short-term memory loss. The only thing he always remembers, is how to break the wall with the axe, besides that his best friend is Oliver. After throwing on his shirt and jeans, Olly and Dylan walked out the door, and joined the group of young men that were all headed to the walls of grey. Trudging towards the wall, Dylan began to grow a conversation. “You know, in my dream, there was a girl,” Dylan said. “Dylan, you always have girls in your dreams!” Olly said annoyed. “Okay, but in this one, she was here, with us. We were heading through a tunnel. She was leading us... and boy, did her eyes dazzle!”
Dylan seemed to be staring into space, remembering the ‘amazing’ thought of the girl he saw. Olly rolled his eyes. Trying to come up with a new topic, he threw in, “Good memory. You usually don’t remember your dreams,” he said, hoping it was good enough. Dylan turned his head, his eyes alive with a most happy smile. Oliver laughed quietly to himself. He loved the way Dylan smiled, it always brought joy to him, even on bad days. When the group got to the wall, they split into their usual groups. Dylan and Oliver were split, so the only time they saw each other was at the shady dorm. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours,” Olly chuckled, throwing his hand into the air to wave goodbye. Dylan threw him a quick smile, and turned the other way, racing towards another group of boys, to join in. Walking over to the wall, he shook his head, going threw memories of them. A voice close by caught his attention by calling his name. He looked up still smiling but it fell as soon as he saw who was calling. “You and buddy-boy talkin’ about rainbows, eh?” Kyle laughed throughout his sentence. The boys behind him chuckled and followed Kyle over to Oliver. Just then, a heap of panic tore through him, and settled inside. The kind of feeling when you know something bad is going to happen. The kind of feeling when you know there is no escape. The kind of feeling, when you know what’s going to happen, and you're waiting for it to come already so that you can get it over with.
Panting, he gripped his chest to try and breathe. His heartbeat was strong, wild, and knew what was coming. The sudden booming steps became louder by the second. Kyle’s hand raised high, clenching into a fist as it was thrown in the air. His hairy knuckles pointing straight toward Oliver, as it thrashed at his face, knocking him speedily to the ground. Right at that moment, a bulging scream of pain zapped him. His head banging against the rocky ground, threw him into a moment of no breath. His arm threw back bouncing horribly on the floor, settling finally into one place. Oliver’s eyes squeezed tight, as they tried to hold back tears that escaped immediately. Knowing they would come out any way, he opened his dizzy, blurry, eyes. His dizziness was not helped with the upside down sight he had from the floor. Slowly his vision started to fade. And the only thing he saw was the delightful movement of blurry orange and yellow circles. Olly woke up with a white sight, the bright happy color he was not used to seeing so much. Was he dead? Was this a dream? What had happened? All of these thoughts were not able to come out, for they were blocked by a clear tube with a type of misty gas going through his mouth. His lips were tight shut. And when he tried to open them, an annoying itchy feeling grew in his throat. As if there was something inside. A sudden sliding sound swiftly flooded the room. A white head poked it’s way into the room through the cracked door. A gentle sigh of relief grew on his face as he looked at Oliver happily. Did he know him? Why was he happy to see him?
“Hello Mr. Smith,” the strange man said holding out his hand for greeting. “Me?” Olly said as he looked around for others in the room. He found none, so know he stared at the man eagerly, ready for him to explain what the heck is going on. There was silence as the man pulled his hand away and went to a strange screen on a table on the other end of the room. Since the man did not say anything, Olly decided to start a conversation. “That’s not my name,” he said eagerly. The only response was a quiet chuckle. “My name is Oliver. Where is everyone? Where is… Oh no. I need Dylan! Is he okay?” The sudden rush of fear entered Olly’s body. The heap of expression came fast. Trying to jump out of the cream colored bed, he found himself stuck with straps along his body. Another sense of feeling quickly entered his body. A type of pain. But not normal pain. Num, or something like tight squeeze pain. He looked at his hand, but nothing was there except for a white wrap which must have been layered at least a thousand times. The familiar rush of tears came again, but this time he did not bother and try to stop it. “You don’t understand! He needs me! He’s not normal, in a non-bad way though,” feeling a little weird about saying that, he continued
Daniyal Bengali
Chapter 1 It was another normal day at school for Daniyal and his writing partner Antoine, they were working on a story called The Aftermath with Ms.Hogan helping them. Daniyal shivered as the cold air whizzed by him. Then out of nowhere Ms.Hogan just walked up to the front whiteboard like a robot. Her eyes crunched, and her hands up in the air in a waving motion. She made sounds “Hah-La-Looo-yah” as she waked up to the whiteboard. Then suddenly Daniyal heard a loud noise, “BOOM!!!” In an instant smoke filled the air around him like a volcano erupting. All the students were confused and as terrified as a new born baby. As the
smoke cleared the students saw that Ms.Hogan, the L.A. teacher had disappeared. Then all the students looked outside. They slowly lifting their heads up, it was quiet in the class. Everyone was nervous, “What happened, why was there smoke, could it be…” Daniyal thought. The window on the door was covered in mist, Antoine saw his hand reach up to wipe the mist off. Then he finally peaked an eye through the glass. His eye grew wide. ALL the teachers were there, but with their back slouched, drooling. It looked like they were…INFECTED!!! Daniyal and Antoine tried explaining to everyone else that the teachers were infected, no one listened. All the students just opened the door, then out of nowhere, all the teachers charged at them. Then finally they realized the teachers had been infected. No one knew how, but they had to get outta there! Daniyal saw a student was stuck outside. “He must have ran out of the door.” Daniyal thought. Wasting no time Daniyal ran outside, but he was too late. “HELP HELP!!” The student shouted. Daniyal could not do anything. A teacher with a bat was approaching the student.He was clearly infected.It also seemed like these infectedteachers were kind of like zombies from a movie. The student backing up, screamed for the last time. The teacher grew closer and closer.
His heart pounding, he tripped. Now he was on
the floor crawling. Then the teacher brought the bat up to his shoulder, with nowhere to go the student closed his eyes, and then…
Chapter 2 He was dead, the student lay on floor, as there was a puddle of blood under his head. Daniyal went back into the class helplessly. They needed to find a way out quick, they had already lost one they can't lose another. ………………………………………………………………………………
The dead student was a kid named Zain. He was Daniyal’s friend, he would never see him again. Daniyal can longer mourn the past, he had bigger problems.
Chapter 3 A whole day had passed, yet they all were still stranded in the same classroom. “This is hopeless.” Zion cried Daniyal replied “Quit crying Zion.” “I am not crying, I am just frustrated.” “We all are, crying is not a solution.”
“I AM NOT CRYING!!!” “And why can't we just go through this window.” “Oh yeah, that's a good idea, we could try but it will be a risk.” “There are still zombies out there.” “Taking a risk is better than dying here!” “Right, then let's get to it.” There was a small window at the back of the class. Daniyal picked up chair to use to break the window’s glass. “You know you could’ve just opened the window?” Antoine said “Whatever.” One by one they all got out of the class. They turned right towards the main office. They knew that passed the office there was a gate, gate 8, they all still had their student ID cards. With the ID cards they could exit the school. They walked through the office, then suddenly they were attacked! Luckily one of the students were smart enough to have had brought a pocket knife. The student quickly stabbed the zombie and then chopped its head off. One child was crying, she couldn't take it any more. Daniyal instructed everyone to run into the office and hide. Everyone listened and charged to the office, to their right. They found a room which had a label saying “Mr. Ghor’s room.” They went in, it was dark. They slept the night in that room because one the students suggested that the zombies might burn in the morning. 1 night later… Daniyal had already woken up. He was still trying to create a plan to escape. He started to wake everyone up. “WAKE UP EVERYONE!!!!” It
was about 7:30 in the morning. The students were ready to go, but they just realized that the students in the other classes were still locked. It was a hard decision, but they decided to leave the others behind. If they were to go back, they would die. There is also no knowing whether those other students were dead, they had to move on. Then finally, about an hour later they started walking to the gate. The gate was close, but they needed to approach with caution.
Chapter 4 The gate was insight, “just a few more steps.” Daniyal thought. It was silent, but inside of everyone excitement grew. Walking cautiously towards the gate. The gate was a huge white opening fence,they just needed to scan their ID and they would be out. Daniyal looked at the gate standing tall in front of him. He pulled his ID out of his pocket, looked at the school for the last time, and after that long moment…he scanned the ID, pushed the gate open, and then “HEY, WAKE UP!!”