Table of contents ● The Man With The Clown Mask By Freddy Bork Elsa a young girl who hears a scream late at night and finds a man with a mask ● Earth Shattering-Moment By Mohammed Al-Thani A young boy named Jack slept past his curfew, but he realizes that he messed up ● The Killer Clown By Jad Zarkout Will the killer clown get Ethan, and his friends. Stay tuned, and read the story ● A Red Figure By Jerdan Miller A girl has just moved and maybe her best friend might be her worst enemy. ● The Weirdest purge By Aziz Al-kuwari A little boy running from weird people ● The Clown By Jad Oueijan A killer clown haunting a little boy Is it ever safegmail
The Man With The Clown Mask Warning! If read at night, nightmares cannot be used against the author of this novel. This novel is rated for ages above 10 so maybe not the best for little Bobby. Thank you Elsa woke up panting hard in the middle of the night. She was scared of the noises and the sighting she saw. She kept hearing in her mind “it was just a dream, It was just a dream.” That same phrase rang in her mind 1,000,000 times. She was tossing and rolling around her bed. She couldn’t lay still for even two seconds. She saw her window was open and letting air fill her room. The air gave Elsa a cold chill. She felt uncomfortable wherever or however she lay. Then she heard a noise. A loud scream by a little girl. Elsa rushed to her feet and ran out to her balcony. Leaning over the iron wood fence gave a loud creak and she saw a girl crying in the middle of the road. She then sprinted inside and rushed out the door. She then leaped over the stairs and went all the way down. She sprinted out the front door to try to find the girl, but she was gone. All the street lights then went out simultaneously. Almost in an instant. Elsa then shouted with a scared tone, “What is out there!” the street lights suddenly turned back on and Elsa looked over at the house across from her. It looked abandoned with two wood planks blocking a window with broken glass. It was painted with very dark green paint that has come off over time. Elsa slowly crouched down and sat on the sidewalk. Hoping that the girl would come back. She waited. She sat still on the cold sidewalk. There were no cars no people. She was still frightened by her thoughts. All she knew was “it is all gonna be alright” as her mother had always said.
Then suddenly she saw a rock fly through the air with a SWOOSH! The rock flew over Elsa’s head and she let out a loud scream. The rock was small but Elsa couldn’t even see the size of rock because of the amazing speed it was thrown at. Elsa could hear her loud heartbeat pounding at her chest. The rock hit the ground with a thud and bounced twice with two much more sudden outcomes. Elsa stood up quickly and looked around. Then she heard footsteps. They echoed through the street. They came closer, and the steps became louder every step. The steps were slow. They steps were clear and easy to hear. Elsa heard a sudden scream. It came from far away, but Elsa was fully focused on the footsteps. Then she remembered her dreams. “A man walked up to me with slow footsteps, but he was just a man walking home” Elsa hoped that the person was the same as her thoughts. But she was wrong. The man came wearing a weird clown mask. It had three blue spikes of hair. He has white face paint all over except the mouth where he had a long red smile painted on him that went all the way to the cheeks, and not to forget his eyes. His eyes must have haunted people for decades. They were painted a light shade of blue with a dark outline of black. The eyes and the mouth were a great match for him not for others. He was frowning and that gave the extra creepiness. His slow movement made a weird sound with every step. It sounded like every step was another person soul. He was getting closer and closer. The man was holding a small, sharp knife with a red liquid on the end of the sharp part. She knew what it was on the end of that knife. Sadly that was on of the last things Elsa saw. She ran into her house and locked the door to try and slow the man down, but it didn’t. Elsa ran up the stairs to hide in the corner of her small room at the top of the wooden stairs. She sat down in the corner panting hard. Elsa could feel the wet light blue paint on her white skirt and jacket. She could hear the loud footsteps of the man coming up the stairs. She hoped that the man would just leave, but of course he didn’t. The man came into the room sflamming the door open. “Good night little girl.” the man said with a weird calm voice and he lifted the knife up high ready to swing the knife at
her. Elsa shouted “No please!” he began to swing down. Elsa then heard something like an angel talking to her and WOOSH! Elsa woke up with her mom saying “Time for school” Elsa knew it was all just a dream.
“Earth-Shattering Moment”
I yawned, it was 10:00 pm and I have yet to sleep. I was working on my homework when my mom barged in. “Jack why are you still awake? You know that your past your curfew.” I stuttered, “I, I was doing my homework.” She glared at me, I felt like she was scanning deep down into my soul, but she believed me and walked out slowly. At 11:30 pm, I jumped on my bed, closed my eyes, and went to sleep, I was so tired that I forgot to put my PJ’s on but I didn't really care. “WHOOSH, BOOM, BEEP!” The loud thudding sounds woke me up confused. I tried to decipher what is going on but I still felt dizzy. Then finally I got to my senses, and rushed downstairs. “Oh no!” Please don’t! I uttered a prayer as I sprinted but my leg had cramps. But thinking that something terrible had happened to my parents, made me do the impossible. I jumped down the stairs and ran into my parents’ room, but it was empty, they were nowhere to be found. “Mom, dad, where are you?” My heart was beating, my legs were twitching, and my head was spinning. I was about to leave, when I noticed that their television set was on, the moving caption said “EARTHQUAKE!” 7.8 Magnitude, the reporter advised all the people living in our area to evacuate. Hence, the reason for my parents’ disappearance, but why didn’t they wake me up? I was scared, hurt and ALONE.
I ran as fast as I could and didn't stop, I heard buildings fall behind me, as well as the screams of people in panic. I looked behind me for a second, “Oh no! Immediately, it hit me hard, really hard...”Ahhhh!” I was laying at the ground almost blind, my head was in terrible pain, I almost felt like it would explode. I opened my eyes but everything was too blurry. I could only hear the sounds of approaching footsteps. “He’s here, a man’s voice echoed in my ears.” Suddenly, I felt arms gripping me tightly, I tried to squirm to see his face but my energy was drained, before I knew it, I fainted. I slowly opened my eyes, the room was all white. “Am I dead?” I ask myself. “You are in a hospital”, someone said. “Who are you?” I asked hysterically. “Relax he said, I’m Max, and if it wasn't for us, you would’ve not made it.” I touched my forehead and there was bandage on it. After a while, my eyes adjusted to the light in the room, and I could finally see the person who was watching me intently. I noticed that he had dark brown hair, sullen face, and gloomy gray eyes which gaze with distress. “Thank you for saving my life Max but can you help me get out here? I need to find my parents?” Max sulky face got even dimmer and he gave me a sarcastic laugh. “Hahaha! Are you kidding me, how dare you ask me to set you free? Don’t you know that your parents owe us bigtime. They stole something valuable from us and it’s pay-back time.”
“But I’m just a kid, I am of no use to you, besides I think my parents don’t even care about me, they’ve abandoned me. So please release me and I promise I wouldn’t tell anybody about it.” “Shut up kid, cut the drama off. We’ve got a perfect plan for you.” I noticed that every time I fell asleep, he would too. So I closed my eyes pretending that I was sleeping. When I heard him snoring, I opened the wooden door very carefully, not to wake him up. As soon as I got out, I bolted to the hallway and didn’t notice the approaching nurse who was pushing a cart with medical stuff, everything fell down the floor. The commotion woke Max up, before I could react, he was already chasing me, soon he was calling for back-up. I found the exit, I pushed the door, the fact that more than one person was pursuing me, made me speed up like a horse, but soon enough, they seized me. I tried hard to twist my arms but they were strong. I was about to beg him to spare my life when I realized it was my mother. “Jack, Jack wake up! You’re having a bad dream!”
The Killer Clown =HcXhf-rxnYqKwM%3A
I wake up on a Sunday excited for Halloween. Ready to go trick or treating with my 3 best friends. Jack, Emma, and Ronald. I wake up go to my toilet brush my teeth, and have a shower. Go down to the kitchen, and have pancakes for breakfast with maple syrup. I go up the stairs go to my room, and prepare my Nathan Drake costume. I get on a call to talk to Jack while I play Fifa 17 to tell him that I am quite scared about the Killer Clowns lately here in Texas, and our neighbourhood specifically. Ethan joins the call, and we start talking. At the end we recommended each other that we will bring baseball bats with us just in case. “ You have been playing for the past 4 hrs Ethan! It now is 5:30, and the trick or treating starts at 6:00 PM” I yell “ Ow shoot I’ll be down in a minute. I run down to my room, and wear the Nathan Drake costume. As I rush downstairs I remember that I forgot to get my baseball bat with me. I go downstairs, and I pass by the kitchen to get my halloween trick or treating bag. Finally I run to the living room, and I say “good bye” my to my mom, and dad. I run to our backyard get on my bike, and bike to Ronald’s house first. I knock on his door, and he is ready. “Hey Ronald. Are you ready to go trick or treating?” I yelled. Ronald Replied “ Hey! I sure am. come on let’s go” We then went got Emma, and Jack, but there is a conflict going on between Emma, and myself. Emma screamed “: I am scared of the Killer Clowns out there, because they are killing kids, so I am not going trick or treating.” I replied “Don’t worry, Jack, and I have a backup plan. If a killer clown approaches us Jack, and I have
brought baseball bats with us.” Finally after we told her we have some type of weapon with us she was willing to go trick or treating. We started going trick or treating from house to house. One of the houses was to spooky, and it’s lamppost kept turning on, and off, so we didn’t bother to go there. It was now about 10:00 PM. We were done trick or treating. All four of us didn’t want to have dinner, because of how full we were from there candy. We went four a bike the four of us for about an hour to burn all the fat we gained. It was now 11:20 PM, and we say goodbye to each other. Emma, and Ronald live in the same street, so they took a left. Jack, and I live on the street that is to the right, so we split up. “ Hey Ethan don’t you hear a creepy sound?” Jack questioned me.“ “Yes I do hear a creepy voice of aaaaaaaaa KILLER CLOWN run!” Immediately I brought my phone, and called Ronald. “ Dude get here right now you, and Emma we are being chased by a killer clown You guys don’t have weapons He’ll come to you, and kill you!!!!!” Finally they showed up Emma was like freaking out. “ Jack you go right, and I will go left” I whispered. We slowly did what we planned. We then notice he had blood all over his hands, and face. Then this happened. As I approached the clown very slowly independently with my baseball bat at 11:30 PM and no lampposts turned on other than 1. It kept turning on, and off. The clown was carrying a devil’s toothpick knife with him. I was sweating so much that the clown thought I was in the pool, before I entered this disaster. I thought to myself “ Come on Ethan show him your courage, and brave then he will think that I ain’t scared of him, so he will run away. Finally I was like I am goIng to risk It we ran, and ran. He threw his knife towards we, but I dodged it with my baseball bat. Then both of us hit him. He went into a coma. We called the cops he got arrested, and he all went home pretending nothing happened.
Warning!! viewer discretion advised People for over 10 And not people under like billy,bob or joe. Cheers A red figure
“Mady,” Julian called. “What’s up” “Can you come out” asked Julian “Sure.” “So do you like it here” asked Julian yeah it’s different from where I used to live in Germany. “What was Germany like” Julian questioned it was nice cold weather, breezy summers especially the views. If you were on a mountain you could see over the whole town that you lived in it really felt like home.” Are you ready for school tomorrow” asked julian not really why? “I just really need more time to unpack and settle down I understand that” Julian said. I should go get ready for school tomorrow ok said Julian bye. Going up to my room mom I can’t go to school tomorrow well technically only have 13 hours till school. I'll think on it over dinner. Dinner! Yelled “mom.” coming Isn’t dad coming home He’ll be another hour mom “replied.” . “Dinner was good mom it’s getting late so i’m going to bed night”night replied mom.
Crash!! What was that, i go out to the hallway that connects to all the rooms and i hear another crash i run downstairs to see what it is and then i see him I see it. Is it the Devil I wondered he was dressed in red clothing and a devil mask and in his right hand he was holding a hatchet. What is going on he’s staring at me turning his head left to right again and again. Who are you! I yelled and then the strangest thing happened he went to the tv and turned it on. It was on the news and it was showing footage from a maze 2 days ago Someone caught footage of e man in a devil mask chase someone through a maze. And when he caught her he killed her hitting her in the back again and again swing after swing I turn in fear. who are you I am the devil he said in a low but stern voice. Why are you here,why my house To kill you start running he said he swings at me i manage to duck and slide. My heart stops wait why does this randomly happen as soon as i move here. Mady! he shouted I turn and look you won't make it out so why don’t I show you who was a death wish for you I stare and reality stops i-it’s Julian . To be continued. I would like to thanks Mrs.Hogan for helping Fred for the inspiration And adam for being awesome.
The Weirds Purge
As I wake up I bang the alarm. I run to the garage and hide under the car as the people outside screaming people bang on my house saying there going to burn it down. “Im only 11 years old my parents died last year” I yelled “We don't care” the yelled people I get in the car try to reach the pedal but to distracted people voices in my head were coming for you.Far in my head I hear my mom's word “`RUN” As they take her away so one knows we she is as I get back in the main idea I read the book my mom left every year for me 1. Go to the warehouse get yourself in a tight do not sleep be quiet don't die as the car slowly gets lower then it was my mind the car keys in my hand fell cold like ice as I put in the keys slowly like cutting a lemon bang I quickly open the garage I zoom by the people who threatened to kill me as drive by the people have been killed by the psychopath they have be released at the beginning I shouted at myself “Foces!” I have to get there but my feet barely touch but then the car stopped no gas I run to get in another car as I look in the back I see people that are covered with blood as I get disgusted.
I see people run and kids crying in tearer as I run into a small house with a very fancy tv has multiple game for the Ps4 and Xbox I think this is a trap I think about where I am because I am 1
mile from the border georgia to california I see a street sign I wipe the blood of welcome to California I run between the high trees slowly jump in a hole and if feels like hours that I have been falling a small thud as I hit the ground I see ll kids stuck in this hole and cant get out “Are you guy ok” “No were lost so we hid in this hole” “You guys stay here”
I slowly crawl out of the hole and slowly trying not get hurt not a single bird is flying or chirping I can barely walk I feel that I'm sick I try to run but can not in the far killer clown are teaming trying to scare people that are near us I trying to get to the killer clowns but they went too fast as the leave the mud get in the dead body.I see a car that stops right in front of me my parents in the car I slowly get to the and hug then I get in the car for a long car ride As we get back in are state the big siren beeps ase were allowed it go back home that was good.
The Clown
​It was a nice Thursday morning, Jad had just come from school, and the
weekend was finally here. When he got home, he noticed the pumpkin mom had set up in the backyard. He greeted his mom, and we went inside.
At night, they went trick-or-treating before going to bed. Before going to bed, Jad decided to view some security footage. Nothing was in any of his cameras. However, when he looked through the camera to the porch, he froze. A clown was staring into the camera. It was holding a knife.
Jad was shaking all over at this point. 10 minutes had past, and nothing happened. Finally, the clown did something. It picked up the pumpkin mom had set up. It then started beating the pumpkin with its fist. Finally, It managed to rip the pumpkin apart, and then it took one more creepy look into the camera, and then disappeared into the darkness.
Jad was purely scared. He ran to his mom. The next day, he showed his mom and dad the footage. They decided to report it to the police. Until that day, Jad had never seen the clown again‌?
One day, Jad was driving at night with mom and dad. They were driving to go out for dinner. On their way, Jad saw something in the distance. It was a person. As they drove closer, Jad could not believe what he was seeing. It was the clown! He was holding a present.
Dad beeped at the clown, but instead the clown started to act as if it was offering the present to us. They did nothing, so the clown started to unwrap the present itself. When the present unwrapped, what was inside made them all freeze. Inside the present was a knife, and the clown started to run towards us with it. Dad slammed onto reverse, and now they were about a meter away from the clown. Dad reversed right, and then hit drive, and they all sped off.
Jad thought that he was gonna die of a heart attack. He did not know that he would encounter the clown again. He realized he had had enough. He was gonna get that clown. TO BE CONTINUED!